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Pack-Ice Drift off East Antarctica and some Implications


Abstract and Figures

Three satellite-tracked data buoys were deployed between 70° and 80°E south of 65°S in February-March 1985. These buoys were subsequently trapped within the expanding seasonal sea ice and drifted with the ice. The buoys measured air temperature and pressure, and water temperatures to 100 m depth. Data from the buoys are used to describe the ice drift and environment within the winter sea-ice zone in this region, both north and south of the Antarctic Divergence. Additional preliminary data from a further six buoys deployed in the same area in March 1987 are also presented. Besides providing information on the broad-scale drift of the ice in the Prydz Bay region, data from the buoys have shown: (i) the important role that ice drift plays in determining the autumn and winter expansion of Antarctic sea ice; (ii) the highly mobile nature of the ice, even hundreds of kilometres from the ice edge; (iii) the role that ocean-bottom topography has in determining ice drift over the continental shelf; and (iv) the modifying influence that an ice cover has on regional climate. A qualitative assessment is made of the relative importance of the major forces driving the ice, although the data are insufficient for a detailed study of the ice dynamics.
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... Within the Antarctic sea-ice zone, there are large areas of open water and of particularly thin ice even in winterspring when the ice is at maximum extent (Gow and others, 1986;Jacka and others, 1987;Allison, 1989) . The movement of the sea ice on short time scales is due primarily to wind and over longer time scales, to surface ocean currents (Allison, 1989) . ...
... Within the Antarctic sea-ice zone, there are large areas of open water and of particularly thin ice even in winterspring when the ice is at maximum extent (Gow and others, 1986;Jacka and others, 1987;Allison, 1989) . The movement of the sea ice on short time scales is due primarily to wind and over longer time scales, to surface ocean currents (Allison, 1989) . Because of the open nature of much of the East Antarctic sea ice, it is expected that there is little stress between floes and that they move primarily in free drift. ...
... Accurately tracked drifting buoys have recently added significantly to the data on sea-ice drift rates in Antarctic seas (e.g. Allison, 1989). However, direct measurements of wind direction and speed are sparse. ...
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M.V. Nella Dan was beset in ice near 66°S, 51°Ε from 27 October to 15 December 1985. The scientific investigations planned for the voyage into the sea-ice zone included ice thickness, concentration and extent measurements, aerial photography of the ice, a core drilling project and meteorological observations. Once beset, the programme was expanded to include repeat measurements of a small strain grid and measurements of the sea-ice drift rate. Strongly convergent local conditions had led to the initial besetment of the ship. Analysis of measurements of the strain grid area over an 11 d period shows that, although there is some indication that the ice field may have been divergent, opening by approximately 3.4% over this period, there are large errors in the measurements and some doubt must be placed on the reliability of this estimate. The drift speed and direction were found to be highly dependent on wind speed and direction, the drift rate being approximately 2.7% of the wind speed at an angle of about 29° to the left of the wind direction.
... Recent studies have shown that (a) the northern extent of the East Antarctic sea ice is strongly influenced by ice drift (Allison, 1989;Wad hams and others, 1989) while air temperature perhaps affects the rate of production and growth of ice within the seasonal ice zone, and (b) there are large areas of thin ice within the seasonal sea-ice zone (Ackley and Smith, 1983;lacka and others, 1987;Allison, 1989;Brandt and others, this volume). ...
... Recent studies have shown that (a) the northern extent of the East Antarctic sea ice is strongly influenced by ice drift (Allison, 1989;Wad hams and others, 1989) while air temperature perhaps affects the rate of production and growth of ice within the seasonal ice zone, and (b) there are large areas of thin ice within the seasonal sea-ice zone (Ackley and Smith, 1983;lacka and others, 1987;Allison, 1989;Brandt and others, this volume). ...
