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Linkage of cardiac left-right asymmetry and dorsal-anterior development in Xenopus


Abstract and Figures

The left-right body axis is defined relative to the dorsal-ventral and anterior-posterior body axes. Since left-right asymmetries are not randomly oriented with respect to dorsal-ventral and anterior-posterior spatial patterns, it is possible that a common mechanism determines all three axes in a coordinate manner. Two approaches were undertaken to determine whether alteration in dorsal-anterior development perturbs the left-right orientation of heart looping. Treatments known to decrease dorsal-anterior development in Xenopus laevis, UV irradiation during the first cell cycle or Xwnt-8 DNA injections into dorsal blastomeres, caused an increase in cardiac left-right reversals. The frequency of left-right reversal was correlated with the severity of dorsal-anterior perturbation and with the extent of anterior notochord regression. Injection of Xwnt-8 DNA into dorsal midline cells resulted in decreased dorsal-anterior development and a correlated increase in cardiac left-right reversals. In contrast, injection of Xwnt-8 DNA into cardiac progenitor blastomeres did not result in left-right reversals, and dorsal-anterior development and notochord formation were normal. Disrupting development of dorsal-anterior cells, including cells that give rise to the Organizer region and the notochord, results in the randomization of cardiac left-right asymmetry. These results suggest dorsal-anterior development and the regulation of left-right orientation are linked.
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The vertebrate body plan develops along three geometric axes:
anterior-posterior, dorsal-ventral, and left-right. Left-right
asymmetries are not random with respect to the dorsal-ventral
and anterior-posterior axes, suggesting that the mechanisms
determining all three body axes might be linked. In sea urchin
embryos, lineage tracing and cell separation experiments
indicate that left-right asymmetry is specified with respect to
and coincident with dorsal-ventral axis specification (McCain
and McClay, 1994). In vertebrates, the left-right axis is most
evident in the heart and viscera, and the orientation of left-right
cardiac asymmetry is highly conserved (Burggren, 1988).
Examples in humans and mice indicate that left-right axis
formation may be vital to the organism since congenital heart
defects and early death often accompany problems in left-right
organization (Brueckner et al., 1991; Casey et al., 1993;
Horwich and Brueckner, 1993; Yokoyama et al., 1993). Since
the left-right axis is geometrically defined with respect to the
other two axes, it might be developmentally influenced by
mechanisms determining anterior-posterior and dorsal-ventral
Most embryonic structures are symmetric across the midline
in early development, and only display left-right asymmetries
well after dorsal-ventral and anterior-posterior differences are
visible (reviewed by Brown and Wolpert, 1990). However,
left-right axial information is set up early in development, well
before its morphological expression is discernible (reviewed
by Yost, 1994). In Xenopus laevis the heart forms from two
primordia that move to the ventral midline during gastrula and
early neurula stages and fuse to form a symmetric cardiac tube.
The cardiac tube then loops, breaking symmetry and giving
rise to an S-shaped organ in the tadpole stages (Nieuwkoop and
Faber, 1967). The left-right orientation of the heart is
dependent upon the extracellular matrix lining the blastocoel
roof of early gastrulae and appears to be transmitted to the
cardiac and visceral primordia as they move across this matrix
to the ventral midline. Experimental perturbations of the matrix
during early gastrula stages by microsurgical wounding,
treatment with RGD peptides or heparinase, result in random
orientations of the heart and gut (Yost, 1992). During early
neurula stages, when the pre-cardiac mesoderm cells move
across the matrix to the ventral midline, proteoglycan synthesis
is necessary for looping of the cardiac tube, which occurs 1.5
days later in development (Yost, 1990). Thus, early events in
the embryo appear to establish the left-right embryonic axis
well before the cardiac tube is formed.
Results presented here indicate that orientation of cardiac
left-right asymmetry is coupled with dorsal-anterior develop-
ment. The dorsal-ventral and anterior-posterior embryonic
Development 121, 1467-1474 (1995)
Printed in Great Britain © The Company of Biologists Limited 1995
The left-right body axis is defined relative to the dorsal-
ventral and anterior-posterior body axes. Since left-right
asymmetries are not randomly oriented with respect to
dorsal-ventral and anterior-posterior spatial patterns, it is
possible that a common mechanism determines all three
axes in a coordinate manner. Two approaches were under-
taken to determine whether alteration in dorsal-anterior
development perturbs the left-right orientation of heart
looping. Treatments known to decrease dorsal-anterior
development in Xenopus laevis, UV irradiation during the
first cell cycle or Xwnt-8 DNA injections into dorsal blas-
tomeres, caused an increase in cardiac left-right reversals.
The frequency of left-right reversal was correlated with the
severity of dorsal-anterior perturbation and with the extent
of anterior notochord regression. Injection of Xwnt-8 DNA
into dorsal midline cells resulted in decreased dorsal-
anterior development and a correlated increase in cardiac
left-right reversals. In contrast, injection of Xwnt-8 DNA
into cardiac progenitor blastomeres did not result in left-
right reversals, and dorsal-anterior development and
notochord formation were normal. Disrupting develop-
ment of dorsal-anterior cells, including cells that give rise
to the Organizer region and the notochord, results in the
randomization of cardiac left-right asymmetry. These
results suggest dorsal-anterior development and the regu-
lation of left-right orientation are linked.
Key words: axis formation, left-right asymmetry, cardiac
development, situs inversus, Xenopus
Linkage of cardiac left-right asymmetry and dorsal-anterior development in
Maria C. Danos and H. Joseph Yost*
Department of Cell Biology and Neuroanatomy, 4-135 Jackson Hall, 321 Church Street SE, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis,
MN 55455, USA
*Author for correspondence (e-mail:
axes are established during gastrulation by signals from cells
at the dorsal midline (for reviews, Spemann, 1938; Slack et al.,
1992). During late gastrulation, the mesoderm cells on the
dorsal midline form the notochord. During neurulation, signals
from the notochord specify cell fates along the anterior-
posterior axis of the neural tube (Hemmati Brivanlou et al.,
1990) and the dorsal-ventral axis of both the neural tube (Hatta
et al., 1991; Krauss et al., 1993; Yamada et al., 1993; Roelink
et al., 1994) and the somites (Dietrich et al., 1993; Halpern et
al., 1993; Pourquié et al., 1993).
The results presented here suggest a novel role for dorsal-
anterior midline cells: determining the orientation of left-right
cardiac asymmetries during development. Perturbation of
dorsal-anterior development, leading to diminished anterior-
dorsal structures and loss of anterior notochord, causes
reversals in the orientation of cardiac left-right asymmetry.
