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Genome-wide identification and comparative analysis of alternative splicing across four legume species

  • Institute of Grassland Research, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Abstract and Figures

Main conclusion Alternative splicing EVENTS were genome-wide identified for four legume species, and nitrogen fixation-related gene families and evolutionary analysis was also performed. Alternative splicing (AS) is a key regulatory mechanism that contributes to transcriptome and proteome diversity. Investigation of the genome-wide conserved AS events across different species will help with the understanding of the evolution of the functional diversity in legumes, allowing for genetic improvement. Genome-wide identification and characterization of AS were performed using the publically available mRNA, EST, and RNA-Seq data for four important legume species. A total of 15,165 AS genes in Glycine max, 6077 in Cicer arietinum, 7240 in Medicago truncatula, and 7358 in Lotus japonicus were identified. Intron retention (IntronR) was the dominant AS type among the identified events, with IntronR occurring from 53.76% in M. truncatula to 43.91% in C. arietinum. We identified 1159 AS genes that were conserved among four species. Furthermore, nine nitrogen fixation-related gene families with 237 genes were identified, and 80 of them were AS, accounting for the 43.48% in G. max and 27.78% in C. arietinum. An evolutionary analysis showed that these AS genes tended to be located adjacent to each other in the evolutionary tree and are unbalanced in the distribution in the sub-family. This study provides a foundation for future studies on transcription complexity, evolution, and the role of AS on plant functional regulation.
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Planta (2019) 249:1133–1142
Genome‑wide identication andcomparative analysis ofalternative
splicing acrossfour legume species
ZanWang1 · HanZhang1· WenlongGong1
Received: 11 October 2018 / Accepted: 18 December 2018 / Published online: 2 January 2019
© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2019
Main conclusion Alternative splicing EVENTS were genome-wide identified for four legume species, and nitrogen
fixation-related gene families and evolutionary analysis was also performed.
Alternative splicing (AS) is a key regulatory mechanism that contributes to transcriptome and proteome diversity. Investiga-
tion of the genome-wide conserved AS events across different species will help with the understanding of the evolution of the
functional diversity in legumes, allowing for genetic improvement. Genome-wide identification and characterization of AS
were performed using the publically available mRNA, EST, and RNA-Seq data for four important legume species. A total
of 15,165 AS genes in Glycine max, 6077 in Cicer arietinum, 7240 in Medicago truncatula, and 7358 in Lotus japonicus
were identified. Intron retention (IntronR) was the dominant AS type among the identified events, with IntronR occurring
from 53.76% in M. truncatula to 43.91% in C. arietinum. We identified 1159 AS genes that were conserved among four
species. Furthermore, nine nitrogen fixation-related gene families with 237 genes were identified, and 80 of them were AS,
accounting for the 43.48% in G. max and 27.78% in C. arietinum. An evolutionary analysis showed that these AS genes
tended to be located adjacent to each other in the evolutionary tree and are unbalanced in the distribution in the sub-family.
This study provides a foundation for future studies on transcription complexity, evolution, and the role of AS on plant func-
tional regulation.
Keywords Alternative splicing· Cicer arietinum· Glycine max· Legume· Lotus japonicas· Medicago truncatula
AltA Alternative 3acceptor sites
AltD Alternative 5donor sites
AS Alternative splicing
ExonS Exon skipping
IntronR Intron retention
MXEs Mutually exclusive exons
Alternative splicing (AS) is a regulated occurrence where the
generation of more than one mRNA transcript results from
precursor mRNA (pre-mRNA) transcripts (Staiger and Brown
2013). AS is a widespread mechanism that greatly increases
transcriptome diversity, and the alternatively spliced tran-
scripts may encode distinct proteins, thus expanding the coding
capacity of genes and contributing to the proteome complexity
of higher organisms (Marquez etal. 2012). In humans, it has
been reported that > 95% of genes are AS (Wang etal. 2008).
A relatively lower frequency of AS events (42–61%) have been
reported in plants (Filichkin etal. 2010; Marquez etal. 2012)
and it is likely that additional studies using advanced compu-
tational tools will identify many more genes with AS as tran-
scriptomes of plants grown under stress are evaluated (Shang
etal. 2017). Relative to the predominant transcript isoform, AS
can be divided into four main types, intron retention (IntronR),
alternative 3 acceptor sites (AltA), alternative 5 donor sites
(AltD), and exon skipping (ExonS) (Wang and Brendel 2006).
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this
article (https :// 5-018-03073 -3) contains
supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
* Zan Wang
Han Zhang
Wenlong Gong
1 Institute ofAnimal Science, Chinese Academy
ofAgricultural Science, Beijing100193, China
1134 Planta (2019) 249:1133–1142
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ExonS is the predominant AS form in animals (Wang etal.
2008), whereas IntronR is observed primarily in plants (Wang
and Brendel 2006; Filichkin etal. 2010; Marquez etal. 2012).
AS participates in many important processes during the lifecy-
cle of plants (Staiger and Brown 2013) and occurs in response
to various abiotic stressors (Mastrangelo etal. 2012) including
salt (Feng etal. 2015), drought (Liu etal. 2017; Thatcher etal.
2016), and heat stress (Liu etal. 2013; Jiang etal. 2017; Keller
etal. 2016).
Despite the important roles AS plays in plants, the evolu-
tion and conservation of AS events are not well understood
in legume species. Most large-scale, cross-species AS com-
parisons in leguminous species have been limited to iden-
tifying conserved AS events using cDNA and expressed
sequence tags (EST), and these comparative studies have
reported few conserved events between species (Wang and
Brendel 2006; Baek etal. 2008; Wang etal. 2008). Fabaceae,
the legume family, contains species important to humans
for both consumption and atmospheric nitrogen fixation, as
nitrogen is a main limiting factor for plant growth. Many leg-
ume species are also economically important and are a par-
ticularly important source of protein. Soybean (Glycine max)
is one of the most economically important legume species
and is the dominant source of protein for animal feed and
vegetable oil (Hartman etal. 2011). Chickpea (Cicer arieti-
num L.) has one of the best nutritional compositions among
the dry edible legumes, ranking third in worldwide legume
production and first in the Mediterranean basin (Adams etal.
2009). The tribe Trifolieae includes the predominant forage
legumes alfalfa (Medicaco sativa) and clover (Trifolium sp.)
as well as the model plant M. truncatula. Medicago trunca-
tula is used as a model plant to study the functional genom-
ics of legumes because it is self-fertile, has a small diploid
genome, and has high transformation efficiency (Young
etal. 2005). Lotus japonicus, in the tribe Loteae, is another
model diploid legume plant due to its small genome, short
life cycle, and ease of Agrobacterium-mediated transforma-
tion (Handberg and Stougaard 1992).
In this study, we compared the AS event landscape and
the AS gene functional diversity in four legume species, G.
max, C. arietinum, M. truncatula, and L. japonicus. Under-
standing the AS event conservation among these legumes
helps to elucidate some important aspects of the different
types of AS types. This work increases our knowledge of AS
in legumes and provides a platform for further investigation.
