Conference PaperPDF Available

Design and Development of Interactive Intelligent Medical Agent

Design and Development of Interactive Intelligent
Medical Agent
Shu-Chiao Tasi1, Hooman Samani1, Yu-Wei Kao1, Kening Zhu2, Brian Jalaian3
National Taipei University, Taiwan1
School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong2
U.S. Army Research Laboratory, Adelphi, Maryland, USA3
Abstract—In this age of high technology development, a
greater number of people are facing modern civilization diseases
due to lifestyle changes.
Fast-paced and busy lifestyles, noisy
nightlife, and other various social parameters have resulted in
increased disturbance during sleeping. In addition to external
causes, a stressed-out mind is a source of anxiety or excitement
that can lead to sleep disturbances. The aim of this research is to
propose an interactive robotic system companion which could be
used in the treatment of insomnia by providing various interactive
services to the user. In addition to direct communication, the robot
employs a variety of environmental and physiological sensors to
receive feedback from a user and observe performance. One of the
key modules of this system is the use of electroencephalography for
monitoring sleep quality. We use an interaction design approach
based on simplicity and approachability. Speech Recognition and
Human-Computer Interaction are the two major parts of this
research. The robot’s audio channel uses Speech Recognition to
communicate with the user, mostly via conversation because other
forms of direct communication are not convenient for this
scenario. The Human-Computer Interaction aspect includes
playing suitable music (including white noise) and spraying
essential oils according to different instructions. In addition to
establishing multimodal interactive connection with the user, the
system also provides entertainment services. The aim is for this
proposed robot to act as a personal companion for people with
insomnia and improve their quality of sleeping.
Keywords— Social Robot, insomnia treatment, human-computer
interaction, EEG
Sleep is the most important part of human rest. Its main
function is to restore and supplement the physical energy lost
while performing daytime activities. Sleep also regulates and
reconstructs personal emotional behavior and learning cognitive
memory. People are sleeping less nowadays, probably because
of the
ir busy, high-pressure lifestyles, which include increased
time spent at work, engaging in social networking, and
interacting in virtual Internet worlds. Serious complications
from long-term insufficient sleep include health problems and
increased risk of disease; mental, autonomic nervous, and
behavior disorders; memory decline; and negative emotions.
The most serious consequence from sleep deprivation is death
from overwork. Sleep quality is more important than sleep
quantity and quality is irrelevant to the length of sleep.
This research explores sleep disorders to help solve the
insomnia problem. A wearable wireless physiological monitor,
Electroencephalogram (EEG) sensor, is used to help the user
get to sleep and monitor their sleep quality. Although many
peo ple are concerned about and search for ways to improve their
sleep quality, they ignore the affects that their mobile phones and
computers are having. Artificial light, especially blue light,
affects the circadian rhythm of
human body. It causes the
pineal gland to inhibit the brain’s release of melatonin, which
interferes with sleep. An interactive robot is a good sleep partner
because through a simple dialogue, it can provide advice and
services for relaxation and sleep, and can use the EEG to monitor
a user’s sleep quality.
Teams at home and abroad have studied the use of artificial
intelligence to help sleep. Students at Technische Universiteit
Delft in Holland have developed a peanut-shaped pillow with
soft material called a Somnox robot. When held, this device
measures the user’s respiration rate and
s a simulated
breathing rhythm. The user subconsciously adjusts their
breathing to the Somnox’s consistent rhythm, which helps them
to relax and fall asleep, effectively relieving insomnia. At
present, the Somnox robot is in the prototype stage [1].
A. System Design
This research
divided into two major parts: Speech
Recognition and Human-Computer Interaction. The robot
communicates with the user via speech recognition.
Human-computer interaction includes input and output
components, with output based on the input conditions.
The body sensor module of the input component is divided
into wearable and non-wearable types. Wearable EEG device is
in a form of a headset. The output component includes the
digital fragrance module, which applies a scent according to
input settings. The design component includes the external
appearance, internal structure, and LED modules. The
architecture of the robot is shown in Figure 1.
