Hendrik Kondziella

Hendrik Kondziella
University of Leipzig · Institute for Infrastructure and Resource Management

Dr. rer. pol.


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Business model analysis, Electricity Market Design, Post-fossil district heating systems
Additional affiliations
February 2020 - present
University of Leipzig
  • PostDoc Position
  • Project lead in funding programs SINTEG (Germany), Horizon2020 (EU), HYPOS (Germany)
February 2014 - January 2017
Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMW
  • Deputy Head
  • At Fraunhofer IMW, I was in charge for an energy economics research group. In terms of project skills, I lead the development of IRPopt, a software tool for business modeling and strategic planning for municipal utilities.
January 2009 - January 2014
University of Leipzig
  • Senior Researcher
  • At this position, I led the working group “electricity market modelling” and took over the lead in various research projects for public and private costumers.
October 2000 - July 2005
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
Field of study
  • Economics and Management
September 1997 - August 2000
Hochschule Harz
Field of study
  • Public Law and Economics


Publications (27)
Postprint for the conference paper. Link: https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bsz:15-qucosa2-874233
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The seasonal storage of natural gas is a recognized and reliable technology in the energy industry. Salt caverns are particularly suitable for storing alternative gaseous fuels such as hydrogen. Germany has a great technical potential for expanding its cavern storage capacity, which exceeds the expected demand for hydrogen many times. Regarding the...
Conference Paper
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This study derives the levelized cost of heat (LCOH) for exemplary post-fossil district heating (DH) scenarios. The DH system of Leipzig in 2040 under the assumption of a completely climate-neutral heat supply is considered. Accordingly, four generation scenarios (GS) are proposed based on different energy carriers that are characterized as follows...
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Determining the development of Germany's energy system is the subject of a series of studies. Since their results play a significant role in the political energy debate for understanding the role of hydrogen and synthetic energy carriers, a better discussion is needed. This article provides an assessment of published transition pathways for Germany...
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Determining the development of Germany's energy system by taking the energy transition objectives into account is the subject of a series of studies. Since their assumptions and results play a significant role in the political energy debate for understanding the role of hydrogen and synthetic energy carriers, a better discussion is needed. This art...
The German climate protection goals aim to achieve a climate-neutral state by 2050. The transformation process of the energy supply system triggered by this leads to an increasing number of generation sites, storage units, and additional flexible loads connected to the electricity grid. The legally binding phase-out of nuclear as well as coal-fired...
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Without decarbonizing cities energy and climate objectives cannot be achieved as cities account for approximately two thirds of energy consumption and emissions. This goal of decarbonizing cities has to be facilitated by promoting net-zero/positive energy buildings and districts and replicating them, driving cities towards sustainability goals. Man...
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To support decision makers of municipal energy utilities regarding future portfolio management, we developed the mathematical optimization model IRPopt, which allows a policy‐oriented, technology‐based and actor‐related assessment of varying energy system conditions and innovative business models. In this article we describe and demonstrate the IRP...
Die Energiewende und der damit verbundene Ausbau der erneuerbaren Energien (EE), insbesondere auf Basis von Windkraft und Photovoltaik, stellt erhöhte Anforderungen an die Flexibilität des Stromsystems. Eine sichere Systemführung des Stromnetzes stellt sich ebenfalls zunehmend als Her‐ ausforderung dar, da bestimmte Systemdienstleistungen (SDL) lok...
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Against the backdrop of a changing political, economic and ecological environment, energy utilities are facing several challenges in many countries. Due to an increasing decentralization of energy systems, the conventional business could be undermined. Yet the reliable integration of small-scale renewable technologies and associated system transfor...
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A rapid growth in interest in self-consumption of electricity generated by rooftop photovoltaic (PV) systems has been observed in recent years. This is fueled by decreasing levelized cost of electricity and feed-in tariffs for PV-systems as well as by increasing electricity prices, especially in the residential sector. Besides PV-battery systems, e...
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Die Energiewende birgt für Energieversorgungsunternehmen (EVU) eine Reihe von Risiken. Die sich ihnen daraus ergebenden Chancen lassen sich jedoch nur schwer greifen. Insbesondere mit dem Gesetz zur „Digitalisierung der Energiewende“ eröffnen sich interessante Möglichkeiten zur Bewertung innovativer Geschäftsmodelle. Die anfallenden elektrischen Ve...
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The interest in self-consumption of electricity generated by rooftop photovoltaic systems has grown in recent years, fueled by decreasing levelized costs of electricity and feed-in tariffs as well as increasing end customer electricity prices in the residential sector. This also fostered research on grid-connected PV-battery storage systems, which...
Die politischen Ziele im Rahmen der Umsetzung der „Energiewende“ in Deutschland sehen den weiteren Zubau erneuerbarer Energien vor, die zu einem überwiegenden Anteil aus fluktuierenden Quellen stammen. Zum Ausgleich der Fluktuationen werden neben dem verstärkten Netzausbau und einer flexiblen Nachfrage auch zusätzliche Speicheroptionen diskutiert....
It is expected that an energy system faces increasing flexibility requirements in order to cope with increasing contributions from variable renewable energy sources (VRE). In general, the instant balance of temporal and spatial inequalities of the electricity system can be achieved by many compensating measures. However, a thorough and precise quan...
Die Transformation des Energiesystems setzt das Geschäftsmodell klassischer Energieversorger zunehmend unter Druck. Die Flexibilität der Kunden, die frei aus Angeboten auf dem Strommarkt wählen können, lässt sich kaum in die heutige Unternehmensplanung einbeziehen. Das Schweizer Versorgungsunternehmen IWB Industrielle Werke Basel setzt deshalb auf...
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The increasing amount of power generation from weather-dependent renewable sources in Germany is projected to lead to a considerable number of hours in which power generation exceeds power demand. One possibility to take advantage of this power surplus is through the Power-to-Heat technology. As combined heat and power (CHP)-plants can be upgraded...
Following the nuclear meltdown in Fukushima Daiichi, in summer 2011 the German parliament decided to phase-out nuclear power by 2022. When this decision was taken, a number of model-based analyses investigated the influence this decision would have on electricity prices and CO2 emissions. They concluded that CO2 emissions would be kept at levels th...
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Die politischen Ziele im Rahmen der Umsetzung der „Energiewende“ in Deutschland sehen den weiteren Zubau erneuerbarer Energien vor, die zu einem überwiegenden Anteil aus fluktuierenden Quellen stammen. Zum Ausgleich der Fluktuationen werden neben dem verstärkten Netzausbau und einer flexiblen Nachfrage auch zusätzliche Speicheroptionen diskutiert....
Zusammenfassung Der vorliegende Beitrag bietet eine modellgestützte Analyse des französischen Spotmarktes für Elektrizität. Mit Hilfe eines kostenoptimierenden Dispatch-Modells soll unter Berücksichtigung der Entwicklung der tatsächlichen Spotmarktpreise in 2009 Aufschluss über die Wirkungsweise des liberalisierten Strommarktes in Frankreich gegebe...
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Laut Koalitionsvertrag plant die derzeitige Bundesregierung die Laufzeiten für Kernkraftwerke zu ver-längern. Bei der Ausgestaltung sollen die für die Anlagenbetreiber zu erwartenden Vorteile ausgeglichen werden. Wie aber sehen diese Vorteile im Einzelnen konkret aus und welche Instrumente stehen zum Vorteilsausgleich zur Verfügung? Nach aktueller...


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