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The effect of helminth infection on vaccine responses in humans and animal models: A systematic review and meta‐analysis

  • Medical Research Council / Uganda Virus Research Institute and London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine


Vaccination has potential to eliminate infectious diseases. However, parasitic infections such as helminths may hinder vaccines from providing optimal protection. We reviewed existing literature on the effects of helminth infections and their treatment on vaccine responses in humans and animals. We searched literature until 31 January 2022 in Medline, EMBASE, Global health, Scopus, and Web of science; search terms included WHO licensed vaccines and human helminth types. Standardised mean differences (SMD) in vaccine responses between helminth infected and uninfected or anthelminthic treated and untreated individuals were obtained from each study with suitable data for meta‐analysis, and combined using a random effects model. Analysis was stratified by whether helminth exposure was direct or prenatal and by vaccine type. This study is registered with PROSPERO (CRD42019123074). Of the 4402 articles identified, 37 were included in the review of human studies and 24 for animal experiments. For human studies, regardless of vaccine type, overall SMD for helminth uninfected/treated, compared to infected/untreated, was 0.56 (95% CI 0.04, 1.07 and I2=93.5%) for direct helminth exposure and 0.01 (95% CI ‐0.04, 0.07 and I2=85.9%) for prenatal helminth exposure. Effects of anthelminthic treatment were inconsistent, with no overall benefit shown. Results differed by vaccine type, with responses to live vaccines most affected by helminth exposure. For animal studies, the most affected vaccine was BCG. This result indicates that helminth‐associated impairment of vaccine responses is more severe for direct, than for prenatal, helminth exposure. Further research is needed to ascertain whether deworming of individuals before vaccination may help improve responses.
The effect of helminth infection on vaccine responses
in humans and animal models: A systematic review
and meta-analysis
Agnes Natukunda
| Ludoviko Zirimenya
| Jacent Nassuuna
Gyaviira Nkurunungi
| Stephen Cose
| Alison M. Elliott
| Emily L. Webb
Immunomodulation and Vaccines Programme,
MRC/UVRI and LSHTM Uganda Research
Unit, Entebbe, Uganda
MRC International Statistics and
Epidemiology Group, Department of Infectious
Disease Epidemiology, London School of
Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK
Department of Infection Biology, London
School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine,
London, UK
Department of Clinical Research, London
School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine,
London, UK
Agnes Natukunda, Immunomodulation and
Vaccines Programme, MRC/UVRI and LSHTM
Uganda Research Unit, Entebbe, Uganda.
Funding information
Medical Research Council, Grant/Award
Number: MR/R02118X/1
Vaccination has potential to eliminate infectious diseases. However, parasitic
infections such as helminths may hinder vaccines from providing optimal protection.
We reviewed existing literature on the effects of helminth infections and their treat-
ment on vaccine responses in humans and animals. We searched literature until
31 January 2022 in Medline, EMBASE, Global health, Scopus, and Web of science;
search terms included WHO licensed vaccines and human helminth types. Standard-
ized mean differences (SMD) in vaccine responses between helminth infected and
uninfected or anthelminthic treated and untreated individuals were obtained from
each study with suitable data for meta-analysis, and combined using a random effects
model. Analysis was stratified by whether helminth exposure was direct or prenatal
and by vaccine type. This study is registered with PROSPERO (CRD42019123074).
Of the 4402 articles identified, 37 were included in the review of human studies and
24 for animal experiments. For human studies, regardless of vaccine type, overall
SMD for helminth uninfected/treated, compared to infected/untreated, was 0.56
(95% CI 0.041.07 and I
=93.5%) for direct helminth exposure and 0.01 (95% CI
0.04 to 0.07 and I
=85.9%) for prenatal helminth exposure. Effects of anthel-
minthic treatment were inconsistent, with no overall benefit shown. Results differed
by vaccine type, with responses to live vaccines most affected by helminth exposure.
For animal studies, the most affected vaccine was BCG. This result indicates that
helminth-associated impairment of vaccine responses is more severe for direct, than
for prenatal, helminth exposure. Further research is needed to ascertain whether
deworming of individuals before vaccination may help improve responses.
helminths, immunity, meta-analysis, systematic review, vaccines
Received: 1 April 2022 Revised: 20 May 2022 Accepted: 14 June 2022
DOI: 10.1111/pim.12939
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
© 2022 The Authors. Parasite Immunology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Parasite Immunol. 2022;e12939. 1of10
Prevention of diseases through vaccination continues to be a major
global health focus and the recent SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has further
brought this to international public attention. The World Health Orga-
nization (WHO) estimated that in 2019, global immunization coverage
for diseases such as polio, measles and diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis
had surpassed 70%.
Although global vaccine coverage is on the rise
including in low- and middle-income countries, efficacy and immuno-
genicity of some vaccines varies greatly by population and geographic
location, with impaired responses reported in low-versus high-income
and rural versus urban settings.
These settings are characterized by
high exposure to infections, including parasites such as helminths and
Exposure to parasitic infections has been proposed to play
a role in modulating vaccine immune responses.
Immunomodulation by helminths has been tested for several vac-
cines in both humans
and animal models.
Many of these stud-
ies have reported that vaccine-specific immune responses may be
impaired due to the presence of these infections prior to vaccination.
However, some studies have reported improved tetanus, HPV and
polio immune responses in individuals exposed to helminths or malaria
indicating that the effect of these infections on
immune responses may vary by vaccine type and individual. There-
fore, understanding the effect of helminths on how humans and ani-
mals respond to vaccines is an important topic that may have global
health policy implications.
The effect of helminth infections on immunization responses has
been previously reviewed.
The most recent review combined data
from both human studies and animal experiments for all vaccine types
and concluded that immune responses to vaccines were negatively
affected by presence of parasiticinfections, defined to include hel-
minths, protozoa, bacteria and viruses. Interpretation of these com-
bined results is challenging, since humans may respond differently to
parasite exposure than animals, and animal experiments are a more
controlled environment. Furthermore, effects may differ depending
on the vaccine type. The review highlighted the significance of
chronic, rather than acute helminth infections, and evidence of a
greater effect on T-cell dependent vaccines. Elsewhere it is proposed
that parasitic infections may be more likely to affect responses to live,
than inert, vaccines
; responses to orally administered vaccines may
also be easily modulated compared to parenterally administered vac-
Why some vaccine responses are more affected than others
is not fully known, however, helminths may, for example, trigger
innate immune response profiles that change how the immune system
responds to live vaccines.
The previous review did not examine the effect of prenatal expo-
sure to parasiticinfections on vaccine responses.
We cannot fully
assess the effects of exposure to helminths without assessing effects
of prenatal helminth exposure since a significant number of vaccina-
tions happen between birth and 1 year of age when children are less
likely to be individually exposed to helminths. Therefore, reviewing
existing evidence on the effect of prenatal exposure to helminths on
vaccine responses is important.
The objective of this work was to search, review and summarize
existing literature on the effect of helminth infections and/or their
treatment on vaccine responses in human and animal models sepa-
rately, assess whether the direction of modulation is vaccine-specific
and assess the effects of both direct helminth exposure and in utero
helminth exposure. The purpose of this work was to inform public
health policy and identify potential interventions that could improve
vaccine effectiveness.
2.1 |Search strategy and selection criteria
The review and meta-analysis were conducted and reported according
to PRISMA guidelines.