Materials andMethods
Sequence collection
The expressed sequence tags (ESTs) and mRNA sequences
of G. max, C. arietinum, M. truncatula, and L. japonicus
were downloaded from the nucleotide repository of the
National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI; The sequences were filtered using
SeqClean 2 (Chen etal. 2007) with the universal vector
database as the default parameter. In addition, the public
RNA-Seq raw reads of these four species were also down-
loaded (Suppl. TableS1) and were subsequently cleaned
using Trimmomatic v0.33 (Bolger etal. 2014) under the
following parameter: LEADING:3 TRAILING:3 SLID-
INGWINDOW:4:15 MINLEN:25. The filtered reads were
first aligned to the corresponding reference genome using
hisatv2.0.4 (Kim etal. 2015) and the duplicate reads were
removed with Picard v1.115 MarkDuplicates (http://broad
insti tute.githu d/). Finally, only the unique align-
ments for single end reads and concordant unique alignments
for paired end reads were kept for further analysis (Suppl.
Transcript assembly andidentication ofAS
The cleaned EST/mRNA sequences were assembled using
CAP3 with the following parameters: -p 95 -o 50 -g 3 -y 50
-t 1000 (Huang and Madan 1999). To maximize the detec-
tion of AS, we used three strategies to assemble the clean
RNA-seq data. The first was Cufflinks v2.2.1 (Trapnell etal.
2012) with the parameter “-GTF-guide -max-intron-length
-b -F 0.05-.” The “-max-intron-length” was set as 15,000 in
G. max, 20,000 in C. arietinum, 10,000 in M. truncatula,
and 15,000 in L. japonicus. The second strategy was genome
guided Trinity 2.0.4 (Haas etal. 2013), with the parameter
“-genome_guided_max_intron.” The “- genome _ guided
_ max _ intron” was set the same as Cufflinks v2.2.1 for
the four studied species. The third strategy was StringTie
v1.0.0 (Pertea etal. 2015) with parameter “-G -f 0.05 -j 2.”
The sequences assembled via the three methods together
with filtered ESTs/mRNAs were merged and aligned back to
the corresponding reference genome with GMAP (Wu and
Watanabe 2005) and clustered with PASA 2.0 (Haas etal.
2003) to remove redundancy. We used BLASTN to com-
pare the reference transcript sequences in the correspond-
ing database, the alignment parameter is -evalue 0.00001
-perc_identity 95, and the number of sequences on the align-
ment was counted according to 50%, 70%, and 90% cover-
age (TableS2). Compared to the reference transcript, more
new transcripts in our assembled transcripts were found,
which help us to fully exploit potential alternative splicing
events. The assembly results from PASA were compared
with the gene annotations from the reference genome (Suppl.
TableS3) using PASA with the parameter “-A –annots_gff3”
to obtain AS information from the reference gene annota-
tion. AS genes with an fragments per kilobase of exon per
million reads mapped (FPKM) < 0.1 were not retained. In
total, five types of AS events, including IntronR, AltA, AltD,
1135Planta (2019) 249:1133–1142
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ExonS, and mutually exclusive exons (MXEs), were consid-
ered in this study. AS events and types were obtained with
Astalavista (Foissac and Sammeth 2007) for each legume
Identication ofconserved ASevents
The identification of conserved AS events followed the meth-
ods described by Chamala etal. (2015) and four AS events
(IntronR, AltA, AltD, and ExonS) were considered here.
First, the OrthoMCL software (Li etal. 2003) was utilized
to identify potential orthologous gene families (orthogroups)
among four legume species using protein sequences from the
longest isoform of each gene as input, and each orthologous
gene family was called a cluster (Chamala etal. 2015). For
each AS event, 30–300bp of sequence from upstream and
downstream exons, immediately flanking an intron defin-
ing the alternative junctions, were extracted. These flanking
sequences that define splice junctions are termed flanking
exon sequence tags (FESTs). Therefore, each AS event is
represented by a pair of FESTs. FESTs from all species were
divided into four datasets, one for each AS event type. Each
FEST in one dataset was searched against all other FESTs
in same dataset by WU-BLASTN (cutoff E-value 1E–5)
(http://blast .wustl .edu). An AS event between two genes was
considered conserved when these genes both belonged to
same orthogroup and the pair of FESTs of one gene aligned
well with the pair of FESTs of another gene (Chamala etal.
2015). Venn graphical visualization for conserved AS pairs
was obtained using R programing language (http://www.r-
Enrichment analysis ofconservatively expressed
An enrichment analysis was performed to annotate genes
that contained AS events. First, we used the longest tran-
script protein sequences from each gene to construct the
Pfam (Finn etal. 2014) annotations in hmmer v3.1b2 (Cheng
2014). Based on the best BLASTP hits from the NR data-
base, the Blast2 GO program (Conesa etal. 2005) was used
to make GO annotations. Fisher exact tests were used to
conduct an enrichment analysis of GO terms. We considered
GO terms to be significantly enriched when the corrected
P < 0.01.
Nitrogen xation‑related ASgene
Nitrogen fixation-related genes from dicotyledons were
downloaded from the protein database in NCBI (Suppl.
TableS4). BLASTP alignment (cutoff E value 1E–5) was
performed using all the protein sequences of the four spe-
cies as references and the downloaded sequence as the query
(Suppl. TableS1). Conserved domain annotations were also
conducted using the CDD database in NCBI (Marchler-
Bauer etal. 2011). Multiple sequence alignments were per-
formed by MUSCLE (Edgar 2004). A phylogenetic tree was
constructed using PhyML (Guindon etal. 2009) for each of
the nitrogen-fixing-related genes (families) with a bootstrap
value of 1000.
Results anddiscussion
AS identication infour legume species
For the exploration and comparison of AS patterns in four
legume species using the data gathered from NCBI, we
assembled and generated putative unique transcripts with
288,953 in G. max, 109,960 in C. arietinum, 348,535 in M.
truncatula, and 254,589 in L. japonicus (Table1; Suppl.