Xenopus laevis pigmented females (Xenopus I, Ann Arbor, MI) were
induced to ovulate by injection into the dorsal lymph sac of 50 units
of pregnant mare’s serum gonadotropin (Sigma), followed by 800
units of human chorionic gonadotropin (Sigma) 24 hours later. Eggs
were stripped from the ovulating females and fertilized with a minced
testis suspension in one third strength modified Ringers containing 50
µg/ml gentimycin sulfate, subsequently denoted as R/3. The fertilized
eggs were dejellied in 2% cysteine, pH 8.0. All embryo incubations
and operations were done in R/3 unless otherwise noted. Embryos
were cultured at either 21°C or 15°C and were staged according to
Nieuwkoop and Faber (1967). Heart orientation was scored in anes-
thetized embryos. Embryos and tadpoles were fixed in MEMFA (0.1
M Mops, pH 7.4; 2 mM EGTA; 1 mM MgSO4; 3.7% formaldehyde)
for 2 hours and stored in methanol at 20°C for in situ hybridization
or immunohistochemistry. To photograph hearts, embryos were
stained with MF20 (gift from David Bader) (González-Sánchez and
Bader, 1984) according to the whole mount immunohistochemistry
protocol of Hemmati-Brivanlou and Harland (1989), and epidermis
was removed from the ventral trunk of the embryos.
UV irradiation
Fertilized eggs were dejellied and placed vegetal hemispheres down
on quartz slides in R/3 within 25 minutes of fertilization and irradi-
ated with a ultraviolet (UV) mineralite lamp at 254 nm for 15-30
seconds (Scharf and Gerhart, 1980). The embryos were not disturbed
until the first cleavage had occurred and were cultured until they were
ready for scoring of DAI and heart looping. Asymmetry of the gut
was not scored in these or any of the subsequent experiments since it
does not complete development in treated embryos. A description of
the DAI scale follows: DAI 5, normal in all external respects; DAI 4,
reduced forehead, eyes smaller and sometimes joined; DAI 3, eyes
fused or cyclopic, at least some retinal pigment visible; DAI 2, no
visible retinal pigment, at least one otic vesicle present (Scharf and
Gerhart, 1983; Kao and Elinson, 1988).
Embryo injections
Four-cell stage embryos were transferred into a solution of 5% ficoll
(Sigma) in R/3. Prospective dorsal blastomeres are smaller and
pigmented more lightly than their ventral counterparts at this stage
(Nieuwkoop and Faber, 1967), and can be readily distinguished. The
two dorsal blastomeres were each injected with 100 pg of CSKA-
X8myc (Xwnt-8) DNA plasmid, or as a control the CSKA-pTCAT
DNA construct, or water (Christian and Moon, 1993). For injections
into prospective heart blastomeres, 100 pg of DNA was injected into
each of the two lateral blastomeres on the third tier adjacent to the
dorsal midline (C2 blastomeres) in 32-cell stage embryos with regular
cleavage patterns. For midline cell injections, each of the two dorsal
midline blastomeres on the third tier (C1 blastomeres) in 32-cell stage
embryos were injected. For lineage labelling, 100 pg of CSKA-X8myc
DNA and 15 ng of rhodamine dextran (polyanionic, 70×103Mrfrom
Molecular Probes in Eugene, OR) were injected per blastomere. After
injections, the embryos were transferred to R/3 and incubated until
control embryos reached stages 42 to 45 for scoring heart orientation.
Whole-mount in situ hybridizations
RNA probes for collagen II, labelled with digoxigenin-rUTP
(Boehrigner Mannheim Biochemical), were synthesized from the
p7XK500 plasmid (Amaya et al., 1993). This plasmid was linearized
with XhoI and transcribed with T7 polymerase for the antisense probe
or linearized with KpnI and transcribed with Sp6 polymerase for the
sense control. RNA probe synthesis and whole-mount in situ hybrid-
ization were performed as described by Harland (1991), with the
exception of omitting the proteinase K step. Embryos were made
transparent in benzyl benzoate/benzyl alcohol (2:1) and pho-
UV irradiated embryos lack dorsal-anterior
structures and have disturbed left-right
To obtain embryos defective in dorsal-anterior structures, fer-
tilized eggs were briefly treated with UV radiation, and grown
to stages 42-45. Treatment of the vegetal pole of Xenopus
embryos with UV radiation during the first cell cycle blocks
formation of microtubule arrays in the embryo. This prevents
cortical rotation and embryos fail to develop dorsal-anterior
structures such as head, central nervous system, notochord, and
somites (reviewed by Gerhart et al., 1989). External defi-
ciencies in dorsal-anterior structure can be classified into a
dorsal-anterior index (DAI) (Kao and Elinson, 1988). A short
exposure time (15-30 seconds) to UV light resulted in a het-
erogeneous population of embryos ranging from DAI 5
(normal embryos) to DAI 0 (ventralized, radial embryos).
Embryos at DAI 2 or lower had either a severely diminished
heart or no discernible heart (319 of 322 embryos), so left-right
cardiac asymmetry was scored for embryos at DAI 3 or above.
Fig. 1 depicts the hearts and the external morphologies of
normal (DAI 5) and slightly dorsal-anterior reduced (DAI 4)
embryos obtained from UV treatment. In normal heart orien-
tation (Fig. 1A; DAI 5 embryo), the ventricle is on the
embryo’s left and the outflow tract on the embryo’s right; the
atrium is positioned dorsally and leads into the ventricle from
the embryo’s left side. In contrast, some embryos derived from
UV irradiation displayed reduced dorsal-anterior development
(compare Fig. 1D with 1C) and reversal of the cardiac left-right
orientation (Fig. 1B); the ventricle is on the embryo’s right, the
outflow tract is on the embryo’s left, and the atrium is located
dorsally and leads into the ventricle from the embryo’s right
Left-right reversals were correlated with UV-induced loss of
dorsal-anterior structures. Embryos that had lower DAIs
showed the highest frequencies of reversed hearts (Fig. 2).
Embryos with a DAI of 4 showed a 22% reversal frequency,
while a decrease in dorsal-anterior structures to DAI 3 resulted
M. C. Danos and H. J. Yost
1469Cardiac left-right development
in a 45% reversal frequency. The DAI 5 class served as an
internal control for this experiment; UV treated DAI 5 embryos
and untreated embryos (also DAI 5) both had basal frequen-
cies of cardiac reversals (3% and 1%, respectively). In an addi-
tional control group, embryos treated with UV irradiation late
in the first cell cycle, after the cortical rotation had occurred,
developed normal dorsal anterior structures (DAI 5) and
normally oriented cardiac left-right asymmetries (29 of 29).
Thus, there was a striking correlation between the frequency
of cardiac left-right reversals and the extent of dorsal-anterior
deficiencies due to perturbation of cortical rotation during the
first cell cycle.
Misexpression of
alters cardiac left-right
UV irradiation inhibits dorsal-anterior development by
blocking the cortical rotation that occurs during the first cell
cycle. We wanted to diminish dorsal-anterior development
using another method; one that occurs later in development
than UV treatment, that can be targeted to specific cell
lineages, and that probably has an effect through a different
mechanism. Xwnt-8 ectopic expression was utilized in these
experiments to assess the effects of diminished dorsal-anterior
structures on heart orientation. Xwnt-8 is a growth factor
inducible agent that is thought to be involved in signaling the
ventral-lateral mesoderm pattern in Xenopus (Christian et al.,
1991; Christian and Moon, 1993). Ectopic expression of Xwnt-
8in dorsal cells transcribed from an injected DNA plasmid
expression construct after the mid-blastula transition (post-
MBT), results in anterior defects and a deleted or aberrant
notochord (Christian and Moon, 1993). This data suggests that
misexpression of Xwnt-8 in cells of the ‘Organizer’ field,
during the time when endogenous Xwnt-8 is expressed in
ventral-lateral cells, blocks the normal differentiation of head
and notochord (Christian and Moon, 1993).
