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Late Cretaceous-Eocene nannofossil and magnetostratigraphic correlations near Gubbio, Italy



Using a modified sample preparation technique, we have been able to establish a detailed lower Campanian to upper Eocene nannofossil stratigraphy in the Bottaccione and Contessa Highway sections near Gubbio. Appearance and extinction levels of virtually all the commonly used calcareous nannofossil zonal markers have been recognized and can now be closely correlated with the planktonic foraminifera zonation and the magnetic reversal stratigraphy previously established in these sections. Comparisons with the nannofossil calibrations of the oceanic magnetic anomaly sequence in Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) sites suggest that magmetic Subchrons C17N and C25N are missing in the Bottaccione section. The observed variability of the relative stratigraphic position of most plankton events is confirmed to less than one magnetic subchron. Absolute abundance, paleobiogeographic restriction, and differential preservation render some of the traditionally used biostratigraphic events less reliable than others.
Marine Micropaleontology, 9 (1985): 419--440 419
Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam -- Printed in The Netherlands
I Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Universit~ di Firenze, Via La Pira 4, 50121 Firenze (Italy)
2Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, La JoUa, CA 92093 (U.S.A.)
(Revised version accepted December 31, 1984)
Monechi, S. and Thierstein, H.R., 1985. Late Cretaceous--Eocene nannofossil and magnetostratigraphic cor-
relations near Gubbio, Italy. Mar. Micropaleontol., 9: 419--440.
Using a modified sample preparation technique, we have been able to establish a detailed lower Campanian to
upper Eocene nannofossil stratigraphy in the Bottaccione and Contessa Highway sections near Gubbio.
Appearance and extinction levels of virtually all the commonly used calcareous nannofossil zonal markers have
been recognized and can now be closely correlated with the planktonic foraminifera zonation and the magnetic
reversal stratigraphy previously established in these sections. Comparisons with th e nannofossil calibrations of the
oceanic magnetic anomaly sequence in Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) sites suggest that magmetic Subchrons
C17N and C25N are missing in the Bottaccione section. The observed variability of the relative stratigraphic
position of most plankton events is confirmed to less than one magnetic subchron. Absolute abundance, paleo-
biogeographic restriction, and differential preservation render some of the traditionally used biostratigraphic
events less reliable than others.
With the realization by a broad spectrum of
earth scientists, that our planet in its geolog-
ical history may have been subject to large
and possibly very rapid changes of environ-
mental conditions (e.g., Berggren and
Hollister, 1977; Thierstein and Berger, 1978;
Herman, 1981; Watts, 1982), has come a new
appreciation of the importance of high strati-
graphic resolution in any analyses of the
processes responsible for these changes.
Recent advances in high-resolution bio-,
chemo- and magneto-stratigraphy (e.g.,
Shackleton and Opdyke, 1973; Ryan et al.,
1974; Alvarez et al., 1977; Thierstein et al.,
1977; Lowrie et al., 1982; Napoleone et al.,
1983) have been instrumental in such analyses
(e.g., Hays et al., 1976; Van Couvering et al.,
1976; Silver and Schultz, 1982; Keller et al.,
1983). The fact that we can now recognize
with confidence more than 26 nannofossil
events in continuously exposed sections with
established magnetic stratigraphies will help in
identifying hiatuses, in correlating magnetic
reversals in notoriously incomplete DSDP
cores, and after appropriate radiometric
calibrations, in calculating changes in sedi-
mentation rates in sections spanning the
Cretaceous--Tertiary boundary.
The published stratigraphic studies of the
well-exposed and apparently continuous
pelagic sequences of the Umbrian Apennines
have contributed greatly to a refinement and
consolidation of late Cretaceous to early
Tertiary bio- and magneto-stratigraphies. The
0377-8398/85/$03.30 © 1985 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.
stratigraphic distribution of planktonic
foraminifera in the Bottaccione section as
described by Luterbacher and Premoli Silva
{1962, 1964), Luterbacher (1964), and
Premoli Silva (1977), allowed Lowrie and
Alvarez (1977) and Roggenthen and
Napoleone {1977) to correlate the magnetic
stratigraphy in that section with the seafloor
anomaly time-scale of Heirtzler et al. (1968).
Their results led to the proposal that the
Bottaccione section should become the type
section for the late Cretaceous--Paleocene
geomagnetic reversal time scale (Alvarez et al.,
1977). The proposed Paleocene planktonic
foraminiferal and magnetostratigraphic cor-
relation was subsequently confirmed and
extended upwards to the lowermost Miocene
in the nearby Contessa section, and at the
same time numerous late Paleocene to early
Miocene calcareous nannofossil events were
recognized (Lowrie et al., 1982). The paleo.
magnetic and planktonic foraminiferal strati-
graphies of the Bottaccione section have also
HIGHWAY~ "'~,''
)- "\ Scheqqia
)i I ~-x\
Fig. I. Location of Bottaccione and Contessa High-
been extended recently from the Paleocene to
the upper Eocene (Napoleone et al., 1983).
We report here the results of our detailed
light-microscopic study of the calcareous
nannofossils in the upper Cretaceous through
Eocene sequence of the Bottaccione and
Contessa Highway sections, both located near
the town of Gubbio (Fig. 1). More detailed
descriptions of the locations of the
Bottaccione and Contessa sections were given
by Alvarez et al. (1977) and Lowrie et al.
The upper Cretaceous--Eocene Scaglia For-
mation of the Umbrian Apennines consists
dominantly of indurated, micritic, pelagic
limestones devoid of any macrofossils. Because
it has been difficult to isolate the pelagic mi-
crofossils from the limey sediment matrix with
traditional micropaleontological preparation
techniques, most of the previous biostrati-
graphic studies were carried out using thin
sections and broken sediment surfaces (e.g.,
Renz, 1936; Luterbacher and Premoli Silva,
1964; Monechi and Pirini Radrizzani, 1975).
By carefully crushing small, clean limestone
pieces with a mortar and pestle, suspending
the resulting fine rock powder, and repeatedly
decanting, we have been able to recover
adequate amounts of strongly overgrown but
still recognizable calcareous nannofossils. Our
samples were taken from the rock specimens
collected by Luterbacher and Premoli Silva
(1964), Premoli Silva (1977), and from the
drilled paleomagnetic samples taken by
Lowrie and Alvarez (1977) and Roggenthen
and Napoleone (1977). We have made a spe-
cial effort during our light-microscopic exam-
inations to reliably establish the first and last
occurrences of those taxa which have pre-
viously been used to define zonal boundaries
by Martini (1971), Bukry (1973, 1975),
Thierstein (1976), Roth (1978), Perch-Nielsen
(1979) and Okada and Bukry (1980). The
nannofossil taxa which we have identified are
listed in Table I.
Calcareous nannofossils recorded in the Umbrian sections
Sphenolithus anarrhopus
Discoaster aster
Discoaster barbadiensis
Chiasmolithus bidens
Braarudosphaera bigelowii
Zygrhablithus b~ugatus
Dictyococcites bisectus
Prinsius bisulcus
Heliolithus cantabrme
Ericsonia cava
Neochiastozygus concinnus
Heliolithus conicus
Chiasmolithus consuetus
Tribrachiatus contortus
Coccolithus crassus
Toweius craticulus
Coccolithus cribeUum
Chiasmolithus danicus
Discoaster diastypus
Prinsius dimorphosus
Bmarudosphaera diseula
Ellipsolithus distichus
Toweius eminens
Coccolithus formosus
Nannotetrina fulgens
Calcidiscus gammation
Chiasmolithus grandis
Rhabdosphaera inflata
Markalius inversus
Triquetrorhabdulus inversus
Heliolithus kleinpellii
Discoasteroides kuepperi
Discoaster lenticularls
Discoaster Iodoensis
Elllpsolithus macellus
Discoaster mohleri
Sphenolithus moriformis
Discoaster multiradiatus
Discoaster nobilis
Thoracosphaera operculata
Tribrachiatus orthostylus
Coccolithus pelagicus
Toweius petalosus
Fasciculithus pileatus
Cruciplaeolithus primus
Thoracosphaera prolata
Cyclicargolithus pseudogammation
Sphenolithus peeudoradians
Sphenolithus radlans
lsthmolithus reeurvus
Heliolithus riedelii
Discolithina rimosa
Discoaster saipanensis
Reticulofenestra samodurovii
Thoracosphaera saxea
Bramletteius serraculoides