2018 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality (AIVR)
978-1-5386-9269-1/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE
DOI 10.1109/AIVR.2018.00049
Fig 1. System architecture
B. Mechanism design
Because the robot performs many functions, it is necessary
to position the environmental and body surface sensors in the
corresponding part of the robot. For example, the microphone,
speaker, and photoreceptor will be placed in the robot's ear,
mouth, and eye, respectively. The digital fragrance module
should include an override function to prevent over-
and an internal fan to control volatilization of the essential oil.
The clock component performs two functions. The first is to
set up a wake up time to prevent over-sleeping; the second is to
remind the user to prepare for bedtime. This reminder can be
set to a fixed time every day, to help the user develop good sleep
C. Input
Individual sleep requirements and physical fitness level are
different but in general, people sleep best in a room temperature
of 20−23 °C. Lowering the room temperature or humidity is
counterproductive because when the body is too cold, the blood
vessels narrow, which increases the burden on the body [2].
The temperature of the
bed cover
, though often ignored, also
affects the quality of sleep. According to studies, people fall
asleep faster when the bedding temperature is 32−34 °C and the
temperature of the bed cover is low. Subjecting the human body
surface to a cold stimulus for a period of time will stimulate the
cerebral cortex, thus postponing the sleep time or negatively
affecting deep sleep [3].
Another factor that may affect sleep comfort is humidity.
Humidity does not directly affect sleep
, but it can create an
environment that interferes with overall sleep quality.
Individual levels vary, but 50%−65% humidity is generally
recommended as ideal. Modern conventions such as air
conditioning, an automatic dehumidifier, heater and cooler can
be used to adjust the humidity in the room to avoid conditions
that are too dry or too wet [4].
A sound with a decibel level greater than 60 will wake a
person, but even a volume of about 32 decibels (which is not
considered high) may interrupt their sleep. A noise sensor is
used to obtain the maximum sound intensity value for a certain
period of time, and the audio is simplified and reduced.
Meanwhile, a potentiometer can adjust the output signal gain.
After checking the volume of sleep, the data will be compared
with the established database, and the value will be
distinguished, and the result will be communicated through the
user interface [5].
Environmental photoreceptor measurements are taken in
and around the environment, and the sensitivity of the response
to the human eye is considered. The sensor will continue to
measure and provide a consistent output display no matter what
the lighting conditions are. The influence of spectral
characteristics of light sources on light sensors is much greater
than we imagine.
Fig 2. Elektromagnetisches Spectrum [6]
D. Wearable sensor (EEG sensor)
Brainwaves can be divided into five main categories that
vary in frequency according to a person’s activities and
emotions: Delta Wave, Theta Wave, Alpha Wave, Beta Wave,
and Gamma Wave. These combinations of consciousness
determine a person's behavior, emotions, and learning
performance, both inside and outside [7].
The delta wave is a slow, high-amplitude brainwave with a
frequency of 0.5−4 Hz that is related to the third and fourth
phases of slow wave sleep. It is generally regarded as the
brainwave that occurs in the deep sleep state. When the delta
wave is the dominant brainwave, the human body is in the
dreamless, unconscious state of deep sleep, which has a direct
effect on the quality of sleep. Its wave pattern is shown in
Figure 3 [8].
Fig 3. Delta wave
The theta wave is a brainwave with a frequency of 4−8 Hz
that is related to the second phase of slow wave sleep. This
brainwave affects a person's involuntary attitudes, expectations,
beliefs, and behaviors and occurs under hypnosis and in deep
meditation. When theta wave is dominant, consciousness is in
a state of interruption and highly receptive to the information
stimulus of the outside world. Theta wave is quite helpful for
long term memory, so it is also called "The Gateway to
Learning and Memory.” Its wave pattern is shown in Figure 4
Fig 4. Theta wave
The alpha wave is a slow wave with a frequency of 8−12 Hz.
When a human's consciousness is clear and their body is relaxed,
the alpha wave is dominant, but it decreases when they are
awake, anxious, or exercising. When the alpha wave is
dominant, the energy consumption of the body is low and the
energy consumption of
the brain is relatively high, so data
processing and creativity are more fluent. Therefore, Science is
advocating the alpha state as the best state for learning. Its wave
pattern is shown in Figure 5 [10].
Fig 5. Alpha wave
The beta wave is a fast, low-amplitude wave with a
frequency of 12−35 Hz. This
brainwave occurs in wakefulness,
which is related to thinking, anxiety, operation, and attention.