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A computer-based climate monitoring project is described. Data sets include monthly and annual mean surface temperatures and pressures for occupied stations in Antarctica, the Southern Ocean and South Pacific Ocean; and monthly Antarctic sea-ice extent at each 10° of longitude. Simple statistical analyses of the data sets reveal a mean warming of ~0.15°C (10 a)−1 since the mid 1950s for Antarctic coastal stations and of ~0.04°C (10 a)−1 since the mid 1940s for the ocean stations. The sea-ice record from 1973 to 1988 reveals that the average northern ice limit has decreased at ~0.23°lat. (10 a)−1. Despite apparently compatible long-term trends of temperature and sea-ice extent, annual fluctuations of temperature and ice extent are highly variable and are not well correlated.
... Buov studies have shown that the pack ice off East Antarctica is highly dynamic. Drift rates of 15-20 km d l are typical (Allison, 1989b: and much higher rates are not uncommon. ...
Data on Antarctic sea‐ice characteristics, and their spatial and temporal variability, are presented from cruises between 1986 and 1993 for the region spanning 60°−150° E between October and May. In spring, the sea‐ice zone is a variable mixture of different thicknesses of ice plus open water and in some regions only 30−40% of the area is covered with ice >0.3 m thick. The thin‐ice and open‐water areas are important for air‐sea heat exchange. Crystallographic analyses of ice cores, supported by salinity and stable‐isotope measurements, show that approximately 50% of the ice mass is composed of small frazil crystals. These are formed by rapid ice growth in leads and polynyas and indicate the presence of open water throughout the growth season. The area‐averaged thickness of undeformed ice west of 120° E is typically less than 0.3 m and tends to‐increase with distance south of the ice edge. Ice growth by congelation freezing rarely exceeds 0.4 m, with increases in ice thickness beyond this mostly attributable to rafting and ridging. While most of the total area is thin ice or open water, in the central pack much of the total ice mass is contained in ridges. Taking account of the extent of ridging, the total area‐averaged ice thickness is estimated to be about 1m for the region 60°−90° E and 2 m for the region 120°−150° E. By December, new ice formation has ceased in all areas of the pack and only floes >0.3 m remain. In most regions these melt completely over the summer and the new season's ice formation starts in late February. By March, the thin ice has reached a thickness of 0.15 0.30 m, with nilas formation being an important mechanism for ice growth within the ice edge
... Buoys attached to icebergs suggest a westward flow along the coastal areas (Smith et al. 1984, Allison 1989. The grain size analysis described above suggests that icebergs/floating ice masses are the primary factor controlling the sand fraction of sedimentation in the bay, with an average relevance of 0.7615. ...
Data on grain size and heavy mineral composition for surface sediments on the Prydz Bay continental shelf was analysed to identify sediment features and provenance. The grain size composition of surface sediments indicate spatial variations in the glaciomarine environment and the key factors influencing sedimentation, which on the shelf include topography/water depth, currents and icebergs. The study area was divided into two sections by Q-type factor analysis: section I included Prydz Channel, Amery Basin and Svenner Channel, and section II included Four Ladies Bank, Fram Bank and the area in front of the Amery Ice Shelf. Sedimentation in section I is mainly controlled by currents and topography/water depth. However, in section II, icebergs/floating ice masses, the Amery Ice Shelf and currents have prominent effects on sedimentation. The heavy mineral composition indicates that surface sediments on the eastern side of the bay, including Four Ladies Bank, are primarily derived from Princess Elizabeth Land. Sediments in the area in front of the Amery Ice Shelf, Svenner Channel, Amery Basin and Prydz Channel have a mixed source from the eastern regions around the bay, including the Prince Charles Mountains and Princess Elizabeth Land. The contribution from Mac. Robertson Land to sediment at Fram Bank is limited.
... Low salinity water in coastal areas, and a corresponding association with sea ice, has also been reported by Smith et al. (1984), Wong (1994) and Nunes Vaz and Lennon (1996). This is attributed to both melting of the sea ice that is present, and fresh water runoff from the Antarctic ice sheet (Allison, 1989). ...
