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A Systematic Literature Review of Recent Trends and Challenges in Digital Twin Implementation



This paper reviews the latest trends and challenges in implementing digital twin technology. A digital twin is a tool used in various industries to improve efficiency, optimize processes, and enable advanced analysis. The review involved searching major research databases and search engines for articles published between 2018 and 2023. The findings reveal several important trends, including the development of different types of digital twin dimensions, each with its own advantages and limitations. The benefits of digital twin implementation include improved decision-making, increased productivity, and operational efficiency. However, there are challenges, such as data integration, security and privacy concerns, a lack of standardization, and the need for experts to effectively design and operate digital twins. The implications of these trends and challenges are discussed regarding their impact on the successful adoption and implementation of digital twin technology. The review also highlights the need to address these challenges and explore new approaches for maximizing the benefits of digital twin technology. Overall, this comprehensive review is a valuable resource for researchers, practitioners, and organizations seeking to understand the current landscape, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions when implementing digital twin technology.
979-8-3503-3954-3/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE
A systematic literature review of recent trends and
challenges in digital twin implementation
Ikrar Adinata Arin
Computer Science Department, BINUS
Graduate Program, Doctor of
Computer Science
Bina Nusantara University
Jakarta, Indonesia
Dina Fitria Murad
Information Systems Department,
BINUS Online Learning
Bina Nusantara University
Jakarta, Indonesia
Information System Department, School
of Information Systems
Bina Nusantara University
Jakarta, Indonesia
Harco Leslie Hendric Spits Warnars
Computer Science Department, BINUS
Graduate Program, Doctor of
Computer Science
Bina Nusantara University
Jakarta, Indonesia
AbstractThis paper reviews the latest trends and
challenges in implementing digital twin technology. A digital
twin is a tool used in various industries to improve efficiency,
optimize processes, and enable advanced analysis. The review
involved searching major research databases and search engines
for articles published between 2018 and 2023. The findings
reveal several important trends, including the development of
different types of digital twin dimensions, each with its own
advantages and limitations. The benefits of digital twin
implementation include improved decision-making, increased
productivity, and operational efficiency. However, there are
challenges, such as data integration, security and privacy
concerns, a lack of standardization, and the need for experts to
effectively design and operate digital twins. The implications of
these trends and challenges are discussed regarding their impact
on the successful adoption and implementation of digital twin
technology. The review also highlights the need to address these
challenges and explore new approaches for maximizing the
benefits of digital twin technology. Overall, this comprehensive
review is a valuable resource for researchers, practitioners, and
organizations seeking to understand the current landscape,
identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions
when implementing digital twin technology.
Keywordsdigital twin, trends, challenges, implementation,
systematic literature review
With the rapid advancement of information and
communication technology, the industry is transforming
profoundly, replacing analogue, mechanical, and electronic
technology with digital technology. This shift is driven by the
transition to a new information age in business [1]. As
businesses embrace digital transformation, they are propelled
into the fourth industrial revolution, Industry 4.0. This
revolution represents a vision of a society that produces goods
and services with a high degree of automation [2].
In various sectors, new digital technologies, such as digital
twins, the Internet of Things (IoT), virtual reality, and artificial
intelligence, have provided fresh approaches to service
delivery. Among these technologies, the digital twin concept
has gained considerable attention [3].
The idea of the digital twin was first introduced by Grieves
in 2002 as the conceptual paradigm underlying "product
lifecycle management" [4]. It refers to the virtual
representation of an object, system, process, or service that
accurately reflects its real-time state for a specific purpose. By
continuously exchanging and updating descriptive data
through real-time data uploading and large-scale data storage
capabilities, the digital twin remains constantly aware of what
is happening in the physical world. It receives real-time
updates from its physical twin and other nearby digital twins
Digital twin technology is gaining traction due to its
potential to bridge the gap between the physical and virtual
worlds. The global digital twin market is expected to
experience significant growth in the forecast period, driven by
the increasing adoption of IoT and big data analytics.
Organizations recognize the need to ensure cost-efficient
operations, optimize processes, and reduce time to market,
contributing to the market's expansion [6]. Additionally,
virtual and augmented reality advancements will continue to
shape the creation of digital twins, further fueling market
growth [7].
This paper aims to conduct a systematic literature review
of the latest trends and challenges in implementing digital
twins. It will introduce the digital twin concept, explain its
fundamental principles, and outline the potential benefits of
adopting this technology. Moreover, it will provide an
overview of the research's context, focusing on the latest
trends and challenges in digital twin implementation.
