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Abstract and Figures

The potential energy curve of the ground electronic state of BeO and those of the lowest electronic states of the BeO+ cation are computed using the CASSCF/MRCI methods and a large basis set. For the cation, the spin–orbit coupling and the transition momentum integrals are also evaluated. These data are used later to deduce an accurate set of spectroscopic constants and to investigate the spin–orbit-induced predissociation of the lowest electronic excited states of BeO+. Our calculations show that the high-rovibrational levels of the BeO+ (12Σ+) electronic state exhibit rapid predissociation processes forming Be+(2S) + O(3P). Our curves are also used for predicting the single ionization spectrum of BeO.
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J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 41 (2008) 205101 (7pp) doi:10.1088/0953-4075/41/20/205101
Spectroscopy and metastability of BeO+
H Ghalila1, S Lahmar1, Z Ben Lakhdar1and M Hochlaf2
1Laboratoire de Spectroscopie Atomique, Mol´
eculaire et Application, D´
epartement de Physique,
e des sciences de Tunis, Universit´
e Tunis El Manar, 1060, Tunisia
2Laboratoire Mod´
elisation et Simulation Multi Echelle, Universit´
e Paris-Est, MSME FRE 3160 CNRS,
5 bd Descartes, 77454 Marne-la-Vall´
ee, France
E-mail: and
Received 4 August 2008, in final form 5 August 2008
Published 1 October 2008
Online at
The potential energy curve of the ground electronic state of BeO and those of the lowest
electronic states of the BeO+cation are computed using the CASSCF/MRCI methods and a
large basis set. For the cation, the spin–orbit coupling and the transition momentum integrals
are also evaluated. These data are used later to deduce an accurate set of spectroscopic
constants and to investigate the spin–orbit-induced predissociation of the lowest electronic
excited states of BeO+. Our calculations show that the high-rovibrational levels of the BeO+
(12+) electronic state exhibit rapid predissociation processes forming Be+(2S) + O(3P). Our
curves are also used for predicting the single ionization spectrum of BeO.
1. Introduction
Alkaline earth oxides, such as BeO, are known as thermal
conductors and electrical insulators. Their structural and
electric properties and transport performances have been
widely investigated both experimentally and theoretically
allowing very interesting applications of such materials (see
[1] for more details). The nature of the bonding in
these compounds was subject to several controversies. A
pronounced ionic character was established for most of them,
such as in BeO. Many spectroscopic features of the gas
phase isolated molecules were deduced after analysing the
chemiluminescence Fourier transform spectra [26] and from
ab initio theoretical studies [79].
The present theoretical investigations treat the
spectroscopy and the metastability of beryllium oxide
cation, BeO+. Very few are known on this ionized species.
In contrast, the neutral molecule has been widely studied
because of the importance of beryllium and its derivatives
in medical standpoint [10], in plasma physics and in nuclear
physics, where they are used as protection layers. Very
recently, JET Tokamak experiments showed the effectiveness
of the beryllium neutral and multi-ionized states near the
surface metal in contact with the plasma [1]. These tests were
so successful that the next generation fusion Tokamaks will
most likely use beryllium as a wall coating material.
In order to fill the gap on the structure, the spectroscopy
and the metastability of the gas phase of BeO+cation, large
ab initio calculations are currently being performed dealing
with the electronic states of this ion. Highly correlated
wavefunctions are used to deduce the transition moments
and the spin–orbit coupling matrix elements between these
electronic states. A set of accurate spectroscopic data is then
deduced for the bound electronic states of BeO+. For the upper
electronic states, rapid spin–orbit-induced predissociation
processes are identified. Finally, the BeO+potential curves
together with those of BeO (X1+) are used to predict the
single ionization spectrum of beryllium monoxide.
2. Computational approaches
As widely discussed in the literature, electronic computations
of metallic bearing compounds are not obvious because of
the importance of electron correlation for a good description
of their electronic states and properties and the irregular
behaviour of their wavefunctions. This is associated with a
sudden change from ionic to covalent character even for the
lowest electronic states of these species. Only configuration
interaction methods, similar to those used currently, are viewed
as providing accurate data for them. Here the potential energy
curves of the electronic states of BeO+correlating to the
four lowest dissociation limits and that of BeO(X1+)were
computed using the full valence complete active space self-
consistent field (CASSCF) approach [11]followedbythe
internally contracted multireference configuration interaction
technique including the Davidson correction (MRCI+Q)
[12,13]. Both of them are implemented in the MOLPRO
0953-4075/08/205101+07$30.00 1© 2008 IOP Publishing Ltd Printed in the UK
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 41 (2008) 205101 H Ghalila et al
program suite [14]. For beryllium and oxygen, the spdfgh
cc-pV5Z basis set of Dunning [15], resulting in 182 contracted
Gaussian functions, was used. The calculations were carried
out in the C2v point group where the B1and B2representations
were equivalently described.
