Conference PaperPDF Available

A Survey on Data Stream Mining Towards the Internet of Things Application

  • Oxford Brookes College of Chengdu University of Technology
A Survey on Data Stream Mining Towards the
Internet of Things Application
* Saifun Nahar
, Ting Zhong
, Happy N. Monday
, Michael O. Mills
, Grace U. Nneji
, Hassan S. Abubakar
School of Information and Software Engineering
School of Computer Science and Engineering
School of Information and Communication Engineering
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Chengdu, Sichuan P.R China
In the era of the Internet of Things, a widespread of
applications depend on time with the various number of different
data generated and collected from different devices available.
These devices depend on the type of application. These fast
stream data are real-time and large in dimension for the purpose
of making decision as well as predicting future occurrence and
analytics. Datastream analytics of internet technology for both
businesses and everyday life is very valuable in terms of
developing good quality of life. In this study, first of all, we focus
on the concept of Internet of Things and its relationship with its
architecture, large and flowing data. In addition, the approach of
Internet of Things applied knowledge discovery process and deep
learning frameworks are presented in this paper. Finally, the
Internet of Things and its features are introduced in this work as
well as the commonly used tools.
Keywords—internet of Things; Big Data Analytics; Deep Learning;
Flowing Data Mining; Data Processing Platforms
I. I
Internet of Things can be viewed in a unique way where
objects establish communications with themselves in a
common worldwide network. Objects in this network interact
with each other using a specific communication protocol or
various communications protocols [1] [2]. According to
research, 10-11 billion devices are connected to the internet
presently. It is predicted that the number of gadgets connected
on the internet will increase to 50 billion by 2020. According
to the same research, in 2003 the ratio of interconnected
gadget to a person was 0.08. The 2020 estimate is 6.48. Also
in 2020, the traffic information generated by the typical
household appliance produced in 2008 was 50% bringing to a
huge trillion GB of internet traffic in approximation [3].
Internet of Things exposes information hidden in its large data
so as to improve the quality of lives by removing complex task
[4]. To subdue the difficult and complex task associated with
the traditional methods, new inferences and learning
approaches technologies, algorithms, infrastructures are
required. Fortunately, fast data processing and more developed
machine learning techniques improvements enable large data
analytics and information extraction [5]. Beyond big data
analysis, Internet of Things data with high-speed data streams
and time accuracy actions developed to support applications
with an analytical class, fast and flowing data analytics
concept was formed. Some researchers have found cloud
infrastructures and service analytics frameworks and
approaches. Unnecessary communication closes the data
source to avoid delays. [6] [7]. In this study, the importance of
data analysis in the Internet of Things in terms of the
techniques and tools used are summarized. Deep learning
application is also introduced in the rest of the study.
Wireless communication is becoming increasingly
widespread. This the simplest idea of the concept, specific
addressing RFID, sensors, electronic labels, etc. Around us,
different objects interact with each other and also collaborate
for common goals [3]. The Internet of Things structure is
attached to each other via the Internet. A small group of
objects can connect with other objects. Therefore the
architecture must be flexible. The simplest form of studies
done on the Internet of Things is; detection layer, network
layer, and application layer. It forms the new platform for the
Internet of Things over the years. Layer views are specified an
architecture widely used is five layers [3];
Sensors and actuators in the Object Detection
Layer obtained by different devices via information
such as temperature, humidity, weight, speed,
acceleration, and location brought together.
Configure different types of objects. The plug and
play mechanism is used in this layer.
From the Detection Layer of the Object,
Abstraction Layer secures the Service. Management
Layer of the resulting data communications via
Service Management Layer. Address and name of
the service is the layer where it is paired with
requests. Internet of Things program is written to
support an application with different specific
hardware platforms interacting with objects of
different types.
The 2019 Technology Innovation Management and Engineering Science International Conference (TIMES-iCON2019)
978-1-7281-3755-1/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE
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Application Layer meets the need of the object.
Internet of Things system created for solutions to
meet the layer’s needs. This layer provides
information to request such as the amount of
moisture in the air, temperature.
The Business Layer is designed to manage the
management layer. Application with the data
obtained from the layer of the business model is the
creation of graphs, tables of this layer responsibility.
A. Big Data and Data Flow in the Internet of Things:
Data volume, data types, variety, and data rate are the
features of big data [8], [9]. For the collected data,
features such as diversity, speed, data volume, reality,
and variability can be counted as value. Internet of
Things flowing data from traditional big data
separating properties are as follows [10]-[12];
Numerous amounts of data received from devices
are distributed and continue flowing data.