Through this study, we seek to provide valuable insights
for practitioners, researchers, and organizations interested in
adopting digital twins. We hope our findings will serve as a
valuable guide for understanding the latest trends and
overcoming the challenges associated with successful digital
twin implementation.
A. Review Method
To achieve the objectives of this study, we will apply the
systematic literature review method developed by Barbara
Kitchenham [8]. This method allows us to perform a thorough
search, a rigorous selection of articles, and a comprehensive
analysis of the relevant literature. We will also use a structured
framework to develop this literature review, focusing on
trends and challenges in digital twin implementation.
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Fig. 1. Kitchenham systematic literature review flow process
Figure 1. illustrates the various components of the
Systematic Literature Review (SLR). The SLR encompasses
distinct tasks, including the planning, conducting, and
reporting stages. During the planning stage, the requirements
for conducting a systematic review are determined, while the
conducting stage involves describing the literature review
process. To ensure unbiased results, a research protocol is
developed to guide the review's execution, covering research
questions, search methods, study selection criteria, quality
assessment, data extraction, and synthesis procedures.
Throughout the conducting and reporting stages, the research
protocol is employed, assessed, and refined iteratively.
B. Research Question
The following are two relevant research questions for this
1) What current trends in digital twin implementation
have been identified in the research literature?
2) What are the main challenges faced in implementing
digital twins, both from a technical and non-technical
perspective, based on existing research?
These questions will provide a clear research direction for
identifying the latest trends and challenges in implementing
digital twins. This research has certain limitations and scope.
We will limit this research to literature published between
2018 and 2023 (until the end of April 2023), with publication
language in English. We will also pay attention to relevant
publications, such as research articles, reviews, and
conference proceedings. However, we will avoid publications
that are too general or too specific and are not directly related
to implementing the digital twin.
C. Searching Approach
In the conducting stage, the search procedure involves
several steps: selecting digital libraries, formulating the search
string, conducting a pilot search, refining the search string,
and obtaining a preliminary list of primary studies from the
digital libraries corresponding to the search criteria. Choosing
the appropriate databases before commencing the search is
crucial to enhance the likelihood of discovering highly
relevant content.
To compile the most comprehensive collection of relevant
studies, extensive searches were conducted across the leading
literature databases in the field. A broad perspective was
adopted to ensure a thorough analysis of the literature. The
author explored renowned digital databases, including
Scopus, IEEE Xplore Digital Library, Science Direct, ACM
Digital Library, and Springer Link. To ensure a systematic and
rigorous approach to our research, we developed a
comprehensive review protocol outlined in Table 1. This
review protocol was the foundation for structuring our
methodology and guiding us through the various steps in
conducting this study.
Type of
Articles published in conferences and academic
English-language publications
Search field
Title, abstracts, and keywords
Search keyword
( "digital twin" AND implementation OR adoption
OR usage AND trend OR development OR
potential AND challenge OR barrier OR issue )
Publications that explore the discourse surrounding
DT, as well as the implemented applications or
Restricted to articles solely within the domains of
business, engineering, and computer science
D. Studi Selection
Mendeley - Reference Management Software
( was employed to organize and
maintain the search results. The primary studies were selected
based on the specified inclusion and exclusion criteria. Figure
2. illustrates the comprehensive search process and the
number of studies identified at each stage. Titles and abstracts
were used to exclude certain primary studies, and a further
round of exclusion was conducted based on the full-text
analysis to obtain the final selection of studies.
E. Extract Data
Of the selected studies, 95 papers have been identified for
inclusion in all rounds, which will be thoroughly read and
studied in greater detail.
979-8-3503-3954-3/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE
Fig. 2. The selection of primary studies
IEEE Xplore
ACM Digital
Springer Link
Besides the inclusion and exclusion criteria, the
researchers assessed the original studies' quality, relevance to
the research questions, and similarity. The complete text of the
selected articles was thoroughly read, and a quality assessment
checklist was employed to evaluate their quality. Any
duplicate papers by the same authors published in different
sources were removed. After excluding studies based on full-
text selection, 95 studies remained in the final selection.
F. Data Synthesis
Data synthesis involves collecting evidence from multiple
studies to address research questions. Collective evidence
holds more weight than individual pieces, which may have
limited significance. This review incorporates both
quantitative and qualitative data. Different approaches were
used during the reporting phase to combine the gathered data
for different research questions. A narrative synthesis was
predominantly utilized. The data were organized in tables, pie
charts, and bar charts to enhance the presentation of recent
trends and challenges in digital twin implementation found in
the selected studies and ensure data accuracy.
We employed a meta-analysis methodology to analyze the
findings of selected studies from diverse publications. Many
papers have been published discussing the implementation of
digital twins (DT) across different sectors and industries.
