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Divergence of Immune Responses To BCG vaccine In Childhood

  • University of Qasim,College of Biotechnology


The book undertake the theme of divergence of the immune responses to BCG vaccine in childhood.It was practical approach to this theme tackling both humoral and cellular immune responses to this vaccine in child of 6 to 60 months age.
Ibrahim M S Shnawa
Tiba Ahmed Karim
The Divergence Of The Immune Responses To BCG Vaccine In
Ibrahim M S Shnawa
Tiba Ahmed Karim
The Divergence Of The Immune Responses To BCG Vaccine In
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permission in this book appear on appropriate pages within text.
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DOI: 10.14738/eb.325.2023
Published by:
Services for Science and Education
Stockport, Cheshaire, SK4 2BT
United Kingdom
The Divergence Of The Immune Responses To BCG Vaccine
In Childhood*
Professor Emeritus Doctor, College of Biotechnology
University of Qasim And Hilla University College,
Babylon Province/IRAQ.
MSC Medical Biotechnology,
Diwanyah Teaching Hospital
Diawnyah Board of Health,ALQadisyah Province/IRAQ.
*Based Upon MSC thesis of the second Author
BCG vaccination programs in children is eligible and mandatory in most of world countries.
Though their immune protection efficacy is of variable degrees corresponds to different
geographic niches ,nutrition and socio-economic status of the vaccinated child .Some
vaccinated children forms a scar other are not .BCG scar among vaccinated child may fade up
as the child age scale up. The objective of the present book was to investigate the divergence
of the immune responses to BCG vaccine in childhood at ALQadisyah Province/IRAQ.
The authors wish to express their gratitude to the padiatric specialist DR. Haneen A H AL-
Abdly Diwanyah Gynecology and Childhood Hospital for interviewing the test child, control
child and filling the information case sheets. Thanks extended to the health care providers
and nursing personals helping us in some technical matters during the study.
Chapter One: Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………….1-3
Chapter Two: Basic Platform…………………………………………………………………………………4-32
Chapter Three : Investigative Approaches…………………………………………………………… 33-48.
Chapter Four : Results And Discussion………………………………………………………………. 49-66
Chapter Five : Conclusions And Recommendations…………………………………………….. 67-68
References………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 69-101
Appendix…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 102-103
Summary…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 104-105
Chapter One
Introduction 1
1. Introduction
More than 90% of infants worldwide receive the (BCG) vaccine shortly
after birth to protect them against tuberculosis (TB). The vaccine was
created by Bacille ,Calmette and Guerin, and it was given to people for the
first time in 1921. Only BCG protects against TB (Okafor et al., 2022). Its
effectiveness against pulmonary tuberculosis in adults is low and varies
from 0 to 80% depending on a number of variables such geographic
location and prior exposure to environmental mycobacteria (Mangtani et
al., 2014).
The live bacteria was used in the BCG vaccine have been weakened
(attenuated) in order to boost the immune system without harming healthy
individuals(Covián et al., 2019).In nations with higher mortality rates, BCG
scarification has been linked to increased survival and a stronger
immunological response in children who have received the
vaccine(Tabatabaei & Hassan, 2019) . A scar that develops after
immunization with the vaccine is one of the distinctive signs of the
effectiveness of the vaccine and a crucial signal of immunity. The size of
the resulting scar could be a useful gauge of the immune system's reaction
to the BCG immunization (Park et al., 2015).
The lack of a scar may have unknown origins, although several factors,
such as the infant's immature immunity, the improper way the vaccine was
administered, or it could be the vaccination has no impact (Birk et al., 2017)
.It is thought that primarily cellular-immunity and humoral immunity is the
mechanism by which the BCG vaccine protects against TB(Rao et al.,
2015). In the fight against M. tuberculosis, cellular immunity predominates,
and alveolar macrophages and T lymphocytes play crucial roles in the
Introduction 2
elimination of infection. Release of various cytokines and the balance of
Th1 and Th2 responses directly influence the cellular immune
response.(Mansouri et al., 2018). The link between T-cell cytokine
responses and tuberculosis-protective immunity has received a lot of
attention(Domingo-Gonzalez et al., 2016). The host's antimicrobial defenses
and stress response include the cytokine macrophage migration inhibitory
factor (MIF), which supports both innate and acquired immune systems'
pro-inflammatory function. After being exposure to M. tuberculosis
antigens or after contracting virulent M. tuberculosis, macrophages release
MIF( Li et al., 2012). After receiving the BCG vaccine, pro-inflammatory
cytokines including IL-2 were produced, which promote the activation of
Th1 cells and CD8 T cells(Lalor et al., 2010). BCG primes both IL-4 and
Th1 responses(Mansouri et al., 2018). IL-4 can be produced by a variety of
cell types. IL-4 may be responsible for triggering Th2 reactions., but it can
also be present at later stages and down-regulate Th1 responses (Domingo-
Gonzalez et al., 2016). Immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies' function in
regulating allergic reactions (Sutton et al., 2019).In other word the immune
responses to BCG among children may expresses a sort of divergence.
1.1 Aim of the Research
The study aims to determining the extending fade-up of the gross
manifestations and cellular immune reaction to the BCG vaccination scar in
children of different ages and indicate the extent of children's immunity to
tuberculosis exposure. This in itself is of great importance for the growth
welfare of children.
Introduction 3
This aim was carried out by the following objects:
1-Investigating the extent of the scar in children and studying and
estimating its size and photographing specific cases of it .
2-Collecting blood samples from children to determining the levels of IL-2,
IL-4,IgE and MIF in children to match the extent of immune divergence in
these cytokine responses.
Chapter Two
Basic Platform
Basic Platform 4
2. Basic Platform
2.1 Mycobacterium tuberculosis
An overview
Almost one and a half million deaths due to tuberculosis infection around
the world have been reported, and it ranks among the top ten global causes
of death at the level of 2017, and with ten million cases of infection, the
proportion of infected children was about 10% (de Martino et al., 2019). In
most cases 90% treatment is provided. However, tuberculosis remains a
major and global health problem. There are new infections that occur at a
rate of 1% of the population each year(Chapple et al., 2012) .The fact that
Mycobacterium tuberculosis that causes tuberculosis in humans has its own
characteristics of being aerobic and acid-fast, it is a chronic infection of the
respiratory tract. It has many types, including: M. bovis BCG, M. canettii,
M. africanum, M. pinnipedii, M. microti, M. caprae (van Ingen et al., 2012).
Tuberculosis has evolved the evasion to avoid the immune cells and
immune system of the host. Although the host recovers from infection
frequently, its strength lies in its ability to spread to a sufficient number of
people to support and develop itself. The difficulty of creating a treatment
for it lies in the strength of its interaction with the host(Blanc et al., 2017).
Depending on how the disease develops, the clinical signs of active
tuberculosis (TB) can range from a mild cough to more serious symptoms
including irreparable lung damage and, eventually, death(Luies & Preez,
2020). The laboratory diagnosis of the presence of tuberculosis infection is
by using a chest x-ray, but methods such as microscopy and microbiological
culture are also used after taking samples of body fluids such as sputum. In
the case of latent tuberculosis, where the presence of the bacteria does
nether pose a threat nor activate and it does not cause any symptoms
Basic Platform 5
(Esmail et al., 2014), the Tuberculin Mantoux skin test (Gualano et al.,
2019) and/or Interferon-gamma release measures (IGRAs) for blood
samples are used(Luies & Preez, 2020). Europe has seen an upsurge in the
prevalence of TB, North and South America, to a wide campaign called the
White Plague. This led to the establishment of sanatoriums scattered around
the countries, which are still common and well-known in the media (Martini
et al., 2018).
Anton Ghon. The Australian pathologist and the first to describe the
center of infection that can occur during the early stages of infection. His
name is taken and used generally in the concentration of Ghon . He
describes how this primary infection can progress to involve nearby lymph
nodes, a group of infections called the Ghon complex, which often calcifies
in the course of the disease to form a distinct form of infection(Donald et
al., 2021) . It was believed that this form of infection is the distinctive form
or known feature of tuberculosis in childhood, but in our current and
modern times, the possibility of adults catching tuberculosis is low,
especially in countries where the infection rate is weak. Therefore, the
development of the disease is more in people with known immune
weakness And those who have not had a previous immunity against
mycobacteria(Lodden kemper et al., 2016).
Most infections from tuberculosis occur due to inhalation of aerosols
that contain tuberculosis bacteria. As for infection outside the lung, it
occurs as a result of the spread of tuberculosis bacteria from the lung to the
surrounding lymphoid tissue, and then distributed throughout the body
through the circulatory system. These advances in the disease can be
avoided by early vaccination or early detection and treatment of the
Basic Platform 6
disease(Schepers et al., 2015). The best way to avoid infection is to get a
vaccine against the disease. The BCG vaccination is still the most reliable
defense against many Mycobacterium TB strains. A dependable immune
defense of the host may be reestablished by comprehending the vaccine's
mode of action(Ranaivomanana et al., 2015).
2.2 Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Antigenic structure epitopes
An epitope is a term that means a small portion of an antigen
identified and recognized by an antibody, coined by Nils Jerne in 1960.
Antigenic variation is frequently present in pathogens that resist adaptive
immunity. The TB pathogen M.tuberculosis causes acute ,subacute and
chronic human tuberculosis (TB) (Coscolla et al., 2015). Numerous studies
on human ,pathogenic microbial , have shown that certain antigen-
encoding genes are more highly changeable as a consequence of the host
immune system's resistance to and evasion of these antigens (Karls &
Perkins-Balding, 2013).Tuberculosis bacteria express a wide range of
proteins known as antigens at different stages of infection. It triggers a
stage-specific immune response(Demissie et al., 2006; Goletti et al., 2010).
The understanding of antigenic epitopes of M. tuberculosis greatly
helped in a broad understanding of diseases immunity and also helped in
controlling the disease. Also, the characterization of the immunogenic
epitopes displayed genetically affected the development of the relationship
between the host body and bacteria. It also contributed to the development
of immunoprotective vaccines and tests that are used In immunodiagnostics
(Schepers et al., 2015). Because of the discovery of only a small part of the
antigens of the tuberculosis bacteria express is used to identify antigens that
Basic Platform 7
can activate T cells in the human immune system, although it is seriously
and critically needed to create a plan and strategies for stronger vaccination
against tuberculosis (Tameris et al., 2013) . There are several techniques for
detecting antigens, including expression library, biochemical, genetic, and
T-cell peptide epitope-based strategies. Antigens having protective
properties against TB bacteria were found via the use of animal research. A
few of them were of used in Human tests .(Goletti et al., 2010).
The T cell epitopes were present in just 7% of the 4000 open reading
frame (ORF) from the TB bacteria. The highest containing 30 important
protein antigens became the subject of frequent study and contained 65% of
the currently known epitopes(Arlehamn et al., 2014).Tuberculosis bacteria
dramatically alter their gene expression profile within the host's
macrophages during intracellular stress. Because of this, the repertoire of
antigens produced and presented to the host's immune system changes
significantly as the infection progresses, and the host's immunological
defense systems are also put under stress. It is crucial to have a thorough
understanding of the genuine M.tuberculosis antigenome produced during
different stages of M.tuberculosis infection, especially in the lung, the main
target organ of M.tuberculosis, in order to design more effective
tuberculosis vaccines and TB correlates of immunity(Mandalakas et al.,
2022). The detection of antigens for tuberculosis vaccine depends mainly
on antigens of M.tuberculosis . It has been investigated how infected cells,
wherever they are situated, express and offer to macrophages. T cells have
to recognize it and carry out an appropriate immune response. These T cells
have to help the phagocytes control the living pathogen or eliminate it
through different intracellular pathways such as [ Oropharyngeal maturation
Basic Platform 8
and pharyngeal fusion; oxidizing /nitrate intermediates; oxygen/ nutrient
deprivation; activity defensing and other antimicrobial peptides and
enzymes; autophagy] (Ottenhoff et al., 2012). Epitope sequence variation is
rarely used by M. tuberculosis as a survival strategy against human T cells
as a result of the identification of human T cell epitopes and the
overwhelming evidence that antigenic epitope conservation predominate in
this bacteria. Since T cells are the mainstay of protective adaptive immunity
in TB and peptide epitopes represent the pathogen's primary molecular
interface with them, these bacteria have evolved to adopt methods other
than an antigenic mutation to circumvent T cell defense (Coscolla et al.,
A substantial body of research suggests that the host microbiome has
a significant impact on innate and adaptive immunity, as well as host
reactivity and immunological functioning. Given the circumstances, it
seems fair to assume that the sequence similarity of antigens recognized by
the host immune system (whether they be pathogens, allergens, or
autoantigens) may possibly affect adaptive immunity (Bresciani et al.,
2016). The immune system's response to peptide epitopes originating from
infections and allergens that are similar may be changed by exposure to
microbial peptide sequences. These studies particularly postulated that
immune systems would identify these microbiome-derived peptides as self
and be tolerogenic, resulting in the deletion or functional suppression of
potentially reactive T cell clones(Carrasco Pro et al., 2018). According to
the biological theory, excessive of inducing the immune response using
mycobacterial antigens may boost bacterial death. The immunological
control of TB in humans, however, may be negatively impacted by some
Basic Platform 9
types of nature immune response, according to experimental findings(Sakai
et al., 2016).
