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Suppurative lymphadenitis



Suppurative lymphadenitis is an important and common form of soft tissue infection. Most acute cases of suppurative lymphadenitis are caused by Staphylococcus aureus or by Streptococcus pyogenes. Empiric antibiotic therapy is frequently successful in the early stages of the disease process, but increasing prevalence of methicillin-resistant S. aureus in particular has necessitated a shift in antibiotic choice that is dictated primarily by specific local resistance patterns. Several other organisms and noninfectious inflammatory processes may give rise to a clinical syndrome suggestive of suppurative lymphadenitis. Failure to respond to empiric antibiotics should trigger a diagnostic re-evaluation to determine the need for surgical intervention and/or the possibility of alternative microbiologic diagnoses.
Suppurative Lymphadenitis
Iain P. Fraser, MD, DPhil
Corresponding author
Iain P. Fraser, MD, DPhil
Clinical Pharmacology, Merck Research Laboratories,
126 East Lincoln Avenue, RY34-A500, Rahway, NJ 07065, USA.
Current Infectious Disease Reports 2009, 11:383388
Current Medicine Group LLC ISSN 1523-3847
Copyright © 2009 by Current Medicine Group LLC
Suppurative lymphadenitis is an important and com-
mon form of soft tissue infection. Most acute cases
of suppurative lymphadenitis are caused by Staphy-
lococcus aureus or by Streptococcus pyogenes.
Empiric antibiotic therapy is frequently successful in
the early stages of the disease process, but increas-
ing prevalence of methicillin-resistant S. aureus in
particular has necessitated a shift in antibiotic choice
that is dictated primarily by speci c local resistance
patterns. Several other organisms and noninfectious
in ammatory processes may give rise to a clinical
syndrome suggestive of suppurative lymphadenitis.
Failure to respond to empiric antibiotics should trig-
ger a diagnostic re-evaluation to determine the need
for surgical intervention and/or the possibility of
alternative microbiologic diagnoses.
Lymph nodes along with other secondary lymphoid tis-
sues are the site of almost all primary immune responses.
These tissues provide a microenvironment that facilitates
interactions between antigens carried from the periphery
by antigen-presenting cells (APCs) and their cognate
T lymphocytes. Lymph nodes are grouped together phys-
ically to provide drainage of anatomically de ned areas
and facilitate host protection against microbial invasion
by 1) limiting the spread of pathogens when speci c
immune responses are generated (cellular and humoral
macrophage effector functions of the innate immune
system), 2) co-localizing APCs and low-frequency,
pathogen-speci c lymphocytes to facilitate speci c
immune interactions, and 3) providing the appropriate
microenvironment for lymphocyte activation, prolifera-
tion, and maturation [1•]. Given these critical functions
in host defense, it is not surprising that pathogens may
occasionally overwhelm these mechanisms and establish
an infection in the very organs intended to facilitate their
control and elimination.
Even though lymph nodes are well-de ned, encapsu-
lated structures with exquisite microarchitectural features,
they undergo developmental and temporal changes
during the lifespan of an individual. In most healthy
newborn infants, lymph nodes are not usually clinically
palpable, but grow in size through puberty (rising to peak
prominence between the ages of 4 and 8 years), and then
undergo steady atrophy. [2]. Atrophy of lymph nodes with
age may be a major reason for the decrease in the inci-
dence of lymphadenitis that occurs with age.
Lymphadenitis refers to in ammation of lymph nodes
and can be quali ed further. Suppurative lymphadenitis
is characterized by invasion of the lymph node by neu-
trophils, resulting in rapid swelling leading to capsular
distention, edema, and ultimately tissue necrosis and
liquefaction. When super cial lymph nodes are involved,
the increased size of the nodes may be appreciated clini-
cally, and the rapid capsular distention causes local pain.
Suppurative lymphadenitis refers conventionally to acute,
localized infections caused by pyogenic bacteria (eg,
Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes).
However, several organisms (see below) are not typically
pyogenic, and yet may produce localized lymphadenitis
that progresses to necrosis and/or liquefaction, thereby
resembling the clinical presentation of suppurative lymph-
adenitis. Suppurative lymphadenitis constitutes a major
subset of soft tissue infections. In a retrospective analysis
of 242 children hospitalized with soft tissue infections
(2000–2004), 26% had cervical lymphadenitis and 20%
had cervical abscess (often a complication of suppurative
lymphadenitis) [3].
Clinical Presentations and Microbiology
Suppurative lymphadenitis affecting super cial lymph
nodes typically presents acutely as a localized in am-
matory mass with associated mild systemic symptoms.
Whereas bilateral or multifocal lymphadenitis is more
likely caused by viral pathogens, acute bacterial lymphad-
enitis occasionally may present in this fashion. The size of
the affected nodes, the extent to which the overlying skin
is in amed, and the ability of the examiner to elicit clinical
uctuance vary. In childhood, the cervical lymph nodes
(draining the head, neck, oropharynx and nasopharynx)
are the most common anatomic group of lymph nodes to
undergo suppurative infection. Whereas acute in amma-
tory masses in the neck region arise most frequently from
infected lymph nodes, the clinical differential diagnosis
384 I Skin, Soft Tissue, Bone, and Joint Infections
includes in ammation in other structures (eg, suppurative
parotitis, thyroiditis, and infected cysts—thyroglossal
duct, branchial cleft, dermoid, and epidermoid cysts) [4].
Suppurative lymphadenitis affecting deep lymph nodes
(eg, retropharyngeal lymphadenitis in children) produces
signs and symptoms indicative of a deep-seated in amma-
tory process, usually without clinical features to implicate
lymph nodes as the anatomic source. The clinical differ-
ential diagnosis in this setting is therefore considerably
broader than that of super cial lymphadenitis. Differen-
tiating retropharyngeal lymphadenitis (intact lymph node
with liquefactive necrosis and surrounding edema) from
abscess (extension of purulence beyond the node and into
the retropharyngeal space) may help determine the most
appropriate therapy (especially with respect to medical
vs surgical management), but even with modern imaging
technology, this may be dif cult to achieve without surgi-
cal exploration [5•].