Applications are in real-time and updated
Internet of Things applications are mostly sensors.
For this reason, location and timestamp are available.
Due to the size of data in the Internet of Things
applications, there are data errors and noise during
transmission and transmission of data.
Data streams are self-directed amongst objects and
occur in a stochastic process.
For correct processing of data, transmission order
is quite important.
System data elements, data flow or data edit
around the streams have corresponding control.
Once an element is processed from the data stream,
it is either removed or archived. Most especially, the
memory cannot be restored if not stored.
To query the data flow in a traditional relational
model is quite different
Unlike stack data, data must be processed.
Getting a large amount of data on the internet is called big
data. To keep this data while analyzing, revealing hidden
patterns becomes difficult. Objects Information discovery
process of data obtained in the internet environment with the
implementation of interesting and unknown information using
traditional machine learning or deep learning method with
learning characteristics [4]. Some studies show how well
machine learning algorithms have been applied to data stream
mining. However, it is a topic of intensive study. There are
many proposed approaches and algorithms [13]. Deep learning
algorithms have been proposed by many researchers in data
stream mining due to its learning new features and use it for a
classification task. These techniques are considered problem-
oriented but may not be the same depending on the approaches
and nature of data [6].
Fig 1: Machine Learning VS Deep learning
Fig 2: Deep Learning Architecture
Deep learning is self-learning architecture of neural network
[23]. A deep learning algorithm is capable of learning features
and extraction. Each successive layer takes the output from the
preceding layer as input [14] [15]. Different frameworks are
available for the use of deep learning architectures in different
areas. Each of these frameworks supports deep learning
architecture, and optimization algorithms; depending on the
development, ease of use and advantages [16].
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Table 1: Properties of Deep Learning Frames
Tools Core
Benefits Drawbacks
H2O Java R, Python, Scala,
Wide Range Of Interface A limited number of
models are supported.
It is not flexible.
Tensor flow C++ Python, Java, C,
C++, Go
Long Short Term Memory(LSTM) is quite fast.
Support Visualization Network.
More Python-based
frameworks are slowly
Theano Python Python Support various model. On the GPU(Graphics
Processing Unit) LSTM is quite fast.
Many low-level
It has Program Interface.
Torch Luna C, C++ Support various model. Good documentation.
The debugger has debugged messages.
It is open to learning a
new language.
Caffe C++ Python, MATLAB Provides a collection of reference models.
Easy to change platform.
Has effective results in folded networks
It is not very effective in
iterative networks.
Neon Python Python It has a fast training time. Easy platform adaptation
and supports modern architectures
CPU (Central Processing
Unit) multiple uses.
Chainer Python Python Supports modern architectures. Complex
architectures can be easily placed. The dynamic
model can be changed.
Slower forward in some
scenarios calculation
In accordance with the needs of organizations, Internet of
Things plays a huge role in real-time data collection for
analytics platforms. The number of data produced has doubled
in size due to increased usage of devices such as phones,
sensors, etc. Data analytics platform features [18] summarized
in the study;
Analyze flowing data in real-time and should be
capable of reporting.
Users regardless of where they are located should
be able to login to the platform.
Independent usage of interfaces should be designed
as easy.
Be able to perform various types of data and data
should be easy to adapt.
TABLE 2: Features of Flowing Data Analytic Tools
Flowing Data Analytics
Stream Analytics Integrates many machines into one platform.
Infrastructure technology does not require much user attention
Information Provides off-pack services.
Keeps all data connected and eliminates the hassle of manual code writing
SAP Event stream processor Displays future event flows using trends, patterns, and a correlation between them.
Uses notifications and alarms to keep you informed of opportunities and threats.
Oracle Stream Analytics Includes interrelated Visual Geoprocessing and Geoforce for spatial analytics. New Expressive Patterns with
machine learning capabilities for spatial, statistical, anomaly detection library
SQL Stream It is a distributed platform developed according to open standards.
Flexible development, scalability, analytical operations and reuse of applications through the application
program interface features.
Apache Flink It has limited and unlimited data processing capacity. Run applications in any environment and scale.
Power transfer feature is available in the memory performance.
It ensures accurate results even in irregular, late data.
High tolerance to error.
It can work efficiently on thousands of nodes and manage latency.
In addition to data-driven windowing, it has flexible windowing capability based on numbers and sessions.
Applications can update or process historical data without any loss and interruption.
The application program interface is very useful.
User-friendly and developed to cover all common jobs.
Configuration does not require the use of memory, network, serializer.
