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A Multivariate Blind Ring Signature Scheme


Abstract and Figures

Blind signatures are an important and useful tool in designing digital cash schemes and electronic voting protocols. Ring signatures on the other hand provide the anonymity of the signer within the ring of users. In order to fit to some real-life applications, it is useful to combine both protocols to create a blind ring signature scheme, which utilizes all of their features. In this paper, we propose, for the first time, a post-quantum blind ring signature scheme. Our scheme is constructed based on multivariate public key cryptography, which is one of the main candidates for post-quantum cryptography.
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A multivariate blind ring signature
Dung Hoang Duong1, Willy Susilo1and Ha Tran2
1Institute of Cybersecurity and Cryptology, School of Computing and Information Technology,
University of Wollongong, Northfields Avenue, NSW 2522, Australia
2Department of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Concordia University of Edmonton,
7128 Ada Blvd NW, Edmonton, Canada
Email: {hduong,wsusilo},
Blind signatures are an important and useful tool in designing digital cash schemes
and electronic voting protocols. Ring signatures on the other hand provide the
anonymity of the signer within the ring of users. In order to fit to some real
life applications, it is useful to combine both protocols to create a blind ring
signature scheme which utilizes all of their features. In this paper, we propose,
for the first time, a post-quantum blind ring signature scheme. Our scheme is
constructed based on multivariate public key cryptography, which is one of the
main candidates for post-quantum cryptography.
Keywords: Post-Quantum Cryptography ; Multivariate Cryptography ; Blind Ring Signature ;
MQ Problem
Blind signatures were first introduced by Chaum [6]
with intention to use to protect user’s transaction
information. Blind signatures allow a person to get
a message signed by another party without revealing
any information about the message to this other
party, and hence which provide the anonymity of the
signed message. It thus makes blind signatures useful
in electronic auctions and electronic voting systems.
Another important protocol that provides anonymity
is ring signature, which is a group-oriented signature
with privacy concerns, introduced by Rivest et al. [22].
In a ring signature scheme, the message signers form
a ring of any set of possible signers and himself.
The actual signer can then generate a ring signature
entirely using only his secret key and others’ public
keys without assistance of other members within the
ring. The generated ring signature can convince any
verifier that it was generated by one of the members
of the ring without revealing who actually signed the
message, and hence ensures the anonymity of the signer.
Ring signatures then had found many applications in
electronic cash systems and electronic voting systems.
In some real life applications, such as banking,
we must make a single e-bank system more scalable
by supporting many banks, and adding some other
properties like strong anonymity of the signing banks
and unlinkability of two different signatures. It’s
hence necessary to combining blind and ring signatures
into one, called blind ring signatures, to obtain more
spontaneity and flexibility, in order to bring many more
solutions to real life scenarios, specially in e-banking.
For example, a client’s e-coin is signed by a member of
a coalition of banks chosen in an ad hoc manner (ring
of banks). The choice of the coalition could be specified
by either the issuing bank or the client himself. Other
applications of the primitive include multi-authority e-
voting and e-auction systems [13].
There have been several constructions of blind ring
signatures in the literature [27, 13, 28]. However,
their security is based on the hardness of either the
integer factorization problem or the discrete logarithm
problem, which can be easily solved by quantum
computers [25]. It then necessary to build such a scheme
with security ensured by some hard mathematical
problems, which are even hard for quantum computers.
This is the area of post-quantum cryptography [3]. It
takes much more attention recently after the call of
NIST [1] for proposals of post-quantum cryptosystems
to be standardized in near future.
Multivariate public key cryptography (MPKC) is one
of the main candidates for this standardization [1].
These schemes are in general very fast and require
only modest computational resources, which can be
used on low cost devices like smart cards and RFID
chips [5, 7]. Especially in the area of digital signatures,
MPKC has several strong candidates for post-quantum
standardization of NIST, such as Rainbow [9] and
MQDSS [8] which have passed to the second round
of the competition [2]. However, there is a lack of
multivariate signature schemes with special properties,
such as forward-secure, proxy, etc.
The first multivariate ring signature scheme was
recently introduced by Mohamed and Petzoldt [16] in
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2Dung H. Duong, Willy Susilo and Ha Tran
which they instantiated with the Rainbow signature
scheme. In fact, there construction is quite generic
and can apply to any multivariate signature scheme.
Then together with Szepieniec, they also proposed the
first multivariate blind signature schemes [20]. Their
blind signature scheme utilized both Rainbow signature
scheme for generating a signature and the MQDSS
scheme [8] to prove the knowledge of the generated
signature. As a result, their scheme is very efficient
and produces a much shorter signatures compared to
the lattice construction of R¨uckert [23].
Our contribution. In this paper, by adopting ideas
from classical blind ring signatures [13, 28], we combine
the aforementioned multivariate blind [20] and ring [16]
signature schemes to create the first multivariate blind
ring signature scheme. It is in fact the first post-
quantum blind ring signature scheme in the literature.
We also apply the method of Petzoldt et al. [18] to
reduce the public key size of our scheme. As a result,
we can reduce up to more than 62% of the public key
size (see Table 1 for more details).
Our paper is organized as the following. We recall
definition of bling ring signatures with their security in
Section 2. In Section 3, we provide some basic notions
of MPKC and the construction of Rainbow as well as
MQDSS. Our construction is presented in Section 4
together with security analysis of the proposed scheme.
We give our choice of parameters and compute the
public key and signature sizes in Section 5. Finally,
Section 6 concludes our paper.
A blind ring signature scheme BRS consists of the
following algorithms.
Setup of system parameters: BRS.Setup is a prob-
abilistic algorithm which takes as input the secu-
rity parameter kand generates system parameters
which include a description of the signature space
and message space, hash function, etc.).
