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Cyanide dynamics in catchment areas affected by artisanal gold mining in Burkina Faso


Abstract and Figures

Free cyanide (FCN), a carcinogenic product, is a chemical compound that is widely used without any control in artisanal small-scale gold mining (ASGM) for gold processing. Cyanide-containing leachate is released into the environment without any treatment. The dynamics of released FCN in water and soil in two ASGM-affected catchments were primarily investigated during the dry and wet seasons. Secondly, Cyanide Degrading-Bacteria (CDB) collected from the same areas were tested under various environmental conditions in liquid medium to evaluate their efficiency to biodegrade FCN. Once cyanide is released into the environment, it was transported by water run-off and infiltration and created diffuse soil and water pollution that covers almost the entire catchment areas. Highest FCN values are detected in the cyanidation areas and in the catchments outlets during the dry and wet season respectively. FCN dynamics was controlled by climate conditions, land cover and soil characteristics and composition. Besides, CDB could support wide ranges of pH value and nutrients types to degrade FCN with a highest efficiency rate 99 % during 24 hours. These potentialities make them to easily adapt into the environment for controlling the FCN diffusion. The use of CDB could be a good option for the remediation of sites contaminated with cyanide.
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ASM Conference 2018
Johannesburg, 10–11 September 2018
The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
Cyanide dynamics in catchment areas affected by artisanal
gold mining in Burkina Faso
L.C. Razanamahandry1,2,3, H.A. Andrianisa1, H. Karoui1, H. Yacouba1, E. Manikandan2,3,4
and M. Maaza2,3
1International Institute for Water and Environmental Engineering, Burkina Faso
2University of South Africa (UNISA)
3Nanosciences African network (NANOAFNET), South Africa
4Thiruvalluvar University, India
Free cyanide (FCN), a carcinogenic product, is a chemical compound that is widely used
without any control in artisanal small-scale gold mining (ASGM) for gold processing.
Cyanide-containing leachate is released into the environment without any treatment. The
dynamics of released FCN in water and soil in two ASGM-affected catchments were
primarily investigated during the dry and wet seasons. Secondly, Cyanide Degrading-
Bacteria (CDB) collected from the same areas were tested under various environmental
conditions in liquid medium to evaluate their efficiency to biodegrade FCN. Once cyanide
is released into the environment, it was transported by water run-off and infiltration and
created diffuse soil and water pollution that covers almost the entire catchment areas.
Highest FCN values are detected in the cyanidation areas and in the catchments outlets
during the dry and wet season respectively. FCN dynamics was controlled by climate
conditions, land cover and soil characteristics and composition. Besides, CDB could
support wide ranges of pH value and nutrients types to degrade FCN with a highest
efficiency rate 99 % during 24 hours. These potentialities make them to easily adapt into
the environment for controlling the FCN diffusion. The use of CDB could be a good option
for the remediation of sites contaminated with cyanide.
Keywords: Soil and water contamination, cyanide mobility, decontamination, Burkina
The use of cyanide in artisanal small-scale gold mining (ASGM) is widespread in West-Africa,
particularly in Burkina Faso (Luning, 2006). The cyanidation process is an efficient and inexpensive
method used to recover residual gold in the ore after amalgamation ; the residual complex product
containing cyanide is often leached into the environment without any treatment (Velásquez-lópez et.
al., 2011), and liberate free cyanide (FCN) ions that are highly toxic to most living organisms (Hijosa-
Valsero et al., 2013; Luque-Almagro et. al., 2016).
FCN released into the environment can diffuse throughout the catchment areas depending on the
environmental conditions (Razanamahandry et. al., 2018).
Cyanides are present in water, essentially in the form of HCN (Razanamahandry et. al., 2017). They can
also be in the form of cyanide salts, KCN, NaCN, CaCN or in the form of metallo-cyanide complexes of
variable stability(Dzombak et. al., 2015). Free cyanides are in equilibrium with pH and temperature
(Brignon, 2011). At pH <8, the free cyanide HCN form is found at more than 93%(Brignon, 2011). The
complex alkaline metallo-cyanide forms are very soluble in water and their dissociation is very fast
(Dzombak et al., 2015). The work conducted by (Guimaraes et al., 2011), on the mobility of cyanide in
the dry season and the wet season in the Equator region show that cyanide levels in surface water vary
very little at these two seasons of the year. Indeed, these studies reveal that when the dilution of the
mining effluents is reduced and the activities are intense in the dry season, the cyanide concentration of
surface water downstream of the Puyango river remains high up to 280μgL-1 then in the wet season, the
strong turbulence of the water is not sufficient enough to oxidize all the free water cyanide that reaches
48μgL-1 downstream and that it can spread further than 100 km.