Scopus remains the prominent platform for authors to share
their research, offering a comprehensive database of high-
quality papers. Approximately 70% of the publications were
journal articles; the rest were conference articles.
Fig. 3. Selected Studies
Conference Articles
Journal Articles
[1], [10], [11], [12], [13]
[14], [15], [16]
[17], [18], [19], [20],
[21], [22], [23], [24],
[25], [26], [27]
[28], [29], [30], [31], [32],
[33], [34], [35], [36], [37],
[38], [39], [40], [41], [42],
[43], [7]
[45], [46], [47], [48], [49],
[50], [6], [3], [4], [51], [52],
[53], [54], [2], [55], [56],
[57], [58]
[59], [60], [61], [62],
[63], [64], [65], [66],
[67], [68], [69]
[70], [71], [72], [73], [74],
[75], [76], [77], [78], [79],
[80], [81], [82], [83], [84],
[85], [86], [87], [88], [89]
[90], [91], [92], [93], [94],
[95], [96], [97]
We employed VOSViewer tools to create a text data
mining functionality, enabling us to construct and visualize
co-occurrence networks of key phrases extracted from a
collection of scientific literature, as depicted in Figure 4. The
keywords reflect the theme of studies for a research project in
digital twin areas. The article's keywords help index it for
quick identification.
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To achieve an image of the keyword that is very readable
during the generation of the keyword co-occurrence network,
the author keywords were used as an alternative to all
keywords input by the software. Additionally, the counting
approach included fractional counting, which led to the
extraction of 2861 keywords from the dataset. A term's
"minimum number of occurrences" for adding it to the
network was set to 4 clusters to create an optimal network. As
a result, 38 items out of 2861 keywords met the requirement.
This condition was reached after multiple experiments to
create an ideal, repeatable, and comprehensible network. The
other network diagrams in this study were made using a
similar experimental strategy.
Fig. 4. Keyword co-occurrence network of DTs from Selected Studies
Cluster 1
Cluster 2
Cluster 3
Cluster 4
digital twin
dt technology
The articles in the data set were separated into four clusters
based on a clustering technique. The cluster that a journal was
assigned to using our clustering technique is indicated by a
colour. As can be observed, there is good agreement between
the map's structure and the grouping we produced using our
clustering method. The interpretation of the grouping is also
simple. The four clusters correspond to the study areas listed
above, which have been streamlined for simplicity:
simulation, industrial adoption, technological combination,
and digital twin technology for maintenance.
A. DT definitions and concepts
A Digital Twin is initially described as a virtual
representation of a physical product that contains data about
that object [85]. This term has its roots in the field of product
life-cycle management which conceptual idea is represented
by Grieves in 2003 [3]. DT is a virtual representation of real-
world entities and processes synchronized [80] at a specified
frequency and fidelity, as also concluded by the Digital Twin
Consortium [86]. This allows end users to monitor what is
happening inside the physical asset in real time [72]. A digital
twin accurately replicates the real-time performance of
equipment, system, person, or process. DT is a virtual model
[17] replicating the behaviour of an existing or a potential real-
world asset [46], system [98], or multiple systems [22]. It
functions in the present, mimicking the physical thing but with
complete knowledge of its past performance and an exact
assessment of its future potential [70]. A digital twin’s ability
to test scenarios is a vital feature.
Although the concept of digital twins originated in
NASA's Apollo program in 1970 [73], businesses that are
working to realize Industry 4.0 or pursuing future industrial
metaverse [75] projects would greatly benefit from the ability
to visualize [51], simulate [60], and predict [93] using digital
twins of physical assets. Data consumers can utilize a digital
twin to test various scenarios and examine the outcomes and
implications without putting themselves in danger in the real
world [35]. By providing a holistic view of real-time
behaviour in a real-world environment mapped to a constantly
updated virtual model [13], digital twins make it possible to
anticipate maintenance needs [49], optimize performance
[22], and avoid costly failures [93]. The digital twin
technology enables the creation of a virtual replica of a
physical asset, component, product, process, or system/unit. It
utilizes the data obtained from several sensors in the systems
or assets and integrates various technologies such as IoT [11],
[68], [99], IioT [39], [100], AI [4], [60], AR/VR [35], [101],
[102], Machine Learning [13], [41], [103], and big data
analytics [49], [104] for analysis, and makes reasonable
projections about the future process.
