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A system for portable sleep apnea diagnosis using an embedded data capturing module

  • Pragmatic Innovation Inc

Abstract and Figures

Unlabelled: Sleep apnea (SA) is a very common disease with serious health consequences, yet is very under-diagnosed, partially because of the high cost and limited accessibility of in-laboratory polysomnography (PSG). The purpose of this work is to introduce a newly developed portable system for the diagnosis of SA at home that is both reliable and easy to use. The system includes personal devices for recording breath sounds and airflow during sleep and diagnostic algorithms to process the recorded data. The data capturing device consists of a wearable face frame with an embedded electronic module featuring a unidirectional microphone, a differential microphone preamplifier, a microcontroller with an onboard differential analogue to digital converter, and a microSD memory card. The device provides continuous data capturing for 8 h. Upon completion of the recording session, the memory card is returned to a location for acoustic analysis. We recruited 49 subjects who used the device independently at home, after which each subject answered a usability questionnaire. Random data samples were selected to measure the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) as a gauge of hardware functionality. A subset of 11 subjects used the device on 2 different nights and their results were compared to examine diagnostic reproducibility. Independent of those, system's performance was evaluated against PSG in the lab environment in 32 subject. The overall success rate of applying the device in un-attended settings was 94 % and the overall rating for ease-of-use was 'excellent'. Signal examination showed excellent capturing of breath sounds with an average SNR of 31.7 dB. Nine of the 11 (82 %) subjects had equivalent results on both nights, which is consistent with reported inter-night variability. The system showed 96 % correlation with simultaneously performed in-lab PSG. Conclusion: Our results suggest excellent usability and performance of this system and provide a strong rationale to further improve it and test its robustness in a larger study.
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Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing manuscript No.
(will be inserted by the editor)
A System for Portable Sleep Apnea Diagnosis Using
an Embedded Data Capturing Module
Hisham Alshaer ·Alexander Levchenko ·
T. Douglas Bradley ·Steven Pong ·
Wen-Hou Tseng ·and Geoff R. Fernie
Received: date / Accepted: date
This stage of the project was supported by MaRS Innovation. The project has been also
supported by the Ministry of Research and Innovation of Ontario, Ontario Centre of Excellence,
and Johnson and Johnson Inc. Toronto Rehabilitation Institute receives funding from the
Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. Dr Alshaer is a recipient NSERC scholarship.
Hisham Alshaer
Institute of Biomaterial and Biomedical Engineering
University of Toronto, and
Sleep Research Laboratory & Technology Development Team
University Av, Toronto, ON, Canada, M5G 2A2
Tel.: +1 416 597-3422 ext 7959, Fax: +1 416 597-3027
E-mail: Hisham.Alshaer at
Alexander Levchenko
Technology Development Team
Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, University Health Network
550 University Av, Toronto, ON, Canada, M5G 2A2
E-mail: Alex.Levchenko at
T. Douglas Bradley
Toronto General Hospital, University Health Network
9N-943, 200 Elizabeth St., Toronto, ON, M5G 2C4, Canada
E-mail: douglas.bradley at
Steven Pong
Technology Development Team
Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, University Health Network
550 University Av, Toronto, ON, Canada, M5G 2A2
E-mail: Steve.Pong at
Wen-Hou Tseng
Sleep Research Laboratory
Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, University Health Network
550 University Av, Toronto, ON, Canada, M5G 2A2
E-mail: wenhou.tseng at
Geoff R. Fernie
Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, University Health Network
550 University Av, Toronto, ON, Canada, M5G 2A2
E-mail: Geoff.Fernie at
2 Alshaer, Levchenko, et al
Introduction: Sleep apnea (SA) is a very common disease with serious
health consequences, yet is very under-diagnosed, partially because of
the high cost and limited accessibility of in-laboratory polysomnogra-
phy (PSG). The purpose of this work is to introduce a newly developed
portable system for the diagnosis of SA at home that is both reliable and
easy to use.
Methods: The system includes personal devices for recording breath
sounds and airflow during sleep and diagnostic algorithms to process the
recorded data. The data capturing device consists of a wearable face frame
with an embedded electronic module featuring a unidirectional micro-
phone, a differential microphone preamplifier, a microcontroller with an
onboard differential analogue to digital converter, and a microSD memory
card. The device provides continuous data capturing for 8 hours. Upon
completion of the recording session, the memory card is returned to a
location for acoustic analysis. We recruited 49 subjects who used the de-
vice independently at home, after which each subject answered a usability
questionnaire. Random data samples were selected to measure the signal-
to-noise ratio (SNR) as a gauge of hardware functionality. A subset of
11 subjects used the device on 2 different nights and their results were
compared to examine diagnostic reproducibility. Independent of those,
system’s performance was evaluated against PSG in the lab environment
in 32 subject.
Results: The overall success rate of applying the device in un-attended
settings was 94% and the overall rating for ease-of-use was excellent. Sig-
nal examination showed excellent capturing of breath sounds with an av-
erage SNR of 31.7 dB. Nine of the 11 (82%) subjects had equivalent results
on both nights, which is consistent with reported inter-night variability.
An Embedded Module for Sleep Apnea Diagnosis 3
The system showed 96% correlation with simultaneously performed in-lab
Conclusion: Our results suggest excellent usability and performance of
this system and provide a strong rationale to further improve it and test
its robustness in a larger study.
Keywords home diagnosis ·usability ·portable system ·embedded
1 Introduction
Sleep apnea (SA) is a breathing disorder characterized by repetitive ces-
sations of breathing during sleep for intervals of 10-90 seconds in length.
The frequency of these events ranges from 5 to 100 times/ hour depending
on the severity of the case. Obstructive sleep apnea, the most common
type SA, results from collapse of the upper airway either partially (hy-
popnea) or totally (apnea) during sleep. Central sleep apnea, on the other
hand, results from intermittent loss of central nervous system’s respira-
tory drive, which can also be partial of complete. These events alternate
with episodes of hyperventilation during which loud snoring occurs. These
events result in episodes of oxygen deprivation, and arousals from sleep
that cause sleep fragmentation. Subsequently, patients suffer from poor
sleep quality, daytime sleepiness, and poor cognitive performance. Repet-
itive apneas and intermittent hypoxia also elicit sympathetic nervous sys-
tem activation that cause repetitive surges in blood pressure at night and
increase the risk of developing daytime hypertension and atherosclerosis
independently of other risk factors [1–3]. Patients with SA are at three
to four fold greater risk of developing heart failure and stroke than sub-
jects without SA [4,5]. In the US, it has been estimated that SA-related
motor-vehicle collisions due to sleepiness in the year 2000 caused 1,400
4 Alshaer, Levchenko, et al
deaths and cost $15.9 billion [6]. SA also imposes a significant financial
burden on the health system; Canadian data show that patients with un-
treated SA consume twice as many health care resources for treatment
of cardio-vascular diseases than subjects without SA [7]. On the other
hand, we have demonstrated that treating SA lowers blood pressure in
hypertensive patients, improves cardiovascular function in patients with
heart failure and hastens recovery from stroke [8–11]. Therefore, diagnos-
ing and treating such patients could have a very substantial beneficial
medical and public health impact [12].
