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Helicobacter species DNA in liver and gastric tissues in children and adolescents with chronic liver disease



Enterohepatic Helicobacter species (EHS) have previously been found in adults with hepatobiliary diseases. Here, we report the prevalence of Helicobacter pylori and EHS in liver and gastric tissue in children and adolescents with chronic liver disease (CLD). Seventy-seven consecutive children and adolescents with CLD with or without ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease (UC/CD) were investigated. Tissue samples were analysed using a Helicobacter genus-specific 16S rDNA polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay and DNA-sequence analysis. Sera from 61 subjects were also analysed using enzyme immunoassay and immunoblotting. The Helicobacter PCR was positive in 3/23 (13%) livers from patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis and UC, and in 1/2 livers from patients with autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) and UC. Sequenced PCR products matched the 16S rDNA of H. hepaticus, H. muridarum, H. canis, and H. pylori, respectively. H. ganmani and H. bilis were detected in gastric tissues from two AIH patients. H. hepaticus and H. pullorum were found in livers from two patients with acute liver failure and intrahepatic cholestasis. Antibody reactivity to Helicobacter cell-surface proteins was negative. H. pylori and EHS can be detected in the livers of some patients with UC and concomitant liver disease, as well as in other children with liver diseases. Multicentre studies from different locations are needed to find out whether these bacteria play a pathogenetic role or whether their presence is an epiphenomenon.
Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology, 2010; 45: 160167
Helicobacter species DNA in liver and gastric tissues in children and
adolescents with chronic liver disease
Department of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, Astrid Lindgrens Childrens Hospital at
Karolinska University Hospital, CLINTEC, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, and
Department of Medical
Microbiology, University of Lund, Lund, Sweden
Objective. Enterohepatic Helicobacter species (EHS) have previously been found in adults with hepatobiliary diseases. Here,
we report the prevalence of Helicobacter pylori and EHS in liver and gastric tissue in children and adolescents with chronic liver
disease (CLD). Material and methods. Seventy-seven consecutive children and adolescents with CLD with or without
ulcerative colitis or Crohns disease (UC/CD) were investigated. Tissue samples were analysed using a Helicobacter genus-
specic 16S rDNA polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay and DNA-sequence analysis. Sera from 61 subjects were also
analysed using enzyme immunoassay and immunoblotting. Results. The Helicobacter PCR was positive in 3/23 (13%) livers
from patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis and UC, and in 1/2 livers from patients with autoimmune hepatitis (AIH)
and UC. Sequenced PCR products matched the 16S rDNA of H. hepaticus,H. muridarum,H. canis, and H. pylori, respectively.
H. ganmani and H. bilis were detected in gastric tissues from two AIH patients. H. hepaticus and H. pullorum were found in livers
from two patients with acute liver failure and intrahepatic cholestasis. Antibody reactivity to Helicobacter cell-surface proteins
was negative. Conclusions. H. pylori and EHS can be detected in the livers of some patients with UC and concomitant liver
disease, as well as in other children with liver diseases. Multicentre studies from different locations are needed to nd out
whether these bacteria play a pathogenetic role or whether their presence is an epiphenomenon.
Key Words: Autoimmune hepatitis, children, enterohepatic Helicobacter species, Helicobacter pylori, inammatory bowel
disease, liver tissue, polymerase chain reaction, primary sclerosing cholangitis, ulcerative colitis
Since the discovery of Helicobacter pylori by Warren
and Marshall 27 years ago, at least 28 different
Helicobacter species have been characterized. It seems
that most mammals, but also many other animals and
birds, are colonized with various gastric and enteric
Helicobacter species in the gut [1]. During the last
decade, many non-H. pylori Helicobacters have been
isolated from samples of the human stomach and
intestine, as well as from blood and faeces [2]. These
so-called enterohepatic Helicobacter species (EHS)
may cause chronic inammation in the distal bowel
and hepatobiliary tract in rodents, dogs, primates and
birds [3]. A number of recent studies also found an
association between EHS and human hepatobiliary
tract disease [2]. Since most Helicobacter species are
difcult to culture, polymerase chain reaction (PCR),
serology and immunohistochemistry have been used
for diagnosis [47], but successful culture from dis-
eased livers has also been reported [8]. Patients suf-
fering from hepatobiliary diseases such as
hepatocellular carcinoma, primary sclerosing cholan-
gitis (PSC) and primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) [6,9],
as well as chronic biliary tract disease and cancer, have
been investigated for EHS [10,11].
In the industrialized world, PSC and autoimmune
hepatitis (AIH) belong to the more common causes of
Correspondence: Thomas H. Casswall, MD, PhD, Division of Pediatric Gastroent erology, Hepatology and Nutrition, Astrid Lindgrens Childrens Hospital B57,
Karolinska University Hospital, SE-141 86 Stockholm, Sweden. Tel: +468 585 81464. Fax: +468 585 814 10. E-mail:
(Received 17 July 2009; accepted 19 October 2009)
ISSN 0036-5521 print/ISSN 1502-7708 online 2010 Informa UK Ltd.
DOI: 10.3109/00365520903426915
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paediatric liver disease, mostly occurring during the
second decade of life. Such progressive liver conditions
may lead to end-state liver disease (ESLD). Their basic
aetiology is largely unknown. Recently, it has been
suggested that the primary triggering factor might be
auto- as well as allo-immunogenic, thereby dividing the
disease into autoimmune and immune-modulated
inammatory disorders, respectively [12]. In the latter
case, bacterial or viral agents could serve as triggering
factors. Thus, in the intestinal mucosa of patients with
inammatory bowel disease (IBD), cytomegalovirus
has been found to an extent that makesthe pathogenetic
role of this virus highly probable [13]. The pathogenesis
also varies and PSC especially can have both autoim-
mune(AI)-likeandnon-AI forms. Thenaturalcourseof
juvenile AIH without treatment is generally poor [14],
while the outcome of juvenile PSC varies and is partly
unknown. However, data so far show that a high pro-
portionofpatientswithjuvenile PSC willdevelopESLD
[15]. More than 80% of children with PSC also suffer
from IBD, mostly ulcerative colitis (UC) [16].
