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Digital Transformation and its Impact on Operational Efficiency and Competitive Advantage in Islamic Banks



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979-8-3503-3564-4/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE
Digital Transformation and its Impact on
Operational Efficiency and Competitive Advantage
in Islamic Banks
Maha Shehadeh
Finance and Banking Science
Applied Science Private University
Amman, Jordan
Abeer F. Alkhwaldi
Department of Management
Information Systems
Mutah University
Karak, Jordan
Dmaithan almajali
Management information system
Applied Science Private University
Amman, Jordan
Anwar S. Al-Gasaymeh
Finance and Banking Science
Applied Science Private University
Amman, Jordan
Ibrahim A. Abu-AlSondos
College of Computer Information
American University in the Emirates
Dubai, UAE
Abstract This study aimed to identify the impact of digital
transformation on Islamic banks operating in Jordan by using the
descriptive analytical method. Primary data were obtained
through a questionnaire and distributed to the study sample, which
consisted of 68 employees of 4 Islamic banks operating in Jordan.
The structural equation model was used in the process of testing
the study hypotheses. We obtained a number of results, the most
important of which is the presence of a statistically significant
effect at the significance level (α ≤ 0.05) of digital transformation
in Islamic banks operating in Jordan in relation to operational
efficiency and competitive advantage. We recommend that Islamic
banks need to develop a strategy for digital transformation aimed
at innovation and competition, without prejudice to the controls of
Islamic finance. There is a need to focus on managing the risks
associated with digital transformation, as well as treating the risks
associated with modern technologies, especially those that
threaten Islamic banks and financial stability.
Keywords— Digital transformation, SEM, operational
efficiency, competitive advantage.
The global spread of digital technologies and rapid digital
transformation affect all industries [1],[2], [3], [4]. Hence, we
need to understand responses towards changes caused by
digital technology, and the use of opportunities presented by
digital transformation, to achieve financial success [2], [5].
Notably, digital transformation is not just about innovative
technologies [6] [ 7]. Furthermore, it is impossible to fully
benefit from digital transformation using just common
processes and sporadic digital updates [8],[9]. In fact,
strategic and continuous endeavors are vital for digital
transformation, which comprise a wide array of digital
transformation settings [10],[11]. For firms, in order to
remain in business and generate financial success through
digital transformation, strategic approaches must be used in
the determination of vital elements for digital transformation
[12] [2].
Strategic approaches have often been explored through
technology usage, value creation changes, structural changes,
and financial aspects as primary measures [13]. Clearly,
digital transformation has immense potential, and yet,
companies still fail to achieve financial success through
digital transformation owing to their insufficient knowledge
of it. Hence, to gain sought after financial benefits, companies
need to upgrade their knowledge of digital transformation
(i.e., net profit and operating profit) [1],[2].
Companies involved in digital transformation appear to
lack the knowledge required to determine the most
appropriate strategic options, causing them to fail in reaching
financial success [6]; [14]. As such, in this study we explore
the concepts of strategic management and digital
transformation to establish the most appropriate guidelines
for determining the antecedents of digital transformation, and
ways to employ them to gain financial success.
In light of the digital economy and the global trend toward
digital transformation, Islamic banks feel pressure from
customers and competitors to digitize their services. This has
made Islamic banks adopt a digital transformation strategy
through the employment and use of modern digital
technologies. Therefore, the problem of this study lies in its
attempt to answer the following question: what is the impact
of digital transformation on working Islamic banks in Jordan?
In order to answer this question, our study aims to identify
the nature of digital transformation in Islamic banks. The
study is concerned with identifying the impact of digital
transformation on Islamic banks working in Jordan.
Furthermore, this study is significant in that it discusses
an important topic related to the banking sector in the digital
revolution era, which is the shift from the traditional era to
the digital era, and its effects on the Islamic banking sector.
It has been realized that digital transformation is a growing
global trend of interest to governments and banks. It is also
an effective way of reducing costs, investing time, and
developing banks. Another practical significance is that this
study focuses on the problems of Jordanian Islamic banks in
the digital transformation; therefore, a set of
recommendations, which contribute to achieving digital
leadership for these banks, is suggested [25], [26].