SA poses a significant challenge to anesthesiologists in surgical popu-
lations. It has been shown that SA is more prevalent in surgical patients
yet, most of which has not been diagnosed, which put them at higher
incidence of complications and deaths. This includes difficult intubation,
postoperative complications, increased intensive care unit admissions, and
greater duration of hospital stay [13–15]. Therefore, identification of SA
patients in the first place is of great value for anesthesiologists towards
the prevention of peri-operative complications.
Despite the high prevalence of SA, which affects approximately 7%
of adults [16], the majority of patients (87%) remain undiagnosed [17],
corresponding to approximately 15,000,000 patients in Canada and the
US alone. This is partly attributable to the lack of accessibility to ex-
pensive overnight monitoring in a sleep laboratory that is currently re-
quired for diagnosis [12]. Presently, the “gold standard” for diagnosing
SA is polysomnography (PSG). PSG requires patients to be monitored
overnight in a sleep laboratory using multi-channel recordings while they
are connected to sophisticated equipment with a technician in atten-
dance [18]. Because of the expense and specialized training required to
perform such testing, access to PSG is very limited in most jurisdictions.
An Embedded Module for Sleep Apnea Diagnosis 5
As a result, there is a need for alternative methods to diagnose SA
at home, in a more accessible and cost-effective manner. The challenge
in developing a portable monitoring device is finding the right balance
between simplicity on the one hand and accuracy on the other. Portable
SA diagnostic devices have been divided into 4 categories on the basis
of the number of transducers attached–Type 4 devices are those with
1 or 2 channels increasing up to Type 1, which is full in-lab PSG [19]
as illustrated in Figure 1. The currently available portable single chan-
nel devices suffer from low accuracy while multi-channel devices suffer
from high failure rates due to data loss in un-attended home settings. As
more channels are added to improve accuracy, failure rates increase to
as high as 33% [20]. Failure of the study in home settings is due to the
patient’s difficulty connecting the electrodes to the body and the inad-
vertent detachment of these electrodes during sleep. On the other hand,
devices that employ fewer channels have been found to be less accurate
than devices with more monitoring channels [21]. Extensive reviews have
concluded that there is no convincing evidence that any of the available
portable monitors could be used in unattended settings and still provide
reliable signals, which reduces their validity for use within the general
population [22, 23].
Fig. 1 Illustration of the reciprocal relation between the number of channels, success rate,
and accuracy
6 Alshaer, Levchenko, et al
In recent years, analysis of breath sounds recorded by a microphone,
has been an emerging tool for the diagnosis of SA. Breath sounds are rich
in information about breathing patterns, differentiating habitual snor-
ing from snoring in SA [24], the site from which snoring arises [25], and
patency of the upper airway [26]. We have shown that respiratory air-
flow has a characteristic acoustic signal signature [27]. Our recent results
show that acoustic analysis of breath sounds can accurately identify res-
piratory events, apneas and hypopneas, as compared with PSG overnight
subjects who underwent an overnight simultaneous PSG. Our next step
towards a fully portable system for the diagnosis of SA was to develop a
portable personal unit that patients can use at home for data collection
of breath sounds during sleep in unattended settings. Achieving this ob-
jective required the design of a unit that is easy to use and apply by a lay
person, yet sophisticated to obtain un-interrupted capturing of quality
breath sounds signal required for the bioacoustic analysis and identifica-
tion of apneas and hypopneas. The purpose of this paper, therefore, is
to describe the technical aspects of an innovative single channel portable
device and system for inexpensive and reliable diagnosis of sleep apnea in
the home. The initial evaluation of the system’s functionality, usability,
and diagnostic capability in the home environment will also be presented.
2 Materials and Methods
2.1 Development of the Diagnostic System
At Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, we have developed a system for res-
piratory monitoring and diagnosis of sleep disorders where data cap-
turing is done at home and data processing is centralized. The system
consists of 2 components. First, a self-contained, breath sounds captur-
ing module, with removable data storage media, embedded in a custom
An Embedded Module for Sleep Apnea Diagnosis 7
made face frame with no external wires to an external unit or power
supply—hereafter referred to as the ‘acoustic device’. This makes it self-
administrable and easy to use at home. Upon completion of a recording
session the memory card is returned to a diagnostic office for data extrac-
tion and analysis. Second, acoustic signal processing algorithms for data
analysis and diagnosis hosted on a server. The 2 components are further
explained below.
2.1.1 Self-Contained Acoustic Device With an Embedded Data-Capturing Module
The acoustic device consists of a data-capturing module embedded in an
open lightweight face frame to hold the microphone in optimum location.
The block diagram of the data-capturing module is shown in Figure 2. The
module includes an ATXmega128A3 microcontroller (MCU), a TS472
differential microphone preamplifier, a precision voltage reference source,
a MCP1640D step-up DC-DC converter with bypass option, a micorSD
memory card. The ATXmega MCU was selected for its high performance
12-bit ADC, featuring differential mode to utilize the advantages of the
TS472, 4-channel direct memory access (DMA) controller, and the ability
to operate down to 1.6 V that makes it particularly suitable for battery
powered applications.
Fig. 2 Block diagram of the embedded module for SA diagnosis. ADC: analog to digital
converter; DC: direct current; DMA: direct access memory; RAM: random access memory;
GPIO: general purpose input output.
8 Alshaer, Levchenko, et al
On power-on/reset the MCU initializes peripherals, puts the TS472
in a standby mode, activates the bypass feature of the MCP1640D and
enters power saving mode. While the converter is in bypass mode, the
MCU is essentially powered directly from batteries as the voltage range
is sufficient for operation in sleep mode thus minimizing overall power
consumption of the device. As the device is switched on, the MCU enables
the DC-DC converter, initializes the microSD memory card, configures
ADC and DMA channels and starts continuous sampling, at sampling
frequency of 16000 Hz, with the DMA controller configured in a double
buffer mode. In this mode one of the memory buffers is directly loaded
with the samples from ADC, while the previously stored buffer is being
recorded on a memory card. The device is powered by 2 alkaline AAA
batteries that provide 8 hours of continuous data sampling sufficient for
a typical overnight recording.