Whether EHS are involved in the pathogenesis of
chronic liver diseases (CLDs) in children and ado-
lescents is unknown. However, we have previously
identied EHS (H. ganmani) from livers of children
with various CLDs [17]. The previous study was
performed on archived parafn-embedded tissue
samples using PCR and DNA sequencing. In the
present study, we investigated fresh liver and stomach
samples, as well as serum samples, from children and
adolescents undergoing routine evaluation for CLDs,
with special emphasis on PSC and AIH.
Material and methods
Seventy-seven consecutive children and adolescents
(34 males) below the age of 19 years were included,
with either AIH (Group 1; n=24; 10 males; mean age
15.6 years), PSC (Group 2; n=27; 14 males; mean age
14.4 years) or IBD and liver damage (Group 3; 1 male;
14 years old). The diagnosis of AIH was based on the
following criteria: clinical signs, biochemical evidence
of non-cholestatic liver damage, evidence of autoanti-
bodies, elevated IgG and histological features accord-
ing to the International Autoimmune Hepatitis Score
(IAIHS) [18]. The diagnosis of PSC was establis hed by
means of liver function prole, endoscopic retrograde
cholangiopancreatography/magnetic resonance cho-
langiopancreatography (MRCP) and liver biopsy.
The diagnosis of IBD was based on macro- and
microscopic ndings obtained by colonoscopy and
upper endoscopy. Colonoscopy was only performed
in patients with symptoms and signs indicating IBD.
Three of the 27 patients with PSC had no evidence of
IBD. Although 19 of these 27 patients had either
antinuclear and/or anti-smooth muscle antibodies,
only two of them fullled the criteria for possible
autoimmune diseaseaccording to the IAIHS.
Patients in Groups 1 and 2 were treated according to
the established guidelines, depending on the diagnosis,
and treatment included immunosuppression and urso-
deoxycholicacid if needed. Furthermore,children with
various liver diseases were included as disease cont rols:
Group 4 (n=25; nine males; mean age 8.6 years).
Progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis (PFIC)
was the most common individual disease in these chil-
dren (n=10). The various diagnoses and demographic
data for all the patients are presented in Table I. Liver
biopsies were collected from all 77 patients, whereas
tissuesamples of the gastric mucosa were available in 23
of them (29.9%). Serum samples from 61 patients
(79%) were available for analyses of antibodies against
H. pylori and three EHS by means of enzyme immu-
noassay (EIA) and immunoblotting (IB). In Groups 1
and 2, 18 children (n=7 and n=11, respectively) were
immunosuppressive treatment naive patients, one
Group 1 patient received steroids 6 weeks before diag-
nosis and in 33 patients the samples were taken as
protocol biopsies during routine follow-up after a
medianof2.8 years(range0.510 years)after diagnosis.
All samples were collected during 200206. Informed
consent was obtained from the patient, parent or both.
Thestudy wasapproved bythe RegionalEthical Review
Board in Stockholm (No. 48-02).
Tissue biopsies and serum samples
Transcutaneous liver biopsies were obtained using a
17 G (1.2 mm) or 18 G (1.4 mm) Hepax
biopsy needle (Braun Melsungen AG, Germany).
A12-mm piece of the liver sample was wrapped
in aluminium foil, put into a small glass tube with a
screw-cap lid, snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen and
stored at 80C. From the patients who underwent
routine upper endoscopy, one biopsy was taken from
both the antrum and corpus areas of the gastric
mucosa, aseptically wrapped in aluminium foil and
treated the same way as the liver biopsies. For the
serological analyses, when applicable, 2 ml of the
patient serum was stored at 20C. All the samples
were later transported on dry ice to Lund University,
where they were kept at 20C until analysed.
Helicobacter genus-specic PCR and DNA sequencing
DNA was extracted from liver and gastric tissue
samples using the QIAamp DNA Mini-Kit (Qiagen,
Helicobacter species DNA in liver tissues 161
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Hilden, Germany) according to the manufacturers
instructions. Approximately 5 mg of each tissue sam-
ple was used. DNA extracts were amplied in a
GeneAmp 2700 Thermocycler (Applied Biosystems,
Foster City, CA) using a semi-nested PCR
assay specic for Helicobacter species 16S rDNA, as
previously described [17], using primers 1F (5-
TCGCAATGAGTATT-3), as constructed by Goto
et al. [19]. Primers 1F and 1R were used in the rst
step, whereas primers 1F and 2R were used in the
second step. PCR products were visualized as previ-
ously described [15]. DNA sequencing, sequence
alignment and determination of closest known partial
16S rDNA relatives were performed as previously
described [17,20].
Serum H. pylori EIA
Sera were tested for IgG antibodies against H. pylori
cell-surface proteins (CSPs) using a standardized EIA
[21]. The results were recorded as relative antibody
activities (RAAs). Corrected mean absorbance values
as percentages of the absorbance measured with a
human gamma globulin (Pharmacia & UpJohn,
Stockholm, Sweden) were used as reference stan-
dards. Samples giving RAAs of >35 and <25 were
considered seropositive and seronegative, respec-
tively. The cut-off values were based on the results
of EIA and IB analyses in which sera from Swedish
subjects (H. pylori culture-positive or -negative
patients, as well as healthy blood donors and children)
were tested.
Serum enteric Helicobacter EIA
Sera were tested for IgG antibodies to CSPs of
H. pullorum (strain CCUG 33838), H. bilis (strain
CCUG 38995) and H. hepaticus (strain
CCUG33637) using EIA methods, as previously
described [22]. To minimize cross-reactivity between
H. pylori and the other Helicobacter species, serum
samples were absorbed prior to testing. For the
enteric Helicobacter species, cut-off values (corre-
sponding to the upper limit for the 95th percentile
Table I. Diagnostic groups, demographic data of the patients and the results of Helicobacter genus-specic 16S rDNA PCR from liver and
gastric biopsies.