2023 International Conference on Business Analytics for Technology and Security (ICBATS) | 979-8-3503-3564-4/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICBATS57792.2023.10111266
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Digital transformation clearly presents various prospects
for companies, and yet, many companies fail in
accomplishing expected outcomes [15]. Successful initiatives
of digital transformation can result in financial success [16],
but the high rate of failure demonstrates that companies do
not adequately understand the concept of digital
transformation [1],[2], [17]. Indeed, compared to other forms
of transformation, digital transformation is complex [1],
because ascertaining the path and destination of digital
transformation from the get-go is almost impossible,
especially in this erratic digital economy [18]. Still, business
leaders must be swift in addressing unanticipated changes
(e.g., technology development) amidst indecisions and high
risks, because waiting until a big crisis occurs may
completely impede recovery [18]. As such, companies may
not gain the full benefits of digital transformation with only
sporadic digital upgrades and changes in common processes
In an extremely erratic digital economy, strategy
development and execution, which traditionally employ a
linear process, are gradually replaced by an iterative process
whereby the strategy is developed and amended via
implementation [18-22]. As a comparison, the traditional
linear approach is appropriate when the environment is
stable, the path is already determined, and the results are
standardized. However, digital transformation environments
are extremely uncertain and risky. In such environments,
changes are frequent and swift, the destination and path
change instantaneously, and companies should adopt iterative
processes and frequently and continuously renew strategic
plans [22-25].
In this regard, digital transformation is important as it
facilitates the formation of strategic guidelines in the
selection, construction, and implementation of successful
initiatives [26-30].
Interconnections among dimensions and related
constructs need to be ascertained [31-35]. Moreover, the use
and outcomes of digital transformation are very much
affected by those persons and organizations using technology
and the technology itself; therefore, digital ecosystem
coordination and digital architecture configuration seem
more applicable within the digital product and digital services
architecture [36-42].
Based on the questions and the objectives of this study,
the following hypotheses were formulated:
The main hypothesis: There is no statistically significant
effect at the significance level 0.05) on digital
transformation at Islamic banks operating in Jordan.
The following sub-hypotheses are drawn from the main
The first sub-hypothesis: There is no statistically
significant effect at the significance level (α ≤ 0.05) of digital
transformation on operational efficiency at Islamic banks
operating in Jordan.
The second sub-hypothesis: There is no statistically
significant effect at the significance level (α ≤ 0.05) of digital
transformation on competitive advantage at Islamic banks
operating in Jordan.
Based on the research questions and hypotheses that we
previously referred to, the following study model was
designed (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. Research model.
The researchers applied the descriptive analytical
approach as it is the most appropriate to achieve the
objectives of this study. In order to test the hypotheses and
achieve the objectives of the study, we administered and
statistically analyzed the data.
A. The Population and Sample of the Study
The population of the study represents all the Islamic
banks operating in Jordan, which include four banks, namely:
Jordan Islamic Bank, Islamic International Arab Bank, Al-
Rajhi Bank, and Safwa Islamic Bank. The sample of the study
consists of employees who have sufficient knowledge about
the digital transformation strategy in Islamic banks,
specifically the employees of the main offices at the
Jordanian Islamic banks working in Amman. A total of 120
questionnaires were distributed to the study sample at a rate
of 30 questionnaires to each bank, from which 80
questionnaires were retrieved with a rate of 66.66% of the
number of questionnaires that were distributed. Twelve
questionnaires were excluded for not being fully filled out
and not being filled out as they should be. Furthermore, 68
questionnaires were also analyzed at a rate of 56.66% of the
number of questionnaires that were distributed. Table 1
below shows the distribution process of the questionnaires.
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Table 1. Number of questionnaires distributed, retrieved, and analyzed.