Four diatom assemblages are identified from the surface sediments of Prydz Bay and the Mac.Robertson Shelf using multivariate analysis. A coastal assemblage is characterised by the sea-ice diatoms Fragilariopsis curta, F. angulata, F. cylindrus and Pseudonitzschia turgiduloides. A continental shelf assemblage is characterised by sea-ice and ice-edge diatoms, and an oceanic assemblage is characterised by the open-water diatoms Fragilariopsis kerguelensis, Thalassiosira lentiginosa, T. gracilis var. expecta and Trichotoxin reinboldii. The Cape Darnley assemblage contains both sea-ice and open-water diatoms, but all are characteristically large and heavily silicified. Multiple regression has been used to identify the relationships between the diatom assemblages and known environmental variables. There are strong correlations between the coastal, shelf and oceanic assemblages and ecological conditions, including latitude, sea-ice distribution and ocean currents. The Cape Darnley assemblage is thought to represent an assemblage from which the smaller and more lightly silicified species have been removed by current winnowing.
Sea ice velocity impacts the distribution of sea ice, and the flux of exported sea ice through the Fram Strait increases with increasing ice velocity. Therefore, improving the accuracy of estimates of the sea ice velocity is important. We introduce a pyramid algorithm into the Horn-Schunck optical flow (HS-OF) method (to develop the PHS-OF method). Before calculating the sea ice velocity, we generate multilayer pyramid images from an original brightness temperature image. Then, the sea ice velocity of the pyramid layer is calculated, and the ice velocity in the original image is calculated by layer iteration. Winter Arctic sea ice velocities from 2014 to 2016 are obtained and used to discuss the accuracy of the HS-OF method and PHS-OF (specifically the 2-layer PHS-OF (2LPHS-OF) and 4-layer PHS-OF (4LPHS-OF)) methods. The results prove that the PHS-OF method indeed improves the accuracy of sea ice velocity estimates, and the 2LPHS-OF scheme is more appropriate for estimating ice velocity. The error is smaller for the 2LPHS-OF velocity estimates than values from the Ocean and Sea Ice Satellite Application Facility and the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service, and estimates of changes in velocity by the 2LPHS-OF method are consistent with those from the National Snow and Ice Data Center. Sea ice undergoes two main motion patterns, i.e., transpolar drift and the Beaufort Gyre. In addition, cyclonic and anticyclonic ice drift occurred during winter 2016. Variations in sea ice velocity are related to the open water area, sea ice retreat time and length of the open water season.
Antarctic sea ice plays a key role in the present climate system, providing a regulating balance between the atmosphere and ocean heat fluxes, as well as influencing the salt fluxes and deep water formation over the continental shelves. The severe winter environmental conditions of the Antarctic sea-ice zone make it difficult to observe many of the physical characteristics in a comprehensive way. The inter-relations between the variables mean that much can be learnt from the observations of some features along with detailed numerical modelling of the whole system and the interactions between the variables. This study therefore aims to use numerical modelling of the atmosphere, sea ice and surface mixed-layer ocean in the sea-ice zone, together with observations to simulate a comprehensive range of parameters and their variability through the annual cycle to provide a basis for further observations and model validation for the present climate. The model includes a coupled atmospheric general circulation model with an interactive dynamic and thermodynamic sea-ice model and surface mixed-layer ocean. The deep ocean and ocean surface conditions outside the sea-ice zone are constrained to the present mean climate conditions to ensure no climatic drift. The sca-ice model is similar to previous published versions, bill has refined schemes for partitioning of the freezing of frazil ice within the leads and under the ice floes, and for rafting. These perform well in both polar regions with the same physics. The model simulates the annual cycle of atmospheric and sea-ice features well in comparison with data from the global atmospheric analyses, the satellite sensing of sea ice, and the limited in situ surface observations. The output from the model also includes: all components of the heart fluxes, atmospheric profiles and surface temperatures for air, ice and ice-ocean mixtures, open-water fractions, surface snow and snow-ice depths, and the sea-ice convergence-divergence and drift. The comparison of these features with additional observations provides a means for further validating the model and representing the present climate more closely.
