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Ability requirements in core aviation profession. Job analyses of airline pilots and air traffic controllers.



Differential job analyses are an important basis for the design of selection and training programs for pilots and controllers. Particularly, the dramatic changes in flight guidance technologies and the growing awareness with regard to pilots and controllers as system managers call for a review of the basic personal capabilities needed for these key professions in aviation. This article describes the development of an extended job analysis technique, reports the results of recent job analysis surveys and discusses the implications for selection and training.
K.-M.Goeters (2004). Aviation Psychology: Practice and Research (pp. 99-119). Ashgate.
Ability requirements in core aviation professions -
job analyses of airline pilots and airtraffic controllers
Klaus-Martin Goeters, Peter Maschke, Hinnerk Eißfeldt
Differential job analyses are an important basis for the design of selection and training programs
for pilots and controllers. Particularly, the dramatic changes in flight guidance technologies and
the growing awareness with regard to pilots and controllers as system managers call for a review
of the basic personal capabilities needed for these key professions in aviation. This article
describes the development of an extended job analysis technique, reports the results of recent job
analysis surveys and discusses the implications for selection and training.
A method which has its origin in aviation psychology is the Job Analysis Survey F-JAS by
Fleishman 1992. It uses the professional experience of job holders of any given job in assessing
their own job demands of which they are well aware. The common problem of job holders of not
being capable of expressing their experience in sophisticated terms is solved by F-JAS in
carefully describing its scales which are presented with clear definitions of psychological
components. These components are also compared with similar but not identical factors and
presented as 7- point-scales with behavioural anchors.
A main advantage of the Fleishman system is the possibility to transfer the results directly into
test or assessment methods (Fleishman & Reilly 1992). The original F-JAS consists of 72 rating
scales, which include the following areas (Number of scales of a particular area in brackets.):
a. Aptitudes subdivided into
Cognitive Abilities (21)
Psychomotor Abilities (10)
Physical Abilities (9)
Sensory Abilities (12)
b. Knowledge and Skills (11)
c. Interactive / Social Components (9).
The incorporated aptitude scales reflect the factor-analytic research over several decades (e.g. see
Pawlik 1968; Amelang & Bartussek 1981). The aptitudes described can be seen as components
whose existence and relevance is proven by basic research. Although most of the scales used by
F-JAS are based on factor analytic results, the method does not claim that the different scales of
the F-JAS are independent factors. A certain overlap between scales might exist.
Unfortunately the F-JAS does not cover the interpersonal domain to the same extent as the
performance area. Only 9 interactive / social scales are included in the original F-JAS. At DLR
Aviation and Space Psychology, Hamburg nine additional scales were constructed so that
relevant components of interpersonal behaviour are now better represented.
Table 1 lists the existing as well as the newly developed interactive / social scales. It is obvious
that the formulation of the new scales was inspired by terms which are often used in the
discussion on Crew Resource Management (CRM). Nevertheless, the terms are not unique CRM
K.-M.Goeters (2004). Aviation Psychology: Practice and Research (pp. 99-119). Ashgate.
terms and thus should be adequate also in occupational areas other than aviation. These are the
definitions for the additional interactive / social scales:
Self Awareness
This is the skill of assessing one‘s own performance and personal fitness. It involves comparing
the own action and personal fitness against norms, past behaviour, goals and values.
This is the process by which relevant information and intentions are shared by persons through
the exchange of verbal and non-verbal messages.
This is the ability to function effectively as a member of a team. Contributing one‘s individual
abilities towards the attainment of team goals in agreement and co-ordination with the other team
mates. It also involves absence of competition.
This is the ability to influence the activities of an organised group in its efforts towards goal
setting and goal achievement. It involves motivating, activating and monitoring the group.
This is the skill of taking action of one‘s own accord and of standing up for one‘s own opinion. It
involves a healthy sense of responsibility.
This is the disposition to develop, direct, regulate and maintain effort and energy in order to reach
an objective, despite obstacles or difficulties.
Stress Resistance
This is the capability to cope with stress situations in such way that control is maintained and the
objective achieved.
Situational Awareness
This is the capability to remain always cognisant of the surroundings within a dynamically
changing environment. It involves temporal awareness and the anticipation of future events based
on knowledge of both the past and the present.
Decision Making
This is the ability to choose appropriate responses to complex situations where several options
are possible. It involves evaluating several sources of information, option finding and risk
------ Insert Table 1 about here ------
A very important step in scale construction is to find proper anchors. The anchors should be well
understood by everybody (researchers as well as subjects) working with the F-JAS method. The
scale position of the anchors also has to be calibrated. This can only be done empirically by
assessing the respective occupational activities. A large variety of anchors were tested but only
K.-M.Goeters (2004). Aviation Psychology: Practice and Research (pp. 99-119). Ashgate.
those can be used which show a scale disparity of ratings (Standard Deviation SD < 1). The
anchors are positioned on the 7-point-scales by arrows which reflect the average degree of
empirically collected ratings. The scale Cooperation is presented in figure 1 as an example of the
principal scale structure.
------ Insert Figure 1 about here ------
The original F-JAS scales for Knowledge & Skills include some components which are
obviously not relevant for pilots and controllers (e.g. Type Writing). These scales were removed
from the scale system in the reported studies.
Job analysis of airline pilots
Study design and subjects
This study was planned to determine a general profile of job demands for airline pilots, but also
to evaluate whether there are differences with respect to
Cockpit position (Captain vs. F/O)
Short vs. long haul flight operation
Degree of cockpit computerisation:
Degree I (less, the "Hybrid" cockpit: A310, B737, B747-200)
Degree II (more, the "Glass" cockpit: A320, A340, B747-400).
Therefore, 141 pilots of a major European airline (Lufthansa) who represented the different
cockpit positions, flight operations and cockpit types participated in the study: 49 captains and 92
First Officers, 81 pilots flying short and 56 long haul, 75 pilots on hybrid and 62 on glass cockpit
aircraft (4 cases not included due to mixed operation). The modified F-JAS was administered to
the pilots at regular fleet meetings. This prevented a certain bias with respect to attitudes related
to questionnaires. None of the attendees refused to fill in the F-JAS. First they were asked to
what extent the F-JAS factors are required for today's airline pilots' work in general. Secondly
they were asked to rate to what extent the factors are specifically relevant in their own
occupational situations.
Results: General profile
The ratings of the 141 airline pilots revealed a very typical profile concerning the factors which
are nowadays relevant for airline pilots' work in general. There was a clear consensus concerning
the general profile (Goeters & Maschke 1998; Maschke, Goeters & Klamm 2000). A similar
result was also obtained for airline pilot students (Maschke & Goeters 1999).
In most of the scales the ratings of the pilots varied, with a standard deviation of approximately 1.
Since the 4 of the 7-point-scales is the centre and thus indicates a "normal" degree of relevance,
it was defined that average ratings which are more than 1 SD above 4 are classified as relevant (>
5) and those which are more than 2 SD above 4 are very relevant (> 6). No average rating below
3 was observed. Thus we added two categories: Ratings between 4 and 5 are classified as normal
K.-M.Goeters (2004). Aviation Psychology: Practice and Research (pp. 99-119). Ashgate.
and between 3 and 4 below normal. Table 2 reports the results for all 76 F-JAS scales used
(including the 9 new DLR scale developments, but excluding for acceptance reasons five scales
which were clearly not related to the job of pilots, e.g. Type Writing). The factors per cell are
grouped according to their average ratings.
