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Body size and trophic level increase with latitude, and decrease in the deep-sea and Antarctica, for marine fish species

Taylor & Francis
  • Fisheries Research Institute, MOA

Abstract and Figures

The functional traits of species depend both on species’ evolutionary characteristics and their local environmental conditions and opportunities. The temperature-size rule (TSR), gill-oxygen limitation theory (GOLT), and temperature constraint hypothesis (TCH) have been proposed to explain the gradients of body size and trophic level of marine species. However, how functional traits vary both with latitude and depth have not been quantified at a global scale for any marine taxon. We compared the latitudinal gradients of trophic level and maximum body size of 5,619 marine fish from modelled species ranges, based on (1) three body size ranges, <30, 30–100, and >100 cm, and (2) four trophic levels, <2.20, 2.20–2.80, 2.81–3.70, >3.70. These were parsed into 5° latitudinal intervals in four depth zones: whole water column, 0–200, 201–1,000, and 1,001–6,000 m. We described the relationship between latitudinal gradients of functional traits and salinity, sea surface and near seabed temperatures, and dissolved oxygen. We found mean body sizes and mean trophic levels of marine fish were smaller and lower in the warmer latitudes, and larger and higher respectively in the high latitudes except for the Southern Ocean (Antarctica). Fish species with trophic levels ≤2.80 were dominant in warmer and absent in colder environments. We attribute these differences in body size and trophic level between polar regions to the greater environmental heterogeneity of the Arctic compared to Antarctica. We suggest that fish species’ mean maximum body size declined with depth because of decreased dissolved oxygen. These results support the TSR, GOLT and TCH hypotheses respectively. Thus, at the global scale, temperature and oxygen are primary factors affecting marine fishes’ biogeography and biological traits.
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Body size and trophic level increase with
latitude, and decrease in the deep-sea and
Antarctica, for marine sh species
Han-Yang Lin
and Mark John Costello
1Institute of Marine Science, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
2Faculty of Biosciences and Aquaculture, Nord University, Bodo, Norway
3School of Environment, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
The functional traits of species depend both on speciesevolutionary characteristics
and their local environmental conditions and opportunities. The temperature-size
rule (TSR), gill-oxygen limitation theory (GOLT), and temperature constraint
hypothesis (TCH) have been proposed to explain the gradients of body size and
trophic level of marine species. However, how functional traits vary both with
latitude and depth have not been quantied at a global scale for any marine taxon.
We compared the latitudinal gradients of trophic level and maximum body size of
5,619 marine sh from modelled species ranges, based on (1) three body size ranges,
<30, 30100, and >100 cm, and (2) four trophic levels, <2.20, 2.202.80, 2.813.70,
>3.70. These were parsed into 5latitudinal intervals in four depth zones: whole
water column, 0200, 2011,000, and 1,0016,000 m. We described the relationship
between latitudinal gradients of functional traits and salinity, sea surface and near
seabed temperatures, and dissolved oxygen. We found mean body sizes and mean
trophic levels of marine sh were smaller and lower in the warmer latitudes, and
larger and higher respectively in the high latitudes except for the Southern Ocean
(Antarctica). Fish species with trophic levels 2.80 were dominant in warmer and
absent in colder environments. We attribute these differences in body size and
trophic level between polar regions to the greater environmental heterogeneity of the
Arctic compared to Antarctica. We suggest that sh speciesmean maximum body
size declined with depth because of decreased dissolved oxygen. These results support
the TSR, GOLT and TCH hypotheses respectively. Thus, at the global scale,
temperature and oxygen are primary factors affecting marine shesbiogeography
and biological traits.
Subjects Aquaculture, Fisheries and Fish Science, Biogeography, Ecology, Marine Biology, Zoology
Keywords Latitudinal gradient, Depth gradient, Fish, Trophic level, Body size, Depth zones
Latitudinal diversity gradients (LDGs) integrate over the local and regional patterns where
species have evolved and survived on both ecological and evolutionary time scales (Ekman,
1953;Gaston, 2000;Willig, Kaufman & Stevens, 2003;Pontarp et al., 2019). In contrast to
expectations that species richness decreases from the equator to the poles, recent studies
have shown that the LDG of marine taxa are bimodal with a dip at or near the equator
How to cite this article Lin H-Y, Costello MJ. 2023. Body size and trophic level increase with latitude, and decrease in the deep-sea and
Antarctica, for marine sh species. PeerJ 11:e15880 DOI 10.7717/peerj.15880
Submitted 21 December 2022
Accepted 20 July 2023
Published 7 September 2023
Corresponding author
Mark John Costello,
Academic editor
Matteo Zucchetta
Additional Information and
Declarations can be found on
page 15
DOI 10.7717/peerj.15880
2023 Lin and Costello
Distributed under
Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0
(Powell, Beresford & Colaianne, 2012;Chaudhary, 2019;Chaudhary, Saeedi & Costello,
2016,2017;Chaudhary & Costello, 2023;Aranti & Costello, 2020;Lin et al., 2021). This
was not the case during the last glacial maximum (Yasuhara et al., 2020), and dip has been
deepening faster in concert with recent climate change (Chaudhary et al., 2021), indicating
that the LDG in terms of species richness is related to temperature (Lin et al., 2021).
However, how biological traits of species vary with latitude globally has not been studied.
Functional traits characterize an organisms phenotype, indicating how it may interact
with the physical, chemical, and biological environments (Hooper et al., 2005). Body size,
trophic level, and depth distribution are the most widely used numerical functional traits
and have relatively complete records for many sh species (Costello et al., 2015;Froese &
Pauly, 2019). Thus, in this study, the latitudinal and depth gradients of body size and
trophic level of marine sh were studied.