At the CASSCF level of theory, all electrons were
correlated and the active space comprised all configuration
state functions (CSFs) obtained after excitations of these
electrons in valence orbitals. All electronic states having
the same spin multiplicity were averaged together with
equal weights. For MRCI calculations, all CSFs from the
CASSCF approach were taken as reference, resulting in
616, 588, 588, 560 uncontracted CSFs to be treated in the
2and A2symmetries of the C2v point group when
computing the doublets and in 4832, 4960, 4960, 5048 CSFs
to be considered when treating the quartets. The spin–orbit
couplings in Cartesian coordinates were evaluated at the spdf
cc-pV5Z/CASSCF level of theory. The accuracy of the
electronic structure calculations and the spin–orbit evaluations
using our methodologies were widely discussed previously.
Readers are referred to [1619] for more details.
For the bound electronic states of BeO+, our calculated
potentials were incorporated into variational treatment of the
nuclear motion problem using the method of Cooley [20]. A
set of spectroscopic constants, including the harmonic wave
numbers, anharmonic terms, rotation–vibration terms, ...,
was also deduced using standard perturbation theory and using
the derivatives of our potentials at equilibrium geometries.
Finally, the potentials, the spin–orbit couplings and the
dipole transition moments we were computing, were used later
with the LEVEL and BCONT programs of Le Roy [21,22]to
deduce the radiative lifetimes of the vibrational levels of BeO+
(12+) and their spin–orbit-induced predissociation lifetimes,
and the single ionization spectrum of BeO.
3. Results
Figure 1provides an overview on the evolution of the potential
energy curves of the electronic states of BeO+correlating
to the Be+(2Sg)+O(
3Pg), Be+(2Sg)+O(
1Dg), Be+(2Pu)+
O(3Pg) and Be+(2Sg)+O(
1Sg) dissociation limits along the
internuclear separation, RBeO. These potentials are computed
at the cc-pV5Z/CASSCF/MRCI+Q level of theory and they
are given in energy with respect to the minimum of the ground
state of this cation. Table 1lists the dominant electronic
configurations of the cationic states, which are quoted at
the equilibrium distance for the ground state (i.e. RBeO =
1.43 ˚
A). The equilibrium distances and the adiabatic excitation
energies (=difference between the energy of the minimum of
the ground BeO+state and the corresponding minimum of the
BeO+excited state) are also listed in this table.
3.1. On the nature of the ground electronic state of BeO+
Figure 1shows clearly that the ground state of BeO+is of 2
symmetry, which is mainly described by the 4σ21π3electronic
configuration (see table 1). This electronic state is followed
by the 2+state at 9384 cm1, dominantly described by the
Figure 1. MRCI+Q potential energy curves of the electronic states
of BeO+correlating to the four lowest dissociation limits. The
vertical line corresponds to the middle of the Franck–Condon (FC)
region i.e. the maximum of the BeO (X2,v=0) wavefunction.
Table 1. Dominant electron configuration of the electronic states of
the BeO+ion investigated currently. We are also quoting, for the
bound states, the equilibrium distances (Re,in ˚
A) and the MRCI+Q
adiabatic excitation energies (Ta,incm
State Electron configurationaReTab
X23σ24σ21π31.43 0
12+3σ24σ11π41.35 9384
143σ24σ25σ11π21.85 23 529
123σ24σ25σ11π21.85 25 402
223σ24σ15σ11π31.72 39 655
123σ24σ25σ11π21.77 40 678
22+3σ24σ25σ11π21.85 49 273
243σ24σ21π22π11.69 49 497
323σ24σ15σ11π31.88 50 085
423σ24σ21π22π11.88 55 744
14+3σ24σ11π32π11.85 59 199
143σ24σ11π32π11.85 60 579
243σ24σ11π32π12.12 61 020
223σ24σ11π32π12.12 62 790
223σ24σ11π32π12.12 63 114
32+c 3σ24σ5σ11π4––
aDominant configuration at the equilibrium distance of the ground
bCalculated as the difference between the energy of the minimum of
the ground state and the minimum of the considered electronic state.
cRepulsive state.
4σ11π4electron configuration and then by the 4quartet
state. The quartet is associated with the promotion of a valence
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 41 (2008) 205101 H Ghalila et al
Table 2. MRCI+Q spectroscopic constants of the ground electronic state of BeO and those of the electronic states of BeO+including the
harmonic wavenumber (ωe,incm
1), the anharmonic terms (ωexe,ωeye;incm
1), the rotational constants (Be,αe;incm
1), the dissociation
energies (De, in eV) and spin–orbit constant at equilibrium geometry (ASO,incm
State ωeωexeωeyeBeαeDeASOa
BeO (X1+) 1473.5b10.67 0.08 1.63 0.017 6.4
1487.3c11.83 0.02 1.65 0.019
BeO+(X2) 1242.4 7.65 1.01 1.443 0.017 4.0 117.8
BeO+(2 2) 587.0 0.28 0.49 0.975 0.015 1.0 96.5
BeO+(3 2) 416.2 11.34 0.95 0.740 0.014 1.7 5.4
BeO+(4 2) 385.5 17.26 1.90 0.812 0.019 1.0 34.1
BeO+(1 2+) 1427.9 9.45 0.03 1.622 0.017 4.8
BeO+(2 2+) 475.9 4.65 0.68 0.888 0.021 2.0
BeO+(1 4) 502.4 9.04 0.02 0.900 0.024 1.0
BeO+(2 4) 291.2 42.18 4.55 0.731 0.070 0.3
BeO+(1 2) 495.7 10.95 0.27 0.887 0.024 0.8
BeO+(2 2) 86.4 18.06 4.30 0.147 0.003 0.1
BeO+(2 4) 661.8 7.77 0.02 0.946 0.016 1.7 4.3
BeO+(1 2) 494.8 10.75 0.08 0.893 0.025 0.9 1.2
BeO+(2 2) 261.2 11.82 0.74 0.687 0.039 0.2 52.7
aThe values of ASO are calculated at the equilibrium distance of BeO+
bThis work.
