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Influencing Factors on Adoption of Modern Agricultural Technology in Developing Economy Countries


Abstract and Figures

The adoption of advanced agricultural technologies is crucial in reducing poverty and improving food security on the developing economy countries. Despite the recognition of its importance, smallholder farmers in developing nations often face obstacles in adopting new technologies, leading to slow uptake. To better understand the factors that impact the use of agricultural technology in these nations, this study seeks to provide insights through a review of previous research on technology adoption. The results of the study highlight several key elements that determine whether or not agricultural technology is adopted, including factors related to the technology itself, the economic situation of farmers, the institutional and organizational affiliations of the farmers, and unique household factors. In order to fully comprehend the complexities involved in the adoption of agricultural technology, future research is recommended to include the perspectives and experiences of farmers. By considering their perceptions of new technologies, the range of factors influencing. The purpose of this paper is to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by smallholder farmers in adopting new technologies and to identify opportunities for improvement. By considering their perceptions of new technologies, the range of factors influencing technology adoption can be broadened, providing a more comprehensive understanding of the subject.
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Developing Country Studies
ISSN 2224-607X (Paper) ISSN 2225-0565 (Online)
Vol.13, No.2, 2023
Influencing Factors on Adoption of Modern Agricultural
Technology in Developing Economy Countries
Hamza Ahmed
, Mousab Ahmed
1. Colorado State University, Department of Systems Engineering, 6029 Campus Delivery, Fort Collins,
CO 80523-130
2. Department of Mechanical engineering, Howard University, 2041 Georgia Avenue NW Washington,
DC 20060
* E-mail the corresponding author:
The adoption of advanced agricultural technologies is crucial in reducing poverty and improving food security
on the developing economy countries. Despite the recognition of its importance, smallholder farmers in
developing nations often face obstacles in adopting new technologies, leading to slow uptake. To better
understand the factors that impact the use of agricultural technology in these nations, this study seeks to provide
insights through a review of previous research on technology adoption. The results of the study highlight several
key elements that determine whether or not agricultural technology is adopted, including factors related to the
technology itself, the economic situation of farmers, the institutional and organizational affiliations of the
farmers, and unique household factors. In order to fully comprehend the complexities involved in the adoption of
agricultural technology, future research is recommended to include the perspectives and experiences of farmers.
By considering their perceptions of new technologies, the range of factors influencing. The purpose of this paper
is to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by smallholder farmers in adopting new technologies
and to identify opportunities for improvement. By considering their perceptions of new technologies, the range
of factors influencing technology adoption can be broadened, providing a more comprehensive understanding of
the subject.
Keywords: Agricultural Technology, smallholder farmers, Adoption, developing economy countries, economic
situations, household situations.
DOI: 10.7176/DCS/13-2-01
Publication date: February 28
1. Introduction:
Agriculture is a crucial factor in securing food supplies, reducing poverty levels, and driving rural development.
The majority of the world's 3.0 billion poor depend on it as their main source of income ((FAO), 2003). As part
of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the goal is to reduce the number of people living in extreme
poverty and hunger by half by the year 2030, and smallholder farmers are recognized as a key instrument in
reaching this objective (Bank, 2008A). Despite this recognition, many smallholder farmers continue to rely on
traditional farming methods, which often lead to decreased output. For instance, smallholder farmers produce
more than 70% of the corn in most developing countries using conventional techniques (Muzari et al., 2012).
These farmers often experience low crop yields due to a variety of factors, such as the use of low-yielding
indigenous crops, reliance on rain-fed agriculture, limited use of irrigation and fertilizers, and insufficient pest
control measures ((Muzari et al., 2012). The need to improve agriculture sustainability and productivity on a
global scale is widely acknowledged, but the precise methods of doing so are not well understood. Therefore,
further research is needed to identify the most effective ways to support smallholder farmers in adopting new and
innovative techniques to increase their yields and improve their livelihoods.
The rise in demand for food necessitates an increase in agricultural production, making it important to
examine the latest advancements in agricultural technology. This includes a range of techniques and procedures
aimed at boosting agricultural output (Ahmed et al., 2023; Jain et al., 2009). According to (Lavison, 2013),
advancements have been made in areas such as the development and promotion of new crop varieties and
farming practices, soil and soil fertility management, pest and weed control, efficient irrigation and water
management, and more. The implementation of new technology often leads to increased output and reduced
average production costs due to improved input-output relationships, resulting in a substantial increase in farm
revenue (Challa & Tilahun, 2014). The adoption of advanced technology drives an upward trend in production
and contributes to ongoing socioeconomic progress.
Adopting advanced agricultural technologies has been shown to have numerous positive impacts on both
individual and collective levels. Not only does it result in improved nutrition and lower costs of staple foods, but
it also leads to better job opportunities and higher wages for those without access to land (Ssewanyana &
Kasirye, 2010). This widespread adoption of technology has been instrumental in the success of the green
revolution that many Asian countries have experienced ((Chen & Ravallion, 2004; Ssewanyana & Kasirye,
Developing Country Studies
ISSN 2224-607X (Paper) ISSN 2225-0565 (Online)
Vol.13, No.2, 2023
2010). On the other hand, the failure to adopt these technologies has led to a cycle of socioeconomic stagnation,
which in turn contributes to poverty (Jain et al., 2009). To ensure long-term food security and economic growth,
innovative agricultural technologies that improve sustainable food and fiber production are crucial. This has
sparked extensive research into the dynamics of technical change in agriculture, particularly in the early 20th
century ((Lavison, 2013), Smallholder farmers in developing nations are particularly in need of these advanced
technologies, as they face numerous challenges in their operations. Development programs are often geared
towards these farmers, who operate in regions with low rainfall, poor soil quality, and limited access to irrigation,
input and product markets, financing, and extension services (Muzari et al., 2012). This lack of resources and
support exacerbates the obstacles they face, making the adoption of advanced agricultural technologies essential
for their success.
Over the years, the study of innovation and the uptake of new technologies has been a central focus for
researchers, particularly in the context of developing economy countries. A significant body of research has been
conducted to understand the adoption process and the impact of modern farming techniques on smallholder
farmers. Despite the recognition of their importance in ending poverty in many developing nations (Rasul, 2002;
Simtowe et al., 2011), the adoption of new agricultural methods has often been slow, and many of the challenges
associated with adoption are still not fully understood. The purpose of this paper is to delve into the wealth of
research that exists on the adoption of new technology, exploring both the reasons behind the slow uptake and
the factors that contribute to the low adoption of modern farming techniques. Through this examination, the goal
is to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by smallholder farmers in adopting new technologies
and to identify opportunities for improvement. By providing a comprehensive evaluation of existing research on
the topic, the paper aims to contribute to the ongoing discourse on how best to support smallholder farmers in
adopting new technologies and improving their livelihoods.
2. Previous studies and research:
The definition of technology has been the subject of much debate among writers and experts in the field.
(Loevinsohn et al., 2013) define technology as the tools and processes involved in producing goods and services,
including both physical and organizational methods. They also highlight that what may be considered new
technology in one location or among one group of farmers may already be widespread in other regions or groups.
Technology is also described as the knowledge and information that enables individuals to perform certain jobs,
provide services, or create products (Loevinsohn et al., 2013). Its ultimate aim is to improve existing conditions
or transform current circumstances into a more desirable state. As stated by (Bonabana-Wabbi, 2002),
technology results in increased efficiency and productivity, allowing individuals to complete tasks more quickly
and easily than they would be able to without it. The concept of adoption has also been defined in various ways
by different scholars. (Loevinsohn et al., 2013) describe adoption as the process of integrating new technology
into daily life, followed by a period of experimentation and adaptation. (Feder et al., 1985) define adoption as the
mental journey that individuals undergo as they learn about an innovation and eventually incorporate it into their
lives. Adoption intensity and adoption rate are two key aspects of adoption. Adoption intensity, as described by
(Bonabana-Wabbi, 2002), measures the extent to which a particular technology is used over a given period,
while adoption rate, as noted by Feder et al. (1985), refers to the speed at which individuals accept innovations.
The concept of time is considered to be a cornerstone of the latter, playing a key role in determining adoption
Defining technology adoption is a complex task, as it relies on the technology being accepted and adopted
by individuals. There are different interpretations of technology adoption, and its definition varies among studies.