Data on Antarctic sea‐ice characteristics, and their spatial and temporal variability, are presented from cruises between 1986 and 1993 for the region spanning 60°−150° E between October and May. In spring, the sea‐ice zone is a variable mixture of different thicknesses of ice plus open water and in some regions only 30−40% of the area is covered with ice >0.3 m thick. The thin‐ice and open‐water areas are important for air‐sea heat exchange. Crystallographic analyses of ice cores, supported by salinity and stable‐isotope measurements, show that approximately 50% of the ice mass is composed of small frazil crystals. These are formed by rapid ice growth in leads and polynyas and indicate the presence of open water throughout the growth season. The area‐averaged thickness of undeformed ice west of 120° E is typically less than 0.3 m and tends to‐increase with distance south of the ice edge. Ice growth by congelation freezing rarely exceeds 0.4 m, with increases in ice thickness beyond this mostly attributable to rafting and ridging. While most of the total area is thin ice or open water, in the central pack much of the total ice mass is contained in ridges. Taking account of the extent of ridging, the total area‐averaged ice thickness is estimated to be about 1m for the region 60°−90° E and 2 m for the region 120°−150° E. By December, new ice formation has ceased in all areas of the pack and only floes >0.3 m remain. In most regions these melt completely over the summer and the new season's ice formation starts in late February. By March, the thin ice has reached a thickness of 0.15 0.30 m, with nilas formation being an important mechanism for ice growth within the ice edge
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The east coast of the Antarctic Peninsula is strongly influenced by air masses that have traversed the Weddell Sea zone. A continuous record of annual-average values for δ 18 O, δD, Cl - and non sea-salt SO 4 2- in snowfall deposited since 1795, has been obtained on an ice core drilled on Dolleman Island (70°35.2′S, 60°55.5′W). Chemical changes along the ice core seem to be linked to changes in the concentration of the ice cover in the marginal ice zone. In the period since 1956, these variations appear to be coupled to the atmospheric circulation, as indexed by the atmospheric pressure gradient across the marginal ice zone. The largest anomaly in the 200-year sequence occurs in the period 1820-1880, during the final stages of the Little Ice Age. Exceptionally high concentrations of Cl - , low concentrations of biologically-derived sulphate, and high deuterium excess suggest that at this time there was a dense, compacted marginal ice zone with cyclones tracking more frequently than normal across ocean areas to the north of the ice edge. During the past century, there has been a marked decrease in deuterium excess of about 4‰, which implies that there has been a progressively increasing contribution to precipitation from moisture sources at lower temperature, probably from within the marginal ice zone. The implication is that there may have been significant weakening of the ice cover in this zone during the past century, despite satellite evidence which reveals no significant change in the position of the ice edge, at least since 1973. DOI: 10.1034/j.1600-0889.1992.00018.x
The presence and characteristics of the relatively thin ice cover of Earth’s oceans at high latitude are important determinants of the polar climate and of the polar role in the global climate system. The focus of this chapter is the observation of sea ice. Advances in polar ocean science have been critically dependent on technology to provide the means for frequent and detailed observation of sea ice. The Arctic Climate System Study was an opportunity for a productive coordinated application of existing technology to the study of the marine cryosphere and provided impetus for the development and evaluation of new techniques. The chapter begins with a brief summary of the knowledge of global sea ice in the early 1990s and of the contemporary capabilities for sea ice observation. This introductory section is as a back drop against which to view the continued improvements in observational capability and knowledge associated with ACSYS during the 1990s. The chapter includes discussion of new developments in observational technology, of new activity in ice research and reconnaissance and of new understanding of sea ice. It has been organized around the structure of the original ACSYS science plan which had six process-oriented elements – sea ice extent and concentration, drift, thickness, export to temperate oceans, atmosphere-ice-ocean interaction, sea-ice mechanics – and one geographic element – sea ice of the southern hemisphere. The chapter concludes with a list tangible deliverables from the Arctic Climate System Study in relation to sea ice and a discussion of some key tasks for the future. These topics remain highly relevant in view of the present continued rapid rate of change in polar climate.