Literature searches were conducted up to
31 January 2022 in Medline, EMBASE, Global health, Scopus and
Web of Science with no start date limit. The search terms targeted
articles reporting the effect of helminths or their treatment on vaccine
responses and included all human helminth species and WHO-
licensed vaccines (Appendix 1 in Supporting Information). All retrieved
articles from the database searches were exported to Mendeley soft-
ware for further management. We further searched bibliographies to
identify articles that were not captured during the database search.
In the first stage, titles and abstracts of retrieved articles were
screened for potential inclusion by two reviewers (AN and LZ) for
human studies and two reviewers (GN and JN) for animal studies. The
second stage involved reviewing full texts of articles deemed relevant
in stage one with the same pairs of reviewers. In both stages, articles
were independently reviewed for inclusion by each of the two
reviewers; in case of disagreement a third reviewer (EW) was involved
to discuss discrepancies and reach consensus. Studies were included
in the qualitative and quantitative review if they compared immune
responses to a vaccine between helminth infected and uninfected
groups or between anthelminthic treated and untreated groups; and if
helminth status of study participants was laboratory diagnosed before
vaccination and an immunological outcome measured thereafter.
Studies were included in the quantitative synthesis if data suitable for
a meta-analysis were reported in the article or made available upon
contacting the author. Articles were excluded if the status of helminth
infection was not determined or was determined after vaccination
had occurred, or if there was no comparative control group or if they
described case series. The review included both intervention and
observational studies. The review protocol is registered at www.crd., CRD42019123074.
2.2 |Data analysis
Data from relevant articles were extracted from text, tables and fig-
ures (using web plot digitizer version 4.4
) into a Microsoft Excel data
extraction tool we designed specifically for this purpose. For articles
where data extraction failed, authors were contacted to provide the
relevant data. Data extracted included study and participant charac-
teristics, vaccines and helminth species, and immunological outcomes.
Duplicate articles missed during the automated deduplication process
in Mendeley software were identified and excluded at this stage.
We used the Effective Public Health Practice Project tool
to assess quality of individual human studies. With this
tool, studies were rated as strong, moderate or weak based on an
eight-component checklist. The SYRCLE
risk of bias tool was used
for animal experiments where studies were rated as having low, high
or unclear risk of bias on 10 components. Details of the items scored
are in Appendices 2 and 3 in Supporting Information.
The primary outcome for our review was immune response to
vaccines. For relevant articles, we extracted a narrative summary of
main findings which included all immune parameters reported on in
the articles. For the purpose of quantitative synthesis, mean (SD),
median (IQR) and geometric mean (95% CI) were extracted separately
by helminth infection or treatment status. Summary measures other
than mean (SD) were converted to mean (SD) on the log
Where studies reported on multiple immune parameters for the same
vaccine, we chose the parameter that is thought to be the best corre-
late of protection for that vaccine. When the outcome of interest was
reported at multiple time points, a weighted average across time
points was obtained as a single measure for that study.
Since studies reported several vaccine-specific immune responses
and on different units and scales, standardized mean differences
(SMD) between helminth infection and/or treatment groups with 95%
confidence intervals were calculated for each study using Hedges' g.
We hypothesised that in addition to the sampling variability that
exists within studies, the effect of helminths on vaccine responses
would be likely to vary from study to study, therefore, study specific
SMDs were averaged into an overall effect size and 95% confidence
interval using a random effects model with restricted maximum likeli-
hood estimation, to account for between study variability. The hel-
minth infected/anthelminthic untreated group was used as the
reference category, therefore an SMD of >0 represents higher
response in the uninfected versus infected, or in the treated versus
untreated group. I
statistic was used to quantify the amount of het-
erogeneity among study-specific SMDs. It ranges between 0% to
100%, with 0% indicating no heterogeneity between study specific
Analysis was conducted separately by whether the study
reported the effect of direct or prenatal exposure to helminth infec-
tion. For direct helminth exposure, individuals are considered to be
directly infected with helminths; prenatal exposure is where the sub-
ject is exposed to helminths in utero. Subgroup analyses by vaccine
type (separately for direct versus prenatal helminth exposure) were
conducted to estimate vaccine-specific SMDs. As a secondary analy-
sis, we present data comparing vaccine responses among helminth
uninfected versus infected, and anthelminthic treated versus
untreated individuals to evaluate whether the direction of effects of
being helminth uninfected and receiving anthelminthic treatment
were consistent. Further, sensitivity analysis was done by excluding
studies that had extremely small or large effect sizes and/or very small
sample sizes. Publication bias was assessed using funnel plots with
Egger's test being used to test for funnel plot symmetry. Analysis was
done using Stata meta-analysis suite metain Stata version 16.
3.1 |Human studies
Article eligibility screening results and reasons for exclusion are pre-
sented in Figure 1. The search identified 2184 unique articles. Of
these, 37 (19 from randomized controlled trials) were included in the
qualitative review of human studies. Data suitable for meta-analysis
for human studies was available for 27 articles reporting data from
23 studies. Of these, 13 articles evaluated the effect of direct hel-
minth exposure/treatment on vaccine responses and 14 the effect of
prenatal helminth exposure/treatment on vaccine responses. Articles
included in the human review and meta-analysis were from research
conducted in Africa, Asia and South America and were published
between 1983 and 2021. Relevant articles reported data on a total of
14 vaccines with many articles reporting data on multiple vaccines:
BCG (11 articles), tetanus toxoid (14), diphtheria (6), influenza (7), hep-
atitis B (7), pertussis (2), measles (6), polio (3), meningococcal (1),
pneumococcal (2), oral typhoid (2), cholera (1), rubella (1) and rotavirus
(1). Since we hypothesised different effects on different vaccine
types, results are presented separately for each vaccine. For each of
the vaccines included in the meta-analysis, details of study-specific
SMDs, their contribution to the overall SMD and heterogeneity mea-
sure (I
) are presented in Appendix 4 in Supporting Information for
direct helminth exposure and Appendix 5 in Supporting Information
for prenatal helminth exposure. A narrative summary of findings
including study characteristics and references from human studies is
presented in Appendix 6 in Supporting Information.
Of 11 articles that reported on BCG, four reported on the effect
of direct helminth exposure on vaccine responses and three of
these were eligible for meta-analysis. The meta-analysis results show
evidence of higher immune responses to BCG among helminth
uninfected compared to infected individuals (SMD 0.72, 95% CI 0.34
to 1.09) (Figure 2). The fourth article whose data was not suitable for
meta-analysis also reported higher responses in persons uninfected
with Onchocerca volvulus
(Appendix 6 in Supporting Information).
Seven articles contributing nine effect sizes were included in both the
narrative summary and the meta-analysis for prenatal helminth expo-
sure and the average effect size was SMD 0.54, 95% CI 0.32 to 1.40
(Figure 3). Since this analysis included two articles from the same
study that reported the same outcomes at 1 year
and 5 years,
sensitivity analysis excluding results from the year five outcomes arti-
cle was done and resulted in an average estimate of SMD 0.73, 95%
CI 0.42 to 1.88. Heterogeneity was moderate for direct helminth
exposure (I
=31%) (Appendix 4 in Supporting Information) and large
for prenatal exposure (I
=99%) (Appendix 5 in Supporting
Of 14 articles that reported on tetanus toxoid, seven reported on
the effect of direct helminth exposure on vaccine responses and five
of these were eligible for meta-analysis. Meta-analysis results show
no overall significant helminth effect on TT responses (SMD 1.03,
95% CI 0.75 to 2.81 and I
=98%) (Figure 2). Two articles not
included in the meta-analysis reported significant higher antibody
responses in helminth uninfected compared to infected individ-
The average effect size for association between prenatal hel-
minth exposure and TT responses among six articles contributing
seven effect sizes was (SMD 0.02, 95% CI 0.10 to 0.05 and
=39%) (Figure 3). One article not included in the meta-analysis
reported no effect of prenatal anthelminthic treatment on TT
All six relevant articles on diphtheria contributing seven effect
sizes were included in the meta-analysis and all were investigating the
effect of prenatal helminth exposure. Of these, five effect sizes came
from studies that looked at the effect of prenatal helminth exposure
and two effect sizes were from a study that evaluated effect of prena-
tal treatment of helminths on vaccine responses. The two effect sizes
from this study resulted from two independent randomisations of
treatment with albendazole versus placebo and treatment with prazi-
quantel versus placebo.
