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This study reviews existing studies on misinformation. Our purposes are to understand the major research topics that have been investigated by researchers from a variety of disciplines, and to identify important areas for further exploration for library and information science scholars. We conducted automatic descriptive analysis and manual content analysis after selecting journal articles from 4 major databases. The automatic analysis of 5,586 journal articles demonstrated that misinformation has been an increasingly popular research area in recent 12 years, and scholars in more than 1,200 fields of study have published related articles in more than 2,400 journals. Topics explored include misinformation environments, impact of misinformation, users/victims, types of misinformation, misinformation detection & correction, and others; The content analysis of 151 articles published in library and information studies journals found that more than 40 different theories/models/frameworks have been applied to understand or fight misinformation. Furthermore, information scholars have suggested that the research of misinformation could be explored further in 5 categories, including further understanding misinformation, its spread, and impacts; misinformation detection and correction, Policy and education to fight misinformation, more case studies, and more theory and model development. This study provides a broad picture of misinformation research, which allows researchers and practitioners to better plan and develop their projects and strategies for fighting misinformation. It also provides evidence to information schools to enhance curriculum development for educating the next generation of information professionals.
Fighting Misinformation: Where Are We
and Where to Go?
Huyen Nguyen , Lydia Ogbadu-Oladapo , Irhamni Ali , Haihua Chen ,
and Jiangping Chen(B)
University of North Texas, Denton, TX 76203, USA
Abstract. This study reviews existing studies on misinformation. Our purposes
are to understand the major research topics that have been investigated by
researchers from a variety of disciplines, and to identify important areas for further
exploration for library and information science scholars. We conducted automatic
descriptive analysis and manual content analysis after selecting journal articles
from 4 major databases. The automatic analysis of 5,586 journal articles demon-
strated that misinformation has been an increasingly popular research area in
recent 12 years, and scholars in more than 1,200 fields of study have published
related articles in more than 2,400 journals. Topics explored include misinforma-
tion environments, impact of misinformation, users/victims, types of misinforma-
tion, misinformation detection & correction, and others; The content analysis of
151 articles published in library and information studies journals found that more
than 40 different theories/models/frameworks have been applied to understand or
fight misinformation. Furthermore, information scholars have suggested that the
research of misinformation could be explored further in 5 categories, including
further understanding misinformation, its spread, and impacts; misinformation
detection and correction, Policy and education to fight misinformation, more case
studies, and more theory and model development. This study provides a broad
picture of misinformation research, which allows researchers and practitioners to
better plan and develop their projects and strategies for fighting misinformation. It
also provides evidence to information schools to enhance curriculum development
for educating the next generation of information professionals.
Keywords: Misinformation ·Systematic literature review ·Topic analysis
1 Introduction
Misinformation has been a challenge for the public, the social media industry, and the
academia, especially with the advancement of the Internet, social media, and other infor-
mation technologies. The wrong messages submitted or posted on social media might
lead to incorrect understanding and even harmful behavior by individuals. The negative
impact of misinformation might be tremendous and cause huge damage to the human
society; Social media platforms must spend time and effort to detect misinformation and
seek balance between free speech and misleading messages; And scholars in multiple
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023
I. Sserwanga et al. (Eds.): iConference 2023, LNCS 13971, pp. 371–394, 2023.
372 H. Nguyen et al.
disciplines, such as medicine, computer science, communication, political science are
actively exploring theories, methods, and technologies to explain, detect, and correct
As information professionals, we are at the forefront of helping information users
fight misinformation [1,2]. Although extensive research has been conducted, systematic
understanding of such effort is not performed. There is no big picture on what disciplines
are active, what have been explored, and especially, what information scientists have
performed in this area. We believe information scientists could do much more to help
the general public, to educate modern information professionals, and also to provide
insights on future solutions to misinformation. However, the basis of further exploration
needs to be a good understanding of what have been done ever since.
The purposes of this study are to understand the major research topics investigated
by researchers from a variety disciplines, and to examine the important areas for further
exploration for information scientists. Specifically, we would like to answer the following
RQ1: What are the characteristics of existing literature (2010–2022) on misinforma-
RQ2: What are the major topics explored by researchers from different disciplines?
RQ3: What are the theories that information scientists have applied to misinformation
RQ4: What are considered important future research topics or directions?
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2reviews the definition of
misinformation and a few literature reviews we could find that are related to this study;
Sect. 3describes our research design, including literature selection and data analysis
approaches. Section 4presents our analytical results on the selected papers’ metadata,
and manual library and information science articles. Next, we discuss our results and
concluded the paper.
2 Related Review Studies
2.1 Misinformation Defined
Earlier authors portray misinformation and disinformation as false information [3],
inaccurate information [4], as a virus [5,6], and as “articles that are intentionally and
verifiably false and could mislead readers” [7].
Contemporary authors, however, present misinformation as the umbrella term that
includes all inaccurate or false information or reports spreading on social media [8,
9]. However, misinformation, disinformation, fake news, rumor, spam, troll, and urban
legend all share the wrong message(s) as a common characteristic that can lead to
distress or adverse effects via social media if not curbed [9,10]. This effect explains
why false information and fake news are confused with various other terms associated
with inaccurate information. Lazer and colleagues [11] argue that fake news is the most
challenging to define as they are fabricated stories that mimic news media content and
sometimes intend to accomplish a political goal.
Fighting Misinformation: Where Are We and Where to Go? 373
Our study applies a broad definition of misinformation to include most of the aspects
being specified by other researchers - as misinformation refers to articles, posts, mes-
sages, and other representations that are intentionally fabricated and verifiably false to
mislead people.
2.2 Literature Analysis of Misinformation Research
There are very few review studies that have been found in this area. Revez and Corujo [2]
conducted a systematic literature review on librarians against fake news. They reviewed
27 articles from 2018–2020 and concluded that a librarian could develop formal instruc-
tion, apply a framework and use checklists or learner-centred approaches. Librarians
may also produce campaigns through social media or library guides through audio-visual
Another study by E, Sakura, and Li [12] reviewed 135 papers published before
2020 on misinformation correction and its effects. Their review tried to answer ques-
tions including characteristics of the literature, psychological and behavioral outcomes,
and theories used to explain or predict the performance of misinformation correction.
