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Purpose of review: Recent years have seen major investments into HIV cure research, seeking a permanent cure or remission. The purpose of this review is to consider how this important research agenda could be broadened to include issues of acceptability and appropriateness for different populations. Recent findings: We discuss how the definitions of cure such as functional cure (remission) or complete cure (viral elimination) could be interpreted differently by various populations. We also discuss the different methods of cure and the importance of including Africa in cure research to ensure that emerging remedies could be trialled and utilized on the continent that bears the brunt of the AIDS pandemic. Summary: We propose that the social science research of HIV cure acceptability should be done concurrently with the basic and clinical sciences, to ensure that cure methods consider stakeholder preferences.
HIV cure: an acceptability scientific agenda
Evelyn Y. Bonney
, Helena Lamptey
and George B. Kyei
Purpose of review
Recent years have seen major investments into HIV cure research, seeking a permanent cure or remission.
The purpose of this review is to consider how this important research agenda could be broadened to
include issues of acceptability and appropriateness for different populations.
Recent findings
We discuss how the definitions of cure such as functional cure (remission) or complete cure (viral
elimination) could be interpreted differently by various populations. We also discuss the different methods
of cure and the importance of including Africa in cure research to ensure that emerging remedies could be
trialled and utilized on the continent that bears the brunt of the AIDS pandemic.
We propose that the social science research of HIV cure acceptability should be done concurrently with the
basic and clinical sciences, to ensure that cure methods consider stakeholder preferences.
analytical treatment interruption, HIV cure, HIV cure acceptability, HIV cure research
Although antiretroviral therapy (ART) has been rev-
olutionary in transforming HIV from a death sen-
tence to a manageable chronic disease, it does not
provide cure [1,2,3
,7]. Patients must commit
to lifelong medications and deal with issues such as
incomplete viral suppression, social stigma, drug
resistance, medication side effects and unsustainable
costs. Therefore, an HIV cure is a highly desirable goal
for patients [8,9], the reason organizations like the
National Institutes of Health and the International
AIDS Society have made cure a top research agenda
[10– 12]. An HIV cure will eliminate stigma and
discrimination, reduce new infections and provide
sustainable financial solution for controlling the HIV
pandemic [13].
The main obstacle to an HIV cure is the persis-
tence of transcriptionally silent and immunologically
inert latent proviruses in quiescent memory CD4
cells [4,14]. These cells serve as viral reservoir ready to
respond to antigenic stimulation and replenish the
virus if ART is interrupted [9,14]. On the basis of the
known characteristics of the HIV-1 provirus reviewed
by Cohn et al. [4], various methods are being inves-
tigated for an HIV cure. First, is the shock and kill
approach (latency reactivation), whereby small mol-
ecules are used to force proviral reactivation from
latency under the cover of ART. Induction of de-novo
virion synthesis isthen expected to result in cell death
from viral cytopathic effects or immune clearance,
after which ART can be discontinued [15,16]. Second,
the block and lock approach, wherein small mole-
cules will be used to modify the surroundings of the
integrated virusto send it into ‘deep latency’ such that
upon discontinuation of ART, the virus will not reac-
tivate [5,7,17,18]. Third, genetic methods that will
either completely excise integrated HIV-1 provirus
from the genome or produce mutations that will
render the virus inactive [19–21]. Fourth, immuno-
therapies such as the use of broadly neutralizing anti-
bodies or chimeric antigen receptors to suppress
reactivation or kill cells with reactivated virus [22].
Finally, combination approaches like shock and kill
with immunological approaches are also being
Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research, University of Ghana,
Legon, Accra, Ghana,
Departments of Medicine and Molecular Micro-
biology, Washington University School of Medicine in St Louis, Missouri,
USA and
Medical and Scientific Research Center, University of Ghana
Medical Center, Accra, Ghana
Correspondence to George B. Kyei, Noguchi Memorial Institute for
Medical Research, Off Akilagpa Sawyer Rd, University of Ghana, Accra,
Ghana 00233. Tel: +233 55 1989937;
Curr Opin HIV AIDS 2023, 18:12 17
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(CCBY-NC-ND), where it is permissible to download and share the
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way or used commercially without permission from the journal. Volume 18 Number 1 January 2023
pursued [10,23
]. Each approach may lead to treat-
ments that differ in the range and nature of side
effects, duration, intensity of treatment and type
and probability of benefit.
