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Solitary Pulmonary Nodular Lung Adenocarcinoma: Correlation of Histopathologic Scoring and Patient Survival with Imaging Biomarkers


Abstract and Figures

To evaluate the usefulness of histopathologic scoring for survival prediction in patients with solitary pulmonary nodular (SPN) lung adenocarcinomas and to correlate the histopathologic scoring with the results of computed tomography (CT) and fluorine 18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (PET)/CT. This retrospective study was institutional review board approved and the requirement for informed consent was waived. A total of 148 patients with SPN lung adenocarcinoma underwent PET/CT and CT. Correlations between histopathologic scores estimated by using two predominant histologic subtypes from each surgically resected specimen and the mass of the nodule at CT or maximum standardized uptake value (SUV(max)) at PET/CT were assessed. Disease-free survival (DFS) was estimated by using the Kaplan-Meier method, and the log-rank test was used to evaluate differences in each histopathologic subtype. In 135 (91%) patients, tumors had a mixed subtype. The most frequently observed histologic subtypes, in decreasing order, were acinar (51%), lepidic (18%), solid (10%), and papillary (9%). DFS rates at 5 years were higher than 90% for the group of patients with nodules that showed the lepidic growth pattern, and 50% for patients with nodules that showed the micropapillary pattern. The pathologic score proved to be a significant predictor of DFS (P < .001). Both SUV(max) and the mass of the nodule were closely correlated with pathologic score. Pathologic scoring appears to help predict DFS in patients with SPN lung adenocarcinoma and shows close correlation with imaging biomarkers including the mass of the nodule at CT and SUV(max) at PET/CT.
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ORIGINAL RESEARCH n Thoracic imaging
884 n Radiology: Volume 264: Number 3—September 2012
Solitary Pulmonary Nodular
Lung Adenocarcinoma: Correlation
of Histopathologic Scoring and Patient
Survival with Imaging Biomarkers1
Ho Yun Lee, MD
Ji Yun Jeong, MD
Kyung Soo Lee, MD
Hyo Jin Kim, MD
Joungho Han, MD
Byung-Tae Kim, MD
Jhingook Kim, MD
Young Mog Shim, MD
Jae-Hun Kim, PhD
Inyoung Song, MD
Purpose: To evaluate the usefulness of histopathologic scoring for
survival prediction in patients with solitary pulmonary
nodular (SPN) lung adenocarcinomas and to correlate
the histopathologic scoring with the results of computed
tomography (CT) and fluorine 18 fluorodeoxyglucose pos-
itron emission tomography (PET)/CT.
Materials and
This retrospective study was institutional review board
approved and the requirement for informed consent
was waived. A total of 148 patients with SPN lung ad-
enocarcinoma underwent PET/CT and CT. Correlations
between histopathologic scores estimated by using two
predominant histologic subtypes from each surgically re-
sected specimen and the mass of the nodule at CT or
maximum standardized uptake value (SUVmax) at PET/CT
were assessed. Disease-free survival (DFS) was estimated
by using the Kaplan-Meier method, and the log-rank test
was used to evaluate differences in each histopathologic
Results: In 135 (91%) patients, tumors had a mixed subtype. The
most frequently observed histologic subtypes, in decreas-
ing order, were acinar (51%), lepidic (18%), solid (10%),
and papillary (9%). DFS rates at 5 years were higher than
90% for the group of patients with nodules that showed
the lepidic growth pattern, and 50% for patients with
nodules that showed the micropapillary pattern. The
pathologic score proved to be a significant predictor of
DFS (P , .001). Both SUVmax and the mass of the nodule
were closely correlated with pathologic score.
Conclusion: Pathologic scoring appears to help predict DFS in patients
with SPN lung adenocarcinoma and shows close correla-
tion with imaging biomarkers including the mass of the
nodule at CT and SUVmax at PET/CT.
q RSNA, 2012
1 From the Department of Radiology and Center for Imaging
Science (H.Y.L., K.S.L., H.J.K., J.H.K., I.S.), and Departments
of Pathology (J.Y.J., J.H.), Nuclear Medicine (B.T.K.), and
Department of Thoracic Surgery (J.K., Y.M.S.), Samsung
Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medi-
cine, 50 Ilwon-Dong, Kangnam-Ku, Seoul 135-710, Korea.
Received August 23, 2011; revision requested October 13;
revision received November 18; accepted February 23,
2012; final version accepted March 26. Address corre-
spondence to K.S.L. (e-mail:
q RSNA, 2012
Note: This copy is for your personal non-commercial use only. To order presentation-ready
copies for distribution to your colleagues or clients, contact us at
Radiology: Volume 264: Number 3—September 2012 n 885
THORACIC IMAGING: Solitary Pulmonary Nodular Lung Adenocarcinoma Lee et al
Materials and Methods
Our institutional review board ap-
proved this retrospective study with a
waiver of informed consent. However,
CT and PET studies were performed
with patients’ informed consent for
safety issues.
The study group included 148 consecu-
tive patients with SPN adenocarcinoma
who were treated with surgery alone
or surgery and postoperative adjuvant
therapy at Samsung Medical Center
(Seoul, Korea) between July 2003 and
December 2007. Patients were identi-
fied in a search of the lung cancer surgi-
cal registry database of the department
of thoracic surgery. Inclusion criteria
for our study were as follows: (a) SPN
adenocarcinomas (3 cm or less in di-
ameter at CT) of clinical stage 1A or 1B
with no evidence of malignant satellite
nodules (proved with imaging study or
lung biopsy beforehand) and no hilar
or mediastinal lymphadenopathy on
imaging study or at mediastinoscopy,
(b) first treatment with surgery alone,
with or without postoperative adju-
vant treatment, (c) no other malignant
tumor history for 5 years before the
Consequently, in this new classification
system, common subtypes include
lepidic-growth predominant, acinar
predominant, papillary predominant,
micropapillary predominant, and solid
pattern predominant.
However, the problem of histologic
subtyping, subsequent tumor scoring or
grading, and prognosis prediction for
lung adenocarcinomas is that subtyping
is estimated mainly by using a resected
surgical specimen (whole tumor) post-
operatively, not by using core biopsy or
cytologic material preoperatively (7,9).
Therefore, preoperative prognostic pre-
diction by using a preoperative biopsy
pathologic specimen in small lung ad-
enocarcinomas seems incomplete, if it
is even possible. Thus, it is desirable
to predict patient prognosis by using a
preoperative surrogate biomarker with
imaging tools that can be substituted
for a histopathologic scoring system.
In the study by Lee et al (11), the
pathologic non-BAC ratio proved to
be the only independent risk factor
for poor prognosis in patients with a
solitary pulmonary nodular (SPN) lung
adenocarcinoma. However, in the Lee
et al study, the researchers evaluated
only the extent of BAC versus non-BAC
components. They did not analyze the
tumor histologic subtypes. Therefore,
the purpose of this study was to eval-
uate the usefulness of histopathologic
scoring for survival prediction in pa-
tients with SPN lung adenocarcinoma
and to correlate the histopathologic
scoring with the results of computed to-
mography (CT) and fluorine 18 fluoro-
deoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission
tomography (PET)/CT.
The 5-year overall survival rate for
patients with stage 1 lung cancer
approaches 67%, and 30%–40%
of these patients have a recurrence of
the disease at a later date (1–3). This
indicates the need to identify robust
prognostic biomarkers to help predict
which patients with early-stage cancer
are at the highest risk for recurrent
disease and, therefore, are candidates
for more aggressive surveillance or ad-
juvant therapy.
There is increasing evidence that
the characteristic histologic heteroge-
neity of lung adenocarcinomas means
that there is also diversity in progno-
ses among individual tumors. (4–6).
For example, mixed subtype tumors
that have micropapillary or solid pat-
terns are associated with worse out-
comes than other subtypes (7–9). In
2011, the International Association for
the Study of Lung Cancer, the Ameri-
can Thoracic Society, and the Euro-
pean Respiratory Society proposed
a new international multidisciplinary
classification system for lung adeno-
carcinoma (10). In this system, lesions
that were formerly considered to be
bronchioloalveolar carcinomas (BAC)
are now classified as preinvasive lesions
because patients with these 2–3-cm le-
sions have a 100% disease-free survival
(DFS) rate. In addition, because most
invasive lung adenocarcinomas consist
of a mixture of histologic subtypes and
the word “predominant” was appended
to all categories of invasive adenocarci-
nomas, the classification of “adenocar-
cinoma, mixed subtype,” was removed.
Implications for Patient Care
nImaging biomarker study results
are closely correlated with path-
ologic score and thus enable pre-
diction of patient survival.
nPreoperative evaluation of tumor
grade by using PET/CT or CT
may allow the selection of further
staging workup and appropriate
therapeutic strategies for
patients with small lung
Advances in Knowledge
nOf 148 tumors, 135 (91%) were
composed of mixed patterns, and
the most predominant subtypes
were, in a decreasing order,
acinar (51%), lepidic (18%),
solid (10%), and papillary (9%)
nA pathologic scoring system
appeared to help predict patient
survival and had close correlation
with both SUVmax at PET/CT (P
, .001) and mass of the nodule
at CT (P = .004).