Their research found that there have been consistent interests on information correction
topics over the past four decades with a sharp increase in the topic relevance in the
last ten years. However, most research conducted in misinformation correction has been
built using psychological perspectives with quantitative methodologies. They concluded
that misinformation treatment is a complex process that sometimes generates unwanted
Both reviews have presented a systematic process of selecting relevant articles from
literature databases for review, which is very similar to what we have used for this
study. Specifically, E, Sakura, and Li [12] used Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic
review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) approach to analyze articles collected from google
scholar, EBSCO academic, and Web of Science.
3 Research Design
We used a systematic review approach in order to answer the research questions. A sys-
tematic review was defined as: “a review of a clearly formulated question that uses sys-
tematic and explicit methods to identify, select and critically appraise relevant research
and to collect and analyze data from the studies that are included in the review” [13].
Automatic analysis and manual content analysis were combined in this study. The whole
research process involves the following steps: 1) relevant literature identification, or data
collection; 2) article selection and verification, and (3) automatic and manual analysis.
Our study starts with retrieving metadata from well-known large scholarly databases.
The collected data were then filtered using the inclusive and exclusive criteria we prede-
fined for automatic and manual analysis. After that, the selected data sets were analyzed
automatically or manually to answer the research questions (Fig. 1).
374 H. Nguyen et al.
Fig. 1. Research design: Semi-automatic systematic review workflow
3.1 Data Collection
As misinformation covers many related terms such as “disinformation”, “fake news”,
“rumors”, “spams”, and “troll”. [9,14,15]. They are often used interchangeably. There-
fore, together with “misinformation”, we included the above terms as queries to retrieve
“misinformation” articles from the following four well-known databases: Web of Sci-
ence, Scopus, ScienceDirect, and Semantic Scholar. Furthermore, we set the publication
year filter from 2010 to 2022. In other words, we tried to retrieve misinformation-related
articles in the past 12 years as the scope of this study.
Most databases do not have complete metadata attributes, which are helpful for our
data filtering strategy. Therefore, we merged metadata from different databases using
DOI (if available) and titles. Web scraping and APIs given by Scopus, ScienceDirect,
and Semantic Scholar were used to scrap and integrate data from the four sources auto-
matically. As a result, we obtained metadata records of 24,056 articles. Each metadata
record may include the following fields: title, authors, venue, publication year, citation
count, fields of study, abstract, DOI, query, and database.
Fighting Misinformation: Where Are We and Where to Go? 375
3.2 Data Selection and Verification
Data selection and verification, or data cleaning, are necessary to ensure the quality of the
data for analysis. Our data selection process includes duplicates removal, journal article
identification, and Library and Information Science (LIS) journal article identification.
Because the data collected from different sources contained many duplicate records,
we normalized the titles by lowercasing and removing punctuations. Then we removed
8,449 duplicated records by comparing them with each other using a Python program.
After this process, 15,607 unique articles were kept. Then we removed 1,780 articles
that were published before 2010.
The remaining 13,823 records contain journal articles, conference proceedings,
books, and other types of publications. The quality of these articles varies and is chal-
lenging to control. We made a difficult decision that our analysis would focus on journal
articles. To verify that a paper is a journal article, we gathered the publication type
attributes from Semantic Scholar and compared them with our data set. None of the
other databases offer more complete information on publication type than Semantic
Scholar. Still, we manually evaluated about 1,200 records that could not be verified
automatically. After dropping papers with other publication types, 9,502 journal articles
remained. Then we kept the articles that included necessary metadata fields for our anal-
ysis. Specifically, we filtered out articles missing values on DOI, abstract, and field of
study. We finally selected metadata records of 5,586 articles for our automatic analysis.
To answer research questions 3 and 4, we selected articles that were published in
LIS journals for manual analysis. Based on the LIS journal list provided by SCImago
JR, we found 202 LIS journal articles in the 5,586 records, and 151 of them were kept
for manual content analysis.
3.3 Automatic Metadata Analysis
Our automatic analysis of the metadata of 5,586 articles was conducted using the pipeline
suggested by Chen, Chen, and Hguyen [16]. First, the analysis explores the metadata fea-
tures using simple descriptive statistics. Then we conducted keyword and topic analysis
using statistical models to gain more insights into the topics of the articles. Finally, statis-
tical models were used to extract the keywords and topics as they are corpus-independent
and do not require training data as supervised learning models.
Descriptive Analysis. The descriptive analysis aims to identify high-level bibliometric
characteristics of literature about misinformation. For our purposes, we aim to identify
distributions of articles regarding publication years, disciplines, and venues of the 5,586
Keyword Analysis. Keyword analysis extracts the most important and representative
keywords from a large corpus. Statistical and unsupervised-learning models are pre-
ferred as they are efficiently computed and do not depend on any corpus or domain.
YAKE! outperformed among those models (i.e., TF.IDF, KP-Miner, RAKE, TextRank,
SingleRank, ExpandRank, TopicRank, TopicalPageRank, PositionRank and Multipar-
titeRank) on over twenty datasets [17]. YAKE! takes into account features of casing,
376 H. Nguyen et al.
position, frequency, context relevancy, and term dispersion, returning a ranking score for
each keyword extracted by the algorithm [17]. We concatenated titles and abstracts to
input into YAKE! as they contain the most concise information of the articles. The most
common lengths of word phrases are from one to three tokens, so we set up a maximum
n-gram of three.
