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Metallurgy: No more tears for metal 3D printing

dditive manufacturing of metals, also
known as metal 3D printing, was not
long ago seen only as a means of mak-
ing prototypes of mechanical components for
industry. But it is now considered to be a poten-
tially transformative manufacturing process for
many sectors. This change has been driven by
diverse factors1, such as the complex geometries
that can be achieved, the relatively low number
of parts required for components made in this
way, and the fact that manufacturing timescales
are much shorter than those of conventional
manufacturing methods. However, the lim-
ited range of industrially useful alloys that can
be processed in the additive manufacturing
of metals is a barrier to its wide adoption. On
page365, Martin etal.
report an approach that
expands the range of metallic materials
that can be used, taking lessons from a much
older manufacturing process — casting.
Metal additive manufacturing (AM) often
involves the deposition of layers of an alloy
feedstock in the form of powders or wires,
which are melted together by a rapidly mov-
ing heat source to form a solid mass. Successive
layers are built up to produce a 3D component.
The rate of solidification is often an order of
magnitude higher than that seen during con-
ventional casting techniques, and the process
of building up layers causes non-uniform cool-
ing, which, in turn, leads to large temperature
gradients or thermal stresses in the alloy.
The picture is further complicated by
the solidification processes that occur in
alloys used for engineering applications,
such as high-strength aluminium and nickel
super alloys. These materials tend to have
relatively wide temperature ranges over which
liquid and solid phases can coexist, and often
solidify as either columnar grains or dendrites
(multi-branched crystal formations) under
the conditions imposed by AM. As solidifica-
tion proceeds, the liquid content of the alloy
decreases, and the residual liquid becomes
confined to channels between the cells or
dendrites, where it forms a film. Localized
contraction of the solid can then cause cavi-
ties to form in the liquid film; if these cavities
propagate, they generate cracks known as hot
tears3. The resulting material can therefore
contain both a columnar microstructure and
numerous cracks — neither of which would be
acceptable for engineering applications.
Martin et al. now suggest that a possible
way of suppressing hot tearing in AM would
be to change the dominant solidification mode
from directional columnar growth to non-
directional growth that produces ‘equiaxed
grains— which have roughly equal width,
length and height. However, once again, the
local solidification conditions that occur
during AM work against this: steep thermal
gradients are generated, which suppress the
Figure 1 | Improving the properties of alloys produced using additive
manufacturing. a,When many industrially useful alloys are processed using
additive manufacturing (3D printing), the resulting materials contain large
cracks and columnar grains (as shown here for the aluminium alloy Al7075).
This makes them unsuitable for engineering applications. b,Martin etal.2
attached nanoparticles to the surfaces of the granules in Al7075 powder. No
cracking was observed when this powder was used as a feedstock for additive
manufacturing, and the microstructure consisted of equiaxed particles (which
have roughly equal widths, lengths and heights). Scale bars, 20micrometres.
(Images from ref. 2.)
a b
No more tears for
metal 3D printing
3D printing could revolutionize manufacturing processes involving metals, but
few industrially useful alloys are compatible with the technique. A method has
been developed that might open up the 3D printing of all metals. S L .365
Stefan P. Tarnawsky and Mervin C. Yoder
are in the Department of Pediatrics, School of
Medicine, Indiana University, Indianapolis,
Indiana 46202, USA.
1. Palis, J. FEBS Lett. 590, 3965–3974 (2016).
2. Schulz, C. et al. Science 336, 86–90 (2012).
3. Gomez Perdiguero, E. et al. Nature 518, 547–551
4. Epelman, S. et al. Immunity 40, 91–104
5. Chan, R. J. & Yoder, M. C. Blood 121, 4815–4817
6. Li, Z. et al. Nature Genet. 37, 613–619 (2005).
7. Mass, E. et al. Nature 549, 389–393 (2017).
8. Emile, J.-F. et al. Blood 127, 2672–2681
9. Tiacci, E. et al. N. Engl. J. Med. 364, 2305–2315
10. Trifa, A. P. et al. Leuk. Lymphoma 53, 2496–2497
11. Idbaih, A. et al. Neurology 83, 1478–1480
12. Hyman, D. M. et al. N. Engl. J. Med. 373, 726–736
This article was published online on 30 August 2017.
342 | NATURE | VOL 549 | 21 SEPTEMBER 2017
repeated formation (nucleation) of the tiny
crystal seeds that would allow equiaxed grains
to form. The challenge is to find a way of
allowing this nucleation process to occur
under AM conditions.