Spark Hadoop can work on Mesos, in the cloud or alone. Different distributed data such as HDFS (Hadoop
Distributed File System), Cassandra, HBase, S3 resources. It empowers different library stacks such as Mlib,
Dataframes, SQL, GraphX and Spark Streaming.
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V. M
Data are generated from meaningful yet different sources
for the application of IoT technology. Internet of Things is
playing a major role in today’s world. Its impact and
technology vary across different applications such as vehicle
tracking, parking systems, payment system and utility
management system with sensors designed to emit rays. These
sensors are cameras that sense motion, sound as well as an
emitting ray. The pressure sensor is sensor cameras that emits
infrared rays to sense pressure [24]. These sensor utilizes
similar technology by sending short messages as SMS and
Necessary warnings to users [19]. With the progress of
wearable technologies, the monitoring of the health
parameters of individuals has facilitated wearable sensors
capable of reading blood pressure, heartbeats, and sleeping
patterns. Based on this technology, the data obtained can be
used to prescribe a drug to patients with having to schedule a
physical meeting. This technology can also prevent patients
from taking the wrong dose of drugs at the wrong time [20].
Visually Impaired Navigation System is designed for people
with disabilities to help them while shopping. The
supermarket is divided into cells radio placed in frequency
tags and the navigating tags are mapped [21]. Individuals
parsing the sound of the smartphone and using the recognition
system to go to the phone notifies and go the person with
Bluetooth and WLAN technologies routing for the hearing
impaired temperature sensor taken with temperature sensor
reached through a status check to a control center. Disable
individual with shining light or vibration warning is provided
[20] [22]. Smart environment Sensors placed in homes and
workplaces to measure ambient temperature, humidity, and
light for personal preference. These parameters can be
adjusted according to weather conditions. Data obtained by
working on peoples' personal habits adjustments are possible
[3]. Smart city applications for garbage separation, traffic
control, energy network as well as forecasting the air quality
[16] [24].
Internet of Things, deep learning and flowing data mining
concepts have contributed positively to our lives, society, and
the world as a whole. Big data research has become quite
popular amongst researchers nowadays. Internet of Things
technology through the advent of big data has changed the
way we perceive information. Stream data mining offers a
platform for real-time data analytics. The impact of the
application of data stream mining towards IoT can not be
overemphasized due to its numerous advantages. Data
obtained are used for decision making and prediction of
events. Finally, This paper has presented to its readers the
numerous benefits and application of data stream mining
towards IoT.
Work supported by University of Electronic Science and
Technology of China.
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... Chen et al. (2015) presented knowledge, technical and application view. A one step forward, (Marjani et al., 2017;Mohammadi et al., 2018;Nahar et al., 2019) discussed the upcoming research challenges due to a new type of big data i.e. the heterogeneous and devices engendered IoT big data. Marjani et al. (2017) investigated the Power of IoT big data analytics in IoT applications. ...
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Advancement in the fields of electronic communication, data processing, and internet technologies enable easy access to and interaction with a variety of physical devices throughout the globe. Our whole world is enveloped by a blanket of innumerable smart devices equipped with the sensors and actuators. Extensive research on the Internet of things (IoT) with cloud technologies, make it possible to accumulate tremendous data created from this heterogeneous environment and transform it into precious knowledge by utilizing data mining technologies. Furthermore, this generated knowledge will play a key role in intelligent decision making, system performance boosting, and optimum management of resources and services. With this background, this paper presents a systematic and detailed review of various data mining techniques employed in the large and small scale IoT applications to formulate an intelligent environment. It also presents an overview of cloud-assisted IoT Big data mining system to better understand the importance of data mining for an IoT environment.
... Chen et al. (2015) presented knowledge, technical and application view. A one step forward, (Marjani et al., 2017;Mohammadi et al., 2018;Nahar et al., 2019) discussed the upcoming research challenges due to a new type of big data i.e. the heterogeneous and devices engendered IoT big data. Marjani et al. (2017) investigated the Power of IoT big data analytics in IoT applications. ...
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Advancement in the fields of electronic communication, data processing, and internet technologies enable easy access to and 1 interaction with a variety of physical devices throughout the globe. Our whole world is enveloped by a blanket of innumerable smart devices 2 equipped with the sensors and actuators. Extensive research on the Internet of things (IoT) with cloud technologies, make it possible to 3 accumulate tremendous data created from this heterogeneous environment and transform it into precious knowledge by utilizing data mining 4 technologies. Furthermore, this generated knowledge will play a key role in intelligent decision making, system performance boosting, and 5 optimum management of resources and services. With this background, this paper presents a systematic and detailed review of various data 6 mining techniques employed in the large and small scale IoT applications to formulate an intelligent environment. It also presents an overview 7 of cloud-assisted IoT Big data mining system to better understand the importance of data mining for an IoT environment.