Microbial Etiology
For several decades, studies conducted to determine
the causative agents of suppurative lymphadenitis have
consistently indicated a predominance of S. aureus over
S. pyogenes [6,7,8•]. However, these results may not
accurately represent all cases of suppurative lymphad-
enitis in the community, because only cases suf ciently
severe to merit hospitalization and/or surgical interven-
tion undergo the necessary microbiologic evaluation.
Furthermore, prior empiric antibiotic therapy may
confound culture results. In a retrospective review of
65 children undergoing incision and drainage of super-
cial head and neck abscesses (presumed to have arisen
from suppurating lymph nodes) in the United Kingdom
(1991–1996), bacterial cultures were positive in 78%
of children, with the most common organisms being
S. aureus and S. pyogenes (57% and 12% of positive
cultures, respectively) [9]. In a similar analysis involving
62 children in Philadelphia, PA (2000–2006), bacterial
cultures were positive in 79% of children, with the most
common organisms again being S. aureus and S. pyo-
genes (63% and 22% of positive cultures, respectively)
[10]. In a review of 284 Canadian children (1996–2001)
admitted to the hospital with adenitis, 86% of 57
bacterial cultures were positive, with the most com-
mon organisms once again being S. aureus and
S. pyogenes (70% and 9% of positive cultures, respec-
tively) [8•]. Several other organisms have been cultured
from the lymph nodes of patients presenting with a clin-
ical diagnosis of suppurative lymphadenitis. Examples
include Haemophilus in uenzae, Bacteroides spp, [9],
Streptococcus intermedius [11], and Fusobacterium
necrophorum [12]. In newborn infants, Streptococcus
agalactiae (group B streptococcus, GBS) is associated
with a syndrome of cellulitis-adenitis, an infrequent but
well-characterized manifestation of neonatal infection
with this organism [13]. The growth in culture of mixed
skin  ora and/or of coagulase-negative staphylococci
from the lymph nodes of otherwise healthy patients are
of doubtful etiologic signi cance.
Changes in Antimicrobial Susceptibility
Although the main organisms causing suppurative
lymphadenitis appear not to have changed in prominence
over several decades, the antimicrobial susceptibility of
the primary agent, S. aureus, most certainly has. In their
British series of 65 patients from the early 1990s, Simo
et al. [9] reported that all 29 isolates of S. aureus were
susceptible to β-lactamase–resistant antibiotics ( ucloxa-
cillin). During the past several years, however, infections
caused by methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) have
increased in prevalence. Whereas these organisms pre-
viously were associated primarily with nosocomial
acquisition in large medical centers, community-acquired
MRSA (CA-MRSA) infections in children and adults
without identi ed predisposing risk factors have become
increasingly prevalent [14]. In a retrospective chart
review of radiologically con rmed neck abscesses in 228
children (1999–2007), S. aureus was isolated as the caus-
ative organism in 48%, and 29% of these were identi ed
as CA-MRSA [15]. The methicillin-resistant phenotype
of CA-MRSA isolates is conferred by a staphylococ-
cal cassette chromosome, SCCmec IV, that is smaller
and contains fewer antibiotic-resistance genes than the
SCCmec elements associated with hospital-associated
MRSA isolates [16]. As a result, these CA-MRSA strains
may retain susceptibility to non–β-lactam antibiotics
(eg, clindamycin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, and
tetracyclines). Unfortunately, many of these CA-MRSA
isolates have been found to harbor a phage bearing
Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL) genes, which in turn
appear to be associated with increased virulence [17].
The PVL virulence factor appears to be associated with
S. aureus infections that generate a more proin amma-
tory host response, are more likely to result in abscess
formation, are more likely to give rise to positive blood
cultures, and are more likely associated with venous
thrombophlebitis and septic embolism [18]. Therefore,
inappropriate selection of empiric antibiotic therapy for
infections caused by S. aureus is now likely to be more
frequent than previously, and is more likely associated
with infections of greater clinical severity. Appropriate
selection of empiric antibiotics to treat presumed sup-
purative lymphadenitis therefore needs to encompass
a careful assessment of clinical severity (to ensure that
parenteral antibiotics are administered in preference to
oral, if clinically indicated), may need a more aggressive
approach to obtaining samples for bacterial culture (eg,
by lymph node aspiration), and requires detailed knowl-
edge of antibiotic resistance patterns in the patient’s local
community. Local microbiology laboratory panels should
include a wide range of antibiotics for susceptibility
testing of S. aureus isolates, and in communities where
Suppurative Lymphadenitis I Fraser I 385
clindamycin remains an important therapeutic option,
detection of inducible macrolide-lincosamide-strepto-
gramin B (MLSB) phenotypes should be available [18].
Differential Diagnosis
Some organisms, although less frequently isolated from
suppurating lymph nodes, bear special mention because
they may lead to a clinical picture resembling suppurative
lymphadenitis. Failure to respond to treatment directed
toward the common bacterial causes of suppurative
lymphadenitis should provoke inter alia a consideration
of these organisms in the ongoing diagnostic evaluation
of such patients.
Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) are a cause of
unilateral cervical lymphadenitis in otherwise healthy,
immunocompetent children (predominantly between
1 and 5 years of age) [19]. With few clinical features to
distinguish NTM from suppurative lymphadenitis in the
early phases, this microbiologic diagnosis frequently is
only entertained after the adenitis has failed to respond
to therapy directed against S. aureus and S. pyogenes.
The natural history of untreated NTM lymphadenitis
involves progression to liquefaction, violaceous discolor-
ation of the overlying skin, and then drainage through the
skin. Clinical features suggestive of a diagnosis of suppu-
rative lymphadenitis include redness (different from the
violaceous hue associated with NTM infection), warmth
of the overlying skin, tenderness, and fever [19]. Radio-
logic imaging (CT or MRI scans) features, especially a
lack of in ammatory stranding of the subcutaneous fat,
may help to distinguish NTM from suppurative lymph-
adenitis [20]. Surgical excision has long been considered
the curative therapy of choice, although cases responsive
to antimicrobial chemotherapy have been described [21].