------ Insert Table 2 about here ------
In the area of Cognitive Abilities many factors rated as relevant or very relevant have been well
known as criteria for pilot selection since World War II (Guilford & Lacey 1947; Hörmann
1998): Time Sharing, Spatial Orientation, Selective Attention, Perceptual Speed, Number
Facility, Memorisation and Visualisation. The other relevant factors are in many selection
programs not directly but indirectly measured, since they are embedded in existing tests as co-
variables. The only scale where a complete contradiction between traditional acceptance and
today's ratings exist is the factor Mathematical Reasoning, which is now not rated as relevant. In
practice Number Facility (quick and accurate calculations) seems to be more relevant than
Mathematical Reasoning (solving mathematical problems).
In the area of Psychomotor Abilities the factors Rate Control, Control Precision, Response
Orientation, Multi-limb Co-ordination and Reaction Time are rated as relevant or very relevant.
These are diagnostic components of the classical apparatus tests for pilot selection ( e.g. Complex
Coordination Test CCT; see Melton 1947, Fleishman & Hempel 1954, Seifert 1966/ Instrument
Coordination Analyser ICA; see Gubser 1963 / Test of Multiple Task Performance TOM ; see
Hörmann, Manzey & Finell 1989). Some of these test principles also date back to World War II.
None of the physical abilities indicating aspects of body strength and flexibility were rated as
relevant or very relevant. Indeed it seems that these factors are negligible in today's airline
business, where such technologies as "fly by wire" etc. do not require the physical condition of
athletes. Pilots primarily have to be healthy but not very athletic. Practising sports is good for
keeping healthy. This contrasts with the older selection philosophy, which considered physical
strength also as a selection criterion. The argument was that in certain extreme situations strong
forces are needed to control an aircraft with mechanical transmission of the control inputs. Such
aircraft are vanishing increasingly from the market.
In the area of Sensory Abilities the factors Auditory Attention, Speech Recognition, Night
Vision, Far Vision, Glare Sensitivity, Depth Perception and Peripheral Vision are rated as
relevant or very relevant. The first two are part of existing pilot selection programs; for example
DLR's Clearance Test for Auditory Memory and Attention was already developed in the late '60s
for screening pilot applicants. Another test is the Dichotic Listening Test which was originally
developed by Gopher & Kahneman 1971. All the other relevant sensory abilities are clearly
factors which are to be evaluated in the medical examination of pilots but not in the
psychological selection program.
In the area of Knowledge & Skills only Map Reading and Reading Plans are rated as relevant
and above. Neither factor is a basic capability but a trained skill. Thus they are not selection
criteria but training results.
In the area of Interactive / Social Skills a concentration of factors appeared which were rated
K.-M.Goeters (2004). Aviation Psychology: Practice and Research (pp. 99-119). Ashgate.
relevant or very relevant. 77% of all scales in this area are rated relevant and above. No other
area holds such a high percentage. Stress Resistance, Co-operation, Communication and Decision
Making are rated as very relevant for working as airline pilots, while Situational Awareness,
Leadership, Self Awareness, Resistence to Premature Judgement, Behaviour Flexibility,
Resilience, Assertiveness, Motivation, Social Sensitivity and Oral Fact Finding are rated as
Discussion of the general profile
The results confirm that such cognitive and psychomotor aptitudes still are necessary for airline
pilots of today which were already components in selection test batteries during the last decades
(e.g. see the list of operational aptitudes under (European) Joint Aviation Requirements JAR-
FCL, Part 3, Subpart A, B and C, Aviation Psychology).
The results clearly indicate also the importance of interpersonal capabilities and managerial skills
for airline pilots. Unfortunately, only few diagnostic methods existed so far by which the highly
rated Interactive / Social Factors can be assessed in pilot selection programs. As a consequence
pilot selection programs should intensify personality assessment. Recently DLR has developed
and checked various new methods. Traditional tools as well as new developments are now in use:
Personality questionnaires, different interview techniques and assessment center methods.
Advantages and disadvantages regarding their validity, economy and acceptance are discussed in
the article of Maschke, Pecena and Höft in this book.
With respect to training goals the results strongly support the philosophy of Crew Resource
Management (CRM) training, since this training is designed to improve the behavioural potential
in areas like communication, cooperation, leadership and decision making (see Eißfeldt, Goeters,
Hörmann, Maschke & Schiewe 1994). All these aspects were rated high. The best approach of
personnel development in the area of social/interactive capabilities is a combined one: finding the
respective talents by selection and forming them up to an appropriate level of competence in
CRM skills by training.
Results: Specific Ratings
The specific ratings were evaluated regarding the cockpit position (first officer/captain), flight
operation (short- vs. longhaul) and the degree of computerization (high/low). Senior first officers
were included in the group of first officers. As the respective airline maintained a modern fleet
and did not operate real conventional aircraft at the time of the study. It was differentiated
between a low degree of computerization (e.g. B747-200) and highly computerized cockpits (e.g.
A320). Four pilots could not be included in the evaluation concerning the degree of
computerization, since they had two ratings on different types.
Table 3 (left column) shows the differences between specific mean ratings of the captains and
the first officers. Only significant differences in those scales which were rated as at least
important (>5) in the general ratings (altogether 42 scales, see table 2) are presented.
------ Insert Table 3 about here ------
Only in 10 out of these 42 scales were significant differences regarding the cockpit position
K.-M.Goeters (2004). Aviation Psychology: Practice and Research (pp. 99-119). Ashgate.
observed in the specific ratings, in 32 scales the differences were not significant. All significant
differences showed higher ratings for captains than for first officers. The highest difference in
mean ratings between captains and first officers was found in the interactive/social scale
Leadership, which clearly reflects the differences in responsibility of both positions.
As table 3 (right column) shows, concerning the level of computerization no significant
differences were observed in the scales generally rated as important. Only in scales with a mean
general rating of the required level of less than 5, and therefore not given in table 3, were some
differences statistically significant: Pilots working in high computerized cockpits rated Finger
Dexterity, Persistance, Manual Dexterity, Visual Color Discrimination, Sound Localisation, and
Electrical Knowledge as more important and Static Strength as less important than pilots working
in cockpits with a lower level of computerization.
Results of the comparison between short and long haul flying are not reported here since this
comparison did not reveal any substantial information. The ratings turned out to be mainly a
confirmation of the general profile.
Discussion of the specific ratings
The results of the specific ratings concerning the cockpit position are not of particular
relevance with regard to selection: Not only because few significant differences between captains
and first officers were found, but also because major airlines do not look for applicants who will
always fly as first officers. Normally an airline wants a first officer to fulfil all necessary
requirements for being upgraded to a captain when appropriately experienced. Nevertheless the
results regarding cockpit position are interesting as to the specific tasks within the cockpit crew.