Conference Paper
Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) monitor computer networks for attack. Network data streams are potentially infinite and require real-time processing in order to provide timely detection of changing attacks. To address the nature of the network data stream it is important to consider the use of online data stream learning methods for IDS. Online data stream learning is an extension of Machine Learning (ML) where special consideration is given to finding anomalies in the data stream via supervised and unsupervised methods, adapting to concept drift, processing real-time events, and management of labelling cost by using Active Learning (AL). This paper asks the question of which online data stream and AL methods for IDS have been recently reviewed? A Systematic Literature Review (SLR) was performed and found that there is currently no reviews available that focus primarily on IDS data stream learning. Reviews were organised into categories and key considerations presented.
Conference Paper
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In recent years, Internet of Things (IoT) concept has become a promising research topic in many areas including industry, commerce and education. Smart cities employ IoT based services and applications to create a sustainable urban life. By using information and communication technologies, IoT enables smart cities to make city stakeholders more aware, interactive and efficient. With the increase in number of IoT based smart city applications, the amount of data produced by these applications is increased tremendously. Governments and city stakeholders take early precautions to process these data and predict future effects to ensure sustainable development. In prediction context, deep learning techniques have been used for several forecasting problems in big data. This inspires us to use deep learning methods for prediction of IoT data. Hence, in this paper, a novel deep learning model is proposed for analyzing IoT smart city data. We propose a novel model based on Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) networks to predict future values of air quality in a smart city. The evaluation results of the proposed model are found to be promising and they show that the model can be used in other smart city prediction problems as well.
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In the era of the Internet of Things (IoT), an enormous amount of sensing devices collect and/or generate various sensory data over time for a wide range of fields and applications. Based on the nature of the application, these devices will result in big or fast/real-time data streams. Applying analytics over such data streams to discover new information, predict future insights, and make control decisions is a crucial process that makes IoT a worthy paradigm for businesses and a quality-of-life improving technology. In this paper, we provide a thorough overview on using a class of advanced machine learning techniques, namely Deep Learning (DL), to facilitate the analytics and learning in the IoT domain. We start by articulating IoT data characteristics and identifying two major treatments for IoT data from a machine learning perspective, namely IoT big data analytics and IoT streaming data analytics. We also discuss why DL is a promising approach to achieve the desired analytics in these types of data and applications. The potential of using emerging DL techniques for IoT data analytics are then discussed, and its promises and challenges are introduced. We present a comprehensive background on different DL architectures and algorithms. We also analyze and summarize major reported research attempts that leveraged DL in the IoT domain. The smart IoT devices that have incorporated DL in their intelligence background are also discussed. DL implementation approaches on the fog and cloud centers in support of IoT applications are also surveyed. Finally, we shed light on some challenges and potential directions for future research. At the end of each section, we highlight the lessons learned based on our experiments and review of the recent literature.
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Deep learning is a popular machine learning approach which has achieved a lot of progress in all traditional machine learning areas. Internet of thing (IoT) and Smart City deployments are generating large amounts of time-series sensor data in need of analysis. Applying deep learning to these domains has been an important topic of research. The Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) network has been proven to be well suited for dealing with and predicting important events with long intervals and delays in the time series. LTSM networks have the ability to maintain long-term memory. In an LTSM network, a stacked LSTM hidden layer also makes it possible to learn a high level temporal feature without the need of any fine tuning and preprocessing which would be required by other techniques. In this paper, we construct a long-short term memory (LSTM) recurrent neural network structure, use the normal time series training set to build the prediction model. And then we use the predicted error from the prediction model to construct a Gaussian naive Bayes model to detect whether the original sample is abnormal. This method is called LSTM-Gauss-NBayes for short. We use three real-world data sets, each of which involve long-term time-dependence or short-term time-dependence, even very weak time dependence. The experimental results show that LSTM-Gauss-NBayes is an effective and robust model.
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Since about 100 years ago, to learn the intrinsic structure of data, many representation learning approaches have been proposed, including both linear ones and nonlinear ones, supervised ones and unsupervised ones. Particularly, deep architectures are widely applied for representation learning in recent years, and have delivered top results in many tasks, such as image classification, object detection and speech recognition. In this paper, we review the development of data representation learning methods. Specifically, we investigate both traditional feature learning algorithms and state-of-the-art deep learning models. The history of data representation learning is introduced, while available resources (e.g. online course, tutorial and book information) and toolboxes are provided. Finally, we conclude this paper with remarks and some interesting research directions on data representation learning.