A positive relationship between body size and latitude has been demonstrated in
freshwater and marine ectotherms (Lindsey, 1966;Fisher, Frank & Leggett, 2010;Bartels
et al., 2020). The phenomenon where populations within a species, and/or species, have a
smaller size in low latitudes (warm environment) and a larger size in high latitudes (cold
environment) is known as the temperature-size rule (TSR) (Atkinson, 1994). In the marine
environment, dissolved oxygen is another factor that limits marine organismsbody size
(Forster, Hirst & Atkinson, 2012;Hoefnagel & Verberk, 2015). This phenomenon for sh
has been explained by the gill-oxygen limitation theory (GOLT) that indicates the oxygen
supply depends on the gill surface area related to the body mass volume (Pauly & Cheung,
2018). The ratio of gill surface area to body mass decreases when individuals grow.
Therefore, an organisms body size is limited by the oxygen needed for maintaining its
metabolic demands, whereby oxygen concentration in water declines with warming and
metabolic demand increases (Pauly & Cheung, 2018). Thus, GOLT provides a mechanism
to explain the TSR.
More marine herbivorous or omnivorous sh exist in the low than high latitudes, and
few herbivores in areas with an annual average temperature of below 20 C(Floeter et al.,
2005;Behrens & Lafferty, 2007;González-Bergonzoni et al., 2012;Dantas et al., 2019). This
may be explained by the temperature constraint hypothesis (TCH) which states that low
temperatures constrain the efciency of digestion for marine ectothermic herbivores
(Gaines & Lubchenco, 1982). However, a metanalysis and study on a temperate reef sh
species concluded the TCH did not explain herbivory gradients with latitude but provided
no alternative hypothesis (Johnson et al. 2020;Knight, Guichard & Altieri, 2021).
Therefore, the hypotheses TSR and TCH directly, and GOLT indirectly, suggest that
temperature is the primary driver to constrain the body size and thereby inuence the
trophic level of sh, as supported for the effect of paleoclimate on body size evolution of
shes (Troyer et al., 2022). In this study, we correlate functional traits with temperature
and dissolved oxygen, and assess whether the relationships support TSR, GOLT, and TCH
hypotheses. In addition, we included salinity as a comparative variable because it is a
widely used indicator of oceanographic water masses and associated variability of water
masses in an area.
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Another environmental gradient of interest regarding the diversity pattern is depth.
The deep sea below 200 m depth is dark, cold, and with low-dissolved-oxygen across all
latitudes (Costello & Breyer, 2017;Sayre et al., 2017;Basher & Costello, 2020). Therefore, it
would be expected that the LDG may vary in the surface depth zone but be relatively
constant in the deep sea. Previous studies found that relatively more species of sh with
larger body size and higher trophic level occurred with greater depth (Smith & Brown,
2002;Lamprakis, Kallianiotis & Stergiou, 2008;Mindel et al., 2016). However, these studies
focused on specicsh groups and study areas. Placing these patterns on a global scale will
provide a more robust and more general theoretical understanding of variation. Besides,
how body sizes and trophic levels of marine sh change among latitudes and with depth at
the global scale have not been studied previously.
This study describes the gradients of body size and trophic level of marine sh among
latitudes in different depth zones, and along depth zones with latitude, globally.
The relationship between functional traits and environmental variables is presented.
We hypothesize that shes with smaller body size and lower trophic levels dominate
warmer waters (low latitudes, shallow depths), and the reverse in cooler waters (high
latitudes, deep depths).
Species data
To avoid problems with spatially biased sampling, we used species ranges as is
conventional in biogeography. The modelled geographic distribution, including latitude
and depth, of the 5,619 sh species with available ranges was obtained from AquaMaps
(Kaschner et al., 2019) and represents about one-third of all marine sh species (Froese &
Pauly, 2019). A full list of the species is in Supplementary Information at Figshare (https:// AquaMaps models eld observations with
environmental variables to predict the environmental niche and thus geographic ranges of
species (Kaschner et al., 2019). A species will only occur within its range where local
environmental and ecological conditions are suitable, and its abundance will vary within
its range in space and time. Thus, a species may not occur everywhere within its mapped
range, and if its range changes over time, such as due to climate change, it may no longer
occur within part of its mapped range. To prevent a species range extending into areas that
are environmentally suitable but where it does not occur for evolutionary reasons (e.g., in a
different ocean), AquaMaps limits species ranges to their known occurrence in FAO
regions (Kaschner et al., 2019). The probability threshold of 0.0 (possibly present) was used
as a conservative approach to ensure some species occurrences in most geographic cells
following Lin et al. (2021).
Species traits
Two functional traits, maximum body size as standard length in cm and trophic level, were
retrieved from FishBase for each of the sh species (Froese & Pauly, 2019). Species of body
size smaller than 30 cm (49% of species) and between 30 and 100 cm (40% of species)
dominated in this dataset. Only 11% of species had body size larger than 100 cm in this
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dataset (Table 1,Fig. S1). These body size groups were only used for the purpose of
illustrating patterns and were not used in the calculation of means. As the number of
species of all marine sh from FishBase (n= 15,195) in these size categories was 62%, 32%
and 6% respectively, our data were more inclusive of larger sh species (Table S1).
The trophic level index categorises adults of species according to their position in the
food web, being <2.20 for herbivores and detritivores; 2.202.80 for omnivores with a
preference for vegetable matter but also feeding on other prey (e.g., sponges, isopods,
amphipods) (low-trophic-level omnivores); 2.813.70 for omnivores with a preference for
animals but feeding on diverse prey (e.g., algae, bivalves, isopods, sh larvae) (high-
trophic-level omnivores); and >3.70 for piscivores and carnivores with a preference for
large decapods, cephalopods and sh (carnivores) (Stergiou & Karpouzi, 2002;Froese &
Pauly, 2019). The proportions of the four trophic levels of all marine sh from FishBase
(3%, 4%, 67%, 26%) were very similar to those in AquaMaps (4%, 5%, 58%, 33%), and thus
our dataset is representative of trophic levels of all marine sh species (Table S1).
Data analysis
The mean and standard error of body size and trophic level for all sh was calculated in 5
latitude bands between 75S and 75N and four depth zones: whole water column, surface
(0200 m), middle (2011,000 m), and deep (1,0016,000 m); reecting the photic,
mesophotic and aphotic zones of light penetration respectively (Costello & Breyer, 2017).