TableS1.). Five types of AS events, IntronR, AltA, AltD,
ExonS, and MXEs, were considered during this study
(Table2). IntronR is the most prevalent AS type among the
four species occurring in 53.76% of AS events in M. trun-
catula to 43.91% AS events in C. arietinum (Table2). These
results are consistent with previous findings in plants (Cha-
mala etal. 2015; Filichkin etal. 2010; Marquez etal. 2012;
Walters etal. 2013; Wang and Brendel 2006). On average,
close to half of the AS events are IntronR (48.1%), followed
by AltA (25.4%), AltD (14.9%), and ExonS (10.1%), with
MXEs (1.5%) being the least frequent type of AS event
In total, 41,919 AS events were identified in G. max,
12,853 in C. arietinum, 17,339 in M. truncatula, and 16,266
in L. japonicus (Table2). The percentages of multi-exon
genes with at least one AS event were the highest in G. max
Table 1 Summary of raw sequenced and assembly data for four legume species
Species EST/mRNA Cleaned EST/mRNA Raw reads Clean reads PASA assembly
Glycine max 1,558,403 1,429,801 1,009,119,760 1,008,528,351 288,953
Cicer arietinum 86,267 82,801 750,427,845 732,429,047 109,960
Medicago truncatula 348,535 337,221 1,037,215,452 1,036,743,325 182,201
Lotus japonicus 254,589 250,543 1,078,427,701 1,054,215,538 148,103
1136 Planta (2019) 249:1133–1142
1 3
with 38.87%, followed by C. arietinum (33.70%), L. japoni-
cus (30.07%), and M. truncatula (28.39%) (Table2). The
percentages of multi-exon genes with at least one AS event
were similar to those found in Vitis vinifera (30%) (Vitulo
etal. 2014), Populus trichocarpa (36%) (Bao etal. 2013),
and Sonneratia (Yang etal. 2018) and were lower than those
in Arabidopsis (61%) (Marquez etal. 2012). The percentages
identified in our study might be an underestimate because
Table 2 Genome-wide AS
events distributions and patterns AS type Glycine max Cicer arietinum Medicago truncatula Lotus japonicus
Events (%) 516 (1.23) 156 (1.21) 137(0.79) 476 (2.93)
Genes (%) 366 (2.41) 122 (2.01) 101 (1.40) 328 (4.46)
Events (%) 19,264 (45.96) 5644 (43.91) 9,322 (53.76) 7958 (48.92)
Genes (%) 9219 (60.79) 3359 (55.27) 4780 (66.02) 4427 (60.17)
Events (%) 5339 (12.74) 1376 (10.71) 1450 (8.36) 1401 (8.61)
Genes (%) 3563 (23.49) 1093 (17.99) 1094 (15.11) 1028 (13.97)
Events (%) 6046 (14.42) 2028 (15.78) 2499 (14.41) 2407 (14.80)
Genes (%) 4389 (28.94) 1587 (26.11) 1880 (25.97) 1870 (25.41)
Events (%) 10,754 (25.65) 3649 (28.39) 3931 (22.67) 4024 (24.74)
Genes (%) 7142 (47.10) 2652 (43.64) 2882 (39.80) 2988 (40.61)
Events 41,919 12,853 17,339 16,266
Genes (%) 15,165 (38.87) 6077 (33.70) 7240 (28.39) 7358 (30.07)
Fig. 1 Proportions of alternative
splicing events in four Legu-
minosae plants. The pie charts
next to each species indicate
their proportions of AS events
Glycine max
Cicer arietinum
Medicago truncatula
Lotus japonicus
1137Planta (2019) 249:1133–1142
1 3
our analysis is restricted to only five types of AS events
(AltA, AltD, ExonS, IntronR, and MXEs). A previous com-
prehensive AS study in Arabidopsis reported that 61.2% of
expressed multi-exonic genes exhibit AS based on investiga-
tions into ten AS types (Marquez etal. 2012). In addition, a
previous study on two of the taxa included in this study, G.
max and M. truncatula, found higher percentages of multi-
exon genes with at least one AS event (50.2% for G. max
and 44.9% for M. truncatula) than those found in this study
(Chamala etal. 2015). This may be due to the difference in
the amount of sequence data for the respective species used
for analysis.
Identication ofconserved ASinfour legume
Classification of the conserved AS events provides a frame-
work for understanding the evolution of the functional genes
and their genic regulation at the transcriptional level, which
may initiate cross-talk among the evolution of the AS genes,
the transcriptional environment, and the ecological adapta-
tion (Wang and Brendel 2006). Conserved AS events among
four legume species were identified and are classified into
6,895 conserved AS event clusters (Suppl. TableS5). There
are 10,939 conserved AS events between at least two of the
four legume species included in this study, involving 2612
clusters and 7616 genes (Table3). This is the second largest
number of conserved AS events reported to date (Mei etal.
2017, Yang etal. 2018). Chamala etal. (2015) identified
27,120 conserved AS events between at least two of nine
angiosperm taxa, which is the largest number of conserved
AS events reported to date. As expected, the number of
events conserved between species is inversely proportional
to the number of species assayed, with the most (5824) con-
served events identified between only two species and only
a modest number (1966) conserved across all four species
The overall statistics of the shared/unique AS events for
four legume species are shown in Fig.2. The largest number
of conserved AS events was observed between M. truncatula
and G. max (5773), followed by L. japonicus and G. max
(4854) and C. arietinum and G. max (4663). The smallest
number was observed between C. arietinum and L. japoni-
cus (3129) (Fig.2; Suppl. TableS6). Glycine max had a
relatively high level of conserved AS events with the three
other species, whereas L. japonicus had a relatively low
level of conserved AS events with the three other species,
except for L. japonicus versus G. max (Suppl. TableS6). The
most important reason of the varying conservation levels
between the different species pairs of the four legume spe-
cies attributed to the genetic uniqueness of different spe-
cies. In addition, the difference in the quantity of publicly
available data for the respective species and the different
tissues that produce the sequence data may also cause the
difference. It is reported that AS events are considered to be
tissue specific (Wang etal. 2016, 2018). With regard to the
three-species analysis, the largest number of conserved AS
events (2934) were detected among L. japonicus, M. trun-
catula, and G. max; followed by C. arietinum, L. japonicus,
and M. truncatula (2229); and C. arietinum, M. truncatula,
and G. max (1317). The smallest number of conserved AS
Table 3 Conserved AS between four Leguminosae plants
AS type Two species Three species Four species Total
Clusters 1021 253 73 1347
Events 2897 1583 927 5407
Genes 2209 983 483 3675
Clusters 156 25 16 197
Events 419 141 166 726
Genes 340 91 83 514
Clusters 296 70 16 382
Events 716 332 135 1183
Genes 636 248 84 968
Clusters 702 238 101 1041
Events 1792 1093 738 3623
Genes 1526 864 575 2965
Clusters 1882 540 190 2612
Events 5824 3149 1966 10,939
Genes 4396 2061 1159 7616
Cicer arietinum
Lotus japonicus Mecdicago truncatula
Glycine ma
263 968
1083 1319
1317 601
Fig. 2 Conserved alternative splicing events in in four Leguminosae
1138 Planta (2019) 249:1133–1142
1 3
events (601) was identified among C. arietinum, L. japoni-
cus, and G. max (Suppl. TableS6). Among all four species,
1966 conserved AS events were identified from 1159 genes
(Suppl. TableS6). Among the four AS types, IntronR is
the most common conserved AS event (49.4%) followed by
AltA (33.1%), AltD (10.8%), and ExonS (6.6%) of all events
Functional enrichment ofconserved ASgenes
Functional annotation of the conserved AS transcripts yields
a mechanistic overview of the effects that AS exerts on a
particular domain and on domain-mediated regulation of AS
(Walters etal. 2013). A total of 1159 conserved AS genes
among the four species identified in the present study were
functionally annotated for putative protein domains and
Gene Ontologies (GOs). Among the four species, 202 pro-
tein domains with conserved genes were identified including
protein kinase domain, protein tyrosine kinase, PAN-like
domain, S-locus glycoprotein family, and d-mannose bind-
ing lectin (Suppl. TableS7). Our analysis demonstrated that
AS genes in legume plants encode diverse protein families
that play important roles in various biological processes.
Self-incompatibility (SI) is one of the mechanisms evolved
by higher plants to promote outbreeding. The cell wall-local-
ized S-locus glycoprotein (SLG) family is thought to recog-
nize a pollen factor that leads to the rejection of self-pollen
(Cui etal. 2005; Watanabe etal. 2012). In this study, a total
of 54 AS SLG-related genes were observed in four legume
species including 22 in M. truncatula, 19 in G. max, seven
in C. arietinum, and six in L. japonicus (Suppl. TableS7).
Unfortunately, there have been no reports on the AS mecha-
nism of the SLG family to date.
According to biological and molecular functions, the GO
analysis revealed a wide visibility in all the major biologi-
cal and molecular functions. In this study, GO classification
revealed the functional information of the genes presenting
conserved AS events among four legume species (Suppl.
TableS8). In total, 38 GO terms were detected to be sig-
nificantly overrepresented (P < 0.01, Table4). Of them, 20,
two, and 16 terms belonged to the categories of biological
process, cell component, and molecular function, respec-
tively (Table4; Fig.3). In the category of molecular func-
tion, 13 of the 16 enriched terms were annotated as playing a
critical role in the adaptation of cellular response to environ-
mental stimulus (Suppl. TableS9). In the GO term nucleo-
tide binding (GO: 000166), the gene AT2G43130 encodes
a small GTP-binding protein (ARA-4) (Suppl. TableS10).
