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Abstract and Figures

Agility is an important physical attribute for successful participation in team sports events. Illinois agility test (IAT) and T-test have been widely used within adult team sports players to assess agility performance. The purposes of this investigation are (1) to study the reliability and the sensitivity of both IAT and T-test scores and (2) to explore to what extend the agility is an independent physical ability from speed time and jumping ability. Competitive-level young soccer (n=95) and handball players (n=92) participated in this study (i.e., approximately 12 years old). Reliability analyses were established by determining intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC (3, 1)) and typical error of measurement (TEM). The sensitivity of agility tests was revealed by comparing TEM to the value of the smallest worthwhile change (SWC). The second aim was examined by means of the principal component analysis (PCA). Results revealed that the scores of both IAT and T-test showed a high reliability (all ICC (3, 1)>0.90 and TEM<5%) and sensitivity (all TEM<SWC). PCA resulted in one significant component for the soccer and handball group each that explained 72.18% and 80.16% of the total variance, respectively. Significant relationships were recorded between all the selected tests (r= -0.72 to 0.85, p<0.001). Based on the results of this study, it was concluded that both IAT and T-test provided reliable and sensitive scores. Therefore, these tests could be strongly recommended to evaluate agility within young male competitive-level team sports athletes. Additionally, it seems that agility, speed time, and jumping ability assess the same physical attribute in young competitive-level team sports players.
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Research Unit “Sport Performance and Health,” Higher Institute of Sport and Physical Education of Ksar Said, Tunis,
Tunisian Research Laboratory “Sports Performance Optimization,” National Center of Medicine and Science in
Sports (CNMSS), Tunis, Tunisia; and
Higher Institute of Sports and Physical Education, Manouba University, Tunis, Tunisia
Negra, Y, Chaabene, H, Hammami, M, Amara, S, Sammoud, S,
Mkaouer, B, and Hachana, Y. Agility in young athletes: is it
a different ability from speed and power? J Strength Cond
Res 31(3): 727–735, 2017—Agility is an important physical
attribute for successful participation in team sports events.
Illinois agility test (IAT) and T-test have been widely used
within adult team sports players to assess agility perfor-
mance. The purposes of this investigation are (a) to study
the reliability and the sensitivity of both IAT and T-test scores
and (b) to explore to what extend the agility is an indepen-
dent physical ability from speed time and jumping ability.
Competitive-level young soccer (n= 95) and handball play-
ers (n= 92) participated in this study (i.e., approximately 12
years old). Reliability analyses were established by determin-
ing intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC
error of measurement (TEM). The sensitivity of agility tests
was revealed by comparing TEM to the value of the smallest
worthwhile change (SWC). The second aim was examined
by means of the principal component analysis. Results re-
vealed that the scores of both IAT and T-test showed a high
reliability (all ICC
.0.90 and TEM ,5%) and sensitivity
(all TEM ,SWC). Principal component analysis resulted in
one significant component for the soccer and handball
group each that explained 72.18 and 80.16% of the total
variance, respectively. Significant relationships were re-
corded between all the selected tests (r=20.72 to 0.85,
p,0.001). Based on the results of this study, it was con-
cluded that both IAT and T-test provided reliable and sensi-
tive scores. Therefore, these tests could be strongly
recommended to evaluate agility within young male
competitive-level team sports athletes. In addition, it seems
that agility, speed time, and jumping ability assess the same
physical attribute in young competitive-level team sports
KEY WORDS reliability, sensitivity, team sport, sprint, principal
component analysis
Agility is one of the most important aspects that
should be developed and routinely implemented
in strength and conditioning programs for team
sports athletes (4,25,30,37). Generally, agility is
defined as a rapid whole-body movement with change of
direction and/or velocity in response to a stimulus (30). Mirkov
et al. (21) reported that agility and coordination is one of the
crucial factors in future success in 11-year-old athletes. Hacha-
na et al. (11) and Pauole et al. (26) have identified the Illinois
agility test (IAT) and the agility T-test as 2 of the best tests to
measure agility, respectively. Although the existing researches
have shown the good validity and reliability of these tests
among junior-senior team sports athletes (13,29,31), this issue
remains unclear in young athletes considering the difference in
maturity status and/or chronological age in addition to the
training background between them (5). Furthermore, accord-
ing to Hachana et al. (10), the IATmight not represent a sport-
specific test for young players because of the long duration
(approximately 16–18 seconds) and the long distance covered
(approximately 60 m). Thus, this test might be overly strenuous
for young players, which might also affect its validity and/or
reliability. Therefore, further investigations in this area are
Limited scientific literature is available providing specific
details on how best to train agility for children (19,25). To
optimize agility training programs, correlation analysis with
other fitness variables (i.e., power, speed, strength.) needs to
be established. Pauole et al. (26) established a significant cor-
relation between T-test, leg power, and leg speed within male
college-aged men (coefficient of determination [R
] = 24 and
30%, respectively). Hachana et al. (11) revealed that IAT per-
formance is significantly related to speed (R
= 18%) rather
than to acceleration (R
= 2%), and leg power (R
contrast, Little and Williams (18) revealed that acceleration
Address correspondence to Dr. Yassine Negra,
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Ó2016 National Strength and Conditioning Association
VOLUME 31 | NUMBER 3 | MARCH 2017 | 727
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
(10-m sprint times), top speed (flying 20-m sprint times), and
agility were distinct motor characteristics in a group of pro-
fessional male soccer players. In the same context, Jefferys (15)
revealed that agility is an independent physical quality and
requires, therefore, specific training and testing protocols.
However, in an investigation conducted with young athletes,
LIyod et al. (19) revealed that the straight-line running speed,
lower limb strength and power, anthropometric variables, and
perceptual and decision-making processes could be some of
the important contributors to the agility outcomes.
Overall, based on the results presented above, it is clear
that some difficulties in identifying how agility performances
can be related to other fitness variables exist, therefore, this
issue needs to be resolved in future studies. This observation
seems to be due to various factors, such as training age,
athlete’s level, sex, and time in the training season that could
affect the level of correlation (3,8,12,33). In addition, it is
important to stress that there is a paucity of investigations
in this area that included young participants. In view of the
fact about the existing anatomical, biomechanical, and neu-
romuscular differences between adult and young athletes
(32), the question concerning the relationships between var-
ious motor skills, such as speed time, jumping ability, and
agility performance within young team sports players re-
mains unclear.
Based on the above-mentioned considerations, the aims of
the current investigation were (a) to establish the reliability
and sensitivity of both IAT and T-test in a sample of 2 different
young team sport athletes (i.e., soccer and handball) and (b) to
explore to what extend the agility is an independent physical
ability from speed time and jumping ability. It was hypoth-
esized that IAT and T-test would provide stable test-retest
scores. We hypothesized, also, that agility, sprint time, and
jumping ability represent dependent fitness abilities.
Experimental Approach to the Problem
Young athletes are widely involved in soccer and handball
practice around the world. It has been well acknowledged
that agility is an essential physical ability in soccer and
handball games where rapid movement initiation, change of
direction, and fast short distance running are determinant for
successful participation in such team sports events (10,28).
The IAT and the T-test were frequently used as the most
common protocol for testing agility. However, those tests
lack information about their reliability and sensitivity among
young male team sports athletes. In addition, sprint time and
jumping ability are hypothesized to be a major factor con-
tributing to agility performance. Although agility’s basis can
be explained scientifically, the effectiveness of various agility
training interventions is still problematic. For this purpose,
the subjects participating in this cross-sectional study took
different power (vertical/horizontal jumps), speed (10 and
20 m), and agility (IAT and T-test) assessments. Statistical
analysis was conducted to assess the reliability of agility tests
(i.e., IAT and T-test). In addition, principal component anal-
ysis (PCA) was applied to evaluate the factorial analysis of all
the aforementioned tests.