The high-frequency beta wave will cause emotional excitement
and anxiety. Many tranquilizers (such as barbiturates) achieve
results by reducing the beta wave stabilization effect. When the
beta wave is too strong, the body tires easily. Without sufficient
rest, pressure accumulates. The beta wave
is shown in
Figure 6 [11].
Fig 6. Beta wave
The gamma wave is the fastest brainwave, with a frequency
above 40 Hz, and is related to Rapid Eye Movement (REM)
sleep. The high frequency of the gamma state makes people feel
profoundly insightful. The wave pattern is shown in Figure 7
Fig 7. Gamma wave
The EEG sensor is used to collect brainwave information,
which is arranged in ascending frequency (i.e., delta, theta,
alpha, beta, and gamma) so that the corresponding state of
consciousness is clear (i.e., unconscious, subconscious, sense,
clear, and warning). In addition, the best learning should occur
between alpha and beta waves, and the best sleep should occur
between theta and alpha waves [13].
This study used Sheng Wang Technology’s BrainLink 60Hz
brainwave sensor, which can accurately detect the brain’s state.
Its main features include medical grade materials, Bluetooth
connectivity, LED indicators, high-integration PCT patented
interface, precision testing, a low battery reminder,
UL-certified battery safety, and 8 hours of use after 1 hour of
charging. For all experimental activities such as sleep detection,
the BrainLink is a portable EEG that includes a TGAM EEG
module, Bluetooth module, and USB rechargeable lithium
battery. It works with Bluetooth and the baud rate is about
57600bps, and fits adults and children with a
circumference of 47–71 cm [14].
Fig 8. BrainLink 60Hz brainwave sensor
E. Non-wearable sensors
In general, body temperature begins to rise in the morning,
and continues to rise until the evening, where it reaches its
highest point and the body is most active. After that, body
temperature will begin to drop, reaching its lowest point at 4:00
Abnormalities in the body
temperature rhythm can make
sleeping well difficult [15].
This study used the SparkFun MAX30105 Particle Sensor
Breakout particle sensor, which is a flexible and powerful
sensor that enables sensing of distance, particle detection, heart
rate, and even the blink of an eye. It is equipped with a three-
LED photon detector, is very sensitive, and can detect
types of particles or material (such as oxygenated blood or
smoke from a fire). The MAX30105 uses red, green, and
infrared LEDs for presence sensing, heart beat plotting, heart
rate monitoring, and more [16].
F. Output
Music is one method that can be used to help with sleep
difficulties. Teams of doctors and music therapists have done
many experiments to determine if subjects with sleep issues are
helped by listening to soothing music. Data for these
experiments were collected using multiple physiological tests,
which showed that listening to relaxing music can reduce stress
responses, lower heart rate, and reduce subjective anxiety. The
music features that show positive sleep effects are slow speed
(a tempo of about 60bpm) and a smooth, continuous melody.
Though music may not shorten the ti
it takes to fall asleep, it
can increase sleep quality [17].
According to studies, white noise can regulate dopamine in
the brain. White noise has been proven to help control attention
deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), effectively enhance
connectivity in different brain regions, and enhance memory.
This study uses white noise to help sleep, generating it through
internal fan operation and stomatal diversion. A
single-frequency sound can cover noise in the environment and
be increased to
different volumes according to the loudness
of environmental noise. Increasing the volume of white noise
allows users to get used to it. The white noise frequency trains
the user to ignore other sounds to achieve the effect of better
sleep [18].
Some cultures use “number of sheep” as a mentally
suggestive activity that helps people to relax and fall asleep. It
is speculated that this method induces sleep through simple,
boring repetitions. According to Hong Kong’s “Apple” report,
Jia-hui Yu, a hypnosis training instructor with many years of
experience, “The most accurate way to count sheep is to think
of a fence first. There are about twenty sheep inside. Then
imagine an empty fence next to it. The flock must jump from
the old fence one by one to the new fence.” This process
requires a high degree of concentration, and most people fall
asleep before they have finished counting [19].
G. Digital scent
The key to olfactory technology is to receive and digitize
actual particle data and use it to reproduce scents. The
information technology industry has produced some results,
including iSmell, which was exhibited at COMDEX, the largest
American computer expo trade show. The concept behind
iSmell was to recreate smells and perfumes through a device
connected to a PC [20].