This study also calculated the mean and standard error of body size and trophic level for all
sh in 100 m depth bands from 0 to 3,500 m. Numbers of species, means and standard
errors for traits groups in latitude and depth bands are shown as Tables S2S8.
The mean body size and trophic level were correlated with the long-term decadal
averages of monthly salinity (practical salinity unit, psu), and sea surface and bottom
temperature (SST, SBT respectively) and dissolved oxygen (SDO, BDO respectively) in
5-degree latitude bands. The environmental variables were obtained from the Global
Marine Environmental Datasets (Basher & Costello, 2020). Raster data of environmental
variables were calculated as the mean value in every 5-degree latitude band between 75S
and 70N. Generalized Additive Models (GAM) (Hastie & Tibshirani, 1990) were used to
assess the relationship between latitudinal mean body size, trophic level and
environmental variables in the same 5-degree latitude bands. A GAM is a nonparametric
regression method that uses smooth functions of the predictors. Also, a GAM is exible
regarding the assumptions concerning the underlying statistical distribution of the data
(Swartzman, Silverman & Williamson, 1995). The package mgcv(Wood, 2011)inR(R
Core Team, 2018) was used for the GAM analysis. A GAM with Gaussian error
distribution and identity link function was used for modelling. Smoothness selection(s) of
thin plate regression splines was used for the model tting process. The model was as
Body size or Trophic level sðeach environmental variableÞ
Standard diagnostics including Quantile-Quantile (Q-Q) plot, minimized Generalized
Cross-Validation (GCV) scores, maximized deviance explained and maximized adjusted
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, were used to assess distributional and smoothing assumptions (Wood, 2006). The
deviance explained, adjusted r
, and GCV scores were recorded. The relationships of mean
trophic level and body size to each environmental variable were plotted.
Latitudinal gradients
Mean maximum body size of sh species was smaller in the Southern Ocean, tropics and
sub-tropics (30S and 30N) (Fig. 1). Thus, there were relatively more large sh species in
the temperate latitudes and Arctic, with the highest values at 50S and 70N(Fig. 1).
High-trophic-level omnivore and carnivore species occurred across all latitudes
(Fig. 2A). In contrast, herbivores and detritivores and low-trophic-level omnivores were
absent in both poles, except for a few low-trophic-level omnivores distributed in the Arctic
Ocean (Fig. 2A). Therefore, the mean trophic level and difference from the mean trophic
level of all sh were lower in the tropics (30Sto30
N) and the Southern Ocean (Fig. 2).
Overall, we found that the diversity of body sizes and trophic levels were highest in the
tropics and subtropics, but the mean body sizes and trophic levels in this area were smaller
and lower (Figs. 1 and 2). This is because there were more small, herbivorous and
detritivorous sh species between 30S and 30N(Figs. 1 and 2).
The distribution of body size and trophic groups in the surface zone were similar to the
pattern described in the whole water column because over 73% of marine sh occurred
shallower than 200 m depth (Figs. 3 and 4). Compared to this near surface depth zone, sh
were generally larger in the middle zone, and below average size in the deepest zone
(Fig. 3). However, in all depth zones, the sh of the Southern Ocean were below average in
body size and trophic level (Figs. 3 and 4). In contrast, southern temperate (40S50S),
northern temperate and Arctic sh (40N75N) were above average in body size and
trophic level in all depth zones (Figs. 3 and 4).
Table 1 Number of sh species in the three body size and four trophic level groups in the depth
Depth zone
Fish group Whole water column 0200 m 2011,000 m 1,0016,000 m
All sh 5,619 4,102 1,184 333
Body size
<30 cm 2,743 2,066 523 154
30100 cm 2,260 1,618 497 145
>100 cm 616 418 164 34
Trophic level
Herbivores and detritivores 242 241 1 0
Low-trophic-level omnivores 286 283 3 0
High-trophic-level omnivores 3,234 2,374 649 211
Carnivores 1,857 1,204 531 122
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Depth gradients
Across 100 m depth bands, mean maximum body size decreased with depth, and below
1,200 m sh species were below average in size (Fig. 5). However, the smallest and largest
sh species occurred near the sea surface (<100 m), and they did not exist deeper than
>500 and >900 m, respectively (Fig. 5A). Thus, with greater depth, shs body sizes
converged closer to the average size (Fig. 5A).
The depth ranges of almost all (99%) of herbivores and detritivores, and 98% of low-
trophic-level omnivores, included the surface zone (Fig. 6A). Only one species of herbivore
and detritivore and three species of low-trophic-level omnivores could be found between
101 and 600 m (Fig. 6A). Deeper than 200 m, trophic level remained around 3.63.7 until a
depth of 2,300 m (Fig. 6). When deeper than 2,300 m, trophic level decreased with depth
and the standard errors got wider (Fig. 6). There were several subtle change points in depth
trends of speciesmaximum body size and trophic level at 100, 500, 900, 1,400, 1,800,
2,300, and 3,000 m, respectively (Figs. 5A and 6A).
Figure 1 Latitudinal gradient of body sizes. Gradients of (A) mean body size with standard error (black
dot and bar), and dot-plot of log
maximum body size for <30 cm (blue squares), 30100 cm (green
triangles), and >100 cm (orange circles), and (B) difference from the mean body size of all sh in this
dataset (50.7 cm) in 5-degree latitude bands in the whole water column. Each dot indicates one species.
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Environmental relationships
Environmental gradients
Mean sea surface temperature (SST) declined from the tropics to the poles with peaks at
10N and 5S(Fig. 7A). The narrower SST range near the equator and in the Southern
Ocean indicated more stable temperatures (Fig. 7A).
The latitudinal gradient of mean sea bottom temperature (SBT) contrasted with SST
because mean SBT was less than 6C in all latitudes because of the dominating effect of the
large area of deep sea in each latitude. SBT ranges were widest in the tropics to subtropics,
and narrower at high latitudes because SBT varied more from shallow to deep sea in the
tropical areas (Fig. 7B).
