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Comparatives study of Various Techniques against Camcorder Piracy in Theater

Comparatives study of Various Techniques against
Camcorder Piracy in Theater
Nilesh Kumar Dubey
Devang Patel Institute of Advance Technology and Research,
Hardik Modi
Chandubhai S. Patel Institute of Technology, CHARUSAT
Abstractfor the long decay the cinema industries are
suffering from camcorder piracy due to that every year cinema
industries are losing billions of dollars. Most important cause
of piracy is camcorder piracy, in which pirates record the
movie during playback in theater. DCI (Digital cinema
Initiative) given many rule and regulation to protect from
piracy but still it is increasing, reason is there is no concrete
technical solution exist. In this paper various techniques that
can be opted in future for fighting against the piracy is taken.
There are two types of solution exist for the overcoming the
piracy problem one is through deterring the pirate and other is
not to let it be captured through camera. Watermarking is one
way to deter pirates and watermark can be embedded in
frames or audio of videos. Modulations techniques can be used
to generate flicker that cannot be detected by HVS but create
noise in camcorder recorded videos.
KeywordsHVS, Watermarking, Psychohvisual,
Modulation, Cinema, Theatre Piracy, camcorder.
A lot of intense work and interest in making a film. It is
genuine simple to record it with a video recording device and
offer in shoddy rate in the commercial center. Every year
cinema industries of world are losing approximately $30
billion. Piracy causes a big threat to any country economies
and many legal acts implemented to protect against cinema
piracy. Motion picture industry approximated that about 80%
of the movie piracy take place from theatre illegal recording.
Theater piracy is continually big threat for cinema industries
in box office collection. In theater piracy, pirates records
movie through high quality camera and circulate on internet
or using DVDs before its official release. Then again, with
the consistent improvement of multimedia innovation, there
have been increasingly top notch recordings in individuals'
regular day to day existences through fast systems and top
quality hardware. In spite of the fact that the advancement of
technology can advance individuals' lives, it can likewise
make tremendous misfortunes item copyright proprietors in
light of the fact that computerized media items can be copied
and appropriated effectively with superb account gadgets.
Hence, in the system period of the computerized media
industry, it is important to investigate powerful answers for
anticipate theft and ensure protected innovation privileges of
advanced media items. Many techniques have been proposed
to tackle piracy problem but due to flaws in each techniques
still do not have concrete solution. A concrete solution will
come with incremental work to protect against theatre piracy.
Camcorder cinema piracy can be protected by two types of
techniques one is active technique and another is passive. In
active techniques cinema file is processed for protecting
against piracy before it plays back in theatre so that piracy
can be overcome. In passive techniques the cinema file is
unprocessed for protecting against piracy; piracy is defeated
by processing the pirated cinema file only. Many papers are
opted active technique and based on watermarking and
temporal psycochovisual modulation. In watermarking
method a secrete message is embedded in frame or audio of
cinema file before cinema file is play back in theatre and
now once piracy from theatre is done then the pirated video
can be used to extract the embedded watermark. Watermark
message consist information of show time, location and
theatre id of cinema where play back. So that by extracted
watermark theatre identity as well pirate identity can be
traced by estimating geometrical distortion occurs in pirated
cinema that may occur at the time of recording through
camcorder. This paper has been written to present all the
techniques till date opted for the protection of cinema against
the theatre piracy.
Many active and passive techniques are proposed to deal
with theatre piracy of cinema but till now not the single
technique is implemented to protect the cinema industry
from piracy. In this section all the existing techniques are
discussed with its problem in implementation.
I). Min-Jeong Lee, Kyung-Su Kim and Heung-Kyu Lee,
proposed watermarking [1] based solution to deal the theatre
piracy. In the proposed system authors embedded payload
consisting show time and location as watermark in cinema
file before it playback in theatre. Later on once the piracy is
done by the pirate then the pirated copy can be used to
extract the embedded information i.e. identity of theatre and
geometrical distortion that may occurred in pirated copy
during the piracy can be traced to know the possible position
of pirate. This techniques is divided in two part first part is
about watermark embedding and extraction, second part is
about estimation of geometrical distortion in pirated copy to
trace the pirate.