Embryos between the four-cell and 32-cell stages were
injected in the two bilateral dorsal blastomeres near the dorsal
midline at the pigmentation boundary with 100 pg of Xwnt-8
plasmid DNA (Fig. 3). This region is fated to contribute to
dorsal structures: notochord, central neural tissue and archen-
teron (Keller, 1975, 1976; Bauer et al., 1994). Control injec-
tions were performed using CSKA-pTCAT plasmid or water.
Embryos were grown to tadpole stages and scored for DAI and
Fig. 1. Embryos derived from UV treatment, shown at stage 45. (A) Ventral view of a normal heart in a DAI 5 embryo. (B) Ventral view of a
left-right reversed heart in a DAI 4 embryo. Ventricle (v), atrium (a) and conus or outflow tract (c) are indicated; hearts were stained with
MF20 antibody and epidermis was removed. (C,D) Lateral view of a DAI 5 embryo and a DAI 4 embryo for comparison of dorsal-anterior
development. Scale bars, 0.1 mm (A and B); 1.0 mm (C and D).
Fig. 2. The frequency of cardiac left-right reversal is correlated to the
extent of dorsal-anterior deficiencies. The percentage of cardiac
reversals was scored for each DAI from UV-treated embryos (white
bars) and embryos in which Xwnt-8 was injected into dorsal cells
(grey bars). The number of embryos scored in each category are
shown beneath its abscissa.
heart looping. As was seen with the UV irradiation, the extent
of diminished dorsal-anterior structures correlated with higher
frequencies of reversals. DAI 5 embryos had a basal frequency
of heart reversals (Fig. 2). In embryos with diminished dorsal-
anterior structures, scored as DAI 4 or 3, the heart reversal fre-
quencies were 24% and 45% respectively (Fig. 2).
Two different treatments, one during the first cell-cycle and
the other post-MBT, resulted in an inverse correlation between
the frequency of cardiac reversals and the extent of dorsal-
anterior development. In embryos for which the dorsal-ventral
and anterior-posterior axes were severely disrupted (DAI 3
embryos), left-right orientation was stochastically determined.
The 45% heart reversal frequency for DAI 3 embryos, from
either UV treatments or Xwnt-8 injections, was statistically
identical to the predicted frequency of randomized left-right
asymmetries (50%, P>0.25 by χ-square analysis). In these
embryos, left-right asymmetry was generated but the
mechanism that orients the left-right asymmetry with respect
to remnants of the other axes was lost.
Xwnt-8 ectopic expression in dorsal midline cells,
but not heart precursor cells, causes cardiac
Xwnt-8, as a member of the Wnt family, is thought to be a
secreted protein (Christian et al., 1991). One possible expla-
nation of heart reversals was that the Xwnt-8 expressed from
the injected plasmids was present within or secreted to the
heart precursor cells and directly altered their development. To
assess this possibility, the blastomeres in the thirty-two-cell
stage embryo that are fated to contribute to heart (Keller, 1975,
1976; Bauer et al., 1994) were injected with Xwnt-8 expression
plasmid or with water or CSKA-pTCAT plasmid as controls
(Fig. 3, blastomeres C2). To confirm that these injections
targeted the heart precursor cells, rhodamine dextran lineage
label was mixed with the DNA and injected into C2 blas-
tomeres. In accordance with the fate maps, injection of C2
blastomeres resulted in lineage labelled hearts (10 of 14
embryos), somites, lateral mesoderm, and endoderm. These
results indicated that C2 injections were into cells that con-
tributed to heart or surrounding tissue. Xwnt-8 ectopic
expression in or near heart precursor blastomeres (C2, Fig. 3)
did not result in heart reversals or in dorsal-anterior defects
(Table 1). In contrast, injection of Xwnt-8 expression plasmid
into C1 blastomeres (Fig. 3) at the dorsal midline in 32-cell
stage embryos resulted in lower DAIs and a corresponding
increase in heart reversals (Table 1). These results indicate that
ectopic expression of Xwnt-8 specifically in dorsal midline
cells, which normally give rise to part of the Organizer region
and notochord, results in altered dorsal-anterior development
and a corresponding loss of left-right orientation in the heart.
Embryos with lower DAIs lack anterior notochord
The above results suggest that dorsal midline cells, which are
fated to contribute to part of the Organizer and to notochord,
are involved in the developmental regulation of cardiac left-
right orientation. To assess the extent of notochord develop-
ment in axial-deficient embryos, in situ hybridization was
performed using a collagen II mRNA probe that stains the
notochord (Su et al., 1991; Amaya et al., 1993). Embryos
(stages 34-38), from the UV treatment and Xwnt-8 injections
described above, were fixed and in situ hybridizations were
performed (Harland, 1991). Notochords were present in DAI
4 embryos derived from both treatments (Fig. 4C,D). This is
in contrast to a report that notochords were not detected by
scanning electron microscopy of younger embryos (stages 22-
24) that had received mild UV treatment, including embryos
with very little loss of dorsal-anterior structure (DAI 4; Youn
and Malacinski, 1981). In the present study, both UV treatment
and Xwnt-8 injections during early development gave rise to
embryos that had specific deficiencies in notochord develop-
ment. Notochords in DAI 4 embryos did not extend as far ante-
riorly as in DAI 5 embryos (Fig. 4C,D and A,B). Notochords
in DAI 3 embryos from either treatment were more severely
regressed, ventrally displaced and lacked the vacuoles seen in
normal embryos (Fig. 4E,F and A,B).
The deficiency in notochord development was correlated
with a decrease in DAI as assessed by a ratio of notochord
length to body length. Embryos from both UV treatment and
M. C. Danos and H. J. Yost
C2 C1
Fig. 3. Drawing of 32-cell stage embryo to show injection locations,
labelled using the nomenclature of Nakamura and Kishiyama (1971).