Key generation: BRS.KeyGen is a probabilistic algo-
rithm which takes as input the system parameters
and outputs a signing key pair (pki,ski) for a user
Blind ring signature generation: BRS.Sign is an
interactive two-party protocol which is initialized
by a client C. This client chooses a message M
and a ring U= (U1,· · · ,Un) of users, and engages
an interaction with some member Uπof the ring,
who can use his secret key skπas part of the input.
We denote by ICthe secret inputs that the client
Cuses, and as Trans the values that are obtained
by the signer. during this interaction. At the end,
the private output OCfor the client is a valid ring
signature σfor the message Mand the ring of users
Verification of a blind ring signature: Verify is a
deterministic algorithm which takes as input a
message M, a ring of users U= (U1,· · · ,Un), their
public keys (pk1,· · · ,pkn) and a signature σ. The
output is 1 if the signature is valid, and 0 otherwise.
A blind ring signature scheme must satisfy the
following four requirements.
Correctness means that a verifier always accepts as a
valid a signature that has been properly generated
by a honest client and a honest signer in the
corresponding ring of users.
Anonymity means that the client has no information
about which member of the ring has actually
participated in the interactive blind ring signature
Blindness means that the users in the ring obtain
no information about the message that they are
actually signing for the client.
Unforgeability means that a client is not able to
produce l+ 1 valid and different ring signatures
if he has queried for at most lexecutions of the
blind ring signature protocol.
Below we recall the formal definition of the last two
important properties
2.1. Blindness
Blindness of a blind ring signature scheme is defined by
a game between a challenger and an adversary. This
adversary Asimulates the dishonest behavior of a ring
of users who try to distinguish which of two different
message M0and M1is being signed in an interaction
of the signing protocol with a client. The game is as
Setup: the adversary Achooses a universe Uof users
and a security parameter k. The challenger runs
BRS.Setup with input k, as well as BRS.KeyGen
for each user UiU. The adversary is given all
resulting information including the public common
parameters, the public and the secret keys of all
users in the ring U.
Challenge: the adversary Achooses a user list U=
U1,· · · , Unand two different messages M0and M1.
The challenger chooses a random bit b∈ {0,1}
and initializes the interactive blind ring signature
protocol with message Mband ring Uas input. The
adversary Achooses some user UπUand plays
the role of the signer in the protocol (note that
Aknows the secret key of Uπ). At the end, the
adversary obtains Trans.
Guess: the adversary Afinally outputs its guess b0.
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A multivariate blind ring signature scheme 3
We say that the adversary Awins if b=b0. The
advantage of the adversary is defined by
BRS,A(k) = Pr[b=b0]1
A blind ring signature scheme satisfies the blindness
property if for any probabilistic polynomial-time (PPT)
adversary A, the function AdvBlindness
BRS,A(k) is negligible in
2.2. Unforgeability
Unforgeability for blind ring signatures is adapted from
the concept of universal one-more-unforgeability for
blind signatures [21] which was used for multivariate
blind signatures [20]. A forger Aagainst a blind ring
signature scheme is defined by means of the following
game played against a challenger:
Setup: the adversary Achooses a universe Uof users
and a security parameter k. The challenger runs
BRS.Setup with input k, as well as BRS.KeyGen for
each user Ui∈ U. It gives to Athe resulting
common public parameters and the public key pki,
and keeps secret keys ski.
Queries: the forger Amakes ldifferent signature
queries to the challenger. All these queries can
be made adaptively. Athen outputs a list L
of lmessage/signature pairs, which are valid and
pairwise distinct.
Forgery: the challenger outputs a message Mnot
contained in the list L. The adversary wins
the game, if he is able to generate a valid blind
signature σfor M.
A blind ring signature scheme satisfies the one-more-
unforgeability property if, for all PPT adversary A,
the success probability Pr[Awins] is negligible in the
security parameter.
3.1. Basic notions
Let Kbe a finite field. A multivariate quadratic
polynomial over Kis of the form f(x) = Pi,j aij xixj+
Pibixiwith x= (x1,· · · , xn) and aij , biK. The
public key of a multivariate scheme consists of a family
of multivariate quadratic polynomials Fover K. In
other words, F= (f1(x),· · · , fm(x)) where each fs(x)
is a multivariate quadratic polynomial over K,s
{1,· · · , m}. The function G(x, y) = F(x+y)− F (x)
F(y)− F(0) is called the polar form of F.
The MQ-Problem(F, v) is defined as follows: Given
vKm, find, if any, xKnsuch that F(x) = v.
The security of multivariate schemes is based on the
MQ-Problem which is proven to be NP-hard even for
quadratic polynomials over the field F2[11].
In order to build a multivariate public key cryptosys-
tem, one first constructs an easily invertible quadratic
map F:KnKm(the central map). To hide the
structure of Fin the public key, one composes it with
two invertible affine (or linear) maps T:KmKm
and S:KnKn. The public key is therefore given by
P=T ◦ F ◦ S :KnKm. The private key consists of
T,Fand S. In this paper we consider multivariate sig-
nature schemes. For these schemes, we require nm,
which ensures that every message has a signature.
Signature Generation: To generate a signature for a
message (or its hash value) mKm, one computes
recursively w=T1(m)Km,y=F1(w)Kn
and s=S1(y). Then sKnis the signature of
the message m. Here, F1(w) means finding one (of
possibly many) pre-image of wunder the central map
Signature Verification: To check the authenticity
of a signature sKn, the verifier simply computes
m0=P(s). If the result is equal to the message m, the
signature is accepted, otherwise rejected.