Soil characteristics and compositions were demonstrated as among the factors that control the pollutant
dynamics (Razanamahandry et. al., 2018). The mobility of cyanide compounds in soil depends on the
stability and dissociation characteristics of the compound, soil type, soil permeability, soil chemistry,
and the presence of aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms (Fuller, 1984; Razanamahandry, 2018).A
study of the mobility of complex iron cyanide in soil layers of humus-rich soils under varying pH and
redox potential conditions, conducted by Razanamahandry et. al.( 2017) ; Rennert and Mansfeldt (2009),
showed that organic matter plays a very important role in the fate of iron cyanide in the soil. Organic
matter promotes the sorption of complex cyanides, especially in fluvisols. The destruction of organic
matter reduces the sorption by 99% (Mansfeldt and Biernath, 2001).
Several methods were reported for the efficient removal of FCN , including physical and chemical
methods (Botz et. al., 2015; Mekuto, 2018). Biological methods are highly appreciated due to its
passive and environmental eco-friendly treatment (Baxter and Cummings, 2006; Botz et al., 2005;
Chaptawala et. al., 1998). Micro-organisms have shown their efficiency to remove FCN under various
environmental conditions such as pH value, temperature and nutrients types (Kumar et. al., 2013). The
removal efficiency rates depend solely on these environmental conditions (Kumar et. al., 2013).
Mirizadeh et. al. (2014) have reported a FCN removal rate of 85 % by using glucose as nutrient with an
initial FCN concentration of 200 mg L-1. A FCN removal rate of 99 % was obtained by the following
micro-organisms: Pseudomonas Fluorescens, Serretia marcescens RL2b and Burkholderia cepacia under acidic,
neutral and basic conditions respectively (Adjei and Ohta, 2000; Dursun et. al., 1999; Kumar et. al., 2013).
There are several bacteria that are capable of growing in a medium containing only cyanide that is used
as both carbon and nitrogen source. But others such as Pseudomonas fluorescens P70 and Burkholderia
cepacia strain C3 cannot grow in a medium containing only cyanide as a nutrient. In these cases, it is
necessary to add an external source of carbon such as glucose (Dursun e.t al., 1999), arabinose, fructose,
galactose, mannose and xylose. It seems that hexose (fructose and glucose) promotes the use of cyanide,
with pentose (arabinose and xylose) and there is a slight degradation of cyanide by B. Cepacia (Adjei &
Ohta, 2000).
In the present study, we investigated how FCN behave once released into the environment in order to
know if illegal cyanidation could affect soil and water quality at catchment level. Then, we have
conducted laboratory tests to check if by using locally available bacterial species, it was possible to
degrade released FCN efficiently, under various environmental conditions. The study was focused on
free cyanide (FCN) because it is the most toxic form of cyanide (Botz et al., 2015).
Sites studies
Figure 1 shows the two ASGM sites in Burkina Faso that were selected based on their different climate
conditions: Sahelian or arid climate for the Zougnazagmiline site in the North and Soudanese or humid
climate for the Galgouli site in the South.
The Galgouli site is located at longitude -3,479 ° and latitude 10,021 ° near the Ivory Coast border. It is
located in the department of Kampti around 450 km far from Ouagadougou in the province of Poni,
and in the south-western region of Burkina Faso.
The Zougnazagmiline site is geographically located at the longitude of 0.717 ° and at latitude 13.633 °.
It is located in the department of Bouroum which is about 250 km from Ouagadougou. It is in the
province of Namentenga in the North Central region of Burkina Faso.
Figure 1. Study areas locations
Data collection
Soil and water samples were collected during the dry season and the wet season in 2015. Soil sampling
was done by core sampling at each horizon from 20 cm to 1 m deep. The top layer of soil was chosen
because it is an area that comes in direct contact with cyanide. Sampling was done by coring using a
hand auger. The auger is graduated with a step of 10 cm up to 100 cm and half is hollow. It is driven
into the ground using manual force exerted on a hammer.
The soil enters the hollow part during the hammering moment. As the auger enters the soil, a rotational
movement is applied to ensure that it is does not get blocked in the ground. The maximum depth
reached by the auger is noted before removing it .