This protein has been shown to be predominantly localized
in Golgi-derived vesicles, Golgi cisternae, and the trans-
Golgi network in Arabidopsis and can be induced by heat
shock (Ueda etal. 1996). In the GO term phosphatidic acid
binding (GO: 0070300), the gene AT4G21534 encodes
sphingosine kinase (SPHK2). Six SphKs genes were identi-
fied in the Arabidopsis genome (Worrall etal. 2008; Guo
etal. 2011), and SPHK1, SPHK2/phyto-S1P, and PLDα1A
are co-dependent in amplification of response to ABA, medi-
ating stomatal closure in Arabidopsis (Coursol etal. 2005;
Worrall etal. 2008; Michaelson etal. 2009; Guo etal. 2011).
Gene AT2G44640 encodes TriGalactosylDiacylglycerol pro-
tein (TGD4). Four genes, TGD1, 2, 3, and 4, identified in
a genetic mutant screen, encode proteins that are involved
in ER-to-chloroplast lipid transfer in Arabidopsis (Xu etal.
2003; Awai etal. 2006; Lu etal. 2007). The TGD1, -2, and
-3 proteins form a putative ATP-binding cassette (ABC)
transporter transporting ER-derived lipids through the inner
envelope membrane of the chloroplast, while TGD4 binds
phosphatidic acid (PtdOH) and resides in the outer chloro-
plast envelope (Wang etal. 2012). The gene AT1G10940
encodes serine/threonine-protein kinase, SRK2A, asso-
ciated with abscisic acid, salt, and osmotic stress (Suppl.
TableS10). In the protein serine/threonine kinase activity
(GO: 0004674) GO term, genes AT1G27190 encode leu-
cine-rich Repeat Receptor Kinase BIR3, which negatively
regulates BAK1 receptor complexes in which BIR3 interacts
with BAK1 and inhibits ligand-binding receptors to prevent
BAK1 receptor complex formation (Imkampe etal. 2017).
Gene AT4G20940 encodes a plasma membrane receptor
kinase (GHR1). It is reported that GHR1 is a fundamen-
tal component of the ABA and H2O2 signaling pathways
and that the ABA signaling pathway greatly affects plant
response to drought, genetic modification of GHR1, and
related proteins might be used to increase drought tolerance
(Hua etal. 2012).
Nitrogen‑xing‑related gene ASandevolutionary
Biological nitrogen fixation, the conversion of atmospheric
N2 to NH3, plays an important role in the global nitrogen
cycle and in agriculture worldwide (Falkowski 1997).
Legumes (Fabaceae or Leguminosae) are unique among
cultivated plants for their ability to carry out endosymbi-
otic nitrogen fixation with rhizobial bacteria (Wang etal.
2013). The most biological nitrogen fixation is catalyzed
by molybdenum-dependent nitrogenase, which is distrib-
uted within bacteria and archaea. This enzyme is composed
of two component proteins, MoFe protein and Fe protein.
Molybdenum-dependent nitrogenase is an O2-labile metal-
loenzyme composed of the NifDK and NifH proteins, and its
biosynthesis requires a number of nif gene products (Rubio
and Ludden 2008). Previous biochemical and genetic stud-
ies have revealed that approximately 20 nif genes on a 24-kb
region in Klebsiella pneumoniae contribute to the synthesis
and maturation of nitrogenase (Hu and Ribbe 2011). In this
study, we identified a total of 237 nitrogen-fixing-related
1139Planta (2019) 249:1133–1142
1 3
genes from nine gene families in the four legume species
from NCBI, including nitrogenase-related genes (NifL,
NifS, NifU, and NifV), NODULIN 21-like, early nodu-
lin-like, mitogen-activated protein kinase family (MAPK,
MAPKK, and MAPKKK, represented by MAPA), nitrogen
regulation (NR), and glutamine synthetase (GS) (Suppl.
TableS11, TableS4). Eighty of these nitrogen-fixing genes
were identified as AS genes (Suppl. TableS11). At the spe-
cies level, G. max had the highest number of nitrogen-fix-
ing-related genes (69) and 30 of them were AS genes. The
percentages of AS of nitrogen-fixing-related genes are the
highest in G. max (43.48%) but the lowest in C. arietinum
(27.78%) (Suppl. TableS11). Among the 60 nitrogen-fixing-
related genes in M. truncatula, 18 were AS genes. Although,
Table 4 Gene ontology (GO) enrichment analysis of evolutionarily conserved AS genes in among four legume species
GO terms Function Conserved AS P value
Biological process
GO:0051716 Cellular response to stimulus 31 0
GO:0009875 Pollen-pistil interaction 18 0
GO:0048544 Recognition of pollen 17 1.26432E−12
GO:0006468 Protein phosphorylation 43 1.27286E−11
GO:0006355 Regulation of transcription, DNA-templated 33 2.00114E−10
GO:0016044 Membrane organization 14 3.04323E−08
GO:0002376 Immune system process 16 5.82958E−08
GO:0043631 RNA polyadenylation 4 6.53879E−08
GO:0071366 Cellular response to indolebutyric acid stimulus 6 1.4626E−07
GO:0015692 Lead ion transport 6 4.6021E−07
GO:0042407 Cristae formation 3 5.42869E−07
GO:0045595 Regulation of cell differentiation 7 8.77532E−07
GO:0033500 Carbohydrate homeostasis 5 1.06874E−06
GO:0007231 Osmosensory signaling pathway 5 1.06874E−06
GO:0043067 Regulation of programmed cell death 14 1.70116E−06
GO:0009630 Gravitropism 14 2.66945E−06
GO:0010033 Response to organic substance 20 2.679E−06
GO:0080022 Primary root development 9 2.93328E−06
GO:0043407 Negative regulation of MAP kinase activity 6 3.01921E−06
GO:0006423 Cysteinyl-tRNA aminoacylation 3 5.36266E−06
Cellular component
GO:0016607 Nuclear speck 6 2.19409E−08
GO:0000151 Ubiquitin ligase complex 8 6.90138E−07
Molecular function
GO:0003700 Transcription factor activity, sequence-specific DNA binding 29 8.99536E−12
GO:0005524 ATP binding 71 7.36843E−11
GO:0004965 G-protein coupled GABA receptor activity 5 6.81111E−08
GO:0000166 Nucleotide binding 33 3.37187E−07
GO:0043565 Sequence-specific DNA binding 15 4.32622E−07
GO:0005217 Intracellular ligand-gated ion channel activity 5 4.3695E−07
GO:0042299 Lupeol synthase activity 6 4.49489E−07
GO:0004970 Ionotropic glutamate receptor activity 5 5.88629E−07
GO:0016174 NAD(P)H oxidase activity 5 7.79051E−07
GO:0005515 Protein binding 79 2.45294E−06
GO:0070300 Phosphatidic acid binding 6 3.01783E−06
GO:0004674 Protein serine/threonine kinase activity 18 4.78645E−06
GO:0004817 Cysteine-tRNA ligase activity 3 7.00689E−06
GO:0015079 Potassium ion transmembrane transporter activity 4 7.97547E−06
GO:0015416 Organic phosphonate transmembrane-transporting ATPase activity 6 9.9574E−06
GO:0008569 Minus-end-directed microtubule motor activity 4 1.05586E−05
1140 Planta (2019) 249:1133–1142
1 3
only two genes of the NifV family were found in M. truncat-
ula, both were AS, which led to a decreased protein diversity
caused by a small number of genes. There was no AS gene
in either NifS or NODULIN 21-like families in L. japonicus.
