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Delayed Extinction and Stronger Reinstatement of Cocaine Conditioned Place Preference in Adolescent Rats, Compared to Adults



Adolescence is a transitional period during development that is associated with a greater likelihood of addiction to drugs than any other age. One possibility for this observation is that learned associations between the rewarding experience of drugs and drug-related cues may produce greater motivational salience, and thus are more difficult to extinguish. Using an unbiased place-conditioning paradigm with two doses of cocaine (10 mg/kg or 20 mg/kg), the authors show here that adolescents require 75 +/- 17% more extinction trials than adults to extinguish cocaine place-preferences. Furthermore, once extinguished, adolescents display a greater preference for a previously cocaine-paired environment upon drug-primed reinstatement compared with adults. These results suggest that adolescent vulnerability to addiction involves robust memories for drug-associated cues that are difficult to extinguish. Therefore, drug-addicted adolescents may have a higher risk of relapse than adults, leading to greater prevalence of addiction in this population.
Delayed Extinction and Stronger Reinstatement of Cocaine Conditioned
Place Preference in Adolescent Rats, Compared to Adults
Heather C. Brenhouse and Susan L. Andersen
McLean Hospital
Adolescence is a transitional period during development that is associated with a greater likelihood of
addiction to drugs than any other age. One possibility for this observation is that learned associations
between the rewarding experience of drugs and drug-related cues may produce greater motivational
salience, and thus are more difficult to extinguish. Using an unbiased place-conditioning paradigm with
two doses of cocaine (10 mg/kg or 20 mg/kg), the authors show here that adolescents require 75 17%
more extinction trials than adults to extinguish cocaine place-preferences. Furthermore, once extin-
guished, adolescents display a greater preference for a previously cocaine-paired environment upon
drug-primed reinstatement compared with adults. These results suggest that adolescent vulnerability to
addiction involves robust memories for drug-associated cues that are difficult to extinguish. Therefore,
drug-addicted adolescents may have a higher risk of relapse than adults, leading to greater prevalence of
addiction in this population.
Keywords: adolescent, extinction, reinstatement, cocaine, place-conditioning
Drug addiction is a chronic disorder characterized by compul-
sive drug craving, seeking, and use that persist despite severe
adverse consequences. Most experimentation with drugs occurs
during adolescence and early adulthood (Compton, Grant, Col-
liver, Glantz, & Stinson, 2004; SAMHSA, 1999; Spear, 2000b).
Although increased social behavior, novelty seeking, and risk-
taking may underlie experimentation (Laviola, Macri, Morley-
Fletcher, & Adriani, 2003), a disproportionate number of those that
experiment during adolescence become addicted relative to any
other age group. O’Brien and Anthony (O’Brien & Anthony,
2005) report a fourfold higher risk for addiction if drug exposure
occurs during adolescence (12–14 years of age) compared to
exposure during young adulthood (21–25 years of age). The mech-
anisms that underlie this window of vulnerability are still unclear.
Addiction represents pathological alterations in systems that
normally serve reward-related learning. Normal developmental
brain changes that play a role in these behaviors contribute to a
unique susceptibility to drug abuse with exposure in adolescence
(Spear, 2000a), and may underlie a vulnerability to lasting pertur-
bations in circuitry if drug abuse occurs (Crews, He, & Hodge,
2007). These key changes include increases in prefrontal cortex
(PFC) dopamine (DA) fiber density (Kalsbeek, Voorn, Buijs, Pool,
& Uylings, 1988) as well as overproduction of PFC DA receptors
in rats (Andersen, Thompson, Rutstein, Hostetter, & Teicher,
2000). The PFC mediates the attribution of salience to learned cues
as well as goal-directed behaviors (Rebec & Sun, 2005; Ventura,
Morrone, & Puglisi-Allegra, 2007), and therefore these changes
may place adolescents at risk for enhanced drug-cue associations
and drug-seeking behaviors.
Place conditioning provides a measure of drug seeking by
assessing an animal’s preference for (or aversion to) environmen-
tal cues associated with drug-induced effects. Using this proce-
dure, cocaine is exclusively paired with a previously neutral en-
vironment whereas a second environment is exclusively paired
with vehicle (Carlezon, 2003). The animal is subsequently allowed
to move freely between the two environments—in a drug free
state—and the time spent in the drug-paired and nondrug paired
environments is measured. Time spent in the drug-paired environ-
ment is interpreted as a preference, whereas time spent away from
the environment is interpreted as an aversion. These Pavlovian-
acquired preferences or aversions to the environmental cue are
believed to reflect conditioned incentive properties (Robinson &
Berridge, 2003). Several behavioral studies indicate that memory
for conditioned place preference (CPP) is subject to extinction, as
nonrewarded exposure to environmental contexts previously
paired with rewarding drug treatments reduces subsequent CPP
(Bardo, Neisewander, & Miller, 1986; Calcagnetti & Schechter,
1993; Mueller & Stewart, 2000; Schroeder & Packard, 2004). CPP
memory is also subject to reconsolidation after extinction, result-
ing in reinstatement of drug seeking (Balda, Anderson, & Itzhak,
2006; Sanchez, Bailie, Wu, Li, & Sorg, 2003).