A study by (Doss, 2003) revealed that farmers were considered adopters in a CIMMYT survey if they were using
seeds passed down from previous generations, while in other studies adoption is associated with following the
extension service's advice to use new and certified seeds (Bisanda et al., 1998; Doss, 2003; Ouma et al., 2002).
The definition of technology adoption is crucial in determining whether farmers use agricultural technology
and is often represented by binary response variables, indicating whether a farmer has adopted new technology
or not, using values of 0 and 1. However, as C. Doss (2003) suggests, the definition of technology adoption
varies depending on the context and each strategy's suitability is dependent on that specific context.
Jain et al. (2009) suggests that relying on a straightforward dichotomous variable approach in studying
farmers' decisions to adopt new technologies is not sufficient. This is because a dichotomous reaction only
indicates the level of awareness of new technology, not its actual adoption. Thus, researchers should explicitly
specify how they are defining technology adoption so they can create the best method to measure it.
3. Adoption of agricultural technology factors:
The adoption of agricultural technology is a complex topic that has garnered a great deal of attention from
researchers, economists, and experts in the field. According to (Loevinsohn et al., 2013), the decision to adopt
new technology is the result of a dynamic interaction between the technology itself and the conditions and
Developing Country Studies
ISSN 2224-607X (Paper) ISSN 2225-0565 (Online)
Vol.13, No.2, 2023
circumstances surrounding its adoption. Farmers consider the unknown benefits and costs of a new technology
before making a decision to adopt it. Understanding the factors that influence the adoption of agricultural
technology is critical for economists who study growth drivers and for those who create and distribute
technology. (Ahmed, 2022) has summarized the factors Influencing the adoption of agricultural technologies in
Table 1.
Table 1. Factors Influencing the Adoption of Agricultural Technologies (Ahmed, 2022)
Categories Factors
Operator age
Years of farming experience
Formal education
Land tenure
Farm specialization
Farm size
Farm sales
Variable fertilizer rates
Livestock sales
Debt-to-asset ratio
Production value
Owned land minus rented land
Part-owner farmers
Full-owner farmers
Farm income/profitability
Soil quality
Percentage of the main crop in total farmland
Percentage of farmland as county land area
Percentage of cropped land to total farmland
Percentage of farmland as large farms
Off-farm employment
Distance from a fertilizer
Use of forwarding contract
Development pressure
Use consultant
Perceived usefulness of extension services in implementing precision farming
Farmer Perception Perceived profitability of using precision agriculture
Behavioral Willingness to adopt variable-rate technology
Yield mapping
Use of computer
Farm has an irrigation facility
Generated own map
Despite the potential benefits of agricultural machinery, traditional farmers can face a number of barriers to
its adoption. For example, traditional farmers may be unable to access credit or loans to purchase new machinery,
or they may lack the skills and knowledge required to operate and maintain the equipment (Hertel & Rosch,
2010). Additionally, traditional farmers may be resistant to change, and may not see the value in investing in
new machinery, especially if they have been practicing traditional farming methods for generations (Dos Santos
et al., 2021).
However, recent research suggests that traditional farmers can be motivated to adopt agricultural machinery
if the benefits are clearly demonstrated and if they receive the necessary support and training. For example, a
study conducted by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) in Ethiopia found that
traditional farmers who received training in the use of new machinery were more likely to adopt these
technologies, and that this led to significant increases in their productivity and income (Takahashi et al., 2020).
Another study, conducted by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) in Honduras, found that the
provision of affordable credit and technical assistance to traditional farmers was crucial in encouraging the
adoption of agricultural machinery, especially among small-scale farmers (Van Loon et al., 2020). This
highlights the importance of creating supportive environments for the adoption of agricultural machinery by
traditional farmers, and the role that governments and other organizations can play in promoting and facilitating
this transition.
Studies have historically focused on understanding adoption by analyzing individual traits and endowments,
incomplete knowledge, risk and uncertainty, institutional restrictions, input accessibility, and infrastructure
(Mwangi & Kariuki, 2015; Ruttan, 2010; Uaiene, 2009). Recent research has also looked at the role of social
networks and education in technology adoption (Uaiene, 2009). Different studies categorize the factors that
influence technology adoption in various ways. For example, (Akudugu et al., 2012) separated these factors into
institutional, social, and economic categories, while (Kebede et al., 1990), classified them into economic,
physiological, and social elements. (McNamara et al., 1991) divided the factors into farmer, farm structure,
organizational, and leadership structure features, while (Wu & Babcock, 1998) categorized them as human
capital and productivity.
Developing Country Studies
ISSN 2224-607X (Paper) ISSN 2225-0565 (Online)
Vol.13, No.2, 2023
The categorization of determinants of technology acceptance can vary depending on the location, researcher
preferences, and even the needs of the client (Bonabana-Wabbi, 2002). For instance, the level of education may
be classified as human capital by some scholars and as a family-specific characteristic by others. In the present
study, we will examine the technological, economic, organizational, and household-specific factors that
influence the adoption of agricultural technology. By examining each factor in greater detail, we can gain a
deeper understanding of its impact on technology adoption.
4. Factors related to farmer perception on the adoption:
Farming machinery plays a crucial role in improving agricultural productivity and supporting economic growth
in developing economies. However, the adoption of modern farming machinery in these economies is often slow,
partly due to farmer perception towards this technology. The perception of farmers towards farming machinery
has a significant impact on their adoption decisions (Singh & Singh, 2020). Farmers who view farming
machinery as a positive tool are more likely to adopt the technology than those who see it as a threat to their
livelihoods (Koubi, 2019). Positive perceptions of farming machinery are influenced by a range of factors,
including the perceived benefits of the technology, such as improved productivity, reduced labor costs, and
better-quality crops (Ahmed & Miller, 2022; Rejeb et al., 2021). Farmers who view farming machinery as a
valuable investment are also more likely to adopt the technology (Ahmed, 2022; Al Hosani et al., 2022). On the
other hand, negative perceptions of farming machinery, such as the high cost of investment, the perceived
complexity of operating the machinery, and the threat to traditional farming practices, can lead to slow adoption
or resistance to the technology (Ahmed, 2022). The farmers perception is also a factor of the financial barriers as
it’s a major factor hindering the adoption of farming machinery (Sattler & Nagel, 2010). The high cost of
investment is one of the biggest challenges faced by farmers in these economies (Bapela et al., 2022). In many
cases, farmers lack the financial resources to purchase modern farming machinery, and often have limited access
to credit (Ahmed & Miller, 2022). This makes it difficult for them to invest in the technology and upgrade their
farming practices. In addition, the lack of government support and subsidies in some developing economies also
contributes to the slow adoption of farming machinery (Arshad et al., 2022).
In addition to financial barriers, infrastructure and technical challenges can also hinder the adoption of
farming machinery in developing economies (Aker, 2011). The lack of infrastructure, such as poor roads and
limited access to electricity, makes it difficult for farmers to transport and use modern farming machinery
(Ahmed & Miller, 2022) In addition, the lack of technical knowledge and skills among farmers can also be a
barrier to the adoption of farming machinery (Pivoto et al., 2019). This is particularly true in rural areas, where
access to education and training is limited (Aker, 2011).
To promote the adoption of farming machinery in developing economies, it is important to address the
barriers to adoption, including the high cost of investment, lack of infrastructure, and limited access to credit
(Diao et al., 2016). Governments in these economies can play a key role in promoting the adoption of farming
machinery by providing subsidies, financing, and technical support to farmers (Al Hosani et al., 2022). In
addition, private sector companies can also play a role in promoting the adoption of farming machinery by
providing affordable financing options and technical support to farmers (Diao et al., 2016). The role of farmer
training and education is also crucial in promoting the adoption of farming machinery in developing economies.
By providing farmers with the necessary technical knowledge and skills, they will be better equipped to operate
and maintain modern farming machinery (Malabo, 2018). In addition, training programs can also help to address
negative perceptions of farming machinery and promote its benefits to farmers (Cortner et al., 2019).
5. Factors related to technology:
Adoption of technology is a complex process that is influenced by various factors. One of the key determinants
of technology adoption is trialability, which refers to the willingness of potential users to engage in a limited test
of the technology before making a full commitment. Studies have shown that the attributes of the technology
play a significant role in shaping the decision-making process for adoption. For example, (Doss, 2003; D. B.
