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Left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: The potential nexus

  • Al-Mustansiriyah University
2258| International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Apr - Jun 2021 | Vol 13 | Issue 2
Research Article
Left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in Type 1 Diabetes
Mellitus: The potential nexus
1Assistant Professor in Medicine,,B, MRCP, Department of Medicine, College of Medicine,
University of Kerbala, IRAQ
2Professor in Department of clinical Pharmacology, medicine and therapeutic, Medical Faculty, College of
Medicine, Al-Mustansiriyah University, P.O. Box 14132, Baghdad, Iraq, MBChB, MRCP,FRCP
*Corresponding Author
Email ID:
Received: 08.01.21, Revised: 07.02.21, Accepted: 06.03.21
Objectives: To assess the impact of long-lasting type 1 diabetes mellitus (TIDM) on the myocardial function.
Methods: The case-control study was conducted at the Department of Pharmacology, College of Medicine,
Mustansiriya University, Baghdad, Iraq, from July to October 2018 and involved forty T1DM patients compared
with forty healthy control subjects. Anthropometric and pressure profiles were evaluated. As well,
echocardiographic findings were estimated in both groups. SPSS version 20.00 was used for data analysis.
Results: No significant differences were noted in the parameter of the two groups (p>0.05). The duration of
their illness was (5-20) years (mean 11±3) years. The peak early basal annular velocity (E` wave) was reduced
in TIDM patients compared to the controls (P=0.00001). As well, other echogradiographic variables were
impaired in TIDM patients compared to the controls (P=0.00001) with exception of A (cm/s). Besides, LVEDD,
LVESD and EF were not significantly differed in TIDM patients compared to the controls (P>0.05). Moreover,
the effect of duration of T1DM on the left ventricular diastolic function by dividing those forty patient into two
subgroups, those with the disease duration of more than (10 years) which include (23) patient (57.5%) and
those with the disease duration of less than (10 years) and include (17) patient (42.5%), and comparing their
finding with that of the control group. However, in TIDM patients with duration <10 years only E (cm/s) was
differed which was lower in TIDM patients compared with the controls. Conclusion: T1DM induced-
myocardial dysfunction is duration dependent and linked with underlying diabetic complications.
Keywords: diabetic complications, type 1 diabetes mellitus, echogradiographic variables
Diabetes mellitus (DM) refers to a group of
common metabolic disorders that share the
phenotype of hyperglycemia. 1 The overall
prevalence of DM in Iraq is 21.8 / 1000. Rates
are greater in urban than in rural areas and in
the South/Centre than in Kurdistan. The
prevalence of Type 1 DM (T1DM) appears low as
rates among 0-4- and 514-year-olds of diabetes
are negligible.2T1DM mainly affects lean children,
teenagers, and young adults. The disorder is
characterized by absolute insulin deficiency from
selective autoimmune destruction of insulin-
secreting pancreatic beta cells. After diagnosis,
residual insulin secretion can persist for several
months or even years. When there is enough
insulin to control blood glucose, a “honeymoon”
phase occurs during which the patient may
transiently be able to markedly reduce or even
eliminate insulin therapy. In T1DM, one or more
auto-antibodies directed against the beta cells or
their products can usually be detected.3 The
Framingham study demonstrated an increased
risk of heart failure in patients with diabetes and
that it has a greater impact on the incidence of
congestive heart failure, especially in women. 4 It
has been shown a 2-fold higher incidence of
heart failure in men with diabetes and a 5-fold
increase in women. Additional trials Studies of
Left Ventricular Dysfunction (SOLVD), the Heart
Outcomes Prevention Evaluation study (HOPE),
the Cardiovascular Health Study (CHS) and
nationwide case control study also identified
diabetes as a major risk factor for the
development of heart failure. 5 Hypertension and
coronary artery disease, known co-morbidities of
diabetes, are established causes of heart failure.