The requirements needed for being a successful first officer are in most cases not significantly
different from those of captains. First officers perform an important function within the cockpit
crew with a high level of responsibility. Therefore the similarity between the ratings of captains
and first officers may also be a result of progressive MCC- and CRM-philosophies in the airline.
The specific results due to computerization are even more surprising, since no significant
differences in the important factors were found between less and highly computerized cockpits.
In particular there appears to be no general reduction of the level of demands due to
computerization. On the contrary, if at all, there is a trend towards slightly higher requirements in
highly computerized cockpits. Altogether the consequences of cockpit-computerization for job
requirements should not be overestimated. This result is very important with regard to selection,
because the selection decision should normally be valid for the whole of the pilot`s career, which
usually covers some decades. Although there is no garantee for stable demands in the long run,
there is hope that the basic requirements in modern airline pilot selection will not dramatically
change in the near future.
K.-M.Goeters (2004). Aviation Psychology: Practice and Research (pp. 99-119). Ashgate.
Ability requirements for current and advanced ATM systems
Several studies with the F-JAS (Fleishman 1992) have been conducted with controllers of the
Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH DFS aiming at the foundation of a potentiality analysis (Deuchert
2002), the description of differences between controller working positions (Eißfeldt 1997; 1998;
Eißfeldt & Heintz 2002) and the reflection of these findings in the selection procedures (Heintz
1998). These studies finally included the Upper Area Controller working position and led to the
final conclusion, that despite smaller differences in general there is a communality concerning
ability requirements across different controller working positions (Eißfeldt et al., 2001).To collect
knowledge about the current ability requirements in ATC also raised questions about potential
changes with future ATM systems and their consequences for selection (CAST 1998). Will
today`s ab-initio controllers ever work in the ATC system reflected in the current job analyses? If
not, which ability requirements will change, which will remain? Which training efforts have to be
planned? To find answers anexperimental study was conducted to directly compare the job
demands of current ATC with those expected to come when ATC will be highly computerized.
The F-JAS was used with controllers participating in a simulation of future highly computerized
ATC systems. The simulation took place at Deutsche Flugsicherung, Research and Development
Division in Langen, Germany and is in more detail described in Eißfeldt, Deuchert& Bierwagen
Study design and subjects
The simulation features for future ATC were:
- Data link for air/ground and sector/sector communication; no radio telephony.
- Stripless system; flight information only on computer screens
- Availability of planning tools (like an automatic extrapolation of the airspace situation for
the next 10 minutes period)
- Automatic conflict detection aids
28 ATC controllers (16 trainees at the end of on the job training and 12 experienced
professionals) participated in the investigation which followed these steps:
1. First presentation of the F-JAS: The controllers had to assess the job demands of current
ATC with which they were all familiar with.
2. The controllers were introduced into the new ATC system by Computer-Based Training
(CBT) of 2 hours.
3. In a Warm-up phase of 1 hour the controllers exercised the new ATC system.
4. 4 “sharp” simulation scenarios with rising complexity followed.
5. The F-JAS were presented a second time in order to assess the requirements under the
simulated future ATC conditions.
The results of the F-JAS ratings will be described here as follows: for each subset of abilities first
the results will be listed in tables ranked by size of rating for the data link experience (Future
ATC). In addition the Wilcoxon test for non-parametric small samples is described for each
K.-M.Goeters (2004). Aviation Psychology: Practice and Research (pp. 99-119). Ashgate.
ability to identify significant differences of the ratings before and after simulation.
Cognitive, psychomotor and sensory abilities
In the F-JAS basic abilities are covered by the scales for cognitive, psychomotor, sensory and
physical abilities. The later have been left out since physical abilities were considered irrelevant
for ATC.
Table 4 lists means and standard deviation for ratings before and after simulation and the
significance level of the Wilcoxon Test for the validated F-JAS abilities. Abilities are ranked by
Data link ratings. Varying sample sizes are due to omissions especially by one subject.
------ Insert Table 4 about here ------
Cognitive abilities
'The dynamic process of collecting, processing and distributing information is the central aspect
in air traffic control. This information stems from multiple sources (visual, acoustic, gestures)
and often has to be processed simultaneously, performing multiple tasks at the same time with
high demands on information storing and readjustments of plans due to new incoming
information. Typical for air traffic control is a high time criticality and the complexity of the
task.' (CAST 1998, p. 79). Most of these criteria are reflected by cognitive abilities of the F-JAS.
Therefore cognitive abilities are the central ability requirements for the air traffic controller job as
they reflect the core aspects of the task.
Similar as with all comparable studies Time Sharing was shown to be the most required ability
for current air traffic control, followed by Selective Attention and Problem Sensitivity, both
receiving mean ratings of about 6. Mean ratings between 6 and 5 were found for Speed of
Closure, Memorisation, Oral Comprehension, Oral Expression, Perceptual Speed, Originality and
Fluency of Ideas. All other cognitive abilities received ratings between 5 and 4 besides
Mathematical Reasoning and Category Flexibility being rated slightly below 4, indicating that
these cognitive abilities could not be considered essential for the current job.
Eißfeldt 1998 showed for different data the top-ranked cognitive abilities being Time Sharing and
Selective Attention and the bottom-ranked abilities being Mathematical Reasoning, Category
Flexibility and Written Expression. These findings are identical for the data describing current
ATC. But also for the other cognitive abilities it can be stated that this profile is well in line with
prior findings with the F- JAS.
The comparison of ratings for current versus future ATC shows numerous effects of data link
simulation experience. A first look reveals that for the majority of cognitive abilities a decrease
of requirement level can be stated for future ATC. Only 5 out of 21 abilities show minor
increases, none of them reaching statistical significance. 9 out of 21 cognitive abilities do show
significant differences of ratings before and after simulation experience. All those abilities are
showing decrease in the level of requirement. The strongest effects occurred for Oral Expression
and Oral Comprehension, followed by Written Expression. These findings clearly reflect the
experience of voice substitution in data link environment. The decrease for Written
K.-M.Goeters (2004). Aviation Psychology: Practice and Research (pp. 99-119). Ashgate.
Comprehension is not as clear to be interpreted, may be this reflects more the substitution of
flight strips. Number Facility receives ratings significantly lower after simulation experience.
This might be due to the fact that planning tools make calculations of estimates obsolete.
Problem Sensitivity and Speed of Closure are abilities being required at a reduced level in data
link environment as well. This can reflect greater trust in aircraft input being transferred via data
link compared to the use of voice, making fast checking and deep insight less required. The most
important finding for cognitive abilities is that after the experience of data link simulation Time
Sharing and Selective Attention are rated being significantly less required compared to the
current job. Both are the core abilities for the current systems requirements, and often they are
indicating the limits of performance for applicants as well as for trainees. To see -among others -
these requirements significantly reduced indicates that requirements for cognitive abilities are not
necessarily being raised any further by data link systems. This gives confidence concerning
human performance in data link systems. Nevertheless it must be made clear, that even for the
data link environment Time Sharing received the highest mean rating, followed by Problem
Sensitivity, Perceptual Speed and Speed of Closure.
Psychomotor abilities
Only 2 out of 10 psychomotor abilities received ratings nearly reaching 5. Reaction Time and
Response Orientation can be viewed as being essential for the current air traffic controller job.