Published online before print
10.1148/radiol.12111793 Content codes:
Radiology 2012; 264:884–893
AIS = adenocarcinoma in situ
BAC = bronchioloalveolar carcinoma
DFS = disease-free survival
FDG = fluorine 18 fluorodeoxyglucose
SPN = solitary pulmonary nodular
SUVmax = maximum standardized uptake value
Author contributions:
Guarantor of integrity of entire study, K.S.L.; study
concepts/study design or data acquisition or data
analysis/interpretation, all authors; manuscript drafting or
manuscript revision for important intellectual content, all
authors; approval of final version of submitted manuscript,
all authors; literature research, H.Y.L., J.Y.J., K.S.L.; clinical
studies, H.Y.L., K.S.L., H.J.K., J.H., B.T.K., J.K., Y.M.S.,
J.H.K., I.S.; experimental studies, J.Y.J.; statistical analysis,
H.Y.L., K.S.L.; and manuscript editing, H.Y.L., J.Y.J., K.S.L.,
Potential conflicts of interest are listed at the end
of this article.
886 n Radiology: Volume 264: Number 3—September 2012
THORACIC IMAGING: Solitary Pulmonary Nodular Lung Adenocarcinoma Lee et al
calcification and were scanned with-
out contrast medium injection, the
conversion process was feasible in
all cases. The mass of the nodule (in
grams) was calculated by multiplying
nodule volume (in cubic centimeters)
by mean nodule density.
Pathologic Evaluation
Each resected specimen (entire tu-
mor) was evaluated with standard
pathologic methods as described in
the surgical pathologic dissection
manual of the Department of Pathol-
ogy (17). All resected specimens were
designated R0 (no residual tumor at
the primary tumor site after surgi-
cal resection). Two experienced lung
pathologists (J.Y.J. and J.H., with 5
and 18 years of experience in lung
pathology, respectively) jointly inter-
preted all tissue sections. Tumor tis-
sue samples of approximately 10 mm
in diameter were obtained and each
was placed on a slide.
First, for each case, comprehen-
sive histologic subtyping was per-
formed for the primary tumor in a
semiquantitative manner. The extent
of existent tumor histologic subtypes
and central fibrosis was quantified to
the nearest 5% level, adding up to a
total of 100% subtype components
per tumor as described in Figure 1
(10). As previously reported (11,18),
the central fibrosis region was de-
fined as the areas of fibroblastic fo-
cus in which a moderate or abundant
amount of collagen or hyalinized tis-
sue was clearly noted. The region
did not contain any adenocarcinoma
in situ (AIS) components. Next, the
most predominant and second most
predominant patterns in a mixed-type
adenocarcinoma were defined as the
histologic subtypes that comprised
the highest and second highest per-
centage of the tumor. When evaluat-
ing the predominant pattern, the cen-
tral fibrosis area and its extent were
Next, tumors were graded by using
a three-tier grading system (9) (Fig 2).
Grade 1 included histologic subtypes
of AIS, minimally invasive adenocarci-
noma, and the lepidic pattern of invasive
a region of interest was drawn in a
presumed nodular location, taking
into account the CT component im-
ages of PET/CT. FDG uptake in the
regions of interest was analyzed by
using the maximum standardized up-
take value (SUVmax).
Chest CT data were sent directly
to a picture archiving and communi-
cation system (Path-Speed or Centric-
ity 2.0; GE Healthcare, Mt. Prospect,
Ill), which displayed all image data on
two monitors (1536 3 2048 matrix,
eight-bit viewable grayscale, 60–foot-
lambert [205.6 candela per square
meter] luminescence). The monitors
were used to view both mediastinal
(width, 400 HU; level, 20 HU) and
lung (width, 1500 HU; level, 2700
HU) window images.
The time between CT study and
surgical tumor removal ranged from
1 to 28 days (mean, 17.5 days; me-
dian, 13.5 days). CT images were
assessed retrospectively for nodule
size, appearance (pure ground-glass
opacity, part solid, and solid), vol-
ume, and mass of the nodule, inde-
pendently by one chest radiologist
(I.S., with 2 years of experience in
thoracic CT interpretation) and one
radiologic physicist (J.H.K., with
3 years of experience in radiolog-
ical physics), who were unaware of
the clinical PET findings and histo-
logic diagnoses. For nodule size, the
researchers measured the longest
tumor diameter on the transverse
lung window image where the larg-
est nodule dimension appeared. For
nodule volumetry, they delineated
nodule outlines electronically on all
transverse images on which any por-
tion of the nodule appeared. Then,
the computer automatically calcu-
lated the nodule volume by multiply-
ing the number of voxels by the unit
volume of a voxel (15). Physical den-
sity (in grams per cubic centimeter)
is roughly linear with CT attenuation
(Hounsfield units) (16). From this lin-
ear relationship, the physical density
of the nodule could be extrapolated
from the mean CT attenuation mea-
surements of the nodule. Because the
nodules in our study did not contain
diagnosis of lung adenocarcinoma, (d)
both integrated FDG PET/CT and chest
CT studies acquired within 1 month be-
fore resection, (e) patient alive 30 days
after surgery, and (f) no loss of patient
to follow-up during the 12 months after
The cases were reviewed according
to International Multidisciplinary Lung
Adenocarcinoma Classification criteria
(10) and staged according to the sev-
enth edition of the TNM classification
for lung cancer (12,13).
Imaging and Interpretation
Imaging characteristics of each pri-
mary lung tumor were evaluated by
using chest CT and the PET compo-
nent images of PET/CT. PET/CT and
chest CT were performed within a
2-week period (average time interval,
7 days; range, 0–14 days). FDG PET/
CT images were acquired by using
a PET/CT device (Discovery LS; GE
Healthcare, Milwaukee, Wis), which
consisted of a PET scanner (Advance
NXi; GE Healthcare) and an eight-
section CT scanner (Light-Speed Plus;
GE Healthcare). The imaging methods
were described in detail in a previous
report (14). Helical CT images were
obtained with an eight– (LightSpeed
Ultra, GE Healthcare) or 16–detector
row (LightSpeed16, GE Healthcare)
CT scanner. Unenhanced CT images
were obtained with the following pa-
rameters: detector collimation, 0.625
mm; field of view, 34.5 cm; beam
pitch, 1.35 or 1.375; gantry speed,
0.6 second per rotation; 120 kVp;
150–200 mA; and section thickness,
1.25 mm for transverse images. All
imaging data were reconstructed by
using soft-tissue algorithms.
A nuclear medicine physician
(B.T.K., with 13 years of experience
in PET/CT interpretation) who was
unaware of clinical and pathologic re-
sults evaluated the PET images. For a
semiquantitative analysis of FDG up-
take, regions of interest were placed
over the most intense areas of FDG
accumulation. In some patients, nod-
ular FDG uptake could not be identi-
fied on the PET component images of
their PET/CT study. In those patients,
Radiology: Volume 264: Number 3—September 2012 n 887
THORACIC IMAGING: Solitary Pulmonary Nodular Lung Adenocarcinoma Lee et al
Figure 1
Figure 1: Photomicrographs show morphology of invasive adenocarcinoma subtypes, including (a) lepidic
pattern, (b) acinar pattern, (c) papillary pattern, (d) micropapillary pattern, and (e) solid pattern (hematoxylin-
eosin stain; magnification ×200).
histologic type, the primary grade was
used, and the score was determined by
doubling the primary tumor grade.
Treatment and Follow-up Evaluation
For stage 1 cancers, all 127 patients had
undergone either sublobar resections
(wedge resections or segmentectomies)
or lobectomies. None of the patients
with stage 1 cancer underwent adju-
vant therapy. Of the patients with stage
2 and 3A cancers, 17 had undergone
sublobar resections and the remaining
four had undergone either pneumonec-
tomy or lobectomy. These 21 patients
were treated with adjuvant concurrent
combined chemotherapy and radiation
adenocarcinoma in accordance with the
2011 international lung adenocarcinoma
classification system. Grade 2 corre-
sponded to tumors that showed acinar
or papillary patterns. Grade 3 corre-
sponded to the tumors that showed mi-
cropapillary or solid patterns (9). When
tumors were composed predominantly
of a variant pattern, the tumors were
removed from our study because they
were uncommon and heterogeneous in
terms of biologic behavior and prognosis
Finally, pathologic tumor scores were
calculated by adding the two most predom-
inant grades in each tumor (9) (Table 1).
When tumors were composed of a pure
therapy (five cycles of cisplatin chemo-
therapy [one cycle: an intravenous in-
jection of cisplatin, 25 mg/m2, on day
1 for 1 week] and 25 Gy of radiation in
1st week). Median follow-up time after
surgery for all patients was 50 months
(range, 36–92 months). Sixty-nine per-
cent (102 of 148) of patients had a fol-
low-up time of less than 5 years. By July
2011, 32 (22%) patients developed re-
current disease after surgical resection,
and the median time to recurrence was
39 months (range, 10–76 months). Of
those patients, 19 had pulmonary me-
tastasis. Metastases to mediastinal
lymph nodes, pleura, brain, liver, or
bone were detected in other patients.
None had local tumor recurrences.