One hundred eighty-seven competitive-level male young
athletes (n= 187), who are regularly involved in national first
division events, participated to this investigation (soccer players:
n= 95, age = 12.27 60.91 years, predicted age at peak height
velocity = 11.07 60.91, body mass = 43.2 67.9 kg, height =
152.5 69.6 cm, sitting height = 74.70 64.47 cm and handball
players: n= 92, age = 12.51 61.69 years, predicted age at peak
height velocity = 11.66 61.69 years, body mass = 52.5 617. 2
kg, height = 158.3 622.1 cm, sitting height = 77.85 66.38 cm).
They had an experience of at least 4 years at their respective
competitive level. Both groups participated in a regular training
program (5 sessions per week) over the entire season. Both
group trainings included training in fast footwork, technical
skills, and moves (easy/difficult), as well as position games
(small/big), and tactical games with various objectives.
All participants were thoroughly informed regarding the
purpose and the potential risks of the study and were
informed that they can freely withdraw from the study at
any time of the experience. In accordance with the 1975
Declaration of Helsinki, the human subject committee of the
local institution approved this investigation. Before starting
the experience, an informed consent was signed by both the
participants and their parents.
This study was conducted during the second half of the
competitive season (March–April 2014). The first phase of
this study aimed to establish the reliability and the sensitivity
of both the IAT and the T-test. During this phase, each
athlete completed the IAT and the T-test twice on separate
days. On each day, the aforementioned agility tests were
performed in triplicate. The best trial was retained for statis-
tical analyses. A minimum of 3 minutes of rest was allocated
between trials and 5 minutes between tests (33). In the sec-
ond phase, we analyzed the relationship between the IAT,
T-test, speed time, and jumping ability. Tests were performed
in triplicate and the best trial was retained for statistical
analyses. The same recovery duration between tests and
trials as during the first phase was adopted. All the players
undertook 3 familiarization sessions of all tests, within the 2
weeks preceding the experience. During the familiarization
session, each subject performed the IAT, followed by the
T-test, jumping tests, and sprint test. To avoid the diurnal
variation, all tests were completed at the same time of day
(i.e., 9–11 AM) in the absence of wind and in environmental
conditions of 21–238C for temperature and 51–55% for
humidity on a wooden indoor floor surface. The participants
were instructed to maintain consistent dietary and sleeping
patterns for 48 hours before each session and to refrain from
strenuous activity for 24 hours before each session. They were
also instructed to wear the same footwear during all sessions.
Evaluation of Agility on Young Team Sports Athletes
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
The 2 testing phases of the study were preceded by
15 minutes standardized warm-up followed by 5 minutes
passive recovery period. The test-retest sessions were
separated by at least 72 hours. All procedures for each test
were administered by the same experimenter.
Anthropometry and Somatic Development. All anthropometric
measurements were conducted by the same researcher. The
following anthropometric measurements were taken: height
and sitting height (accuracy of 0.1 cm; Hotain, United
Kingdom) and body mass (0.1 kg; Tanita BF683W, Munich,
Germany). During all measurements procedures, partici-
pants were barefoot and dressed in shorts only. Maturity age
was determined according to peak height velocity, (maturity
offset = 27.999994 + [0.0036124 3age 3height]; R
0.896; standard error of estimate [SEE] = 0.542) (22).
Illinois Agility Test. The IAT performance was recorded using
an electronic timing system (Microgate SARL, Bolzano,
Italy). The test is set up with 4 cones used to mark the start
and 2 turning points, whereas another 4 cones were placed
down toward the start line at equal 3.3 m distance apart. The
cone’s height was 30 cm. The subject would sprint 10 m,
turn and return back to the start line, and then he would
swerve in and out of 4 markers, completing the test with two
10-m sprints in opposite direction (1). The players were in-
structed not to cut over the markers, but to run around them.
If a subject failed to do this, the trial was stopped repeated
after the standard recovery period.
Agility T-Test. This test was administered using the protocol
outlined by Munro and Herrington (23). Subjects started
with both feet behind the starting line. Four cones were
arranged in a T shape, with a cone placed 9.14 m from the
starting cone and 2 further cones placed 4.57 m on either
side of the second cone. Each subject accelerated to a cone
and touched the base of the cone with the right hand. Facing
forward and without crossing feet, subjects had to shuffle to
the left to the next cone and touch its base with the left hand,
then shuffle to the right to the next cone and touch its base
with the right hand and shuffle back to the left to the last
cone and touch its base. The cones height was 30 cm.
Finally, subjects ran backwards as quickly as possible to re-
turn to the starting/finish line. The test had to be repeated if
athletes crossed 1 foot in front of the other, failed to touch
the base of the cone, and/or failed to face forward through-
out the test. The time needed to complete the test was used
as performance outcome and it was assessed with an elec-
tronic timing system (Microgate SARL).
Squat Jump. The participant started from a stationary semi-
squatted position (knee angle = 908) with their hands on the
iliac crest jumped upward as high as possible. Squat jump
performances were recorded through an Optojump photo-
electric cell (Microgate SRL). The intraclass correlation
coefficient (ICC)
for test-retest trials was 0.96.
Countermovement Jump and Countermovement Jump–Aided
Arm. Participant started from an upright standing position
and performed a very fast preliminary downward movement,
flexing his knees (at approximately 908) and hip. Immediately
after that, he extended the knees and hips again to jump ver-
tically off the ground. To avoid the influence of the upper
limbs on countermovement jump (CMJ) performance, partic-
ipants kept their hands on the iliac crest. During countermove-
ment jump–aided arm (CMJA), the players freely used their
hands while jumping CMJ, and CMJA performances were
recorded through an Optojump photoelectric cell (Microgate
SRL). The ICCs
for test-retest trials was 0.94 and 0.93 for
CMJ, and CMJA, respectively.
Five Jump Test. This test has previously been recommended
for the measurement of lower limb muscle power and is
considered to be soccer specific (9). From an upright stand-
ing position with both feet flat on the ground, participants
tried to cover as much distance as possible with 5 forward
jumps by alternating left- and right-leg ground contacts. The
TABLE 1. Subject physical characteristics.*
Soccer players
(n= 95)
Handball players
(n= 92) Cohen’s d
95% CI of the
Age (y) 12.27 60.91 12.51 61.69 20.18 20.1486 to 0.6308
Height (cm) 152.53 69.65 158.29 622.14 20.36 0.8631 to 10.6636
Weight (kg) 43.24 67.89 52.53 617.23z20.74 5.4502 to 13.1412
Sitting height (cm) 74.70 64.47 77.85 66.38 20.58 24.7310 to 21.5624
PAPHV (y) 11.07 60.91 11.66 61.69 20.45 20.2808 to 0.4986
*PAPHV = predicted age at peak height velocity.
Data are presented as mean 6SD.
zSignificant difference between group p#0.05.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
VOLUME 31 | NUMBER 3 | MARCH 2017 | 729
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
TABLE 2. Descriptive data of agility, power, and sprinting performances (mean 6SD).*
IAT (s) T-test (s)
sprint (s)
sprint (s) CMJ (cm) SJ (cm) CMJA (cm) FJT (m)
Soccer players
(n= 95)
17.7060.85 11.9060.80 2.0860.13 3.6360.25 23.57 65.03 21.38 65.20 26.98 65.59 8.87 60.95
Handball players
(n= 92)
18.99 61.34 12.89 61.34 2.15 60.18 3.74 60.33 23.06 66.67 21.09 66.16 26.98 67.96 8.75 61.45
ES (Cohen’s d)
95% CI
21.18 (21.6
to 20.96)
20.92 (21.39
to 20.76)
20.45 (20.11
to 20.2)
21.31 (20.19
to 20.2)
0.08 (21.18
to 2.21)
0.05 (21.35
to 1.93)
to 1.98)
to 0.47)
*IAT = Illinois agility test; T-test = agility T-test; CMJ = countermovement jump; SJ = squat jump; CMJA = countermovement jump–aided arms; FJT = five jump test; ES = effect
Denotes significant differences between soccer and handball players (p,0.01).