Topic Analysis. Topic analysis, also called topic modeling, is preferred to use to gain
more insight into a large text dataset as it clusters the most representative information into
word categories. Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) and Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)
are the two most widely-used algorithms for topic modeling based on mathematical
techniques [18]. LSA looks at the whole corpus as a whole matrix. It attempts to find the
latent relationships within texts by first computing similarity among document vector
representations, then using Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) to reduce the matrix
dimension. On the other hand, LDA assumes that each document contains a mixture
of topics described by a multinomial distribution over a word vocabulary [18]. Using
Umass topic coherence as an evaluation metric, Bellaouar, Bellaouar, and Ghada [19]
empirically proved that LDA provided better-quality topics with higher coherence scores
than LSA on a scientific publication dataset. Therefore, LDA was chosen to extract the
latent topics from the misinformation publications we selected. To choose an optimal
number of topics, we based on cv topic coherence scores. We investigated the coherence
of a range of topic numbers between 20 and 40; this range is proper to balance the topic’s
interpretability and specificity. With the highest coherence scores (0.485) for 30 topics,
we chose to cluster the dataset into 30 topics.
3.4 Manual Content Analysis
As aforementioned, we selected 202 LIS journal articles for our systematic review. To
ensure that those articles are research publications with regard to misinformation, we
manually verified them and kept 151 articles for the systematic review. For the purpose
of this study, we manually analyzed the full texts of these articles to: identify theories
or frameworks used in misinformation research (RQ3), and to extract and summarize
future research directions (RQ4) by the authors of these articles.
Coding Process and Codes. We applied an inductive approach to conducting a coding
process to answer RQ3 and RQ4. In other words, the coding process aims to identify
theories (RQ3) and future directions (RQ4) from the 151 library and information sci-
ence articles. Because there is no coding scheme available, we identified the theories
and future directions of the articles and then summarized them to form appropriate
categories. The two-level codes: theories or future directions, and their categories, are
presented in the Results Section. In Sect. 4.3, Table 4lists the categories of theories
in the first column, the frequency count and percentage, and the examples of existing
theories/models/frameworks in the last column. In Sect. 4.4, Table 5lists the categories
of future directions in the first column, and actual future directions in the second column.
One of the authors did the coding for each table, and another author reverified the coding
Fighting Misinformation: Where Are We and Where to Go? 377
4 Results
This section reports the results of our automatic analysis and manual content analysis.
4.1 General Characteristics of Misinformation Literature
We automatically analyzed the following features: Distribution of Publication, Publica-
tion Fields, and Publication Venues.
Distribution of Publication. Figure 2depicts the distribution of 5,586 journal articles
published in 2010–2022 related to misinformation. It indicated that research on misin-
formation had become an upward trend between 2010 and 2021. Evidently, the number
of publications has doubled each year since 2019. Although we do not have complete
data for 2022, with this tendency, it can be forecasted to grow higher at the end of this
Fig. 2. Distribution of publications 2010–2022
Publication Fields. Scrapping the field-of-study metadata from Semantic Scholar to
merge with our collected data allows us to understand the interdisciplinary nature of
the misinformation research. We found 1,278 disciplines that have contributed to this
research area. Table 1lists the top 30 fields of study that have published the greatest
number of articles. Medicine, followed by Computer science, has the most publications
about misinformation, accounting for 27% and 24% respectively of the whole data set
(n =5,586). Psychology takes up the third largest portion (10%). Among the misinfor-
mation publications we selected, the Information science & Library science field also
contributes 182 articles, making it the eighth largest field.
378 H. Nguyen et al.
Table 1. Top 30 disciplines studying misinformation.
Field of study Count Field of study Count
Medicine 1508 Science & technology - other topics 99
Computer science 1321 History 93
Psychology 546 Environmental sciences & ecology 83
Communication 419 Public 71
Engineering 250 Environmental & occupational
Political science 226 Chemistry 51
Sociology 186 International relations 50
Information science & library science 182 Operations research & management
Physics 170 Linguistics 46
Mathematics 138 Materials science 45
Government & LAW 135 Geography 45
Telecommunications 122 Geology 45
Business 109 Arts & humanities - other topics 44
Social sciences - other topics 104 Economics 41
Business & economics 99 Education & educational research 36
Publication Venues. The misinformation-related articles we selected were published
in 2,401 journals; the top 20 leading journals are presented in Fig. 3. Physica A: Sta-
tistical mechanics and its applications, a journal in the field of statistical mechanics,
published the most misinformation-related papers (96 papers); IEEE Access, an inter-
disciplinary journal of engineering and information technologies fields, published the
second largest number of articles. Both journals are well-identified in the computer and
information science community. Further, a majority of the leading journals are computer
and information science (about eight journals) and medicine and health science (about
seven journals), affirming the incredible growth of this topic in those two areas.
Based on the journal list given by SCImago JR1, we found that 62 out of 2,401 jour-
nals in our selected misinformation literature are of Library and Information Science.
Table 2shows the top 20 LIS journals leading in misinformation research. The Publica-
tions journal ranks first with 16 articles, followed by Government Information Quarterly,
Journal of Information Science, International Journal of Information Management, and
JASIST, almost half of that number.
Fighting Misinformation: Where Are We and Where to Go? 379
Fig. 3. Top 20 journals publishing misinformation-related research.
Table 2. Top 20 leading library and information science journals
LIS journal Frequency
Publications 16
Government information quarterly 9
Journal of information science 8
International journal of information management 8
Journal of the association for information science and technology (JASIST) 8
Online information review 7
Profesional de la informacion 6
Library & information science research 5
IEEE transactions on information forensics and security 4
Social science computer review 4
Electronic library 4
Journal of health communication 4
Information communication and society 3
Journal of documentation 3
Reference services review 3
Communications in information literacy 3
380 H. Nguyen et al.
4.2 Major Topics and Themes
Key Terms. Using YAKE! Keyword extraction algorithm, we extracted the top 50 key
terms from the dataset. Among them, the most frequent words or phrases are “social
network spam”, “social media network”, “social media research”, “fake news”, “health
misinformation”, “fake news detection”, “rumor spreading”, “rumor detection”, “fake
news sharing” (or “fake news spreading”), “vaccine”, “social media analysis”, “misin-
formation effect”, “fake news research”, and “rumors”. These terms indicate aspects of
current misinformation research, which may include misinformation detection, social
media analysis, misinformation effect or impact, contexts, or environments that mis-
information was spread or distributed (i.e., social media), and domains involved (i.e.,
medicine and healthcare).