Statistical Analysis
For measuring tumor size, volume, and
mass of the nodule, the means of values
measured by two observers were record-
ed, and interobserver variability was
calculated by using repeated measures
data analysis for the intraclass correla-
tion coefficient. DFS was defined as the
time from surgery to recurrence, lung
cancer–related death, or last follow-up
evaluation. DFS was estimated by using
the Kaplan-Meier method. The log-rank
test was used to evaluate the statistical
significance of differences in survival
among patient groups with different
scores. Cause of death was determined
from death certificates or through corre-
spondence with the physician in charge.
888 n Radiology: Volume 264: Number 3—September 2012
THORACIC IMAGING: Solitary Pulmonary Nodular Lung Adenocarcinoma Lee et al
using the Spearman correlation coeffi-
cient test. Differences in statistical signif-
icance among subcategorized groups that
were contingent on pathologic scores
were compared in terms of the mass of
the nodules at CT and FDG uptake at
PET by using the Kruskal-Wallis test.
Statistical analyses were performed by
Causes of death other than recurrence
of the tumor were censored from the
survival analysis.
Interrelationships among the mass of
the nodule at CT, FDG uptake at PET,
and the pathologic score determined on
the basis of the two most predominant
histologic subtypes were assessed by
Figure 2
Figure 2: Lung adenocarcinoma in a 67-year-old woman. (a) Targeted view of transverse lung window
CT image shows 25-mm solid nodule with peripheral ground-glass opacity (arrow). (b) On mediastinal
window image, solid area remains, but ground-glass opacity area is not visible. Mass of nodule was
estimated as 13.3 g. (c) PET/CT image shows FDG uptake with SUVmax of 7.8. (d) Photomicrograph shows
internal scar tissue (*), surrounding areas of acinar (**) and solid (#) adenocarcinoma patterns, and lepidic
pattern (arrows) showing uniform cuboid cellular proliferation along alveolar walls only at tumor periph-
ery. (Hematoxylin-eosin stain; original magnification, 310.) (e) Schematic of tumor components shows
estimated percentages of grade 1 (yellow area, 10%), grade 2 (blue area, 50%), grade 3 (green area, 30%),
and central fibrosis (red area, 10%).
using software (SPSS, version 19.0, 2010;
SPSS, Chicago, Ill). A P value less than
.05 was considered to indicate a statisti-
cally significant difference.
CT Findings and Patient Demographics
Of the 148 nodules, 10 showed ground-
glass opacity, 131 were part solid, and
seven were solid nodules. Tumors were
22 mm (range, 7–30 mm) in mean diam-
eter. Their sizes were less than or equal
to 10 mm in diameter in 15 patients
and greater than 10 mm in diameter in
133 patients. Interobserver agreement
for measurements of the volume and
mass of the nodules were moderate, and
agreement for size was high. Intraclass
correlation coefficients were 0.71 (95%
confidence interval [CI]: 0.67–0.75) for
volume, 0.69 (95% CI: 0.63–0.75) for
mass, and 0.88 (95% CI: 0.85–0.91) for
the size of nodules. The clinicopathologic
characteristics of the 148 patients with
lung adenocarcinomas included in this
study are summarized in Tables 2 and 3.
Histopathologic Characteristics and
Association with Outcome
Among 148 patients, 95 (64%) had nod-
ules that showed the acinar pattern,
Radiology: Volume 264: Number 3—September 2012 n 889
THORACIC IMAGING: Solitary Pulmonary Nodular Lung Adenocarcinoma Lee et al
new histologic subtype. Variants include
invasive mucinous adenocarcinoma
(formerly mucinous BAC), colloid, fe-
tal, and enteric adenocarcinoma.
Our study results included three
main findings: (a) The new Interna-
tional Multidisciplinary Lung Adeno-
carcinoma Classification scheme, along
with our modifications, which reflect
the quality and quantity of the patho-
logic pattern, can help in the prediction
SUVmax (P , .001) and the mass of the
nodule (P , .004) were found among
tumors of different pathologic scores.
Moreover, post hoc Bonferroni com-
parisons showed all cross-score parings
to be statistically distinct with regard
to SUVmax and the mass of the nodule,
except the paring of pathologic scores 2
and 3. SUVmax was strongly correlated
with pathologic score. The mass of the
nodule was also strongly correlated
with pathologic score (Fig 4).
Lung adenocarcinoma is highly het-
erogeneous, and it usually has variable
combinations of two or more histo-
logic subtype patterns (19). In the in-
ternational criteria proposal (10), new
concepts were introduced, such as the
classification of small solitary adenocar-
cinomas with pure lepidic growth as AIS
and those with predominantly lepidic
growth but with invasion of 5 mm or
less as minimally invasive adenocarci-
noma. Invasive adenocarcinomas were
classified by the predominant pattern
after using comprehensive histologic
subtyping with lepidic (formerly most
mixed subtype tumors with nonmuci-
nous BAC), acinar, papillary, and solid
patterns; micropapillary was added as a
27 (18%) showed the lepidic pattern, and
eight (5%) were AIS. One-hundred thir-
ty-five (91%) of the tumors were mixed-
subtype adenocarcinomas. The most
frequently observed histologic subtypes
(considering the two most predominant
subtypes we observed in each tumor)
were acinar (51%), lepidic (18%), solid
(10%), and papillary (9%). DFS at 5
years was higher than 90% for the group
of patients with AIS, minimally inva-
sive adenocarcinoma, and nodules that
showed the lepidic pattern, and 50% for
nodules that showed the micropapillary
pattern (Table 4).
DFS curves for patient groups ac-
cording to pathologic score are shown
in Figure 3. Pathologic scores, which
were computed as the sum of the tumor
grades of the two most predominant
subtypes, were found to be significant
predictors of DFS (P , .001).
Correlation among Radiologic, Metabolic,
and Histopathologic Factors
In Tables 4 and 5 and in Figure 4, the
interrelationship between the mass of
the nodule at CT, SUVmax at PET, and
pathologic score are expressed. SPN
adenocarcinomas with a high pathologic
score were shown to have higher mass
and higher FDG uptake than those with
a low score. A significant difference in
Table 2
Patient Characteristics
Characteristic No. of Patients
Male 66 (45)
Female 82 (55)
Median age (y) 59 (37–80)*
Nonsmoker 86 (58)
Current or former smoker 62 (42)
Lymph node metastases
Mediastinal 7 (5)
Hilar 11 (7)
No lymph nodes 130 (88)
Subtype predominance
AIS 16 (5)
MIA 10 (3)
Lepidic 53 (18)
Acinar 152 (51)
Papillary 25 (9)
Solid 28 (10)
Micropapillary 12 (4)
Pathologic score
2 13 (9)
3 26 (18)
4 80 (54)
5 24 (16)
6 5 (3)
Median follow-up period (mo) 50 (36–92)*
Yes 32 (22)
No 116 (78)
DFS at 5 years 0.82§
Note.—Unless otherwise indicated, data in parentheses
are percentages. MIA = minimally invasive adeno-
* Data in parentheses are the range.
Data include the two most predominant subtypes in
each lesion (n = 296).
Score is the sum of the two most predominant tumor
grades in each lesion (9).
§ Number is proportion of patients with DFS at 5 years.
Table 1
Pathologic Scoring of Lung Adenocarcinomas
Grades of Two Most
Predominant Subtypes* Representative Pattern
2 1 and 1 AIS, minimally invasive adenocarcinoma
3 1 and 2 or 2 and 1 Mixed subtype, well differentiated with lepidic and
acinar or papillary patterns
4 2 and 2, 1 and 3, or 3 and 1 Mixed subtype, moderately differentiated with acinar
and/or papillary patterns, or lepidic with solid or
micropapillary patterns, pure acinar or pure papillary
5 2 and 3 or 3 and 2 Mixed subtype, poorly differentiated with acinar or papillary
and micropapillary or solid patterns
6 3 and 3 Mixed subtype, poorly differentiated with predominant
solid and micropapillary patterns, pure solid, or pure
micropapillary patterns
Note.—Tumors were graded according to the International Multidisciplinary Lung Adenocarcinoma Classification and scored on
the basis of the two most predominant subtypes (9).
* Grade 1 = AIS or minimally invasive adenocarcinoma and lepidic pattern in mixed tumors; grade 2 = acinar and papillary
patterns; grade 3 = micropapillary and solid patterns (10).
890 n Radiology: Volume 264: Number 3—September 2012
THORACIC IMAGING: Solitary Pulmonary Nodular Lung Adenocarcinoma Lee et al
Table 3
Pathologic Stage versus Predominant Histologic Subtype
Predominant Subtype Stage 1A Stage 1B Stage 2A Stage 2B Stage 3A Total
AIS 8 0 0 0 0 8
MIA 5 0 0 0 0 5
Lepidic 25 2 0 0 0 27
Acinar 51 23 4 10 7 95
Papillary 3 4 0 0 0 7
Solid 3 1 0 0 0 4
Micropapillary 0 2 0 0 0 2
Total 95 32 4 10 7 148
Note.—Data are number of patients. Lesions were staged according to the 7th revision of the TNM classification. MIA =
minimally invasive adenocarcinoma.
of tumor malignancy grade and patient
survival. (b) Both the SUVmax on PET
images and the mass of the nodule on
the CT images are closely correlated
with the pathologic score; and (c) both
SUVmax and the mass of the nodule at
CT could help to better stratify the
prognoses of patients, particularly for
those with higher grade tumors.