3.2. Rainbow signature scheme
Rainbow signature schemes [9] are multi-layer versions
of UOV [14]. For convenience we introduce two layered
Rainbow scheme (in design, there is no advantage
of using more than two layers). Let K=Fqbe
the finite field with qelements n=v1+o1+o2
with v1, o1, o2positive integers. Set m=o1+o2,
v2=o1+v1. The Rainbow central map F:Kn
Ko1+o2,(x1, . . . , xn)7→ (f1, . . . , fo1+o2) consists of m=
o1+o2following polynomials
f(1) =X
ij xixj+
ij xixj+
f(o1+1) =X
ij xixj+
ij xixj+
where the coefficients a(k)
ij , b(k)
ij , c(k)are in K. Choose
randomly two invertible affine maps S:KnKnand
T:Ko1+o2Ko1+o2. The public key is given by
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4Dung H. Duong, Willy Susilo and Ha Tran
P=T ◦ F ◦ S :KnKo1+o2, and the private key
consists of T,Fand S.
To sign a message m= (m1, . . . , mo1+o2)Ko1+o2,
we first compute y=T1(m)=(y1, . . . , yo1+o2) and
do the following.
(1) Choose a= (a1, . . . , av1)Kv1and plug into
the polynomials in the central map to obtain
f(1),..., ¯
(2) Solving the linear system ¯
f(i)=yiwith i=
1, . . . , o1yields solution (b1, . . . , bo1). If there is no
solution then come back to Step (1).
(3) Plug (b1, . . . , bo1) into ¯
f(o1+1),..., ¯
solve the linear system ¯
f(i)=yiwith i=o1+
1, . . . , o1+o2to get a solution (bo1+1, . . . , bo1+o2).
If there is no solution then come back to Step (1).
(4) Set x= (a1, . . . , av1, b1, . . . , bo1+o2). A signature is
computed by s:= S1(x).
A signature sis accepted if P(s) = m, otherwise it is
The public key of the scheme consists of mquadratic
equations in nvariables, and hence the public key has
m·(n+ 1)(n+ 2)
2·log2(q) bits.
3.3. The MQDSS signature scheme from the
MQ-based identification scheme
Another way to construct a digital signature scheme
is first to construct a secure identification scheme and
then transform it into a digital scheme by the Fiat-
Shamir’s transformation [12]. The first provably 3-
pass identification scheme was proposed by Sakumoto
et al. [24]. Its impersonation probability is 2
3. Hence,
in order to reach a suitable security level, the protocol
needs to repeat many rounds. They also proposed a
5-pass protocol with impersonation probability 1
for qbeing the cardinality of the associate finite field.
Thus, for suitable choice of q, the 5-pass protocol
repeats less rounds than the 3-pass one and hence
reduces the communication cost. The 5-pass protocol
was later utilized to design a very efficient signature
scheme MQDSS [8], which has just passed to the second
round of NIST standardization competition [2].
The 5-pass identification scheme by Sakumoto et
al. [24] uses a system Pof mmultivariate quadratic
polynomials in nvariables as a public parameter. The
prover chooses a random sFnas the secret key and
computes the public key vFmby v=P(s). In order
to prove his identity to a verifier, the prover performs
several rounds of the interactive protocol shown in
Figure 1. Note that here
G(x,y) = P(x+y)− P(x)− P(y) + P(0)
is the polar form of the system P. In our scheme, we use
a system Pwith zero constant terms, i.e., P(0) = 0. A
method for generating such a system can be found in [8].
The impersonation probability per round is 1
To decrease the impersonation probability below 2η,
one needs to perform r=dη
log2(1/2+1/2q)erounds of
the protocol. For identification scheme, one just needs
=30, but for signatures, we require ηto be at least
as large as the security level.
The MQDSS signature scheme [8] was obtained by
first developing a technique to transform (2n+ 1)-pass
identification schemes into signature schemes and then
applying to the 5-pass identification protocol above, to
obtain an EU-CMA secure signature scheme.
To generate a signature for a message M, the
signer produces a transcript of the above identification
protocol over rrounds. As a result, a signature is of
the form
σ= (c0,1,··· , c1,r,t1,1,e1,1,··· ,t1,r ,e1,r ,Rsp1,··· ,Rspr).
To check the validity of the signature, the verifier
parses the signature into its components and uses the
commitments to compute the challenges and checks the
correctness as in Figure 1; see [8] for more details.
4.1. Construction
In this Section, we propose our blind ring signature
scheme based on the blind signature scheme [20] and the
ring signature scheme [16]. The idea is as the following.
First, we blind the message as in [13]. Then we sign
the blinded message in the same manner with the ring
signature scheme [16] to obtain (z1,· · · ,zt,z) as below.
This is a ring signature of the blinded message, which
is finally signed in the same manner with the blind
signature scheme [20] to obtain a blind ring signature.
The details are as the following.
Setup of system parameters: Finite field Fq, inte-
gers m, n and rwith input security parameter k.
Here ris the number of rounds that the identifi-
cation scheme performs during the generation of a
Key generation: each user Uigenerates a key pair
(ski,pki) = ((Si,Fi,Ti),Pi) of the underlying
Rainbow signature scheme. A random system
qis generated by using a crypto-
graphically secure pseudo-random number gener-
ator (CSPRNG), R=CSPRNG(P1k · · · kPt,U).
Signature generation: The client who wants to
obtain a blind ring signature for a message M,
with respect to a ring U={U1,· · · ,Ut}of users,
proceeds as follows: choose a random zFm
computes w=R(z)Fm
q. Then he sends
w=H(M, U)wFm
together with the ring Uto the signer.
