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International diffusion of embodied and disembodied technology: A network analysis approach



This study proposes a quantitative method for investigating the structure of international technology diffusion. By using network analysis, this study defines the structural configuration of each country within the international diffusion network by measuring its degree, closeness, and betweenness centralities. In addition, this study distinguishes between embodied technology diffusion, measured by multilateral trade, and disembodied technology diffusion, measured by patent citations, in individual countries. This study empirically tests a sample data set of international technology diffusion taken from 48 countries. The empirical results show that the structural configuration of countries exhibits similar patterns in both embodied and disembodied diffusion networks. Significant global stratification patterns exist in the capability of national international technology exportation and brokerage advantages. Moreover, this study distinguishes four blocks of countries that play different roles in international technology diffusion: the leading countries provide a source of technological knowledge; an intermediate group diffuses the knowledge acquired from the source; a third group is in the process of initiating the export of technological knowledge; and a final group of countries absorbs technological knowledge without reciprocal exportation. Finally, this study identifies two types of catch-up strategies that newly industrialized or developing countries can use to move up the international technology stratification.
International diffusion of embodied and disembodied technology: A network
analysis approach
Hsin-Yu Shih
, Tung-Lung Steven Chang
Department of International Business Studies, National Chi Nan University, Puli, Taiwan
Department of Marketing and International Business, Long Island University, C. W. Post, Brookville, NY, USA
article info abstract
Article history:
Received 6 July 2008
Received in revised form 1 September 2008
Accepted 4 September 2008
This study proposes a quantitative method for investigating the structure of international
technology diffusion. By using network analysis, this study denes the structural conguration
of each country within the international diffusion network by measuring its degree, closeness,
and betweenness centralities. In addition, this study distinguishes between embodied
technology diffusion, measured by multilateral trade, and disembodied technology diffusion,
measured by patent citations, in individual countries. This study empirically tests a sample data
set of international technology diffusion taken from 48 countries. The empirical results show
that the structural conguration of countries exhibits similar patterns in both embodied and
disembodied diffusion networks. Signicant global stratication patterns exist in the capability
of national international technology exportation and brokerage advantages. Moreover, this
study distinguishes four blocks of countries that play different roles in international technology
diffusion: the leading countries provide a source of technological knowledge; an intermediate
group diffuses the knowledge acquired from the source; a third group is in the process of
initiating the export of technological knowledge; and a nal group of countries absorbs
technological knowledge without reciprocal exportation. Finally, this study identies two types
of catch-up strategies that newly industrialized or developing countries can use to move up the
international technology stratication.
© 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
International technology diffusion
Network analysis
Embodied technology
Disembodied technology
International trade
Patent citation
1. Introduction
The contemporary growth theory suggests that technological progress is the primary driver of national economic growth [13].
Nations can adopt two approaches for achieving technological progress: endogenously enhancing their technological innovation
capabilities or alternatively by acquiring advanced technology through international technology diffusion. Although the capacity
for original innovation is one of the main sources of economic growth, the real impetus derives from the capacity to exploit the
economical potential and opportunities of inventions via widespread diffusion [4]. Recent research has demonstrated that in most
countries the main sources of technological progress leading to productivity gain are from abroad rather than domestically [5,6].
International technology diffusion thus has become a popular topic in the literature on economics and technology policy (e.g., [6
11]). International technology diffusion is a comprehensive term dealing with mechanisms for shifting technological knowledge
across borders and the effective diffusion of technology into recipient economies [12]. Thus, it involves numerous complex
processes, leading to policy making in this area being especially complex and requiring careful consideration both at the individual
Technological Forecasting & Social Change 76 (2009) 821834
Corresponding author. Department of International Business Studies, National Chi Nan University, 1, University Rd., Puli, Nantou 545, Taiwan. Tel.: +886 49
2910960; fax: +886 49 2912595.
E-mail address: (H.-Y. Shih).
0040-1625/$ see front matter © 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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Technological Forecasting & Social Change
country and multilateral levels. However, most extant studies have focused on the inuence of international technology diffusion
on domestic productivity gain from the individual country perspective, but the network structure of technology diffusion within
the international economy from a multilateral perspective has been relatively ignored.
A practical method of studying international technology diffusion from a multilateral perspective involves investigating the
network characteristics of international technology diffusion by using network analysis, which is a well-developed set of
methods for systematically studying social networks. Although primarily developed for sociological study, the indicators and
techniques of network analysis are ideally suited for examining the structural features of multilateral technology diffusion. This
study discusses the techniques and indicators of network analysis used for examining the network characteristics of international
technology diffusion, and then we apply these techniques to explore the network structure of international technology diffusion
among countries.
International technology diffusion involves several different channels. As demonstrated by Kraay et al. [13],rms do not merely
conduct a single type of international activity associated with technology transfer; but rather perform several such activities, such
as trade, foreign direct investment, licensing, joint ventures, movement of personnel, and so on. Although a few recent studies have
simultaneously considered several technological channels, the majority of literature examines just one channel in isolation [9].
There is a growing need for research to simultaneously consider various channels of technology diffusion. Based on the argument
of Griliches [14] that two types of knowledge spillovers are generated by R&D activities, this study classies international
technology diffusion channels into embodied and disembodied forms, enabling a distinction to be made between the benets
associated with the use of imported capital goods in production, and those resulting from inwards ows of technological
knowledge to facilitate domestic R&D.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the structural differences between embodied and disembodied technology diffusion
networks. By using network analysis, we are able to reveal the blocks of countries that internationally originate, mediate, or absorb
technological knowledge, and also to examine the relationships that exist between embodied and disembodied diffusion
networks. This study aims to make to following contributions to the literature on international technology diffusion: First, this
study is the rst to employ a multilateral perspective to examine the cross-country network structure of international technology
diffusion. The ndings identify the structural conguration of technologically advanced countries and the competitive positions of
each country within the two international diffusion networks. Second, this study presents a systematic approach, which is rarely
adopted in the literature, to study international technology diffusion, which involves various complex processes. Third, the
ndings regarding the relationships between embodied and disembodied international technology diffusion networks can help
explain the different approaches for countries upon the international technology diffusion market. Finally, this study addresses
policy implications for countries interested in acquiring foreign technology for productivity gain.
2. International technology diffusion: embodied vs. disembodied form
Technology has been viewed as a certain type of knowledge [3,6,7,12,15]. Maskus [12] dened technology as the information
necessary to achieve certain outcomes produced from a particular means of combining or processing selected inputs. A given
technology can generate multiple outputs; in addition, many technologies may generate the same outcome but with variable
efciency. A technology can either be highly specic or can encompass multiple sub-processes, which produce nished and/or
intermediate goods within an overall value chain. Existing technology related research emphasizes two aspects of technology [6]:
(1) Technology is non-rival in the sense that the marginal costs involved in an additional agent using the technology are negligible;
(2) The return to technological investments is a mixture of private and public. The rst aspect can be considered as the innitely
expansible aspect of technology, indicating that technology can be used by other users for minimal additional cost [1517]. Unlike
human and physical capital, which can only be used by one rm at a time, technology has unlimited potential to be simultaneously
adopted by numerous rms [9]. The second aspect demonstrates that while private returns must be strong enough to keep
innovation ongoing, technological investments frequently create benets to individuals other than the inventor [6]. These external
effects are known as technology, or knowledge, spillovers.
Technology spillover is dened as technological knowledge being learned and absorbed into competition in such a way that
the benets do not fully accrue to the original owner of the technology [12]. The benets from technology spillovers for rivals
refer to lower costs, increased productivity, advantageous follow-on innovation, and other structural elements for which the
technology owner cannot charge the full value of their inventions through private transactions. Griliches [14] identied two
types of potential knowledge externality generated by R&D activities: rent spillovers and pure knowledge spillovers. Rent
spillovers occur when the prices of imported intermediate and capital goods do not completely embody the quality
improvements resulting from innovation activities in other rms or countries. Firms can enjoy the R&D of other rms by
buying one of the intermediate goods of such rms at a price below their practical value; the rm will then adopt a portion of
the rents of the innovating rm [18]. The rent spillovers occur because of imperfect and asymmetric information and the
impossibility of price discrimination by the innovating rm. Pure knowledge spillovers arise because of the imperfect
appropriability of knowledge associated with innovations. Knowledge diffusion occurs when the knowledge generated by a
rm contributes to innovation by other rms [18].