A unidirectional microphone with noise cancelling properties was se-
lected in order to minimize capture of external noise. Noise cancelling
properties of the microphone are achieved by highly directional dual-port
design. Since the microphone in the mask is specifically oriented towards
the mouth and nostrils, this directivity pattern helps to capture desired
sound and airflow signals and to filter out ambient noise. This feature
helped to achieve very low baseline noise levels and thus a better contrast
between breath sounds and no activity status. This in turn enhanced cap-
turing of breathing interruptions. The microphone is placed in the centre
of a specially designed funnel-shaped directional element, as illustrated
in Figure 3, that helps to capture not only audible breath sounds but also
airflow from both the mouth and nostrils.
Light emitting diodes (LEDs) provide a visual feedback to indicate the
status of the device. The device does not have any external wires, since
An Embedded Module for Sleep Apnea Diagnosis 9
the transducer and electronics are attached to the same frame, which
simplifies the application of the device by un-trained person. Users are
required to power the device by pressing the power button, wait for the
LED feedback signal, and wear the device by attaching a pair of head
straps. Patients have the option of terminating data collection upon com-
pletion of the session or otherwise leave it until it turns off automatically.
Fig. 3 Hardware prototype of the acoustic device showing the data capturing module embed-
ded in an open face frame. The microphone is held at position that allows maximum capture
of sound and nasal and oral airflow
2.1.2 Central Data Analysis
Upon completion of each session, data on the microSD card was uploaded
to a server. Apneas and hypopneas were detected from breath sounds us-
ing algorithms developed and validated in our laboratory earlier, which
10 Alshaer, Levchenko, et al
have shown excellent agreement (R=95%) with PSG [28,29]. Briefly, the
amplitude modulation envelopes of breath sound waveforms were adap-
tively normalized to a uniform baseline, which was then scanned for val-
leys below a certain threshold. Each valley is then examined against a set
of rules including its depth, width, and patterns of the falling and rising
edges, to be classified as an apnea or hypopnea, or to be discarded. The
frequency of apneas and hypopneas per hour of recording time, or the
apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) was found for each overnight session.
2.2 System Evaluation in the Home Environment
The acoustic device was evaluated in 49 subjects. Each subject was given
brief instructions on operating the device and was asked to wear it during
his/her usual sleep time in their home.
2.2.1 Evaluation of Functionality and Signal Quality in the Home Environment
Signal quality is a reflection of the functionality of the embedded module.
To assess the quality of breath sound signals captured in the home en-
vironment, respiratory signal to background noise ratio (SN Rbr eath) was
calculated. For this purpose, data were classified manually into breath-
ing and non-breathing components, similar to the method implemented
by Duckitt et al [30]. Here, 5-minute segments (L) were extracted from
the first, middle, and last part of randomly selected 10 home overnight
recordings. A total of 150 minutes was extracted. An experienced oper-
ator listened to each segment and manually annotated each sound unit
into one of 5 classes: inspiration, expiration, snoring, not-audible, other-
noise. The first and last 25% of each sound unit were discarded in order
to avoid boundary contamination from the adjacent sounds. The first 3
classes (inspiration, expiration, and snoring) originate from the physiolog-
ical breathing events. These were combined in each L segment and treated
An Embedded Module for Sleep Apnea Diagnosis 11
as the true breath sound signals. The ‘non-audible’ class included low am-
plitude non-intelligible portions such as brief pauses between breaths and
during apneas (Figure 4), which consist mainly from baseline noise in-
jected into the module in the absence of a true acoustic source, and thus
was treated as the background noise. The ‘other-noise’ class included ac-
cidental non-respiratory sounds, such as noise from bedsheets, somnolent
speech, and other external sounds, and was discarded because it does not
belong to the classes required in the analysis. To calculate the S N Rbreath,
first the normalized energy of breath sounds in L segments was calculated
Ebreath =1
breath(i) (1)
where breath classes: {inspiration, expiration, snoring},S(i) are
data samples, and n is the number of all data samples of breath sounds
in L. The normalized energy of background noise (Enoise) was calculated
similarly. The SN Rbreath was calculated in decibels in each L, in which
Enoise was not zero, as in equation 2:
SN Rbr eath = 10 log10 "Ebreath
Enoise #(2)
The system’s overall S N Rbreath was then calculated as the average
SNR of all included L segments.
2.2.2 Evaluation of Usability in the Home Environment
Participants were given brief instructions on using the device and were
asked to take the device home to use it independently. Subsequent to the
overnight sessions, each participant answered 5 questions (Table 1) about
his/her experience, including the ease-of-use and comfort of the device.
Answers were given qualitatively as one of four options: very poor, poor,
12 Alshaer, Levchenko, et al
good, or excellent, each of which was quantified to a numerical value 1 to
4 respectively. In the case of inability to operate the device or sleep with
it on, a rating of 0 was given.
2.2.3 Evaluation of Diagnostic Capability and Reproducibility in the Home
One important limitation of PSG that needs to be addressed is the diffi-
culty to perform multiple sessions because of the high cost, limited acces-
sibility, and patients discomfort. On the other hand, it has been shown
that approximately one third of patients have remarkably variable AHI
between 2 nights, which might result in improper diagnosis if based on the
results of one night only. Therefore, a potential application of a portable
SA diagnostic device is performing multiple nights data collections and
inter-night comparison. To examine the feasibility and reproducibility of
multiple-night based diagnosis, a subset of eleven volunteers, who did not
undergo a sleep study for at least 1 year, agreed to use the acoustic de-
vice for 2 nights. The AHI for each night was calculated using acoustic
analysis of breath sounds (as described previously in 2.1.2.)
2.3 Agreement with PSG
To evaluate the accuracy of AHI derived from data captured by the em-
bedded module, the portable device was worn by 32 consecutive patients
referred to the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute Sleep Laboratory for sus-
picion of sleep apnea. None of this set of 32 subjects data were used in
developing the algorithm described in section 2.1.2. Subjects underwent
overnight polysomnography (PSG) using standard techniques and scor-
ing criteria [36,37]. Thoracoabdominal movements and tidal volume were
measured by respiratory inductance plethysmography (RIP) [38]. Airflow
was measured by nasal pressure cannulae [38] and arterial oxyhemoglobin
An Embedded Module for Sleep Apnea Diagnosis 13
saturation (SaO2) by oximetry. A sleep laboratory technician scored PSG
manually to find apneas and hypopneas. Apneas were scored as a drop in
sum of thoracoabdominal movement by 90% lasting 10 seconds [39].
Hypopneas were defined as a 50% to 90% reduction in thoracoabdominal
sum lasting 10 seconds as described previously [40].