Mignouna et al., 2011) found that when analyzing the adoption of Imazapyr-Resistant Maize (IRM) technology
in Western Kenya, farmers' perceptions of the technology's compatibility and efficacy were major drivers of their
adoption decision. (Adesina & Zinnah, 1993), also found that farmers' perceptions of the contemporary rice
variety and fish aquaculture technology, respectively, greatly impacted their adoption decisions.
Given the significant role that farmers' perceptions play in the adoption of technology, it is crucial that they
be involved in the evaluation of any new technology to assess its suitability for their specific needs and
environment. According to (Sinja et al., 2004), involving farmers in the review process before giving them
access to a new technology helps to ensure its successful adoption. In summary, trialability and farmers'
perceptions of technology attributes are two critical factors that must be considered when looking to adopt new
Developing Country Studies
ISSN 2224-607X (Paper) ISSN 2225-0565 (Online)
Vol.13, No.2, 2023
6. Factors related to the armers Agro-Ecological situations:
There are several factors related to the farmers' agro-ecological situations that can influence the adoption of
farming machinery. These factors include:
6.1 Farm size:
The adoption of agricultural machinery has been a major factor in increasing agricultural productivity and
efficiency. The development of new technologies and the use of machines have helped farmers to increase their
crop yields and reduce the time and labor required for various agricultural tasks (Talaviya et al., 2020). One of
the factors that influence the adoption of agricultural machinery is the size of the farm.
Large-scale farms are more likely to adopt agricultural machinery due to the economies of scale associated
with larger operations (Duffy, 2009). Smaller farms, on the other hand, are more likely to continue using
traditional farming practices due to the higher cost of investment in agricultural machinery and the lack of access
to credit and information (Muzari et al., 2012). The adoption of agricultural machinery by traditional farmers has
been limited due to a number of factors, including the high cost of equipment, lack of access to credit (Ullah et
al., 2016), and lack of knowledge about the benefits of the technology (Riasati et al., 2012).
Despite these challenges, there has been a growing trend towards the adoption of agricultural machinery by
traditional farmers in recent years. This is due in part to the increasing availability of credit (Mohan, 2006),
improved access to information (Ahmed & Miller, 2022), and the development of new technologies that are
more affordable and accessible to small-scale farmers (Ahmed, 2022).
In addition, the introduction of programs and policies aimed at supporting the adoption of agricultural
machinery by traditional farmers has helped to increase the rate of adoption (Knowler & Bradshaw, 2007). The
adoption of agricultural machinery by traditional farmers is influenced by a variety of factors, including farm
size, access to credit, availability of information, and government policies. While large-scale farms are more
likely to adopt agricultural machinery, smaller farms face challenges in accessing the technology. Despite these
challenges, the adoption of agricultural machinery by traditional farmers is increasing due to the introduction of
government policies, the availability of credit, and improved access to information.
6.2 Livestock sales:
Livestock sales have been identified as one of the key drivers of agricultural mechanization in many parts of the
world. This is because farmers who sell livestock can use the proceeds from these sales to invest in new
machinery and equipment, which can help to increase productivity and efficiency. For example, a study
conducted by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) in Kenya found that farmers who sold
livestock were more likely to adopt new agricultural technologies(Adato & Meinzen-Dick, 2002), such as
tractors and plows, compared to farmers who did not sell livestock (Adato & Meinzen-Dick, 2002). Another
study, conducted by the World Bank in India, found that livestock sales were positively associated with the
adoption of agricultural machinery, particularly in regions where livestock farming was an important source of
income (Viswanathan et al., 2020). This research highlights the importance of livestock sales as a source of
income and capital for farmers, and the role they play in promoting the adoption of agricultural machinery.
However, while livestock sales can provide farmers with the capital they need to invest in new machinery, they
can also have negative consequences for traditional farming communities. For example, a study conducted by the
Food and Agriculture Organization (Hertel & Rosch, 2010) in Bangladesh found that the sale of livestock by
traditional farmers was often driven by poverty and desperation, and that this led to a decline in the number of
farmers and the quality of the land ((Chambers, 1987). This highlights the need for more comprehensive
approaches to agricultural development that take into account the needs of traditional farmers, and that support
their transition to more sustainable and profitable farming practices.
6.3 Percentage of cropped land to total farmland:
One of these factors is the percentage of cropped land to total farmland. The percentage of cropped land to total
farmland is one of the key factors affecting the adoption of agricultural machinery by traditional farmers (Sattler
& Nagel, 2010). A higher percentage of cropped land to total farmland indicates that a larger portion of the farm
is being used for crops, and therefore there is a greater need for more efficient and productive farming practices
(Pretty et al., 2003). This can increase the adoption of agricultural machinery as traditional farmers seek ways to
improve their yields and increase their income (Bradshaw et al., 2004). In areas where there is a high percentage
of cropped land to total farmland, farmers are more likely to adopt agricultural machinery, as they are able to
realize the benefits of these technologies more quickly and easily. This is because they have a larger area of land
that is being used for agriculture, and therefore a greater need for efficiency and productivity. In contrast, in
areas where there is a low percentage of cropped land to total farmland, farmers are less likely to adopt
agricultural machinery (Derpsch et al., 2010). This is because they have a smaller area of land that is being used
for agriculture, and therefore a smaller need for efficiency and productivity. This means that they are less likely
Developing Country Studies
ISSN 2224-607X (Paper) ISSN 2225-0565 (Online)
Vol.13, No.2, 2023
to see the benefits of agricultural machinery and may be less motivated to adopt these technologies (Rotz et al.,
2019). However, while the percentage of cropped land to total farmland is a significant factor in determining
whether or not traditional farmers will adopt agricultural machinery, it is not the only factor. There are several
other factors that can influence a farmer’s decision to adopt or not adopt agricultural machinery (Ahmed, 2022).
6.4 Soil quality
One of the key factors affecting the adoption of agricultural machinery by traditional farmers is the soil quality
of their farmland. Soil quality is a complex issue, and it is influenced by various factors such as soil structure,
soil fertility, soil moisture, and soil pH. Good soil quality is characterized by physical, chemical, and biological
attributes that promote plant growth and fertility. In traditional agriculture, soil quality is maintained through
traditional practices such as crop rotation, intercropping, and the use of organic fertilizers. However, in some
cases, these practices may not be enough to maintain soil quality, and the adoption of agricultural machinery may
be necessary (Watson et al., 2002). Traditional farmers who have high-quality soil are more likely to adopt
agricultural machinery as they seek to improve their yields and increase their income (Muzari et al., 2012).
7. Factors related to farmers economic situations:
In agriculture, the size of a farm plays a critical role in the adoption of new technology. Several studies have
shown that farm size is a significant factor in determining the speed of technology adoption (Bonabana-Wabbi,
2002; Lavison, 2013). The relationship between farm size and the adoption of agricultural technology is well
documented (Ahmed & Bagchi, 2004; Gabre-Madhin & Haggblade, 2004; Kasenge, 1998; D. Mignouna et al.,
2011; Uaiene, 2009). Generally, larger farms are more likely to adopt new technologies as they have the
resources to set aside a portion of their land for research purposes (Uaiene, 2009). For some technologies, such
as heavy machinery or animal traction, economies of scale are required for success (Feder et al., 1985).
However, not all studies are in agreement on the relationship between farm size and technology adoption.
Some studies have found that small farms may have difficulty adopting modern agricultural technology due to
factors such as high input requirements (Harper et al., 1990; Yaron et al., 1992). On the other hand, small-scale
farmers with limited land could potentially adopt land-saving techniques such as zero grazing or greenhouse
technology to increase agricultural productivity (Harper et al., 1990; Yaron et al., 1992).
Several studies have explored the relationship between adoption and farm size, with findings indicating that
adoption has either no effect or a neutral effect. For instance, a series of investigations by researchers such as
(Bonabana-Wabbi, 2002; Grieshop et al., 1988; Ridgley & Brush, 1992; Waller et al., 1998), found that the size
of the farm had no impact on the adoption of integrated pest prevention (IPP) methods. Additionally, research by
Simtowe et al. (2011) found that the vast land ownership had no significant effect on the likelihood of adopting
ICM-FFS practices.