Overall, the average effect was (SMD 0.06,
95% CI 0.02 to 0.14 and I
=43%) (Figure 3).
Among seven articles that reported on influenza vaccine, one arti-
cle reported on direct helminth exposure and found that treatment of
helminths before vaccination was not significantly associated with
vaccine specific immune responses to influenza vaccine.
The aver-
age effect for the five articles reporting on prenatal helminth exposure
was SMD 0.03, 95% CI 0.06 to 0.12 and I
=52% (Figure 3). The
sixth article not included in the meta-analysis reported higher titers at
12 months among children of uninfected mothers compared to
infected untreated and infected treated groups; no significant differ-
ences were observed at 6 months.
In seven studies on Hepatitis B, meta-analysis of results averaged
from two studies reported higher responses among helminth unin-
fected individuals (SMD 1.69, 95% CI 0.15 to 3.23 and I
(Figure 2). One study not included in the meta-analysis found no sig-
nificant difference in anti-hepatitis B titers between helminth infected
Records identied through
database searching
Medline (n=1236)
EMBASE (n=2468)
Global health (n=2328)
Scopus (n=934)
Web of science (n=604)
Additional records identied
through other sources
Records after duplicates removed
Records screened
Human (n=2184)
Animal (n=2218)
Records excluded
Human (n=2057)
Animal (n=2134)
Full-text articles
assessed for eligibility
Human (n=127)
Animal (n=84)
Full-text articles excluded
Human (n=90): Abstracts which
were later published as articles (10),
presented results from same study (1),
helminth status after vaccination (15),
Unlicensed vaccines (5), no
vaccination done (15), outcome not
vaccine responses (8), no data
presented (6), no comparison by
helminth status (8), Protocol papers
(4), animal papers (3), pilot study (1),
editor correspondences (3), workshop
report (1), review paper (4), no access
to full article (6).
Animal (n=60): Abstracts which
were later published as articles (1),
No comparison by helminth status
(7), helminth status after vaccination
(7), outcome not vaccine responses
(9), Review paper (1), Unlicensed
vaccines (21), Report (1), no
helminth infection (2), no vaccination
done (7), no control group (2), no
access to full article (2).
Articles included in
quantitative synthesis
Human (n=27)
FIGURE 1 Flow diagram of study
selection and screening
Tetanus Toxoid
Hepatitis B
Uninfected vs infected
Treated vs untreated
Test of group differences: Qb(7) = 29.78, p = 0.00
Test of group differences: Qb(1) = 1.08, p = 0.30
Number of effect size
Better responses (infected/untreated) Better responses (uninfected/treated)
-2 0 2 4
SMD 95% CI
0.72 (
1.03 (
1.69 (
-0.09 (
0.53 (
-0.88 (
0.13 (
-0.03 (
0.83 (
0.28 (
0.56 (
FIGURE 2 Forest plot of the effect of direct helminth infection or anthelminthic treatment on vaccine responses. References and study
specific standardized mean differences are presented in Appendix 4 in Supporting Information.
Tetanus Toxoid
Hepatitis B
Uninfected vs infected
Treated vs untreated
Test of group differences: Qb(9) = 213.25, p = 0.00
Test of group differences: Qb(1) = 0.93, p = 0.34
Number of effect sizes
Better responses (infected) Better responses (uninfected)
-1 0 1 2
SMD 95% CI
0.54 (
-0.02 (
0.06 (
0.03 (
-0.03 (
0.08 (
0.14 (
-0.24 (
0.07 (
-0.70 (
0.06 (
-0.00 (
0.01 (
FIGURE 3 Forest plot of the effect of prenatal helminth infection or anthelminthic treatment on vaccine responses. References and study
specific standardized mean differences are presented in Appendix 5 in Supporting Information.
and uninfected individuals.
Among the four studies investigating
prenatal exposure to helminths, there was no overall association with
Hepatitis B responses (SMD 0.03, 95% CI 0.11 to 0.06 and
=21%) (Figure 3).
Among six articles that reported on measles, we identified only
one article on direct helminth exposure which reported significantly
higher responses among helminth uninfected compared to infected
individuals 1 week after immunization and no significant difference at
24 weeks post immunization.
Six effect sizes from five articles were
included in the meta-analysis for the effect of helminth infection on
responses to measles among children exposed to helminths prenatally.
The average effect size was (SMD 0.14, 95% CI 0.07 to 0.36 and
=92%) (Figure 3). One of these studies contributed two effect sizes
to the meta-analysis; one effect size for treatment with albendazole
versus placebo and the other for treatment with praziquantel versus
The effect of prenatal helminth exposure on responses to pertus-
sis vaccine was reported in two articles. The average effect size was
(SMD 0.08, 95% CI 0.01 to 0.14 and I
=14%). One article each iden-
tified for rubella,
and cholera
vaccines showed
no association with helminth infection status. We found one article
on the effect of direct helminth exposure on live, oral polio vaccine
which reported lower responses among uninfected compared to
infected individuals.
Similarly, findings from two articles reporting
on the effect of prenatal helminth exposure on live, oral polio vaccine
suggested lower responses among children of mothers without hel-
minths (SMD 0.24, 95% CI 0.33 to 0.14 and I
=0.01%). The
only study we found on live, oral rotavirus also reported significantly
lower response levels in children born to helminth uninfected com-
pared to infected mothers.
As an exploratory analysis, we computed overall SMDs separately
for articles reporting on the effect of helminth infection and articles
reporting on the effect of anthelminthic treatment. We found that
there was no significant difference in vaccine responses between hel-
minth infected and uninfected (SMD 0.83, 95% CI 0.15 to 1.81) or
anthelminthic treated and untreated (SMD 0.28, 95% CI 0.05 to
0.62). When the overall SMD resulting from articles reporting on the
effect of helminth infection was compared to the overall SMD from
articles reporting on the effect of anthelminthic treatment, there was
little statistical evidence for a difference between the two overall
SMDs (p=.30) (Figure 2). For prenatally helminth exposed children,
there was no significant difference in vaccine responses between hel-
minth infected and uninfected (SMD 0.06, 95% CI 0.05 to 0.17) or
anthelminthic treated and untreated (SMD 0.00, 95% CI 0.03 to
0.03) groups and there was no statistical evidence for a difference
between the two overall SMDs (p=.34) (Figure 3). Overall, combining
results from all vaccines, we found significantly higher vaccine
responses among direct helminth uninfected/treated compared to
helminth infected/untreated individuals (SMD 0.56, 95% CI 0.04 to
1.07 and I
=93.5%) (Appendix 4 in Supporting Information) and no
significant association of prenatal helminth infection/treatment with
vaccine responses (SMD 0.01, 95% CI 0.04 to 0.07 and I
(Appendix 5 in Supporting Information).
3.2 |Animal studies
The database search identified 2218 unique animal experiment arti-
cles and of these 24 articles were included in this review (Figure 1).