BS were recorded simultaneously with PSG. At the end of the study, data
were transferred from the microSD memory card to a computer for acous-
tic analysis using the aforemention procedure described in 2.1.2. The AHI
derived from PSG (AHPP) and that from acoustic analysis (AHIA) were
quantified as the number of apneas and hypopneas per hour of recording.
AHIAwas compared against AHPPusing Pearson correlation coefficient
and diagnostic parameters were calculated.
The study protocol was approved by the Research Ethics Board of
Toronto Rehabilitation Institute and subjects provided written consent
prior to enrollment.
3 Results
3.1 Functionality and Signal Quality in the Home Environment
The overall breath sounds S N Rbreath in home sessions was 31.7 dB. Fig-
ure 4 displays representative samples of breath sounds captured by the
embedded module and the low amplitude background noise in the inter-
breath segment.
3.2 Usability in the Home Environment
Feedback from the 49 subjects was used to evaluated ease-of-use and
usability in the home environment. All the subjects (100%) indicated
being able to fully administer the acoustic device at home in the absence
of a trained person. Upon examination of the data, 3 subject (6%) were
14 Alshaer, Levchenko, et al
Fig. 4 A: single breathing cycle showing inspiration (time
=0.5 to 2 seconds) and expiration
=2-3.5 seconds) separated by the vertical dashed line. The inter-breath interval is marked
to show a sample of ambient background noise and its relative amplitude. B: magnified wave-
form of part of the inspiration revealing a snoring episode characterized by quasi-periodicity,
resulting from tissue vibration. C: magnified waveform of part of expiration showing a turbulent
non-periodic pattern
found to have faulty data resulting from improper powering of the device,
which resulted in failure of data collection. Therefore, the overall success
rate in using the device was 94%. Answers to the usability questionnaire
are displayed in Table 1. The overall subjective rating of the ease-of-use
related questions was ‘excellent’ and for the comfort related questions was
Table 1 Usability questionnaire, the mean rating for the 49 subjects, and the qualitative
equivalent based on the mean rating (0-1: very poor; 1-2: poor; 2-3: good; 3-4: excellent)
Question Mean Rating Qualitative Equivalent
How easy could you operate the device? 3.2 Excellent
How easy you wore the device? 3.2 Excellent
How comfortable the mask was on your face
after wearing it?
2.9 Good
How quickly you fell asleep comparing with
other nights?
2.8 Good
How comfortable was your sleep comparing
with usual nights?
2.6 Good
An Embedded Module for Sleep Apnea Diagnosis 15
3.3 Diagnostic Capability and Reproducibility in the Home Environment
AHI resulting from acoustic analysis of data of the 11 subjects who used
the device for 2 nights are displayed in Figure 5. Their AHI ranged from
!0 to 80 apneas and hypopneas/hours. Nine out of 11 patients (82%)
showed equivalent results on both nights i.e. difference in AHI of less than
Fig. 5 Comparison between the AHI obtained from the first and second nights in the (sorted
by severity.) Panel (A) shows subjects whose AHI varied by <10 on the 2 nights, while panel
(B) shows subjects whose AHI varied 10 on the 2 nights.
3.4 Agreement with PSG
We recruited 32 consecutive subjects who underwent full PSG while wear-
ing the acoustic device simultaneously. AHIAderived from data captured
by the acoustic device showed 96% correlation (R2=0.93%) with AHIP
obtained from manual scoring of PSG data as illustrated in Figure 6. Us-
ing a diagnostic cut-off of AHI 10, sensitivity was 100%, specificity was
85%, negative predictive value was 100%, positive predictive values was
16 Alshaer, Levchenko, et al
80%, and the overall accuracy was 91%. Using a diagnostic cut-off of AHI
15, sensitivity was 89%, specificity was 96%, negative predictive value
was 96%, positive predictive values was 89%, and the overall accuracy
was 94%.
Fig. 6 Agreement between AHIAand AHIP
4 Discussion
This work presents the development and initial evaluation of an inte-
grated system for accessible diagnosis of SA at home. The core of this
system is a self-contained device with a small embedded module to cap-
ture breath sounds. The acoustic device was well accepted by users as
shown by the very high success rates and complete subject compliance.
It also demonstrated excellent performance as revealed by the high SNR
and reproducibility of AHI in the home environment supported with re-
markable agreement with in-lab PSG
An Embedded Module for Sleep Apnea Diagnosis 17
The device captured high quality breath sound signals including snor-
ing sounds (characterized by a semi-periodic waveform) and other inspi-
ratory and expiratory sounds (characterized by turbulent non-periodic
waveforms.) The use of a unidirectional microphone, the low-noise elec-
tronic design, and the funneling structure in front of subjects’ mouths
were all deployed to enhance capture of breath sounds and improve signal
quality, thus achieving good SNR. SNR of breath sounds to ambient back-
ground noise was 31.7 dB. Other researchers in the field recommended a
minimum SNR of 10.5 [31] and 8 dB [32] to effectively distinguish breath
sounds and snoring from ambient noise. Thus, the SNR in uncontrolled
home environments with this design was clearly sufficient to perform the
desired acoustic analysis. Beside the low noise properties of the embedded
module, the low power design is also an essential factor for obtaining a
continuous 8-hour overnight recording required in this monitoring appli-
An essential, but quite overlooked aspect of a home SA monitor is
usability. The Portable Monitoring Task Force of the American Academy
of Sleep Medicine, for example, recommended developing easy to use
portable SA monitors that would reduce time required to attach sen-
sors, and simplify data collection and transfer [33]. The acoustic device
was designed to be single-channel and self-contained without external
wires in order to make it easy to use by an untrained person in unat-
tended settings, which is an important feature of a portable SA monitor.
In the current study, 100% of the subjects could administer the device
independently without the support of a trained assistant at home, with
94% success rate as revealed by objective examination of the data, which
demonstrates excellent usability of the device. It is noteworthy, however,
that comfort ratings were lower i.e. ‘good’ for comfort versus ‘excellent’
18 Alshaer, Levchenko, et al
for ease-of use (Table 1), which was attributed mostly to the experience
of wearing the acoustic device while sleeping for the first time. These
findings, in addition to other qualitative feedback can be used to improve
the ergonomics of future iterations of the device such as by reducing the
size of the embedded module.
AHI obtained from home sessions in 11 subjects were used to asses
performance and reproducibility in the home environment, all of which
did not have a recent PSG study. PSG studies have previously shown
that the majority of patients have reproducible AHI as measured by 2-
night difference in AHI <10 [34, 35]. Nevertheless, there may very well
be true inter-night variability, denoted by difference in AHI exceeding 10,
in approximately 18% [35] to 32% [34] of patients between the 2 nights.