A recent clinical trial randomly assigned patients with
culture-proven NTM lymphadenitis to either surgical
excision or antimicrobial chemotherapy [22]. In this
study, surgical excision was more effective than medical
therapy (cure rates of 96% vs 66%, respectively) in an
intent-to-treat analysis.
Bartonella henselae, the cause of cat scratch disease
(CSD), typically leads to a chronic form of lymphade-
nopathy in the lymph nodes draining the site of the
inoculating scratch. On occasion, CSD may present with
a suppurative lymphadenopathy, which may progress to
abscess formation, the etiology of which only becomes
apparent following biopsy and molecular diagnostics
and/or serologic conformation [23]. In a study of 454
patients with undiagnosed head and neck masses in Ger-
many (1997–2001), about 13% were ultimately diagnosed
with CSD, with about 12% diagnosed with other primary
infectious etiologies (including S. aureus and S. pyo-
genes) [24]. Antibiotic therapy for uncomplicated CSD
in immunocompetent patients remains controversial, but
macrolides/azalides as well as combination rifampin and
doxycycline have been used [25].
Tularemia is a zoonosis caused by the gram-negative
pleomorphic coccobacillus Francisella tularensis. The
common forms of the disease in humans are ulceroglan-
dular and glandular, both of which affect the lymph
nodes. In nonendemic areas, the bacterial etiology may
become apparent only after antibiotics directed toward
suppurative lymphadenitis have failed to resolve the
infection, or when bacterial cultures of aspirates from
apparently suppurating lymph nodes return nega-
tive [26]. In the absence of a clear exposure history,
general laboratory investigations, radiology, and even
histopathology may not contribute additional diagnostic
information. The organism is dif cult (and potentially
dangerous) to culture in the microbiology laboratory,
and serologic testing is the diagnostic modality of choice.
Treatment with aminoglycosides (particularly strepto-
mycin) has long been the medical treatment of choice for
nonmeningitic tularemia, but recent reports suggest that
quinolones may be safe and effective alternatives [27].
Several other infectious agents may produce a
clinical picture consistent with a diagnosis of suppu-
rative lymphadenitis, but concomitant epidemiologic,
anatomic, and clinical features usually are suf ciently
obvious to steer the clinician toward the appropri-
ate diagnosis. Examples of these infectious conditions
include tuberculous lymphadenopathy [28], bubonic
plague (Yersinia pestis) [29], Yersinia enterocolitica
infection [30], focal nontyphoid Salmonella infection
[31], Legionella pneumophila infection [32•], and
sexually transmitted infections such as syphilis [33],
chancroid [34], and lymphogranuloma venereum [35].
Noninfectious causes of in amed, enlarged lymph
nodes further complicate the diagnosis and therapy
of suppurative lymphadenitis. Neoplasia, particularly
lymphomas and metastatic carcinomas may cause
lymph node swelling that could be mistaken for sup-
purative lymphadenitis. These diagnoses tend to be
more frequent in adults than in children. Histiocytic
necrotizing lymphadenitis (Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease)
is an in ammatory disorder of unknown etiology that
occurs predominantly in young women. It is benign
and self-limiting, and is diagnosed most frequently by
histopathologic evaluation of an affected lymph node
[36]. In children, lymphadenitis is a component of the
periodic fever, aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis, and
adenitis (PFAPA) syndrome (also known as Marshall
syndrome) [37]. In PFAPA, the periodic fevers should
provide an important diagnostic clue; however, the
fever pattern may not be apparent early in the disease
process, and a negative workup for infectious etiologies
frequently precedes the diagnosis. Kawasaki disease
is another in ammatory pediatric disorder associated
with localized cervical lymphadenitis [38]. A careful
evaluation of the pediatric patient with cervical adenitis
for other diagnostic features of Kawasaki disease may
help ensure that this important condition is not over-
looked or treated inappropriately.
386 I Skin, Soft Tissue, Bone, and Joint Infections
Host Susceptibility: Role of Immunode ciency
Although suppurative lymphadenitis clearly can and does
occur in immunocompetent individuals, this infectious
syndrome may be the presenting feature or a manifesta-
tion of genetic immunode ciency. The relative frequency
with which patients with chronic granulomatous disease
(CGD) develop suppurative lymphadenitis speaks to the
importance of oxidative killing mechanisms in this infec-
tious process. In a review of 368 patients in the US national
CGD registry in 2000, 53% of patients had experienced at
least one episode of suppurative lymphadenitis, with only
pneumonia (79%) and abscess (of any kind, 68%) as more
frequent infectious manifestations [39]. In this US series,
S. aureus was the most common lymphadenitis pathogen
(isolated from 26% of suppurative lymphadenitis cases),
followed by Serratia, Candida, and Klebsiella species.
Given the relative infrequency with which the latter three
organisms are cultured from immunocompetent individu-
als with suppurative lymphadenitis, their isolation should
prompt an evaluation for underlying immunode ciency,
particularly CGD. In a cohort of 429 European patients
with CGD, 213 patients (50%) experienced at least one
episode of suppurative lymphadenitis [40]. Of these
patients with lymphadenitis, 80% either did not undergo
bacterial culture or had negative cultures of their infected
lymph nodes. As in the US cohort, S. aureus was the most
frequent pathogen cultured from these lymph nodes (12%
of all lymphadenitis cases). In contrast to the US cohort
(with no cases reported), bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG)
represented 2% of the positive lymphadenitis cultures in
the European cohort, with BCG exposure by vaccination
thought to explain the difference between the cohorts.
Interestingly, BCG infections (including lymphadenitis)
have been described in other series of CGD patients,
again likely representative of different bacterial exposures
in geographic regions [41]. Recently, a novel gram-nega-
tive bacillus (now named Granulobacter bethesdensis, of
the family Acetobacteraceae) was isolated from a CGD
patient with fever and lymphadenitis, thereby adding to
the list of organisms associated with bacterial infection of
the lymph nodes [42•].