Zygodiscus simplex
Zygodiscus sigmoides
Bian th ol ithus sparsus
Blackites spinulus
Discoaster su blodoensis
Ericsonia se bpertuse
Cruciplacolithus tenuis
Rhabdosphaera tenuis
Fasciculithus tympaniformis
Fasciculithus ulii
Reticulofenestra umbilica
Ceratolithoides aculeus
Reinhardtites anthophorus
Watznaueria barnesae
Lithraphidites carniolensis
Bukry and Bramlette, 1969
Bramlette and Riedel, 1954
Tan, 1927
(Bramlette and Sullivan, 1961) Hay and Mohler, 1967
(Gran and Braarud, 1935) Deflandre, 1947
(Deflandre, 1954)Deflandre, 1959
(Hay, Mohlar and Wade, 1968) Bukry and Percival, 1971
(Stradner, 1963) Hay and Mohler, 1967
Perch-Nielsen, 1971
(Hay and Mohler, 1967) Perch-Nielsen, 1969
(Martini, 1961)Perch-Nielsen, 1971
Perch-Nielsen, 1971
(Bramlette and Sullivan, 1961) Hay and Mohler, 1967
(Stradner, 1958) Bukry, 1972
Bramlette and Sullivan, 1961
Hay and Mohler, 1967
(Bramlette and Sullivan, 1961) Stradner, 1962
(Brotzen, 1959) Hay and Mohier, 1967
Bramlette and Sullivan, 1961
(Perch-Nielsen, 1969) Perch-Nielsen, 1977
Bramlette and Riedel, 1954
(Bramlette and Sullivan, 1961) Sullivan, 1964
(Bramlette and Sullivan, 1961) Gartner, 1971
(Kamptner, 1963) Wise, 1973
(Stradner, 1960) Achutan and Stradner, 1969
(Bramlette and Sullivan, 1981) Loeblich and Tappan, 1978
(Bramlette and Riedal, 1954) Radomski, 1968
Bramlette and Sullivan, 1961
(Deflandre, 1964) Brarnlette and Martini, 1964
Bukry and Bramlette, 1969
Sullivan, 1964
(Stradner, 1959) Bramlette and Sullivan, 1961
Bramlette and Sullivan, 1961
Bramlette and Riedel, 1954
(Bramlette and Sullivan, 1981) Sullivan, 1964
Bukry and Percival, 1971
(Bronnimann and Stradner, 1960) Bramlette and Wilcoxon, 1967
Bramlette and Riedel, 1954
Martini, 1961
Bramlette and Martini, 1964
Shamrai, 1963
(Wallich, 1967) Schiller, 1930
Ellis and Lohmann, 1973
Bukry, 1973
Perch-Nielsen, 1977
Bukry and Bramlette, 1989
(Bouche, 1962) Bukry, 1973
Bramlatte and Wilcoxon, 1967
Deflandre, 1952
Deflandre in Deflandre and Fert, 1954
Bramlette and Sullivan, 1961
(Bramlette and Sullivan, 1961) Levin and Joerger, 1987
Bramlette and Riedel, 1954
(Hay, Mohler and Wade, 1988) Roth, 1970
Stradner, 1961
Gartner, 1969
(Bramlette and Sullivan, 1961) Hay and Mohler, 1967
Bramlette and Sullivan, 1981
Bramlette and Martini, 1984
(Levin, 1965) Roth, 1970
Bramlette and Sullivan, 1961
Nay and Mohler, 1967
Hay and Mohlar, 1967
Brernlette and Sullivan, 1981
Hay and Mohler, 1967
Perch-Nielsen, 1971
(Levin, 1968) Martini and Ritzkowski, 1968
( Stradner, 1961) Gartner, 1968
(Deflandre, 1969) Perch-Nielsen, 1968
(Black, 1959)Perch-Nielsen, 1968
Deflandre, 1963
TABLE I (continued)
Lucianorhabdus cayeuxii
Biacutum constans
Prediacosphaera cretacea
Arkhangelskiella cymbiformis
Microrhabdulus decoratus
Zygodiscus diplogramrnus
Cribrosphaerella ehreabergii
Parhabdolithus embergeri
Broinsonia enormis
EiffeUithus eximius
Tetralithus gothicus
Lithastrinus grillii
Chiastozygus litterarius
Micula taurus
Gartnerago obliquurn
~Xcanolithus orionatus
Broinsonia parca
Manivitella pemmatoidea
Micula praemurus
Lithraphidites quadratus
Parhabdolithus regularis
Discorhabdus rotatorius
Zygodiscus spiralis
Micula staurophora
Microrhabdulus stradaeri
Vagalapina stradneri
Cretarhabdus surirellus
Tetralithus trlfidus
Eiffellithus turriseiffeli
Deflandre, 1959
(Gbrka, 1957)Black, 1967
(Arkhangelsky, 1912)Gartner, 1968
Vekshina, 1959
Deflandre, 1959
(Deflandre, 1954) Gartner, 1968
(Arkhangelsky, 1912) Deflandre, 1952
(No~|, 1958) Stradner, 1963
(Shumenko, 1968)Manivit, 1971
(Stover, 1966) Perch-Nielsen, 1968
Deflandre, 1959
Stradnar, 1962
(G6rka, 1957) Manivit, 1971
(Martini, 1961) Bukry, 1973
(Stradner, 1963) No~l, 1970
(Reinhardt, 1966a) Reinhardt, 1966b
(8tradner, 1968) Bukry, 1969
(Deflandre ex Manivit, 1985) Thierstein, 1971
(Bukry, 1973) Stradner and Steinmetz, 1984
Brarnlette and Martini, 1964
(G6rka, 1957) Bukry, 1969
(Bukry, 1969)Thierstein, 1973
Bramlette and Martini, 1964
(Gardet, 1955) Stradner, 1963
Bramlette and Martini, 1964
(Rood, Hay and Barnard, 1971) Thierstein, 1973
(Deflandre, 1954) Reinhardt, 1970
(Stradner, 1961 )Bukry, 1973
(Deflandre, 1954) Reinhardt, 1965
Our stratigraphic terminology usage fol-
lows the International Stratigraphic Guide
(Hedberg, 1976; Anonymous, 1979) and
Tauxe et al. (1983). The zonal numbering
scheme we have used for the calcareous
nannofossils is after Roth (1978) and Okada
and Bukry (1980), and for the planktonic
foraminifera after Berggren (1971) and Sigal
Bottaccione section
A summary of the stratigraphic evidence is
given in Fig. 2. The lithologies of the Scagiia
Rossa (115--440 m above the top of the
Maiolica limestone) and the Scaglia Variegata
(440--464 m above the top of the Maiolica
limestone) have been described in detail by
Arthur and Fischer {1977), Arthur (1979)
and Napoleone et al. {1983). We report in the
following on the calcareous nannofossils from
limestones in the interval of 185--505 m
above the top of the Maiolica limestone
(Fig. 2). This sequence includes, from bottom
to top, 35 m of yellow-gray, cherty, thin-
bedded limestones (185-220 m), 7 m of red-
brown marlstone (220-227 m), 120 m of
thin bedded, pink to dark red-brown lime-
stones (227--347 m) interrupted by 2 inter-
vals of thicker, bedded limestones (298--312 m
and 340--342 m), the 1-cm thick Cretaceous--
Tertiary boundary clay, 57 m of thin-bedded
pink to red-brown limestones {347--404 m)
interrupted by 3 maristone sequences (marl I:
348--356 m, marl II: 370-375 m, marl III:
382--387 m), 34 m of variably bedded red,
pink and gray cherty limestone (404--438 m).
and over 170 m of red, gray, greenish, well-
bedded limestone of the Scaglia Variegata
(438--510 m), interrupted by a "white
marker" bed (449 m) and a recessed marly
bed (463 m).
Most of the standard late Cretaceous and
Paleogene planktonic foraminiferal zones
were recognized in the Bottaccione section by
Luterbacher and Premoli Silva (1962, 1964)
prior to any magnetic studies and have since
been refined by Premoli Silva (1977) and
Napoleone et al. (1983).
The magnetic stratigraphy of the
Bottaccione section has been established by
Premoli Silva et al. (1974), Lowrie and
Alvarez {1977), Roggenthen and Napoleone
(1977), and Napoleone et al. (1983). A cor-
relation of the observed magnetic stratigraphy
of the Bottaccione section with the oceanic
magnetic anomaly sequence A-18 through
A-34 has been proposed by Premoli Silva et
al. {1974) and by Napoleone et al. (1983).
These correlations were based on planktonic
assemblages recovered from pelagic sediments
overlying basaltic basement in eight DSDP
_,T.O-): C.'C..EOUS .C.. TON,C
~se I r~u,v~
CPISb ~ lop 6
sem,,nvomro (499 5m) ~
bose 6
~nvol~o (489m)
c ~,ond, s
f484 m)
CPt4 P13
t~se # um~mco
(¢6J~)---- +-+-
CP13 P12
top M o,o+o+ns,s (453 m) +
/uY~'ns (445m)--
CPI2 ~
P,+nle*m,~ ~ (429m) -
(sse D
/417~m) ~o~e .G" po/meroe (4185m(
e C CfO~US (414m) "~Fll P8
~ O /odoe~s (402m)
bose,,G"torOUbOensys (408 7"m/-
bo~ T~lho~yl~ (398m)
-- bose
M o~o~onensy$ (3998m) --
~se O dYosty~s f~m) ~ ~ f°D M ~y (~ mJ
0 ~/hr~Yl~ofus(378 5m)/~'~7 -/top P pse~omenen~rd,,(37Z~/~
-~oseDmohler, (37~m)--;P5
p]J~po$~ /if onpJlofo (.~9 m/
~ bo~ef~.wnoo~o~m~s(3615m(--~j',~bo
CP2 ~M
~,~to(356.~m) --
= bose E moce#u~ (354my__ 2
- top Cre/oceous (3476m)
NC2] =C$11
~se G e~g~l~no (3476 m) --
NC~I ¥CslO ~c~
top T lr, f,dus (JO~m) -- --~s~ a ~ons~, /JO~m) -- O~_
--~op 6
coycom~o (2~o2m)
- bose T /~#,dus (264my- --
~ose G ca/~om (264 my -
lop E exlmlus (ZSJm)
NCl9~ z
- y)o~
goYh~cus (~50mf -- ~_
NCl9( MCs7
~e C ~u/eus i222 m) 0
- ~ 8 po, co (209~#
Fig. 9. Correlation of biostratigraphic events with
magneto- and lithostratigraphy in the Bottaccione
section. Redrawn in part from Alvarez et al. (1977)
and Napoleone et al. (1983). Short tick marks to
right of polarity pattern are nannofossfl sample
Calcareous nannofossil stratigraphy
The stratigraphic distribution of the cal-
careous nannofossil taxa is documented in
Figs. 3-5. We have included the detailed
range-charts because they are crucial in eval-
uating the reliability and accuracy of the
appearance and extinction levels of the cal-
careous nannofossil taxa. The relative abun-
dance of nannofossils and their preservation
in the processed fractions of the sample are
given in the left part of Figs. 3--5. The esti-
mated abundance descriptors refer to the
logarithmic frequency of nannofossils among
the observed micarb and clay particles on a
slide, as indicated in the figure explanations.
Assemblage abundances listed as rare there-
fore indicate that more than one thousand
micarb particles were encountered in the light
microscope per nannofossil specimen.