Some of these members, say Ui, where i
{1,· · · , t}, acts as follows:
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A multivariate blind ring signature scheme 5
FIGURE 1. The 5-pass MQ identification scheme of Sakumoto et al. [24]
Prover: P,v,s Verifier: P,v
Choose r0,t0Fn,e0Fm
c1=Com(r1,G(t0,r1) + e0)
ch ∈ {0,1}
If ch = 0,Rsp =r0
Else,Rsp =r1
If ch = 0,check :
=Com(r0, αr0t1, αP(r0)e1)
If ch = 1,check :
=Com(r1, α(v− P(r1)− G(t1,r1)e1)
1. For j∈ {1,· · · , t}.j6=i, choose random
vectors z1,· · · zi1,zi+1,ztFn
qand compute
2. Use his secret key skito compute a vector
qsuch that Pi(zi) = w.
3. Send to the client the tuple (z1,· · · ,zt).
The client first verifies if
H(M, U) =
Pi(zi) + R(z).
If so then he obtains a solution (z1,· · · ,zt,z) of
the system
P(x) =
Pi(xi) + R(y).
The client will not publish (z1,· · · ,zt,z) since it
will violate the blindness of the scheme. Instead,
we will prove his knowledge of the signature by
generating a MQDSS signature from Section 3.3 for
H(M, U). As the public parameter of the scheme
he hereby uses the system P(x) = Pt
i=1 Pi(xi) +
R(y), which is a system of mequations in e=
t·n+mvariables. Furthermore, G(x,y)is the
polar form of the system P, i.e., G(x,y) = P(x+
y)− P(x)− P(y) + P(0). In particular, the client
performs the following.
1. Compute C=H(PkH(M, U)) and D=
H(CkH(M , U)).
2. Choose random values for
r0,1,· · · ,r0,r ,t0,1,· · · ,t0,r Fe
q, and
e0,1,· · · ,e0,r Fm
q, set r1,i =
(z1k···kztkz)r0,i for i= 1,· · · , r
and compute the commitments
c0,i =Com(r0,i,t0,i ,e0,i)
c1,i =Com(r1,i,G(t0,i ,r1,i) + e0,i ) (i= 1,· · · , r ).
3. Derive the challenges α1,· · · , αrFqfrom
4. Compute t1,i =αi·r0,i t0,i Fe
e1,i =αi· P(r0,i)e0,i for i= 1,· · · , r. Set
Rsp1= (t1,1,e1,1,· · · ,t1,r ,e1,r ).
5. Derive the challenges (ch1,· · · , chr) from
6. Set Rsp2= (rch1,1,· · · ,rchr,r ).
7. Output the blind ring signature σfor the
message Mand the ring Uis given by
σ= (C,COM,Rsp1,Rsp2).
The length of the blind ring signature σis
|σ|=1 · |hash value|+ 2r· |Commitment|
+r·(2tn + 3m)Fqelements.
Verification: To verify the validity of the signature
σfor the message Mwith respect to the
ring U, the verifier first parses σinto its
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6Dung H. Duong, Willy Susilo and Ha Tran
components (C,COM,Rsp1,Rsp2) and computes
D=H(CkH(M , U)). Next, he derives
challenges αiFfrom (D,COM) and chifrom
(D,COM,Rsp1) for i= 1,· · · , r. Then he parses
COM into (c0,1, c1,1, c0,2, c1,2,· · · , c0,r , c1,2), Rsp1
into t1,e1,· · · ,tr,erand Rsp2into r1,· · · ,rrand
check whether
=Com(ri, αi·riti, αi· P(ri)ei)
=Com(ri, αi·(H(M, U)− P (ri)) − G(ti,ri)ei).
If all the tests are fulfilled then the signature σis
accepted. Otherwise it is rejected.
Theorem 1 (Correctness).If the signer of the ring
and the client follow the above blind ring signature
protocol then the output will be accepted with
probability 1.
Proof. One can easily see that after the first step,
the client gets a solution (z1,· · · ,zt,z) of P(x) =
i=1 Pi(xi) + R(y). In the second step, we simply use
the correctness of the MQDSS scheme [8] which shows
that an MQDSS signature produced by an honest signer
knowing a solution to the public system Pis accepted
with probability 1.
4.2. Reducing the signature length
We follow [20, Section 4.3] to reduce the length of the
blind ring signature σ. Instead of attaching all the
commitments c0,1, c1,1,· · · , c0,r , c1,r in the signature, we
just transmit COM =H(c0,1kc1,1k···kc0,r kc1,r) and
add (c1ch1,1,· · · , c1ch1,r ) to Rsp2. In the verification
process, the verifier recovers (cch1,1,· · · , cchr,r ) by (1)
and checks whether
=H(c0,1, c1,1,· · · , c0,r , c1,r ).
Hence the length of the signature σis reduced to
|σ|=2 · |hash value|+r·(2tn + 3m)Fqelements
+r· |Commitment|.
4.3. Security analysis
4.3.1. Anonymity
Since our blind ring signature scheme is constructed
based on the Rainbow ring signature scheme [16],
and hence ring signature property ensures that the
anonymity property of our scheme hold uncondition-
ally; that is to say that even if a client has unlimited
computational resources, he can not obtain any infor-
mation about which member has actually participated
in the interactive protocol to compute a blind ring sig-
4.3.2. Blindness
We now prove the blindness property of our scheme.
In order to show the blindness, it suffices to show
that the information Trans that the signer obtains from
an execution of the signing protocol, follows the same
probability distribution for any possible message. If it
is proved then in the challenge phase of the blindness
game, the adversary cannot obtain from Trans any
information about which message Mbis actually being
signed, and therefore its success probability is limited
to 1/2.
Theorem 2.Assume that the distribution of R(x)
for uniform zFm
qis computationally indistinguishable
from uniform, and assume that a perfectly hiding
commitment scheme is used. Then our blind
ring signature scheme provides blindness against any
computationally bounded adversary. In particular, for
any PPT adversary A, its advantage against our scheme
BRS,A(k) is negligible.