The C2 blastomeres are fate mapped to give rise to precursor heart
cells. The stippling shows the region that will give rise to the
notochord (Keller, 1975, 1976; Bauer et al., 1994). Injections done at
this stage were either into C1 blastomeres to target the notochord and
other axial structures (see text), or into C2 blastomeres to target the
Table 1. Xwnt-8 injections into the dorsal midline but not
the heart progenitor cells at the 32-cell stage cause higher
incidence of heart reversals and lower DAI scores
Injection site n% Reversal Average DAI
Dorsal midline (C1) - Xwnt-8 110 16 3.8
Dorsal midline (C1) - Control 130 2 4.9
Heart progenitor (C2) - Xwnt-8 122 5 4.8
Heart progenitor (C2) - Control 108 7 5
Uninjected 151 2.6 5
Fig. 4. Notochord deficiencies in dorsal-anterior deficient embryos
(stages 33-38) were detected by in situ hybridizations with the
collagen II probe. Embryos treated with UV during the first cell
cycle, scored as DAI 5 (A), DAI 4 (C), and DAI 3 (E), stained with
the antisense probe. Embryos dorsally injected with Xwnt-8, scored
as DAI 5 (B), DAI 4 (D), or DAI 3 (F), stained with the antisense
probe. Arrows mark the anterior extent of the notochords. As
hybridization controls, DAI 5 (G) and DAI 3 (H) embryos (obtained
from Xwnt-8 injections) were stained with the sense probe. Scale bar,
1.0 mm.
1471Cardiac left-right development
Xwnt-8 injections were stained with the collagen II probe,
sorted by DAI, and photographed. Measurements of body
length and notochord length were made, respectively, from the
anterior extent of the head and the notochord to the blastopore,
on embryos between stages 34 and 38. The ratio of notochord
length to body length was calculated per embryo for each DAI
and treatment. The two different treatments had similar effects
on the extent of anterior notochord regression (Fig. 5); decrease
in DAI was correlated with regression of anterior notochord.
Both an increase in the frequencies of left-right reversals
(Fig. 2) and progressive loss of anterior notochord (Fig. 5) were
correlated with a decrease in DAI. Therefore, loss of notochord
was correlated with loss of normal left-right orientation.
Linkage of left-right and dorsal-anterior
In order to co-ordinate the formation of the embryo as it
develops along three geometric axes, at some point in devel-
opment the mechanisms that establish asymmetries along one
axis must interact with the mechanisms that establish asym-
metries along the perpendicular axes. Most studies of embryo
development focus on one axis. Experimental results described
here demonstrate that there is linkage between left-right devel-
opment and dorsal-anterior development in vertebrates.
There is a striking correlation between experimentally
diminished dorsal-anterior development, as scored on the DAI
scale, and increased frequencies of cardiac left-right reversal.
Embryos with reduced dorsal-anterior development (lower
DAIs) were obtained either by perturbation of the cytoplasmic
rotation in the first cell cycle that establishes the dorsal-anterior
axes or by ectopic expression of Xwnt-8 in the dorsal regions
of the embryo after the mid-blastula transition. Although these
two treatments were applied at different stages and presumably
act through different mechanisms, the effects on both dorsal-
anterior and left-right development were the same. Dorsal-
anterior development occurs along a continuum from normal
(DAI 5) to the absence of all dorsal-anterior asymmetry (DAI
0). Development of left-right asymmetries is apparently dis-
continuous; it requires both a mechanism by which asymmetry
is generated and a mechanism that regulates the orientation of
asymmetry along the left-right geometric axis. Dorsal-anterior
development is linked with the latter: in DAI 3 embryos, partial
reduction of dorsal-anterior development results in loss of the
mechanism that regulates the orientation of left-right asymme-
tries, resulting in stochastically oriented left-right structures,
but the mechanism by which left-right asymmetries are
generated is retained.
The roles of dorsal midline cells in left-right
The misexpression of Xwnt-8 can be regionally specified by
injection of selected cells. Ectopic expression of Xwnt-8 in
dorsal-most blastomeres (C1 blastomeres, Fig. 3) resulted in
anterior-dorsal defects (decreased DAI), regression of anterior
notochord, and loss of cardiac left-right orientation. In contrast,
injections into heart progenitor cells (C2 blastomeres, Fig. 3)
did not alter anterior-dorsal development and did not cause
cardiac reversal. These results indicate that loss of left-right
orientation is not due to a direct influence of Xwnt-8 in devel-
oping heart cells, but is correlated with perturbed anterior-
dorsal development and defective notochord development. By
fate-mapping, the dorsal-most (C1) blastomeres have been
shown to give rise to subblastoporal endoderm, bottle cells and
dorsal blastoporal lip (Organizer region) at the gastrula stage.
In the neurula stages, the progeny of C1 blastomeres are inter-
digitated throughout the notochord, head mesoderm and
archenteron (Keller, 1975, 1976; Bauer et al., 1994). The
progeny of the dorsal midline cells could regulate cardiac left-
right development as Organizer cells during gastrulation or as
notochord during neurulation, although it should be noted that
less-well-characterized dorsal midline cells might be involved
in left-right cardiac development.
An effect that is common to UV treatment during the first
cell cycle and Xwnt-8 misexpression in post-MBT dorsal
midline cells is deficient anterior notochord development (Figs
3 and 4). Although the present results indicate that there is a
correlation between defective notochord development and loss
of cardiac left-right orientation, it cannot be concluded that
notochord directly regulates left-right development. The most
likely explanation for progressive loss of anterior notochord,
caused by either UV treatment or Xwnt-8 ectopic expression,
is that the amount of Organizer activity is diminished. Embryo
recombinant experiments show a correlation between the
amount of Organizer and the extent of dorsal-anterior devel-
opment, as assessed by DAI (Stewart and Gerhart, 1990). It is
possible that the Organizer directly regulates left-right devel-
opment during gastrulation. Then, diminished notochord and
loss of left-right orientation would be independent conse-
quences of diminished Organizer activity. The Organizer
interacts with dorsolateral mesoderm to allow it to develop
heart-forming potency (Sater and Jacobson, 1990); perhaps it
also interacts with pre-cardiac mesoderm to specify left-right
orientation. If decreased DAI reflects decreased Organizer
activity (Stewart and Gerhart, 1990), the threshold of
Organizer activities required to make a normal-sized heart
(DAI 3 and above) must be lower than that required to con-
sistently establish cardiac left-right orientation (DAI 5). Alter-
natively, Organizer activity could indirectly establish cardiac
left-right asymmetry by working through intermediary tissues.
For example, planar signals from the Organizer are transmit-
ted through the ectoderm to establish the anterior-posterior axis
of the neural plate (for reviews, Doniach, 1992; Ruiz i Altaba
and Jessell, 1993). The extracellular matrix of the ectoderm is
necessary for normal left-right development (Yost, 1992).
Perhaps the Organizer transmits planar signals through the
ectoderm to establish left-right asymmetries, which are then
transmitted to the cardiac mesoderm by way of the ectodermal
extracellular matrix. UV-treated embryos that have no
M. C. Danos and H. J. Yost
Fig. 5. Decrease in anterior notochord development is correlated
with dorsal-anterior deficiencies. The amount of notochord for each
DAI from UV-treated embryos (white bars) and embryos in which
Xwnt-8 was injected into dorsal cells (grey bars) was measured. The
ratio of notochord length to body length was calculated for each
embryo (10-14 embryos in each category) and normalized by
dividing this ratio by the mean ratio in untreated embryos (83±1,
from measurements of 10 untreated embryos).