TABLE 3. Performance and reliability of the Illinois agility test and T-test in soccer and handball players.*
Test Trial 1 Trial 2 ICC
pTEM (s) TEM% MDC (s) SWC (s) MDC%
Soccer players (n= 95) IAT (s) 18.01 60.87 18.02 60.89 0.96 (0.94–0.98); ,0.00 0.82 0.16 0.89 0.44 0.17 2.47
T-test (s) 12.29 60.75 12.28 60.75 0.98 (0.96–0.98); ,0.00 0.66 0.10 0.85 0.29 0.15 2.36
Handball players (n= 92) IAT (s) 18.44 60.88 18.41 60.87 0.99 (0.98–0.99); ,0.00 0.24 0.10 0.50 0.26 0.17 1.39
T-test (s) 12.34 60.81 12.29 60.83 0.98 (0.95–0.98); ,0.00 0.14 0.12 0.99 0.34 0.16 2.76
*ICC = intraclass correlation coefficient; p= significance level; TEM = typical error of measurement; MDC = minimal detectable change; SWC = smallest worthwhile change; IAT
= Illinois agility test; T-test = agility T-test.
Evaluation of Agility on Young Team Sports Athletes
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
TABLE 4. Correlations (with 95% CI) between sprint test, jump tests, the Illinois agility test, and T-test.*
10-m 20-m CMJ SJ CMJA FJT T-test
Soccer players (n= 95)
r0.66 0.57 20.67 20.64 20.61 20.71 0.66
95% CI 0.52–0.76 0.42–0.7 20.77 to 20.54 20.74 to 20.50 20.72 to 20.46 20.8 to 20.6 0.53 to 0.76
p0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001
0.44 0.33 0.45 0.41 0.37 0.50 0.44
r0.61 0.53 20.58 20.53 20.61 20.61
95% CI 0.48–0.73 0.37–0.66 20.7 to 20.43 20.66 to 20.37 20.72 to 20.47 20.73 to 20.47
p0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001
0.37 0.28 0.34 0.28 0.37 0.37
Handball players (n= 92)
r0.8 0.83 20.58 20.47 20.6 20.72 0.85
95% CI 0.71–0.86 0.75–0.88 20.7 to 20.42 20.61 to 20.29 20.71 to 20.44 20.81 to 20.6 0.78 to 0.90
p0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001
0.64 0.69 0.34 0.22 0.36 0.52 0.72
r0.82 0.85 20.69 20.60 20.7 20.80
95% CI 0.74–0.88 0.78–0.90 20.78 to 20.56 20.71 to 20.45 20.80 to 20.60 20.86 to 20.70
p0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001
0.67 0.72 0.48 0.36 0.49 0.64
*CMJ = countermovement jump; SJ = squat jump; CMJA = countermovement jump–aided arm; FJT = five jump test; T-test = agility T-test; IAT = Illinois agility test; r= Pearson
correlation coefficient; p= significance level; R
= coefficients of determination.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
VOLUME 31 | NUMBER 3 | MARCH 2017 | 731
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
covered distance was measured to the nearest 1-cm using
a tape measure. The ICC
for test-retest trials was 0.94.
Sprint Testing. Linear sprinting was evaluated over 10 and
20 m using an electronic timing system (Microgate SARL).
Participants started 0.3-m before the first infrared photo-
electric gate, which was placed 0.75-m above the ground to
ensure a capture of the trunk movement and avoid false
signals through limb motion. The ICCs
for test-retest
trials was 0.96, and 0.95 for 10-, and 20-m, respectively.
Statistical Analyses
Data analyses were performed using SPSS 19.0 program for
Windows (SPSS, Inc, Chicago, IL, USA). Descriptive statistics
were generated for all variables. The significance level
considered in this study was set at p#0.05. The results are
expressed as mean 6SD. An independent samples t-test was
applied to determine significant differences in all performan-
ces and anthropometric values between groups. The effect
sizes (ES) is a measure of the effectiveness of a treatment,
and it helps to determine whether a statistically significant
difference is, really, a difference of practical concern. It was
determined according to Cohen’s dand classified as small
(0.00 #d#0.49), medium (0.50 #d#0.79), and large
(d$0.80) (7). Relative reliability was determined by calculat-
ing the ICC
. We considered an ICC below 0.40 as poor,
between 0.40 and ,0.70 as fair, between 0.70 and ,0.90 as
good, and $0.90 as excellent (7). Absolute reliability was ana-
lyzed through the typical error of measurement (TEM). It was
calculated by dividing the SD of the difference between scores
p(6,13) and expressed as coefficient of variation. The
smallest worthwhile change (SWC) has been used and calcu-
lated as 0.2 3SD. By comparing SWC with TEM score, test
sensitivity in detecting systematic variation in performance
status can be determined (6). When TEM ,SWC, the test’s
capacity to detect change is considered “good”; when TEM =
SWC, it is considered “ok,” and when TEM .SWC, the test
is rated as “marginal” (17). Pairwise comparisons were applied
to determine any learning effect or systematic bias between
sample mean scores for test and retest with paired student
t-test. The TEM allows the calculation of the minimal detect-
able change at the 95% CI (MDC
) according to the follow-
ing formula: MDC
p31.96 (16). The MDC
determines the minimum amount of change in the measure-
ment that would be required to exceed the level of measure-
ment error and was expressed in absolute and relative term for
comparison between agility tests. Pearson’s correlation was
used to determine relationships between, IAT, T-test, jumping
ability, and speed time performances. Coefficients of determi-
nation (R
) were used to determine the amount of explained
variance between tests. Hopkins (14) has suggested that an
absolute correlation coefficient of 0–0.1 is considered “trivial,
one of 0.11–0.33 “small,” 0.31–0.5 = “moderate,” 0.51–0.7 =
“large,” 0.71–0.9 = “very large,” 0.9–0.99 = nearly perfect,” 1 =
“perfect.” The corresponding intercorrelation matrix of all
selected variables was factorized using the PCA (24). The
number of significant components was determined by the
Promax criterion with Kaiser normalization (24), which re-
tains principal components with eigenvalues of 1.0 or higher.
The final outcomes of the PCA were commonalities and fac-
tor loadings for each manifest variable, eigenvalues, and per-
centages of variance explained by each rotated principal
In general, for both groups the biological age was determined
and revealing no significative difference between groups (t=
20.551, df =185,p= 0.582, ES = 20.26) (Table1).
All performance measures were mentioned in Table 2.
Reliability and
Sensitivity Analyses
The results of the IAT and T-
test obtained from the test and
retest are presented in Table 3.
The data suggest exceptionally
high reliability of both IAT and
T-test in the whole team sports
group (i.e., soccer and hand-
ball). Specifically, all ICC
values were well above 0.90,
whereas TEM values were
about 0.2 seconds (,5%). Based
on the sensitivity analysis, the
ability to detect small perfor-
mance change can be rated as
“good” in both competitive-
level young team sports players
TABLE 5. Results of principal component factor analysis.*
Soccer group, Factor loadings Handball group, Factor loadings
1 Communalities 1 Communalities
IAT 20.81 0.65 20.81 0.66
T-test 20.75 0.56 20.88 0.78
10-m sprint 20.89 0.74 20.93 0.86
20-m sprint 20.78 0.61 20.95 0.91
FJT 0.85 0.72 20.91 0.83
CMJ 0.93 0.87 20.91 0.82
SJ 0.89 0.79 20.84 0.71
CMJA 0.91 0.82 20.91 0.84
Eigen value 5.77 6.41
% of variance 72.18 80.16
*IAT = Illinois agility test; T-test = agility T-test; FJT = five jump test; CMJ = countermove-
ment jump; SJ = squat jump; CMJA = countermovement jump–aided arms.