Rent spillovers occur through embodied knowledge ows, such as trade or direct investment ows; pure knowledge spillovers
are performed via disembodied knowledge ows, such as licensing or outsourcing agreements. The above phenomenon implies
that technology may also manifest in either embodied or disembodied forms. Information may be embodied in the form of
particular products, which might be reversely engineered to discover the underlying processes. On the other hand, technology may
822 H.-Y. Shih, T.-L.S. Chang / Technological Forecasting & Social Change 76 (2009) 821834
be disembodied: it may be presented in its uncodied form, in the sense of requiring implicit know-how from personnel, or as
codied technology in the form of formulas, blueprints, drawings, patent applications, and so on [12]. Technology diffusion thus
can be addressed through either embodied or disembodied forms.
International technology diffusion refers to all the mechanisms through which countries acquire technological knowledge from
overseas rather than generating such knowledge domestically. Two fundamental mechanisms leading to international technology
diffusion have been identied [9]: (1) Employing specialized and advanced intermediate products that have been invented abroad;
and (2) Direct learning about foreign technological knowledge. The rst mechanism involves the implicit usage of the
technological knowledge embodied in foreign intermediate goods for nal-output production. A rent spillover occurs in this
process of international technology diffusion to the extent that the intermediate goods cost less than its opportunity costs, which
include the R&D costs of product development [6]. However, this is a relatively weak form of international technology diffusion,
due to the technological knowledge embodied in the importing intermediates which thus are not available to domestic inventors.
The embodied form of international technology diffusion is therefore regarded as a passive technology spillover. Conversely, the
second mechanism is termed an active technology spillover. Direct international learning or purchasing foreign technological
knowledge involves the explicit usage of disembodied knowledge in the forms of formulas, blueprints, drawings, and patent
applications. Pure knowledge spillover occurs internationally if technological knowledge is obtained from abroad for less than the
original cost to domestic inventors. Direct learning regarding foreign technological knowledge increases the domestic
technological stock of knowledge that can be actively adopted for innovation. This type of pure knowledge spillover can be
called the disembodied form of international technology diffusion.
3. Measuring international technology diffusion
As discussed previously, international technology diffusion consists of two forms: embodied diffusion and disembodied
diffusion. Empirically, embodied and disembodied diffusion are not very distinguishable, but the measurement in terms of
empirical data can mainly capture either embodied or disembodied diffusion. That is, work on international ows through
trade data is closer to modeling embodied diffusion, while work on international ows based on patents more closely
resembles disembodied diffusion [19].Therst form is the most notable mechanism related to the issue of international
technology diffusion in the literature. Most of these studies conrmed the existence of a signicant and positive link between a
country's total factor productivity and its international trade, which they took to be evidence of international R&D spillovers
(e.g., [6,7,20,21]). However, the effect of international R&D spillovers differs among various types of trade. Coe et al. [22] found
that international trade in capital goods measures the trade-related spillover channel more accurately than total trade.
Moreover, Xu and Wang [23,24] used imports of machinery and equipment as a proxy for imports of capital goods. This study
thus considers the international import trade of machinery and equipment as a carrier of international technology diffusion in
embodied form.
Disembodied diffusion is the second form of international technology diffusion. Following Eaton and Kortum [8], Hu and Jaffe
[10], and Jaffe et al. [25], this study considers international patenting as a proxy of the channel of international technology diffusion
in disembodied form. Patent citations provide an appropriate method for measuring disembodied diffusion among various parties,
since for example if patent A is cited by patent B, this implies that the rst patent represents a piece of prior existing knowledge
upon which patent B is based. Following Hu and Jaffe [10], this study assumes that the frequency with which inventors in a given
country cite the patents of another country serves as a proxy for the intensity of knowledge ow from the cited to the citing
country. The patent citation link can be viewed as an indicator of technological relevance, leading to pure knowledge spillovers
Regarding the measurement of international technology diffusion, this study adopts the most common method for
measuring the spillovers, that is, R&D expenditure of other country multiplied by different share weights, as dened by
Griliches [26]:
ITDij =wijRDi;ij:ð1Þ
Here, ITD
denotes the extent to which country idiffuses technological knowledge to country j. Moreover, RD
represents the R&D
expenditure of country i. Additionally, the weight w
represents the fraction of country i's knowledge that spills over to country j.
To differentiate embodied and disembodied technology diffusion requires constructing two different weighting formulas. In the
case of embodied technology diffusion, the foreign stock of knowledge consists of import weighted foreign R&D capital stocks, and
thus the weights (w
) adopted to measure the stock of foreign knowledge are derived from economic transaction matrices. This
study denes the weights (w
) of embodied technology diffusion as:
wE;ij =Mij
i=1 X
where M
denotes the imports of capital goods from country ito country j, and nindicates the number of countries involved. Based
on this measurement, this study assumes that as a given country increases imports of capital goods from another country with
relatively high R&D capital stock, the former countrywill increasingly benet from embodied technology diffusion stemming from
the latter country.
823H.-Y. Shih, T.-L.S. Chang / Technological Forecasting & Social Change 76 (2009) 821834
For disembodied technology diffusion, a patent citation represents a link to prior existing knowledge upon which inventors
build, so the weights (w
) used to measure the stock of foreign knowledge can be calculated from international patent citation
matrices. The weights (w
) of disembodied technology diffusion thus can be dened as:
wD;ij =Cij
i=1 X
where C
denotes the frequency with which patents of country iare cited by inventors of country j, and nindicates the number of
countries involved. Based on this measurement, this study assumes that the more a given country cites foreign patents from
another country with relatively high R&D knowledgestock, the more the former country will benet from disembodied technology
diffusion derived from the latter country.
4. International technology diffusion networks: network analysis
This study aims to discuss the structural differences between embodied and disembodied diffusion networks with the help of
quantitative methodologies derived from network analysis. Based on graph theory, network analysis describes the structure of
interactions (displayed by edges) between given entities (displayed by nodes), and applies quantitative techniques to yield
relevant indicators for studying network characteristics and the position of individuals in a network structure. The related ideas of
network analysis have been extensively employed to study R&D networks [27,28], inter-organizational networks [2931], and
technological systems [32,33]. This study employs network analysis to examine and compare the structural characteristics of
embodied and disembodied diffusion networks among countries, where the countries are treated as nodes and embodied or
disembodied technology diffusion among countries is treated as a series of edges.
Network analysis uses matrices to represent information on relationships among nodes. Using Eq. (1), a matrix ITD(n×n)of
international technology diffusion can be built. Each cell, ITD
, of the matrix represents the extent to which country idiffuses
technological knowledge to country j.ITD(n×n) denotes a valued matrix, meaning that the edges of the network measure linkages
with different magnitude and thus must be dichotomized. Concerning the structure of empirical application, after building the
valued matrix, a single proper cut-off value must be chosen for dichotomizing the cells of the valued matrix to apply the binary
data to the indicators of network analysis. As a result of the dichotomizing process, the (i,j)th cell of the valued matrix becomes 0
when the value of international technology diffusion from country ito country jis below the selected cut-off value, and otherwise
it becomes 1. The dichotomized matrix is thus yielded. In this manner, the dichotomized matrix can offer binary data for measuring
network analysis indicators. The remainder of this section presents the appropriate indicators of network analysis for examining
the network characteristics of international technology diffusion.
One of the primary implications of network analysis is to identify the important or prominent nodes in a social network [34].
Centrally positioned individuals are usually located in strategic locations within a network and denitely enjoy a position of
privilege over those relegated to the circumference [35]. Social network analysts employ the concept of centrality to acquire the
positional features of individual nodes within their networks. In particular, Freeman [36,37] deduced three forms of centrality.
First, degree centrality is the simplest and most straightforward way to measure the centrality in terms of the number of nodes to
which a particular node connects. In directed networks, degree centrality of nodes can be distinguished in terms of their inward
and outward connections to measure their in-degree and out-degree centrality, respectively. The in-degree centrality (C
) and
out-degree centrality (C
) of a given node are dened as:
CD;in ni
xij;in ;CD;out ni
xij;out ð4Þ
where x
and x
respectively indicate one of the inward and outward connections of node i, and ndenotes the number of nodes
within the network. The implications of these two indicators corresponding to the examination of the network features of
international technology diffusion as inward and outward technological linkages of a country represents international technology
acquisitions and exportations, respectively. Comparing the two measures of in-degree and out-degree of a particular country can
display that the focal country act as a role of source,intermediate,orabsorberin international technology diffusion market.
