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Agricultural Waste Management for Climate Change Mitigation: Some Implications to Egypt


Abstract and Figures

Human activity is increasing the concentration of atmospheric greenhouse gases (GHGs) such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O). As a result, pollution and a significant warming of the earth’s surface are happening and thus expected climate changes and its adverse impacts on the environment. Due to increasing population growth during the few last decades, agriculture wastes were increasingly generated day by day. Most of these wastes are misused either by burning or disposing with unsuitable methods. This not only consumes potential valuable resources but also increases the GHGs emission in the earth’s atmosphere. Therefore, utilizing and managing these wastes with eco-friendly and sustainable manner will lead to mitigate the emission of GHGs and climate change impacts. There are traditional and modern methods for utilizing agricultural wastes for these purposes. These methods utilize agricultural wastes in animal feeding, composting, bioenergy resources, bioplastic and building material base. Therefore, exploring new and alternative methods for utilizing these potentially valuable resources and changing people behavior toward this is very necessary.
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Chapter 8
Agricultural Waste Management
for Climate Change Mitigation: Some
Implications to Egypt
Heba Elbasiouny, Bodor A. Elbanna, Esraa Al-Najoli, Amal Alsherief,
Shimaa Negm, Esraa Abou El-Nour, Aya Nofal and Sara Sharabash
Abstract Human activity is increasing the concentration of atmospheric greenhouse
gases (GHGs) such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide
(N2O). As a result, pollution and a significant warming of the earth’s surface are hap-
pening and thus expected climate changes and its adverse impacts on the environment.
Due to increasing population growth during the few last decades, agriculture wastes
were increasingly generated day by day. Most of these wastes are misused either
by burning or disposing with unsuitable methods. This not only consumes potential
valuable resources but also increases the GHGs emission in the earth’s atmosphere.
Therefore, utilizing and managing these wastes with eco-friendly and sustainable
manner will lead to mitigate the emission of GHGs and climate change impacts.
There are traditional and modern methods for utilizing agricultural wastes for these
purposes. These methods utilize agricultural wastes in animal feeding, compost-
ing, bioenergy resources, bioplastic and building material base. Therefore, exploring
new and alternative methods for utilizing these potentially valuable resources and
changing people behavior toward this is very necessary.
Keywords Agriculture waste ·Climate change ·Mitigation ·Greenhouse
emissions ·Environment
8.1 Introduction
Human activity is increasing the concentration of atmospheric greenhouse gases
(GHGs). As a result, significant warming of the earth’s surface is expected in addition
to other associated climate changes within the next few decades. The GHGs are
causing the largest contribution to global warming including carbon dioxide (CO2),
methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O). All three gases are produced through the
H. Elbasiouny (B)·B. A. Elbanna ·E. Al-Najoli ·A. Alsherief ·S. Negm ·E. Abou El-Nour ·
A. Nofal ·S. Sharabash
Department of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Home Economics Faculty, Al-Azhar
University, Nawag, Tanta 31732, Egypt
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020
A. M. Negm and N. Shareef (eds.), Waste Management in MENA Regions,
Springer Water, 9_8
150 H. Elbasiouny et al.
management and disposal of wastes [1]. Therefore, environmental pollutions and
energy saving are among the greatest challenges facing the humankind in the current
century [2].
Waste generation is rising day by day due to the population growth which directly
influences the environment and economy [3]. Recently, agricultural wastes have
become a significant source of pollution. The random burning of wastes such as
straw and livestock dung in the agricultural country has led to series of environ-
mental problems [4]. The increasing quantity of waste and its inappropriate removal
especially in developing countries have always been pressing the safety of envi-
ronment’s population health, and alongside, amplifying the contributing of these
countries in the global GHGs emission [5].
As indicated by the research, all agricultural wastes have incredible potential ben-
efits. Thus, the effective transformation of these wastes, recycling and utilization,
is very significant in the control of environmental pollution [4] and GHGs emis-
sion. Therefore, finding ways to adapt to climate change and its countless potential
impacts is one of the greatest challenges of climate change [6]. Therefore, utiliz-
ing all the resources in the agricultural sector is needed to maximize the yields of
agricultural production. However, intensifying the usage of production elements for
vertical and horizontal expansion is resulting in an increase of the annual amount of
agricultural wastes which accumulate without suitable managing. Therefore, there
is an urgent need for activating the most suitable methods for transforming such
agricultural wastes into economic and valuable materials. These materials can add
increasing value to agricultural crops and productivity, energy saving, enhancing
the environmental quality, and increasing the rates of self-sufficiency [7]. He et al.
[8] also affirmed that agricultural wastes have great ecological service and economic
value, and this could not only relieve the ecological, environmental pollution but also
would decline the agricultural production demand for limited resources. Attitudes
must, consequently, be changed from believing crop residues as undesired wastes to
considering them as an integral part of agricultural production [9].
8.2 Agricultural Waste Definition
Agricultural wastes are defined by many researchers as follows: “the outcome of
agricultural production following the different harvesting activities” Abou Hussein
and Sawan [9], as well, Sarnklong et al. [10] referred to the crop’s straw as the
residues after agricultural crop harvest and emphasizes that it is the main by-product
of agriculture production. It also defined as “any substance or object which the holder
discards or intends or is required to discard” [9,11]and also referred residues as
wastes and reported that is depending on whether they have or do not have a use.
They also mentioned that residues are often referred to as “co-products.” Zaman and
Lehmann [12] referred the solid waste as “any trash, garbage, refuse or abandoned
materials which have ‘no economic value’ or functions for anybody.” As well, Zaman
and Lehmann [13] pointed to wastes generally as “the symbols of the inefficiency
8 Agricultural Waste Management for Climate Change Mitigation … 151
of any modern society and a representation of misallocated resources.” Singh et al.
[14] stated that “the word ‘Waste’ normally emphasis something around us which
should be recycled, reused, reduced or even eliminated, if possible.”
8.3 Obstacles of Utilizing of Agricultural Waste
There are many obstacles facing the utilization of agricultural wastes, for example,
rice straw, as low-cost biomass, is difficult to be collected because of high costs and
logistical costs since “most of the rice straw is produced by smallholder farmers.”
Wheat straw is collected and used for many purposes in many countries. However, the
cost for wheat straw depends largely on local circumstances. In some regions, a lot
of straw is collected for certain purposes like animal bedding. In others, wheat straw
is not utilized [15]. Wang et al. [4] mentioned that there were problems facing the
utilization processes of agricultural wastes such as the large quantity and unknown
amount of these wastes. The utilizing and disposing problems focus on the agricul-
tural wastes include backwardness of techniques, gaps of agricultural automation,
deferred policies, and social service systems [4].
8.4 Agricultural Waste Sources
Crop residue (agricultural wastes): wastes that resulted after harvesting rice
straw, corn leaves, cobs, cassava stem, cane trash, peanut shell, coconut shell,
leaves, etc. Rice, corn, wheat/barley, cotton, and sugarcane are the five crops with
the highest amount of waste.
Agro-industrial residues: that is, wastes that are resulted from processing on rice
husks biogases, peanut shells, cassava peels, coffee husks.
Hazardous wastes: such as excess pesticides and fertilizers, and
Animal wastes:[9,16].
8.5 Agricultural Waste Composition
Agricultural residues consist mainly of cellulose and lignin, which jointly repre-
sents 85–90% of the dry matter content; the remaining 15–10% includes simple
sugars, starch, fat, wax, ash, essential oils, gums, tannins, pectin, and among other
substances. Most of cellulose materials in such residues are known as “holocellu-
lose” which includes three fractions of cellulose (i.e., α-cellulose, ß-cellulose, and
γ-cellulose); the combination of ß-cellulose and γ-cellulose is known as hemicellu-
lose [17]. Elfeki and Tkadlec [18] added that these wastes are characterized as coarse
plant by-products and “big size, chemically low in protein and fat contents.”
152 H. Elbasiouny et al.
8.6 Wastes and Climate Change
Recently, agricultural wastes have considered an important pollution source [4].