Previous attempts to solve this problem have
generally focused on changing the process-
ing parameters of AM, such as the speed, the
power of the laser or electron beam used to
heat the alloy feedstock, or the pattern in which
the printer moves to build up an object, to dis-
rupt the conditions that promote columnar
growth (see refs4 and 5, for example). Unfor-
tunately, it has proved extremely difficult to
exert sufficient control over such process vari-
ables to promote nucleation and hence develop
the desired microstructure.
Luckily, a potential solution to this problem
can be found from casting — in which addi-
tives called inoculants are commonly mixed
into a liquid metal to ‘seed’ nuclei on which
new crystals can grow, even in the presence of
steep thermal gradients and high solidification
velocities. The first reported instance of an
addition being made to deliberately manipulate
microstructure was in 1906, when ferro-
silicon was added to a ladle of cast iron6. Since
then, developments in casting have enabled
the production of strong materials that lack
holes or tears, and which contain equiaxed
microstructures, using high-performance
engineering alloys7.
Inoculants are normally added to an alloy in
its molten state. This poses a problem in AM,
because the melt pool is only tens of micro-
metres long, and exists at any given point for
just tens of microseconds8. Martin and col-
leagues’ solution allows a precise quantity of
inoculant to be delivered to such melt pools
on this timescale.
The authors demonstrate the potential of
their approach using two aluminium alloys
that are well characterized and widely used:
Al7075, a wrought (mechanically worked)
material used in aerospace applications and
which is not well suited to melt processing, and
Al6061, a high-strength alloy used for casting.
Crucially, both are difficult to process by AM.
Martin etal. first modified the surface of the
feedstock alloy powders by decorating them
with nanoparticulate inoculants, which were
tailored to the composition and crystal lattices
of each alloy. These ‘functionalized’ powders
were then used in a standard AM machine,
following manufacturer-recommended
processing conditions. For comparison, the
authors also tested alloys that had not been
surface-modified using the same processing
The difference in the microstructures
obtained for the two types of sample was
dramatic. The samples made using unmodi-
fied alloys contained large columnar grains
and a high number density of cracks, as
might be expected (Fig.1a). By contrast,
the functionalized powders produced fine,
equiaxed microstructures that were free of
cracks (Fig.1b). The mechanical properties
of the inoculated Al7075 were also markedly
better than when it was made from the
unmodified powder, and approached those of
the same alloy in the wrought condition.
There is still some way to go, however,
before this becomes the ‘go-to’ manufactur-
ing technology for aerospace applications.
In this context, the resistance of materials to
fatigue—weakening caused by repeatedly
applied loads — is of equal, if not greater,
importance to their strength9. More work is
needed to better understand and control the
fatigue resistance of materials produced using
AM. Another barrier to uptake by industry
is the slow speed of current metal AM pro-
cesses. Methods are emerging that deliver
a step change in the speed of 3D printing of
polymers10, and the race is on to achieve the
same for metals, but this presents a major
technological challenge.
In the meantime, however, Martin and
colleagues have identified an approach that
allows alloys to be made more suitable for
AM. Although they used aluminium alloys,
they note that the method could be readily
extended to other industrially useful alloy
classes, such as non-weldable nickel alloys,
superalloys and intermetallics. This might
take some time to achieve, however, because
inoculants for these materials remain elusive.
But if inoculants can be found to function-
alize the surfaces of powders of these alloys,
then we really would be moving towards the
3D printing of any metal.
Iain Todd is in the Department of Materials
Science and Engineering, University of
Sheffield, Sheffield S1 3JD, UK.
1. Pollock, T. M. Nature Mater. 15, 809–815 (2016).
2. Martin, J. H. et al. Nature 549, 365–369 (2017).
3. Rappaz, M., Drezet, J. & Gremaud, M. Metall. Mater.
Trans. A 30, 449–455 (1999).
4. Raghavan, N. Acta Mater. 112, 303–314 (2016).
5. Herzog, D., Seyda, V., Wycisk, E. & Emmelmann, C.
Acta Mater. 117, 371–392 (2016).
6. Turner, T. The Metallurgy of Cast Iron (Griffin, 1920).
7. McCartney, D. G. Int. Mater. Rev. 34, 247–260
8. Khairallah, S. A., Anderson, A. T., Rubenchik, A. &
King, W. E. Acta Mater. 108, 36–45 (2016).