This is well in line with prior studies (Heintz 1998). In all studies abilities connected with
movements of arms and hands receive ratings between 2 and 3 showing that they are not to be
considered as important for the job.
The comparison of ratings before and after simulation experience are showing two major effects.
Firstly it seems that psychomotor abilities connected with reaction to dynamic processes are not
affected by simulation experience. Reaction Time, Response Orientation and Control Precision
receive the same or slightly higher ratings for the data link environment. Secondly, all the
abilities connected with movement of arms and hands do show significant increase of
requirement. This effect certainly reflects the introduction of mouse-handling as major input
device for the ATM system. For Finger Dexterity and Wrist-Finger Speed this leads to mean
ratings of above 4 indicating that with data link these abilities become slightly more relevant
requirements for the job. Whether this is some kind of primary effect that might be washed out
when getting used to mouse-input is unclear, but it underlines the importance of ergonomic
aspects when planning new workstations. Often the design of existing workplaces is weak in
sense of mousepad placement.
Sensory abilities
The ratings for sensory abilities are showing the importance of good functioning of senses for air
traffic control. 5 out of 12 mean ratings are 5 or higher. Compared to data described by Heintz
1998 it seems that ratings for aspects of vision would have been higher if air traffic controllers
used to the tower position would have participated. However, eye and ear are the controller's
main input channels for information, and especially all abilities connected with hearing are
required to a high level in current ATC. Auditory Attention, Speech Recognition, Speech Clarity
and Hearing Sensitivity receive mean ratings between 5 and 6. Also Sound Localisation could be
K.-M.Goeters (2004). Aviation Psychology: Practice and Research (pp. 99-119). Ashgate.
considered to be essential for the job to a certain degree.
For abilities connected to eyesight Near Vision is clearly indicating the highest requirement level,
certainly due to the fact that the radar screen is the most important visual medium for approach
and area control.
Again the comparison of ratings before and after the simulation reveals clear changes. Most
prominent is the strong decrease in requirements connected with the auditory channel. All the
abilities being rated as essential for the job (5 or above) are after the data link simulation
experience being considered as not essential (ratings between 3,0 and 3,5). All these effects are
highly significant, leading to the impression that the data link simulation as used makes the use of
voice irrelevant. However, although there was no back-up voice channel provided as no simulator
pilots were employed, study participants used to talk to each other directly whenever they felt to.
So voice communication was not prevented in this study. The longest period of silent control (no
verbal communication) was about 25 minutes, varying largely from team to team.
The strongest effect on abilities connected with eyesight is the significant increase in the
requirement level of Visual Colour Discrimination together with a strong increase for Near
Vision being close to significance (p =.06). Both reflect the nearly complete reliance on visual
input with the data link simulation. It has to be questioned whether this would be feasible in the
long run with the screens presently in use. At least eyesight problems can develop faster and
stronger in data link environment compared to current air traffic controller work.
Interactive / Social Scales
Results with the original interactive / social scales of the F-JAS and with additional scales by
DLR (see table 1 are listed in table 5). Varying sample sizes are due to omissions especially by
one subject.
------ Insert Table 5 about here ------
Using the same criteria as before the importance of the interactive / social scales for the current
ATC job is obvious, as 11 out of 18 scales receive ratings above 5 and are therefore considered to
be essential for the job. Stress Resistance, Decision Making, Cooperation, Communication,
Resilience, Situational Awareness, Motivation, Behaviour Flexibility, Self Awareness,
Assertiveness and Resistance to Premature Judgement (in order of magnitude) are rated above 5.
These findings are well in line with other studies (Heintz 1998), with the same ranking order and
sometimes nearly identical mean ratings.
As expressed in the difference of ratings before and after simulation experience, study
participants perceived interactive / social aspects clearly being less required for data link
environment. In most scales this effect is significant. The work situation under full
computerization with data link etc becomes less demanding. What still remains is that controllers
need situational awareness, behavioural flexibility and decision making for the fulfilment of their
generic task. Also motivation and stress Resistance are emotional requirements which enable to
cope with a higher demand level. Aspects of social interaction and communication were
obviously less required under the condition of the simulated future ATC system.
K.-M.Goeters (2004). Aviation Psychology: Practice and Research (pp. 99-119). Ashgate.
Knowledge / Skills Scales
A limited number of the Knowledge / Skills scales of the F-JAS were used. According to the
results of previous studies only selected scales have been included in this study, as the other
scales were found to be not required at all in current ATC (e.g. Driving). Results for the
Knowledge / Skills scales are reported in table 5. They are indicating that Map reading has to be
considered as essential for the current air traffic control job. Exactly the same was found in all
other studies using the F-JAS.
The comparison of ratings before and after simulation experience reveals a decrease of
requirement level for Map Reading and Spelling. The decrease is statistically significant and
Spelling receives a very low rating for the data link environment, while Map Reading still holds a
position of relevance under future ATC. The decrease in Spelling can be viewed as consequence
of not being forced to reproduce callsigns by voice or by writing in the data link simulation
environment. Aircraft callsigns were handled as complete entities and were recognised as such.
Results are clearly indicating: an ATM environment as used in this study reduces requirements in
any ability connected with speech and voice and it enlarges some ability requirements in vision
and in all motorial aspects of 'mouse-handling'. Thus far results are as expected and easy to
interpret, although it has to be kept in mind no voice-channel for air-ground communication was
used (contrary as to what is recommended in almost any data link study (e.g. Kerns 1991;
Wickens, Mavor, Parasuraman & McGee 1998). However sector-sector communication did use
data link and voice in parallel, therefore phases of 'silent control' lasted no longer than 25
According to the results presented for psychomotor abilities connected with mouse-handling
there is a significant increase in required level. This should not lead to the perception of motorial
strain as those abilities still received very low ratings. However the input device 'mouse' brings
those abilities up to a level where they have to be considered not directly for selection purposes,
but for human engineering design of the input tools and their use.
Not as expected are the results concerning social/interactive scales, showing significant decreases
for many scales. Also the additional scales of DLR reflecting resource management issues show
decrease of requirement throughout. Study participants perceived lesser requirements concerning
aspects of human interaction as indicated by their ratings, but in the group discussions it became
obvious that they sometimes felt unhappy with the lack-of-feedback situation. At least in current
ATC one still has to consider aspects which in this professional environment are not addressed as
CRM , but TRM (Team Resource Management) components (see Eißfeldt, Goeters, Hörmann,
Maschke & Schiewe 1994).
Results on significant differences in cognitive abilities did not show any significant increase of
requirement as often has been pointed out in the literature. Instead for a variety of abilities in the
cognitive domain requirements were decreasing significantly, including the core abilities of
K.-M.Goeters (2004). Aviation Psychology: Practice and Research (pp. 99-119). Ashgate.
selective attention and time sharing. This finding of requirement decrease concerning cognitive
abilities indicates that the application of data link and other advanced features at least has the
potential to smoothen the workload of controllers. However it has to be pointed out that although
showing significant decrease none of the cognitive abilities being considered essential before
simulation was considered being not essential after simulation experience. It should also be noted
that in group discussions conducted at the end of study there was a clear discrepancy between the
trainee and the expert participants. While trainees - in line with above results - expected a clear
decrease in ability requirements with new ATM systems comprising data link, experts named
considerably more abilities becoming increasingly relevant (Eißfeldt, Deuchert & Bierwagen
1999, p. 48).