Our results may have practical
implications. With the help of preop-
erative imaging biomarker surrogate
study results, we were able to deter-
mine which patients with small lung
adenocarcinomas may develop recur-
rent disease after the initial treatment
and which ones may not, even without
examining a surgical tumor specimen.
The histologic subtyping and scoring of
SPN lung adenocarcinoma appear to
correlate with the mass of the nodule
at CT or the SUVmax at PET. In addi-
tion, the mass of the nodule or SUVmax
can be linked to the biologic aggressive-
ness of the tumor, and eventually to the
surgical outcome and patient survival
The tumor grading system has been
developed to correlate histopathologic
characteristics of SPN lung adenocar-
cinomas with prognostic importance,
and subsequently to compare the re-
sults with overall survival (7,9). In a
study by Barletta et al (7), the percent-
age of solid patterns as a reflection of
tumor architecture, the degree of cy-
tologic atypia, and the mitotic count
were evaluated to seek a prognostically
relevant grading system for lung adeno-
carcinomas. In the Barletta et al study,
a grading system that incorporated
the percentage of solid pattern and
the degree of cytologic atypia, which
was computed as the sum of the ar-
chitecture score and cytologic atypia,
appeared to be an independent predic-
tor of survival. Moreover, there was a
direct correlation between the degree
of cytologic atypia and the amount of
solid pattern. However, overall survival
was not associated with mitotic count.
In their study, the predominant histo-
logic pattern versus the patient progno-
sis was not assessed because of a lack
of tumors with dominant BAC (or AIS)
or micropapillary patterns in their co-
hort. In another study, Sica et al (9)
developed several separate scoring
systems, including (a) the sum of the
two most predominant grades (grade 1
= BAC or AIS, grade 2 = acinar and
papillary patterns, and grade 3 = solid
and micropapillary patterns) (b) the
sum of the two highest grades, and
(c) the sum of the predominant and
the highest grade. They tried to evalu-
ate both the quantity and combination
of specific patterns of histopathologic
subtypes for tumor metastatic poten-
tial. A scoring system based on the
two most predominant grades was the
best for categorizing patients as at low
or high risk for recurrence of disease
or death. In our study, a pathologic
scoring system reflecting the two most
Table 4
Imaging and Prognostic Features
Predominant Subtype No. of Patients Size (cm)* Volume (cm3)* Mass (g)* SUVmax* Follow-up Period (mo)* RecurrenceDFS at 5 Years
AIS 8 1.3 6 0.7 2.2 6 1.0 3.6 6 2.1 0 58.9 6 15.2 0 1
MIA 5 1.3 6 0.6 2.0 6 1.7 3.2 6 1.8 1.2 6 1.3 56.4 6 15.5 0 1
Lepidic 27 2.0 6 0.9 3.6 6 0.8 5.4 6 1.3 2.3 6 2.3 57.2 6 14.3 3 (11) 0.93
Acinar 95 2.3 6 0.8 5.9 6 1.1 11.5 6 2.1 5.4 6 3.6 52.1 6 11.7 24 (25) 0.78
Papillary 7 1.7 6 0.6 4.1 6 1.0 8.1 6 1.5 3.9 6 1.1 54.1 6 17.6 2 (29) 0.71
Solid 4 2.8 6 0.3 6.8 6 2.1 14.4 6 4.5 11.0 6 6.6 58.2 6 13.5 2 (50) 0.75
Micropapillary 2 2.6 6 0.6 4.7 6 1.5 10.6 6 2.0 4.7 6 3.1 64.3 6 9.7 1 (50) 0.50
Total 148 2.2 6 0.8 5.0 6 1.2 9.5 6 3.0 4.7 6 3.7 49.7 6 15.1 32 0.82
Note.—Classified According to the International Multidisciplinary Lung Adenocarcinoma Classification system. MIA = minimally invasive adenocarcinoma.
* Data are means 6 standard deviation.
Data in parentheses are percentages.
Data are proportions of total number of patients.
Radiology: Volume 264: Number 3—September 2012 n 891
THORACIC IMAGING: Solitary Pulmonary Nodular Lung Adenocarcinoma Lee et al
Figure 3
Figure 3: DFS curves for groups according to scores based on most frequently observed histologic sub-
type in consideration of two most predominant histologic subtypes.
Table 5
Correlation of Imaging Biomarker Features with Pathologic Grading System
and Scores
Biomarker Feature Pathologic Score*
Semiquantification of Tumor Components
Central Fibrosis Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3
Tumor size 0.333§0.031 20.296§0.2030.192
1 cm 20.417 . . . 0.165 20.177 0.196
.1 cm 0.240§20.084 20.158 0.093 0.147
Tumor volume 0.2150.035 20.256§0.1980.169
Tumor mass 0.479§0.111 20.581§0.419§0.235§
SUVmax 0.559§0.043 20.491§0.289§0.350§
Note.—Data are R values (correlation coefficients).
* Based on two most predominant subtypes (10).
Grade 1 = AIS; grade 2 = acinar and papillary patterns; and grade 3 = micropapillary and solid patterns (9).
P , .05.
§ P , .01.
predominant grades was adopted for
patient prognosis determination, and
that scoring system showed good per-
formance in separating the groups for
the risk of tumor recurrence.
The identification of patients with
SPN lung adenocarcinoma who have a
higher risk for recurrence and who may
benefit from adjuvant therapy has been
a target of intense investigation. There
have been several reports suggesting that
tumor gene expression profiling has prog-
nostic relevance and can be used to help
predict disease recurrence (2,24–26).
Most of the gene expression studies rely
on microarray technology, which may
limit the practicability of this approach.
We found both the SUVmax at PET and
the mass of the nodule at CT help in the
categorization of patients, particularly
in those with high-grade tumors (more
solid tumor at CT). That result may sug-
gest the necessity of the combined use of
both the mass of the nodule and SUVmax
as preoperative imaging biomarkers (as
imaging prognostic surrogates).
It is also important to document
the subtypes of adenocarcinoma in
surgical pathologic reports, because
the subtypes BAC or AIS have been
shown to correlate with molecular ab-
normalities that help predict response
to targeted therapies (27,28). Recently,
Russell et al (29) reported that the new
classification has advantages not only
for individual patient care but also for
better selection and stratification of
clinical trials and molecular studies.
Our study had several limitations.
First, the small cohort size and different
proportions of each predominant pattern
limited our study; in the future, the re-
sults should be prospectively collected
and validated, ideally in population-based
studies. Second, the semiquantitative
approach to the assessment of adeno-
carcinomas that is described by the In-
ternational Association for the Study of
Lung Cancer, the American Thoracic
Society, and the European Respiratory
Society has yet to be validated further.
Until then, the international classification
system has been given a weak recom-
mendation with low-quality evidence
(10). Third, survival in patients with SPN
lung adenocarcinoma is not determined
by histopathologic subtypes and imag-
ing biomarker studies alone. Prognoses
may also be influenced by other factors
such as tumor stage, molecular features
such as epidermal growth factor recep-
tor and KRAS mutation positivity, and
treatment modalities including adjuvant
chemotherapeutic agents. Therefore,
prognosis for patients with SPN lung
adenocarcinomas may be determined
by integrating histopathologic subtypes,
imaging biomarker studies, tumor stage,
tumor molecular features, and given or
scheduled treatment methods. In our
study of 148 patients with clinical stage
1 SPN lung adenocarcinomas, 21 (14%)
892 n Radiology: Volume 264: Number 3—September 2012
THORACIC IMAGING: Solitary Pulmonary Nodular Lung Adenocarcinoma Lee et al
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Disclosures of Potential Conflicts of Interest:
H.Y.L. No potential conflicts of interest to dis-
close. J.Y.J. No potential conflicts of interest to
disclose. K.S.L. No potential conflicts of inter-
Figure 4
Figure 4: Box and whisker plots show correlation between preoperative imaging biomarkers and postoperative pathologic scores in SPN of the lung. (a) Tumor
mass of the nodule volume at CT versus pathologic scores (P = .004), (b) SUVmax at PET/CT versus pathologic scores (P , .001). Post hoc Bonferroni comparisons
showed that all between-group differences were significant except those between scores 2 and 3 (P , .01 for nodule mass and P , .001 for SUVmax).
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... The prognosis of AIS and MIA is favorable, with a 5-year survival rate of 100% for both tumor types following surgical resection. However, invasive adenocarcinoma, excluding the lepidic predominant pattern, has a relatively less favorable prognosis compared with AIS and MIA, even in the case of smaller tumors (3)(4)(5). Lee et al (4) reported that the 5-year disease-free survival rate for invasive adenocarcinoma with a maximum tumor size ≤3 cm after surgical resection varied from 50-93% according to the histological pattern. Kadota et al (5) reviewed tumor slides with pathological stage I lung adenocarcinoma (TNM classification, 7th edition) (6), and showed that the 5-year cumulative incidence of recurrence was 0% in patients with AIS and MIA, 8% in lepidic predominant invasive adenocarcinoma and 19% in non-lepidic predominant invasive adenocarcinoma. ...
