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A hybrid method of genetic algorithm and support vector machine for intrusion detection


Abstract and Figures

With the development of web applications nowadays, intrusions represent a crucial aspect in terms of violating the security policies. Intrusions can be defined as a specific change in the normal behavior of the network operations that intended to violate the security policies of a particular network and affect its performance. Recently, several researchers have examined the capabilities of machine learning techniques in terms of detecting intrusions. One of the important issues behind using the machine learning techniques lies on employing proper set of features. Since the literature has shown diversity of feature types, there is a vital demand to apply a feature selection approach in order to identify the most appropriate features for intrusion detection. This study aims to propose a hybrid method of genetic algorithm and support vector machine. GA has been as a feature selection in order to select the best features, while SVM has been used as a classification method to categorize the behavior into normal and intrusion based on the selected features from GA. A benchmark dataset of intrusions (NSS-KDD) has been in the experiment. In addition, the proposed method has been compared with the traditional SVM. Results showed that GA has significantly improved the SVM classification by achieving 0.927 of f-measure.
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International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
Vol. 11, No. 1, February 2021, pp. 900~908
ISSN: 2088-8708, DOI: 10.11591/ijece.v11i1.pp900-908 900
Journal homepage:
A hybrid method of genetic algorithm and support vector
machine for intrusion detection
Mushtaq Talb Tally1, Haleh Amintoosi2
1Ministry of Education Directorate of Education in Babil, Iraq
2Computer Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran
Article Info
Article history:
Received Jan 2, 2020
Revised Aug 3, 2020
Accepted Aug 17, 2020
With the development of web applications nowadays, intrusions represent
a crucial aspect in terms of violating the security policies. Intrusions can be
defined as a specific change in the normal behavior of the network operations
that intended to violate the security policies of a particular network and affect
its performance. Recently, several researchers have examined the capabilities
of machine learning techniques in terms of detecting intrusions. One of
the important issues behind using the machine learning techniques lies on
employing proper set of features. Since the literature has shown diversity of
feature types, there is a vital demand to apply a feature selection approach in
order to identify the most appropriate features for intrusion detection. This
study aims to propose a hybrid method of genetic algorithm and support
vector machine. GA has been as a feature selection in order to select the best
features, while SVM has been used as a classification method to categorize
the behavior into normal and intrusion based on the selected features
from GA. A benchmark dataset of intrusions (NSS-KDD) has been in
the experiment. In addition, the proposed method has been compared with
the traditional SVM. Results showed that GA has significantly improved
the SVM classification by achieving 0.927 of f-measure.
Feature selection
Genetic algorithm
Intrusion detection
Support vector machine
This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.
Corresponding Author:
Mushtaq Talb Tally,
Ministry of Education,
Babylon, Iraq.
The last two decades have witnessed a dramatic expansion of the internet applications in which
different technologies have been emerged regarding the field of computer network [1, 2]. In this manner,
both local area network (LAN) and wide area network (WAN) have played an essential role in terms of
several domain of interests such as financial, medical, industry and security that made the need of computer
network is so imperative for different businesses [3-5]. However, such growth of using computer networks
has contributed toward the emergence of new and unseen abuse activities. Regardless of hacking activities,
tremendous business networks are significantly vulnerable for malicious acts such as the worms, Trojan and
viruses. Regarding to the importance of computer network nowadays and our ever growing dependency on
them has made the security manner is so crucial and listed in the top of priorities for many domain of
interests [6-8]. One of the major concerns that has been tackled in the information security community
recently is the intrusion detection systems (IDS) [9-11].
Intrusion detection is the task of observing, identifying and detecting the operations that would
make the network vulnerable to be violated in terms of the security policies [12]. Many researchers have
Int J Elec & Comp Eng ISSN: 2088-8708
A hybrid method of genetic algorithm and support vector machine for … (Mushtaq Talb Tally)
addressed the problem of detecting cyber-based attacks on computer networks. Denning [13] has claimed that
the key characteristic behind any system that intended to detect intrusion lies on the ability to monitor and
diagnose the network records searching for abnormal behaviors related to the system usage. Corporations are
usually implementing standard authentication metrics that formulate different level of access in which
the authorized user is allowed to access particular level. However, this method does not provide an absolute
guarantee regarding the prevention of intrusions. Several incidents have been occurred for large corporations
such as Yahoo and Amazon would emphasize the insufficient impact of such method. The intruders are
usually being attackers who aim to damage or at least obstruct the network traffic and affect its performance
using several kinds of attacks. The process of intrusion can be defined as a significant change from
the normal behavior to a suspicious behavior occurred in the system intended to affect the security of
the network and harm the performance (paper). Such change will significantly impact the confidentiality,
integrity and the availability of the network resources [14].
Several approaches have been proposed for the task of intrusion detection, such efforts were mainly
relying on machine learning techniques. However, determining the appropriate learning paradigm is
a challenging task. Some authors have utilized the supervised learning [15]. Other researchers have used
the unsupervised learning [16]. Both learning paradigms have their own advantages and disadvantages.