Closeness centrality is the second idea of centrality dened by Freeman. The measure of closeness centrality is based on
distance and centers on how close a node is to all other nodes in the set of nodes [34]. This is a global measurement that brings into
play the closeness to all network members, not just connections to immediate neighbors [35]. The index of closeness centrality (C
of a node is given by:
Here, the d(n
) denotes the geodesic distance that is dened as the length of the shortest path between nodes iand j, and n
indicates the number of nodes within the network. In directed networks, closeness centrality can be considered in terms of in-
closeness and out-closeness centralities on the basis of inward and outward connections, respectively. This indicator represents the
824 H.-Y. Shih, T.-L.S. Chang / Technological Forecasting & Social Change 76 (2009) 821834
idea that a node is crucially central if it can be quickly reachable from and to all other nodes. Applying this indicator to the study of
international technology diffusion, as a country has numerous reachable other countries and it is closer apart in distance from
these reachable countries, its closeness centrality must be high, since it is more central and closer to all of the other countries in
international technology diffusion market.
The third measure of centrality is betweenness, which measures the extent to which a particular node lies on the paths between
various two nonadjacent nodes [34]. Betweenness centrality indicates the extent to which individuals are able to potentially have
control over the interactions between pairs of other nodes in the network. The betweenness centrality (C
) of a node is dened
j=1 X
bjk ni
where b
denotes the number of geodesics between nodes jand k, and b
) denotes the number of geodesics linking the two
nodes that contain node i. The betweenness of a node measures the extent to which it can play the role of a gatekeeper or broker
with a potential for control over the interactions between pairs of others [38]. Betweenness centrality is an appropriate indicator
measuring the extent to which nodes broker indirect connections between all other nodes in a network. Additionally, increasing
redundant connections in a network decreases the efcacy of the brokerage advantage of nodes; increasing non-redundant
connections would improve. In the context of international technology diffusion, a particular country with higher betweenness
centrality represents more opportunities to broker the ows of diffusion among other countries since most technology diffusion
will pass through this country, and thus it should possess competitive advantages in terms of brokerage opportunities.
In addition, it is important for sociologists to distinguish subsets
within a network in terms of individuals or social positions
according to the relations they keep withothers, which is the way of dening thesocial role of an individual in a social network. We
can expect that individuals belonging to the same subset would exhibit similar behavior even without direct linkages existing
among them. The network concept used to group subsets in terms of individuals sharing the same relations is called equivalence,
and the network technique used to identify such subsets is called blockmodeling [39]. Additionally, a blockmodel of relations
between blocks or positions can be characterized in terms of aggregate relationships between countries in the respective blocks or
positions [40]. Two alternative methods exist for operationalizing blockmodeling. The rst method for determining blocks based
on structural equivalence is related to the CONCOR algorithm [41], which has been used by Snyder and Kick [42], and Nemeth and
Smith [43]. Meanwhile, the second method derives from regular equivalence and is associated with the REGE algorithm [44], which
has been adopted by Smith and White [40]. However, Schweizer [45] demonstrated how CONCOR can conate spatial proximity
with global role structure, while REGE can precisely identify generic structural positions in a network. This study thus uses the
REGE algorithm as the blockmodeling approach for identifying blocks in technology diffusion networks. With the application of the
REGE algorithm corresponding to the study of international technology diffusion, it is possible to distinguish blocks of countries in
the embodied and disembodied diffusion networks on the basis of patterns in their network ties, and furthermore it is possible to
describe the patterns of aggregate relations among these blocks.
5. Data
The study sample consists of 48 countries derived from among the top 60 nations based on the innovation factors of Global
Competitiveness [46]. This study requires the data sets of bilateral trade, patent citations, and R&D expenditure. To avoid bias
resulting from the unstable variances of the annual data sets, this study uses the average of annual data taken from the 19971999
period instead of annual data for a certain year. Regarding the bilateral trader data sets, although the data sources provide
information on both exports and imports, this study only uses import data because there is various evidence indicating that import
gures are more accurate than export gures [40,47]. In addition, this study uses imports of machinery and equipment as a proxy
for imports of capital goods (the data is sourced from the World Trade Atlas of the Global Trade Information Services). Next, the
patent data used in this study, including country of assignee and the identication of previous patents cited in a given patent, are
obtained from the utility patents granted by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Ofce, sourced from the NBER Patent Citations Database
[48]. Finally, the R&D expenditure data for eachcountry is sourced from the World Development Indicators of the World Bank. This
study examines the networks of technology diffusion among countries using all three of the above data sets. For various reasons,
some countries failed to report all of the three data required for all three years. Consequently, the nal sample included just 48
6. Analyses and results
Following the measures of international technology diffusion mentioned in Section 3, we can obtain the valued matrices ITD
(n×n) of the embodied and disembodied diffusion networks, respectively. Next, appropriate cut-off values must be selected for
There are two main approaches to distinguish subsets of a network in network analysis. The rst approach is to look at existing relations and distinguish
subsets according to their cohesion. The second one is based on individuals sharing the same relations and distinguishes subsets according to their equivalence.
Equivalence is a cognitive operation that sociologist performs to describe relations and social role [35]. For the purpose of this study, we adopt the equivalence
approach as the method of distinguishing subsets.
825H.-Y. Shih, T.-L.S. Chang / Technological Forecasting & Social Change 76 (2009) 821834
dichotomizing the cells of the valued matrices to apply the binary data to the network analysis indicators. Although the selection of
cut-off value is arbitrary, two steps can be implemented for preliminary sensitivity testing to identify the most appropriate value
[33]. First, since the difference in the structural patterns of the networks are reasonably stable while the cut-off valueschange from
very low to very high, a single cut-off value can be selected for each valued matrix. Second, the appropriate cut-off value must be
chosen on the basis of the heuristic criteria that the structural features of the networks can be detectable, rather than the very high
or very low values that characterize nearly totally unconnected or almost completely connected networks. Additionally, it is not
meaningful to set the same cut-off value for the two valued matrices due to their heterogeneity. However, it is possible to select
two different cut-off values for each matrix to generate the same densityof both networks and thus maintain a comparable base for
both networks. Following these considerations, appropriate cut-off values are chosen for building the dichotomized metrics, with
Table 1
Network indicators of embodied technology diffusion.
Country Block Degree centrality Closeness centrality Betweenness
In-degree Out-degree In-closeness Out-closeness
United States 1 27 47 5.85 100 264.19
Germany 1 24 47 5.83 100 232.94
Japan 1 16 47 5.77 100 66.08
United Kingdom 1 22 46 5.82 97.92 88.87
France 1 19 45 5.80 95.92 52.70
Italy 1 17 43 5.78 92.16 33.68
Sweden 1 17 36 5.78 81.03 65.78
Netherlands 1 19 33 5.80 77.05 26.09
South Korea 1 15 32 5.77 75.81 18.75
China 1 17 32 5.78 75.81 17.16
Switzerland 1 12 30 5.75 73.44 5.00
Taiwan 1 14 29 5.76 72.31 8.26
Canada 2 13 19 5.75 62.67 10.10
Belgium 2 13 17 5.75 61.04 1.77
Spain 2 14 16 5.76 60.26 2.23
Singapore 2 17 15 5.78 59.49 8.81
Finland 2 13 13 5.75 58.03 2.77
Austria 2 11 12 5.74 57.32 0.56
Denmark 2 12 9 5.75 55.29 0.19
Australia 2 14 8 5.76 54.65 1.70
Hong Kong 3 16 6 5.77 53.41 0.67
Ireland 3 13 5 5.75 52.81 0
Brazil 3 13 4 5.75 52.22 0.27
Israel 3 8 4 5.71 52.22 0
Malaysia 3 14 3 5.76 51.65 0
Mexico 3 14 2 5.76 51.09 0.44
Czech 3 11 1 5.74 50.54 0
Hungary 3 11 1 5.73 50.54 0
India 3 11 1 5.73 50.54 0
Norway 3 11 1 5.74 45.19 0
Poland 3 16 1 5.77 50.54 0
Thailand 3 13 1 5.75 50.54 0
Chile 4 11 0 6.08 2.08 0
Colombia 4 7 0 6.04 2.08 0
Cyprus 4 5 0 6.03 2.08 0
Estonia 4 5 0 6.03 2.08 0
Greece 4 8 0 6.06 2.08 0
Iceland 4 4 0 6.02 2.08 0
Indonesia 4 11 0 6.08 2.08 0
Lithuania 4 5 0 6.03 2.08 0
Malta 4 6 0 6.03 2.08 0
New Zealand 4 7 0 6.04 2.08 0
Portugal 4 11 0 6.08 2.08 0
Slovakia 4 6 0 6.03 2.08 0
Slovenia 4 6 0 6.03 2.08 0
South Africa 4 12 0 6.09 2.08 0
Turkey 4 14 0 6.10 2.08 0
United Arab Emirates 4 11 0 6.08 2.08 0
Descriptive statistics
Sum (S) 606 606 281.36 2154.79 909.00
Mean (M) 12.63 12.63 5.86 4 4.89 18.94
Variance (Var) 24.37 273.22 0.02 1147.70 2743.84
Standard deviation (S.D.) 4.94 16.53 0.14 33.88 52.38
Min. 4 0 5.71 2.08 0
Max. 27 47 6.10 100 264.19
826 H.-Y. Shih, T.-L.S. Chang / Technological Forecasting & Social Change 76 (2009) 821834
values being set to 703 (US dollar) for the embodied diffusion network and 0.034 (US dollar) for the disembodied diffusion
network. Individual country network indicators derived from embodied and disembodied diffusion can be calculated to reveal the
structural conguration of each country within the two different forms of diffusion networks by measuring the indicators of degree
centrality, closeness centrality, and betweenness centrality, and by assessing the patterns of aggregate relations among blocks,
which are all calculated by UCINET 6 [49]. The network indicators of embodied and disembodied technology diffusion are shown in
Tables 1 and 2, respectively. In addition, a preliminary visual assessment of global networks can be captured based on the network
graph approach. Figs. 1 and 2 show the network graphs of embodied and disembodied technology diffusion, respectively, where a
set of nodes denote countries, and a set of arcs directed between pairs of nodes represent the directional technology diffusion
Table 2
Network indicators of disembodied technology diffusion.