The value that patients place on various dimen-
sions of risks and benefits, in comparison with the
current ART, will determine acceptability in clinical
trials as well as ultimate public health impact in real-
world settings. Patients considering cure therapies
will therefore need thorough education and may
have to overcome substantial uncertainties in both
side effects and prospect of benefit. As all of these
interventions may carry substantial risks for people
living with HIV (PLWH) without any guarantee that
they will provide a cure, the research agenda must
also include questions such as: What does a cure
mean for patients most of whom have undetectable
virus on ART? Will patients agree to interrupt ART
during cure trials and under what circumstances?
What risks are patients willing to endure to achieve a
cure given that most are doing well on ART? How
applicable and acceptable are the cures being devel-
oped to patients in low-middle income countries
(LMICs)? There is an urgent need to answer these
questions in different geographical settings [24] to
ensure that interventions being developed will be
acceptable to patients around the world, especially
in Africa where most PLWH reside. These answers
could feed into the design of cure intervention to
assure maximum participation in future trials.
Understanding the concept of cure as far as HIV is
concerned is crucial to determining what will qual-
ify as cure. Researchers anticipate the two forms of
cure. The first, termed ‘eradication cure’ or ‘steriliz-
ing cure’ involves complete eradication of all repli-
cation-competent provirus from the infected
person, including removal of viruses in cellular
and anatomical reservoirs [2,3
,10,25,26]. The sec-
ond form is termed ‘functional cure’ or long-term
remission whereby the viral reservoir is depleted to
the extent that cessation of ART will not result in
immediate viral rebound [2,3
,10,25,26]. The gold
standard of infectious disease cure is elimination of
the pathogen; therefore, everyone will take eradica-
tion cure as the ideal. However, given the enormous
difficulty that eradication of HIV presents to research-
ers, a more likely scenariowill probably be some form
of functional cure. Indeed, methods such as shock
and kill, block and lock and immunological strategies
mentioned above are aimed towards some form of
functional cure. Will patients see a functional cure as
cure, as there is some risk of virus return even if it is
very low? A functional cure also presupposes that
patients will need periodic evaluation to ensure that
the virus has not come back. Will patients rather take
their ART once a day, insteadof subjecting themselves
to such uncertainties? Few studies have examined the
specific question of desirability of functional cure. In
a study involving 356 men who have sex with men
(MSM) in Hong Kong, Kwan et al. [6
] showed that
although 58% of participantswere not aware of func-
tional cure, when it was explained to them, 90% were
willing to participate in long-term remission trials. In
qualitative interviewsdone in Australia, Netherlands,
South Africa or USA, participants envision cure as
being a virus-free state. Sustained remission is not
considered as cure because it does not take away
concerns such as stigma, fear of transmission and
potential future ill health [27,28
,29– 32]. These stud-
ies show that the concept of functional cure is not
intuitive to patients. More patient education and
studies are needed to determine the acceptability of
long-term remission as a form of cure. Ultimately,
researchers may need to abandon the term
‘functional cure’ and use the more appropriate term
of long-term remission, especially given the advent
of long-acting ARTs.
To evaluate the efficacy of any cure strategy, patients
may be asked to stop taking ART while being closely
monitored, a process called analytical treatment
interruption (ATI) [33
]. Two types of ATI are
used to assess potential cure therapies: time to viral
rebound (TVR) studies and viral set-point studies
]. The TVR determines the time taken for viral
load to become detectable (50copies/ml) after partic-
ipants stop ART and the time takenfor the viral load to
reach the threshold for restarting ART (which can
range from 1000 to 10 000 copies/ml) depending
Basic and clinical science research alone cannot
provide all the evidence needed for the development
and deployment of HIV cure, collaboration with the
behavioural sciences is urgently needed.
Investigation is vital to determine how patients,
including those in Africa, will accept the risks and
benefits associated with the types of cures being
considered by researchers.
Education and advocacy are crucial to bring home the
message of HIV cure to all stakeholders, who should
participate and help design effective cure strategies
that will be acceptable to patients.
HIV cure: an acceptability scientific agenda Bonney et al.
1746-630X Copyright ©2022 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. 13
on the study [34
]. Set-point studies evaluate the
participants’ immune systems’ control of HIV during
treatment interruptions. These are much longer stud-
ies with months of ART withdrawal during which
researchers allow participants’ viral loads to increase
to high levels (100 000 copies/ml) to determine if the
immune system can control the virus and decrease
the load to a level below the initial spike. Whichever
type is used in HIV cure trial, ATI is currently an
indispensable part of the process to evaluate the
efficacy and performance of HIV cure strategies
[35– 38]. Already, there are at least two reported cases
of sexual transmission during ATI for vaccine studies
[39,40]. Implementation of ATI during HIV cure-
related clinical trials is a necessity, yet the modalities
are complex and the outcomes unpredictable [41,42].