Identified relevant articles assessed the effect of helminths on BCG
(11 articles), tetanus toxoid (2), diphtheria (1), influenza (2), hepatitis B
(2), pertussis (1), pneumococcal (1), HPV (1), yellow fever (1), cholera
(1) and rabies (1). Reviewed articles were published between 1969
and 2021. For animal experiments, a meta-analysis was not done due
to few studies per vaccine type. A narrative summary of results
including study characteristics and references of articles for animal
experiments is presented in Appendix 7 in Supporting Information.
Of the 11 articles that presented data on BCG, 10 reported a
reduction in some form of BCG response among helminth infected
compared to uninfected animals. Responses reported in these studies
included antibody and cytokines,
mycobacterial clearance in
the lungs,
lymph node expansion,
hypersensitive footpad
intestinal secretion and absorption and survival time of
One experiment in wild mice found no effect of chronic
helminth infection on either primary or memory T regulatory cell
response, progression to Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection and
BCG efficacy.
Data on other vaccines showed harmonious results with evidence
of impaired antibody or cytokine responses among helminth infected
compared to uninfected animals for tetanus,
hepatitis B,
yellow fever,
and rabies
vaccines. The stage of parasite
infection seemed to play a role in whether a difference was found, for
instance in two studies on hepatitis B and tetanus, there was no sig-
nificant difference in vaccine responses between the groups when Tri-
chinella spiralis infection was in muscle stage
or when vaccination
was done in the prepatent period (16 weeks after Schistosoma man-
soni infection).
3.3 |Quality assessment
Risk of bias assessment for human studies showed there was signifi-
cant underreporting or lack of blinding of outcome assessors. Among
the included articles, only 16% reported blinding for both participants
and outcome assessors. Taking into consideration all eight risk of bias
components, 18 (49%) articles had a moderate or strong rating
(Appendix 2 in Supporting Information). For animal studies, studies
frequently did not report whether there was allocation concealment,
blinding of outcome assessors, random allocation of animals to inter-
vention arms, or whether animals were housed randomly during the
experiment. For each of these components, more than 80% of studies
had a high or unclear risk of bias (Appendix 3 in Supporting Informa-
tion). Funnel plots and Egger's test indicated the presence of publica-
tion bias (Appendix 8 in Supporting Information for direct helminth
exposure studies and Appendix 9 in Supporting Information for prena-
tal helminth exposure studies). A sensitivity analysis excluding one
extremely large effect size each from direct helminth exposure
from prenatal helminth exposure risk of bias analyses
Egger's test pvalues from .001 to .523 for direct helminth exposure
and from <.001 to .101 for prenatal helminth exposure.
We have presented results of a narrative summary and meta-analysis
on the effect of helminths on vaccine responses for human studies
and a narrative summary of findings for animal studies. Results from
the meta-analysis show that, when data on all vaccines were com-
bined, established helminth infection at the time of vaccination affects
vaccine-specific immune responses. These findings are consistent
with another review that investigated the effect of parasiticinfec-
tions on vaccines.
However, the patterns and mechanisms involved
are complex and differ depending on the type of vaccine, the helminth
species and whether it is direct helminth infection/treatment or pre-
natal infection/treatment that is being assessed. The results show that
direct helminth exposure reduced responses to BCG and measles vac-
cines, both of which are live vaccines, although only one article was
identified for measles. It has been shown that live vaccines may be
more likely to be negatively affected by presence of helminths
this may explain the results we observed. Hepatitis B, a non-live vac-
cine was also negatively affected as shown from two studies. When
data from all vaccines were combined, we did not find evidence that
prenatal helminth exposure/treatment significantly affected responses
to vaccines overall, although meta-analysis results for pertussis
showed an adverse association with maternal helminth infection,
whilst a meta-analysis for live, oral polio vaccine (and one study on
live, oral rotavirus vaccine) showed higher vaccine responses among
infants of infected mothers. Because of a small number of articles per
vaccine, vaccine specific results should be interpreted with caution.
Results from animal studies showed that helminth infection at the
time of vaccination reduced responses to BCG. Although we found
few studies for other vaccines (tetanus, diphtheria, influenza,
hepatitis B, pertussis, pneumococcal, HPV, yellow fever and cholera),
results from these studies reported impaired vaccine specific
responses due to helminth infection. Results from animal experiments
were more consistent than for humans. A possible explanation for this
is that in mice, the helminth infection is controlled in terms of dose
and timing, intensity of infection may be greater than in otherwise
healthy human subjects, and (except in wild mice) issues of confound-
ing with other environmental exposures and factors such as nutrition
are avoided.
The negative effect of helminths on BCG responses was consis-
tent for studies of direct helminth exposure. The findings observed
from human studies are supported by earlier experiments in mice that
showed reduced purified protein derivative (PPD)-specific in-vitro
interferon gamma,
lymph node expansion
and delayed hyper-
sensitivity in footpad swelling
among helminth-infected mice. In one
experiment where mice were challenged with tubercle bacilli after
immunization, helminth-infected mice died earlier than uninfected
Studies that investigated the effect of prenatal helminth
exposure generally found no associations with BCG-specific immune
responses. These findings emphasize the importance of giving BCG at
birth and have implications for the use of BCG boostervaccination.
When we looked at studies investigating the effect of direct hel-
minth exposure on Hepatitis B responses, we found that infection
before vaccination significantly impaired responses to Hepatitis
B. This was based on data from only two studies and there was sub-
stantial heterogeneity among SMDs, although all estimates showed
the same direction of effect. We did not find evidence of an effect of
prenatal helminth exposure on responses to Hepatitis B vaccine.
In our analysis, most vaccines were not significantly affected by
prenatal helminth infection/treatment, however we found that for
pertussis there was some evidence from meta-analysis of two studies
that vaccine responses were reduced among infants of infected/
untreated mothers. On the other hand, based on results from two
studies, vaccine specific responses to live, oral polio were higher
among infants of helminth infected/untreated compared to unin-
fected/treated mothers and, interestingly, the one study on live, oral
rotavirus vaccine in infants showed a similar effect.
The findings from studies on tetanus toxoid and direct helminth
exposure showed conflicting results, however the results indicated that
on average TT vaccine responses were not significantly affected by hel-
minth infection. A sensitivity analysis excluding one study with very
small sample size and a large effect size did not alter this conclusion.
However, an animal experiment involving a Swiss mouse found that
prolonged infection with Schistosoma mansoni before vaccination
resulted in lower antitoxin titres.
This accords with evidence that
chronic helminth infection alters vaccine responses more than acute
helminth infection.
Similarly, for human studies, overall we found no
evidence that prenatal exposure to helminths affected responses to TT.
For many vaccines included in the human study review, that is,
measles, influenza, meningococcal, oral typhoid, polio and cholera we
found either only one article or could not obtain data suitable for a
meta-analysis. This emphasizes that there are research gaps relating
to many common vaccines. The findings from the individual studies
reported differing results with some studies reporting significant
reduction in responses due to helminth infection
and others no
Results from single studies should be interpreted with cau-
tion as they may not be generalizable.