2.3 Mycobacterium tuberculosis vaccine
Children who receive the live attenuated tuberculosis vaccine BCG are
protected from developing the disease (Gupta, 2020) The failure of the
present BCG vaccination, to provide protection against the disease's
respiratory form necessitates the urgent need for the creation of a new
tuberculosis vaccine (Arbues et al., 2013). The BCG vaccine is subject to
numerous restrictions and regulations. Because of this, numerous
tuberculosis vaccines have been produced and developed, some of which
are currently undergoing clinical trials. The potential TB vaccines fall into
the following categories:
1. A vaccination that protects against infection before exposure.
Newborns receive this kind. It is referred to as the initial vaccine.
2. The vaccination is preventive in nature and given after exposure.
which concentrates on adults and teenagers. also known as the
booster shot.
3. With regard to the therapeutic type used in tuberculosis treatments,
particularly for those who have experienced ongoing and recurrent
infections(Kaufmann et al., 2017).
A heat-inactivated whole-cell vaccine produced from Mycobacterium
vaccae (also known as "Vaccae") is now being researched for the protection
from o TB after being approved in China for the supplemental treatment of
TB. There is presently no more publicly accessible information on the
Basic Platform 10
preventive study, which was initiated in 2013 with the aim of recruiting
10,000 individuals who had a positive tuberculin skin test (Weng et al.,
2016). Whole-cell vaccines are defined as viable live-attenuated and
inactivated vaccinations. These polyantigenic vaccines are more likely to
contain the essential epitopes needed for protective effectiveness than
subunit vaccinations because it is unknown which antigens will cause
protective immunity in people(Scriba et al., 2016).
To reduce the use of antibiotics while simultaneously enhancing the
outcomes of the treatment of both latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) and
TB disease, a vaccine known RUTI is vaccine currently being talked . It
functions by inducing a poly antigenic cellular response in non-replicating
bacilli in M. tuberculosis detoxified cell wall nano-fragments. In a phase I
examination, volunteers with LTBI who were HIV-negative or HIV-
positive showed safety and immunogenicity, and a phase II trial confirmed
these results.In a phase II trial, the immunogenicity and safety of the RUTI
therapeutic vaccine for patients with MDR-TB will be evaluated(Nell et al.,
2014). Clinical trials have been conducted on several novel tuberculosis
(TB) vaccines, some of which use genetically altered mycobacteria, viral
vectors that transport mycobacterial antigens, or adjuvants that contain
mycobacterial antigens. While some of these vaccines are intended to
replace the current BCG shot, others will be administered as a booster shot
after the BCG shot, which is typically given shortly after
delivery(Kaufmann et al., 2017).
Basic Platform 11
2.4 Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) current view
The Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine was developed by Drs.
Calmette and Guerin in 1921, some 40 years after the discovery of
M.tuberculosis. After a century of usage, BCG is still the only TB vaccine
that is currently deemed effective. It is the most commonly used vaccination
in the world, having been administered to over 4 billion individuals. It is the
most extensively used vaccine and is typically included in the standard
infant vaccination regimen. Leprosy and Buruli ulcer are two non-
tuberculous mycobacterial illnesses that are protected by the BCG vaccine
(Okafor et al., 2022).In young children, BCG provides significant
protection against disseminated TB, but its effectiveness is highly variable
in both children and adults with pulmonary TB is restricted and varies from
0 to 80% (Moorlag et al., 2019) .Although the cause of varied efficacy in
adolescents and adults is unknown, exposure to environmental
mycobacteria may already provide some protection against M.tuberculosis,
which BCG fails to enhance(Mangtani et al., 2014).
In actuality, little exposure to environmental mycobacteria or the
absence of prior M.tuberculosis infection is associated with increased BCG
efficacy(Kuan et al., 2020). The WHO does not currently advocate for
repeated BCG immunization due to insufficient evidence supporting its
efficacy . Despite a wide range of claimed efficacy in preventing primary
TB, the vaccine's favorable safety profilemeasured as 1 significant
adverse event per 1 million doses administered to immunocompetent
peoplemay help explain why it is still used in TB-endemic areas. (Lyon
& Rossman, 2017). One reason for the broad efficacy range of the BCG
vaccination is the genotypic variability within it. In 1924, Once the efficacy
Basic Platform 12
of their newly discovered vaccine was proved, Calmette and Guerin
distributed their strain to all nations. Geographic location eventually
allowed independent mutations to occur between samples, boosting
genotypic heterogeneity across strains that were previously identical(Ritz
et al., 2008).
Additional 14 distinct sub-strains were discovered following further
research on the strains, each named for the area in which it was
disseminated. Six of the sub-strains that have been the subject of the
greatest research are BCG Tokyo, BCG TICE, BCG Danish, BCG Pasteur,
BCG China, and BCG Prague. BCG strains are often localized in their
distribution, and UNICEF, which gets its BCG vaccination from four
providers, controls the majority of the global vaccination market. Three
vaccine strains are produced by these four suppliers: BCG Denmark, BCG
Russia, and BCG Japan(Abdallah et al., 2015). A significant effort has also
been made to change the current intradermal (ID) BCG vaccination into an
oral vaccine (Luca & Mihaescu, 2013).
Oral delivery is more convenient for most individuals, less expensive,
and requires no medical expertise to administer.It is believed that direct
mucosal contact with the vaccination is highly immunogenic (Derrick et al.,
2014), but developing vaccines in forms that can with stand the mucosa's
deteriorating characteristics, particularly in the stomach, has restricted their
usage(Bussi & Gutierrez, 2019).It is common knowledge that giving
newborns and young children one injection of BCG will dramatically
reduce the risk of them developing severe types of pediatric
tuberculosis(Shnawa, 2019). The WHO and UNICEF coverage figures are
based on coverage at 12 months of age, with the caveat that BCG is
sometimes postponed in low-income countries. Delaying getting the
Basic Platform 13
vaccination may decrease its validity (Thysen et al., 2020). BCG as
standard biologics may act as a vaccine, immune adjuvants, and nonspecific
immune stimulant because its safety has been shown in neonates, children,
and adults who have received the vaccine for about 100 years (Rey-Jurado
et al., 2018).
2.4.1 Attenuation of BCG Strains
A newborn infant received the first dosage of the vaccine in the year
1921, and this strain of the vaccine was subsequently delivered to all
laboratories throughout the world under various settings based on the
laboratory. Numerous strains, including BCG Pasteur, BCG Tokyo, and
BCG Russia, as a result, emerged(Joung & Ryoo, 2013). Several genomic
regions eliminated in BCG but present in M. bovis, have been found by
pioneering investigations testing the genomic basis of BCG attenuation.
Most likely as a consequence of the original M. bovis strain not being
exposed to the host's immunological vigor , which led it to progressively
lose virulence components, these deletions evolved during subcultivation in
the lab. Different BCG "daughter" strains appeared as a result of BCG's
ongoing passage in the lab after the lyophilization procedure was devised.
These substrains exhibit varying effectiveness and have different genomic
make up (Tran et al., 2014; Zhang et al., 2016). The first stage (1921
1908) is made up of 230 lab iterations that Calmete and Guérin carried out
to create the vaccine for the first time. After the second stage, which ended
in the year (1924), the vaccine was widely used for several decades, and
many people survived. The attenuated led to loss of genomic sections
during passage in the culture, but it also destroyed some of the key
protective antigens and some of the virulence components, to which BCG
ineffective attributed (Joung & Ryoo, 2013b).
Basic Platform 14
2.5 Mycobacterium tuberculosis immunity
Mycobacterium tuberculosis causes tissue-resident transcriptional
macrophages, which emerged during embryonic development, to become
infected(Cohen et al., 2018; Huang et al., 2018). During TB infection DCs
take up , progenitors present epitope in conjugated MHC molecule to name
T cell within the lymph nodes . This cycle lasts for a number of weeks.
However, when a successful adaptive immune response takes place, through
the development of T cells, B cells, and activated macrophages, bacterial
control is achieved and characteristic granulomas formed. Sometimes the
bacterial reproduction is contained and turns into a latent infection once the
inflammatory response subsides. This type of infection does not show any
symptoms in patients, but they have an adaptive immune response. The
consequences of latent tuberculosis include bacterial eradication and
subclinical disease (Boom et al., 2021).
To halt the spread of progressive, disseminated TB, an efficient adaptive
immune response is necessary. The histology sign of M. tuberculosis
infection is granulomas. A well-organized collection of lymphocytes,
neutrophils, and macrophages makes up mature granulomas. Granulomas
become sclerotic and calcified when an adaptive immune response is
effective, as contrast to active TB granulomas, which are necrotic and have
a caseating look. They also regulate and even sterilize the infection. For the
creation of well-organized granulomas and host defense, CD4+ T cells and
TNF are essential(Caruso et al., 1999). Infection with M. tuberculosis also
activates CD8+ T lymphocytes, which can be found in the blood of TB
patients(Chávez‐Galán et al., 2019). According to recent evidence, CD4+ T
Basic Platform 15
cells and CD8+ T cells work together to inhibit the infection of M.
tuberculosis( Lu et al., 2021). It is well recognized in this context that
adaptive immune cells, such as CD4 and CD8 T cells, support the
antimycobacterial defense by releasing IFN-y, which may activate infected
myeloid cells and inhibit bacterial growth. M. tuberculosis may withstand
the strains of host immunity and persist within the host(Sia & Rengarajan,
In humans, tuberculosis bacteria are detectable 3-8 weeks after infection.
The adaptive immune response to the mutated bacteria is the antigen-
specific response of CD4 + T cells. The type hypersensitivity reaction is
more recognizable in the majority of people with tuberculosis and is driven
by CD4 + T cells. Its main feature is visible scleroderma after 1 to 3 days.
From ingestion of purified protein from Mycobacterium or from the
tuberculin skin test (TST)(Coscolla et al., 2015). The quantity of circulating
CD4 + T cells has been shown to be adversely correlated with the
susceptibility of HIV-positive people to TB infection because they worsen
active tuberculosis infection(Shafer & Edlin, 1996; Shnawa, 2019) .Those
infected with tuberculosis develop a specific immune response by CD4 + T
and also CD8 + T, which contributes to the killing of bacteria inside the cell
(Bruns et al., 2009; Lewinsohn et al., 2007) .
2-6 Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine immunity
Overall, compared to adult humans or adult animal models, newborns'
immune responses are different and cannot be generalized (Saso &
Kampmann, 2017). During the first 2 years of life, neonates and babies'
immune systems are continually evolving, and they exhibit a number of
Basic Platform 16
innate and adaptive immunological limits that have an impact on how well
they will respond to an infection or a vaccination. Neonatal immune
abnormalities can affect phagocytosis, bactericidal activity, and cell
migration. Restricted elements of the innate response include dendritic cell
(DC) maturation, the range of DC subpopulations, including lower
plasmacytoid DC numbers and MYD 88 expression, as well as the
activation of Toll-like receptors. (TLRs)(Alexander-Miller, 2014). Neonates
have low complement levels and high quantities of distributing
antimicrobial peptides at birth. In comparison to adults, babies have a
distinct profile of innate leukocytes' produced cytokines(Kollmann et al.,
According to the limited research on neonatal immune cells, Tumor
necrosis factor - alpha (often abbreviated as TNF- α) levels in newborn cells
are much lower, comparable, perhaps much greater than in adult cells.