... However, invasive adenocarcinoma, excluding the lepidic predominant pattern, has a relatively less favorable prognosis compared with AIS and MIA, even in the case of smaller tumors (3)(4)(5). Lee et al (4) reported that the 5-year disease-free survival rate for invasive adenocarcinoma with a maximum tumor size ≤3 cm after surgical resection varied from 50-93% according to the histological pattern. Kadota et al (5) reviewed tumor slides with pathological stage I lung adenocarcinoma (TNM classification, 7th edition) (6), and showed that the 5-year cumulative incidence of recurrence was 0% in patients with AIS and MIA, 8% in lepidic predominant invasive adenocarcinoma and 19% in non-lepidic predominant invasive adenocarcinoma. ...
... But they also contain some worse prognostic cases. Therefore, various biomarkers for predicting the prognosis of patients following surgical resection have been suggested, particularly for early-stage lung adenocarcinoma (4,7,8). It is important that the patients after operation are classified in personalized follow-up schedule according to prognostic biomarker even in earlier stage. ...
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Adenocarcinoma is the most common histological type of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), and various biomarkers for predicting its prognosis after surgical resection have been suggested, particularly in early-stage lung adenocarcinoma. Periostin (also referred to as POSTN, PN or osteoblast-specific factor) is an extracellular matrix protein, the expression of which is associated with tumor invasiveness in patients with NSCLC. In the present study, the novel approach, in which the thin-section CT findings prior to surgical resection and periostin expression of resected specimens were analyzed in combination, was undertaken to assess whether the findings could be a biomarker for predicting the outcomes following resection of T1 invasive lung adenocarcinoma. A total of 73 patients who underwent surgical resection between January 2000 and December 2009 were enrolled. A total of seven parameters were assessed in the thin-section CT scans: i) Contour; ii) part-solid ground-glass nodule or solid nodule; iii) percentage of solid component (the CT solid score); iv) presence of air-bronchogram and/or bubble-like lucencies; v) number of involved vessels; vi) shape linear strands between the nodule and the visceral pleura; and vii) number of linear strands between the nodule and the visceral pleura. Two chest radiologists independently assessed the parameters. Periostin expression was evaluated on the basis of the strength and extent of staining. Univariate and multivariate analyses were subsequently performed using the Cox proportional hazards model. There was a substantial to almost perfect agreement between the two observers with regard to classification of the seven thin-section CT parameters (κ=0.64-0.85). In the univariate analysis, a CT solid score >80%, pathological lymphatic invasion, tumor and lymph node status and high periostin expression were significantly associated with recurrence (all P<0.05). Multivariate analysis demonstrated that a CT solid score >80% and high periostin expression were risk factors for recurrence (P=0.002 and P=0.011, respectively). The cumulative recurrence rates among the three groups (both negative, CT solid score >80% or high periostin expression, or both positive) were significantly different (log-rank test, P<0.001). Although the solid component is already known to be a major predictor of outcome in lung adenocarcinomas according to previous studies, the combined analysis of CT solid score and periostin expression might predict the likelihood of tumor recurrence more precisely.
... Ye et al. [2] reported 651 consecutive patients with clinical stage IA lung cancer and found that 69 patients (10.6%) had lymph node metastasis, including 6.6% with N1 and 4% with N2 metastasis. The study based on the surveillance, epidemiology and end results (SEER) database by Yuan et al. [3] showed that 21.6% of the patients with T1 (≤ 3 cm) non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and 16.6% of the T1a (≤ 2 cm) patients were diagnosed with lymph node metastasis. In addition, 7.8% T1 patients and 5.5% T1a patients were diagnosed with distant metastases. ...
... [14] The tumor subtypes of each patient were quantified by a scoring system introduced by Sica et al. based on subtype grading. [15,16] Minimally invasive or lepidic predominant adenocarcinoma was graded 1; acinar or papillary predominant adenocarcinoma was graded 2; and micropapillary or solid predominant adenocarcinoma was graded 3. The subtype score was the sum of the two most prominent grades. If there was only one subtype identified, the score would be doubling the grade (e.g., a tumor with a purely acinar subtype was scored 4). ...
... The pathological stage was classified based on the 7th edition of the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) staging system [14]. The tumor subtypes of each patient were quantified by a scoring system introduced by Sica et al. based on subtype grading [15,16]. Minimally invasive or lepidic predominant adenocarcinoma was graded 1; acinar or papillary predominant adenocarcinoma was graded 2; and micropapillary or solid predominant adenocarcinoma was graded 3. The subtype score was the sum of the two most prominent grades. ...
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Background and objective: Although nodal and distant metastasis is rare in T1 lung adenocarcinoma, it is related to poor clinical prognosis. Association between galectin-3 (Gal-3) expression level, and clinical outcome of T1 lung adenocarcinoma has not been clarified. Methods: From January 2009 to December 2014, 74 patients with surgically resected T1 lung adenocarcinoma were enrolled in this retrospective cohort study. Patient outcomes were followed up until December 2019. Gal-3 expression level in primary tumors was assessed immunohistochemically and evaluated based on the staining intensity and percentage. Patient characteristics and correlation between Gal-3 expression level and clinical outcomes were reviewed. Results: Low Gal-3 expression was associated with increased metastatic events (p = 0.03), especially distant metastasis (p = 0.007), and mortality rate (p = 0.04). Kaplan-Meier analysis revealed that high Gal-3 expression level was associated with favorable recurrence-free survival in T1 lung adenocarcinoma (log-rank p = 0.048) and T1a (≤ 2 cm, American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) 7th edition) lung adenocarcinoma (log-rank p = 0.043). Gal-3 expression along with tumor size showed a larger area under curve (AUC) than tumor size alone for predicting metastatic events (AUC = 0.747 vs. 0.681) and recurrence (AUC = 0.813 vs. 0.766) in T1a lung adenocarcinoma in the receiver-operating characteristic curve. Conclusion: Low Gal-3 expression level in primary tumors was remarkably associated with increased metastatic events and reduced recurrence-free survival in T1 lung adenocarcinoma. We suggest that Gal-3 expression level in addition to tumor size may potentially be stronger than tumor size alone in predicting metastasis in T1a lung adenocarcinoma patients.
... The 2015 World Health Organization (WHO) Classi cation of Lung Tumors [7] classi ed invasive pulmonary adenocarcinoma (IPA) into lepidic, acinar, papillary, micropapillary, solid subtypes according to the main growth patterns. Among them, lepidic-predominant adenocarcinoma has the best prognosis, followed by the acinar and papillary types, whereas solid and micropapillary types have the worst [8,9]. ...
... A large number of previous studies [5,8,15,24,25] have shown that marginal lobulation and spiculation on GGN are predictive features of malignant lesions. Zhang et al. [26] classi ed the bronchus of GGN into three types: type I, with intact bronchial lumen; type II, with dilated or tortuous bronchial lumen; and type III, with bronchial obstruction. ...
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Background: We aimed to investigate the high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) features of lepidic-predominant type and other pathological subtypes of early-stage (T1N0M0) invasive pulmonary adenocarcinoma appearing as a ground-glass nodule (GGN). Methods: We performed a retrospective analysis on clinical data and HRCT features of 630 lesions in 589 patients with pathologically confirmed invasive pulmonary adenocarcinomas presenting as pure GGN and mixed GGN [consolidation-to-tumor ratio (CTR), <0.5] from January to December 2019. All GGNs were classified as lepidic-predominant adenocarcinoma (LPA) and nonlepidic-predominant adenocarcinoma (n-LPA) groups. Univariate analysis was performed to analyze the difference of clinical data and HRCT features between the LPA and n-LPA groups. Multivariate analysis was conducted to determine the variables to distinguish the LPA from n-LPA group independently. The diagnostic performance of different parameters was compared using receiver operating characteristic curves. Results: In total, 367 GGNs in the LPA group and 263 GGNs in the n-LPA group were identified. In the univariate analysis, the CTR, mean computed tomography (CT) values, and mean diameters as well as mixed GGN, deep lobulation, spiculation, vascular change, bronchial change, and tumor–lung interface were smaller in the LPA group than in the n-LPA group (P < 0.05). Logistic regression model was reconstructed including the mean CT value, deep lobulation, and vascular change (P < 0.001), as well as CTR, spiculation, and bronchial change (P < 0.05). Area under the curve of the logistic regression model for differentiating LPA and n-LPA was 0.840 (76.4% sensitivity, 78.7% specificity), which was significantly higher than that of the mean CT value or CTR (both P < 0.05). Conclusions: HRCT features were helpful in differentiating lepidic-predominant type from other subtypes in early-stage GGN invasive pulmonary adenocarcinoma. The mean CT value of <−472.5 HU and CTR of <27.4% were highly suspected in lepidic-predominant invasive pulmonary adenocarcinoma.
... Previous studies have demonstrated that even a small percentage of MIP (≥1%) remains an important risk factor for poor OS and DFS. [32][33][34] Therefore, ACT in this group of patients can improve their prognosis and reduce the probability of postoperative metastatic recurrence. ...