cExp. [7].
dTheor. [9].
electron from the 1πmolecular orbital (MO) into the vacant
5σMO and simultaneous removal of a second electron from
the 1πMO. This ordering for the lowest electronic states is not
the same for all seven electrons isovalent diatomic molecules,
where a change in the symmetry of the ground state is noticed.
For instance, the BeO+electronic states pattern is as for LiO,
NaO, MgO+and LiS [2325]. For AlC, LiP, BC, the ground
electronic state is, however, of 4nature and the doublets
are located well above in energy and separated from each other
[24,26]. The situation is rather more critical when it comes
to the KO, BN+and C2+molecules where the lowest 2+,
the 2and 4states are lying close in energy complicating
rather more the pattern of the corresponding electronic spectra
[2729]. As widely discussed in the literature for the
molecules given above, the dipole and quadrupole interactions
in BeO+, that stabilize the 2state, are probably overwhelming
the Pauli repulsion which is critical for the stabilization of the
2+and the 4states.
3.2. Electronic states of BeO+: potentials, spectroscopy and
spin–orbit integrals
Figure 1shows that the X2and the 12+electronic states
possess deep potential wells of several eV. However, the
lowest 4state has a shallow potential well. Several
avoided crossings are remarkable between the BeO+states
e.g. those between the 2+states for RBeO distance of
4 bohr. Figure 1also shows that the 14,3
and 44are repulsive in nature. The later electronic states
are crossing the cationic-bound electronic states either in the
molecular or at large internuclear distances and therefore,
they are probably participating into their predissociation (see
below). For internal energies >50 000 cm1, a high density
of electronic states is noticeable, favouring rather more their
mutual interactions by spin–orbit and vibronic couplings.
Inter-conversions to the low-lying states are also expected to
Table 2gives a set of spectroscopic constants for BeO+.
This includes the rotational constants (Be,αe), the dissociation
energies (De) evaluated at the equilibrium geometry of the
corresponding electronic states, the harmonic wave numbers
(ωe) and anharmonic terms (ωexe,ωeye), which are deduced
from the derivatives of the potentials at their respective
minima. We are also giving the spectroscopic parameters
for BeO (X1+) computed at the same level of theory. The
main aim of the calculations on the neutral species, for which
accurate theoretical and experimental data are available in the
literature, is to allow judging the accuracy of the spectroscopic
constants of the so-far unknown states of BeO+. For instance,
the equilibrium distance of BeO (X1+) is calculated to
be 1.337 ˚
A, which is in good accord with the experimental
value 1.3309 ˚
Agivenin[7]. The spectroscopic constants of
BeO (X1+) agree with those given in [7]. For example, our
BeO(X1+)ωevalue (of 1473.5 cm1) differs by less than
14 cm1from the experimentally determined ωeharmonic
wave number [7]. Accordingly, we believe that our predictive
data for the BeO+cation should be of similar precision.
The spin–orbit coupling evolutions between the electronic
states of BeO+are depicted in figure 2and specified in
table 3. Close examination of this figure reveals that the
integrals involving the 2,the2+and the 4electronic
states are presenting non-monotonic behaviour: they are
changing drastically for RBeO distances around 3.5–4.5 bohr.
At these internuclear ranges, figure 1shows that the set of
electronic states having the same spin and symmetry nature
are interacting mutually (cf the avoided crossings occurring
at these internuclear separations), resulting in mixings of
their electronic wavefunctions, which are accompanied by
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 41 (2008) 205101 H Ghalila et al
Figure 2. Evolution of the non-vanishing spin–orbit couplings
between the doublets and the quartet states of BeO+versus the
internuclear distance. These terms are specified in table 4.(a)
Diagonal coupling terms; (b) doublet-doublet off-diagonal
couplings; (c) doublet–quartet and quartet–quartet off-diagonal
Table 3. Definition of the spin–orbit matrix elements computed in
this work together with our schematic representation given in
figure 2.
such spin–orbit integral changes. The diagonal spin–orbit
integrals are used for deducing the spin–orbit constants
(ASO) of the corresponding electronic states evaluated at their
corresponding equilibrium geometries and using the formula
given in [30]. These constants are quoted at the right side of
table 2.