B. Data Collection
In order to achieve the objectives of the study and test its
hypotheses, the data collection process was based on two
types of data:
1. Secondary data: the researchers used secondary data
in order to address the theoretical framework of the
2. Primary data: the researchers collected a set of
primary data by using the questionnaire, which was the
main instrument for the study in order to address the
analytical aspects of the study topic. The questionnaire,
which was designed based on the 5-point Likert scale,
was administered and designed by the researchers for the
purpose of the study, and then distributed to the study
sample, which included the employees of the Islamic
banks operating in Jordan. The researchers used
evaluation items in order to determine the responses of
the study sample to the questions that were specified in
the questionnaire. Then, the collected data were analyzed
by using the SPSS program (19.0) in order to calculate
the number of ratios and use appropriate statistical tests,
so that valuable indications and indicators supporting the
study topic could be reached. The questionnaire items
were distributed to all study variables in order to clarify
the main objective of the study.
C. Demographic and Functional Characteristics of the
Study Sample
In order to analyze the results of the study, the researchers
reviewed the demographic characteristics of the population,
through a detailed description of the study sample
characteristics, based on their responses to the items
mentioned in the questionnaire within the personal and
general data item, as shown below (Table 2).
Table 2. Demographic and functional characteristics of
the study sample.
Percentage % Repetition Description
70.6% 48 Male
29.4% 20 Female
100% 68 Total
26.5% 18 20–less than 35 years
47.1% 32 35–less than 50
26.5% 18 50 years and more
100% 68 Total
16.2% 11 Diploma
80.9% 55 BA
0 0 MA
2.9% 2 PhD
100% 68 Total
11.8% 8 1–5 years
8.8% 6 6–10 years
47.1% 32 11–15
32.4% 22 More than 15 years
100% 68 Total
14.7% 10 Jordanian Islamic Bank
Islamic International Arab
11.8% 8 Safwa Islamic Bank
16.2% 11 Al-Rajhi Bank
100% 68 Total
Table 2 shows that 70% of the study sample respondents
are males and about 29% are females, and that the majority
of the sample respondents belong to the age group from 35 to
less than 50; their number reached 32 at 47.1%. Other age
groups were 20–less than 35 years and 50 years and over,
whose number is 18 at 26.5%. Holders of a bachelor degree
represent the majority of the sample, which indicates that the
sample has the appropriate qualification that enables them to
understand the questionnaire and respond well to it. Their
number reached 55 respondents, representing 80.9% of the
total sample, while the number of those holding a diploma
was 11 among the sample members, representing 16.2% of
the total sample. The number of PhD holders is only 2, which
is 2.9% of the total sample respondents.
The table shows the results, which indicate that the
highest percentage of respondents who have experience of
11–15 years was 47.1% (32 respondents), followed by those
with more than 15 years of experience at 32.4% (22
respondents). There were 8 respondents whose experience
was from 1–5 years, at a rate of 11.8%. Finally, there were 6
respondents with 6–10 years of experience, at a rate of 8.8%.
In addition, the majority of the population (39 respondents)
is from the Islamic International Arab Bank at 57.4%,
followed by 11 from Al Rajhi Bank, at 16.2% of the
population. Then comes the Jordan Islamic Bank (10
respondents), respresenting 14.7% of the population. Finally,
Safwa Islamic Bank (8 respondents), represented 11.8%.
D. Measures
The survey questions were modified versions of those
from other studies. All items, with the exception of those in
the demographic section, were provided with a 5-point Likert
scale. Specifically, five items represented digital
transformation and those items were obtained from Sousa-
Zome [1]; five items represented operational efficiency and
those items were obtained from Kindermann [15]; five items
Study Sample
Total Questionnaires
No. The percentage of questionnaires
120 100 %
questionnaires 80 66.66 %
questionnaires 40 33.33 %
questionnaires 68 56.66 %
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represented competitive advantage and those items were
obtained from Sigalas [21].
E. Data Analysis
Table III displays the findings of factor loadings,
Cronbach's alpha, composite reliability (CR), average
variance extracted (AVE), and the heterotrait-monotrait
(HTMT) ratio. As can be seen, the loading and Cronbach's
alpha values fell within the suggested range of 0.89 to 0.94;
the CR values exceeded the recommended value of 0.70 (0.79
to 0.93); the AVE values exceeded the cut-off value of 0.50
(0.56–0.71) [22].