B. Difference between digital shadows and digital twins
Current digital 3D models and systems differ significantly
from DT in many ways. A digital shadow (DS) is when a
virtual model replicates the physical model with a one-way
data flow [62]. The diagram in Figure. 5 illustrates the key
difference between a digital shadow and a digital twin. There
is a bi-directional data flow between the digital model and the
tower crane in a digital twin, which is untrue with a digital
Fig. 5. Schematic visualization between DS and DT [105]
A digital shadow is a model fed by a one-way data flow
with the state of an existing physical object. A change in the
state of the physical object leads to a change in the digital
object, but not vice versa [95]. In contrast, data flow between
physical and digital objects is fully integrated in both
directions for a digital twin. A digital shadow can thus be seen
as a preliminary stage of a digital twin. The digital shadow
sets the basis for the digital twin, contributing measurement
data or meta-data attributed to a specific object with spatial or
temporal reference. However, it does not yet describe the
physical object and its properties [105].
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C. RQ1: What current trends in digital twin implementation
have been identified in the research literature?
Adopting digital twin technology has emerged as a
prominent trend in several industrial sectors. This idea entails
producing precise digital representations of real-world
products or systems. The growth of cloud computing and
Internet of Things (IoT) technology supports this trend. The
digital twin makes real-time data collection from several
connected sensors and equipment possible, which can
subsequently be utilized to monitor and manage physical
systems. Better modelling and forecasting are made possible
by improved data integration between diverse systems and
entities, boosting operational effectiveness, enhancing
decision-making, and fostering product and service
innovation. Several digital twin platforms have been created,
especially for certain sectors, including industry, energy, and
transportation. This pattern demonstrates the growing interest
and investment in digital twin technologies among businesses
looking to enhance their operations.
The use of digital twins in numerous application sectors is
another clearly discernible trend. Initially, the manufacturing
sector employed the digital twin primarily to monitor and
improve the operation of machinery and production methods.
However, over time, applications for digital twins have spread
to other industries, including smart cities, energy,
transportation, and health. Digital twins, for instance, can be
used to optimize energy output and track grid performance in
the energy industry. Digital twins can be utilized for patient
care planning and medical simulations in the healthcare
industry. This development demonstrates that the digital
twin's potential to boost productivity and creativity is not
restricted to a single sector. Using the digital twin also
promotes improved data integration and collaboration among
diverse systems and organizations. As part of the literature
research, the authors' results found that there were six
prominent digital twin activity groups. We call this the digital
twin application, which is written in the table below:
Digital twin
Twins for system
A digital twin designed to forecast
intricate systems
Twins for system
A digital twin developed to simulate
the behavior of intricate systems
Twins for asset
A digital twin geared toward common
data formats and streamlined data
extraction in complex systems
Twins for maintenance
A digital twin geared toward assisting
with maintenance-related use cases
Twins for system
A digital twin geared toward
visualizing a complex system (e.g., in
Twins for product
A digital twin geared toward
simulating the behavior of (future)
products (mostly during the design
Among the analyzed digital twin projects, 30% are
categorized as predictive digital twins, which aim to forecast
the behaviour of complete systems (such as factories,
buildings, wind farms, or cities) throughout their "operate" or
"optimize" life cycle stages. These digital twins concentrate
on predicting physical systems' future state and behaviour,
utilizing current data and pertinent operational history. At the
heart of predictive digital twins are predictive models
employed to anticipate future outcomes. The concept of
digital twins, as depicted in Figure. 6, can be described using
three primary dimensions. Each axis of the cuboid represents
one dimension of the digital twin.
Fig. 6. Three dimession of DT‘s
The concept of digital twins can be understood through
three key dimensions. An axis of the cuboid represents each
dimension of the digital twin.
Life cycle phase: The X-axis illustrates a digital twin's
six life cycle phases, from design to decommissioning.
Hierarchical levels: The Y-axis signifies the five
hierarchical levels of a digital twin, spanning from
information to multi-system.
Use/purpose of implementation: The Z-axis portrays
the seven prevalent applications of digital twins,
including simulation and prediction.
Practitioners and academics must watch advancements
and breakthroughs in using digital twin technology to
comprehend and follow these trends. By following trends,
enterprises can utilize the full potential of this technology to
enhance operations and gain a competitive advantage.
Recognizing these patterns can also promote stakeholder
cooperation and lead to revisions to pertinent standards and
laws. There has been a major trend in applying digital twin
technologies in recent years.
The development of digital twin platforms, acceptance in
various application domains, improved collaboration and data
integration, and a greater emphasis on data security and
privacy. The digital twin ecosystem comprises
software/solution providers, system providers, associated
technology providers, and distributors.
Additionally, it represents the digital twin providers
offering a comprehensive range of products/solutions utilized
by the aerospace, automotive & transportation, energy &
utilities, oil & gas, infrastructure, healthcare, agriculture,
retail, telecommunications, and other industries.