In our meta-analysis, we found large heterogeneity between stud-
ies for some vaccine types and we could not interrogate this further
using meta regression due to the small number of studies. However,
heterogeneity was low to moderate for BCG for direct helminth expo-
sure studies and for tetanus, diphtheria, Hepatitis B, pertussis and
polio for prenatal helminths exposure studies. Despite large heteroge-
neity between studies for some vaccines, these findings are still rele-
vant as they show the average effect of helminths on vaccine
responses and also highlight the diverse situations in which studies on
this topic are designed and conducted. Differences in geographical
locations, varying follow-up periods, timing of measurement of
responses after vaccination, choice of outcome measure to assess,
length of period between anthelminthic treatment and vaccination,
method of helminth diagnosis, type of helminth and location of
helminth in the body (i.e., blood, tissue, or gut), all of which vary from
study to study, may all contribute to explain this variability. In our
analysis, we acknowledge the presence of the unexplained heteroge-
neity between the studies and used a random effects model that takes
this into account whilst estimating the average effect. Also, in the
meta-analysis, we included responses to vaccines that are thought to
be the best correlates of protection. However, we have noted several
studies where responses other than antibody responses were signifi-
cantly affected by presence of helminth infection. This may have an
impact on the overall interpretation of our results. Also, for some hel-
minth mass treatmentstudies (where participants were randomized
regardless of baseline infection status), the prevalence of helminths at
baseline was low which potentially underestimated the effect of
anthelminthic treatment on vaccine responses. Furthermore, different
helminths may affect vaccine responses differently; however, it was
not possible to investigate this since most studies reported infection
with multiple helminths. A large percentage of studies included in our
review and meta-analysis did not report on blinding of outcome asses-
sors during the conduct of the studies which left unanswered the
question of whether there was no blinding at all or if it was simply not
reported. It is possible that articles published in languages other than
English could have been missed even when the literature search was
not restricted to articles published in English. This review did not look
at studies where helminth infection is determined after vaccination
and how this might affect already established immune responses, this
is a question that remains to be addressed in future reviews. We
acknowledge that co-infections with other parasites may confound
the relationship between helminths and vaccine responses, however
we did not investigate this further due to limited data reported on
such infections. Lastly, we did not include investigational vaccines
because assessment of helminth infection is seldom included in trial
protocols even in endemic settings, and furthermore, early phase vac-
cine trials often include a different age group (with different helminth
exposure) to the eventual target age group for the vaccine. Results of
this review suggest that assessment for helminths should be consid-
ered, especially for vaccines that will be used, and often most needed,
in helminth-endemic settings.
Overall, we found that helminths interfere with some vaccine
responses, with more consistent results from animal studies than from
studies in humans. Further, it is clear that the effect of helminths on
some vaccines such as BCG and Tetanus Toxoid has been investigated
more than other vaccines. For the less investigated vaccines, little is
known about the impact of helminths on response to these vaccines.
With this review and meta-analysis, we have presented evidence that
established helminth infection at the time of vaccination impairs
responses to BCG and Hepatitis B vaccines in humans and several
vaccines are affected in animals. Furthermore, in humans, these
effects are predominantly seen among individuals directly exposed to
helminths rather than helminth exposure in utero. The findings
presented here suggest that treatment of direct helminth infection
before vaccination may help improve responses. However, stronger
trials are needed to inform government policy regarding the need for
treatment of worms before immunization. Consideration of helminths
and other co-infections in early-phase trials of new vaccines intended
for helminth-endemic settings may be beneficial.
Alison M. Elliott conceived the idea. Agnes Natukunda conducted the
literature searches, Agnes Natukunda, Ludoviko Zirimenya, Gyaviira
Nkurunungi, Jacent Nassuuna screened articles for relevance and con-
ducted the subsequent data extraction, Emily L. Webb was the third
reviewer in case of disagreement between the two reviewers each for
human and animal studies, respectively. Agnes Natukunda conducted
data analysis, Agnes Natukunda, Emily L. Webb and Alison M. Elliott
contributed to data interpretation, Agnes Natukunda drafted the man-
uscript. All authors reviewed, provided input and approved the final
version of the manuscript.
We are grateful to authors of published articles (Indu Malhotra and
Noah D. McKittrick) who provided additional data for inclusion in the
meta-analysis. The work was conducted at the MRC/UVRI and
LSHTM Uganda Research Unit which is jointly funded by the UK
Medical Research Council (MRC) part of UK Research and Innovation
(UKRI) and the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
(FCDO) under the MRC/FCDO Concordat agreement and is also part
of the EDCTP2 programme supported by the European Union.
Medical Research Council of the United Kingdom, Grant Number:
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
The peer review history for this article is available at https://publons.
Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no new data were cre-
ated or analyzed in this study.
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Additional supporting information can be found online in the Support-
ing Information section at the end of this article.
How to cite this article: Natukunda A, Zirimenya L,
Nassuuna J, et al. The effect of helminth infection on vaccine
responses in humans and animal models: A systematic review
and meta-analysis. Parasite Immunol. 2022;e12939. doi:10.
... Los estudios de fase clínica en seres humanos incluyen: fase I, fase II y fase III y en términos generales evalúan la eficiencia y seguridad de la vacuna, incluyen los estudios sobre posibles efectos de teratogenicidad sobre el feto. Existe una tercera fase de comercialización, donde se evalúa el funcionamiento de la vacuna: posibles efectos secundarios y la eficacia real Natukunda et al., 2022). ...
... Los resultados difirieron según el tipo de vacuna, siendo las respuestas a las vacunas vivas las más afectadas por la exposición a helmintos. Nisbet et al., (2019) empleando un metaanálisis derivado de la comparación de cinco ensayos de vacunas independientes, que utilizaron como inmunógenos cócteles de subunidades de ocho proteínas recombinantes para proteger a los corderos contra Teladorsagia circumcincta (nematodo parásito de ovinos y caprinos), demostraron reducciones estadísticamente significativas en el recuento de huevos fecales acumulados y la carga de gusanos en ovejas vacunadas en comparación con aquellas que habían recibido solo adyuvante (Nisbet et al., 2019;Natukunda et al., 2022). ...
... Por tanto, además de la varianza intraestudios debida al error del muestreo aleatorio, el modelo incluye también la variabilidad entre estudios, que representaría la desviación de cada estudio respecto del tamaño de efecto medio. Es por esta razón que el presente diseño coincide con el de Natukunda et al., (2022) y con el trabajo previo de Vielma-Guevara y Villarreal-Andrade (2022). ...
Full-text available
El objetivo de la presente revisión sistemática y metaanálisis es comparar la eficacia provisional de las vacunas basadas en componentes del sistema colinérgico en infecciones de interés clínico humano y veterinario. Para lo cual se realizó una búsqueda de información en PubMed, Google Académico y Scielo con el uso de combinaciones de palabras claves en inglés y español, sin restricciones de tiempo. Fueron seleccionados 23 trabajos para la revisión sistemática y 8 para realizar un metaanálisis comparando las variables: ovipostura (huevos fecales, intestino, hígado), niveles de inmonoglobulina G total y perfil de subclases IgG, actividad acetilcolinesterasa y consumo de glucosa. Al aplicar el modelo de efectos aleatorios y obtener los valores de la diferencia promedio estandarizada para cada variable comparada, los mismos señalaron alto grado de heterogeneidad. Desde un punto de vista individual, los resultados obtenidos en los modelos de Schistosoma spp. y Nippostrongylus brasiliensis señalan el posible uso de las colinesterasas como inmunógenos potencialmente útiles con propósitos de vacunas.
... Vaccine responses have been reported to be poor in helminth-infected individuals [36,37]. Indeed, infection with helminths interferes with the response to different types of vaccines, such as Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG), tetanus toxoid (TT), and vaccines against measles or hepatitis B [37]. ...
... Vaccine responses have been reported to be poor in helminth-infected individuals [36,37]. Indeed, infection with helminths interferes with the response to different types of vaccines, such as Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG), tetanus toxoid (TT), and vaccines against measles or hepatitis B [37]. For example, the responsiveness to TT was decreased during lymphatic filariasis in humans and was associated with reduced IFN-γ production and increased TT-specific IL-10 production [38]. ...