Applying this results to today's selection system and its questioned appropriateness for future
ATCO jobs it can be stated, that for the cognitive abilities today's criteria seem to be rather too
high than to low. The same appears to be true for interpersonal/social criteria, but here the
presence of some air-ground voice communication might change the picture again. Results
should not serve as basis to reduce criteria before they have found replication in other studies.
Even if this would be the case - a lot of the decrease in the level of required abilities will be
consumed up if the increase of traffic continues as expected.
Aviation abilty requirements
Often young people are interested in an aviation career in general, may it be pilot or
controller. Hier Vergleich pilot lotse anfügen
Amelang, M. & Bartussek, D. (1981). Differentielle Psychologie und Persönlichkeitsforschung.
Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
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Table 1. Extension of the Original Fleishman Job Analysis Survey (F-JAS) by 9 Interactive /
Social Scales
Original F-JAS: Interactive / Social Scales
Additionally developed by DLR
Social Sensitivity
Oral Defence
Sales Interest
Behaviour Flexibility
Oral Fact Finding
Resistance to Premature Judgement
Stress Resistence
Self Awareness
Situational Awareness
Decision Making
K.-M.Goeters (2004). Aviation Psychology: Practice and Research (pp. 99-119). Ashgate.
Table 2. Job Analysis of Airline Pilots by an Extended Fleishman Job Analysis Survey F-JAS:
The classification of average ratings of 141 Pilots (Year of Reference: 1997)
Below normal
Very relevant
Cognitive Abilities
Written Expression
Oral Comprehension
Inductive Reasoning
Fluency of Ideas
Category Flexibility
Problem Sensitivity
Speed of Closure
Selective Attention
Flexibility of Closure
Perceptual Speed
Number Facility
Information Ordering
Oral Expression
Deductive Reasoning
Time Sharing
Spatial Orientation
Speed of Limb
Wrist-Finger Speed
Manual Dexterity
Arm-Hand Steadiness
Finger Dexterity
Control Precision
Response Orientation
Reaction Time
Rate Control
Physical Abilities
Static Strength
Extent Flexibility
Dynamic Strength
Trunk Strength
Dynamic Flexibility
Explosive Strength
Gross Body
Gross Body
Sensory Abilities
Near Vision
Speech Clarity
Hearing Sensitivity
Visual Colour
Sound Localization
Auditory Attention
Speech Recognition
Night Vision
Far Vision
Glare Sensitivity
Depth Perception
Peripheral Vision
Knowledge & Skills
Electrical Knowledge
Knowledge of Tools
and Uses
Reading Plans
Map Reading
Interactive / Social
Sales Interest
Oral Defence
Situation. Awareness
Self Awareness
Resistance to
Behaviour Flexibility
Social Sensitivity
Oral Fact Finding
Stress Resistance
Decision Making
The factors per cell are grouped according to their average ratings: Highest rating = highest postion in the cell.
K.-M.Goeters (2004). Aviation Psychology: Practice and Research (pp. 99-119). Ashgate.
Table 3. Differences in specific ratings regarding cockpit position and level of computerization
(only in scales rated as generally important)
Scale Area Significant Mean Scale Differences (p<.05)
Cockpit-Position Computerization
Cpt N=49,FO N=92 high N=62,low N=75
Map Reading Knowledge/Skills .31 n.s.
Stress Resistance Interactive/Social n.s. n.s.
Cooperation Interactive/Social n.s. n.s.
Communication Interactive/Social n.s. n.s.
Time Sharing Cognitive n.s. n.s.
Decision Making Interactive/Social .34 n.s.
Spatial Orientation Cognitive n.s. n.s.
Rate Control Psychomotor n.s. n.s.
Leadership Interactive/Social 1.12 n.s.
Situational Awareness Interactive/Social n.s. n.s.
Self Awareness Interactive/Social n.s. n.s.
Resistance to Prem. Judgem. Interactive/Social .41 n.s.
Behavior Flexibility Interactive/Social n.s. n.s.
Problem Sensitivity Cognitive n.s. n.s.
Control Precision Psychomotor n.s. n.s.
Resilience Interactive/Social n.s. n.s
Speed of Closure Cognitive n.s. n.s
Selective Attention Cognitive n.s. n.s
Response Orientation Psychomotor .50 n.s.
Auditory Attention Sensory n.s. n.s
Speech Recognition Sensory .34 n.s.
Assertiveness Interactive/Social n.s. n.s
Multilimb Coordination Psychomotor n.s. n.s
Flexibility of Closure Cognitive n.s. n.s
Perceptual Speed Cognitive n.s. n.s
Night Vision Sensory n.s. n.s
Motivation Interactive/Social n.s. n.s
Far Vision Sensory n.s. n.s
Number Facility Cognitive n.s. n.s
Glare Sensitivity Sensory n.s. n.s
Reaction Time Psychomotor .51 n.s.
Written Comprehension Cognitive .46 n.s.
Social Sensitivity Interactive/Social .59 n.s.
Depth Perception Sensory n.s. n.s
Reading Plans Knowledge/Skills n.s. n.s
Peripheral Vision Sensory n.s. n.s
Oral Fact Finding Interactive/Social n.s. n.s
Information Ordering Cognitive n.s. n.s
Memorization Cognitive n.s. n.s
Visualization Cognitive n.s. n.s
K.-M.Goeters (2004). Aviation Psychology: Practice and Research (pp. 99-119). Ashgate.
Deductive Reasoning Cognitive .36 n.s.
Oral Defense Interactive/Social n.s. n.s
K.-M.Goeters (2004). Aviation Psychology: Practice and Research (pp. 99-119). Ashgate.
Table 4. Means and standard deviations of ratings for current and future
ATC and significance of difference (Wilcoxon) for the cognitive, psychomotor
and sensory F-JAS abilities. Abilities are ranked within each domain by order of
magnitude of the Future ATC ratings.