Proof. In our case, Trans consists of (U,˜
w,z1,· · · ,zt),
in which we recall that
w=H(M, U)w,
where w=R(z) with a random zFm
Since zis random, and hence wis computationally
indistinguishable to uniform, which implies that ˜
is computationally indistinguishable to uniform. For
the rest of values in Trans, either they are chosen by
the adversary or they depend on ˜
w. In any case,
their probability distribution does not depend on the
signed message M. The rest of the proof follows the
blindness property of the underlying multivariate blind
signature scheme; see proof of [20, Theorem 2] for more
4.3.3. Unforgeability
We are now going to prove that our scheme is one-more-
unforgeable in the random oracle model, and under
the assumption that the Rainbow signature scheme
is secure. We denote by qhthe number of queries
that an adversary Aagainst the unforgeability of our
scheme can make to the random oracle which models
the behaviour of the hash function H.
Theorem 3.Assume that finding a solution for
the equation Pt
i=1 Pi(xi) + R(y) = 0, where
each Piis a Rainbow public key, is hard, the
commitment function is computationally binding and
hiding. Then our blind ring signature scheme satisfies
the one-more-unforgeability property. That is for all
PPT adversaries A, there advantage in winning the
one-more-unforgeability game against our scheme is
Proof. Assume that there exists such a forger A. We
construct a solver Bto find a solution to the problem
of the form Pt
i=1 Pi(xi) + R(y) = 0.
First of all, Breceives the instance Pt
i=1 Pi(xi) +
R(y) = 0 to solve. In order to use Aas a sub-program,
Bwill simulate a challenger and the oracles (the hash
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A multivariate blind ring signature scheme 7
TABLE 1. Proposed parameters for our blind ring signature scheme over GF(31). Here the parameters stand for Rainbow
parameters (v1, o1, o2)
Security level (bit) # rounds 5 users 10 users 15 users
80 84
Parameters (16,20,19) (16,22,22) (16,24,25)
Public key size (standard) (kB) 192.7 515.3 1006.4
Public key size (reduced) (kB) 72.1 196.4 384.2
Signature size (kB) 35.2 69.8 109.7
100 105
Parameters (21,23,24) (21,25,25) (21,28,29)
Public key size (standard) (kB) 351.5 813.7 1673.2
Public key size (reduced) (kB) 127.9 297.3 619.6
Signature size (kB) 54.1 105.8 164.1
128 135
Parameters (25,29,29) (25,31,32) (25,34,34)
Public key size (standard) (kB) 641.1 1503.5 2820.4
Public key size (reduced) (kB) 237.5 512.0 1055.9
Signature size (kB) 85 164.1 251.5
oracle and the signing oracle) for A. He does as the
In the setup phase, let Ube a user set. For each
i= 1,· · · , t,Bsends Pito the user Ui∈ U. He
chooses a random sFm
qand sends R+sto A. In
addition, we also program an backdoored random oracle
H0(x, U) = Pt
i=1 Pi(Hi(x)) + R(Ht+1(x)) + sand gives
the access to A. Here H1,· · · ,Ht:{0,1}Fn
q,Ht+1 :
qare true random oracles. Whenever A
requests a signature for a message M∈ {0,1},B
answers with (z1,· · · ,zt,zt+1 ) with zi=Hi(M) for
i= 1,· · · , t + 1, which is valid from the point of view
of Asince Acan check through the access of H0.
When the queries are done, Bchooses a new message
M, programs H0(M,U) = sand sends to A. By
assumption Awins and produces a valid signature σ
for M. It follows from [8] that Bcan use Ato solve
the equation
Pi(xi) + R(y) + s=s
which means that Bcan find a solution of the instance
i=1 Pi(xi) + R(y) = 0. This completes the proof.
4.3.4. Direct attack
It remains in Theorem 3 to show that solving the system
i=1 Pi(xi) + R(y) = 0 of mquadratic equations in t·
n+mvariables is hard. This system is underdetermined
and there are several issues:
1. If t·n+m=ω·mthen a solution of the above
system can be found in the same time as finding
a solution of a determined system of m− bωc+ 1
equations [26].
2. If the number of variables t·n+mexceeds m(m+3)
then we can solve the above system in polynomial
time [15].
We will choose suitable parameters that make
impossible to solve efficiently the above system.
In this section, we give concrete parameters for our
blind ring signature scheme. We define our scheme over
Fq= GF(31), since the MQDSS [8] was constructed
over that field. The proposed parameter sets are
obtained to ensure the following.
1. Direct attack against the system Pt
i=1 Pi(xi) +
R(y) = 0 is infeasible. That means the parameters
should make two aforementioned methods to solve
the above underdetermined system infeasible.
2. Attacks against a single Rainbow scheme P(x) = w
is impossible. We will follow [19] for choosing
secure parameters for Rainbow schemes.
Petzoldt et al. [18] proposed a way to reduce the
public key size of a Rainbow signature scheme. The idea
is to divide the matrix corresponding to the coefficients
of public polynomials into several blocks and for two
main blocks, instead of using all entries in Fq, one just
needs a row vector for one block and generates other
entries in that block by rotating the vector; see [18]
for more details. With this method, for a Rainbow
scheme with parameter (v1, o1, o2), the new public key
is reduced to
m·(n+ 1) ·(n+ 2)
where D1=v1·(v1+1)
2+v1·o1and D2=v2·(v2+1)
It is mentioned in the multivariate ring signature [16]
that one can use the same two blocks for all users to
reduce further public key size. The choice of parameter
sets and corresponding key sizes are illustrated in
Table 1.
It follows from Table 1 that by using the method of
Petzoldt et al. [18], we can reduce the public key size of
our blind ring signature scheme up to more than 62%.