In the current study, 9 out of 11 subjects demonstrated the equivalence
of AHI on both nights (2-night difference in AHI under 10). In 2 out of
11 (18.2%) subjects, greater variability in the AHI of 10 was observed,
which lies well within, indeed at the lower end of the previously reported
proportions. This is a sound indicator of the reproducibility of the results
in the home settings and that captured signals reflected the underlying
respiratory condition in the subjects who used the device while sleeping
at home.
To ensure the validity of AHI results obtained in the home environ-
ment, the system’s performance was assessed against in-lab PSG, the
current gold standard for diagnosing sleep apnea. The system showed ex-
cellent agreement (96%) with PSG in terms of AHI concordance in 32
subjects who wore the acoustic device simultaneously with PSG. Diag-
nostics accuracy was 91% and 94% for an AHI cut-off greater of equal 10
and 15 respectively . This is inline with our previously reported agreement
with PSG (95%) in our work describing the development the apneas and
An Embedded Module for Sleep Apnea Diagnosis 19
hypopneas detection algorithm [28]. In the current study, however, the
AHI was obtained from data collected using the newly designed acoustic
device and embedded module that has no external electrodes. This step of
validation of the acoustic device in a controlled environment demonstrates
its accuracy supports the AHI results obtained in the home studies.
Accordingly, we believe that this system has the potential to make
diagnosis of SA more accessible, particularly in remote areas where sleep
laboratories are not located. There is also the possibility to make multi-
ple recordings in subjects’ homes without the need for multiple visits to a
sleep laboratory, so that, for example, severity of SA could be monitored
over time in response to interventions such as weight loss. This device
makes it feasible to perform multiple studies and subsequently to explore
the causes of variability in AHI and lead to new treatment options that
recreate the circumstances that are associated with the lowest AHI scores.
In the proposed model, data collection is performed independently from
the data analysis. This setup gives the advantage of developing and im-
proving the diagnostic algorithms centrally without the need to re-design
the data acquisition module and disrupt the peripheral data collection.
This setup help in maintaining a simple structure of the portable unit
which will facilitate the use by untrained individuals and potentially re-
duce cost per test.
Future improvements of the embedded module might include migra-
tion to one of the rapidly growing ARM Cortex-M MCU families offering
more functional and cost effective platform for embedded applications
with their 16 bit onboard ADC, SD host controller, and high RAM-to-
flash ratio. Digital MEMS microphones with their small form factor, high
noise immunity, and low power consumption also offer a viable improve-
ment choice.
20 Alshaer, Levchenko, et al
5 Conclusion
We have described a novel SA diagnostic system using a portable bat-
tery operated acoustic data acquisition device as well as its functionality
and applicability to diagnose SA in the home environment. Its excellent
usability by lay people makes it suitable for use at home in un-attended
settings. The evaluation results point to the feasibility of making mul-
tiple home recordings in the same subject with capture of high quality
data. These data provide a strong rationale to perform home studies in a
larger population and compare it with PSG. This new portable home SA
monitor has the potential to improve accessibility and reduce the costs of
diagnosing SA.
Acknowledgements The authors are thankful to the contributions of Inas Kadri in devel-
oping the illustrations and to Azadeh Yadollahi for her editorial input. This work might result
in a commercializable device and patent applications have been filed.
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... Among these studies, there are 5 that used radar technology to screen for OSA, which are novel devices in the shape of noncontact bedside sensors that use radio waves to detect and measure thoracic movement and respiration [23,24,[56][57][58]. Audio recording using noncontact microphones was also featured in 2 studies, with posterior sleep sound analysis using algorithms and deep learning methods [25,59]. In addition, 1 study detected snoring using an unconventional method by capturing its vibration using a bone-conducted transducer [31]. ...
... The studies included in this category had a lower risk of bias in the entire assembly, as shown in Table 11. In the patient selection domain, the risk of bias was negligible, whereas in the index test domain, only 2 studies faltered in questions Q5 [24] and Q10 [59]. [59], 2013 N/A Zaffaroni et al [57], 2013 N/A Crinion et al [56], 2020 N/A Xin et al [31], 2021 N/A Zhao et al [58], 2021 N/A Wei et al [23], 2022 N/A Zhuang et al [24], 2022 N/A Wang et al [25], 2022 a Indicates low risk of bias. ...
... In the patient selection domain, the risk of bias was negligible, whereas in the index test domain, only 2 studies faltered in questions Q5 [24] and Q10 [59]. [59], 2013 N/A Zaffaroni et al [57], 2013 N/A Crinion et al [56], 2020 N/A Xin et al [31], 2021 N/A Zhao et al [58], 2021 N/A Wei et al [23], 2022 N/A Zhuang et al [24], 2022 N/A Wang et al [25], 2022 a Indicates low risk of bias. b N/A: not applicable. ...
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Background Digital clinical tools are a new technology that can be used in the screening or diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), notwithstanding the crucial role of polysomnography, the gold standard. Objective This study aimed to identify, gather, and analyze the most accurate digital tools and smartphone-based health platforms used for OSA screening or diagnosis in the adult population. Methods We performed a comprehensive literature search of PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science databases for studies evaluating the validity of digital tools in OSA screening or diagnosis until November 2022. The risk of bias was assessed using the Joanna Briggs Institute critical appraisal tool for diagnostic test accuracy studies. The sensitivity, specificity, and area under the curve (AUC) were used as discrimination measures. Results We retrieved 1714 articles, 41 (2.39%) of which were included in the study. From these 41 articles, we found 7 (17%) smartphone-based tools, 10 (24%) wearables, 11 (27%) bed or mattress sensors, 5 (12%) nasal airflow devices, and 8 (20%) other sensors that did not fit the previous categories. Only 8 (20%) of the 41 studies performed external validation of the developed tool. Of these, the highest reported values for AUC, sensitivity, and specificity were 0.99, 96%, and 92%, respectively, for a clinical cutoff of apnea-hypopnea index (AHI)≥30. These values correspond to a noncontact audio recorder that records sleep sounds, which are then analyzed by a deep learning technique that automatically detects sleep apnea events, calculates the AHI, and identifies OSA. Looking at the studies that only internally validated their models, the work that reported the highest accuracy measures showed AUC, sensitivity, and specificity values of 1.00, 100%, and 96%, respectively, for a clinical cutoff AHI≥30. It uses the Sonomat—a foam mattress that, aside from recording breath sounds, has pressure sensors that generate voltage when deformed, thus detecting respiratory movements, and uses it to classify OSA events. Conclusions These clinical tools presented promising results with high discrimination measures (best results reached AUC>0.99). However, there is still a need for quality studies comparing the developed tools with the gold standard and validating them in external populations and other environments before they can be used in clinical settings. Trial Registration PROSPERO CRD42023387748;
... BresoDx ® is a Type IV PM that has been developed in Ontario in response to increasing volumes of sleep tests in the province. BresoDx has been evaluated in two prior observational studies that tested its diagnostic accuracy when performed simultaneously with PSG [10,11]. The Home Sleep Study with BresoDx for the Diagnosis of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (SIESTA) was a multicenter, randomized clinical trial assessing the agreement between the clinical diagnosis of OSA informed by the BresoDx against the clinical diagnosis informed by the PSG, in patients referred to sleep clinics with symptoms suggestive of OSA (Clinical trial registration number: NCT02003729). ...