At the end of 1950s, Hans Laube invented the
Smell-O-Vision system, using the air conditioning system to
release odors over the course of a film, so that the audience
could smell what was happening in the movie.
In our
study, we placed a number of bottles into the robot,
each containing a different essential oil. The robot released the
essential oil according to the user’s emotional state [21].
A. Speech recongnition
Speech recognition systems, which are primarily based on
statistical pattern recognition technology, consist of the
following five modules:
1. Signal processing and feature extraction module
2. Acoustic model (typical systems are modeled by
Hidden Markov Model [HMM])
Fig 9. Hidden Markov Model
3. Pronunciation dictionary
4. Language model
5. Decoder
A speech recognition flow chart is shown in Figure 10.
Fig 10. Speech recognition flow chart
B. Speech synthesis
The Text-to-speech (TTS) system converts text into speech.
In order to synthesize a more natural voice and to simulate the
emotional state of the person speaking, the scheme will use
prosody characteristic parameters for emotional speech
synthesis. This technology must first analyze the prosodic
parameters of four emotions (e.g., happiness, anger, sadness,
and boredom). It then
establishes an emotional template and
tone model, using the waveform splicing speech synthesis
technology and the time domain pitch synchronous
superposition algorithm (PSOLA) to synthesize the emotional
The research will use the open emotional database Berlin
Emotion Speech database (BES). Using ACF and AMDF, the
pitch period of speech signal is calculated and the average value
is obtained. The calculation formula of the autocorrelation
method is as follows:
() = ()(
The formula for calculating the mean amplitude difference
method is as follows:
() = |(+)()|
In this study, the speech signal endpoint detection technique
is used to calculate the voiced segment with short time energy.
The short time zero crossing rate is used to calculate the
voiceless segment, and the effective speech segment is detected
from the continuous speech, including its starting and
termination points. Then we use the lower formula to calculate
the amplitude energy of each frame and obtain
the energy
spectrum as follows:
() = 
Finally, time domain pitch synchronous overlap add
(TD-PSOLA) is used to synthesize the speech containing
emotion. The time domain pitch synchronization superposition
algorithm is a waveform-editing technique, which mainly
changes the various prosodic parameters in the speech and then
changes the effect of the synthetic speech. The rhyme
parameters include the sound length, the sound intensity
, and
the pitch. The steps of this technology are pitch synchronization
analysis, pitch synchronization modification, and pitch
synchronization synthesis.
Pitch synchronization analysis is the core of the algorithm.
To ensure the synthesis of the waveform and the frequency of
the spectrum, it is necessary to accurately mark out the
complete pitch period and modify the rhythm in a complete
pitch period. However, because the voiceless sound has no base
period and the voiced sound is only a quasi-pitch period signal,
the base of the sound is the base. The sound period is replaced
by a constant, and because it is necessary to make the speech
waveform continuous when the period of the initial pitch near
the voiced segment is better,
the following pitch labeling steps
need to be carried out: the endpoint detection of the speech
signal, the judgment of voiceless voiced sound, the position
sequence of the speech cycle, the estimation of the pitch period
and the position tagging, and the speech synthesis after
completion. Window processing is used to obtain short time
signals () as follows:
() = ℎ(−)()
Pitch synchronization modification adjusts the
synchronization mark obtained in the last step according to
certain rules and produces a new set of pitch synchronization
markers, including the pitch length, pitch frequency, and sound
intensity. The length of the pitch is modified to increase or
reduce the length of the synthetic speech, inserting or deleting
several periodic waveforms in the base sound of the original
voice. The modification of the pitch includes adjusting the pitch
to change the pitch frequency of the synthetic speech (that is,
the distance between the original pitch synchronization marks),
and modifying the sound intensity to the original speech wave.