At the nitrogen-fixing-related gene family level, there was
no AS gene in the NODULIN 21-like family in all species.
The NifL family had the highest proportion of AS genes
accounting for 50.00%. The largest number of AS genes was
observed in the nitrogen regulation gene family.
Phylogenetic trees for nine nitrogen-fixing genes were
constructed separately and the AS gene of one species
was typically located adjacent to other AS genes of the
remaining species in the individual trees (Suppl. Fig. S1A-
I). We further divided the large number of gene families
into different phylogenetic groups. Namely, the NifU gene
family was divided into four groups. The numbers of AS
genes in groups III and IV were relatively large, while the
number of AS genes in groups I and II was small, with one
gene per species in each group (Suppl. Fig. S1C). Nitrogen
regulation-related genes were clustered into seven groups
with most of them (III to VII) having AS genes (Suppl.
Fig. S1E). Early nodulin-like genes formed six groups and
each of them carried AS genes. Glutamine synthetase gene
had four groups with AS genes among the four species
(Suppl. Fig. S1I). Although most of the groups of specific
nitrogen-fixing genes included AS genes, the distribu-
tion of AS genes was not balanced across the genes and
This is the first report of AS events associated with nitro-
gen-fixing-related genes. The results can help for a better
understanding of the complexity of biological nitrogen fixa-
tion processes, paying the way for the full use of legume
nitrogen fixation capacity in agricultural production.
The present study investigated the genome-wide conserved
AS events in four of the most important leguminous spe-
cies using the publicly available mRNA, EST, and RNA-Seq
data. Our findings provide a basis for the understanding of
the AS events that have occurred among different species,
particularly across legumes. This resource on conserved AS
identifies an additional layer between genotype to phenotype
that may impact future efforts to improve legumes.
Author contribution statement ZW designed the study. ZW,
HZ and WLG collected and analyzed data, ZW drafted the
manuscript. All authors reviewed the manuscript.
Percentage of genes
Number of genes
0.1 110 100
extracellular region
cell junction
membrane−enclosed lumen
macromolecular complex
extracellular region part
organelle part
virion part
membrane part
synapse part
cell part
supramolecular complex
transcription factor activity, protein bindin
nucleic acid binding transcription factor activity
catalytic activity
signal transducer activity
structural molecule activity
transporter activity
electron carrier activity
antioxidant activity
metallochaperone activity
protein tag
translation regulator activity
nutrient reservoir activity
molecular transducer activity
molecular function regulator
cell killing
immune system process
metabolic process
cellular process
reproductive process
biological adhesion
multicellular organismal process
developmental process
single−organism process
biological phase
rhythmic process
response to stimulus
multi−organism process
biological regulation
cellular component organization or biogenesis
1985 851
molecular functioncellular component biological process
Fig. 3 GO annotation classification for conserved genes
1141Planta (2019) 249:1133–1142
1 3
Acknowledgements This research was funded by the National Natural
Science Foundation of China (no. 31272495) and the National Key
Technology R&D Program of China (2011BAD17B01).
Compliance with ethical standards
Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no competing
Availability of data and materials All the sequence data used in the
study were downloaded from the nucleotide repository of National
Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI;
The other data generated in the study were included in this published
article and its Additional files.
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... Similarly, differential expression changes in chlorophyll-and photosynthesis-related genes, together with a disturbance of carbohydrates, were found in heat-treated rice anthers . In rice, salicylic acid may increase the HS tolerance of pollen mother cells through hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 )mediated signaling pathways (Feng et al., 2018) and catalase (CAT)mediated detoxification of reactive oxygen species (ROS) (Zhao et al., 2018;Gong et al., 2019). Furthermore, the exogenous application of abscisic acid prior to HS enhanced sucrose transport and accelerated sucrose metabolism to maintain the carbon balance and energy homeostasis, which consequently mitigated the heat damage to anthers (Rezaul et al., 2019). ...
... The same genes from different rice genotypes carried out differential AS regulations in response to salt stress stimulation (Jian et al., 2022). Interestingly, not only growth conditions but also nutrition status affect AS regulation of related genes in different plants (Zhang Y. M. et al., 2012;Li H. et al., 2016;Nishida et al., 2017;Wang et al., 2019). For example, nutrient stress caused differential AS regulation of the NRR gene in rice (Zhang Y. M. et al., 2012). ...
Full-text available
Extreme high temperature at the meiosis stage causes a severe decrease in spikelet fertility and grain yield in rice. The rice variety grain size on chromosome 2 (GS2) contains sequence variations of OsGRF4 (Oryza sativa growth-regulating factor 4; OsGRF4AA ), escaping the microRNA miR396-mediated degradation of this gene at the mRNA level. Accumulation of OsGRF4 enhances nitrogen usage and metabolism, and increases grain size and grain yield. In this study, we found that pollen viability and seed-setting rate under heat stress (HS) decreased more seriously in GS2 than in its comparator, Zhonghua 11 (ZH11). Transcriptomic analysis revealed that, following HS, genes related to carbohydrate metabolic processes were expressed and regulated differentially in the anthers of GS2 and ZH11. Moreover, the expression of genes involved in chloroplast development and photosynthesis, lipid metabolism, and key transcription factors, including eight male sterile genes, were inhibited by HS to a greater extent in GS2 than in ZH11. Interestingly, pre-mRNAs of OsGRF4, and a group of essential genes involved in development and fertilization, were differentially spliced in the anthers of GS2 and ZH11. Taken together, our results suggest that variation in OsGRF4 affects proper transcriptional and splicing regulation of genes under HS, and that this can be mediated by, and also feed back to, carbohydrate and nitrogen metabolism, resulting in a reduction in the heat tolerance of rice anthers.
... Additionally, the computed incidence of AS in V. mungo (42.4%) is lower than Arabidopsis (61%) yet substantially greater when compared to Oryza sativa (21.2%). Considering the legumes, the share of the AS genes is marginally higher than those reported in V. radiata (37.9%) (Satyawan et al. 2017), soybean (38.87%), chickpea (33.7%), and Medicago (28.39%) (Wang et al. 2019), thereby bringing the proportion closer to other legume species. In accordance with the findings of Koralewski and Krutovsky (2011), the close association between exon length and exon number suggests a propensity of multiexon genes with short exons in V. mungo. ...
Full-text available
Vigna mungo, a highly consumed crop in the pan-Asian countries, is vulnerable to several biotic and abiotic stresses. Understanding the post-transcriptional gene regulatory cascades, especially alternative splicing (AS), may underpin large-scale genetic improvements to develop stress-resilient varieties. Herein, a transcriptome based approach was undertaken to decipher the genome-wide AS landscape and splicing dynamics in order to establish the intricacies of their functional interactions in various tissues and stresses. RNA sequencing followed by high-throughput computational analyses identified 54,526 AS events involving 15,506 AS genes that generated 57,405 transcripts isoforms. Enrichment analysis revealed their involvement in diverse regulatory functions and demonstrated that transcription factors are splicing-intensive, splice variants of which are expressed differentially across tissues and environmental cues. Increased expression of a splicing regulator NHP2L1/SNU13 was found to co-occur with lower intron retention events. The host transcriptome is significantly impacted by differential isoform expression of 1172 and 765 AS genes that resulted in 1227 (46.8% up and 53.2% downregulated) and 831 (47.5% up and 52.5% downregulated) transcript isoforms under viral pathogenesis and Fe2+ stressed condition, respectively. However, genes experiencing AS operate differently from the differentially expressed genes, suggesting AS is a unique and independent mode of regulatory mechanism. Therefore, it can be inferred that AS mediates a crucial regulatory role across tissues and stressful situations and the results would provide an invaluable resource for future endeavours in V. mungo genomics.
