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Data security using random dynamic salting and AES based on master-slave keys for Iraqi dam management system


Abstract and Figures

In the present time, dam management is considered one of the important challenges for e-government in Iraq, becuase it needs information technology infrastructure, data integrity and protection of user privacy against Internet threats that render such vital infrastructure ineffective. This struggle between the proposed dam management system (DMS) and a multi-tier secure model specifically for the Fallujah dam (and generally for all dams) which is addressed in this paper as a case study. To do this, a relational database design will discuss the development of a multi-tier secure model for integration of the dam management framework with its functions. This paper will discusse encryption and decryption of the dam data using the advanced encryption standard (AES) algorithm with derived keys via PBKDF2 and RNG sequences generator and Slave key for salting protection. The experimental results and analysis on the speed of encryption/decryption process, entropy value, plain text sensitivity, key sensitivity, keyspaceanalysis and histogram analysis will prove the the proposed scheme can impede the known attacks like brute force attacks, statistical and differential.Thus, the encryption scheme can be implemented on the proposed DMS and any other information system, as the implementation which will be presented in the results.
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Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Vol. 23, No. 2, August 2021, pp. 1018~1029
ISSN: 2502-4752, DOI: 10.11591/ijeecs.v23.i2.pp1018-1029 1018
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Data security using random dynamic salting and AES based on
master-slave keys for Iraqi dam management system
Hussam J. Ali1, Talib M. Jawad2, Hiba Zuhair3
1Iraqi Commission for Computers and Informatics, Informatics Institute for Postgraduate Studies, Iraq
2Ashur University College, Baghdad, Iraq
3College of Information Engineering, Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq
Article Info
Article history:
Received Feb 20, 2021
Revised Jul 4, 2021
Accepted Jul 7, 2021
In the present time, dam management is considered one of the important
challenges for e-government in Iraq, becuase it needs information technology
infrastructure, data integrity, and protection of user privacy against Internet
threats that render such vital infrastructure ineffective. This struggle between
the proposed dam management system (DMS) and a multi-tier secure model
specifically for the Fallujah dam (and generally for all dams) which is
addressed in this paper as a case study. To do this, a relational database
design will discuss the development of a multi-tier secure model for
integration of the dam management framework with its functions. This paper
will discusse encryption and decryption of the dam data using the advanced
encryption standard (AES) algorithm with derived keys via PBKDF2 and
RNG sequences generator and Slave key for salting protection. The
experimental results and analysis on the speed of encryption/decryption
process, entropy value, plain text sensitivity, key sensitivity, keyspace
analysis, and histogram analysis will prove the the proposed scheme can
impede the known attacks like brute force attacks, statistical, and differential.
Thus, the encryption scheme can be implemented on the proposed DMS and
any other information system, as the implementation which will be presented
in the results.
Data security
Dynamic salt
Multi-tier secure model
This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.
Corresponding Author:
Hussam J. Ali
Department of Computer Science
Informatics Institute for Postgraduate Studies
Baghdad, Iraq
Internet threats infect approximately all e-government systems in many countries [1]. These threats
affect the infrastructure of institutions such as dam stations in Iraq, which lack data protection. Moreover,
most of dam employees are unaware of internet threats by useing traditional means such as social media
applications and e-mails which cause the problem of exchanging wrong information between dam stations
and the Iraqi National Water Management Center [2]. In addition to the misuse and unauthorized useage of
data acquisition tools by terrorists may lead to unreliable sources of dam readings, loss of data online, data
breaches, and wrong decision-making by managers of the Iraqi National Center of Water Management [2].
So, the aforementioned cases may cause the flow of water in large quantities and destroy the control
of the dam gates that lead to a flood [3] which needs great efforts to be taken for this potential disaster.
However, the Iraqi government is still failing to implement information technology and infrastructure for
these important institutions and organizations, in addition to weak mutual data protection and user
Indonesian J Elec Eng & Comp Sci ISSN: 2502-4752
Data security using random dynamic salting and AES based on master-slave keys for (Hussam J. Ali)
privacy [4], which in turn increase the probabilities of unauthorized disclosure, unreliable data sources, short-
term history of user records, and water resource archive [2], [5]
To address the aforementioned issues and protect data, this paper contributes as: i) presenting a
proposed design for a dam data management system according to a multi-tier secure model for locally
application at Fallujah Dam Station/Anbar Governorate/Iraq; ii) implementes the database scheme and data
encryption mechanisms.
Accordingly, via observing some recent studies in analyzing the efficiency of the most famous
encryption algorithms, AES algorithm is meeting excellent results in comparision with some encryption
mechanisms. Researchers in [6], [7] shows that it takes less time to encryption data with less resource
consumption than the Twofish algorithm on a 240KB text file, and with another experience, the researcher
declares that AES surpassed Serpent in speed and performance [6], which gives speed in encryption and
decryption and a high-security rate of data with the use of CBC cipher mode [8].