There are currently no biomarkers to predict viral
rebound, despite ongoing research [38,43,44]; there-
fore, frequent viral load measurements, often once
week, must be done to inform when ART should be
resumed [45]. This may inconvenience trial partici-
pants who must visit the clinic several times a week
during the trial [46]. Due to the complexity and
ethical dilemmas involved, expert groups have issued
guidelines for ATI, which will help streamline the
procedure in different trials [42,47].
Studies on ATI show that there may be sex and
regional differencesin acceptability. An international
online survey comprising mainly PLWH in Europe
and America found that patients were willing to take
substantial risks without guarantee of benefit includ-
ing 62% who would undergo ATI [48].Being an online
survey, motivated participants may have self-selected
to influence the results. This is because in almost all
qualitative in-depth interviews published from South
Africa, USA, Netherlands and other places, ATI is a
main concern for participation in cure trials
[42,46,47,49,50]. It is possible that in-depth face-to-
face interviews help participants to understand what
ATI really entails. In addition, most of these studies
recruit MSM who are the majority of patients in the
developed world. Few studies about perspectives of
patients and other stakeholders have been performed
in Africa where the majority of HIV patients live and
where the demographic of the disease has twice as
many women as men. In two qualitative studies
performed in South Africa, treatment interruption
was a major concern, as patients felt they may get
sick again [31,51]. In a survey of 251 patients living
with HIV in Ghana, although mostpatients expressed
enthusiasm about participating in cure trials, they
were not willing to take substantial risks [3
]. For
instance, most participants (87%) said ‘no or maybe’
to ATI with 67% saying a definite ‘no’ even if their
physician will follow up closely [3
]. This study did
not explore the reasons for such high resistance
to ATI, but it may have something to do with
fears of getting sick and distrust in the medical estab-
It is important to emphasize that many stake-
holders in the fight against HIV do not fully under-
stand the modalities involved in ATI, the
implications and the risks associated [37,48], while
those who know about it have limited understanding
of the full implications [52].One mitigation factor for
ATI is when patients know their partners will be
protected from getting infected [47,52,53,54
Therefore, there is the need to find ways to involve
trial participants’ partners and offer them preexpo-
sure prophylaxis (PrEP), as a way to assuage the fear of
transmission to sexual partners [53,54
Cure strategies such as shock and kill, block and lock,
immunotherapy and gene therapy, may have differ-
ent side effects, time commitment for trial participa-
tion, length of trial and frequency of monitoring,
factors that may determine whether patients want
to participate. Few studies have examined stake-
holder preferences for specific cure modalities and
trial characteristics. The most extensive of these is
discrete choice experiment conducted by Protiere
et al. [55] among 195 virally controlled PLWH and
160 physicians from 24 French HIV centres. Partic-
ipants were made to choose and make tradeoffs
between cure types (immunotherapy, latency rever-
sal, gene therapy and combination therapies) and
trial characteristics, namely trial duration, consulta-
tion frequency, trial outcomes and moderate and
severe side effects. Overall, patients preferred immu-
notherapy, and trials that were less burdensome for
them in terms of time commitment and frequency of
physician evaluation. A recent focus group study to
determine preferences for gene therapy however
showed that most were not willing to participate in
potential gene therapy cure trials [56]. They felt they
were happy with their current treatment and health
status and unwilling to undergo a procedure that was
invasive, has unknown side effects and potentially
irreversible. A lot more research is needed to deter-
mine how patients feel about the different types
of cure being considered by researchers to help feed
patient and provider inputs into the design of these
Most of the studies conducted to determine the
acceptability of the cure agenda and risk of
Implementation: PrEP, ART and vaccines
14 Volume 18 Number 1 January 2023
participation in cure related clinical trials were done
outside Africa where the greatestburden of HIV exists.
Therefore, it is not clear what people living in Africa
want from an HIV cure. Some of thestrategies such as
gene therapy, for example modification of T cell ex
vivo and reinfusioninto the patient, and some types of
immunotherapy such as chimeric antigen receptor
may not be feasible in Africa [2]. Although patients
everywhere may be hesitant to undergo ATI, PLWH in
Africa may have a lot more hesitation for unclear
reasons [3
]. We recently showed that patients in
Ghana may be more risk averse than patients in the
USA or Europe [3
] and this needs further study. In
addition, majority of PLWH in the USA are men and
most studies aimed at understanding perception of
PLWH regarding HIV cure trials were done among
MSM. Given that HIV affects mostly women in Africa,
it is imperative to engage PLWH in Africa, as the risk
perception and tolerability may be different from
those in developed countries [57].