The most prominent risk factor for heart failure in
diabetic patients is prior history of coronary artery
disease. 6 Furthermore, heart failure is more
frequent in diabetic than in non-diabetic patients
with myocardial ischemic injury; however,
evidence of diabetic cardiomyopathy was found
in diabetic patients even in the absence of other
co-morbidities .7 The evidence of a clinical impact
of diabetic cardiomyopathy on myocardial
function has increased in recent years, mainly
because of refined echocardiographic methods
ISSN 0975-2366
Dr. Basim Safi Naji Almgoter et al / Left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus:
The potential nexus
2259| International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Apr - Jun 2021 | Vol 13 | Issue 2
such as tissue Doppler techniques. In a large
population-based study, tissue Doppler imaging
revealed impaired systolic and diastolic function
in persons with DM and several other
observational studies of populations without any
apparent heart diseases have found similar
results. 7 Several studies have shown a correlation
between glycemic control and LVDD, with
associated improvement in cardiac function after
adequate treatment. 8 Therefore, the aim of the
present study was to assess the impact of long-
lasting TIDM on the myocardial function.
This case-control study was done in the
Department of Clinical Pharmacology and
Internal Medicine , College of Medicine, AL-
Mustansiriya University, in cooperation with the
Al-Yarmouk Teaching Hospital, Baghdad-Iraq
from July to October 2018. This study was
approved by Scientific and Ethical Committee
Editorial Board, College of Medicine, AL-
Mustansiriya University. This case-control study
involved forty T1DM patients with long-lasting
diabetes mellitus (mean 11±3years), aged (32±6
years), and forty healthy control subjects, matched
in terms of gender, age, and body mass index
(BMI). T1DM patients were recruited from the
outpatient diabetic departments. Exclusion
criteria: Any patients having renal failure, heart
failure, liver failure, thyroid disease, malignancy,
head trauma, cerebral hemorrhage, pregnancy,
lactation, psychiatric, cardiac arrhythmias,
congenital or acquired valvular heart disease,
chronic renal failure and poor echocardiographic
window and mental disorders were excluded.
Anthropometric profiles: Weight and height of
every patient was measured by means of the
weight and height measuring scale for the
purpose of measuring Body Mass Index (BMI);
BMI= BW (kg) /Ht (m2).9 Blood pressure profile,
including; systolic blood pressure (SBP) and
diastolic blood pressure (DBP) were measured by
automated digital sphygmomanometer.
Echocardiographic examination: All the patients
were underwent echocardiographic examination
by using pulsed Doppler at the tip of mitral valve,
the peak early transmitral flow velocity (E wave),
the peak late (atrial) transmitral flow velocity (A
wave), the (E wave) deceleration time and the
ratio between (E wave) and (A wave) were
registered. The tissue Doppler (non-preload
dependent) was used to assess the basal medial
mitral valve annular velocities, the peak early
basal annular velocity (E` wave) and E/E` ratio
were assessed , E/A<1, E DT >220 ms, E/E`<12
were considered as criteria for diagnosing
impaired relaxation, while the pseudonormalised
patients that can`t be caught by transmitral flow
Doppler alone were unmasked by combining the
flow Doppler criteria together with tissue Doppler
criteria thus, E/A>1, E DT<220 ms, E/E`>12
were the criteria for the pseudonormal LV filling
pattern., EF was used to report the systolic
function hence EF>50% was considered
indicators of normal systolic function. The LVDF
was divided in to two groups (LVDD positive and
LVDD negative), another classification was used
also in which LVDF was classified in to (normal,
impaired relaxation, pseudonormal). The duration
of DM was grouped as <10 years and >10
years, then compared to LVDD, with the mean
duration was assessed for the LVDF groups. All
had normal ECG and normal renal function tests
(blood urea ˂40mg/dl and serum creatinine ˂
1.2 mg/dl). Data was analyzed using SPSS 20,
and presented as mean ± standard deviation (SD)
and the variables were tested by using unpaired
student t-test between the controls and the treated
groups. One way analysis of variance (ANOVA)
with post-hoc test was used to scrutinize the
significance of differences among the groups.
Level of significance was set at p<0.05.
The clinical characteristics of diabetic patient and
the results of their investigation were summarized
in the (table-1). Forty patients including twenty
male (50%) and forty control subjects including
twenty male (50%) were well matched for age,
gender , height ,weight and blood pressure. No
significant differences were noted in the
parameter of the two groups (p>0.05). The
duration of their illness was (5-20) years (mean
11±3) years. Among the forty T1DM patients
their mean fasting blood glucose (FBG) was
135±30 mg/dl and random blood glucose (RBG)
was 243±49 mg/dl.