The Computer Journal, Vol. ??, No. ??, ????
8Dung H. Duong, Willy Susilo and Ha Tran
In this paper, we propose, for the first time, a
post-quantum blind ring signature scheme based on
multivariate polynomials. Our scheme is constructed
from Rainbow [9, 16] and MDQSS [8, 20] signature
schemes which are two candidates of the second round
in NIST Post-quantum Cryptography Standardization
Competition [2]. Our scheme is constructed over
GF(31) due to the construction of MQDSS. There
maybe possibilities to improve our scheme and base
it over prime field GF(2) or its extension, by utilizing
the improved 3-pass identification scheme [17] and the
construction of LUOV [4] together with its choice of
parameters [10], which we leave as a future work.
The first author is supported by the Start-Up Grant
2018-2019 from University of Wollongong. The second
author is supported by the Australian Research Council
Discovery Project DP180100665. The third author is
supported by the Seed grant (Grant ID: CIG-SEED-
1905-05) from Concordia University of Edmonton.
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The Computer Journal, Vol. ??, No. ??, ????
... The work on MPKC schemes started in the 1980s with Matsumoto and Imai proposing the first scheme [20] that utilized multivariate quadratic polynomials as a public key. Over the last few years, field of MPKC has witnessed a lot of growth [21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29]. Given the rapid development in this direction, analyzing the security of MPKC schemes is of considerable importance. ...
... Target security 5 users 10 users 20 users 50 users 80 bit Rainbow (16,17,16) Rainbow (15,20,19) Rainbow (14,26,25) Rainbow (13,56,54) 100 bit Rainbow (25,21,20) Rainbow (24,25,23) Rainbow (22,31,29) Rainbow (20,60,56) 128 bit Rainbow (36,23,21) Rainbow (34,26,24) Rainbow (32,33,30) Rainbow (30,64,59) an underdetermined system of 860 variables and 26 equations. Thus, the attack complexity is equal to ...
... Target security 5 users 10 users 20 users 50 users 80 bit Rainbow (16,17,16) Rainbow (15,20,19) Rainbow (14,26,25) Rainbow (13,56,54) 100 bit Rainbow (25,21,20) Rainbow (24,25,23) Rainbow (22,31,29) Rainbow (20,60,56) 128 bit Rainbow (36,23,21) Rainbow (34,26,24) Rainbow (32,33,30) Rainbow (30,64,59) an underdetermined system of 860 variables and 26 equations. Thus, the attack complexity is equal to ...
We prove both theoretically and experimentally that the scheme (Wang et al. [7], 2011) can be broken in polynomial time even for rings of small size.
... To satisfy the complete anonymity of blockchain transaction users' identity privacy, it is significant to establish a blind ring signature scheme suitable for complete anonymous blockchain transactions. In 2005, Chan et al. [10] first proposed a blind ring signature algorithm, and since then, numerous blind ring signature schemes have been designed [11][12][13]. ...
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Blockchain technology has been widely applied in numerous industries with its decentralization, verifiability, distributivity, and immutability. However, the identity privacy security of blockchain users is facing serious threats because of the openness of traditional blockchain transaction information. Moreover, numerous traditional cryptographic algorithms used by blockchain transaction networks are difficult to attack quantum computing. In this paper, we propose a new lattice-based blind ring signature scheme in allusion to completely anonymous blockchain transaction systems. There into, the blind ring signature can implement the complete anonymity of user identity privacy in blockchain transactions. Meanwhile, lattice cryptography can availably resist quantum computing attacks. Firstly, the proposed signature scheme has strong computational security based on the small integer solution (SIS) problem and a high sampling success rate by utilizing the techniques of rejection sampling from bimodal Gaussian distribution. Secondly, the proposed signature scheme can satisfy the correctness and security under the random oracle model, including anonymity, blindness, and one-more unforgeability. Thirdly, we construct a blockchain transaction system based on the proposed blind ring signature algorithm, which realizes the completely anonymous and antiquantum computing security of the blockchain users’ identity privacy. Finally, the performance evaluation results show that our proposed blind ring signature scheme has lower latency, smaller key size, and signature size than other similar schemes.
... Ring signature can be regarded as a special group signature [6,7]. Compared with group signature, all members in a ring signature are equal and have no administrator [8]. ...
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Ring signature is widely used in e-commerce and voting systems because of its excellent anonymity. Some schemes have quantum ring signatures that require the use of hard-to-prepare GHZ entangled states. In this paper, a quantum ring signature scheme without entanglement based on a single photon and one-way function is proposed. The legitimate user can use one-way function to encrypt information, and the results are controlled by Hadamard gate operation with a single photon to generate a quantum signature. The verifier performs the Hadamard gate inverse operation on the signature to restore the information and complete the verification. The entire scheme process is anonymously transmitted, which protects the identity of the signer. The scheme introduces arbitration participation verification instead of repeated verification by verifiers, which simplifies the steps of the scheme while ensuring the unforgeability of the signature, because no entangled state is used, the scheme can reduce the complexity and cost of implementation, at the same time, the scheme is secure.
... In 2000, Mohammed [8] and analyzed the safety of this scheme under the assumption of an elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem (ECDLP). In 2020, Duong et al. proposed a post-quantum blind ring signature scheme [9], which was constructed based on multivariate public key cryptography. In 2021, Huang et al. proposed an ECDSA-based partially blind signature scheme [10] compatible with the current bitcoin protocol. ...