For instance, one of the shortcomings of supervised learning is the need for labelled instances, but it has
the advantage to achieve better accuracy to classify similar examples. On the other hand, unsupervised
learning techniques deal with the learning tasks with unlabeled or untagged data. Clustering is the most
popular unsupervised learning technique. In clustering, the learning algorithm finds similarities among
instances to build the clusters (i.e. group of instances). Instances that belong to the same cluster are assumed
to having similar characteristics or properties and then are assembled into the same class. The disadvantage
of unsupervised learning is the manually assignment of cluster numbers, which results in low accuracy in
predictions. However, it has the advantage of detecting new examples better than supervised learning
techniques, and considered to be more robust in IDSs.
Therefore, some authors have tended to utilize the semi-supervised learning paradigm in order to
combine the advantages of the two learning paradigms [12]. From one hand, semi-supervised has the ability
to deal with unlabeled data, and on the other hand, it can simulate the advantage of supervised learning by
achieving better accuracy regarding the process of classifying similar examples. Nevertheless, there is still
a drawback regarding the features extracted in the process of classification. In fact, features play a crucial
role in terms of improving the classification accuracy. In particular, the domain of classifying intrusions
yields tremendous amount of features that have been used in the literature. These features such as duration,
protocol type, service type, source size, destination size and others. This would lead to high dimensionality of
feature space.
- Problem formulation
In order to illustrate the problem mathematically, let the data that contains the network traffic
connections represented as 󰇝   󰇞. In this manner, each connection would have multiple
associated features as 󰇝
󰇞. Here, it is necessary to determine the most appropriate features
that would be correspond specific class label which belongs to 󰇝 󰇞 where is the legitimate
connection and is the intrusion, the following formula would be be considered:
 (1)
Apparently, the problem tends to be an optimization problem in which the number of possibilities for
the solutions is relatively high. Therefore, the need to use the meta-heuristic approach becomes imperative in
order to identify the best solutions.
Generally, there are tremendous approaches have been proposed for the problem of detecting
intrusions. The earliest research efforts in terms of intrusion detection were used specification-based method.
For instance, Tseng et al. [17] have presented a specification-based method for detecting intrusion and
attacks within the ad-hoc on demand distance vector (AODV) routing protocol. In their work, the behaviors
of the AODV requests and replays were being analyzed and compared with the correct behavior of critical
objects. This is due to the fact that the intrusions are commonly leading the object to act incorrectly.
Therefore, there will be no need for knowledge-based information to describe the intrusions. The proposed
method has the ability to effectively detect most of the serious AODV routing attacks.
Recently, there are many researchers who examined the capabilities of machine learning techniques
regarding the intrusion detection. Some of those authors have used supervised machine learning, other
ISSN: 2088-8708
Int J Elec & Comp Eng, Vol. 11, No. 1, February 2021 : 900 - 908
researchers used the semi-supervised and the rest of them used the unsupervised learning. For instance,
Peddabachigari et al. [18] have proposed a supervised machine learning approach for identifying intrusions
using different algorithms. The authors firstly used both of decision tree (DT) and support vector machine
(SVM) classifiers using the benchmark dataset of KDDCUP’99. Consequentially, the authors have used an
ensemble approach as a hybrid of DT and SVM. The proposed hybrid method has outperformed both DT and
SVM in terms of the classification accuracy.
Shreya and Jigyasu [19] have proposed a supervised machine learning technique method in order to
classify the intrusions. The authors have used the naïve bayes (NB) and k-nearest neighbor (KNN) to do such
purpose. The authors have considered different metrics for the evaluation. First, they used the benchmark dataset
of KDDCUP’99 in order to compare with other works that have used the same dataset. Based on the accuracy
of classification, time consumption and memory consumption, the proposed method has demonstrated
superior performance. Although the time consumed was relatively similar to the related work however,
the memory consumption and the accuracy showed remarkable enhancement.
Lin et al., [16] have proposed a hybrid method of supervised and unsupervised learning approaches
for detecting intrusions. The unsupervised approach aims to utilize a cluster center approach in order to
categorize the data into similar groups. This can be performed by initializing centroids and calculate the distance
between every data point with the centroids. Then, each data point will be merged to its corresponding centroid in
order to form clusters. Consequentially, this new and one-dimensional distance based feature is used to
represent each data sample for intrusion detection by the supervised approach of k-nearest neighbor (KNN)
classifier. The authors have used the KDDCUP’99 benchmark to evaluate their proposed method. Results
showed that the proposed approach is outperforming the conventional KNN.
Similarly, Tahir et al., [20] have proposed similar hybrid method of supervised and unsupervised
learning for improving the classification accuracy of intrusion detection. The authors have used the k-means
clustering technique in order to group the data into similar clusters. Then, the support vector machine classifier has
been used in order to classify the intrusions and attacks. The data used in this study is NSL-KDD benchmark dataset.
Puri and Sharma [15] have proposed a hybrid method of support vector machine (SVM) classifier
and regression tree (RT) algorithm in order to detect intrusions. The authors have used the benchmark dataset
of KDDCUP’99 in which the regression tree algorithm is designed for generating tree rules which will be
used for classifying the attacks using SVM. Ashfaq et al., [12] have addressed the problem of acquiring
a labeled samples of intrusion behaviors. By exploiting the capabilities of the semi-supervised learning
technique, in which the labeled data is not compulsory, the authors have utilized a semi-supervised method of
single hidden layer feed-forward neural network to train it on the intrusion behaviors. Using labeled dataset
such as KDDCUP’99 and NSL-KDD, the authors have demonstrated the efficacy of the proposed neural
network in terms of classifying new and unlabeled data.