HIV cure researchers must therefore engage and
work with affected communities, local scientists and
local HIV care advocates to define what is acceptable.
Engaging the communities is also critical in deter-
mining the type and levels of risk they are willing to
take during participation in HIV cure trials so that
trials are designed with participants specification.
The NIH strategic plan for HIV and HIV-related
research identifies ‘Cure Ethics and Acceptability’
as a priority research area for 20212025. To accom-
plish this goal will require deliberate collaborations
among basic scientists, economists, implementation
scientists, clinical trialists and social and behavioural
scientists. Collaboration is critical because true iden-
tification of patient cure preferences requires careful
experimentation using different approaches such as
mixed methods qualitative design, discrete choice
experiments (DCE), best worst scaling and human-
centred design (HCD). Although mixed methods will
deliver in-depth qualitative understanding of patient
choices, DCEs will allow stakeholders to weigh differ-
ent cure intervention characteristics, make trade-offs
and select appropriate options [58,59
]. The HCD
borrowed from economics and gaining grounds in
healthcare and HIV research is an iterative process
that narrows the gap between an intervention being
planned and end user preferences [60,61
,62]. Thus,
bringing together scientists working on HIV cure,
patients, ethicists, economists and socio-behavioural
scientists could yield new ideas that can feed into
the design of cure interventions, and early termina-
tion of approaches that are likely to be rejected by
patients and caregivers. In addition, methods like best
worst scaling could help determine the extremes of
cure trial preferences for patients and caregivers
[63,64]. Although investigators from different back-
grounds could come together to performthese impor-
tant studies, the NIH and other funders could ‘force’
collaborations by issuing special FOAs for cure
ethics and acceptability that require cross-cutting
As biomedical scientists workto find an effective, well
tolerated, affordable and scalable HIV cure, there is a
need to engage other stakeholders, including PLWH
and their healthcare providers, to determine their
acceptability of HIV cure and willingness to partic-
ipate in trials. Most studies show that patients and
caregivers know little about the HIV cure strategies
that are beingdeveloped [48,52]. Education andadvo-
cacy is therefore crucial to bring home the message of
HIV cure to stakeholders so they are involved in
proposing strategies and designs of cure that they
are willing to accept. The HIV cure field urgently
needs experts such as implementation scientists, eth-
icists, economists and social scientists to help bring
out patient and provider preferences more clearly.
Financial support and sponsorship
This work is supported by the grant no. R01 AI155120-
01A1 from the NIH, and TMA2017SF-1955 from the
EDCTP. The funders had no role in the writing of this
Conflicts of interest
There are no conflicts of interest.
Papers of particular interest, published within the annual period of review, have
been highlighted as:
&of special interest
&& of outstanding interest
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A study among Bioethicist, people living with HIV and their advocates, biomedical
cure researchers, sociobehavioural scientists and HIV care providers that was
dedicated to the question of ATI appropriateness.
55. Protiere C, Arnold M, Fiorentino M, et al. Differences in, HIV cure clinical trial
preferences of French people living with HIV and physicians in the, ANRS-
APSEC study: a discrete choiceexperiment. J Int AIDS Soc 2020; 23:e25443.
Implementation: PrEP, ART and vaccines
16 Volume 18 Number 1 January 2023
56. Dube K, Simoni J, Louella M, et al. Acceptability of cell and gene therapy for
curing HIV infection among people living with HIV in the Northwestern, United
States: a qualitative study. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 2019; 35:649 –659.
57. Ndung’u T, McCune JM, Deeks SG. Why and where an HIV cure is needed
and how it might be achieved. Nature 2019; 576:397– 405.
58. Wulandari LPL, He SH, Fairley CK, et al. Preferences for preexposure
prophylaxis for HIV: a systematic review of discrete choice, experiments.
eClinicalMedicine 2022; 51:101507.
Dommaraju S, Odeny TA, Okaka S, et al. Preferences of, people living with
HIV for differentiated care models in Kenya: a discrete choice experiment.
PLoS One 2021; 16:e0255650.
The article illustrates how DCE could be used for patient preferences in HIV care.
60. Bruns C. Using human-centered design to develop a program to engage
South African men, living with HIV in care and treatment. Glob Health Sci
Pract 2021; 9(Suppl 2):S234–S243;
Mukherjee TI, Zerbe A, Falcao J, et al. Human-centered design for public
health innovation: codesigning a multicomponent intervention to support,
youth across the HIV care continuum in Mozambique. Glob Health Sci Pract
2022; 10:e2100664.
This article does an excellent job of showing how the five steps of design thinking
could be used to fashion an intervention for youth living with HIV in resource-limited
62. Beres LK, Simbeza S, Holmes CB, et al. Human-centered design lessons for
implementation science: improving the implementation of a, patient-centered
care intervention. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2019; 82:S230 –S243.