No. of
No. of
Age (years);
median (range)
No. of
liver biopsies
No. of
gastric biopsies
Serum available
from total
no. of patients
Group 1 (AIH) 24 10/24 15.6 (2.218.6) 1/24 3/8 23/24 7/23
No IBD 22
Group 2 (PSC) 27 14/27 14 (818.9) 3/27 1/8 20/27 6/18
No IBD 3
IBD 23
Coeliac disease 1
Group 3 (IBD + liver damage) 1
1/1 14 1/1
Group 4 (disease control patients) 25 9/25 8.5 (1.417) 2/25 1/7 17/25
Intrahepatic cholestasis 10
Recurrent episodes of transitory
extrahepatic cholestasis
Other 9
Total, all patients (range) 77 34/77 13.5 (1.418.9) 6/77 5/23 61/77
UC, n=18; Crohns disease, n=4; indeterminate colitis, n=1.
Progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis, n=8; Alagilles syndrome, n=1; Aagenaes syndrome, n=1.
One each of biliary atresia, celiac disease, liver steatosis, non-specic mitochondriopathy, acute liver failure, OTC deciency, portal vein
thrombosis, toxic epidermal necrolysis with liver damage and mild non-progressive liver disease.
Patients who had not received immunosuppressive treatment before rst investigation.
AATD =a-1-antitrypsin deciency.
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level) were established based on EIA results obtained
using sera from 90 healthy blood donors. Cut-off
values were 25 for H. pullorum and H. hepaticus
and 35 for H. bilis.
Serum IB assays
Sera giving positive or borderline results in the EIAs
were further analysed by IB for diagnosis of H. pylori
[23], as well as for H. pullorum,H. bilis and
H. hepaticus [24]. The same Helicobacter extracts used
as antigens in the EIAs were used in the IB analyses.
In the subsequent IB, the intensities of the bands
obtained with each test serum were compared with
those obtained using a reference strip incubated with a
polyclonal antiserum against each of the four Helico-
bacter species. Criteria for Helicobacter-positive immu-
noblots were followed as previously described [23].
In total, serum was available from 59/77 patients
(79%) [AIH with or without IBD, n=23; PSC with or
without IBD, n=18; IBD+non-specic liver disease,
n=1; PFIC, n=10; other liver diseases, n=7
(Table I)]. Sera were screened using EIA and fol-
lowed up with IB when borderline or positive EIA
results were obtained.
The results of the Helicobacter genus-specic 16S
rDNA from the diagnostic groups are presented
in Table I. The Helicobacter genus-specic PCR assay
was positive in liver biopsies from 6/77 patients
(7.8%): 1/24 (4.2%) in Group 1, 3/27 (11.1%) in
Group 2 and 2/25 (8%) in Group 4. The Helicobacter
PCR-positive patients with PSC and AIH all
presented with concomitant UC. Four of 20 patients
(20%) with PSC or AIH and concomitant UC were
Helicobacter-positive in the liver, compared with 2/57
liver disease patients without UC (3.5%) (p=0.06;
Fischers exact test). DNA sequencing and Basic
Local Alignment Search Tool nucleotide (BLASTn)
analysis of PCR products from liver samples of
patients with PSCUC (n=3) and AIHUC
(n=1) revealed H. hepaticus,H. muridarum,H. pylori
and H. canis (Table II).
Gastric biopsies were available in 23 patients, of
which ve (22%) were PCR-positive for Helicobacter
species. Four of these patients were from Groups 1 and
2. DNA sequencing of gastric Helicobacter genus-
specic PCR products in two AIH patients with a Heli-
cobacter-negative liver sample demonstrated H. pylori
and H. ganmani, respectively. A sequence similarity
search identied H. bilis inthe gastric mucosaof apatient
with AIH and concomitant UC. One patient with PSC
and concomitant UC was positive in both liver tissue
The results from the disease control group are also
presented in Tables I and II. All Helicobacter species
found in different disease categories and the type of
specimen tested are presented in Table III.
Twelve of the 61 available sera showed increased or
borderline increased IgG antibody levels by EIA
and four of these (6.6%) were IB-positive for H. pylori.
The IB-positive sera were from two AIH patients
with a PCR-negative liver sample and for whom
no gastric biopsies were available. One patient with
ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) deciency was
PCR-negative in the liver but H. pylori-positive in
the stomach and IB-positive for H. pylori. Another
patient with AIHUC and a PCR-positive liver sam-
ple (H. canis), but a negative gastric biopsy, was H.
pylori IB-positive.
Table II. Helicobacter DNA sequence analysis of positive PCR-products from liver and gastric tissues as well as results of IB analysis.
Patient No. Diagnosis Age (years) Sequence similarity: liver Sequence similarity: stomach IB EIA
1 AIH 12.6 Negative H. pylori Negative Negative
2 AIH 15 Negative H. ganmani Negative Negative
3 AIH+UC 15.6 Negative H. bilis Negative Negative
4 AIH+UC 16 H. canis Negative Positive Negative
5 PSC+UC 15 H. pylori Negative Negative Negative
6 PSC+UC 16.8 H. muridarum H. pylori nd Negative
7 PSC+UC 18.8 H. hepaticus nd nd Negative
Disease controls
8 Acute liver failure 2.8 H. hepaticus Negative Negative Negative
9 OTC deciency 12.6 Negative H. pylori Positive Negative
10 PFIC 1.4 H. pullorum nd Negative Negative
nd =not done.
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None of the sera showed any antibody reactivity to
antigens of the three EHS analysed in this study.
H. pylori infection could not be conrmed by his-
tology, rapid urease test or culture in any of the three
children who were PCR-positive for H. pylori in
gastric samples. Serum from one of these patients
was positive for H. pylori by EIA and IB.