Country Block Degree centrality Closeness centrality Betweenness
In-degree Out-degree In-closeness Out-closeness
United States 1 32 47 6.25 100 446.99
Japan 1 27 44 6.21 94.00 146.99
Germany 1 25 43 6.19 92.16 103.02
United Kingdom 1 24 40 6.18 87.04 71.74
France 1 21 40 6.16 87.04 53.67
Canada 1 24 33 6.18 77.05 43.03
Italy 1 19 33 6.14 77.05 17.20
Switzerland 1 20 29 6.15 72.31 11.23
Netherlands 1 19 29 6.14 72.31 10.98
Sweden 2 20 27 6.15 70.15 8.08
South Korea 2 22 25 6.17 68.12 12.72
Taiwan 2 22 25 6.17 68.12 12.37
Australia 2 19 23 6.14 66.20 3.77
Belgium 2 17 20 6.13 63.51 1.16
Israel 2 18 18 6.14 61.84 0.99
Finland 2 18 18 6.14 61.84 0.70
Denmark 2 18 17 6.14 61.04 0.18
Spain 2 15 17 6.11 61.04 0.13
Austria 2 17 17 6.13 61.04 0.06
Norway 2 14 14 6.10 58.75 0
Brazil 2 12 10 6.09 55.95 0
China 2 12 8 6.09 54.65 0
Singapore 3 12 5 6.09 52.81 0
Ireland 3 13 5 6.10 52.81 0
South Africa 3 12 5 6.09 52.81 0
Mexico 3 11 4 6.08 52.22 0
India 3 10 3 6.07 51.65 0
Hong Kong 3 15 2 6.11 51.09 0
New Zealand 3 11 1 6.08 50.54 0
Greece 3 7 1 6.05 50.54 0
Hungary 3 8 1 6.06 50.54 0
Poland 3 6 1 6.04 50.54 0
Portugal 3 6 1 6.04 50.54 0
Chile 4 5 0 6.41 2.08 0
Colombia 4 6 0 6.42 2.08 0
Cyprus 4 2 0 6.39 2.08 0
Czech 4 7 0 6.43 2.08 0
Estonia 4 1 0 6.38 2.08 0
Iceland 4 4 0 6.40 2.08 0
Indonesia 4 5 0 6.41 2.08 0
Lithuania 4 3 0 6.40 2.08 0
Malaysia 4 5 0 6.41 2.08 0
Malta 4 2 0 6.39 2.08 0
Slovakia 4 4 0 6.40 2.08 0
Slovenia 4 6 0 6.42 2.08 0
Thailand 4 5 0 6.41 2.08 0
Turkey 4 4 0 6.40 2.08 0
United Arab Emirates 4 1 0 6.38 2.08 0
Descriptive statistics
Sum (S) 606 606 298.16 2168.51 945.00
Mean (M) 12.63 12.63 6.21 45.18 19.69
Variance (Var) 62.28 219.05 0.02 1001.28 4770.87
Standard deviation (S.D.) 7.89 14.80 0.14 31.64 69.07
Min. 1 0 6.04 2.08 0
Max. 32 47 6.43 100 446.99
827H.-Y. Shih, T.-L.S. Chang / Technological Forecasting & Social Change 76 (2009) 821834
between countries. The remainder of this section describes and compares the structural features of embodied and disembodied
technology diffusion networks from global and block perspectives.
6.1. Global level
As shown in Table 1, the embodied diffusion network demonstrates signicantly higher variance of out-degree centrality than
in-degree centrality (Var
=273.22, Var
=24.37). The out-degree centrality of the network ranges between 0 and 47, leading
Fig. 2. Network graph of disembodied technology diffusion.
Fig. 1. Network graph of embodied technology diffusion.
828 H.-Y. Shih, T.-L.S. Chang / Technological Forecasting & Social Change 76 (2009) 821834
to average variability from one country to the next is 16.53 (S.D.
), exceeding the mean (12.63). Considerable variation thus
exists in out-degree centrality in the embodied network. On the contrary, the variance in in-degree centrality appears much more
stable, and has a standard deviation of 4.94 (S.D.
), less than the mean (12.63). The patterns of in-degree and out-degree
centrality in the disembodied network (Var
=219.05, Var
=62.28; S.D.
=14.80, S.D.
=7.89) are quite similar to
those in the embodied network (see Table 2). A structural basis for stratication may thus exist to the extent that the links of a
network are not evenly distributed. The high variation in the out-degree centrality demonstrates that the out-degree partitions of
both diffusion networks can be regarded as hierarchic networks.
From the outward linkage perspective, as shown in Tables 1 and 2, both networks are characterized by considerable
concentration or centralization. Specically, the power of individual countries varies substantially in outward linkages, meaning
that the advantages are rather unequally distributed in the outward linkage parts of both networks. However, from the inward
linkage perspective both networks are quite evenly distributed, but the embodied network is less concentrated than the
disembodied one (Var
=24.37 vs. Var
=62.28). That is, individual countries within the embodied network share power and
advantages in the inward linkage more equally than those within the disembodied network.
The out-degree centrality of a country represents the extent to which it exports technological knowledge to other countries. The
empirical results show that a signicant global stratication pattern exists in the distribution of technology export capability. As
shown in Table 1, United States, Germany, and Japan export embodied technological knowledge to all of the other countries except
itself, while Chile, Colombia, Cyprus, Estonia, Greece, Iceland, Indonesia, Lithuania, Malta, New Zealand, Portugal, Slovakia,
Slovenia, South Africa, Turkey, and United Arab Emirates have no capability of exporting embodied technological knowledge to
other countries. In the disembodied diffusion network (see Table 2), United States is the only country that contributes to all other
47 countries, but Chile, Colombia, Cyprus, Czech, Estonia, Iceland, Indonesia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Malta, Slovakia, Slovenia,
Thailand, Turkey, and United Arab Emirates can not export disembodied technological knowledge.
The closeness centrality indicates the extent to which a particular country is reachable from and to other countries. As shown in
Tables 1 and 2, the patterns of in-closeness and out-closeness centrality resemble those of degree centrality in both diffusion networks.
Both diffusion networks thus have a hierarchical structure in terms of out-closeness centrality but have an evenly distributed structure
in terms of in-closeness centrality (Var
=1147.70, Var
=1001.28 vs. Var
=0.02, Var
=0.02). For example, the United
States, Germany, and Japan in the embodied network, and the United States in the disembodied network, have 100% out-closeness
centrality resulting from their comprehensive export links to other countries. Both diffusion networks are quite evenly distributed in
terms of in-degree centrality, and thus no signicant difference exists among the distributionof in-closeness centrality in each network.