Watermark embedding process involves following steps:
1. Generate a basic watermark pattern which
consist information about show time and show
location. Generate basic watermark of size
, where M and N symbolize
width and height of to be watermarked file, and
m and n symbolize number of repetition in row
and column respectively
2018 4th International Conference on Computing Communication and Automation (ICCCA)
978-1-5386-6947-1/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 1
2. Repeat basic watermark pattern (
time to attain periodicity and periodic
watermark (
) of size
will be
3. Now watermark
is embedded in each frame
(I) of cinema file while following below
(, ) (, ) (, ) (, )I xy Ixy xy wxy
( , ) ( mod , mod )
wxy w x y
. (1)
is universal weighting component and
(, )xy
a local component of each pixel (x,y) according to human
visual system.
Water mark extraction process involve following steps:
1. Preprocess the recorded copy according to eq. 2
because blind watermarking approach is used.
(, )
(, ) (, ) (, ) (, )
2(, )
xy v
Ixy xy I xy xy
are local mean and variance of
pirated file and
is defined as average noise variance.
Now the extracted watermark is defined as
wI I
. (3)
2. Now analyze
using local auto correlation
function to estimate the occurred geometrical
distortion in pirated file to trace the pirate and
recover the hidden message in pirated file.
II). Yuta Nakashima, Ryuki Tachibana, and Noboru
Babaguchi [2] suggested audio watermarking based solution
to deprive piracy and pirate. Nakashima et. al embed
watermark in audio channel of movie, whole process of
embedding and detection of pirate and piracy take place in
following way:
1. Psychoacoustic based watermarking approach is used.
Watermark is embedded in such manner that embedded
signal cannot be audible to the movie watcher and watermark
is embedded is embedded in multiple soundtrack channel.
2. Position of pirate can be estimated from embedded
watermark as shown in fig.1. In this approach each channel
of sound track is taken as host signal (HS) and after adding
watermark signal in HS a watermarked host signal (WHS)
presented. Now when movies are playing back, the audio of
movie spread in air from various speakers located at multiple
part of theatre. Now, when pirate record the movie then
recorded audio will be amalgamation of all watermarked host
Fig 1: Process diagram of deterring the pirate using watermark
3. Recorded audio will be used for estimate the position
of pirate in theatre and it is possible because of delayed
occurred in recorded audio which comes from multiple
speaker located at different places in theatre.
III). Ahmad, Baudry and Chupeau et al. proposed flicker
[3] forensic based approach to deter the pirate, in this
approach they utilized the flicker generated during recording
of video which is displayed on LCD screen. Flicker effect
comes in recorded video because of interplay difference
between LCD and recording devices. The whole process of
deterring piracy is listed below:
1. Modeled the luminance flicker that can be generated
while recording the video from LCD display as in eq. 4
[,] cos 2 2
bl bl
fkr B k r
is discrete signal and observed as the
recorded luminance, k and r are sampling index for frame
and row respectively,
sin ( ) sin ( )
, fbl is back
light frequency in LCD, fc is frame rate, fs is sampling rate.
2. Estimated the vertical radial frequency of flicker
because flicker signal energy in comparison to recorded
video is too low.
3. Match the relation that pirated video is captured
through seized recorded video by utilizing the estimated
vertical radial frequency in step 2.
IV). Li Li et. al presented video watermarking [4] scheme
to protect cinema from piracy that is based on H.264/AVC
HDTV watermarking approach this proposed method is
robust against the various geometric attack and algorithm is
mentioned below:
1. Extract frame from video which is to be watermarked
and apply RGB to YUV conversion and then apply DCT
transformation on Y factor only.
2. Now convert the transformed image into u8 8
different block and compute just noticeable difference value
for each u8 8 block.
3. Combine the all processed region of whole frame.
4. If the added watermark size is 1 bit then insert the
Watermark pattern to only initial two frame of the sequential
five frame collection.
5. Embedding process applied multiple time on multiple
frames and then assembled these all watermark embedded
frame to get watermarked video back.