Recrystallization susceptibility and identifi-
ability of recrystailized specimens in various
orientations may vary between species arid
produce apparent abundance changes between
samples. At the particle densities and magni-
fications we used, this is equivalent to about
one nannofossil per one to three fields of
view. Despite the scarcity and strong re-
crystallization of most nannofossil assem-
blages, we have been able .to recognize most
of the biostratigraphically important taxa.
The relative abundances of individual taxa are
given as logarithmic estimates of their fre-
quency among the identified nannofossils.
The statistical reliability of all biostratigraphic
events can therefore be estimated directly
from the range charts. The first occurrence of
Micula murus
for instance (Fig. 3) means that
at 337.9 m of the Bottaccione section at least
one specimen was encountered per few thou-
sand nannofossils screened or per every few
tens of thousands of particles examined,
which at the particle" densities we used would
be equivalent to approximately 50-100 fields
of view. The next lower sample at 340.2 m
did not contain a single specimen of
M. murus
in several thousand nannofossils screened,
which required several hundred fields of view
to be examined.
The following is a summary of our bio-
stratigraphic interpretation of the nannofloras
shown in Figs. 3-5. The lowermost assem-
blages (186--204 m) are poorly preserved and
lack upper Cretaceous marker species, such as
M. furcatus, B. parca, C. aculeus and T.
The lowest biostratigraphic event
observed is the appearance of
B. parca,
defines the base of zone NC18 of Roth
(1978), at 209 m. The widely recognized
II ~l
l I
- , ~ ,o , .... ~ ,
~.~l.n-~ ~-~ "~,,')-~1-~ -n-n~ ~ :0~ ~-~I-~,,->~,,'~-~,,"~-~ ~i~ ~ ~-~ "~ "~,'~'~ "~ "~ ")~o~'.~ ~-~ ~ p,'~'~'~ "~'~ ~0"~ ~-~ "~'~ "n'~ "~"~ ADUNOANC[
W. barnesae
[ ex~mlus
C. litterarlus
T.orienatu s
M,pemmit oide a
Cllindrallt hu s sp
7 diplogrammu s
Z anthgphorus
P.emberger i
[.turrisetf fell
B. parcs
p. regufa ris
9. coastans
A.cymbifo mis
[ A R L Y I L A T E i [ A R L Y
" I
I-- I
I .
F," - ..... I .... I - =
e-I- ~C 30 30 ~ 30 ~;~ ~030 ~0 ~ REWORKING
:ll'YS'rl) ~:IP, ";~IL')L"~('~{" .L'~I~)]P, "TI(~{~(')m'I'TI~
m'Ts'~"~30 {'~ 0 "~'~30
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~rt-ri'f~ I~(") ('} O"n ~)C ~'~)00 (') ~-){") (~'11 "T1 ~)l'ri'x't'T1 "~f~lO ~ 0 m'~l T epercgllti
0" 30~ ,,n ~1 ,Is -~ -~ m-11 C prJlllus
"n Cfclalelospkaar asp.
% ~ :ID 30 :13 B. splrstis
(~0 giscut um Sl
30 "~ Crepidelitkus sp
L") -~1 ~ ('~ (~ "rl "~ C1 "T1 "n "n ~"~ "~1 "n "1~ ~ 0 -n ",to ",n "nm -rl ~ -,n -rl 30 -n -n ~lp -n C 0 "r~ (') t') C) L'~ (~ (") ~ "I'~ C) C) ~") ('] C) C~ C, Z $ilaeidls
~ ~ "~ 30"~'n ~-~-~ 30 -~ p dimlerpkesvs
30 ~C 0 "n "n ~o ~0 -eaP "~ ~D ~0 "n 30 -~'11 "n "~ "~ "n "n "r Neeckiastazy|es ep
-n ,~ -e~ ,,n 'n .I~.~ ,~ ~ 30 "n "11 "n "r 1~ -1~ "I~ -I~ ~ ~ 30 "n "~q 30 30 pO "rl "~ "n "~ -n ~ "n 2D C IllelCus
1~ ~ 30 ~0 ~0
30 ~
~ 30 30
30 30 30 30
11 m ",n
m m
(" ~ m m ~ (") m ~ C) C*
7"11 m "n 30 ~ :0 30 m ~ :~
t') {'} "t~ "r 11~m mR
"rs m'r '~ "n "n "n m "~ "~m "~ m
"r ~m mm mmmm mm
m "11 "~ 30 :tO ~1 m
~0 ;10 30 ~'nm "n
1~ "n
O rimosa
E distichus
E m acellus
T craticelue
C bideas
Zylediscvs sp
Z simplex
~(~lm m m-nl~ ~ f ty mpanlfarml|
F viii
~ m ~ ~ ~ Thsraceepkaela sp
F plle|tus
-n ~ ~ Heliehtkve sp
H cenicus
H riedelii
fl kleonpeilH
H cawtabrlJe
~0~0 "n ~ ~0 ~O X -n'~ "~ ~ "n'~ O lelticularis
CJ C) C')O () C)(*) {') (" S anarrhopu!
30 30 ~{"){')~C~ (*)~ O lllultlradiatus
-~ m 0 aster
~D X "re Z blJu||tus
"~ "~
"n "r "n 30 0
"~ C~ 0 karbedlensie
"n "Ta S
30 C form|lOS
30 T contertus
)i : -- ! ::-- --.. _:---,:.i.=-.: -:=.=-:::
605>0 A P C C C F C F F R FA R
5040 A p C F F C F C
5000 A P C C
502,0 A P R C F C C F F (~ (~
6010 A P C C C F C FR R FARR
500,0 A P C F F F F A
0P15 4070 A P C F C F C RRi~l
406.0 A P C C C C F C R C C R
O iilil ! 4540 A P C C F C F C F C R C
4016 C P R C R C R C C F F C
4000 A P R C C R F C C F FR RC
---- 4000 A P R C C F R C C C F F F. C
4660 C P F F F F C C F F R C
4140 A P F F F FC C
46. ,, c ; ;, ,",c ,cC ,,"" c
; ~ ,c~ ,c . ,
4780 C P
4760 A P R C C F FCC CR F F RF
4730 C P F F C F
4720 A P C F F RC F
0 umtlhcl 4500 A P C F F FRR RC FF FR
4675 A p R ¢ ,F F RC F(~F F
4660 C P R C F C C C
4645 C P R C F R F F F C CF
4§2,5 A P A (~ F F~; RCF CFF RF
4610 A p A C F C FCF RC CC R
4600 A P F C C F F C F AC
= 4500 iA P R ¢ C F R FCF RCF CCF
: 4570 A P C C F FCF FC CCF
- 4560 A P ¢ C FFF FCF CF
4550 C P A C F F F F RC F A F
CPI3 4530 A P C C FCF CF
N. ilUHilit I
w 4505 P C C F F FFF C CFFFF
446'; i P C C F F FCF C CCCIFR
¢= 4450 P A C C F F FC C I,F
¢= 439,0 A P A C F CC C F
4310 i P C C F F CC F
400.0 P C C
4350 P C F C C
4340 P C C F F F
4330 P C C FCF C C F
4210 M ~ C C F FC~ F C F
IAA PP A ~ c F ~ c_F
c,,2 42,5 ,, c c , ,c, .,,
0 suili
4200 C C C C F A F
lllllll 4200 P C C F F F
4275 P C C A F AF C F
4250 P C
4230 P
F A F R?
4210 P R C A F RCC FA R C
4206 A P C F F F A F
4100 A P C A C R A F
4136 A P C A C F AR F R
A r c C R ccF F c F R
4111 C P C C R F C F R
0P31 4153 pi C C F R F CC F FC
4130 ~ PI C C F R FFRCCF F
4120 p C C C
4101 A P C A F FCAF F
i P C R~;
4065 P' C R C F FFCCF
4,70 p F C C C F F C F F
4000 A P F C C RA F R FF FFAF r'R
los 4040 ~ P C C R FFC
4030 P C C C F FCCF
4020 P C C C F F F F F C FCcC F FF
4111 P F C C F F C FC R F
3000 i ; F c'
3ill C C F
)07,6 p, F C C F F C F F I~
Fig. 5. Stratigraphic distribution of middle Paleogene calcareous nannofossils in the Bottaccione section. Symbols
as in Fig. 3.
sequence oI latest cretaceous calcareous
nannofossil events in oceanic environments is
as follows: base C. aculeus (NC19a) at 222 m,
base T. gothicus (NC19b) at 250 m, top E.
eximius at 253 m, base T. trifidus (NC20) at
264 m, top T. trifidus (base of NC21) at
302 m, base L. quadratus (NC22) at 326 m,
and base M. taurus (NC23) at 337.9 m. Above
the Cretaceous--Tertiary boundaiT the se-
quence of Paleocene nannofossil appearances
traditionally used in zonal boundary defini-
tions are found at the following levels: base C.
tenuis (CPlb of Okada and Bukry, 1980) at
349 m, base C. danicus (CP2) at 350.5 m,
base E. rnacellus (CP3) at 354 m, base F.
tympaniformis (CP4) at 361.5 m, base H.
kleinpellii (CP5) at 371 m and base D.
mohleri at 372 m. D. nobilis, the marker for
zone CP7, could not be recognized in any of
the recrystallized samples of the Bottaccione
section, possibly because of its delicacy. A
questionable, poorly preserved specimen of
D. multiradiatus was found at 374 m, but the
species is absent from any sample from the
next higher 4 m. Unequivocal but rare D.
multiradiatus (base of CP8) occur at 378.5 m,
immediately above a minor angular uncon-
formity. The base of zone CP8 was therefore
placed at the 378.5 m level. The next higher
nannofossil event is the lowermost occurrence
of D. diastypus (base CP9) at 386 m. Within
zone CP9 we recognized the following se-
quence of first occurrences: base D.
barbadiensis at 389 m, base T contortus at
391 m and base C. grandis at 402 m. The first
occurrence of D. lodoensis (base of T.
orthostylus Zone CP10) is also at 402 m, the
first occurrence of rare C. crassus (base of D.
lodoensis Zone CPll) is at 414 m, and the
first occurrence of rare D. sublodoensis is at
417.5 m. Within the D. sublodoensis Zone we
observed the appearance of D. saipanensis at
437 m and of R. inflata at 443 m. The first
occurrence of N. fulgens at 445 m defines the
base of the N. quadrata Zone (CP13). The
base of the overlying R. umbilica Zone
(CP14) is identified by the appearance of R.
umbilica at 462.5 m, and the base of the D.
barbadiensis Zone (CP15) is at 486 m, 2 m
above the extinction level of C. grandis. The
lowermost rare occurrence of I. recurvus is at
501 m, indicating a latest Eocene age for the
youngest nannofossil assemblages we have
studied. The continuous outcrop along the
south side of the Bottaccione Gorge ends at
this level.