This section aims to describe the application of proposed hybrid GA and SVM that intended to
detect the intrusions. This requires identifying a benchmark dataset that contains intrusions and normal
behavior in order to enable the process of feature extraction and selection with the classification process as
shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Framework of the proposed method
Int J Elec & Comp Eng ISSN: 2088-8708
A hybrid method of genetic algorithm and support vector machine for … (Mushtaq Talb Tally)
As shown in Figure 1, the proposed method begins with preparing the dataset that contains
the intrusions. Consequentially, a feature extraction process will take a place in order to utilize different type
of features. Then, GA will be used to search for the best solutions or in other word identifying the most
appropriate features. Then, SVM will accommodate the classification task in which the behaviors will be
categorized into normal and intrusion. However, the next sub-sections will tackle each phase separately.
3.1. IDS dataset
With the exponential expansion of computer networks usage and the numerous applications that are
mainly depending on it, securing such networks has become a crucial task. Different threats and security
vulnerabilities that are facing the networks have been addressed by several research studies. In the literature,
the risks behind these threats have been discussed in which it may cause privacy violation and cost
consumption. For this purpose, the intrusion detection systems has caught many researchers' attentions in
which the behavior of the network operations are being analyzed in order to identify the anomalies. In fact,
IDS monitor both the anomaly and normal behavior in order to generate a module that would characterize t
he features of both behavior. However, some authors have argue that analyzing the anomaly behaviors rather
than the normal behavior would improve the detection performance [21]. In this manner, another problem has
been arisen which lies on providing a data for the anomaly behavior. This is due to the new trend in the field
of IDS which can be represented by the utilization of machine learning technique.
Supervised learning paradigm works by train a model using a predefined set of examples which is
called training data [16]. Such examples contain the network features with a label such as Suspicious and Normal.
The model here can generate statistical rules in order to discriminate the situations that occurred with intrusions.
These rules will be used to help the model for classifying new or testing data [19]. However, sometimes it is
difficult to acquire a labelled example due to the challenging issue of benchmark availability. Meanwhile, the manual
labelling for a huge amount of the data seems to be tedious and time consuming [12].
For this purpose, a benchmark dataset has been created which is called KDDCUP’99 [22]. KDD'99 has
been widely used for the sake of machine learning in terms of identifying anomaly activities. Such data has been
created using the DARPA'98 IDS evaluation program [23]. DARPA’98 is about 4 gigabytes of compressed raw
(binary) tcpdump data of 7 weeks of network traffic, which can be processed into about 5 million connection
records, each with about 100 bytes. The two weeks of test data have around 2 million connection records.
KDD training dataset consists of approximately 4,900,000 single connection vectors each of which contains
41 features and is labelled as either normal or an attack, with exactly one specific attack type. The types of
attack included in the KDD'98 dataset can be listed as follows:
- Denial of service (DoS)
- User to root (U2R)
- Remote to local (R2L)
- Probing
However, Tavallaee et al., [24] have criticized such data and claimed that it suffers of multiple
drawbacks. First, the KDD dataset suffers of the high degree of duplicated records in which nearly 75% of its
records are being duplicated. In this manner, such redundant would significantly contribute toward making
the learning paradigm rely on the frequent patterns in which the rare patterns would be ignored. Obviously, this
will negatively affect the performance of detection. Second issue lies on the KDD dataset is the relatively
small number of test set instances in which any classifier would correctly classify the test instances and
having a minimum classification rate of 86%. Such results reveals the difficulty of comparing multiple IDSs
due to the similar performances that would be resulted. Therefore, Tavallaee et al., [24] have proposed a new
dataset called NSS-KDD in order to solve the two latter problems by providing more cases for the anomaly in
the testing portion, as well as, providing a reasonable number of record in both training and testing sets.
Table 1 depicts the details of the new dataset NSS-KDD.
Table 1. NSS-KDD Dataset details
Training set
Number of
Number of
unique instances
Number of
Number of
unique instances
ISSN: 2088-8708
Int J Elec & Comp Eng, Vol. 11, No. 1, February 2021 : 900 - 908
3.2. Feature extraction
Features represents an imperative role in the context of supervised machine learning where
the important features would significantly enhance the effectiveness of the classification, vice versa; the less-
important features would negatively impact the effectiveness of the classification. The features contained in
the KDD-NSS can be represented into three main features; Basic features, Traffic features and Content
features. These features would be tackled as follows:
Basic Features: Basic features concentrate on the attributes that are related to the TCP/IP connection
in which the features such as the protocol, type of service and type of flag are being considered.
Traffic Features: This type of features concentrates on the window interval of the connections.
There are multiple features that are being included in this category which can be illustrated as follows:
a. Time-based Features: This type of features aim at analyzing the number of connection in respect to a
time duration and it contains two aspects including same-host-features and same-service Features.
