Henita Rahmayanti

Henita Rahmayanti
Jakarta State University | Unj · Center for Environmental Studies



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Prof. Dr. Henita Rahmayanti was born in June 1963. She is a Professor in Environmental Science. She currently works at Jakarta State University. She has a lot of publication in environmental science, environmental education, and science education research. Email for correspondence: henita.rahmayanti@unj.ac.id and Scopus Author ID: 57193697371
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January 2020 - present
Jakarta State University
  • Head of Department


Publications (84)
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The construction industry has significant environmental, social, and economic impacts on the community. As one of the main results of the construction industry, buildings largely reflect this during the transition cycle. Both positive and negative negatives. The negative impacts of buildings and construction activities also disrupt human activities...
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The environmental attitude of students in environmental education has an important role in a smart city. The problem that arises is the absence of a profile students' attitude in waste management. This makes the development of tools in environmental education such as smart trash need to be developed, based on students' environmental attitudes. The...
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The problem of flooding in various major cities in Indonesia resulted in various problems that occur around the environment. Flood mitigation also became an important focus during the COVID-19 outbreak. Learning innovations in the form of a Disaster Mitigation of Flood Based on Online Learning (DIFMOL) educational model based on 21st technology, ne...
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Environmental learning when Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) requires innovation to improve students' abilities in e-learning. One of the capabilities required Higher Order Thinking Skills that can be measured using Higher Order Thinking Skills Assessment based on Environmental Problem of Corona Virus Disease (HOTS-AEP-COVID-19). Besides, it is nece...
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Environmental learning in the 21st century requires a high level of thinking ability, especially to solve environmental problems when COVID-19 pandemic. This was to develop a new level of thinking, namely Higher Order Thinking Skills of Environmental Problem (HOTSEP) which is a revision of Anderson's Taxonomy. The purpose of this study was to measu...
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span lang="EN-US">Solving natural disaster problems, especially floods, requires community participation. One of the efforts that can be done is by implementing the environmental supplement book of flood disasters based on innovation learning model for natural science and environmental learning (ILMIZI). The purpose of this research was to implemen...
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This study investigated the use of i-THINK Mapping in teaching reading comprehension by ESL teachers to a group of Form Five students, and the factors and challenges the ESL teachers faced in teaching reading comprehension using i-THINK Mapping. A qualitative approach, specifically a case study design, was employed in this study. Classroom obse...
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Pendidikan mitigasi telah diakui secara luas memiliki dampak yang positif dalam upaya pengurangan risiko, serta para ahli sangat merekomendasikan bahwa setiap individu manusia dituntut untuk dapat mandiri dan meningkatkan keterampilannya dalam melakukan mitigasi dan adaptasi. Tujuan dari pelaksanaan pengabdian ini adalah untuk dapat meningkatkan pe...
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Every disaster brings victims, both human and property is a fact. But whatever the type of disaster, there is always an omen before it comes. This is where the urgency is to understand every sign that comes correctly and accurately. So, of course, knowledge, skills, and skills are needed on how the community, especially in disaster-prone areas, pre...
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Lapangan penumpukan merupakan fasilitas yang diberikan kepada importir sebagai tempat penimbunan sementara dengan jangka waktu optimal barang impor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor yang mempengaruhi barang impor terlambat dikeluarkan dari lapangan penumpukan. Penelitian ini memakai metode kuantitatif dengan tehnik analisis faktor e...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang menghambat kegiatan bongkar muat petikemas impor di Terminal 3 Internasional PT. Tangguh Samudera Jaya menjadi lebih efektif, penyusunan laporan tugas akhir ini menggunakan pengumpulan data baik dalam bentuk primer maupun sekunder. Data primer yang dimaksud berupa wawancara serta observ...
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Background and objective: Numerous flood disaster events encourage mitigation efforts. One of the efforts is education to high school and college students through a project based learning (PjBL) model during COVID-19. The PjBL innovation can be developed by teachers with a formulation that integrates it with learning media and higher-order thinking...