Topics and Themes. Key term extraction has its limitation for us to understand the
topics because they are at most three-word phrases. We, therefore, conducted topic
analysis applying the LDA topic modeling algorithm. The topic analysis could cluster
articles with related topics that allow us to identify themes out of the topics. Table 3is
the results of the topic analysis. It contains four columns, with the first column providing
an ID for each topic identified by the system. The second column lists the 10 terms that
represent each topic. These terms are extracted from the title and abstract of the 5,583
records; the third column is topics annotated by the authors based on the terms, which was
challenging because annotation is subjective and could be wrong, even though we have 10
terms for each topic. The last column lists themes that we identified based on the terms and
topics. We identified 6 themes, including Environment of rising misinformation, Impact
of misinformation, User research, Domain-specific misinformation research, types of
misinformation, and fighting misinformation. Several topics detected by the system are
labeled as “Unknow topic” because we failed to assign an appropriate label to it. We
assigned them into a category called “Other.”
Even though it is sometimes challenging to accurately interpret the results of the topic
analysis, most misinformation is created and spread on Internet environments, including
social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and emails. Noticeably, misinfor-
mation also exists in the form of visual advertisements on Instagram. Additionally, we
found that Cybercrime contributed to misinformation creation and growth.
Spam, fake news, and rumors are found to be major types of misinformation, which
is consistent with the aforementioned misinformation definition by Wu and others [9].
Misinformation especially involves various domains, from controversial social issues,
environment, and medicine to the political dilemma; specifically, some popular topics
of misinformation found are scandal, medical treatment, sexual misconduct, COVID-19
pandemic, abortion, political issues in the election, and vaccination concerns in commu-
nity. Also, approaches to fight misinformation, including educating, managing healthcare
risks, making scientific evidence visible, and using algorithms to automatically detect
misinformation, are explored in the literature. Furthermore, we found that misinforma-
tion literature also focused on studying the impact of misinformation on human memory
and stock trading market, while behavior studies and online review studies are signifi-
cant research in this area. However, as a tradeoff of automatic content analysis methods,
some word clusters (i.e., Topics 25–30) are not easily interpretable, so we named them
unknown topics.
Fighting Misinformation: Where Are We and Where to Go? 381
Table 3. Topics and themes of LIS misinformation research.
Topic ID Word cluster Annotated topic Themes
1Social, media, inform,
misinformation, twitter,
content, user, platform,
tweet, analysis
Misinformation on social
media (Twitter)
A. Environment of rising
2Model, network, spread,
rumor, inform,
propagation, social,
dynamic, control, node
Rumor spreading through
social network
3Cyber, youth,
cyberbullying, aggressive,
self, trait, person,
relationship, answer, dark
4Image, visual, Instagram,
panic, advertise, buy,
project, forest, density, tag
Visual advertisements on
5 Rumor, market, food,
consume, product, stock,
cost, price, trade, impact
Rumor impacts on the
stock trading market
B. Impact of
6Misinformation, effect,
memory, participate,
correct, false, inform, test,
study, belief
Effect of misinformation
on memory
7Troll, study, online, use,
bully, behavior, measure,
analysis, data, indicate
Behavior study about
online bullying and troll
C. User research
8 Review, user, research,
use, base, data, inform,
online, develop, paper
Research on online users’
9Couple, lie, pathway,
poison, tolerate, pseudo,
scandal, gate, hotspot, beij
Scandal D. Domain Specific
misinformation research
10 Patient, medical,
treatment, publish,
clinical, case, report,
disorder, article, journal
Medical treatment
11 Video, women, adolescent,
victim, YouTube, gender,
school, score, sexual, year
Victims of sexual abuse
382 H. Nguyen et al.
Table 3. (continued)
Topic ID Word cluster Annotated topic Themes
12 Covid, health, pandemic,
study, public, inform,
misinformation, prevent,
people, risk
Misinformation in
COVID-19 pandemic
13 Politics, media, election,
ideology, right, Russian,
campaign, social, speech,
Russian-related political
issues in election
14 Fish, surface,
environment, estimate,
field, water, area, land,
catch, region
15 Vaccine, hesitate, accept,
barrier, community,
uptake, health, immune,
concern, including
Vaccination concerns in
16 Disinformation, article,
community, public,
digital, govern, research,
case, state, politics
Political disinformation
17 Rumor, social, abort,
event, attention, inform,
Weibo, microblog, model,
Rumor of abortion
18 Spam, mail, attack,
message, email, system,
page, secure, mobile, rate
Email spam E. Types of
19 News, fake, media,
inform, credible, social,
share, fact, study, trust
Fake news on social
20 Inform, student, study,
research, educate, literacy,
university, participate,
social, find
Educating F. Fighting
21 Inform, community,
manage, risk, care, health,
provide, need, use,
Heathcare risk
Fighting Misinformation: Where Are We and Where to Go? 383
Table 3. (continued)
Topic ID Word cluster Annotated topic Themes
22 Detect, spam, propose,
method, base, feature,
model, learn, use,
Spam detection algorithm
23 Children, parent, cell,
interview, child, family,
mother, report, study, trial
Interviewing family
24 Science, scientific,
knowledge, policy,
climate, public, evidence,
expert, access, scientist
Scientific evidence
25 Contracept, random,
formula, graph, call,
station, time, nuclear,
protocol, accident
Unknown topic G. Other
26 Game, level, interact,
echo, book, chamber,
liquid, dietary, micro,
Unknown topic
27 Particle, source, mass,
species, size, single,
aerosol, concentration,
period, observe
Unknown topic
28 Energy, sensor, island,
rout, flood, Christian,
renew, entropy,
cryptocurrency, protocol
Unknown topic
29 Perpetrate, urban, fatal,
Taiwan, domestic, middle,
diplomacy, opioid, Asian,
Unknown topic
30 Comment, signal, blog,
emission, linguistic, film,
coal, humor, annual,
Unknown topic
4.3 Theories Applied by Library and Information Science Scholars
Our manual content analysis identified more than 40 different theories, models, or
perspectives that library and information science scholars have applied to research
misinformation. Table 4lists the categories of major theories from the 151 articles.