9. Tammas-Williams, S., Withers, P. J., Todd, I. &
Prangnell, P. B. Sci. Rep. 7, 7308 (2017).
10.Tumbleston, J. R. et al. Science 347, 1349–1352
fundamental principle of cell theory
is that all cells arise from pre-existing
ones. Every cell, except sperm and
eggs, inherits an essentially identical copy of
its mother’s genome, which it then passes on
to two daughters when it divides. But it can
also inherit a variety of other ‘memories’ from
its mother cell, in the form of proteins, RNA
and other biochemical keepsakes. Identifying
these molecular memories and understanding
how they influence cell behaviour has been a
long-standing puzzle. On page404, Yang etal.
tackle the question of how molecular memo-
ries acquired from the previous generation of
cells influence whether daughter cells prolifer-
ate or enter a reversible resting state known as
Proliferation drives both the development
of an organism and the maintenance of its
tissues. In response to growth signals, prolifer-
ating cells proceed through an initial phase of
growth (known as G1), after which they begin
DNA synthesis (Sphase). Following a second
growth phase (G2), the mother cell divides
its contents into two daughter cells through
a process called mitosis. Not all cells proceed
swiftly through these phases, however. Instead,
some temporarily withdraw from the cell cycle
before Sphase, entering quiescence2.
How does a cell ‘de cide’ b etween proliferation
and quiescence? A study in the 1970s suggested
that this decision is made during G1, before a
cell commits to DNA synthesis3. According
to this model, each cell is a clean slate, able to
make an independent decision on the basis of
the signalling molecules to which it is exposed.
However, this idea was challenged in 2013 by
the discovery that some cells are born pre-
disposed to rapidly enter Sphase4. For these
cells, the decision is influenced by the expe-
rience of the mother during its G2. Precisely
The persistence
of memory
Live imaging reveals that whether or not a daughter cell proliferates is influenced
by two molecular factors inherited from its mother, providing insight into how
the behaviour of a newly born cell can be predetermined. S L .404
21 SEPTEMBER 2017 | VOL 549 | NATURE | 343
... Metal additive manufacturing (AM) shows potential to revolutionize part production by enabling the fabrication of near-net shape items with significant geometrical freedom from computer-aided design (CAD) files in a layer-by-layer manner [1-3], and has penetrated various industrial sectors including aerospace, healthcare, energy, and automotive [2,[4][5][6][7]. Despite its transformative potential in facilitating novel design and fabrication approaches, AM process control still remains very challenging, so that the full breakthrough of this innovative manufacturing technology has yet to be realized [2,8,9]. The underlying reason is the high number of processing parameters which must be correctly selected for the successful fabrication of mostly dense components with the desired microstructure and properties. ...
... The identification of the resulting optimal processing parameters is no easy task and, so far, mainly based on trialand-error although supported by design of experiments and statistical analyses [3,10]. Alternatively, data-driven machine learning (ML) methods offer a resource-preserving approach [8,9,[11][12][13][14]. ML promises to exploit the full Revised Manuscript File Click here to view linked References J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f Journal Pre-proof 2 potential of metal AM technologies such as the widely used laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) [15]. ...
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To exploit the full industrial potential of additive manufacturing (AM) beyond prototyping, the resource-consuming identification of the optimal processing conditions needs to be minimized. This task becomes more challenging when multiple properties of the part shall be simultaneously optimized. We utilize ML methods in a case study on LPBF of a Zr-based glass-forming alloy. Our experiments show that processing parameters affect density and amorphicity opposingly, demonstrating the efficacy of our ML-based approach. We employ multi-objective optimization using Gaussian Process Regression to model and predict target properties and their uncertainties of parts fabricated by laser powder bed fusion (LPBF)-a widely used metal AM technology. With density and amorphicity as target parameters, we optimize models using the Pareto front facilitated by the Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II. Despite deviations in the amorphicity data, we demonstrate this method to identify the high-performance region of the process parameters and its ability to be iteratively enhanced with additional experimental data. This bi-objective optimization approach provides a robust toolset for navigating LPBF processing. It can be easily extended to a larger set of target properties and transferred to further AM technologies.
... The side-surface quality is controlled via contour laser power, scanning speed, and layer thickness. Under optimal process factors, the linear surface roughness (Ra) is typically in the range of 5-15 µm [10,11,[21][22][23]. To date, most studies have focused on the singletrack or regularly shaped samples. ...