In adult male rats, a cocaine place preference is effectively
established for 20 mg/kg cocaine (Bardo et al., 1986). Adolescent
rats have been reported to be more sensitive to the place condi-
tioning effects of cocaine, showing preferences after conditioning
with lower doses (5 mg/kg) than adults (Badanich, Adler, &
Kirstein, 2006). These reports indicate a difference in sensitivity to
Heather C. Brenhouse and Susan L. Andersen, McLean Hospital, Har-
vard Medical School.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Heather
C. Brenhouse, PhD, McLean Hospital, Harvard Medical School, 115 Mill
St., Belmont, MA 02144. E-mail:
Behavioral Neuroscience Copyright 2008 by the American Psychological Association
2008, Vol. 122, No. 2, 460 465 0735-7044/08/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/0735-7044.122.2.460
the conditioning properties of cocaine as a function of age. In
contrast, Campbell, Wood, and Spear (2000) reported no differ-
ences in CPP using a biased paradigm for the same moderate dose
(10 mg/kg) of cocaine between adolescents and adults. However,
males and females were included in their assessment. Clinical
research suggests that adolescence is indeed a critical period when
motivational conditioning is heightened. For example, 66% of
adults who complete inpatient treatment for chemical dependence
maintain total abstinence from alcohol or other drugs during the
year after treatment, compared to only 42% abstinence rate re-
ported for adolescent inpatient programs with similar treatment
philosophy and geographic locations (Harrison & Hoffmann,
The current study was based on the hypothesis that adolescent
vulnerability to addiction involves a developmental state, based on
neurobiological changes (Brenhouse & Andersen, 2007), that is
primed to assign high salience to reward-related cues, and to retain
the motivational salience of these cues at the expense of competing
information. Given the unique neural substrates mediating learning
and motivation, as well as evidence that suggests adolescents are
particularly vulnerable to addiction, we examined whether extinc-
tion of drug seeking is differentially achieved in adolescent and
adult rats. We used a place-conditioning procedure to test whether
adolescents have a greater latency than adults to extinguish a CPP
for 10 mg/kg or 20 mg/kg cocaine. Additionally, we investigated
whether reinstatement of drug seeking after extinction differs
between these two age groups.
Male Sprague–Dawley rats were obtained from Charles River
(Boston). Adolescents were P38 at the start of conditioning and
adults were P77. Food and water were available ad libitum in
constant temperature and humidity conditions on a 12-hr light:dark
cycle (light period 0700–1900). All experiments were conducted
in accordance with the 1996 Guide for the Care and Use of
Laboratory Animals (NIH), and were approved by the Institutional
Animal Care and Use Committee at McLean Hospital. Rats were
given a minimum of 1 week to acclimate to our facilities before
any testing began, and were handled for a minimum of 3 days
before testing.
Adolescent and adult rats were conditioned to 10 or 20 mg/kg
(i.p.) cocaine and tested for CPP, using an unbiased place-
conditioning paradigm (Carlezon, 2003). Conditioning occurred in
a three-chamber apparatus, consisting of two large (24 18 33
cm) side compartments and a small (12 18 33 cm) middle
gray compartment (Med Associates, Georgia, VT). Compartments
differed in floor texture, wall coloring, and lighting. Rats were
screened for 30 min on Day 1, during which animals were allowed
to freely explore the entire apparatus after a 5-min adaptation
confined to the middle gray compartment. Two rats with an initial
preference to one side (18 of 30 min) were eliminated from
further testing, and groups were organized such that average base-
line preferences were further minimized (Graham, Hoppenot, Hen-
dryx, & Self, 2006; Mueller & Stewart, 2000). Two days of
conditioning (Days 2 and 3) with two sessions per day were
conducted, during which rats were injected with saline (1 ml/kg,
i.p.) in the morning and placed in one side for 1 hr, and 4 hrs later
injected with one of two doses of cocaine (10 or 20 mg/kg, i.p.;
n 6 8) and placed into the opposite side for 1 hr. This order of
conditioning ensured against an association with symptoms of
dysphoria (e.g., acute drug withdrawal) with the nondrug environ-
ment during the afternoon session (Carlezon, 2003). On the fourth
day, rats were permitted to freely explore the entire apparatus for
30 min in a drug-free state to test for CPP. Preference scores were
calculated by determining the ratio of the time spent in the drug-
paired side to the total time spent in both paired and unpaired sides.
Twenty-four hours after this initial test, rats were again introduced
to the entire apparatus in a drug-free state for 30 min, and time
spent in each chamber was recorded. This test was repeated daily
until each animal achieved extinction, defined as a 50% reduction
of time spent in the drug-paired compartment compared to the
initial CPP test for two consecutive days (Sanchez et al., 2003).
Based on group averages, a 50% reduction in time spent in the
drug-paired chamber implies no preference such as that observed
during baseline measures. Twenty-four hours after the last extinc-
tion trial, each rat was administered 5 mg/kg cocaine (i.p.) and
reintroduced to the apparatus with free access for 30 min to test for
drug-primed reinstatement of CPP. There was 5 mg/kg chosen as
a low priming dose that has been commonly used for reinstatement
of CPP (e.g., (Mueller & Stewart, 2000; Sanchez et al., 2003;
Zavala, Weber, Rice, Alleweireldt, & Neisewander, 2003) and is
consistent with previous studies on reinstatement after adolescent
cocaine exposure (Balda et al., 2006).