4. Discussion
Our potential energy curves together with the spin–orbit and
the transition moment functions are used: (1) for treating the
predissociation of the high-rovibrational levels of BeO+(12+)
as illustration for state-to-state unimolecular decomposition
processes that can occur on BeO+and (2) for deducing the
single ionization spectrum of BeO.
4.1. Predissociation of BeO+(12+)
The first excited state 12+presents a deep potential well
of 4.8 eV and it correlates adiabatically to the second
dissociation limit Be+(2Sg)+O(
1Dg). It is crossed by the
repulsive 14state at internuclear distance around 3.7 bohr
allowing predissociation phenomena to take place leading to
the formation of Be+and O species in their electronic ground
state. Figure 3, which is an enlargement of figure 1in the 0–
50 000 cm1energy domain, gives the potential energy curves
of the X2,1
2+and 14states (in (a)), the spin–orbit
coupling between the 12+and 14(in (b), cf figure 2) and
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 41 (2008) 205101 H Ghalila et al
Figure 3. Enlargement of figure 1showing the potentials of the
2+and 14states (a), the spin–orbit coupling between the
12+and 14(b) and the transition moment between the 12+and
the X2states (c), versus the internuclear distance. In (a), the
horizontal lines correspond to the vibrational levels of the 12+as
deduced variationally. See the text for more details.
the transition moment between the 12+and the X2states
{in (c)}, versus the internuclear distance. These data are used
for deducing the natural lifetime of the rovibrational levels of
the 2+state using Le Roy’s set of programs [21,22].
At the 12+and 14crossing, the 12+|LZSZ|14
integral is evaluated to be 21 cm1, which is high enough to
allow converting the doublet into the quartet. Figure 3(a)
reveals that the predissociation of the 2+rovibrational
levels, via the repulsive 4state is effective for v+
18. It is also worth noticing that the rovibrational levels of
this 2+state can decay via radiative transitions populating
the Xstate. The natural lifetime τnatural is related to the
radiative τradiative and the predissoviative τpredissociative lifetimes
by: 1
τnatural =1
τradiative +1
τpredissociative . Here, τradiative is calculated,
using LeRoy’s LEVEL code [21] and our computed transition
moment integral between the 12+and the X2(cf
figure 3(c)), as the inverse of the sum of the Einstein transition
rates Avv between the v+(12+) vibrational level and all the
v+levels of the X2state (i.e. τradiative =(v Avv)1).
τpredissociative is computed, using the LeRoy’s BCONT code
Table 4. Radiative, predissociative and natural lifetimes of the v+=
+(12+). See the text for more
details. All values are in ns.
v+τradiative τpredissociative τnatural
0 21 747.90 21 747.90
1 9877.72 9877.72
2 5758.68 5758.68
3 3774.39 3774.39
4 2651.00 2651.00
5 1947.98 1947.98
6 1478.82 1478.82
7 1151.33 1151.33
8 913.99 913.99
9 736.52 736.52
10 599.46 599.46
11 488.42 488.42
12 393.84 393.84
13 315.12 315.12
14 255.32 255.32
15 226.67 226.67
16 326.31 326.31
17 190.35 190.35
18 175.04 304.55 111.15
19 163.90 0.01 0.012
20 153.21 0.02 0.017
21 143.64 0.03 0.031
[22], by Fermi Golden rule calculations of the predissociation
rates for the BeO+(12+) vibrational levels v+=18 up to 21.
Table 4lists the radiative, the predissociative and the
natural lifetimes of the vibrational levels of BeO+(12+)0
v+21. For the v+17 levels, only the radiative transitions
contribute to the reduction of their lifetimes, since they are
located below the Be+(2Sg)+O(
3Pg) asymptote. The v+=
18 state is however located slightly above this asymptote so
that both radiative and non-radiative transitions are expected to
contribute. For this level, the radiative and the predissociative
lifetimes are calculated 175 and 304 ns, respectively. They are
of the same order of magnitude and therefore they contribute
to the reduction of τnatural of BeO+(v+=18). The situation is
quite different for the v+>18 states. Indeed, our calculations
show that their natural lifetimes are reduced to the ps scale
mainly due to the rapid spin–orbit-induced predissociation via
the 4electronic state. The non-monotonic evolution of the
predissociative lifetimes is associated with the overlap of the
corresponding wavefunctions of the bound vibrational states
and those of the continuum.