In the first aspect, the number of connections that have the same destination host will be computed
based on duration (i.e. 2 seconds). In the second aspect, the number of connections that have the same
service will be computed based on the duration.
b. Connection-based Features: In the context of time-based traffic features, there are many slow probing
attacks that scan the hosts (or ports) using a much larger time interval than 2 seconds, for instance, one
in every minute. Hence, such attacks do not generate intrusion patterns with a time window of 2
seconds. To overcome this issue, the connection-based features have been introduced by the NSS-KDD
dataset in which the number of connection would be computed based on a window of 100 connections.
For the same-host-features, the number of connections that have the same destination host will be
computed based on a window of 100 connections. Whereas for the same-service-features, the number of
connections that have the same service will be computed based on a window of 100 connections.
Content-based features: The previous type of feature (i.e. traffic) can fit some attacks such as DoS
and Probing in which a tremendous amount of connections within short time are being produced.
However, for both R2L and U2R attacks this would not be the case where these attacks are not producing
intrusion patterns with a time window. Therefore, the new version NSS-KDD has considered such problem
by adding a new type of feature that has the ability to analyze the R2L and U2R. This type of feature is called
content feature and it concentrates on the login features such as the number of failed logins.
3.3. Hybrid of SVM and GA
Basically, SVM is one of the supervised machine learning techniques which aims to turn the data
space into a vector space based on the features’ values [15]. Then, a separation task will be performed using
a hyper-plane which is a separator that aims to divide the data into multiple portions based on the class labels.
Figure 2 depicts the separation task by the hyper-plane.
Figure 2. Separating the data space using the hyper-plane
As shown in Figure 2, the data space consists of the network traffic behaviors, while the hyper-plane
is dividing the data into two groups or class labels including ‘Normal behaviors’ and ‘Intrusion behaviors’.
In fact, identifying the most robust hyper-plane, that has the ability to divide the data accurately,
is a challenging task [25]. This is due to the less-accurate adjustment of the hyper-plane would lead to divide
the data incorrectly where some normal behavior would be classified as intrusions or vice versa.
Int J Elec & Comp Eng ISSN: 2088-8708
A hybrid method of genetic algorithm and support vector machine for … (Mushtaq Talb Tally)
The task of identifying the most appropriate hyper-plane is mainly depends on the features used to
establish the vectorization of the data space. Therefore, this study utilizes a meta-heuristic approach
(i.e. genetic algorithm) in order to determine the best set of features that will lead to the most robust hyper-
plane. GA is one of the evolutionary algorithms that have been widely used for optimization problems where
the feasible solution is required to be attained [26]. It works by generating an initial population of features,
then assessing such population based on the fitness function. The best features from the initial population will
be selected [27]. Consequentially, a reproduction operator is being performed to combine the best features.
This study utilizes the crossover operation to conduct such task. Figure 3 depicts the workflow of the hybrid
method of GA and SVM.
Figure 3. Workflow of the hybrid method
3.4. Evaluation
The evaluation of the proposed hybrid method will be based on the common information retrieval
metrics precision, recall and f-measure [28-30]. Such measures can be computed using the contingency table
as shown in Table 2.
Table 2. Contingency table
Legitimate connection
Legitimate connection
True Negative (TN)
False Positive (FP)
False Negative (FN)
True Positive (TP)
False Negative (FN) : is the number of correctly un-predicted connections.
False Positive (FP) : is the number of incorrectly predicted connections.
True Negative (TN) : is the number of actual intrusion connections that have not been predicted.
True Positive (TP) : is the number of correctly predicted connections.
ISSN: 2088-8708
Int J Elec & Comp Eng, Vol. 11, No. 1, February 2021 : 900 - 908
In this manner, the precision, recall and f-measure can be computed based on the following equations.
  
 (2)
 
 (3)
 
 (4)
In order to evaluate the proposed method, SVM has been applied twice; first without GA and second
with GA. In addition, a comparison will be made between the above two applications using T-test evaluation
method. T-test is a statistical significance indicates whether or not the difference between two groups’
averages most likely reflects a “real” difference in the population from which the groups were sampled.
Table 3 represents the results of the two applications of SVM.
Table 3. Results of SVM and SVM with GA
SVM (F-measure)
SVM & GA (F-measure)
Int J Elec & Comp Eng ISSN: 2088-8708
A hybrid method of genetic algorithm and support vector machine for … (Mushtaq Talb Tally)
As shown in Table 3, the proposed genetic algorithm has significantly improved the SVM
classification in terms of identifying intrusions. This has been demonstrated via the average f-measure of
the proposed SVM with GA which was 0.927 compared to 0.875 the average f-measure of SVM without GA.
In addition, a test called T-test has been applied on the f-measure for all the class labels for both applications.
The results of such test was less than 0.05 which implied that the GA has significantly improved
the classification performance.
On the other hand, comparing the proposed method’s results with the state of the art such as
Tahir et al., [20] who proposed an intrusion detection classification using SVM and obtained a 0.856
of f-measure, it is obvious that the proposed method is outperforming. In addition, a study by Puri and
Sharma [15] which also proposed an SVM classifier to detection intrusions, has obtained an f-measure of 0.883.
Apparently, the proposed method shows competitive performance against the state of the art.