N Sig. Diff. Current ATC Future
Wilcoxon Mean Std. Dev Mean
Std. Dev
Cognitive abilities F-JAS
Time Sharing 28 .00 6.500 .694 5.821
Problem Sensitivity 28 .01 6.000 1.018 5.536
Perceptual Speed 28 .29 5.214 1.228 5.500
Speed of Closure 28 .03 5.786 .917 5.393
Memorization 28 .07 5.536 .793 5.214
Flexibility of Closure 28 .12 4.786 1.258 5.179
Visualization 28 .30 4.929 1.359 5.143
Selective Attention 28 .00 6.036 .838 5.071
Originality 28 .17 5.107 1.257 4.821
Information Ordering 28 .54 4.786 1.228 4.679
Spatial Orientation 28 .70 4.714 1.782 4.679
Fluency of Ideas 28 .11 5.107 1.100 4.643
Inductive Reasoning 28 .50 4.786 1.031 4.571
Deductive Reasoning 28 .18 4.821 1.188 4.536
Number Facility 28 .00 5.000 1.089 4.179
Category Flexibility 28 .38 3.964 .962 4.107
Written Comprehension 28 .01 4.929 1.184 4.071
Mathematical Reasoning 28 .50 3.893 1.100 4.036
Oral Comprehension 28 .00 5.464 .999 3.393
Oral Expression 28 .00 5.286 1.084 3.107
Written Expression 28 .00 4.143 1.008 2.714
Psychomotor abilities F-JAS
Response Orientation 27 .80 4.778 1.281 4.964
Reaction Time 27 .69 5.000 1.664 4.964
Control Precision 27 .17 4.259 1.607 4.857
Finger Dexterity 27 .00 2.926 1.492 4.464
Rate Control 27 .42 3.778 1.553 4.071
Wrist-Finger Speed 26 .00 2.769 1.243 4.036
Manual Dexterity 27 .00 3.000 1.240 3.857
Arm-Hand Steadiness 27 .00 2.704 1.463 3.750
Multilimb Coordination 27 .44 3.593 1.526 3.464
Speed of Limb Movement 27 .13 2.815 1.469 3.286
Sensory abilities F-JAS
Near Vision 28 .06 5.179 1.124 5.714
Visual Colour Discrimination 28 .00 3.857 1.484 4.929
K.-M.Goeters (2004). Aviation Psychology: Practice and Research (pp. 99-119). Ashgate.
Peripheral Vision 28 .72 4.679 1.362 4.607
Night Vision 28 .22 4.000 1.466 3.643
Glare Sensitivity 28 .59 3.643 1.830 3.607
Auditory Attention 28 .00 5.929 .766 3.464
Far Vision 27 .04 4.111 1.783 3.429
Depth Perception 28 .37 3.500 1.856 3.286
Hearing Sensitivity 28 .00 5.321 1.056 3.286
Speech Clarity 28 .00 5.643 .826 3.214
Speech Recognition 28 .00 5.893 .875 3.143
Sound Localisation 27 .00 4.519 1.282 3.036
K.-M.Goeters (2004). Aviation Psychology: Practice and Research (pp. 99-119). Ashgate.
Table 5. Means and standard deviations of ratings for current and future ATC and
significance of difference (Wilcoxon) for the social / interactive and knowledge /
skills scales. Abilities are
ranked within each domain by order of magnitude of
Future ATC ratings.
N Sig. Diff. Current ATC Future ATC
Wilcoxon Mean Std. Dev Mean Std. Dev
Social / Interactive Scales F-JAS
Decision Making 28 .13 6.429 .690 6.214 .787
Stress Resistance 28 .01 6.643 .559 6.179 .819
Behavior Flexibility 27 .17 5.481 .849 5.643 .780
Situational A wareness 28 .38 5.643 .826 5.500 .882
Motivation 28 .21 5.500 1.000 5.214 1.067
Resilience 28 .03 5.714 .897 5.179 1.188
Cooperation 28 .00 6.321 .905 4.929 1.303
Self Awareness 28 .03 5.393 .994 4.929 1.245
Assertiveness 28 .00 5.393 .916 4.536 1.374
Resistance to Premature Judgement 28 .01 5.143 1.297 4.464 1.551
Communication 28 .00 6.250 .799 4.393 1.571
Social Sensitivity 28 .01 4.678 .983 3.964 1.478
Leadership 28 .02 4.000 1.678 3.107 1.524
Oral Defence 28 .00 4.286 1.213 3.071 1.438
Persistence 28 .07 3.481 1.578 3.036 1.261
Oral Fact Finding 28 .00 4.536 1.319 2.893 1.571
Sales Interest 28 .69 2.893 1.499 2.786 1.424
Persuasion 28 .00 3.679 1.278 2.750 1.266
Knowledge/Skills Scales F-JAS
Map Reading 28 .00 5.786 .995 5.214 1.134
Reading Plans 28 .30 3.750 1.531 4.107 1.227
Spelling 28 .00 4.286 1.512 2.821 1.416
Knowledge of Tools and Uses 28 .35 2.929 1.762 2.679 1.416
Drafting 28 .97 2.679 1.362 2.643 1.592
Electrical Knowledge 28 .66 2.536 1.105 2.429 1.317
Mechanical Knowledge 28 .08 2.679 1.056 2.286 1.272
... Each profession requires different skills and abilities that lead to the easier, faster, and more efficient attainment of good results, and which determine success in a particular job. Research demonstrates that a pilot should have quick reactions as well as good decision-making, teamwork, and stress management skills (Goeters et al. 2004). For the past several decades, Antanas Gustaitis' Aviation Institute (hereinafter AGAI) of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (hereinafter VilniusTech) has been organizing the selection of candidates for the specialty of Aircraft Piloting. ...
... The pilot profession comes with important responsibilities and requires specific skills (Goeters et al. 2004), and therefore cognitive skills and personality are valued in addition to maturity examination results when entering the piloting study program. The following cognitive skills are important for pilots: time distribution, spatial orientation, selective focus, speed of perception, calculating ability, memorization, and visualization (Goeters et al. 2004). ...
... The pilot profession comes with important responsibilities and requires specific skills (Goeters et al. 2004), and therefore cognitive skills and personality are valued in addition to maturity examination results when entering the piloting study program. The following cognitive skills are important for pilots: time distribution, spatial orientation, selective focus, speed of perception, calculating ability, memorization, and visualization (Goeters et al. 2004). Spatial abilities are particularly emphasized (De Kock and Schlechter 2009), speed of perception in particular (Johnson et al. 2017). ...
Full-text available
Research demonstrates that a pilot should have specific skills and abilities. Therefore, professional aptitude tests developed by AGAI are used to select the best graduates for the pilot profession. This research investigates the connections between pilots’ academic achievement, vocational selection, and careers. The sample comprises 52 subjects who started studying in 2009, 2010, and 2011. They were evaluated based on their maturity examinations, vocational selection, academic achievement, and professional career. We observed that the average scores for the pilots’ Lithuanian language, mathematics, and physics maturity examinations are statistically significantly higher (p < 0.05) than the average scores of Lithuanian school graduates. The vast majority of the enrolled students completed their studies and began work in their field of specialty. The academic achievement of those working as pilots (a person who has completed 5 years of pilot studies and works as a captain or first officer) differ in that their average scores in physical study subjects are statistically significantly higher. The graduates who received higher study scores during this study show a statistically significant frequency in their employment as pilots (2–4 quartile). These research findings show that academic achievement and vocational selection are characteristics of those who work as pilots.
... Measuring essential facets of aptitude in a selection process can therefore provide data that may help predict individuals' likelihood of performing successfully in pilot training (Bartram, 2018;Cox, Schmidt, Slack, & Foster, 2013). Whereas cognitive ability measurements and interviews have long been commonly employed for military and civil pilot selection, personality assessment has gained importance for improving the prediction of aptitude assessment and has been shown to add incremental validity beyond cognitive ability measures in more recent studies (e.g., Campbell, Castaneda, & Pulos, 2009;Goeters, Maschke, & Eißfeldt, 2004). ...