... The BresoDx is a single-channel, respiratory recording device for home sleep apnea testing consisting of a breath sound-capturing single microphone and an accelerometer microchip embedded into a face frame (see Fig. 2). The microphone recorded breath sounds, which was stored on a removable, microSD card [11]. Upon completion of the home sleep study, the used BresoDx PM was mailed by the participant to the central coordinating site where the microSD card was removed and uploaded to a central server for automated data extraction and analysis. ...
... Upon completion of the home sleep study, the used BresoDx PM was mailed by the participant to the central coordinating site where the microSD card was removed and uploaded to a central server for automated data extraction and analysis. A validated, proprietary acoustic signal processing algorithm was used for breath sound analysis and calculation of the number of apneas and hypopneas per hour of recording time minus silent time: [11] AHI ¼ (total number of apneas þ hypopneas)/(total recording time e silent time). ...
Study objectives: The objectives of this study were to evaluate (1) the accuracy of the clinical diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) informed by the home sleep study with a Type 4 portable monitor BresoDx® versus Type 1 polysomnography (PSG); and (2) agreement of the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) compared between BresoDx and PSG. Material and methods: This was a randomized, parallel, multicentre, single-blind, pragmatic controlled trial enrolling adults referred to three Ontario sleep clinics for suspected OSA. Participants were randomized to BresoDx followed by PSG (one-night apart) or PSG followed by BresoDx sleep testing sequence arms. The primary outcomes included the accuracy of clinical diagnosis and OSA severity measured by AHI between tests. Results: In sum, 233 participants completed both sleep studies and 206 completed physician consultation visits. The agreement between clinical diagnosis informed by PSG versus BresoDx was fair (Cohen's kappa coefficient = 0.28). The sensitivity of BresoDx-informed clinical diagnosis against PSG was between 0.86 and 0.89, and the specificity between 0.38 and 0.44. For AHI cut-off of ≥5 events/hour the sensitivity, specificity and positive and negative predictive values were 0.85, 0.48, 0.81 and 0.54. Conclusions: Home sleep apnea testing with BresoDx can be used in a referral population with a high pretest probability of OSA similar to other Type IV devices. This study complements the existing body of evidence suggesting that home testing with portable devices plays a valuable role for diagnosing of OSA in a variety of settings. SIESTA TRIAL REGISTRATION: (Identifier: NCT02003729).
... This study documented no significant difference between the two sets in estimation of AHI, with high correlation between them. Several studies such as Gjevre et al. [25], Mohsenin [26], Alshaer et al. [27] and Vat et al. [28] observed a high level of agreement between both methods regarding AHI and respiratory disturbance index, and they suggested that the portable PSG is an efficient device to detect apneas and hypopneas and can be a suitable device in epidemiological studies. Bar et al. [29] documented that across a wide range of AHI levels, the portable AHI was highly correlated with the complete one (r=0.88, ...
... Masa et al. [31] stated that HRP AHI cutoff point (<5) had a sensitivity of 96%, a specificity of 57% and a negative likelihood ratio (LR) of 0.07; the cut-off >10 had a sensitivity of 87%, a specificity of 86%, and a positive LR of 6.25, with half the cost of that of complete one. Alshaer et al. [27] recruited 32 patients with OSA and stated that using a diagnostic Limits of agreement between full and limited polysomnography. ...
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Introduction Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the commonest breathing disorder during sleep and usually presents with sleep fragmentation, hypoxia, and excessive day sleepiness. Polysomnography (PSG) is still the device of choice for OSA diagnosis. Objective The aim was to compare the validity of limited PSG (measuring nasal flow of air, effort of respiratory muscles, heart rate, and oxygen saturation) with full PSG in diagnosis of OSA. Patients and methods Any patient who presented with snoring associated with excessive daytime sleepiness, Epworth sleep scale greater than or equal to 10, BMI greater than 30, or apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) greater than or equal to 5 events/h admitted to Chest Department, Faculty of Medicine, Tanta University Hospitals during the period from June 2018 to April 2019 was included in the study and subjected to full and limited PSG for two consecutive nights. Limited PSG included the following channels: nasal cannula and nasal thermistor, snoring microphone, the abdominal belt, the thoracic belt, the SOMNO screen plus, and the pulse oximetry lead. Results Limited PSG was comparable to full one, with insignificant difference in measuring AHI in total, moderate, and severe OSA cases. There was a significant positive correlation between AHI measured by full and limited PSG in both moderate and severe OSA cases. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and accuracy in measurement of AHI by limited PSG were higher in severe than in moderate OSA cases, which indicates that the limited PSG is more sensitive, more specific, and more accurate in the diagnosis of severe cases than moderate ones. Conclusion Limited PSG is a reliable diagnostic device of OSA, as it has excellent agreement with AHIs determined by full PSG besides its lower cost.
... VRI is a 2D grayscale imaging technique that measures respiratory acoustic variations using an array of piezo-acoustic sensors on the body's surface [88]. Furthermore, a wide range of acoustic-based methods have been investigated and developed to detect respiratory conditions including asthma [1,[89][90][91][92][93][94], obstructive sleep apnea [95][96][97], chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder [1,93,[98][99][100][101], tracheal stenosis [102], pneumothorax [86,[103][104][105], pneumonia [1,[106][107][108], pleural effusion [109], cystic fibrosis [110,111], and COVID-19 [112,113]. Some of these methods and medical conditions will be discussed in more detail in the rest of this section. ...
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In the past few decades, many non-invasive monitoring methods have been developed based on body acoustics to investigate a wide range of medical conditions, including cardiovascular diseases, respiratory problems, nervous system disorders, and gastrointestinal tract diseases. Recent advances in sensing technologies and computational resources have given a further boost to the interest in the development of acoustic-based diagnostic solutions. In these methods, the acoustic signals are usually recorded by acoustic sensors, such as microphones and accelerometers, and are analyzed using various signal processing, machine learning, and computational methods. This paper reviews the advances in these areas to shed light on the state-of-the-art, evaluate the major challenges, and discuss future directions. This review suggests that rigorous data analysis and physiological understandings can eventually convert these acoustic-based research investigations into novel health monitoring and point-of-care solutions.