There is growing awareness of the role of enteric
Helicobacter in human liver disease. Several studies
of adult patients have analysed the prevalence of
Helicobacter species in different CLDs. H. pylori has
been detected in liver tissues from humans with CLDs
such as chronic hepatitis C virus [5], liver cancer [25]
and gallbladder disease [26]. Although H. pylori may
be able to survive in low concentrations of human bile
[27], other Helicobacter species, such as H. hepaticus,
H. bilis and H. pullorum, are much more bile-tolerant
[28], which may in part explain why these EHS have
been detected in human livers [9,29].
In a previous study, we have detected Helicobacter
species with PCR and DNA sequencing in livers from
adults suffering from PSC and PBC [9]. However,
only H. pylori and no EHS could be found.
There are limited data available on EHS in paedi-
atric patients. We previously showed, by species-
specic PCR analysis and DNA sequencing, that
40/61 samples (65.6%) from children with various
liver diseases were positive for H. pylori and H. gan-
mani [17]. These results were obtained in children
from Detroit, MI and only 33% of them were Cau-
casian, as compared to the present study in which 72/
77 were native Swedes. The prevalence of H. pylori
in native Swedish-born schoolchildren is only 2%
[30]. The ndings in the study of Tolia et al. [17]
might thus have been inuenced by geographical
localization, patient ethnicity [30] or disease pattern.
In an Australian study, EHS have been detected in
children with IBD and irritable bowel syndrome by
uorescent rRNA in situ hybridization [31]. An
altered gut ora in an inamed intestine, as in IBD
and especially UC, may predispose to gut transloca-
tion and transmission of H. pylori and EHS to the
In this study we detected DNA of Helicobacter
species in livers from six children and EHS from
the stomach mucosa from another two children. In
the disease groups (AIH, PSC and IBD+liver dam-
age), all positive livers were from patients with AIH or
PSC in combination with UC. On the other hand,
23/24 livers from children with AIH were negative; a
liver biopsy from a child with AIH and concomitant
UC was positive for H. canis. EHS were found in 5/25
livers (25%) from IBD patients. Consequently, there
was a trend (p=0.06) that coexistence of UC with
liver disease appeared to increase the probability of
nding Helicobacter in liver biopsies. EHS DNA was
also found in one child with acute liver failure (H.
hepaticus) and one with PFIC (H. pullorum) (Table II).
Sixty-one of the paediatric and adolescent patients
were screened for IgG serum antibody levels to H.
pylori and three EHS with two different immunoas-
says (EIA and IB). Increased H. pylori antibody levels
were measured in 6.6% of tested sera. The seroprev-
alence in asymptomatic native Swedish children varies
between 4% and 10% depending on age [32]. Two of
these 61 patients were found positive by PCR for EHS
in liver tissue; however, no seroconversion was
detected. H. canis was detected by PCR in the liver
of one patient with AIH and UC but showed antibody
reactivity to H. pylori, which might be due to cross-
reactivity between similar antigens of these two gastric
We detected Helicobacter species in livers from 3/27
patients with PSC (11.1%), but only if associated
with UC. Thus, Helicobacter species, along with pos-
sibly other microbes, may only partly be involved in
the pathogenesis of PSC.
PSC is a progressive obliterative inammation and
brosis of the intra- and extrahepatic bile ducts, which
may progress to liver brosis and cirrhosis. The out-
come of childhood disease is less well known, but
seems to be as severe as for adults [15]. In the
Table III. All Helicobacter species found in serum, liver and stomach according to diagnostic group. Values shown represent numbers of
Disease category Positive/total Serum only Serum and liver Stomach only Stomach and liver Liver only
AIH 4/24 0/24 1/24 3/24 0/24 0/24
PSC (all categories) 3/27 0/27 0/27 0/27 1/27 2/27
IBD (all categories)
5/25 0/25 0/25 1/25 1/25 4/25
Disease controls 3/25 0/25 0/25 1/25
0/25 2/25
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paediatric population, approximately 80% of patients
have concomitant IBD of the colon, where UC is by
far the most common type (»60%) [15]. The aetiol-
ogy of PSC is unknown, but one suggested pathoge-
netic mechanism might be the translocation of
bacterial antigens through the intestinal epithelium
of the inamed colon into the biliary tree via the portal
circulation. Finally, these antigens are presented in
the liver to T lymphocytes, which activate auto-
reactive T or B cells [33]. Evidence of translocation
into bile is supported by positive bacterial cultures
from bile of PSC patients as compared to PBC
patients [34]. The isolation of H. cinaedi from the
colon, liver and mesenteric lymph nodes of a
Rhesus monkey further supports the translocation
hypothesis [35], and H. pylori erythrocyte binding
has been suggested as a plausible mechanism for
disseminated disease [36]. H. pylori has recently
been shown in vitro to adhere to and invade human
hepatocytes and to persist within the liver cells during
subcultures. This internalization was also shown
to be more efcient in hepatocytes than in gastric
epithelial cells [37].
The pathogenesis of AIH is different from that of
PSC [38], which may explain why Helicobacters were
not found in these patients except when UC was
present. Whether Helicobacter species only reect a
disturbed gut ora, or if they are to some extent
involved in the pathogenic process, has to be further
It is unclear why EHS could be detected in human
livers. The bacteria naturally colonize domestic ani-
mals, as well as laboratory rodents such as mice,
gerbils and rats. A zoonotic potential for some
Helicobacter species has been proposed [39]. The
natural animal hosts of these EHS, together with
the human diseases in which they have been detected,
are summarized in Table IV.
For a paediatric cohort, our sample is rather large.
However, EHS were found in livers from only six
children, and thus caution should be used when
interpreting the ndings. Another limitation of the
study is the lack of healthy children as controls. It is
obvious that this is ethically unacceptable unless post-
mortem samples are used. Thus, the prevalence of
Helicobacter in the livers of aged-matched healthy and
diseased control subjects is presently unknown. Stud-
ies published so far are conicting, and only one
Helicobacter strain has been cultured from a liver
with Wilsons disease [40].