Analyses of variance (ANOVAs) were performed to determine
the effects of age and dose on the acquisition, extinction, and
reinstatement of place preference. Regression analyses were con-
ducted to determine whether initial preference scores on test day
were correlated with the number of extinction trials required to
reach criterion, or with the degree of reinstatement. Because of a
significant correlation, ANCOVA (with initial preference score
from test day as the covariate) was used to determine the effects of
age and dose on the number of days required to extinguish drug
seeking. Student’s t tests were performed for pairwise comparisons
when noted. Only animals that formed a preference for the drug-
paired chamber, designated by a greater preference score on test
day than on screen day (8/8 adolescents at 20 mg/kg; 6/6 adoles-
cents at 10 mg/kg); 8/8 adults at 20 mg/kg; 3/8 adults at 10 mg/kg)
were included in further extinction testing and in all analyses.
Both adolescents and adults formed reliable place preferences
for 20 mg/kg cocaine (see Figure 1). In contrast, when a 10 mg/kg
conditioning dose was given, fewer than half of the adults (3/8)
formed a conditioned preference for the drug-paired chamber,
whereas all of the adolescents formed a conditioned preference.
Repeated testing was then performed to assay extinction of these
Collapsed across ages, the number of trials necessary to reach
extinction was found to correlate with initial preference scores
0.39; p .01), and therefore, ANCOVA was performed to
determine whether stronger initial preferences for the drug-paired
environment better predicted the latency to extinguish than age.
When accounting for the variance because of initial preference
scores with an ANCOVA, adolescents still required more extinc-
tion trials than adults to extinguish drug-seeking behavior, with a
significant main effect of age (F(1, 19) 7.4; p .05; Figure 1).
Specifically, adolescents took 8.7 0.7 days to reach extinction,
whereas adults reached criterion within 5 0.6 days (collapsed
across dose, covaried means). There was no significant interaction
between age and dose on the number of days to extinguish.
When animals were conditioned to 20 mg/kg cocaine, prefer-
ence scores across extinction trials were significantly different
between ages (F(1, 14) 31.8; p .01; see Figure 1). However,
when animals were conditioned to 10 mg/kg cocaine, the three (of
eight) adults that formed an initial preference for the cocaine-
paired environment did not differ from adolescents in their pref-
erence scores throughout extinction.
Figure 2 illustrates that drug-primed reinstatement of CPP was
significantly affected by age (F(1, 14) 5.1; p .05). After
extinction was achieved, a priming injection with 5 mg/kg of
cocaine caused adolescents to spend more time in the previously
cocaine-paired chamber, compared to adults, regardless of the
conditioning dose. Both adolescents ( p .01) and adults ( p
.05) displayed significant increases in preference scores between
the last extinction trial and the reinstatement trial after being
conditioned to 20 mg/kg of cocaine. However, only adolescents
conditioned to 10 mg/kg displayed significant reinstatement ( p
.05) whereas adults did not. No significant correlations were found
between either initial preferences or days to extinguish with degree
of reinstatement.
Following acquisition of CPP for cocaine-paired environments,
adolescents took significantly (75% 17) longer than adults to
extinguish these learned preferences. Adolescents were also more
vulnerable to drug-primed reinstatement of CPP after extinction,
displaying significant reinstatement for a lower conditioning dose
of cocaine than adults and spending more time than adults in a
previously drug-paired environment. These results suggest that, in
Bsl Test E1 E3 E6 E9 E12
Extinction Days
b. 10 mg/kg cocaine
7.4 (1)
6 (2)
a. 20 mg/kg cocaine
9 (1)
4 (1)
Preference Score
Figure 1. Adolescent rats require more extinction trials to extinguish
conditioned place preferences for cocaine, compared to adults. Top and
bottom graphs illustrate the acquisition and extinction of conditioned
preference for an environment paired with 20 mg/kg cocaine (A) or 10
mg/kg cocaine (B). Numbers at each data point represent the number of
animals that had not yet reached criterion and therefore remained in the
experiment. Shaded boxes represent means SEM for adults that did not
form preferences for the drug-paired environment, and therefore were
excluded from further analyses. Preference scores represent the ratio of
time spent in the drug-paired chamber to total time spent in both paired and
unpaired chambers. Horizontal bars under each graph represent means
SEM of the number of days required to reach extinction criterion for
adolescent (filled) or adult (open) rats after conditioning to each dose of
Adolesc Adult Adolesc Adult
Last Ext Trial
5 mg/kg cocaine
Preference Score
10 mg/kg 20 mg/kg
Figure 2. Reinstatement of conditioned place preference is achieved in
adolescents conditioned to either 10 or 20 mg/kg cocaine, while reinstate-
ment is achieved in adults only to environments paired with 20, but not 10
mg/kg cocaine. Bars represent means SEM of preference scores on the
last extinction trial for each animal and after challenge with 5 mg/kg
cocaine (24 hr after last extinction trial).
an unbiased place-conditioning paradigm, adolescent rats form
preferences for a cocaine-paired environment that take longer to
extinguish than preferences formed by older adults.