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Ice motion in the Weddell Sea is examined for the period 19 August (Day 232) to 12 October (Day 286) 1986 using the tracks of four Argos buoys deployed during the Winter Weddell Sea Project 1986 (WWSP 86). Two were SPRI/BAS buoys, launched in December 1985 and March 1986 in the south-east and north-west Weddell Sea. The others were part of a mesoscale array deployed in the Maud Rise area by H. Hoeber of the Meteorologisches Institut der Universität Hamburg, during the WWSP 86 cruise of FS Polarstern. The four buoys operated together for 44 d, comprising a basin-scale quadrilateral from which the differential kinematic parameters of divergence, vorticity, shear, and stretch were extracted, as well as the large-scale pattern of motion. It is found that most deformation episodes were associated with atmospheric forcing events.
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A cruise to Antarctic waters from late October to mid December 1985 provided the opportunity to study characteristics of the seasonal sea ice from a time close to that of maximum extent through early spring decay. The area covered by the observations extends from the northern ice limit to the Antarctic coast between long. 50 °E and 80 E. Shipboard observations included ice extent, type and thickness, and snow depth. Ice cores were drilled at several sites, providing data on salinity and structure. The observations verify the highly dynamic and divergent nature of the Antarctic seasonal sea-ice 2one. Floe size and thickness varied greatly at all locations, although generally increasing from north to south. A high percentage of the total ice mass exhibited a frazil crystal structure, indicative of the existence of open water in the vicinity. The ground based observations are compared with observations from satellite sensors. The remote sensing data include the visual channel imagery from NOAA 6, NOAA 9, and Meteor 11. Comparisons are made with the operational ice charts produced (mainly from satellite data) by the Joint Ice Center, and with the analyses available by facsimile from Molodezhnaya.
The observational techniques of placing the buoys in the Weddell Sea are described, the drift record and the temperature measurement record are shown, and a preliminary assessment and interpretation of the data received is given. -from Current Antarctic Literature.
In order to assess the effect of non-local stress transferral through the ice cover empirically, a linear viscous model (employing both bulk and shear viscosities) is used to predict drift-rates for one Soviet and two U.S. drifting stations over the time period May 1962 to April 1964. The predictions, based on available atmospheric pressure and ocean-current data, are compared to free-drift results and to observed values. The empirical viscosity values giving the best fit to observations show a pronounced seasonal variation that correlates well with the growth rate of thin ice. Drift predictions, especially long-term net drift results, show drift magnitudes and turning angles to be simulated significantly better by a viscous model than by a free-drift model. The effects of steady currents are shown to be small for velocities averaged over days but significant for averages over years.
The Weddell Sea pack ice undergoes several unique advance–retreat characteristics related to the clockwise transport in the Weddell Gyre, the physical setting for the pack ice, and the free boundary with the oceans to the north. From satellite-derived ice charts, the annual cycle of the pack ice advance and retreat is depicted. The Weddell pack advance is characterized by a strong east-moving component as well as the north advance seen in other regions such as East Antarctica. Physical characteristics of the pack ice at the summer minimum ice edge are presented. Indications are that deformation is a significant component of the ice accumulation, deformed ice accounting for c. 15 to 20% of the area covered in the year-round pack. Ablation characteristics are inferred from observations made during field work and from satellite imagery. These observations indicate that surface-melt ablation typically seen on Arctic pack is not seen on the Weddell pack inside the summer edge. Using the physical-property data and transport inferred from ship and iceberg drifts, a new annual ice accumulation η η Gill, 1973). The implication is that salt flux into the ocean over the shelf may be significantly larger, thereby increasing the production of Western Shelf Water, a component of Antarctic Bottom Water.