These studies, however, have produced inconsistent and divergent results
(Kollmann et al., 2009). Additionally, it is generally believed that while
neonates may elicit both a primary T-helper 1 (Th1) and a secondary T-
helper 2 (Th2) immune response, the latter is biased more towards
Th2.(Zaghouani et al., 2009). Newborns have diminished CD4+ T cell
synthesis of interferon-gamma (IFN-γ), which may reduce the effectiveness
of their Th1 response (Kollmann et al., 2017). For pediatric immunizations
intended to stimulate Th1 responses to fight pathogens, neonates must not
have a secondary Th2 immune response(Zaghouani et al., 2009).In contrast
to past vaccines, BCG contains ligands for five different TLRs (TLR 1,
TLR 2, TLR 4, TLR 6 and TLR 9)(Randhawa & Hawn, 2014), leading to
the hypothesis that the ability to cause a long-term strengthening of innate
Basic Platform 17
immune responses, also known as trained immunity, is influenced by the
engagement of several TLRs(Netea & Van Crevel, 2014).
Figure (2.1): Important elements of newborn immune responses and protective
properties of BCG. The BCG germs attach to and activate Toll-like receptors (TLR
1, TLR 2, TLR 4, TLR 6, and TLR 9) upon vaccination of a baby, it causes innate
immune responses to be strongly stimulated. To stop pathogens from receiving this
nutrient, the antigens in the immunization also encourage the activity of monocytes
and macrophages and iron sequestration in these cells. In addition to widespread B
and T cell responses, BCG also induces particular Th1 IFN-γ driven responses. The
several layers of innate and adaptive immunological activation brought on by BCG
work as a slender line of defense against tuberculosis. Additionally, BCG is
currently being researched for its potential role as an adjuvant for other
vaccinations as well as its ability to promote trained innate immunity against
common baby and pediatric respiratory illnesses. This figure is adopted from
author Ramos et al., 2020.
. The CD4+ effector T cell phenotypes, comprising the CD3+CD4+ and
CD3+CD4+CD8a+ populations, were the most common T cell subsets. The
highest CD4+ T cell response was reached in neonates 10 weeks after
receiving the BCG immunization; during this time, these CD4+ T cells
Basic Platform 18
released significant quantities of IFN, TNF, and IL-2(Soares et al.,
2008).From weeks 6 to 40, newborns appeared to maintain constant states
of TNF expression in CD4+ T cells tend to ranging from 50 to 60 percent,
but around one year of age, these levels started to decline.(Soares et al.,
2013)Figure (2.1)above .
Infant BCG vaccinations have varying immunogenicities depending on
the population. Infants have been shown to produce cytokine-expressing T
cell responses of the same magnitude as adult responses, typically with a T
helper Th-1 bias, after receiving the BCG vaccine. These responses are
measurable in terms of their immune responses to mycobacterial antigens,
such as purified protein derivatives of M
tuberculosis.(Covián et al., 2019)
.It is not dependent on memory T or B cells for innate immune cells, such
as monocytes and natural killer (NK) cells, to provide this non-specific
immune defense. Epigenetic reprogramming through histone modification
in the regulatory elements of specific genes has been reported as one of the
mechanisms associated with the induction of trained immunity in both
humans and mice. This phenomenon is known as "trained immunity," and it
is characterized by a memory-like response in innate immune
cells(Bekkering et al., 2021).
In fact, it has been demonstrated that the BCG vaccine causes "trained"
condition in circulating monocytes by altering the methylation pattern of
histones linked to particular genes. Importantly, these changes can result in
the expression and/or suppression of genes that are linked to greater
pathogen identification, quicker inflammatory responses, and increased
protection against secondary infections following vaccination. Different
pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) interact with pathogen-associated
Basic Platform 19
molecular patterns (PAMPs), such as peptidoglycan, arabinogalactan, and
mycolic acids present at the bacterial cell wall, to recognize BCG by
immune cells. Toll-like receptors (TLRs) TLR2 and TLR4, which are found
on the cell surface membrane, are among the receptors that recognize BCG
(Kaufmann, et al., 2017).
It has been demonstrated that a variety of mycobacterial proteins can act
as TLR agonists, promoting DC and macrophage maturation as well as the
release of pro-inflammatory cytokines. (Kumar et al., 2019). Similarly,
complement receptors CR3 and CR4 play a role in DCs' ability to recognize
opsonized mycobacteria. Nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain
(NOD)-like receptors, such as NOD2, which are located in the cytoplasm of
innate immune cells and connect with a particular portion of the bacterial
peptidoglycan, are another class of cell receptors that identify BCG PAMPs.
Additionally, C-type lectins, like DC-specific intercellular adhesion
molecule-3-grabbing nonintegrin (DC-SIGN), engage with parts of the
bacterial wall and are crucial for the detection and internalization of BCG.
(Gagliardi et al.,2005).
The mycobacterium can survive for up to 2 weeks inside DCs after
internalization. (Jiao et al.,2002). A rise in the expression of co-stimulatory
molecules including CD40, CD80, CD83, and CD86 is one of the
characteristics of the DC maturation and migration that are brought on by
this interaction. (Tsuji et al.,2000). One of the antigens found in the BCG
cell wall is similar to antigen (Ag), which is found in M. tuberculosis and
induces the production of TNF-α, Interleukin-1β, and IL-6. (,Bertholet et al
.,2008 ,Joosten et al .,2018). which are able to produce an inflammatory
state that encourages immune cell activation (Tsuji et al.,2000).
Basic Platform 20
Figure (2.2) : The immunological reaction brought on by the newborn's BCG
vaccine. Neutrophils, macrophages, and DCs at the injection site recognizing the
BCG (A). To activate adaptive immune cells, activated cutaneous DCs go to the
draining lymph nodes (Figure B). (C) Activation of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells with a
TH1 profile that are specific for Mycobacteria and secrete high levels of IFN-y and
granzymes. (D) When BCG antigens are present, activation of B cells causes the
development of memory and plasma cells as well as the production of antigen-specific
antibodies. Memory T and B cells stay in lymph nodes after activation. This figure is
adopted from auther (Covián et al., 2019)
Basic Platform 21
Antigen-presenting cells (APCs), such as DCs, macrophages, and B cells,
deliver antigenic peptides on MHC molecules and prime T cells in the
nearby secondary lymphoid tissues or the spleen to initiate an adaptive
immune response. (Kaufmann.,2013).
BCG-infected cutaneous DCs move to the draining lymph nodes,
where they release TNF-α, IL-6, and IL-12 and activate both CD4+ and
CD8+ T cells, according to in vitro and in vivo investigations. (Bollampalli et
al.,2015) (Figure 2-2). It's interesting to note that BCG-infected human
neutrophils reportedly work with infected DCs to activate T cell responses
specific to antigens. The BCG vaccine induces an adaptive immunological
response that involves the activation of both CD4+ and CD8+ T
cells(Andersen et al.,2014).
With increased IFN-γ production, which boosts macrophages' anti-
mycobacterial activity. (Kaufmann et al.,2013). This cytokine also helps B
cells become activated and plasma cells produce antigen-specific antibodies
as a result. Up to 10 weeks after BCG vaccination, a pool of mycobacteria-
specific CD8+ T cells grow in the early post-immunization period and are
present in peripheral blood(Hanekom et al.,2005). These CD8+ T cells were
able to produce IFN-γ, express granzymes, and perforins, supporting their
capacity for cytotoxicity. (Murray et al.,2014). TH1 CD4+ T cells that are
activated have also been seen. (Soares et al.,2010), which have high levels
of IFN-γ, TNF-α, and IL-2 production. In infants, BCG-specific CD4+ T
cells were found in the peripheral blood three weeks following vaccination,
peaking at ten weeks. (Su H et al.,2019).
Basic Platform 22
2.7 Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) scar
A vital index in the immunization schedule, the BCG scar serves as a
substitute vaccination indication. Children who develope a scar after
receiving a BCG vaccination had reduced morbidity and greater survival
rates than children who do not develop a scar.A papule usually develops
after intradermal BCG vaccination, ulcerates, and then spontaneously heals,
leaving a permanent scar within a few months(Storgaard et al., 2015).
With a single 0.05 ml injection with a 26 G needle, the critical
intradermal layer of the left upper arm's lateral side is treated at the level of
the shoulder muscle insertion(Schaltz-Buchholzer et al., 2017). A tiny,
permanent scar called the "BCG Scar", is formed at the injection site about
two weeks after receiving the BCG vaccine. This scar size has an average
diameter of about 10mm, is usually indurated, then swells, suppurates, and
spontaneously ulcerates. figure (2.3) The crust eventually falls off on its
own after healing in about six to twelve weeks. After getting the BCG
vaccine, it takes two to three months for a "BCG scar" to form without any
systemic side effects ( Li et al., 2021). Despite evidence demonstrating that
scar formation is not a good predictor of the immune response to BCG, the
existence of a BCG scar is the only simple and precise way to prove prior
vaccination in clinical scenarios as well as in health surveys to evaluate
vaccine uptake(Storgaard et al., 2015). An infant's immune characteristics
may affect how a scar develops prior to immunization (Dhanawade et al.,
2015). Post-vaccination scarring is still a distinctive feature of BCG because
it is the only prophylactic vaccine against TB that is legally permitted to be
administered anywhere in the globe (Birk et al., 2017).
Basic Platform 23
Since the administered amount can be precisely measured and
controlled, intradermal injection with a syringe and needle is often seen to
be the most precise method and results in more reliable mycobacteria-
specific immunity(Lee et al., 2012). One could hypothesize that the positive
effects of having a BCG scar were simply indicators of some kids' greater
survival due to stronger immune systems. BCG scarring depends on type of
vaccine and vaccination technique(E. J. Anderson et al., 2012).
2.8 Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) scar fade up
Not all kids who get the BCG immunization get a BCG scar.(Storgaard
et al., 2015). Unknown reasons of scarring fade up include inadequate
immune system development, poor administration techniques, and
inefficient immunizations (Kheir et al., 2011). When given the BCG vaccine
in vivo, close to 12 to 15% of babies show a positive Cell-Mediated Immune
Response (CMIR), but do not develop scars. The relatively low prevalence
of scar formation in children who received BCG as soon as delivery may be
due to immunocompetent cell immaturity or the condition's prenatal
Basic Platform 24
occurrence (Yanamandala et al.,2017). There is no doubt that some of the
kids without a BCG scar were still cytokine-producing in response to
PPD(Djuardi et al., 2010). Due to the fact that BCG vaccinations took place
in various years, variations in scar prevalence may potentially be attributed
to modifications in vaccination methods, vaccine types, the vaccination
nurse, or a shortage of BCG vaccine at particular times that led to a delayed
vaccination ,all of these elements may affect BCG scarring, as seen(Jensen
et al., 2021). For newborns without scars, receiving the BCG vaccine again
is not yet universally advised. It's important to consider whether monitoring
these infants who don't develop a scar is necessary(Dhanawade et al., 2015)
2.8 Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) allergy
Some parents are reluctant to give their atopic children early vaccines.