Mean sea surface dissolved oxygen (SDO) decreased from the poles to the tropics
(Fig. 7C), being lowest between 25N and 25S. The range of SDO was widest in the Arctic
Figure 2 Latitudinal gradient of trophic levels. Gradients of (A) mean trophic level with standard error
(black dot and bar), and dot-plot of trophic level among herbivores and detritivores (green triangles),
low-trophic-level omnivores (purple crosses), high-trophic-level omnivores (teal squares), and carnivores
(red circles); and (B) difference from the mean trophic level of all sh in this dataset (3.50) in 5-degree
latitude bands in the whole water column. Each dot indicates one species.
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Ocean (Fig. 7C). Mean sea bottom dissolved oxygen (BDO) was lowest at 10N, then
increased with southern and northern latitudes. The BDO range was wide in every latitude,
especially in the northern temperate and Arctic Ocean (Fig. 7D).
Mean sea surface salinity varied between 28 to 35 psu with latitude, which is within the
tolerance of marine organisms (Fig. 7E). However, mean sea surface salinity was lower and
more variable north of 40N(Fig. 7E). Thus, all variables studied here except BDO, namely
SST, SBT, SDO and salinity, were at least ve times more variable in the Arctic than
Antarctic seas (Fig. 7).
All environmental variables were signicantly correlated with gradients in maximum body
size and trophic level (Table 2). Mean SST was the primary factor that inuenced the
latitudinal gradients of both mean body size and trophic level. Fish with smaller body size
and lower trophic levels were in the tropical latitudes with mean SST > 25 C(Figs. 14,
Figure 3 Latitudinal gradients of body sizes in depth zones. Gradients of (A, C, and E) mean body size
with standard error (black dot and bar), and dot-plot of log
maximum body size for <30 cm (blue
squares), 30100 cm (green triangles), and >100 cm (orange circles) sh, and (B, D, and F) difference
from the mean body size of all sh in this dataset (50.7 cm) in 5-degree latitude bands in the surface
(0200 m), middle (2011,000 m), and deep (1,0016,000 m) zone . Each dot indicates one species.
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S2). Similarly, mean body size and mean trophic level decreased with warmer mean SBT
(Fig. S2).
Mean SDO was 6 ml/l and mean BDO was 5 ml/l (Fig. S2). As with body size, mean
trophic levels increased in latitudes with higher mean SDO and BDO. Mean trophic level
was highest when mean SDO was 6.5 ml/l and BDO was 5 ml/l (Fig. S2).
Mean sea surface salinity was the least inuential factor compared to temperature and
dissolved oxygen. Most species, regardless of body size and trophic level, were living in
salinities between 33 and 35 psu. Only a few species with larger body size and higher
trophic level live in lower salinity water (Fig. S2).
Figure 4 Latitudinal gradients of trophic levels in depth zones. Gradients of (A, C, and E) mean
trophic level with standard error (black dot and bar), and dot-plot of trophic level among herbivores and
detritivores (green triangles), low-trophic-level omnivores (purple cross), high-trophic-level omnivores
(teal squares), and carnivores (orange circle) sh, and (B, D, and F) difference from the mean trophic
level of all sh in this dataset (3.50) in 5-degree latitude bands in the surface (0200 m), middle
(2011,000 m), and deep (1,0016,000 m) zone. Each dot indicates one species.
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Latitudinal gradients
Our results showed that the diversity of sh speciesbody size and trophic level were
highest in the tropics and subtropics (between 30S and 30N). This may be because the
tropics and subtropics also have a high diversity of associated predator, prey and
competitor richness and habitats (Brown, 2014;Costello et al., 2015;Costello & Chaudhary,
2017). The warm temperature in the tropics, results in shorter generation times, higher
rates of metabolism, faster rates of mutation, and faster selection, which generate and
Figure 5 Depth gradient of mean body sizes. Depth gradients of (A) mean body size with standard
error (black dot and bar), and dot-plot of log
maximum body size for <30 cm (blue squares), 30100 cm
(green triangles), and >100 cm (orange circles), and (B) difference from the mean body size (50.7 cm) of
all sh in this dataset along 100 m depth bands. Each dot indicates one species.
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maintain higher biodiversity (Rohde, 1992;Wright et al., 2011;Brown, 2014). In addition,
the tropics and subtropics have higher habitat complexity, notably coral reefs which may
contain 27% of marine sh species (Costello, 2015;Froese & Pauly, 2019), and provide
more ecological niches leading to higher species diversity (Rocha et al., 2005;Grosberg,
Vermeij & Wainwright, 2012;Kovalenko, Thomaz & Warfe, 2012), and thus leading to
higher traits diversity. Together these reasons allow species and trait diversity to originate
and accumulate in the tropics and subtropics.
Figure 6 Depth gradient of mean trophic levels. Gradients of (A) mean trophic level with standard
error (black dot and bar), and dot-plot of trophic level among herbivores and detritivores (green tri-
angles), low-trophic-level omnivores (purple cross), high-trophic-level omnivores (teal squares), and
carnivores (orange circle) sh, and (B) difference from the mean trophic level of all sh in this dataset
(3.50) along 100 m depth bands. Each dot indicates one species.
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Our nding of a paucity of herbivores outside the tropics and subtropics supports the
Temperature Constraint Hypothesis (TCH) that posits that the efciency of digestion for
plant materials is compromised in cooler environments (Gaines & Lubchenco, 1982).
However, the mechanism behind this remains unclear (Johnson et al. 2020;Knight,
Guichard & Altieri, 2021) and correlation does not imply causation.