Climate change is considered as a major global challenge that has motivated the
international community to apply mitigation strategies aiming at limiting the aver-
age rising of global temperature [19]. Biomass burning has a significant impact on
the chemistry of global atmosphere because it provides large source of CO2,N
and hydrocarbons [20]. In this context, Viana et al. [21] also explained that globally,
biomass burning represents an important source of atmospheric GHGs and aerosols,
with a great interannual variability. However, biomass burning emissions cause pos-
itive and negative effects on the climate. For example, smoke and aerosol particles
have a cooling effect in the atmosphere because they directly scatter sunlight or
reflect it to space. However, black carbon particles have a warming effect because
of absorption of incoming radiation. Smoke particles are a main source of cloud
condensation nucleus. Clouds, which contain a higher number of smaller droplets,
reflect more solar radiation into space, and as the clouds are less likely to produce
rain, cloud coverage may also increase. However, smoke emissions do not only have
a cooling effect on the atmosphere but a warming one as well. Some of the gases
emitted by biomass burning, such as CO2and CH4, are GHGs and thus share in the
greenhouse effect that heats the atmosphere through absorbing thermal radiation.
Further than these direct influences, indirect and semi-direct influences of biomass
burning emissions have also been detected. Aerosols modify the microphysical and
thus consequently the radiative characteristics and amount of clouds (i.e., the large
number of cloud condensation nucleus). This will lead to increase in cloud coverage
or to decrease it because of the increase in temperature due to the absorption of
incoming radiation by elemental carbon particles [21].
Recently, many of agriculture wastes have been produced yearly around the world.
Agricultural wastes annually increased at an average of 5–10%. The unreasonable
utilization would cause many problems such as soil and air, for example, the burning
of straw and manure will generate a lot of smoke and dust, harmful gases, seri-
ously leading to air pollution. As well, animal manure contains many parasite eggs,
pathogens, heavy metals, and so on. Furthermore, A part of these agricultural residues
has been directly discharged into the water bodies, causing serious contamination of
the aquatic environment [4]. In addition, Song et al. [22] added also confirmed that
food and agricultural systems heavily rely on fossil fuel energy. Petroleum is almost
used in every stage of food production, from fertilizers production to mechanized
planting, irrigation, harvesting, cooling, and transportation. Furthermore, discarding
food in a landfill makes it decompose anaerobically and yield CH4emissions.
People generate approximately 150 billion metric tons of agricultural biomass
wastes yearly. These wastes can use as a major source of energy or raw materials
[23]. The occurrence of agricultural wastes differs from place to place. For instance,
in Egypt, 97% of its area is a desert, and less than 4% of the land is suitable for agricul-
ture. The agricultural activities result in economic part of the crop (i.e., the yield) and
less important part (i.e., agricultural waste). With the introducing of technology in the
8 Agricultural Waste Management for Climate Change Mitigation … 153
agricultural process, wastes have become a burden due to the occasioned destruction
and environmental pollution. In addition, statistics point out that agricultural wastes
reach about 30 million tons nationally. The type and quantity of agricultural wastes
in Egypt change from village to other and from year to other because of the farmers
always desire to cultivate the most profitable crops that suited to both of land and
environment [9].
The increased generation of crop straw residues has a wide range of adverse
effects on human health, energy, and environment safety [24]. Most of the developing
countries are seeking practical solutions, either legal or illegal. However, it was shown
from the literature that the selection of the waste treatment technologies is based on
their cost-effectiveness and contributions for meeting some locally, regionally, or
nationally imposed purposes, while the criterion of mitigating climate change has
not been considered. For example, in a region of Malaysia, the optimal scenario
for managing municipal solid waste would be able to accomplish the renewable
energy target and, recycling target and boost composting as an alternative for waste
reduction [5]. As well, Yevich and Logan [20] reported that there are two important
components of biomass burning: (1) the incineration of agricultural waste, wood and
charcoal as household fuel, and (2) the combustion of crop wastes in open fields. They
also confirmed that as the populations of developing countries continue to rise, the
contributions of these biomass burnings increase. They also added that a quantitative
description of the spatial distribution of such burning is needed to assess the impact
of this burning on the budgets of trace gases.
Using of rice straw may offset carbon, N2O, and fine dust emissions from field
burning as a public disposal method for rice and wheat straws. As well, it retains the
minerals in the ash. Legislation to forbid field burning results in disposal problems
in many countries. Compared to other types of straw (e.g., wheat straw, corn stover),
rice straw management can be distinguished by its most common disposal technique:
open field burning. Field burning of straw is often the most cost-effective technique
for rice farmers to quickly dispose of straw. While some nutrients (e.g., potassium)
are largely contained in the field, a lot of C and N are released and not going to field.
Although there are no official information, estimates indicate that farmers burnt about
80% of rice straw in certain regions. Moreover, there are also differences in straw
burning methods (e.g., pile burning, or straw burning that is evenly spread over the
field) [15].
Hasty actions and unsound decisions of the future use of residues for bioenergy
production and GHGs emission reduction might have considerable negative socioe-
conomic and environmental impacts. However, primary crop residues have many
significant ecosystem functions and provide a potential wealth of ecosystem ser-
vices to humankind as well to the environment. This go far beyond the provision of
bioenergy and C storage for the reducing GHGs emission. Regulating services are
provided when agricultural wastes are kept on the soil, contributing to agricultural
productivity, to adaptation to climate change variability and mitigation. More specif-
ically, their services present in minimizing the soil erosion, reducing the evaporation
of soil water, helping to increase the infiltration of rainwater and capture the precip-
itation from snow, delivering essential nutrients, and constituting an important basis
154 H. Elbasiouny et al.
for soil C, a media for soil life, a habitat for micro- and macroorganisms, and a tool
for weed management. Therefore, the protection of soil resources entails savings of
external inputs such as fertilizers and soil amendments, concurrently lowering the
requirements of external energy consumption [25].
Furthermore, inappropriate manure storage in large-scale and traditional animal
production rises GHGs emission because waste is often combined in large lagoons
and holding ponds instead of being directly incorporated into soil. Gaseous products
(such as CO2,H
2S, NH3, and CH4) are produced and released into the atmosphere
through manure storage and decomposition. Research has demonstrated that manure
stored on conventional farms emitted approximately 25% more CH4gas than organic
farms, indicating the significant impact of organic animal production on reducing
GHGs emission [6].
8.7 Waste Management for Climate Change Mitigation
Waste management means the collection, transport, recovery, and disposal of waste,
involving the supervision of such processes and the after-care of disposal sites [11].
As population growth increases, changes in lifestyle and consumption patterns
increase and have been the main motivations of an increased waste production which
causes various impacts on environment and public health. In the last decades, waste
management became a main issue, and several processes have been innovated for
organic wastes treatment such as composting. Nevertheless, some wastes cannot be
composted (e.g., oils) because of its low economic cost in addition to waste reduction
in landfills [26]. Waste management system was changed long before the develop-
ment of our recent civilization. Various key innovations have been occurred histori-
cally in waste management development. In this context, four major key innovations
can be considered in waste management systems, with different main technologies,
methods, and tools [12,27]. Zaman and Lehmann [12] illustrated the schematic
waves of these innovations in waste management systems in Fig. 8.1 as follows: (1)
open dumping which is still available in various low-income countries; (2) uncon-
trolled landfill; (3) waste composting; and (4) the recycling and controlled landfill. In
the twentieth century, waste-to-energy technologies become the fifth wave of waste
management systems, while in the twenty-first century, the zero waste becomes the
sixth wave in waste management systems and the most holistic innovation for waste
management systems for reaching a true sense of sustainability in the waste man-
agement systems.
Pietzsch et al. [28] referred to zero waste as “a broader approach when compared
to that described in the solid waste hierarchy,” They also point that zero waste is “a
term refers to a unifying the concept that embraces a series of measures that aim to
eliminate waste and to challenge traditional thoughts,” Also, they reported that waste
is a resource under zero waste concept. Singh et al. [14] categorized the zero waste
into subsystems; (1) zero waste in administration and manufacture; (2) zero resource
waste (3) zero emissions; (4) zero waste in product life and; (5) zero toxic use.