384 H. Nguyen et al.
Table 4. Theories, models, or perspectives applied to misinformation research2
Category Frequency (percentage) Description or sample theories
No theory 59 (39.1%) No specific theories identified. Even
though papers provide literature for
concepts being explored
38 (25.2%) BERT, deep learning models,
different types of classifiers,
supervised and non-supervised
machine learning models
Information credibility 9 (6.0%) Information credibility theory
Information literacy
6 (4.0%) Media literacy key elements, ACRL
information literacy framework
Other theories 42 (27.8%) Theories in information seeking,
behavior, cognition, social
diffusion, deterrence theory, uses
and gratification
No Theory. Fifty-nine or 39.1% of the papers does not mention specific theories applied,
even though they have reviewed concepts or certain perspectives in the literature for their
research purposes. Among them, 3 papers are on bibliometrics and 8 are literature review
papers. Some papers have applied a grounded theory approach [20,21], which aims to
discover or construct theory from data that is systematically obtained and analyzed using
comparative analysis [22]. Some of the papers focused on understanding misinformation
impact on different user groups, or fake news spread at different media platforms [23
26]. Legal perspective was also used to guide the discussion of misinformation [2730].
Other theories or perspectives to understand misinformation include systematic review
and bibliometric [2,3135].
Computational Algorithms and Models. Computational methods, such as deep learn-
ing and machine learning models have been used in 38 studies. These studies explored
the use of machine learning methods [3651], deep learning methods [5263], and
other computation models or theories [6466] to analyze social media, email, or other
data. Studies aimed to experiment or identify most effective models or algorithms for
misinformation detection, information classification, or impact understanding. Many of
the studies experimented multiple algorithms for evaluation purposes. It is sometimes
challenging to differentiate different types of computational models.
Information Credibility. There are 9 papers that are related to information credibility
[6775]. Information credibility theories define related concepts, such as credible infor-
mation, trust, belief, and provide approaches to assessing credibility of information in
various format [73].
2A complete table of theories/models is available in our GitHub site.
Fighting Misinformation: Where Are We and Where to Go? 385
Information Literacy Frameworks/Models. Authors of 6 articles considered that
information literacy was the key to deter and correct misinformation, and have applied
existing information literacy framework to guide their research [7681]. The informa-
tion literacy framework from the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL: has been applied by multiple studies.
Other Theories. Forty-two studies applied theories or models in business, human
behavioral research, Psychology, political science, policy, and information seeking. Here
are a few examples: uses and gratification theory [82,83], fact checking [84], elaboration
likelihood model [85], Kuhlthau’s information seeking behavior and process [86], tech-
nology adoption model [87], themes of misinformation [88], Longo health information
model [89], Heuristic system model [90], and integrated behavioral model [91].
4.4 Important Future Research Directions
We are interested in what scholars consider important future research on misinformation.
Table 5lists the important future research directors identified by information science
scholars. These directions can be categorized into the following areas:
Further Understanding Misinformation, its Spread, and its Impacts: About 29
authors would be conducting studies in this category. Examples include longitudinal
studies [24] and expanding library intervention [20,50]. While others include exploring
the extent of the spread of misinformation on social networks [15,41,43,66,92,93],
sentiments or reason behind the spread [52,94], relationships between variables [44,95,
96], and predicting virality [97]. Other authors propose to explore misinformation spread
in other languages [47,98], in other countries [90,99], investigating public relations and
crises intervention [35,100], entrepreneurial space [101], perception [71,75,102] and
addressing structural inequalities [103].
Misinformation Detection and Correction. Authors of about 20 articles proposed to
work toward improving misinformation detection, including spam detection [54,55,61];
using natural language processing [48], using the bot [104], applying machine learning
[46], probability sampling [77]; text extraction [59,105], and modified label training
[106]. Moreover, other future works relate to refining previous analysis [57], exploring
systematic modeling and theorization effort [107], employing classifiers [108], and more
exploration of effective rumorr extraction [70,85,109111].
Policy and Education to Fight Misinformation. Authors of 50 articles would be
developing policies and procedures for emergency responses [79,87,100,112,113],
professional neutrality [114], privacy [42], promotion of awareness [115], exploring
ways of exposing players of misinformation [29,60,116118] and tracking blogs [119].
More studies are need on understanding information behavior and limitations of partic-
ipants [120,121], exploring instructional methods [14,26,28,31,80,122,123], and
staff development [124,125].
386 H. Nguyen et al.
Conducting more Case Analyses and Studies. Authors of about 23 articles suggested
more case analyses and studies being conducted for various purposes [2,24,36,44,53,
126130]. Here we mention just a few.
Theory and Model Development. Authors of about 21 articles proposed that new
models be applied or developed in this area. A few examples include the architecture
model [56], exploring patterns [67], interactivity [72], cross-linkability between bio-
metric templates in different databases [62], and models for controlling misinformation
Table 5. Future research directions identified3
Category Major topics Number of articles
Further understanding
misinformation, spread, and its
Health related
Media, youths, information literacy,
& others
Spread: Extent, form, sentiments, &
Misinformation detection and
Text & rumor extraction
Misinformation correction with AI/
machine learning
Policy and education to fight
Developing policies and educational
Intervention: library & crises
Information behavior to overcome
limitation of participants
Conducting more case analysis
and studies
Empirical, mixed methods,
longitudinal & heuristic study
Theory and model development Proposing new models related to
architecture, patterns, interactivity
Enhancing generalizability: update,
scope, reliability
Not stated 13
5 Discussions
5.1 Answers to Research Questions
Characteristics of Existing Literature (2010–2022). We explored the literature from
three perspectives: distribution of publication over time, disciplines involved, and pub-
lication venues. Our automatic analysis found that misinformation research has gained
3A complete table of future research directions is available in our GitHub.