Evaluation of Agility on Young Team Sports Athletes
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Relationship of Agility Outcomes With Speed and
Power Tests
The correlations and the corresponding 95% CI between the
2 agility tests and all the other jumping ability and sprinting
tests are shown in Table 4.
Significant relationships judged between large to very
large were recorded between all tests (r=20.72 to 0.85, p,
0.001). The highest correlations obtained were among the
IAT and the five jump test (FJT) (R
= 50.4%), and the T-test
and the 20-m sprint test (R
= 72%) in soccer and handball
group, respectively.
The PCA of our outcomes resulted in a single significant
component that explained 72.18 and 80.16% of the total
variance of all tests within soccer and handball group,
respectively. Correlation coefficients of all tests with the
extracted component were large to very large in both groups
and varied between 20.95 to 0.93 (Table 5). The highest
correlation with extracted factor was shown by the CMJ test
(r= 0.93) and by the 20-m sprint test (r=20.95), in soccer
and handball group, respectively.
The purposes of this study were to analyze the reliability and
the sensitivity, of both IAT and T-test among competitive-
level young team sports athletes and to determine to what
extend the agility is an independent physical ability from
speed time and jumping ability performance. The main
findings of this study are that (1) both IAT and T-test scores
were highly reliable (i.e., stable test-retest outcome) and sen-
sitive (i.e., able to detect small changes in performance) and
(2) the agility performance, speed time, and jumping ability,
could represent the same motor abilities in competitive-level
young male team sports athletes.
The IAT and the T-test differ in the generic cues
incorporated in their movement patterns (i.e., for the T-test,
the change of direction is preceded by shuffling movements,
which are absent in the IAT) and also differ in their energetic
requirements (i.e., the duration and the number of change of
direction differ between these 2 agility tests). All these
considerations might affect the reliability of these 2 tests,
as well as their relationship to jumping ability and speed time
Previous researchers have found a good reliability of the
scores obtained from both IAT and T-test among adult
athletes (11,20,26,29,30). In these studies, the ICC
2 trials reliability analyses exceeded 0.90. Pauole et al. (26),
Munro and Herrington (23), and Sporis et al. (31) reported an
ICC of 0.98, 0.82, and 0.92, respectively, for the T-test meas-
ures in male and female athletes aged between 19.1 60.6 and
22.3 64 years old. Hachana et al. (11) and Lockie et al. (20)
reported an ICC of 0.97 and 0.91 for the IAT score in young
Tunisian soccer players (aged 20.82 61.31 years old) and
Australian football players (aged 23.83 .37.04 years old),
respectively. In our study, relative reliability can be rated as
excellent for IAT and T-test scores (Table 3). Handball and
soccer players showed a higher ICC
than the previously
cited studies (between 0.96 and 0.98) (Table 3). These findings
may be explained by the fact that most of the athletes who
took part in our study were highly competitive team sports
athletes trained for agility skills and generated stable agility
skills during the tests. To obtain the within-subject variability
that would typically occur in the routine administration of the
assessment, the TEM was calculated. Typical error of mea-
surement values relative to the T-test and IAT within the 2
team sports athletes were very low (0.10–0.16 seconds) sup-
porting the good reliability of the scores obtained from these
tests. Our results are in accordance with those of Hachana
et al. (11) with a TEM of 0.19 seconds for the IAT outcome
and with those of Munro and Herrington (23) who found
a TEM of 0.17 seconds for the T-test score. These results
support the high reliability of both IAT and T-test outcomes
regardless of the team sports group and strongly recommend
coaches and conditioning trainers to use them as in adults,
with young team sports athletes.
Considering the sensitivity analysis, a comparison
between the TEM values and the SWC values for both tests
has been conducted (10,20). The results revealed that the
ability to detect small performance change can be rated as
“good” in both competitive-level young team sports players
because their SWC values were higher than their respective
TEM (Table 3).
In addition to the reproducibility of tests, those individuals
conducting tests must consider the issue of change and whether
observed differences actually reflect the true change. Further-
more, consideration of the MDC
is important to determine
the minimum amount of change in the measurement that
would be required to exceed the level of measurement error
In our study, the MDC
indicates that 95% of the as-
sessed athletes with the IAT and T-test will demonstrate
a random variation as a result of a measurement error of less
than 0.44 seconds (2.47%) and 0.34 seconds (2.76%), respec-
tively. Our results are in accordance with those of Hachana
et al. (10) (MDC
= 0.64 seconds) among elite and sub-elite
under 14-soccer players.
Our results revealed that agility performances and a variety
of field tests were correlated with each other within both
team sports group (Table 4).
In addition, our results showed a large to very large
significant relationships between agility performance and
sprinting tests (0.53 ,r,0.85, p,0.001; common variance
vary from 28 to 72%). This is in accordance with previously
published studies wherein moderate to large correlations
between straight sprinting tests and agility were observed (2,36).
In addition, jumping output recorded in our study
indicated a moderate to very large negative relationship
between jump tests and agility performances (20.47 ,r,
20.80, p,0.001; common variance vary from 0.22 to
0.64%) indicating that the greater is the explosive strength
performance, the lower is the time spent in the agility tests.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
VOLUME 31 | NUMBER 3 | MARCH 2017 | 733
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
This is not consistent with the findings of Young et al. (36)
who revealed a low relationship between CMJ and 20 m
change of direction test (r=20.10). Similarly, Webb and
Lander (34) reported a small and moderate correlation
between vertical and horizontal jumping and the L-run agil-
ity test (r=20.19 and 20.35, respectively). In addition,
Peterson et al. (27) reported a trivial to the small relationship
between the power output determined from a vertical jump
test and the agility T-test (rfrom 20.03 to 20.21). In addi-
tion to the differences in the methodology of power and
agility testing applied, we believe that this inconsistency is
due to the higher complexity of the agility tasks used in this
study compared with more simple motor skills like sprinting
and jumping. Consistently with the present results, the for-
mer authors revealed a significant correlation between hor-
izontal jump and the agility T-test (r=20.61). Interestingly,
agility was found to be most highly associated with horizon-
tal jumping performance than was vertical jumping out-
comes (Table 4). The similarity of the movement between
horizontal jump and agility seems to be one of the main
causes. Particularly, during the 5 jump test, subjects have
to exert muscle power in both eccentric and concentric con-
dition while maintaining the body balance.
In this study, results of the PCA revealed the extraction of
a single significant component that explained 72.18 and
80.16% of the total variance within soccer and handball
group, respectively. However, the exceptionally nearly
perfect correlation of the CMJ and CMJA revealed in the
soccer group with the extracted factor suggests that these 2
tests could have the highest factorial validity among all
evaluated tests. In addition, nearly perfect correlation
between the CMJ, CMJA, 10- and 20-m sprint test, and
FJT with the extracted factors was shown in the handball
group, supporting the commonality of these tests. Collec-
tively, the main finding of our study showed large to nearly
perfect correlations of all measures with the extracted
components (Table 5). This finding supports our research
hypotheses and the notion that the agility, jumping ability,
and speed time could represent the same motor abilities in
competitive-level young team sports athletes. To the greatest
extent, the aforementioned correlations among jumping,
sprinting, and Change of Direction Speed latent motor abil-
ities are in agreement with the results of the majority
(8,12,26,27,36) but not all (33,35,38) of the previous studies
based on correlation analysis.