63. Wittenberg E, Bharel M, Bridges JFP, et al. Using best-worst scaling to,
understand patient priorities: a case example of Papanicolaou tests for
homeless, women. Ann Fam Med 2016; 14:359 –364.
64. Hendriks A, Wijnen B, van Engelen R, et al. A best-worst, scaling in
Colombian patients to rank the characteristics of HIV/AIDS treatment. J
Med Econ 2018; 21:468– 473.
HIV cure: an acceptability scientific agenda Bonney et al.
1746-630X Copyright ©2022 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. 17
... Our study aimed to highlight the value of engaging the community when planning HIV cure-related research to ensure acceptability and appropriateness in the local population and setting. [30][31][32] We also wanted to obtain community input to inform the design of future HIV cure-related intervention trials. The overall goal of this research is to facilitate the translation of our findings 33 to other similar populations who are disproportionately affected by HIV and have the most to gain from an effective HIV cure-related intervention. ...
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Background: Developing a cure for HIV remains a global scientific priority. In 2022, the Females Rising through Education, Support and Health (FRESH) cohort launched an HIV cure-related trial involving an analytical treatment interruption (ATI) in Durban, South Africa. Objectives: To explore community perspectives about HIV cure-related research. Methods: Between July–August 2022, we conducted three focus groups with community members. We transcribed audio recordings verbatim and used content analysis to analyze the data. Results: Twenty community members (13 women and 7 men) participated in three focus groups (HIV status not included). Participants viewed HIV cure-related research as a way to address the issue of defaulting on (not taking) HIV treatment. Participants expressed hesitancy around ATIs, since these contradict longstanding treatment adherence messages. Participants shared concerns around the risk of side effects from experimental interventions balanced against potential efficacy. They advocated for trial participants to have the right to decide whether to inform their sex partners about their HIV status and ATI participation, rather than research teams making disclosure mandatory. Focus group participants also emphasized the importance of using simple language to explain HIV cure-related research. Conclusions: With HIV cure trials set to launch across Africa in the future, there is a critical need to better understand and respond to local community needs and preferences and to adopt this as standard practice prior to regional trial implementation.
... Tis is a high bar for cure that researchers need to take note of as they design cure modalities. Te expectation of complete viral elimination is not unique to Ghanaian healthcare providers as patients and providers in other settings fnd it difcult to grasp the concept of functional cure [24]. Tis means that more studies using robust methods such as choice experiments and human centered designs are needed to explore the concept of an HIV functional cure in both patients and providers. ...
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Introduction: Antiretroviral therapy (ART) has reduced mortality and improved life expectancy among HIV patients but does not provide a cure. Patients must remain on lifelong medications and deal with drug resistance and side effects. This underscores the need for HIV cure research. However, participation in HIV cure research has risks without guaranteed benefits. We determined what HIV healthcare providers know about HIV cure research trials, the risks involved, and what kind of cure interventions they are likely to recommend for their patients. Methods: We conducted in-depth qualitative interviews with 39 HIV care providers consisting of 12 physicians, 8 counsellors, 14 nurses, 2 pharmacists, 2 laboratory scientists, and 1 community advocate from three hospitals. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and coded, and thematic analysis was performed independently by two investigators. Results: Participants were happy about the success of current treatments and hopeful that an HIV cure will be found in the near future, just as ART was discovered through research. They described cure as total eradication of the virus from the body and inability to test positive for HIV or transmit the virus. In terms of risk tolerance, respondents would recommend to their patients' studies with mild to moderate risks like what patients on antiretroviral therapy experience. Participants were reluctant to recommend treatment interruption to patients as part of a cure study and wished trials could be performed without stopping treatment. Healthcare providers categorically rejected death or permanent disability as an acceptable risk. The possibility of finding a cure that will benefit the individual or future generations was strong motivations for providers to recommend cure trials to their patients, as was transparency and adequate information on proposed trials. Overall, the participants were not actively seeking knowledge on cure research and lacked information on the various cure modalities under investigation. Conclusion: While hopeful for an HIV cure, healthcare providers in Ghana expect a cure to be definitive and pose minimal risk to their patients.