4.2. Single-ionization spectrum of BeO
At the cc-pV5Z/CASSCF/MRCI+Q level of theory, the
adiabatic ionization potential (IP) of beryllium oxide is
computed to be 9.82 eV. Our IP agrees with the mass
spectrometric value of 10.4 ±0.4 eV [31], but it is slightly
higher than the 9.46–9.43 B3LYP and MP2 determinations of
Srnec and Zahradnik [32]. The BeO+(12+) state is located
in the Franck–Condon zone (denoted as FC in figure 1). A
short-vibrational progression is expected for the BeO+(12+)
BeO(X1+)v=0+hνionization transitions,
whereas long-vibrational progressions should be associated
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 41 (2008) 205101 H Ghalila et al
Figure 4. Simulation of the ionization spectrum of the neutral BeO (X1+) at a resolution of 50 cm1. The Franck–Condon factors and
frequencies of transitions between the v=0 vibrational level of the ground electronic state of neutral BeO and calculated electronic states
of BeO+were calculated using LEVEL. Convolution of the output from this program was carried out using a Gaussian function with a
FWHM of 50 cm1to simulate the resolution achieved by current available experiments. Above the simulated spectrum we show the
electronic states that contribute. The inset is a zoom of the right part of the spectrum for more clarity.
with the population of the other electronic states from
In order to provide the ionization intensity distribution for
ionization of BeO (X1+)fromthe(v =0, N ) rovibrational
states to the (v+,N+) levels of BeO+(X2,1
and 22+), we have computed, using our MRCI+Q potential
energy curves and the LEVEL Program, the Franck–Condon
factors for all transitions including rotational levels up to
N=10. A ‘Q-Branch’ approximation (N=0) was adopted.
A simulated photoionization spectrum, where the transitions
are fitted by LEVEL to a Gaussian function, with a full-width
at half-maximum (FWHM) =50 cm1, is shown in figure 4.
As pointed out above, and because of favourable Franck–
Condon overlaps, the spectrum is dominated by the transition
populating the 12+v+=0 level and a long progression
is associated with the ground state of BeO+. For ionization
energies >120 000 cm1, the shape of the spectrum is rather
complicated because of the overlap of several vibrational series
corresponding to the population of the doublet electronic states
located in the top of figure 1. For more clarity we are giving
in the inset of figure 4an enlargement of this spectrum region.
The spectrum of figure 4is predictive in nature and should
be helpful for the identification of the bands associated with
the formation of this cation by photoionization or electron
impact ionization of the neutral molecule. Moreover, the
comparison of our synthetic spectrum, corresponding mainly
to direct ionization mechanism, with the experimental ones
whenever measured should give an insight into the eventual
contributions of indirect processes, such as autoionization.
5. Conclusion
The spectroscopy and the metastability of the lowest electronic
states of the BeO+cation have been investigated using
configuration interaction methods and a large basis set, where
our potential energy curves and our couplings are used in Fermi
Golden rate computations using the Le Roy programs [21,22]
in order to deduce the lifetimes of these rovibrational levels
and to propose plausible spin–orbit-induced predissociation
mechanisms for the short-lived ones. The data deduced
presently are mostly predictive in nature. This theoretical work
should motivate new experimental studies on the beryllium
oxide cation and derivatives.
Professor R J Le Roy is acknowledged for kindly providing us
with the LEVEL and BCONT programs. M H would like to
thank a visiting fellowship at the University of Tunis El Manar
from the Tunisian Ministry of High Education and Research.
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... Several possibilities are known. For instance, the ground states of BO 2+ [65], BeO + [66], MgO + [67], AlO 2+ [32], LiS [68], NaO [69], and NaS [70] are of 2 space symmetry, while those of BN + [71] and KO [72] are of 2 − nature, and LiP − [68], GaO 2+ [73], BC [74], C + 2 [75], and AlC [74] diatomics have a 4 − as their ground state. This is due to the interplay between dipole and quadrupole interactions and Pauli repulsion. ...
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Using ab initio methodologies, we investigate the lowest electronic states of AlS2+ dications. These computations are performed using standard and explicitly correlated methods. Here we predict the metastability of this particular dication, where several potential wells are located. For the bound states, we report equilibrium distances and vibrational and rotational spectroscopic parameters. These computations show that the ground state of AlS2+ is of 2Σ− space symmetry. We also derive vertical and adiabatic charge-stripping energies of AlS+ and vertical and adiabatic double-ionization energies of AlS. A comparison with the isovalent molecular species is carried out. Also, we show that the electronic properties of sulfur-containing dications cannot be predicted from those of the corresponding oxygenated dications.
... In most cases it is a question of balance in the results, in particular when highly correlated methods are too expensive for the system under study and low-level approaches have to be employed. CASSCF/MRCI, 123,124 is an example of these procedures, although CASSCF/CASPT2 is the most usual combination. ...
Recent advances in theoretical photophysics and photochemistry derive from the improved capabilities of ab initio quantum-chemical methods to deal with different types of excited states phenomena in molecules of increasing size and complexity. Whereas the widespread use of time-dependent density functional (TD-DFT) based techniques for the excited state have extended the study of absorption and emission processes to large molecular systems and coupled-cluster (CC) methods have increased the accuracy of spectroscopic studies in medium-size compounds, multiconfigurational ab initio approaches such as CASPT2 and MRCI are now able to cope accurately with all types of photochemical processes in medium to relatively large systems, including nonadiabatic processes involving conical intersections, i.e., energy degeneracies, between potential energy hypersurfaces (PEHs), which are out of reach for the other single reference approaches. The coupling of accurate electronic structure calculations based on PEHs with reaction dynamic procedures is starting to make available the theoretical determination of both static and dynamic, time-dependent and statistical, photoinduced properties in systems of different type and complexity. Examples of the studied processes and the most commonly used approaches are given below.