However, this is uncommon when contrasted to the possibility that
vaccination with vaccine may exacerbate the atopic disorder and cause a
delay in the infants immune protectively . The numerous reports and studies
on this subject have increased any doubts that may be warranted(Barbacariu,
2014). Early childhood vaccinations have been linked to the development of
atopy, Infections that would otherwise trigger a favored Th1-type immune
response and bias the stability of cytokines away from atopy can be avoided
directly by providing drugs that trigger a Th2-type immune response or
indirectly by doing the same (Kiraly et al., 2016). In some groups, there has
been evidence of an antagonistic association between atopic disease and
M.bovis (BCG) vaccination, as well as Atopic disease risk may be lowered by
early infancy BCG immunization, according to a number of extensive
research(Zhao et al., 2021). The incubation period between the initial
exposure (sensitization) and the development of symptoms (elicitation),
which may entail IgE and/or non-IgE-mediated reactions, is what
Basic Platform 25
distinguishes atopic illnesses.Th2 cytokines are produced during an IgE-
mediated allergic reaction, also known as immediate-type hypersensitivity
(type I), which triggers the production of IgE by B cells ( Anderson et al.,
The divergence observed in epidemiological studies can be due to the
possibility that a relationship is not as direct as first thought. For instance, it
might be altered by elements that vary between populations and
environments, such as genetic diversity, timing of exposure, amount, and
length of exposure, kind of infection, burden of environmental allergens, and
other mycobacteria(Barbacariu, 2014). Reducing exposure to microbes early
in life of children prevents the auxiliary immune response from shifting to the
T helper1 (Th1) that is common in newborns to the T helper 2 (Th2) response
that develops allergic disease (Freyne & Curtis, 2014). Strong
immunomodulatory characteristics of the BCG vaccine cause Th1 cytokines
to be stimulated. also has a major impact on innate immunity (Kleinnijenhuis
et al., 2012; Rook, 2009).
2.10 Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) induced cytokines
The T - cell , neutrophils, and macrophages are responsible for
producing the majority of the low molecular weight extracellular
polypeptides and glycoproteins known as cytokines that promote and regulate
immune response (i.e. activity, differentiation, proliferation and production of
cells and other cytokines).To drive signaling molecules, cells, key
lymphocyte development factors, and other biological processes toward
injury, infection, and inflammatory sites, these polypeptides operate on them.
Cytokines can have three different types of actions: autocrine activity,
Basic Platform 26
paracrine action, and distant action (endocrine action). For the control and
growth of immune system cells, they are crucial. There are several distinct
cytokines, such as lymphokines, tumor necrosis factor, interferons (IFN), and
interleukins (IL)(Turner et al., 2014) . It is believed that hematopoietic cells,
lymphoid cells, and other pro- and anti-inflammatory cells contribute to the
development of inflammatory and immune responses, and cytokines are
thought to mediate the intricate interactions of these cells. The immune
system's intercellular messengers, or cytokines, combine the actions of many
cell types in diverse bodily compartments to produce a immunological
response(Gulati et al., 2016).
As a result of years of evolution, they currently belong to the
interferon, interleukin, chemokine family, tumor necrosis factor family, and
adipokine groups. All cells, with the exception of red blood cells, create and
respond to cytokines, which were formerly classified as "soluble
factors"(Owen et al., 2013). The BCG-mediated primary immunological
response often includes the generation of chemokines and cytokines, which
further activate the immune cells at the site in the microenvironment. These
mediators are believed to function in a typical manner or pattern. The primary
cytokines that BCG activates are (IL-2), (TNF), and (IFN-γ), which are
produced when CD4+ T cells are stimulated (Li et al., 2011).
2.10.1 Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) induce macrophage migration
inhibitory factor(MIF).
In 1966, The first lymphokine associated with delayed-type
hypersensitivity was discovered as macrophage migration inhibitory factor
(MIF), which is generated by activated T cells(Wen et al., 2021). Numerous
diseases have been associated with a pleiotropic cytokine known as (MIF).
The bulk of studies that can be found in the literature classify MIF as a
Basic Platform 27
proinflammatory cytokine implicated in chronic inflammatory illnesses,
Despite the fact that new research indicates that many of MIF's main effects
are not primarily related to inflammation. Since MIF is constitutively
produced in the majority of human tissues, frequently at high levels, it does
not really display the expression pattern of a typical proinflammatory
cytokine. Additionally, MIF is strongly expressed throughout embryonic
development, and as we become older, its expression decreases(Florez-
Sampedro et al., 2020). Its relationship to illness, wide variety of actions,
receptors, and downstream signaling cascades have all been studied by
several scientists. The role of MIF in metabolic and acute inflammatory
processes is now known to be critical(Wen et al., 2021), autoimmune and
infectious (Leaver et al., 2010) . After being exposed to M. tuberculosis
antigens or after obtaining virulent M. tuberculosis, human macrophages
release MIF. The MIF generated by activated macrophages, which
functions in an autocrine manner to prevent the production of pathogenic
mycobacteria, is a critical component of human innate immune defenses
against M. tuberculosis. Studies have also shown that TB patients had
considerably greater MIF levels than healthy controls( Li et al., 2012).
2.10.2 Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) induce Interleukin-2 (IL-2)
A crucial cytokine that affects the immune system in a variety of
ways known is interleukin-2 (IL-2) (Jiang et al., 2016). and CD8 T cell
activation is promoted by IL-2, after receiving the BCG vaccination, pro-
inflammatory cytokines such IL-2 were produced, which encourage the
stimulation of TH1 cells and CD8 T cells. the stimulation of IL-2 is more
than that of the unvaccinated (Lalor et al., 2010). Ten weeks following
BCG vaccination, babies' peripheral blood contains a sizable number of
Basic Platform 28
BCG-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. TNF- α , I L-2, granzyme, IFN-γ
blood levels may also be elevated(J. Li et al., 2021). After receiving the
BCG vaccination, pro-inflammatory cytokines including IL-2 were
produced, which promote the activation of TH1 cells and CD8 T cells
(Lalor et al., 2010).
The IL-2 serves as the foundation for various vaccinations and is
required for the development of cytotoxic T-cells (CTL) (Dinarello, 2007).
(IL-2), (TNF), and (IFN-γ), which are released during the activation of
CD4+ T cells, are the main cytokines activated by BCG(L. Li et al., 2011).
2.10.3 Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) induce Interleukin-4 (IL-4)
A type I cytokine is interleukin-4 (IL-4), with a four-α-helical bundle
that has broad pleiotropic effects on many lineages. Although the main
functions of IL-4 were first identified in B and T cells, more than a dozen
other target cells of this cytokine are active in both the innate and adaptive
immune systems. It is also produced by a variety of distinct cellular sources.
Even though IL-4 was identified in 1982, just under 40 years have passed
since its discovery, and new information about it is still being found. There
have been significant new developments in its biological effects and
signaling processes, including key genes and downstream targets in a variety
of cell types (T cells, eosinophils, basophils, mast cells, NK cells and some
APCs ). IL-4 has a crucial role in the modulation of immunoglobulin
synthesis as well as in the inflammatory, fibrotic, allergy, and anticancer
processes(Keegan et al., 2021). Consequently, there is currently a
substantial amount of research that supports that, in addition to Th 1
cytokines, human TB also induces an IL-4 response (Pooran et al., 2019).
Basic Platform 29
2. 14 Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) induce Immunoglobulin-E
Specific Immunoglobulins are glycoproteins known as antibodies that are
made by B-cells as membrane-bound receptors or in a secretory form (Bilal
et al., 2021). Human immunoglobulins fall into five categories: IgM, IgG,
IgA, IgE, and IgD (Sheikh et al., 2022). natural IgM's position as the body's
initial line of defense against invasive microorganisms(Kaveri et al., 2012).
Although it is thought that humoral immunity has a role in the BCG
vaccine's ability to protect against TB, there is mounting evidence indicating
the contrary (Rao et al., 2015). patients with attenuated antibody responses
to be at higher risk of developing active infection if humoral immunity is a
factor in the TB defense mechanism.
Vaccines have been developed to offer protection against natural or
experimental infection challenge (Jacobs et al., 2016). The capacity of
innate cells, particularly macrophages, to phagocytosis and eradicate M.
tuberculosis may be impacted by variations in antibody isotype and
glycosylation patterns(L. L. Lu et al., 2016; Zimmermann et al., 2016). The
BCG vaccine results in long-lasting B-cell responses in healthy people, This
is in line with the production of antibody reactions(Sebina et al., 2012). The
immunological response to TB infection may be influenced by the kind and
number of antibodies produced in response to BCG vaccination. New
strategies based on these differences may be helpful for the creation of
novel TB vaccines, TB diagnosis (including differentiating between active
and latent TB), and monitoring treatment response. Additionally, the
potential of maternal transfer of anti-BCG IgG during pregnancy impacting
Basic Platform 30
the neonatal humoral response to BCG may have an impact on the
development of novel TB vaccines as well as BCG vaccination procedures
(Bright et al., 2021).
Immunoglobulin-E (IgE) antibodies have a well-established function
in mediating allergic responses(Sutton et al., 2019). Mast cells, basophils,
and innate granulocytic effector cells of anaphylaxis are all coated with
these IgE antibodies. These cells release the contents of their granules when
they interact with allergens and cell-bound IgE, and when these mediators
are joined with the quickly generated prostaglandin and leukotriene
mediators by the same cells, they work on several target organs to trigger
physiologic reactions(Jimenez-Rodriguez et al., 2018).
The BCG vaccine, used to protect against tuberculosis, is a
potentially helpful model for examining the impact of TH1 cell stimulation
in newborns. This is since to the fact that BCG has a TH1 stimulatory
impact, which causes it to change cytokine response patterns in a way that
inhibits the TH2 immunologic response, combating atopy. based on this, it
has been hypothesized that the BCG vaccine given to infants may have a
preventative impact on the emergence of atopic illnesses(Arnoldussen et al.,
2011). T-helper (Th) cells may be split into the Th1 and Th2 subsets based
on the cytokines they release. As a result of the release of the interleukins
IL-4 and IL-5 by Th-2 type lymphocytes, B cells produce more class E
immunoglobulin (IgE), eosinophils are produced, and other allergic
illnesses such as asthma are brought on(Rehman & Ullah, 2009).
It has been demonstrated that (BCG) therapy can change pathogenic
Th2 responses into protective Th1 and/or regulatory T cell responses,
preventing or lowering an established allergen-driven inflammatory
Basic Platform 31
response. The effectiveness of BCG against allergic illnesses could be
improved by utilizing it as an adjuvant or by researching the effects of
recombinant BCG strains. When administered after the newborn stage, the
BCG vaccine failed to stop the emergence of atopic disease or the creation
of IgE. This does not, however, refute the hypothesis that BCG has a
preventative effect in risk populations with lower genetic
susceptibility(Kowalewicz-Kulbat & Locht, 2021).
2.15 Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) induce anergy VS tolerance
The T cells' self-tolerance mechanisms can be categorized broadly as
central or peripheral. T cell progenitors developed were in the thymus,
central tolerance mechanisms either kill high-affinity self-reactive T cells or
cause them to differentiate into the regulatory T (Treg) cell lineage(Klein et
al., 2014).However, it appears that peripheral tolerance mechanisms are
required as central tolerance does not appear to be adequate to eliminate all
self-reactive T cells. The basis for peripheral tolerance could be (Davis,
2015; Mueller, 2010):
1-ignorance, when autoreactive T cells never come into contact with
their target antigen.
2-deletion, wherein peripheral T lymphocytes that are directed against
oneself are eliminated after TCR interaction.
3-Anergy, a state of functional immobility brought on by self-Ag
One of the mechanisms in the adaptive immune system that controls
responses to target self-antigens is what is known as anergy, one of the
processes that develop tolerance and alter immune cells to stop self-
destruction(Rosenspire & Chen, 2015). The anergy process is mainly
occurring in lymphocytes(Valdor & Macian, 2010). If self-reactive T cells
Basic Platform 32
are able to avoid being negatively selected in the thymus, they may launch
damaging attacks against self-tissues. At several stages of B-cell maturation
and differentiation, including the immature B-cell stage (central tolerance)
and the germinal center (GC) B - cell stage, self-reactive B cells are
tolerated. B-cell tolerance is mediated by a variety of mechanisms,
including deletion, anergy, and receptor modification.
The apoptosis-regulated systems of peripheral anergy and central
tolerance may tolerate self-reactive B lymphocytes produced by random
rearrangements of the immunoglobulin variable genes. GC response-
induced somatic mutations that result in self-reactive B cells are also
removed(Tsubata, 2017). BCG has also been proven to provide benefits in
autoimmune diseases by inducing a state of tolerance (Basak et al.,
2020). investigations on newborns and young children in Guinea-Bissau
have shown observational studies that the BCG vaccine has a protective
effect against anergy (non-responsiveness to common (heterologous)
vaccine antigens)(Garly et al., 2001)
Chapter Three
Investigative Approaches
Investigative Approaches 33
3.Investigative Approaches
3.1 Child subject
The test child population includes 90 child subjects. The study group did
not include the child who had hereditary disorders and concomitant
conditions. Thirty normal subjects served as the control group, followed by
another 30 normal subjects without BCG scars and a final 30 normal
subjects with BCG scars. This study was carried out in the period of
"October 2021 to February 2022 " at Al-Qasim Green University / College
of Biotechnology/Department of Biotechnology. Samples were collected
from the Women's and Children's Hospital in Al-Diwaniyah.