D. RQ2: What are the main challenges faced in
implementing digital twins, both from a technical and
non-technical perspective, based on existing research?
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E. RQ2: What are the main challenges faced in
implementing digital twins, both from a technical and
non-technical perspective, based on existing research?
The potential for using digital twin technology is
incredibly exciting, but numerous obstacles must be solved.
Some major obstacles to using digital twin technology explain
why businesses and researchers are very concerned about it.
Complex data integration is one of the main obstacles to
implementing digital twins. To create a digital twin, data must
be gathered from several sources, such as sensors, the Internet
of Things (IoT), geographic information systems, etc.
However, the format of this data is frequently uneven and
frequently dispersed across several systems and platforms.
This difficult data integration may hamper the development of
precise, real-time digital models. Organizational and cultural
variables play a role in the difficulties associated with
integrating digital twins. Therefore, a successful data
integration plan must guarantee proper data availability and
quality. The privacy and security of data are still other issues.
Sensitive data, including details on how physical systems
Five hierarchical levels
Example Ref.
Digital representations of multiple interconnected
systems operating as a cohesive entity, enabling
unparalleled visibility, testing, and monitoring of
critical business metrics through data-driven
Virtual representation of multiple interconnected
systems operating collaboratively, including those
utilized in industrial manufacturing [9], [16], [22], [30],
[38], [44], [50], [56], [70], [76], [77], [102], smart city
infra [31], [61], [92], supply chain [24], [80], [90],
healthcare[13], [66], [81], [86], [87], [91], and service
[7], [11], [49], [58], [63], [66], [76], [77].
Digital representations that encompass the
integration of multiple products, processes, and
workflows, surpassing the limitations of merely
replicating individual objects.
Virtual representation of a vaccine production process
or entire factory with multiple production lines [17],
[21], [45], [54], [65], [100].
Digital representations that depict the collaborative
functioning of components or parts, showcasing
their interoperability at a product level.
Virtual representation of a rotating robotic arm [15],
[19], [26], [53], [69], [77], [101].
Digital representations of discrete components or
constituent parts within a physical object.
Virtual representation of a bolt or a bearing in a robotic
arm[15], [53].
Digital depictions of data or information.
An operation manual in digital format.[28], [73], [89],
[100], [105].
cal levels
Six lifecycle phases
The decommissioning phase encompasses the
process of retiring or sunsetting a digital twin,
which involves removing it from active use.
Leveraging digital twins to remotely decommission
inactive devices and subsequently retire the associated
digital twin.
In the optimize phase, existing capability
information and statistical tolerancing techniques
are employed to enhance the development of
detailed design elements, predict performance, and
optimize operations.
Using digital twins for comprehensive testing,
generating valuable insights to anticipate future
performance and detect potential failures.
The maintenance phase encompasses the
implementation of changes to hardware, software,
and documentation, aiming to uphold operational
effectiveness. This phase involves making
modifications to resolve issues, improve security,
or address user requirements.
Leveraging digital twins to perform routine maintenance
tasks, including deploying Over-the-Air (OTA) updates
for system configuration or cybersecurity purposes.
During the operation phase, online digital twins are
utilized in active deployments by end-users. In this
phase, common operational tasks consist of
extracting sensor data and remotely orchestrating
Utilizing digital twins to retrieve real-time sensor data
from a rotating robotic arm within a production line or
perform over-the-air updates to device configurations.
The build phase involves leveraging the previously
defined code requirements to construct the tangible
software-based digital twin. This phase
encompasses tasks such as data management,
configuration provisioning, repository
management, and reporting.
Leveraging digital twins to virtually construct and
simulate prototypes, eliminating the need for costly
physical counterparts during the testing phase.
During the design phase, requirements are
collected, and one or more designs are developed
to meet the desired outcome. These designs may
pertain to components, products, processes, or
systems, aiming to achieve the intended result.
Utilizing digital twins as the primary source of data,
including object properties and parameter values, upon
which virtual representations can be constructed.