Through that, the data encryption method will be adopted in this work by applying the AES
algorithm and 256-bit size derived key with the suggestion of adding a dynamic random salt method to the
ciphertext and the usefulness of the proposed method is to give different encryption result every time with
same plaintext, also to easy retriving data encrypted form database and perform this work on proposed Dams
data management system, with the implementation of practical experiments linked to CBC cipher mode, in
comparison with several algorithms under specific conditions.
This section reviews in the first subsection several of the related works to dams’ data management,
and the traditional mechanisms and their effectiveness, beside the methods that have been reviewed in
encrypting the data. The second subsection investigates the case study of Iraqi dams (Fallujah dam),
identifying the current deficiencies in dam management in Iraq, and carrying out the investigation together to
redefine the adequate technical and security mechanisms necessary to achieve integration and information
2.1. Related works
Researchers in [9] have developed a CLPIMS China dam project information management system,
which is based on WebGIS and relies on a multi-tier structure in browser/server mode to enter data for dam
managers with SSL encryption. The system is based on a combination of SQL Server database and storage
model ArcSDE data for rapid storage of large amount of complex data types obtained through the application
of Active Server Pages technology to achieve comprehensive central management. However, with this
important work, the developers did not focus on issues of securing user data protection, database encryption.
Also, a web-based application has developed by authors in [10] a with a relational database for real-
time dam management under the conditions of weather, river flow, and water temperature. The designed
system has predicted the forecasts of water temperature and rainfall by using a data mining approach in real-
time application. However, no security parameters have been considered to protect the data center.
In this paper [11], a web-based client-server system is proposed, in which the data is encrypted
using AES with 256 keys, the research solved the problem of organizations losing their sensitive data to
unauthorized people. So, the authors will propose a hybrid encryption pattern to support a private key cipher
system that is a combination of AEC and ECC with 192-bit key size and 12 rounds, thus increasing the
overall security of the system by implementing software-based countermeasures to prevent possible
vulnerabilities that it poses Timing side-channel attack [12]. This paper [13] presentes data encryption using
the AES algorithm and a 256-bit key with mixing salt values resulting from the dynamic generation and
merging them with the plain text before the encryption process, as shown in Figure 1, where an linear
congruential generator (LCG) is used to generate random values. In the practical experiment, the proposed
method is used with a maximum of 30 characters, and a larger size of the values is not applied. On the other
hand, the researcher does not explain the method of storing salt values when encrypting large data and storing
them in databases, and the method for retrieving salt values and decrypt data for any row in the database
2.2. Case study: Fallujah dam
Through the pilot study, will shed light on the current situation of the Fallujah dam on the Euphrates
River, which is located in Anbar Governorate, to clarify the technical, organizational, and security
challenges. It is observed that 45 (managers, departments managers, engineers, and operators) of Fallujah
dam station are interviewed and acquired to fill out the questionnaires. They face many technical, security,
and organizational challenges as summarized in Table 1. Where the number 1 represents strongly disagree, 2:
disagree, 3: medium, 4: agree, 5: strongly agree. Questionnaires and responses which are addressed refer that
ISSN: 2502-4752
Indonesian J Elec Eng & Comp Sci, Vol. 23, No. 2, August 2021: 1018 - 1029
the dam management lacks information systems infrastructure, insecure data transfer through traditional
means (social media), and weak data integration and retrieval. Moreover, Fallujah dam workers and
managers have supported the use of IT systems, especially in relation to data management requirements, and
the solving of these issues.
Figure 1. General system design dynamic encryption
Table 1. Summary of highlights addressed via the pilot study in Fallujah dam
Cryptography is defined by William Stallings as “the type of operations used for transforming
plaintext to ciphertext, the number of keys used, and the way in which the plaintext is processed” [14]. The
types of encryption algorithms are divided into several groups [15], as shown in the Figure 2.
Figure 2. Cryptosystem’s classification
3.1. Symmetric block ciphers
Block cipher converts plaintext to a fixed length size, known as the block size. If the length of the
plain text is greater than the specified block size, it is divided into several equal blocks. A block cipher is
based primarily on a symmetric key. The same secret key is used for encryption and decryption [7]. There are
several symmetric block cipher algorithms, TDES, RC2, AES, Twofish, Serpent. These algorithms work in
Indonesian J Elec Eng & Comp Sci ISSN: 2502-4752
Data security using random dynamic salting and AES based on master-slave keys for (Hussam J. Ali)
different operating modes in encrypting each block, the most famous of which are: Cipher block chaining
(CBC), electronic code book (ECB), and cipher feedback (CFB) In this research will adopt the CBC
operating mode with AES because it has a high-performance speed compared to with CFB [8], each block is
also uniquely encrypted [16], on the other hand, it is safer than ECB [17].
3.1.1. Triple DES (TDES)
TDES is developed to solve apparent weaknesses in DES without building a fully new
cryptosystem. The concept of TDES is based on extending the size of the DES key three times by executing
the algorithm in series with three different keys [18]. The length of one key is 56 bits and the sum of the
length of the three keys is 168 bits, The goal of developing TDES is to ward off attacks targeting DES by
giving a relatively simple way to increase the key size [19].