Pitch synchronization synthesis is applied to superimpose
the short time speech database sequence acquired in the
previous step. The least square superposition method is applied
as follows:
̅() = ̅()ℎ
C. Action command
After the speech recognition system interprets the user’s
instructions, an action plan is implemented according to the
following steps: (1) the user sets the sleep and wake time in the
robot and the robot reminds the user when it is time for rest, (2)
the user calls the robot if they cannot sleep and the robot asks
the user if they know the factors causing their insomnia
(physiological or psychological), (3) if the user responds with
“physiological”, the robot provides suggestions; if the user
responds with “psychological”, the robot will play music or
spray fragrance to relieve the stress,
(4) if the user responds with
“physiological and psychological” or does not know which
factors are causing their insomnia, the robot will first check the
sleep environment (including noise, light, temperature, and
humidity), then the user's temperature and pulse rate; (6) the
robot compares the measurement data with a database to give a
suggestions; (7) the robot starts the
alarm cloc
k function, so that
the user is awakened with joyful music.
The music and digital fragrance functions are programmed
into the robot by the user. The most important feature of this
study is the use of EEG sensors which, if worn by the user,
allow the robot to gauge the user's sleep quality. The sheep
model is another interesting special feature. The user interface
instruction action flow chart is shown in Figure 11.
Fig 11. User interface chart
In this paper we have proposed a robot to serve as a personal
companion to help people with insomnia improve the quality of
their sleep. This robot would be positioned next to the sleeper,
interacting with them through various means. The system uses
a microphone and temperature, heartbeat, and EEG sensors to
observe the user’s state (i.e., input) and produces white noise
and smell in response (i.e., output). In the future, we aim to
improve this robot by adding mobility capabilities and
improved signal processing power, as well as improved design
and functionality features.
Fig.12. Scenario of a user interacting with the system
This work was partially supported by grants from the Research
Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative
Region, China (Project No. CityU 21200216), City University
of Hong Kong (Project No. 7005021, 7005021, 6000623, &
6000623), and ACIM-
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... Previously developed telemedicine technologies like [115], robot-nurse Tommy in Italy, helping hand for physiotherapist Robert in Denmark, Robotnik in Valencia, Spain have been supporting the telehealthcare facilities during COVID-19. In [115], an intelligent medical agent is developed for the treatment of insomnia which uses a variety of physiological and environmental sensors to collect users' details. ...
... Previously developed telemedicine technologies like [115], robot-nurse Tommy in Italy, helping hand for physiotherapist Robert in Denmark, Robotnik in Valencia, Spain have been supporting the telehealthcare facilities during COVID-19. In [115], an intelligent medical agent is developed for the treatment of insomnia which uses a variety of physiological and environmental sensors to collect users' details. The agent can transfer the results to a cloud platform to facilitate further examination and telemedicine services by a human doctor. ...
The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic is unarguably the biggest catastrophe of the 21st century, probably the most significant global crisis after the second world war. The rapid spreading capability of the virus has compelled the world population to maintain strict preventive measures. The outrage of the virus has rampaged through the healthcare sector tremendously. This pandemic created a huge demand for necessary healthcare equipment, medicines along with the requirement for advanced robotics and artificial intelligence-based applications. The intelligent robot systems have great potential to render service in diagnosis, risk assessment, monitoring, telehealthcare, disinfection, and several other operations during this pandemic which has helped reduce the workload of the frontline workers remarkably. The long-awaited vaccine discovery of this deadly virus has also been greatly accelerated with AI-empowered tools. In addition to that, many robotics and Robotics Process Automation platforms have substantially facilitated the distribution of the vaccine in many arrangements pertaining to it. These forefront technologies have also aided in giving comfort to the people dealing with less addressed mental health complicacies. This paper investigates the use of robotics and artificial intelligence-based technologies and their applications in healthcare to fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. A systematic search following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) method is conducted to accumulate such literature, and an extensive review on 147 selected records is performed.
... A robot is an artificial intelligence device that senses and acts with purpose to do something useful (Saetra, 2020). Previous research has found positive effects of certain robots on several psychological and physiological factors, such as loneliness and stress (Tasi et al., 2018;Meißner, 2020). Technology is developing at a rapid pace, and the research on technological products often lags behind (Meißner, 2020). ...