This depth defines the number of samples available at each sampling point. In the absence of obstacles,
five (05) samples (0cm -20 cm horizon, 20 cm-40 cm, 40 cm-60 cm, 60 cm-80 cm and 80 cm-100 cm) should
be obtained at each sampling point. The availability of the 05 samples is not always obvious at all
sampling points. The presence of obstacles in a rocky area, reduces this number. The deepest horizon is
at the end of the auger. The samples were packed in a plastic bag bearing the number of the sampling
point. These are black plastic bags that have been used for all samples to avoid photo degradation of
cyanide against solar light (Kjeldsen, 1999).
In total, about a hundred samples spread over some thirty points were collected at each study site per
season. These samples were stored in a cooler at 4 °C to maintain their physicochemical properties.
Water samples were taken from labelled 500 ml borosilicate glass vials previously oven sterilized at
160 °C for 15 minutes. The number of samples varied according to the season. Groundwater (13 samples
at Zougnazagmiline and 4 at Galgouli), surface water and water in an abandoned cyanidation basin
(7 samples at Zougnazagmiline and 24 at Galgouli) were collected. Physico-chemical parameters such
as pH, redox potential, electrical conductivity and temperature were directly measured in the field to
ensure the reliability of the data obtained. The pH meter (WTW 3310, Germany) was used to measure
both pH and redox potential. Electrical conductivity and temperature were measured using a
conductivity meter (WTW 3308, Germany). After analysing these parameters, a few NaOH pellets were
added to each sample to prevent volatilization of the HCN, according to standard method SM-4500-
CN-F (American Public Health Association, 1998). During the dry season, often only about ten samples
become available, mainly from drilling; on the other hand, during the wet season, about twenty samples
were taken. Then the samples were stored at 4 °C in coolers to keep the microbial flora intact. The
analysis of these samples was carried out 48 hours after the day of sampling.
Biodegradation tests
CDB origin
Indigenous CDB was isolated from the contaminated soil and water samples in the mining catchment
areas. CDB Isolation procedure have been reported in Razanamahandry et. al.(2016).
pH influence on the FCN biodegradation
Four liquid media of 250 ml, and containing FCN concentrations of 60 mg / l were prepared in
Erlenmeyer flasks. Then, a 1ml solution containing CDB, whose initial bacterial density is known, was
added to each flask. The pH of each solution was adjusted to 5, 7, 9.5 and 10.5, respectively. The
concentration of 60 mg/l was chosen according to the biodegradation test results in Razanamahandry 2016). It is the concentration which had the greatest efficiency for cyanide degradation. These
media were stirred with a magnetic stirrer at 200 rpm; the tests were conducted at room temperature
in a ventilated hood.
The pH adjustment was made by adding a few drops of 10 N hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide
with a Pasteur pipette according to whether we wanted to either lower or raise the pH value.
Nutrient influence on the FCN biodegradation
This test aims to determine the influence of the presence of nutrients in the environment on the
effectiveness of biodegradation and possibly identify the type of nutrient that allows the best
degradation of cyanide. Bacteria degrade cyanide as a source of carbon and nitrogen. Two categories of
nutrients were chosen, namely carbon sources and nitrogen sources, in order to discover whether the
bacteria were heterotrophs, bacteria capable of oxidizing all compounds containing the carbon atom or
lithotrophs, bacteria capable of oxidizing only inorganic compounds.
For the carbon sources glucose, sucrose and glycerol were chosen and for the nitrogen sources meat
extract, yeast extract, ammonium sulphate and peptone were used.
Nutrients were selected based on the Kumar (2013) studies of cyanide degradation using Serretia
marcescens RL2b as bacteria source and many others investigating the effect of one or more of these
nutrients (Mirizadeh et. al., 2014). Our choice was justified by the fact that some of these nutrients can
be identified at the site by their chemical composition. For example, peptones come from the enzymatic
digestion of meat, fructose, sucrose; and glucose can be found in foods such as fruits and sugars, hence
the possibility of their presence at the site.
Seven liquid medias were prepared, being cyanide solutions of a concentration of C = 60 mg l-1 and a
volume of V = 250 ml, all contained in Erlenmeyer flasks. The same quantity of 1 ml of solution of CDB,
of which the initial bacterial density was known, was added to the seven backgrounds. To each of the
media, the nutrients mentioned above were added individually at a concentration of 20 mg l-1. These
media were stirred with a magnetic stirrer at 200 rpm and the test conducted under a ventilated hood.
During this experiment, monitoring of cyanide degradation is performed by sampling each sample for
free cyanide assay every hour for 24 hours, as well as for .ammonium assay and bacterial growth. The
pH of all the media was monitored throughout the duration of the experiment.
Analytical methods
FCN concentrations, bacterial growth and ammonium concentration were respectively measured
according to the pyridine pyrazolone method, the optical density measurement and the Nessler reagent
application (Razanamahandry, 2016b).