... A total of 14,070 complete and 19,983 internal AS events were obtained from 30% of all consensus expression genes corresponding to those reported earlier in rice (48%), Arabidopsis (61%), and maize (40%) [2][3][4]. In addition, the frequency of AS events in lotus is also comparable with that in Lotus japonicus (~30%) and Medicago truncatula (~28%) [32]. Among them, 445 complete AS also contain the internal AS events. ...
Full-text available
Sacred lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) is a typical aquatic plant, belonging to basal eudicot plant, which is ideal for genome and genetic evolutionary study. Understanding lotus gene diversity is important for the study of molecular genetics and breeding. In this research, public RNA-seq data and the annotated reference genome were used to identify the genes in lotus. A total of 26,819 consensus and 1,081 novel genes were identified. Meanwhile, a comprehensive analysis of gene alternative splicing events was conducted, and a total of 19,983 “internal” alternative splicing (AS) events and 14,070 “complete” AS events were detected in 5,878 and 5,881 multi-exon expression genes, respectively. Observations made from the AS events show the predominance of intron retention (IR) subtype of AS events representing 33%. IR is followed by alternative acceptor (AltA), alternative donor (AltD) and exon skipping (ES), highlighting the universality of the intron definition model in plants. In addition, functional annotations of the gene with AS indicated its relationship to a number of biological processes such as cellular process and metabolic process, showing the key role for alternative splicing in influencing the growth and development of lotus. The results contribute to a better understanding of the current gene diversity in lotus, and provide an abundant resource for future functional genome analysis in lotus.
... Among the four mechanisms (ES, IR, A5SS, A3SS) [29], ES is the most common in animals, whereas IR is more frequent in plants. For example, IR and ES account for 3% and 40% of all AS events in human [30], and 43.86% and 8.68% of all AS events in 84K poplar leaves, respectively. ...
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Alternative splicing (AS) is a post-transcriptional process common in plants and essential for regulation of environmental fitness of plants. In the present study, we focus on the AS events in poplar leaves to understand their effects on plant growth and development. The hybrid poplar ( P . alba × P . glandulosa cv.84K) leaves were collected for RNA extraction. The extracted RNA was sequenced using on an Illumina HiSeq™ 2000 platform. Using the Populus trichocarpa genome as the reference, a total of 3810 AS genes were identified (9225 AS events), which accounted for 13.51% of all the expressed genes. Intron retention was the most common AS event, accounting for 43.86% of all the AS events, followed by alternative 3′ splice sites (23.75%), alternative 5′ splice sites (23.71%), and exon skipping (8.68%). Chromosomes 10 had the most condensed AS events (33.67 events/Mb) and chromosome 19 had the least (12.42 events/Mb). Association analysis showed that AS in the poplar leaves was positively correlated with intron length, exon number, exon length, and gene expression level, and was negatively correlated with GC content. AS genes in the poplar leaves were associated mainly with inositol phosphate metabolism and phosphatidylinositol signaling system pathways that would be significant on wooden plant production.
... Although the functions of alternative splicing in animals and plants are similar, some differences exist between them in some aspects. For example, intron retention (IR) has been reported to be the most frequent AS event in plants, whereas exon skipping (ES) is the major type in humans and animals (Xu et al., 2002;Wang et al., 2008;Ruan et al., 2018;Ma et al., 2019;Wang Z. et al., 2019). The Suppressor of Morphological defects on Genitalia (SMG) gene family (SMG 1-7), which plays an important role in the AS-coupled-NMD pathway, has been widely reported in animals; however, no SMG 5 and SMG 6 paralogs have been identified in plants. ...
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Alternative splicing (AS) plays pivotal roles in regulating plant growth and development, flowering, biological rhythms, signal transduction, and stress responses. However, no studies on AS have been performed in Liriodendron chinense, a deciduous tree species that has high economic and ecological value. In this study, we used multiple tools and algorithms to analyze transcriptome data derived from seven tissues via hybrid sequencing. Although only 17.56% (8,503/48,408) of genes in L. chinense were alternatively spliced, these AS genes occurred in 37,844 AS events. Among these events, intron retention was the most frequent AS event, producing 1,656 PTC-containing and 3,310 non-PTC-containing transcripts. Moreover, 183 long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) also underwent AS events. Furthermore, weighted gene coexpression network analysis (WGCNA) revealed that there were great differences in the activities of transcription and post-transcriptional regulation between pistils and leaves, and AS had an impact on many physiological and biochemical processes in L. chinense, such as photosynthesis, sphingolipid metabolism, fatty acid biosynthesis and metabolism. Moreover, our analysis showed that the features of genes may affect AS, as AS genes and non-AS genes had differences in the exon/intron length, transcript length, and number of exons/introns. In addition, the structure of AS genes may impact the frequencies and types of AS because AS genes with more exons or introns tended to exhibit more AS events, and shorter introns tended to be retained, whereas shorter exons tended to be skipped. Furthermore, eight AS genes were verified, and the results were consistent with our analysis. Overall, this study reveals that AS and gene interaction are mutual—on one hand, AS can affect gene expression and translation, while on the other hand, the structural characteristics of the gene can also affect AS. This work is the first to comprehensively report on AS in L. chinense, and it can provide a reference for further research on AS in L. chinense.
... Alternative splicing (AS) is a key regulatory mechanism that increases proteome diversity. A comparative analysis of the AS landscape across four legume species (soybean, M. truncatula, L. japonicus and Cicer arietinum) revealed that the percentage of nitrogen fixation-related genes subjected to AS ranges from 27% to 43% depending on the species [32]. The study of Traubenik et al. also evaluated the translational status of alternative spliced variants at genome-wide level, identifying 122 genes with one or more AS variants differentially translated in response to rhizobia. ...
Post-transcriptional control of gene expression allows plants to rapidly adapt to changes in their environment. Under low nitrogen conditions, legume plants engage into a symbiosis with soil bacteria that results in the formation of root nodules, where bacteria are allocated and fix atmospheric nitrogen for the plant’s benefit. Recent studies highlighted the importance of small RNA-mediated mechanisms in the control of bacterial infection, nodule organogenesis, and the long-distance signaling that balances plant growth and nodulation. Examples of such mechanisms are shoot-to-root mobile microRNAs and small RNA fragments derived from degradation of bacterial transfer RNAs that repress complementary mRNAs in the host plant. Mechanisms of selective mRNA translation also contribute to rapidly modulate the expression of nodulation genes in a cell-specific manner during symbiosis. Here, the most recent advances made on the regulation of mRNA stability and translatability, and the emerging roles of long non-coding RNAs in symbiosis are summarized.
... Alternative splicing (AS) is a key regulatory mechanism that increases proteome diversity. A comparative analysis of the AS landscape across four legume species (soybean, M. truncatula, L. japonicus and Cicer arietinum) revealed that the percentage of nitrogen fixation-related genes subjected to AS ranges from 27% to 43% depending on the species [32]. The study of Traubenik et al. also evaluated the translational status of alternative spliced variants at genome-wide level, identifying 122 genes with one or more AS variants differentially translated in response to rhizobia. ...