Contessa Highway section
A summary of the stratigraphic evidence in
the Contessa Highway section is given in
Fig. 6.
The close lithostratigraphic similarity of
the Paleogene Contessa Highway section with
the Bottaccione section has been pointed out
by Lowrie et al. (1982) in their detailed
lithologic, magnetic and foraminifera] strati-
graphic descriptions. We studied the cal-
careous nannofossils in the 160-m thick
Paleogene sequence, beginning at the
Cretaceous--Tertiary boundary (Fig. 6). The
upper Cretaceous part of the Scaglia Rossa
5 ,,I ,,,:"5
)PI--3 #ose o beckman, M35m)
3 19~t~ cP~'! P~2
top M atao~ens,s fll2m)
9 ~ 21 I l base N/u/~ens/9oral
- ---Cpl2
"l 2 ~ose o ~aaoe~s.% -- b ~ * p Y .
' ~J P9
~loprocthos,¥1us(60m )
2 °Z; ~
i base Tor1~oscvlus(39m)
CP9 P6
aose Odtastyp~J$(35m] ~
~o~e M edqOr, /J4 Sin)
O~'f°d'°tu$iJOm) --
; ~ base D mo~/e¢l (23
<4 ....
CP~ .......................
C d~,cus (m) ~
~9~mp cretaceous/odin)
CP 1
oase S ~,seudobuu~de~
Fig. 6. Correlation of biostratigraphic events with
magneto- and lithostratigraphy in the Contessa High-
way section. Redrawn in part from Lowrie et al.
(1982). Short tick marks to right of polarity pattern
are nannofossil sample levels.
~ .,--J
it. _.. il =,
~.o ® ~-
"-" O" C~ Oo
't2 Co ~ '~
"< <~ ~
l , i
II ,
x ~
B. bilelewi
Thara¢esphaera S!
O. sparius
T iaxea
T |etalesus
T iparculata
Z sillIeides
C pelagicus s impi
[. auipier tusa
Cyclageiespkaers sp,
Creliidelitkls sp
p diiier pllosu s,
C datiicus
Fasciculithus sp
E macallvs
C censietus
0 filRiSa
F tympanifermls
F pileatos
l ullii
S mlrlier RIIS
0 mehleri
T. craticulis
O noiiNs
O multiradialvs
S. radians
O diastypus
Z bijvgatus
C lameation
C crlbellum
C crassus
C. iraniis
T inversus
O. svblodoensll
C pseudaoammation
N fuloens
R. samudlro¥11
0 tisectus
R tenuis
marker bed at 99 m and by recessed clayey
beds at 110 m (bed K) and128 m (beds L, M,
N). The reversed polarity zone between
Anomaly 28 and 29, magnetic Subchron 29R,
has not been recognized, whereas three re-
versed polarity zones within Chron 26 and
one each within Chrons 23 and 21 have been
resolved in the Contessa Highway section by
Lowrie et al. {1982).
Degpite the fact that the planktonic
foraminifera stratigraphy of the Contessa
Highway section was established independent-
ly on washed residues and thin sections, poor
preservation allowed only approximate deter-
minations of zonal boundary levels (Lowrie et
al., 1982). Poor fossil preservation was im-
plied as an explanation for the discrepancies
observed in the detailed correlation of
Paleocene magnetic chrons and foraminifera
zonal boundaries between the Contessa
Highway section (Lowrie et al., 1982) and the
Bottaccione section (Premoli Silva, 1977;
Napoleone et al., 1983). Our nannofossil
results will shed more light on the causes for
these discrepancies.
Calcareous nannofossil stratigraphy
A complete succession of the well-known
first occurrences of Paleocene nannofossils is
observed in the Contessa Highway section at
the following levels {Fig. 7):
C. tenuis
ing the base of nannofossil zone CPlb at 2 m,
C. danicus
(CP2) at 4 m, base
E. macellus
(CP3) at 10 m, base
F. tympaniformis
(CP4) at
15 m, base
H. kleinpellii
(CP5) at 21 m, base
D. mohleri
(CP6) at 23.5 m, and base D.
(CP7) at 28 m. The lowermost ap-
pearance of
D. rnultiradiatus,
defining the
base of nannofossil zone CP8 is at 30 m.
Continuing upwards we identified the fol-
lowing marker events: base
D. diastypus
(CP9) at 35 m, and within that zone a suc-
cession of first occurrences of
Z. bi]ugatus
m, D. barbadiensis and T. orthostylus
39 m. The traditionally used succession of
rather delicate marker species in the lower
and middle Eocene could be recognized, but
marginal preservation and low relative abun-
dances led to rather intermittent occurrences
of these taxa and therefore only moderately
reliable determinations of appearance and
extinction levels. The observed succession
consists of: base
D. lodoensis
(CP10) at 48 m,
C. crassus
(CPll) at 51.5 m, base D.
(CP12) at 55 m, base
N. fulgens
{CP13) at 90 m, base
R. umbilica
(CP14) at
110.2 m, and top
C. grandis
(base CP15)at
138.5 m. Rare/.
at 160 m suggest an
age of latest Eocene, rather close to the
Eocene--Oligocene boundary. The sequence
of Eocene nannofossil events we observed in
the Contessa Highway section is very similar
to the one reported from the nearby Contessa
Road section by Lowrie et al. {1982).
Bio- and magneto-chronologic correlation
Because individual magnetostratigraphic
units have non-unique, repetitive properties,
their identification depends on biostratigraph-
ic evidence and on the similarity of relative
thicknesses of several sequential polarity
zones in sedimentary sequences with the
widths of magnetic anomaly patterns as
preserved in oceanic crust. We will therefore
first discuss the independent correlations
between magnetic and biostratigraphic units
and then address the consistency of these
units in various sedimentary sequences.
The independent correlations between bio-
and magnetostratigraphic units are derived
from microfossfl assemblages found in basal
sedin~ents recovered in DSDP holes. For this
purpose we have compiled a list of a total of
17 DSDP Sites {Table II) which were drilled
on previously identified, numbered magnetic
anomalies. Such a calibration attempt is based
on the assumption that sediment deposition
followed emplacement of extrusive basalts
without long delay. The appropriateness of
this assumption has been discussed previously
by Van Andel {1972). A comparison of the
bio- and magneto-stratigraphic correlation
Biostratigraphic ages of oldest sediments overlying oceanic crust in DSDP sites drilled on known magnetic
Magnetic chron DSDP Site Calcareous nannofossil Zone Reference
C17N 573 CP15
D. barbadiensis
C17N 574 CP15
D. barbadiensis
C20N (top) 221 CP14a
D. bifax
C21N 19 CP13
N. quadratus
C21N 523 CP13b C.
C22N 38 CPll
D. lodoensis
C23N 343 CP10
I. obscurus
C24N 39 CP10
T. orthostylus
C26N 213 CP6
D. mohleri
C29N 245 CP2
C. danicus
C30N 20 NC23
M. taurus
C31N 527 NC21
A. cymbiformis
C31R 239 NC23
M. murus
C31R 528 NC21
A. cymbiformis
C32N 525A NC20
T. trifidus
C33N (base) 10 NC19b T.
C33R (near top) 355 NC18
B. parca
A. Pujos (1984)
A. Pujos (1984)
Bukry (1974a); Whitmarsh et al. (1974)
Maxwell et al. (1970)
Poore et al. (1983)
Bukry and Bramlette (1970), McManus et al.
Bukry (1976), Miiller (197 6), Talwani
Bukry and Bramlette (1970), McManus et al.
Gartner (1974); Von der Botch, Sclater et al.
MLiller (1974), Schlich (1974)
Maxwell, Von Herzen et al. (1970)
Manivit (1984), Moore, Rabinowitz et al.
Bukry (1974b), Schlich (1974)
Manivit (1984), Moore, Rabinowitz et al.
Manivit (1984), Moore, Rabinowitz et al.
Cita and Gartner (1971), Cande and
Kristo ffersen (1977)
Supko and Perch-Nielsen (1977)
based on evidence from DSDP Sites on one
hand and the pelagic sediment outcrops on
the other provides a convenient test for the
accuracy of these correlations.
In Fig. 8 we have plotted 17 DSDP Sites
from Table II in their appropriate positions
on the marine magnetic anomaly sequence
(horizontal axis) versus the relative bio-
stratigraphic age of the oldest nannofossil
assemblage encountered above basement
(vertical axis). We have chosen the geomagnet-
ic polarity time scale of Mankinen and
Dalrymple (1979), who recalibrated the
polarity time scale of LaBrecque et al. (1977)
with the new constants used in K--At dating
(Steiger and J~ger, 1977). The geomagnetic
polarity time scale of LaBrecque et al. (1977)
required the smallest changes in spreading
rates in various ocean basins between magnet-
ic anomalies A-24 and A-34 (Cande and
Kristoffersen, 1977). The calibration of the
relative geomagnetic polarity scale with radio-
metric age dates was done by assuming a
K--At age of 3.41 Ma for anomaly 2A and an
age of 66.7 Ma for the Cretaceous--Tertiary
boundary (Mankinen and Dalrymple, 1979).