A vertical profile of the FCN concentrations, depending on soil depth, from the top layer to a depth of
100 cm was plotted using ORIGIN software.
Figure 2 shows the concentrations of FCN in water samples collected from the two catchment areas
during the dry season (DS) and during the wet season (WS). The highest concentrations of FCN was
found around the cyanidation areas and the catchment outlets at both sites. In Galgouli, lower
concentrations of FCN were generally found in the WS as mining activities t only take place during the
DS, and water dilution has to be considered during the WS. In Zougnazagmiline, however, higher
concentration of FCN was found at the catchment outlet in the WS because in this area, the riverbeds
are completely dry during the DS. Therefore, there was no FCN transport in the DS. FCN accumulated
in the cyanidation zones and was transported only in the WS.
Figure 2. FCN in water samples at (a) Galgouli and (b) Zougnazagmiline in dry (DS) and wet (WS) seasons.
FCN evolution by profile at each layer from a 20 cm soil depth to a depth of 1 m was studied at each
site. The results of these studies are shown in Figure 3.
The general trend shows a high concentration of FCN at the soil surface at both sites. The concentration
of FCN is high at the level of the layers from 0 cm to 40 cm. However, it tends to decrease from 40 cm
to a depth of 100 cm. The same trend is observed for both seasons of study. Nevertheless, the FCN
concentration from 80 cm to a depth of 100 cm is higher during the WS compared to the DS at two sites,
except at Galgouli in 2016 where FCN values for both seasons were similar.
Figure 3. FCN vertical distribution in soil at (A) Galgouli and (B) Zougnazagmiline site during the dry (left)
and wet (right) seasons for different soil layer depths [0-20 cm]; [20-40 cm]; [40-60 com]; [60-80 cm] and [80-
100 cm].
FCN infiltration is greater in Zougnazagmiline than in Galgouli at the soil layer 80 cm -100 cm.
Theoretically, plant cover promotes soil infiltration capacity (FAO,1996). Vegetation is more abundantly
at the Galgouli site than at the Zougnazagmiline site. Therefore, FCN concentrations on soil layer 60 cm
to 1 m depth would be higher in Galgouli than in Zougnazagmiline. However, results show the inverse
during the WS at the two sites. Several reasons such as microbial activities, vegetation type and soil
characteristics and compositions have been suggested by way of explaining these results.
Specific micro-organism degrade FCN during the infiltration process by using it as a source of nitrogen
and carbon to produce less toxic products such as ammonium and carbon dioxide (Alesii, 1976; Kumar, 2013) Some vegetation could also be able to bioaccumulate the FCN (Akinbile and Yusoff, 2012).
Finally, soil compositions as the presence of iron could be influenced the FCN mobility (Dzombak et.
al., 2015).
pH effect on FCN biodegradation
The acidity or alkalinity of the biodegradation medium may affect the physiological and biochemical
characteristics of the purifying microorganisms (Kumar, 2013) and as a result may affect the
biodegradation of cyanide. Because of this, it is important to study biodegradation under different
conditions (acidity, alkalinity, neutrality).
Figure 4 shows cyanide degradation rates for different pH values: 5; 7; 9.5; 10.5 at different times, the
CNL biodegradation curves and NH4 + production associated with these pH tests.
Figure 1. FCN removal rate efficiency (A) and bacterial growth (B) under various pH; [CN-] initial=60 mg L-1;
without nutrients.
Figure 4 (A) shows the biodegradation of cyanide which is effective for all pH values studied with a
minimum degradation rate of 99.2%. Because several species of bacteria were isolated, each species with
its own physiological and biochemical characteristics, one could hypothesize that for a given pH value
we have at least one species that could develop. This would explain why biodegradation of cyanide is
effective for all pH values. A pH value of 9.5 is the optimum pH, followed by pH = 7, pH = 5 and pH
10.5. The degradation rate increases with pH up to a value of 10.5. These results could be explained by
the difficulty bacteria have to resist very basic environments.
In Figure 4 (B), the decreasing curves represent the evolution of the cyanide concentration for the
different pH values while the increasing curves are representative of the evolution of the bacterial
population. Two phases were observed during the bacteria growth: the lag phase and the exponential
phase. The latency time of a bacterium is the time it takes to get acclimated to its new environment,
especially resources, and to use these resources optimally (Mekuto, 2013). During the exponential
phase, microorganisms grow and divide at maximum speed because they are accustomed to the
medium and have secreted the enzymes necessary to use the available cyanide (Prescott et. al., 2002).