All of these criteria supported the first-order constructs'
validity and dependability. Table 4 displays the outcomes of
[23] Larcker's criterion evaluation. The findings in Tables 3
and 4 demonstrate that all values obtained met the suggested
criteria. Consequently, as indicated in Table 5, the measuring
model for the investigation is accurate [37].
Table 3. Factor loading, Cronbach’s alpha, CR, AVE, and
Table 4. The Fornell–Larcker discriminant validity
correlation matrix.
DT 0.812
OF 0.444 0.901
CA 0.531 0.235 0.814
F. Assessment of Measurement Model
Maximum probability (ML) is a regularly used
estimation technique for concurrent model parameter
estimation. ML is suitable for small sample sizes (100 to
200), making it suitable for the dataset used in this study.
Table 5. Fit indices for measurement and structural
Latent Variable
Indicator Code
Reliability & Validity
Convergent Validity Internal Consistency Reliability Discriminant
Factor Loadings
Average Variance
Reliability HTMT
Loading > 0.50 AVE ≥ 0.50 α ≥ 0.70 CR ≥ 0.70 HTMT < 0.90
Digital transformation
DT1 0.711
0.711 0.90 0.79 Yes
DT2 0.511
DT3 0.610
DT4 0.522
DT5 0.505
OE1 0.518
0.568 0.94 0.93 Yes
OE 2 0.522
OE 3 0.566
OE4 0.615
OE5 0.509
CA1 0.633
0.712 0.89 0.81 Yes
CA 2 0.699
CA 3 0.645
CA4 0.561
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Quality of
fit measure
x2/df 2 to 5 1.61 4.1
AGFI 0.80 to 0.90 0.51 0.83
GFI 0.80 to 0.90 0.66 0.81
CFI 0.80 to 0.90 0.71 0.90
TLI 0.80 to 0.90 0.57 0.88
IFI 0.80 to 0.90 0.61 0.82
NFI 0.80 to 0.90 0.55 0.91
RMSEA 0.05 to 0.08 0.033 0.070
Table 6 presents the outcomes of the hypothesis testing
(path coefficients-β), and all were supported. In general, the
results showed that digital transformation had significant
impacts on operational efficiency and competitive advantage.
Table 6. Results of the hypothesis testing.
Based on the results of this study, the researchers
concluded the following:
1. It was found that there is a statistically significant effect
at the significance level 0.05) of digital transformation
in Islamic banks operating in Jordan on operational efficiency
and competitive advantage.
2. Digitization, and hence digital transformation, have
become a reality in the global order. Jordanian Islamic banks
are advised to keep pace with it and deal with it, as it has
become an inevitable matter and a strategic necessity because
of its positive impact on the performance of these banks.
3. Digital banking has become a modern alternative to
banks in their traditional form, and banks cannot remain as
they are if they want to continue; rather, they are required to
use technology at the core of their business. Besides, in order
to be able to continue to exist in the arena of local and global
competition, they must keep abreast of developments by
maintaining the changing demands of the customers and
requirements of the time, as improving the customer
experience is the key to success in this digital age.
4. In order for Islamic banks to achieve the desired goals,
they must adopt a digital transformation strategy and focus
on customers and innovation in the Islamic finance system.
The future of Islamic banks depends on their efficiency in
developing and inventing new techniques that suit the
generation of this age, and not only finding an alternative to
conventional interest rate-based financing.
A. Theoretical implications
Nasiri,[16] among others, asked for additional research to
clarify how digital transformation affects a company's
financial success. Theoretically, this study advances the
understanding of organizational-level digital transformation
by exposing its antecedents, which can have an impact on
financial businesses success. The results show that taking
advantage of digital transformation calls for a comprehensive
understanding of a variety of antecedents.
B. Managerial implications
Managers should keep in mind that applying digital
transformation to too many emerging business areas at once
could risk control of the company and have no positive effect
on its bottom line. This strategy may occasionally even result
in lower profits. Instead, when digitalizing a business,
managers should emphasize selectivity and the necessity for
a clear vision when choosing a domain and scope. This entails
creating a continual adoption process for digital technology
that is both deliberate and reliable. In order to determine their
current importance and position and to make strategic
decisions that promote financial success, managers must
analyze these components concurrently and collectively.