This paper has proposed a hybrid method of genetic algorithm and support vector machine for
the task of intrusion detection. The proposed method has been assessed using a benchmark dataset NSS-
KDD. Moreover, the proposed method has been compared with the conventional SVM. Results showed that
the proposed method has outperformed the traditional SVM. This implies the feasibility of using GA in terms
of identifying the best features. For future researches, addressing different meta-heuristic approaches such as
Particle Swarm Optimization or Ant Colony would be an opportunity to examine the capability of GA.
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[29] S. N. Mighan, and M. Kahani, "Deep Learning Based Latent Feature Extraction for Intrusion Detection," Electrical
Engineering (ICEE), Iranian Conference on, Mashhad, pp. 1511-1516, 2018.
[30] C.-R. Wang, R.-F. Xu, S.-J. Lee, and C.-H. Lee, “Network intrusion detection using equality constrained-
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... -For the problem of intrusion detection, a hybrid genetic algorithm and support vector machine method have been developed in this study. SVM was used as a classification approach to divide the behavior into normal and intrusive categories based on the selected features from GA. GA was utilized to identify the best features [6]. ...
... The suggested strategy outperformed than the conventional SVM, according to the results. This suggests that utilizing GA to find the greatest features is feasible[6] ...
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With the increasing prevalence of Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and the growing demand for network resources, the threat of traffic diversion attacks in SDN environments poses a significant risk to network security and performance. Conventional methods for detecting these attacks often fall short of identifying sophisticated and dynamic diversion tactics. In response to this challenge, we present a novel approach to tackle traffic diversion attacks in SDN. Our proposed technique leverages metaheuristic algorithms, specifically a Genetic Algorithm (GA), to improve traffic diversion detection's precision and effectiveness. The primary objective is to provide network administrators with a robust and adaptive tool for identifying and mitigating diversion attacks. Through rigorous testing and evaluation, our proposed algorithm demonstrates exceptional performance. It achieved a high level of accuracy, exceeding 70 %, a precision of 94%, a recall of 92%, and a F1-score of 93%. in identifying diversion attacks while maintaining a low false positive rate. The algorithm's adaptability ensures it can respond effectively to evolving diversion tactics, making it well-suited for dynamic SDN environments. The proposed algorithm is scalable as it can be adapted to the changing of network conditions, such as traffic levels. The proposed algorithm contributes to the enhancement of SDN security, safeguarding network integrity and reliability in the face of evolving threats.
... Among machine learning methods, support vector machine (SVM) owing to the kernel method has shown promising performance in classification/regression in several medical problems and gene expression studies. SVM fits a hyperplane to separate groups and projects the input space into a higher space by using kernel functions [22]. In this regard, utilizing heuristic approaches like the genetic algorithm (GA) leads to determining a subset of inputs to fit a hyperplane that is most robust among others. ...
... Moreover, feature selection based on the genetic algorithm reduces the dimension of the feature space, so the redundant, noisy, or irrelevant data are removed, the quality of the data and the accuracy of the resulting model improve due to searching from a population of points instead of a single point, and finally the selected feature set avoids wasting of resources in the next round of information collection or throughout utilization [38]. Moreover, in other studies, GA+SVM has been shown to outperform the traditional SVM in detecting other diseases or other outcomes [22,24]. So it is suggested to use and evaluate the performance of other hybrid models. ...
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Background: Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disease impairing significantly the quality of life of the patient. The diagnosis of the disease is done via a visual inspection of the lesional skin by dermatologists. Classification of psoriasis using gene expression is an important issue for the early and effective treatment of the disease. Therefore, gene expression data and selection of suitable gene signatures are effective sources of information. Methods: We aimed to develop a hybrid classifier for the diagnosis of psoriasis based on two machine learning models of the genetic algorithm and support vector machine (SVM). The method also conducts gene signature selection. A publically available gene expression dataset was used to test the model. Results: A number of 181 probe sets were selected among the original 54,675 probes using the hybrid model with a prediction accuracy of 100% over the test set. A number of 10 hub genes were identified using the protein-protein interaction network. Nine out of 10 identified genes were found in significant modules. Conclusions: The results showed that the genetic algorithm improved the SVM classifier performance significantly implying the ability of the proposed model in terms of detecting relevant gene expression signatures as the best features.
... Liang et al. [1] proposed conditional mutual information-based feature selection with interaction to reduce performance error [2]. Tally et al. [3] discovered the genetic algorithm feature selection with a support vector machine classifier for intrusion detection, while Sagban et al. [2] investigated the performance of feature selection applied to cervical cancer data. Ibrahim and Kamarudin [4] applied filter feature selection method to improve heart failure data classification. ...