... Characteristics relevant for training success in aviation identified in previous literature comprise technical knowledge, flying skills, and general cognitive ability but also nontechnical aspects, such as personality traits, motivation, and attitudes (Cox et al., 2013;Damos, 2011Damos, , 2014Goeters et al., 2004). In addition to cognitive ability, a variety of personality characteristics have been identified as crucial for pilot training and aviator job success, for example, extraversion, conscientiousness, self-confidence, and neuroticism (e.g., Herold et al., 2002). ...
... On the contrary, our more differentiated summary revealed that self-reported personality (employed in 97.53 % of the included studies) seems to be a poor predictor of pilot training completion, indicated by the low correlation of − 0.09, which emerged as the largest effect size in our analyses. Several researchers seem to agree that personality represents a relevant component of pilot aptitude (e.g., Cox et al., 2013;Damos, 2011Damos, , 2014Goeters et al., 2004). We could not confirm this assumption with the data that are currently available, most of which came from self-report personality questionnaires. ...
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We conducted multilevel random effects meta-analyses to estimate mean effect sizes for 15 personality characteristic groups as predictors of the success of plane and helicopter pilot training. We integrated results from 25 primary studies with a total of 283 effect sizes, including several newer studies that were not previously included in meta-analyses. Pilot training success exhibited small significant positive relationships with conscientiousness and self-confidence and a small negative association with neuroticism. Furthermore, we aimed to examine the moderating effects of four variables. Criterion type was a significant moderator of the relationship between conscientiousness and success, whereas the year of publication did not moderate the association between personality and training success. We descriptively examined two potential moderators: aviation field and personality test type. Limitations with respect to the interpretation of the results and implications for future aviation selection research and practice are discussed with reference to self-report versus objective personality measurement.
... For air traffic controllers the savings are not quite as extreme but are still estimated at around $500,000 dollars each (Buck & Pierce, 2018). Finally, according to Goeters and Maschke (2004) the equivalent savings for selecting a successful airline pilot from licensed applicants could be around $150,000 (€125,000, adjusted for inflation). Goeters and Maschke (2004) also include data on the cost of hiring and training failures and we can use that to calculate a simplified return on investment. ...
... Finally, according to Goeters and Maschke (2004) the equivalent savings for selecting a successful airline pilot from licensed applicants could be around $150,000 (€125,000, adjusted for inflation). Goeters and Maschke (2004) also include data on the cost of hiring and training failures and we can use that to calculate a simplified return on investment. For the selection system they describe for ab initio pilots, every Euro spent on selection returns more than €450 in savings to the company (giving it an ROI of 45,170%). ...
Full-text available
1. Introduction 2. Why is Selection Important in Aviation? 3. Historical Overview of Pilot Selection 4. Historical Overview of Air Traffic Controller Selection 5. What Do We Want to Select & Assess? 6. Selection Methods & Instruments 7. Design and Utility of Selection Systems 8. Validation 9. Current Practices 10. Potential Problems & Pitfalls 11. Emerging Technologies 12. Final Remarks 13. Selection Checklist 14. Results from EAAP Member Survey
... In the ATM domain, SOA has been regarded by both ATCOs (Goeters et al., 2004;Kissing and Eißfeldt, 2014) and aircraft pilots (Goeters et al., 2004;Eißfeldt et al., 2011) as one of the most important cognitive abilities for operational competence. Performance-wise, experimental studies involving spatial ability assessment have shown that higher levels of SOA were associated with (i) higher situation awareness of downlinked messages among professional ATCOs (Yang and Zhang, 2009), (ii) improved management of ground level traffic among ATCO applicants (Grasshoff et al., 2015), and (iii) better aircraft handling performance during different flight phases (i.e., departure, en route, arrival) among university students and employees who can become ATCOs (Ackerman and Kanfer, 1993;Ackerman et al., 1995;Ackerman and Cianciolo, 2002). ...
... In the ATM domain, SOA has been regarded by both ATCOs (Goeters et al., 2004;Kissing and Eißfeldt, 2014) and aircraft pilots (Goeters et al., 2004;Eißfeldt et al., 2011) as one of the most important cognitive abilities for operational competence. Performance-wise, experimental studies involving spatial ability assessment have shown that higher levels of SOA were associated with (i) higher situation awareness of downlinked messages among professional ATCOs (Yang and Zhang, 2009), (ii) improved management of ground level traffic among ATCO applicants (Grasshoff et al., 2015), and (iii) better aircraft handling performance during different flight phases (i.e., departure, en route, arrival) among university students and employees who can become ATCOs (Ackerman and Kanfer, 1993;Ackerman et al., 1995;Ackerman and Cianciolo, 2002). ...
Full-text available
In the selection of job candidates who have the mental ability to become professional ATCOs, psychometric testing has been a ubiquitous activity in the ATM domain. To contribute to psychometric research in the ATM domain, we investigated the extent to which spatial orientation ability (SOA), as conceptualized in the spatial cognition and navigation literature, predicted air traffic conflict detection performance in a simulated free route airspace (FRA) environment. The implementation of free route airspace (FRA) over the past few years, notably in Europe, have facilitated air traffic services by giving greater flexibility to aviation operators in planning and choosing preferred air routes that can lead to quicker arrivals. FRA offers enhanced system safety and efficiency, but these benefits can be outweighed by the introduction of air traffic conflicts that are geometrically more complex. Such conflicts can arise from increased number and distribution of conflict points, as well as from elevated uncertainty in aircraft maneuvering (for instance, during heading changes). Overall, these issues will make conflict detection more challenging for air traffic controllers (ATCOs). Consequently, there is a need to select ATCOs with suitably high levels of spatial orientation ability (SOA) to ensure flight safety under FRA implementation. In this study, we tested 20 participants who are eligible for ATCO job application, and found that response time-based performance on a newly developed, open access, computerized spatial orientation test (SOT) predicted time to loss of minimum separation (tLMS) performance on an air traffic conflict detection task (AT-CDT) we designed. We found this predictive relationship to be significant to a moderately large extent under scenarios with high air traffic density (raw regression coefficient = 0.58). Moreover, we demonstrated our AT-CDT as a valid test in terms of eliciting well-known mental workload and spatial learning effects. We explained these findings in light of similar or overlapping mental processes that were most likely activated optimally under task conditions featuring approximately equal numbers of outcome-relevant stimuli. We conclude by discussing the further application of the SOT to the selection of prospective ATCOs who can demonstrate high levels of conflict detection performance in FRA during training simulations.
... Requirements in the airline aviation industry are a well-studied topic. Several job analyses concerning the job profiles of pilots and air traffic controllers have been reported (e.g., Goeters et al., 2004). Results of job analysis surveys have been used to create a very well thought-out pilot selection process at the German Aerospace Center (DLR; Goeters & Maschke, 1998;Oubaid, 2013). ...
... The necessary sensory skills are mainly limited to basic communication skills and computer literacy. Compared with other operators in aviation (Goeters et al., 2004), the low level of psychomotor skills required is striking. No psychomotor requirement was found to be important for an FOO. ...