3.1.2. Rivest cipher (RC2)
The RC2 is developed by Ron Revist 1987 to replace DES [14]. The data block size of RC2 is 64
bits, while the key size ranges from 40 to 1024 bits (5-128 byte). The key size gradually increases by 8 bits
from the previous size. On the other hand, messages encrypted in RC2 can be broken in short time by using a
brute force attack, so it is considered unsecured. In RC2 The key is compound from an initialization vector
(IV) and KEY [14].
3.1.3. Advanced encryption standerd (AES)
The standard (AES) is based on a symmetric block cipher defined by the National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST) in 2001 [8]. It supports block size 128 bits of data, and it handles three
sizes of keys 128, 192, 256 bits [20]. The maximum number of rounds processed by AES is 14, and the
number of rounds depends on the size of the key used, where the key size 128 corresponds to 10 rounds that
are processed, while 192 bits correspond to 12 rounds, finally 256 corresponds to 14 rounds [7].
3.1.4. Twofish
The algorithm of the two fish is purchased in 1998 by Bruce Schneier. It depends on the type of
block cipher and uses keys with sizes 128, 192, and 256 as a maximum, and the data block is 128 bits, and it
is considered one of the five final contenders with Rijndael, but does not reach the first level and is
considered almost complex, except It works with different encryption modes [21].
3.1.5. Serpent
The serpent algorithm is a block cipher. It has high security, as it competes with Rijndael's
algorithm. This is because Serpent's algorithm was competing with AES, but its slow speed caused it not to
be adopted, so Rijndael was chosen as AES. Although there are many applications of the serpent algorithm;
As an example, images are encrypted with it [22].
3.2. Hash functions
It is also known as one-way encryption or message digests, hashing is used to produce a unique,
fixed-size value to represent a variable amount of data, and no need for a key, as the reference represents the
key itself. They are widely used in storing passwords, digital signatures, as they work to match the hash
values of two sets of references and if they match, the result is true [23].
One of the common hashing methods in cryptography is known as SHA-1, which produces hash
values of 160 bits [24] equivalent to 40 digits long as hexadecimal (20 bytes) [25], that published in FIPS
180-1 [26]. Another type of hash algorithm which will be used in this work to derive keys is HMAC-SHA-
512 and used as an HMAC or hash-based message authentication code [27]. The HMAC process mixes
message data with the secret key, hashes the output with the hash function, and repeat mixes the output hash
value with the secret key, and then implements the hash function again [28]. The output length of the hash
value is 512 bits. HMAC-SHA-512 is a better choice to achieve security and to ensure data confidentiality
and perfection of the security algorithm [29].
3.3. Random numbers generator (RNG)
Random number generator (RNG) along with encryption algorithm is the basis of cryptography
systems [30]. So it is considered that no matter how complex encryption algorithms are implemented, they
become weak without the random number generator present in the root of this system and also to say that the
RNG is the basis of cybersecurity as a whole. Therfore, it is extremely important to ensure the quality of a
mechanism for generating completely random numbers. This research will use the RNG implemented by the
cryptographic service provider (CSP) library which generates random numbers with high quality and no way
to predict or reproduce key sequence [31].
ISSN: 2502-4752
Indonesian J Elec Eng & Comp Sci, Vol. 23, No. 2, August 2021: 1018 - 1029
3.4. PBKDF2
Password-based key derivation functionality (PBKDF2) version 2 that Implemented through
Rfc2898 Derive Bytes [31], by using a random number generator based on HMAC-SHA-512. To provide
effective protection against brute-force attacks, PBKDF2 proffers CPU-intensive operations. The basis of
these operations are based on the iterated of a pseudo-random numbers generator function that assigns input
values to a derived key [32]. Figure 3, shows the three main inputs of PBKDF2 algorithm.
Figure 3. Password-based key derivation functionality
From the aforementioned technical and security highlights, two research questions are posed to
solve: “How does the management of Fallujah dam improve technically toward an effective dam
management system?”, And “How can the data security of this dam management system be sufficiently
enriched? This section will answer these two questions by presenting the design and implementation of a dam
management system and recommending a multi-tier secure model to maintain data integrity by encrypting
data via AES algorithm with random generating of the dynamic salt value, and this algorithm is chosen for
their good performance after an analysis of practical comparison of several algorithms using Cryptool 1.4.4
and Chilkat libraries, before and after merging dynamic salt process.
4.1. Design of dam management system
The schema which is suggested for DMS in this paper, includes the following components: user
information, dam data, real-time dam hydrological data, telegraphs, water history data, and employee
movement history, see Figure 4.