The latter date, however, is not firmly estab-
lished yet and more definite assignments of
absolute age estimates for bio- and magneto-
stratigraphic events will require further scru-
tiny of the radiometric and stratigraphic
evidence. The derivation of such a geochro-
nologic time scale will be the topic of a forth-
coming paper. The relative biostratigraphic
ages of the standard calcareous nannofossil
zonal sequence in Fig. 8 are scaled to the
thickness of these zones in the Bottaccione
section. The horizontal bars are estimates of
480 -
420 -
0 4OO
C) 320-
<~ 500
0 280-
rn 260 -
220 -
200 -
/ I 528
52 ~25
~ -523
ANOMALY 54 35 32 51 3(3 292~ 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 ]7 16
80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40
Fig. 8. Biostratigraphic correlation of magnetic stratigraphy of the Bottaccione section with the marine magnetic
anomaly time scale, as calibrated by Mankinen and Dalrymple (1979) at 17 DSDP sites. For details see text.
the uncertainties of locating the DSDP sites
on the magnetic profiles and were obtained
from the respective Initial Reports of the
Deep Sea Drilling Project. The vertical bars
cover the extent of overlap of the biostrati-
graphic zone corresponding to the oldest
nannofossil assemblage in the DSDP site and a
magnetozone in the Bottaccione section
which has the same polarity as the oceanic
crust underlying the respective DSDP site.
The similarity of the two magnetic field
reversal records and the good biostratigraphic
match allow accurate correlations of identical
chrons, in their true geochronological sense,
in both records (Fig. 8). At two of the seven-
teen sites listed in Table II, however, a dis-
crepancy exists between the expected age
(from the correlations in Umbria) and the
observed age of the oldest nannofossil as-
semblages. At DSDP Site 239 there appears to
be a recognizable time delay between the
cooling of the presumably extrusive basaltic
crust and the deposition of pelagic sediments
(Simpson, Schlich et al., 1974). Such an
interpretation is strongly supported by in-
dependent correlations established at DSDP
Site 527 (Manivit, 1984), Site 530A (Stadner
and Steinmetz, 1984), and in the Bottaccione
section. The paleontological age of the oldest
sediments recovered at DSDP Site 10 is
younger than expected from the correlations
observed in the Bottaccione section, especial-
ly when linear sedimentation rates are as-
sumed between magnetic reversals (thin line
on Fig. 8}. The fact that basal sediments
recovered at DSDP Site 10 were baked sug-
gests that an intrusive basalt sill, rather than
true oceanic basement was recovered
(Peterson et al., 1970). The remaining cor-
relations, based on calcareous nannofossil
evidence in fifteen DSDP Sites confirm and
refine previous correlations based on plank-
tonic foraminifera in seven of these sites
(Napoleone et al., 1983).
What is the currently obtainable accuracy
of stratigraphic correlation in the upper
Cretaceous through Paleocene interval? One
can address this question by comparing the
consistency of the relative succession of, and
the measured stratigraphic thicknesses be-
tween, the recognized bio- and magneto-
stratigraphic events in the sections available.
Previous studies have established the suit-
ability of the magnetic properties of the
Umbrian and certain DSDP sediment se-
quences for magnetic stratigraphy (e.g.
Lowrie et al., 1982; Tauxe et al., 1983;
Chave, 1984). The observed stratigraphic
variability of the magnetic reversal patterns
between individual sections is therefore most
likely caused by differences in sediment
depositional processes such as accumulation-
rate changes, redeposition and erosion. Such
processes will affect all sediment particles and
thus will also be recognizable micropaleonto-
logically. For instance, in the entire upper
Cretaceous sequence of the Bottaccione
section we have investigated, no pre-
Campanian or post-Maastrichtian nannofossil
taxa were detected. If there was any re-
deposition of sediment, it could only have
been from nearby penecontemporaneous
sources. Since our smear-slides were made of
sediment from the inside of rock-samples, we
did not find evidence for surficial contamina-
tion with younger material, as had been re-
ported by Coccioni {1978) and Premoli Silva
and Luterbacher {1978). In numerous
Tertiary assemblages of the Bottaccione and
the Contessa Highway sections, however,
reworked Cretaceous nannofossils were ob-
served, but their relative abundances were
always less than 0.1% of all nannofossils
encountered {Figs. 4, 5, 7). The relative
abundances of these reworked taxa are very
comparable to those of Pliocene discoasters
and middle Pleistocene P.
occasionally in deep-sea sediment cores with
well-established latest Pleistocene and
Holocene isotope stratigraphies (CLIMAP,
unpublished data). In none of the samples
studied have we found any larger proportion
of reworked older nannofossils, that might
indicate significant lateral influx of sediment
particles from nearby outcrops, presence of
turbidites, or slumping, as has been suggested
(e.g., Wezel, 1979).
Even cursory examination of the stratigraph-
ic evidence currently available from the
Umbrian and other sections indicates that there
is a considerable degree of internal strati-
graphic variability (Fig. 9). Because we have
studied the Bottaccione, Contessa Highway,
and DSDP 577 sections ourselves, we can
evaluate the stratigraphic variability among
these sections more reliably than the variabil-
ity observed among the other sections shown
in Fig. 9, because the latter is based on the
evidence published in the literature. This, of
course, also applies to our interpretation of the
planktonic foraminifera stratigraphies. In ad-
dition, because many planktonic foraminifera
events have not been established from several
of the known sections, the foraminifera
successions cannot yet be correlated as reli-
ably with the magnetic reversal sequence as
can the nannofossils.
We will discuss in the following paragraphs
the relative chronologic sequence of early
Campanian to late Eocene nannofossil, plank-
tonic foraminifera and magnetostratigraphic
events as observed in the sections near Gubbio
and reported from elsewhere, with reference
to Fig. 9.
Dose I recurvus
top G semnnvoluto
G semnnvoluto
P 15
top C
top 0
- -
0 beclfmannl
to o M ora~onens,s CPI3
base Hont~enmo s# bose N fulqens
bose G ~olmeroe
r offbostylus-- CPII--.-~
Dose O tarouboens, s bose C crossus P
Dosed /odoens~s
bose M ovoqonensxs bose r orlhos(#/us --
CP 9
M ed~ort
bose M edqom Dosed muH~rod~otus
Io~ G
veloscoens~s beseO nabobs
"" _~
Dose D mohlem CP 6 - -"
bose P pseudomenord, bose H kletnpel/s, CP 5
base M uncmato bose F tympemformls
bose E mocellus
CP ~
Dose S tmmdodens/s CP
Dose u pseudobullotdes bose C domcu~
C / T - boundory
NC 23
bose M mucus
moyaroensls NC
bose C~ contuse Dose L quadro~us--____--
bose O
ted O coscuroto
bose G colcarota
top T trJxdus
bose T trthdus
top E exlrnlus --
bose T
qoth~cus --
beset oculeus
porto NC17
524 525A 527 530A 577 577A
, :7,
Fig. 9. Biostratigraphic correlations of the Bottaccione and Contessa Highway sections, and of DSDP Site 524
(Poore et al., 1983), DSDP Sites 525A and 527 (Boersma, 1984; Chave, 1984; Manivit, 1984), DSDP Site 530A
(Stradner and Steinmetz, 1984), and DSDP Sites 577 and 577A (Monechi et al., 1984)• Vertical scale: 20 m be-
tween arrows. Solid lines = calcareous nannofossil correlations; dotted lines = planktonic foraminifera correla-
tions; dashed lines = correlations inferred.
The first occurrence of
B. parca
is observed
in the middle part of magnetic Subchron
C33R in the Bottaccione section which is
consistent with previous reports from western
Pacific DSDP Sites 462 and 462A (Steiner,
1981; Thierstein and Manivit, 1981) and
South Atlantic DSDP Site 530A (Stradner
and Steinmetz, 1984). The first occurrence of
B. parca
is within the
G. elevate
Zone (Premoli Silva, 1977). Six biostrati-
graphic events occur during Subchron C33N:
its older end correlates with the first oc-
currence of
C. aculeus,
in its middle part base
T. gothicus,
E. eximius,
T. trifidus
occur in rapid succession and in its youngest
third the total range of the foraminifer G.
is observed. Although the base of T.
coincides with the base of
G. calcarata
in the Bottaccione section, there are several
other sections known, where the lowest T.
clearly precede the lowest G.
such as at DSDP Site 146 (Edgar,
Saunders et al., 1973), DSDP Site 167
(Winterer, Ewing et at., 1973), DSDP Site 305
(Larson, Moberly et at., 1975), DSDP Site
356 (Supko, Perch-Nielsen et al., 1977), and
El Kef (Verbeek, 1977). The last occurrence
of T.
is consistently observed near the
top end of Subchron C32N. The first oc-
currence of the foraminifer
G. gansseri
incides with the last occurrence of T.
in the Bottaccione section. At DSDP Site 146,
the first
G. gansseri
precede the last
T. trifidus
(Edgar, Saunders et al., 1973), at DSDP Sites
305 and 357 the reverse is observed (Larson,
Moberly et al., 1975; Supko, Perch-Nielsen et
al., 1977), and at DSDP Site 167 the two
events coincide (Winterer, Ewing et al., 1973).
The appearance of foraminifer
G. contusa in
the Bottaccione section occurs just below the
base of Subchron C31N (Premoli Silva, 1977),
which is immediately followed by the ap-
pearance of
L. quadratus.
The first occurrence
of the foraminifer
G. contusa
in the South
Atlantic is reported from the lowest fossil-
iferous sample at DSDP Site 524 which lies
near the base of Subchron C31N (Poore et al.,
1983), but its lowest occurrence is known
only from mid-Subchron C30N sediments at
DSDP Sites 525A and 527, apparently be-
cause of poor preservation (Boersma, 1984).
The first occurrence of
L. quadratus,
ever, is observed in the upper part of Sub-
chron C31N in three of the South Atlantic
sites (Poore et al., 1983; Manivit, 1984) and
in Subchron C30N at DSDP Site 530A,
possibly because of dissolution of nannofossil
assemblages (Stradner and Steinmetz, 1984).