Full-text available
Flight operation officers (FOOs) can be considered the wallflowers in the aviation business. No results from analyses of job requirements have been published for this profession, even though this is recommended as a helpful basis for personnel selection. In this study, 32 active and retired FOOs acted as experts assessing the job requirements for the function of FOO by scoring the Fleishman Job Analysis Survey. The results showed competencies in the cognitive, interactive-social, and sensory domains as the most important ones. The results of the requirements analysis can be translated into selection procedures, in which multiple task tests, attention tests, personality tests, and assessment centers with group tasks are particularly relevant
... Sie sind zudem vor dem Hintergrund der jeweiligen Situation zu betrachten, da abhängig vom Kontext unterschiedliche soziale Verhaltensweisen erforderlich sind (Argyle et al., 1985). In der Luftfahrt werden unter sozialen Kompetenzen vor allem interaktive Fähigkeiten wie communication, leadership, cooperation und assertiveness verstanden (Goeters et al., 2004;Hoermann & Goerke, 2014). ...
Der Einsatz von Interviews hat eine lange Tradition innerhalb der Personalauswahl von Pilot:innen im DLR e.V.. Das Interview ist Bestandteil eines multimethodalen Auswahlverfahrens, das die Diagnostik grundlegender kognitiver Kompetenzen, der Fähigkeit zur Mehrfacharbeit und der sozial interaktiven Kompetenzen beinhaltet. Auch für letztere wurde eine sicherheitsrelevante Bedeutung für die Arbeit im Cockpit nachgewiesen. Mit Persönlichkeitstests, Verhaltensübungen, einem Biografischen Fragebogen und einem Interview werden sie gezielt erhoben. Das verwendete hypothesengeleitete Interview ermöglicht dabei eine Abklärung vorliegender kritischer Ergebnisse der Persönlichkeits- oder Verhaltensbeobachtungsdiagnostik von sozial interaktiver Kompetenz. Fallbeispiele verdeutlichen, dass das Interview bei Bedarf um entsprechende Vertiefungen erweitert wird. Dieses Vorgehen hat sich in der Praxis der Personalauswahl von Pilot:innen im Hinblick auf Zeiteffizienz und Strukturierung bewährt.
... The military studies mostly used pass/fail as a measure of success in initial training, which may be contaminated by other factors such as lack of motivation or illness, and in most cases, they assessed performance over a relatively short period. Our findings are also in line with previous job analyses indicating that many cognitive and psychomotor abilities were described as relevant or highly relevant by experienced pilots (Goeters et al., 2004). Ever since the beginning of pilot selection, personal qualities, as well as cognitive and psychomotor skills, have been regarded as important in order to become a good pilot (Dockeray & Isaacs, 1921;Hunter, 1989). ...
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The main purpose of this study was to examine the predictive validity of the system used for ab initio selection of candidates to a bachelor program in aviation. The selection includes paper-and-pencil tests, computer-based tests, and an interview. A total of 188 candidates participated in the validation study. The total test score predicted the results of three exams in aviation theory (r = .27–.38) and extra flying hours needed (−.22), but not mean university grade. The regression analyses indicated that all predictors (tests and interview ratings) explained 25% of the variance in aviation theory, 19% in extra flying hours needed, and 7% in mean university grade. The overall findings confirmed the predictive validity of selection tests, especially the computer-based tests.
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FORENOTE: Published in Frontiers of Human Neuroscience. URL: ABSTRACT: The implementation of free route airspace (FRA) over the past few years have facilitated air traffic services in which operators can plan and choose their preferred route. FRA has been implemented successfully in Europe and offers enhanced system safety and efficiency. However, the benefits offered by FRA can be outweighed by the introduction of more geometrically complex air traffic conflicts. Such conflicts can arise from increased number and distribution of conflict points and elevated uncertainty in aircraft maneuvering, particularly during heading changes. These issues will make conflict detection more challenging for air traffic controllers (ATCOs), and consequently, there arises a need to select ATCOs with suitably high levels of spatial orientation ability (SOA) to ensure flight safety under FRA implementation. In the selection of job candidates who have the mental ability to become professional ATCOs, psychometric testing has been a ubiquitous activity in the ATM domain. To contribute to psychometric research in the ATM domain, we investigated the extent to which spatial orientation ability (SOA), as conceptualized in the spatial cognition and navigation literature, predicted air traffic conflict detection performance in a simulated FRA environment. Within an FRA, the flexibility for airspace users to plan flights by selecting preferred routes between predefined waypoints carries with it the potential of introducing conflicts that can be more geometrically complex, and of which would require a high level of SOA engagement. Based on an assessment of 20 participants who are eligible for ATCO job application, we found that response time-based performance on a newly developed, open access, computerized spatial orientation test (SOT) predicted time to loss of minimum separation (tLMS) performance on an FRA-based conflict detection task to a moderately large extent under scenarios with high air traffic density. We explained these findings in light of similar or overlapping mental processes that were most likely activated optimally under task conditions featuring approximately equal numbers of outcome-relevant stimuli. We also discussed the potential use of the new SOT in relation to the selection of prospective ATCOs who can demonstrate high levels of conflict detection performance in FRA during training simulations. [COPYRIGHT CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, J. Y. ZHONG 2021, NANYANG TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY]
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This study was conducted to anticipate the impact on air traffic controller ability requirements that may result from implementation of a future stage of air traffic control automation. If important changes occur in ability requirements, it will be necessary to develop or modify selection procedures for future air traffic controllers. Accurate identification of ability requirements depends on knowledge of the job tasks to be performed, but only general information is currently available about the job tasks associated with later stages of air traffic control automation. In this study, nine air traffic controllers who had analyzed operational requirements for a future stage of automation (a) described how controllers would perform four job tasks using the automation, (b) assessed the degree to which nine specific abilities were likely to be required to perform the automated tasks, and (c) assessed whether the amount of each ability required to perform the automated tasks would be different than the amount of the ability required to perform the equivalent tasks in the current system.
Under its National Airspace System Modernization Plan, the Federal Aviation Administration intends to introduce digital data communication as a means of exchanging information between aircraft and ground-based facilities. Research on operational use of data-link technology has been underway for well over 10 years. From this work, potentially useful data exist that remain largely unexploited for purposes of operational development. This article reviews the simulation literature on data-link communication between controllers and pilots to synthesize a base of useful, generalizable knowledge. General effects of the data-link technology on the volume, speed, and timing of air traffic control communications are analyzed for their operational significance. The analytic framework depicts data-link effectiveness as interdependent with operational context, procedures and applications, and human-interface design. Current research leaves many questions unanswered but consistently indicates that the combination of voice and data-link communication outperforms each medium used by itself. issues are raised for research and implementation.
Human resource professionals, psychologists, counselors, and educators will find the "Handbook" an indispensable reference source for identifying tests that measure abilities needed for successful job performance or that are important to human performance research. The "Handbook" describes cognitive, psychomotor, physical, and sensory-perceptual job requirements that span the full range of human abilities, and provides: clear and concise definitions of each ability based on current research; specific examples of tasks that are representative of each ability and of jobs that require each ability; comprehensive listings of tests, authors, and publishers for each ability, including publishers' addresses [and] an index to match tasks and jobs to their ability requirements. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)