Figure 4. Conceptual design of dam relational schema
Indonesian J Elec Eng & Comp Sci ISSN: 2502-4752
Data security using random dynamic salting and AES based on master-slave keys for (Hussam J. Ali)
4.2. Multi-Tier secure model
To meet all security issues of data integrity and users privacy protection, it is highly recommended
to consider the following multi-tier secure model proposed as shown in Figure 5, with the components of
Figure 5. The multi-tier secure model for dam management system
4.3. Encryption/decryption proposed scheme
This section explains the main stages of the proposed model for the encryption and decryption
process of the text, in the first stage the parameters and basic values of the salt size are initialized, the initial
primary key string is initialized from the password generated through RNG, the next stage is the process of
generating the salt value also through RNG, after that the stage of deriving the encryption key through
PBKDF2, then comes the stage of encryption the text through AES, and finally the stage of generating the
secondary key and protecting the salt value through XOR Proccess. Figure 6 illustrates the stages of the
encryption and decryption process in detail. The next subsections describe these stages.
4.3.1. Initialization basic parameters and values stage
In the proposed model, p denotes for plain text, C is the ciphertext, S is the salt value, while SK is
the secondary key. This stage is implemented through the following steps:
- Step 1: Assign the password string.
- Step 2: Initialize S length to a fixed size (32 bytes).
- Step 3: Convert plaintext to Ascii and then to decimal and set length p byte from the plaintext length.
- Step 4: Initialize values of p byte [0- (i-1)] from the decimal valus produced in step 3.
4.3.2. Generating the salt values through RNG crypto service provider stage
The random salt chain achieved through the following steps:
- Step 1: Set length of salt [I]=32 from S length that initialized from the first stage.
- Step 2: RNG Crypto algorithm implements under salt[I] length defined.
4.3.3. Deriving the encryption key through PBKDF2
The PBKDF2 algorithm's robustness and efficiency in deriving an unpredictable cipher key depend
on the fragmentation of the elementary elements and the execution of the HMAC-SHA-512 hash algorithm
with a number of rounds ranging from 1 to more than 10,000 rounds. In this paper, only 8 rounds are applied
due to less time consumption and at the same time, to obtain a completely secure hash key. The following
steps explain the implementation of this stage for the first round:
- Step 1: Taking a random salt, and flip bits, giving K1.
- Step 2: Calculating the SHA-512 hash of K1 plus password string, giving H1.
- Step 3: Iterations count = count++.
All steps above repeated until the condition loop equals true, then computing the final hash.
ISSN: 2502-4752
Indonesian J Elec Eng & Comp Sci, Vol. 23, No. 2, August 2021: 1018 - 1029
4.3.4. Encryption stage through AES
AES algorithm require configuration initialize vector and cipher mode, after that the encryption
process begins as the following steps:
- Step 1: Initialize keyByte () ranged (0-31) from the hash key that produces in stage 3.
- Step 2: Set IV length = 128 /8 => 16 byte
- Step 3: Initialize the value of IVByte (0-15) from the hash key.
- Step 4: Create Encryptor(byte(array) keyByte, byte(array) IVByte).
- Step 5: Set cipher mode = CBC.
- Step 6: Segmentation p byte(array) to BlockSize(0-15) array and make transformation process to ciphertext
C(array) ranged [k0-(k-1)].
Figure 6. Proposed method of; (a) encryption process and (b) decryption process
4.3.5. Initializing the independent slave key
The benefit of the independent key is to protect the value of the salt, and when retrieving the
encrypted data from the database, the value of the salt is retrieved with this key, which was previously
generated by RNG independently with a size of 32 bytes, and the following steps explain this stage:
- Step 1: Initializing random salt(array) value that generated via RNG algorithm in stage 2.
- Step 2: Initializing SK (array) values ranged (0-31).
- Step 3: Compute final salt (array) by XORed with SK(array), and appended with ciphertext array, as shown
in Figure 7.
- Step 4: The final ciphertext encrypted through the Base64 algorithm.
Indonesian J Elec Eng & Comp Sci ISSN: 2502-4752
Data security using random dynamic salting and AES based on master-slave keys for (Hussam J. Ali)
Figure 7. Merging random salt value and ciphertext
This section provides a test of the validity and accuracy of the proposed model in terms of derived
keys robustness and encryption quality. On this basis, a computer with an Intel® Core (TM) i5 M460 2.53
GHz x 2 Cores processor was used, and 6G Ram (DDR3) speed 1016 MHz, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, and
programming language used is C# .net core version 7.3 on .Net Core 2.1 framework.
5.1. Key space
Key space in cryptography is the total number of keys that can be generated and used in the
cryptography process [33]. The security and strength of the algorithm depend on the length of the key, as the
key increases in length; the algorithm becomes immune to brute force attacks [34]. In order to actually
achieve this, the key space must be greater than 2100 [35] length of the encryption key used in this paper is
256-bits, the key space will be 2256 (1.16x1077), and the same way for the secondary key space is 2256, so the
final key space is equal:
  󰇟󰇠󰇟󰇠 (1)
  (2)
From the above equation, the keyspace is sufficiently large to resist brute-force attacks.
5.2. Key sensitivity
Good encryption is very sensitive to tiny secret key changes [33]. Table 2, displays plaintext with a
size of 61 characters, after encryption it with two very little different keys, the ciphertext will appear
completely different and there are no data associated with the plaintext, so the proposed encryption model
has a high sensitivity to tiny changes in the secret keys.