8 Agricultural Waste Management for Climate Change Mitigation … 155
Fig. 8.1 Innovation waves in waste management systems. Source Zaman and Lehmann [12]
It is worth mention that circular economy as a sustainable economic growth mode
considers the highly effective use of the resources as well the circulation uses as a
core, considers 3Rs (i.e., reduce, reuse, and recycle) as the principle, and considers
low consumption, low emissions, high efficiency as characteristics. Each of 3Rs has
three aspects as following:
Reduce: (1) reducing material, water, and energy input; (2) reducing product man-
ufacturing that originally not needed, and (3) reducing the people’s demand not
the quality of life.
Reuse: (1) considering a thing multipurpose; (2) developing with waste as raw
material remanufacturing industry, and (3) using the renewable resources substi-
tution non-renewable resources as much as possible.
Recycle: (1) consider the wastes of raw materials to become the initiative interior
materials circulation; (2) building technology park; and (3) constructing circular
economic system differ that from traditional, recognize resource recycling utiliza-
tion [29].
Xuan et al. [29] also illustrated that in the agricultural development of the circular
economy, the greatest difference with traditional agriculture is the resource con-
servation and recycling. This considers the way of modern agricultural production
technology of a revolution (see Fig. 8.2).
The waste management hierarchy is accepted guide for prioritizing waste manage-
ment systems nationally and internationally to achieve optimal resource utilization
and environmental outcomes. It orders the waste management practices, ascendingly
from most to least preferred to: waste prevention; reusing; recycling; composting,
incineration, and final landfill. Therefore, this hierarchy is one of the guiding prin-
ciples of the zero waste system [22]. Loiseau et al. [30] reported that the waste
hierarchy approach, in addition to, and the wastes prevention are important elements
156 H. Elbasiouny et al.
Fig. 8.2 Agricultural resource recycling [29]
of green economy by improving resource efficiency, reducing need for raw materials,
and aiming at closing the material flows. Lausselet et al. [19] also emphasized on
that waste management is based on the waste hierarchy, which sets the following
priority order: prevention, reuse, recycling, energy recovery, and disposal, as the
least favored option. Furthermore, protecting the environment and the public is the
purpose of waste management by keeping manure and contaminated waters far from
surface and groundwater and governing the application of manure nutrients to crops,
hence such that nutrients are available in the right quantity, at the perfecting time
and the suitable place [31]. Adeniran et al. [32] reported that an integrated waste
management system is one of the main challenges facing sustainable development.
Many factors have aggravated the problem of utilizing agricultural wastes including
(1) the absence of environmental awareness;
(2) low knowledge level and skills influencing the behavior of farmers in handling
agricultural waste;
(3) burning agricultural wastes such as happened in the rice-cultivated fields which
generates many poisonous and harmful oxides and hydrocarbonates;
(4) many farmers now consider the residue utilization as an additional cost with
small returns; and
(5) furthermore, they consider the best way to get rid of those residues by dumping,
open burning, etc., but the environmental hazards of such practices cannot be
ignored. Thus, the misuse of these wastes represents dangerous environmental
damage and a dissipation of an important economic resource.
Global climate change is the most environmental challenge society facing. Atmo-
spheric CO2,CH
4, and N2O are the most effective long-lived GHGs that contribute
to global warming. Agriculture contributes to approximately 10–12% of total global
anthropogenic GHGs emission and is realized as an important source of GHGs emis-
sion. CO2and CH4emissions are derived in cropland from different practices such
as biomass burning, soil tillage, drainage, rice management, flooding, the applica-
tion of fertilizers as well residues. N2O is derived in the agricultural sector from the
8 Agricultural Waste Management for Climate Change Mitigation … 157
activities of soil microorganisms, such as nitrification and denitrification processes,
that can be declined by the field management practices such as no-tillage and straw
return. Although the livestock sector contributes about 40–50% of agricultural GDP,
it also should be responsible for GHGs emission of 5.6–7.5 Gt CO2-eq/yr; there-
fore, to mitigate global warming potential, it is so important to reduce the emissions
from manures or wastes and to motivate carbon sequestration [33]. Asim et al. [23]
reported that local agricultural wastes are associated with two significant issues:
decomposing of agricultural wastes emits CH4and leachate. Furthermore, farm-
ers usually burn local agricultural wastes producing not only CO2, but also other
local pollutants. Therefore, proper management of agricultural wastes can decline
water and soil contamination, mitigate climate change, reduce local air pollution,
and reduce environmental depletion.
Therefore, agricultural wastes management goals are representing in:
(1) Maximizing the economic benefit from the waste resource: It is necessary to
focus on increasing the value of these wastes to maximize farmers’ profit and
the overall return of the agricultural production.
(2) Maintaining acceptable environmental standards: If wastes are not properly han-
dled, they can pollute surface and groundwater and contribute to air pollution.
Therefore, proper waste management reduces the expected environmental risks
on farmers and reducing the hazardous of environment pollution and the waste
of its various elements [7,34].
Hence, an integrated waste management approach is one of the major challenges
facing sustainable development [32].
Then, agricultural residues must certainly be disposed or utilized for specific pur-
poses to avoid many problems such as contamination, pest growth, occupying large
areas of land and hampering agricultural work [17]. Agricultural wastes should be
recognized as a resource that might be utilized for many purposes such as animal
feed, compost, or biogas without negative impact on the environment [18]. As the
above-mentioned reasons and explanations, it is important to learn and train farmers
how to maximize their benefits from agricultural wastes, by recycling economically
valuable materials, to generate further income which could help raise their income
and living standard [7]. Effective waste management is one of the big challenges
in most Arab countries, such as Egypt, due to increasing population growth rate as
well, rapid urbanization. As an accompanying feature, implementation of such man-
agement systems is normally hampered by lack of many crucial ingredients, such
as information, organization, financial resources, complexity, or system multidimen-
sionality. According to published data and information from local sources, there is no
ultimate or common rate for all Arab countries at which wastes are generated. This
is because differs from country to another and among different regions within the
same country, according to community characteristics, social conditions, and aver-
age income in each area. Although many research studies have been performed to
determine effective factors influencing waste management systems in cities of devel-
oping countries, only a few gave quantitative information. In 2008, the Arab Forum
158 H. Elbasiouny et al.
for Environment and Development stated that statistics and data about quantities
of solid waste in most Arab countries are not available. Regarding solid municipal
waste, the gross generated quantity from Arab countries is estimated at 81.3 million
ton yearly based on an average rate of about 0.7 kg per capita daily [18].
8.8 Traditional Uses of Agricultural Wastes
Farmers usually are using crop residues very well for many purposes such as building,
heating, livestock feeding, and fertilizing. Agriculture modernization and economic
and social development are enough reasons leading to deep changes in rural energy
and the structure of feedstuffs; as a result, the traditional approaches for applications
of crop residues have declined and plans of modern approaches for utilizing these
residues have expanded. Hence, waste should be handled as a by-product to combine
the old traditions and modern technologies for sustainable development achievement
Traditionally, there are many new attractive and profitable approaches for utilizing
crop residues. Crop residue can be used for providing an organic source to the soil,
animal feed and padding, mushroom production, cooking, utensil making, compost
production, and energy production. Furthermore, several research programs are pro-
ceeding in the USA, several European countries, China, India, and other countries to
use biomass. However, the attention is paid to the five crops with the highest amount
of wastes (i.e., rice, corn, wheat/barley, cotton, and sugarcane) [9,16].
(1) Animal Feeding: Despite the abundance of agricultural wastes, there are many
places in the world suffering from a lack of animal feed materials such as Egypt,
and consequently import a large proportion of these materials annually to fill the
gap of feeding and the deficit in the feed budget that tends to rise yearly. Hence,
there is an urgent need to motivate the attention to recycle the crop wastes for
animal feeding [7].