However, these studies consider the overall size of the farm and not just the cropland on which the new
technology is used. (Lowenberg-DeBoer, 2000) suggests that the total farm size may affect overall adoption, so
it might be more informative to look at the crop acreage using the current technology as an indicator of the rate
and degree of technology adoption. In this regard, (Bonabana-Wabbi, 2002) argues that estimating the proportion
of all land area that the new technology can use can provide a better understanding of the effect of technology
adoption on farm size. (Foster & Rosenzweig, 2010) highlight that the farmer's net profit, which takes into
account all expenditures related to the adoption of new technology, is a critical factor in determining technology
The adoption of technology in agriculture is hindered by several factors, including the high cost of
implementation. Research by Muzari et al. (2012) has revealed that the loss of incentives on seed and fertilizer
prices due to institutional reforms in sub-Saharan Africa supported by the World Bank has added to this
limitation. The high cost of technology has been widely recognized as a barrier to adoption, as evidenced by
previous studies on the factors that influence it. For example, (Makokha et al., 2001) conducted research on the
variables that influence the use of fertilization and manure in the cultivation of maize in Kiambu County, Kenya,
and found that the primary obstacles to adoption were the high cost of labor and other inputs, the scarcity of
packages, and the delay in deliveries. Similar findings were reported by (Ouma et al., 2002) in the Kenyan
county of Embu, where the high cost of hired labor was identified as a deterrent to the use of fertilizer and hybrid
seeds. When studying the variables that led to the adoption of a better maize variety in Kenya's coastal lowlands,
(Wekesa et al., 2003) found that the high cost of seed and scarcity were significant contributors to the low
adoption rate. These findings underscore the importance of addressing the financial barriers to technology
adoption in agriculture to ensure widespread and sustainable implementation.
The impact of off-farm income on technology adoption has been well documented. This is because in many
developing countries, off-farm income is seen as a crucial strategy for rural people to overcome their credit
limitations (Reardon et al., 2007). In local economies with ineffective or absent credit markets, off-farm income
is frequently used to replace borrowed capital (Diiro, 2013). The availability of liquid funds generated by off-
Developing Country Studies
ISSN 2224-607X (Paper) ISSN 2225-0565 (Online)
Vol.13, No.2, 2023
farm earnings is expected to provide farmers with the resources to invest in inputs that increase production, such
as better seeds and fertilizers (Diiro, 2013). For instance, Diiro (2013) found that households with off-farm
earnings spent significantly more on purchased inputs compared to those without off-farm earnings, when
examining the effect of off-farm income on the adoption of improved maize varieties and productivity of maize
production in Uganda.
However, not all technologies have shown a positive relationship between off-farm income and their
adoption. Research on labor-intensive technologies has found little correlation between adoption and off-farm
income. According to (Goodwin & Mishra, 2004), farmers who are pursuing off-farm income may be
discouraged from adopting new technologies due to the reduction in household work allocated to farming
operations. These findings suggest that while off-farm income can have a positive impact on technology
adoption in some cases, its impact on adoption may vary based on the type of technology and the household's
labor allocation patterns.
8. Factors related to farmers formal education:
Studies have shown that formal education can have a significant impact on the adoption of agricultural
machinery by traditional farmers (Adesope et al., 2012). In one study conducted in Philippines, it was found that
farmers who received formal training on the use of agricultural machinery were more likely to adopt these
technologies and make effective use of them in their work ((Mariano et al., 2012). Similarly, another study in
Nigeria found that farmers who received formal training on the use of machinery and equipment were more
likely to adopt these technologies and experience increased productivity as a result (Abdoulaye et al., 2014).
The adoption of agricultural machinery by traditional farmers has been slow and limited, and many factors
have been cited as contributing to this phenomenon, including the lack of education and training on how to use
these machines effectively (Abdoulaye et al., 2014). In this article, we will examine the effect of formal
education on traditional farmers' adoption of agricultural machinery and explore how this education can help
farmers overcome the challenges associated with implementing new technologies in their work.
Traditional farmers often face significant challenges when it comes to adopting new technologies, including
agricultural machinery. These challenges can be linked to a lack of knowledge, skills, and understanding of the
technology, as well as the costs and difficulties of obtaining the machines themselves (Endsley & Garland, 2000).
The need for education and training on the use of these machines is critical, as it helps to mitigate these
challenges and promote the successful adoption of these technologies by traditional farmers (Endsley & Garland,
Formal education is an effective tool for teaching farmers the skills they need to operate and maintain
agricultural machinery effectively (Binns et al., 2012). This education can take many forms, including
classroom-based instruction, online training courses, and hands-on training programs (Platz et al., 2010).
Regardless of the delivery method, formal education provides farmers with the knowledge and skills they need to
use these machines in a safe, efficient, and effective manner (Swanson, 2008).
In addition to providing farmers with the necessary skills and knowledge, formal education also has the
potential to increase their confidence and motivation to adopt new technologies (Swanson, 2008). By learning
about the benefits and potential applications of agricultural machinery, farmers may become more willing to
invest in these technologies and implement them in their work (McCown, 2002). This increased confidence and
motivation can also help to overcome the barriers that may be preventing farmers from adopting these
technologies, such as the costs involved, the difficulties of obtaining financing, and the lack of local support or
resources (Dowd et al., 2008).
These findings suggest that formal education can play an important role in promoting the adoption of
agricultural machinery by traditional farmers (Caffaro et al., 2020). By providing farmers with the skills and
knowledge they need to use these machines effectively, formal education can help to overcome the barriers that
may be preventing the adoption of these technologies and promote their widespread implementation (Mariano et
al., 2012).
9. Factors related to farmers organizational affiliation:
The concept of being part of a social group has been proven to enhance social capacity and foster the exchange
of information, trust, and ideas (D. Mignouna et al., 2011). In the agricultural sector, farmers have the
opportunity to share their knowledge and experiences with the use of new technologies within their specific
social group. According to (Uaiene, 2009), social network effects play a significant role in shaping the decisions
made by individuals and this can be especially true for farmers who can benefit from the experiences and
knowledge of their peers. (Katung & Akankwasa, 2008)found that when they studied the impact of community-
based organizations on the adoption of innovative banana technology in Uganda, farmers who were more
involved in these groups were more likely to learn about the technology through social networks, which
increased their chances of adopting it.
Developing Country Studies
ISSN 2224-607X (Paper) ISSN 2225-0565 (Online)
Vol.13, No.2, 2023
While the benefits of social groups on technology adoption have been widely recognized, particularly in
cases where free-riding behavior is present, these groups can also have a negative impact on technology adoption.
(Foster & Rosenzweig, 1995) discovered this when they studied the usage of Green Movement technology in
India and found that although social learning externalities can increase the profitability of technology adoption,
farmers may also benefit from the expensive technological experimentation of their neighbors. (Bandiera et al.,
2005) suggests that the conflicting effects of learning externalities lead to an inverted U-shaped individual
adoption curve, where network effects are advantageous at low adoption rates but become detrimental as
adoption rates increase. This is consistent with the findings of (Hogset, 2005) who cites (Bandiera et al., 2005) in
suggesting that social groups can have a significant impact on technology adoption.
The acquisition of knowledge about technology is a critical factor in its adoption. Knowledge enables
farmers to understand the technology and how to use it effectively, thereby facilitating its adoption. Only those
technologies that farmers are familiar with or have heard about will be adopted. Having access to accurate
information reduces uncertainty about the technology's effectiveness and can help farmers shift from a subjective
to an objective evaluation. However, access to information does not guarantee adoption, as farmers may interpret
and evaluate technology differently from scientists (Uaiene, 2009). In some cases, access to information may
actually decrease the adoption of technology. For instance, when the public has limited experience with a new
technology, increased knowledge can make people less likely to adopt it due to the increased risk associated with
a wider information gap (Bonabana-Wabbi, 2002). Hence, it is crucial to ensure that the information available is
reliable, consistent, and accurate. Farmers need to be informed about the existence, benefits, and applications of
technology to use it effectively.
The provision of extension services is a critical aspect in the adoption of technology within the agricultural
sector. Through the interaction with extension agents, farmers are able to access information about new
technologies, their applications, and the benefits they offer. This connection between farmers and technology
developers (researchers) decreases the transaction costs associated with providing knowledge about the
technology to a large and diverse group of farmers (Genius et al., 2014).. Furthermore, extension agents typically
work with a small group of peer farmers, which can have a direct or indirect influence on the entire farming
community in their region (Genius et al., 2010).