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The Somnox sleep robot is promoted as sleep enhancing. The current study investigated individual effects, the acceptability and the safety of, and experiences with, a 3-week intervention in adults with insomnia. A repeated ABA single-case design (n = 4) was used to evaluate the effects of the sleep robot compared with baseline, as measured with a sleep diary and actigraphy. Pre-, post-, and 1-month follow-up assessments were conducted, measuring symptoms of insomnia, level of somatic arousal, and symptoms of depression and anxiety. Questions about adherence were included in the sleep diary. Individual interviews were conducted post intervention to explore the participants’ experiences with the sleep robot. The sleep diary and actigraphy data showed marginal differences, and if something, often a slight deterioration in the intervention phase. Three participants reported improvements regarding their sleep in the interviews compared with baseline, which mirrored the results on the questionnaires (insomnia and arousal) for two of the participants. The same three participants adhered to the intervention. Stable or improved self-assessed symptoms of depression and anxiety, and information from the individual interviews, suggest that the intervention is safe for adults with insomnia. The results regarding the effects of the sleep robot were mixed, and ought to be scrutinized in larger studies before confident recommendations can be made. However, the study supports the acceptability and safety of the intervention in adults with insomnia.
... Many hospitals have deployed intelligent chatbots [57][58][59] to relieve the pressure on the medical department. Previously developed telemedicine technologies, such as [60] robotic nurse Tommy in Italy, physiotherapist Robert in Denmark, and Robotnik in Valencia, Spain, have supported telemedicine facilities during COVID-19. ...
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The COVID-19 pandemic has had a huge impact on society. Scientists are working to mitigate the impact in many ways. As a field closely related to human life, building engineering can make a great contribution. In this article, we started with the concept of the smart building as our guide. The impact of COVID-19 on daily energy consumption, information and communication technology, the ventilation of the interior environment of buildings, and the higher demand for new energy technologies such as electric vehicles is an entry point. We discuss how the concept of the smart building and related technologies (refrigeration, measurement, sensor networks, robotics, local energy generation, and storage) could help human society respond to the pandemic. We also analyze the current problems and difficulties that smart buildings face and the possible future directions of this technology.
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The world was unprepared for the COVID-19 pandemic, and recovery is likely to be a long process. Robots have long been heralded to take on dangerous, dull, and dirty jobs, often in environments that are unsuitable for humans. Could robots be used to fight future pandemics? We review the fundamental requirements for robotics for infectious disease management and outline how robotic technologies can be used in different scenarios, including disease prevention and monitoring, clinical care, laboratory automation, logistics, and maintenance of socioeconomic activities. We also address some of the open challenges for developing advanced robots that are application oriented, reliable, safe, and rapidly deployable when needed. Last, we look at the ethical use of robots and call for globally sustained efforts in order for robots to be ready for future outbreaks.
... Another agent model was presented in [11], where the novelty was a cooperative strategy for medical image segmentation. A similar proposition is the design of a medical agent which is a robotic system for the treatment of insomnia [12]. Again in [13], the authors proposed a MAS system based on blockchain technology. ...
Multi-agent systems enable the division of complicated tasks into individual objects that can cooperate. Such architecture can be useful in building solutions in the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT). In this paper, we propose an architecture of such a system that ensures the security of private data, as well as allows the addition and/or modification of the used classification methods. The main advantages of the proposed system are based on the implementation of blockchain technology elements and threaded federated learning. The individual elements are located on the agents who exchange information. Additionally, we propose building an agent with a consortium mechanism for classification results from many machine learning solutions. This proposal offers a new model of agents that can be implemented as a system for processing medical data in real-time. Our proposition was described and tested to present advantages over other, existing state-of-the-art methods. We show, that this proposition can improve the Internet of Medical Thing solutions by presenting a new idea of a multi-agent system that can separate different tasks like security, or classification and as a result minimize operation time and increase accuracy.
... It is unfortunate to see how professionals, including doctors and nurses, risk their lives to get close interaction with the patients. Robotic devices like doctor robot (Fig.3) may be used to assess and track people's health status when getting in close touch with thembecomes risky [5,6]. ...
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While all the governments of the world are fighting a battle against the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, robotics and technology play a vital role in helping to safeguard citizens. Robotics may also help to manage the resources when people shift to work from home during the lockdown period.
... In recent years, development of speech acoustic algorithms has helped advance many human-machine interface designs across applications such as companion robot [1,2], meeting assistant [3,4], and medical agent [5]. Furthermore, the ability to computationally extract paralinguistic information conveyed in these recorded acoustic signals is important in designing novel engineering solutions that were not possible before. ...