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Background HIV cure-directed clinical trials using analytical treatment interruptions (ATIs) require participants to adhere to frequent monitoring visits for viral load tests. Novel viral load monitoring strategies are needed to decrease participant burden during ATIs. Objective To examine acceptability of a novel home-based blood collection device for viral load testing in the context of two ongoing ATI trials in Philadelphia, PA, United States. Methods From January 2021 to February 2022, participants completed three in-depth interviews via teleconference during their participation in an ATI: (1) within two weeks of enrollment in the device study, (2) approximately four weeks after beginning to use the device, and (3) within two weeks of the end of the ATI when ART was re-initiated. We used conventional content analysis to analyze the data. Results We recruited 17 participants: 15 were cisgender males, 1 cisgender female, and 1 transgender woman. We observed an overall 87% success rate in drawing blood with the device from home collection and found overall high acceptance of the device. A mean of 91.5 devices per participant were used for home-based blood collection. Most PWH viewed the device as relatively convenient, painless, easy to use, and a simple solution to frequent blood draws. The main challenge encountered was the inability to completely fill up devices with blood in some cases. Most participants reported positive experiences with mailing blood samples and could see themselves using the device on a regular basis outside of ATIs. Conclusions Our study showed participant valued the novel home-based peripheral blood collection for viral load testing in the context of ATI trials. More research will be necessary to optimize implementation of the device and to assess whether blood collected can reliably measure viral loads in the context of ATI trials.
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Background: Research on stakeholder perspectives of HIV cure research has involved people with HIV (PWH), who generally cite the importance of HIV clinician advice in making decisions about trial participation. However, there has been little exploration of non-researcher community HIV clinician perspectives, which are clearly critical to the success of HIV cure-related research.Objective: We aimed to learn how community HIV clinicians perceive HIV cure research and identify factors that would lead them to support or discourage HIV cure trial participation by their patients.Methods: We recruited a purposive sample of 12 community HIV clinicians in metro-Seattle, WA to participate in structured interviews. We completed 11 interviews via teleconference and received one written response. We used conventional content analysis to analyze the data.Results: Overall, community HIV clinicians were supportive of patient participation in HIV cure trials. Factors affecting support included knowledge of local trials, ease of referral, patient immune function and health stability, study risks and benefits, burden of study requirements, patient characteristics, patient life stability, potential impact on engagement in care, study communication plans, and beliefs that patients should have the autonomy to decide to participate. Participants had concerns about trials requiring treatment delays or interruptions and HIV transmission risk. While their knowledge of the field was limited, they were interested in learning more about open HIV cure trials.Conclusions: It would benefit the HIV cure research community if those leading HIV cure trials make stronger efforts to engage community clinicians who care for PWH, but are not active researchers, early in the trial design process. Such engagement prior to launching HIV cure trials will improve trial designs, leading to better enrollment and retention within these important studies.
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Background We aimed to systematically review the health preference literature using discrete choice experiments (DCEs), an attribute-based stated preference method, to investigate patient preferences for HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). Methods A search in PubMed, Scopus, CINAHL, and Embase was conducted on July 1, 2021, and updated on November 3, 2021. We used two concepts to create our search strategy: (1) discrete choice experiments/conjoint analysis/best-worst scaling, and (2) HIV PrEP.The study is registered in PROSPERO (CRD42021267026). Findings In total, 1060 studies were identified, and 18 were included in the analysis. Various attributes were examined, including dosing regimen, type of PrEP products, side effects, other side benefits, cost, effectiveness, dispensing venue, and additional support services. Dosing frequency, cost, the effectiveness of PrEP, dispensing venue, and side effects were the most common attributes examined in DCEs. Despite significant heterogeneity in preferences across subpopulations, overall, the most important attributes were cost (28%, 5/18), effectiveness (28%, 5/18) followed by dosing frequency (17%, 3/18). Interpretation Notably, in studies where all of these three attributes were examined, some individuals would trade effectiveness for cost or vice versa. Ensuring PrEP is low cost or free, widely disseminating information of its effectiveness and advancements in reducing dosing frequency could accelerate the uptake of PrEP for those who would benefit from PrEP the most. Funding None.