Studies have shown that the provision of extension services has a positive correlation with the adoption of
technology, as the innovation-diffusion hypothesis suggests that providing farmers with information about new
technologies will encourage adoption (Karki & Bauer, 2004; Uaiene, 2009). According to (Bonabana-Wabbi,
2002; Yaron et al., 1992), the influence of extension agents can even mitigate the negative effects of a lack of
formal education on the adoption of technology. In conclusion, access to extension services plays a crucial role
in promoting the adoption of new technologies within the agricultural sector, by providing farmers with the
information they need to make informed decisions.
Availability of financing is considered to play a crucial role in the adoption of new technologies (Mohamed
& Temu, 2008). It has been theorized that access to finance can mitigate liquidity constraints and increase an
individual's risk tolerance, thereby promoting the adoption of more innovative and riskier technologies (Simtowe
& Zeller, 2006). This, in turn, enables households to focus on high-risk, high-reward investments rather than
low-risk but less effective diversification strategies (Simtowe & Zeller, 2006).
However, lending institutions in some countries have been found to discriminate against female-headed
households, making it difficult for them to obtain loans to finance yield-enhancing technologies. As a result, the
adoption rates of such technologies are low (Muzari et al., 2012). Policymakers must thus strive to improve the
smallholder financial systems to ensure that a larger segment of smallholders, especially female-headed
households, can access loans (Mkandawire, 1993; Simtowe & Zeller, 2006). In some cases, it may be necessary
to design credit packages that are tailored to the needs of specific target groups (Muzari et al., 2012). For
example, the Kenyan government has launched the UWEZO fund, which provides interest-free loans to young
people and women. By providing women with more agency, they can be empowered to embrace agricultural
innovations, leading to economic growth.
10. Factors related to political stability:
Political stability is a crucial factor in the development of any economy, and agriculture is no exception. A stable
political environment provides a favorable environment for investment, enabling farmers to access resources and
support necessary for the implementation of modern farming methods (Czech et al., 2000). A lack of stability
can result in instability, hindering the implementation of agriculture projects and reducing the willingness of
private investors to invest in the sector (Olukunle, 2013). In addition, political stability helps to create a
favorable policy environment, allowing farmers to have access to inputs, financing, and markets, which are
necessary for the success of agricultural activities (Shiferaw, Hellin, et al., 2011).
Political stability can have a significant impact on the adoption of agricultural technology. In stable political
environments, smallholder farmers are more likely to adopt new technologies due to improved access to
Developing Country Studies
ISSN 2224-607X (Paper) ISSN 2225-0565 (Online)
Vol.13, No.2, 2023
resources and support (Branca et al., 2022). In contrast, a lack of stability can create a negative impact, reducing
the willingness of farmers to adopt new methods. For example, farmers in conflict-ridden areas face numerous
challenges, including limited access to resources, inputs, and markets, making it difficult to adopt and implement
new technologies (Clover, 2003). Moreover, the threat of violence and insecurity can discourage farmers from
making investments in new technologies, as they may not see a return on their investment (De Clercq et al.,
political stability can also influence the effectiveness of technology adoption. In stable political
environments, farmers have access to support services, including extension services and training programs,
which are essential for the successful implementation of new technologies (De Clercq et al., 2018). On the other
hand, in conflict-ridden areas, these services may not be available, reducing the effectiveness of technology
adoption (Kolade, 2018). Furthermore, in such environments, farmers may not be able to access the necessary
inputs, such as seed and fertilizer, which are critical to the success of new farming methods (Kolade, 2018).
In developing countries, the importance of political stability for agricultural technology adoption is even
greater (Mendola, 2007). In these countries, smallholder farmers are often the primary food producers and face
numerous challenges, including poverty, food insecurity, and limited access to resources and support (Mendola,
2007). The adoption of new technologies can help to overcome these challenges and improve the livelihoods of
smallholder farmers (Mendola, 2007). However, the lack of political stability can create obstacles that prevent
farmers from adopting new technologies, exacerbating poverty and food insecurity (Shiferaw, Prasanna, et al.,
In addition, the implementation of modern agricultural technology in developing countries can have a
positive impact on economic growth, creating jobs and generating income for farmers (Lanjouw & Lanjouw,
2001). For example, the green revolution in India and other Asian countries has been instrumental in improving
the livelihoods of smallholder farmers, creating jobs and increasing agricultural productivity (Lanjouw &
Lanjouw, 2001). However, this success was only possible due to a stable political environment, which provided
the necessary resources and support for the implementation of new technologies.
11. Factors unique to household's situations:
The human capital of a farmer is considered to be a major factor in determining their willingness to embrace new
technologies. A farmer's education, age, gender, and family size have commonly been utilized as indicators of
their human capital in many technologies adoption studies (Fernandez-Cornejo et al., 1994; Fernandez-Cornejo
et al., 2007; Keelan et al., 2009; D. Mignouna et al., 2011). It is widely believed that the higher the level of
education of a farmer, the greater their capacity to gather, analyze, and apply information related to the
acceptance of new technologies (Lavison, 2013; D. Mignouna et al., 2011; Namara et al., 2003).
Studies have shown that a positive relationship exists between a farmer's level of education and their
likelihood of adopting new technologies. For example, (Adebiyi & Okunlola, 2013) found that higher levels of
education positively and significantly influenced fish producers' adoption of new technologies. (Ajewole, 2010)
also found that education had a positive impact on the use of organic fertilizers. This is because higher levels of
education can alter a farmer's attitudes and perceptions, making them more open-minded and capable of
evaluating the benefits of new technologies (Waller et al., 1998). This, in turn, makes the introduction of new
technologies easier and hastens their adoption (Adebiyi & Okunlola, 2013).
Other studies, such as those presented by (Uematsu & Mishra, 2010), have also found a positive
relationship between education and the adoption of new technologies, including the use of forward pricing
methods (Goodwin & Mishra, 2004), computers in agriculture (Huffman & Mercier, 1991; Putler & Zilberman,
1988), the internet (Mishra & Park, 2005; Mishra et al., 2009), reduced tillage (Mishra & Park, 2005; Rahm &
Huffman, 1984; Uematsu & Mishra, 2010), precision farming (Roberts et al., 2004), and conservation tillage
(Traoré et al., 1998).
However, some researchers argue that education has little to no impact on the rate of technology adoption
(Atry et al., 2009; Khanna, 2001; Martin et al., 2008). According to (Uematsu & Mishra, 2010), formal
education was found to have a negative impact on the adoption of genetically modified crops. The contradictory
results from previous studies highlight the need for further research to arrive at a more consistent conclusion
regarding the relationship between education and technology adoption.
The influence of age on the acceptance of modern technology is a complex issue. While older farmers are
often better equipped to evaluate technology information due to their extensive knowledge and experience, as
per research studies (Kariyasa & Dewi, 2013; D. Mignouna et al., 2011), age can also have a negative effect on
technology adoption. The rise in risk aversion and decline in interest in making long-term investments as farmers
age, as noted by (Adesina & Zinnah, 1993; Mauceri et al., 2005), can partially explain this association. On the
other hand, younger farmers tend to be more open to taking risks and exploring novel ideas, as seen in the case
of modified maize engineering, where younger farmers are found to embrace it at a higher rate compared to older
farmers who are on the verge of retiring from farming (Alexander & Van Mellor, 2005).
Developing Country Studies
ISSN 2224-607X (Paper) ISSN 2225-0565 (Online)
Vol.13, No.2, 2023
Studies on the impact of gender on the adoption of farming technology have produced conflicting results.
While a study by (Doss & Morris, 2000) found no significant relationship between gender and the likelihood of
adopting improved maize in Ghana, gender was found to have a big impact on technology acceptance, as access
to and influence over production resources differ between men and women, as per (Mesfin, 2005; D. Mignouna
et al., 2011; Omonona et al., 2006). For example, (Obisesan, 2014) found that gender has a significant positive
influence on the adoption of improved cassava production in Nigeria, while Lavison (2013) found that male
farmers tend to apply organic fertilizer more frequently than female farmers. The size of the household, which
serves as a proxy for labor availability, also affects the success of technology adoption, as the ability to allocate
labor resources for the adoption of a new technology depends on the size of the household (Bonabana-Wabbi,
2002; D. Mignouna et al., 2011). The impact of gender on technology adoption varies depending on the
technology being considered. Male farmers often have greater access to resources, such as land and labor, and as
a result, they are better equipped to adopt certain technologies. Additionally, cultural norms often dictate that
men hold more decision-making power within the household, which can further contribute to their advantage in
adopting new technologies. However, this is not always the case, as different studies have shown that gender can
have a significant positive impact on the adoption of technologies like improved cassava production in Nigeria
(Obisesan, 2014).