Treatment with Urea and Injection with Ammonia
In most developing countries, the limited availability of protein source is a prob-
lem for animal feeding although great efforts have been done to find alternative
supplements. On the other hand, crop residues have a high fiber content and are
low in protein, starch, and fat. Cell walls of straw primarily are lignin, cellulose,
and hemicelluloses. Therefore, the traditional method to increase livestock pro-
duction by supplementing forage and pasture with grains and proteins concen-
trate may not meet future meat protein needs. Transforming wastes into animal
foodstuffs would help in a greater deal in overcoming the deficiency of animal
foodstuffs. This is because these wastes have a high content of fiber while low
protein, starch, and fat make them not easily digestible and the size of the waste
in its natural form might be too big or tough for the animals to eat. To overcome
these problems, several methods were used to transform the agricultural waste
8 Agricultural Waste Management for Climate Change Mitigation … 159
into a more edible form with higher nutritional value and better digestibility.
The chemical treatment method with urea or ammonia is more feasible than the
mechanical treatment method [9]. On the other hand, rice straw is high in lignin
and silica [9,35]. Both those components play an important role in reducing
the digestibility of straw. The crude protein content of rice straw is generally
between 3 and 5% of the dry matter. Any crop residue with less than 8% crude
protein is considered inadequate as a livestock feed because it is unlikely that
such residues, without supplementation, could sustain nitrogen balance in the
animal. Rice straw is the most abundant feed resource for ruminant animals in
Vietnam especially during the dry season [9].
Silage Production
Major percent of the forages such as wheat, maize, grasses, and legumes are
produced and stored as silage. The process is maintaining the wet forage crops
under anaerobic condition to improve its nutrient content. Thus, pH will decline,
and the wet forage is conserved from spoilage microorganisms. This technique
is safe, easy to use, and does not pollute the environment. Therefore, the products
are considered as natural products [36].
(2) Composting: Although composting is a methodology boosts recycling of
organic wastes, it is approved by the UNFCCC as one of the few method-
ologies that reduce emission related to agriculture [37]. It is worth notice here
that there are different types of compost: Green compost is made from tree and
yard wastes, crop residues, and other wastes of plant origin; and brown compost
which obtained from animal manure, municipal organic wastes, and kitchen and
canteen wastes [38]. By composting, organic matter generated from multiple
waste methods is going through a process which kills pathogens. It results in
stable organic material used in agricultural soils as a soil conditioner which
improves soil fertility, structure, water holding capacity, and buffering capacity.
Composting is only acknowledged as a project for emission reduction if only
the “baseline scenario” in a certain country causes significant GHG emissions.
This is, for instance, the status in Egypt, where most wastes are landfilled or
illegally dumped. In this case, some processes such as fermentation or rotting
will start because of a lack of oxygen. Through fermentation, microbes will emit
CH4, a GHG which is about 25 times greater than CO2. The new composting
scenario avoids the CH4emission of for a substantial part. However, it causes
more emissions as a result of biomass transport and fuel use on the compost-
ing facility. As well, the emissions of N2O because of microbial activities may
be higher through composting than through fermentation [37]. Andersen et al.
[39] added that the main potential disadvantage of composting is generation
and emission of gaseous compounds such as CH4,N
2O, and carbon monoxide
(CO). The emission of CO2from composting activities is derived from plant
material breakdown and is usually considered as neutral in terms of affecting
global warming (i.e., the global warming potential (GWP) of CO2is zero). In
the contrary, CH4and N2O are strong GHGs and are recognized as contribu-
tors to the greenhouse effect. This is because the GWP is 25 and 298 for CH4
160 H. Elbasiouny et al.
and N2O, respectively, indicating that they are higher 25 and 298 times potent
GHGs than CO2over a century time horizon. Budgeting of GHGs’ emission
from composting activities is important toward the development of technolo-
gies for alleviating emissions and improving the accuracy of considerations for
quantifiable compost emission models. This should improve consistency, com-
parability, and accuracy of emissions’ data reported via various national and
international databases.
Smith et al. [1] reported the potential of compost to replace the use of mineral fer-
tilizers. Compost consists of significant concentrations of the three macronutrients for
the plant; NPK: nitrogen phosphorus and potassium. Although their concentrations
in compost are low in comparison with inorganic fertilizers, they may nevertheless
be of value to crops and reduce the need for inorganic fertilizer applications. In the
case of N, the plant nutrient required in greatest quantities, nearly all the N present in
compost is incorporated into organic compounds. This N only becomes available for
uptake by plants after microorganisms have converted the organic N into inorganic
forms, namely ammonium (NH4+) and nitrate (NO3) ions. Inorganic fertilizers pro-
vide a source of N to the crop that is therefore readily available at the time required
by the growth of the crop. However, there are several potential adverse impacts of
inorganic fertilizer use. Groundwater pollution: Inorganic N supplied in excess of
the crop’s immediate needs may be leached out of the soil by infiltrating water, threat-
ening contamination of groundwater resources. N2O release: Denitrifying bacteria
convert NO3to N2O at anaerobic microsites in the soil, thus contributing to the
greenhouse effect. Emissions from fertilizer production: Production of fertilizers is
very energy-intensive, causing CO2release from fossil fuels, and production of N
fertilizers also causes the release of N2O.
(3) Food Production
Mushroom Production
Application of rice straw for plantation of mushrooms is well known. Recently,
oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus spp.) have become increasingly common and are
now cultivated in several subtropical and temperate countries ([9]). It grows
rapidly on many agrowastes such as wheat straw, olive cake, banana leaves,
tomato tuff, and pine needles [40]. Its commercial cultivation is mostly done on
straw, but in some places such as Singapore, the non-composted cotton waste
accompanied with rice bran and calcium carbonate is used and also proved
an effectual substrate. Rice straw is an essential substrate for the growing of
Agaricus bisporus in Asia, whereas in Japan, Taiwan, and Korea, rice straw
composts have been used with consistent results for many years. Rice straw
has enough nutrients and considered the best suitable material for mushroom
growing in all producing countries such as China, the Philippines, and Indonesia.
Cotton wastes can also be used for mushroom production ([9]).
8 Agricultural Waste Management for Climate Change Mitigation … 161
(4) Renewable Energy Resources
The world’s present economy is highly dependent on several fossil energy sources
like oil, coal, and natural gas. These are being used to produce fuel, electricity, and
other goods. Excessive consumption of such fuel resources, especially in large urban
areas, has led to the generation of high pollution levels during the last few decades.
The level of GHGs in the earth’s atmosphere has drastically raised. As well, with
the increasing human population rate and increasing industrial prosperity, energy
consumption also has increased globally. As the annual global oil production begins
to decline in the future, there is a need to rapidly reduce the emission of GHGs,
increase the renewable energy production, and improve the resource efficiency [41,
42]. Subsequently, alternative renewable energy sources such as wind, water, sun,
biomass, and geothermal heat should be considered for the energy industry. All
petroleum-based fuel sources can be replaced by renewable biomass sources like
bioethanol, biodiesel, biohydrogen, etc., which can be derived from many sources
such as sugarcane, corn, and switchgrass algae [42].
In the last decade, the growing interest in bioenergy production and the promotion
of sustainable agriculture have resulted in the need for enhancing crop residue man-
agement. Crop wastes are historically applied for other purposes, such as bedding
and feed for livestock, a substrate for mushroom production as well as raw material
for cooking [25].
With upcoming global warming, excessive increasing energy costs, and elevated
cost of crop wastes disposal, more concern should be directed to the efficient dis-
posal methods of biomass, such as its bioconversion into methane-rich biogas [24].
Tora et al. [43] reported that if the agricultural wastes can be an energy source, the
embedded energy should be extracted efficiently. To do that, different technologies
can be used such as:
(1) Combustion processes can release the heat content of the agricultural wastes;
(2) Fermentation as a biological method that can convert the embedded energy
content into fuels;
(3) Biodiesel production as a chemical conversion method to convert the biomass
into diesel; and
(4) Pyrolysis and gasification as thermochemical conversion methods to release
the heat content and in turn to produce high-heating valuable oil and gaseous
As reported by Tora et al. [43], gasification is an effective technology that can
convert the agricultural residues into gaseous mixture. However, it is a complicated
process taking place in different stages. “The process is endothermic at the begin-
ning, and then becomes exothermic in the remaining of the process”. Sarkar et al.