Many plant NLR (nucleotide-binding, leucine-rich repeat) immune receptors require other NLRs for their function. In pairs of chromosomally adjacent sensor/helper NLRs, the sensor typically carries an integrated domain (ID) that mimics the authentic target of a pathogen effector. The RPW8-NLR clade supports the function of many diverse plant NLRs, particularly those with a TIR N-terminal domain, in concert with a family of EP-domain containing signalling partners. The NRC clade of NLRs are required for the function of many unlinked sensor NLRs in Solanaceous plants. We evaluate recent advances in paired NLR biology in the context of the structure and possible mechanisms of the first defined plant inflammasome containing ZAR1.
Alternative splicing (AS) is a crucial regulatory mechanism that impacts transcriptome and proteome complexity under stressful situations. Although its role in abiotic stresses is somewhat understood, our understanding of the mechanistic regulation of pre-mRNA splicing in plant-pathogen interaction is meagre. To comprehend this unexplored immune reprogramming mechanism, transcriptome profiles of Mungbean Yellow Mosaic India Virus (MYMIV)-resistant and susceptible Vigna mungo genotypes were analysed for AS genes that may underlie the resistance mechanism. Results revealed a repertoire of AS-isoforms accumulated during pathogenic infestation, with intron retention being the most common AS mechanism. Identification of 688 differential alternatively spliced (DAS) genes in the resistant host elucidates its robust antiviral response, whereas 322 DAS genes were identified in the susceptible host. Enrichment analyses confirmed DAS transcripts pertaining to stress, signalling, and immune system pathways have undergone maximal perturbations. Additionally, a strong regulation of the splicing factors has been observed both at transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels. qPCR validation of candidate DAS transcripts with induced expression upon MYMIV-infection demonstrated a competent immune response in the resistant background. The AS-impacted genes resulted either in partial/complete loss of functional domains or altered sensitivity to miRNA-mediated gene silencing. A complex regulatory module, miR7517-ATAF2, has been identified in an aberrantly spliced ATAF2 isoform that exposes an intronic miR7517 binding site, thereby suppressing the negative regulator to enhance defense reaction. The present study establishes AS as a non-canonical immune reprogramming mechanism that operates in parallel, thereby offering an alternative strategy for developing yellow mosaic-resistant V. mungo cultivars. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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DNA methylation is an important epigenetic modification, that is involved in the regulation of gene expression and cell differentiation, and plays an important regulatory role in flower development in higher plants. There are two types of florets on the capitulum in the genus Chrysanthemum, the flower symmetry factor CYCLOIDEA (CYC) 2-like genes may be important candidate genes for determining the identity of the two types of florets. In this study, the diploid plant Chrysanthemum lavandulifolium was used as the research material, and qRT-PCR and bisulfite sequencing polymerase chain reaction (BSP) were used to identify the expression and DNA methylation pattern of CYC2-like genes in the two types of florets. Gene expression analysis showed that the six ClCYC2-like genes were significantly different in the two types of florets, and the expression levels of ClCYC2c, ClCYC2d, ClCYC2e and ClCYC2f in the ray florets were significantly higher than those in the disc florets. For the DNA methylation analysis of the three genes ClCYC2c, ClCYC2d, and ClCYC2e, it was found that the DNA methylation levels of these three genes were negative correlated with their expression levels, and the ways in which the three genes were regulated by the DNA methylation were different. It is speculated that the different DNA methylation of ClCYC2-like genes in the two types of florets may affect the differentiation and development of the two types of florets. This study provides new clues about epigenetics for the analysis of capitulum formation in Asteraceae.
Most eukaryotic genes undergo various post-transcriptional processing events before being translated into proteins. Alternative splicing (AS) is one such event and is an essential mechanism in post-transcriptional gene regulation that allows multiple mRNA variants to be expressed from a single pre-mRNA, thereby expending the functional capacity of a gene as well as the organismal complexity. With the advancement of next-generation sequencing technologies, extensive transcriptomic resources in plant species have determined crucial roles of AS in the regulation of developmental processes and adaption to environmental stresses. We review here recent studies of AS events and splicing factors that specifically affect abiotic-stress tolerance in crop plants, including other agricultural traits. Understanding how alternative splicing modulates plant development and abiotic-stress responses may provide new insights for improving the environmental fitness and productivity of crop plants.
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Alternative splicing (AS), which produces multiple mRNA transcripts from a single gene, plays crucial roles in plant growth, development and environmental stress responses. Functional significances of conserved AS events among congeneric species have not been well characterized. In this study, we performed transcriptome sequencing to characterize AS events in four common species of Sonneratia, a mangrove genus excellently adaptive to intertidal zones. 7,248 to 12,623 AS events were identified in approximately 25% to 35% expressed genes in the roots of the four species. The frequency of AS events in Sonneratia was associated with genomic features, including gene expression level and intron/exon number and length. Among the four species, 1,355 evolutionarily conserved AS (ECAS) events were identified from 1,170 genes. Compared with non-ECAS events, ECAS events are of shorter length and less possibility to introduce premature stop codons (PTCs) and frameshifts. Functional annotations of the genes containing ECAS events showed that four of the 26 enriched Gene Ontology (GO) terms are involved in proton transport, signal transduction and carbon metabolism, and 60 genes from another three GO terms are implicated in responses to osmotic, oxidative and heat stresses, which may contribute to the adaptation of Sonneratia species to harsh intertidal environments.
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Alternative splicing ( AS ) is a crucial regulatory mechanism in eukaryotes, which acts by greatly increasing transcriptome diversity. The extent and complexity of AS has been revealed in model plants using high‐throughput next‐generation sequencing. However, this technique is less effective in accurately identifying transcript isoforms in polyploid species because of the high sequence similarity between coexisting subgenomes. Here we characterize AS in the polyploid species cotton. Using Pacific Biosciences single‐molecule long‐read isoform sequencing (Iso‐Seq), we developed an integrated pipeline for Iso‐Seq transcriptome data analysis ( ). We identified 176 849 full‐length transcript isoforms from 44 968 gene models and updated gene annotation. These data led us to identify 15 102 fibre‐specific AS events and estimate that c . 51.4% of homoeologous genes produce divergent isoforms in each subgenome. We reveal that AS allows differential regulation of the same gene by mi RNA s at the isoform level. We also show that nucleosome occupancy and DNA methylation play a role in defining exons at the chromatin level. This study provides new insights into the complexity and regulation of AS , and will enhance our understanding of AS in polyploid species. Our methodology for Iso‐Seq data analysis will be a useful reference for the study of AS in other species.
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BAK1 is a co-receptor and positive regulator of multiple ligand-binding leucine-rich-repeat receptor kinases (LRR-RKs) and is involved in brassinosteroid (BR)-dependent growth and development, innate immunity and cell death control. The BAK1-interacting LRR-RKs BIR2 and BIR3 were previously identified by proteomics analyses of in vivo BAK1 complexes. Here we show that BAK1-related pathways such as innate immunity and cell death control are affected by BIR3 in Arabidopsis thaliana. BIR3 also has a strong negative impact on BR signaling. BIR3 directly interacts with the BR receptor BRI1 and other ligand-binding receptors and negatively regulates BR signaling by competitive inhibition of BRI1. BIR3 is released from BAK1 and BRI1 after ligand exposure and directly affects the formation of BAK1 complexes with BRI1 or FLAGELLIN SENSING2. Double mutants of bak1 and bir3 show spontaneous cell death and constitutive activation of defense responses. BAK1 and its closest homolog BKK1 interact with and are stabilized by BIR3, suggesting that bak1 bir3 double mutants mimic the spontaneous cell death phenotype observed in bak1 bkk1 mutants via destabilization of BIR3 target proteins. Our results provide evidence for a negative regulatory mechanism for BAK1 receptor complexes in which BIR3 interacts with BAK1 and inhibits ligand-binding receptors to prevent BAK1 receptor complex formation.