To conclude, findings of the reliability and sensitivity
analysis strongly support the use of the T-test and the IAT in
the routine assessment of agility in young soccer and
handball players. In addition, the factorial analysis showed
a high proportion of commonalities between tests with the
extraction of only 1 factor. This finding implies that all tests
may measure the same physical attribute. Therefore, it may
be suggested using very few, if not only one of the evaluated
tests for use in the routine testing of young soccer and
handball players.
Strength and conditioning professionals use a multitude of
tests to measure performance factors such as strength, speed,
power, and agility. The results of such tests are used to gain
information that can be used to optimally train the athlete and
to predict athletic performance. Agility is one of the main
determinants of performance in team sports. The results of the
current research revealed that IAT and T-test provided reliable
and sensitive scores once 3 familiarization sessions proceed
testing. Therefore, IAT and T-test can be confidently used
with both soccer and handball young athletes to assess their
agility performance. The second finding of our research
strongly recommends that agility, speed time, and jumping
ability performances might be treated and tested as the same
motor abilities among competitive-level young male soccer
and handball players.
The authors are pleased to thankfully acknowledge the
athletes and their trainers who willingly and patiently
contributed to this study. Also, the authors would like to
thank and express their gratitude to Dr. Slobodan Jaric for
the help.
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Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
VOLUME 31 | NUMBER 3 | MARCH 2017 | 735
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
... This approach, as elaborated by Hachana et al., suggests a pivotal shift towards more specific and applicable methods of measuring agility, reflecting the intricate requirements of the sport [7]. The imperative for accurate and dependable measures of agility in basketball, a factor that significantly influences players' performance and their capability to navigate and react to the game's dynamic nature, is irrefutable [8]. With CODAT marking a pivotal step forward in agility testing, it not only proposes a novel benchmark for specificity and application in basketball but also encourages a reassessment of current evaluation practices. ...
... Notably, our analysis extends the conversation by demonstrating CODAT's unique applicability to basketball, a contribution not explicitly explored in previous studies. By integrating movements and scenarios closely mimicking in-game situations, CODAT offers an innovative approach to agility evaluation, distinct from the more generalized measures provided by IAT and RAT [7,8]. ...
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Background: In basketball, agility is essential, characterized by the ability to change direction swiftly and accelerate. Traditional tests like the Illinois Agility Test (IAT) and the Reactive Agility Test (RAT) may not fully capture the agility demands specific to basketball. Purpose: This study aimed to introduce the Change of Direction and Acceleration Test (CODAT), designed specifically for young basketball players. It evaluates CODAT’s effectiveness by comparing it with IAT and RAT through comprehensive analysis. Methods: We assessed 87 pre-adolescent male basketball players, aged 9 to 13 years, with an average biological age of 11.2 years and an average estimated Peak Height Velocity (PHV) of 12.5 ± 0.5 years, using CODAT, IAT, and RAT. We employed regression analysis and the Bland–Altman method to determine CODAT’s reliability and validity. Results: The findings indicate that CODAT offers superior reliability and validity in measuring basketball-specific agility. Consistent scores highlight its potential as an effective tool for agility assessment in basketball training and talent identification. Conclusions: CODAT represents a significant advancement in agility assessment for young basketball players, advocating for its integration into sports science practices to better address the specialized demands of basketball agility.
... Although some authors have reported poor relationships between power qualities and agility performance, the majority of previous research found positive correlations [26][27][28]. In studies conducted on both young and adult athletes, researchers stress that agility, speed time, and jumping ability belong to the same physical attribute [29][30][31][32]. From all measured power indices in our study, only the squat jump test proved to be significant predictor of reactive agility in the boys' sample. ...
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This research aimed to identify relations of cognitive and power capacities with reactive agility in pubescent boys (n = 55) and girls (n = 46). Cognitive abilities were evaluated by the Stroop test, while the BlazePod system was used to evaluate agility performance conducting 20 yard shuttle and triangle tests of non-reactive (TCODS) and reactive agility (TRAG), respectively. Performance in jumping power was assessed through the squat jump (SJ), countermovement jump (CMJ), and drop jump (DHJ) utilising the Opto Jump system (Microgate, Bolzano, Italy), while sprinting ability over distances of 10 and 20 m was measured using a photocells system. A principal component was extracted from the four Stroop test variables using factor analysis. Forward stepwise multiple regression analysis was conducted separately for boys and girls to evaluate the multivariate relationships among the predictors and the criterion. Among boys, 80% of the TRAG variance was explained (MultipleR = 0.9), with TCODS and SJ as significant predictors (β = 0.53 and −1.01, respectively). For girls, the TCODS was the significant predictor (β = 0.65), explaining 43% of the variance (MultipleR = 0.65). These results show that (i) cognitive abilities measured with the Stroop test were not a reliable tool for predicting TRAG, (ii) jumping power was a significant predictor of TRAG in boys, and (iii) TCODS was a significant predictor of TRAG in girls. The findings indicated that cognitive abilities do not significantly influence reactive agility in pubescent children. It seems that power features have a greater influence on reactive agility, particularly in boys who have more developed motor skills at this age compared to girls.
... Recently, there has been an increased focus on the physical demands of team sports due to their evolving nature (3,4). Speed, agility, and explosive power represent a set of motor abilities important for performance in team sports for both genders (5)(6)(7). These abilities are commonly treated together because they use the same energy resources, affect the nervous system similarly, and share common factors influencing their level (8). ...
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Aim: The aim of this paper is to determine the relationship between the modified agility T-test (change of direction speed ability), 20-meter sprint test (linear speed ability), and countermovement jump test (vertical jumping performance) in U-14 and professional senior team sports players. Methods: The sample included 78 (59 female and 19 male) U-14 athletes (age 11.70 ± 1.33 years, height 153.00 ± 12.20 cm and body mass 47.10 ± 11.20 kg) and 43 (18 female and 25 male) senior professional athletes (age 24.80 ± 6.58 years, height 169.00 ± 9.13 cm and body mass 71.20 ± 15.10 kg). Both samples participated in different team sports including basketball, field hockey, and football. Participants underwent a series of tests to assess their speed, change of direction speed, and explosive power. Speed assessments involved 20-meter sprints (sec), while change of direction speed was measured using the modified agility T-test (sec). Explosive power was evaluated through countermovement jumps (CMJ), where concentric mean force (N), concentric peak force (N), concentric peak velocity (m/s), eccentric peak force (N), jump height (cm), peak power (W), peak power/BM (W/kg), RSI (m/s) and vertical velocity (m/s) were determined. Pearsońs product moment-correlation coefficient (r) served to determine correlations and linear regression was conducted to explain the relationship between the dependent variable (CODS) and independent variables (S20 m and CMJ). The level of statistical significance was set at p < 0.05 and the confidence interval was 95%. Results: The Pearson product-moment correlation analysis in the U-14 athletes indicated no correlation (r = 0.11, p = 0.34) between the 20-meter linear sprint speed and the modified change of direction T-test. Additionally, the results revealed that 4 out of 10 CMJ values showed a significant moderate correlation (r = 0.3, p < 0.05) between CMJ and the modified change of direction T-test. In contrast, senior players exhibited statistically significant correlations in all variables. A significant correlation (r = 0.90, p = 0.01) was found between 20-meter linear sprint speed and the modified change of direction T-test, while CMJ values showed a range of correlations from moderate to large. In both competitive categories, according to the linear regression model, only linear sprint speed over 20-meters significantly explained (p < 0.05) the CODS speed ability, while the other CMJ parameters did not reach the significance level (p > 0.05). Conclusion: The study emphasized the influence of explosive power performance (CMJ) and linear speed (S20 m) on agility (CODS) within the sample, particularly among professional senior team sports players. These findings indicate that agility, linear sprinting, and jumping abilities may share common underlying factors.