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Blind signature is a special digital signature that allows the signer to sign a document without knowing its content. However, in many situations, multiple people need to blindly sign messages. At this time, the traditional blind signature can no longer satisfy the application requirements. To solve this problem, attribute-based cryptography has been combined with the blind signature. The concept of the attribute-based blind signature is generated. At present, all attribute-based blind signature schemes require the support of bilinear pairing technology, which involves several complex pairing and exponential operations in the signature and verification processes, and the computational efficiency is not high. In this paper, we present an attribute-based blind signature scheme based on elliptic curve cryptography (ECC), and the security of new scheme is proved under the intractability of elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem (ECDLP). Our scheme is a key policy attribute-based signature (KP-ABS). The new scheme uses linear secret sharing scheme (LSSS) matrix technology that does not require recursive operation to achieve more flexible and fine-grained access control. In addition, the scheme is based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) using scalar multiplication on an elliptic curve instead of a bilinear pairing operation. Our scheme has significant advantages in terms of computational efficiency and storage compared with existing attribute-based blind signature schemes.
... Second, we utilize a NIZK protocol to provide anonymity for the message. Unlike the blind signatures [17,18] which have similar property, no interaction is required during the signing and validation process of our scheme. e security analysis shows that our proposed scheme is provably secure under the random oracle model. ...
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Biometric encryption, especially based on fingerprint, plays an important role in privacy protection and identity authentication. In this paper, we construct a privacy-preserving linkable ring signature scheme. In our scheme, we utilize a fuzzy symmetric encryption scheme called symmetric keyring encryption (SKE) to hide the secret key and use non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) protocol to ensure that we do not leak any information about the message. Unlike the blind signature, we use NIZK protocol to cancel the interaction between the signer (the prover) and the verifier. The security proof shows that our scheme is secure under the random oracle model. Finally, we implement it on a personal computer and analyze the performance of the constructed scheme in practical terms. Based on the constructed scheme and demo, we give an anonymous cryptocurrency transaction model as well as mobile demonstration.
... Among all these quantum-resistant schemes, multivariatebased schemes are quite efficient and secured schemes that have a small size of signature in comparison to all other post-quantum techniques. Various multivariate signature schemes with additional functionalities, such as ring signature [9,10], verifiable ring signature [7], proxy signature [11], blind signature [1], blind ring signature [3], and many more have been already proposed. In 2011, Yang et al. [4] introduced a Multivariate linkable group signature scheme [4], which was specially designed for e-voting only. ...
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Omar, SatyamPadhye, SahadeoWe propose a linkable group signature scheme based on Multivariate public-key cryptography. The security of the proposed signature scheme is based on the MQ problem. The security measures of a linkable group signature scheme have been apparently discussed, and correctness, signer anonymity, group leader traceability, linkability and unforgeability properties have been proved for the proposed scheme. Finally, the comparison between the already existing group signature in MPKC and our proposed scheme have been shown.
Quantum signature has become a hot topic in the current research of digital signature schemes due to its unconditional security. As a special kind of digital signature, ring signatures are frequently employed in practical situations because of their superior anonymity. In this work, we propose a quantum ring signature scheme based on secret sharing that does not use entanglement states. To guarantee the complete security of the participants’ secret keys, the idea of secret sharing is incorporated into the quantum key distribution process during the key distribution stage. Each ring member contributes his private key share to the final verification formula through a recursive relationship throughout the signing and verification phases, and the verifier can utilize his private key share along with the user’s public key to confirm the ring members’ authenticity; The [Formula: see text]-AS2U hash function is used to encrypt the ring signer’s identity during the entire signature process, which assures the signer’s identity’s complete anonymity, effectively protects the signer’s privacy, and is more in line with practical requirements.
Multivariate Public Key Cryptosystem (MPKC) seems to be promising towards future digital security even in the presence of quantum adversaries. MPKCs derive their security from the difficulty of solving a random system of multivariate polynomial equations over a finite field, which is known to be an NP-hard problem. This article aims to present a comprehensive survey that covers multivariate public key encryption and signature schemes specifically targeting towards security, efficiency and parameter choice. The survey starts by giving an overview of the existing security challenges which include structural attacks such as MinRank attack, differential attack and finding Gr \(\ddot{\text{o}} \) bner basis for direct attack , etc. Additionally, it discusses the necessary algorithms for the implementation of the multivariate schemes. This study also compares the promising multivariate encryption and signature schemes. The critical open challenges that are reviewed in this survey will serve as a single comprehensive source of information on multivariate encryption and signature schemes and a ready reference for researchers working in this rising area of public key cryptography.
Today, with the advent of internet technology, we are looking for e-mechanisms such as e-voting, e-commerce, e-learning, etc., where electronic information are transferred between the entities via the public network. However, e-mechanisms require the support of integrity, authenticity and non-repudiability of the transmitted electronic information. The digital signature is a technique that allows users to attain these parameters during the transmission of information via the public channel. The existing number-theoretic assumption based digital signature schemes is vulnerable to quantum attacks due to the development in a quantum computer. Thus, there is a necessity of quantum computer resistant digital signature scheme, i.e., post-quantum digital signature. Multivariate Public Key Cryptography (MPKC) is one of the most promising candidates of post-quantum cryptography as the MPKC based constructions are computationally fast and need only modest computational resources. In the literature, there are few multivariate digital signature schemes based on Multivariate Quadratic (MQ) problem. However, the design of efficient constructions of digital signature schemes based on higher degree ( > 2) multivariate polynomials is still an open problem. Generally, the question relating to the multivariate polynomials of degree > 2 is expected to be equally or harder than the quadratic one. In this paper, we have designed a digital signature framework based on Multivariate Cubic (MC) problem to address the issue. The signature size in our scheme is less than all the existing MPKC based signature schemes under the same security assumptions.