Betweenness centrality measures the extent to which a country can act as a broker or gatekeeper capable of controlling
technology diffusion between pairs of other countries. The signicant variation (Var
=2743.84, Var
=4770.87) in the
betweenness centrality of both diffusion networks reveals that the broker advantages of individual countries are quite unevenly
distributed. Countries with higher betweenness centrality, for instance the United States (C
= 264.19) and Germany (C
in the embodied network, and the United States (C
=446.99) in the disembodied network, which act as critical brokers between
pairs of other countries, possess extensive competitive advantages in terms of brokerage opportunities. In contrast, there are 25
countries in the embodied network and 29 countries in the disembodied network with zero value of betweenness centrality,
indicating they are unable to have any advantage in terms of brokerage opportunities.
As discussed previously, a country's brokerage opportunities depend on the non-redundant connections in its existing linkages.
For instance, in the embodied network, Canada (C
=10.10) should possess more brokerage opportunities between pairs of other
countries than Switzerland (C
= 5.00) or Taiwan (C
= 8.26), even though Switzerland (C
= 30) and Taiwan (C
= 29) have
much higher out-degree centralities than Canada (C
= 19). This phenomenon implies that Switzerland and Taiwan possess lots
of redundant connections among their existing linkages, while Canada has fewer redundant connections.
6.2. Block level
Blockmodeling is conducted herein to simplify the patterns of relations between blocks in terms of aggregate relationships
between countries in the respective blocks. This study uses the REGE algorithm as the blockmodeling approach for determining
blocks in both technology diffusion networks. The empirical results of blocks in embodied and disembodied networks are listed in
the second column of Tables 1 and 2.
Four blocks are identied in the embodied diffusion network, and the reduced model in terms of aggregate relationships
between countries is listed in Table 3. International technology diffusion proceeds from row blocks to column blocks. The network
Table 3
The reduced matrix of embodied technology diffusion.
Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4
Block 1 Full connected block
(nearly) (Density=0.992)
Strong tie (Density= 0.948) Strong tie (Density= 0.882) Medium tie (Density = 0.615)
Block 2 Medium tie (Density =0.656) Sparsely connected block
Weak tie (Density= 0.240) Extremely weak tie (Density= 0.078)
Block 3 Weak tie (Density= 0.174) Extremely weak tie
Non-connected block
(nearly) (Density= 0.007)
Extremely weak tie(Density = 0.0 05)
Block 4 No tie (Density= 0) No tie (Density = 0) No tie (Density= 0) Non-connected block (Density= 0)
829H.-Y. Shih, T.-L.S. Chang / Technological Forecasting & Social Change 76 (2009) 821834
indicators of the constituent countries in a certain block are quite similar to one another. However, because of the existence of a
global stratication pattern in international technology diffusion capabilities, network indicators differ remarkably between
blocks. Block 1 consists of 12 countries, including United States, Germany, Japan, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Sweden,
Netherlands, South Korea, China, Switzerland, and Taiwan, each of which possesses high values of degree, closeness and
betweenness centralities. Additionally, the countries in Block 1 are closely linked to one another (density of Block 1= 0.992). Block
1 is characterized by the high out-degree and out-closeness centralities of the countries within it, and thus the constituent
countries of this block are strongly capable of exporting embodied technological knowledge. Therefore, this study denes the role
or position of this block in the embodied diffusion network as a source of embodied technological knowledge. The countries within
the source block also have numerous advantages in terms of opportunities for brokerage with other countries due to their high
betweenness centrality.
Next, Block 2 contains 8 countries, including Canada, Belgium, Spain, Singapore, Finland, Austria, Denmark, and Australia, with
the second highest value of indicators in general, and its block density (density of Block 2= 0.232) is the second highest value
among the four blocks but signicantly less than that of Block 1. The constituent countries of this block occupy an intermediate role
or position in the embodied diffusion network on the basis of their similar values in terms of in-degree and out-degree centralities.
Block 2 thus can be dened as an intermediate block. On one hand, countries in the intermediate block absorb embodied
technological knowledge from leading countries; on the other hand, such countries are also capable of exporting embodied
technological knowledge. However, based on their low betweenness centrality, the linkages of such countries contain numerous
redundant connections, and thus they have less ability to play the role of a broker to control over other countries.
Block 3 comprises 12 countries, including Hong Kong, Ireland, Brazil, Israel, Malaysia, Mexico, Czech, Hungary, India, Norway,
Poland, and Thailand, with lower value of individual indicators and block density (density of Block 3 =0.007) than those of block 2.
The fact that the out-degree centralities of the constituent countries in this block are considerably lower than their in-degree
centralities demonstrates that they have just begun to develop the capability of exporting embodied knowledge to other countries,
and still heavily rely upon the absorption of foreign embodied technological knowledge. Consequently, Block 3 is dened as a
beginner block. Generally, as shown in Table 1, the countries in the beginner block are unable to build non-redundant connections
in their linkages, and thus have very limited advantages in terms of brokerage opportunities.
Finally, Block 4 is the largest block in the embodied diffusion network, consisting of 16 countries, including Chile, Colombia,
Cyprus, Estonia, Greece, Iceland, Indonesia, Lithuania, Malta, New Zealand, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Turkey, and
United Arab Emirates, but the countries in this block have the lowest values of individual indicators and do not share any mutual
linkages (density of Block 4= 0). The countries belonging to this block can only absorb embodied technological knowledge from
advanced countries but are unable to export embodied knowledge to other countries owing to the zero value of their out-degree
centrality. Block 4 is thus dened as an absorber block. The countries in the absorber block do not have any brokerage opportunities
because they have no outward linkage, as conrmed by their zero values of betweenness centrality.
Similar patterns exist in the disembodied diffusion network as in the embodied diffusion network, and the reduced model of
the disembodied network is shown in Table 4. Four blocks are identied in the disembodied diffusion network, and the constituent
network indicators and block density decrease progressively (densities of blocks 1, 2, 3, and 4 are 1, 0.673, 0, and 0, respectively).
Block 1 contains 9 countries, including United States, Japan, Germany, United Kingdom, France, Canada, Italy, Switzerland, and
Netherlands, has the highest value of all of the network indicators in general, and can be characterized as a source in the
disembodied technology network. Block 2 consists of 13 countries, including Sweden, South Korea, Taiwan, Australia, Belgium,
Israel, Finland, Denmark, Spain, Austria, Norway, Brazil, and China, with the second highest value of all indicators in general, and
plays an intermediary role in the disembodied technology network. Additionally, block 3 comprises 11 countries, including
Singapore, Ireland, South Africa, Mexico, India, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Greece, Hungary, Poland, and Portugal, all of which are in
the process of developing disembodied knowledge exportation, and thus is dened as the beginner block. Finally, block 4 consists
of 15 countries, including Chile,Colombia, Cyprus, Czech, Estonia, Iceland, Indonesia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Malta, Slovakia, Slovenia,
Thailand, Turkey, and United Arab Emirates, is the largest block in the disembodied diffusion network, and is characterized as an
absorber on the basis of the zero value of the out-degree and betweenness centralities of these countries.
Based on the features of each block, the reduced graphs of embodied and disembodied technology diffusion networks can be
constructed to display the international technology diffusion patterns of inter-block relations. The reduced pattern features and
graphs of both networks are shown in Tables 3 and 4, and Figs. 3 and 4, respectively. The constituent countries of the source blocks
in both networks serve as the main technology suppliers to other countries. Block 1 has strong ties to Blocks 2 and 3, as well as
having medium ties to Block 4. The constituent countries of Block 2 act as an intermediate role in both networks, not only
absorbing technological knowledge from advanced countries but also being capable of exporting knowledge to other countries.
Block 2 has weak ties to Block 3 in both networks and a medium tie to Block 1 in the embodied network but a strong tie to Block 1 in
Table 4
The reduced matrix of disembodied technology diffusion.
Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4
Block 1 Full connected block (Density = 1) Strong tie (Density= 1) Strong tie (Density =0.899) Medium tie (Density = 0.444)
Block 2 Strong tie (Density = 0.957) Densely connected block (Density = 0.673) Weak tie (Density = 0.154) No tie (Density = 0)
Block 3 Weak tie (Density=0.273) Extremely weak tie (Density=0.014) Non-connected block (Density= 0) No tie (Density=0)
Block 4 No tie (Density = 0) No tie (Density = 0) No tie (Density = 0) Non-connected block(Density= 0)
830 H.-Y. Shih, T.-L.S. Chang / Technological Forecasting & Social Change 76 (2009) 821834
the disembodied network. Furthermore, block 3 depends on the absorption of technological knowledge from advanced blocks and
thus receives a strong link from Block 1 and a weak link from Block 2. On the other hand, the constituent countries of Block 3 fulll a
beginner role in both networks and thus start to develop the capability of exporting technological knowledge. However, the main
exporting partners for Block 3 are the constituent countries of Block 1, and Block 3 has extremely weak or even no ties to Blocks 2
and 4. These ndings indicate that the late developing countries, namely the countries in Block 3, select the most advanced
countries, namely those in Block 1, as their exporting partners instead of selecting countries with similar technological capacities to
themselves, such as the countries in Blocks 2 or 4. Finally, the constituent countries of Block 4 play an absorber role and have no
outward linkages to other countries in either network. They primarily absorb technological knowledge from the constituent
countries of the source block.