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span lang="EN-US">Statisticians in both academia and industry have encountered problems with high-dimensional data. The rapid feature increase has caused the feature count to outstrip the instance count. There are several established methods when selecting features from massive amounts of breast cancer data. Even so, overfitting continues to be a problem. The challenge of choosing important features with minimum loss in a different sample size is another area with room for development. As a result, the feature selection technique is crucial for dealing with high-dimensional data classification issues. This paper proposed a new architecture for high-dimensional breast cancer data using filtering techniques and a logistic regression model. Essential features are filtered out using a combination of hybrid chi–square and hybrid information gain (hybrid IG) with logistic regression as classifier. The results showed that hybrid IG performed the best for high-dimensional breast and prostate cancer data. The top 50 and 22 features outperformed the other configurations, with the highest classification accuracies of 86.96% and 82.61%, respectively, after integrating the hybrid information gain and logistic function (hybrid IG+LR) with a sample size of 75. In the future, multiclass classification of multidimensional medical data to be evaluated using data from a different domain . </span
... Prediction of multiplication errors in multiplication errors, classification assignments in the Data-Driven System with 97% accuracy results [30] . The test for predicting heart disease with KNN provides a predictive yield of 69% [31] and an accuracy of 67% [32] . This paper proposes predicting the accreditation of PAUD institutions with three algorithms, namely Support Vector Machines (SVM), Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN). ...
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Accreditation is an acknowledgement of an educational institution regarding the feasibility of carrying out the educational process. Making predictions can save time for early childhood education institutions in compiling accreditation forms that will be submitted. Prediction in determining accreditation becomes an important lesson for an institution in self-assessing the quality of its services. Choosing which method to use in the accreditation prediction process becomes a serious problem, so the prediction results can be the closest or most accurate. Machine Learning is an application that is part of Artificial Intelligence which is widely used in prediction research. In this experiment, three algorithms in machine learning are tested, namely SVM, KNN and ANN. This study uses data from the accreditation results of early childhood education institutions in South Kalimantan; the sample data is 75%, and the remaining data is 25%. The results of the KNN algorithm with Euclidean distance and the number of neighbours 5 have the best performance in predicting the value of the accreditation predicate compared to other methods. The results of calculations using the KNN method produce Area Under Curve values of 1,000, CA 1,000, F1 1,000, precision 1,000 and Recall 1,000.
... According to the authors, the proposed intrusion detection and safe data storage mechanism is highly secure and is never compromised by any kind of conspiracy attack. Tally and Amintoosi, (2021) suggested a hybrid genetic algorithm approach for detecting intrusion and compared it to the traditional method. The proposed method outperformed the conventional method, according to the results. ...
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The vulnerabilities of the Internet of Things (IoTs) in general and the Internet of Mobility Things (IoMTs) in particular motivate researchers to equip them with security systems against intruders and attacks. The integration of anomaly detection with intrusion detection for IoMTs has not been addressed adequately. This study tackles this issue through building a Kalman and Cauchy clustering for anomaly detection and using it for authentication nodes within IoMTs using the Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) classifier. The algorithm is composed of various components; firstly, the Kalman filter-based model for estimating the trajectory of pedestrians within an indoor environment based on fusing WiFi with IMU data. Secondly, trustworthiness assessment for detecting anomaly behaviour in IoMT based on the estimated trajectory using the Kalman filter. Thirdly, the trust IDS model for IoMT systems by integrating anomaly detection with online learning for attacks identification using an Online Sequential Extreme learning machine(OSELM). The OSELM algorithm has been implemented and evaluated using TamperU dataset for WiFi fingerprinting and KDD99 for intrusion detection. Furthermore, a comparison with benchmarks for intrusion detection and anomaly detection proves the superiority of the proposed approach in terms of all the considered classification metrics. The developed algorithm was compared with two existing models for anomaly detection, namely, a multi-density clustering algorithm for evolving data stream (MUDI) and fully online clustering of evolving data streams into arbitrarily shaped clusters (CEDAS). The results proved the superiority of the developed algorithm in this work in terms of anomaly and intrusion detection under three different scenarios that include different percentages of added anomalies, different numbers of pedestrians, and different average speeds of pedestrians.
... Tally and Amintoosi [74] presented a hybrid approach for IDS combining GA and SVM. The GA is applied to select the most appropriate attribute subset, while the SVM is used to categorize the network activities into normal and attacks using the selected attributes from GA. Simulations using NSL-KDD dataset show that the proposed approach outperformed the traditional SVM by attaining F1-score of 92.7%. ...
... The best accuracy was reached by ANTM (93%) with an overall F1-score of 72%. For future research, more advanced Machine Learning or Deep Learning methods could be implemented to solve this problem, such as Multinomial Logistic Regression [27], Fuzzy Classifier [28], Support Vector Machine [29], Recurrent Neural Networks [30], [31], or even ensemble method [32]. Another more interpretable Machine Learning method, namely the Decision Tree [33], also could be applied shortly. ...
Investment in the capital market can help boost a country’s economic growth. Without a doubt, in investing, a technical analysis of the condition of the stock is needed at that time. One of the technical analyses that can be done is to look at the historical data of stocks. Candlestick charts can summarize historical data that contain price value for Open, High, Low, and Close (OHLC) in the form of a chart. A group of candlesticks will form a pattern that can help investors to see whether the stock is trending up or down. The number of candlestick patterns and the manual determination of candlestick patterns may take time and effort. Feedforward Neural Network (FNN) is one of the algorithms that can help map the input and output of a given dataset. This study aims to implement FNN to classify candlestick patterns found in historical stock data. The test results show that the accuracy for each model scenario does not guarantee whether all patterns can be properly recognized. This is mainly caused by an imbalanced dataset and the classification process cannot be done properly. Testing with the original data has an accuracy of above 85% on each stock, but the average F1-score is below 45%. Further experiments using random under-sampling and Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE) result in decreased accuracy value, where the lowest is 59% in PT Bukit Asam Tbk share, and an increased average F1-score, but less than 15%. Keywords: Candlestick patterns, feedforward neural network, investment, historical data, OHLC, SMOTE, stocks.