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Background The usefulness of postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy (ACT) for patients with stage I lung adenocarcinoma with micropapillary (MIP) components remains unclear. We analyzed whether postoperative ACT could reduce recurrence in patients with stage I lung adenocarcinoma with MIP components, thereby improving their overall survival (OS) and disease‐free survival (DFS). Methods Data for patients with pathologically confirmed stage I lung adenocarcinoma with MIP components from January 2012 to December 2018 were retrospectively analyzed. OS and DFS were analyzed in groups and subgroups. Results Overall, 259 patients were enrolled. Patients who received ACT in stage IA showed significantly better survival than did those with no‐adjuvant chemotherapy (NACT); (5‐year OS 89.4% vs. 73.6%, p < 0.001; 5‐year DFS 87.2% vs. 66.0%, p = 0.008). A difference was also observed for in‐stage IB patients (5‐year OS 82.0% vs. 51.8%, p = 0.001; 5‐year DFS 76.0% vs. 41.11 %, p = 0.004). In subgroup analysis based on the proportion of MIP components, patients with 1%–5% MIP components had a significantly better prognosis in the ACT group than in the NACT group (5‐year OS 82.4% vs. 66.0%, p = 0.005; 5‐year DFS 76.5% vs. 49.1%, p = 0.032). A similar difference was observed for patients with MIP ≥5% (5‐year OS 80.7% vs. 47.8%, p = 0.009; 5‐year DFS 73.11% vs. 43.5%, p = 0.007). Conclusion Among patients with stage I lung adenocarcinoma with MIP components, those who received ACT showed significant survival benefits compared to those without ACT. Patients with lung adenocarcinoma with MIP components could benefit from ACT when the MIP was ≥1%.
... Furthermore, it has been observed how increasing values of SUVmax, TLG, and MTV strongly correlate with a high probability of malignancy in SPNs. These data are supported by the observation that TLG increases linearly with respect to SUVmax and MTV in neoplastic nodules, suggesting how TLG can be considered a reliable parameter, when used in combination with SUVmax, in assessing the probability of malignancy before the cytopathological examination [17]. This also reflects how the use of quantitative methods in both CT and PET/CT images of SPNs can be crucial in the discrimination between benign and malignant lung nodules compared with qualitative examination alone [18,19]. ...
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Simple Summary This study aims to evaluate the reliability of qualitative and semiquantitative parameters of ¹⁸F-FDG PET-CT, and eventually a correlation between them, in predicting the risk of malignancy in patients with solitary pulmonary nodule (SPN) before the diagnosis of lung cancer. Qualitative and semiquantitative parameters can be considered reliable tools in patients with SPN, since cut-offs for SUVmax, SUVmean, TLG and MTV showed good sensitivity and specificity in predicting malignancy. Abstract This study aims to evaluate the reliability of qualitative and semiquantitative parameters of ¹⁸F-FDG PET-CT, and eventually a correlation between them, in predicting the risk of malignancy in patients with solitary pulmonary nodules (SPNs) before the diagnosis of lung cancer. A total of 146 patients were retrospectively studied according to their pre-test probability of malignancy (all patients were intermediate risk), based on radiological features and risk factors, and qualitative and semiquantitative parameters, such as SUVmax, SUVmean, TLG, and MTV, which were obtained from the FDG PET-CT scan of such patients before diagnosis. It has been observed that visual analysis correlates well with the risk of malignancy in patients with SPN; indeed, only 20% of SPNs in which FDG uptake was low or absent were found to be malignant at the cytopathological examination, while 45.45% of SPNs in which FDG uptake was moderate and 90.24% in which FDG uptake was intense were found to be malignant. The same trend was observed evaluating semiquantitative parameters, since increasing values of SUVmax, SUVmean, TLG, and MTV were observed in patients whose cytopathological examination of SPN showed the presence of lung cancer. In particular, in patients whose SPN was neoplastic, we observed a median (MAD) SUVmax of 7.89 (±2.24), median (MAD) SUVmean of 3.76 (±2.59), median (MAD) TLG of 16.36 (±15.87), and a median (MAD) MTV of 3.39 (±2.86). In contrast, in patients whose SPN was non-neoplastic, the SUVmax was 2.24 (±1.73), SUVmean 1.67 (±1.15), TLG 1.63 (±2.33), and MTV 1.20 (±1.20). Optimal cut-offs were drawn for semiquantitative parameters considered predictors of malignancy. Nodule size correlated significantly with FDG uptake intensity and with SUVmax. Finally, age and nodule size proved significant predictors of malignancy. In conclusion, considering the pre-test probability of malignancy, qualitative and semiquantitative parameters can be considered reliable tools in patients with SPN, since cut-offs for SUVmax, SUVmean, TLG, and MTV showed good sensitivity and specificity in predicting malignancy.
... There have been many debates on Most lung adenocarcinoma genomic expression appears as a mixed-subtype such as polyclonal composition of two or more different pathologic subtypes. 37,38 Recent NGS and bioinformatic studies have studied different types of tumor heterogeneity including intratumor heterogeneity in which heterogeneity between tumor cells exists due to the presence of multiple subclones within the tumor in addition to interpatient or intertumor heterogeneity. 39,40 Based on this concept, recently published large databases characterizing the molecular features of human tumors are attempting to change the determination of each cancer type from the conventional histopathological classification to a new classification based on genetic identity. ...
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Background A single institution retrospective analysis of 124 non‐small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) patients was performed to identify whether disease‐free survival (DFS) achieves incremental values when radiomic and genomic data are combined with clinical information. Methods Using the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) Cox regression method, radiomic and genetic features were reduced in number for selection of the most useful prognostic feature. We created four models using only baseline clinical data, clinical data with selected genetic features, clinical data with selected radiomic features, and clinical data with selected genetic and radiomic features together. Multivariate Cox proportional hazards analysis was performed to determine predictors of DFS. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) calculation was made to compare the discriminative performance for DFS prediction by four constructed models at the five‐year time point. Results On precontrast scan, improved discrimination performance was obtained in a merging of selected radiomics and genetics (AUC = 0.8638), compared with clinical data only (AUC = 0.7990), selected genetic features (AUC = 0.8497), and selected radiomic features (AUC = 0.8355). On post‐contrast scan, discrimination performance was improved (AUC = 0.8672) compared with the clinical variables (AUC = 0.7913), and selected genetic features (AUC = 0.8376) and selected radiomic features (AUC = 0.8399) were considered. Conclusions The combination of selected radiomic and genomic features improved stratification of NSCLC patients upon survival. Thus, integrating clinicopathologic model with radiomic and genomic features may lead to improved prognostic accuracy compared to conventional clinicopathological data alone. Key points Significant findings of the study Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) calculation was made to compare the discriminative performance for disease‐free survival (DFS). The discriminative performance for DFS was better when combining radiomic and genetic features compared to clinical data only, selected genetic features, and selected radiomic features. What this study adds The combination of selected radiomic and genomic features improved stratification of NSCLC patients upon survival. Thus, integrating a clinicopathological model with radiomic and genomic features may lead to improved prognostic accuracy compared to conventional clinicopathological data alone.
... The mean CT attenuation only represented the overall density of nodules while other indicators, such as max CT attenuation, standard deviation CT attenuation, and a histogram of CT attenuation, represented information about the heterogeneity of SSNs. It was found that SSNs with a high degree of heterogeneity was malignant and invasive (33)(34)(35). Therefore, SSNs with large mean CT attenuations and great heterogeneity will grow even more rapidly, indicating a poor prognosis. ...
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Background: The detection rate for pulmonary nodules, particularly subsolid nodules (SSNs), has been significantly improved. The purpose of this review is to summarize the relationship between quantitative features of initial CT imaging and the subsequent natural growth of SSNs to explore potential reasons for these findings. Methods: Relevant studies were collected from a literature search of PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, and Cochrane. Data extraction was performed on the patients' basic information, CT methods, and acquisition methods, including quantitative CT features, and statistical methods. Results: A total of 10 relevant articles were included in our review, which included 850 patients with 1,026 SSNs. Overall, the results were variable, and the key findings were as follows. Seven studies looked at the relationship between the diameter and growth of SSNs, showing that SSNs with larger diameters were associated with increased growth. An additional three studies which focused on the relationship between CT attenuation and the growth of SSNs showed that SSNs with a high CT attenuation were associated with increased growth. Conclusion: CT attenuation may be useful in predicting the natural growth of SSNs, and mean CT attenuation may be more useful in predicting the natural growth of pure ground glass nodules (GGNs) than part-solid GGNs. While evaluation by diameter did have some limitations, it demonstrates value in predicting the growth of SSNs.
... A total of 40 features were computed. Tumor area, mass, density, 19 histogram-based features, 16 gray-level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM)-based features, and two intensity size zone matrix (ISZM)-based features were calculated for each ROI [22][23][24][25][26][27]. The histogram-based features quantify the properties of the intratumoral intensity distributions. ...