Table 1: Clinical characteristics of studied patients and control subjects
Clinical features
T1DM patients
Age (years)
30 6-5
Height (cm)
161 14
167 8
Weight (Kg)
66 12
69 11
Dr. Basim Safi Naji Almgoter et al / Left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus:
The potential nexus
2260| International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Apr - Jun 2021 | Vol 13 | Issue 2
80 10
75 10
Duration (years)
11 3
Data are presented as mean ±SD, BMI: body
mass index; SBP: systolic blood pressure; DBP:
diastolic blood pressure; PP: pulse pressure. The
peak early basal annular velocity (E` wave) was
reduced in TIDM patients compared to the
controls (P=0.00001). As well, other
echogradiographic variables were impaired in
TIDM patients compared to the controls
(P=0.00001) with exception of A (cm/s). Besides,
LVEDD, LVESD and EF were not significantly
differed in TIDM patients compared to the
controls (P>0.05), (Table-2).
Table 2: Echocardiographic findings of T1DM patients compared to the control group
T1DM patients (n=40)
Control (n=40)
E (cm/s)
75.22 13.11
101.03 7.67
A (cm/s)
70.55 13.87
65.05 4.98
1.22 0.32
1.54 0.08
LVEDD (cm)
45.22 4.66
44.98 0.42
LVESD (cm)
31.25 3.34
29.35 5.11
EF (%)
60.42 5.11
63.04 5.11
Data are presented as mean ±SD, LVEDD: left
end-diastolic dysfunction, LVESD: left end-systolic
dysfunction. Moreover, the effect of duration of
T1DM on the left ventricular diastolic function by
dividing those forty-patient into two subgroups,
those with the disease duration of more than (10
years) which include (23) patient (57.5%) and
those with the disease duration of less than (10
years) and include (17) patient (42.5%), and
comparing their finding with that of the control
group, (Table-3).
Table 3: Doppler echocardiography of T1DM patients (≥ 10 years) with the control subjects.
T1DM (n=23)
Control (n=40)
E (cm/s)
72.32 13.91
101.03 7.67
A (cm/s)
71.57 13.55
65.05 4.98
1.06 0.77
1.54 0.08
LVEDD (cm)
43.28 4.39
44.98 0.42
LVESD (cm)
30.35 3.64
29.35 5.11
EF (%)
59.42 5.96
63.04 5.11
Data are presented as mean ±SD, LVEDD: left
end-diastolic dysfunction, LVESD: left end-systolic
dysfunction. However, in TIDM patients with
duration <10 years only E (cm/s) was differed
which was lower in TIDM patients compared with
the controls (Table-4).
Table 4: Doppler echocardiography of T1DM patients (< 10 years) with the control subjects
T1DM patients Mean + SD n= 17
Control Mean + SD n=40
E (cm/s)
76.66 11.75
101.03 7. 67
A (cm/s)
68.59 6.95
65.05 4.98
1.46 0.34
1.54 0.08
LVEDD (cm)
LVESD (cm)
EF (%)
Data are presented as mean ±SD, LVEDD: left end-diastolic dysfunction, LVESD: left end-systolic
Dr. Basim Safi Naji Almgoter et al / Left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus:
The potential nexus
2261| International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Apr - Jun 2021 | Vol 13 | Issue 2
Reports about the prevalence of diastolic
dysfunction in diabetes have been largely
variable, due to the differences in methodology
and criteria used to diagnose it. Several earlier
studies that reported a lower frequency of
diastolic dysfunction in diabetes 10 were not taking
into account the pseudonormal pattern which
reflects an intermediate stage in the progression
of the abnormalities in LV relaxation and filling. 11
That’s why we tried to reveal this hidden portion
of the diastolic dysfunction by using two different
means of evaluation of the diastolic function, the
flow Doppler and tissue Doppler. As against the
high prevalence of diastolic dysfunction noted in
the present study, LV systolic function was within
normal limits supporting the existence of a
primary diabetic cardiomyopathy of
predominantly diastolic nature as diastolic
dysfunction may occur early in T1DM and its
recognition may provide a window of opportunity
for early therapeutic intervention to prevent its
progression to heart failure. 12 The reported LVDD
among our patients was related to the duration of
the diabetes, and this found to be in accordance
with that reported by a previous study. 13 It has
been suggested that LVDD is secondary to
microvascular disease because an association
with triopathy (retinopathy, nephropathy and
neuropathy) has been reported; a suggestion that
could be attributed to the same shared
pathophysiologic mechanisms.14 Only recently
have clinical and epidemiologic data
demonstrated the incidence, prevalence,
and prognosis of heart failure in patients with
diabetes. To date, heart failure has been
described as heart failure with preserved ejection
fraction (HFpEF) or heart failure with reduced
ejection fraction (HFrEF), according to left
ventricular function.15 To dichotomize heart failure
into these 2 entities has certain limitations and
probably does not cover an intermediate stage
that the most recent guidelines of the European
Society of Cardiology (ESC) termed heart failure
with a mid-range ejection fraction (HFmrEF;
ejection fraction 40%-49%).16This extended
definition is a first step to better phenotyping and
an improved taxonomy of heart failure.