In the surface zone, the latitudinal mean body size and mean trophic level were all lower
in the tropics and subtropics but higher in the high latitudes except for the Southern
Ocean. In contrast, neither varied signicantly with latitude in the deep zone (i.e., deeper
than 200 m) (Figs. 3 and 4). This was because there were more small (<30 cm) and lower
trophic level (<2.80) sh species in the tropics and subtropics than in high latitudes and
deep sea. Also, the diversity of body sizes and trophic level was similar across latitudes in
the deep sea. These results support the initial expectation that latitudinal gradients of traits
changed with latitude in the shallow depth zone but not in the deep sea because the deep
Figure 7 The latitudinal gradients of environmental variables. The latitudinal gradients of means
(solid circle), maxima (top lines), and minima (bottom lines) of (A) sea surface temperature (C), (B) sea
bottom temperature (C), (C) sea surface dissolved oxygen (ml/l), (D) sea bottom dissolved oxygen
(ml/l), and (E) sea surface salinity (practical salinity unit, psu).
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sea has a more homogeneous environment with no light, low temperature, and low
dissolved oxygen across latitudes (Costello & Breyer, 2017;Sayre et al., 2017;Basher &
Costello, 2020).
Depth gradients
Across 100 m depth bands, body size may be expected to be larger and the trophic level
higher in the deep sea because the temperature is lower in the deep than shallow depths
and food supply is largely dependent on secondary production in shallower waters.
However, the results showed that deeper than 200 m, mean body size decreased and mean
trophic level stayed at near 3.70 to 2,300 m depth, and then decreased deeper than 2,300 m.
Thus, the depth gradient of mean body size did not follow the temperature-size rule (TSR)
but did follow the gill-oxygen limitation theory (GOLT) because the dissolved oxygen
(DO) decreased with depth (Costello et al., 2018).
Fewer than 40 species in our dataset occur deeper than 2,300 m, and most of them were
high-trophic-level omnivores, with less than 10 of these species being carnivorous (Fig. 6).
Without photosynthesis, deep-sea species mostly rely on detritus from the surface waters
(known as marine snow), consisting of dead or dying animals and phytoplankton and
faecal matter produced by zooplankton, as their primary source of food (Higgs, Gates &
Jones, 2014). Only 5% of food can fall into the bathypelagic zone, so bathypelagic sh prey
on anything that comes their way (Ryan, 2006). Thus, sh assemblages in the deep sea have
a more similar environmental and dietary niche than those in shallower depths.
Although the primary trend for mean body size decreased with depth and mean trophic
level stayed stable at 3.7 till 2,300 m, there were some depths where values rose or fell.
These depths were at 100, 500, 900, 1,400, 1,800, 2,300, and 3,000 m, respectively (Figs. 5A
and 6A), and they t the points of turnover at 100, 500, 1,400, 2,300, and 3,000 m in species
Table 2 Generalized additive model results for the latitudinal gradients of mean body size and trophic level of all sh against ve
environmental variables, ranked by deviance explained.
Environmental variable Adjusted r
Deviance explained (%) Generalised cross-validation score Degrees of freedom P-value
Body size
Sea surface temperature 0.88 91 46.71 7.86 ***
Sea bottom temperature 0.74 80 94.77 6.71 ***
Sea bottom dissolved oxygen 0.72 80 104.76 7.84 ***
Sea surface dissolved oxygen 0.45 50 165.93 2.60 ***
Sea surface salinity 0.19 22 230.22 1.00 **
Trophic level
Sea surface temperature 0.76 79 0.002 4.07 ***
Sea bottom dissolved oxygen 0.69 75 0.003 5.69 ***
Sea surface dissolved oxygen 0.70 73 0.002 2.48 ***
Sea bottom temperature 0.36 45 0.006 4.18 *
Sea surface salinity 0.36 39 0.005 1.39 **
P-value < 0.05.
P-value < 0.01.
P-value < 0.001.
Lin and Costello (2023), PeerJ, DOI 10.7717/peerj.15880 13/20
assemblages from clustering analysis in Lin, Costello & Wright (2023). Thus, these changes
reect the modelled depth zonation of sh species assemblages with different ranges of
body size and trophic level.
Environmental relationships
Fishs body size and trophic level were smaller and lower in the warmer and low DO
latitudes (tropics and subtropics) but larger and higher in the cooler and high DO latitudes
(temperate areas and the Arctic Ocean but not the Southern Ocean). These results may
support hypotheses of temperature-size rule, gill-oxygen limitation theory, and
temperature constraint hypotheses. As warmer temperature decreases aerobic capacity,
sh with larger body size may be limited by oxygen supply (Pauly, 2010), and thus there are
more small sh in the warmer latitudes. Also, body size has a positive relationship with
trophic level, so small sh usually have a lower trophic level because of the limitation of
gape size (Romanuk, Hayward & Hutchings, 2011), and this relationship is more
signicant when excluding the lower trophic level sh because some species are large
(Keppeler, Montaña & Winemiller, 2020). For most vertebrate ectotherms, the metabolic
rate and gut passage rate increase with temperature (Zachariassen, Cossins & Bowler, 1989;
Zimmerman & Tracy, 1989;Horn & Gibson, 1990;Van Marken Lichtenbelt, Vogel &
Wesselingh, 1997;Gillooly et al., 2001). However, the gut passage rate decreases more
rapidly than metabolic rate when temperature declines, so herbivorous sh may not be able
to digest enough food material to meet their metabolic demands at cooler temperatures
(Floeter et al., 2005). Except for the physical variables, biogenic habitats may also provide
niches for more sh species in the tropics, notably coral reefs which harbour about 30% of
all sh species (Costello, 2015).