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Identifying and characterizing alternative splicing (AS) enables our understanding of the biological role of transcript isoform diversity. This study describes the use of publicly available RNA-Seq data to identify and characterize the global diversity of AS isoforms in maize using the inbred lines B73 and Mo17, and a related species, sorghum. Identification and characterization of AS within maize tissues revealed that genes expressed in seed exhibit the largest differential AS relative to other tissues examined. Additionally, differences in AS between the two genotypes B73 and Mo17 are greatest within genes expressed in seed. We demonstrate that changes in the level of alternatively spliced transcripts (intron retention and exon skipping) do not solely reflect differences in total transcript abundance, and we present evidence that intron retention may act to fine-tune gene expression across seed development stages. Furthermore, we have identified temperature sensitive AS in maize and demonstrate that drought-induced changes in AS involve distinct sets of genes in reproductive and vegetative tissues. Examining our identified AS isoforms within B73 × Mo17 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) identified splicing QTL (sQTL). The 43.3% of cis-sQTL regulated junctions are actually identified as alternatively spliced junctions in our analysis, while 10 Mb windows on each side of 48.2% of trans-sQTLs overlap with splicing related genes. Using sorghum as an out-group enabled direct examination of loss or conservation of AS between homeologous genes representing the two subgenomes of maize. We identify several instances where AS isoforms that are conserved between one maize homeolog and its sorghum ortholog are absent from the second maize homeolog, suggesting that these AS isoforms may have been lost after the maize whole genome duplication event. This comprehensive analysis provides new insights into the complexity of AS in maize.
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Alternative splicing (AS) is an important gene regulation mechanism in plants. Despite the widespread use of AS in plant gene expression regulation, the identification of the cis-elements involved in the AS mechanism is rarely reported in plants. To explore the regulation mechanism of the AS of LcDREB2, a DREB2 ortholog from Sheepgrass (Leymus chinensis), the genomic sequences of LcDREB2 and its homologs in Poaceae were aligned, and six mutations were introduced in the conserved sequence of LcDREB2. By analyzing the distinct transcript patterns of the LcDREB2 mutants in transgenic Oryza sativa, a novel cis-element that affected the AS of LcDREB2 was identified as Exonic Splicing Enhancer 1 (ESE1). In addition, five serine-arginine rich (SR) proteins were confirmed to interact with ESE1 by electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA). To further explore the expression regulation mechanism of the DREB subfamily, phylogenetic analysis of DREB2 paralogous genes was performed. The results strongly supported the hypothesis that AS is conserved in Poaceae plants and that it is an evolutionary strategy for the regulation of the functional expression of genes. The findings and methods of our study will promote a substantial step forward in understanding of the plant AS regulation mechanism.
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Gene expression can be regulated through transcriptional and post-transcriptional mechanisms. Transcription in eukaryotes produces pre-mRNA molecules, which are processed and spliced post-transcriptionally to create translatable mRNAs. More than one mRNA may be produced from a single pre-mRNA by alternative splicing (AS); thus, AS serves to diversify an organism’s transcriptome and proteome. Previous studies of gene expression in plants have focused on the role of transcriptional regulation in response to environmental changes. However, recent data suggest that post-transcriptional regulation, especially AS, is necessary for plants to adapt to a changing environment. In this review, we summarize recent advances in our understanding of AS during plant development in response to environmental changes. We suggest that alternative gene splicing is a novel means of regulating the environmental fitness of plants.
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Heat stress is one of the primary abiotic stresses that limit crop production. Grape is a cultivated fruit with high economic value throughout the world, with its growth and development often influenced by high temperature. Alternative splicing (AS) is a widespread phenomenon increasing transcriptome and proteome diversity. We conducted high temperature treatments (35oC, 40oC and 45oC) on grapevines (Vitis vinifera), and assessed transcriptomic (especially AS) and proteomic changes in leaves. We found that nearly 70% of the genes were alternatively spliced under high temperature. Intron retention (IR), exon skipping (ES) and alternative donor/acceptor sites were markedly induced under different high temperatures. Among all differential AS events, IR was the most abundant up- and down-regulated event. Moreover, the occurrence frequency of IR events at 40 and 45oC was far higher than at 35oC. These results indicated AS, especially IR, is an important posttranscriptional regulatory during grape leaf responses to high temperature. Proteomic analysis showed that protein levels of the RNA binding proteins SR45, SR30, and SR34, and the nuclear ribonucleic protein U1A gradually rose as ambient temperature increased, which revealed a reason why AS events occurred more frequently under high temperature. After integrating transcriptomic and proteomic data, we found that heat shock proteins and some important transcription factors such as MBF1c and HSFA2 were mainly involved in heat tolerance in grape through up-regulating transcriptional (especially modulated by AS) and translational levels. The results provide the first evidence for grape leaf responses to high temperature at simultaneous transcriptional, posttranscriptional and translational levels.
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Searching databases of protein sequences for those proteins that match patterns represented as profile HMMs is a widely performed bioinformatics task. The standard tool for the task is HMMER version 3 from Sean Eddy. HMMER3 achieved significant improvements in performance over version 2 through the introduction of a heuristic filter called the Multiple Segment Viterbi algorithm (MSV) and the use of native SIMD instruction set on modern CPUs. Our objective was to further improve performance by using a general-purpose graphical processing unit (GPU) and the CUDA software environment from Nvidia. An execution profile of HMMER3 identifies the MSV filter as a code hotspot that consumes over 75% of the total execution time. We applied a number of well-known optimization strategies for coding GPUs in order to implement a CUDA version of the MSV filter. The results show that our implementation achieved 1.8x speedup over the single-threaded HMMER3 CPU SSE2 implementation on average. The experiments used a modern Kepler architecture GPU from Nvidia that has 768 cores running at 811 Mhz and an Intel Core i7-3960X 3.3GHz CPU overclocked at 4.6GHz. For HMMER2 there was a significant speed-up of an order of magnitude obtained by implementations using GPUs. Such gains seem out of reach for HMMER3.
Alternative splicing (AS) is a key control mechanism influencing signal response cascades in different developmental stages and under stress conditions. In this study, we examined heat stress (HS)-induced AS in the heat sensitive pollen tissue of two tomato cultivars. To obtain the entire spectrum of HS-related AS, samples taken directly after HS and after recovery were combined and analysed by RNA-seq. For nearly 9,200 genes per cultivar, we observed at least one AS event under HS. In comparison to control, for one cultivar we observed 76% more genes with intron retention (IR) or exon skipping (ES) under HS. Furthermore, 2,343 genes had at least one transcript with IR or ES accumulated under HS in both cultivars. These genes are involved in biological processes like protein folding, gene expression and heat response. Transcriptome assembly of these genes revealed that most of the alternative spliced transcripts possess truncated coding sequences resulting in partial or total loss of functional domains. Moreover, 141 HS specific and 22 HS repressed transcripts were identified. Further on, we propose AS as layer of stress response regulating constitutively expressed genes under HS by isoform abundance.