The increase in the bacterial population at the same time as the decrease in cyanide, proves that bacteria
consume cyanide as a source of nutrients (Potivichay, anon and Kitleartpornpairoat, 2010).
Nutrients effect on the FCN biodegradation
Figure 5 shows the cyanide removal rates, associated with bacterial population growth when different
carbon and nitrogen source were used, and with different . Although all the nutrients studied allow a
good biodegradation of cyanide as shown in Figure 5.
 
Figure 5. FCN removal rate efficiency under various nutrients: (A) Carbon source and (B) Nitrogen source;
pH=9,5; [CN-] initial =60 mg L-1 and CDB growth: (C) under carbon source and (D) under nitrogen source.
Regardless of the type of nutrient used, the minimum removal rate was 94.21%. These results are similar
to those obtained by Kumar (2013).
Glucose makes it possible to have the highest yield of cyanide degradation with a 100% removal rate. It
is therefore the optimal nutrient followed by ammonium sulphate with 99.8%, while yeast extract has
the lowest yield at 94.21%.
Similarly, in several studies on the biodegradation of cyanide, glucose has been shown to be an optimal
external carbon source. This is the case also in studies by (Mirizadeh et. al., 2014) on the biodegradation
of cyanide under basic conditions. The study found a cyanide reduction rate of 85% with glucose for
an initial cyanide concentration of 200 mg /l. (Dursun, 1999) have also shown that glucose
promotes the degradation of cyanide by bacteria.
Moreover, it is found that among all the nutrients used, it is the ammonium sulphate which makes it
possible to obtain the strongest bacterial growth. This is because bacteria are found among the different
families used, and which prefer ammonium. The ammonium sulphate (NH4 2SO4) dissociates in water
in the form of ammonium ion NH
4 + and sulphate ion SO42- so the bacteria start by consuming this
ammonium which makes them grow before consuming cyanide. Simultaneously the other families of
bacteria attack cyanide directly, also making them grow ; while the ammonium resulting from the
degradation of the cyanide will also be consumed by t bacteria that prefers it.
 
The large number of bacteria that results justifies the high rate of cyanide degradation of 99.8% in the
presence of ammonium sulphate.
Kumar (2013) also obtained a 100% cyanide degradation fort with ammonium sulphate. Glycerol
and sucrose also obtain a strong reduction of cyanide, in the order of 98%, which is consistent with the
results obtained by Kumar (2013).
According to their composition sheets, the peptone contains 14% to 15% of total nitrogen, the yeast
extract 10% to 11.8% and the meat extract 11.5% to 12.5%. Their nitrogen contents are close, which could
explain the fact that we achieved similar rates of degradation by using them as nitrogen sources for the
biodegradation of cyanide. These results agree with those of Kumar et. al. (2013) who found almost the
same rate of degradations for peptone, yeast extract and meat extract at the end of their experiment.
Logically, therefore, ammonium sulphate allows a better abatement of cyanide than the last mentioned
nutrients because it contains a percentage of total nitrogen of 21%, which is superior to theirs.
FCN into the mining catchment areas of Galgouli and Zougnazagmiline sites was very mobile during
the two different seasons. During the DS when gold mining reaches its optimal phase, FCN was detected
mostly at the cyanidation areas. FCN was transported by run-off and rainwater infiltration to the
catchment outlet during the WS. FCN dynamics into these sites studies were closely controlled by
climate conditions, the soil characteristics and compositions and the ground cover. Indigenous CDB
isolated could efficiently degrade up to 99% of FCN under a wide range of the pH from acidic to basic
conditions. Glucose and ammonium sulphate produce the greatest degradations of cyanide (100% and
99.8%) among the nutrients, but all nutrients used did not inhibit FCN degradation. Future work should
focus on the analysis of the physico-chemical properties and microbial compositions of the soil. The
results of such a study will be a significant asset in the study of cyanide dynamics when there are
cyanide-mineral or cyanide-clay interactions in the soil.
This work was supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation [Grant No
81016359/1]. The authors acknowledge the funding agency and also thank the laboratory technicians
who provided full assistance with laboratory analyses.
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Dr Harinaivo Anderson Andrianisa
Head of Water and Sanitary Engineering Department
International Institute for Water and Environmental Engineering
Dr Andrianisa has a PhD in Production and Development Science and a Master of Engineering Degree
in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Japan, and a degree of Engineer in Hydraulics from
Madagascar. He has been joining the 2iE Institute in Burkina Faso in 2012. During the last six years, he
has conducted extensive research works on cyanide issues in artisanal mining in Burkina Faso. Besides,
Dr Andrianisa is also interested in water and sanitation issues in developing countries, focusing his
researches on low-cost sanitation technologies and on the integration of the informal recycling sector
into formal waste management systems. Before that, Dr Andrianisa was a consulting-engineer in
Madagascar, specialising in environmental impact assessment and environmental and social
management of small to middle-scale mining projects.