Table 2. Key sensitivity example
Good encryption is very
sensitive to tiny secret
key changes
5.3. Frequency analysis
Frequency analysis comprehensively describes the encoded text through the histogram, as it shows
the number of times a particular symbol appears throughout the text, so this type of attack may provide
information about the key or the original text. Figure 8 (a), displays the plaintext consisting of 1,347
characters (the abstract of this paper), while the Figure 8 (b) displays the histogram of the ciphertext and
shows all the symbols uniformly, so the proposed model is immune to attacks of frequency analysis.
ISSN: 2502-4752
Indonesian J Elec Eng & Comp Sci, Vol. 23, No. 2, August 2021: 1018 - 1029
Figure 8. Histograms; (a) plain text and (b) cipher text
5.4. Information entropy analysis
Information entropy is the mesurment of uncertainty, in statistical analysis, it is used to measure the
secure value of a cipher. It is defined as follows [36]. The H(m) is a random of message m with N length,
then its entropy is
 (3)
P(mi) denotes the probability of mi. If every symbol has an equal probability, i.e.,
m={m0,m1,.…m255}, the maximum entropy is 8 . In this paper, four other recognized algorithms are tested and
their results compared, where the entropy value is calculated before and after applying the proposed model.
As in the results presented in Table 3, the proposed one gives better entropy value especially with AES,
sometimes followed by Twofish and RC2, since AES has a higher key space than RC2, so it is considered
effective and safe with the proposed model.
Table 3. Entropy results
Plain Text
Before merging random salting
After merging random salting
Plain Text in Table-2
Abstract as plaintext
5.5. Speed analysis
The encryption algorithm that has durability and high performance must also have speed in process
with real-time applications. In this paper, as shown in Figure 9, the delay time for each case and several
tested algorithms are compared with different key sizes, and a text file containing 6000 characters. Whereas,
AES with a 256-bit key size is derived by applaying (8) rounds through the PBKDF2 algorithm to derive the
keys, which will achieve good speed performance with the proposed model compared to the rest of the
algorithms. Figure 9 (a), shows the results before implementing the dynamic salt merging and the encryption
time is 0,56 ms, while the decryption time is 0.72 ms, and after applying the merging, Figure 9 (b), presents
the results for encryption time is 0.61, while the decryption time is 0.73 ms. From the foregoing, the
proposed model does not affect the speed except to a very small extent:
Encryption= (after merging salt) - (before merging salt) - -> 0.61-0.56 = 0.05 ms (4)
Decryption= (after merging salt) - (before merging salt) - - > 0.73 0.72=0.01 ms (5)
5.6. Randomness analysis
The strength of the derived keys depends on the randomness of the generated sequences, so the
randomness of the keys produced through the proposed model is tested through the standard Cryptool
V1.4.41 program, which includes number of tests, including the FIPS PUB-140-1 battery test. It measures the
entropy per 2500 bytes, this tool measures the entropy (0-8) [37], so 2500 bytes are tested for derived keys
set, and the results shown in the Table 4, where the significance level alpha equal (0.01), in Table 5 results of
FIPS PUB-140-1 test presented and the entropy of testes is 7.92 From 8.00. The results indicate the
robustness and quality of the randomisation produced through the model .
Indonesian J Elec Eng & Comp Sci ISSN: 2502-4752
Data security using random dynamic salting and AES based on master-slave keys for (Hussam J. Ali)
Figure 9. These figures are; (a) delay time before merging salt; (b) delay time after merging salt
Table 4. Cryptool randomness results
Test Name
Maximal test value
Test result
Test State
Table 5. FIPS PUB-140-1 battery test.
Test Name
Long Run
Final FIPS Result
Test State Result
In this section, the results of the system implementation and evaluation are presented.
6.1. System implemntation
Thus, acknowledging the performance of the proposed model from the foregoing encryption
analysis, the DMS system is designed and implemented and the AES algorithm applied with deriving the
keys through PBKDF2 and RNG to generate random salt and protect it with the secondary key and then
merge it with the encrypted text in the database in order to retrieve dams information entries encrypted and
make sound decisions for the integrity of the dam structure and the preservation of peoples lives. Where the
system containes a secure login interface with an interface for sending telegrams from the authorized
employees to the National Center for Decision-Making, and Figure 10 illustrates the most important
interfaces and database representation in SQL Server.
Figure 10. System implementation
6.2. Evaluation
Accordingly, to reviewing the outstanding issues of dam management in the second section (case
study) of Fallujah dam, this section explains the results of implementing the proposed DMS system and
evaluating the performance after examining and testing the system in Fallujah dam. The opinions of 45
employees are presented as shown in Figure 11, and the same employees who were questioned in assessing
issues and problems prior to the system design.