1473Cardiac left-right development
Organizer activity (DAI 0) (Stewart and Gerhart, 1990) appear
to form normal ectodermal extracellular matrix, at least as
assayed by fibronectin immunohistochemistry (Yost, 1992).
However, other aspects of ectodermal matrix might be
regulated by planar signals from the Organizer to regulate left-
right development of the heart.
The notochord is derived from the Organizer, and has
inductive properties for establishing the floor plate and orga-
nizing dorsal-ventral polarity of neural structures in chick
(Placzek et al., 1990; Yamada et al., 1991, 1993). By analogy,
the notochord might inductively signal left-right asymmetry to
the cardiac cells. Alternatively, the elongation and stiffening
of the notochord in neurula stages (Keller et al., 1989; Adams
et al., 1990) mechanically stretches the embryo along the
anterior-posterior axis. Embryo shape changes may be
necessary for orientation of left-right asymmetries, perhaps by
aligning the extracellular matrix that is necessary for normal
cardiac left-right asymmetry (Yost, 1992).
In Xenopus mid-neurulae stage embryos, extirpations of
dorsal-anterior tissue, including but not exclusive to the
notochord, result in randomization of cardiac asymmetry (Danos
and Yost, unpublished data), suggesting that the orientation of
left-right cardiac asymmetry can be perturbed after the
Organizer activity is diminished. In order to distinquish between
the roles of the Organizer and subsequent roles of dorsal midline
cells in regulating left-right development, it is important to
identify the developmental periods during which left-right ori-
entation is dependent on dorsal midline cells. The activities of
notochord and other dorsal-anterior tissues in left-right orienta-
tion are currently being explored in explant and in vitro systems.
Vertebrates are not bilaterally symmetric; the left side differs
from the right, and the orientation of left-right asymmetries is
highly conserved in vertebrates. The present results indicate
that the developmental regulation of left-right orientation in
Xenopus is linked to the developmental regulation of the other
axes. The mechanism of linkage between the embryonic axes
is not yet elucidated, but the linkage is dependent upon normal
development of dorsal midline cells.
We are grateful to M. L. Condic and A. L. Teel for comments on
the manuscript, and to them and members of our laboratory for
insights and encouragement throughout the course of this study. We
thank E. Amaya and J. L. Christian for DNA clones, and D. Bader
for monoclonal supernatants. This work was supported by a grant-in-
aid from the American Heart Association.
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(Accepted 6 February 1995)
M. C. Danos and H. J. Yost
... Interestingly, mutants of the ntl locus form a floor plate (Halpern et al., 1993), suggesting that not all of the notochord signaling activities are disrupted by the mutation. In addition to its role in patterning the CNS and somites, the notochord may also serve to specify other tissues such as sympathoadrenal progenitors (Stern et al., 1991), the left-right asymmetry of the heart tube (Danos and Yost, 1995), and the differentiation of certain gut derivatives (Wiertz-Hoessels et al., 1987). There is evidence that specification of the floor plate and patterning of the somite are both mediated at least in part by Sonic hedgehog (shh) (Fan et al., 1995;Fan and Tessier-Lavigne, 1994;117 Development 123, 117-128 Printed in Great Britain © The Company of Biologists Limited 1996 DEV3340 The notochord is critical for the normal development of vertebrate embryos. ...
... There is also some indication of relevant interactions between the notochord and the developing gut (Wiertz-Hoessels et al., 1987). Additionally, the notochord has been implicated in the patterning of left-right asymmetry of the heart tube (Danos and Yost, 1995). It will be important for us to examine in detail the specification of all somitic derivatives, of sympathetic ganglia, gut and other tissues in addition to the neurectoderm. ...
The notochord is critical for the normal development of vertebrate embryos. It serves both as the major skeletal element of the embryo and as a signaling source for the establishment of pattern within the neurectoderm, the paraxial mesoderm and other tissues. In a large-scale systematic screen of mutations affecting embryogenesis in zebrafish we identified 65 mutations that fall into 29 complementation groups, each leading to a defect in the formation and/or maintenance of the notochord. These mutations produce phenotypic abnormalities at numerous stages of notochord development, thereby establishing a phenotypic pathway, which in turn suggests a genetic pathway for the development of the notochord. Perturbations within adjacent tissues in mutant embryos further indicate the importance of notochord-derived signals for patterning within the embryo and suggest that these mutations will yield additional insight into the cues that regulate these patterning processes.
... Work in several vertebrates has shown that left-right asymmetry is dependent on the midline, in particular the notochord. Extirpation of the axial midline during open neural plate stages, reduction of the dorsoanterior development of the midline or bilateral expression of nodal in the lateral plate mesoderm lead to cardiac reversals (Danos and Yost, 1995;Danos and Yost, 1996;Lohr et al., 1997). Furthermore, conjoined embryos ...
Mutant alleles of sneezy were identified during the first Tubingen and Boston large-scale systematic screens for recessive-zygotic mutations affecting embryogenesis in zebrafish. It affects differentiation of the notochord, pigmentation, fin formation and leads to widespread degeneration of the embryo in the mid hatching period at about 60 hpf. Using a positional cloning approach, I have identified coatomer subunit α (copa) as the gene mutated in sneezy. The coatomer complex, together with the small GTPase ARF1, constitutes the protein coat of COPI vesicles, an essential component of the early secretory pathway. In zebrafish, copa is expressed maternally and during the first 24 hpf shows ubiquitous zygotic expression. This maternal wild-type component is responsible for absence of defects prior to ±24 hpf By tissue transplantation, I show that α-COP function is required within the shield derivatives for normal notochord differentiation. In addition, we find that α-COP activity is required within the neural tube for normal melanophore development. At 24 hpf sneezy mutant embryos display an abnormal maintenance of early chordamesoderm marker gene expression. This correlates with a failure of the chordamesoderm to differentiate into notochord. EM studies of notochord cells in sneezy mutants and wild-type siblings show that the early secretory pathway is blocked in sneezy. This results in disruption of formation or maintenance of the perinotochordal basal lamina. This general block in transport, which may affect the elaboration of integral membrane receptors, leads to a failure in notochord differentiation and subsequent apoptosis. In addition, abnormally high levels of apoptosis occur in the floorplate and posterior dorsal neural tube. Apoptosis in the posterior dorsal neural tube correlates with the lack of pigmentation, in the posterior trunk of mutant embryos. At more anterior levels, where melanophores may survive, the failure to become pigmented probably arises from a failure of the Golgi apparatus, which normally generates the melanosomes.
... As Initial studies in organisms such as Xenopus indicated the importance of the midline in L-R axis maintenance. It was observed that if development of midline tissues was affected such that there was a decrease in dorsoanterior character of the midline, then there was an associated increase in the likelihood of randomisation in heart looping (Danos and Yost, 1995). Following this observation it was noted that microsurgical ablation of presumptive midline tissues, including the notochordal plate and ventral neural tube, at the open neural tube stage in Xenopus caused both randomisations in the direction of heart and gut looping and the induction of Xnr-1 {nodal) expression in the right lateral plate mesoderm (Danos and Yost, 1996;Lohr et al., 1997). ...