Several questions have been asked and recorded from parents regarding
the child's health, age, place of birth and date of vaccination. Either the
presence or absence of scars and their size were diagnosed visually.
3.2 Scar size determination
During the collection of samples, all children were examined to ensure
the presence of a scar or not, and to ensure that children who did not have a
scar had received the vaccine completely by asking their parents and their
knowledge of the vaccine and using their answers to ensure that the children
who received the vaccine did not get the scar. In this study, we examined
the left and right upper arms or other areas to check up BCG scars.The
scar's measurements were measured using a plastic ruler. The scar's longest
diameter or length was measured twice, and the perpendicular diameter or
length was then measured a third time (because not all scars were circular).
Investigative Approaches 34
The average of these four measurements was used to determine the
approximate scar size.
Figure 3.1: Scar size measurement
3.2 Material
.2.1 Laboratory equipment and instrument:
Table (3.1) shows the laboratory equipment and instrument utilized in this
study and the company, as well as their origins .
Table 3.1 : This study's laboratory equipment and instrument
laboratory equipment and instrument
Blue tips (1000 µL)
ELISA system (reader,washer)
Eppendorf tubes 1.5ml
Syringe 5 mL
Yellow tips (100µL)
3.2.2 Immune reagent and test kits
Investigative Approaches 35
The table(3.2) lists the Immunoassay compounds that were used and
their origins. All immunological tests are conducted at Al-Qasim Green
University's College of Biotechnology utilizing the Biotek ELx808 Manual
12 mode l0, 1997, USA.
Table 3.2 : The Immunoassay Kits were utilized in the study.
Immunoassay Kits
Company Country
Human Immunoglobulin E ELISA Kit
Human Interleukin 2 ELISA Kit
Human Interleukin 4 ELISA Kit
Human Macrophage Migration Inhibitory
Factor ELISA Kit
3.3 Methods
3.3.1 Study group
Samples were collected for immunological examination from all groups
of healthy children. 5ml of blood was taken through the intravenous
puncture and placed in a gel tube. the serum was separated into 4 parts and
stored at -20°C in a deep freeze. Thirty normal subjects served as the
control group, followed by another 30 normal subjects without BCG scars
and a final 30 normal subjects with BCG scars
3.3.2 Cellular Immunoassay Human Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor(MIF)
Principle of Assay
The pre-coated plate has been treated with anti-MIF antibody. MIF from
the sample binds to antibodies that have been coated on the wells when it is
Investigative Approaches 36
added. Then a human MIF antibody that has been biotinylated is included,
and it binds to the MIF present in the sample. After that, streptavidin-HRP
binds to the biotinylated MIF antibody. Any unbound Streptavidin-HRP is
taken out by washing after incubation. After incorporating the substrate
solution, the quantity of human MIF is subsequently regulated, and color is
produced, when an acidic stop solution is added, the reaction is stopped,
after which the absorbance is calculated at (450 nm).
Prepare the Reagent
1- Before the experiment ,all of the chemicals were ready and kept at room
2-To create a 24 ng/ml standard stock solution, 120 µL of standard
(48ng/ml) and 120 µL of standard diluent were combined. Before dilutions
were prepared, it was allowed to rest for 15 minutes while being gently
stirred. The standard stock solution (24 ng/ml) was serially diluted 1:2 with
of standard diluent to provide solutions of (12 ng/ml), (6 ng/ml), (3 ng/ml),
and (1.5 ng/ml). The 0 standard (0 ng/ml) is diluted using a standard
solution. At -20 °C, each remaining solution was frozen. The cited standard
solutions have been diluted as follows:
Table 3.3: Preparation of the (MIF) Standards
24 ng/ml
120μl Original Standard + 120μl Standard
12 ng/ml
120μl Standard No.5 + 120μl Standard
6 ng/ml
120μl Standard No.4 + 120μl Standard
Investigative Approaches 37
3 ng/ml
120μl Standard No.3 + 120μl Standard
1.5 ng/ml
120μl Standard No.2 + 120μl Standard
0 ng/ml
120μl Standard Diluent
Figure 3.2: Dilution of the (MIF) Standards
3- A 20 ml concentrated wash solution was made, and 500 ml of it was
created by diluting it 25 times in distilled deionized water.
Assay Procedure
1. The examination is conducted in a lab environment after gathering all
relevant reagents.
2. After determining how many strips would be required for the inspection,
the extras were returned and properly kept.
Investigative Approaches 38
3. A 50 µ l of the standard solution were poured into the standard well..
4. Only sample wells added the 40µ L of sample serum and 10 µL of anti-
MIF antibody, whereas the standard wells and sample wells added 50µ L of
streptavidin-HRP. The panel was covered by a sealant treatment before
being incubated for 1 hour at 37 °C.
5- After the incubation time, the lid was removed from the plate and washed
5 time in a specialist washer..
6. For all wells received 50.0 µl of (substrate A) and 50.0µ l of (substrate B).
The plate was re-covered and incubated at 37 °C for 10 minutes.
7. After incubation, blue plate wells turned yellow after adding 50 µL of
the stop solution.
8. Ten minutes after employing the stop solution, the optical density of the
wells was assessed using an ELISA reader set to 450 nm.
Construct the Standard Curve
The human MIF standard value has been verified on each standard vial,
which is how the standard curve was created. Depending on the lot, this
figure could change. Plotting each MIF standard's absorbance against its
concentration along a horizontal axis has resulted in the best curve possible
Table 3.4: Standard concentration of the (MIF)
Standard concentration
Absorbance at (450 nm)
0(0 ng/ml)
Investigative Approaches 39
Figure 3.3: The Human Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor(MIF) standard curve. Human Interleukin 2 (IL-2)
Assay Principle
The plate has been pre-coated with human IL-2 antibody. IL-2
present in the sample is added and binds to antibodies coated on
the wells. And then biotinylated human IL-2 Antibody is added
and binds to IL-2 in the sample. Then Streptavidin-HRP is added
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
bsorbence at
450 mm
Concentration ng/ml
MIF standard curve
Investigative Approaches 40
and binds to the Biotinylated IL-2 antibody. After incubation
unbound Streptavidin-HRP is washed away during a washing
step. Substrate solution is then added and color develops in
proportion to the amount of human IL-2. The reaction is
terminated by addition of acidic stop solution and absorbance is
measured at 450 nm.
Reagent Preparation
1-Prior to use, all reagents must reach room temperature.
2-A 1200 ng/l standard stock solution was created by combining 120µ L
of standard (2400 ng /L) and 120µ L of standard diluent. It was allowed to
settle for 15 minutes with gentle stirring before dilutions were made. To
create solutions at concentrations, the stock standard solution (1200ng/L)
was serially diluted 1:2 with the standard diluent of (600ng/L), (300
ng/L), (150ng/L), and (75ng/L). The 0 standards (0 ng/l) are diluted using
the standard diluent. At -20 °C, each remaining solution was frozen. The
cited standard solutions have been diluted as follows:
Table 3.5: Preparation of the Human Interleukin 2 (IL-2) Standards
1200 ng/l
Standard No.5
120μl Original Standard + 120μl Standard
600 ng/l
Standard No.4
120μl Standard No.5 + 120μl Standard
Investigative Approaches 41
300 ng/l
Standard No.3
120μl Standard No.4 + 120μl Standard
150 ng/l
Standard No.2
120μl Standard No.3 + 120μl Standard
75 ng/l
Standard No.1
120μl Standard No.2 + 120μl Standard
0 ng/l
Standard No.0
120μl Standard Diluent
Figure 3.4: Dilution of the Human Interleukin 2 (IL-2) Standards
3- Wash Buffer preparation: For 500m l of Wash, prepare 20 ml of Buffer
was diluted with 25 times as much deionized distilled water.
Assay Procedure
1. Prepared each and all reagent, standard solution, and sample in
accordance with the instructions. All reagents were at room temperature
prior to use. The experiment was carried out in a temperature-neutral
2- The surplus strips were returned and stored at 2 to 8°C when determined
the quantity of strips would needed for the experiment.
3 -Standard well received 50 µl of standard.
Investigative Approaches 42
4-The 40 μl of sample and 10 μl of anti-IL-2 antibody were added to the
sample wells and added 50 μl of streptavidin-HRP for the standard wells
and sample.Combined well, covered, and let aside for an hour. at 37°C
5- Following incubation, the cover was taken out and subjected to five
washings in the washing machine.
6. Substrates A and B poured into each well in amounts of 50μ l each. and
the dish sited at 37 °C for 10 minutes.
7. Each well received 50 µ l of Stop Solution, which quickly changed the
blue tint of the wells to yellow..
8. Using a microplate reader set to 450 nm, the (OD value) of each well was
determined ten minutes after adding the stop solution.
Construct the Standard Curve
The following is how the standard curve was made: The human IL-2
standard value has been verified on each standard vial. Depending on the
lot, this figure could change. The best curve was created by graphing the
absorbance for each IL-2 standard against the IL-2 standard concentrations..
Table 3.6: Standard concentration of the Human Interleukin 2 (IL-2)
Standard concentration
Absorbance at (450 nm)
0(0 ng/l)
Investigative Approaches 43
Figure 3.5: The Human Interleukin 2 (IL-2) standard curve. Human Interleukin 4 (IL-4)
Assay Principle
On the plate, there is a pre-coated human IL-4 antibody. When IL-4 from
the sample is introduced. It attaches to the coated antibodies on the wells.
IL-4 antibody that has been biotinylated is then added, and it binds to the
sample's IL-4. The biotinylated IL-4 antibody is then bound by the addition
of streptavidin-HRP. After incubation, unbound streptavidin-HRP washed
away via a washing process. Following the addition of the substrate
solution, color changes according to the concentration of human IL-4. By
adding an acidic stop solution, the process is stopped, and absorbance is
measured at 450 nm.
Prepare the Reagent
1- Before use, each and every reagent has to be brought to room
0200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Absorbance at
IL-2 Standard curve
Investigative Approaches 44
2- A 120 µ l of the standard (1280 ng/L) and 120 µ l of the standard diluent
were mixed to make a 640 ng /L stock standard solution. The solution was
allowed to stand for 15 minutes while being gently agitated before the
dilutions were made. The stock standard solution was progressively diluted
to create duplicate standard points. (640 ng /L) 1:2 with the standard diluent
to make solutions of 320 ng /L, 160 ng /L, 80 ng /L, and 40 ng/L. The
standard diluent supplies zero standards (0 ng /L). Whatever solution was
left over and frozen at -20°C. The following dilutions have been made to
the stated standard solutions:
Table 3.7: Preparation of the Human Interleukin 4 (IL-4) Standards
640 ng/l
Standard No.5
120μl Original Standard + 120μl Standard
320 ng/l
120μl Standard No.5 + 120μl Standard
160 ng/l
120μl Standard No.4 + 120μl Standard
80 ng/l
120μl Standard No.3 + 120μl Standard
40 ng/l
120μl Standard No.2 + 120μl Standard
Investigative Approaches 45
0 ng/l
120μl Standard Diluent
Figure 3.6: Dilution of the Human Interleukin 4 (IL-4) Standards
3- Wash Buffer preparation: The concentrated washing buffer 20 ml
diluted 25 times with distilled water to form a washing solution with a
volume of 500 ml.
Assay Procedure
1. The test is carried out at room temperature, with every reagent, standard,
and samples being ready for use as instructed.
2. It was decided how many test strips would be needed..
3. The standard well received an addition of 50 µl.
4.Along with 40µ l of the sample, 10µ l of anti-IL-4 antibody, and 50µl of
streptavidin, samples and standard wells were treated with streptavidin-
HRP. A sealer was used to seal the panel. At 37 °C, incubate for one hour.
5. The plate was rinsed with wash solution five times after the sealer was
taken off.