[42] stated that biogas has also been identified as a possible motor fuel on organic
farms in the rapid and intermediate terms. Biogas is made by anaerobic digestion of
organic materials. When used as biofuel, CO2is separated from the gas for increas-
ing the content and the gaseous fuel can be kept at high pressure. Matheri et al.
[44] and Dahiya et al. [45] stated that biogas is comprised of gases such as CH4,
162 H. Elbasiouny et al.
2, CO, hydrogen sulfide (H2S), ammonia NH3, and a trace amount of oxygen
(O2). It is produced under controlled conditions by the bacterial decomposition of
biodegradable organic materials. These materials include municipal solid waste and
agricultural, industrial and animal wastes. When operating the process at optimum
conditions, the ratio of CH4:CO2is about 60:40. Biogas is a source of bioenergy,
and when it is produced with satisfactory amount and standard, it can be utilized for
electricity or heating. In addition, in combustion, CH4is converted into bioenergy.
Thus, it is not released to the surroundings. Nevertheless, CO2is released in a small
amount that does not affect the atmosphere compared to that of CH4and N2O when
they are in the atmosphere (because in this case they have a great impact as a result
of their greater ability to trap energy comparing to CO2).
In general, biogas energy techniques have lower GHGs emission than fossil energy
ones, especially when biogas is used as fuel in transportation [46,19]. Also empha-
sized that biogas is clean renewable energy generated anaerobically and can substitute
traditional sources of energy such as fossil fuels, and oil. Pérez-Camacho and Curry
[41] stated the most common utilization option for the biogas is its combustion in
a biogas engine to produce electricity and/or heat. However, the biogas can also be
promoted for other utilization options such as biomethane or biodiesel as part of
a larger bioenergy system, or utilized for energy and chemicals production in the
biorefinery concept.
Recently, ethanol is the most widely consumed liquid biofuel for motor vehicles.
The importance of ethanol is rising due to several reasons such as global warming and
climate change. Bioethanol has been receiving widespread interest internationally,
nationally, and regionally. The global market for bioethanol has entered a stage of
rapid, transitional growth. Many countries worldwide are shifting their attention to
renewable sources of power production as well as transport fuel because of depleting
the crude oil reserves. Therefore, ethanol has potential as a valuable [42]. Asim et al.
[23] mentioned some energy products from converted agricultural wastes such as
ethanol, biodiesel, methanol, heat and steam, oil, synthetic fuel, producer gas, and
Li et al. [47] reported that although a huge quantity of wastes still unutilized,
progressively more concern is being paid to ecological issues and then, more waste
is being reused and recycled. Some of the researches focused on using wastes as
fertilizers, others concerned using these wastes for biogas production. However, a
comparison of the GHGs emission of agricultural wastes used for fertilizers and
those wastes used for biogas productions looks to be lacking [47].
8.9 Modern Uses of Agricultural Wastes
Nowadays, there are many uses and utilizations of agricultural wastes of these:
Bioplastic Production from Agricultural Wastes
8 Agricultural Waste Management for Climate Change Mitigation … 163
Population growth has led to increasing the growth in agricultural activities, thus
increasing the generation of agricultural wastes indirectly. The petroleum-based tra-
ditional seedling and plantation plant pots or polybags are considered the most widely
wastes generated. These pots and polybags are non-biodegradable and usually are dis-
posed after usage in landfills which will lead to pollution. To solve this issue, the con-
cerned industries are investigating to find an alternative for these non-biodegradable
pots and bags. Because the level of environmental awareness elevated, the public
starts recycling wastes with the help of new technology [48]. Emadian et al. [49]
stated that worldwide, 34 million tons of plastic wastes are generated yearly, and
93% of these wastes are disposed in landfills or oceans. Some members of the Euro-
pean Union (EU) have forbidden landfilling applications. However, about 50% of
these wastes are still disposed in landfills. Although many countries such as Sweden,
Germany, Netherlands, Denmark, and Austria succeed to achieve 80–100% in the
recovery of plastic wastes, the recycling was only 28% on average. Although the EU
countries attempt to combat the disposing of plastic wastes and develop reusing and
recycling applications, developing countries are still relying on conventional land-
filling. The plastic consumption in developing countries has been reported to be more
than that of the world average because of the higher rate of urbanization and eco-
nomic development. The recycled newspaper pulp fibers are used as a basic source
for biofiber materials for many purposes such as construction, paperboard packag-
ing, newsprint, insulation, or building materials. To maximize the using of recycled
newspaper pulp fiber, industries are searching for more usage of such fibers into
other products. Bioplastic pot is one of these products; it is a mixture of newspaper
pulp fibers and bioplastic. It will be an alternative for other type (i.e., non-degradable
plantation and seedling plant pot). As well, the presence of newspaper pulp fibers
and bioplastic can produce high durable and degradable pots. Additionally, swelling
of pots, caused by water absorption during production and planting process, can be
reduced by occurrence of bioplastic in these pots [48].
Emadian et al. [49] also reported that plastic is the most commonly used poly-
mer in our daily life, especially in packaging usages. The annual production of this
petroleum-based plastic was higher than 300 million ton in 2015. This excessive
production of this kind of plastics requires sustainable alternatives from renewable
resources. Additionally, the negative environmental impacts such as CO2emis-
sions and their long accumulation in the environment as a result to their non-
biodegradability are the significant problems of using this non-biodegradable plastic.
Concrete Production from Agricultural Wastes
Nowadays, concrete has become the widest building material used in the construction
industry. Besides its strength, it can easily be molded into any form, as well, it is an
engineered material meet most desired specification. Also, it is also adaptable, eas-
ily obtained incombustible, and affordable. Today, it is extensively used. However,
unfortunately, a great quantity of concrete is being produced. The effect of which is
contrary to its advantages, the concrete industry has had a huge effect on the environ-
ment. As well, the CO2emission is resulted during its industrial process with a large
raw material content to produce billions of tons of concrete globally every year. The
164 H. Elbasiouny et al.
cement industry only is responsible for approximately 7% of all the CO2generated
globally. Also, the demolition waste of concrete and its environmental impact has
made the concrete industry is no-friendly and unsuitable for sustainable develop-
ment. Thus, many studies attempted to focus on discovering alternatives to cement,
for instance, agricultural and industrial wastes that are disposable and less valu-
able, with potential benefits can through reusing, recycling, and renewing programs.
Previous studies revealed that some agrowastes could be used as an alternative for
cement in cement-based materials. This can provide materials more environmentally
friendly in such industries [50]. Rice husk ash, fly ash, bagasse, coconut ash, etc.,
are the main agrowastes source of cement or concrete production. The use of such
material in the building material industries has gained growing interest because of
various environmental, economic, technical, and specialized product quality reason
In addition to previous products of agricultural wastes, there are other usages.
It can used as a raw material for many products such as textiles, panel boards,
cordage, paper product insulators, and upholstery. The other examples are presented
in the production of activated carbon from hulls after the biodiesel processing and
polymeric composites from the seed cake [23].
8.10 Agricultural Wastes: Some Implications to Egypt
In Egypt, the consumption of petroleum products and natural gas as traditional source
for energy increased year by year as shown in Table 8.1. Subsequently, CO2emissions
and the cost of environmental impacts on the national economy increased yearly.
Nile Delta, Egypt, is one of the most vulnerable areas to the potential impacts and
climate change risks [52]. Therefore, utilizing agricultural wastes to generate clean
and renewable energy resource is required in the future to overcome the previously
mentioned environmental problems from misusing of agricultural wastes.
In 2012, agricultural wastes in Egypt were estimated as 30 million ton (about
82,200 ton daily). A huge portion of these wastes was either burned in the fields or
wrongly dumped on the banks and drains. This creates obstacles to water flow and
water quality. Burning of agricultural crop wastes (especially crop wastes) present a
problem in Egypt. Rice cultivation in Egypt is estimated by approximately 360,000 ha
of rice based on 2008 statistics, with a rice straw production of 6 million ton [53].
Data in Table 8.2 present pollutants that have reduced as a result of processing with
rice straw (2010–2013) as an action to minimize the pollutants resulted from rice
straw burning.