Similar displacements upwards in some of the
South Atlantic sites are observed for the ap-
pearance of
M. murus
and of the foraminifer
A. mayaroensis. Base A. mayaroensis
in Subchron C31N in the Bottaccione section
and at DSDP Site 524, but only in Subchron
C30N at DSDP Sites 525A and 527. Base M.
occurs near the base of Subchron
C30N in the Bottaccione section and at
DSDP Site 524, but only in mid-Subchron
C30N at DSDP Sites 525A and 527. These
compilations also confirm the revision of the
magnetic stratigraphy interpretation of the
uppermost Cretaceous sediments at DSDP
Site 384 (Larson and Opdyke, 1979)pro-
posed by Thierstein (1982).
The paleontological Cretaceous--Tertiary
boundary is consistently found in a reversed
polarity interval, which has previously been
identified as Subchron C29R by Sclater et al.
(1974) and Alvarez et al. (1977). The relative
stratigraphic level of the paleontological
Cretaceous--Tertiary boundary within Sub-
chron C29R is also variable as pointed out
previously (Thierstein, 1982), but appears to
occur most frequently in the upper half of
Subchron C29R. The appearance of the
S. pseudobulloides
is observed
near the younger end of Subchron C29R in
the Bottaccione section and near the base of
Subchron C29N in the Contessa Highway
section and at DSDP Sites 524, 525A, and
527. The lowest C.
(inclusive of C.
occur in the first normal subchron
above the Cretaceous--Tertiary boundary in
all Tethyan, Atlantic, and Pacific sections.
The appearance of foraminifer
S. trinidadensis
during Subchron C28N is documented in the
Bottaccione and Contessa Highway sections
and at DSDP Sites 524 and 527. This inter-
pretation implies that Subchron C28R is not
present or has not been sampled magnetically
in the Contessa Highway section (Lowrie et
al., 1982). The lowest occurrence of E.
is observed in Subchron C27R in the
Bottaccione and Contessa sections, and at
DSDP Sites 525A and 527 (Manivit, 1984).
At DSDP Sites 524, 577 and 577A the earliest
g. macellus
have been reported from some-
what younger sediments thought to have been
deposited during Subchron C26R time (Poore
et al., 1983; Monechi and others, 1984). Since
the identifications of magnetic chrons at these
sites is usually based on counting the number
of discrete, normally magnetized sedi-
ment intervals above the paleontological
Cretaceous--Tertiary boundary, any minor
coring or recovery gap, or any short, reversely
magnetized interval within a traditionally
recognized magnetic chron, may lead to an
incorrect identification of a chron. It is there-
fore possible, for instance, that the third
normally magnetized interval above the
Cretaceous--Tertiary boundary at DSDP Site
577A represents the upper part of a bipartite
Subchron C28N, and is not Subchron C27N,
as assumed by Monechi et al. (1985). In
E. macellus
is a dissolution sus-
ceptible taxon and is usually rare, and thus
could have been eliminated, because these
assemblages show poor to moderate pre-
servation. An additional stratigraphic problem
is encountered at DSDP Site 524, where the
first occurrence of the foraminifer M.
uncinata is
already in Subchron C27R (Poore
et al., 1983) and not only in Subchron C26R
as in the Bottaccione section (Premoli Silva,
1977). The first occurrence of
M. uncinata
this site is anomalously early, when compared
to other sections. This would be so even if the
overlying normal interval (in Cores 12 and 13)
were Subchron C25N, although the nan-
nofossil stratigraphy suggests it to be Sub-
chron C28N. The next higher nannofossil
event, base
F. tympaniformis
occurs in all sections in what has been iden-
tified as Subchron C26R. In the same sub-
chron the first occurrence of the foraminifer
P. pseudomenardii
has been recognized in the
Bottaccione section (Premoli Silva, 1977) and
at DSDP Site 527 (Boersma, 1984). At DSDP
Site 524, however, the lowermost P.
pseudomenardii are
reported from Subchron
C25R only (Poore et al., 1983). The suc-
cession of first appearances of
H. kleinpellii
and D. mohleri
occurs in the Bottaccione
section in what was considered to be Sub-
chron C25N by Alvarez et al. (1977)and
Napoleone et al. (1983). As discussed previ-
ously, both of these events occur in the
Contessa Highway section in what Lowrie et
al. (1982) identified as a tripartite C26N. The
former Subchron C25N of the Bottaccione
section therefore must be considered as the
middle normal zone of the tripartite Sub-
chron C26N. This interpretation is necessary
because we have established the sequential
first occurrence of
D. nobilis and D.
in Subchrons C25R and C25N,
respectively, in the Contessa Highway section.
The synchroneity of
D. nobilis
with Subchron
C25R and of
D. multiradiatus
with Subchron
C25R in various DSDP sites strongly supports
our contention. The lowest occurrence in the
Bottaccione section of
D. multiradiatus
in a
long, reversely magnetized interval below
Subchron C24N and immediately above a
minor angular unconformity suggests that the
sediments equivalent to the later part of
Subchron N25R, all of Subchron C25N, and
the early part of Subchron C24R are missing.
The missing chrons imply that the uppermost
Paleocene (and possibly the Paleocene--
Eocene boundary itself) is not preserved along
the road of the Bottaccione section. A de-
tailed revision of the planktonic foraminifera
stratigraphy near the Paleocene--Eocene
boundary is currently underway by I. Premoli
Silva (personal communication, 1984).
Only three of the numerous Eocene bio-
stratigraphic events (i.e., base
D. lodoensis,
C. crassus,
and base
D. sublodoensis)
have been recognized at DSDP Sites 577 and
577A in the Pacific. Neither of these holes has
yielded a very continuous Eocene record, and
thus they add little independent evidence. All
other Eocene events have already been dis-
cussed with the respective sections.
The majority of recognizable Campanian--
Eocene nannofossil events occur in consistent
stratigraphic succession relative to each other,
relative to planktonic foraminifera events, and
relative to the magnetic polarity sequence.
The correlation of rmnnofossil events with the
magnetic polarity sequence is established in
sedimentary sections and in DSDP sites,
which were drilled on known crustal magnetic
anomalies. With the growing data base, it is
becoming apparent, however, that consider-
able small-scale stratigraphic variability exists
among the individual sections. A comparison
between the independently established nan-
nofossil and planktonic foraminifera bio-
stratigraphies and the magnetostratigraphy
allows us to evaluate and verify inconsis-
tencies between the two biostratigraphic
schemes, and to identify the most reliable
biostratigraphic events.
Differences in the relative thicknesses of
polarity zones between various sections are
commonly caused by changes in sedimenta-
tion processes (rate of sediment accumula-
tion, erosion, slumping, etc. ), but may also be
influenced by sampling density or differences
in the acquisition processes of the remanent
magnetization. These processes appear to
lead to stratigraphic variability on rather
local scales, as a comparison between the
Bottaccione and Contessa Highway sections,
which are located only about 2 km apart from
each other, readily demonstrates. In this
particular case minor tectonic disturbances
introduced during the late-Cenozoic folding
of the Apennine mountain belt may also have
contributed to the observed magnetostrati-
graphic differences.
Stratigraphic variability, which is unrelated
to tectonic or physical sedimentation pro-
cesses, is most evident in the occasionally
observed stratigraphic reversals of nannofossil
and planktonic foraminifera events (Fig. 9).
In most cases the magnetostratigraphic data,
often in combination with multiple bio-
stratigraphic events, allow us to identify the
time-transgressive biostratigraphic event.
Some of these are related to differential
preservation of individual taxa {such as base
L. quadratus
and base
E. macellus),
others appear to be caused by biogeographic
restrictions. Such chronologic inconsistencies,
large enough to lead to potentially erroneous
magnetic chron identifications, are observed
for the planktonic foraminifera events base G.
M. uncinata,
and base P.
and for the nannofossil
events base L.
and base
E. macellus.
In the currently available data set consider-
able variability of stratigraphic position with-
in a particular magnetic subchron is shown by
the planktonic foraminifera events base A.
mayaroensis and M. aragonensis,
and by the
nannofossil events base
M. taurus,
base H.
D. lodoensis,
C. crassus,
and base
1). sublodoensis.
The remaining biostratigraphic events have
been established quite reliably in two or more
sections and occur consistently in relative
succession to each other, and to the magnetic
reversal patterns. The currently available
evidence indicates that accuracy of cor-
relation, as well as stratigraphic resolution in
most intervals is satisfactory to about the
duration of one magnetic subchron.
We thank I. Premoli Silva and G. Napoleone
for making their samples available to us for
study, and A. Chave, H. Manivit, J. Steinmetz
and L. Tauxe for sharing information on the
magneto- and biostratigraphy of South
Atlantic DSDP sites. We acknowledge
T. Bralower, D. Bukry and I. Premoli Silva for
reviewing early drafts of this manuscript.
Research supported through grants from the
National Science Foundation (OCE76-
22150), UCSD and ARCO Oil Company, and
through M.P.I. (60%) grant and a fellowship
to S. Monechi from the CNR.
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Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.,
pp. 167--210.
... The LO of B. inflatus marks the base of the Subzone NP14b/CP12b (Martini, 1971;Okada and Bukry, 1980). It's LO is as a reliable marker for identifying the Y/L boundary (see Monechi and Thierstein (1985); Pearson et al. (2004); Bown (2005); Bernaola et al. (2006); Larrasoana et al., 2008;Molina et al. (2011); Bown and Newsam (2017). In the present study, this species covers the interval from samples F186-F197 at Wadi Ferian (Sinai, Egypt) ( Fig. 3), from samples M60-M82 at El Mishati (Sinai, Egypt) ( Fig. 4), and from samples O15-O23 at Gebel Outherite (Jordan) sections (base NP14b/CP12b) (see Fig. 5-6). ...
... Blackites inflatus occurs in different paleogeographic areas (Tori and Monechi, 2013) and in many sections and deep-sea sites around the world (e.g., Monechi and Thierstein, 1985;Bown, 2005;Larrasoana et al., 2008;Payros et al., 2011;Mita, 2001;Bralower, 2005); its occurrence is synchronous around the world (Molina et al., 2011) and also in the Egyptian and Jordanian sections (present study) (Fig. 3-5). ...