The exact role of EHS and H. pylori in the path-
ogenesis of chronic inammatory liver and bowel
disease remains unclear. Due to the small numbers
of EHS found, caution has to be exercised regarding
their relevance in the pathogenesis of liver and gut
diseases. Worldwide epidemiological data for H.
pylori also indicate large variations in the gures
for EHS.
In order to clarify the pathogenetic importance of
EHS, future studies should be conducted in a multi-
centre manner including a larger number of patients
(with AIH and PSC, both with and without IBD)
from different parts of the world.
In conclusion, this study demonstrated that Heli-
cobacter spp DNA can be detected in liver and
stomach tissue specimens using PCR. Using our
data, we could not decide whether this is only an
epiphenomenon or whether the EHS play a patho-
genetic role. Only considerably larger multicentre
studies from different geographical locations can
do this.
This study was supported by the Karolinska Univer-
sity Hospital, Stockholm, Lund University Hospital
Table IV. Helicobacter species other than H. pylori found in livers or gastric samples from patients with liver disease with or without IBD, their
proven animal hosts and their potential role in human disease. Findings from the present study and elsewhere.
Helicobacter species Animal host and localization [45,46] Human disease
H. bilis Mice: intestine and liver; gerbils: intestine AIH+UC (patient No. 3), chronic cholangitis,
gallbladder cancer [10,41]
H. canis Dogs and cats: intestine and liver [42,43] AIH+UC (patient No. 4), diarrhoeal disease [44]
H. ganmani Mice: intestine AIH (patient No. 2), BA, HCV, PSC, steatohepatitis [17]
H. hepaticus Mice: intestine and liver PSC+UC (patient No. 7), chronic cholangitis, AIH [41]
H. muridarum Rats: intestine PSC+UC (patient No. 6)
H. pullorum Poultry: broiler chicken carcasses and intestines
from laying hens
PFIC (patient No. 10), gastroenteritis and healthy subjects
BA =biliary atresia; HCV =hepatitis C virus.
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(ALF grant), The Royal Physiographic Society in
Lund and the Swedish order of Freemasons.
Declaration of interest: The authors declare no
conict of interest.
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... Finally, 6 eligible case-control studies were included (Fig. 1). [13,[28][29][30] ...
... Most importantly, compared to the control group, our data demonstrated that H pylori did not significantly associate with IBD in children, thus indicating insufficient evidence to prove that H pylori is involved in occurrence of pediatric IBD. According to included studies, [13,24,28,29] H pylori usually settles in the external gastric tissue, including colon and liver. A negative correlation was established between gastric H pylori and IBD, while other sites, such as colon and liver, did not show similar results. ...
... To analyze accurately and correctly, the choice of detection method is important. The results of 4 studies [13,24,28,29] that used multiple methods including PCR to diagnose H pylori were inconsistent with others [23,30] that only utilized histology or UBT. The former reported significant infection rates of H pylori in IBD patients [28,29] or no significant difference between groups. ...
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Background: Available literature has reported the association of Helicobacter pylori (H pylori) infection with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in adults. However, only a few studies have addressed the disease in children. Aim: To ascertain the correlation of H pylori infection with IBD among children. Methods: The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis is to assess the association between H pylori infection and IBD in children. We searched databases including Cochrane, EMBASE, Google Scholar, PubMed, Medline, and Web of Science to select relevant studies. Ultimately, based on predetermined inclusion criteria, we included 6 studies that met the requirements. Review Manager and Stata software were used to extract and analyze the data from the relevant studies. In the methods, we employed both qualitative and quantitative approaches for comprehensive analysis. Qualitative analysis involved describing study designs, sample characteristics, and results, while quantitative analysis involved statistical tests such as calculating pooled risk ratios and 95% confidence intervals to evaluate the association between H pylori infection and IBD in children. Lastly, by combining the results of the individual studies, our objective is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between H pylori infection and IBD in children. Results: In totality, we involved 2236 participants that were recruited in 6 studies. We detected no significant difference in H pylori prevalence (9.8% vs 12.7%, P = .12) by comparing the children IBD group to controls. Among the IBD children, we estimated odds ratio (OR) of H pylori infection to 0.62 [(95% confidence interval (CI) of 0.34-1.12)]. In children suffering from ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn disease (CD), the H pylori infection rates were higher than in those with IBD-unclassified (IBDU).When analyzed stratified by disease of study design, In CD group [OR = 1.42, 95% CI: 0.72-2.80)] (I2 = 0%, P = .64). but no significant difference in CD group. Conclusions: No correlation was found between H pylori infection and the occurrence of IBD in children.
... Helicobacter species may also partly participate in the pathogenesis of AILDs. In a previous study, Helicobacter species have been detected in livers from adults suffering from AIH, PSC, and PBC using PCR or DNA sequencing (Nilsson et al., 2000;Casswall et al., 2010). However, this study could not decide whether the Helicobacter specie play a pathogenetic Boomkens et al. (2005) in the Netherlands demonstrated that Helicobacter species do not play a causal role in the pathogenesis of the PBC and PSC, by comparing Helicobacter species-specific DNA in liver tissue of patients with PBC/PSC and a control group. ...
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Recent studies have identified the critical role of microbiota in the pathophysiology of autoimmune liver diseases (AILDs), including autoimmune hepatitis (AIH), primary biliary cholangitis (PBC), and primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC). Metagenomic studies reveal significant decrease of gut bacterial diversity in AILDs. Although profiles of metagenomic vary widely, Veillonella is commonly enriched in AIH, PBC, and PSC. Apart from gut microbiome, the oral and bile microbiome seem to be associated with these diseases as well. The functional analysis of metagenomics suggests that metabolic pathways changed in the gut microbiome of the patients. Microbial metabolites, including short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) and microbial bile acid metabolites, have been shown to modulate innate immunity, adaptive immunity, and inflammation. Taken together, the evidence of host–microbiome interactions and in-depth mechanistic studies needs further accumulation, which will offer more possibilities to clarify the mechanisms of AILDs and provide potential molecular targets for the prevention and treatment in the future.