... When the assistant indicates and activates the stopwatch, the athlete must get up as quickly as possible, and run the entire course drawn by the cones, in the shortest time. The Illinois agility test [86] is widely regarded as a standard agility test [87] thanks to its strong validation and reproducibility [88,89]. As a result, it has become the go-to test for measuring changes in directional skill, making it a reliable tool for athletes and trainers alike [90]. ...
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The testosterone–cortisol ratio is a concept in human biology that refers to the balance between testosterone, the main anabolic steroid, and cortisol, another steroid hormone. The two hormones are said to be habitually positively “coupled”. Increases or decreases in testosterone tend to be associated with corresponding increases or decreases in cortisol, and vice versa. The present study explored hormone coupling and its relationship to stress levels in the sport performances of an elite women’s volleyball team. (1) Aim: to assess the testosterone–cortisol concentration dynamic over 16 weeks and its link to sport performance in elite female volleyball players (height: 1.8 ± 0.1 m; 24.2 ± 2.7 years; playing experience 15 ± 2.8 years; years played at elite level 4.2 ± 2.2; testosterone–cortisol index time 1: 3.9 vs. time 2: 4.3) (n = 11). (2) Methods: blood samples (hormones among other biochemical parameters) and sports performance measurements (aerobic and anaerobic power among other tests) were taken from members of an elite women’s volleyball team over 16 weeks of competition. (3) Results: female volleyball players showed patterns of hormonal change and adaptation to stress. (4) Conclusions: the current investigation demonstrated that elite female volleyball players have higher basal levels of testosterone and cortisol than normal healthy women. The impact of training and competition is clearly reflected in the levels of T. Cortisol levels increase at the beginning of training and remain elevated throughout the season, but without significant changes.
... increases in linear and CoD speed for both groups, although a significant group-by-time interaction effect was noted for the 5-m sprint, favoring the sand group. Our results are in line with previous research showing increases (Δ1.5%-6%) in linear sprint and CoD speed after 8 weeks of NMT in young team sport athletes, 11,25 suggesting that improvements in sprint and CoD speed can be related to increases in muscle strength and power. 26 Regarding differences between surfaces, sand led to higher increases in the first phase of the linear sprint (ie, 5 m), when the athletes need to effectively accelerate their bodies forward with a higher contribution of concentric strength. ...
Purpose: to examine the effects of a neuromuscular training program (NMT), combining plyometric exercises with acceleration deceleration and change of direction (CoD) drills, on fitness qualities of young male tennis players, conducted on sand or hard surfaces. Methods: 31 young male players were allocated to a training group performing 12 training sessions on sand or hard surface, during a 6-week period. Tests included linear sprint (10-m acceleration with 5-m split times), CoD (modified 5-0-5 test), vertical jumps (countermovement jump [CMJ]), repeated jumps (RJT) for 30 s), isometric hip abduction (ABD) and adduction (ADD) strength), and dynamic balance (Y-balance test). Perceived training loads and muscle soreness were assessed during the intervention. Results: both training strategies were similarly effective to improve the analyzed fitness components. Group x time interaction effects were noticed to CMJ (p = 0.032), RJT (p = 0.029), and RSI (p = 0.008) favoring hard, and 5-m sprint (p = 0.009), dynamic balance (p < 0.05) and ADD (p < 0.05) and ABD (p < 0.001) strength indices favoring sand. Furthermore, the sand group promoted greater perceived training loads (TLs) and muscle soreness (p < 0.05) than the hard group across the intervention period. Conclusion: NMT strategies characterized by a relatively low volume (~35 minutes), conducted on sand or hard surfaces, promoted similar improvements in the fitness qualities of young tennis players, with selected surface-interaction effects. Training on sand can cause transiently higher training loads and persistently higher muscle soreness, suggesting the need for an adequate familiarization period.
... When the assistant indicates and activates the stopwatch, the athlete must get up as quickly as possible, and run the entire course drawn by the cones, in the shortest time. The Illinois agility test [86] is widely regarded as a standard agility test [87] thanks to its strong validation and reproducibility [88,89]. As a result, it has become the go-to test for measuring changes in directional skill, making it a reliable tool for athletes and trainers alike [90]. ...
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In human biology, the testosterone-cortisol ratio describes the ratio between testosterone, the primary male sex hormone and an anabolic steroid, and cortisol, another steroid hormoneare positively ``coupled''. Increases and decreases in one hormone are associated with corresponding increases and decreases in the other. The present study explored hormone coupling and its relationship to stress levels on sport performance in an elite women's volleyball team. (1) Aim: To assess testosterone-cortisol concentration dynamics over 16 weeks, providing insight into the relationship between testosterone and cortisol levels and sport performance in elite female volleyball players (24.2 ± 2.7 years; playing experience 15 ± 2.8 years; years played at elite level 4.2 ± 2.2) (n= 11). (2) Methods: Blood samples (hormones among other biochemical parameters) and sports performance measurements (aerobic and anaerobic power among other tests) were taken from members of an elite women's volleyball team over the course of a competitive season. (3) Results: Female volleyball players showed patterns of hormonal change and adaptation to stress. (4) Conclusions: The present study showed that elite female volleyball players have higher basal testosterone and cortisol levels than normal healthy women.
Background After a lower limb injury, adequate agility is decisive for safe direction changes and reduces the risk of re-injury upon return to sports. Experts recommend that patients should pass standardized return to sports testing which involves agility tests such as the Modified Agility T-Test. Aim Since the quality criteria of the Modified Agility T-Test have not been conclusively clarified, the objective of this study was to evaluate the construct validity and test-retest reliability of the Modified Agility T-Test. Methods The study was conducted as a single-center study in a cross-sectional design comparing the performance of the Modified Agility T-Test with the Illinois Agility Test to evaluate the construct validity of the Modified Agility T-Test. The construct validity was calculated with the Pearson’s correlation coefficient. Absolute and relative reliability were calculated based on the test-retest results. Each participant performed two counting trials of both agility tests. To determine the absolute test-retest reliability, the standard error of measurement, 95 % limits of agreement and the smallest detectable change were calculated. To determine the relative test-retest reliability, the intraclass correlation coefficient 2.1 was calculated. Results A total of 30 participants were recruited, with equal sex distribution and a mean age of 25.7 years. Our results showed a high construct validity of the Modified Agility T-Test (r = 0.89). The absolute test-retest reliability of the Modified Agility T-Test was 0.18 (-0.38–0.62) seconds, whereas the smallest detectable change was calculated to be 0.71 seconds. The relative test-retest reliability amounted to 0.84 (ICC 2.1). Conclusions Our findings support the construct validity and test-retest reliability of the Modified Agility T-Test as an agility test. Thus, it could be used as an alternative to the Illinois Agility Test, particularly in sports which require sideways or backwards movements and for sports with short or rapid displacements.