Lifecycle phases
DT uses
1. Digitise
2. Visualize
3. Simulate
4. Emulate
5. Extract
6. Orchestrate
7. Predict
Digital twin
information of
any kind
of a physical
model of a
system in its
mirroring a
system using
real software
model of real-
time data
physical- to-
virtual system
model facilitating
virtual control
and updates of
physical devices
future behavior
of the physical
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function and client information, is gathered and processed to
create a digital twin. Threats include potential data leaks and
vulnerability to cyberattacks. To protect digital twin data,
enterprises must create stringent security policies, practice
good cybersecurity, and use suitable encryption and
authentication technology. The greater emphasis on data
security and privacy is an important trend in adopting digital
twins. As adoption spreads, digital twin system susceptibility
to hacker attacks and data theft is problematic. To safeguard
the data gathered and processed in the context of the digital
twin, it is crucial to provide strong security solutions. The
necessity for more effort and awareness in securing the digital
twin infrastructure is reflected in this development. Additional
difficulties include the intricacy and scalability of digital twin
technology. For effective modelling and simulation, a digital
twin must be able to handle enormous amounts of data and
process it quickly. This intricacy may impact the effectiveness
and performance of digital twin systems. To retain optimal
performance, businesses must consider scalable technology
infrastructures, employ cutting-edge algorithms and
modelling methodologies, and carry out optimizations. The
absence of uniform standards, cost, and interoperability is yet
another difficulty in deploying digital twins. To ensure
compatibility and seamless system integration, given the
range of components and platforms that make up digital twins,
it is crucial to have clear standards and robust interoperability.
The implementation of digital twin technologies on a large
scale and data sharing and collaboration between businesses
may be hampered by a lack of standards. A shift in workplace
culture is frequently necessary when introducing new
technologies. Some of these issues are overcoming opposition
to change, raising public knowledge of the advantages of
digital twins, and enhancing organizational capacity to
manage and use this technology properly. In conclusion,
several obstacles must be resolved to adopt digital twin
technology successfully.
DT’s challenges
data integration
[2], [26], [31], [33], [42], [63],
[67], [88]
privacy and security
[35], [60], [80], [91]
scalability & standarization
[9], [48], [77], [84]
effectiveness and performance
[25], [47], [72], [77]
data sharing
[9], [13], [72], [87]
[84], [85], [97]
lack of technology knowledge
[56], [60]
As with any uncertain technology initiative, the adopters
of digital twin technology should also consider some of the
future research in using this technology. Digital twin
technology is attracting attention in various industries, and
field service management (FSM) is expected to be a field of
application. FSM involves managing and providing field
services such as maintenance, repair, and installation of
complex equipment and systems. Traditionally, FSM has
relied on manual planning, verbal communication, and
documentation. However, the advent of digital twin
technology has created an opportunity to change how FSMs
operate. One potential application of digital twin technology
in FSM is real-time monitoring and predictive maintenance.
By using digital twins of existing devices or systems in the
field, organizations can monitor performance in real time and
get accurate information about device health and performance.
This allows you to proactively monitor potential damage and
failures so that maintenance can be performed before
problems become more serious. This way, businesses can
reduce downtime, increase efficiency, and optimize resource
utilization. In addition, digital twins also enable accurate
simulation and modelling. Digital twin technology improves
collaboration between field technicians, support teams, and
control centres. Through the digital twin, field technicians can
access accurate information about the equipment they are
working on, including repair manuals, documents, and
maintenance history. This enhanced collaboration allows field
technicians to work more efficiently, reducing problem-
resolution time and increasing customer satisfaction. In
summary, digital twin technology has great potential to
improve FSM efficiency, productivity, and customer
satisfaction. This technology provides real-time monitoring,
predictive maintenance, accurate simulation and modelling,
and improved collaboration.
This systematic literature review provides insights into the
recent trends and challenges in digital twin implementation.
The findings highlight the development of different digital
twin platforms and their benefits, including improved
decision-making, increased productivity, and operational
efficiency. However, challenges such as data integration,
security and privacy concerns, lack of standardization, and the
need for expertise in designing and operating digital twins are
identified. The review emphasizes the need to address these
challenges and explore new approaches to maximizing the
benefits of digital twin technology. It is a valuable resource
for researchers, practitioners, and organizations seeking to
understand the current landscape, identify areas for
improvement, and make informed decisions when
implementing digital twin technology. As digital twin
technology continues to evolve, staying updated with the latest
research and advancements is essential. Future research can
address specific challenges, such as standardization efforts,
data integration techniques, security frameworks, and
effective training programs to develop expertise in digital twin
implementation. By overcoming these challenges, digital twin
technology can unlock its full potential and revolutionize
various industries.
[1] K. Schützer, J. de Andrade Bertazzi, C. Sallati, R. Anderl, and E.