The one other study we know of examining extinction and
reinstatement of cocaine CPP during development (Balda et al.,
2006) was conducted using mice and yielded similar propensities
for relapse after prepubertal exposure as reported here. However,
reinstatement was assessed later in adulthood, while the present
data is related to extinction and reinstatement within the adolescent
period. Additionally, adult mice failed to extinguish after 28 days
of intermittent, nonrewarded exposure to the context (Balda et al.,
2006), which is in contrast to other reports (Sanchez et al., 2003)
and ours that used daily extinction trials. Taken together, we report
that when adolescents and adults are directly compared, adoles-
cents show delayed extinction of cocaine-seeking behavior, and
may maintain stronger and more resilient preferences for drug-
paired cues during this stage. Differences in memory and recon-
solidation processes between these two age groups should be
examined more directly in future studies, and may reflect impor-
tant developmental changes in cue-processing brain regions such
as the amygdala and PFC (Andersen et al., 2000; Kerstetter &
Kantak, 2007; Quirk & Mueller, 2007)
Our findings are consistent with research in both humans and
animals demonstrating that adolescence is characterized by a par-
ticular vulnerability to drug abuse and addiction (Badanich et al.,
2006; Laviola, Wood, Kuhn, Francis, & Spear, 1995; O’Brien &
Anthony, 2005; Spear, 2000a). Addiction often occurs when drug-
paired cues are processed as salient events that motivate procure-
ment of more drug, while simultaneously solidifying memories
linked to the experience (Baler & Volkow, 2006). Increased sa-
lience attribution facilitates memory consolidation of drug-related
events (Baler & Volkow, 2006). Therefore, it is possible that
adolescents assign higher salience to drug-associated contexts,
making nonrewarded exposure to the drug-associated environment
less able to compete as a new memory. The paradigm of place
conditioning allows assessment of these incentive motivational
properties that endure in the absence of the direct, rewarding
effects of cocaine.
Adolescents have previously been reported to be more sensitive
to the conditioning effects of cocaine, forming preferences for
contexts associated with a lower dose (5 mg/kg) than those re-
quired for adults (Badanich et al., 2006). Our results support these
reports given that only three of eight 80-day-old male adults
conditioned with 10 mg/kg of cocaine formed a preference for the
drug-paired context. Therefore, this reveals an important caveat in
the comparison of P80 adults to adolescents at the 10 mg/kg dose
because the adults that formed conditioned place preferences may
represent an atypical sample compared to the majority of P80 rats
that did not form preferences. This small sample size of adults
resembled adolescents in the time required for extinction, yet did
not display significant reinstatement upon cocaine challenge. More
research on these apparent individual differences is needed, pos-
sibly involving early life experiences given the genetic homoge-
neity within strains.
Important differences exist between the paradigms used to as-
sess extinction, which perhaps depend more on the methodology
used to produce drug-seeking behaviors. This is highlighted in the
difference between the hypersensitivity to cocaine place condition-
ing and the hyposensitivity to the locomotor effects of cocaine
(Frantz, O’Dell, & Parsons, 2007), or the lack of age effects on
cocaine self-administration (Frantz, O’Dell, & Parsons, 2007; Ker-
stetter & Kantak, 2007). As described by Calcagnetti and
Schechter (1992), place conditioning pairs a drug with a cue-
specific environment, independent of the animal’s emitted operant
behavior. The resulting change in affective state, measured by
preference or aversion, is related to the reinforcing properties of
the drug. In contrast, self-administration depends on the reinforc-
ing effects of the drug itself and its ability to maintain responding.
Here, we measured the ability of animals to form drug-cue asso-
ciations, rather than examining the direct reinforcing effects of
cocaine in these animals. A recent study highlights this difference
between these two behavioral assays (Kerstetter & Kantak, 2007).
Although adolescents and adults self-administered comparable
levels of cocaine, conditioned-cue preferences to cocaine differed
as a function of age later in life.
A number of studies have shown that adolescents are more
sensitive to drug-associated environments than adults, although
sex, age of the subjects, and prior handling are important variables
to consider. For example, nicotine and alcohol elicit greater place
preferences in adolescents relative to adult rats (Belluzzi, Lee,
Oliff, & Leslie, 2004; Philpot, Badanich, & Kirstein, 2003; Vas-
tola, Douglas, Varlinskaya, & Spear, 2002). However, other place
conditioning studies using cocaine (Aberg, Wade, Wall, & Izen-
wasser, 2007; Campbell, Wood, & Spear, 2000) did not report
greater preferences in adolescents. Experimental differences may
account for these disparities. First, the sex of the animals is an
important factor to consider. Age differences in place conditioning
to 10 mg/kg cocaine are diminished if female rats are included in
the assessment, as females demonstrate a greater choice ratio for
the cocaine-associated side (Campbell et al., 2000). Similar results
are found in adult female mice, which also demonstrated greater
place preferences to cocaine-associated environments, in an unbi-
ased paradigm (Balda et al., 2006). Second, the age of the adult
used for comparison is important because of differences in cortical
maturation (e.g., Andersen et al., 2000; Brenhouse & Andersen,
2007), which is important for cue processing (Kalivas, Volkow, &
Seamans, 2005). Adults used in earlier studies were as young as 65
days old (Campbell et al., 2000), compared to the current study,
which used rats that were 80 days old. Third, prior handling seems
to influence the degree of place conditioning. For example, ado-
lescents at ages similar to those used in the present study failed to
show preferences for environments associated with 10 mg/kg of
cocaine (Aberg et al., 2007). However, methodological differences
may explain these disparities, because the animals had all been
previously handled and injected repeatedly with either MDMA or
saline for 7 days. Taken together, it should be noted that a wide
variety of place conditioning protocols have been used in the
existing literature and results may differ for several methodolog-
ical reasons such as sex, age, and prior handling.