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Objectives Lung adenocarcinomas which manifest as ground-glass nodules (GGNs) have different degrees of pathological invasion and differentiating among them is critical for treatment. Our goal was to evaluate the addition of marginal features to a baseline radiomics model on computed tomography (CT) images to predict the degree of pathologic invasiveness.Methods We identified 236 patients from two cohorts (training, n = 189; validation, n = 47) who underwent surgery for GGNs. All GGNs were pathologically confirmed as adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS), minimally invasive adenocarcinoma (MIA), or invasive adenocarcinoma (IA). The regions of interest were semi-automatically annotated and 40 radiomics features were computed. We selected features using L1-norm regularization to build the baseline radiomics model. Additional marginal features were developed using the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of intratumoral intensities. An improved model was built combining the baseline model with CDF features. Three classifiers were tested for both models.ResultsThe baseline radiomics model included five features and resulted in an average area under the curve (AUC) of 0.8419 (training) and 0.9142 (validation) for the three classifiers. The second model, with the additional marginal features, resulted in AUCs of 0.8560 (training) and 0.9581 (validation). All three classifiers performed better with the added features. The support vector machine showed the most performance improvement (AUC improvement = 0.0790) and the best performance was achieved by the logistic classifier (validation AUC = 0.9825).Conclusion Our novel marginal features, when combined with a baseline radiomics model, can help differentiate IA from AIS and MIA on preoperative CT scans.Key Points • Our novel marginal features could improve the existing radiomics model to predict the degree of pathologic invasiveness in lung adenocarcinoma.
Solitary pulmonary nodules (SPNs) are defined as focal, round, or oval areas of increased opacity in the lung parenchyma with diameters of ≤3 cm. The lesion is not associated with pneumonia, atelectasis, or lymphadenopathy.
Objectives. This study verified whether or not high-resolution computed tomography (CT) and fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography (FDG-PET)/CT are useful for predicting the tumor malignancy grade in lung adenocarcinoma. Materials and Methods. We identified 78 patients with cTis/T1 adenocarcinoma of the lung who underwent FDG-PET/CT at the same hospital and received surgery between April 2016 and February 2021. We classified them into three groups based on the 5th WHO grade classification. The relationships between the groups and clinicopathological factors, including the consolidation tumor ratio (CTR) and maximum standardized uptake value (SUVmax), were investigated. The cut-off values of the CTR and SUVmax, which predict high-grade malignant tumors, were obtained by a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis, and we combined both values for the evaluation. Results. There were significant differences in the CTR and SUVmax values among the three groups. The rates of lymphovascular invasion and lymph node metastasis were higher in the high-grade group than in the low-grade group. The cut-off values for predicting high-grade malignancy were 97.6% and 3.35 for the CTR and SUVmax, respectively. When the CTR of the tumor was ≥98% and the SUVmax was >3.35, the sensitivity and specificity for the detection of high-grade lesions were 87.5% and 85.5%, respectively. Conclusion. High-grade malignant cTis/T1 lung adenocarcinoma can be detected by high-resolution CT and FGD-PET/CT.
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Although prognostic gene expression signatures for survival in early-stage lung cancer have been proposed, for clinical application, it is critical to establish their performance across different subject populations and in different laboratories. Here we report a large, training-testing, multi-site, blinded validation study to characterize the performance of several prognostic models based on gene expression for 442 lung adenocarcinomas. The hypotheses proposed examined whether microarray measurements of gene expression either alone or combined with basic clinical covariates (stage, age, sex) could be used to predict overall survival in lung cancer subjects. Several models examined produced risk scores that substantially correlated with actual subject outcome. Most methods performed better with clinical data, supporting the combined use of clinical and molecular information when building prognostic models for early-stage lung cancer. This study also provides the largest available set of microarray data with extensive pathological and clinical annotation for lung adenocarcinomas.
Dr.Lester's Manual of Surgical Pathology, 3rd Edition offers complete, practical guidance on the evaluation of the surgical pathology specimen, from its arrival in the department to preparation of the final report. Inside, you'll find step-by-step instructions on specimen processing, tissue handling, gross dissection technique, histological examination, application of special stains, development of a differential diagnosis, and more. This thoroughly revised New Edition integrates cutting-edge procedures well as the latest staging and classification information. Coverage of the latest standards and procedures for the laboratory and handling of surgical pathology specimens are valuable assets to pathologists, pathology assistants, and anyone working in a pathology laboratory. Plus, with Expert Consult functionality, you'll have easy access to the full text online as well as all of the book's illustrations and links to Medline. . Features more than 150 tables that examine the interpretation of histochemical stains, immunohistochemical studies, electron microscopy findings, cytogenetic changes, and much more. . Presents a user-friendly design, concise paragraphs, numbered lists, and bulleted material throughout the text that makes information easy to find. . Offers detailed instructions on the dissection, description, and sampling of specimens. . Includes useful guidance on operating room consultations, safety, microscope use, and error prevention. . Explains the application of pathology reports to patient management. . Discusses how to avoid frequent errors and pitfalls in pathology specimen processing. . Comes with access to where you'll find the fully searchable text and all of the book's illustrations. . Includes all updates from the last three revisions of the Brigham & Women's Hospital in-house handbook, ensuring you have the best knowledge available. . Features new and updated tables in special studies sections, particularly immunohistochemistry with an increased number of antibodies covered, keeping you absolutely up to date. . Provides new tables that cover the histologic appearance of viruses and fungi and a table covering the optical properties of commonly seen noncellular material for easy reference. . Incorporates the TNM classification systems from the new 7th edition AJCC manual, including additional guidelines for the assessment of critical pathologic features. . Presents four new full size illustrations by Dr. Christopher French and Mr. Shogun G. Curtis, as well as 39 illustrations for the new tables on viruses, fungi, and noncellular material to aid in their recognition.
Purpose To review recent advances in pathology and computed tomography (CT) of lung adenocarcinoma and bronchioloalveolar carcinoma (BAC). Methods A pathology/CT review panel of pathologists and radiologists met during a November 2004 International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer/American Society of Clinical Oncology consensus workshop in New York. The purpose was to determine if existing data was sufficient to propose modification of criteria for adenocarcinoma and BAC as newly published in the 2004 WHO Classification of Lung Tumors, and to address the pathologic/radiologic concept of diffuse/multicentric BAC. Results Solitary small, peripheral BACs have an excellent prognosis. Most lung adenocarcinomas with a BAC pattern are not pure BAC, but rather adenocarcinoma, mixed subtype with invasive patterns. This applies to tumors presenting with a diffuse/multinodular as well as solitary nodule pattern. The percent of BAC versus invasive components in lung adenocarcinomas appears to be prognostically important. However, a consensus definition of "minimally invasive" BAC with a favorable prognosis could not be achieved. While recognition of a BAC component is possible, the diagnosis of BAC with exclusion of invasive adenocarcinoma cannot be made by small biopsy or cytology specimens. Conclusion There is a need to work toward a mutual understanding and consensus between pathologists, clinicians, and researchers with the use of the term BAC versus adenocarcinoma. Future studies should make some attempt to quantitate these components and/or other features such as size of scar, size of invasive component, or pattern of invasion. Hopefully, this work will allow definition of a category of adenocarcinoma, mixed subtype with predominant BAC/minimal invasion and a favorable prognosis.
Lung adenocarcinoma is a heterogeneous group of tumors with a highly variable prognosis, not well predicted by the current pathologic classification system. The 2004 World Health Organization classification results in virtually all tumors encountered in clinical practice being allocated to the adenocarcinoma of mixed subtype category. A new classification developed by an international multidisciplinary expert panel sponsored by the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer, American Thoracic Society, and European Respiratory Society, is based on histomorphologic subtype and has recently been validated in a North American series of 514 stage I lung adenocarcinomas. We investigated the relationship between the new classification and patient survival in a series of Australian patients with stages I, II, and III lung adenocarcinoma. We identified 210 patients from a surgical database who underwent resection of lung adenocarcinoma from 1996 to 2009. Two pathologists, blinded to patient outcome, independently performed histopathologic subtyping according to the new classification. Kaplan-Meier curves were used to calculate 5-year survival for each separate histopathologic subtype/variant. Univariate and multivariate analyses were undertaken to control for validated prognostic factors. We confirmed that the new subtypes of adenocarcinoma in situ, minimally invasive adenocarcinoma and lepidic-predominant adenocarcinoma had a 5-year survival approaching 100%, whereas micropapillary-predominant and solid with mucin-predominant adenocarcinomas were associated with particularly poor survival. Papillary-predominant and acinar-predominant adenocarcinomas had an intermediate prognosis. This effect persisted after controlling for stage. Classification of lung adenocarcinoma according to the new International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer/American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society classification correlated with 5-year survival. These relationships persisted after controlling for known prognostic patient and tumor characteristics. The new classification has advantages not only for individual patient care but also for better selection and stratification for clinical trials and molecular studies.
To the Editor: We would like to retract our article, "A Genomic Strategy to Refine Prognosis in Early-Stage Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer,"(1) which was published in the Journal on August 10, 2006. Using a sample set from a study by the American College of Surgeons Oncology Group (ACOSOG) and a collection of samples from a study by the Cancer and Leukemia Group B (CALGB), we have tried and failed to reproduce results supporting the validation of the lung metagene model described in the article. We deeply regret the effect of this action on the work of other investigators.