8 Agricultural Waste Management for Climate Change Mitigation … 165
Table 8.1 Quantity and cost of CO2emissions due to petroleum and natural gas consumption
2004–2014 (
Year Consumption of
petroleum products and
natural gas (million ton)
CO2emissions (million
The cost of
environmental impacts
on the national economy
(million US$)b
2004/2005 49 133.5 10,680
2005/2006 50 139.4 11,152
2006/2007 53 148.5 11,880
2007/2008 60 159.0 12,720
2008/2009 63 166.7 13,336
2009/2010 67 177.0 14,160
2010/2011 68 182.0 14,560
2011/2012 72 192.0 15,360
2012/2013 73 197.0
2013/2014 73 197.0
aExcluding the consumption of natural gas in industry sector for non-energy purpose
bEnvironmental impacts from CO2emissions was estimated by 80 US$/ton approximately
Table 8.2 Pollutants that have reduced as a result of processing with rice straw
(2010–2013) (
Item 2010 2011 2012 2013
Rice straw which were processed 600,000 365,274 312,000 200,000
Total suspended T. S. P. 6000 3653 3210 2000
Sulfur dioxide, SO241 25 21 14
Nitrogen oxides, NO2245 149 128 82
8.11 Conclusions
The increasing quantity of agricultural waste and its inappropriate disposal or burning
especially in developing countries have always been putting press on the environ-
mental safety and population health. Also, it also leads to increasing the global GHGs
emission and increasing global warming and global climate change impacts. Thus,
appropriate and environmentally friendly methods for utilizing agricultural wastes
and transforming them into valuable resources is very necessary for climate change
mitigation. Many methods are used increasingly to the benefit of these wastes. How-
ever, many others are required to be adopted for such purposes.
166 H. Elbasiouny et al.
8.12 Recommendations
The following recommendations are highlighted:
(1) More studies on utilizing agricultural wastes are urgent either for generating
new energy resources, for finding new uses, or maximizing the recent benefit
uses for overcoming the environmental problems.
(2) Increasing awareness of the negative impacts of misusing or burring agricultural
wastes is required specially these wastes are valuable and potential source of
(3) Utilizing the local farmers experience in dealing with agricultural wastes espe-
cially in their local sites is very important specially if integrated with the new
scientific findings by the specialized researchers.
(4) Supporting of governments and policy making will be very beneficial to farmers
to effective utilizing of agricultural wastes as a wealth source and to mitigate
the potential impacts of climate changes.
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... According to Obi et al. (2016), annual agricultural waste is estimated at approximately 998 million tons. in developing countries, the amount of agricultural waste is higher than that of other wastes produced (Kour et al., 2023). Agricultural waste generated is expected to increase by 2050 owing to changes in population structure and dietary patterns (Atinkut et al., 2020;elbasiouny et al., 2020). Furthermore, as developing countries continue to intensify farming systems, there is a likely of a significant increase in agricultural waste globally (Obi et al., 2016),. ...
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Circular economy has been recognized as an innovation to resolve coconut waste challenges while promoting economic growth. Adoption of circular economy is expected to be a shared responsibility among stakeholders. However, limited research on stakeholder interactions in the coconut value chain hinders the development of collaborative strategies. This study, based on coconut value chain, elucidates stakeholders’ perceptions by identifying key actors, their roles, linkages, level of influence, perceived benefits, and potential constraints faced by actors. Data were collected through a participatory workshop and key informants’ interviews anchored on Social Network Analysis. Twenty-one stakeholders and linkages were identified in the information, product, and finance networks. The National Coconut Development Authority, Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization, and the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Fisheries were the most influential stakeholders in the information network. Farmers and cooperatives are centrally positioned in the product network, whereas finance flow is dominated by the Kenya Revenue Authority and the private sector. Despite stakeholders’ positive perceptions, several challenges, such as actors’ limited knowledge and skills impede transition to a circular economy. To enhance adoption of a circular economy, this study recommends formation of more inclusive farmer groups to improve access to information, credit and market linkages.
... Urgent action is required to activate methods for converting these wastes into economically valuable materials, which can contribute to increased agricultural productivity, energy efficiency, environmental quality, and self-sufficiency rates. Employing eco-friendly and sustainable methods to utilize and manage these wastes will help mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and the impacts of climate change (Elbasiouny et al.,2020).Recognizing the ecological and economic value of agricultural wastes can alleviate environmental pollution and reduce the demand for limited resources in agricultural production. Shifting attitudes from viewing crop residues as undesired waste to integral components of agricultural production is essential. ...
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Agricultural waste, also known as agricultural by-products or agro-waste, refers to the residues generated from various agricultural operations and processes. These wastes can be categorized into different types, including crop residues, animal manure, agro-industrial waste, and agricultural processing waste. Crop residues are the leftover plant materials after harvesting, such as straw, stalks, leaves, and husks. They are generated during the cultivation and harvesting of crops like rice, wheat, corn, and sugarcane. Animal manure, on the other hand, is the waste produced by livestock and poultry farming, including faeces and urine. Agro-industrial waste is generated from agro-based industries, such as rice mills, sugar mills, and oil mills, and includes materials like bagasse, rice husks, and oilseed cakes. Agricultural processing waste is generated during the processing of agricultural products, such as fruit and vegetable peels, seed shells, and pulp from juice extraction. Conversion of these waste into wealth is important for effective resource optimization and proper waste management while maintaining environmental sustainability.
... Developing countries, especially those cultivating corn (as a basic food crop), are encouraged to strengthen their scientific knowledge and technological capacities for using SCSA as a supplement material suitable for green concrete production (Target 12.a). Minimizing air pollution (carbon emissions from heating up the kiln in cement manufacturing) in cities is a crucial step, contributing to Target 12.b (monitoring the economic and environmental aspects of tourism sustainability) [47]. ...
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This study focuses on recycling Shammi corn stalks in the cement industries, further avoiding air and soil pollution caused by their improper disposal. This crop residue was thermally treated at 700 °C for 2 h under an oxygen-rich environment to produce Shammi corn stalk ash (SCSA). This SCSA was used as a cement replacement material (2–10%, w/w), whereas the control sample included only cement. The compressive strength values for the 4% (w/w) replacement ratio at 2-, 7-, and 28-day ages were greater than those for the control by 26.5%, 15.8%, and 11.4%, respectively. This 4% (w/w) also maintained a better flexural strength than other mixtures, with proper initial and final setting times (135 and 190 min), workability (18.5 cm), and water consistency (27.5%). These mechanical/physical properties were integrated with socio-enviro-economic data collected from experts through a pairwise comparison questionnaire, forming the inputs of a multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) model. Recycling SCSA in the cement-manufacturing process attained positive scores in the achievement of the three pillars of sustainable development, revealing an overall score greater than the control. Hence, the study outcomes could be essential in developing green concrete, cement blocks, and mortar, based on the sustainable development goals (SDGs) agenda.
... Pointedly, the cellulose is basically a homopolymer of b-D-glucopyranose and regarded as "holocellulose", composed of α-cellulose, β-cellulose and γ-cellulose. However, β-cellulose and γ-cellulose are collectively called as hemicellulose [106]. The monosaccharides xylose, arabinose, mannose and glucose make up the heteropolymer known as hemicellulose. ...
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With the progression of civilization, the harmony within nature has been disrupted, giving rise to various ecocidal activities that are evident in every spheres of the earth. These activities have had a profound and far-reaching impact on global health. One significant example of this is the presence of fluoride in groundwater exceeding acceptable limits, resulting in the widespread occurrence of “Fluorosis” worldwide. It is imperative to mitigate the concentration of fluoride in drinking water to meet safety standards. While various defluoridation techniques exist, they often have drawbacks. Biosorption, being a simple, affordable and eco-friendly method, has gained preference for defluoridation. However, its limited commercialization underscores the pressing need for further research in this domain. This comprehensive review article offers a thorough examination of the defluoridation potential of agro-based adsorbents, encompassing their specific chemical compositions and preparation methods. The review presents an in-depth discussion of the factors influencing fluoride biosorption and conducts a detailed exploration of adsorption isotherm and adsorption kinetic models to gain a comprehensive understanding of the nature of the adsorption process. Furthermore, it evaluates the commercial viability through an assessment of regeneration potential and a cost analysis of these agro-adsorbents, with the aim of facilitating the scalability of the defluoridation process. The elucidation of the adsorption mechanism and recommendations for overcoming challenges in large-scale implementation offer a comprehensive outlook on this eco-friendly and sustainable approach to fluoride removal. In summary, this review article equips readers with a lucid understanding of agro-adsorbents, elucidates their ideal conditions for improved performance, offers a more profound insight into the fluoride biosorption mechanism, and introduces the concept of effective spent adsorbent management.