Zancul, “Contribution to the development of a Digital Twin based on
product lifecycle to support the manufacturing process,” P. G.D., Ed.,
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The chapter examines the creative use of blockchain and digital twin technologies in green finance that combines financial innovation with environmental sustainability. Blockchain and digital twin technologies are transforming traditional financial frameworks, making novel financial instruments essential for green investments. ESG-linked futures, green bonds, and sustainable asset-backed securities have evolved over time, and blockchain technology and digital twins have made them more reliable and appealing. The chapter also examines minimising the risks and improving return prediction in green investments. These technologies are shown in action in sustainable finance using real-world scenarios. The chapter concludes with a discussion of the challenges and potential advances of these revolutionary financial instruments and their growing relevance in environmentally friendly financial solutions. This comprehensive investigation aims to help financial professionals, investors, politicians, and academics navigate the ever-changing world of green investing.
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The upgrade and development of manufacturing industry makes predictive maintenance more and more important, but the traditional predictive maintenance can not meet the development needs in many cases. In recent years, predictive maintenance based on digital twin has become a research hotspot in the manufacturing industry field. Firstly, this paper introduces the general methods of digital twin technology and predictive maintenance technology, analyzes the gap between them, and points out the importance of using digital twin technology to realize predictive maintenance. Secondly, this paper introduces the predictive maintenance method based on digital twin (PdMDT), introduces its characteristics, and gives its differences from traditional predictive maintenance. Thirdly, this paper introduces the application of this method in intelligent manufacturing, power industry, construction industry, aerospace industry, shipbuilding industry, and summarizes the latest development in these fields. Finally, the PdMDT puts forwards a reference framework in manufacturing industry, the framework describes the specific implementation process of equipment maintenance, and gives an example of industrial robot using the framework, and discusses the limitations, challenges and opportunities of the PdMDT.
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Cities, and in particular those in coastal low-lying areas, are becoming increasingly susceptible to climate change, the impact of which is worsened by the tendency for population concentration in these areas. Therefore, comprehensive early warning systems are necessary to minimize harm from extreme climate events on communities. Ideally, such a system would allow all stakeholders to acquire accurate up-to-date information and respond effectively. This paper presents a systematic review that highlights the significance, potential, and future directions of 3D city modelling, early warning systems, and digital twins in the creation of technology for building climate resilience through the effective management of smart cities. In total, 68 papers were identified through the PRISMA approach. A total of 37 case studies were included, among which (n = 10) define the framework for a digital twin technology, (n = 14) involve the design of 3D virtual city models, and (n = 13) entail the generation of early warning alerts using the real-time sensor data. This review concludes that the bidirectional flow of data between a digital model and the real physical environment is an emerging concept for enhancing climate resilience. However, the research is primarily in the phase of theoretical concepts and discussion, and numerous research gaps remain regarding the implementation and use of a bidirectional data flow in a true digital twin. Nonetheless, ongoing innovative research projects are exploring the potential of digital twin technology to address the challenges faced by communities in vulnerable areas, which will hopefully lead to practical solutions for enhancing climate resilience in the near future.
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Aerostatic bearing slideways have been increasingly applied in the precision engineering industry and other high-tech sectors over the last two decades or so, due to their considerable advantages over mechanical slideways in terms of high motion accuracy, high speeds, low friction, and environment-friendly operations. However, new challenges in air bearings design and analysis have been occurring and often imposed along the journeys. An industrial-feasible approach for the design and development of aerostatic bearing slideways as standard engineering products is essential and much needed particularly for addressing their rapid demands in diverse precision engineering sectors, and better applications and services in a continuous sustainable manner. This paper presents the multiscale modelling and analysis-based approach for design and development of the aerostatic bearing slideways and its digital twin. The multiscale modelling and analysis and the associated simulation development can be the kernel of the digital twin, which cover the mechanical design, direct drive and control, dynamics tuning of the slideway, and their entire mechatronic system integration. Using this approach and implementation, the performance of an aerostatic bearing slideway can be predicted and assessed in the process. The implementation perspectives for the sideway digital twin are presented and discussed in steps. The digital simulations and digital twin system can be fundamentally important for continuously improving the design and development of aerostatic bearing slideways, and their applications and services in the context of industry 4.0 and beyond.
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Autonomous driving is gradually moving from single-vehicle intelligence to internet of vehicles, where traffic participants can share the traffic flow information perceived by each other. When the sensing technology is combined with the internet of vehicles, a sensor network all over the road can provide a large-scale of traffic flow data, thus providing a basis for building a traffic digital twin model. The digital twin can enable the traffic system not only to use past and present information, but also to predict traffic conditions, providing more effective optimization for autonomous driving and intelligent transportation, so as to make long-term rational planning of the overall traffic state and enhance the level of traffic intelligence. The current mainstream traffic sensors, namely radar and camera, have their own advantages, and the fusion of these two sensors can provide more accurate traffic flow data for the generation of digital twin model. In this paper, an end-to-end digital twin system implementation approach is proposed for highway scenarios. Starting from a paired radar-camera sensing system, a single-site radar-camera fusion framework is proposed, and then using the definition of a unified coordinate system, the traffic flow data between multiple sites is combined to form a dynamic real-time traffic flow digital twin model. The effectiveness of the digital twin building is verified based on the real-world traffic data.