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Background Most HIV cure-related studies involve interrupting antiretroviral treatment to assess the efficacy of pharmacologic interventions – also known as analytical treatment interruptions (ATIs). ATIs imply the risk of passing HIV to sexual partners due to the loss of undetectable HIV status. There has been a notable lack of attention paid to perceptions of ATIs among racial, ethnic, sex and gender minorities, and HIV serodifferent couples. These populations are among those most impacted by HIV in the United States. Future HIV cure research paradigms should equitably include considerations from these groups. Methods From August – October 2020, we conducted in-depth interviews with 10 racial, ethnic, sex, and gender minority HIV serodifferent couples in geographically diverse regions of the United States to understand their perspectives about ATIs and partner protection measures to prevent secondary HIV transmissions because of participation in ATI studies. We used framework analysis to analyze the qualitative data. Results Of the 10 couples recruited, four identified as a gay couple, two as a gay and bisexual couple, two as a heterosexual couple, one as a gay and queer couple, and one as a queer couple. We found that HIV serodifferent couples in our study viewed ATIs as contradicting HIV treatment adherence messages. Couples expressed discomfort around ATIs in HIV cure research. They were concerned with the return of HIV detectability and worried ATIs might result in secondary HIV transmission. Participants were strongly in favor of using a range of partner protection measures during ATIs that included PrEP, HIV risk reduction counseling, and alternatives for penetrative sex practices. Couples also recommended that sex partners be consulted or involved as part of ATI trials. Conclusions Our findings highlight new potential opportunities and strategies to mitigate risk of HIV transmission during ATIs among key groups historically under-represented in HIV cure research. Findings also underscore the relational aspects of ATI trials. We provide preliminary considerations for planning ATI trials with diverse HIV serodifferent partners. Future studies should continue to explore these issues among other types of partnerships, cultures, and socio-cultural settings.
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Although combination antiretroviral therapy (ART) has reduced mortality and improved lifespan for people living with HIV, it does not provide a cure. Patients must be on ART for the rest of their lives and contend with side effects, unsustainable costs, and the development of drug resistance. A cure for HIV is, therefore, warranted to avoid the limitations of the current therapy and restore full health. However, this cure is difficult to find due to the persistence of latently infected HIV cellular reservoirs during suppressive ART. Approaches to HIV cure being investigated include boosting the host immune system, genetic approaches to disable co-receptors and the viral genome, purging cells harboring latent HIV with latency-reversing latency agents (LRAs) (shock and kill), intensifying ART as a cure, preventing replication of latent proviruses (block and lock) and boosting T cell turnover to reduce HIV-1 reservoirs (rinse and replace). Since most people living with HIV are in Africa, methods being developed for a cure must be amenable to clinical trials and deployment on the continent. This review discusses the current approaches to HIV cure and comments on their appropriateness for Africa.
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Adolescents and young people represent a growing proportion of people living with HIV (AYAHIV), and there is an urgent need to design, implement, and test interventions that retain AYAHIV in care. Using a human-centered design (HCD) approach, we codesigned CombinADO, an intervention to promote HIV viral suppression and improve antiretroviral therapy (ART) adherence and retention in care among AYAHIV in Nampula, Mozambique. The HCD process involves formative design research with AYAHIV, health care providers, parents/caretakers, and experts in adolescent HIV; synthesis of findings to generate action-oriented insights; ideation and prototyping of intervention components; and a pilot study to assess feasibility, acceptability, and uptake of intervention components. CombinADO promotes ART adherence and retention in care by fostering peer connectedness and belonging, providing accessible medical knowledge, demystifying and destigmatizing HIV, and cultivating a sense of hope among AYAHIV. Successful prototypes included a media campaign to reduce HIV stigma and increase medical literacy; a toolkit to help providers communicate and address the unique needs of AYAHIV clients; peer-support groups to improve medical literacy, empower youth, and provide positive role models for people living with HIV; support groups for parents/caregivers; and discreet pill containers to promote adherence outside the home. In the next phase, the effectiveness of CombinaADO on retention in care, ART adherence, and viral suppression will be evaluated using a cluster-randomized control trial. We demonstrate the utility of using HCD to cocreate a multicomponent intervention to retain AYAHIV in care. We also discuss how the HCD methodology enriches participatory methods and community engagement. This is then illustrated by the youth-driven intervention development of CombinADO by fostering youth empowerment, addressing power imbalances between youth and adult stakeholders, and ensuring that language and content remain adolescent friendly.
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Background Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) functional cure is a novel biomedical strategy characterized by sustained viral suppression without the need for life-long medications. The attitude of people living with HIV (PLHIV) towards functional cure and clinical trials are understudied. We aimed to examine the awareness and levels of anticipation for HIV functional cure among men who have sex with men (MSM) living with HIV, and their willingness to join trials as differentiated by their antiretroviral treatment status. Methods MSM living with HIV with and those without treatment history were recruited from Hong Kong’s HIV specialist clinics. Self-administered questionnaires covering behavioral profile, perceived impact of HIV cure, attitude towards HIV functional cure and related clinical trials were collected. Clinical data were separately transcribed. Determinants of perceptions and attitudes were identified by logistic regression models. Results Of 356 MSM living with HIV recruited, less than half (42%) were aware of HIV functional cure, but they had a high level of anticipation for it. Treatment-experienced participants were more likely to be aware of HIV functional cure. Awareness was associated with continued engagement in sexual activities after HIV diagnosis and sexually transmitted infection (STI) diagnosis. Higher anticipation was observed among older MSM living with HIV but it was negatively associated with one’s awareness. Over 90% were willing to join functional cure trials, especially those who had previously been diagnosed with STI and had engaged in chemsex in the past year. Advice from healthcare professional was an important factor considered by those willing to join clinical trials. Younger, better educated MSM, and those with lower CD4 counts were more concerned about potential risk of AIDS and potential complications upon trial participation. Conclusions MSM living with HIV, especially those sexually active, showed positive attitude towards functional cure and willingness to join related clinical trials despite low awareness. To enhance preparedness for HIV functional cure trials, community education, updated information and appropriate medical advice would be needed. Safety is a major concern for potential enrollees in HIV functional cure trials.