It is worth noting that household size also plays a crucial role in the success of technology adoption. As the
size of the household increases, the availability of labor decreases, making it more difficult to adopt new
technologies. This is why the ability to overcome labor restrictions is crucial in determining the success of
technology adoption. The availability of labor is often determined by the size of the household, which serves as a
proxy for labor availability (Bonabana-Wabbi, 2002; D. Mignouna et al., 2011). The results of these studies
highlight the importance of understanding the influence of gender and household size in the adoption of new
technologies in agriculture.
12. Conclusion:
The acceptance and implementation of new agricultural technologies have been a topic of much interest in
previous studies, as it plays a critical role in the success of the farming industry. The adoption of a new
technology requires not only the availability of resources, but also the farmer's perception and understanding of
the technology. Many factors come into play when evaluating the adoption of a new technology in agriculture,
including human factors, economic considerations, technology-specific factors, and institutional issues. It is
important to note that the influence of these factors on technology adoption can vary depending on the specific
technology in question. For example, farm size has been shown to have conflicting effects on technology
adoption. While a larger farm might encourage the adoption of one technology, it might discourage the adoption
of another, such as the zero-grazing method. This highlights the importance of understanding the factors that
drive or obstruct technology adoption, as it is essential in developing and implementing effective technology-
related programs to address food production challenges in developing countries. Therefore, it is crucial for those
who develop and make decisions regarding new technologies to have a clear understanding of farmers' needs and
their ability to embrace new ideas. This will enable the development of technologies that are more beneficial to
farmers and ultimately contribute to the success of the agricultural industry.
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... Given the impressive capabilities of ICTs outlined by the literature, many limitations exist. Smallholder farmers in developing nations frequently encounter barriers to the adoption of new technologies [20]. The major obstacle lies in balancing the financial and social objectives of farmers [21]. ...
... While the significance of new agricultural methods in alleviating poverty in developing nations is widely acknowledged, their adoption has frequently been sluggish, with numerous challenges remaining incompletely understood [20]. This underscores the complexity inherent in defining technology adoption, as it hinges on individual acceptance and adoption of the technology [20]. ...
... While the significance of new agricultural methods in alleviating poverty in developing nations is widely acknowledged, their adoption has frequently been sluggish, with numerous challenges remaining incompletely understood [20]. This underscores the complexity inherent in defining technology adoption, as it hinges on individual acceptance and adoption of the technology [20]. ...
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In the contemporary agricultural landscape, agriculture faces four pressing demands: competitiveness, ensuring food security for a growing population, environmental sustainability, and providing farmers with acceptable living conditions. To meet this global challenge, digital technologies represent a major avenue for innovation and development towards modernized digital agriculture. In this context, irrigation advisory platforms have proven to be transformational tools for both farmers and policymakers, offering insights into the appropriate crop water requirements. This article presents a benchmarking analysis of around 20 professional irrigation advisory platforms. The methodology involves selecting 20 platforms based on accessibility ensuring geographical characteristic diversity. Our findings highlight key criteria shaping the ecosystem of such platforms, including the services offered and their objectives, the types of covered crops, the target users, the form, as well as the source, the availability of the platform, and the variety of data utilized. Lastly, we discuss the main conclusions drawn from our analysis and provide insights into the challenges and future perspectives of irrigation advisory platforms in enhancing agricultural practices and sustainability.
... Hydrogen fuel cells have emerged as a promising technology that can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions in various sectors, including transportation and electricity generation [7,10] . Agriculture, as one of the largest industries globally, has the potential to benefit from the adoption of hydrogen fuel cells. ...
... For example, ongoing research and development efforts may help to improve the efficiency and reliability of fuel cell systems, making them more attractive to farmers and agricultural producers. Additionally, the development of new infrastructure and regulatory frameworks may help to address some of the safety and regulatory concerns associated with hydrogen fuel cells, making them more widely accepted and adopted [7,10] . Overall, the adoption of hydrogen fuel cells in agriculture represents a significant opportunity to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve the sustainability of farming practices, and enhance the efficiency and profitability of agricultural operations (Ahmed & Ahmed). ...
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The agricultural sector is a major contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions, making up around a quarter of total emissions. Hydrogen fuel cell technology has gained attention as a potential solution to reduce emissions and increase sustainability in agriculture. This article provides an overview of hydrogen fuel cell technology and its possible applications in agriculture, such as powering farm machinery and providing electricity for buildings. It explores the benefits of using hydrogen fuel cells in agriculture, including increased energy efficiency and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. However, challenges such as cost, infrastructure, and safety concerns also need to be considered. This article concludes by highlighting the importance of further research and development to fully harness the potential of hydrogen fuel cells in agriculture.
... Several studies have also identified inadequate information on the sources of credit accessible to farmers as a significant barrier to accessing credit facilities (Ullah et al., 2020). Although there has been the presence of various risks and uncertainties in maize farming, the empirical evidence of why farmers are still very slow in adopting effective risk management strategies is yet to be examined (Ahmed and Ahmed, 2023). Overall, these papers highlight the significance of credit constraints in shaping farmers' ability to adopt risk management practices. ...
Purpose-A correlation has been shown in the literature between credit constraints and the adoption of agricultural technologies, technical efficiencies and measures for adapting to climate change. The relationship between credit constraints, risk management strategy adoption and income, however, is not well understood. Consequently, the purpose of this study was to investigate how credit constraints affect the income and risk management practices adopted by Northern Nigerian maize farmers. Design/methodology/approach-Cross-sectional data were collected from 300 maize farmers in Northern Nigeria using a multi-stage sampling technique. Descriptive statistics, seemingly unrelated regression and double hurdle regression models were the analysis methods. Findings-The results showed that friends and relatives, banks, "Adashe", cooperatives and farmer groups were the main sources of credit in the study area. The findings also revealed that the sources of risk in the study area included production risk, economic risk, financial risk, institutional risk, technological risk and human risk. In addition, the risk management strategies used to mitigate observed risks were fertilizer application, insecticides, planting of disease-resistant varieties, use of herbicides, practising mixed cropping, modern planning, use of management tools as well as making bunds and channels. Furthermore, we found that interest rate, farm size, level of education, gender and marital status were significant determinants of statuses of credit constraints while the age of the farmer, gender, household size, primary occupation, access to extension services and income from maize production affected the choice and intensity of adoption of risk management strategies among the farmers. Research limitations/implications-The study concluded that credit constrained status condition of farmers negatively affected the adoption of some risk management strategies and maize farmers' income. Practical implications-The study concluded that credit constrained status condition of farmers negatively affected the adoption of some risk management strategies and maize farmers' income. It therefore recommends Agricultural Finance Review JEL Classification-O13, Q14, G32 that financial service providers should be engaged to design financial products that are tailored to the needs of smallholder farmers in the study area. Originality/value-This paper incorporates the role of constraints in influencing farmers' decisions to uptake credits and subsequently their adoption behaviours on risk management strategies. The researcher approached the topic with a state-of-the-art method which allows for obtaining more reliable results and hence more specific contributions to research and practice.
... In addition to these factors, designers and developers must examine other human aspects, such as motivation and stress, which might also influence the behavior of humans participating in the analysis process. However, integrating HSI into vulnerability analysis presents challenges, such as the need for additional training and skills for designers and developers to consider human factors adequately (Ahmed et al., 2023b) [6] . Moreover, the complexity of vulnerability analysis may make it difficult to identify and incorporate relevant human factors into the systems' development (Dixon et al., 2003) [20] . ...
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Most initiatives to enhance vulnerability analysis focus on implementing new technological approaches into products and processes. However, recent advancements in the field highlight the importance of integrating Human-System Integration (HSI) in designing, building, and using vulnerability analysis systems to achieve progress. Integrating HSI into these technologies requires accounting for human factors such as attention, decision-making processes, and cognitive workload. This paper examines the significance of HSI in vulnerability analysis and the potential benefits of integrating human variables into the process. Furthermore, this paper underlines successful applications of HSI in vulnerability analysis across various domains, including aviation security, cybersecurity, and disaster management. Overall, this paper emphasizes the significance of HSI in enhancing vulnerability analysis in strengthening security and decreasing risk.