... This manipulations usually results in the over consumption of potential valuable resources in addition to a non-desirable increase in the Green House Gases emission. Such a situation is inviting the search for new and innovative solutions that allow an eco-friendly and sustainable waste disposal to cotton textile solid wastes [7]. ...
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Improper management of agricultural and industrial cotton wastes causes environmental pollution and worsens the climate change challenge. Green recycling of cotton could contribute to a circular economy. One of the economic values of cotton wastes lies in their bioactive components. Two types of cotton wastes—agricultural and industrial—of the species Gossypium barbadense L. Giza 95 were targeted in the current study, aiming to maximize their medicinal value and investigate the anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, and antioxidant activities of their phytochemical extracts. Phytochemical extraction was performed using different solvents extraction. An anti-inflammatory effect was tested in carrageenan-induced acute edema in a rat paw model. A carbon tetrachloride chronic model of liver injury was used for the assessment of hepatoprotective potential. Liver enzymes (AST and ALT), oxidative stress markers (MDA and GSH), inflammatory biomarkers (C-reactive protein), and histopathological features were investigated. As a result, ethyl acetate proved to be the solvent of best choice to extract the gossypin polyphenolics, where the extracted amount reached 14,826.2 µg/g, followed by butanol (8751.4 µg/g extract). The chloroform (CHCL3) fraction showed the highest amounts of gossypol (190.7 µg/g extract), followed by petroleum ether. Cotton waste’s composition analysis showed a wide range of components, including 33 metabolites such as gossypetin, polyphenolics, and other metabolites that possess therapeutic effects. Both chloroform extract and industrial waste extracts showed superior anti-inflammatory and hepatoprotective effects in comparison to other extracts. All tested extracts (ethyl acetate, chloroform, and industrial waste) showed proper antioxidant activities. Graphical Abstract
... Emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere are increased by anthropogenic activities, leading to global warming and climate change Chatterjee et al., 2020;Elbasiouny et al., 2020;Hossain et al., 2019;Lotze-Campe, 2011;Saha et al., 2018Saha et al., , 2020. Agroecosystems are directly affected by variations in atmospheric CO 2 , temperature, and rainfall, and are also responsible for over onethird of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions resulting from nitrogen fertilizer, livestock, and rice cultivation, and tropical deforestation Hossain et al., 2019;Lotze-Campe, 2011). ...
In this chapter, the potential of organic agriculture for climate change mitigation and adaptation is addressed. Through soil carbon sequestration, organic agriculture has a great potential to lower atmospheric carbon. According to various studies, the potential to reduce emissions by eliminating chemical fertilizers is about 20% and the potential to sequester carbon is around 40–72% of present yearly greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from agriculture worldwide. Organically managed systems can help to mitigate climate change through careful regulation of soil nutrients, resulting in reduced nitrous oxide emissions from soils. Organic agriculture offers many opportunities to develop sustainable systems of food production for climate change adaptation uncertainties because it diversifies farms and enriches soils with organic matter. In addition, organic farming offers an alternative to energy-intensive inputs such as synthetic fertilizers, whose use by the rural poor is likely to be further restricted as energy prices rise. Organic farming systems provide yields that are comparable to or even higher than those produced by conventional agricultural systems in underdeveloped nations, making it a potentially critical option for sustainable livelihoods and food security of the rural poor in the context of climate change. Authorized organically produced products offer farmers more income opportunities and can thus support climate-friendly farming methods worldwide.
... The individual's water for drinking supplies reached 550 m 3 y − 1 in 2018, with the per the individual share predicted to reach 330 m 3 y − 1 by 2025, which is <1 m 3 day − 1 [4]. Egypt has around 34 million tons of agricultural residues [5]. Due to their distinct chemical composition, prosperity, accessibility, regenerative nature, cheap expense, and increased efficiency, agricultural waste products have the potential to be both economical and environmentally benign methods of heavy metal removal. ...
Biofuel has been in use since the very early days of the automotive area, but recently the use of biofuel, like bioethanol, products are in a market that is working together as no renewable sources of energy are vanishing. Lignocellulosic biomass has an important role to play in biofuel, whether it is new or waste. Agriculture waste is one of the lignocellulosic sources that need to be consumed, and for that, pretreatment is one of the crucial processes. There are several pretreatment processes out there, but the biological method is one of the ways that includes the microbial method of disintegration of hemicellulose, cellulose, and lignin. This method does not do any kind of pollution or keep the environment clean. It has bacteria and fungi that play a role in destroying the cellulosic part of agricultural waste. Microbial fermentation and enzymatic method come under this biological method of pretreatment. Because it is also an environment-friendly process, but it has some drawbacks that pull this method behind. In this chapter, biological methods of pretreatment and their advantage and disadvantage for industrial substrate deconstruction will be discussed.
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This study aimed to evaluate the bio-methane potential (BMP) of Thai rice noodle wastewater co-digested with chicken manure. Batch anaerobic digestion systems were operated at room temperature (28-30 ºC) for 45 days. Five different amounts of chicken manure were added to Thai rice noodle wastewater operating in 5 digesters (10g, 20g, 30g, 40g and 50g of chicken manure added respectively). Time-rate derivative models including Gompertz model and its related extensions were used to represent the experimental data. In the biogas production, the Gompertz model becomes popular to describe growth and product formation data because it is simplicity and well-fitting to batch data. Chemical analysis showed that all digesters had the higher nitrogen content (or low COD: N ratio) which was in the range of 16.15-17.62. It was also found that, the digester supplemented with 30g of chicken manure gave highest BMP. This was due to more suitable pH and the ratio of volatile fatty acid to alkalinity (VFA/ALK). The initial pH and alkalinity had a strong effect on the BMP. In general, well nutrient balance, suitable initial pH, and VFA-to-ALK ratio promoted the growth of microorganisms and hence increased the biogas production rate. These were indicated by the kinetic parameters such as the maximum methane production rate (Rm, ml/d) and the methane production potential (P, ml) but not for the shorter lag-phase period (λ, day).
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One of the outputs on an ongoing programme of research into the bioeconomy concept in Northern Ireland was the publication of a ‘Biogas Research Action Plan’ in 2014, which included a ‘Quantification of Feedstocks for Anaerobic Digestion’ research project. This research quantified the feedstocks available for biogas production on a regional basis. The present research builds on and extends that previous work by applying the anaerobic biorefinery concept to the data for feedstocks for anaerobic digestion to include both biogas and digestate utilisation options. The assessment aims at evaluating the potential significance of anaerobic biorefineries on a regional basis, including types of feedstocks and uses for both biogas and digestate outputs. The use of the anaerobic biorefinery concept allows the evaluation of both biogas and digestate management pathways in an integrated way and can contribute to the development of a road map for a regional bioeconomy. The usefulness of the anaerobic biorefinery concept in informing regional and/or national policy and decision-making for the circular economy and the bioeconomy is evaluated, and recommendations made for future research priorities in this important research and policy area.