Fighting Misinformation: Where Are We and Where to Go? 387
popularity since 2017, with more than 200 journal articles published in this area. More-
over, the number of publications has doubled each year since 2019. In 2021, we found
more than 1,600 journal articles on misinformation; The fields that have studied misin-
formation are numerous, spanning from medicine, computer science, and psychology
to political science, information science, and economics; More than 2,400 journals have
published articles on misinformation.
Major Topics Explored by Researchers from Different Disciplines. Our key term
analysis and topic analysis of the 5,586 journal articles indicated that extensive research
had been conducted to understand misinformation on social media, misinformation
spreading, user behavior as related to misinformation, and misinformation in differ-
ent areas and their impact on different types of people. As a result, six categories of
misinformation research with about 24 topics were identified and listed in Table 2.
Theories that Information Scientists Have Applied to Misinformation Research.
Our content analysis of the 151 journal articles in Library and Information Studies (LIS)
identified more than 40 theories or models that have been applied by information schol-
ars. These theories were used to guide the development of new theories/algorithms for
misinformation understanding/detection, to explore misinformation spread, to assess
misinformation impact on people, or to improve people’s capabilities of evaluating
Important Future Research Topics or Directions. We also analyzed the future
research direction proposed or suggested by the authors of the 151 LIS journal articles.
Five themes or categories were identified for future research in misinformation: Further
understanding of misinformation, spread, and its impacts, Misinformation detection, and
correction, Policy and education to fight misinformation, Conducting more case analysis
and studies, and theory and model development.
5.2 Significance and Limitations of the Study
This study provides a broad picture of misinformation research. Focusing on under-
standing the current status of this field, including characteristics of existing literature,
topics explored by scholars, theories being applied, and suggestions from authors on
future directions. As fighting misinformation is an ongoing topic in information studies,
results from this study help researchers develop and plan their research ideas and projects.
Also, this study provides evidence to inform schools that we need to develop related
curricula on understanding and fighting misinformation to educate future information
This study has several limitations: we had to limit our data set to journal articles in the
recent 12 years to complete the study in a manageable timeframe. Many papers related
to misinformation may be published in other venues, such as books and conference
proceedings. However, as shown in the initial exploratory data analysis of Stage II, the
number of journal articles accounts for nearly 70%, compared to that of conference,
books, and others, proving a reasonable data sample. Another limitation is due to the
data incompleteness in the existing databases: we had to drop a significant number of
388 H. Nguyen et al.
data (almost 41% of 9,502 journal articles) which metadata needed for our meta-analysis
are missing. Therefore, our driven implications and conclusions might not be scalable
for the whole science community; The third limitation is, due to time constraints, our
content analysis had only focused on theories and future directions in LIS; the two areas
that most interest the authors. The investigation could be more extensive and deeper, for
example, to summarize different research designs, or identify new theories or models
originally targeting and curbing misinformation.
6 Summary and Future Research
This study conducts systematic literature review to understand misinformation research
topics, theories applied, and future directions as proposed by information scholars.
Through a systematic approach, we selected 5,586 articles for automatic analysis and
151 articles in library and information science for manual content analysis. Our anal-
ysis discovered that misinformation research had attracted broad interests from many
disciplines and extensive research has been conducted in LIS.
To address the limitations of this study, we plan to continue our analysis using
the same dataset to build an ontology of misinformation, then extend the dataset to
expand the ontology. Finally, guided by ontology, we will explore specific topics, such
as developing models, strategies, curricula, and guidelines to help organizations and the
public fight misinformation. Python codes and our analysis results are publicly available
on our GitHub.4
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... Studies investigating the spread and impact of misinformation apply theories in multiple disciplines to guide the investigation. Nguyen et al. (2023) conducted a content analysis of 151 articles in the library and information science domain. While around 39% of the articles did not use theories, more than 40 theories, models, and frameworks have been applied in these studies. ...
... Although misinformation and disinformation are often misunderstood, misused, or even used interchangeably (Allen & Zimmerman, 2022), they are different. However, misinformation, disinformation, rumor, or fake news share the wrong message(s) that can mislead with adverse consequences (Nguyen et al., 2023;Wu et al., 2019) and can be much worse when it relates to health, senior adults, and children. Therefore, this study focuses solely on misinformation as an umbrella term, and the essential characteristics of misinformation include that it is not true and may lead to serious, negative consequences when it is believed or spread. ...
... The result indicates that 102 articles (37.4%) were published in 2022, followed by 2021 (55 or 20.1%), 2020 (28 or 10.3%), and 2019 (25 or 9.2%). The results are consistent with those by Nguyen et al. (2023). Research on misinformation is still attracting a lot of attention from researchers in different disciplines. ...
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This paper examines social science and humanity theories that have been applied to studies dealing with misinformation. We identified 273 articles published from 2012 to 2023 from Web of Science, Scopus, and ScienceDirect. These articles are empirical studies that have applied one or more social science or humanity theories. Applying content analysis approach, we identified 124 theories that authors have used in their studies. These theories belong to different disciplines or fields, such as political science, psychology, communication, sociology, and economics. We discuss the top 11 theories and how they have been used to understand misinformation and its impacts. This study provides insights into understanding current misinformation studies and rich resources for information evaluation and information literacy education.
... Three bibliographic databases (Scopus, PubMed Central, and ClinVar,) were used to search for peer-reviewed papers and conference proceedings spanning the past eight years (2015)(2016)(2017)(2018)(2019)(2020)(2021)(2022). The search methodology follows the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA-S) extension for reporting literature searches (Hays et al. 2022;Nguyen et al. 2023;Page et al. 2021). PRISMA-S offers a four-part arrangement for assessing studies for inclusion in the review process, such as identification, screening, eligibility, and inclusion. ...