Table 5 examines the consistency between strata of constituent countries in both networks. Most countries consistently stay
between strata in both networks, but there are eight countries whose belonging blocks in the embodied network are upper than
their belonging blocks in the disembodied network, that is, Sweden, South Korea, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Czech, and
Thailand; and another eight countries are positioned oppositely, that is, Canada, Brazil, Israel, Norway, Greece, New Zealand,
Portugal, and South Africa. This phenomenon implies the existence of two distinguishing strategies for cultivating technological
knowledge. The countries whose blocks in the embodied network exceed their corresponding blocks in the disembodied network
take advantage of technologies embodied in capital goods to strengthen their technology capabilities (Embodied Plus). Numerous
previous studies have documented that many newly industrialized developing countries in East Asia adopt export-oriented
development strategies to move up the international technology ladder [50,51]. For developing countries in East Asia,
competitiveness during the catch-up process is not based on basic research or radical new products or processes. Instead, these
countries catch up with the industrial countries through incremental improvements to existing products and processes, using
engineering and technical skills rather than R&D [52]. This argument is conrmed by evidence from the six East Asian countries in
this group, namely South Korea, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand. New knowledge learned in terms of technology
embodied in capital goods deepens and broadens the technological bases of these countries, leading to opportunities for further
patent-related innovation. On the contrary, the countries whose belonging blocks in the disembodied network are higher than
their corresponding blocks in the embodied network exploit their advantages in patent performance to foster their technology
capabilities through research (Disembodied Plus). Based on the superior innovation knowledge accumulated in the form of
Fig. 4. Reduced graph of disembodied technology diffusion.
Fig. 3. Reduced graph of embodied technology diffusion.
831H.-Y. Shih, T.-L.S. Chang / Technological Forecasting & Social Change 76 (2009) 821834
patents, countries in this group pursue opportunities for further innovation related to product engineering and development. The
contracted term R&Dcan be divided into demands for scientic research and the development of commercial results [53], where
research leads to the generation of advantages in terms of pure knowledge, while development aims at production. Therefore, two
catch-up strategies can be identied (Table 5): the countries in the Embodied Plus group implement the development-oriented
strategy, while the countries in the Disembodied Plus group dothe research-orientedstrategy. The countries that are consistently
ranked in the lower strata can follow one of these two catch-up strategies to improve their ranking within the international
technological hierarchy.
7. Conclusions
This study examines the network structure of international technology diffusion in terms of embodied and disembodied
diffusion networks. The structural conguration of each country within these two networks is dened by measuring the indicators
of network analysis, including degree centrality, closeness centrality, and betweenness centrality. Block modeling is used to dene
the position of each country within four distinct blocks and also to distinguish the aggregate relationships between the blocks. This
study thus demonstrates the applicability of network analysis to illustrate blocks of countries that originate, mediate, or absorb
international technology diffusion, and reveals the relationships between embodied and disembodied diffusion networks. The
empirical ndings of this study are summarized below.
First, both embodied and disembodied technology diffusion networks are characterized by high centralization and are regarded
as strongly hierarchical networks from the outward linkage perspective. That is, both networks display signicant global
stratication patterns in terms of national ability to export technological knowledge. On the contrary, from the inward linkage
perspective, the comparatively even distribution of both networks indicates more equal sharing of power and advantages between
individual countries.
Second, both networks exhibit a highly variable distribution of betweenness centrality. This nding thus indicates an uneven
distribution in individual national brokerage advantages in terms of their capacity to mediate technology diffusion between pairs
of countries.
Third, based on blockmodeling, four blocks are identied in both networks. The constituent countries in each block share
similar network indicators. The constituent countries of the source block have strong mutual linkages with one another and
possess high values of degree, closeness and betweenness centralities. The intermediate block is characterized by similar values
Table 5
The inter-block classication table between embodied and disembodied technology diffusion.
Disembodied Source (Block 1) Intermediate (Block 2) Beginner (Block 3) Absorber (Block 4)
Source (Block 1) United States Sweden
Germany South Korea
Japan China
United Kingdom Taiwan
Intermediate (Block 2) Canada Belgium Singapore
Beginner (Block 3) Brazil Hong Kong Malaysia
Israel Ireland Czech
Norway Mexico Thailand
Absorber (Block 4) Greece Chile
New Zealand Colombia
Portugal Cyprus
South Africa Estonia
United Arab Emirates
832 H.-Y. Shih, T.-L.S. Chang / Technological Forecasting & Social Change 76 (2009) 821834
between in-degree and out-degree centralities, and thus plays an intermediary role in both networks. The constituent countries of
the beginner block are starting to develop the ability to export technological knowledge to other countries based on their out-
degree centralities being much lower than their in-degree centralities. The absorber block is featured by the zero value of out-
degree centrality, and therefore can only absorb technological knowledge from advanced countries but lacks knowledge related to
reciprocal exportation.
Fourth, on the basis of reduced matrices and graphs of both networks, the source blocks serve as the main technology suppliers
to the other three blocks. The intermediate blocks primarily absorb technological knowledge from the source blocks and export
knowledge back to the source blocks and forward to the beginner blocks. Meanwhile, the beginner blocks mainly depend on the
absorption of technological knowledge from advanced blocks and also export their limited knowledge to the source blocks. The
absorber blocks merely absorb technological knowledge from the source blocks.
Finally, although most of the countries stay consistently between strata of constituent countries in both networks, eight
countries belong to blocks in the embodied network that are higher than their corresponding blocks in the disembodied network,
and another eight countries are inversely positioned. The former eight countries take advantage of technology embodied in capital
goods to improve their technological capability, while the latter eight countries cultivate their advantages in patent performance to
foster their technological capability.
Based on the empirical ndings of this study, a signicant global stratication pattern of national technological capability exists
in both international technology diffusion networks. Countries with higher positions in the hierarchyare expected to possess more
advanced technological knowledge and enjoy higher productivity gains. Therefore, it is important for countries with a lower
position in the hierarchy to improve their technological capability and thus improve their ranking in the international
technological hierarchy. The ndings of this study imply that there are two different types of catch-up strategies that lower-strata
countries can adopt. One strategy, dened as the development-oriented strategy, involves using new knowledge learned through
the spillover of technology embodied in capital goods to enrich national technological base, and subsequently perform innovations
in the form of disembodied technology. The other approach is the research-oriented strategy, inwhich countries rst upgrade their
technological capabilities in disembodied form, and then perform further innovation via the embodied forms of product
engineering and development to achieve improved status in both networks. These two distinguishing approaches provide
different strategies and paths for catch-up countries to improve their position in the international technology hierarchy.
It is important to acknowledge the limitations of this study since such acknowledgement can help in identifying future research
directions. First, this study examines data from a limited time period, and thus the changes in the relative positions of countries
over periods of years within the two diffusion networks cannot be traced. Future works can trace these relative positions through
repetitive longitudinal studies using the same methodology, which may demonstrate the potential policy implications of
determining an effective path for technology cultivation. Second, Xu and Chiang [11] examined the impacts of international
technology diffusion via trade and patenting on productivity growth and found that countries at different development stages
benet from different forms of international technology spillover. Due to the lack of a performance-related index in this study, it is
impossible to compare whether the research-oriented or the development-oriented strategy can perform better than its
alternative at different developmental stages. Future studies can use technological performance-related indices to properly
address the above issues. The third limitation of this study is that it only considers information on patents granted by the U.S.
Patent and Trademark Ofce. Since data is not obtained for patents granted by non-U.S. organizations, this study is overweighted
on U.S.-granted patents. Future studies could include information on patents granted by other international patent organizations,
such as EPO (European Patent Ofce) and JPO (Japan Patent Ofce), to eliminate this bias.
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Res. Policy 31 (2002) 569588.
Hsin-Yu Shih is an associate professor at the Department of International Business Studies, National Chi Nan University of Taiwan. His previous articles have
appeared in the Technological Forecasting and Social Change,Psychology and Marketing,International Journal of Service Industry Management, Technovation, Journal of
e-Business. His current research interests are in the areas of Technology Management and Network Analysis.