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Waste characterization is the first step to any successful waste management policy. In this paper, the characterization and the trend of solid waste generated in University of Lagos, Nigeria was carried out using ASTM D5231-92 and Resource Conservation Reservation Authority RCRA Waste Sampling Draft Technical Guidance methods. The recyclable potential of the waste is very high constituting about 75% of the total waste generated. The estimated average daily solid waste generation in Unilag Akoka campus was estimated to be 32.2 tons. The solid waste characterization was found to be: polythene bags 24% (7.73 tons/day), paper 15% (4.83 tons/day), organic matters 15%, (4.83 tons/day), plastic 9% (2.90 tons/-day), inert materials 8% (2.58 tons/day), sanitary 7% (2.25 tons/day), textile 7% (2.25 tons/day), others 6% (1.93 tons/day), leather 4% (1.29 tons/day) metals 3% (0.97 tons/day), glass 2% (0.64 tons/day) and e-waste 0% (0.0 tons/day). The volume and distribution of polythene bags generated on campus had a positive significant statistical correlation with the distribution of commercial and academic structures on campus. Waste management options to optimize reuse, recycling and reduce waste generation were discussed.
Technical Report
In the last decade, the increased interest in bioenergy production has led to the need for improved crop residue management. Crop residues have historically been used for many other purposes: to sustain healthy soils for food production, as feed and bedding for livestock, and as raw material for heating and cooking. As the link between crop residue management and food security is evident, one needs to decide whether or to which extent the removal of crop residues for bioenergy production is possible. Building science-based decision support tools can guide stakeholders in this decision process. The study presents a first attempt in designing such a decision support tool for soil residue management. The study seeks to explore the effect of crop residue management on soil quality and yield, two crucial aspects for food security. More than 1 000 peer-reviewed journal papers of the past ten years were studied in order to assess (i) whether crop residue application is associated with higher soil organic carbon (SOC), (ii) whether it ameliorates soil structure and (iii) if the change in SOC related to residue application has a positive impact on yields. The findings of this report demonstrate that crop residue management has to be contextualized, suggesting the need for site-specific residue management schemes. in coarse soils located in tropical climates and in SOC-depleted soils located in temperate climates, crop residue removal is not advisable.
Large quantities and many varieties of agricultural organic wastes are produced in China annually. Applying agricultural organic wastes to soil plays an essential role in coping with the environmental pollution from agricultural wastes, solving the energy crisis and responding global climate change. But there is little information available on the effects of different agricultural organic wastes on soil greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The objectives of this study were to investigate and compare the impacts of different organic wastes on soil GHG emissions during a 4-year field experiments in the North China Plain, as well as analyze the influential factors that may be related to GHG emissions. The treatments were: crop straw (CS), biogas residue (BR), mushroom residue (MR), wine residue (WR) and pig manure (PM) returning to soil, as well as a control with no organic waste applied to soil but chemical fertilizer addition only (CF). The results showed that compared with CF treatment, organic material applied to soil significantly increased GHG emissions and emissions followed the order of WR(27,961.51 kg CO2-eq/ha/yr) > PM(26,376.50 kg CO2-eq/ha/yr) > MR(23,366.60 kg CO2-eq/ha/yr) > CS(22,434.44 kg CO2-eq/ha/yr) > BR (22,029.04 kg CO2-eq/ha/yr) > CF(17,402.77 kg CO2-eq/ha/yr), averagely. And considering the affecting factors, GHG emissions were significantly related to soil temperature and soil water content. Different organic wastes also affected soil total organic carbon (TOC), microbial carbon (MBC) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) contents, which related to GHG emissions. Further analysis showed that characteristics of organic wastes affected GHG emissions, which included C-N ratio, lignin, polyphenol, cellulose and hemicellulose. Our study demonstrates that biogas residue returning to soil emitted minimum GHG emissions among these different types of organic wastes, which provided a better solution for applying organic wastes to mitigate soil GHG emissions.
The word “Waste” normally emphasis something around us which should be re-cycle, re-used, reduced or even eliminated, if possible. A giant amount of waste, such as: electronics/electrical items, manufacturing scrap, discarded constructional materials, polymers from daily needs, etc., is being generated day-by-day, whereas its treatment is lagging. The term zero waste (ZW) is continuously encouraging both producers and consumers to adopt sustainable approaches in order to reduce their expenditures as well as to help in making a better world. In the past, researchers have highlighted numerous techniques to tackle physical waste, however the chemicals which are normally generated from this waste is more critical and limitedly reported. Zero Waste Manufacturing (ZWM) is believed as a roadmap for future of manufacturing by which the burning issue of “Waste” can be tackled. However, ZWM can be supported with recycling and reusability of the produced wastes in another manufacturing process, use of optimization tools and sustainable manufacturing theories, development of precision manufacturing systems, etc. This review article is taken up to discuss various recent sustainable manufacturing ideas applied in the prominent sectors with an aim to either re-cycle/re-use the discarded ones or to produce a fresh part in eco-friendly manners. Special attention is paid to the current trends in machining and a brief case study of sustainable manufacturing of aerospace industry has also been discussed.
Waste generation is increasing day-by-day with the growth of population which directly affects the environment and economy. Organic municipal solid waste (MSW) and agriculture sectors contribute towards maximum waste generation in India. Thus, management of organic waste is very much essential with the increasing demand for energy. The present paper mainly focusses on reviewing waste to energy (WtE) potentials, its technologies, and the associated challenges. Different substrates are utilized through various technological options in India. Organic waste has good potential to attain sustainable energy yields with and without affecting the environment. A realistic scenario of WtE technologies and their challenges in line with the existing Indian condition is presented in this paper.
Enormous quantity of food waste (FW) is becoming a global concern. To address this persistent problem, sustainable intervention with green technologies is essential. FW can be used as potential feedstock in biological processes for the generation of various biobased products along with its remediation. Enabling bioprocesses like acidogenesis, fermentation, methanogenesis, solventogenesis, photosynthesis, oleaginous process, bio-electrogenesis, etc., that yields various products like biofuels, platform chemicals, bioelectricity, biomaterial, biofertilizers, animal feed, etc can be utilized for FW valorisation. In order to economise these bioprocesses, a biorefinery strategy needs to be adapted for the utilization of residual organic waste towards diverse product recovery. The present review highlights various enabling bioprocesses that can be employed for the generation of energy and various commodity chemicals in an integrated approach addressing sustainability. The waste biorefinery approach for FW needs optimization of the cascade of the individual bioprocesses for the transformation of linear economy to circular economy.
This study investigated the performance of anaerobic digestion systems using four types of fibrous biofilm carriers, a polypropylene, a polyester, a polyamide, and a polyurethane fiber material. The biogas and methane production, pH, chemical oxygen demand, total solids content, volatile solids content, residual coenzyme F420, and microbial community compositions were determined during the experimental runs. Furthermore, scanning electron microscopy was employed to identify the microbial consortium and examine their attachment onto the surface of the four fibrous biofilm carriers. The polypropylene fiber system maintained the highest biogas and methane production in the reactor, which was 44.80% and 49.84% higher than that noted in the control, respectively, during the entire anaerobic fermentation cycle. Meanwhile, the polypropylene fiber system exhibited the highest TS, VS, and COD removal efficiency. The results of high-throughput sequencing indicated that the dominant species in the polypropylene fiber system were Methanoregula and Methanobacterium.
Recently, the European Commission has adopted a Circular Economy package. In addition, climate change is regarded as a major global challenge, and the de-carbonization of the energy sector requires a massive transformation that involves an increase of renewable shares in the energy mix and the incorporation of carbon capture and storage (CCS) processes. Given all this strong new momentum, what will the Norwegian waste-to-energy (WtE) look like in a decade? What threats and opportunities are foreseen? In an attempt to answer these questions, this study combines process-based life-cycle assessment with analysis of the overall energy and material balances, mathematical optimization and cost assessment in four scenarios: (1) the current situation of the Norwegian WtE sector, (2) the implications of the circular economy, (3) the addition of CCS on the current WtE system and (4) a landfill scenario. Except for climate change, the CCS scenario performs worse than the WtE scenario. The energy recovering scenarios perform better than the recycling scenario for (1) freshwater eutrophication and human toxicity potentials due to secondary waste streams and (2) ozone depletion potential due to the additional fossil fuel used in the recycling processes. The inclusion of the near-term climate forcers decreases the climate change impacts by 1% to 13% due to a net cooling mainly induced by NOx. Circular economy may actually give the WtE system the opportunity to strengthen and expand its role towards new or little developed value chains such as secondary raw materials production and valorization of new waste streams occurring in material recycling.