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Purpose In the era of data and information flood—where misinformation, disinformation, and mal-information are making the rounds—making the right decision can be challenging. Constant evaluation of scientific evidence about the direct and indirect impact of information and health literacy on health decision-making is critical for human well-being. This study aims to gather, assess, and summarize relevant and current research about the impacts of information and health literacy on health-related decision-making in North America. Findings One hundred twenty-three articles were retrieved, of which 56 were included in the final review. They were reviewed for study characteristics, conclusions, and recommendations. The appraisal revealed that low information and health literacy can impact health decision-making, but low health literacy directly impacts health decision-making more than low information literacy. Other factors influence health decision-making, such as neighborhood, age, numeracy, civil engagement, and health educational programs. However, health and information literacy were the most critical factors impacting health decision-making. Conclusion Information literacy and health literacy significantly influence health decision-making among adults. In today’s ever-evolving information landscape, health and information literacy have become indispensable tools for informed decision-making in healthcare, particularly among adults. Investing in health literacy and information literacy for adults, including providing educational programs, is crucial to promoting a healthy lifestyle, ensuring informed healthcare decisions, and safeguarding against misinformation.
False information, also known as misinformation or disinformation, has long been a serious concern in health information behavior research. The phenomenon of false information in health information behavior is complex and multifaceted, and it involves a range of factors related to the production, dissemination, and consumption of health information. This paper aims to understand through which channels people receive false health information and which information behavior patterns exist towards this kind of information. Based on 21 qualitative semi‐structured interviews with interactive and visual participative elements, five patterns of health information behavior towards the receivement of false health information were identified. Further, a strong relationship between these patterns, the context in which false health information was encountered, and the information source was observed. Additionally, two specific information behavior patterns (information avoidance and intentional non‐information behavior) as well as the urgency and impact of false information on the health of individuals and society, were identified as potential drivers for the dissemination of false health information.
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To date, there is little research to measure the scale of misinformation and understand how it spreads on largely unmoderated platforms. Our analysis of 200,000 Telegram posts demonstrates that links to known sources of misleading information are shared more often than links to professional news content, but the former stays confined to relatively few channels. We conclude that, contrary to popular received wisdom, the audience for misinformation is not a general one, but a small and active community of users. Our study strengthens an empirical consensus regarding the spread of misinformation and expands it for the case of Telegram. © 2022 The Author(s). Published with license by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
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Literature on minorities' health-related information seeking shows that minorities, like non-minorities, require access to accurate and timely information, but they also need information in a range of languages and from a variety of sources. Health-related information seeking behaviour of Persian-speaking minorities living in Finland, explicitly focused on the COVID-19 pandemic situation, was investigated. Eighteen semi-structured interviews were conducted, and the extended Longo Health Information Model was used as a theoretical lens for analysing the data. The results point to several factors that can improve the outcome of minorities' health-related information seeking behaviours and activities, such as providing information related to their personal health, a deeper understanding of factors influencing the quality of health conditions at the individual or household level and broadcasting the latest health-related information in different languages and emphasize the needs for mental health-related information and services. The findings suggest that not only healthcare providers, immigration officials, and policymakers should be aware of the specific health-related information that minorities require, seek, and use during times of adversity, but also the extent to which how the identified factors influence the process of minorities' seeking health-related information.
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The purpose of this systematic literature review is to review the major studies about misinformation and fake news during COVID-19 on social media. A total of 144 articles studies were retrieved from ScienceDirect, Scopus, and Web of Science databases and 20 relevant articles were selected using the PRISMA technique. It was found that altruism, instant news sharing, self-promotion, and socialization are predictors of fake news sharing. Furthermore, the human mind plays a significant role in spreading misinformation while the role of critical thinking of individuals is very much important in controlling the flow of misinformation.
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The amount of images with embedded text shared on Online Social Networks (OSNs), such as Twitter or Facebook has been growing in recent years. It is becoming important to analyse the images uploaded into these platforms, as adversaries may spread images with toxic content or misinformation (i.e. spam). Optical character recognition (OCR) systems have been used to detect images with malicious content, where the embedded text gets extracted and classified using machine learning algorithms. However, most existing OCR-based systems are adversary-agnostic models, in which the extracted text from an image is not checked by humans before the classification. Consequently, these fully automated models become vulnerable to minor modifications of images’ pixels or textual content (e.g., character-level perturbations), which do not affect human understanding, but could cause the OCR systems to misrecognise the embedded text. In this paper, we propose an OCR post-correction algorithm to improve the robustness of OCR-based systems against images with perturbed embedded texts. Experimental results showed that our proposed algorithm improves the robustness of three state-of-the-art OCR models with at least 10% against adversarial text images, and it outperforms five spellcheckers in correcting adversarial text. Also, we evaluated the perceptibility of our adversarial images, and this study showed that 91% of the participants were able to correctly recognise the adversarial text images. Additionally, we developed an adversary-aware OCR-based system for detecting adversarial text images using the proposed algorithm, and our evaluation results showed considerable improvement in the performance of an OCR-based system.
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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate the scholarly contribution of literature published on the much-hyped term fake news and associated terms such as misinformation, disinformation and post-truth in various disciplines, which contributes heavily to information disorder. Design/methodology/approach The study conducted a bibliometric inquiry of literature published in Scopus and Web of Science (WoS) databases (2001-2020) and steered in-depth quantitative content analysis of top-cited publications. The data mining covers 1,776 and 1,056 publications from WoS and Scopus databases, respectively. Bibliometrix R-package, VOSviewer Software tool and Microsoft Excel were used for analysis. Findings The study concluded that the past seven years (2014–2020) are the most productive period in studying fake news and its associated terms due to the unprecedented rise of social media and digital media. The prominent themes of the study were conducted in political, health, technology, media and social media space, whereas the output is minor in the pure science field. It is also inferred that both databases are contributing consistently in the domain of fake news literature. Practical implications The study helps in expansion of knowledge based on the research topic as well as in understanding the evolution of fake news in support of further research in this area. Originality/value Mapping scholarly contributions of scientific research provides a guiding approach and helps counter the information chaos stimulated by fake news phenomena in the digital era.