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Flooding is a problem that often occurs in urban areas. The flood disaster that occurred in early 2020 left various negative impacts on the environment. This causes flooding to become a problem that must be solved. The purpose of this activity is to empower flood mitigation skills in the community through environmental seminars. The method of activ...
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The coastal area has developed into a center for the fish processing industry, which has an impact on environmental problems in the form of liquid waste and odors. To overcome these environmental problems and carry out cleaner production such as processing and implementing environmental sanitation, work motivation is needed. Because of this, resear...
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This study analyzed Higher-Order Thinking Skills of Environmental Problem (HOTSEP). It was conducted in March 2021. The sample comprised 114 vocational high school students, 66 male and 49 female students from several schools in Jakarta, Indonesia. The data was collected online using Google Form and Microsoft Excel for data analysis. The results sh...
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Practical learning activities carried out in remote situations during the COVID-19 pandemic triggered vocational students to take advantage of the surrounding environment as a learning resource. The process also determines how their HOTS and HOTSEP are. A learning model that can accommodate the skills is needed, such as ITA (Identify problems–Think...
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Environmental degradation triggers the numerous impacts of climate change. This research describes the Higher-Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) of vocational high school students and university students regarding climate change to develop a Smart Trash. The research method used is descriptive method with survey technique. Essay tests are used as the res...
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This study analyzes the profile of Carita people in the efforts of tsunami disaster mitigation and the role of environmental learning in coping with the disaster, then analyzes the use of environmental learning. The method used is a mixed method of qualitative and quantitative methods. The quantitative method measures various community readiness le...
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Buku berjudul Mitigasi Bencana: Inovasi Model DIFMOL dalam Pendidikan Lingkungan ini diterbitkan sebagai bentuk upaya mitigasi di bidang akademik guna memberikan informasi dan pengetahuan terkait mitigasi bencana yang dikemas melalui model Disaster Mitigation of Flood based on Online Learning (DIFMOL). Model DIFMOL ini adalah sebuah model pendidika...
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The purpose of this study was to determine the effect, respondents' responses and sub-variables that influence training and human resource development on work productivity held in PT. Pendidikan Maritim dan Logistik Indonesia through questionnaire data. The method used is descriptive quantitative method with primary and secondary data through stati...
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Abstrak Dalam pembelajaran daring, banyak kendala yang dihadapi baik siswa maupun guru, hal ini dikarenakan siswa dan guru tidak dapat berinteraksi seperti pada pembelajaran tatap muka sehingga siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam menangkap materi yang disampaikan oleh guru. Untuk mendapatkan hasil belajar yang sesuai dengan kriteria ketuntasan minimal...
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span>Current environmental learning amid the COVID-19 new normal situation requires an innovation. This is due to students need various skills to solve environmental pollution issues using Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) and is implemented in the form of Pro-Environmental Behavior (PEB). The innovation is aimed at supporting e-learning utilizat...
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Many small and medium entrepreneurs hope to develop their business by exporting their products to a wider market. However, rarely do entrepreneurs think of being able to try out the export market in order to expand their market reach. Even this tax issue between exports and imports has different regulations. When we import goods, almost all goods w...
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Abstrak Ancaman kesehatan dunia saat ini adalah penyakit yang berasal dari virus yang menyerang saluran pernapasan yang disebut Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19). Karena Covid-19, seluruh sistem kehidupan telah berubah secara besar-besaran di semua aspek kehidupan. Pemerintah di berbagai negara telah menerapkan lockdown. Salah satu dampak lockdo...
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Innovation in learning is a necessity for environmental learning in 21st century especially during the new normal era of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). One of important skills to address disaster mitigation issue is Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) that can be trained using the Innovation Learning Model for Natural Science and Environm...
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Flooding that occurred recently has become a very detrimental disaster for the victims. This flood disaster is still a concern for people in Indonesia. Flood mitigation needs to be done to all levels of society, especially vocational school students. Vocational school students must be responsive in any situation because, after graduation, they are...
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The study aimed to revise Anderson's taxonomy and implement the new taxonomy in learning. The study used the descriptive method and there were 6 types of instruments used according to new taxonomy. The results showed that students' knowledge scores were still in a very low category at the Natural science, Environment, and Social Science at School a...