Tung-Lung Steven Chang is currently Professor of Marketing and International Business at the College of Management, Long Island University - C.W. Post campus.
His research has been published by Journal of World Business, International Marketing Review, Journal of Global Marketing, International Finance Review and
Competitiveness Review. His has centered his research on the strategic marketing and technology aspects of multinationals' global expansion.
834 H.-Y. Shih, T.-L.S. Chang / Technological Forecasting & Social Change 76 (2009) 821834
... Diffusion through knowledge flows, although sometimes overlapping with processes observed in international trade, can be distinguished as a more immediate avenue for the global spread of AI technologies. This route, also referred to as a type of disembodied technology diffusion, focuses on the dissemination of knowledge without the need for the transfer of goods or services and has been identified as a significant pathway for the percolation of AI technologies Jiang et al., 2021;Zhao Rongying et al., 2019;Shih and Chang, 2009). ...
... Patents are also seen as significant avenues for knowledge flows (Jiang et al., 2021;Zhao Rongying et al., 2019;Shih and Chang, 2009). Diffusion through patent citations can be bidirectional, similar to GVC participation (Rigo, 2020). ...
... Research networks constitute a third path for diffusion Tang, Li, et al., 2022;Ferrier et al., 2016;Shih and Chang, 2009). Although not always elaborated in great detail, the theory posits that co-publication of research papers in the AI field is a preliminary step in technology diffusion, eventually leading to more concrete adoption by firms and institutions. ...
Rapid advancements in AI have sparked significant research into its impacts on productivity and labor, which can be profoundly positive or negative. Often overlooked in this debate is understanding of how AI technologies spread across and within economies. Equally ignored are developing economies facing substantial labor market impacts from rapid, and a loss in competitiveness, from slow AI diffusion. This paper reviews literature on technology diffusion and proposes a three-way framework for understanding AI diffusion: global value chains, research collaboration, and inter-firm knowledge transfers. This is used to measure AI diffusion in sixteen low-middle-income, and four developed economies, as well as to evaluate dependence on China and the USA for access to AI technologies. The study finds a significant gap in diffusion rates between the two groups, but current trends indicate it is narrowing. China is identified as a crucial future source of AI diffusion through value chains, while the USA is more influential in research and knowledge transfers. The paper's limitations include the omission of additional data sources and countries, and the lack of investigation into the relationship between diffusion and technology intensity. Nonetheless, it raises salient macro-level questions about AI diffusion and suggests emphasis on redistribution mechanisms of AI induced economic gains, and bilateral agreements as a complement to international accords, to address diverse needs and corresponding risks faced by economies transitioning into an AI-dominated era. Additionally, it highlights the need for research into the links between AI diffusion, technology intensity, and productivity; case studies combined with targeted policy recommendations; more accurate methods for measuring AI diffusion; and a deeper investigation into its labor market impacts particular to LMICs.
... The current literature demonstrates a dual focus on macroeconomics and microeconomics [1,8]. The former highlights variables impacting on economic growth and industry competitiveness by analyzing knowledge flows between applicants from various nations [15,[20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28]. The term "knowledge interactions" refers to various additional activities that affect a nation's macroeconomic outlook, such as social interactions, public-private partnerships, and joint industry collaborations [20]. ...
... Additionally, no healthcare-specific studies have been undertaken to date, which encourages us to concentrate on this area and determine whether or not earlier findings from the literature also apply to this field [8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19]. Finally, even though several researches already listed in this section addressed national-level analysis, only a few embraced the international perspective [26]. This serves as more evidence that this work explores a topic that is both important and under-studied in the field of patent citation research. ...
... Also, policymakers should consider that new conditions should be implemented in order to foster innovations in healthcare on both the microeconomic and the macroeconomic levels. First, patents developed by firms through cross-country acquisitions foster their own innovation capabilities and competitiveness, but also generate positive effects for the national economy, as highlighted by the extant literature in Section 2 [15,[20][21][22][23][24][25][26]28]. Hence, policymakers may evaluate the strategic relevance of a country with reference to the healthcare industry and its global competitiveness and also foresee patterns of technological development, as mentioned in Section 2 [27,[34][35][36][37][38][39]. ...
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The healthcare industry at large is used as a case study to suggest a methodological technique for evaluating patent citation networks to analyze cross-country creativity/knowledge flows. It intends to provide insight on the following research issues: (a) how to examine cross-national creative/learning flows; and (b) have nations with present patent owners profited from patent acquisitions? The research field at hand is currently under-explored, justifying the motivation for conducting this investigation, even though it has economic relevance in innovation patterns worldwide. The analysis of over 14,023 firms has shown that: (a) owners have acquired patents across borders, and (b) acquired patents (granted between 2013 and 2017) are cited by later patents (2018–2022). The methodology and findings are transferable to other industries. They can be used by managers and policymakers to (a) assist businesses in predicting innovation trajectories and (b) assist governments in designing and putting into action more effective policies that foster patented innovations in sectors that are deemed to be relevant to the national interest, thanks to the adoption of a new, complementary theoretical viewpoint that merges the micro- and macro-economic perspectives of citation flows.
... This perspective emphasizes the significance of domestic factors such as policies (Popp et al., 2011) and social-technical configurations (Hansen and Coenen, 2015;Przychodzen and Przychodzen, 2020) in shaping technology development. On the other hand, recent literature sheds light on the role of cross-border CCMT diffusion driven by international knowledge transfer (Fadly and Fontes, 2019;Holm et al., 2020;Lopolito et al., 2022;Shih and Chang, 2009;Yu et al., 2022). However, most recent empirical studies have two potential limitations. ...
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There is a rapidly growing number of studies on transnational climate change mitigation technology (CCMT) diffusion. Most of these studies have adopted a bilateral perspective, treating countries as primary agents driving the diffusion process. However, CCMT diffusion typically arises from the interactions between firms and involves strong network effects. In this paper, we explore the global CCMT diffusion from a network perspective, with multinational corporations (MNCs) as network makers. We first propose a methodology to construct the global CCMT diffusion networks, leveraging CCMT-related patent data, intra-firm relationships, and business scales of the selected MNCs. We then calculate the network capital for each country, utilizing it as the input for the econometric analysis to investigate the network effects on CCMT development. The network statistical analysis reveals an uneven geographical distribution of network capital, underscoring the presence of global disparities in CCMT development. Moreover, the econometric analysis identifies significant network effects originating from linkage volumes and structural positionalities within the CCMT diffusion networks.
... Technology system research can be explained in two ways. First, there are a number of studies that suggest industrial relations through network analysis and analyze the changes in the positions of industries over time and the differences between countries (Chang & Shih, 2005;Kim & Park, 2009;Leoncini et al., 1996;Shih & Chang, 2009). Secondly, the study is to classify efficient industries on industrial networks and to identify their impacts. ...
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The technology network studies derive the network relationship according to the trade of intermediate goods between sectors and classify the sectors in the efficient position. Technical network studies use both models that include or exclude import. Differences can arise in the Korean market, where the proportion of intermediate goods is high. Thus, this study analyzes the influence of import on the technology network. Also, Korea’s industry is divided into ICT and non-ICT sectors to clarify the differences. Difference in difference (DiD) panel analysis is used to separate the level of influence and the change over time in multi-period analysis. This study found that (1) the network efficiency is high and the constraint is not changed by import. Higher network efficiency means higher total added value. This study has implications for verifying the effect of import on the network impact level not considered in the technical system network studies. (2) The network efficiency of the non-ICT sector was higher than that of the ICT sector, and the network constraint was not different. This can judge to be relatively inefficient in Korea’s ICT sector in the network for the full economy. (3) In order to clarify the numerical change caused by industrial development, it is necessary to eliminate the change caused by the passage of time. As an alternative, this study solved this problem by using multi-period DID panel analysis. This study may be helpful to government investment and policy makers as well as corporate policy makers.
... Technology transfer is a popular topic in the literature on technology innovation (Shih and Chang, 2009). The transfer of patents illustrates the relationship between the priority country and transferees, which shows the role played by different countries in the development of technology Zheng et al., 2020). ...