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We report here an R-matrix study of electron collision with the BeO + molecular ion in its 1 X 2 Π ground state and at a single bond length, namely its equilibrium R e = 2.7023 a 0. Firstly, a good 2 quality configuration interaction calculation is performed for the BeO + ground and excited states. 3 We then performed scattering calculations using the R-matrix method to yield the cross section for 4 electronic excitation to several of its excited states. Electron impact dissociation of BeO + through 5 the two lowest dissociation channels, namely the Be + (2 S g) + O(3 P g) and Be + (2 S g) + O(1 D g) dis-6 sociation channels, is estimated using the electronic excitation cross sections. Rotational excitation 7 cross sections are provided for the j(= 0) → j ′ (= 1, 2, 3) rotational transitions. Our calculations 8 also yield e + BeO + neutral Feshbach resonances and their widths which we present systematically 9 categorized by their symmetry and quantum defects, and BeO bound Rydberg states at the BeO + 10 equilibrium. The full potential energy curves for the resonant states, their widths and the bound 11 Rydberg states, whose details we propose to give in a subsequent work, can be the starting point of 12 other collision calculations. 13
The lifetime of Ba+ ions confined in a Paul trap is found, under typical conditions, to be limited by chemical reactions with residual background gas. An integrated ion-trap and time-of-flight mass spectrometer are used to analyze the reactions of the trapped Ba+ ions with three common gases in an ultrahigh vacuum system (H2, CO2, and H2O). It is found that the products of these reactions can all be photodissociated by a single ultraviolet laser at 225 nm, thereby allowing the recovery of the Ba+ ions and leading to an increase of the effective trap lifetime. For a Coulomb crystal, the lifetime increased from roughly 6 h to 2 days at room temperature. It is suggested that higher enhancement factors are possible in systems with stronger traps. In addition, photodissociation wavelengths for other common trapped-ion systems are provided.
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The lifetime of Ba$^+$ ions confined in a Paul trap is found, under typical conditions, to be limited by chemical reactions with residual background gas. An integrated ion trap and time-of-flight mass spectrometer are used to analyze the reactions of the trapped Ba$^+$ ions with three common gases in an ultrahigh vacuum system (H$_2$, CO$_2$ and H$_2$O). It is found that the products of these reactions can all be photodissociated by a single ultraviolet laser at 225~nm, thereby allowing the recovery of the Ba$^+$ ions and leading to an increase of the effective trap lifetime. For a Coulomb crystal, the lifetime increased from roughly 6~hours to 2~days at room temperature. It is suggested that higher enhancement factors are possible in systems with stronger traps. In addition, photodissociation wavelengths for other common trapped ion systems are provided.
The potential energy curves of ⁷Li¹⁶O molecule for energies below 50,000 cm⁻¹ have been investigated. All doublet and quartet electronic states considered here are studied at the CASSCF/icMRCI(Q) level of theory associated with the aug-cc-pV5Z basis set. Within this range of energies, analytical representations are proposed. To evaluate the accuracy of these functional forms, a novel set of spectroscopic parameters have been derived. Transition probability parameters as the Franck-Condon factors and Einstein A coefficients of certain vibronic emissions from the A2Σ+-X2Π,22Π-X2Π, and 22Π-A2Σ+ band systems are reported. It was found that rotationless radiative lifetimes of the order of milliseconds are determined for A-X and C-X bands. Overall, our results transition probabilities suggest that these vibronic emissions are weak and, therefore, difficult to measure in spectroscopy experiments. Additionally, we obtained an adiabatic ionization energy value of 68,002 cm⁻¹.
Dipole-phonon quantum logic (DPQL) leverages the interaction between polar molecular ions and the motional modes of a trapped-ion Coulomb crystal to provide a potentially scalable route to quantum information science. Here, we study a class of candidate molecular ions for DPQL, the cationic alkaline-earth monoxides and monosulfides, which possess suitable structure for DPQL and can be produced in existing atomic ion experiments with little additional complexity. We present calculations of DPQL operations for one of these molecules, CaO+, and discuss progress towards experimental realization. We also further develop the theory of DPQL to include state preparation and measurement and entanglement of multiple molecular ions.
This chapter gives information about the potential energy curve of the BeO+ cation.