In recent decades, artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) in developing countries has evolved from a labour-intensive, manual process into an increasingly mechanised and technologically advanced activity. Nevertheless, most ASGM operations continue to be informal. There are very few environmental safeguards and there is little appropriate medical care for workers and their communities. In this article, we analyse the health and environmental effects produced by these technological changes through in-depth case studies of two ASGM mines in the east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. First, we analyse the health and environmental risks created by the introduction of new technologies. Second, we analyse the knowledge, or lack thereof, of local communities and ASGM workers about the risks that these new technologies pose. Third, we analyse the health problems that the community is currently experiencing in relation to these technologies and how the local health system copes with them. And finally, we discuss the possibility of adopting technologies that better protect human health and the environment, as well as the necessity to increase the formalisation of the ASGM sector. Indeed, this study brings to light how unsuccessful formalisation, in an environment where extractive technologies are changing, increases the number of health and environmental problems faced by miners. It builds the case for an increased traceability and accountability of downstream actors for the environments and communities producing the materials their industries need.
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Mine wastewater (MW) is often rich in heavy metals that can have measurable effects on humans. The storage and treatment of MW remains a challenge for most mining companies. Iron (Fe) in MW was removed by using extracts from Eucalyptus globulus (EG); Callistemon viminalis (CV); and Persea americana (AS). Fe was removed from MW samples with an initial concentration of 5.53 mg Fe mL −1 ; 4.63 mg Fe mL −1 and 4.40 mg Fe mL −1 using EG leaves, CV flowers and AS seed extracts, respectively. Conditions of the MW decontamination were studied by varying the dosage of the plant extracts, the temperature of the medium and the contact time between the MW and the plant extracts. Undiluted plant extracts-which were mixed with the MW and heated at 45 • C for 3 h-gave the highest Fe-removal efficiency for CV (70%) and AS (53%) extracts, respectively. Similarly, EG extracts, albeit heated at 25 • C, showed a higher Fe-removal efficiency (85%) than the CV and AS extracts at low to high temperatures. The residual Fe concentration in the MW was 0.83 mg Fe mL −1 , 1.39 mg Fe mL −1 and 2.07 mg Fe mL −1 for EG, CV and AS extracts, respectively. Residue solid-phase deposits from the precipitation reaction of the MW with the plant extracts were collected and analyzed. Fe was among the byproducts detected in the deposited material. The characterization of the annealed solid-phase deposits revealed Fe precipitates as maghemite-C (Fe 2 O 3) and magnetite (FeFe 2 O 4) nanoparticles. Therefore, the MW quality and form were improved, making it reusable for other purposes.
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Cyanide is a chemical that is widely distributed in the environment, mainly as a result of anthropogenic activities. Only small quantities are naturally produced. Most industrial activities use this chemical compound for manufacturing a product as electroplating or for extracting gold. Exposure to cyanide results in negative health impacts to the wildlife and humans. In nature, cyanide occurs in several species and fates, of which the free cyanide forms are the most toxic ones. Cyanide can be removed by chemical or biological processes. Biological treatment called bioremediation, which is cost-effective and eco-friendly, is the most applied process to remove cyanide from contaminated environments. This technology focused on the use of microorganisms to remove pollutants. Many microorganisms have been reported to transform the cyanide in another less toxic compound, or to consume cyanide for their growth. The reactions are influenced by environmental parameters such as pH and temperature and by the nutriment availability. Bioremediation technologies were few applied in most of African Countries. Future works should focus on how to adapt the bioremediation technologies that already applied in other parts of the World in African context.
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Ground water arsenic contamination is a widespread problem in many developing countries including Bangladesh and India. In recent years development of modern innovative technologies for the removal of arsenic from aqueous system has become an interesting topic for research. In this present study, two rod shaped Gram- positive bacteria are being reported, isolated from arsenic affected ground water of Purbasthali block of Burdwan, West Bengal, India, which can tolerate arsenate concentration up to 4500ppm and 550ppm of arsenite concentration. From biochemical analysis and 16S rRNA sequencing, they were identified as Bacillus sp. and Aneurinibacillus aneurinilyticus respectively. The isolates SW2 and SW4 can remove 51.45% and 51.99% of arsenite and 53.29% and 50.37% of arsenate, respectively from arsenic containing culture media. Both of the isolate can oxidize arsenite to less toxic arsenate. These two arsenic resistant bacteria can be used as a novel pathway for the bioremediation of arsenic.