... Recorded sounds are continually stored and can subsequently be downloaded for analysis. 18,19 As might be expected, a characteristic cyclical intermittent pattern of snoring has the greatest predictive potential for the diagnosis of OSA. In one report of 135 subjects with suspected OSA, the calculated AHI using BresoDX showed a relatively good correlation with PSG and demonstrated a diagnostic accuracy ranging between 88.9% and 93.3% at AHI cutoffs of 5 to 15. 20 More recently, an over the counter small, wireless wearable patch has been developed McNicholas CSLP920_proof ■ 7 September 2021 ■ 3:50 pm (Zansors, Arlington, VA), which estimates breathing patterns using an inbuilt microphone and includes an accelerometer to record movement. ...
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Developments in signal technology and analysis provide novel approaches to the assessment of patients suspected of OSA, which range from enhanced analysis of traditional signals to novel signal technologies that provide surrogate markers of OSA. The potential range of novel approaches to the assessment of OSA is illustrated in Fig. 1. Fig. 1Potential physiologic signals for the diagnosis and monitoring of OSA. Signals can be fed wirelessly or via Bluetooth to a router or smartphone and then uploaded to a secured database, whereby end users may access and review the data. BP, blood pressure; ECG, electrocardiogram; EEG, electroencephalogram. • View Large Image • Figure Viewer • Download Hi-res image • Download (PPT)
... Despite snoring being a common finding in OSA, on its own, snoring is probably of limited value in the assessment of OSA, due to its weak relationship with AHI (84). However, breath sounds are capable of being recorded and may offer an alternative home measure of AHI. can be transferred to a central server for acoustic analysis (85,86). In this context, an intermittent pattern of snoring is likely to be the most useful predictive pattern for OSA. ...
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Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is a growing and serious worldwide health problem with significant health and socioeconomic consequences. Current diagnostic testing strategies are limited by cost, access to resources and over reliance on one measure, namely the apnoea-hypopnoea frequency per hour (AHI). Recent evidence supports moving away from the AHI as the principle measure of OSA severity towards a more personalised approach to OSA diagnosis and treatment that includes phenotypic and biological traits. Novel advances in technology include the use of signals such as heart rate variability (HRV), oximetry and peripheral arterial tonometry (PAT) as alternative or additional measures. Ubiquitous use of smartphones and developments in wearable technology have also led to increased availability of applications and devices to facilitate home screening of at-risk populations, although current evidence indicates relatively poor accuracy in comparison with the traditional gold standard polysomnography (PSG). In this review, we evaluate the current strategies for diagnosing OSA in the context of their limitations, potential physiological targets as alternatives to AHI and the role of novel technology in OSA. We also evaluate the current evidence for using newer technologies in OSA diagnosis, the physiological targets such as smartphone applications and wearable technology. Future developments in OSA diagnosis and assessment will likely focus increasingly on systemic effects of sleep disordered breathing (SDB) such as changes in nocturnal oxygen and blood pressure (BP); and may also include other factors such as circulating biomarkers. These developments will likely require a re-evaluation of the diagnostic and grading criteria for clinically significant OSA.
... Six months after entering the CR program, the AHI was determined in the patients' homes by a validated portable home sleep apnea diagnostic device, BresoDX (BresoTEC Inc., Toronto, Ontario, Canada). [10][11][12] Data recorded using BresoDX were downloaded and analyzed by a computerized algorithm that automatically detects apnea and hypopneas as previously described. 10 Sleep time was estimated using head actigraphy embedded in the BresoDX face-frame. ...
Study objectives: Sleep apnea (SA) is prevalent among patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) and increases cardiovascular risk. A previous study showed that 1 month of cardiac rehabilitation (CR) reduced severity of SA in patients with CAD by reducing fluid accumulation in the legs during the day and the amount of fluid shifting rostrally into the neck overnight. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether CR will lead to longer-term attenuation of SA in patients with CAD. Methods: Fifteen patients with CAD and SA who had participated in a 1-month randomized trial of the effects of exercise training on SA were followed up until they completed 6 months of CR (age: 65 ± 10 years; body mass index: 27.0 ± 3.9 kg/m2; apnea-hypopnea index [AHI]: 39.0 ± 16.7). The AHI was evaluated at baseline by polysomnography and then at 6 months by portable monitoring at home. Cardiorespiratory fitness (VO2peak) was evaluated via a graded cardiopulmonary exercise test at baseline and 6 months later. The 6-month CR program included once weekly, 90-minute, in-facility exercise sessions, and 4 days per week at-home exercise sessions. Results: After 6 months of CR, there was a 54% reduction in the AHI (30.5 ± 15.2 to 14.1 ± 7.5, P < .001). Body mass index remained unchanged, but VO2peak increased by 27% (20.0 ± 6.1 to 26.0 ± 8.9 mL/kg/min, P = .04). Conclusions: Participation in CR is associated with a significant long-term decrease in the severity of SA. This finding suggests that attenuation of SA by exercise could be a mechanism underlying reduced mortality following participation in CR in patients with CAD and SA. Clinical trial registration: This study is registered at with identifier number ISRCTN50108373.
... However, it is an expensive procedure that requires the patient to spend a night in a sleep laboratory, which is uncomfortable and in many locales inaccessible. In order to overcome this limitation, several researchers have developed simple diagnostic tools for portable home monitoring of sleep apnea [10][11][12][13]. Yet, those methods still require and an overnight test. ...
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Background and Rational: Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a common disorder, affecting almost 10% of adults, but very underdiagnosed. This is largely due to limited access to overnight sleep testing using polysomnography (PSG). Our goal was to distinguish OSA from healthy individual using a simple maneuver during wakefulness in combination with machine learning methods. Methods: Participants have undergone an overnight PSG to determine their ground truth OSA severity. Separately, they were asked to breathe through a nasal mask or a mouth piece through which negative pressure (NP) was applied, during wakefulness. Airflow waveforms were acquired and several features were extracted and used to train various classifiers to predict OSA. Results and Discussion: The performance of each classifier and experimental setup was calculated. The best results were obtained using Random Forest classifier for distinguishing OSA from healthy individuals with a very good area under the curve of 0.80. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to deploy machine learning and NP with promising path to diagnose OSA during wakefulness.
... Simultaneous with PSG, breath sounds were captured by a portable monitoring device, BresoDX® (BresoTEC Inc.). This is an open lightweight face frame with an embedded electronic module and a microphone [21,22] as illustrated in Fig. 1. Participants' breath sounds were sampled at 16 kHz and continuously recorded throughout sleep for up to 8 h on a micro SD card. ...