... At the Gorrondatxe section (Spain), the recorded microfossil groups are representative of Boreal and Tethys realms, thus, allowing correlations between high-and low-latitude regions. Additionally, the LO of B. inflatus is a reliable marker enabling global correlation of the base of the Lutetian; this species also occurs in different paleogeographic areas and in numerous sections and deep-sea holes (i.e., Monechi and Thierstein, 1985;Bown, 2005). ...
The Ypresian/Lutetian boundary duration calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy and bioevents from three sections, two from Sinai, Egypt (Wadi Ferian and El Mishatii; west-central and north-east Sinai, respectively) and one from Jordan (Outherite), are presented for the first time. Fifty-three calcareous nannofossil species are identified from 86 samples, spanning the calcareous nannofossil Zone NP14 (= Zone CP12; early‒middle Eocene). In the present study, the early/middle Eocene (Ypresian/Lutetian) boundary is defined by the Lowest Occurrence (LO) of Blackites inflatus, positioned at the base of NP14b/CP12b zones. The LO of B. inflatus is slightly above the LO of Turborotalia frontosa. In general, the present data is largely consistent with what is known from the GSSP (Gorrondatxe section, Spain, Basque Provinces) of the base of Lutetian, where the LO of B. inflatus also marks the base of NP14b/CP12b subzones. Here, the LO of B. inflatus is reaffirmed as a reliable marker for correlating the base of the Lutetian. Discoaster sublodoensis, D. saiipenensis, D. bifax, D. martini and Tribrachiatus orthostylus show diachronous occurrences.
... Previous studies from different sites prove that the application of the standard "NP" zonation of Martini (1971) and the "CP" zonation of Okada and Bukry (1980), created for sections of the Atlantic Ocean, Messaoud et al., 2021) and El Rahma sections (CNE20 to CNO3, Messaoud et al., 2020). cannot provide zonation and correlation of sections from the Tethyan platform with a sufficient degree of details and confidence (e.g., Agnini et al., 2014;Fornaciari et al., 2010;Monechi and Thierstein, 1985). In the Mediterranean area, Fornaciari et al. (2010) and Agnini et al. (2014) published zonal schemes based on semi-quantitative studies on DSDP/ODP drill sites and on-land epicontinental-marine sections from Italy. ...
... Both are cold-water indicators (Persico and Villa, 2004;Villa et al., 2014Villa et al., , 2008, very fragile (Wei and Wise, 1989), scarce in low latitudes Villa et al., 2008), and strongly diachronous at different latitudes (e.g., Berggren et al., 1995;Marino and Flores, 2002;Perch-Nielsen, 1985;Villa et al., 2008). In agreement with our findings, previous works in the Mediterranean region (Monechi and Thierstein, 1985) report this event as absent. In the Varignano and most Italian sections (Fig. 5, Luciani et al., 2020), T C. solitus is also missing and tends to be very rare in the Alano section (Fig. 5, Agnini et al., 2011). ...
... Here, C. grandis is rare throughout the Lutetian and became more infrequent during the Bartonian before its extinction. This species is also rare in the Italian reference sections Fornaciari et al., 2010;Monechi and Thierstein, 1985). ...
We integrate previous Bayesian and astronomically tuned age calibrations of the calcareous nannofossils events with our large-scale correlations to discuss using the standard calcareous nannofossil zonal schemes in the SW Neo-Tethys platform during a period of significant paleoceanographic, tectonic, and paleoclimatic perturbations (middle Eocene to early Oligocene). Two marine on-land sections extend from NP15 (Nanno-Plankton zone) to lower NP23, equivalent to upper CNE9 (Calcareous Nannofossil of the Eocene) to lower CNO3 (Calcareous Nannofossil of the Oligocene), are studied. Calcareous nannofossils have been investigated at less than 96 kyr resolution between 45.55 Ma and 31.9 Ma. The Souar section covers the Top (T) of the Nannotetrina alata group zone (CNE9, Lutetian) to the Isthmolithus recurvus zone (CNE18, Priabonian) in the Pelagic facies of the Tunisian dorsal. The El Rahma section extends from the Helicosphaera compacta zone (CNE21) to the Reticulofenestra umbilicus (CNO2) zone in the Cap Bon peninsula. The distribution patterns were studied through semi-quantitative counts to test the reliability of the biohorizons used in the standard biozonations schemes (Martini, 1971; Agnini et al., 2014). We discuss 14 biohorizons that span 13.65 Myr to highlight the limitations (absence/scarcity) of the Chiasmolithus group, particularly Ch. grandis, Ch. oamaruensis, and Ch. solitus, as biohorizons in the SW Neo-Tethys. Our study shows that Sphenolithus furcatolithoides, Dictyococcites bisectus, Sphenolithus obtusus, and Reticulofenestra erbae are reliable horizons for large-scale correlations with the northern margins of the Neo-Tethys. Calcareous nannofossils from the SW Neo-Tethys margin were highly affected by the paleo-circulation changes due to the episodic restriction of the westward subtropical Eocene Neo-Tethys (STENT) current (Jovane et al., 2009Jovane et al., 2009), followed by the closure of the eastern Neo-Tethys.
... One hundred fifty-five samples from the Tropic Shale were studied for calcareous nannoplankton biostratigraphy and assemblage studies. Most samples disaggregated in water and a few lithified samples were broken apart using a mortar and pestle (Monechi and Thierstein 1985). For biostratigraphy, thick slides were prepared so that rare specimens could be detected. ...
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Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (OAE2) at the Cenomanian/Turonian Boundary (CTB: 93.9Ma) involved the global deposition of organic carbon-rich sediments, a distinctive positive shift in carbon isotope values, and significant species turnover, including changes in calcareous nannofossil assemblages. While it is thought that volcanism triggered organic C-rich sediment deposition during OAE2, it is unclear whether enhanced productivity, increased stratification, of some combination of the two increased organic matter preservation. Calcareous nannofossil assemblages have the potential to qualitatively assess changes in ocean nutrient and temperature conditions to disentangle such ecological dynamics during OAE2. Here we study an expanded section of the Tropic Shale in a drill core in southern Utah near the western margin of the Western Interior Seaway (WIS) to understand how circulation changed during the event and how this may have influenced primary productivity and organic carbon burial. Relative abundance data of well-preserved nannoplankton are complemented with measurements of trace metal, and organic carbon and carbonate concentrations to determine changes in temperature and water column structure, as well as controls on surface water productivity. Detailed statistical analysis helps refine species paleoecologies combined with information from planktic and benthic foraminiferal assemblages and organic biomarkers. Changes in calcareous nannofossil assemblages indicate that near the start of OAE2 the western WIS surface ocean actually cooled for a short time. Following this, surface waters became warmer and more stratified as a Tethyan water mass invaded the seaway. Assemblages suggest that warmth persisted for much of the OAE2 interval, while stratification waxed and waned. The local seaway cooled near the end of OAE2 as Boreal water masses streamed along the western margin. Variations, including the decrease in the abundance of Biscutum constans and short-lived peaks in the abundance of Eprolithus spp. are super regional or possibly global in extent. There is no correlation between calcareous nannofossil assemblages and trace metal concentrations, suggesting they were unaffected by volcanism-related nutrient inputs. Assemblages support other data that suggest increased stratification influenced organic carbon burial in the Western Interior Seaway, and possibly elsewhere, during OAE2.
... Samples were prepared from marly limestones, limy marlstones, and clayey marlstones of the Sogno Fm. (Lithozones 1, 2 and 3) and from marly claystone in the lowermost Radiolarite Fm. Standard smear slides were prepared following the method of Monechi & Thierstein (1985). For each sample, a total of 12 longitudinal traverses (corresponding to 1800 fields of views) were investigated using a light polarizing microscope Leitz Laborlux 12 POL S, at 1250X magnification. ...
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Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy was conducted in the Toarcian-lower Bajocian interval at Colle di Sogno (Lombardy Basin, Southern Alps, Northern Italy) where the type-section of the Sogno Formation consisting of pelagic marly limestone, marlstone and marly claystone was established. Semiquantitative analyses of calcareous nannofossil assemblages allowed to achieve a high-resolution biostratigraphy based on several biohorizons, including zonal/subzonal markers and additional events. The NJT5 to NJT9 Zones of the standard nannofossil zonation established for the Mediterranean Province were identified. The biostratigraphy obtained at Colle di Sogno was compared to published nannofossil events calibrated with ammonite zones in sections from SE Spain, S France, Portugal and N Algeria. This assessment evidenced some discrepancies in the succession of events of the standard zonation and, furthermore, resulted in the revision of the age of a few datums. Moreover, some new/additional nannofossil biohorizons are proposed as subzonal markers. A morphometric analysis of the genus Watznaueria was conducted to identify diagnostic features for unambiguous species identification. The species W. colacicchii and W. contracta are distinguished on the basis of the coccolith width/central area width ratio, whereas W. britannica britannica is discriminated by the size - as in the original definition of the species - relative to the new subspecies W. britannica minor. The new species W. gaetanii differs from all other Watznaueria taxa by the bridge ultrastructure. In the Toarcian-Aalenian interval a progressive increase in size of Watznaueria specimens is paralleled by the progressive closure of the central area and the modification of the central area structure passing from a cross (W. colacicchii and W. contracta) to a double-button bridge (W. gaetanii) to a single-button bridge (W. britannica). These intrageneric evolutionary innovations accelerated in the Aalenian under stable paleoceanographic conditions and an oligotrophic regime.
... The obtained results show that in addition to biostratigraphic events, some evidence such as changes in the Iridium element or iridium anomalies is observed in the studied stratigraphic sequence, which indicates the K/Pg boundary. It indicates a similar condition with the Upper Cretaceous sequences such as those found in Tunisia (El Kef Section: Keller et al., 2002;Pospichal, 1994), Spain (Agost and Carvaca sections: Lamolda et al., 2016 andLamolda et al., 2005), France (Bidart Section: Minoletti et al., 2004), and Italy (Gubbio Section: Monechi and Thierstein, 1985), as well as the studied areas in the low to mid paleolatitude of the Tethyan realm. ...