Several other genetic immunode ciencies result in
pyogenic infections that can include suppurative lymph-
adenitis, although their clinical presentation is unlikely
that of isolated adenitis in an otherwise well-appear-
ing patient. Some examples include interleukin (IL)-12
de ciency (BCG, Salmonella enteritidis adenitis) [43];
IL-12/-23 receptor de ciency (BCG adenitis) [44]; inter-
feron-γ receptor de ciency (BCG and Mycobacterium
abscessus adenitis) [45]; and IL-1 receptor–activated
kinase 4 (IRAK-4) de ciency (S. aureus adenitis with
paratracheal abscess) [46].
Diagnosis and Treatment
Several diagnostic and therapeutic questions face the
clinician confronted with a patient with apparently
in amed, enlarged lymph nodes. The duration and tempo
of the illness, known sick contacts, local trauma, animal
exposures, travel, associated local and systemic symp-
toms, and family history (particularly with respect to
immunode ciency) are all key features to be probed in the
medical history. The physical examination should include
an assessment of the overall health of the patient and the
presence of systemic signs of in ammation. The number
of affected anatomic regions (localized vs generalized)
should be determined, and a clinical exclusion of other
anatomic structures (eg, parotid gland, thyroid, blood
vessel) should be attempted. Careful examination of the
affected tissue should include an assessment of overlying
skin and of lymph node size, consistency, mobility, and
uctuance. The anatomic regions drained by the in amed
lymph nodes should be evaluated (including dentition and
oropharynx for cervical adenopathy, and the perineal
region for inguinal adenopathy).
The utility of laboratory investigations depends on the
clinical assessment provided by the history and physical
examination. For most patients with suppurative lymph-
adenitis encountered in primary care practice, a trial of
empiric antibiotic therapy without further laboratory
evaluation is likely appropriate, provided the antibiotic
regimen includes appropriate coverage for CA-MRSA
as described earlier. More severe cases may require early
surgical consultation to allow for appropriate timing of
radiologic examination and initiation of antibiotic therapy.
Close follow-up of patients treated with empiric antibiot-
ics for suppurative lymphadenitis is required to identify
nonresponders. For these patients, re-evaluation should
include anatomic reassessment (has the in ammatory
process progressed to abscess formation requiring surgical
drainage?) and microbiologic reassessment (could this pro-
cess be caused by a previously unanticipated organism?).
When the suppurative lymphadenitis is cervical,
percutaneous aspiration can provide diagnostic and
therapeutic bene t [47], but may not be adequate to
avoid the need for formal surgical drainage [48••]. In a
Canadian study of 284 children hospitalized with acute
unilateral lymphadenitis, younger patients (especially
those younger than 2 years of age) and longer duration of
symptoms (> 48 hours before presenting to the hospital)
were features associated with an increased risk of surgi-
cal drainage [8]. For patients with concern for neoplastic
disease rather than in ammation in super cial affected
lymph nodes, measurement of resistive index by power
Doppler may be helpful [49].
Suppurative lymphadenitis is a common diagnosis, espe-
cially in the pediatric age group. For several decades,
S. aureus and S. pyogenes have remained the major bacte-
rial causes of this infectious syndrome. Although many
patients with moderate to mild disease of recent onset are
cured by empiric oral antibiotics, changes in the antibiotic
Suppurative Lymphadenitis I Fraser I 387
resistance pro le of S. aureus in particular have made the
selection of appropriate empiric antibiotics more challeng-
ing. Clinicians should ensure that their chosen antibiotics
maintain activity against the MRSA strains circulating in
their community. Enlarged, in amed lymph nodes may
have many other infectious and noninfectious causes.
Accordingly, patients who do not respond to empiric
antibiotic therapy and patients who present with sugges-
tive clinical features on history or physical examination
should undergo more extensive evaluation to assess the
need for surgical intervention or alternatively directed
antimicrobial therapy. Some patients may also require a
directed evaluation of their immune system to exclude
possible immunode ciency.
The author is a full-time employee of Merck & Co. and
owns stock and/or stock options in the company.
References and Recommended Reading
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41. Lee PP, Chan KW, Jiang L, et al.: Susceptibility to myco-
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42.• Greenberg DE, Ding L, Zelazny AM, et al.: A novel
bacterium associated with lymphadenitis in a patient with
chronic granulomatous disease. PLoS Pathog 2006, 2:e28.
This report of the discovery of a novel bacterial agent of lymphad-
enitis expands the list of less common pathogens that can give rise
to this clinical syndrome.
43. Altare F, Lammas D, Revy P, et al.: Inherited interleukin
12 de ciency in a child with Bacille Calmette-Guérin and
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45. Döf nger R, Jouanguy E, Dupuis S, et al.: Partial inter-
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48.•• Gosche JR, Vick L: Acute, subacute, and chronic cervical
lymphadenitis in children. Semin Pediatr Surg 2006, 15:99–106.
This article provides a helpful review with a strong clinical focus on
the diagnosis and treatment of cervical lymphadenitis in children.
49. Magarelli N, Guglielmi G, Savastano M, et al.: Super cial
in ammatory and primary neoplastic lymphadenopathy:
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... This response normally functions to prevent microbial invasion of the host. However, bacterial inoculation of lymphatic tissue can occur, resulting in a local suppurative process [1,[4][5][6]. Pathogens most commonly arise from the oropharynx, sinuses, or the nares [4,7]. Antibiotic therapy is often effective and selected to provide coverage for staphylococcal and streptococcal species [1,5,6,8]. ...
... Pathogens most commonly arise from the oropharynx, sinuses, or the nares [4,7]. Antibiotic therapy is often effective and selected to provide coverage for staphylococcal and streptococcal species [1,5,6,8]. ...