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Cyanide, one of the known most toxic chemicals, is widely used in mining and jewellery industries for gold extraction and recovery from crushed ores or electroplating residues. Cyanide toxicity occurs because this compound strongly binds to metals, inactivating metalloenzymes such as cytochrome c oxidase. Despite the toxicity of cyanide, cyanotrophic microorganisms such as the alkaliphilic bacterium Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes CECT5344 may use cyanide and its derivatives as a nitrogen source for growth, making biodegradation of cyanurated industrial waste possible. Genomic, transcriptomic and proteomic techniques applied to cyanide biodegradation (‘cyan-omics’) provide a holistic view that increases the global insights into the genetic background of cyanotrophic microorganisms that could be used for biodegradation of industrial cyanurated wastes and other biotechnological applications.
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Several bacterial species (n=13) were isolated from electroplating wastewater to assess their ability to biodegrade free cyanide (F-CN). A mixed culture mainly dominated by Bacillus sp (Bacillus safensis, Bacillus lichenformis and Bacillus tequilensis) was cultured in nutrient broth for 48 hours at 37°C, to which F-CN as KCN (200 to 400 mg CN-/L) was added in order to evaluate the species ability to tolerate and biodegrade the cyanide. In nutrient broth, the microorganisms were able to degrade 131(65.5%) and 177 (44.3%) mg CN-/L in cultures containing 200 and 400 mg CN-/L over a period of 8 days, respectively. Subsequently, cultures were supplemented solely with agrowaste extracts, i.e. Ananas comosus extract (1% v/v), Beta vulgaris extract (1% v/v), Ipomea batatas extract (1% v/v), spent brewer’s yeast (1% v/v) and whey (0.5% w/v), as the primary carbon sources in 200 and 400 mg CN-/L cultures. The bacterial species were able to degrade F-CN in cultures that were supplemented with whey, whereby 179 (89.5%) and 239 (59.75%) mg CN-/L was biodegraded from 200 and 400 mg CN-/L cultures, respectively.
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Background Biodegradation of free cyanide from industrial wastewaters has been proven as a viable and robust method for treatment of wastewaters containing cyanide. Results Cyanide degrading bacteria were isolated from a wastewater treatment plant for coke-oven-gas condensate by enrichment culture technique. Five strains were able to use cyanide as the sole nitrogen source under alkaline conditions and among them; one strain (C2) was selected for further studies on the basis of the higher efficiency of cyanide degradation. The bacterium was able to tolerate free cyanide at concentrations of up to 500 ppm which makes it a good potentially candidate for the biological treatment of cyanide contaminated residues. Cyanide degradation corresponded with growth and reached a maximum level 96% during the exponential phase. The highest growth rate (1.23 × 108) was obtained on day 4 of the incubation time. Both glucose and fructose were suitable carbon sources for cyanotrophic growth. No growth was detected in media with cyanide as the sole carbon source. Four control factors including, pH, temperature, agitation speed and glucose concentration were optimized according to central composite design in response surface method. Cyanide degradation was optimum at 34.2°C, pH 10.3 and glucose concentration 0.44 (g/l). Conclusions Bacterial species degrade cyanide into less toxic products as they are able to use the cyanide as a nitrogen source, forming ammonia and carbon dioxide as end products. Alkaliphilic bacterial strains screened in this study evidentially showed the potential to possess degradative activities that can be harnessed to remediate cyanide wastes.
It has been reported that persistent cyanide pollution occurs in artisanal small-scale gold mining (ASGM)-affected catchment areas in Burkina Faso. In the present study, the logistic regression method was employed to identify the factors that influence the spatial distribution of cyanide pollution as well as to predict the cyanide pollution map risk at catchment level. Soil samples were collected from two ASGM sites in the northern Zougnazagmiline (“North”) site and southern Galgouli (“South”) site parts of Burkina Faso, covering areas of 22 km2 and 20 km2, respectively. Free cyanide concentration in each sample was measured. It was shown that the spatial distribution of cyanide was solely controlled by the soil type in Zougnazagmiline and both the soil type and electric conductivity in Galgouli. On the other hand, the cyanidation zones within the two catchments were the places where the highest risk of cyanide pollution occurs, with probabilities of 0.8 and 1 in Zougnazagmiline and Galgouli, respectively. > 20% of the settled area in the Zougnazagmiline and 5% of that in Galgouli were exposed to cyanide pollution. Logistic regression was able to reliably predict cyanide contamination in areas affected by ASGM. The model could be useful for decision-makers to plan ASGM-site decontamination.