6. Each well got 50 µl for each of the substrates A and B. The plate was
incubated at 37°C for 10 minutes with a fresh sealer.
Investigative Approaches 46
7. As soon as 50µ l of Stop Solution were applied, each well became
8. Right away, ascertain the (OD value) of each well.
Construct the Standard Curve
The human IL-4 standard value has been verified on each standard vial,
which is how the standard curve is formed. This number might change to be
more . The absorbance for each IL-4 standard was plotted against the
standard concentrations (horizontal axis) to create the standard curve, and
the best curve has drowned.
Table 3.8: Standard concentration of the Human Interleukin 4 (IL-4)
Figure 3.7: The
Interleukin 4 (IL-4) standard curve
Standard concentration
Absorbance at (450 nm)
0200 400 600 800
Absorbd at 450
concentration ng/l
IL-4 standard curve
Investigative Approaches 47
3.3.3 Humoral Immunoassay Human Immunoglobulin E
Assay Principle
The plate has previously been pre-coated with the Human IgE antibody.
The antibodies that have been coated on the wells are promptly bound to by
the sample's IgE. The IgE in the serum is subsequently bound by an
additional biotinylated human IgE antibody. The biotinylated IgE antibody
is then bound by the addition of streptavidin-HRP. Unbound Streptavidin-
HRP is removed by washing after incubation. The concentration of human
IgE is then related to how color develops when the substrate solution is
present. After stopping the process using an acidic stop solution, absorbance
is measured at 450 nm.
Prepare the Reagent
1- All reagents must be room temperature prior to use.
2- A 1200 ng /l standard stock solution was created by combining 120 µl of
the standard (2400 ng /l) with 120 µl of the standard diluent. Give the
standard a gentle shake for a quarter hour before diluting. By effectively
diluting the standard stock solution (1200 ng/l) by 1:2 with the standard
diluent to obtain (600ng/l),( 300 ng /l), (150 ng /l), and( 75ng /l) solutions,
duplicate standard points may be produced. The 0 standard (0 ng /l) is a
typical diluent. At -20°C, the remaining solution was frozen. The following
were the suggested standard solution dilutions:
Investigative Approaches 48
Table 3.9: Preparation of the Human Immunoglobulin E(IgE)Standards
Standard No.5
120μl Original Standard + 120μl Standard
120μl Standard No.5 + 120μl Standard
120μl Standard No.4 + 120μl Standard
120μl Standard No.3 + 120μl Standard
120μl Standard No.2 + 120μl Standard
0 ng/ml
Standard No.0
120μl Standard Diluent
Figure 3.8: Dilution of the Human Immunoglobulin-E (IgE)
3- To create 500 ml of Wash Buffer, carefully blend 20m l of Wash Buffer
with 25 times the amount of deionized distilled water.
Assay Method
Investigative Approaches 49
1- Prior to use, all reagents, standard , and samples were prepared in
accordance with the directions. It was done to warm up the reactants. The
setting in which the experiment was carried out was temperature-neutral.
2- The number of strepss required for the test was determined, and the
remaining ones were returned and stored at a temperature between 2 to 8
3- A 50µl of standard prepared were added to the standard well.
4-The 40 μl of sample and 10 μl of anti-IgE antibody were added to the
sample wells and added 50 μl of streptavidin-HRP for the standard wells
and sample. The panel was covered by a sealant treatment before being
incubated for 1 hour at 37 °C.
5- The sealing cover was taken off after an hour of incubation, and the plate
was then washed with the ELISA washing machine five times.
6- A 50µ l of substrate solution A was given to each well, followed by 50 µl
of substrate solution B. The plate must be incubated at 37 degrees Celsius in
the dark for 10 minutes.
7- The color of each well will instantly change from blue to yellow when 50
µl of Stop Solution are added.
8- The microplate reader with a 450 nm setting read the plate within ten
minutes after adding the stop solution.
Construct the Standard Curve
The human IgE standard value has been verified on each standard vial,
which is how the standard curve is formed. This number could change more
and more . The absorbance for each IgE standard was plotted (vertical axis)
against the IgE standard concentrations (horizontal axis) to create the
standard curve, and the best curve drowned.
Investigative Approaches 50
Table 3.10:-
Concentration of Human Immunoglobulin E
Figure 3.9: Human Immunoglobulin E standard curve.
Standard concentration
Absorbance at (450 nm)
0100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Absorbent at
Concentration ng/ml
IgE Standard curve
Investigative Approaches 51
3.3.4 Statistical Analysis
SPSS Win software version 28 was used for data analysis and entered the
data into a Microsoft Excel worksheet. Determine the mean ,median
,minimum, maximum ,rang, Two-sample t-tests, ONE WAY ANOVA,
using Pearson correlation for data that were normally distributed, the
correlation between two continuous data sets was performed., findings from
the investigations, and outcomes between the children who had and did not
have a BCG scar and between vaccinated and nonvaccinated (Deeks and
Higgins, 2010).
Chapter Four
Results and Discussion
Results and Discussion 49
4. Results and Discussion
4.1 Scar fade
The development of scars following BCG is especially significant since
the presence of a scar on the left upper deltoid region may indicate adequate
BCG immunity throughout infancy. Among the infants who are vaccinated
immediately after their birth, there are those whose vaccination scars
disappear after a while or do not consist of the foundation, and this made it
difficult to know and distinguish whether these children were actually
vaccinated or not.
4.2 Scar size and age of children
Among those children who had been vaccinated with BCG (15 children)
by the intradermal method , the overall mean of the BCG scar size was( 4.7
mm).The age of about one year developed a mean scar size of 5.3 mm. While
that of about two years was with scar size mean 6.1 mm. Age range of 3-5
years have shown scar size means of 3-3.1mm.Therefore ,the scar size
decreased as the age increase up to five years old.Table-1.Figure 1.Simple
linear regression analysis has shown moderate inverse correlation between age
and scar size.
Table ( 4-1 ) ;Age range and scar size correlation
Age range in months
Mean scar size to the
nearest mm
No. of subjects
Results and Discussion 50
Figure (4.1): Relationship between (scar size) and the (age) of the children.
Study of (Gudjónsdóttir et al., 2016) indicated that the age had
caused the scar to fade, another study by (Kumar et al., 2005) indicated that
the BCG scar may deteriorate with time. Studies by (Tabatabaei & Hassan,
2019),(Storgaard et al., 2015) and (Kheir et al., 2011) , They also showed
that there is a large group of children who did not have scars after
On the other hand In a study by (Trollfors et al., 2021), the results of
which showed that the effectiveness of the vaccine is not affected by the
regression of the scar with age. Similar results by (Sarfraz et al., 2020)
reported that age or gender had no bearing on the formation of BCG scars.
4.3 Immunoassay Parameters
4.3.1 Macrophage migration inhibitory factor(MIF)
The Minimum MIF concentration for the nonscar subject were higher than
the control. While those scar subject were less than those nonscar.
3 3
010 20 30 40 50 60 70
Scar size mm
Age (month)
Results and Discussion 51
Vaccinated children had greater mean MIF than nonvaccinated children.
The maximum concentration was higher in vaccines than in nonvaccine
Table (4.2).
Table(4.2): Features between vaccinated children and nonvaccinated (control) in
Vaccinated children
MIF concentration (ng/ml)
Scar ( ng/ml)
No scar (ng/ml)
Table 4.3:Compare between vaccinated children and nonvaccinated (control) in
Mean ± S.E
MIF 6.454 ± 1.46 11.2±1.67
p-value 0.05*
* Significant
The difference between the vaccine and nonvaccine means was statistically
significant(p-value=0.05) at (p-value 0.05). This means that vaccinated
children have a much higher MIF level compared to unvaccinated children.
Results and Discussion 52
Table 4.4: Compare between vaccinated children with scar and without scar in
The difference between scars and non-scars was statistically non-
significant (p-value=0.4) at(p-value 0.05). This means that the level of
MIF of vaccinated people who have a scar and those who do not have it is
Table 4.5 :MIF Study population plot response
The MIF cytokine herd response plot was: low, Moderate, and high
response. The herd immune plot figure (4.2) ,(4.3) were of Gausion
distribution curve type .
Vaccination with scar
without scar
Mean ± S.E
MIF 9.483 ± 2.12 12.341 ± 2.47
p-value 0.4 NS
NS :Non Significant
Herd Response Scar( ng/ml) NO. Nonscar
( ng/ml) NO. Nonvaccinated
( ng/ml)
1. Low
0.3-4 4 0.945-5 5 0.865-3 5
2. Moderated
5-9 7 6-9 6 4-7 8
3. High
10-27 4 10-29 4 8-21 2
Results and Discussion 53
Figure( 4.2) : Normal Distribution of MIF concentration in non-vaccinated
children and vaccinated.
Figure (4.3) : Normal Distribution of MIF concentration in non-vaccinated
children ,scar and without scar.
These results are similar to the study by (Hecht et al., 2021),Following
BCG vaccination, increased MIF levels were observed. The process by
which the vaccination modifies macrophages role as a mediator of tissue
invasion and pain modulation is the cause of this.
Contrary to a study conducted by(Freyne et al., 2018) Where the results of
the study indicated that there was no effect of the BCG vaccine alone on the
level of MIF. As the rise in MIF was a result of infection or stress.
Number of children
MIF response ng/ml
Number of children
MIF response ng/ml
non scar
Results and Discussion 54
4.3.2 Interleukin 2 (IL-2)
The IL-2 cytokine means and maximum value BCG vaccine in table (4.6)
were higher than control .Scar BCG vaccine Minimum were higher than
control , nonscar BCG vaccine were lower than control.
Table 4.6 : Features of interleukin2 (IL-2) in both vaccinated and nonvaccinated
Table 4.7 : Compare between vaccinated children and nonvaccinated (control) in
The difference between the vaccine and nonvaccine means was statistically
significant (p-value=0.01) at(p-value 0.05). This means that the level of
IL-2 in vaccinated children is higher compared to unvaccinated children.
BCG Vaccinee
Il-2 concentration ng/l
No scar
Control Vaccination
Mean ± S.E
IL-2 562.61 ± 97.33 952.27±114.137
p-value 0.01*
Results and Discussion 55
Table(4-8):Compare between vaccinated children with scar and vaccinated
children without scar in IL-2
The distinction between scars and non-scars was statistically non-significant
(p-value=0.8) at the (p-value 0.05). This means that the level of IL-2 in
vaccinated children whether they have a scar or not, there is no difference.
Table 4.9:IL-2 Study population plot response.
The BCG vaccinated children IL-2 cytokine herd plot was of skewness type
while those of nonvaccinated was of Gaussian distribution plot type figure
(4.4), (4.5).
Vaccination with
Vaccination without scar
Mean ± S.E
IL-2 925.14± 147.8 980.0± 161.48
p-value 0.8 NS
NS: Non Significant
( ng/l)
Non scar
( ng/l)
( ng/l)
1.Low response
Results and Discussion 56
Figure 4.4 : Normal Distribution of IL-2 concentration in non-vaccinated children
and vaccinated..
Figure 4.5: Normal Distribution of IL-2 concentration in non-vaccinated children ,scar and
without scar.
Study in 2021 by (Bitencourt et al., 2021) this study indicated that IL-2
levels increased after vaccination. Another study by( Lalor et al., 2010 )
reveals the level of IL-2 was higher in vaccinated children than in
unvaccinated children. Which is similar , a study conducted in (Zajac et al.,
2016) indicated that IL-2 with other cytokines increased their response level
after vaccination with BCG vaccine, that their levels are higher compared to
the unvaccinated children.
Number of children
IL-2 response ng/l
Number of children
IL-2 response ng/l
Results and Discussion 57
4-3-3 Interleukin 4 (IL-4)
The minimum ,mean and maximum value of IL-4 cytokine in BCG
vaccinated children concentration in table (4.10) were higher than in
control children .The nonscar BCG IL-4 mean concentration was higher
than that of scar children .
Table 4.10: Features in Interleukin 4 (IL-4) in the vaccinated children and
Table 4.11 :Compare between vaccinated children and nonvaccinated (control) in
Nonvaccinated Vaccination
Mean ± S.E
IL-4 224.28 ± 41.45 356.72±44.199
p-value 0.03*
* Significant
The differences between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated were
significant statistical differences (P-value= 0.03) at (p-value 0.05). This
means that the level of IL-4 in vaccinated children is higher compared to
unvaccinated children.