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Environmental education amid Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic requires innovation. The pandemic situation need to improving student attitudes in maintaining the environment need an improvement by conducting various innovations and one of them is ILMIZI learning model utilization. The research aim was to improve student attitudes with th...
Conference Paper
Research on plastics polymer packaging waste research has been carried out in Citizen Association at Kampong Melayu by conducting counseling, sorting waste with two sorting containers, and sorting plastic for 8 days. The study with the Survey Method was conducted in East Jakarta, with a total sample of n = 61 houses chosen randomly. The findings ar...
Banyak pengusaha kecil dan menengah berharap mengembangkan bisnis dengan cara ekspor produknya ke pasar yang lebih luas. Namun demikian jarang ada pengusaha yang dapat terpikir untuk bisa mencoba pasar ekspor agar bisa memperluas jangkauan pasar mereka. Masalah pajak ini pun antara ekspor maupun impor memiliki peraturan yang berbeda. Saat kita meng...
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Recently, Ethnoscience learning has become the focus of researchers in various regions. It provides a mixed-nuance of culture and science. This learning is a breakthrough in the world of education because it combines science and culture. This research aimed to identify the influence of Ethnoscience learning on students' scientific literacy. The met...
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Environmental education for university level, especially in Engineering faculty, is an important issue. One of environmental issue that becomes a concern is related to flood disaster mitigation. The purpose of this study is to describe environmental attitudes (EA) and Pro-Environmental Behavior (PEB) among Engineering faculty students. The descr...
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Scientific literacy is a person's ability to use scientific knowledge and processes to understand scientific phenomena in solving problems or making decisions. The purpose of this study is to analyze scientific literacy research in the field of physics education and see its trends to find the research opportunity for further research. The results o...
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Learning science in the 21st century focuses a lot on caring for the environment. This study aimed to measure students' HOTSEP (Higher Order Thinking Skills of Environmental Problem) in the context of environmental problems related to electricity. The descriptive method was used with a sample size of 50 students from several cities in Indonesia. Th...
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In the 21st-century, learning based on Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics (STEAM) has been increasingly popular, especially in learning physics at schools.. This learning is considered to be able to accommodate many students' abilities, especially in the aspects of understanding and higher-order thinking skills. Through a meta-a...
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The suitability of the science-arts convergence is currently being actively discussed because it is important in educating students to become more creative and knowledgeable people. This type of research is a quantitative study using a bibliometric approach. This study aimed to carry out systematic mapping of research trends in the STEAM field in s...
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Flood mitigation is an urgent matter to be carried out during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). The purpose of this activity was to provide information to the community related to flood mitigation to empower the knowledge and skills of flood disaster mitigation. The method used in this service is counseling and discuss with each other. There...
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Coastal flooding is a natural disaster that often occurs in coastal areas. Jakarta is an example of a location that is highly vulnerable to coastal flooding. Coastal flooding can result in economic and human life losses. Thus, there is a need for a coastal flooding early warning system in vulnerable locations to reduce the threat to the community a...
The research investigates the effects of cooperative learning strategy on enhancing Malaysian ESL students' speaking skills. It is common for ESL/EFL (English as Second/Foreign Language) students to face difficulties in interacting fluently in English language; in fact this problem is faced by students not only in Malaysia but around the world. The...
This study reviews literature on using Kahoot game-based learning to motivate second language learners to learn English.In this ultramodern era, learning style is more oriented and given priority according to present growth in the field of Malaysian education. Furthermore, many studies have proven that Kahoot game-based learning had motivated ESL s...
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Environmental education during a pandemic is something that must be focused especially on natural disasters. One of the skills needed to solve natural disasters is Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). The purpose of this study was to describe student HOTS to develop a Disaster Mitigation of Flood based on the Online Learning (DIFMOL) model. The res...
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Flood issues will become aggrevated during the COVID-19 pandemic and solutions, especially in environmental education, must be developed to provide relief to affected communities. Students, as the generation who will shape society in future, must be able to contribute ideas to resolve environmental problems. One of the abilities that must be acquir...