Both the Arctic and Antarctic are polar environments with near freezing temperatures
but high DO (Fig. 7) and relatively low species richness compared to other latitudes (Lin
et al., 2021). However, we show the Arctic has far more variable environmental conditions
than the Antarctic (Fig. 7). The biogeography of their sh fauna also contrasts. The sh
fauna in the Arctic Ocean is an extension of that of boreal and temperate regions (Loeng
et al., 2005) because of the active northward colonization from the Atlantic and Pacic
over the last 6,00014,000 years (Dayton, Mordida & Bacon, 1994;Eastman, 1997). Of the
Arctic fauna, 58% of species comprise six groups of sh, zoarcoids, gadiformes, cottids,
salmonids, pleuronectiforms, and chondrichthyans (Eastman, 1997), and only around 20%
the sh species are endemic (Eastman, 1997;Reshetnikov, 2004;Mecklenburg, Møller &
Steinke, 2011). In contrast, Antarctica is isolated by the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
and deep-sea with 88% of sh species (Eastman, 1997;McGonigal & Woodworth, 2003;
Duhamel et al., 2014), and over 45% of all its marine species (Costello et al., 2010), being
endemic. Five sh groups, namely notothenioids, myctophids, liparids, zoarcids, and
gadiforms, accounted for 74% of the Antarctic sh fauna, and notothenioids comprised
35% (Eastman, 1997). Therefore, the Antarctic sh fauna has a closer phylogenetic
relationship than that of the Arctic (Lin, Costello & Wright, 2023). The Antarctic also has a
simpler food web compared to other latitudes (Richardson, 1975;Targett, 1981;La Mesa,
Eastman & Vacchi, 2004;Hill et al., 2006). However, these differences in
Lin and Costello (2023), PeerJ, DOI 10.7717/peerj.15880 14/20
phylo-biogeography do not necessarily explain the smaller body size and lower trophic
level of Antarctic than Arctic sh fauna (Figs. 14). Here, we suggest that these differences
are due to the greater spatial environmental heterogeneity in the Arctic providing more
niches for larger and higher trophic level species than available in the more homogenous
seas around Antarctica.
This study found that mean body sizes and mean trophic levels of marine sh were lower
in the tropics and sub-tropics, between 30S and 30N, than high latitudes, and less in the
deep-sea and Antarctica. The atter latitudinal gradients of these traits in the deep sea
reect its more homogenous environment. While mean body size generally increases at
colder temperatures, the reverse was the case with depth. Body size and trophic level
decreased with depth not because of temperature, but because of the low dissolved oxygen
and scarce food resources in the deep sea. Thus, the latitudinal gradients at the surface
zone support the Temperature-Size Rule, Temperature Constraint hypothesis, and
Gill-Oxygen Limitation Theory while the depth gradient only supports the latter.
Therefore, our global scale analysis shows that in the surface zone, temperature is the
primary and dissolved oxygen is the second factor inuencing the biogeography of sh
body size and trophic level, whereas oxygen and food supply limit these traits in the
deep-sea and Antarctic species.
We thank Dr Kristin Kaschner and Cristina Garilao for providing the modelled range data
of marine sh from AquaMaps.
Han-Yang Lin received funding from the Faculty of Science Strategic Initiative 2021PhD
Output Award, The University of Auckland, New Zealand. The funders had no role in
study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the
Grant Disclosures
The following grant information was disclosed by the authors:
Faculty of Science Strategic Initiative 2021PhD Output Award, The University of
Auckland, New Zealand.
Competing Interests
Mark J. Costello is an Academic Editor for PeerJ.
Lin and Costello (2023), PeerJ, DOI 10.7717/peerj.15880 15/20
Author Contributions
Han-Yang Lin conceived and designed the experiments, performed the experiments,
analyzed the data, prepared gures and/or tables, authored or reviewed drafts of the
article, and approved the nal draft.
Mark John Costello conceived and designed the experiments, performed the
experiments, analyzed the data, authored or reviewed drafts of the article, and approved
the nal draft.
Data Availability
The following information was supplied regarding data availability:
Data is available at Figshare:
Lin, Han-Yang; Costello, Mark (2022). Body size and trophic level increase with latitude
and decrease in the deep-sea and Antarctica for marine sh species. gshare. Journal
Supplemental Information
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... This allowed notothenioids to live and evolve in this cold environment (McGonigal & Woodworth, 2002;Duhamel et al., 2014). In contrast to this stability of the Southern Ocean developing an endemic fauna, the Arctic Ocean is an extension of the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean, and is a more environmentally variable environment (Lin & Costello, 2023). Thus, the species richness of the Arctic is higher than of the Antarctic and Southern Ocean fish fauna (Fig. 1, Lin & Costello, 2023). ...
... In contrast to this stability of the Southern Ocean developing an endemic fauna, the Arctic Ocean is an extension of the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean, and is a more environmentally variable environment (Lin & Costello, 2023). Thus, the species richness of the Arctic is higher than of the Antarctic and Southern Ocean fish fauna (Fig. 1, Lin & Costello, 2023). ...
Full-text available
Species richness has been found to increase from the poles to the tropics but with a small dip near the equator over all marine fishes. Phylogenetic diversity measures offer an alternative perspective on biodiversity linked to evolutionary history. If phylogenetic diversity is standardized for species richness, then it may indicate places with relatively high genetic diversity. Latitudes and depths with both high species and phylogenetic diversity would be a priority for conservation. We compared latitudinal and depth gradients of species richness, and three measures of phylogenetic diversity, namely average phylogenetic diversity (AvPD), the sum of the higher taxonomic levels (STL) and the sum of the higher taxonomic levels divided by the number of species (STL/spp) for modelled ranges of 5,619 marine fish species. We distinguished all, bony and cartilaginous fish groups and four depth zones namely: whole water column; 0 –200 m; 201–1,000 m; and 1,001–6,000 m; at 5° latitudinal intervals from 75°S to 75°N, and at 100 m depth intervals from 0 m to 3,500 m. Species richness and higher taxonomic richness (STL) were higher in the tropics and subtropics with a small dip at the equator, and were significantly correlated among fish groups and depth zones. Species assemblages had closer phylogenetic relationships (lower AvPD and STL/spp) in warmer (low latitudes and shallow water) than colder environments (high latitudes and deep sea). This supports the hypothesis that warmer shallow latitudes and depths have had higher rates of evolution across a range of higher taxa. We also found distinct assemblages of species in different depth zones such that deeper sea species are not simply a subset of shallow assemblages. Thus, conservation needs to be representative of all latitudes and depth zones to encompass global biodiversity.