... As a consequence, immune cells are actively depleted from peripheral lymphoid organs, which results in impaired virus-specific T cell responses at peripheral sites during coinfection [54]. Such a phenomenon could also provide an additional explanation to the poor efficacy of vaccine responses in areas where gastrointestinal helminth infections are endemic [37]. ...
Helminths are parasitic worms that coevolve with their host, usually resulting in long-term persistence through modulating host immunity. The multifarious mechanisms altering the immune system induced by helminths have significant implications on the control of coinfecting pathogens such as viruses. Here, we explore the recent literature to highlight the main immune alterations and mechanisms that affect the control of viral coinfection. Insights from these mechanisms are valuable in the understanding of clinical observations in helminth-prevalent areas and in the design of new therapeutic and vaccination strategies to control viral diseases.
... To illustrate the utility of the proposed unsupervised title and abstract screening for systematic reviews, data from two completed systematic reviews will be used. A systematic review assessing the effect of helminths on vaccines response (Case study 1: the helminths data)a planned systematic review for which full-text review of documents has been completed [25] and from a published systematic review on the effectiveness of therapies for Wilson disease (Case study 2: Wilson disease data) [26] will be analysed. For both case studies, information on initial records identified through database search and results after manual title and abstract screening is available. ...
... Records were retrieved from several databases using search terms on helminth and vaccine types. The protocol for the review was prospectively registered in PROSPERO [25]. The document corpus comprises of 1318 documents which upon screening by two reviewers (based on document title and abstract), 116 were considered relevant for full-text screening -indicating an attrition rate of 91% . ...
... For each document in the corpus, both the title and abstract text were combined into one string. The search keywords data, S, comprised of unique words derived from the search strategy section of the systematic review protocol [25]. This study is used to illustrate the methodology development and application. ...
Full-text available
Background The importance of systematic reviews in collating and summarising available research output on a particular topic cannot be over-emphasized. However, initial screening of retrieved literature is significantly time and labour intensive. Attempts at automating parts of the systematic review process have been made with varying degree of success partly due to being domain-specific, requiring vendor-specific software or manually labelled training data. Our primary objective was to develop statistical methodology for performing automated title and abstract screening for systematic reviews. Secondary objectives included (1) to retrospectively apply the automated screening methodology to previously manually screened systematic reviews and (2) to characterize the performance of the automated screening methodology scoring algorithm in a simulation study. Methods We implemented a Latent Dirichlet Allocation-based topic model to derive representative topics from the retrieved documents’ title and abstract. The second step involves defining a score threshold for classifying the documents as relevant for full-text review or not. The score is derived based on a set of search keywords (often the database retrieval search terms). Two systematic review studies were retrospectively used to illustrate the methodology. Results In one case study (helminth dataset), $$69.83\%$$ 69.83 % sensitivity compared to manual title and abstract screening was achieved. This is against a false positive rate of $$22.63\%$$ 22.63 % . For the second case study (Wilson disease dataset), a sensitivity of $$54.02\%$$ 54.02 % and specificity of $$67.03\%$$ 67.03 % were achieved. Conclusions Unsupervised title and abstract screening has the potential to reduce the workload involved in conducting systematic review. While sensitivity of the methodology on the tested data is low, approximately $$70\%$$ 70 % specificity was achieved. Users ought to keep in mind that potentially low sensitivity might occur. One approach to mitigate this might be to incorporate additional targeted search keywords such as the indexing databases terms into the search term copora. Moreover, automated screening can be used as an additional screener to the manual screeners.
... Epidemiological surveys have found that mass vaccination is sometimes less effective than expected, especially in developing countries [7,8].The century-old Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) and measles vaccines are reported to be less effective in Africa and Southeast Asia than in developed countries [9,10]. The failure of vaccination to achieve the desired protective effect is not only related to technical reasons, such as vaccine quality and vaccination method, but also related to environmental exposure, one of which is the prevalence of helminth infections in many regions around the world [11][12][13][14]. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that helminth infections affect more than a quarter of the population, and more than 880 million children require treatment for these parasite diseases, including approximately 350 million in the African region [15]. ...
... As our old friends of human coevolution, helminths and their metabolites and secretions interfere with immune responses to permit their persistence in hosts while dampening immune reactivity to bystander antigens in various immune disorders [12]. Some previous reviews have proved that the powerful immunomodulatory ability of helminth in hosts not only provides new avenues to treat immunological diseases such as allergies and autoimmunity, but also affects immunogenicity and efficacy of vaccines [12,13,22]. Given that helminth infections are among the most common infectious diseases in the world, evaluating vaccine efficiency affected by helminth infections may provide critical information for selecting optimal vaccination programs in regions with high parasite prevalence. ...
... Given that helminth infections are among the most common infectious diseases in the world, evaluating vaccine efficiency affected by helminth infections may provide critical information for selecting optimal vaccination programs in regions with high parasite prevalence. The influence of helminth infections on vaccination has been previously reviewed, indicating that immune responses to vaccines are inhibited by the presence of helminth infections [12,13,[22][23][24]. However, there is no systematic summary of the related immunological mechanism by which helminths affect vaccine effectiveness. ...
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Vaccines are one of the most successful medical inventions to enable the eradication or control of common and fatal diseases. Environmental exposure of hosts, including helminth infections, plays an important role in immune responses to vaccines. Given that helminth infections are among the most common infectious diseases in the world, evaluating vaccine efficiency in helminth-infected populations may provide critical information for selecting optimal vaccination programs. Here, we reviewed the effects of helminth infections on vaccination and its underlying immunological mechanisms, based on findings from human studies and animal models. Moreover, the potential influence of helminth infections on SARS-CoV-2 vaccine was also discussed. Based on these findings, there is an urgent need for anthelmintic treatments to eliminate helminth suppressive impacts on vaccination effectiveness during implementing mass vaccination in parasite endemic areas.
... The purpose of WP1 is to address Objective 1, "to investigate the biological drivers and mechanisms of population differences in vaccine responses" through the following activities. 24 . Many African populations are heavily exposed to parasites and other infections, such as cytomegalovirus (CMV), from a young age; some relevant nutritional deficiencies (e.g. ...
... Different types of vaccine (live, viral-vectored, inert, oral, parenteral) differ in susceptibility to extrinsic exposures. Our current work on the effects of helminths indicates adverse effects for live vaccines (BCG, measles) and Hepatitis B vaccine, but not for other vaccines 24 . WP1 will contribute towards identifying the vaccine types most susceptible to such exposures. ...
Background: Vaccination is an important public health intervention, but not everyone benefits equally. Biological, social and structural factors render some communities vulnerable and unable to secure optimal health benefits from vaccination programmes. This drives health inequity and undermines wider vaccine impact by allowing the persistence of non-immune communities as foci for recurrent disease outbreaks. The NIHR Global Health Research Group on Vaccines for vulnerable people in Africa (VAnguard) aims to understand how biological, social, and structural factors interact to impair vaccine impact in vulnerable African communities. Methods: The VAnguard project will be implemented through three thematic work packages (1-3) and four cross-cutting work packages (4-7). Work package 1 will investigate the biological drivers and mechanisms of population differences in vaccine responses. Work package 2 will support the understanding of how structural, social and biological determinants of vaccine response interrelate to determine vaccine impact. Work package 3 will synthesise data and lead analyses to develop, model and test community-based integrated strategies to optimise vaccine access, uptake and effectiveness. Work package 4 will plan and implement field investigations (community survey and qualitative studies (with support of work package 2) to explore structural, social & biological determinants impairing vaccine impact. Work package 5 will collaborate with work packages 1-4, to engage communities in designing interventions that aim to directly optimise vaccine impact through a process of co-learning and co-creation between them and the researchers. Work package 6 will build capacity for, and a culture of, consultative, collaborative multidisciplinary vaccine research in East Africa. Work package 7 will support the overall project management and governance. Following the project inception on the 1 st of September 2022, project launch was held in November 2022. Conclusion: Results from this project will contribute to the development of integrated strategies that will optimise vaccine benefits and drive health equity.