Nevertheless, clinical and epidemiologic data, as
well as experimental data, have only focused
on HFrEF and HFpEF. Imaging studies have
revealed left ventricular concentric remodeling as
a relevant characteristic of diabetic myocardium,
which may be associated with impaired
myocardial energetics and reduced systolic strain.
17 Hypertrophy of the diabetic heart is the
consequence of myocardial triglyceride deposition
and/or increased extracellular volume as an
indicator for collagen deposition and fibrosis, with
the increased extracellular volume being
predictive for mortality and heart failure in this
population. 18 In addition, hyperinsulinemia due
to insulin resistance is also thought to directly
promote myocardial hypertrophy. Others have
found direct association among myocardial tissue
perfusion, oxygen supply, energetic substrate
availability, and myocardial function in patients
with diabetes, suggesting microcirculatory
damage as a contributing cause for diabetic
cardiomyopathy.19 Deposition of advanced
glycation end products constitutes a driving factor
for microvascular damage in diabetes and has
been associated with cardiomyocyte stiffness and
myocardial collagen deposition. 20 Advanced
glycation end products are created by
nonenzymatic reactions of glucose and other
glycating compounds with lipid and protein
moieties, causing structural and functional
modifications. 21 Glycated molecules are
identified by a pattern recognition receptor of the
immune globulin family termed receptor for
advanced glycation end product, which initiates
inflammatory signaling and
propagates apoptosis, fibrotic remodeling, and
immune cell infiltration.22 The consequential
increase in myocardial stiffness translates
to diastolic dysfunction, reduced myocardial
strain, and atrial enlargement, which has been
associated with an increased prevalence of atrial
fibrillation in patients with diabetes. 23
T1DM induced-myocardial dysfunction is duration
dependent and linked with underlying diabetic
Acknowledgment: We are grateful to Prof. Dr.
Sadiq M. Al-Hamash for his great support.
Disclaimer: None.
Conflicts of Interest: None.
Source of Support: None.
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Full-text available
The aim of the present study was to investigate the probable effects of metformin plus vildagliptin on the oxidative stress index (OSI) in patients with type II diabetes mellitus (T2DM). In this case-control study, 44 patients with T2DM on either metformin monotherapy (n = 24) or metformin plus vildagliptin (n = 20) were compared with healthy controls (n = 20). Anthropometric and biochemical variables including body mass index, blood pressure profile, cardiac indices, lipid profile, fasting blood glucose, fasting serum insulin, and glycemic indices were assessed. Besides, total oxidant status (TOS), total antioxidant status (TAS), and OSI were determined. Patients with T2DM have higher risk of cardiometabolic changes compared with the control (P = 0.0001). TAS was lower while TOS and OSI were higher in patients with T2DM, as compared with the healthy controls (P < 0.001). TAS, TOS, and OSI were better in patients with T2DM on metformin plus vildagliptin therapy as compared with metformin monotherapy (P < 0.05). Therefore, this study concluded that metformin plus vildagliptin therapy is more effective than metformin monotherapy in attenuation of OSI in patients with T2DM.