The evaluation questionnaire is prepared on three axes (technical, organizational, and security)
containing 15 items. The results are calculated on a Likert scale with the calculation of the arithmetic mean
ISSN: 2502-4752
Indonesian J Elec Eng & Comp Sci, Vol. 23, No. 2, August 2021: 1018 - 1029
and the degree of standard deviation. As the result of the evaluation indicates the effectiveness of the
proposed system and the extent to which it achieves its objectives to solve the issues for which the system is
designed, as well as the satisfaction of the dam management employees, and ease of use.
Figure 11. Proposed system evaluation
The management of Fallujah dam is studied as a model of vital infrastructure in Iraq to address the
lack of security that must be solved and to enrich the insufficient performance in the future. This is done by
presenting a design for the proposed system with a multi-tier secure model for dam management in Iraq. A
proposed encryption model based on the AES algorithm plus derived keys size 256-bit and merging the
cipher result with the dynamic random salt values and protect it via slave key, and base64 encryption is
implemented for the final result. AES algorithm is selected based on high performance and speed according
to encryption analysis executed between several algorithms. It can successfully decrease risks of certain
issues related to data and system security such as theft of sensitive data from database. This paper testes
Fallujah dam administration and evaluates it in real-time and the results of the assessment will reveal the
contingency plans and maintenance strategies to be achieved in the future. Continuously, it is hoped that the
overall work, including system design, multi-tier secure model, testing, and maintenance will serve both
academia and industry in Iraq on how to securely improve the IT infrastructure of dams and similar
electronic physical systems.
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... Ali et al. [15] presented a suggestion about the design of a relational database that covered the creation of a multi-tier secure architecture for integrating the dam management framework with its tasks. They employed the AES technique and generated keys to encrypt and decode the dam data via the password-based key derivation function 2 (PBKDF2), random numbers generator (RNG) sequences generator and the slave key for salting security. ...
... Fortunately, our protocol generates ElGamal random keys and converts them into small sizes of length 256, which are suitable for encryption in AES and e-commerce environments. Ali et al. [15] utilized several built-in methods such as PBKDF2, RNG and slave key to generate shared keys. However, their protocol is complex and increases implementation running time costs. ...
... Hu et al. [10] 512/1024/2048 RSA RSA -Asymmetric Saha et al. [11] 256 EAS AES SRFG Symmetric Imran et al. [30] 1024 ElGamal ElGamal -Asymmetric Yousif et al. [13] 1024 ElGamal ElGamal Scanning Asymmetric Ali et al. [15] 256 EAS RNG PBKDF2 Symmetric Mohd and Ashawesh [16] 256 EAS AES -Symmetric Our protocol 256 EAS ElGamal CRT Symmetric and Asymmetric ...
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Electronic-commerce (e-commerce) has become a provider of distinctive services to individuals and companies due to the speed and flexibility of transferring orders and completing commercial deals across far and different places. However, due to the increasing attacks on penetrating transaction information or tampering with e-commerce requests, the interest in protecting this information and hiding it from tamperers has become extremely important. In addition, hacking these deals can cause a huge waste of money and resources. Moreover, large numbers of connected and disconnected networks can cause significant disruption to the built-in security measures. In this paper, we propose to design a protocol to protect transaction information based on ElGamal, advanced encryption standard (AES) and Chinese remainder theorem (CRT) techniques. In addition, our protocol ensures providing scalability with high-performance security measures. We combine these algorithms with a robust methodology that supports the balance of performance and security of the proposed protocol. An analysis of our results proves that our protocol is superior to existing security protocols.
... Cryptography can be divided into symmetric key cryptography and asymmetric key cryptography. In symmetric key cryptography, the key for the encryption process is the same as the key for the decryption process [1], [7], [8]. So, in this case, the sender and recipient of the message have already shared the key before exchanging messages with each other. ...
... with InvMixColumns and still produce the same transformation. The following is the AES algorithm decryption process using the operating mode [8], [14], [30], [31]. ...
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The application of technology in this era has entered digitalization and is modern. Therefore, we are already in an era of advanced and rapid technological development. It has become a human need to exchange information in every activity. Documents that contain information that is frequently sought or used. The document's use also includes essential information. Document security is undoubtedly a significant factor in prioritizing important information in a document to prevent unauthorized people from misusing the document's vital information. Cryptography is a method of overcoming document security issues so that third parties cannot read the information or messages contained within the document. The 128-bit advanced encryption standard (AES) algorithm is one of the algorithms included in the cryptography technique. Additionally, it can be combined with operation modes such as electronic codebook (ECB) and cipher block chaining (CBC) to create an application that can generate random codes to improve the security of the data contained in the document.
... Additionally, RC2 accepts another input value called "key bit limits," which determines the maximum suitable key size in bits. Furthermore, keys are generated using both Keys and IV (Initialization Vectors) (Ali et al., 2021). The key consists of 12 characters (96 bits), while the IV consists of 8 characters (64 bits), resulting in a combined synoptic key (Latif, 2020). ...