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It is a challenge to polish the interior surface of an additively manufactured component with complex structures and groove sizes less than 1 mm. Traditional polishing methods are disabled to polish the component, meanwhile keeping the structure intact. To overcome this challenge, small-grooved components made of aluminum alloy with sizes less than 1 mm were fabricated by a custom-made printer. A novel approach to multi-phase jet (MPJ) polishing is proposed, utilizing a self-developed polisher that incorporates solid, liquid, and gas phases. In contrast, abrasive air jet (AAJ) polishing is recommended, employing a customized polisher that combines solid and gas phases. After jet polishing, surface roughness (Sa) on the interior surface of grooves decreases from pristine 8.596 μm to 0.701 μm and 0.336 μm via AAJ polishing and MPJ polishing, respectively, and Sa reduces 92% and 96%, correspondingly. Furthermore, a formula defining the relationship between linear energy density and unit defect volume has been developed. The optimized parameters in additive manufacturing are that linear energy density varies from 0.135 J mm⁻¹ to 0.22 J mm⁻¹. The unit area defect volume achieved via the optimized parameters decreases to 1/12 of that achieved via non-optimized ones. Computational fluid dynamics simulation results reveal that material is removed by shear stress, and the alumina abrasives experience multiple collisions with the defects on the heat pipe groove, resulting in uniform material removal. This is in good agreement with the experimental results. The novel proposed setups, approach, and findings provide new insights into manufacturing complex-structured components, polishing the small-grooved structure, and keeping it unbroken.
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Three-dimensional (3D) printing has been profoundly changing the production mode of traditional industries. However, this technique is usually limited to metre-scale fabrication, which prevents large-scale 3D printing (LS3DP) applications such as the manufacturing of buildings, aircraft, ships, and rockets. LS3DP faces great challenges, particularly, it not only requires confronting problems not yet solved by conventional 3D printing, such as the inability to print functional structures due to limitations by single-material manufacturing, but also needs to overcome the size effect limitation of large-scale printing. Here, we systematically review the state of the art in the integration of materials and technologies in LS3DP. We also demonstrate some disruptive engineering cases of LS3DP in the field of construction. The challenges and strategies for overcoming size constraints to achieve LS3DP of functional structures are discussed, including multifunctional 3D printing processes from nano- to large-scale and large-scale 4D printing processes, diverse printable materials and sustainable structures, horizontal and vertical size-independent printers, collaborative and intelligent control of the entire process, and extreme environment printing. These strategies can provide tremendous opportunities for the fully automated, intelligent, and unmanned production of these different material megastructures and internal multiscale multifunctional components such as buildings/structures, aerospace vehicles, and marine equipment.
Методом низкотемпературной адсорбции при температуре 78 К, изучена адсорбция азота на порошке алюминия марки АСД-4, а также на синтезированном порошке: АСД-4 модифицированным формиатом меди в концентрациях 1, 2, 3, 5 мас. %. Изучены структурные свойства: морфология, фазовый состав продуктов взаимодействия, рассчитана удельная поверхность и пористость. Показано что при концентрации формиата меди в 1 и 2 мас. % адсорбционные характеристики полученных порошков существенно не меняются, что представляет интерес для создания защитного барьерного слоя на поверхности частиц алюминия, при этом, существенно не меняя его структурообразующие свойства. Введение модификатора в концентрации 3, 5 мас. % существенно повлияло на адсорбционные характеристики продуктов взаимодействия. Так удельная поверхность для АСД-4 + 3% Cu составила 12 м 2 /г, для АСД-4 + 5% 19 м 2 /г, тогда как удельная поверхность порошка АСД-4 составляла всего 0.7728 м 2 /г.
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Laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) is a commonly used additive manufacturing (AM) method for efficiently producing intricate geometric components. This investigation examines factors such as pores, cellular structure, grain size, and inclusions from the manufacturing process that contribute to the corrosion resistance of LPBF DSS. Furthermore, the as-built LPBF duplex stainless steel (DSS) is primarily ferrite due to the rapid cooling process. Therefore, the transformation of ferrite to austenite after various heat treatments in LPBF DSS and its corresponding corrosion resistance are presented. Additionally, a new mixed powder method is proposed to increase the austenite content in the as-built LPBF DSS. This review also focuses on the passivation capability and pitting corrosion performance in LPBF and conventional DSS. This article summarizes the variations in microstructure between as-built and heat-treated LPBF DSS, with their impacts on corrosion resistance, offering insights for manufacturing highly corrosion-resistant LPBF DSS.