Although a significant emphasis has been placed on the acqui-
sition of drug seeking, less attention has been paid to the extinction
of this process during adolescence. Extinction of nicotine self-
administration was found to be shorter in adolescents (Shram,
Funk, Li, & Le, 2007), which points again to distinctions in what
different behavioral assays measure. It appears from the present
data that the association between cocaine and cocaine-paired en-
vironments is retained longer in adolescents, compared to adults.
We propose that the delayed extinction observed in adolescence is
because of greater salience attribution to drug-paired cues, rather
than a greater “liking” of the drug. Indeed, when accounting for
individual correlations between higher initial preferences and time
to extinction, adolescents required more extinction trials than
As an active learning process, extinction is largely mediated by
the formation of a new memory that is in competition with existing
drug-paired associations (Quirk, 2006). Adolescent latency to ex-
tinguish suggests that nonrewarded new memories may not be
strong enough to drive motivation in adolescence. Interestingly,
anatomical differences in the PFC of adolescents are consistent
with this line of thinking. We have recently discovered that the D1
dopamine receptor is overexpressed on glutamatergic output neu-
rons in the PFC during adolescence, whereas the D1 receptor is
preferentially expressed on GABAergic interneurons before and
after the adolescent period (Brenhouse & Andersen, 2007). In the
PFC, D1 receptors on pyramidal projection neurons regulate the
“perceived” significance of stimuli by gating nucleus accumbens
(NAc) activation (Seamans & Yang, 2004). Greater D1 activation
on these projections is coupled with a heightened inhibition by
interneurons in adolescence (Tseng, Amin, Lewis, & O’Donnell,
2006). D1-mediated activation increases stimulus-driven PFC out-
put to the NAc only when stimuli are of sufficient potency to
overcome this hypofrontality (Kalivas et al., 2003). Adolescent
resistance to extinction may therefore involve the heightened D1
tone on PFC output neurons, allowing only potent stimuli (such as
cocaine-related cues) to overcome a high threshold for PFC output
and acquisition of motivational salience. Consequentially, during
this window of receptor distribution and overexpression (Andersen
et al., 2000), stimuli strongly associated with DA release (such as
cocaine exposure) may lock in a memory for associated contexts.
This impact of cortical DA on drug-cue associations is separable
from the amount of DA in downstream structures such as the
nucleus accumbens, which influences the direct reinforcing and
motor effects of cocaine and does not differ after cocaine exposure
between adolescents and adults (Frantz et al., 2007).
A priming injection of a drug after extinction renews the sig-
nificance or salience of the drug-related environmental stimuli,
driving the animal to seek the drug (Mueller & Stewart, 2000).
Reinstatement of extinguished drug-seeking with the learning par-
adigm of CPP (Mueller & Stewart, 2000) was used here to show
that adolescents display more robust drug-primed reinstatement of
CPP than adults. Magnitude of reinstatement, however, was not
found to correlate directly with either initial place preferences or
with the number of days required for extinction. This further
suggests that stronger initial associations are not sufficient to
explain the adolescent vulnerability to relapse after a drug chal-
lenge. The preferential salience attribution to potent stimuli dis-
cussed above may cause a cocaine exposure to reinstate adolescent
drug seeking to a greater extent than adults. It is also important to
note that stress-induced reinstatement is mediated through a dif-
ferent circuitry than drug-primed reinstatement (Kreibich &
Blendy, 2004; Sanchez et al., 2003), and therefore, developmental
differences in the vulnerability to stress-primed reinstatement still
needs to be investigated.
The present results suggest that adolescents may establish more
resilient associations between rewarding drug exposure and drug-
paired cues, and therefore show delayed extinction of drug seeking
compared to adults. Once extinguished, adolescents also displayed
reinstatement of memory for a lower dose of cocaine than adults
and showed a greater preference for a previously drug-paired
environment upon reinstatement. These findings suggest that, in
the behavioral paradigm examined here, memories for cocaine-
associated cues are particularly strong during this stage, likely
because of enhanced motivational salience for drug-paired events
at the expense of other information. This heightened salience
attribution during adolescence may require atypical strategies for
drug abuse intervention during the adolescent period, such as
extended treatment that involves substitution with different re-
wards, for example, exercise or music. The coincidence of cortical
remodeling (Brenhouse & Andersen, 2007), its role in associating
reward-related cues to consequences (Kalivas et al., 2005), and
drug exposure during adolescence may produce drug-linked asso-
ciations that are extremely difficult to change, reduce, or extin-
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Received August 20, 2007
Revision received October 10, 2007
Accepted October 12, 2007
... Additionally, age, psychological factors, and environmental enrichment (EE) significantly influenced CPP extinction. Adolescent rats exhibit delayed CPP extinction compared to adult rats.43,44 Stress exposure increased anxiety-like behavior in mice, delaying CPP extinction, while EE significantly reduced the duration of stress-induced delay in extinction 45 and cocaine-seeking behavior during the extinction phase.46 ...