Objectives: We sought to identify predictors for a drainable suppurative adenitis [DSA] among patients presenting with acute cervical lymphadenitis. Methods: A retrospective cross sectional study of all patients admitted to an urban pediatric tertiary care emergency department over a 15 year period. Otherwise healthy patients who underwent imaging for an evaluation of cervical lymphadenitis were included. Cases were identified using a text-search module followed by manual review. We excluded immunocompromised patients and those with lymphadenopathy felt to be not directly infected (i.e. reactive) or that was not acute (symptom duration >28 days). Data collected included: age, gender, duration of symptoms, highest recorded temperature, physical exam findings, laboratory and imaging results, and surgical findings. A DSA was defined as >1.5 cm in diameter on imaging. We performed binary logistic regression to determine independent clinical predictors of a DSA. Results: Three hundred sixty-one patients met inclusion criteria. Three hundred six patients (85%) had a CT scan, 55 (15%) had an ultrasound and 33 (9%) had both. DSA was identified in 71 (20%) patients. Clinical features independently associated with a DSA included absence of clinical pharyngitis, WBC >15,000/mm3, age ≤3 years, anterior cervical chain location, largest palpable diameter on exam >3 cm and prior antibiotic treatment of >24 h. The presence of fever, skin erythema, or fluctuance on examination, was not found to be predictive of DSA. Conclusions: We identified independent predictors of DSA among children presenting with cervical adenitis. Risk can be stratified into risk groups based on these clinical features.
... In five young horses, the perirectal abscesses were suspected to be due to anorectal lymphadenopathy, as mainly lymphocytes were found in the fine-needle aspirate of three of these horses (Magee et al., 1997). Following haematogenous or lymphatic spread of pyogenic bacteria into a lymph node, a suppurative lymphadenitis can result in lymph node abscess formation (Fraser, 2009;Siggins & Sriskandan, 2022). Whether the young horses presented here also suffered from an abscessed lymph node remains unclear, as neither fine-needle aspirates nor biopsies of the altered tissue were taken. ...
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Perirectal abscesses have only rarely been reported in horses. This case series describes the clinical signs, diagnosis, treatment and outcome of six horses with this condition. The equids affected were geldings or stallions of various breeds and aged from 4 months to 21 years (median age 10 months). Typical clinical signs included colic with tachycardia, tenesmus, dyschezia and abdominal distension. The diagnosis was obtained by transrectal palpation and ultrasonographic examination in five of six horses and by median laparotomy in one horse. All abscesses were located dorsally to the rectum. Rectal impaction and large colon tympany were common secondary findings. Microbiologic examination of abscess content revealed Streptococcus equi subspecies zooepidemicus in all horses. Abscesses were treated by a combination of medical and surgical approaches. One horse had to be euthanised due to complete obstruction of the pelvis by the abscess. In the other horses (5/6), the disorder was associated with an excellent prognosis. In terms of the total population of horses presenting with colic in the investigated period, the prevalence of cases with perirectal abscesses was 0.4%. Although uncommon, described cases indicate that perirectal abscesses should be considered as differential diagnosis for young and mature horses with colic signs.
... These include history taking (time of initial symptoms, duration, associated signs and symptoms, history of animal exposure, traveling and drug history), physical examination (including, any other site of reticuloendothelial system involvement), early and late work up (5)(6)(7)(8). In contrast to acute onset suppurative cervical lymphadenitis, which is caused mostly by Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus pyogenes, etiological causes of chronic suppurative lymphadenopathy are different (9,10). Common infectious causes of cervical lymphadenopathy include Mycobacterium tuberculosis, none tuberculosis mycobacteria, cat scratch disease, toxoplasmosis and infectious mononucleosis. ...
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Here, we report on a ten-year-old girl with chronic draining nonhealing ulcer in her neck and unilateral cervical chronic lymphadenopathy. Her ulcer had poor clinical response to broad spectrum antibiotics and anti-tuberculosis treatment. She had undergone several wound biopsies with no conclusive results. She was otherwise healthy with no known underlying disease. Final wound excisional biopsy with specific immunohistochemistry (IHC) staining confirmed her diagnosis. Histopathology report and IHC were compatible, indicating an anaplastic large cell lymphoma. Implication for health policy/practice/research/medical education: We hoped to emphasize to all clinicians that close follow up of chronic disease is an important part of accurate management. Attention to any possible underlying cause, which could contribute to poor clinical response, should always be kept in mind. As in our case repeated biopsy may be needed to at-tain diagnosis.
Suppurative retropharyngeal lymphadenitis is a retropharyngeal space infection almost exclusively seen in the young (4–8 years old) pediatric population. It can be misdiagnosed as a retropharyngeal abscess, leading to unnecessary invasive treatment procedures. This retrospective study aims to assess radiology residents’ ability to independently identify CT imaging findings and make a definitive diagnosis of suppurative retropharyngeal lymphadenitis in a simulated call environment. The Wisdom in Diagnostic Imaging Emergent/Critical Care Radiology Simulation (WIDI SIM) is a computer-aided emergency imaging simulation proven to be a reliable method for assessing resident preparedness for independent radiology call. The simulation included 65 cases across various imaging modalities of varying complexity, including normal studies, with one case specifically targeting suppurative retropharyngeal adenitis identification. Residents’ free text responses were manually scored by faculty members using a standardized grading rubric, with errors subsequently classified by type. A total of 543 radiology residents were tested in three separate years on the imaging findings of suppurative retropharyngeal lymphadenitis using the Wisdom in Diagnostic Imaging simulation web-based testing platform. Suppurative retropharyngeal lymphadenitis was consistently underdiagnosed by radiology residents being tested for call readiness irrespective of the numbers of years in training. On average, only 3.5% of radiology residents were able to correctly identify suppurative retropharyngeal lymphadenitis on a contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT). Our findings underscore a potential gap in radiology residency training related to the accurate identification of suppurative retropharyngeal lymphadenitis, highlighting the potential need for enhanced educational efforts in this area.