... They also assumed that certain unknown predisposing factors may change non-pathogenic normal intestinal H. pullorum to highly virulent pathogenic ones. H. pullorum has also been identified by PCR in humans with inflammatory bowel disease [41,51], viral hepatitis C [52][53][54], cholecystitis [55,56] and hepatocellular carcinoma [57,58]. Another study of Shahram et al. [20] recognized 6 positive cases of H. pullorum from 100 stool samples of patients with gastroenteritis in Ardabil province, Iran. ...
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Emerging zoonotic pathogens gain more attention due to the adverse effects on human and animal’s health and productivity. One of these zoonotic pathogens is Helicobacter pullorum (H. pullorum) which was firstly diagnosed in 1994. This bacterium is enterpathogenic in poultry and contaminates the carcasses meat during processing or improper handling. Human can get H. pullorum infection mainly through mishandling of contaminated carcasses or consumption of undercooked meat. Infection of H. pullorum in human is associated with gastroenteritis and hepatitis. Diagnosis of H. pullorum is very difficult as misdiagnosis with other enteric zoonotic pathogens like Campylobacter and other Helicobacter species is common. Unlike other types of Helicobacter, there are little information and few researches regarding prevalence, pathogenesis, diagnosis and control of H. pullorum infection either animals or human. Accordingly, this review article was prepared to give more details about H. pullorum sources of infection, pathogenicity, incidence in poultry and human as well as its treatment.
... It is a risk factor for gastric adenocarcinoma and causes harm to the gastric mucosa [1]. Extra-gastric conditions are also associated with infection caused by these bacteria, such as cardiovascular diseases [2], neurological diseases [3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14], diabetes mellitus [15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24], burning mouth syndrome [25,26], pathological changes during pregnancy [27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35], hepato biliary diseases [36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50], respiratory diseases, ears, nose and throat conditions [51,52], ophthalmological diseases [53], dermatological conditions [54,55] and diseases of the oral cavity [56][57][58][59][60]. ...
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Helicobacter is a genus of Gram-negative bacteria found in half of the population around the world and persistently colonizes the stomach of humans, provoking a strong immunological response. It is a risk factor for gastric adenocarcinoma and causes harm to the gastric mucosa. Extra-gastric conditions are also associated with infection caused by these bacteria, such as cardiovascular disease. Helicobacter has also been isolated in other animals, such as cats, dogs, mice, pigs and equines. Due the oral-oral and oral-fecal transmission as well as possible inter-species transmission between domesticated animals and humans, helicon bacteriosis is considered an important public health problem. The aim of the present study was to perform a literature review on how helicon bacteriosis occurs in humans. The secondary objectives were to analyze the evolution of the study of helicon bacteriosis in humans, the different modes of transmission among humans, the most prevalent species of Helicobacter in humans and the use of molecular biology for the diagnosis of helicon bacteriosis in humans. Considering the difficulty in culturing these bacteria, the use of diagnostic biotechnology (molecular biology) enables the identification of these microorganisms through polymerase chain reaction (conventional or real-time PCR) and immune blotting, which increases the precision.
... Casswall et al. reported the prevalence of H. pylori in liver and gastric tissue in children with chronic liver disease (CLD). The results of this study showed that H. pylori DNA can be detected in the livers of some children with liver diseases [36]. ...
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Since it was first identified in 1982, Helicobacter pylori has continued to draw attention far beyond its role in peptic ulcer disease and is now associated with a myriad of immune-mediated diseases, both inside the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), such as mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma, and systemic diseases, such as H. pylori-associated immune thrombocytopenia. This association has ignited research into the mechanisms of H. pylori pathogenicity, especially regarding its role within a multitude of diseases outside the GIT. Despite controversies, a growing body of evidence has begun to establish potential associations between H. pylori and extragastric GIT pathologies; H. pylori has recently been associated with luminal diseases, such as inflammatory bowel diseases and coeliac disease, as well as pancreatic, hepatobiliary, and malignant diseases of the GIT. Despite the lack of conclusive evidence regarding the mechanisms of these relationships, studies have found strong associations, like the case of H. pylori and coeliac disease, while others have not discovered such connections. In addition, while studies have established positive associations between H. pylori and various extragastric diseases, other studies have found the pathogen to play a protective role in disease development. This review comments on the latest evidence that addresses the role of H. pylori in non-gastric gastrointestinal diseases, and establishes the nature of these relationships and the implications of H. pylori eradication from a clinical perspective.
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The modern Gastroenterology have witnessed an essential stride since Helicobacter pylori was first found in the stomach and then its pathogenic effect was discovered. According to the researches conducted during the nearly 40 years, it has been found that this bacterium is associated with a natural history of many upper gastrointestinal diseases. Epidemiological data show an increased incidence of autoimmune disorders with or after infection with specific microorganisms. The researches have revealed that H. pylori is a potential trigger of gastric autoimmunity, and it may be associated with other autoimmune diseases, both innate and acquired. This paper reviews the current support or opposition about H. pylori as the role of potential triggers of autoimmune diseases, including inflammatory bowel disease, autoimmune thyroiditis, type 1 diabetes mellitus, autoimmune liver diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, systemic lupus erythematosus, as well as Sjogren’s syndrome, chronic urticaria and psoriasis, and tried to explain the possible mechanisms.
The genus Helicobacter defined just over 30 years ago, is a highly diverse and fast-growing group of bacteria that are able to persistently colonize a wide range of animals. The members of this genus are subdivided into two groups with different ecological niches, associated pathologies, and phylogenetic relationships: the gastric Helicobacter (GH) and the enterohepatic Helicobacter (EHH) species. Although GH have been mostly studied, EHH species have become increasingly important as emerging human pathogens and potential zoonotic agents in the last years. This group of bacteria has been associated with the development of several diseases in humans from acute pathologies like gastroenteritis to chronic pathologies that include inflammatory bowel disease, and liver and gallbladder diseases. However, their reservoirs, as well as their routes of transmission, have not been well established yet. Therefore, this review summarizes the current knowledge of taxonomy, epidemiology, and clinical role of the EHH group.