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Distributed denial of service is a form of cyber-attack that involves sending several network traffic to a target system such as DHCP, domain name server (DNS), and HTTP server. The attack aims to exhaust computing resources such as memory and the processor of a target system by blocking the legitimate users from getting access to the service provided by the server. Network intrusion prevention ensures the security of a network and protects the server from such attacks. Thus, this paper presents a predicitive model that identifies distributed denial of service attacks (DDSA) using Bernoulli-Naive Bayes. The developed model is evaluated on the publicly available Kaggle dataset. The method is tested with a confusion matrix, receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve, and accuracy to measure its performance. The experimental results show an 85.99% accuracy in detecting DDSA with the proposed method. Hence, Bernoulli-Naive Bayes-based method was found to be effective and significant for the protection of network servers from malicious attacks.
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Intrusion detection systems (IDSs) are mainly employed in network systems for the protection of network integrity and to ensure the availability of sensitive network assets in the protected systems. Despite the efficacy of various supervised and unsupervised machine learning techniques in improving the performance of IDSs, there is still a problem of poor performance of the existing intrusion detection algorithms. As such, various machine-learning (ML) approaches are designed and combined with an intrusion detection system (IDSs). Numerous researchers have focused on ensemble classifiers development to solve the issue of poor performance of IDSs; this involves the combination of predictions by numerous individual classifiers, as well as exploiting their combined strength to improve performance. In this study, intrusion detection systems were reviewed based on ensemble learning by analyzing different ensemble methods in this field in consideration of different types of ensembles and the numerous ways of merging the predictions of several single classifiers for an ensemble classifier. The review involved a critical and systematic review of the representative studies (from 2015 to 2021) in chronological order to understand the current status and major challenges of research in these fields. Lastly, future research directions were presented for effective IDSs development.
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The 3rd International Scientific Conference of Computer Sciences (3SCCS 2021) that will be held in Muscat, Oman by the University of Technology/Computer Sciences department. SCCS 2021 follows footsteps of the first SCCS that has been held in University of Technology, Iraq, and the second SCCS which was technically supported by IEEE that is represented by IEEE Iraq Section with (36) published research papers after its conclusion. The aims of the Conference are to gather academic scientists and researchers to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Computer Sciences and Engineering. It also provides a prime interdisciplinary platform for researchers to present and discuss their most recent innovations and trends in their research, as well as practical challenges encountered, and solutions adopted in the fields of Computer Sciences and Engineering.
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The enormous popularity of the internet across all spheres of human life has introduced various risks of malicious attacks in the network. The activities performed over the network could be effortlessly proliferated, which has led to the emergence of intrusion detection systems. The patterns of the attacks are also dynamic, which necessitates efficient classification and prediction of cyber attacks. In this paper we propose a hybrid principal component analysis (PCA)-firefly based machine learning model to classify intrusion detection system (IDS) datasets. The dataset used in the study is collected from Kaggle. The model first performs One-Hot encoding for the transformation of the IDS datasets. The hybrid PCA-firefly algorithm is then used for dimensionality reduction. The XGBoost algorithm is implemented on the reduced dataset for classification. A comprehensive evaluation of the model is conducted with the state of the art machine learning approaches to justify the superiority of our proposed approach. The experimental results confirm the fact that the proposed model performs better than the existing machine learning models.
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Intrusion detection systems are used for monitoring the network data, analyze them and find the intrusions if any. The major issues with these systems are the time taken for analysis, transfer of bulk data from one part of the network to another, high false positives and adaptability to the future threats. These issues are addressed here by devising a framework for intrusion detection. Here, various types of co-operating agents are distributed in the network for monitoring, analyzing, detecting and reporting. Analysis and detection agents are the mobile agents which are the primary detection modules for detecting intrusions. Their mobility eliminates the transfer of bulk data for processing. An algorithm named territory is proposed to avoid interference of one analysis agent with another one. A communication layout of the analysis and detection module with other modules is depicted. The inter-agent communication reduces the false positives significantly. It also facilitates the identification of distributed types of attacks. The co-ordinator agents log various events and summarize the activities in its network. It also communicates with co-ordinator agents of other networks. The system is highly scalable by increasing the number of various agents if needed. Centralized processing is avoided here to evade single point of failure. We created a prototype and the experiments done gave very promising results showing the effectiveness of the system.
Feature selection plays a vital role in building machine learning models. Irrelevant features in data affect the accuracy of the model and increase the training time needed to build the model. Feature selection is an important process to build Intrusion Detection System (IDS). In this paper, a wrapper feature selection algorithm for IDS is proposed. This algorithm uses the pigeon inspired optimizer to utilize the selection process. A new method to binarize a continuous pigeon inspired optimizer is proposed and compared to the traditional way for binarizing continuous swarm intelligent algorithms. The proposed algorithm was evaluated using three popular datasets: KDDCUP 99, NLS-KDD and UNSW-NB15. The proposed algorithm outperformed several feature selection algorithms from state-of-the-art related works in terms of TPR, FPR, accuracy, and F-score. Also, the proposed cosine similarity method for binarizing the algorithm has a faster convergence than the sigmoid method.