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Background Computed tomography (CT) can be used for the early detection of lymphadenitis. Radiomics is able to identify a large amount of hidden information from images. However, few CT-based radiomics studies on cervical lymphadenitis in children have been published. Objective This study aimed to investigate the role of visual CT analysis and CT radiomics in differentiating cervical suppurative node necrosis from tuberculous node necrosis in pediatric patients. Materials and methods A total of 101 patients with cervical suppurative lymphadenitis (n=52) or cervical tuberculous lymphadenitis (n=49) were included. Clinical data and CT images were retrieved for analysis. For visual observation, 11 major CT features were identified for univariate and multivariate analyses. For radiomics analysis, image segmentation, feature value extraction, and dimension reduction, feature selection and the construction of radiomics-based models were performed through the RadCloud platform. Results For the visual observation, significant differences were found between the two groups, including the short diameter of the largest necrotic lymph node (P=0.03), sharp border of the node (P=0.02), fusion of nodes (P=0.02), regular silhouette of the necrotic area (P=0.001), multilocular necrotic area (P=0.02), node calcification (P=0.004), and enhancement degree of the nodal nonnecrotic area (P=0.01). No feature was found to be an independent predictor for suppurative or tuberculous lymphadenitis (P>0.05 for all features). Concerning the radiomics analysis, after feature value extraction and dimension reduction, nine related features were selected. The support vector machine classifier achieved high diagnostic performance in distinguishing suppurative from tuberculous lymphadenitis. The area under the curve, accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity of the support vector machine model test set were 0.89 (95% confidence interval: 0.72–1.00), 0.88, 0.78, and 0.90, respectively. Conclusion Compared to observer-based CT image analyses, radiomics model-based CT image analyses exhibit better performance in the differential diagnosis of cervical suppurative and tuberculous lymphadenitis complicated with nodal necrosis in children. Graphical abstract
Lymphadenitis in the pediatric population frequently is benign and self-limited, often caused by infections. In children with refractory symptoms, lymph node biopsy may be indicated to rule out malignancy or obtain material for culture. Acute bacterial infections typically show a suppurative pattern of necrosis with abscess formation. Viral infections are associated with nonspecific follicular and/or paracortical hyperplasia. Granulomatous inflammation is associated with bacterial, mycobacterial, and fungal infections. Toxoplasma lymphadenitis displays follicular hyperplasia, monocytoid B-cell hyperplasia, and clusters of epithelioid histiocytes. Autoimmune and noninfectious inflammatory disorders are included in differential diagnosis of lymphadenitis. Infectious mononucleosis and Kikuchi-Fujimoto lymphadenitis may mimic Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphomas.
Objective Lymphadenitis can be treated successfully by empirical antibiotic therapy. However, inflamed lymph nodes can progress into an abscess with local and/or systemic reaction, which requires more complex treatment strategies. The study aim to analyze possible predictors for abscess formation within inflamed nodes that require surgical drainage. Materials and Methods We retrospectively enrolled 241 patients with acute or sub-acute cervical lymphadenitis. Demographic including, lymph node characteristics, management, and final diagnosis were recorded. Predictors for abscess formation within the lymph node that required surgical drainage were evaluated using univariate and multivariate analysis. Patient and lymph node characteristics that differentiated suppurative cervical lymphadenitis (SCL) from other lymphadenitis were also analyzed. Results There were 41 cases of SCL, 173 cases of uncomplicated cervical lymphadenitis, and 27 cases of tuberculous cervical lymphadenitis (TBLN). Abscess was surgically drained in 39 patients, while 2 patients received a needle aspiration. In 9 patients, SCL complications included cellulitis of the neck soft tissue, supraglottic swelling, internal jugular vein thrombosis, and sepsis. Two patients were diagnosed with melioidosis and actinomycosis after drainage. Multivariate analysis showed that an immunocompromised host, male sex, and receiving prior inadequate treatment were predictors for surgical drainage. TBLN patients had similar manifestations as SCL patients. However, affected nodes in SCL patients were singular, painful, and showed fluctuation. Conclusions Following SCL diagnosis, abscess drainage and appropriate antibiotic treatment should be considered. Aspiration or surgical drainage can be effective in certain patients. Pathogen isolation and tissue biopsy should be performed to ensure accurate diagnosis and antibiotic selection. In addition, TBLN and melioidosis should be considered, especially in endemic areas.
Résumé Introduction Les adénopathies sont une cause fréquente de recours en médecine interne. Quand l'analyse histologique révèle la présence de granulomes, de multiples étiologies infectieuses ou non infectieuses sont envisagées. Si les diagnostics de lymphome, sarcoïdose ou tuberculose sont facilement évoqués, la tularémie doit aussi être envisagée dans le diagnostic différentiel. Observation Une patiente de 54 ans présentait une fièvre vespérale avec sueurs nocturnes et une toux résistante à deux lignes d'antibiotiques. Une tomodensitométrie thoraco-abdomino-pelvienne mettait en évidence des adénopathies hilaires et médiastinales apparaissant hypermétaboliques au PET-TDM, ainsi que des nodules pulmonaires. Une PCR réalisée sur biopsie ganglionnaire ainsi qu'une sérologie ont permis le diagnostic de tularémie. L'évolution était favorable après traitement antibiotique. Conclusion L'association fièvre, sueurs nocturnes, altération de l'état général et adénopathies médiastinales doit faire évoquer le diagnostic de tularémie. La biopsie ganglionnaire couplée aux techniques de biologie moléculaire et aux sérologies, permet de confirmer le diagnostic.
Medial retropharyngeal lymph node (MRLN) mass lesions are a common cause of cranial cervical masses in dogs and cats, and are predominantly due to metastatic neoplasia, primary neoplasia, or inflammatory lymphadenitis. The purpose of this retrospective cross-sectional study was to test the hypothesis that clinical and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) characteristics for dogs and cats with MRLN mass lesions would differ for inflammatory vs. neoplastic etiologies. Dogs and cats with MRLN mass lesions that had undergone MRI and had a confirmed cytological or histopathological diagnosis were recruited from medical record archives. Clinical findings were recorded by one observer and MRI characteristics were recorded by two other observers who were unaware of clinical findings. A total of 31 patients were sampled, with 15 in the inflammatory lymphadenitis group and 16 in the neoplasia group. Patients with inflammatory lymphadenitis were more likely to be younger and present with lethargy (P = 0.001), pyrexia (P = 0.000), and neck pain (P = 0.006). Patients with inflammatory lymphadenitis were also more likely to have a leukocystosis (P = 0.02) and segmental neutrophilia (P = 0.001). Inflammatory masses were more likely to have moderate or marked MRI perinodal contrast enhancement (P = 0.021) and local muscle contrast enhancement (P = 0.03) whereas the neoplastic masses were more likely to have greater MRI width (P = 0.002) and height (P = 0.009). In conclusion, findings indicated that some clinical and MRI characteristics differed for dogs and cats with inflammatory vs. neoplastic medial retropharyngeal lymph node masses. Although histopathological or cytological diagnosis remains necessary for confirmation, these findings may help with the ranking of differential diagnoses of future cases.