C. Limitations and further research
Only results from major organizations are included in this
study; thus, additional study is needed to determine whether
they also apply to smaller businesses. For instance, even
though digital transformation had negative consequences for
big businesses, things could be far worse for smaller
businesses. Therefore, further research should offer
suggestions for the planning and organizing required for
small businesses going through a digital transformation.
Additionally, more investigation should be conducted to
determine how other independent variables interact with one
another to affect different performance outcomes. This would
make it possible to learn more about how different digital
transformation profiles contribute to improved performance
by contrasting them. Finally, these findings might contribute
to dual orientation literature, such as [24], which manages the
paradoxes and difficulties of digital transformation.
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... Digitization and digitalization are stages or parts of the process of digital transformation. Digital transformation covers all aspects of business, and its application is not only about utilizing technology, including human resources (Kitsios et al., 2021;Shehadeh et al., 2023). Digitalization refers to using digital technology and data to increase business income and create new digital habits (George & Paul, 2020;Kliestik et al., 2021;Shehadeh et al., 2023). ...
... Digital transformation covers all aspects of business, and its application is not only about utilizing technology, including human resources (Kitsios et al., 2021;Shehadeh et al., 2023). Digitalization refers to using digital technology and data to increase business income and create new digital habits (George & Paul, 2020;Kliestik et al., 2021;Shehadeh et al., 2023). ...
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This study aims to determine the effect of banking digitalization service quality on customer loyalty of Islamic banks in Surakarta city. This type of research is quantitative research with a sample of 100 bank customers who use Islamic bank digital services, using primary data obtained through direct distribution of a questionnaire with a Likert scale, the data is processed using multiple linear regression analysis. The research proves that efficiency, reliability, fulfillment, privacy, responsiveness has no significant effect on customer retention in using bank digital services, as evidenced by the statistical value of each variable, namely 0.763, 0.727, 0.083, 0.225, 0.093 greater than 0.05. Contact has a positive and significant effect on customer retention in the use of digital banking services with a statistical value of 0.012 less than 0.05. This research has implications for strengthening strategies and services in the use of digital FinTech by Islamic banks in Indonesia
... • Sustainability: Sustainability refers to the ability of a system or practice to endure over time while minimizing effects on the environment, society, and the economy [14]. ...
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This research paper discusses into exploring how IoT plays a role in driving sustainable digital transformation. IoT is about technologies and devices that come equipped with sensors, software and connectivity enabling the collection, analysis, and exchange of data. This data driven approach implications for enhancing social and environmental sustainability while increasing productivity and efficiency. The paper investigates applications of IoT that have the potential to promote sustainability across sectors. It also examines the challenges and complexities that need to be addressed to fully leverage the potential of IoT for transformation. Through our research efforts in this field the aim is to provide an understanding of where IoT stands today concerning sustainability. The goal is to offer insights, into how technology can drive environmental and economic outcomes.
... The ideal value of VIF is zero, while a value of 0 to less than 5 is considered as moderate. If the VIF is greater than 10, this indicates that the independent variable has a multiplicity problem [17], [18] We've got the VIF in Table 1, which is a way of measuring how much of a connection there is between different variables in a set of regression. Basically, it's the difference between how much of each variable the total model has and how much of the model has only one of them. ...
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between Bahrain's most significant banks' performance and their amount of investment in IPRICI. The study's objective is to create a model that shows how the degree of ICI, operational, financial, and market performance are related to each other. This suggests Bahrain's Islamic banks play a major role in the country's shift from a rent-based to a knowledge-based economy. ramifications The study's findings demonstrate that, although intellectual capital investments have a positive impact on Bahraini banks' market and financial performance, they have no negative impact on the operational efficiency of these banks. This research highlights the need of investing in intellectual capital for the long-term development of the Islamic banking sector while shedding light on Bahrain's unique conditions. This study adds to the body of knowledge regarding ICI and its impact on Bahrain's Islamic banks' operations. It looks at a big dataset and uses a model to get a better understanding of how ICI can help Islamic banks stay afloat.