A robust intrusion detection system plays a very important role in network security. In the face of complex network data and diverse intrusion methods, traditional machine learning methods seem to be inadequate and cannot meet the requirements of the current network environment. Existing deep learning-based methods are far from fully exploiting their potential in dealing with such one-dimensional feature data, and their performance is still unsatisfactory in detecting unknown intrusions. This paper proposes a deep learning approach for intrusion detection using a multi-convolutional neural network (multi-CNN) fusion method. According to the correlation, the feature data are divided into four parts, and then the one-dimensional feature data are converted into a grayscale graph. By using the flow data visualization method, CNN is introduced into the intrusion detection problem and the best of the four results emerge. The experimental results successfully demonstrate that the multi-CNN fusion model is very suitable for providing a classification method with high accuracy and low complexity on the NSL-KDD dataset. Furthermore, its performance is also superior to those of traditional machine learning methods and other recent deep learning approaches for binary classification and multiclass classification. This work will contribute for the data security of industrial IoT.
In the current digital era, one of the most critical and challenging issue is ensuring cybersecurity in information technology (IT) infrastructures. Indeed, with the significant improvement of technology, hackers have been developing ever more complex and dangerous malware attacks that make the intrusion recognition a very difficult task. In this context, the existing traditional analytic tools are facing severe challenges to detect and mitigate these threats. In this work, we introduce a statistical analysis and autoencoder (AE) driven intelligent intrusion detection (IDS) system. Specifically, the proposed IDS combines data analytics, statistical techniques with recent advances in machine learning theory to extract optimized and more correlated features. The validity of the proposed IDS is tested using the benchmark NSL-KDD database. Experimental results show that the designed IDS achieves better classification performance as compared to deep and conventional shallow machine learning as well as recently proposed state-of-the-art techniques.
Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) exemplifies IoT with applications in manufacturing, surveillance, automotive, smart buildings, homes and transport. It leverages sensor technology, cutting edge communication and data analytics technologies and the open Internet to consolidate IT and operational technology (OT) aiming to achieve cost and performance benefits. However, the underlying resource constraints and ad hoc nature of such systems have significant implications especially in achieving effective intrusion detection. Consequently, contemporary solutions requiring a stable infrastructure and extensive computational resources are inadequate to fulfill these characteristics of an IIoT system. In this paper, we propose an intrusion detection framework for the energy-constrained IoT devices which form the foundation of an IIoT ecosystem. In view of the ad hoc nature of such systems as well as emerging complex threats such as botnets, we assess the feasibility of collaboration between the host (IoT devices) and the edge devices for effective intrusion detection whilst minimizing energy consumption and communication overhead. We implemented the proposed framework with Contiki operating system and conducted rigorous evaluation to identify potential performance trade-offs. The evaluation results demonstrate that the proposed framework can minimize energy and communication overheads whilst achieving an effective collaborative intrusion detection for IIoT systems.
The massive growth of data that are transmitted through a variety of devices and communication protocols have raised serious security concerns, which have increased the importance of developing advanced intrusion detection systems (IDSs). Deep learning is an advanced branch of machine learning, composed of multiple layers of neurons that represent the learning process. Deep learning can cope with large-scale data and has shown success in different fields. Therefore, researchers have paid more attention to investigating deep learning for intrusion detection. This survey comprehensively reviews and compares the key previous deep learning-focused cybersecurity surveys. Through an extensive review, this survey provides a novel fine-grained taxonomy that categorizes the current state-of-the-art deep learning-based IDSs with respect to different facets, including input data, detection, deployment, and evaluation strategies. Each facet is further classified according to different criteria. This survey also compares and discusses the related experimental solutions proposed as deep learning-based IDSs. By analysing the experimental studies, this survey discusses the role of deep learning in intrusion detection, the impact of intrusion detection datasets, and the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed approaches. The findings demonstrate that further effort is required to improve the current state-of-the art. Finally, open research challenges are identified, and future research directions for deep learning-based IDSs are recommended.
Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) are key components for securing critical infrastructures, capable of detecting malicious activities on networks or hosts. However, the efficiency of an IDS depends primarily on both its configuration and its precision. The large amount of network traffic that needs to be analyzed, in addition to the increase in attacks’ sophistication, renders the optimization of intrusion detection an important requirement for infrastructure security, and a very active research subject. In the state of the art, a number of approaches have been proposed to improve the efficiency of intrusion detection and response systems. In this article, we review the works relying on decision-making techniques focused on game theory and Markov decision processes to analyze the interactions between the attacker and the defender, and classify them according to the type of the optimization problem they address. While these works provide valuable insights for decision-making, we discuss the limitations of these solutions as a whole, in particular regarding the hypotheses in the models and the validation methods. We also propose future research directions to improve the integration of game-theoretic approaches into IDS optimization techniques.