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Current research on Digital Twin (DT) is largely focused on the performance of built assets in their operational phases as well as on urban environment. However, Digital Twin has not been given enough attention to construction phases, for which this paper proposes a Digital Twin framework for the construction phase, develops a DT prototype and tests it for the use case of measuring the productivity and monitoring of earthwork operation. The DT framework and its prototype are underpinned by the principles of versatility , scalability , usability and automation to enable the DT to fulfil the requirements of large-sized earthwork projects and the dynamic nature of their operation. Cloud computing and dashboard visualisation were deployed to enable automated and repeatable data pipelines and data analytics at scale and to provide insights in near-real time. The testing of the DT prototype in a motorway project in the Northeast of England successfully demonstrated its ability to produce key insights by using the following approaches: (i) To predict equipment utilisation ratios and productivities; (ii) To detect the percentage of time spent on different tasks (i.e., loading, hauling, dumping, returning or idling), the distance travelled by equipment over time and the speed distribution; and (iii) To visualise certain earthwork operations.
Indoor environment has significant impacts on human health as people spend 90% of their time indoors. The COVID-19 pandemic and the increased public health awareness have further elevated the urgency for cultivating and maintaining a healthy indoor environment. The advancement in emerging digital twin technologies including building information modeling (BIM), Internet of Things (IoT), data analytics, and smart control have led to new opportunities for building design and operation. Despite the numerous studies on developing methods for creating digital twins and enabling new functionalities and services in smart building management, very few have focused on the health of indoor environment. There is a critical need for understanding and envisaging how digital twin paradigms can be geared towards healthy indoor environment. Therefore, this study reviews the techniques for developing digital twins and discusses how the techniques can be customized to contribute to public health. Specifically, the current applications of BIM, IoT sensing, data analytics, and smart building control technologies for building digital twins are reviewed, and the knowledge gaps and limitations are discussed to guide future research for improving environmental and occupant health. Moreover, this paper elaborates a vision for future research on integrated digital twins for a healthy indoor environment with special considerations of the above four emerging techniques and issues. This review contributes to the body of knowledge by advocating for the consideration of health in digital twin modeling and smart building services and presenting the research roadmap for digital twin-enabled healthy indoor environment.
A key component of a digital twin is the monitored data, communicated from the physical system to the virtual representation, for visualization and simulation. Yet little attention has been paid to the practicalities of working with live-streamed data. Strategies are required for providing continuous access and storage, for processing data of indeterminate quality, and for ensuring long-term sustainability of data communication systems. This paper describes design of the data communication infrastructure, 3D visualization and data interpretation tools, and model development and implementation, for an operational digital twin. Conclusions are drawn pertaining to the informativeness of streamed data, key for successful digital twin development and operation. The paper highlights the need for further research into techniques for ensuring data quality and forecasting efficacy. Digital twins operated commercially are rarely described in detail; the discussion provides a basis for future collaborative development of a consistent operational and interactive framework.
A digital twin is aimed to be a virtual model designed to accurately replicate a physical system in the digital world. This is why digital twins have become quite popular in recent years in both rail and road domain applications, and some researchers and engineers have started considering the term as a buzz word that attracts increased interest in their research. In some cases, this leads to misunderstandings regarding the digital twin concept, especially if the discussion relates to digital twins built on physics-based models. This paper’s detailed review has been performed to address this issue considering the application of vehicle system dynamics theories as a basis for development of digital twins and the implementation process in digital twin studies. The results show that most works are focusing on digital twin developments at the ‘top level of the pyramid’ and more comprehensive research and investigation studies are needed in terms of the application of vehicle system dynamics in design and construction of digital twins. This paper adopts and summarises the possible directions for the development of a future framework in terms of disciplines relevant to vehicle system dynamics and presents a forecasting roadmap on future development strategies of digital twins.
Many contexts can be found where data reside in silos, which presents challenges for supporting decision making that relies on data from multiple silos. Digital twins (DTs) have the potential to integrate heterogeneous data sources and overcome these challenges, but little has been published in this regard. This paper proposes a DT system architecture aimed at DTs that integrate data from different data silos. The architecture combines a hierarchy of DTs and a services network. A case study in railway infrastructure serves as an implementation example for preliminary evaluation. KeywordsDigital twinAggregationData silosSoftware architecture