The aim of this project was to identify genes that have roles in establishing the body axes of the mouse embryo. We have carried out a screen for genes expressed in early embryonic signalling centres such as the anterior visceral endoderm and the node and its derivatives. A total of 82 single clones, which were obtained from an early mouse Endoderm cDNA library, were analysed by whole-mount in situ hybridisation on wildtype embryos from 6.5-9.5 days post-coitum. Four clones were isolated that are restricted to the tissues containing signalling centres implicated in body axis formation. From this group one clone, identified as mD2LIC, was selected for more detailed analysis based on its expression in the organiser. mD2LIC is predicted to encode a 351 amino acid protein, which contains a nucleotide binding domain and a number of phosphorylation sites. To study the role of mD2LIC in embryogenesis I have generated a mD2LIC null mutation in mouse. The mutation results in a recessive embryonic lethal phenotype in which mD2LIC-/- embryos are not detected after 11.5 dpc. Defects are first observed in the cells of the ventral node at 7.5 dpc, which have an altered shape and lack monocilia. Later defects include randomisation of the left-right axis and loss of dorsoventral patterning in the neural tube consistent with a midline defect. In addition -/- mutants also exhibit anterior truncations and display turning and ventral closure defects consistent with defective endoderm. To study the function of the gene further and to assess evolutionary conservation, I have cloned the chick, Xenopus and zebrafish homologs and have examined their expression. Furthermore, I have injected mD2LIC mRNA in X.laevis embryos, which results in an increase in gastrulation failure. In addition, attempts have been made to raise an anti-mD2LIC antibody and study the structure of the protein.
... Increased disturbance in Xenopus dorsal-anterior development experimentally, has been shown to correlate with increased numbers of heart reversals (Danos and Yost, 1995), and recently, the notochord has been implicated in left-right axis development; in the Zebrafish notochord-defective mutants, no tail and floating head, a randomization of heart situs is seen; as well as disruption in the dorso-ventral development of the heart (Danos and Yost, 1996). The notochord is also suggested to have a role in establishing the dorso-ventral axis of the central nervous system; ectopic explantation of notochords induce the expression of ventral markers in the CNS (Placzek et al., 1991). ...
Drosophila snail, a gene encoding a zinc-finger protein, is essential for the correct specification of ventral cell types, the future mesodermal cells, of the Drosophila embryo. This gene is also implicated in the maintenance of wing development later in Drosophila embryogenesis. This work characterises the expression pattern and attempts to elucidate the functions of a chick gene related to Drosophila snail (cSnR). The gene is first expressed briefly throughout the presumptive neurectoderm just before it forms the neural plate at the full length streak stage. At head fold stages this ectodermal expression is replaced by expression in the heart forming mesoderm. On the formation of two or three somites, cSnR expression becomes markedly asymmetrical in the lateral plate mesoderm; on the right hand side of the embryo only, it is expressed in regions containing material that will migrate into the heart. This asymmetry continues until approximately twelve somites have formed. Expression is also found in the lateral edges of the somites on their formation, followed shortly by expression throughout the whole ventral region of the somite. After regionalisation of the somite, transcripts are found in the myotome and sclerotome, but are absent from the dermatome. Expression of cSnR is also found in the gut endoderm, a subset of neural crest derivatives, and the limb mesenchyme from the time of limb bud initiation. I have used phosphorothioated antisense oligodeoxynucleotide treatment to disrupt cSnR function. Consistent with the asymmetrical nature of the expression pattern of this gene, treatment during the hours immediately preceding heart formation leads to randomisation of heart handedness and the associated embryo torsion. Laterally implanted ectopic sources of Hedgehog and activin proteins, known to cause heart situs randomisation, also result in altered expression of cSnR in the lateral plate mesoderm. The results provide evidence that cSnR also has a role in left-right asymmetry, reading and acting on left-right information rather than initiating the information itself. The antisense oligonucleotide interference also leads to abnormal segmentation. Somites are another region of cSnR expression, suggesting that cSnR also plays an important role in segmentation. Implanting ectopic sources of bFGF into the flank regions of chick embryos in vivo, a procedure known to lead to ectopic limb formation, leads to very early induction of cSnR, implicating cSnR at an early point in limb specification.
... In the dog, neural tube closure starts around day 16 of gestation and is complete by around day 18 (97,98). The neural tube is surrounded dorsally by ectoderm, dorsolaterally by paraxial mesoderm and neural crest cells and ventrally by the notochord (99,100). Failure of neural tube closure causes neural tube defects including craniorachischisis (failure of the initiation of closure), exencephaly (the embryonic precursor of anencephaly, failure of cranial closure) and spina bifida (failure of caudal closure). ...
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Chiari-like Malformation (CM) and secondary syringomyelia (SM), as well as their analogous human conditions, is a complex developmental condition associated with pain and accompanying welfare concerns. CM/SM is diagnosed ever more frequently, thanks in part to the increased availability of magnetic resonance imaging in veterinary medicine. Research over the last two decades has focused primarily on its pathophysiology relating to overcrowding of the cranial caudal fossa. More recent characterizations of CM/SM include brachycephaly with osseous reduction and neural parenchymal displacement involving the entire brain and craniocervical junction to include rostral flattening, olfactory bulb rotation, increased height of the cranium, reduced cranial base with spheno-occipital synchondrosis angulation, reduced supraoccipital and interparietal crest and rostral displacement of the axis and atlas with increased odontoid angulation. The most shared manifestation of CM is the development of fluid-filled pockets (syrinx, syringes) in the spinal cord that can be readily quantified. Dogs with symptomatic CM without SM have a reduced basioccipital bone, compensatory increased cranial fossa height with displaced parenchyma whereby the cerebellum is invaginated beneath the occipital lobes but without compromising cerebrospinal fluid channels enough to cause SM. Thus, broadly defined, CM might be described as any distortion of the skull and craniocervical junction which compromises the neural parenchyma and cerebrospinal fluid circulation causing pain and/or SM. The etiology of CM is multifactorial, potentially including genetically-influenced, breed-specific abnormalities in both skeletal and neural components. Since causation between specific morphologic changes and SM or clinical signs is unproven, CM might be more appropriately considered as a brachycephalic obstructive CSF channel syndrome (BOCCS) rather than a single malformation. Understanding the normal development of the brain, skull and craniocervical junction is fundamental to identifying deviations which predispose to CM/SM. Here we review its anatomical, embryological, bio-mechanical, and genetic underpinnings to update the profession's understanding of this condition and meaningfully inform future research to diminish its welfare impact.
... Interestingly, the disruption of normal dorsal-anterior development, resulting in a reduction of anterior structures and loss of anterior notochord, results in abnormal heart left-right asymmetry. 64 During embryogenesis, Shh signaling helps to establish the dorsoventral axis, and patterns the midline, including the central nervous system and notochord. 65 Thus, to examine if the aberrant heart phenotypes observed in our experiments were due to a global mispatterning of the anterior, dorsal-midline, we examined the expression of Shh at several times during heart development. ...