Coronavirus is a single-stranded RNA virus, with a size of about 120 nm. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV2) is an infectious disease caused by a recently discovered coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) novel coronavirus and is a major global pandemic that has already taken more than 600 thousand lives. This disease is spreading rapidly across the globe and already has more than 14 million confirmed cases worldwide. It can be latent with low or no symptoms at all for initial days after transmission. The exponential increase in new cases each day calls for swift, responsive measures and rapid control at the individual, societal, and governmental levels. Lack of awareness about COVID-19 and negligence in implementation of protective measures poses a greater threat to human lives in this pandemic. There is a shortage in hospital wards as well as the absence of proper medicine for recovery. Necessary consumer products like masks and sanitizers are short in supply and unable to quench the demand. This chapter aims to present a clear and concise idea of the nature of COVID-19, its classification, and its characteristics. Classification refers to the hierarchical naming and the reason behind the protocol accepted. The characteristics refer to the nature of the virus, sources of spreading, its strengths and weaknesses, just to name a few. Causes and symptoms related to this disease are explained in detail. Modes of transmission and infection are discussed. The latest and the most accurate data and findings are listed and described. Common misconceptions and misinformation are examined, analyzed, and debunked. The after-effects and steps to take are reviewed. The preventive, as well as curative measures, are conferred. Current and future challenges are also enumerated and summarized.
The rise and spread of the COVID-19 new coronavirus infection surprised the world with a significant impact on the lives of billions of people. Human life is endangered due to the severe spread of pandemics such as COVID. Many frontline warriors are working round the clock around the globe in defense intending to minimize the spread of this pandemic hence minimize mortality. Scientists are working hard to find remedial medicine and vaccine to launch their products to save mankind. Before we reach this stage of protection policymakers are trying alternative solutions. During this time, the changing trends in science and technology can help in fighting against the pandemic spread. This chapter addresses the challenging areas in the effective management of the COVID crisis. This chapter illustrates various novel methods developed by using technological inventions all around the globe, along with their merits, and demerits. This chapter explains the proposed framework which can help policymakers in the detection and prevention of COVID by using machine learning algorithms and other scalable technologies. The proposed framework includes both manual best practices with an adaption of technology change, such a hybrid solution significantly reduces time and efforts. This framework can also help the policymakers in taking the decisions faster and timelier managed on the go. It will trace, track, and predicts the impact with the help of novel technologies. Technologies included in this framework will help in identifying the COVID personal, preparation of contact tracing, identifying the containment zones, generation of schedules of the quarantine periods, the work schedule of frontline warriors, and assessing the required materials in controlling the outspread of virus infection.
Most of the systems used in medicine are based on embedded electronic systems. These medical systems are mainly made up of embedded electronic components installed primarily in today's medical methods. The increasing use of these systems is also oriented towards adequate supervision and useful home care applications from an economic perspective. Future trends in monitoring applications for remote monitoring of embedded systems require architectural and infrastructure complexity to reduce costs and benefits. There is an outflow of modern technology for sensing and transmitting microchip data processing technology to promote better health guidance with first aid. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the feasibility and therapeutic efficacy estimates based on the results of the Augmented Data Analysis Technique (ADAT). Medication intercessions for the anticipation and treatment of insanity have restricted advantages, and significant expenses are related to results' danger. Clinical rules suggest the improvement of non-pharmacological intercessions to forestall incoherence, however powerful preventive procedures remain unestablished. It is to analyze the data of the proposed Augmented Data Analysis Technique (ADAT), give accurate results with the help of Xilinx FPGA software, and be the subject of the Internet of Things to monitor the health of patients.
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Neuroelectric and imaging studies of meditation are reviewed. Electroencephalographic measures indicate an overall slowing subsequent to meditation, with theta and alpha activation related to proficiency of practice. Sensory evoked potential assessment of concentrative meditation yields amplitude and latency changes for some components and practices. Cognitive event-related potential evaluation of meditation implies that practice changes attentional allocation. Neuroimaging studies indicate increased regional cerebral blood flow measures during meditation. Taken together, meditation appears to reflect changes in anterior cingulate cortex and dorsolateral prefrontal areas. Neurophysiological meditative state and trait effects are variable but are beginning to demonstrate consistent outcomes for research and clinical applications. Psychological and clinical effects of meditation are summarized, integrated, and discussed with respect to neuroimaging data.