Wastewater has become one of the most important and least expensive water for the agriculture sector, as well as an alternative to the overexploitation of water resources. However, inappropriate treatment before its reuse can result in a negative impact on the environment, such as the presence of pathogens. This poses an increased risk for environmental safety, which can subsequently lead to an increased risk for human health. Among all the emerging wastewater pathogens, bacteria of the genus Helicobacter are some of the most disturbing ones, since they are directly related to gastric illness and hepatobiliary and gastric cancer. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the presence of potentially pathogenic Helicobacter spp. in treated wastewater intended for irrigation. We used a next generation sequencing approach, based on Illumina sequencing in combination with culture and other molecular techniques (qPCR, FISH and DVC-FISH), to analyze 16 wastewater samples, with and without an enrichment step. By culture, one of the direct samples was positive for H. pylori. FISH and DVC-FISH techniques allowed for detecting viable Helicobacter spp., including H. pylori, in seven out of eight samples of wastewater from the tertiary effluents, while qPCR analysis yielded only three positive results. When wastewater microbiome was analyzed, Helicobacter genus was detected in 7 samples. The different molecular techniques used in the present study provided evidence, for the first time, of the presence of species belonging to the genus Helicobacter such as H. pylori, H. hepaticus, H. pullorum and H. suis in wastewater samples, even after disinfection treatment.
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Aim: To investigate the presence of Helicobacter species by nested PCR of 16S rRNA genes followed by the presence of Helicobacter pylori (H pylori) 16S rRNA, ureA, cagA genes in bile obtained at endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography (ERCP) from 60 Indian subjects. Methods: Sixty bile samples were obtained from patients diagnosed with various hepato-biliary diseases and control subjects at ERCP. PCR analysis was carried out using primers for Helicobacter genus 16S rRNA gene and H pylori (16S rRNA, ureA and cagA) genes. Gastric H pylori status was also assessed from biopsies obtained at endoscopy from patients with various hepato-biliary diseases and controls. The control group mainly consisted of subjects with gastric disorders. Sequencing analysis was performed to confirm that PCR products with 16S rRNA and cagA primers were derived from H pylori. RESULTS No Helicobacters were grown in culture from the bile samples. Helicobacter DNA was detected in bile of 96.7% and 6.6% of groups I and II respectively. Ten from group I were positive for 16S rRNA and ureA and 9 were positive for cagA gene. In contrast of the 2 from the control, 1 amplified with 16S rRNA, ureA and cagA primers used. The sequences of the 16S rRNA genes and cagA were 99% similar to Helicobacter pylori. Conclusion: Helicobacters are associated with the pathogenesis of various hepato-biliary disorders.
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On the basis of biochemical, phenotypic, and 16S rRNA analysis, a novel gram-negative bacterium, isolated from normal and diarrheic dogs as well as humans with gastroenteritis, has been recently named Helicobacter canis. A 2-month-old female crossbred puppy was submitted to necropsy with a history of weakness and vomiting for several hours prior to death. The liver had multiple and slightly irregular yellowish foci up to 1.5 cm in diameter. Histologically, the liver parenchyma contained randomly distributed, occasionally coalescing hepatocellular necrosis, often accompanied by large numbers of mononuclear cells and neutrophils. Sections of liver stained by the Warthin-Starry silver impregnation technique revealed spiral- to curve-shaped bacteria predominantly located in bile canaliculi and occasionally in bile ducts. Aerobic culture of liver was negative, whereas small colonies were noted on Campylobacter selective media after 5 days of microaerobic incubation. The bacteria were gram negative and oxidase positive but catalase, urease, and indoxyl acetate negative; nitrate was not reduced to nitrite, and the organism did not hydrolyze hippurate. The bacteria were also resistant to 1.5% bile. Electron microscopy revealed spiral-shaped bacteria with bipolar sheathed flagella. By 16S rRNA analysis, the organism was determined to be H. canis. This is the first observation of H. canis in active hepatitis in a dog and correlates with recent findings of Helicobacter hepaticus- and Helicobacter bilis-related hepatic disease in mice. Further studies are clearly warranted to ascertain whether H. canis-associated hepatitis is more widespread in canines as well as a cause of previously classified idiopathic liver disease in humans.
BACKGROUND Bile tolerant helicobacter species such as H hepaticus andH bilis have frequently been reported to cause hepatitis in mice and other rodents. AIMS To investigate the possible pathogenic role of these and other helicobacter species in chronic liver disease in humans. METHODS Serum samples from 144 patients with various chronic liver diseases, 30 patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC), and 48 healthy blood donors were analysed for antibodies against H hepaticus murine strain CCUG 33637 and H pylori strain CCUG 17874. Cell surface proteins of H hepaticuswere extracted by acid glycine buffer and used in an enzyme immunoassay (EIA) and immunoblot (IB). RESULTS 56 of 144 (39%) patients with chronic liver diseases and six of 30 (20%) with PSC showed increased antibody concentrations in the H hepaticus EIA; in the H pylori EIA the numbers were 58% and 13% respectively. Compared with the healthy blood donors the antibody reactivity against the two helicobacter species was not increased (46% and 48% respectively). Patient serum samples retested by the H hepaticus EIA after absorption with sonicated H pyloricells remained positive in 12 of 37 (33%) serum samples. Distinct antibody reactivity to 55–65 kDa proteins was observed byH hepaticus IB, after the absorption step, and was considered specific for H hepaticus. These 12 serum samples were from patients with chronic alcoholic liver disease. CONCLUSIONS Antibodies toH hepaticus, often cross reacting withH pylori, occur frequently in patients with chronic liver diseases, with no clear cut relation to specific diagnostic groups. The pathogenic significance of these findings is not known.