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Complete deficiency of either of the two human interferon (IFN)-γ receptor components, the ligand-binding IFN-γR1 chain and the signaling IFN-γR2 chain, is invariably associated with early-onset infection caused by bacille Calmette-Guérin vaccines and/or environmental nontuberculous mycobacteria, poor granuloma formation, and a fatal outcome in childhood. Partial IFN-γR1 deficiency is associated with a milder histopathologic and clinical phenotype. Cells from a 20-year-old healthy person with a history of curable infections due to bacille Calmette-Guérin and Mycobacterium abscessus and mature granulomas in childhood were investigated. There was a homozygous nucleotide substitution in IFNGR2, causing an amino acid substitution in the extracellular region of the encoded receptor. Cell surface IFN-γR2 were detected by flow cytometry. Cellular responses to IFN-γ were impaired but not abolished. Transfection with the wild-type IFNGR2 gene restored full responsiveness to IFN-γ. This is the first demonstration of partial IFN-γR2 deficiency in humans.
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CGD is an immunodeficiency caused by deletions or mutations in genes that encode subunits of the leukocyte NADPH oxidase complex. Normally, assembly of the NADPH oxidase complex in phagosomes of certain phagocytic cells leads to a "respiratory burst", essential for the clearance of phagocytosed micro-organisms. CGD patients lack this mechanism, which leads to life-threatening infections and granuloma formation. However, a clear picture of the clinical course of CGD is hampered by its low prevalence (approximately 1:250,000). Therefore, extensive clinical data from 429 European patients were collected and analyzed. Of these patients 351 were males and 78 were females. X-linked (XL) CGD (gp91(phox) deficient) accounted for 67% of the cases, autosomal recessive (AR) inheritance for 33%. AR-CGD was diagnosed later in life, and the mean survival time was significantly better in AR patients (49.6 years) than in XL CGD (37.8 years), suggesting a milder disease course in AR patients. The disease manifested itself most frequently in the lungs (66% of patients), skin (53%), lymph nodes (50%), gastrointestinal tract (48%) and liver (32%). The most frequently cultured micro-organisms per episode were Staphylococcus aureus (30%), Aspergillus spp. (26%), and Salmonella spp. (16%). Surprisingly, Pseudomonas spp. (2%) and Burkholderia cepacia (<1%) were found only sporadically. Lesions induced by inoculation with BCG occurred in 8% of the patients. Only 71% of the patients received antibiotic maintenance therapy, and 53% antifungal prophylaxis. 33% were treated with gamma-interferon. 24 patients (6%) had received a stem cell transplantation. The most prominent reason of death was pneumonia and pulmonary abscess (18/84 cases), septicemia (16/84) and brain abscess (4/84). These data provide further insight in the clinical course of CGD in Europe and hopefully can help to increase awareness and optimize the treatment of these patients.
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To study routine culture-negative persistent cervical lymphadenitis in children treated surgically during a 10-year period (December 26, 1997, to October 1, 2007) at a single institution. Retrospective case series. Tertiary university-based pediatric referral center. Patients 18 years or younger with cervical lymphadenitis managed surgically (incision and drainage, curettage, and/or excisional lymphadenectomy) and medically (antibiotic therapy), culture-negative after 48 hours, and subsequently diagnosed using the polymerase chain reaction, extended culture incubation, and/or histopathologic evaluation. Number of surgical interventions, causative organisms, histopathologic features, and resolution of lymphadenitis. Ninety surgical procedures were performed in 60 patients. The cure rate was 23% (approximately 14 patients) with incision and drainage, 58% (approximately 35 patients) with curettage, and 95% (57 patients) with excisional lymphadenectomy. Nontuberculous mycobacteria were the most prevalent causative organisms, followed by Bartonella and Legionella organisms. Four of 6 patients with Bartonella infection had a history of cat exposure, and 4 of 6 patients with Legionella infection had a history of hot tub exposure. Excisional lymphadenectomy is the preferred treatment of mycobacterial persistent cervical lymphadenitis in children. Sufficient data are lacking for similar recommendations in patients with disease caused by Bartonella organisms, whereas for neck disease caused by Legionella organisms, excisional lymphadenectomy may be superior to incision and drainage. The polymerase chain reaction is useful for pathogen identification in pediatric cervical lymphadenitis, although it is less sensitive in identification of mycobacteria. To our knowledge, our study is the first to report multiple cases of legionellosis in otherwise healthy children. Legionella seems to be a previously unrecognized but relatively common pathogen in culture-negative persistent cervical lymphadenitis in children.