... Omnivores (low-trophiclevel omnivores) who consume plant matter and other prey (e.g., sponges, isopods, and amphipods) have a level ranging from 2.20 to 2.80, while omnivores (high-trophic-level omnivores) with a preference for animals but feed on diverse prey (e.g., algae, bivalves, isopods, and fish larvae) have a value of 2.81-3.70. Piscivores and carnivores, with a preference for large decapods, cephalopods, and fish (carnivores), have a value above 3.70 [27,28]. ...
Full-text available
In May 2023, oceanic and atmospheric anomalies indicated El Niño conditions in the eastern Pacific, followed by coral bleaching in coral communities and reefs of Huatulco. We conducted surveys and sampled coral reef communities from late June to mid–August of 2023 to evaluate the intensity and extent of the changes associated with the warming event. From January of 2023, Huatulco experienced positive sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies; however, beginning in June, the high-temperature anomalies became extreme (>31 °C; ~2 °C above historical records). These high temperatures resulted in extensive coral bleaching in middle–late June and mortality from middle–late July (>50–93%). In addition, the area experienced significant reductions in echinoderm abundance and fish biomass. In 2023, severe bleaching affected coral systems in the Central Mexican Pacific, Gulf of Mexico, and Mexican Caribbean, making this the most devastating marine heatwave event, simultaneously impacting coral reefs across Mexico’s Pacific and Atlantic coasts.
... In another study, Lin et al. [39] found that the number of fish species with higher taxon and phylogenetic similarity decreases with latitude and ocean depth because of climate change. Lin and Costello [40] also found that fish body size and trophic level increase with latitude because of climate change, likely because of changes in temperature and oxygen levels. On the other hand, Manes et al. [41] noted that the projected increase in temperature could lead to the extinction of endemic marine and island species. ...
Full-text available
Oceans play a vital role in socioeconomic and environmental development by supporting activities such as tourism, recreation, and food provision while providing important ecosystem services. However, concerns have been raised about the threat that climate change poses to the functions of oceans. This study examines the impacts, threats, and adaptation strategies of climate change and marine biodiversity. Using bibliometric and secondary data analysis, this study determines that climate change leads to rising sea temperatures, marine heatwaves, acidification, and increasing sea levels. These factors undermine the significance of ocean ecosystem services. This study also identifies the significant risks posed by climate change to marine species diversity and distribution, primarily through habitat degradation and shifts in species ranges. Scholarly focus on these challenges has grown over time, focusing on adaptation strategies and building resilience to mitigate adverse impacts. This study critically evaluates various adaptation measures, including nature-based and human-based solutions such as habitat restoration, policy and legislative frameworks, and their potential to protect marine ecosystems. It provides detailed discussions on the effectiveness of adaptation strategies such as marine protected areas (MPAs), mangrove and coral reef restoration, and species range shifts. This review also emphasises the significance of indigenous knowledge systems and community participation in marine conservation efforts to achieve holistic and sustainable management. It highlights the need for enhanced international cooperation and a transdisciplinary approach to address the complex interplay between climate change and marine biodiversity. Additionally, this study suggests that funding for research gaps and conservation can be secured through tourism revenue and other climate funding mechanisms.
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Body size is an important species trait, correlating with life span, fecundity, and other ecological factors. Over Earth’s geological history, climate shifts have occurred, potentially shaping body size evolution in many clades. General rules attempting to summarize body size evolution include Bergmann’s rule, which states that species reach larger sizes in cooler environments and smaller sizes in warmer environments, and Cope’s rule, which poses that lineages tend to increase in size over evolutionary time. Tetraodontiform fishes (including pufferfishes, boxfishes, and ocean sunfishes) provide an extraordinary clade to test these rules in ectotherms owing to their exemplary fossil record and the great disparity in body size observed among extant and fossil species. We examined Bergmann’s and Cope’s rules in this group by combining phylogenomic data (1,103 exon loci from 185 extant species) with 210 anatomical characters coded from both fossil and extant species. We aggregated data layers on paleoclimate and body size from the species examined, and inferred a set of time-calibrated phylogenies using tip-dating approaches for downstream comparative analyses of body size evolution by implementing models that incorporate paleoclimatic information. We found strong support for a temperature-driven model in which increasing body size over time is correlated with decreasing oceanic temperatures. On average, extant tetraodontiforms are two to three times larger than their fossil counterparts, which otherwise evolved during periods of warmer ocean temperatures. These results provide strong support for both Bergmann’s and Cope’s rules, trends that are less studied in marine fishes compared to terrestrial vertebrates and marine invertebrates.
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The temperature constraint hypothesis (TCH) states that low water temperatures constrain the efficiency of algal digestion in fishes to an extent that limits the viability of herbivory. It is a widely cited explanation for the decline in diversity and abundance of marine herbivorous fishes at high latitudes. A key prediction of this hypothesis is that temperature-related physiological constraints may be ameliorated in free-living herbivores by a shift from herbivory to omnivory. We investigated this prediction by examining the diet of the primarily herbivorous marine fish Odax pullus (Labridae) at multiple locations spanning a gradient of 10° latitude and encompassing a change in median annual sea surface temperature of 5–7 °C. Foregut content and stable isotope analyses were used to compare diet across locations and results were evaluated against the prediction that a latitudinal temperature constraint on herbivory would result in significant variation in the composition of adult diets or the timing of an ontogenetic switch from omnivory to herbivory at colder, higher latitudes. We found that neither the proportion of animal material consumed nor ontogenetic changes in diet varied across the distributional range of this species in a manner consistent with the predictions of the TCH. This study demonstrates that water temperature does not constrain herbivory in a marine ectothermic herbivore and thus challenges a widely cited hypothesis.
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Significance We discovered that the tropical oceanic diversity depression is not a recent phenomenon nor very deep time in origin by using a comprehensive global dataset of the calcified shells of planktonic foraminifers, abundant unicellular organisms in the world's oceans, which are exceptionally well preserved in marine sediments as fossils. The diversity decline in the lowest latitudes may have started due to rapid post–ice-age warming around 15,000 y ago. Warming may by the end of this century diminish tropical oceanic diversity to an unprecedented level in human history.