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Aims This study aims to investigate the pharmacological effects and the underlying mechanism of cannabidiol (CBD) on methamphetamine (METH)‐induced relapse and behavioral sensitization in male mice. Methods The conditioned place preference (CPP) test with a biased paradigm and open‐field test were used to assess the effects of CBD on METH‐induced relapse and behavioral sensitization in male mice. RNA sequencing and bioinformatics analysis was employed to identify differential expressed (DE) circRNAs, miRNAs, and mRNAs in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) of mice, and the interaction among them was predicted using competing endogenous RNAs (ceRNAs) network analysis. Results Chronic administration of CBD (40 mg/kg) during the METH withdrawal phase alleviated METH (2 mg/kg)‐induced CPP reinstatement and behavioral sensitization in mice, as well as mood and cognitive impairments following behavioral sensitization. Furthermore, 42 DEcircRNAs, 11 DEmiRNAs, and 40 DEmRNAs were identified in the NAc of mice. The circMeis2‐miR‐183‐5p‐Kcnj5 network in the NAc of mice is involved in the effects of CBD on METH‐induced CPP reinstatement and behavioral sensitization. Conclusions This study constructed the ceRNAs network for the first time, revealing the potential mechanism of CBD in treating METH‐induced CPP reinstatement and behavioral sensitization, thus advancing the application of CBD in METH use disorders.
... In this regard, researchers have demonstrated that adolescents require more extinction trials than adults to extinguish cocaine placepreferences. Moreover, adolescents exhibit a higher preference for an environment which has been previously cocaine-paired representing stronger reinstatement (Brenhouse and Andersen 2008). As for the differential sensitivity to the conditioned rewarding effects of cocaine, adolescent rats, regardless of gender, were found to establish CPP at lower doses compared to their adult counterparts (Zakharova et al. 2009). ...
A growing number of evidence indicates that adolescent substance abuse is now an alarming concern, which imposes a considerable socio-economic burden on societies. On the other hand, numerous studies have shown that due to specific neurophysiological features, the brain is more vulnerable to the adverse effects of psychoactive drugs at early ages. Unfortunately, these negative effects are not limited to the period of drug use, but, they could persistently affect the brain’s responsiveness to future exposures to the same or other types of drug. In order for researchers to develop pharmacological strategies for managing substance abuse disorders, it is important for them to gain a deep understanding of the differences in behavioral outcomes associated with each type of drug across different age groups. In the present study, we aimed to review the experimental evidence revealing the mentioned differential effects with an emphasis on common drugs of abuse, including cocaine, nicotine, cannabis and opioids. Although, the cellular mechanisms underlying age-related effects have not been exclusively addressed for each drug, the most recent findings are presented and discussed. Future studies are required to focus on these mechanisms and reveal how molecular changes during brain development could result in differential responses to drugs at the behavioral level.
... There is evidence that adolescent rats have increased resistance to extinguish fear and cocaine-related behaviors 24,29,37 . A previous study determined that adolescent rats were less responsive to a rodent version of cue-exposure therapy (CET). ...
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Adolescents are at increased risk to develop substance use disorders and suffer from relapse throughout life. Targeted weakening of drug-associated memories has been shown to reduce relapse-like behavior in adult rats, however this process has been understudied in adolescents. We aimed to examine whether adolescent-formed, cocaine-associated memories could be manipulated via reconsolidation mechanisms. To accomplish this objective, we used an abbreviated operant cocaine self-administration paradigm (ABRV Coc-SA). Adult and adolescent rats received jugular catheterization surgery followed by ABRV Coc-SA in a distinct context for 2 h, 2×/day over 5 days. Extinction training (EXT) occurred in a second context for 2 h, 2×/day over 4 days. To retrieve cocaine-context memories, rats were exposed to the cocaine-paired context for 15 min, followed by subcutaneous injection of vehicle or the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide (2.5 mg/kg). Two additional EXT sessions were conducted before a 2 h reinstatement test in the cocaine-paired context to assess cocaine-seeking behavior. We find that both adult and adolescent cocaine-exposed rats show similar levels of cocaine-seeking behavior regardless of post-reactivation treatment. Our results suggest that systemic treatment with the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide does not impair reconsolidation of cocaine-context memories and subsequent relapse during adulthood or adolescence.
... Pavlovian reward learning in adolescence Rodent studies show heightened Pavlovian learning of food and drug rewards in adolescent compared to adult rats [38,39]. Adolescent rats also show increased activity in dopamine neurons in the substantia nigraa component of the striatal reward pathwaycompared to adult rats during Pavlovian reward learning [40,41]. ...
Adolescence is a period of heightened affective and social sensitivity. In this review we address how this increased sensitivity influences associative learning. Based on recent evidence from human and rodent studies, as well as advances in computational biology, we suggest that, compared to other age groups, adolescents show features of heightened Pavlovian learning but tend to perform worse than adults at instrumental learning. Because Pavlovian learning does not involve decision-making, whereas instrumental learning does, we propose that these developmental differences might be due to heightened sensitivity to rewards and threats in adolescence, coupled with a lower specificity of responding. We discuss the implications of these findings for adolescent mental health and education.
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Adolescence is a critical juncture when initiation of drug use intersects with profound developmental changes in the brain. Adolescent drug use increases the risk to develop substance use disorders (SUDs) later in life, but the mechanisms that confer this vulnerability are not understood. SUDs are defined by cycles of use, abstinence, and relapse. Intense craving during drug-free periods is often triggered by cues and environmental contexts associated with previous use. In contrast to our understanding of stimuli that elicit craving and relapse in adults, the behavioral processes that occur during periods of abstinence and relapse in adolescents are poorly understood. The current mini-review will summarize findings from preclinical rodent studies that used cocaine conditioned place preference and operant cocaine self-administration to examine subsequent effects on reward, relapse and incubation of craving.