Most of the technique for protecting cinema against the
piracy is based on watermarking so it is important to study
the characteristics of watermarking and possible attack may
be carried out over watermarked file to destroy or manipulate
the watermark. There are many attack till now explored that
may affect the content of watermark in watermarked file.
Once watermarked file is tempered in such a way that
removes or change the meaning of watermark then there is
no significance of embedding watermark so developed
algorithm must robust against the possible attack that may
affect the watermark file. Here in this section all the possible
attacks are discussed that must be taken under consideration
at the time of watermarking.
Frame Averaging and Statistical Analysis: In frame
averaging and statistical attack, [6-7] attackers take multiple
watermarked frames and predict the watermark and remove
it from watermarked file.
Frame Dropping: As in any video there are multiple
frames of same information and if the attacker able to
estimates the frame [8-9] with watermark can remove that
frame before presenting and no one can notice the missing
Frame Cropping: In this attack, attacker may crop some
portion of the frame and then present the cropped frame.
Extraction of watermark from the cropped file becomes very
hard [8-9].
Geometrical distortion: This may arise in recorded
watermarked file because of angle, scaling, distance and
rotation during recording. Filters to be applied: Any low pass
filter may be applied to degrade the quality of watermark
information on pirated copy for example median filter can be
applied to remove the noise from the frame but it may
remove the watermark too from the frame [10].
Noise can be added: Any signal generally contain
takeoffs from the perfect signal that would be created by our
model of the signal generation process. Such takeoffs are
alluded to as noise. There are mainly two kind of noise is
existing that can be applied over a watermarked frame to
deteriorate the watermark, first is Gaussian Noise and second
is Salt and Pepper noise. Gaussian noise is a statistical kind
of noise in which probability distribution function is
equivalent to the normal distribution that is also known as
Gaussian noise. Another noise that is very frequently used by
attackers is salt and pepper noise that is also called as
impulse noise that can be implemented on image by sharp
and sudden change in image signal.
Collusion: At times, it is feasible for an assailant to
acquire numerous watermarked duplicates [11-14]. The
assailant can frequently misuse this circumstance to evacuate
watermarks, without knowing the watermarking calculation.
An attack that needs a few watermarked duplicates is known
as agreement assaults. There are two fundamental sorts of
collusion attack:
Type-1: In this sort of collusion attack, attacker gets a
few duplicates of a similar work, with various watermarks.
Here, the aggressor attempts to discover the video outlines
which are comparable in nature. Thus, outlines having a
place with a similar scene have a high level of connection.
The assailant at that point isolates different scenes of the
video. At that point factual normal of the neighboring edges
is done to combine the diverse checks and figures another
plain casing. Sort 1 intrigue assault must be effective if
progressive edges are sufficiently diverse.
Type-2: In this kind of attack, the assailant gets a few
distinct duplicates that contain a similar watermark and
studies them to find out about the calculation. At that point a
few duplicates are found the middle value of by the assailant.
In the event that all duplicates have a similar reference
design added to them, at that point this averaging task would
return something that is shut to the example. At that point,
the normal example can be subtracted from the duplicates to
produce a plain video [15].
In this paper theatre piracy problem is discussed with the
work that is carried out to protect cinema industry from the
piracy. There are various approaches that are used to give a
concrete solution against the theatre piracy but not the single
approach is applied over full length movie file. All approach
used small size video with very less number of frames to test
the given algorithm. On the other hand actual movie size is
very large with the millions of frame. Most of the work is
based on watermarking scheme either movie frame or audio
channels are used to embed the watermark and later on once
the pirated copy come in market then it is used to extract the
watermark form the pirated copy and then further
investigation applied to identify the place and device of
piracy. Any signal generally contains takeoffs from the
perfect signal that would be created by our model of the
signal generation process. Such takeoffs are alluded to as
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... There are some surveys on techniques used to solve the two problems mentioned above. But, they are outdated for such a fast-growing area [42,43]. This motivates our work in this chapter, which is a comparative review on watermarking schemes used in digital cinema and the methods used by these schemes in order to achieve the mentioned goals. ...
... The two aforementioned challenges have been part of the topic in several research works since early 2000s [48,49], and they are still considered as research concerns in this area [42,50]. In the following, we separately review the methods used by different watermarking schemes in order to attack each of the problems. ...