Conference Paper
Most Multivariate Quadratic (MQ) signature schemes have a very large public key, which makes them unsuitable for many applications, despite attractive features such as speed and small signature sizes. In this paper we introduce a modification of the Unbalanced Oil and Vinegar (UOV) signature scheme that has public keys which are an order of magnitude smaller than other MQ signature schemes. The main idea is to choose UOV keys over the smallest field \(\mathbb {F}_2\) in order to achieve small keys, but to lift the keys to a large extension field, where solving the MQ problem is harder. The resulting Lifted UOV signature scheme is very competitive with other post-quantum signature schemes in terms of key sizes, signature sizes and speed.
Conference Paper
Multivariate Cryptography is one of the main candidates for creating post-quantum cryptosystems. Especially in the area of digital signatures, there exist many practical and secure multivariate schemes. However, there is a lack of more advanced schemes, such as schemes for oblivious transfer and signature schemes with special properties. While, in the last years, a number of multivariate ring signature schemes have been proposed, all of these have weaknesses in terms of security or efficiency. In this paper we propose a simple and efficient technique to extend arbitrary multivariate signature schemes to ring signature schemes and illustrate it using the example of Rainbow. The resulting scheme provides perfect anonymity for the signer (as member of a group), as well as shorter ring signatures than all previously proposed post-quantum ring signature schemes.
Conference Paper
This paper presents MQDSS, the first signature scheme with a security reduction based on the problem of solving a multivariate system of quadratic equations (\(\mathcal {MQ}\) problem). In order to construct this scheme we give a new security reduction for the Fiat-Shamir transform from a large class of 5-pass identification schemes and show that a previous attempt from the literature to obtain such a proof does not achieve the desired goal. We give concrete parameters for MQDSS and provide a detailed security analysis showing that the resulting instantiation MQDSS-31-64 achieves 128 bits of post-quantum security. Finally, we describe an optimized implementation of MQDSS-31-64 for recent Intel processors with full protection against timing attacks and report benchmarks of this implementation.
A digital computer is generally believed to be an efficient universal computing device; that is, it is believed able to simulate any physical computing device with an increase in computation time by at most a polynomial factor. This may not be true when quantum mechanics is taken into consideration. This paper considers factoring integers and finding discrete logarithms, two problems which are generally thought to be hard on a classical computer and which have been used as the basis of several proposed cryptosystems. Efficient randomized algorithms are given for these two problems on a hypothetical quantum computer. These algorithms take a number of steps polynomial in the input size, e.g., the number of digits of the integer to be factored.
The MQ problem, which consists of solving a system of multivariate quadratic polynomials over a finite field, has attracted the attention of researchers for the development of public-key cryptosystems because (1) it is NP-complete, (2) there is no known polynomial-time algorithm for its solution, even in the quantum computational model, and (3) it enables cryptographic primitives of practical interest. In 2011, Sakumoto, Shirai and Hiwatari presented two new zero-knowledge identification protocols based exclusively on the MQ problem. The 3-pass identification protocol of Sakumoto et al. has impersonation probability 2/3. In this paper, we propose an improvement that reduces the impersonation probability to 1/2. The result is a protocol that reduces the total computation time, the total communication needed and requires a smaller number of rounds for the same security level. We also present a new extension that achieves an additional communication reduction with the use of some smaller hash commitments, but maintaining the same security level.
It is well known that solving randomly chosen multivariate quadratic equations over a finite field (MQ-Problem) is NP-hard, and the security of multivariate public key cryptosystems (MPKCs) is based on the MQ-problem. However, this problem can be solved efficiently when the number of unknowns n is sufficiently greater than that of equations m (this is called “underdefined”). Indeed, the algorithm by Kipnis et al. (Eurocrypt’99) can solve the MQ-problem over a finite field of even characteristic in a polynomial-time of n when n≥m(m+1). Therefore, it is important to estimate the hardness of the MQ-problem to evaluate the security of multivariate public key cryptosystems. We propose an algorithm in this paper that can solve the MQ-problem in a polynomial-time of n when n≥m(m+3) 2, which has a wider applicable range than that by Kipnis et al. We will also compare our proposed algorithm with other known algorithms. Moreover, we implemented this algorithm with Magma and solved the MQ-problem of m=28 and n=504, and it takes 78.7 seconds on a common PC.
Conference Paper
Solving systems of m \(\mathcal M\)ultivariate \(\mathcal Q\)uadratic (\(\mathcal{MQ}\)) equations in n variables is one of the main challenges of algebraic cryptanalysis. Although the associated \(\mathcal{MQ}\)-problem is proven to be NP-complete, we know that it is solvable in polynomial time over fields of even characteristic if either m ≥ n(n − 1)/2 (overdetermined) or n ≥ m(m + 1) (underdetermined). It is widely believed that m = n has worst case complexity. Actually in the overdetermined case Gröbner Bases algorithms show a gradual decrease in complexity from m = n to m ≥ n(n − 1)/2 as more and more equations are available. For the underdetermined case no similar behavior was known. Up to now the best way to deal with the case m < n < m(m + 1) was to randomly guess variables until m = n. This article shows how to smartly use additional variables and thus obtain a gradual change of complexity over even characteristics also for the underdetermined case. Namely, we show how a linear change of variables can be used to reduce the overall complexity of solving a \(\mathcal{MQ}\)-system with m equations and n = ωm variables for some ω ∈ ℚ> 1 to the complexity of solving a \(\mathcal{MQ}\)-system with only \((m-\left\lfloor \omega\right\rfloor+1)\) equations and variables, respectively. Our algorithm can be seen as an extension of the previously known algorithm from Kipnis-Patarin-Goubin (extended version of Eurocrypt ’99) and improves an algorithm of Courtois et al. which eliminates \(\left\lfloor \mbox{log}_2\omega\right\rfloor\) variables. For small ω we also adapt our algorithm to fields of odd characteristic. We apply our result to break current instances of the Unbalanced Oil and Vinegar public key signature scheme that uses n = 3m and hence ω = 3.