A registry of United States residents with chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) was established in 1993 in order to estimate the minimum incidence of this uncommon primary immunodeficiency disease and characterize its epidemiologic and clinical features. To date, 368 patients have been registered; 259 have the X-linked recessive form of CGD, 81 have 1 of the autosomal recessive forms, and in 28 the mode of inheritance is unknown. The minimum estimate of birth rate is between 1/200,000 and 1/250,000 live births for the period 1980-1989. Pneumonia was the most prevalent infection (79% of patients; Aspergillus most prevalent cause), followed by suppurative adenitis (53% of patients; Staphylococcus most prevalent cause), subcutaneous abscess (42% of patients; Staphylococcus most prevalent cause), liver abscess (27% of patients; Staphylococcus most prevalent cause), osteomyelitis (25% of patients; Serratia most prevalent cause), and sepsis (18% of patients; Salmonella most prevalent cause). Fifteen percent of patients had gastric outlet obstruction, 10% urinary tract obstruction, and 17% colitis/enteritis. Ten percent of X-linked recessive kindreds and 3% of autosomal recessive kindreds had family members with lupus. Eighteen percent of patients either were deceased when registered or died after being registered. The most common causes of death were pneumonia and/or sepsis due to Aspergillus (23 patients) or Burkholderia cepacia (12 patients). Patients with the X-linked recessive form of the disease appear to have a more serious clinical phenotype than patients with the autosomal recessive forms of the disease, based on the fact that they are diagnosed significantly earlier (mean, 3.01 years of age versus 7.81 years of age, respectively), have a significantly higher prevalence of perirectal abscess (17% versus 7%), suppurative adenitis (59% versus 32%), bacteremia/fungemia (21% versus 10%), gastric obstruction (19% versus 5%), and urinary tract obstruction (11% versus 3%), and a higher mortality (21.2% versus 8.6%).
Two young adult brothers, with no apparent risk for sexually transmitted infections (STI), presented with unilateral cervical lymphadenitis. Syphilis was diagnosed by fine-needle aspiration cytology in one case, and subsequent serology and revision of a resected lymph node in the second case. Clinicians should have a high index of suspicion and a low diagnostic threshold in patients with unexplained lymphadenopathy, even in the absence of a history of primary syphilis, or obvious risk for STI.
Two patients present with the abrupt onset of fever, malaise, anorexia, fatigue, progressive skin lesions and lymphadenitis. These patients represent two of the six cases of tularemia reported in Alabama over the last decade. The cases illustrate how mode of acquisition (direct versus vector-mediated) influences the clinical manifestations of ulceroglandular tularemia. In addition, a brief review of the epidemiology, differential diagnosis, clinical manifestations, and treatment of tularemia is provided.
Bacille Calmette-Gurin (BCG) vaccine and environmental nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) are weakly pathogenic mycobacteria in mankind. These intracellular pathogens may cause diffuse disease in severely immunocompromised patients, but they may cause disseminated disease in patients with poorly defined immunodeficiencies regarded as otherwise healthy. A wide variety of viruses, bacteria, fungi and protozoa may cause infections in severely immunocompromised patients but infection with these agents apart from salmon ellosis is rare in otherwise healthy children with no overt immunodeficiency. Cell-mediated immunity, in which interaction between T lymphocytes and macrophages is fundamental, is crucial for host defense against intracellular pathogens such as Mycobacterium and Salmonella species. In this setting the most important step is activation of macrophages by type 1 cytokines: interferon (IFN)-g in particular. In recent years inherited diseases of IFN-g production or failure to respond to IFN-g action, resulting in increased susceptibility to infection by weakly pathogenic mycobacteria such as BCG and environmental mycobacteria (EM) have been reported, termed Mendelian susceptibility to mycobacterial disease (MSMD). These patients present with BCG disease, EM infection, non-typhoidal salmonellosis or, rarely, tuberculosis. Mutations in five genes encoding the basic proteins of the type 1 cytokine cascade, namely, IFN-gR1, IFN-gR2, IL-12/IL-23Rb1, IL-12/IL-23p40 and STAT1, have been found.4 Here we present an infant admitted for diarrhea and fever, who developed draining BCG lymphadenitis on follow up, whose IL-12/IL-23Rb1 expression was >1% and who had an R486X mutation on the12th exon of the IL-12/IL-23Rb1 gene.
To examine the causative organisms in pediatric neck infections, delineate risk factors in methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) pediatric neck infections, and define patient populations that should be empirically treated with MRSA sensitive antibiotics. Retrospective chart review. Two hundred twenty-eight consecutive patients were reviewed, ages 0 to 17, presenting at a tertiary care center between 1999 and 2007 with computed tomography proven neck abscesses. Characteristics of patients with differing causative organisms were compared. Forty-eight percent of all pediatric patients' with head and neck abscesses had S. aureus as the causative organism, 29% of which were community-acquired MRSA -- recent years showed that up to 66% of pediatric neck abscesses were MRSA culture positive. When comparing MRSA infections vs. other causative organisms multiple clinical characteristics were found which did not help to differentiate those patients at a higher risk for MRSA. Characteristics which did trend to predict an MRSA infection were few. For example, the average age of patients with MRSA was 32.5 months compared with only 16 months for the methicillin-sensitive S. aureus patients. MRSA sensitivities and resistances were also examined. This study presents a large cohort of pediatric neck abscess patients, in which the emergence and characteristics of MRSA are shown. As community-acquired MRSA infections become more prevalent, empiric antibiotic therapy must be considered. The results of this study show that the incidence of MRSA has greatly increased and clinical risk factors are not helpful in choosing those patients which may be at higher risk for an MRSA infection.
The commonest form of extrapulmonary tuberculosis is tubercular cervical lymphadenitis, or scrofula. A total of 1827 patients with cervical lymphadenopathy who presented to various out-patients clinics of our institution were studied over a three-year period. Eight hundred and ninety-three (48.87 per cent) of these patients had lesions of tubercular origin. The most common observation was unilateral, matted adenopathy in female patients aged between 11 and 20 years and without constitutional symptoms of tuberculosis. Posterior triangle nodes were affected in 43.8 per cent of cases, followed by upper deep cervical nodes in 33.9 per cent. Fine needle aspiration cytology constituted the main diagnostic tool, with a positive yield in 90 per cent of patients. Polymerase chain reaction analysis was performed in 126 patients, with a sensitivity of 63 per cent. Only 18 per cent of patients had associated pulmonary tuberculosis, the rest having isolated involvement of cervical nodes. Medical treatment with anti-tubercular drugs for a period of six months formed the mainstay of treatment and cure. Surgical management was reserved for selected refractory patients. Tubercular cervical lymphadenitis can readily be diagnosed by fine needle aspiration cytology, a simple and cost-effective test. The disease can be cured completely by a short course of anti-tubercular chemotherapy, without surgical intervention.