... Aligning with national strategies such as the National Digital Transformation Strategy 2021-2025 and the National Electronic Payments Strategy 2023-2025, the CBJ has focused on enhancing digital infrastructures, promoting electronic payments and supporting financial inclusion. These efforts demonstrate Jordan's commitment to digital transformation and innovation, crucial for economic growth and the modernization of government operations (Shehadeh et al., 2023a;Central Bank of Jordan, 2023). ...
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Purpose This study aims to analyze the impact of digital transformation on firm performance within the banking sector, specifically focusing on the Amman Stock Exchange (ASE)-listed banks from 2015 to 2022. Additionally, it explores the influence of gender dynamics on the implementation and outcomes of these digital transformation initiatives. Design/methodology/approach The study adopts a robust empirical approach, using manual content analysis of annual reports from ASE-listed banks. The Digital Transformation Disclosure Index (DTDI) is used to assess the extent and nature of digital transformation initiatives within these banks. The methodology is designed to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the correlation between digital transformation efforts, firm performance and gender dynamics. Findings The research reveals that digital transformation initiatives have a significant positive impact on the performance of ASE-listed banks. It also uncovers nuanced insights into the role of gender dynamics, indicating that gender diversity within firms influences the adoption and success of digital transformation strategies in complex ways. Research limitations/implications The findings of this study contribute to the understanding of digital transformation in the banking sector, offering empirical evidence on its benefits for firm performance. Additionally, the study illuminates the intricate role of gender dynamics in digital transformation, providing a new perspective on organizational diversity within the context of technological change. Originality/value This research pioneers in academically linking digital transformation and gender dynamics within the banking sector, addressing a notable gap and introducing a fresh academic perspective. Practically, it equips banking executives and policymakers with actionable insights for gender-inclusive digital strategies, crucial for enhanced firm performance. Methodologically, the study sets a benchmark in research innovation, using the DTDI to offer a replicable model for future investigations in this evolving field.
Subject. This article focuses on the issues of evolutionary neural network modeling of the impact of digital technologies on economic development. Objectives. The article aims to study evolutionary neural network modeling of the impact of digital technologies on the economic development of the regions of Russia. The article also aims to identify regions that are leaders where the impact is positive and significant, as well as regions with prospects for such positive influence. Results. The article presents the author-developed methodology for evolutionary neural network modeling of the impact of digital technologies on the economic development of regions. Conclusions and Relevance. The results obtained can be useful for government agencies to plan digitalization processes in regions mentioned. Investors can also use these results to choose the area of capital investment of their funds.
Purpose This article aims to extend the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model to understand the factors affecting the usage behavior of Blockchain from accountants' and auditors’ perspectives and its impact on their performance. Design/methodology/approach A quantitative research approach employing a web-based questionnaire was applied, and the empirical data were gathered from 329 potential and current users of Blockchain in the accounting and auditing profession in Jordan. The analytical model was based on structural equation modeling (SEM) using AMOS 25.0. Findings The experimental findings of the structural path confirmed that performance expectancy (PE), social influence (SI), Blockchain transparency (BT) and Blockchain efficiency (BE) were significantly affecting individuals’ behavioral intention (BI) toward the use of Blockchain-based systems and helped to explain (0.67) of its variance. Also, BE has a positive significant impact on PE. Whereas, in contrast to what is anticipated, the influence of effort expectancy (EE) on BI was not supported. Additionally, users’ intentions were found to affect the actual usage (AU) behavior and helped to explain (0.69) of its variance. The outcome variables proposed in this study: knowledge acquisition (KACQ) and user satisfaction (USAT) were significantly influenced by the AU of Blockchain technology. Practical implications This study outlines practical implications for government, policymakers, business leaders and Blockchain service providers aiming to exploit the advantages of Blockchain technology (BCT) in the accounting and auditing context. Originality/value To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this article is one of the few studies that offer an evidence-based perspective to the discussions on the effect of disruptive and automated information and communication technologies (ICTs), on the accounting and auditing profession. It applies an innovative approach to analysis through the integration of UTAUT, contextual factors: BT and BE, besides two outcome factors: KACQ and USAT within its theoretical model. This study extends and complements the academic literature on information technology/information systems acceptance and use by providing novel insights into accountants' and auditors’ views.
