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Social Effect of Hypebeast Lifestyle and Rural Youth Behavior

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Perkembangan globalisasi yang massif menyebabkan maraknya budaya populer di berbagai negara, termasuk Indonesia. Budaya Populer merupakan salah satu tahapan dari globalisasi. Perkembangan teknologi budaya yang sudah ada turun termurun, sekarang mulai bergeser karena adanya budaya populer berupa hypebeast di kalangan anak muda; sehingga sangat kental dengan consumer society ala Jean Baudrillard berupa mengangungan simbol, status, prestige dari penampilan anak muda ketimbang nilai guna dari barang tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma kritis dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan dengan pengumpulan data berupa wawancara dengan empat narasumber sebagai data primer. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, anak muda Jakarta lebih mengkonsumsi tanda atau simbol pada citra suatu brand dan juga lebih mementingkan status sosial daripada nilai guna suatu barang yang sangat relevan dengan pemikiran Jean Baudrillard. Namun, sebagai bentuk novelty, peneliti menemukan bahwa ada unsur investasi yang muncul pada proses konsumsi tanda tersebut, walaupun nilai investasi ini masih kalah dengan kepentingan status.
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Lifestyle is a complex and often generic concept that has been used and defined in different ways in scientific research. Currently, there is no single definition of lifestyle, and various fields of knowledge have developed theories and research variables that are also distant from each other. This paper is a narrative review of the literature and an analysis of the concept of lifestyle and its relationship to health. This contribution aims to shed light on the lifestyle construct in health psychology. In particular, the first part of this manuscript reexamines the main definitions of lifestyle in the psychological and sociological fields through three perspectives: internal, external, and temporal. The main components that characterise lifestyle are highlighted. The second part of this paper explores the main concepts of lifestyle in health, underlining their strengths and weaknesses, and proposes an alternative definition of a healthy lifestyle, which integrates the individual dimensions with the social and cycle dimensions of life. In conclusion, a brief indication of a research agenda is presented.
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Fashion memiliki permainan identitas kelas bagi beragam gaya hidup dan gender. Fashion dapat diidentifikasi sebagai sebuah permainan kekuasaan bagi beragam industri dan lebih mendapatkan dukungan dalam media sosial. Pada artikel ini, penulis mengambil gambaran konsumsi dan identitas Fashion yang digambarkan oleh masyarakat urban melalui tayangan YouTube dengan judul “Berapa Harga Outfit Lo!” dimana gambaran tersebut memberikan permasalahan tidak hanya tentang identitas gaya hidup pada kelas tetapi juga terdapat perbedaan identitas kelas pada gender tertentu. Konsumerisme menjadi salah satu alasan adanya identitas kelas terbentuk dalam hal ini dituangkan dalam gaya hidup fashion. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendalami dan memahami bagaimana fashion dikonsumsi oleh beragam kelas dan terdapat peubahan perilaku dalam masyarakat. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan metode semiotika Roland Barthes dimana terdapat makna konotasi dan denotasi dalam tayangan video YouTube konten Yoshiolo melalui pendekatan kualitatif dan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Penelitian dengan menggunakan metode semiotika, memang banyak dilakukan namun melalui semiotika yang melihat representasi melalui media sosial atau online memberikan banyak interpretasi yang menimbulkan interpretasi ganda. Hasil penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah media online memiliki peran besar dalam membentuk gaya hidup dalam masyarakat, selain itu juga industri fashion saat ini juga mengembangkan kapitalismenya dimana juga mengkaitkan laki-laki sebagai salah satu sasaran target pasar yang baru. Adanya konsumerisme pada gender laki-laki menjadi salah satu hal yang mencoba untuk mendobrak stereotipe gender yang selama ini dilekatkan bagi perempuan yaitu seringkali dikatakan “perempuan suka belanja”.
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Globalization is the global information spread and people interconnectivity. It is driven by technological developments in transportation and communication, removing cultural boundaries among nations. Cultural differences are increasingly less tangible and visible in all cultural products, including in fashion. Due to globalization, fashion brands that originate in a certain country can open stores across multiple continents. The invention of the Internet further widens their accessibility by consumers in any part of the world. However, globalization also brings an affordability gap between the upper and the lower classes. Nonetheless, fashion brands can also take advantage of this economic difference in appealing to their consumers. One of those brands is Supreme. Founded in 1994, it became the most sought-after hypebeast brand among street-fashion enthusiasts worldwide. How do they do it in less than 30 years is interesting to analyze. To answer this objective, this article is conducted from the cultural studies standpoint and the case study method. There are three formulas of positioning it adopts in order to grow globally: (1) the commodification African-American community, (2) the use of celebrity endorsement, and (3) the hype of limited-edition releases. Supreme sells oversized streetwear, heavily influenced by Hip-hop culture, a music genre rooted in the lives of African Americans. The brand makes use of celebrities, especially rappers, to endorse its clothes and accessories. It also continually makes headlines by releasing limited-edition products as well as collaborating with well-known figures and brands.