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Metal-based additive manufacturing, or three-dimensional (3D) printing, is a potentially disruptive technology across multiple industries, including the aerospace, biomedical and automotive industries. Building up metal components layer by layer increases design freedom and manufacturing flexibility, thereby enabling complex geometries, increased product customization and shorter time to market, while eliminating traditional economy-of-scale constraints. However, currently only a few alloys, the most relevant being AlSi10Mg, TiAl6V4, CoCr and Inconel 718, can be reliably printed; the vast majority of the more than 5,500 alloys in use today cannot be additively manufactured because the melting and solidification dynamics during the printing process lead to intolerable microstructures with large columnar grains and periodic cracks. Here we demonstrate that these issues can be resolved by introducing nanoparticles of nucleants that control solidification during additive manufacturing. We selected the nucleants on the basis of crystallographic information and assembled them onto 7075 and 6061 series aluminium alloy powders. After functionalization with the nucleants, we found that these high-strength aluminium alloys, which were previously incompatible with additive manufacturing, could be processed successfully using selective laser melting. Crack-free, equiaxed (that is, with grains roughly equal in length, width and height), fine-grained microstructures were achieved, resulting in material strengths comparable to that of wrought material. Our approach to metal-based additive manufacturing is applicable to a wide range of alloys and can be implemented using a range of additive machines. It thus provides a foundation for broad industrial applicability, including where electron-beam melting or directed-energy-deposition techniques are used instead of selective laser melting, and will enable additive manufacturing of other alloy systems, such as non-weldable nickel superalloys and intermetallics. Furthermore, this technology could be used in conventional processing such as in joining, casting and injection moulding, in which solidification cracking and hot tearing are also common issues. © 2017 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.
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Without post-manufacture HIPing the fatigue life of electron beam melting (EBM) additively manufactured parts is currently dominated by the presence of porosity, exhibiting large amounts of scatter. Here we have shown that the size and location of these defects is crucial in determining the fatigue life of EBM Ti-6Al-4V samples. X-ray computed tomography has been used to characterise all the pores in fatigue samples prior to testing and to follow the initiation and growth of fatigue cracks. This shows that the initiation stage comprises a large fraction of life (>70 %). In these samples the initiating defect was often some way from being the largest (merely within the top 35 % of large defects). Using various ranking strategies including a range of parameters, we found that when the proximity to the surface and the pore aspect ratio were included the actual initiating defect was within the top 3 % of defects ranked most harmful. This lays the basis for considering how the deposition parameters can be optimised to ensure that the distribution of pores is tailored to the distribution of applied stresses in additively manufactured parts to maximise the fatigue life for a given loading cycle.
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Grain structure is an important and readily observable feature in cast aluminium alloys. Three different types of grain morphology are possible, namely, columnar, twinned columnar, and equiaxed. Inoculants in the form of master alloys are used to promote the formation of a fully equiaxed grain structure and this is termed grain refinement. Initially, fundamental aspects of solidification are outlined in order that the principles of grain refining using master alloys can be understood. Techniques for the commercial production and testing of common Al–Ti-based master alloys are then discussed briefly. The exact mechanisms by which grain refinement occurs are not yet fully understood and experimental and theoretical studies on the problem are critically reviewed with particular emphasis on (a) the role of solute titanium, (b) the thermodynamics of Al–Ti-based alloy systems, and (c) the nature of heterogeneous nuclei. Finally, current and future trends in the use of grain refining alloys are summarised.
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A new criterion for the appearance of hot tears in metallic alloys is proposed. Based upon a mass balance performed over the liquid and solid phases, it accounts for the tensile deformation of the solid skeleton perpendicular to the growing dendrites and for the induced interdendritic liquid feeding. This model introduces a critical deformation rate ( $$\dot \varepsilon _{p,\max } $$ ) beyond which cavitation, i.e., nucleation of a first void, occurs. As should be expected, this critical value is an increasing function of the thermal gradient and permeability and a decreasing function of the viscosity. The shrinkage contribution, which is also included in the model, is shown to be of the same order of magnitude as that associated with the tensile deformation of the solid skeleton. A hot-cracking sensitivity (HCS) index is then defined as $$\dot \varepsilon _{_{p,\max } }^{ - 1} $$ . When applied to a variable-concentration aluminum-copper alloy, this HCS criterion can reproduce the typical “Λ curves” previously deduced by Clyne and Davies on a phenomenological basis. The calculated values are in fairly good agreement with those obtained experimentally by Spittle and Cushway for a non-grain-refined alloy. A comparison of this criterion to hot cracks observed in ring-mold solidification tests indicates cavitation depression of a few kilo Pascal and tensile stresses in the coherent mushy zone of a few mega Pascal. These values are discussed in terms of those obtained by other means (coherency measurement, microporosity observation, and simulation). Even though this HCS criterion is based only upon the appearance of a first void and not on its propagation, it sets up for the first time a physically sound basis for the study of hot-crack formation.