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Enhancing information security has become a necessary and comprehensive cybersecurity mission. In today's landscape, operating systems and software have become more secure, leading attackers to exploit the human element as a means to breach organizational information systems. As the frequency and sophistication of cyber-attacks targeting unsuspecting personnel continue to rise, the significance of the human factor in information security management cannot be understated. Effective security awareness is crucial in countering these attacks that exploit human vulnerabilities, aiming to mitigate security risks. This study focuses on the development of an interdisciplinary training and educational model specifically designed for human resources to elevate their understanding of cybersecurity protocols. The research proposes a professional framework encompassing various methodologies to heighten security awareness, including online training materials, contextual training, and embedded training. The findings reveal that a combination of delivery methods outperforms a singular approach, resulting in heightened security awareness among individuals. Through implementing this comprehensive training model, organizations can bolster their information security posture by empowering employees with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively combat evolving cyber threats.
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This study analyzes the collective impact of BNPL services, credit card uses, overdraft availability, and weekly income on impulse buying behaviors, focusing on their implications for environmental sustainability. Employing a quantitative approach, the study surveyed approximately 153 Palestinian university students, utilizing a systematically designed questionnaire to gather data on impulse buying tendencies and financial behaviors. The analysis revealed that BNPL usage significantly predicts impulse buying tendencies, explaining approximately 39.5% of the variance in these behaviors. Additionally, a negative correlation between weekly income and impulse buying was found, suggesting more calculated purchasing decisions at higher income levels. This research contributes to understanding consumer behavior in digital retail environments, highlighting the transformative impact of electronic payment methods on young adults' impulse buying and the need for a balanced approach in consumer finance and retail strategies in the digital age.
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Digital transformation is important not only in the manufacturing sector but can also help service-based organizations to achieve competitive advantage. Therefore, this study has examined the impact of digital transformation on competitive advantage and the mediating role of entrepre-neurial orientation. Innovation capability is considered a moderator between digital transformation and competitive advantage. The data for the research were gathered from service companies in Jor-dan, and AMOS was utilized for the analysis. The results revealed that digital transformation not only influences competitive advantage but also affects entrepreneurial orientation. Entrepreneurial orientation significantly mediates the relationship between digital transformation and competitive advantage. In addition, innovation capabilities moderate the relationship between digital transformation , competitive advantage, and entrepreneurial orientation. Innovation, production, and operational managers as well as owners of service companies can use the results of this research as a guideline for policy-making in order to develop a competitive advantage.
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The importance of entrepreneurial competencies and information technology capabilities has increased in the last few decades because of the strategic role played by the entrepreneurs. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the impact of entrepreneur competency and information technology capability on business success. A survey questionnaire was conducted to test the influence of entrepreneur competency and information technology capability. This questionnaire was filled by 403 participants who were recruited through Jordan Chamber of Commerce so as to identify the business owners who had started their companies in the recent years. The findings of the study showed that entrepreneurial competencies have a positive effect on business success and information technology which was used as a mediating role has a positive impact on both entrepreneurial competencies and business success. The findings of this research will be helpful to entrepreneurs and policy makers.
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The primary goal of this study is to investigate the major elements that impact customer attitudes regarding internet purchasing in Jordan. This study employed a qualitative systematic literature review methodology, with 100 existing peer-reviewed articles completed in Jordan chosen for evaluation based on an inclusion/exclusion criterion. The findings of this study were collected utilizing a thematic method, which involved extracting previous researchers' findings from the literature, categorizing similar themes and findings, and drawing conclusions. According to the findings of this survey, the most important elements impacting customer attitudes about online buying in Jordan are trust, cultural hurdles such as uncertainty avoidance and a lack of understanding, security, perceived ease-of-use, and perceived utility. It was also discovered that Hofstede's cultural dimensions' theory and the technology acceptance model (TAM) can help online businesses identify what factors drive online shopping adoption in Jordan. This study discovered, through a review of available literature, that the online shopping sector in Jordan is currently undeveloped, necessitating more effective growth techniques. Finally, the outcomes of this study provide online merchants with insight into what has to be prioritized in order to entice Jordanian customers to make online purchases. From the findings of this investigation, three areas of inquiry were uncovered for further study. Findings from this study also include suggestions for online retailers and policymakers looking to boost Jordanians' comfort level with making purchases over the Internet. The findings of this study will be invaluable to international online retailers that are considering entering the Jordanian market. They will reveal not only the most important aspects affecting consumers' perceptions of online shopping in Jordan, but also the level of maturity of this sector.