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Frequent viral load testing is necessary during analytical treatment interruptions (ATIs) in HIV cure-directed clinical trials, though such may be burdensome and inconvenient to trial participants. We implemented a national, cross-sectional survey in the United States to examine the acceptability of a novel home-based peripheral blood collection device for HIV viral load testing. Between June and August 2021, we distributed an online survey to people with HIV (PWH) and community members, biomedical HIV cure researchers and HIV care providers. We performed descriptive analyses to summarize the results. We received 73 survey responses, with 51 from community members, 12 from biomedical HIV cure researchers and 10 from HIV care providers. Of those, 51 (70%) were cisgender men and 50 (68%) reported living with HIV. Most (>80% overall) indicated that the device would be helpful during ATI trials and they would feel comfortable using it themselves or recommending it to their patients/participants. Of the 50 PWH, 42 (84%) indicated they would use the device if they were participating in an ATI trial and 27 (54%) also expressed a Citation: Dubé, K.; Eskaf, S.; Hastie, E.; Agarwal, H.; Henley, L.; Roebuck, C.; Carter, W.B.; Dee, L.; Taylor, J.; Mapp, D.; et al.
Background: People who initiate antiretroviral therapy (ART) during acute HIV infection are potential candidates for HIV cure-related clinical trials, as early ART reduces the size of the HIV reservoir. These trials, which may include ART interruption (ATI), might involve potential risks. We explored knowledge and perception of HIV cure and willingness to participate in cure-related trials among participants of the Netherlands Cohort Study on Acute HIV infection (NOVA study), who started antiretroviral therapy immediately after diagnosis of acute HIV infection. Methods: We conducted 20 in-depth qualitative interviews with NOVA study participants between October-December 2018. Data were analyzed thematically, using inductive and iterative coding techniques. Findings: Most participants had limited knowledge of HIV cure and understood HIV cure as complete eradication of HIV from their bodies. HIV cure was considered important to most participants, mostly due to the stigma surrounding HIV. More than half would consider undergoing brief ATI during trial participation, but only one person considered extended ATI. Viral rebound and increased infectiousness during ATI were perceived as large concerns. Participants remained hopeful of being cured during trial participation, even though they were informed that no personal medical benefit was to be expected. Interpretation: Our results highlight the need for thorough informed consent procedures with assessment of comprehension and exploration of personal motives prior to enrollment in cure-related trials. Researchers might need to moderate their expectations about how many participants will enroll in a trial with extended ATI.
In the United States, young adults have the highest rates of new HIV infections, and are less likely to be aware of their infection, be engaged in care, or achieve HIV viral suppression. As biomedical HIV research increasingly focuses on achieving long-term suppression without antiretroviral therapy (ART) and finding an HIV cure, little is known about perceptions of young adults living with HIV (YLWH) regarding HIV cure research. We recruited a diverse sample of 20 YLWH (18-29 years old) to participate in individual semi-structured qualitative interviews to explore knowledge and perceptions of HIV cure research, and motivations and barriers to participation. Most participants had little knowledge of HIV cure research. Motivators of HIV cure research participation included altruism, stigma reduction, and the elimination of the clinical burdens of HIV. Barriers included potential physical side effects, psychological distress, the possibility of disclosure as a result of participating, and the amount of time required to participate. Most participants had concerns about analytic treatment interruptions (i.e., ART interruption to assess HIV remission), and indicated that they would want more frequent laboratory testing and protection for their sex partners during this time. Lastly, participants suggested that, if other YLWH are considering participation in cure research, they should first learn as much as possible about the research, then consider the potential personal benefits and the contribution that they could make to science and their communities. As HIV cure research advances, the participation of YLWH will be critical. Our study provides knowledge about how YLWH view HIV cure research. More socio-behavioral research is needed to ensure that those who are most likely to be the decision-makers and beneficiaries of an HIV cure are included at all levels of research.