... Ultimately, the choice of technology will depend on the specific needs of the aviation industry, balancing factors such as cost, environmental impact, and energy efficiency. Fuel cell technologies exhibit unique advantages and challenges that set them apart from one another (Ahmed & Ahmed, 2023c) [6] . we can review a comparative analysis of different fuel cell technologies to see how they stack up against each other. ...
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The marine industry is responsible for a significant portion of global greenhouse gas emissions and reducing its carbon footprint has become a pressing issue. Hydrogen fuel cells have emerged as a promising alternative to traditional marine propulsion systems, offering the potential to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase energy efficiency. This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the challenges and opportunities associated with the use of hydrogen fuel cells for marine applications. The environmental benefits of hydrogen fuel cells are explored, including their potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve energy efficiency. Additionally, the paper examines the potential for hydrogen to improve energy security and reduce dependence on fossil fuels, as well as the regulatory incentives driving the adoption of hydrogen fuel cell technology in the shipping industry. Safety concerns associated with the use of hydrogen fuel cells in marine applications are also addressed, including the need for safety measures to ensure safe handling, storage, and transport. Technical solutions to address these safety concerns are explored, along with the challenges associated with implementing these solutions on a large scale.
... The risk of hydrogen leakage and explosion can be mitigated by using high-quality materials, such as advanced polymers and metal alloys, for the fuel cell components (Garland et al., 2012). 2 Cost: Hydrogen fuel cells are still more expensive than conventional backup power solutions, such as diesel generators and lead-acid batteries. The cost of hydrogen production and storage, as well as the cost of fuel cell components, such as the membrane electrode assembly and the catalyst, need to be reduced to make fuel cells more competitive (Ahmed & Ahmed, 2023c) [6] . The economies of scale and the development of new manufacturing technologies can help to reduce the cost of fuel cells (Crabtree & Dresselhaus, 2008) [14] . ...
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This paper examines the advantages, challenges, and case studies of using hydrogen fuel cells for backup power applications. Hydrogen fuel cells offer numerous benefits over traditional backup power solutions, such as reliability, sustainability, energy independence, scalability, and longevity. However, they also face challenges related to safety, cost, infrastructure, and integration. Case studies from data centers, telecommunications networks, and hospitals demonstrate the potential of hydrogen fuel cells for backup power in different settings. This paper concludes that while hydrogen fuel cells offer promising solutions for backup power, further research and development are needed to address the challenges and enable widespread deployment. In addition to the benefits and challenges discussed in the paper, it is worth noting that the use of hydrogen fuel cells for backup power applications can also contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and addressing climate change. This is because hydrogen fuel cells produce electricity through an electrochemical process that does not produce any harmful emissions or pollutants.
... However, the infrastructure for producing and distributing hydrogen fuel is not yet widely available. Batteries have lower energy density but are more widely used in aviation and can provide quick bursts of power (Ahmed et al., 2023a) [7] . Biofuels have lower emissions than traditional fossil fuels, but their energy density is also lower, and they require significant land use for production (Thomas, 2009) [44] . ...
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This paper examines the challenges and opportunities associated with the use of hydrogen fuel cells in aviation. The aviation industry has been under pressure to reduce its carbon footprint, and hydrogen fuel cells offer a promising solution due to their zero emissions and higher efficiency. However, there are significant challenges that must be addressed, including infrastructure development, safety concerns, and high production costs. The paper explores the current state of research and development in the field, as well as the potential benefits and limitations of hydrogen fuel cells in aviation. Ultimately, this paper highlights the need for continued innovation and collaboration in order to overcome the challenges and fully realize the potential of hydrogen fuel cells in aviation. Also, the paper then examines the current state of research and development in the field, highlighting recent advancements and potential breakthroughs. It discusses the efforts being made to improve the safety, efficiency, and durability of hydrogen fuel cells, as well as the development of new materials and manufacturing processes to reduce costs.
... Hydrogen fuel cells have gained attention as a clean and sustainable energy source with the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate climate change (Lucia, 2014). However, the environmental impact of hydrogen fuel cells is a complex issue that depends on multiple factors such as the source of hydrogen, production methods, and infrastructure requirements (Ahmed & Ahmed, 2023b). Here are some key environmental impacts associated with hydrogen fuel cells. ...
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Hydrogen fuel cells are a promising technology for generating electricity with reduced greenhouse gas emissions. However, the environmental impact of fuel cell production, hydrogen production, and end-of-life disposal must be considered to ensure the sustainability of the technology. This paper presents a life cycle assessment (LCA) of hydrogen fuel cells, which evaluates the environmental impact of the technology across its entire life cycle. The paper discusses the results of the LCA, which highlight the importance of the production of hydrogen and fuel cell components in determining the overall environmental impact of the technology. The paper also compares the environmental impact of hydrogen fuel cells with other energy technologies, such as fossil fuels and renewable energy sources. Finally, the paper identifies potential solutions to reduce the environmental impact of hydrogen fuel cells and enhance their sustainability, such as increased recycling of fuel cell components and the use of renewable energy sources for hydrogen production. Overall, the paper underscores the importance of conducting LCAs to understand the full environmental impact of emerging technologies like hydrogen fuel cells.
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The reuse of greywater has several advantages, including reduced freshwater extraction from rivers, aquifers, and groundwater; reduced need for desalination; less environmental impact from septic tanks and water treatment plants; decreased energy consumption; and reduced chemical pollution. The main objectives of this review study are to assess the technical attributes, ecological impacts, and cost-efficiency of Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) water treatment technology compared to similar available technology for small to medium-sized, decentralized applications in residential and commercial settings such as home gardening, sanitation, and landfills. Previous studies indicate that hybrid technologies such as MBBR are the most promising methods for the total removal of contaminants in wastewater in a decentralized setting. However, the initial capital cost of this technology for small and medium-scale domestic applications worldwide is high and so is a limiting factor in the expansion of its utilization. Expansion of domestic use of such Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Systems (DWTS) could increase the economies of scale and therefore reduce the initial capital costs for this useful water treatment. For the MBBR system, Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) removal efficiency was found to be 70%, Total Suspended Solids (TSS) removal was found to be 97%, and turbidity removal was 98%.
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Wheat production and productivity are challenged by recurrent droughts associated with climate change globally. Drought and heat stress resilient cultivars can alleviate yield loss in marginal production agro-ecologies. The ability of some crop genotypes to thrive and yield in drought conditions is attributable to the inherent genetic variation and environmental adaptation, presenting opportunities to develop drought-tolerant varieties. Understanding the underlying genetic, physiological, biochemical, and environmental mechanisms and their interactions is key critical opportunity for drought tolerance improvement. Therefore, the objective of this review is to document the progress, challenges, and opportunities in breeding for drought tolerance in wheat. The paper outlines the following key aspects: (1) challenges associated with breeding for adaptation to drought-prone environments, (2) opportunities such as genetic variation in wheat for drought tolerance, selection methods, the interplay between above-ground phenotypic traits and root attributes in drought adaptation and drought-responsive attributes and (3) approaches, technologies and innovations in drought tolerance breeding. In the end, the paper summarises genetic gains and perspectives in drought tolerance breeding in wheat. The review will serve as baseline information for wheat breeders and agronomists to guide the development and deployment of drought-adapted and high-performing new-generation wheat varieties.
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Managing the declining yield of non-food crops has opened new strategic challenges amidst global uncertainties. The COVID-19 scenario has increased awareness of natural lifestyle and eco-friendly products, largely dependent on non-food crop material. This strategic shift requires moving beyond traditional farm practices to improve agricultural production efficiency, and developing countries in particular have shown a consistent loss in their self-sufficiency of industrial crops despite being major exporters of non-food crop materials. However, existing studies analyze production efficiencies of non-food crops from general or theoretical aspects often by virtual estimates from breaking down the multiple factors of crop productivity. This study examined multiple factors of crop production to identify “which crop inputs have been inefficiently used overtime” by tracking efficiency changes and various input issues in overall cotton production from practical aspects, i.e., scaling non-constant returns of those multiple factors would allow for the violation of various situations. Accordingly, a stochastic frontier approach was employed to measure the production frontier and efficiency relationship using time-series data of Pakistan’s cotton production from 1971–2018—a specific non-food crop perspective from a top-ranked cotton-producing country that has recently been shifted towards being a non-exporter of cotton due to low yield. The coefficient of area, seed, and labor indicates the positive relationship with cotton production, while fertilizer, irrigation, electricity, and machinery are statistically negative. This implies that policymakers need priority-based strategies for the judicial use of synthetic fertilizers, irrigation, a subsidy policy, and technology adoption, which could significantly improve the efficiencies of cotton productivity from the same land resources. Being adaptable to other developing economies, the analysis would strategically facilitate designing and developing affordable technology-driven solutions and their customized extensions towards sustainable non-food crop production practices and Agri-Resources efficiencies.