... The impact of helminths on other co-infections and vaccinations remains inconclusive, but many point to parasitic worms negatively impacting other infections and vaccination [40][41][42][43][44]. Studies on helminth-Leishmania co-infection are few, but in general indicate that worms can facilitate leishmanial infection [40,45]. ...
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Background Co-endemicity of neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) necessitates that these diseases should be considered concomitantly to understand the relationship between pathology and to support disease management and control programs. The aims of the study were to assess the prevalence of filarial infection in asymptomatic Leishmania donovani infected individuals and the correlation of Wuchereria bancrofti infection with progression to clinical visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in Bihar, India. Methodology/Principal findings Within the Muzaffarpur-TMRC Health and Demographic Surveillance System (HDSS) area, a cohort of Leishmania seropositive (n = 476) or seronegative individuals (n = 1130) were sampled annually for three years for filarial infection and followed for progression to clinical VL. To corroborate the results from the cohort study, we also used a retrospective case-control study of 36 VL cases and 71 controls selected from a subset of the HDSS population to investigate the relationship between progression to clinical VL and the prevalence of filarial infection at baseline. Our findings suggest a higher probability of progression to clinical VL in individuals with a history of filarial infection: in both the cohort and case-control studies, progression to clinical VL was higher among filaria infected individuals (RR = 2.57, p = 0.056, and OR = 2.52, p = 0.046 respectively). Conclusion This study describes that progression to clinical VL disease is associated with serological evidence of prior infection with W . bancrofti . The integration of disease programs for Leishmania and lymphatic filariasis extend beyond the relationship of sequential or co-infection with disease burden. To ensure elimination targets can be reached and sustained, we suggest areas of co-endemicity would benefit from overlapping vector control activities, health system networks and surveillance infrastructure.
... Chronic helminths infection is known to influence host immune responses to infections such as Malaria (Hartgers and Yazdanbakhsh, 2006), Tuberculosis (Cadmus et al., 2020), vaccines (Nkurunungi et al., 2021;Natukunda et al., 2022), and in diseases like cardiovascular disease (Sanya et al., 2020), autoimmune disease (Elliott et al., 2003), and allergy (Mpairwe et al., 2011). Our analysis and results, therefore, bring us closer to understanding whether helminths modulate host susceptibility to other pathogens and diseases such as cardiovascular disease, in part, through the gut microbiome changes that they may induce. ...
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The gut microbiome is important in shaping human health. One key factor that has been proposed to affect the gut microbiome is helminth infection. Unravelling the association and/or interaction between helminth infections and the gut microbiome may reveal new insights into the mechanisms through which parasitic worms impact the prognosis of infections and diseases. While considerable work has gone into reviewing data on the effect of helminth infection on gut microbiome in animal studies, less attention has been given to this area of research in human studies. This study set out to address this through an exhaustive systematic review of literature. Articles were identified through EMBASE, MEDLINE, Web of Science and Science Direct following a registered protocol (PROSPERO). After assessing methodological quality (ICROMS) and publication bias, a random effects meta-analysis was performed to investigate the overall effect that intestinal parasites can have on the human gut microbiome using alpha- and beta-diversity metrics and adjusting for age, sex and antihelminthic treatment taken by individuals. A total of 19 out of 3466 articles were included in the final meta-analysis. Our results show that helminth infection increases the host bacterial diversity, as well as microbial richness. This work further contributes to the understanding of how the gut microbiome structure changes depends on whether one is infected with helminths or not. It also lays the foundation for future research aimed at establishing how these interactions could explain the disparity in phenotypes such as infection, disease and vaccine responses reported in different regions worldwide. Systematic review registration , identifier CRD42020192182.
Background Vaccination is an important public health intervention, but not everyone benefits equally. Biological, social and structural factors render some communities vulnerable and unable to secure optimal health benefits from vaccination programmes. This drives health inequity and undermines wider vaccine impact by allowing the persistence of non-immune communities as foci for recurrent disease outbreaks. The NIHR Global Health Research Group on Vaccines for vulnerable people in Africa (VAnguard) aims to understand how biological, social, and structural factors interact to impair vaccine impact in vulnerable African communities. Methods The VAnguard project will be implemented through three thematic work packages (1-3) and four cross-cutting work packages (4-7). Work package 1 will investigate the biological drivers and mechanisms of population differences in vaccine responses. Work package 2 will support the understanding of how structural, social and biological determinants of vaccine response interrelate to determine vaccine impact. Work package 3 will synthesise data and lead analyses to develop, model and test community-based integrated strategies to optimise vaccine access, uptake and effectiveness. Work package 4 will plan and implement field investigations (community survey and qualitative studies (with support of work package 2) to explore structural, social & biological determinants impairing vaccine impact. Work package 5 will collaborate with work packages 1-4, to engage communities in designing interventions that aim to directly optimise vaccine impact through a process of co-learning and co-creation between them and the researchers. Work package 6 will build capacity for, and a culture of, consultative, collaborative multidisciplinary vaccine research in East Africa. Work package 7 will support the overall project management and governance. Following the project inception on the 1st of September 2022, project launch was held in November 2022. Conclusion Results from this project will contribute to the development of integrated strategies that will optimise vaccine benefits and drive health equity.
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Although vaccines have reduced COVID-19 disease burden, their efficacy in helminth infection endemic areas is not well characterized. We evaluated the impact of infection by Heligmosomoides polygyrus bakeri (Hpb), a murine intestinal hookworm, on the efficacy of an mRNA vaccine targeting the Wuhan-1 spike protein of SARS-CoV-2. Although immunization generated similar B cell responses in Hpb-infected and uninfected mice, polyfunctional CD4+ and CD8+ T cell responses were markedly reduced in Hpb-infected mice. Hpb-infected and mRNA vaccinated mice were protected against the ancestral SARS-CoV-2 strain WA1/2020, but control of lung infection was diminished against an Omicron variant compared to animals immunized without Hpb infection. Helminth mediated suppression of spike-specific CD8+ T cell responses occurred independently of STAT6 signaling, whereas blockade of IL-10 rescued vaccine-induced CD8+ T cell responses. In mice, intestinal helminth infection impairs vaccine induced T cell responses via an IL-10 pathway and compromises protection against antigenically shifted SARS-CoV-2 variants.
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Resumo Helmintíases são doenças negligenciadas, estão entre as parasitoses mais comuns em países em desenvolvimento, e podem modular negativamente as respostas imunes anti- parasita dos hospedeiros, resultando na cronicidade da infecção. As pesquisas indicam que durante as infecções com helmintos ocorre a expansão sistêmica e duradoura de linfócitos Th2 e T regulatórios, produtores de citocinas anti-inflamatórias. Estudos epidemiológicos e observacionais em humanos e experimentais em animais indicam a influência, isto é, a imunorregulação dos helmintos no sistema imunológico e nas respostas para vacinas licenciadas tais como, Bacilo de Calmette-Guérin (BCG) e anti-poliomelite. O vírus da família Coronaviridae, SARS-CoV-2, é responsável pela COVID-19, que resultou na pandemia iniciada em janeiro de 2020. E, em tempo recorde, várias vacinas anti-COVID-19 foram desenvolvidas e utilizadas para o combate à pandemia. Pesquisadores têm chamado a atenção para os possíveis efeitos inibitórios das helmintíases nas respostas imunes dos indivíduos imunizados com as vacinas anti-COVID-19. Nesta revisão discutimos estudos significativos da área, as hipóteses levantadas pelos pesquisadores e as implicações para as populações das áreas endêmicas.