Adenocarcinoma is the most common histologic type of lung cancer. To address advances in oncology, molecular biology, pathology, radiology, and surgery of lung adenocarcinoma, an international multidisciplinary classification was sponsored by the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer, American Thoracic Society, and European Respiratory Society. This new adenocarcinoma classification is needed to provide uniform terminology and diagnostic criteria, especially for bronchioloalveolar carcinoma (BAC), the overall approach to small nonresection cancer specimens, and for multidisciplinary strategic management of tissue for molecular and immunohistochemical studies. An international core panel of experts representing all three societies was formed with oncologists/pulmonologists, pathologists, radiologists, molecular biologists, and thoracic surgeons. A systematic review was performed under the guidance of the American Thoracic Society Documents Development and Implementation Committee. The search strategy identified 11,368 citations of which 312 articles met specified eligibility criteria and were retrieved for full text review. A series of meetings were held to discuss the development of the new classification, to develop the recommendations, and to write the current document. Recommendations for key questions were graded by strength and quality of the evidence according to the Grades of Recommendation, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation approach. The classification addresses both resection specimens, and small biopsies and cytology. The terms BAC and mixed subtype adenocarcinoma are no longer used. For resection specimens, new concepts are introduced such as adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS) and minimally invasive adenocarcinoma (MIA) for small solitary adenocarcinomas with either pure lepidic growth (AIS) or predominant lepidic growth with ≤ 5 mm invasion (MIA) to define patients who, if they undergo complete resection, will have 100% or near 100% disease-specific survival, respectively. AIS and MIA are usually nonmucinous but rarely may be mucinous. Invasive adenocarcinomas are classified by predominant pattern after using comprehensive histologic subtyping with lepidic (formerly most mixed subtype tumors with nonmucinous BAC), acinar, papillary, and solid patterns; micropapillary is added as a new histologic subtype. Variants include invasive mucinous adenocarcinoma (formerly mucinous BAC), colloid, fetal, and enteric adenocarcinoma. This classification provides guidance for small biopsies and cytology specimens, as approximately 70% of lung cancers are diagnosed in such samples. Non-small cell lung carcinomas (NSCLCs), in patients with advanced-stage disease, are to be classified into more specific types such as adenocarcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma, whenever possible for several reasons: (1) adenocarcinoma or NSCLC not otherwise specified should be tested for epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutations as the presence of these mutations is predictive of responsiveness to EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors, (2) adenocarcinoma histology is a strong predictor for improved outcome with pemetrexed therapy compared with squamous cell carcinoma, and (3) potential life-threatening hemorrhage may occur in patients with squamous cell carcinoma who receive bevacizumab. If the tumor cannot be classified based on light microscopy alone, special studies such as immunohistochemistry and/or mucin stains should be applied to classify the tumor further. Use of the term NSCLC not otherwise specified should be minimized. This new classification strategy is based on a multidisciplinary approach to diagnosis of lung adenocarcinoma that incorporates clinical, molecular, radiologic, and surgical issues, but it is primarily based on histology. This classification is intended to support clinical practice, and research investigation and clinical trials. As EGFR mutation is a validated predictive marker for response and progression-free survival with EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors in advanced lung adenocarcinoma, we recommend that patients with advanced adenocarcinomas be tested for EGFR mutation. This has implications for strategic management of tissue, particularly for small biopsies and cytology samples, to maximize high-quality tissue available for molecular studies. Potential impact for tumor, node, and metastasis staging include adjustment of the size T factor according to only the invasive component (1) pathologically in invasive tumors with lepidic areas or (2) radiologically by measuring the solid component of part-solid nodules.
Currently no objective grading system for pulmonary adenocarcinomas exists. To determine whether specific histologic patterns or combinations thereof could be linked to an objective grading system, the histologic patterns in metastatic tumor deposits was compared with the patterns seen in the corresponding 73 primary tumor to determine whether a specific pattern had higher propensity to metastasize. The concordance of the predominant histologic pattern in the primary tumor and the metastases was of 100% for micropapillary, 86% for solid, 42% for acinar, and 23% for papillary types of adenocarcinoma. Informed by these results, a 3-tier grading system based on the histologic subtypes was established. Grade I, a pattern with low metastatic potential (BAC); Grade II, patterns with intermediate metastatic potential (acinar and papillary); and Grade III, patterns with high metastatic potential (solid and micropapillary). These grades were combined into a number of different scoring systems, whose ability to predict recurrence or death from disease was tested in 366 stage 1 adenocarcinomas. A score based on the 2 most predominant grades was able to stratify patients into low-to-high risk for recurrence or death of disease (P=0.001). The 5-years disease-free survival for patients in the highest score group was of 0.73, compared with 0.84 and 0.92 in the intermediate and lowest score groups. Concordance probability estimate was 0.65 (95% confidence interval 0.57-0.73). Therefore, this scoring system provides valuable information in discriminating patients with different risk of disease-recurrence in a highly homogeneous population of patients with stage I cancer.
To compare manual measurements of diameter, volume, and mass of pulmonary ground-glass nodules (GGNs) to establish which method is best for identifying malignant GGNs by determining change across time. In this ethics committee-approved retrospective study, baseline and follow-up CT examinations of 52 GGNs detected in a lung cancer screening trial were included, resulting in 127 GGN data sets for evaluation. Two observers measured GGN diameter with electronic calipers, manually outlined GGNs to obtain volume and mass, and scored whether a solid component was present. Observer 1 repeated all measurements after 2 months. Coefficients of variation and limits of agreement were calculated by using Bland-Altman methods. In a subgroup of GGNs containing all resected malignant lesions, the ratio between intraobserver variability and growth (growth-to-variability ratio) was calculated for each measurement technique. In this subgroup, the mean time for growth to exceed the upper limit of agreement of each measurement technique was determined. The kappa values for intra- and interobserver agreement for identifying a solid component were 0.55 and 0.38, respectively. Intra- and interobserver coefficients of variation were smallest for GGN mass (P < .001). Thirteen malignant GGNs were resected. Mean growth-to-variability ratios were 11, 28, and 35 for diameter, volume, and mass, respectively (P = .03); mean times required for growth to exceed the upper limit of agreement were 715, 673, and 425 days, respectively (P = .02). Mass measurements can enable detection of growth of GGNs earlier and are subject to less variability than are volume or diameter measurements.
Although grading has prognostic significance for many tumor types, a prognostically significant grading system for lung adenocarcinoma has not yet been established. The aim of this study was to evaluate histologic characteristics included in tumor grading systems, establish optimal cutoff values that have the strongest association with overall survival, and develop a grading system incorporating the histopathologic characteristics that the authors found to have prognostic significance in patients with lung adenocarcinoma. The authors studied lung adenocarcinomas from 85 consecutive patients, and evaluated the percentage of solid pattern (as a reflection of tumor architecture), the degree of cytologic atypia, and the mitotic count. In univariate analysis, overall survival was associated significantly with sex (P = .045), age (P = .0008), tumor status (P < .0001), lymph node status (P = .02), solid pattern (P = .046), and cytologic atypia (P = .01), but not with mitotic count (P = .26). On the basis of optimal cutoff values, the authors found that a solid pattern > or = 90% and severe cytologic atypia were the best discriminators of worse outcome. A grading score, computed as the sum of the architecture score and cytologic atypia score (2 = well differentiated, 3 = moderately differentiated, 4 = poorly differentiated), was a significant predictor of overall survival in univariate analysis (median overall survival times, 72.4, 39.5, and 8.7 months for well, moderately, and poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, respectively; P = .0001). Moreover, grading was an independent predictor of survival in multivariate analysis (P = .002). The authors describe a grading system that incorporates the percentage of solid pattern and degree of the cytologic atypia that is an independent predictor of survival in patients with lung adenocarcinoma.
We aimed to retrospectively compare CT, PET, and histopathologic (the extent of bronchioloalveolar carcinoma [BAC] components) findings of solitary pulmonary nodular (SPN) adenocarcinomas of the lung to determine their value as prognostic determinants. We reviewed CT and PET characteristics of tumors and pathologic specimens from 65 consecutive patients who underwent surgical resection for SPN adenocarcinomas. Nodule size and TDR (tumor shadow disappearance rate) were assessed from CT scans, and maximum standardized uptake value (SUVmax) of tumors was measured at PET. On pathologic examination, BAC, non-BAC, and central fibrous scar ratios were quantified. Prognosis was evaluated by noting disease recurrence during a minimum 12-month follow-up period after curative resection. The interrelationships between TDR, SUVmax, BAC, and non-BAC ratio were studied, and relationships between recurrence and various variables were analyzed. The median follow-up time was 33 months, and seven patients (11%) developed disease recurrence after surgical resection. TDR at CT and SUVmax at PET correlated well with pathologic BAC and non-BAC ratios. Between subgroups with and without recurrence, there were significant differences in SUVmax and BAC and non-BAC ratios. Based on univariate survival analyses, pathologic BAC and non-BAC ratios were risk factors significantly related to recurrence, but only high non-BAC ratio remained as an independent factor associated with recurrence in the multivariate analysis (hazard ratio [HR]=0.956, P=0.013). Among the factors examined, pathologic non-BAC ratio is the only independent risk factor for poor prognosis in patients with SPN adenocarcinomas.