Rationale: Drug use during adolescence results in a life-long risk to develop substance-use disorders. Adolescent rats are sensitive to different drug-associated cues, compared to adults; however, the contribution of adolescent-formed context-drug-associations to elicit relapse-like behavior is underexplored. Objectives: The present study compared the effect of adolescent vs adult-formed context-drug associations to elicit time-dependent increases in cocaine-seeking behavior. This objective was accomplished using an abbreviated (ABRV) operant cocaine self-administration (Coc-SA), Extinction (EXT) paradigm, with cocaine-seeking tests occurring 1 day after training (T1, early relapse) or following 15 days of abstinence (T15, late relapse). Methods: Adolescent and adult rats received ABRV Coc-SA in a distinct context (2 hr, 2x/day over 5 days) then EXT in a second context (2 hr, 2x/day over 4 days). Adolescent or adult cocaine-exposed rats were then tested (2 hr, non-rewarded) in either the previous EXT or Coc-paired contexts during early or late relapse. Results: & Conclusions: As previously reported, both adolescent and adult cocaine-exposed rats displayed similar magnitudes of cocaine intake and lever presses during Coc-SA, EXT and early relapse. Independent analysis of adolescent and adult groups revealed differences in lever responding, specifically rats with cocaine exposure during adolescence showed time-dependent increases in lever responding during late relapse. These data suggest that cocaine-context associations formed during adolescence can elicit craving during adulthood and that these age-specific differences in contextual sensitivity may not be immediately observed at early relapse periods.
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Epidemiological studies show the prevalence of opioid use, misuse and abuse in adolescents, which imposes social and economic accountability worldwide. Chronic opioid exposure, especially in adolescents, may have lasting effects on emotional behaviors that persist into adulthood. The current experiments were therefore designed to study the effects of sustained opioid exposure during adolescence on anxiety‐like behaviors. Adolescent male Wistar rats underwent increasing doses of morphine for 10 days (PNDs 31–40). After that the open field test (OFT) and elevated plus maze (EPM) test were performed over a 4‐week postmorphine treatment from adolescence to adulthood. Moreover, the weight of the animals was measured at these time points. We found that chronic adolescent morphine exposure reduces the weight gain during the period of morphine treatment and 4 weeks after that. It had no significant effect on the locomotor activity in the animals. Moreover, anxiolytic‐like behavior was observed in the rats exposed to morphine during adolescence evaluated by OFT and EPM test. Thus, long‐term exposure to morphine during adolescence has the profound potential of altering the anxiety‐like behavior profile in the period from adolescence to adulthood. The maturation of the nervous system can be affected by drug abuse during the developmental window of adolescence and these effects may lead to behaviorally stable alterations.
Previous research suggests that the prelimbic subregion of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) is necessary for acquisition of cocaine-conditioned place preference (CPP). Recently, it has been shown that extinguished cocaine-CPP can be reinstated by cocaine priming injections, and that this effect reflects the incentive motivational effects of the cocaine prime. To determine whether the prelimbic cortex is necessary for cocaine-reinstated CPP, rats received bilateral infusions of quinolinic acid (lesion group) or vehicle (sham group) into the prelimbic cortex and were later tested for acquisition, extinction, and reinstatement of cocaine-CPP. Both sham and lesion rats exhibited robust CPP established by systemic injections of cocaine (15 mg/kg, i.p.) following either one or three drug-environment pairings. Following repeated exposure to the cocaine- and saline-paired environments, sham and lesion rats showed similar rates of extinction of cocaine-CPP. In contrast, reinstatement of cocaine-CPP by cocaine priming injections (5 and 10 mg/kg, i.p.) was attenuated in rats with prelimbic cortex lesions relative to sham controls. This finding suggests that the prelimbic cortex is involved in the incentive motivational effects of cocaine priming.
Cocaine-treated rats acquired a preference for cocaine-associated contextual stimuli (CS) relative to saline-injected control rats. However, when animals were given repeated tests for conditioned place preference intermittent between conditioning trials, they displayed an attenuation in strength of conditioning. This attenuation was not due to pharmacologic tolerance (Experiment 1), but rather reflected a disruption in learning due to exposure to the CS alone (Experiment 2). Like other examples of classical conditioning, the strength of the conditioned response (CR) as assessed by the conditioned place preference model may be influenced by partial reinforcement.
The pre- and postnatal development of the dopaminergic innervation in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) of the rat is described from embryonic day 14 through postnatal day 90. By embryonic day 15 the dopamine (DA)-containing fibers reach the anlage of the lateral neocortex; 2 days later the first fibers have reached the subplate of the future prefrontal cortex. The process of entering the cortical plate starts just before birth. Prenatally, some dopaminergic fibers can be observed in the marginal zone of both the lateral and the medial wall of the hemisphere. Within 48 hours after birth a large number of dopaminergic fibers can be observed in the marginal zone, i.e., the future layer I, in some subareas of the PFC. A transient appearance of DA-positive fibers is noticed in the late embryonic and early postnatal periods especially in the marginal zone and possibly in the superficial layers of the pregenual cingulate cortex. Changes in the morphology of DA fibers at P4 suggest that the actual DA innervation starts at this age. From postnatal day 6 the different subareas of the PFC can be recognized according to the characteristics of the topographical distribution of the dopaminergic fibers. Until postnatal day 60 the density of the dopaminergic fibers continues to increase. No difference in density and topography was observed between postnatal days 60 and 90.