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Hyperpolarization-activated cyclic-nucleotide gated channel (HCN) proteins are important regulators of both neuronal and cardiac excitability. Among the 4 HCN isoforms, HCN4 is known as a pacemaker channel, because it helps control the periodicity of contractions in vertebrate hearts. Although the physiological role of HCN4 channel has been studied in adult mammalian hearts, an earlier role during embryogenesis has not been clearly established. Here, we probe the embryonic roles of HCN4 channels, providing the first characterization of the expression profile of any of the HCN isoforms during Xenopus laevis development and investigate the consequences of altering HCN4 function on embryonic pattern formation. We demonstrate that both overexpression of HCN4 and injection of dominant-negative HCN4 mRNA during early embryogenesis results in improper expression of key patterning genes and severely malformed hearts. Our results suggest that HCN4 serves to coordinate morphogenetic control factors that provide positional information during heart morphogenesis in Xenopus.
... The original picture of the LR cascade made use of a midline barrier which separated distinct left-and right-sided programmes of repression and induction [201]. This was subsequently revised by the finding that the L and R sides needed to communicate long range via gap junctionmediated physiological signals for proper expression of early asymmetric genes [166,202], but the importance of establishing a robust midline was clear [203][204][205][206][207]; indeed, the LR axis cannot be oriented without a midline that sets the axis of symmetry. While some animals are thought to establish the midline later than others, and the LR axis is often viewed as being defined after and with respect to the AP and DV axes, cleavage patterns and the prevalence of strictly bilateral gynandropmorphs resulting from very early cleavage events reveal that from insects to man [208][209][210], separating the L and R sides is one of the first things most embryos do [211]. ...
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Consistent left–right (LR) asymmetry is a fundamental aspect of the bodyplan across phyla, and errors of laterality form an important class of human birth defects. Its molecular underpinning was first discovered as a sequential pathway of left- and right-sided gene expression that controlled positioning of the heart and visceral organs. Recent data have revised this picture in two important ways. First, the physical origin of chirality has been identified; cytoskeletal dynamics underlie the asymmetry of single-cell behaviour and patterning of the LR axis. Second, the pathway is not linear: early disruptions that alter the normal sidedness of upstream asymmetric genes do not necessarily induce defects in the laterality of the downstream genes or in organ situs . Thus, the LR pathway is a unique example of two fascinating aspects of biology: the interplay of physics and genetics in establishing large-scale anatomy, and regulative (shape-homeostatic) pathways that correct molecular and anatomical errors over time. Here, we review aspects of asymmetry from its intracellular, cytoplasmic origins to the recently uncovered ability of the LR control circuitry to achieve correct gene expression and morphology despite reversals of key ‘determinant’ genes. We provide novel functional data, in Xenopus laevis , on conserved elements of the cytoskeleton that drive asymmetry, and comparatively analyse it together with previously published results in the field. Our new observations and meta-analysis demonstrate that despite aberrant expression of upstream regulatory genes, embryos can progressively normalize transcriptional cascades and anatomical outcomes. LR patterning can thus serve as a paradigm of how subcellular physics and gene expression cooperate to achieve developmental robustness of a body axis. This article is part of the themed issue ‘Provocative questions in left–right asymmetry’.
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Correct intestinal morphogenesis depends on the early embryonic process of gut rotation, an evolutionarily conserved program in which a straight gut tube elongates and forms into its first loops. However, the gut tube requires guidance to loop in a reproducible manner. The dorsal mesentery (DM) connects the gut tube to the body and directs the lengthening gut into stereotypical loops via left-right (LR) asymmetric cellular and extracellular behavior. The LR asymmetry of the DM also governs blood and lymphatic vessel formation for the digestive tract, which is essential for prenatal organ development and postnatal vital functions including nutrient absorption. Although the genetic LR asymmetry of the DM has been extensively studied, a divider between the left and right DM has yet to be identified. Setting up LR asymmetry for the entire body requires a Lefty1+ midline barrier to separate the two sides of the embryo—without it, embryos have lethal or congenital LR patterning defects. Individual organs including the brain, heart, and gut also have LR asymmetry, and while the consequences of left and right signals mixing are severe or even lethal, organ-specific mechanisms for separating these signals are not well understood. Here, we uncover a midline structure composed of a transient double basement membrane, which separates the left and right halves of the embryonic chick DM during the establishment of intestinal and vascular asymmetries. Unlike other basement membranes of the DM, the midline is resistant to disruption by intercalation of Netrin4 (Ntn4). We propose that this atypical midline forms the boundary between left and right sides and functions as a barrier necessary to establish and protect organ asymmetry.
All vertebrate species show bilateral asymmetry about the midline. Orientation of the heart and viscera is nonrandom or handed and this handed asymmetry is conserved between species. Defects of lateralization include complete situs inversus and heterotaxia in which individual organ situs is discordant. Heterotaxia is almost always associated with complex heart defects. In man the aetiology of most defects of lateralization is unknown but familial cases provide evidence for a genetic component. Study of animal models shows that determination of left right asymmetry is a complex process under the control of many different genes. A series of 68 patients with laterality disturbance ascertained through Paediatric Cardiology Centres is described. The majority of patients had right or left isomerism sequence. There were 43 sporadic cases, 12 familial cases and 13 cases with consanguineous parents. In an attempt to localise a gene for heterotaxia, a homozygosity mapping study was undertaken using 11 patients of Pakistani origin and their consanguineous parents. A whole genome screen with average marker spacing of 14cM was performed. No regions were found to be homozygous by descent (HBD) in all 11 probands. All potential regions of shared HBD in 6 or more affected individuals were excluded by genotyping intervening markers. It is likely that this approach was unsuccessful because heterotaxia is genetically heterogeneous even within this genetically isolated population. Further linkage studies should be confined to single inbred pedigrees. Mutations in the gene for the gap junction protein , connexin 43, have been reported in patients with isomerism sequence. Direct sequencing of the carboxy terminal of connexin 43 in 50 patients did not reveal any changes from the published consensus sequence. The role of this gene in establishing left right asymmetry remains to be proved.
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Recapitulation of developmental signals represents a promising strategy for treating intervertebral disc degeneration. During development, embryonic notochord-derived cells (NDCs) are the direct progenitors of cells that populate the adult nucleus pulposus (NP) and are an important source of secreted signaling molecules. The objective of this study was to define global gene expression profiles of NDCs at key stages of embryonic disc formation. NDCs were isolated from Shh-cre;ROSA:YFP mice at embryonic day 12.5 and postnatal day 0, representing opposite ends of the notochord to NP transformation. Differences in global mRNA abundance across this developmental window were established using RNA-Seq. Protein expression of selected molecules was confirmed using immunohistochemistry. Principal component analysis revealed clustering of gene expression at each developmental stage with more than 5000 genes significantly differentially expressed between E12.5 and P0. There was significantly lower mRNA abundance of sonic hedgehog pathway elements at P0 vs E12.5, while abundance of elements of the transforming growth factor-beta and insulin-like growth factors pathways, and extracellular matrix components including collagen 6 and aggrecan, were significantly higher at P0. This study represents the first transcriptome-wide analysis of embryonic NDCs. Results suggest signaling and biosynthesis of NDCs change dramatically as a function of developmental stage.