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Transforming from digitalization to digitization brings many new technologies to restructure our life and life routines. In today's competitive world, internet infrastructures and banking industries are counted as integral components for online shopping and commercial transactions. As because, disclosure of online transactions has been allowed through internet media, that would enhance the availability of electronic payment systems. Further, this study aims to explore and investigate the relationship and impact of electronic payment methods on the sales growth with the mediating role of online shopping by targeting UAE banking Industry. This study followed the quantitative approach and a correlational design. The empirical data were collected through a survey designed on a 5-point Likert scale, 217 valid questionnaires were sent to all participants (i.e., top managers, middle managers and technicians) via emails. Different statistical analyses were performed in this study. The results of the study showed high internal consistency among the study variables as Cronbach's Alpha values ranged from .873 to .855. Further, this study highlighted the significant relationship and direct impact between online shopping and sales growth. Meanwhile, indirect impact was confirmed by the results between online shopping and sales growth through e-payment. In this regard, results can help to identify the impact of e-payment on sales growth through online shopping and also provide advantage for this and many other similar organizational studies.
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Supply Chain Finance (SCF) is playing an increasingly important role in operational and financial practices and attracted growing attention from academia and industry alike. However, researchers have not yet been totally able to reach a consensus on the definition of this phenomenon. The study presented in the paper provides an overview of the advancements present in research on Financial Supply Chain Management. Using a bibliometric analysis approach, the paper summarizes the trends of development and the status quo of the Financial Supply Chain Management. The aim is to provide the reader with guidance and a solid conceptual framework for future research.
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The development of modern business is highly dependent on the factor of globalization, which impacts both economic and social aspects of modern business activity. In the context of globalization, modern businesses must be capable to identify optimal formats of strategic development to satisfy the needs of key stakeholders and preserve strong competitive positions. This study analyzed the role of globalization in the aspect of modification of the supply chain management (SCM) processes in modern organizations operating in the oil & gas (O&G) sector. It was sensible to analyze a research problem about the influence of the global SCM trends on the development of local SCM processes in the oil & gas sector of different countries. For the realization of the study objective, the qualitative research methodology was applied. A researcher initially analyzed the findings of relevant and reliable academic literature sources to identify the existing knowledge in the sphere of the study. Based on an analysis of academic literature, relevant challenges and knowledge gaps were identified. To address the stated gaps of the study, it was important to perform a mixture of interview and case analysis. A semi-structured interview format was applied to collect primary data from the respondents of the study. Representatives of management of different O&G sector companies were attracted to the study. For the aims of case analysis, a set of relevant cases describing the process of local SCM transformation in the target industry was considered. The findings of the study were analyzed using the thematic analysis instrument. The outcomes of the study demonstrated the significant role of global trends for the modernization of local SCM processes in the O&G sector. Specific factors that were found to be vital included digitalization, sustainability, and knowledge management. It was found that the O&G business cannot ignore the requirements of the global trends if it aims to compete in the global market and reach long-term development objectives
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E-government has been a growing trend today, reflecting the increased adoption of technological innovation by several countries. For instance, a report from The United Nations Department of Economics and Social Affairs shows that the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is at the vanguard among nations that have a reliable e-government system. Under a newly defined SMART in e-government, this study discusses the essence of implementation of Big Data Analytics (BDA) in most of the cities in the UAE, coupled with a few ‘developed’ nations. Furthermore, this study also examines the relationship between success and innovation of BDA, along with the technical expertise of employees, and access to high-quality infrastructure put together. The recommendations offered in relation to the results may be applied within Dubai and other cities. Notably, BDA has been used interchangeably with Analytics within SMART in this study.