Some results from a dynamic-thermodynamic simulation of the seasonal cycle of the Weddell Sea pack ice are described. The model used for the study is similar to that developed by Hibler (1979) for a numerical investigation of the Arctic ice cover. It employs a plastic ice rheology coupled to a two-level ice-thickness distribution. The thickness characteristics evolve in response to ice dynamics, and to ice growth and decay rates dictated by surface heat-budget calculations and by heat storage in a fixed depth oceanic boundary layer. Observed time-varying wind, temperature, and humidity fields based on the 1979 Australian analysis are used together with empirical radiation fields and fixed ocean currents to drive the model. Employing these fields, the model is integrated over two seasonal cycles. The second-year results are compared to observed ice-drift data obtained by Ackley (1981[b]) and to ice-edge characteristics determined from satellite imagery. In analyzing the results, particular attention is paid to ascertaining the relative roles of ice dynamics and thermodynamics in determining the ice-edge characteristics. A sensitivity analysis of the effect of a different parameterization of the atmospheric temperature and humidity fields is also carried out. Overall, the results suggest that (1) ice dynamics are essential in describing the seasonal cycle, and (2) a feedback between the atmospheric temperature and the presence of ice may be a major cause of the rapid decay of the Antarctic ice cover during the spring-summer period.
Some results from a dynamic-thermodynamic simulation of the seasonal cycle of the Weddell Sea pack ice are described. The model used for the study is similar to that developed by Hibler (1979) for a numerical investigation of the Arctic ice cover. It employs a plastic ice rheology coupled to a two-level ice-thickness distribution. The thickness characteristics evolve in response to ice dynamics, and to ice growth and decay rates dictated by surface heat-budget calculations and by heat storage in a fixed depth oceanic boundary layer. Observed time-varying wind, temperature, and humidity fields based on the 1979 Australian analysis are used together with empirical radiation fields and fixed ocean currents to drive the model. Employing these fields, the model is integrated over two seasonal cycles. The second-year results are compared to observed ice-drift data obtained by Ackley (1981[b]) and to ice-edge characteristics determined from satellite imagery. In analyzing the results, particular attention is paid to ascertaining the relative roles of ice dynamics and thermodynamics in determining the ice-edge characteristics. A sensitivity analysis of the effect of a different parameterization of the atmospheric temperature and humidity fields is also carried out. Overall, the results suggest that (1) ice dynamics are essential in describing the seasonal cycle, and (2) a feedback between the atmospheric temperature and the presence of ice may be a major cause of the rapid decay of the Antarctic ice cover during the spring-summer period.
The Weddell Sea pack ice undergoes several unique advance–retreat characteristics related to the clockwise transport in the Weddell Gyre, the physical setting for the pack ice, and the free boundary with the oceans to the north. From satellite-derived ice charts, the annual cycle of the pack ice advance and retreat is depicted. The Weddell pack advance is characterized by a strong east-moving component as well as the north advance seen in other regions such as East Antarctica. Physical characteristics of the pack ice at the summer minimum ice edge are presented. Indications are that deformation is a significant component of the ice accumulation, deformed ice accounting for c . 15 to 20% of the area covered in the year-round pack. Ablation characteristics are inferred from observations made during field work and from satellite imagery. These observations indicate that surface-melt ablation typically seen on Arctic pack is not seen on the Weddell pack inside the summer edge. Using the physical-property data and transport inferred from ship and iceberg drifts, a new annual ice accumulation η < 3 m is inferred over the continental shelf in the South compared to η < 2 m previously estimated (Gill, 1973). The implication is that salt flux into the ocean over the shelf may be significantly larger, thereby increasing the production of Western Shelf Water, a component of Antarctic Bottom Water.