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Pandemic Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) is a non-natural disaster that occurs globally. Disaster mitigation efforts need to be made when entering a new normal life after the physical distancing policy is relaxed. The purpose of this study was to describe the knowledge and participation of students in disaster mitigation activities during the new no...
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21st Century environmental learning when the pandemic Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) requires a variety of learning innovations. One of them is learning innovation in Primary Education Teacher Candidate (PETC) using ILMIZI model. That is because solving environmental problems requires knowledge, one of which is Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)....
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Environmental learning in the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic requires 21st-Century learning innovation which promotes Higher-Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) of which ILMIZI is the potential learning model. The purpose of this study was to measure the students’ HOTS using HOTS Assessment based on Environmental Problem of COVID-19 (HOTS-AE...
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The purpose of this study was to determine the importance of implementing disaster mitigation education in schools during the new normal era of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The method in this research used descriptive research design using a survey study approach. The research instrument used was a knowledge test with the number of question...
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COVID-19 harms the implementation of learning at various levels, including at Islamic universities. Students at Islamic universities must use e-learning for several months until the COVID-19 outbreak ends. Students are also required to have Higher-Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) to solve problems. They are also required to have Pro-Environmental Behav...
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In Malaysia, English as a second language (ESL) students vary widely in terms of language proficiency. Their performance in writing shows a great disparity. The good students are able to write excellently while the weak ones struggle to write. The aim of this study was to validate the scaffolding models and modules for teaching the writing skills p...
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Environmental learning during COVID-19 experienced a change to elearning. The use of learning models must be compatible; one model that can be chosen was the ILMIZI model. In addition to learning the concept of COVID-19, students must also be able to implement it in the form of Pro-Environmental Behavior (PEB) COVID-19. The purpose of this study wa...
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Learning media based on the technology needed by the teacher to help deliver a concept, especially in disaster mitigation topics on environmental learning. This study aimed to measure the influence of using garbage sorting games with guided inquiry learning Methods on cognitive abilities of early childhood, then analysis of Disaster Mitigation of F...
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Corona Virus Diseases (Covid-19) has become an epidemic in Indonesia and even has become a global pandemic in 2020. Various impacts of Covid-19 is one of them changes learning strategy. One of them is the change from conventional learning to internet-based learning or electronic learning (e-learning). The purpose of this study was to describe the e...
Learning in the 21st century requires a learning innovation, especially in science and environmental learning. That's because solving various environmental problems requires students' abilities, one of which is Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). The purpose of this research was to develop a learning model called ITA (Identify problems, Think and...
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[Title: Implementation of ILMIZI Learning Model and Improvement of Elementary Students HOTS Based on Gender in Environmental Learning]. Abstract: The purpose of this study was to improve elementary students HOTS using ILMIZI and gender-based analysis in environmental learning. The method used was an experiment with a pre-post test design without...
This final task report aims to determine the model of the container queue at the diamond Terminal, as well as the graduation requirement of the Jakarta State University management course. From the calculation results of the system performance of the queue in the field of stacking the diamond terminal shows that the busiest month occurred in May wit...
This final project was conducted during an internship at Terminal Petikemas Semarang which is a company in the field of packaging terminal services. This study aims to analyze the impact of tariff progressive policies on dwelling time and YOR. To achieve the target of dwelling time in less than 3 days and YOR under 50% a progressive tariff policy i...
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Environmental problems need to be solved by students' HOTS abilities. This research aimed to develop environmental learning student's worksheet of air pollution (eswopol) based on Higher Order Thinking Skills Assessment based on Environmental Problems (HOTS-AEP). The research method used research and development that modified from Borg and Gall mod...
This course should be done to develop the independence of creative industry with graphic design for Pasir kuda village society that will be one of effort for developing potency improvement Pasir kuda village. And also it will help to carry out the mission from the village to optimize the village’s potency and resource within the society economy enh...
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Waste is one of existing environmental problems have never end. One of the causes was a lack of environmental awareness because lack of education from early age. This study aimed to build Sorting Waste Game Android Based as an education media, study used technology in environmental education. Sorting Waste Game teach early childhood to understand m...