BCG Vaccinated
IL-4 concentration ng/l
No scar
Results and Discussion 58
Table 4-12 : Compare between vaccinated children with scar and without scar in
The differences between the scar and nonscar, there were no statistically
significant differences (p-value= 0.6) at (p-value 0.05). This means that
the level of IL-4 in vaccinated children whether they have a scar or not,
there is no difference.
Table 4.13 :IL-4 Study population plot response
Herd Response
(ng/l) NO.
Without scar
( ng/l)
1.Low response
3.High response
The IL-4 herd responses were found as low ,moderated and high response
table (4.13).BCG vaccination children and nonvaccinated children were
Gaussian distribution type figure (4.6).Nonscar BCG vaccine children and
nonvaccinated were Gaussian distribution type plot ,while scar BCG vaccine
was skewness plot type figure (4.7).
Vaccination with
without scar
Mean ± S.E
IL-4 333.37± 65.52 380.08± 61.65
p-value 0.6 NS
NS : Non Significant
Results and Discussion 59
Figure 4.6: Normal Distribution of IL-4 concentration in non-vaccinated children
and vaccinated.
Figure (4-7): Normal distribution of IL-4 concentration in non-vaccinated children
,scar and without scar.
Study from a (Rook et al., 2004) suggested that the BCG vaccination
stimulates cells to secrete interleukin-4, and that some peripheral blood
mononuclear cells from healthy children immunized with BCG vaccine
release interleukin-4 in response to M. tuberculosis antigens. Previous
study by( Lalor et al., 2010) reveals the level of IL-4 was higher in
vaccinated children than in unvaccinated children. Study by (Jason et al.,
Number of children
IL-4 response ng/l
Number of children
IL-4 response ng/l
Results and Discussion 60
2002 reveals )that the scarring itself appeared to be linked to reduced
median proportions of lymphocytes producing induced IL-4, as opposed to
inflammation at the immunization site or the lack of a BCG-associated
lesion. Contrary to that .study by (Li et al., 2012) showed that IL-4 levels
decreased after BCG vaccination.
4-2-4 Immunoglobulin E(IgE)
The minimum IgE concentration for the control were higher than the
vaccinated . While those with subjected scar were low than the nonscar.
Vaccinated children had greater mean IgE concentrations than unvaccinated
children, but the scar have the lower mean than without scar . The
maximum concentration limit was higher in vaccinee than in nonvaccine
table (4.14).
Table 4.14 : Features between vaccinated children and nonvaccinated (control) in
Immunoglobulin E(IgE)
BCG Vaccinee
IgE Concentration ng/ml
No scar
88.56 93.40 184.40
538.75 672.15 382.83
1138.70 1138.40 1105.65
88.56-1138.40 93.40-1138.40 184.40-1105.65
Results and Discussion 61
Table 4.15 : compare between vaccination children and nonvaccinated (control) in
The difference between the vaccinated and nonvaccinated means was
statistically significant ( p-value =0.01) at (P ≤ 0.05). This means that the
level of IgE in vaccinated children is higher compared to unvaccinated
Table 4.16 :compare between vaccination children with scar and without scar in
The distinction between scar and non-scar was statistically non-
significant(p-value=0.3) at (P 0.05). This means that the level of IgE in
vaccinated children whether they have a scar or not, there is no difference in
the level.
The herd IgE response in BCG table (4.17) vaccine children was of lower,
moderated and high response .Herd IgE response plot of vaccine children
Mean ± S.E
IgE 382.8±60.11 605.45±62.23
p-value 0.01*
* Significant
Vaccination with
without scar
Mean ± S.E
IgE 538.75± 84.98 672.15± 102.48
p-value 0.3 NS
NS : Non Significant
Results and Discussion 62
and control were of Gaussian distribution curve figure (4.8).The scar BCG
vaccine IgE herd plot and nonvaccination were of Gaussian plot type .Non
scar BCG vaccine children was of skewness plot type figure (4.9).
Table 4.17: IgE Study population plot response
Figure 4.8: Normal Distribution of IgE concentration in normal non-vaccinated
children and normal vaccinated.
Figure 4.9: Normal distribution of IgE concentration in non-vaccinated children
,scar and without scar.
Herd Response Scar
( ng/ml)
Non scar
( ng/ml)
( ng/ml)
1.Low response 80-399 6 90-699 6 100-299 7
400-799 6 700-999 4 300-799 7
3.High response 800-1999 3 1000-1999 5 800-1999 1
6 6
7 7
IgE responce ng/ml
12 11
Number of children
IgE responce ng/ml
Results and Discussion 63
study by (Peleteiro et al., 2018) provide that A typical child's IgE
allergic responses increase after exposure to environmental allergens,
children who received the BCG vaccine elicited stronger IgE allergic
reactions. Study by (Carrasco et al., 2018) and (Ivanyi, 2014) provided that
the lower limits of IgE concentration in BCG-vaccinated subjects were
lower than those in kid subjects who had not received the vaccine. Based on
the possibility that the BCG antigenic epitopes contain a lower threshold
toleragenic epitope.
Opposite results found in a study by Krause et al 2003 found no
difference in total IgE levels between BCG-vaccinated and unvaccinated
children . The study of Giovanni et al 2002 provided that the total IgE and
allergen-specific IgE levels were significantly decreased after BCG
The herd immune plot of MIF ,IL-2 ,IL-4 and IgE herd immune response in
BCG vaccine children were of both Gaussian and skewness herd plot type
.These finding were in line with what have been reported in other human
infectious disease in this area( Shnawa, 2014) .
4.4 Correlation between immune parameters
4.4.1 Parameters correlation in vaccinated children with scar
The correlation between the parameters was examined and the results
showed a strong correlation between them as shown in table(4-18).
Whereas, IL-2 strongly binds with IL-4 (r=0.971), and with MIF
(r=0.952),also with IgE (r=0.914) . MIF strongly binds with IgE (r=0.858).
Results and Discussion 64
Table 4.18: Parameters correlation between Vaccinated children with scar
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
4-4-2 Parameters correlation in vaccinated children without scar
The correlation between the parameters in vaccinated children without scar
was examined and the results showed a strong correlation between them as
shown in table(4-19). Whereas, IL-2 strongly binds with IL-4 (r=0.808),
and with MIF (r=0.947),also with IgE (r=0.840) . MIF strongly binds with
IgE (r=0.870).
Table 4 .19: Parameters correlation between vaccinated children without scar
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
Results and Discussion 65
4-4-3 Parameters correlation in unvaccinated children
The correlation between the parameters in nonvaccinated children was
examined and the results showed some the correlation between parameters,
as seen in table(4-20). Whereas, IL-2 strongly binds with MIF (r=0.852).
IgE moderated binds with IL-4 (r=0.563).As for interleukin-2 and
interleukin-4, there was no correlation(r=0.303), as well as for IL-2 with
IgE (r= 0.320).
Table 4.20 : Parameters correlation between unvaccinated children
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
A considerable increase in the Th1/Th2-type cytokine ratio would be
predicted to be the greatest predictor of BCG vaccination-induced
protective immunity since Th1-type and Th2-type cytokines are cross-
regulatory and mutually inhibitory. BCG vaccination led to the production
of pro-inflammatory cytokines such IFN and TNF, which are known to
activate macrophages infected with M.tuberculosis , and IL-2, which
encourages the activation of Th1 cells and CD8 T cells. Both IL-2 and IL-4
were strongly and positively associated with each of the vaccinated
Results and Discussion 66
children, whether they had a scar or had no scar, and this indicates that the
immune response stimulated by the vaccine includes both cellular response
and humoral response. IgE was associated with a strong correlation in
vaccinated children, in contrast to unvaccinated children, its correlation was
moderate, and this indicates that the vaccine stimulates an allergic response
On the contrary, in unvaccinated children, there was no correlation between
Th1 and Th2 in terms of stimulating cytokines, as there was no correlation
between IL-2 and IL-4.
The cellular immune response to BCG vaccine and /or
M.tuberculosis pulmonary infection have been described as divergent
(Shnawa et al., 2022) . The findings show that higher and lower MIF ,IL-
2 ,IL-4 and IgE .Individual result curing both scar and nonscar being BCG
vaccine children . Hence both vaccine groups mounts cellular and IgE
responses to variable degrees.A situation that indicate a given child vaccine
mount BCG vaccine response whether produce scar then fade up or
produce scare and reserve its size to a variable degrees as age progressed.
Therefore it is an indirect proof from immune deviation or immune
divergence(Baha et al., 2019; Shnawa et al., 2020).
Chapter Five
Conclusions and
Conclusions and Recommendations 67
5. Conclusions And recommendations
5.1 eConclusions
1- e Results showed a moderate inverse relationship between the size of
the scar and the age of the child. That is, the older the child, the
smaller the diameter of the scar size.
2- Statistical results showed an increase in the level of MIF, IL-2 and
IL-4 in vaccinated healthy children compared to healthy
unvaccinated children, and this indicates that BCG induces a change
in the levels of cellular immunity of children after vaccination .The
BCG vaccine caused a greater change in IgE concentrations healthy
vaccinated children than in unvaccinated children, signifying a
condition of humoral immunological conversion caused by the BCG.
3- Children who have received BCG but have a scar from the vaccine
experience the same outcomes as non-scar. which were evaluated for
MIF, IL-2, IL-4, and IgE as well, the findings demonstrating that the
scar's existence or absence has been either associated or dissociated
with the child's immunity. This indicated the limits of divergence in
child cellular immune responses to BCG vaccines.
Conclusions and Recommendations 68
5.2 Recommendations
1- Investigate the subjects who have no scar formation at all after BCG
vaccination using the same study parameters.
2- Study the role of IL17 and IFN cytokine families in this experimental
3-Flow cytometeric determination studies for the role of T and B cells
using this experimental setting.
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Appendix 102
Appendix (1)
A questionnaire form used to collect information about children.
Place of birth
or absence
of scars
Date of
Child's health
8 month
City center
8 month
City center
First week
4 year
City center
First week
3 year
City center
After 2 days
head injury
3 year
city side
8 year
City center
Less than month
4 year
City center
In 2019
1 year
City center
First week
7 year
City center
After 10 days
10 year
City center
After 3 days
2 year
City center
First week
5 year
City center
First week
Appendix 103
Appendix 2
BCG vaccine used in Women's and Children's Hospital in Al-
Diwaniyah city.
Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine, often produces a surface scar
after proper administration. The size of the scar that developed is
frequently regarded as a sign of immunity. Lack of immune system
development, improper administration, and ineffective vaccines are a few
causes of scarring that don't develop. Recognition of these common
mycobacterial components improves the innate and adaptive immune
response against Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which is how BCG
protects against TB. The current study aims at determining the gross
manifestations and cellular immune response to the BCG vaccination scar
and scar fade up in children of various ages can help us determine how
much immunity children have against exposure to tuberculosis. This
alone is crucial for children's development and welfare.
Ninety children made up the test group in the current study. This study
was carried out in the period of "October 2021 to February 2022 " and the
Samples were collected from the Women's and Children's Hospital in Al-
Diwaniyah cite .The children who had inherited illnesses and concurrent
diseases were not a part of the study group. Among which 30 were
control (non-vaccinated),30 vaccinated without scar and 30 vaccinated
with scar.
The Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) assay was used to
measure the levels of cytokines represented by Macrophage Migration
Inhibitory Factor (MIF), Interleukin 2 (IL-2) and Interleukin 4 (IL-4), as
well as to measure the concentrations of Immunoglobulin E (IgE).
A plastic ruler was used to measure the size and dimensions of the
vaccine scar.
The results showed a moderate inverse relationship between age
and scar size. The present results also showed that the group of
vaccinated healthy children showed a higher response than the
healthy unvaccinated children at MIF (P = 0.05). Also, IL-4
showed an increase in response levels after vaccination (P=0.03).