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Although much is known about the specification and determination of the two primary axes (animal/vegetal and dorsoventral or oral/aboral) in a number of embryos, little is understood about bilaterality. In the sea urchin, left/right asymmetry is crucial to normal development as the echinus or adult rudiment is positioned on the left side of the larva. We examined the establishment of bilateral asymmetry in Lytechnis variegatus embryos by determining the relationship of the first cleavage planes to the left/right axis. Embryos were bisected at different times to determine when the bilateral axis is committed. These lineage tracing and cell separation experiments demonstrated that the first cleavage plane divides the embryo into left and right halves, although this is conditional until after late blastula stage. The relationship between the specification of the dorsoventral axis and the bilateral axis was examined experimentally. In other species when the dorsal and ventral halves of early echinoderm embryos (preblastula) are separated, the dorsal half often reverses (180°) its dorsoventral axis. We asked whether those larvae with an inverted dorsoventral axis would shift the position of the echinus rudiment from the original left side to the new left side. If so, it would demonstrate that the larval asymmetry is dependent upon specification of the dorsoventral axis. Using a combination of lineage tracing and cell separation techniques, we show that the left/right asymmetry is specified with respect to the dorsoventral axis.
We have examined the tissue interactions responsible for the expression of heart-forming potency during gastrulation. By comparing the specification of different regions of the marginal zone, we show that heart-forming potency is expressed only in explants containing both the dorsal lip of the blastopore and deep mesoderm between 30 degrees and 45 degrees lateral to the dorsal midline. Embryos from which both of these 30 degrees-45 degrees dorsolateral regions have been removed undergo heart formation in two thirds of cases, as long as the dorsal lip is left intact. If the dorsal lip is removed along with the 30 degrees-45 degrees regions, heart formation does not occur. These results indicate that the dorsolateral deep mesoderm must interact with the dorsal lip in order to express heart-forming potency. Transplantation of the dorsal lip into the ventral marginal zone of host embryos results in the formation of a secondary axis; in over half of cases, this secondary axis includes a heart derived from the host mesoderm. These findings suggest that the establishment of heart mesoderm is initiated by a dorsalizing signal from the dorsal lip of the blastopore.
Vertebrates exhibit a characteristic pattern of asymmetrical positioning of the visceral organs along the left-right axis. A remarkable developmental step establishes this pattern—primitive organs migrate from symmetrical midline positions of origin into lateral positions. The first organ to pursue such movement is the cardiac tube, which forms a rightward ‘D’ loop; other organs follow concordantly. The signals and mechanisms directing such organ migration can be studied by analysis of heritable defects of humans and mice. In general, these defects behave as loss-of-function mutations that lead to random determination of visceral situs: for an affected embryo there is an equal chance of correct situs or situs inversus. Distinct phenotypes and patterns of inheritance of these defects suggest that at least three genes are involved in left-right determination, apparently members of a developmental pathway. These genes should be amenable to molecular analysis. We are studying a recessive allele of the mouse called inversus viscerum (iv). Using linkage analysis with cloned restriction fragment length polymorphism markers, we have genetically mapped the iv gene to the distal portion of mouse chromosome 12. We are now pursuing isolation of the gene using methods of positional cloning. Analysis of the iv gene product and of its site and timing of expression may offer clues to how left-right lateralization occurs.
The pattern of type II collagen expression during Xenopus laevis embryogenesis has been established after isolating specific cDNA and genomic clones. Evidence is presented suggesting that in X. laevis there are two transcriptionally active copies of the type II procollagen gene. Both genes are activated at the beginning of neurula stage and steady-state mRNA levels progressively increase thereafter. Initially, the transcripts are localized to notochord, somites, and the dorsal region of the lateral plate mesoderm. At later stages of development and parallel to increased mRNA accumulation, collagen expression becomes progressively more confined to chondrogenic regions of the tadpole. During the early period of mRNA accumulation, there is also a transient pattern of expression in localized sites that will later not undergo chondrogenesis, such as the floor plate in the ventral neural tube. At later times and coincident with the appearance of chondrogenic tissues in the developing embryo, expression of the procollagen genes is characterized by the production of an additional, alternatively spliced transcript. The alternatively spliced sequences encode the cysteine-rich globular domain in the NH2-propeptide of the type II procollagen chain. Immunohistochemical analyses with a type II collagen monoclonal antibody documented the deposition of the protein in the extracellular matrix of the developing embryo. Type II collagen expression is therefore temporally regulated by tissue-specific transcription and splicing factors directing the synthesis of distinct molecular forms of the precursor protein in the developing Xenopus embryo.
The disposition of prospective areas and the course of morphogenetic movements during gastrulation and neurulation were investigated by vital staining. The prospective lining of the archenteron, the prospective neural area, and the prospective epidermal area are represented on the surface of the early gastrula. The prospective lining of the archenteron occupies the area within 65–70° of the vegetal pole and is divided into prospective archenteron roof and prospective archenteron floor by the blastopore pigment line which functions as the locus of invagination. A crescent-shaped neural area lies immediately above the prospective archenteron roof, rising from it at 125° lateral to the dorsal midline to a point 130° above the vegetal pole in the dorsal midline. In the early gastrula, most, if not all, mesoderm is deep to the surface layer and is mapped by the insertion of dyed agar spikes. Results thus far indicate that the prospective notochord lies in the dorsal deep marginal zone, followed laterally by the medial region of the somites, the lateral region of the somites, and the lateral plate.The morphogenetic significance of the comparative disposition of the anlagen in Xenopus is discussed.
The prospective areas in the deep layer of the early gastrula were mapped and their morphogenetic movements during gastrulation and neurulation were followed by vital dye marking of cells. It was found that the deep layer of the early gastrula consists of prospective mesoderm and prospective neural and epidermal ectoderm. At Stage 10+ the prospective mesoderm lies deep to the suprablastoporal endoderm in the form of a thick collar which has already begun involution in the dorsal sector. The prospective notochord is located middorsally and is followed laterally, in turn, by prospective somite and lateral mesoderm. Prospective anterior mesoderm involutes first, followed in succession by prospective mesoderm of more posterior regions. The relative movements of the neural and epidermal ectoderm and the underlying mesodermal mantle during neurulation were mapped by simultaneous marking of both layers. These movements show the highly coordinated nature of the thickening of somite mesoderm and folding of the neural plate. Strong dorsal convergence and ventral divergence occur in both the prospective mesoderm and ectoderm. In the ectoderm, dorsal convergence of cells results in anteroposterior extension; however, such dorsal movement in the mesoderm is absorbed in the thickening of the somite region. The extension of the dorsal mesoderm is brought about during neurulation by addition of cells posteriorly from the uninvoluted circumblastoporal mesoderm. The significance of the location and movements of the mesoderm in Xenopus laevis is discussed.