Helicobacter species, which may colonize the biliary tract, have been implicated as a possible cause of hepatobiliary diseases ranging from chronic cholecystitis and primary sclerosing cholangitis to gall-bladder carcinoma and primary hepatic carcinomas. Research in this area has been limited by the lack of a gold standard in the diagnosis of these organisms in bile. Most published data to date have been based on molecular techniques that detect the DNA of Helicobacter species in bile, rather than evidence of viable organisms in bile. Helicobacter species have not been shown to induce histological injury to the biliary epithelium or liver parenchyma. The strongest association of the presence of these organisms in bile is with cholestatic conditions. This article reviews the literature on this newly developing field as it has evolved historically, taking pertinent methodological issues into account.
The pathogenesis of the inflammatory lesion in primary sclerosing cholangitis is unknown. The clinical picture is characterized by i.a. episodes of fever, the cause of which also remains speculative. Previous studies of bacterial isolates in the liver or bile ducts in primary sclerosing cholangitis have had the shortcoming of possible contamination associated with the sampling. The aim of this study was to investigate whether bile and bile duct tissue, obtained under sterile conditions in connection with liver transplantation, contain bacteria. We studied bile from bile duct walls and bile collected from the explanted livers of 36 patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis and 14 patients with primary biliary cirrhosis. Positive cultures were obtained from 21 of 36 primary sclerosing cholangitis patients, but from none of the primary biliary cirrhosis patients. The number of bacterial strains was inversely related to the time after the last endoscopic retrograde cholangiography. Treatment with antibiotics or intraductal stent, or the occurrence of fever before liver transplantation did not seem to influence the culture results, whereas antibiotic treatment in connection with endoscopic retrograde cholangiography may possibly have reduced the number of isolates in the cultures. Alpha-haemolytic Streptococci were retrieved as late as 4 years after the last endoscopic retrograde cholangiography. Retrospective analysis of liver laboratory tests after endoscopic retrograde cholangiography did not indicate a deleterious effect of the investigation. The data suggest that antibiotics should be given routinely in connection with endoscopic retrograde cholangiography. They also raise the question of a possible role of alpha-haemolytic Streptococci in the progression of primary sclerosing cholangitis.
Cancer of the gallbladder is the number one cause of cancer mortality in Chilean women. Incidence rates for this tumor vary widely on a worldwide basis, being approximately 30 times higher in high-risk than in low-risk populations, suggesting that environmental factors such as infectious microorganisms, carcinogens, and nutrition play a role in its pathogenesis. Because several Helicobacter sp. colonize the livers of animals and induce hepatitis, the aim of this study was to determine whether Helicobacter infection was associated with cholecystitis in humans. Bile or resected gallbladder tissue from 46 Chileans with chronic cholecystitis undergoing cholecystectomy were cultured for Helicobacter sp. and subjected to polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis using Helicobacter-specific 16S ribosomal RNA primers. Recovery of Helicobacter sp. from frozen specimens was unsuccessful. However, by PCR analysis, 13 of 23 bile samples and 9 of 23 gallbladder tissues were positive for Helicobacter. Eight of the Helicobacter-specific PCR amplicons were sequenced and subjected to phylogenetic analysis. Five sequences represented strains of H. bilis, two strains of "Flexispira rappini" (ATCC 49317), and one strain of H. pullorum. These data support an association of bile-resistant Helicobacter sp. with gallbladder disease. Further studies are needed to ascertain whether similar Helicobacter sp. play a causative role in the development of gallbladder cancer.
Cell surface proteins of Helicobacter pylori were solubilized by extraction with acidic glycine buffer, N-octyl-glucoside, lithium chloride, and distilled water, and by sonication. The preparations were evaluated as antigens in ELISA to detect serum IgG responses in patients and healthy subjects. SDS-PAGE analyses of the preparations from a type strain (NCTC 11637) and of acidic glycine extracts of 4 clinical isolates showed multiple protein bands. The sera were classified as HP+ve and HP-ve by culture of biopsy and immunoblotting. Sera were considered positive for H. pylori if they detected the specific 120kD antigen or 4-5 other bands. 49 sera were HP+ve; the 51 HP-ve sera did not react in immunoblotting. 35/44 sera (80%) that reacted with the 120kD antigen demonstrated high titers in ELISA with all antigen preparations, and the remaining 9(20%) sera gave discordant results. 4/5 HP+ve sera that did not react with the 120kD antigen, demonstrated high ELISA titers with all 5 antigen preparations. Glycine extracts of 3 isolates did not exhibit the 120kD protein, but were equally sensitive in ELISA. The role of 120kD antigen in our ELISA was not clear. Immunoblotting demonstrated that the 5 antigen preparations share similar antigenic components. All preparations were similarly high in sensitivity and specificity, indicating that surface antigens could be satisfactorily used in our ELISA. Our ELISA using the glycine extract was compared with commercial H. pylori ELISAs developed by Bio-Rad Laboratories, USA (GAP ELISA), Roche, Switzerland (EIA 2G), and Whittaker Bioproducts, USA (Pyloristat).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
The existence of Helicobacter pylori in the biliary tract was investigated. Seven bile samples were included in this study. Among them, six bile samples were collected by percutaneous transhepatic cholangiodrainage and the other by needle aspiration during cholecystectomy. Using nested PCR with two sets of primers homologous to the urease A gene, Helicobacter pylori DNA was detected. Three samples, one from a patient with advanced gastric cancer involving the pancreatic head and two from patients with pancreatic head tumor, were found to be positive for Helicobacter pylori DNA. On the other hand, three samples from patients with cholangiocarcinoma and one from a patient with chronic cholecystitis were all negative. To further verify the specificity of our PCR analysis, partial sequences of the PCR products from the three positive samples were analyzed by direct sequencing. Several silent mutations and a missense mutation (AAA to AGA; Lys-164 to Arg-164) were identified in the urease A gene. We conclude that Helicobacter pylori DNA can be easily detected in the bile samples. The possibility of asymptomatic cholangitis caused by this organism requires further investigation.