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In the current context, ensuring the secure transmission of data over the internet has become a critical concern, with information technology playing a fundamental role. As society advances into the digital information age, the importance of network security issues continues to increase. Therefore, the need for cryptographic technology has emerged to overcome these challenges. Cryptography includes symmetric and asymmetric cryptography. An example of symmetric cryptography is the RC2 algorithm. RC2 is a symmetric encryption algorithm that uses a single key to encrypt and decrypt data. The ciphertext is then concealed within an image using the Stepic technique. The RC2 encryption method also utilizes symmetric encryption, ensuring the security of the encryption process while maintaining efficient encryption and decryption speeds. The result of this research is that the average percentage of MSE is 0.00%, and for PSNR and AVA are 70.85% and 34.93%. However, the AVA value is quite unstable because the average value is below 40%. Meanwhile, image encryption results in the longer the text that needs to be hidden in the image, the higher the UACI percentage. This is inversely proportional to the NPCR, the longer the text that needs to be hidden in the image, the lower the NPCR percentage. The average results obtained for UACI and NPCR values are 41.46% dan 98.13%.
... If you need to achieve a higher level of security, you can use a CPU-consuming hash algorithm to combat brute force cracking, such as password-based key derivation function 2 (PBKDF2). Ali et al. [121] discussed encryption and decryption of the dam data using the AES algorithm with derived keys via the PBKDF2 and RNG sequences generator and slave key for salting protection. They propose a derived key based on the AES algorithm plus 256 bits. ...
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Entropy is a measure of uncertainty or randomness. It is the foundation for almost all cryptographic systems. True random number generators (TRNGs) and physical unclonable functions (PUFs) are the silicon primitives to respectively harvest dynamic and static entropy to generate random bit streams. In this survey paper, we present a systematic and comprehensive review of different state-of-the-art methods to harvest entropy from silicon-based devices, including the implementations, applications, and the security of the designs. Furthermore, we conclude the trends of the entropy source design to point out the current spots of entropy harvesting.
This article proposed RAPSAMS, extending affinity propagation (AP) clustering to be robust in malware steaming. We use AP, which has been suggested as an approach for clustering a set of samples that by passing messages in different clusters, represents malware stream clustering. Then, by generating and adding adversarial examples, a method has been proposed to attack this clustering algorithm and try to make a robust algorithm against the proposed attack. Malware clustering has become an active research area in mobile security, in which the knowledge is being exploited in large quantities of the generated malware stream. Different procedures have been used that apply clustering to the malware's static features. This article focuses on selecting the most appropriate examples as centers for Android malware clusters and tries to add some perturbation to fool the clustering algorithm. There are two important challenges in this regard: (i) How to find the best representations for clustering. (ii) How to manage extracted patterns that include important data flow characteristics with different distributions. Malware stream clustering poses many challenges to solve this problem, including dealing with malware that is imported online, being able to process malware quickly and incrementally, dealing appropriately with time constraints, and the way that can manage important features patterns of malware stream. To examine the adaptability of the proposed methods of defense and attack, analyses were performed. The proposed approaches are tested on a couple of malware Android dataset benchmarks, namely, Contagio, Genome, and Drebin. We use permission, API, and intent features of these datasets. The obtained results from false positive rate (FPR) recognize that the amounts of the known algorithm for clustering, AP, increases to more than 50% afterward an offense occurs in a number of instances (like: Genome dataset in permission and intent features). Furthermore, by applying the label flipping attack (LFA) the accuracy measures decrease lower than 85% in all instances. Also, the proposed defense method decreased the FPR value by less than 30%, and the accuracy increased by more than 91%, in all cases. Consequently, the AP clustering will be robust against LFAs.
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This article has been withdrawn: please see Elsevier Policy on Article Withdrawal ( This article has been withdrawn as part of the withdrawal of the Proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Trends in Materials Science, Technology and Engineering (ICMSTE2K21). Subsequent to acceptance of these Proceedings papers by the responsible Guest Editors, Dr S. Sakthivel, Dr S. Karthikeyan and Dr I. A. Palani, several serious concerns arose regarding the integrity and veracity of the conference organisation and peer-review process. After a thorough investigation, the peer-review process was confirmed to fall beneath the high standards expected by Materials Today: Proceedings. The veracity of the conference also remains subject to serious doubt and therefore the entire Proceedings has been withdrawn in order to correct the scholarly record.
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In this paper, an adaptive model-free control method is designed to synchronize a class of fractional-order neural networks which has a vast application in engineering and industry. The theoretical and analytical concepts of the method are based on the fractional-order version of the Lyapunov stability theorem and using adaptive control theory. Moreover, it is worth to mention that, because of using of boundedness property in states of chaotic systems, there is no trace of nonlinear/linear dynamic terms of the system in the control approach. Also, for the application point of view, a new crypto-system algorithm is proposed based on the designed adaptive model-free method for encryption/decryption of unmanned aerial vehicle color images. Plus, numerical simulations are created to emphasize the usability of the method and algorithm. Finally, this point should be emphasized that security analysis including key space analysis, key sensitivity analysis, histogram analysis, information entropy analysis and correlation analysis of the crypto-system are provided to confirm the results of the crypto-system.