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This study investigates the Gurpi Formation in the northeast of Izeh, southwestern Iran. In this study, 59 species and 34 genera were determined. Biostratigraphy allows the identification of zones CC21 to CC26, which is equivalent to the UC15cTP-UC20dTP that spans the Late Campanian to Late Maastrichtian. Subsequently, the presence of NP1 to NP6, equivalent to CNP1 to CNP8, indicates that the sequence extends to Selandian. Then the Pabdeh Formation, which dates back to Thanetian, covers the sequence. Several major changes were recorded here in order of importance. The first change is the Campanian-Maastrichtian transition, which was identified based on the last occurrence of the Aspidolithus parcus constrictus. Subsequently, the Early/Late Maastrichtian boundary was determined based on the last occurrence of Reinhardtites levis. In addition, another change in the Late Maastrichtian—Early Danian is associated with an abrupt decrease in the richness of nannofossils, although a significant increase in the abundance of Early Paleocene new species has been observed along with the abundance of Thoracosphaera spp. blooms. Eventually, the final change coincides with an increase in Iridium throughout NP1. These changes may indicate changes in environmental conditions in this part of Iran during the Late Cretaceous—Paleogene transition in the eastern Neo-Tethys domain.
... Fifty-six out of a total of 81 samples have been selected for calcareous nannofossil analyses. The average sampling rate adopted varies according to the reference bed (i.e., every 5 cm in beds 101 and 102; every Simple smear slides were prepared following the method of Monechi and Thierstein (1985). Smear slides were investigated using a light polarizing microscope, at 1250× magnification. ...
We present new, high resolution bio- and chemostratigraphic data (calcareous nannofossils, ammonites, δ¹³Corg) of the lower Toarcian from an outcrop (Hondelage) in northern Germany. The three data sets, which cover lithostratigraphically the uppermost Amaltheenton-Formation (upper Pliensbachian) and the lower part of the Posidonienschiefer-Formation (lower Toarcian), allow a calibration of the different stratigraphic schemes in ultra high resolution. They further shed light on the ecologic conditions controlling the assemblage composition and evolutionary patterns of calcareous nannofossils, ammonites and gastropods. The distinctive negative δ¹³Corg excursion (negative CIE, Jenkyns Event), which is part of the early Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (T-OAE), falls lithostratigraphically into the lower part of the laminated black shales of the Posidonienschiefer facies. The lower part of the Jenkyns Event is marked by the first occurrences of the calcareous nannofossil species Carinolithus superbus crassus and Diductius constans. These two events are biostratigraphically assigned to the Tiltoniceras antiquum ammonite Biohorizon (uppermost Dactylioceras tenuicostatum ammonite Zone). The top of the Jenkyns Event has been assigned to the Cleviceras exaratum ammonite Biohorizon (Harpoceras serpentinum ammonite Zone) of the lower Toarcian. The last occurrence of the nannofossil species Biscutum grande lies in the middle part of the Jenkyns Event. Calcareous nannofossils, ammonite faunas and gastropods are discussed with respect to the environmental and climatic changes, which occurred across the Pliensbachian/Toarcian boundary interval and throughout the Jenkyns Event. The extreme impoverished nannofossil and ammonite assemblages of the uppermost Pliensbachian are interpreted in the context of a cooling, primarily affecting the calcareous shelled primary producers. The onset of the Jenkyns Event in the lower Toarcian post-dates this cooling and is related to a subsequent warming. This climatic shift caused a bloom of diverse opportunistic nannofossil and ammonite taxa in the lower Toarcian. Nannofossil abundance patterns were controlled by an increased nutrient availability. The rapid evolution of the ammonite genera Tiltoniceras, Eleganticeras and Cleviceras (family Hildoceratidae), which started in the lower part of the Jenkyns Event, is potentially related to their adaptation to a shallow water dwelling habitat. The mass occurrence of phylogenetically first holoplanktonic gastropods in the lower part of the Jenkyns Event is interpreted in the context of impoverished ocean water oxygenation, which in turn triggered the evolution of a new ecological strategy.
This paper describes two Paleogene deep-water agglutinated foraminiferal species from the Contessa Highway Section of the Umbria–Marche Basin, Italy. The foraminiferal assemblages in the lowermost Paleogene are dominated by opportunistic species belonging to the Reophax group. Previous studies of the agglutinated foraminifera from the Scaglia Rossa Formation have reported hormosinids (Reophax spp.) mostly using open nomenclature. To facilitate the proper species assignment according to accurate species descriptions, we describe the new species Nodulina kuhnti n. sp. and Nodulina eugubina n. sp. Both species are characterized by their more or less straight elongated tests with horizontal sutures, and therefore are best assigned to the genus Nodulina. They constitute a significant component of the benthic foraminiferal assemblage in the stratigraphic interval above the K/Pg boundary.
This paper describes two Paleogene deep-water agglutinated foraminiferal species from the Contessa Highway Section of the Umbria–Marche Basin, Italy. The foraminiferal assemblages in the lowermost Paleogene are dominated by opportunistic species belonging to the Reophax group. Previous studies of the agglutinated foraminifera from the Scaglia Rossa Formation have reported hormosinids (Reophax spp.) mostly using open nomenclature. To facilitate the proper species assignment according to accurate species descriptions, we describe the new species Nodulina kuhnti n. sp. and Nodulina eugubina n. sp. Both species are characterized by their more or less straight elongated tests with horizontal sutures, and therefore are best assigned to the genus Nodulina. They constitute a significant component of the benthic foraminiferal assemblage in the stratigraphic interval above the K/Pg boundary.
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The Chicxulub crater is the site of an asteroid impact linked with the Cretaceous‐Paleogene (K‐Pg) mass extinction at ∼66 Ma. This asteroid struck in shallow water and caused a large tsunami. Here we present the first global simulation of the Chicxulub impact tsunami from initial contact of the projectile to global propagation. We use a hydrocode to model the displacement of water, sediment, and crust over the first 10 min, and a shallow‐water ocean model from that point onwards. The impact tsunami was up to 30,000 times more energetic than the 26 December 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, one of the largest tsunamis in the modern record. Flow velocities exceeded 20 cm/s along shorelines worldwide, as well as in open‐ocean regions in the North Atlantic, equatorial South Atlantic, southern Pacific and the Central American Seaway, and therefore likely scoured the seafloor and disturbed sediments over 10,000 km from the impact origin. The distribution of erosion and hiatuses in the uppermost Cretaceous marine sediments are consistent with model results.
This work aims to put an end to the controversies about the occurrences of the upper Eocene in west-central Sinai by using the calcareous nannofossils. The Eocene calcareous nannofossil zones NP15 to NP18 were identified in Wadi Thal, west-central Sinai. Although the late Eocene Isthmolithus recurvus is recorded here for the first time, the base of NP19-20 zones is not delineated because the first occurrence of this taxon is considered a diachronous bioevent. The Zone NP18 is unconformably overlain by the lower marine Miocene NN2 Zone. Many calcareous nannofossil bioevents such as the last occurrence of Chiasmolithus grandis, the acme beginning of Cribrocentrum erbae, and the last occurrence of Neococcolithes dubius are used to approximate the Priabonian in west-central Sinai. It is recorded in the Tanka and Tayiba formations and probably in the uppermost part of the Thal Formation. Sea shallowness during the late Eocene due to uplifting in west-central Sinai might be responsible for the absence of many microfauna characterizing this stage/age. This suggestion is supported by the increased abundance of the nearshore nannofossil indicators, Lanternithus minutus, Zygrhablithus bijugatus and the shallow water Micrantholithus and Braarudosphaera from the upper part of Thal Formation through the overlain Tanka and Tayiba formations.
Studies of paleomagnetism in lower Campanian sedimentary rocks appear to show the reversed interval of polarity bounding the young end of the Cretaceous long normal interval. In addition, cores from both Hole 462 and Hole 462A also display a deviation of directions within this reversed interval, intepreted to represent an excursion of the geomagnetic field direction, possibly an aborted polarity reversal. Inclinations of lower Campanian samples give a paleolatitude of 6.8oS + or - 3.7o. Sparser sampling in Santonian through Cenomanian strata suggests a relatively constant paleolatitude of this site for Campanian through Cenomanian time. -Author
The reconnection, with the world ocean, of temporarily isolated ocean basins results in injection either of hyper-saline waters favouring abyssal stratification and stagnation, or of brackish Waters from high latitudes leading to a low salinity surface layer. Mass extinctions and sudden climatic change are closely associated with Arctic injection.
Magnetic measurements were made on samples taken from the region of the Tertiary/Cretaceous boundary at Site 384. We had hoped that the magnetic stratigraphy of this section could be used to independently substantiate the magnetic stratigraphy of a section of the same age at Gubbio, Italy. Although an attempt has been made to correlate the two sections, the quality of the magnetic data is too poor either to confirm or deny the Gubbio results.-Authors
Leg 85 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project recovered Cenozoic nannofossils from the central and eastern parts of the Pacific equatorial high-productivity area. The low-latitude zonation of Bukry (1973a) was used for dating uppermost Eocene to uppermost Pliocene samples. At 2 sites (573 and 574) the Eocene/Oligocene boundary was reached, enabling accurate study in spite of an unconformity and strong calcite dissolution. Some unconformities and/or intervals of very low rates of sedimentation are described in detail and correlated from one site to another. The high abundance of species belonging to Reticulofenestra and Dictyococcites permitted the accurate study of these taxa; their morphologic differences and their stratigraphic occurrences are described in detail. A short, tentative, ecological study was made by using the nannofossil dissolution index, the total nannofossil abundance, and the abundance of some taxa. The E site (Site 572) contains some species that are restricted to this site and are characteristic of upwelling areas. Discoasters are totally absent in a sediment interval apparently deposited during a period of unstable climate when glacial to interglacial oscillations were occurring in Antarctica. -Author