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: Technological advances such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, big data, social media, and geographic information systems represent a building block of the digital transformation that supports the resilience of the food supply chain (FSC) and increases its efficiency. This paper reviews the literature surrounding digitalization in FSCs. A bibliometric and key-route main path analysis was carried out to objectively and analytically uncover the knowledge development in digitalization within the context of sustainable FSCs. The research began with the selection of 2140 articles published over nearly five decades. Then, the articles were examined according to several bibliometric metrics such as year of publication, countries, institutions, sources, authors, and keywords frequency. A keyword co-occurrence network was generated to cluster the relevant literature. Findings of the review and bibliometric analysis indicate that research at the intersection of technology and the FSC has gained substantial interest from scholars. On the basis of keyword co-occurrence network, the literature is focused on the role of information communication technology for agriculture and food security, food waste and circular economy, and the merge of the Internet of Things and blockchain in the FSC. The analysis of the key-route main path uncovers three critical periods marking the development of technology-enabled FSCs. The study offers scholars a better understanding of digitalization within the agri-food industry and the current knowledge gaps for future research. Practitioners may find the review useful to remain ahead of the latest discussions of technologyenabled FSCs. To the authors’ best knowledge, the current study is one of the few endeavors to explore technology-enabled FSCs using a comprehensive sample of journal articles published during the past five decades.
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Agriculture plays a significant role in the economic sector. The automation in agriculture is the main concern and the emerging subject across the world. The population is increasing tremendously and with this increase the demand of food and employment is also increasing. The traditional methods which were used by the farmers, were not sufficient enough to fulfill these requirements. Thus, new automated methods were introduced. These new methods satisfied the food requirements and also provided employment opportunities to billions of people. Artificial Intelligence in agriculture has brought an agriculture revolution. This technology has protected the crop yield from various factors like the climate changes, population growth, employment issues and the food security problems. This main concern of this paper is to audit the various applications of Artificial intelligence in agriculture such as for irrigation, weeding, spraying with the help of sensors and other means embedded in robots and drones. These technologies saves the excess use of water, pesticides, herbicides, maintains the fertility of the soil, also helps in the efficient use of man power and elevate the productivity and improve the quality. This paper surveys the work of many researchers to get a brief overview about the current implementation of automation in agriculture, the weeding systems through the robots and drones. The various soil water sensing methods are discussed along with two automated weeding techniques. The implementation of drones is discussed, the various methods used by drones for spraying and crop-monitoring is also discussed in this paper.
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There is great untapped potential for farm mechanization to support rural development initiatives in low-and middle-income countries. As technology transfer of large machinery from high-income countries was ineffective during the 1980s and 90s, mechanization options were developed appropriate to resource poor farmers cultivating small and scattered plots. More recently, projects that aim to increase the adoption of farm machinery have tended to target service providers rather than individual farmers. This paper uses the Scaling Scan tool to assess three project case studies designed to scale different Mechanization Service Provider Models (MSPMs) in Mexico, Zimbabwe, and Bangladesh. It provides a useful framework to assess the gap between international lessons learned on scaling captured in forty tactical questions over ten "scaling ingredients" as perceived by stakeholders involved in the projects, as well as private sector actors and government employees. Although at first sight the case studies seem to successfully reach high numbers of end users, the assessment exposes issues around the sustainable and transformative nature of the interventions. These are highly influenced by the design of the projects and by the environment and context of the intervention areas. Across the three case studies, large-scale adoption of the models was found to be hampered by lack of finance to set up MSPMs and insufficient collaboration among the value chain actors to strengthen and foster Mechanization Service Provider (MSP) entrepreneurs. Applying a scaling perspective on each case study project exposed important lessons on minimizing project dependencies. Positive examples include integration of capacity development materials in vocational training centers in Zimbabwe, promotion of MSPMs by other donors in East Africa and levering of nearly USD six million of private sector investment in appropriate machinery in Bangladesh. On the other hand, there is still a high dependency on the projects in terms of coaching of service providers, facilitating collaboration along the value chain, and provision of leadership and advocacy to address issues at governance level. These results have important implications for similar development interventions aimed at increasing smallholder access to mechanization services at scale and is to our knowledge the first cross-continental assessment of these issues to date.
A shift towards sustainable agricultural systems would enhance food security without further depleting natural resources. Considering small-scale farming in the cereal-legume systems of Eastern and Southern Africa, we introduce a conceptual framework and apply an econometric model using data from a sample of 2208 households to assess factors limiting technology diffusion. Results show that investment-ready and food-secure small producers are more willing to adopt agricultural technology options, increased access to financial services is needed to enhance farm households' value-chain readiness and policy interventions promoting pluralistic extension service expansion and enhancing access to stable input and output markets are an incentive to adopt. The results from the cross-country comparison have shown that the examined factors have a similar influence on the extent of farm households' adoption of the proposed agricultural innovations. However, the heterogeneous nature of the smallholder farming environment in Eastern and Southern Africa implies that promotions of sustainable agricultural systems should be based on technology packages adapted to the complexity and diversity of smallholders’ farming systems.
Globally, climate change impacts are manifold, severely affecting the agriculture sector. Climate resilient agriculture (CRA) is viewed as a panacea for overcoming the adverse effects of climate change on agriculture. This article critically reviews the literature on CRA to delineate the emerging patterns of climate-resilient agriculture. It explores multiple dimensions of CRA as related to practices, technologies, policies, innovations and interventions across different parts of the world. In the end, a schematic approach towards undertaking empirical research on CRA in the Indian context. The review found that, globally, CRA practices mainly include systematic strategies for management of critical inputs, namely, land and water, cropping systems and livelihood management. It emerges that innovations and institutions have a crucial role in accelerating the rate of adoption of CRA practices. The article highlights the need for undertaking more empirical research to get a deeper understanding of the emerging patterns of CRA in the Indian context.
Smart Farming Technologies (SFTs) can improve production output while minimising costs and preserving resources; however, they are scarcely adopted by farmers. In the present study, the factors affecting farmers' intentions to adopt two types of SFTs (Type 1: drones, sensors for data acquisition and automatic download, and agricultural apps; Type 2: agricultural robots and autonomous machines) were investigated within the framework of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), considering the role played by different sources of information, Perceived Ease of Use (PEU), and Perceived Usefulness (PU). A questionnaire assessing the PEU and PU of the two types of SFTs, farmers' previous exposure to different impersonal and personal (formal and informal) sources of information, and farmers' intentions to adopt SFTs was administered to a sample of Italian farmers (n = 314). A mediated model, built on the TAM, showed that the PU affected farmers’ intention to adopt a technology and that personal sources of information, both formal and informal, affected the PU; however, while formal sources increased the PU, informal sources decreased the PU. The model was invariant across the two types of SFTs considered. The implications for the proposal of new technologies are discussed.
Recent decades have witnessed unprecedented development in the field of biomedical and chemical science due to an economical, precise, and sensitive microelectromechanical system (MEMS) technology. Nevertheless, very few reports have highlighted the importance of MEMS-based sensors in the field of agriculture science and technology. Precision agriculture (PA) is a management strategy that employs advanced sensors marriage with information technology to improve productivity and quality of modern agriculture. This review unfolds the journey the conventional sensors have taken to come to the contemporary MEMS-based sensors. This review explains the fundamental principle of various sensors, presents outlines with a comparative study of sensors engaged in the field of agriculture. We have also elaborated on the importance of microcontroller addition in MEMS sensors to improve their sensitivity and productivity. Besides highlighting the pros and cons of the sensors, this review also brings a crisp discussion on the very recent sensors engaged to benefit agriculture and also takes into account the developmental aspects for commercialization.