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The continuing advancement of technology had provided security issues in protecting the confidentiality of information. The need to protect unauthorized access of a third party is warranted. In this paper, the reduced-round modified AES with revised round keys and key schedule is proposed to ensure file confidentiality. The modifications to the AES cipher round was the reduction of the round iterations from 10 to 6, and additional key permutations were added in between states; while in the key schedule, additional byte substitution process was appended. Time and throughput were utilized to measure the performance of the application's encryption/decryption process; while the avalanche effect and randomness tests were used to measure the security of the modified AES algorithm. The results of evaluations have shown that the encryption and decryption time have improved by 1.27% and 1.21% respectively while the throughput has similarly improved by 1.29% and 3.19% for both encryption and decryption respectively. Whereas the avalanche effect of the modified AES was 50.06% which was more than the ideal value of 50% and it was also better than the standard AES which was 49.94% using the sample dataset. Finally, all the ciphertext outputs of the modified AES passed the randomness tests.
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Gigantic data transfer over networks and internet turned in developing a large number of encryption techniques. As a consequence, in parallel, it gave birth to new plans of attacks. In facet of data security, the algorithms specifically Rijndael (Advanced Encryption Standard-AES), SERPENT and TWOFISH are equally considered to be the best. However, they pay less attention in some cryptographic areas like digital image encryption schemes because of their time consumption inferiority. In this paper, we introduce a time diminishing improved version of SERPENT algorithm depending upon chain ring-based substitution boxes (S-boxes) dealing with 8-bit vector instead of 4-bit. The multiplicative substructures in a chain ring have multiple generators and thus the chain ring based S-boxes improve the algebraic complexity of the cipher. Apart from it, the algorithm is utilized in a digital RGB image encryption application where throughout the chain ring operations are performed. The digital image analyses reveal that the proposed scheme consumes less time (i.e. 8.2 microseconds for encryption and 5.8 microseconds for decryption of a 128-bit block) as compared to the existing prominent RGB image encryption techniques. Furthermore, the investigation on the suggested RGB image encryption scheme it is observed that it has a great resistance against the statistical and the differential attacks.
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Passwords are widely used to protect our sensitive information or to gain access to specific resources. They should be changed frequently and be strong enough to prevent well-known attacks. Unfortunately, user-chosen passwords are usually short and lack sufficient entropy. A possible solution to these problems is to adopt a Key Derivation Function (KDF) that allows legitimate users to spend a moderate amount of time on key derivation, while imposing CPU/memory-intensive operations on the attacker side. In this paper, we focus on long-term passwords secured by the Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2 (PBKDF2) and present the case study of Linux Unified Key Setup (LUKS), a disk-encryption specification commonly implemented in Linux based operating systems. In particular, we describe how LUKS protects long-term keys by means of iteration counts defined at runtime, and analyze how external factors may affect the iteration counts computation. In doing so, we provide means of evaluating the iteration count values defined at run-time and experimentally show to what level PBKDF2 is still capable of providing sufficient security margin for a LUKS implementation.
Chaotic hash functions are a prospective branch of modern cryptography. Being compared with traditional hashing algorithms, an approach based on deterministic chaos allows achieving diffusion and confusion with less computational costs. Most of the recently proposed chaotic hash functions use piecewise maps. Cryptosystems based on such maps are not vulnerable to attack by the reconstruction of phase space but their key spaces depend on maps parameters and therefore can be insufficient. In this paper, we propose an approach for the construction of piecewise hash functions from adaptive chaotic maps. The idea is to match different values of the adaptive coefficient to several sub-domains of the chaotic map. Thus, the adaptive coefficient values are part of the hash function key. Therefore, an increase in the sub-functions number potentially enhances the cryptographic strength of the algorithm. Thus, hash functions based on novel adaptive maps have larger key space compared to conventional piecewise maps. We explicitly show that the proposed hash generation technique allows obtaining digests with the required statistical properties. Moreover, we run a collision test to prove that the collision probability is small. The obtained results can be useful in chaos-based cryptography as well for the various simulations of real processes and phenomena with chaotic behavior, in computer graphics and multimedia.
Electronic government (e-Government) is a research field that studies the use of information and communication technology (ICT) in the public sector. Such initiatives are often associated with promises of transformational government, which is more efficient and utilizes modern technology to increase democratic engagement. However, research shows that several e-Government initiatives fail to deliver the promised benefits and attract a large portion of citizens. Some researchers argue that many initiatives have been driven by technology rather than by the core values of government, which has resulted in weakened democracy. Against this backdrop, the purpose of this paper is to achieve a greater understanding of risk in the e-Government field. Through a literature study, research papers were analyzed and divided into categories based on their unit of analysis, and ontological and epistemological properties. Four themes were identified in the material: IT security, user adoption, implementation barriers, and policy and democracy. This paper concludes by suggesting these themes would provide a suitable point of departure for a risk management framework in e-Government. Thus, future research should explore ways to converge these different strands of literature in multi-disciplinary research.