Soil and water samples were collected from a watershed in Burkina Faso where illegal artisanal gold extraction using cyanidation occurs. The samples were used to evaluate cyanide contamination and the presence of cyanide degrading bacteria (CDB). Free cyanide (F-CN) was detected in all samples, with concentrations varying from 0.023 to 0.9 mg kg−1, and 0.7–23 μg L−1 in the soil and water samples, respectively. Potential CDB also were present in the samples. To test the effective F-CN degradation capacity of the isolated CDB species, the species were cultivated in growth media containing 40, 60 or 80 mg F-CN L−1, with or without nutrients, at pH 9.5 and at room temperature. More than 95% of F-CN was degraded within 25 h, and F-CN degradation was associated with bacterial growth and ammonium production. However, initial concentrations of F-CN higher than 100 mg L−1 inhibited bacterial growth and cyanide degradation. Abiotic tests showed that less than 3% of F-CN was removed by volatilization. Thus, the degradation of F-CN occurred predominately by biological mechanisms, and such mechanisms are recommended for remediation of contaminated soil and water.
The objectives were to identify cyanide-degrading bacteria and study cyanide removal efficiency. Agrobacterium tumefaciens SUTS 1 was isolated. This is a new strain of microorganisms for cyanide degradation. The maximum growth rate of SUTS 1 obtained 4.7 × 108 CFU/ml within 4 days. The cyanide removal efficiency was studied at 25, 50, and 150 mg/L cyanide. The residual cyanide, ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, pH, and cell counts were analyzed. At 25 and 50 mg/L cyanide, SUTS 1 obtained similar removal efficiency approximately 87.50%. At 150 mg/L cyanide, SUTS 1 enhanced the cyanide removal efficiency up to 97.90%. Cell counts of SUTS 1 increased when the cyanide concentration was set at lower. The ammonia increased when the removal efficiency increased. The nitrate increased when the ammonia decreased but the nitrite did not detect in all experiments. pH values also increased when the cyanide concentrations were set at higher.
Blast furnace sludge is a cyanide-containing waste created during pig iron production. In this study the determination of total cyanide in 32 samples of a disused blast furnace sludge deposit was investigated using two methods. One method is based on a weight-in of solid material followed by an acid digestive distillation. If using a distillation time of 1h, which is laid down in Germany as the standard method, total cyanide is underestimated. If the distillation time is prolonged to 2h, the cyanide determination is quantitative. Results of these modifications of the German standard method were statistically equal to those obtained by an alkaline extraction using 1M sodium hydroxide repeated three-fold, and followed by an acid digestive distillation of the extracts (y=8.4+0.991x; r=0.996; n=32). On an average, in the first extract 85%, in the second extract 12%, and in the third extract 3% of total cyanide was dissolved. Determination of total cyanide in deposited blast furnace sludge can be performed by an acid digestive digestion of solid material for 2h as well as by a repeated extraction by means of 1M sodium hydroxide.
The frequency in the identification of groundwater and other en- vironment contamination has placed an additional burden on the al- ready overburdened land in the volume of waste that must be accepted for ultimate disposal. If the soils are not effective in confining the wastes, migration of hazardous constituents into groundwater and food chains will occur. As a result of this vulnerability, the soil as a waste treatment/utilization system must receive special research attention. Cyanide-yielding wastes contain some of the hazardous chemicals demanding immediate attention for this soil treatment/util- ization effort. The purpose of this presentation is to provide information re- garding the behavior of cyanide and cyanide-yielding chemicals in soils and the surrounding environment under anaerobic and aerobic conditions. In aerobic soils, the most prominent reactions of envi- ronmental concern involve nitrification and, in general, the fate of ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and nitrogen gas. Under anaerobic soil conditions, the most prominerlt reactions of environmental.concern in- volve attenuation, precipitation as complexes, denitrification, and transport. This presentation centers on these concerns with respect to utilization of cyanide nitrogen by plants at different loading rates, and considers the factors affect nitrification of cyanamid, dicyanodialnid, guanidine and guanidine nitrate, dicyanodiamidine sul- fate (guanylurea sulfatej, thiourea, and melamine under different soil conditions. In addition, the mobility of KCN (simple formj, K3Fe(CN)6 (complex form) in aqueous solution, and KCN in natural mu- nicipal solid-waste landfill leachate (mixed forms) through five soils of varying physical and chemical properties at rates of 100 and 2Uu ppm CN- is described. The soil characteristics that govern the movement of the various cyanide forms in soils are also described and ev1uated.