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This research aims to know the increase of cleaner production environment in the fish processing industry through work motivation and leadership of women fishermen in the Tangerang Regency. A survey method is employed using a path analysis technique, whereas the sampling technique used is proportional random sampling. Samples are obtained from prim...
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Perubahan iklim terjadi diantaranya disebabkan karena penggunaan energi yang belum ramah. Perilaku hemat energi dimulai sejak usia Sekolah Dasar atau dini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan strategi peningkatan perilaku hemat energi melalui energi literasi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SD Labs School FIP UMJ, pada bulan Mei 2019. Subjek...
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This research was aimed to investigate the effect of the leadership fisherwomen and cleaner production of the fish processing industry on the effectiveness of environmental coastal preservation in Tangerang District. The research was conducted by survey method and analyzed using Path Analysis (PA). Sampling was done by proportional random sampling....
Conference Paper
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Plumbers determine the quality of water installations, networks, and management so that the position of plumbers becomes important in maintaining the health of the environment and buildings. This research was conducted with the aim of measuring the validity of plumber's competency instruments. The research method used is descriptive by involving se...
Research aim is to understand the extent of relevance teaching matter in the studying to become with matter teaches at smk the technical expertise building.Research done to suggest course education building technique engineering faculty jakarta state university in determining teaching matter who would be taught, so teaching matter in learned on a c...
Stasiun Sungai Lagoa PT. Kereta Api Indonesia DAOP 1 Jakarta adalah stasiun kereta kelas kecil yang terletak di Tanjung Priok, Jakarta Utara. Stasiun ini melayani bongkar muat petikemas. Maka dari itu penulis tertarik mengambil judul “Analisis Bongkar Muat Pada Kereta Api Petikemas 2514 Di Stasiun Sungai Lagoa PT. Kereta Api Indonesia DAOP 1 Jakart...
The potential negative impacts include being one of the factors causing flooding,being a disease-causing vector habitat and providing an unfavorable visual appearance. On the otherhand, the development that took place on Campus A UNJ has reduced the area of green space.Development needs to pay attention to environmental elements as a form of implem...
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One of the efforts to improve the quality of urban environment is smart environment concept that has become one of six of smart city indicators such as smart government, smart economy, smart people, smart mobility, and smart living. Smart environment means an environment that provides comfort, resources, physical and nonphysical beauty, and visual...
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Concern for the environment causes an increase in consumer demand for environmentally friendly products. The purpose of this study was to look at the relationship between knowledge about green products, social impact and perception value with green buying behavior. This research is a quantitative and observational type research with cross sectional...
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Housing is a basic human need, but the Government has not been able to fully provide decent shelter for the community. Governments have an obligation to provide access to adequate housing communities, livable, prosperous, cultured, and social justice. This study aimed to analyze the sustainability of the environmental infrastructure of low cost ren...
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This research aim to determine student’s perceptions toward green open space that has been there at the A Campus of State University of Jakarta reviewed from extrinsic functions. The research held at the A Campus of State University of Jakarta on June-July 2015.The method used in this research was a descriptive research method with survey. Sampli...
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Sumatra is a disaster-prone area, and Padang is located in the ring of fire. Potentials for disaster and vulnerability in urban areas is high, so to reduce the risk of disasters, knowledge and understanding for the whole community, especially through women's roles, are required. The aim of this study is to clarify the role of women in disaster miti...
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High economic growth in the city was not balanced with adequate infrastructure provision. Northern Jakarta has been a tangible example of how the development of the city had ignored the environmental conditions, this region has been developed into a very dense and slums areas, and compounded with a huge problem of the exceeding of environment carry...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengelolaan airbersih yang ideal untuk memenuhi kepuasan pelanggan (industri danperumahan) dikawasan industri Jababeka. Penelitian ini dilakukan diKawasan Industri Jababeka pada WTP I dan WTP II mulai dari bulanMei sampai dengan bulan Juli 2011.Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Metode Deskriptif Ku...


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