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Pentingnya pendidikan fisik jasmani anak mengarah pada jangka waktu panjang mengenai tujuan dalam mengembangkan keterampilan dan minat fisik anak. Proses kemampuan dan keterampilan motorik anak berkaitan dengan proses pertumbuhan gerak anak. Berbagai gerakan dan permainan yang dilakukan menunjukkan adanya perkembangan kemampuan motorik anak. Agility adalah kemampuan yang dilakukan secara cepat untuk mengubah arah dalam kombinasi dengan gerakan lain. Melatih agility membutuhkan latihan yang tepat sehingga dapat menggabungkan antara gerak dan mengubah arah secara cepat. Salah satunya yaitu penggunaan pelatihan permainan tradisional bentengan yang belum pernah diadakan Sekolah Dasar Negeri Pelem 1 Pare Kabupaten Kediri. Penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif metode quasi-experiment3dengan desain penelitian one group pretest and posttest design. Teknik purposive sampling dilakukan dalam penelitian ini dalam jumlah sampel 20 siswa putra. Perlakuan treatment selama 16 kali pertemuan. Tes dan pengukuran Illinois agility test digunakan sebagai teknik pengumpulan data. Uji T (paired sample t-test) digunakan dalam hasil penelitian. Ditemukan adanya perbedaan antara latihan permainan tradisional bentengan dengan latihan kelincahan pada siswa putra di SD Negeri Pelem 1 Pare Kabupaten Kediri. Hasil penelitian menggunakan uji T menunjukkan nilai t (53,56) > t tabel (0,05) (19) (2,093) dan P (0,000) < α (0,05). Jadi ada perbedaan setelah dilakukan treatment. Persentase kenaikannya sebesar 9,7%. Oleh karena itu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh latihan permainan tradisional bentengan terhadap agility pada siswa putra Sekolah Dasar Negeri Pelem 1 Pare Kabupaten Kediri.
Software and Programming Tools in Pharmaceutical Research is a detailed primer on the use for computer programs in the design and development of new drugs. Chapters offer information about different programs and computational techniques in pharmacology. The book will help readers to harness computer technologies in pharmaceutical investigations. Readers will also appreciate the pivotal role that software applications and programming tools play in revolutionizing the pharmaceutical industry. The book includes nine structured chapters, each addressing a critical aspect of pharmaceutical research and software utilization. From an introduction to pharmaceutical informatics and computational chemistry to advanced topics like molecular modeling, data mining, and high-throughput screening, this book covers a wide range of topics. Key Features: - Practical Insights: Presents practical knowledge on how to effectively utilize software tools in pharmaceutical research. - Interdisciplinary Approach: Bridges the gap between pharmaceutical science and computer science - Cutting-Edge Topics: Covers the latest advancements in computational drug development, including data analysis and visualization techniques, drug repurposing, pharmacokinetic modelling and screening. - Recommendations for Tools: Includes informative tables for software tools - Referenced content: Includes scientific references for advanced readers The book is an ideal primer for students and educators in pharmaceutical science and computational biology, providing a comprehensive foundation for this rapidly evolving field. It is also an essential resource for pharmaceutical researchers, scientists, and professionals looking to enhance their understanding of software tools and programming in drug development.
This study aimed to compare the effects of 8-week combined vertical-oriented vs. horizontal-oriented training interventions in basketball athletes. Eighteen highly trained U-16 basketball players participated in this study and were randomly assigned to either a combined vertical-oriented training group (CVG, n = 9) or a combined horizontal-oriented training group (CHG, n = 9). Bilateral and unilateral vertical jump height, unilateral horizontal jump distance, 5-m, 10-m, and 20-m sprint times, change-of-direction sprint times, and a limb symmetry index were among the measured performance variables. Combined strength training was performed twice a week for 8 weeks. CVG was compounded by the squat exercise (3 sets of 6–8 R at 30–45% 1 repetition maximum [1RM]), jump squats (2 sets of 6 R, at 5–12.5% body mass [BM]), and vertical jumps (3–4 sets × 6 R). CHG included the hip thrust exercise (3 sets of 6–8 R at 30–45% 1RM), sled towing sprints (2–3 R, at 5–12.5% BM), and sprints (3–4 R of 20-m). Within-group differences showed significant (p < 0.05 and statistical power >80%) improvements in unilateral vertical jumping with the right leg after both training interventions. By contrast, only CHG improved 5-m, 10-m, and 20-m sprint times (p < 0.05 and statistical power >80%). Significant effects were observed for CHG compared with CVG in 5-m, 10-m, and 20-m sprint times (p < 0.05 and statistical power >80%). This study reinforces the importance of oriented-combined training based on force-vector specificity target, mainly in horizontal-oriented actions.
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Background Agility is an important characteristic of team sports athletes. There is a growing interest in the factors that influence agility performance as well as appropriate testing protocols and training strategies to assess and improve this quality. Objective The objective of this systematic review was to (1) evaluate the reliability and validity of agility tests in team sports, (2) detail factors that may influence agility performance, and (3) identify the effects of different interventions on agility performance. Methods The review was undertaken in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. We conducted a search of PubMed, Google Scholar, Science Direct, and SPORTDiscus databases. We assessed the methodological quality of intervention studies using a customized checklist of assessment criteria. Results Intraclass correlation coefficient values were 0.80–0.91, 0.10–0.81, and 0.81–0.99 for test time using light, video, and human stimuli. A low-level reliability was reported for youth athletes using the video stimulus (0.10–0.30). Higher-level participants were shown to be, on average, 7.5 % faster than their lower level counterparts. Reaction time and accuracy, foot placement, and in-line lunge movement have been shown to be related to agility performance. The contribution of strength remains unclear. Efficacy of interventions on agility performance ranged from 1 % (vibration training) to 7.5 % (small-sided games training). Conclusions Agility tests generally offer good reliability, although this may be compromised in younger participants responding to various scenarios. A human and/or video stimulus seems the most appropriate method to discriminate between standard of playing ability. Decision-making and perceptual factors are often propositioned as discriminant factors; however, the underlying mechanisms are relatively unknown. Research has focused predominantly on the physical element of agility. Small-sided games and video training may offer effective methods of improving agility, although practical issues may hinder the latter.
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Assessing biological maturity in studies of children is challenging. Sex-specific regression equations developed using anthropometric measures are widely used to predict somatic maturity. However, prediction accuracy was not established in external samples. Thus, we aimed to evaluate the fit of these equations, assess for over-fitting (adjusting as necessary), and calibrate using external samples. We evaluated potential over-fitting using the original Pediatric Bone Mineral Accrual Study (PBMAS; 79 boys, 72 girls; 7.5-17.5 years). We assessed change in R and standard error of the estimate (SEE) with the addition of predictor variables. We determined the effect of within-subject correlation using cluster-robust variance and 5-fold random-splitting followed by forward-stepwise regression. We used dominant predictors from these splits to assess predictive abilities of various models. We calibrated using participants from the Healthy Bones Study-III (HBS-III; 42 boys, 39 girls; 8.9-18.9 years) and Harpenden Growth Study (HGS; 38 boys, 32 girls; 6.5-19.1years). Change in R and SEE was negligible when later predictors were added during step-by-step refitting of the original equations, suggesting over-fitting. After redevelopment, new models included age*sitting height for boys (R=0.91; SEE=0.51) and age*height for girls (R=0.90; SEE=0.52). These models calibrated well in external samples; HBS boys: b0=0.04(0.05); b1=0.98(0.03); RMSE=0.89, HBS girls: b0=0.35(0.04); b1=1.01(0.02); RMSE=0.65, HGS boys: b0=-0.20(0.02); b1=1.02(0.01); RMSE=0.85, HGS girls: b0=-0.02(0.03); b1=0.97(0.02); RMSE=0.70; where b0=calibration intercept (standard error; SE) and b1=calibration slope (SE), and RMSE=root mean squared error (of prediction). We subsequently developed an age*height alternate for boys; allowing for predictions without sitting height. Our equations provided good fits in external samples and provide an alternative to commonly used models. Original prediction equations were simplified with no meaningful increase in estimation error.