Periadolescent rats have been reported to be affected differentially by catecholaminergic agents when compared with younger or adult animals. The present study evaluated the behavioral responsivity of periadolescent (34- to 39-day-old) and adult (60- to 70-day-old) Sprague-Dawley rats of both sexes to i.p. cocaine (Coc) administration (0, 10 or 20 mg/kg, once daily for 4 days). All animals received injections of both saline and Coc every day paired with a different context, with one-half of the animals receiving the drug in the home cage (Coc-Home) and the other half in the testing chamber (Coc-Test). Forty-eight hours after the last drug injection, all animals were challenged with 10 mg/kg i.p. of Coc, and their behavior in the test chamber was scored. As expected, acute Coc induced a prominent increase in a number of behaviors, and this response profile was less marked in periadolescent relative to adult animals. In contrast, Coc-Test animals of both ages showed a clear behavioral sensitization relative to the chronic saline group. No evidence of carry-over effects was found in Coc-Home animals. Females were in general more sensitive than males to acute Coc effects. The development of behavioral sensitization to Coc was a function of age-specific alterations in sensitivity to psychostimulants. Periadolescent rats of both sexes showed sensitization to the locomotor activating effects (matrix crossings) of Coc, whereas a consistent sensitization profile for both stereotyped head scanning and focused sniffing activities were found in adults but not in periadolescents. Chronic Coc reduced body weight and food consumption, particularly in adult males, whereas it did not affect periadolescent patterns. No evidence of sensitization to Coc was found in the hormonal parameters considered.
It has often been demonstrated that when a rat is conditioned in a cue-specific environment that has been repeatedly paired with cocaine injections, it will spend more time in that environment than it does in a saline-paired environment. This behavioral procedure is commonly known as the conditioned place preference (CPP)-test. At present, a firm theoretical understanding of the mechanisms underlying the production of a CPP are unknown. It is insufficient merely to know that a CPP can result after repeated drug pairings. Rather, it is necessary that the procedure is validated within a learning theory framework. The objective of the present study was, therefore, to establish that what is observed in place preference studies was, indeed, conditioning. This was accomplished by determining whether a cocaine-induced increase in time spent in a drug-paired environment was subject to attenuation following extinction trials. Rats were tested for their initial bias in spending more time in one of two stimulus-specific chambers of a place-conditioning apparatus. On four occasions, rats were injected with 2.5 mg/kg cocaine and confined to their less-preferred chamber whereas, on four alternating sessions, they were conditioned with saline (vehicle) in their preferred chamber. Subsequent testing in the nondrugged state revealed that these rats displayed a significant increase in the time spent in their initially least-preferred environment compared to baseline measurements. Following establishment of this cocaine-induced CPP, the rats were injected only with saline and conditioned for an equal number of sessions (i.e., four).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
The periadolescent period in the rat is characterized by alterations in novelty seeking and exploratory behavior, as well as changes in the behavioral responsiveness to many drugs of abuse. These alterations may be predictive of alterations in the reward value of drugs of abuse. The present experiments examined whether adolescent rats (34-37 days old) differ from their adult counterparts in the expression of drug-induced place conditioning for morphine (0, 2.5, or 5 mg/kg; Experiment I) and cocaine (0, 5, or 10 mg/kg; Experiments II and III). Animals received multiple conditioning days, followed 24 h later by a drug-free CPP test. All drugs were given intraperitoneally immediately prior to confinement in the CS+ compartment, while vehicle injections were given prior to exposure to the CS- chamber. For both drugs, there were no significant differences between adolescents and adults in amount of place conditioning seen when drug exposure was paired with the nonpreferred chamber. When cocaine was paired with either the preferred or nonpreferred compartment (Experiment III), again, the magnitude of the place conditioning observed did not differ between adolescents and adults. The lack of age differences in expression of drug-induced place conditioning in the present experiments is not likely a result of ceiling effects, because the data suggest that the doses used included near-threshold doses. Although these findings need to be confirmed using other approaches for assessing drug reward before concluding that adolescent and adult rats exhibit similar sensitivity to the rewarding effects of morphine and cocaine, the current data revealed no differences between adolescents and adults in the magnitude of place conditioning expressed for morphine or cocaine.
To successfully negotiate the developmental transition between youth and adulthood, adolescents must maneuver this often stressful period while acquiring skills necessary for independence. Certain behavioral features, including age-related increases in social behavior and risk-taking/novelty-seeking, are common among adolescents of diverse mammalian species and may aid in this process. Reduced positive incentive values from stimuli may lead adolescents to pursue new appetitive reinforcers through drug use and other risk-taking behaviors, with their relative insensitivity to drugs supporting comparatively greater per occasion use. Pubertal increases in gonadal hormones are a hallmark of adolescence, although there is little evidence for a simple association of these hormones with behavioral change during adolescence. Prominent developmental transformations are seen in prefrontal cortex and limbic brain regions of adolescents across a variety of species, alterations that include an apparent shift in the balance between mesocortical and mesolimbic dopamine systems. Developmental changes in these stressor-sensitive regions, which are critical for attributing incentive salience to drugs and other stimuli, likely contribute to the unique characteristics of adolescence.