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Predators typically are larger than their prey, and consequently, trophic level should increase with body size. Whereas this relationship has helped in developing predictions about food web structure and dynamics in mesocosms and simple communities, a trophic‐level–body‐size relationship may not exist for all kinds of communities or taxa, especially those with many non‐carnivorous species. Moreover, functional traits associated with trophic level generally have not been considered. Herein, we examine the correlation between trophic level and body size in fishes and how this relationship may vary in relation to functional traits (body dimensions, mouth size and orientation, tooth shape, gill rakers, and gut length) and trophic guilds (carnivorous vs. non‐carnivorous). We analyzed data from morphological measurements and dietary analyses performed on thousands of specimens from freshwater and estuarine habitats across three zoogeographic regions (Neartic, Neotropical, and Afrotropical). A positive relationship between trophic level and body size was only found for carnivorous fishes. No relationship was found when all species were analyzed together, rejecting the idea that trophic level is positively related with body size in fishes generally. This result was consistent even when using either body mass or standard length as the measure of body size, and trophic level for either species (average values) or individual specimens as the response variable. At the intraspecific level, trophic level varied consistently with size for one third of the species, among which only 40% had positive relationships. Body depth, tooth shape, and mouth width were all associated with the trophic‐level–body‐size relationship. Overall, predators with conical or triangular serrated teeth, large mouths, and elongated/and/or fusiform bodies tend to have positive trophic‐level–body‐size relationships, whereas primarily non‐carnivorous species with unicuspid or multicuspid teeth, deep bodies and small to medium sized mouth gapes tended to have negative relationships. Given the diverse ecological strategies encompassed by fishes, trophic level and food web patterns and processes should not be inferred based solely on body size. Research that integrates multiple functional traits with trophic ecology will improve understanding and predictions about food web structure and dynamics.
Turnover in species composition, also called beta diversity, can indicate natural habitat diversity and fragmentation of populations due to environmental stress, such as heatwaves. Latitudinal gradients in species diversity help synthesise local diversity into more general evolutionary and climatic patterns. Recently it has been shown that local (alpha) and regional (gamma) measures of marine species richness do not peak but dip at and peak on either side of the Equator, and decline in higher latitudes, creating a bimodal gradient. Here we show that for a dataset of 50,113 marine animal species, that species turnover peaked at the Equator. Thus, species richness declined where turnover was highest. This high turnover but dip in species richness at the Equator may indicate population fragmentation due to thermal stress. Such fragmentation could be the mechanism behind declining marine species richness in latitudes with an annual mean temperature > 25°C. . One Sentence Summary: The latitudinal gradient in species turnover but not species richness is unimodal, with a peak at the Equator.
Significance We use distribution data on 48,661 species to show that marine biodiversity has been responding to climate warming at a global scale. We show that marine species richness levels off or declines in latitudinal bands with average annual sea surface temperatures exceeding 20 °C. This results in a dip in species richness around the equator that has become more pronounced as the climate has warmed, especially for pelagic species. Previous studies have either only predicted such effects or have provided data at regional scales or for limited numbers of taxa.
Aim The temperature constraint hypothesis proposes that marine herbivorous fishes are rare at high latitudes relative to carnivorous fishes because low temperatures impair the digestion of plant material. To test this hypothesis, we compared the effects of temperature on the digestive performance and investment in digestion of marine fishes across trophic groups. Location Global marine ecosystems. Major taxa studied Marine fishes. Methods We analysed data from 304 species consuming a range of diets to quantify the effects of temperature on three indicators of digestive performance and investment: gut passage time, absorption efficiency, and gut length. Results Decreasing temperatures increase gut passage time in fishes consuming macroalgae more than fishes consuming other fish or invertebrates. Low temperatures do not impair absorption efficiency in fishes regardless of diet, but herbivores have lower absorption efficiencies than carnivores overall. Gut length decreases with decreasing temperature in all trophic groups. Main conclusions Our analyses reveal limited evidence to support the temperature constraint hypothesis. Low temperatures slow digestion more in fishes consuming macroalgae than those consuming animal prey; however, this may not reflect a meaningful disadvantage for herbivores but rather could be explained by greater representation of fishes relying on microbial fermentation at high latitudes. Herbivorous fishes absorb nutrients and energy from their food in similar proportions regardless of temperature, in contrast to the expectations of the temperature constraint hypothesis. Decreased gut length was associated with decreasing temperature across all trophic groups, likely due to improved food quality at high latitudes, which should benefit all trophic groups by reducing their required investment in gut tissues. Altogether, our findings run counter to the general hypothesis that low temperatures disadvantage the digestion of plant material and suppress the diversity and abundance of herbivorous fishes at high latitudes.
Latitudinal diversity gradients (LDGs) of species richness in most marine taxa appear to be bimodal with a dip at the equator. We compared LDGs for modeled ranges of 5,619 marine fish species, and distinguished between: all, pelagic, demersal, bony and cartilaginous fish groups; five taxonomic levels of class, order, family, genus and species; and four depth zones namely whole water column, 0–200 m, 200–1,000 m, and 1,000–6,000 m; at 5° latitudinal intervals. The modality of 88 LDGs was examined visually and using Hartigan's dip statistic. We found 80 LDGs were bimodal (or not unimodal), two gradients were unimodal and six gradients were ambiguous. All species and genera, and 19 families among fish groups and depth zones had bimodal or not unimodal LDGs. The northern hemisphere mode had 2–6% greater richness from species to order richness. Overall fish, the peak of richness shifted poleward across taxonomic levels, from 25°N for species to median 48°N for class and from 10°S for genus to 35°S for class. Temperature and salinity were significantly correlated with the LDG. Our findings using fish species ranges support previous analyses using species' occurrences, namely that the LDG of marine species is bimodal, by generalizing this to all taxonomic levels and depth zones. That the LDG with a dip near the equator supports the hypothesis that it is primarily temperature driven, and that the equator is already too hot for some species.