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Objective: The objective of this study was to explore the potential effects of metformin and/or sitagliptin on the oxidative stress (OS) and antioxidant capacity in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Materials and Methods: In this cross‑sectional study, 64 patients with T2DM compared with 32 healthy controls, they divided into three groups: Group A: 32 healthy controls, Group B: 33 patients with T2DM on metformin therapy, and Group C: 31 patients with T2DM on metformin plus sitagliptin therapy. Fasting blood glucose, glycated hemoglobin, fasting serum insulin, insulin resistance, lipid profile, cardiac indices, and anthropometric measurements were determined. As well, OS parameters which include total oxidant status (TOS), total antioxidant status (TAS), and OS index (OSI) were measured in patients with T2DM and healthy controls. Data analysis was done using SPSS; for significance testing, unpaired Student’s t‑test and analysis of variance were used. Pearson correlation was also used to detect the level of correlations. Results: Patients with T2DM have a high risk of diverse cardiometabolic changes compared with the controls (P = 0.0001). TOS was high in diabetic patients (36.89 ± 4.71 μmole/L) compared with the controls (12.74 ± 3.81 μmole/L) (P = 0.0001), TAS was low in diabetic patients (1145.89 ± 293.51 μmole/L) compared with the controls (1237.61 ± 383.74 μmole/L) (P = 0.0001), and OSI was high in diabetic patients (3.21 ± 1.99) compared with the controls (1.02 ± 0.92) (P = 0.0001). Patients with T2DM on metformin plus sitagliptin illustrated low OSI compared with T2DM on metformin monotherapy (P = 0.04). Conclusion: Metformin and/or sitagliptin attenuate T2DM‑induced OS through potentiation of TAC and reduction of TOC and OSI. Therefore, a combination of metformin and sitagliptin is recommended to reduce glucolipotoxicity and related OS injury.
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Objective: To elucidate the protective effect of berberine on olanzapine induced-metabolic syndrome. Methods: This prospective experimental study involved thirty Sprague-Dawley male rats which were divided into three groups. Group A (n=10): Rats treated with distilled water, Group B (n=10): Rats treated with olanzapine, Group C (n=10): Rats treated with olanzapine plus berberine. The duration of the study was 8 weeks, baseline and follow up data were evaluated. Fasting blood glucose(FBG) total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL), Low density lipoprotein (LDL), atherogenic index of plasma (AI), fasting serum insulin level, insulin resistance, β- cell function and insulin sensitivity were evaluated.SPSS 20. Results: Olanzepine led to significant deterioration in gluco-metabolic profile compared with control P<0.01. Olanzapine plus berberine improved body weight, FBG, FSI, HOMA-IR and QUICKI compared with olanzapine P=0.0001. Conclusions: Berberine attenuates olanzapine induced-metabolic via amelioration of gluco-lipid disturbances.
Full-text available
In-depth understanding of early cardiovascular manifestations in diabetes is high on international research and prevention agendas given that cardiovascular events are the leading cause of death for diabetic patients. Our aim was to review recent developments in the echocardiographic assessment of left ventricular diastolic dysfunction (LVDD) as a telltale pre-clinical disturbance preceding diabetic cardiomyopathy. We analyzed papers in which patients had been comprehensively assessed echocardiographically according to the latest LVDD guidelines (2016), and those affording comparisons with previous, widely used recommendations (2009). We found that the updated algorithm for LVDD is more effective in predicting adverse cardiovascular events in patients with established LVDD, and less specific in grading other patients (labelled “indeterminate”). This may prove instrumental for recruiting “indeterminate” LVDD cases among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in future screening programs. As an interesting consideration, the elevated values of the index E/e’ can point to early diastolic impairment, foretelling diabetic cardiomyopathy. Identifying subclinical signs early makes clinical sense, but the complex nature of T2DM calls for further research. Specifically, longitudinal studies on rigorously selected cohorts of diabetic patients are needed to better understand and predict the subtle, slow onset of cardiac manifestations with T2DM as a complicating backdrop.
Full-text available
Cardiac insulin resistance plays an important role in the development of heart failure, but the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Here, we found that hypertrophic hearts exhibit normal cardiac glucose oxidation rates, but reduced fatty acid oxidation rates, compared to Sham controls under basal (no insulin) conditions. Furthermore, insulin stimulation attenuated insulin's effects on cardiac substrate utilization, suggesting the development of cardiac insulin resistance. Consistent with insulin resistance, p38-MAPK protein levels were reduced in hypertrophic hearts. By contrast, systemic hyperinsulin-euglycemic clamp indicated normal insulin sensitivity. Finally, electron microscopy revealed severe mitochondrial damage in the hypertrophic myocardium. Our results indicate that that cardiac insulin resistance caused by cardiac hypertrophy is associated with mitochondrial damage and cardiac dysfunction. Moreover, our findings suggest that cardiac insulin resistance is independent of systemic insulin resistance, which is also a risk factor for heart failure.