This paper addresses the Internet of Things. Main enabling factor of this promising paradigm is the integration of several technologies and communications solutions. Identification and tracking technologies, wired and wireless sensor and actuator networks, enhanced communication protocols (shared with the Next Generation Internet), and distributed intelligence for smart objects are just the most relevant. As one can easily imagine, any serious contribution to the advance of the Internet of Things must necessarily be the result of synergetic activities conducted in different fields of knowledge, such as telecommunications, informatics, electronics and social science. In such a complex scenario, this survey is directed to those who want to approach this complex discipline and contribute to its development. Different visions of this Internet of Things paradigm are reported and enabling technologies reviewed. What emerges is that still major issues shall be faced by the research community. The most relevant among them are addressed in details.
Integration of all smart systems (such as smart home, smart parking, etc.) and the IoT devices (such as sensors, actuators, and smartphones) in the city can play a vital role to develop the urban services by building their city digital and smarter. However, interconnection of lots of IoT objects to collect urban data over the Internet to launch a smart digital city, effects vast volume of data generation, termed as Big Data. Thus, it is a challenging task to integrate IoT devices and smart systems in order to harvest and process such big amount of real-time city data in an effective manner aimed at creating a Smart Digital City. Therefore, in this paper, we have established an IoT-based Smart City by using Big Data analytics while harvesting real-time data from the city. We used sensors’ deployment including sensors at smart home, smart parking, vehicular networking, surveillance, weather and water monitoring system, etc., for real time data collection. The complete system is described by its proposed architecture and implementation prototype using Hadoop ecosystem in a real environment. In addition, the Smart Digital City services are extended by developing the intelligent Smart Transportation System by means of big graph processing to facilitate citizens while providing real-time traffic information and alerts. The proposed system consists of number of stages including data generation and collection, aggregation, filtration, classification, preprocessing, computing, and decision making. The efficiency of the system is extended by applying Big Data processing using Apache Spark over Hadoop. Whereas, the big city graph processing is achieved by using Giraph over Hadoop. The system is practically implemented by taken existing smart systems and IoT devices as city data sources to develop the Smart Digital City. The proposed system is evaluated with respect to efficiency in terms of scalability and real-time data processing.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the key components of the ICT infrastructure of smart sustainable cities as an emerging urban development approach due to its great potential to advance environmental sustainability. As one of the prevalent ICT visions or computing paradigms, the IoT is associated with big data analytics, which is clearly on a penetrative path across many urban domains for optimizing energy efficiency and mitigating environmental effects. This pertains mainly to the effective utilization of natural resources, the intelligent management of infrastructures and facilities, and the enhanced delivery of services in support of the environment. As such, the IoT and related big data applications can play a key role in catalyzing and improving the process of environmentally sustainable development. However, topical studies tend to deal largely with the IoT and related big data applications in connection with economic growth and the quality of life in the realm of smart cities, and largely ignore their role in improving environmental sustainability in the context of smart sustainable cities of the future. In addition, several advanced technologies are being used in smart cities without making any contribution to environmental sustainability, and the strategies through which sustainable cities can be achieved fall short in considering advanced technologies. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to review and synthesize the relevant literature with the objective of identifying and discussing the state-of-the-art sensor-based big data applications enabled by the IoT for environmental sustainability and related data processing platforms and computing models in the context of smart sustainable cities of the future. Also, this paper identifies the key challenges pertaining to the IoT and big data analytics, as well as discusses some of the associated open issues. Furthermore, it explores the opportunity of augmenting the informational landscape of smart sustainable cities with big data applications to achieve the required level of environmental sustainability. In doing so, it proposes a framework which brings together a large number of previous studies on smart cities and sustainable cities, including research directed at a more conceptual, analytical, and overarching level, as well as research on specific technologies and their novel applications. The goal of this study suits a mix of two research approaches: topical literature review and thematic analysis. In terms of originality, no study has been conducted on the IoT and related big data applications in the context of smart sustainable cities, and this paper provides a basis for urban researchers to draw on this analytical framework in future research. The proposed framework, which can be replicated, tested, and evaluated in empirical research, will add additional depth to studies in the field of smart sustainable cities. This paper serves to inform urban planners, scholars, ICT experts, and other city stakeholders about the environmental benefits that can be gained from implementing smart sustainable city initiatives and projects on the basis of the IoT and related big data applications.