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While the popularity of athletic footwear or “sneakers” has been widely assessed within academic literature, few studies to date have examined the influence of a specific sneaker subculture called “Sneakerheads”. Moreover, the brand preferences and brand identities that may exist within the Sneakerhead subculture have not been extensively examined. To address this gap in the research, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 12 male, self-identified Sneakerheads. The main goal of the research was to explore the Sneakerhead culture, while gaining an understanding of brand preferences, practices, and group identity factors. The Social Identity Theory was employed as the theoretical framework for this research. Qualitative analysis of the interviews revealed the following three topical areas: (1) Back in the Day , (2) All About the Jumpman , and (3) For Members Only. Findings regarding the unique culture of Sneakerheads indicate a clear sense of group identity as it relates to motivations, behaviors, and brand identity within the Sneakerhead community. Moreover, the findings of this study further define the lifestyle of a Sneakerhead and shed light on their unique behaviors and practices within the culture.
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The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is an influence between social media on consumer behavior. The population used in this study is the millennial with the age of 17-25 years with a total sample of 150 respondents and indicators of 30 statements. Test the validity and reliability using SPSS 15 and data analysis using the Lisrel 8.70 application. Data collection techniques using questionnaires as primary data, and journals and books as secondary data. The results show that social media has a significant effect on consumptive behavior with the highest dimension is conversation with a value of 0.94, then followed by an openness dimension with a value of 0.89, then the community dimension with a value of 0.81, the dimension of perception with a value of 0.68 , and dimensions are associated with values of 1.07. So it can be concluded that the intensity of the conversation carried out on social media can affect whether the person behaves consumptively or not. The intensity of the conversation in question is in the form of exchanging information through social media, or asking friends for opinions on social media.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh antara media sosial terhadap perilaku konsumtif. Populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kaum milenial dengan usia 17-25 tahun dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 150 responden dan indikator sebanyak 30 pernyataan. Uji validitas dan reliabilitas menggunakan SPSS 15 dan analisis data menggunakan aplikasi Lisrel 8.70 . Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket sebagai data primer, serta jurnal dan buku sebagai data sekunder. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa media sosial berpengaruh signifikan terhadap perilaku konsumtif dengan dimensi yang paling tinggi yaitu perbincangan dengan nilai 0,94, lalu diikuti oleh dimensi keterbukaan dengan nilai 0,89, kemudian dimensi komunitas dengan nilai 0,81, dimensi persepsi dengan nilai 0,68, dan dimensi terhubungkan dengan nilai 1,07. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa intensitas perbincangan yang dilakukan di media sosial dapat mempengaruhi apakah orang tersebut berperilaku konsumtif atau tidak. Intensitas perbincangan yang dimaksud berupa tukar menukar informasi melalui media sosial, atau menanyakn pendapat teman di sosial media.
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Hypebeasts are young people who are addicted to certain latest high-ended street fashion brands popular among youths community. Those fine clothing brands are way much more expensive than other ordinary outfits and such youngster take the way dress as their identity which they believe would be superior to others. With the equipment of internet, hypebeast culture is also assimilated into young people from Myanmar. Bourdieu’s taste and distinction theory is used to analyze the identity those hypebeasts have created. Key words : Hypebeasts, street wear, trend, identity, youngsters, superior, Burmese Hype,
Fashion becomes a social symbol that gives the cultural identity to a person. Pin up style has existed since the late 1950s. This style which is a combination of urban style and pop culture is identical with a light, tight, and semi-open dress. The image sticking on pin up style fashion makes the women called as "teasing ladies". The chosen genre is contemporary fashion photography that is a genre in photography which aims to show the clothes and other fashion items influenced by the impact of modernization.The result of this final assignment project is a series of fashion photography which uses the fashion style of 1950s that is pin up style. In every visualization of the creation of this photographic work, it aims to present the story based on the ideas and the concepts as well as to introduce the type of pin up style for each photograph. The background, the property, the make up, the hair style, as well as the surrounding objects are used to support the story in the resulted photographs. Keywords: pin up style, fashion, contemporary fashion photography