... Unintentional attacks are more hazardous because it destroys the watermark message completely without any preprocessing from pirate [14]. Watermark can be applied in two multimedia file domains [15][16][17]: spatial and transform domains or frequency domains. In the spatial domain, the watermarking process is directly applied to the LSB or MSB part of the file. ...
Movie piracy has a profound impact on the motion picture industry. These losses in revenue will obviously cause serious financial problems for the studios and even contribute to their current downfall. The aim of the project is to develop an anti-piracy system for movie industries using Steganography technique in MATLAB and to design IR based screen to disable mobile recording and alert system
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Moving picture entertainment is a foremost source of amusement for populace in today’s existence. To entertain populace a lot of investment is put into film production by the film makers. Their endeavour is being ruined by few people by pirate the movies substance. They do it by capture the video recording in mobile phone camera and upload it to websites or put up for sale it to people which cause huge loss. In this research work we are proposea novel technique for reduction of film piracy by avoiding fake video recordings of video in theatres. An indistinguishable luminosity is projected from the display to the whole spectators that falls on the camera lens which is sensitive to infrared light rays Makes the recorded video unfit to watch. A method is developed for anti-piracy system for film industry using steganography technique in MATLAB.
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An effective approach of distortion-resistant video watermarking has been developed and presented through this paper. This watermarking approach is based on the additive spread spectrum way and periodic watermark concept that make it robust. Objective of this work is to protect the piracy of video files. Some time, many illegal copies of videos are found on street market or on the internet before their official release. During copying or after copying the pirate may distort the video by scaling, rotation, translation etc. In this paper, a deterrent system has been proposed which is robust enough against the distortion and can identify the pirate, by embedding a payload into original video that consist the time stamp of video playback. Many experiments are done to prove that the proposed scheme fulfil the invisibility, real time processing and robustness requirements against distortion.
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In this paper, a new method for non-blind image watermarking presented that is robust against affine transformation and ordinary image manipulation. The proposed method presents a watermarking scheme based on redundant discrete wavelet transform (RDWT) and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). After applying RDWT to cover image, we apply SVD to each subband. Then we modify singular values of the cover image using singular values of the visual watermark. The advantage of the proposed technique is its robustness against most common attacks. Analysis and experimental results show higher performance of the proposed method in comparison to the DWT- SVD method.
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This paper proposed a method that using watermarking signal as the invariant descriptor, in order to locate the rotation, scale and translation that applied to the host image. The method uses the RST invariant Fourier-Mellin transform and Phase only symmetric matched filter as fundamental concept. It also presents the method that applies the watermark symbols at proper geometric locations which can reveal the watermarked image portion. The simulation results show that the proposed method is very effective to allocate the image portion that has been marked by the synchronization watermark.
Imperceptibility, robustness, and security are vital considerations in the design of any audio watermarking scheme for copyrights protection. In this chapter, a spread spectrum (SS)-based audio watermarking technique which involves the psychoacoustic model, multiple scrambling, adaptive synchronization, frequency alignment, and coded-image watermark is presented. To preserve the perceptual quality of the watermarked signal, amplitude shaping using the psychoacoustic model is employed. Also, the proposed scheme integrates multiple scrambling operations into the embedding process to prevent unauthorized detection. That is, the amount and position of the slots used for embedding each watermark bit are randomly set and certain subbands are randomly selected for the embedding. Moreover, adaptive synchronization and frequency alignment are developed to retrieve the watermarks from the attacked watermarked signals that suffer loss of synchronization. In addition, the information to be embedded can be encrypted with a coded-image, so as to provide a semantic meaning for verification as well as extra security.
Camcorder piracy refers to the process of using a camcorder to record a screen that displays copyrighted content. In contrast to the previous works that aimed at detecting the occurrence of camcorder piracy, this paper conducts an in-depth study of the luminance flicker that is naturally present in camcorded videos due to the interplay between a liquid-crystal-display (LCD) screen and a camcorder. We first model the flicker signal and show that its parameters are tied to such internal characteristics of the pirate devices as the back-light frequency of the LCD screen and the read-out time of the camcorder. We then present new estimation techniques to recover these hidden parameters directly from camcorded videos and demonstrate that such forensic cues could provide intelligence on the pirate devices. We also discuss how to recover the shape of the low-power flicker signal itself and show that it could be used to infer which back-light technology employed in the pirate LCD screen.