Metallic materials are fundamental to advanced aircraft engines. While perceived as mature, emerging computational, experimental and processing innovations are expanding the scope for discovery and implementation of new metallic materials for future generations of advanced propulsion systems.
Additive Manufacturing (AM), the layer-by layer build-up of parts, has lately become an option for serial production. Today, several metallic materials including the important engineering materials steel, aluminium and titanium may be processed to full dense parts with outstanding properties. In this context, the present overview article describes the complex relationship between AM processes, microstructure and resulting properties for metals. It explains the fundamentals of Laser Beam Melting, Electron Beam Melting and Laser Metal Deposition, and introduces the commercially available materials for the different processes. Thereafter, typical microstructures for additively manufactured steel, aluminium and titanium are presented. Special attention is paid to AM specific grain structures, resulting from the complex thermal cycle and high cooling rates. The properties evolving as a consequence of the microstructure are elaborated under static and dynamic loading. According to these properties, typical applications are presented for the materials and methods for conclusion.
The fabrication of 3-D parts from CAD models by additive manufacturing (AM) is a disruptive technology that is transforming the metal manufacturing industry. The correlation between solidification microstructure and mechanical properties has been well understood in the casting and welding processes over the years. This paper focuses on extending these principles to additive manufacturing to understand the transient phenomena of repeated melting and solidification during electron beam powder melting process to achieve site-specific microstructure control within a fabricated component. In this paper, we have developed a novel melt scan strategy for electron beam melting of nickel-base superalloy (Inconel 718) and also analyzed 3-D heat transfer conditions using a parallel numerical solidification code (Truchas) developed at Los Alamos National Laboratory. The spatial and temporal variations of temperature gradient (G) and growth velocity (R) at the liquid-solid interface of the melt pool were calculated as a function of electron beam parameters. By manipulating the relative number of voxels that lie in the columnar or equiaxed region, the crystallographic texture of the components can be controlled to an extent. The analysis of the parameters provided optimum processing conditions that will result in columnar to equiaxed transition (CET) during the solidification. The results from the numerical simulations were validated by experimental processing and characterization thereby proving the potential of additive manufacturing process to achieve site-specific crystallographic texture control within a fabricated component.
This study demonstrates the significant effect of the recoil pressure and Marangoni convection in laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) of 316L stainless steel. A three-dimensional high fidelity powder-scale model reveals how the strong dynamical melt flow generates pore defects, material spattering (sparking), and denudation zones. The melt track is divided into three sections: a topological depression, a transition and a tail region, each being the location of specific physical effects. The inclusion of laser ray-tracing energy deposition in the powder-scale model improves over traditional volumetric energy deposition. It enables partial particle melting, which impacts pore defects in the denudation zone. Different pore formation mechanisms are observed at the edge of a scan track, at the melt pool bottom (during collapse of the pool depression), and at the end of the melt track (during laser power ramp down). Remedies to these undesirable pores are discussed. The results are validated against the experiments and the sensitivity to laser absorptivity is discussed.
Additive manufacturing processes such as 3D printing use time-consuming, stepwise layer-by-layer approaches to object fabrication. We demonstrate the continuous generation of monolithic polymeric parts up to tens of centimeters in size with feature resolution below 100 micrometers. Continuous liquid interface production is achieved with an oxygen-permeable window below the ultraviolet image projection plane, which creates a "dead zone" (persistent liquid interface) where photopolymerization is inhibited between the window and the polymerizing part. We delineate critical control parameters and show that complex solid parts can be drawn out of the resin at rates of hundreds of millimeters per hour. These print speeds allow parts to be produced in minutes instead of hours. Copyright © 2015, American Association for the Advancement of Science.