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Agility is a determinant component in soccer performance. This study aimed to evaluate the reliability and sensitivity of a "Modified Illinois change of direction test" (MICODT) in ninety-five U-14 soccer players. A total of 95 U-14 soccer players (mean ± SD: age: 13.61±1.04 years; body mass: 30.52±4.54 kg; height: 1.57±0.1 m) from a professional and semi-professional soccer academy, participated to this study. Sixty of them took part in reliability analysis and thirty-two in sensitivity analysis. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) that aims to assess relative reliability of the MICODT was of 0.99, and its standard error of measurement (SEM) for absolute reliability was <5% (1.24%). The MICODT's capacity to detect change is "good", it's SEM (0.10 s) was ≤ SWC (0.33 s). The MICODT is significantly correlated to the Illinois change of direction speed test (ICODT) (r = 0.77; p<0.0001). The ICODT's MDC95 (0.64 s) was twice about the MICODT's MDC95 (0.28 s), indicating that MICODT presents better ability to detect true changes than ICODT. The MICODT provided good sensitivity since elite U-14 soccer players were better than non-elite one on MICODT (p = 0.005; dz = 1.01 [large]). This was supported by an area under the ROC curve of 0.77 (CI 95%, 0.59 to 0.89, p<0.0008). The difference observed in these two groups in ICODT was not statistically significant (p = 0.14; dz = 0.51 [small]), showing poor discriminant ability. MICODT can be considered as more suitable protocol for assessing agility performance level than ICODT in U-14 soccer players.
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Declines in muscle size and strength are commonly reported as a consequence of aging; however, few studies have investigated the influence of aging on the rate of muscle activation and rapid force characteristics across the lifespan. This study aims to investigate the effects of aging on the rate of muscle activation and rapid force characteristics of the plantar flexors. Plantar flexion peak force (PF), absolute (peak, 50, and 100-200 ms), and relative (10 %, 30 %, and 50 %) rate of force development (RFD), the rapid to maximal force ratio (RFD/PF), and the rate of electromyography rise (RER) were examined during an isometric maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) in young (age = 22 ± 2 years), middle-aged (43 ± 2 years), and old (69 ± 5 years) men. The old men exhibited lower PF (30.7 % and 27.6 % lower, respectively) and absolute (24.4-55.1 %) and relative (16.4-28.9 %) RFD values compared to the young and middle-aged men (P ≤ 0.03). RER values were similar between the young and old men (P ≥ 0.30); however, RER values were greater for the middle-aged men when compared to the young and old men for the soleus (P < 0.01) and the old men for the medial gastrocnemius (P ≤ 0.02). Likewise, RFD/PF ratios were similar between young and old men (P ≥ 0.26); however, these ratios were greater for the middle-aged men at early (P ≤ 0.03), but not later (P ≥ 0.10), time intervals. The lower PF and absolute and relative RFD values for the old men may contribute to the increased functional limitations often observed in older adults. Interestingly, higher rates of muscle activation and greater early RFD/PF ratios in middle-aged men may be a reflection of physiological alterations in the neuromuscular system occurring in the fifth decade.
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Field sport coaches must use reliable and valid tests to assess change-of-direction speed in their athletes. Few tests feature linear sprinting with acute change- of-direction maneuvers. The Change-of-Direction and Acceleration Test (CODAT) was designed to assess field sport change-of-direction speed, and includes a linear 5-meter (m) sprint, 45° and 90° cuts, 3- m sprints to the left and right, and a linear 10-m sprint. This study analyzed the reliability and validity of this test, through comparisons to 20-m sprint (0-5, 0-10, 0-20 m intervals) and Illinois agility run (IAR) performance. Eighteen Australian footballers (age = 23.83 ± 7.04 yrs; height = 1.79 ± 0.06 m; mass = 85.36 ± 13.21 kg) were recruited. Following familiarization, subjects completed the 20-m sprint, CODAT, and IAR in 2 sessions, 48 hours apart. Intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC) assessed relative reliability. Absolute reliability was analyzed through paired samples t-tests (p ≤ 0.05) determining between-session differences. Typical error (TE), coefficient of variation (CV), and differences between the TE and smallest worthwhile change (SWC), also assessed absolute reliability and test usefulness. For the validity analysis, Pearson's correlations (p ≤ 0.05) analyzed between-test relationships. Results showed no between-session differences for any test (p = 0.19-0.86). CODAT time averaged ~6 s, and the ICC and CV equaled 0.84 and 3.0%, respectively. The homogeneous sample of Australian footballers meant that the CODAT's TE (0.19 s) exceeded the usual 0.2 x standard deviation (SD) SWC (0.10 s). However, the CODAT is capable of detecting moderate performance changes (SWC calculated as 0.5 x SD = 0.25 s). There was a near perfect correlation between the CODAT and IAR (r = 0.92), and very large correlations with the 20-m sprint (r = 0.75-0.76), suggesting that the CODAT was a valid change-of-direction speed test. Due to movement specificity, the CODAT has value for field sport assessment. Key pointsThe change-of-direction and acceleration test (CODAT) was designed specifically for field sport athletes from specific speed research, and data derived from time-motion analyses of sports such as rugby union, soccer, and Australian football. The CODAT features a linear 5-meter (m) sprint, 45° and 90° cuts and 3-m sprints to the left and right, and a linear 10-m sprint.The CODAT was found to be a reliable change-of-direction speed assessment when considering intra-class correlations between two testing sessions, and the coefficient of variation between trials. A homogeneous sample of Australian footballers resulted in absolute reliability limitations when considering differences between the typical error and smallest worthwhile change. However, the CODAT will detect moderate (0.5 times the test's standard deviation) changes in performance.The CODAT correlated with the Illinois agility run, highlighting that it does assess change-of-direction speed. There were also significant relationships with short sprint performance (i.e. 0-5 m and 0-10 m), demonstrating that linear acceleration is assessed within the CODAT, without the extended duration and therefore metabolic limitations of the IAR. Indeed, the average duration of the test (~6 seconds) is field sport-specific. Therefore, the CODAT could be used as an assessment of change-of-direction speed in field sport athletes.
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Field sport coaches must use reliable and valid tests to assess change-of-direction speed in their athletes. Few tests feature linear sprinting with acute change-of-direction maneuvers. The Change-of-Direction and Acceleration Test (CODAT) was designed to assess field sport change-of-direction speed, and includes a linear 5-meter (m) sprint, 45° and 90º cuts, 3-m sprints to the left and right, and a linear 10-m sprint. This study analyzed the reliability and validity of this test, through com-parisons to 20-m sprint (0-5, 0-10, 0-20 m intervals) and Illinois agility run (IAR) performance. Eighteen Australian footballers (age = 23.83 ± 7.04 yrs; height = 1.79 ± 0.06 m; mass = 85.36 ± 13.21 kg) were recruited. Following familiarization, subjects completed the 20-m sprint, CODAT, and IAR in 2 sessions, 48 hours apart. Intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC) assessed relative reliability. Absolute reliability was analyzed through paired samples t-tests (p ≤ 0.05) determining between-session differences. Typical error (TE), coefficient of variation (CV), and differences between the TE and smallest worthwhile change (SWC), also assessed absolute reliability and test usefulness. For the validity analysis, Pearson's correlations (p ≤ 0.05) analyzed between-test relationships. Results showed no between-session differences for any test (p = 0.19-0.86). CODAT time averaged ~6 s, and the ICC and CV equaled 0.84 and 3.0%, respectively. The homogeneous sample of Australian footballers meant that the CODAT's TE (0.19 s) exceeded the usual 0.2 x standard deviation (SD) SWC (0.10 s). However, the CODAT is capable of detecting moderate performance changes (SWC calculated as 0.5 x SD = 0.25 s). There was a near perfect correlation between the CODAT and IAR (r = 0.92), and very large correlations with the 20-m sprint (r = 0.75-0.76), suggesting that the CODAT was a valid change-of-direction speed test. Due to movement speci-ficity, the CODAT has value for field sport assessment.