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In this exploratory study, we examine political polarization regarding the online discussion of the COVID-19 pandemic. We use data from Reddit to explore the differences in the topics emphasized by different subreddits according to political ideology. We also examine whether there are systematic differences in the credibility of sources shared by the subscribers of subreddits that vary by ideology, and in the tendency to share information from sources implicated in spreading COVID-19 misinformation. Our results show polarization in topics of discussion: the Trump, White House, and economic relief topics are statistically more prominent in liberal subreddits, and China and deaths topics are more prominent in conservative subreddits. There are also significant differences between liberal and conservative subreddits in their preferences for news sources. Liberal subreddits share and discuss articles from more credible news sources than conservative subreddits, and conservative subreddits are more likely than liberal subreddits to share articles from sites flagged for publishing COVID-19 misinformation.
External disciplinary fields and popular discourse have called upon libraries to explain and address the phenomena related to the prevalence of false and misleading information. The authors provide a critique of this call based in primary research on public libraries in the state of New Jersey during the COVID-19 pandemic. To compliment reviews of public library websites across the state of New Jersey for listed tactics to address misinformation, library staff were surveyed and interviewed on strategies they employ to stem the tide of misinformation and what they might need to work more effectively in the context. The findings reveal tactics employed by the libraries, ranging from active to passive interventions, and literacy-driven to topic-driven tactics, as well as what library staff articulated as impediments to their ability to address misinformation, including the lack of resources, the perception that the library should be a neutral arbiter in these discussions, and that they are “speaking to the choir” with their efforts. The findings can be useful in evaluating existing methods of addressing misinformation within public libraries and developing new tactics and partnerships that can be leveraged to achieve these goals.
Purpose Coronavirus disease 2019-related fake news consistently appears on social media. This study uses appraisal theory to analyze the impact of such rumors on individuals' emotions, motivations, and intentions to share fake news. Furthermore, the concept of psychological distance and construal level theory are used in combination with appraisal theory to compare toilet paper shortages and celebrity scandal rumors. Design/methodology/approach Data collected from 299 Taiwanese respondents to 150 toilet paper shortage-related and 149 celebrity gossip-related questionnaires were processed using partial least squares regression and multigroup analysis. Findings In both cases, surprise is felt most intensely. However, unlike in the celebrity fake news scenario, worry plays a prominent role in driving the altruistic sharing motivation related to the toilet paper shortage rumor. Furthermore, while emotional attributes (basic or self-conscious, concrete, or abstract) serve as a guide for how emotions change with psychological distance, the degree to which an emotion is relevant to the fake news context is key to its manifestation. Originality/value This study examines the impact of individuals' emotions on their motivations and intention to share fake news, applying the appraisal theory and the psychological distance concept in a single study to fake news sharing intention. It evaluates the relationship between psychological distance and emotions, revealing that it is not absolute and need not necessarily shift according to psychological distance change; rather, the relationship is context-sensitive.
Purpose The COVID-19 has become a global pandemic, which has caused large number of deaths and huge economic losses. These losses are not only caused by the virus but also by the related rumors. Nowadays, online social media are quite popular, where billions of people express their opinions and propagate information. Rumors about COVID-19 posted on online social media usually spread rapidly; it is hard to analyze and detect rumors only by artificial processing. The purpose of this paper is to propose a novel model called the Topic-Comment-based Rumor Detection model (TopCom) to detect rumors as soon as possible. Design/methodology/approach The authors conducted COVID-19 rumor detection from Sina Weibo, one of the most widely used Chinese online social media. The authors constructed a dataset about COVID-19 from January 1 to June 30, 2020 with a web crawler, including both rumor and non-rumors. The rumor detection task is regarded as a binary classification problem. The proposed TopCom model exploits the topical memory networks to fuse latent topic information with original microblogs, which solves the sparsity problems brought by short-text microblogs. In addition, TopCom fuses comments with corresponding microblogs to further improve the performance. Findings Experimental results on a publicly available dataset and the proposed COVID dataset have shown superiority and efficiency compared with baselines. The authors further randomly selected microblogs posted from July 1–31, 2020 for the case study, which also shows the effectiveness and application prospects for detecting rumors about COVID-19 automatically. Originality/value The originality of TopCom lies in the fusion of latent topic information of original microblogs and corresponding comments with DNNs-based models for the COVID-19 rumor detection task, whose value is to help detect rumors automatically in a short time.
Bot Detection is crucial in a world where Online Social Networks (OSNs) play a pivotal role in our lives as public communication channels. This task becomes highly relevant in crises like the Covid-19 pandemic when there is a growing risk of proliferation of automated accounts designed to produce misinformation content. To address this issue, we first introduce a comparison between supervised Bot Detection models using Data Selection. The techniques used to develop the bot detection models use features such as the tweets’ metadata or accounts’ Digital Fingerprint. The techniques implemented in this work proved effective in detecting bots with different behaviors. Social Fingerprint-based methods have been found to be effective with bots that behave in a coordinated manner. Furthermore, all these approaches have produced excellent results compared to the Botometer v3. Second, we present and discuss a case study related to the Covid-19 pandemic that analyses the differences in the discourse between bots and humans on Twitter, a platform used worldwide to express opinions and engage in dialogue in a public arena. While bots and humans generally express themselves alike, the tweets’ content and sentiment analysis reveal some dissimilitudes, especially in tweets concerning President Trump. When the discourse switches to pandemic management by Trump, sentiment-related values display a drastic difference, showing that tweets generated by bots have a predominantly negative attitude. However, according to our findings, while automated accounts are numerous and active in discussing controversial issues, they usually do not seem to increase exposure to negative and inflammatory content for human users.