Although many transition metal complexes are known to have high multi-reference character, the multireference character of main-group closed-shell singlet diatomic molecules like BeF, CaO, and MgO is less studied. However, many group 1 and group-2 diatomic molecules do have multi-reference character, and they provide informative systems for studying multi-reference character because they are simpler than transition metal compounds. The goal of the present work is to understand these multi-reference systems better so that ultimately we can apply what we learn to more complicated multi-reference systems and to the design of new exchange-correlation functionals for treating multi-reference systems more adequately. Fourteen main group diatomic molecules and one triatomic molecule (including radicals, cations, and anions, as well as neutral closed-shell species) have been studied for this article. Eight of these molecules contain a group-1 element, and six contain a group-2 element. Seven of these molecules are multi-reference systems, and eight of them are single-reference systems. Fifty-one exchange-correlation functionals of 11 types [local spin-density approximation (LSDA), generalized gradient approximation (GGA), nonseparable gradient approximation (NGA), global-hybrid GGA, meta-GGA, meta-NGA, global-hybrid meta GGA, range-separated hybrid GGA, range-separated hybrid meta-GGA, range-separated hybrid meta-NGA, and DFT augmented with molecular mechanics damped dispersion (DFT-D)] and the Hartree Fock method have been applied to calculate the bond distance, dissociation energy (BDE), and dipole moment of these molecules. All the calculations are converged to a stable solution by breaking the symmetry of the system. A reliable functional should not only predict an accurate BDE, but also predict accurate components of the BDE, so each bond dissociation energy has been decomposed into ionization potential (IP) of the electropositive element, electron affinity of the electronegative bonding partner (EA), atomic excitation energy (EE) to prepare the valence states of the interacting partners, and interaction energy (IE) of the valence-prepared states. Adding Hartree-Fock exchange helps getting better results for atomic excitation energy, and this to improvements in getting the right answer for the right reason. The following functionals are singled out for reasonably good performance on all three of bond distance, BDE, and dipole moment: B97-1, B97-3, MPW1B95, M05, M06, M06-2X, M08-SO, N12-SX, O3LYP, TPSS, and τ HCTHhyb; all but one (TPSS) of these functionals is a hybrid functional.
Using the recently developed explicitly correlated coupled cluster method in connection with the aug-cc-pVTZ basis set, we generated the three-dimensional potential energy surface (3D-PES) of the ground state of the Ar-BeO complex. This PES covers the regions of the global and local minima, the saddle point, and the dissociation of the complex. The PES is also used for the calculation of the rovibrational spectrum up to the dissociation limit. The high density of levels which is observed favors the mixing of the states and hence the occurrence of anharmonic resonances. The wavefunctions of the high rovibrational levels exhibit large amplitude motions in addition to strong anharmonic resonances. Our theoretical spectrum should be helpful in identifying the van der Waals modes of this complex in laboratory.
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Abinitio calculations are used to provide bond lengths, harmonic frequencies, and dissociation energies of low-lying electronic states for LiX, LiX+, and LiX− (with X=Li through F and Na through Cl). Most of these species represent hitherto experimentally unknown molecules or ions, which provides the focus of the work presented here. All of these species are stable to dissociation and the anions are stable to loss of an electron. Differences among the electronic structures of the valence isoelectronic LiX; and HX, LiX+, and HX+; and LiX− and HX− species are analyzed. Optimized geometries, dissociation energies, ionization potentials, and electron affinities were calculated for the following ground states of the respective species: 1Σ+ for Li2(1Σ+g) LiNa, LiBe+, LiBe−, LiMg+, LiMg−, LiF, LiAl, LiS−, and LiCl; 2Σ+ for Li+2(2Σ+g), Li−2(2Σ+u) LiBe, LiB+, LiF−, LiNa+, LiNa−, LiMg, LiAl+, and LiCl−; 2&Pgr;r for LiB−, LiAl−; 2&Pgr;i for LiO, LiF+, LiS, and LiCl+; 3&Pgr;r for LiB, LiC+, and LiSi+; 3Σ− for LiN, LiO+, LiSi−, LiP, and LiS+; 4Σ− for LiC, LiN+, LiN−, LiSi, LiP+, and LiP−; and 5Σ− for LiC−.
Continuing our study on the electronic structure of the carbides BC and AlC ( Tzeli, D.; Mavridis, A. J. Phys. Chem. A 2001, 105, 1175), we have investigated the electronic structure of 29 and 30 excited states of the BC and AlC molecules, respectively, by ab initio quantum mechanical multireference methods and quantitative basis sets. For both diatomic species we report complete potential energy curves, total energies, interatomic distances, dissociation energies, dipole moments, Mulliken charges, energy gaps, and usual spectroscopic constants. Our results are, in general, in good to very good agreement with the existing experimental values.
The 1Σ+, 3Σ+, 1Π, and 3Π states of the negative ions and the 2Π and 2Σ+ states of the neutral alkali oxides are studied at high levels of theory. The calculations show that ground state of the negative ions changes from 3Π for LiO− to 1Σ+ for KO−. Although the calculations give a 3Π ground state for NaO−, we cannot rule out the possibility that the very low‐lying 1Σ+ state is the true ground state. The Franck–Condon factors for photodetachment of an electron from the 1Σ+ and/or 3Π states of the negative ion are presented to help interpret photodetachment experiments. Our best results for the A 2Σ+–X 2Π separations in LiO and NaO are 2496 and 2061 cm−1, which are in excellent agreement with that deduced (2516 and 2018 cm−1) from experiment.