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) pollution is a great challenge for air environment management. However, macro quantitative research on VOC control technologies (VOCTs) evolution and global knowledge transfer is still lacking. Therefore, we analyzed the 6,636 global patents for VOCTs from 1961 to 2020 in the Derwent Innovation Index database to give a quantitative study, by using patent analysis methods such as text mining and technology life cycle analysis. The results showed that global patents surged from 2014 to 2018, and China held the most patents, followed by the US. Chinese 2013–2017 intensive atmospheric environment governance policy was the main possible reason for the sharp increase of VOC patents. However, very few Chinese patents were transferred. On the contrary, the US was the most important source country for transferred patents, and its main overseas markets were Europe, followed by China. Up to now, absorption and adsorption were the most mature technologies, accounting for 51% of the end-of-pipe patent. Biodegradation and membrane separation patents were active in transfer, indicating their high demand in the global market, so they may be promising technologies in the future. These findings enrich the literature on the evolution and transnational diffusion of VOCTs, and help policy-makers, scholars, and company managers better understand future research directions and the demands of the international market.
... By incorporating patent citations with co-inventors information, Xiang et al. [48] propose a method for constructing international knowledge spillover networks. Shih and Chang [49] measure each country's degree, closeness, and betweenness centralities within the international diffusion network. Using topological structures, centrality rankings, and a block modeling analysis assisted by measures from social network analysis, Yang et al. [50] investigate the structure of international technology diffusion and its evolution. ...
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By constructing a technology spillover connectedness index and connectedness matrix, this paper studies the technology spillover connectedness among innovation agents in China from the perspective of network topology. An empirical study based on invention patent data finds that there is noticeable technology spillover connectedness among the six innovation agents: central enterprises, other domestic enterprises, universities and scientific research institutes, troops, individuals and other organizations, and foreign-funded enterprises. Other domestic enterprises are the hub of technology spillover connectedness among these agents, while foreign-funded enterprises play a limited role. The study of further subdividing foreign-funded enterprises according to their sources finds that the United States, South Korea, and Japan are the centers of technology spillover connectedness in China. The dynamic evolution of technology spillover connectedness shows that the total technology spillover connectedness among innovation agents presents an obvious downward trend, which is closely related to the complex and changeable international economic situation and the uncertainty of China’s economic policy in recent years. This paper concludes with insights into how China uses the spillover connectedness among innovation agents to spur agents’ innovation performance and promote the nation’s economic growth and competitiveness.
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The present study identifies the most influential industries in Ecuador according to the Input–Output Table for 2019. For this purpose, four weighted centrality indices are used from Social Network Analysis: Degree Centrality, Closeness Centrality, Betweenness Centrality, and Alpha Centrality. The results suggest that wholesale and retail trade, transportation, and professional activities are the most influential in the Ecuadorian economy due to their high centrality in commercial relationships. According to Chenery and Watanabe's methodology, all are base sectors, that is, they mainly are supply-driven. So, these centrality measures highlight the relevance of sectors based on their forward linkages. This result is not surprising. The theory of shock diffusion suggests that productive shocks on high centrality sectors can spread cascading effects downstream and generate aggregate fluctuations.
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Innovation with the incorporation of the environmental dimension has become a central element of the debate on socioeconomic development in the face of growing environmental problems. The work aims to analyze, through panel data and the Innovation Survey (PINTEC), the relationship between productivity and environmental innovation in the processing industry of Minas Gerais in the period from 2000 to 2014. The results indicated that the adoption of environmental innovations by companies positively affects their productivity, with environmental regulation being one of the factors that also contributed to this increase when analyzing the levels of technological intensity; a result that highlights the importance of sectoral heterogeneities, in addition to the individual factors of the firms. In this sense, it is suggested that strengthening Research & Development actions focused on reducing environmental impacts and specific regulatory instruments can contribute to having a manufacturing industry more open to efficient environmental management practices. KEYWORDS Environmental innovation; Efficiency; Industry
Purpose The main purpose of this paper is to explore whether the nature of innovation is accumulative or radical and to what extent past year accumulation of technology stock can predict future innovation. More importantly, the authors are concerned with whether a change of policy regime or a variance in the quality of technology will moderate the nature of innovation. Design/methodology/approach The authors examined a dataset of 3.6 million Chinese patents during 1985–2015 and constructed more than 5 million citation pairs across 8 sections and 128 classes to track knowledge spillover across technology fields. The authors used this citation dataset to calculate the technology innovation network. The authors constructed a measure of upstream invention, interacting the pre-existing technology innovation network with historical patent growth in each technology field, and estimated measure's impact on future innovation since 2005. The authors also constructed three sets of metrics – technology dependence, centrality and scientific value – to identify innovation quality and a policy dummy to consider the impact of policy on innovation. Findings Innovation growth is built upon past year accumulation and technology spillover. Innovation grows faster for technologies that are more central and grows more slowly for more valuable technologies. A pro-innovation and pro-intellectual property right (IPR) policy plays a positive and significant role in driving technical progress. The authors also found that for technologies that have faster access to new information or larger power to control knowledge flow, the upstream and downstream innovation linkage is stronger. However, this linkage is weaker for technologies that are more novel or general. On most occasions, the nature of innovation was less responsive to policy shock. Originality/value This paper contributes to the debate on the nature of innovation by determining whether upstream innovation has strong predictive power on future innovation. The authors develop the assumption used in the technology spillover literature by considering a time-variant, directional and asymmetric matrix to model technology diffusion. For the first time, the authors answer how the nature of innovation will vary depending on the technology network configurations and policy environment. In addition to contributing to the academic debate, the authors' study has important implications for economic growth and industrial or innovation management policies.
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台灣對東南亞的實質聯繫,是台灣推動新南向政策的基礎,亦為政府找尋台灣對東南 亞各國合作的利基。但如何加強區域鏈結,有賴於探索台灣在此區域所扮演的角色,以發 展台灣與各國之互惠政策。 本研究觀察新南向政策相關國家之技術擴散,解析出台灣與週邊各國之技術擴散結構, 此項探索在於了解台灣在技術鑲嵌之下其技術重要性的樣貌。其次在於探索東南亞國家之 技術轉變的樣貌,再藉此結果來產生我國對東南亞地區之科技交流的策略。 研究發現台灣可以運用本身技術轉化優勢來維持區域內外的角色地位,並針對東協內 重要的橋接角色國家,如泰國、印尼、馬來西亞、新加坡等國進行策略性互動,以此來提 升台灣在東協區域內的技術重要性。 Taiwan's New Southbound Policy is based on the practical connection that can create the reciprocity niche between Taiwan and Southeast Asia. However, to precisely posited Taiwan's role-play in Asia-Pacific is critical for policy initiation. Therefore, this study investigates international technology diffusion that has been involved in the New Southbound Policy. Analyzing their diffusion structure can reveal Taiwan's critical position in technological embeddedness. Furthermore, understanding the technological change of ASEAN can identify the opportunity to induce the science & technology diplomacy strategy. This study found that Taiwan has maintained the regional status via the core competence in technological reinvention. Meanwhile, strategically interact with the vital brokerage countries that allow Taiwan to realize the critical status in Southeast Asia, which include Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore.
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Reports results from a quantitative network analysis of international commodity trade flows designed to measure the structure of the world economic system and to identify the roles that particular countries play in the global division of labor. It improves on previous network-analytic studies of the world-economy in two ways. First, by using a newly developed measure of regular equivalence, this operationalization of a nation's roles in the international system is methodologically superior to previous work. Second, we have built a dynamic aspect into the analysis by examining international trade networks at more than one point in time (1965, 1970, and 1980). This allows us to answer questions about change both in the overall structure of the world-economy and in the positions of particular countries in the system. -from Authors
The intuitive background for measures of structural centrality in social networks is reviewed and existing measures are evaluated in terms of their consistency with intuitions and their interpretability.
Growth in this model is driven by technological change that arises from intentional investment decisions made by profit-maximizing agents. The distinguishing feature of the technology as an input is that it is neither a conventional good nor a public good; it is a nonrival, partially excludable good. Because of the nonconvexity introduced by a nonrival good, price-taking competition cannot be supported. Instead, the equilibrium is one with monopolistic competition. The main conclusions are that the stock of human capital determines the rate of growth, that too little human capital is devoted to research in equilibrium, that integration into world markets will increase growth rates, and that having a large population is not sufficient to generate growth.
We develop a theory of the effects of inter-organizational networks on both radical and incremental forms of firm-level entrepreneurial behavior (EB). The central argument is that structural embeddedness, with its focus on the network as a whole, and its two consequences, relational and cognitive embeddedness, individually and collectively influence incremental and radical forms of EB. Relationships in our model are driven by reciprocal interactions between intra- and inter-organizational sensemaking. This reasoning leads us to a dynamic, co-evolutionary model of EB.