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Aims: Insulin causes sodium retention and hypoglycaemia and its use is associated with worse outcomes in heart failure (HF) with reduced ejection fraction. We have investigated whether this is also the case in HF with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF). Methods and results: We examined the association between diabetes/diabetes treatments and the risk of the primary composite of cardiovascular death or HF hospitalization, as well as other outcomes in adjusted analyses in CHARM-Preserved (left ventricular ejection fraction ≥ 45%), I-Preserve and TOPCAT (Americas) pooled. Of 8466 patients, 2653 (31%) had diabetes, including 979 (37%) receiving insulin. Patients receiving insulin were younger, had a higher body mass index, prevalence of ischaemic aetiology, N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide and use of diuretics, worse New York Heart Association class and signs and symptoms, and worse quality of life and renal function, compared to patients with diabetes not on insulin. Among the 1398 patients with echocardiographic data, insulin use was associated with higher left ventricular end-diastolic pressure and more diastolic dysfunction than in other participants. The primary outcome occurred at a rate of 6.3 per 100 patient-years in patients without diabetes, and 10.2 and 17.1 per 100 patient-years in diabetes patients without and with insulin use, respectively [fully adjusted hazard ratio (aHR) insulin-treated diabetes vs. other diabetes: 1.41, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.23-1.63, P < 0.001]. The adjusted HR is 1.67 (95% CI 1.20-2.32, p = 0.002) for sudden death (insulin-treated diabetes vs. other diabetes). Conclusions: Insulin use is associated with poor outcomes in HFpEF. Although we cannot conclude a causal association, the safety of insulin and alternative glucose-lowering treatments in HF needs to be evaluated in clinical trials.
The role of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) in promoting and/or exacerbating metabolic dysregulation is being increasingly recognized. AGEs are formed when reducing sugars non-enzymatically bind to proteins or lipids, a process that is enhanced by hyperglycemic and hyperlipidemic environments characteristic of numerous metabolic disorders including obesity, diabetes and its complications. In this mini-review, we put forth the notion that AGEs span the spectrum from cause to consequence of insulin resistance (IR) and diabetes, and represent a “common soil” underlying the pathophysiology of these metabolic disorders. Collectively, the surveyed literature suggests that AGEs, both those that form endogenously as well as exogenous AGEs derived from environmental factors such as pollution, smoking and “Western” style diets, contribute to the pathogenesis of obesity and diabetes. Specifically, AGE accumulation in key metabolically-relevant organs induces IR, inflammation and oxidative stress, which in turn provide substrates for excess AGE formation, thus, creating a feed-forward fueled pathological loop mediating metabolic dysfunction.
Objective: Microvascular complications are common among patients with diabetes mellitus (DM). The presence of heart failure (HF) is presumed to be due to macrovascular disease (typically HF with reduced ejection fraction [HFrEF] following myocardial infarction). We hypothesized that HF with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) in patients with DM may be a manifestation of microvascular disease compared with HFrEF. The objective of this study was to examine the prevalence and association with clinical outcome of microvascular complications in patients with HF and DM. Research design and methods: We investigated the prevalence, association with clinical outcome, and cardiac structure and function of microvascular (neuropathy, nephropathy, and retinopathy) complications of DM in 2,800 prospectively enrolled participants with HF and DM (561 with HFpEF) from the ASIAN-HF registry. Results: A total of 601 (21.5%) participants with DM had microvascular complications. Participants with DM and any (one or more) microvascular complications were more likely to have HFpEF (odds ratio 1.70 [95% CI 1.15-2.50]; P = 0.008). Furthermore, the likelihood of having HFpEF increased with an increasing number of microvascular complications (Ptrend < 0.001). Microvascular complications were associated with more left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy and a greater reduction in quality of life in HFpEF than HFrEF (Pinteraction < 0.001 for all). Compared with participants with DM and without microvascular complications, the adjusted hazard ratio for the composite outcome of all-cause death or HF hospitalization was 1.35 (95% CI 1.04-1.76) for participants with DM and microvascular complications regardless of HF type (Pinteraction = 0.112). Conclusions: Diabetic microvascular disease is more common, and related to greater LV remodeling, more impairment of quality in life, and similar adverse outcomes, in participants with HFpEF compared with HFrEF. HFpEF may be a clinical manifestation of microvascular disease in DM.