Conference Paper
Many pirated digital movies by camcorder capture are found on the Internet or on the street market before their official release. During piracy of cinema footage, composite geometric distortions commonly occur due to the angle of the camcorder relative to the screen. There are various research has been done to utilize the geometric distortions that will be occur during piracy in theatre to estimate the position of pirate in theatre via watermarking scheme followed by LACF (local auto correlation function). This paper present the notion of Watermarking and the features required to design a watermarked video for piracy deterrence. We review several methods, and introduce frequently used key techniques. The aim of this paper is to focus on the watermarking technique that is good for piracy deterrence. The majority of the reviewed methods based on watermarking emphasize on the notion of secure spread spectrum way of watermarking followed by LACF for estimating the position of pirate.
With the purpose of copyright protection of digital video, this paper proposes an H.264 /AVC HDTV watermarking method that is robust to camcorder recording. Because contents in the consecutive frames of a video are almost identical, we embed the copyright information by fine-tuning the luminance relationship of the consecutive frames. To ensure the quality of the video and the robustness of the algorithm, we use an adaptive watermark pattern to reduce the image area to be modified, and we make the embedding strength adaptive according to the improved Watson visual model. When detecting watermarks, to reduce detecting errors caused by recording errors and shot changes, we determine the detecting area adaptively according to the size of the watermarked video and segment the video into shots using the directional empirical mode decomposition method. Experimental results show that the proposed method achieves high video quality and is robust to camcorder recording, transcoding, recoding, and other geometric attacks.
In content fingerprinting, the same media covertext - image, video, audio, or text - is distributed to many users. A fingerprint, a mark unique to each user, is embedded into each copy of the distributed covertext. In a collusion attack, two or more users may combine their copies in an attempt to "remove" their fingerprints and forge a pirated copy. To trace the forgery back to members of the coalition, we need fingerprinting codes that can reliably identify the fingerprints of those members. Researchers have been focusing on designing or testing fingerprints for Gaussian host signals and the mean square error (MSE) distortion under some classes of collusion attacks, in terms of the detector's error probability in detecting collusion members. For example, under the assumptions of Gaussian fingerprints and Gaussian attacks (the fingerprinted signals are averaged and then the result is passed through a Gaussian test channel), Moulin and Briassouli1 derived optimal strategies in a game-theoretic framework that uses the detector's error probability as the performance measure for a binary decision problem (whether a user participates in the collusion attack or not); Stone2 and Zhao et al.3 studied average and other non-linear collusion attacks for Gaussian-like fingerprints; Wang et al.4 stated that the average collusion attack is the most efficient one for orthogonal fingerprints; Kiyavash and Moulin5 derived a mathematical proof of the optimality of the average collusion attack under some assumptions. In this paper, we also consider Gaussian cover signals, the MSE distortion, and memoryless collusion attacks. We do not make any assumption about the fingerprinting codes used other than an embedding distortion constraint. Also, our only assumptions about the attack channel are an expected distortion constraint, a memoryless constraint, and a fairness constraint. That is, the colluders are allowed to use any arbitrary nonlinear strategy subject to the above constraints. Under those constraints on the fingerprint embedder and the colluders, fingerprinting capacity is obtained as the solution of a mutual-information game involving probability density functions (pdf's) designed by the embedder and the colluders. We show that the optimal fingerprinting strategy is a Gaussian test channel where the fingerprinted signal is the sum of an attenuated version of the cover signal plus a Gaussian information-bearing noise, and the optimal collusion strategy is to average fingerprinted signals possessed by all the colluders and pass the averaged copy through a Gaussian test channel. The capacity result and the optimal strategies are the same for both the private and public games. In the former scenario, the original covertext is available to the decoder, while in the latter setup, the original covertext is available to the encoder but not to the decoder.