Background: The impact of simple snoring on sleep structure and sleepiness has not been well described. In several studies, self-reported snoring was associated with increased daytime sleepiness. However, most studies did not distinguish patients with simple snoring from those with coexisting obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) using objective measures. We therefore evaluated the relationship between objectively measured snoring and both sleep structure and daytime sleepiness in patients with no or mild OSA. Methods: Subjects referred for suspected sleep disorders underwent polysomnography (PSG) during which breath sounds were recorded by a microphone. Those with an apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) <15/h were analyzed. Individual snores were identified by a computer algorithm, from which the snore index (SI) was calculated as the number of snores/h of sleep. Sleep stages and arousals were quantified. Daytime sleepiness was evaluated using the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) score. Results: 74 (35 males) subjects were included (age, mean ± SD: 46.4 ± 15.3 years and body mass index: 29.8 ± 7.0 kg/m2). The mean SI was 266 ± 243 snores/h. Subjects were categorized according to their SI into 3 tertiles: SI < 100, between 100-350, and >350. No sleep structure indeces, arousals, or ESS score differed among SI tertiles (p > 0.13). There was no correlation between SI and any of these variables (p > 0.29). In contrast, the AHI was significantly related to frequency of arousals (r = 0.23, p = 0.048). Conclusions: These findings suggest that simple snoring assessed objectively is not related to indices of sleep structure or subjective sleepiness.
This paper provides a comprehensive review of available technologies for measurements of vital physiology related parameters that cause sleep disordered breathing (SDB). SDB is a chronic disease that may lead to several health problems and increase the risk of high blood pressure and even heart attack. Therefore, the diagnosis of SDB at an early stage is very important. The essential primary step before diagnosis is measurement. Vital health parameters related to SBD might be measured through invasive or non-invasive methods. Nowadays, with respect to increase in aging population, improvement in home health management systems is needed more than even a decade ago. Moreover, traditional health parameter measurement techniques such as polysomnography are not comfortable and introduce additional costs to the consumers. Therefore, in modern advanced self-health management devices, electronics and communication science are combined to provide appliances that can be used for SDB diagnosis, by monitoring a patient's physiological parameters with more comfort and accuracy. Additionally, development in machine learning algorithms provides accurate methods of analysing measured signals. This paper provides a comprehensive review of measurement approaches, data transmission, and communication networks, alongside machine learning algorithms for sleep stage classification, to diagnose SDB.
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We tested the hypothesis that the inspiratory and expiratory phases of breathing could be identified from breath sound recordings during sleep. Breath sounds were digitally recorded from 10 subjects during sleep. Frequency spectra of inspiration and expiration were determined. The ratio of frequency magnitude bins between 400-1000 Hz to frequency bins between 10-400 Hz was calculated for inspiration (Ri) and expiration (Re) for each breath. The Ri/Re ratio was significantly greater than the thresholds of 1.5 (p < 0.001) and 2-fold (p < 0.001). Breathing phases were correctly identified in 90% and 73% of cases using the 1.5 and 2.0 thresholds, respectively.
Context Sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) and sleep apnea have been linked to hypertension in previous studies, but most of these studies used surrogate information to define SDB (eg, snoring) and were based on small clinic populations, or both.Objective To assess the association between SDB and hypertension in a large cohort of middle-aged and older persons.Design and Setting Cross-sectional analyses of participants in the Sleep Heart Health Study, a community-based multicenter study conducted between November 1995 and January 1998.Participants A total of 6132 subjects recruited from ongoing population-based studies (aged ≥40 years; 52.8% female).Main Outcome Measures Apnea-hypopnea index (AHI, the average number of apneas plus hypopneas per hour of sleep, with apnea defined as a cessation of airflow and hypopnea defined as a ≥30% reduction in airflow or thoracoabdominal excursion both of which are accompanied by a ≥4% drop in oxyhemoglobin saturation), obtained by unattended home polysomnography. Other measures include arousal index; percentage of sleep time below 90% oxygen saturation; history of snoring; and presence of hypertension, defined as resting blood pressure of at least 140/90 mm Hg or use of antihypertensive medication.Results Mean systolic and diastolic blood pressure and prevalence of hypertension increased significantly with increasing SDB measures, although some of this association was explained by body mass index (BMI). After adjusting for demographics and anthropometric variables (including BMI, neck circumference, and waist-to-hip ratio), as well as for alcohol intake and smoking, the odds ratio for hypertension, comparing the highest category of AHI (≥30 per hour) with the lowest category (<1.5 per hour), was 1.37 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.03-1.83; P for trend=.005). The corresponding estimate comparing the highest and lowest categories of percentage of sleep time below 90% oxygen saturation (≥12% vs <0.05%) was 1.46 (95% CI, 1.12-1.88; P for trend <.001). In stratified analyses, associations of hypertension with either measure of SDB were seen in both sexes, older and younger ages, all ethnic groups, and among normal-weight and overweight individuals. Weaker and nonsignificant associations were observed for the arousal index or self-reported history of habitual snoring.Conclusion Our findings from the largest cross-sectional study to date indicate that SDB is associated with systemic hypertension in middle-aged and older individuals of different sexes and ethnic backgrounds. Figures in this Article Sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) and the related clinical syndrome, sleep apnea, have been associated with hypertension in clinical reports since the early 1980s.1- 4 Earlier studies of this association used self-reported history of "snoring" as a surrogate for the presence of sleep apnea. Although some of these studies showed an independent association between snoring and hypertension,5- 7 others found that this relationship may be explained by confounding effects of age, sex, or obesity.8- 11 Two recent studies have demonstrated that self-reported history of snoring is associated with increased incidence of self-reported hypertension in middle-aged men12 and women.13 Other studies have used polysomnography (PSG), a more objective measure of SDB. Most of these studies,14- 19 but not all,20- 21 found an association between sleep apnea and hypertension, independent of age, sex, body weight, and other potential confounders. With the exception of the reports from the Wisconsin Sleep Cohort Study of middle-aged employed persons,15,18 most previous studies were based on a small number of patients in clinical settings.22 Given the strong association between SDB and obesity and adiposity measures,23 some researchers have cautioned that even in studies controlling for body mass index (BMI), there is a potential for residual confounding, since fat distribution may be the strongest confounding component of obesity.24 This study is based on baseline cross-sectional data from the Sleep Heart Health Study (SHHS), a multicenter study of the cardiovascular consequences of sleep apnea in participants recruited from ongoing population-based cohort studies.25 Our results represent the largest cross-sectional study to date of the association between SDB and hypertension in apparently healthy middle-aged and older adults. We assessed SDB in the subjects' homes using a portable PSG monitor. Its association with blood pressure and hypertension is examined while controlling for the potential confounding effects of demographic variables, body weight, and measures of body fat distribution.