As for the IL-2, it also witnessed a high rise in its levels after
vaccination, compared to healthy non-vaccinated children
(P=0.01). Also, in the level of IgE, the response level in the
vaccinated children was higher than that of the non-vaccinated
children (P=0.01). As for the vaccinated children and those who
were non scar vaccinated and those who were scar vaccinated
There were no significant differences, according to the findings :
"MIF (P = 0.4)", "IL-2" (P = 0.8) ,"IL-4" (P = 0.6) " IgE (P =
The study concluded that , The size of the scar decreases with the age
of the children . And that the vaccinated children showed an increase in
the levels of the cellular and IgE humoral immune response, and that
there was no statistical significant difference between the immunity of
the children who had the vaccine scar from others who did not have the
scar .
More than 90% of infants worldwide receive the (BCG) vaccine shortly after birth to protect them against
tuberculosis (TB). The vaccine was created by Bacille ,Calmette and Guerin, and it was given to people for
the first time in 1921. Only BCG protects against TB (Okafor et al., 2022). Its effectiveness against pulmonary
tuberculosis in adults is low and varies from 0 to 80% depending on a number of variables such geographic
location and prior exposure to environmental mycobacteria (Mangtani et al., 2014).
The live bacteria was used in the BCG vaccine have been weakened (attenuated) in order to boost the
immune system without harming healthy individuals(Covián et al., 2019).In nations with higher mortality
rates, BCG scarification has been linked to increased survival and a stronger immunological response in
children who have received the vaccine(Tabatabaei & Hassan, 2019). A scar that develops after immunization
with the vaccine is one of the distinctive signs of the effectiveness of the vaccine and a crucial signal of
immunity. The size of the resulting scar could be a useful gauge of the immune system's reaction to the BCG
immunization (Park et al., 2015).
Ibrahim M S Shnawa
Professor Emeritus Doctor, College of Biotechnology
University of Qasim And Hilla University College,
Babylon Province/IRAQ.
Tiba Ahmed Karim
MSC Medical Biotechnology,
Diwanyah Teaching Hospital
Diawnyah Board of Health,ALQadisyah Province/IRAQ.
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Full-text available
Tuberculosis has affected humankind for thousands of years, but a deeper understanding of its cause and transmission only arose after Robert Koch discovered Mycobacterium tuberculosis in 1882. Valuable insight has been gained since, but the accumulation of knowledge has been frustratingly slow and incomplete for a pathogen that remains the number one infectious disease killer on the planet. Contrast that to the rapid progress that has been made in our understanding SARS-CoV-2 (the cause of COVID-19) aerobiology and transmission. In this Review, we discuss important historical and contemporary insights into M. tuberculosis transmission. Historical insights describing the principles of aerosol transmission, as well as relevant pathogen, host and environment factors are described. Furthermore, novel insights into asymptomatic and subclinical tuberculosis, and the potential role this may play in population-level transmission is discussed. Progress towards understanding the full spectrum of M. tuberculosis transmission in high-burden settings has been hampered by sub-optimal diagnostic tools, limited basic science exploration and inadequate study designs. We propose that, as a tuberculosis field, we must learn from and capitalize on the novel insights and methods that have been developed to investigate SARS-CoV-2 transmission to limit ongoing tuberculosis transmission, which sustains the global pandemic.
Full-text available
Background: Several large-scale studies suggest that Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccination in early childhood may reduce the risk of atopic diseases, but the findings remain controversial. Here, we aimed to investigate the potential correlation between early childhood BCG vaccination and the risk of developing atopic diseases. Methods: Eligible studies published on PubMed, EMBASE, and Cochrane CENTRAL were systematically sourced from 1950 to July 2021. Studies with over 100 participants and focusing on the association between BCG vaccine and atopic diseases including eczema, asthma, and rhinitis were included. Preliminary assessment of methods, interventions, outcomes, and study quality was performed by two independent investigators. Odds ratio (OR) with 95% confidence interval (CI) was calculated. Random effects of the meta-analysis were performed to define pooled estimates of the effects. Results: Twenty studies with a total of 222,928 participants were selected. The quantitative analysis revealed that administering BCG vaccine in early childhood reduced the risk of developing asthma significantly (OR 0.77, 95% CI 0.63 to 0.93), indicating a protective efficacy of 23% against asthma development among vaccinated children. However, early administration of BCG vaccine did not significantly reduce the risk of developing eczema (OR 0.94, 95% CI 0.76 to 1.16) and rhinitis (OR 0.99, 95% CI 0.81 to 1.21). Further analysis revealed that the effect of BCG vaccination on asthma prevalence was significant especially in developed countries (OR 0.73, 95% CI 0.58 to 0.92). Conclusion: BCG vaccination in early childhood is associated with reduced risk of atopic disease, especially in developed countries.
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In a series of 30 SARS-COV-2 infected patients whom clinically proven as severe pulmonary infection form. These were found with male/female ratio of 1:1. The age range of below 50years old account for 60% and those of above 50 years old constitute the remaining 40%. They were the residents of Merjan Teaching Hospital/ Babylon Province/Iraq, to the period of March to April 2021 and primary screen by PCR for Sars-cov-2 RNA genes, in public health central laboratory found to be positive. The over- all laboratory investigation were; D –dimer, Ferritin, LDH, acute phase reactant C, and IL6.LDH was tempted to probe the immune mediated pulmonary tissue injury (367.48 U/L.), ferritin response may indicate hemolytic and acute phase reactant expressed as hyper-inflammation (331.1 ng/L.). |The D-dimer shed a light on the fibrino-lytic responses (6049 ng/L.) post to the immune-thrombotic overreactions, where IL6 levels give a clue to the state of hyper-cytokinemia (171.92 pg/L.). The overall immune status of these patients was as; Hyper-inflammatory and immune overreaction. The inflammatory and immune herd plots were of skewed distribution types.
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Objectives The aims of the present study were to determine the prevalence of LTBI in immigrant children and adolescents (0-17 years) living in or recently coming to Sweden and to estimate the effectiveness of BCG against latent TB (LTBI) in immigrant children coming to Sweden from high-incidence countries, most of them asylum seekers. LTBI was defined as positive Quantiferon or in small children from whom it was difficult to get 3 mL of blood as a tuberculin skin test (TST) of ≥ 10 mm. Design As a substitute for written documentation of BCG vaccination a typical BCG scar was used. The study comprised 1,404 immigrants aged 0-17 years. The arms and legs of all of them were inspected for a BCG scar and Quantiferon or TST was performed. The study was a retrospective, observational, comparative cohort study. Results LTBI was found in 123 of 1011 (12%) children with a BCG scar and in 116 of 393 (29.5 %) without a BCG scar giving an estimated vaccine effectiveness of 59 %. Conclusions LTBI is common among immigrant children (17 %). LTBI can progress to active TB and will then spread in the immigrant population and to the general population if all arrivals are not tested and given prophylactic treatment if they have LTBI. The BCG vaccine has a significant effect on LTBI (59 %).
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Immunoglobulins are glycoproteins which are produced as membrane-bound receptors on B-cells or in a secreted form, known as antibodies. In teleosts, three immunoglobulin isotypes, IgM, IgT, and IgD, are present, each comprising two identical heavy and two identical light polypeptide chains. The basic mechanisms for generation of immunoglobulin diversity are similar in teleosts and higher vertebrates. The B-cell pre-immune repertoire is diversified by VDJ recombination, junctional flexibility, addition of nucleotides, and combinatorial association of light and heavy chains, while the post-immune repertoire undergoes somatic hypermutation during clonal expansion. Typically, the teleost immunoglobulin heavy chain gene complex has a modified translocon arrangement where the Dτ–Jτ–Cτ cluster of IgT is generally located between the variable heavy chain (VH) region and the Dμ/δ–Jμ/δ–Cμ–Cδ gene segments, or within the set of VH gene segments. However, multiple genome duplication and deletion events and loss of some individual genes through evolution has complicated the IgH gene organization. The IgH gene arrangement allows the expression of either IgT or IgM/IgD. Alternative splicing is responsible for the regulation of IgM/IgD expression and the secreted versus transmembrane forms of IgT, IgD, and IgM. The overall structure of IgM and IgT is usually conserved across species, whereas IgD has a large variety of structures. IgM is the main effector molecule in both systemic and mucosal immunity and shows a broad range of concentrations in different teleost species. Although IgM is usually present in higher concentrations under normal conditions, IgT is considered the main mucosal Ig.
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As the number of infections and mortalities from the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic continues to rise, the development of an effective therapy against COVID-19 becomes ever more urgent. A few reports showing a positive correlation between BCG vaccination and reduced COVID-19 mortality have ushered in some hope. BCG has been suggested to confer a broad level of nonspecific protection against several pathogens, mainly via eliciting "trained immunity" in innate immune cells. Secondly, BCG has also been proven to provide benefits in autoimmune diseases by inducing tolerogenicity. Being an acute inflammatory disease, COVID-19 requires a therapy that induces early priming of anti-viral immune responses and regulates aberrant hyperactivity of innate-immune cells. Here, we hypothesize that BCG can offer reliable spatiotemporal protection from COVID-19 by triggering trained immunity and tolerogenesis, through multiple cellular pathways. We propose further research on BCG-mediated immunoprotection, especially in vulnerable individuals, as a strategy to halt the progress of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Also see the video abstract here
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Neonatal and infant immunity differs from that of adults in both the innate and adaptive arms, which are critical contributors to immune-mediated clearance of infection and memory responses elicited during vaccination. The tuberculosis (TB) research community has openly admitted to a vacuum of knowledge about neonatal and infant immune responses to Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) infection, especially in the functional and phenotypic attributes of memory T cell responses elicited by the only available vaccine for TB, the Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine. Although BCG vaccination has variable efficacy in preventing pulmonary TB during adolescence and adulthood, 80% of endemic TB countries still administer BCG at birth because it has a good safety profile and protects children from severe forms of TB. As such, new vaccines must work in conjunction with BCG at birth and, thus, it is essential to understand how BCG shapes the immune system during the first months of life. However, many aspects of the neonatal and infant immune response elicited by vaccination with BCG remain unknown, as only a handful of studies have followed BCG responses in infants. Furthermore, most animal models currently used to study TB vaccine candidates rely on adult-aged animals. This presents unique challenges when transitioning to human trials in neonates or infants. In this Review, we focus on vaccine development in the field of TB and compare the relative utility of animal models used thus far to study neonatal and infant immunity. We encourage the development of neonatal animal models for TB, especially the use of pigs.
Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG), a vaccine intended to protect against tuberculosis disease, can elicit protection against heterologous infections, and even specific types of cancer. In this mini-review, we will address the possible use of BCG as a therapeutic for endometriosis, a syndrome of chronic pelvic pain due to ectopic growth of endometrial-type tissue outside of the uterine lining. These implanted tissues cycle synchronously with menses in pre-menopausal women, generating cellular debris inciting chronic inflammation and tissue scarring leading to pelvic pain and infertility. Further, these lesions may evolve into ovarian clear cell carcinoma. We hypothesize that implantation, survival and transformation of these implants is enabled by a form of immune suppression within the peritoneum, which may be overcome by BCG vaccination.
In recent years, the century‐old Mycobacterium bovis Bacillus Calmette–Guérin (BCG) vaccine against tuberculosis (TB) has been re‐evaluated for its capacity to stem the global tide of TB. There is increasing evidence that the efficacy of BCG can be improved by the modified administration methods and schedules. Here, we first discuss recent approaches of vaccine administration, revaccination or boosting that have been used to try to improve the efficacy of BCG against TB. We then dive deeper into studies investigating the immune correlates of protection and describe studies that have investigated BCG‐specific T‐cell responses and the influence of environmental exposures. These studies all highlight that there is still a lot to learn about the immune response induced by BCG, both in terms of phenotype and specificity, which has been surprisingly understudied. We argue that several critical gaps in knowledge exist and must be addressed by future research to rationally improve the efficacy of BCG, including comprehensive, proteome‐wide understanding of the epitopes derived from BCG recognized by BCG‐vaccinated individuals, the phenotype of responding antigen‐specific T cells and how previous exposure to environmental mycobacteria affect these parameters and thus influence vaccine efficacy. The development of modern techniques allows us to answer some of these questions to better understand how BCG works in terms of both protection against TB and the immune response that it triggers. Abstract