Mass spectrometric Knudsen effusion experiments have provided evidence for the existence of the suboxide species Be2O(g) in the equilibrium vapor above crystalline beryllium oxide at temperatures around 2300°K. Be2O+ ions appear to be formed both by simple ionization of Be2O(g) and by fragmentation of a larger molecule. The relative importance of the two processes has been shown to be temperature dependent. An average value of —8±10 kcal/mole was obtained for ΔHf°298[Be2O(g)] from third-law calculations for three equilibria. Mass spectral data are given for the equilibrium vapor above beryllium oxide at 2380°K in the presence of tungsten.
Highly correlated ab initio methods were used in order to generate the potential energy functions (PEFs) of the bound electronic states of the SN- anion and the long-range parts of the PEFs of its excited states and their mutual spin orbit couplings. The SN (X2Pi and a4Pi) potential energy curves are also computed. In addition to the two bound electronic states of SN- (i.e. X3Sigma- and 1Delta) already known, our calculations show that the 3Delta state is lying energetically below its quartet parent neutral state (a4Pi). The depletion of the J = 3 component of SN-(3Delta) will mainly occur via weak interactions with the electron continuum wave. At large internuclear distances, SN-(5Pi) state is predicted to possess a shallow polarization minimum supporting long-lived SN- ions. Finally, the reaction between S-(2Pu) and N(4Su) involves the electronic states of SN- and their mutual couplings, in competition with the autodetachment processes.
Reliable theoretical data on spectroscopy and spin–orbit matrix elements are computed for the lowest electronic states of SH+ and LiS+ ions. Accurate spectroscopic predictions for their excited electronic states are given. For SH+, polarization minima at large internuclear distances are located in addition to the strongly bound electronic states already known. For LiS+, our calculations confirm that the electronic ground state of this ion is of 3Σ− species and reveal the existence of a 1Δ state presenting a potential well as deep as the potential of the ground state. Moreover, the LiS+ electronic excited states potential energy curves possess shallow potential minima in the molecular region and at long-internuclear distances. Generally, these shallow minima may be populated during low energy collisions between the corresponding atomic fragments. Finally, spin–orbit calculations have allowed giving accurate determinations of the spin–orbit splittings for these cations and elucidation of the predissociation mechanisms of SH+ leading to the formation of the S+ and H species in their electronic ground states. Accordingly, long-lived SH+ ions can be found in the X3Σ−, a1Δ and b1Σ+ electronic states and the rovibrational levels of LiS+ in its electronically excited and ground states should be weakly perturbed.
RCCSD(T) calculations are performed using basis sets of quadruple- and quintuple-ζ quality. Potential energy curves are calculated for the lowest two neutral states of LiO (X2Π and A2Σ+), as well as the lowest two triplet states of LiO+ (X3Σ− and A3Π). From these curves spectroscopic parameters are calculated, including anharmonic vibrational frequencies and rotational constants. For the X2Π state, excellent agreement with microwave and infrared values is obtained. The 2Σ+–2Π separation is calculated to be 2419cm−1, and the first adiabatic ionization energy (AIE) corresponding to the process X3Σ−←X2Π is calculated to be 8.55±0.05eV.
Chemiluminescence from a beam of Group IIa metals traversing a scattering chamber filled with NO2 or N2O gas has been studied as a function of wavelength and pressure. The Ba+NO2 and the Ba, Sr, and Ca+N2O chemiluminescent reactions are first order in both reactants while Ca+NO2 and Sr+NO2 are quadratic in the NO2 pressure. Cross sections for beam attenuation are about 90–170 Å2 for reactions with NO2 (consistent with an electron‐jump model), while those for N2O are 15–30 Å2. For the Ba+NO2 reaction, the chemiluminescence has been assigned to the BaO A 1Σ−X 1Σ band system. From the resolved rotational structure it is concluded that with higher v′ excitation, the J′ distribution is characterized by a lower rotational temperature. A lower bound of 131.5 kcal∕mole is placed on D0°(BaO). For certain reactions the chemiluminescence is weakly polarized. A model involving the partitioning of angular momentum between the rotation and recoil angular momenta of the products is proposed to account for the degree of polarization of the chemiluminescence.
Coupled‐cluster methods including effects of triple excitations have been used with large basis sets to study several electronic states of C2, C−2, and C+2. re, ωe, De, and Te have been computed for each state considered. For those states for which experimental data are available, the errors are typically less than 0.002 Å, 20 cm−1, and 0.1 eV for re, ωe, and De, respectively. These errors are comparable with the best previous results on C2 and significantly smaller than those for previous calculations on C−2 and C+2. For Te the results are also satisfactory and comparable with previous work, but some difficulties arise when one or both of the states have considerable multireference character. For two states of C+2 not experimentally characterized, the present data should be sufficiently accurate to be of some assistance to experimental studies.