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Cognitive wireless sensor network (CWSN) is a combination of cognitive radio and wireless sensor networks (WSNs), which can effectively solve spectrum resource scarcity problem in WSNs. As one of the key technologies in CWSNs, spectrum sensing enables sensors to detect and opportunistic access underutilized idle licensed bands, which remarkably improves the spectrum utilization and system performance. And cooperative spectrum sensing (CSS) has emerged to enhance detection performance of spectrum sensing. Focusing on CSS schemes in CWSNs, this paper explores the cooperative and noncooperative schemes comprehensively. The characteristics of the existing CSS schemes are analyzed in CWSNs. And then, according to the behavior of cognitive sensors, CSS techniques are classified into noncooperative and cooperative schemes. Concentrating on energy consumption, cooperative CSS schemes are classified into three categories: censoring, clustering, and sensor selection. The performance of three kinds of CSS schemes is compared and analyzed thoroughly. Finally, the difficulties and challenges of CSS scheme are addressed in CWSNs.
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Emerging field of intimate computing relates to the technologies that aim to mediate affective communication across distance. Conventional telecommunication media are originally designed for collaborations and task oriented goals with the poor support of intimate experiences. Contemporary lifestyle changes leaded to design and adoption of technologies in support of long distance relationships. The present work is a study of existing prototypical systems and related conceptual studies in this realm of study. Their design perspective, mechanism and human factors are described. Challenges coupled to this domain are studied and future research directions are proposed.
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As the development of Internet-of-Things is moving towards large scale industry, such as logistic and manifacturing, there is a need for end-users to get involved in the process of creating IoT easily. In this paper, we introduce PaperIO, a paper-based 3D I/O interface, in which a single piece of paper can be sensed and actuated at the same time in three dimensions using the technology of selective inductive power transmission. With this technology, paper material with multiple embedded receivers, can not only selectively receive inductive power to perform paper-computing behavior, but also work as input sensors to communicate with power transmitter wirelessly. This technology allows the creation of paper-based sensor and actuators, and forms an Interent of Embedded Paper-craft. This paper presents the detailed implementation of the system, results of the technical experiments, and a few sample applications of the presented paper-based 3D I/O interface, and finally discusses the future plan of this research.
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This paper aims to present the idea of robotics leadership. By investigating leadership definitions and identifying domains where humans have failed to lead, this paper proposes how robots can step in to fill various leadership positions. This is exemplified by referring to two examples, stock brokering and transportation, and explains how robots could be used instead. Furthermore, this paper aims to provoke discussion by identifying firstly some potential limitations of robots in leadership positions and secondly by proposing that our current technological ecosystem not only is suited for machines to assume leadership positions but rather is inherently headed towards it.
The kimono-clad android robot that recently made its debut as the new greeter at the entrance of Tokyo's Mitsukoshi department store is just one example of the rapid advancements being made in the field of robotics. Cognitive robotics is an approach to creating artificial intelligence in robots by enabling them to learn from and respond to real-world situations, as opposed to pre-programming the robot with specific responses to every conceivable stimulus. Presenting the contributions of international experts from various disciplines within the field, Cognitive Robotics provides novel material and discusses advanced approaches in the field of intelligent robotics. It explains the various aspects of the topic to provide readers with a solid foundation on the subject. This edited collection presents theoretical research in cognitive robotics. It takes a multidisciplinary approach that considers the artificial intelligence, physical, chemical, philosophical, psychological, social, cultural, and ethical aspects of this rapidly emerging field. The editor is a prominent researcher whose Lovotics research into emotional bonds with robots is widely recognized. Supplying an accessible introduction to cognitive robotics, the book considers computational intelligence for cognitive robotics based on informationally structured space. It examines how people respond to robots and what makes robots psychologically appealing to humans. The book contextualizes concepts in the history of studies on intelligence theories and includes case studies of different types of robots in action. Although ideal for robotics researchers and professionals, this book is also suitable for use as a supporting textbook in advanced robotics courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.