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Helminths still infect a quarter of the human population. They manage to establish chronic infections by downmodulating the immune system of their hosts. Consequently, the immune response of helminth-infected individuals to vaccinations may be impaired as well. Here we study the impact of helminth-induced immunomodulation on vaccination efficacy in the mouse system. We have previously shown that an underlying Litomosoides sigmodontis infection reduced the antibody (Ab) response to anti-influenza vaccination in the context of a systemic expansion of type 1 regulatory T cells (Tr1). Most important, vaccine-induced protection from a challenge infection with the 2009 pandemic H1N1 influenza A virus (2009 pH1N1) was impaired in vaccinated, L. sigmodontis-infected mice. Here, we aim at the restoration of vaccination efficacy by drug-induced deworming. Treatment of mice with Flubendazole (FBZ) resulted in elimination of viable L. sigmodontis parasites in the thoracic cavity after two weeks. Simultaneous FBZ-treatment and vaccination did not restore Ab responses or protection in L. sigmodontis-infected mice. Likewise, FBZ-treatment two weeks prior to vaccination did not significantly elevate the influenza-specific Ig response and did not protect mice from a challenge infection with 2009 pH1N1. Analysis of the regulatory T cell compartment revealed that L. sigmodontis-infected and FBZ-treated mice still displayed expanded Tr1 cell populations that may contribute to the sustained suppression of vaccination responses in successfully dewormed mice. To outcompete this sustained immunomodulation in formerly helminth-infected mice, we finally combined the drug-induced deworming with an improved vaccination regimen. Two injections with the non-adjuvanted anti-influenza vaccine Begripal conferred 60% protection while MF59-adjuvanted Fluad conferred 100% protection from a 2009 pH1N1 infection in FBZ-treated, formerly L. sigmodontis-infected mice. Of note, applying this improved prime-boost regimen did not restore protection in untreated L. sigmodontis-infected mice. In summary our findings highlight the risk of failed vaccinations due to helminth infection.
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Background: Intestinal helminth infection is associated with altered immune responses and compromised vaccine efficacy in infected children. Altered immune response due to Ascaris lumbricoides infection may compromise efficacy of oral poliovirus vaccination in children. There is no information on humoral immune response during oral poliovirus (OP) vaccination of A. lumbricoides–infected Nigerian children. The objective of this study is to determine the serum levels of cytokines (tumour necrosis factor–alpha TNF-α, interferongamma IFN–γ, interleukins -4, -6, -8, -10) and poliovirus-specific IgA (PV-IgA) antibody in children infected with A. lumbricoides compared with helminth-negative children (control) before and after oral poliovirus vaccination. Methodology: Twenty-three A. lumbricoides-infected children between ages 5-15 years (13 males and 10 females) and 23 age (4-15 years) and sex-matched helminth-negative children who met selection criteria were enrolled into the study after ethical approval and informed consent. Their stool samples were examined for helminth ova using concentration technique. Sera were collected before and 3 weeks after OP vaccinations, and serum concentrations of IFN–γ, TNF–α, IL-4, -6, -8, -10, and poliovirus-specific IgA concentrations were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The level of statistical significance was set at α0.05. Results: Pre-vaccination serum levels of IFN–γ, IL–4, IL-6 and IL-8 were significantly higher in A. lumbricoides–infected children compared with pre-vaccination levels in helminth-negative children. Postvaccination serum levels of IFN–γ, IL–4 and IL-8 were significantly higher in A. lumbricoides–infected children compared with post-vaccination serum levels in helminth-negative children. In the A. lumbricoides-infected children, pre-vaccination serum levels of IL-6 and IL-8 were significantly higher compared with post vaccination levels while pre-vaccination serum levels of IFN–γ, IL–4 and IL-8 were significantly higher in helminth-negative children compared with the post-vaccination levels. There was no significant reduction in post-vaccination median serum level of PV-IgA compared with level before vaccination in A. lumbricoides-infected children. Also, there was no significant increase in post-vaccination median serum level of PV-IgA compared with level before vaccination in helminth-negative children. Conclusion: Oral polio vaccine administration caused decrease expression of inflammatory cytokines (IL-6 and IL-8) in A. lumbricoides-infected school children, and A. lumbricoides infection may reduce PV-IgA production following OP vaccination. Keywords: Ascaris lumbricoides infection, cytokines, children, poliovirus vaccination
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Immune responses to vaccination are heterogeneous between individuals; the same vaccine that provides protection in one circumstance may be ineffective in another. One factor that could influence the response to vaccination is concurrent or prior infection with unrelated parasites. Here, we review both the experimental and epidemiological literature on parasite-vaccine interactions, and present a meta-analysis of the published data. In total, our review returned 101 relevant articles, 50 of which met criteria for meta-analysis. Parasite factors potentially affecting vaccination include the type of parasite involved, the stage of infection, and the timing of infection relative to vaccination. Vaccine factors affecting likelihood of interference by parasites include vaccine formulation, route of administration, and the type of immune response required to provide protection against the target antigen. Our meta-analysis of these data show three key things: (1) parasite infections at the time of vaccination result in worse immunisation outcomes, (2) chronic helminth infections are more likely to negatively impact immunisation than acute helminth infections, and (3) thymus-dependent vaccines are more susceptible to parasite interference than thymus-independent vaccines. Our findings highlight the importance of considering and mitigating parasite infections: by taking parasites into account, it should be possible to more effectively immunise individuals and populations.
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Helminth parasites infect more than a quarter of the human population and inflict significant changes to the immunological status of their hosts. Here, we analyze the impact of helminth infections on the efficacy of vaccinations using Litomosoides sigmodontis-infected mice. Concurrent helminth infection reduces the quantity and quality of antibody responses to vaccination against seasonal influenza. Vaccination-induced protection against challenge infections with the human pathogenic 2009 pandemic H1N1 influenza A virus is drastically impaired in helminth-infected mice. Impaired responses are also observed if vaccinations are performed after clearance of a previous helminth infection, suggesting that individuals in helminth-endemic areas may not always benefit from vaccinations, even in the absence of an acute and diagnosable helminth infection. Mechanistically, the suppression is associated with a systemic and sustained expansion of interleukin (IL)-10-producing CD4+CD49+LAG-3+ type 1 regulatory T cells and partially abrogated by in vivo blockade of the IL-10 receptor. : Parasitic worms down-modulate the immune system of their host to establish chronic infections. Hartmann et al. demonstrate that this suppresses responsiveness to vaccinations against influenza. Mice with on-going or previously resolved helminth infections displayed a systemic increase of Tr1 cells and impaired vaccination efficacy that was partially mediated by IL-10. Keywords: antibody response, Foxp3+ regulatory T cells, helminth, immunomodulation, influenza, interleukin-10, Litomosoides sigmodontis, parasite infection, type 1 regulatory T cells, vaccination efficacy
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The revised edition of the Handbook offers the only guide on how to conduct, report and maintain a Cochrane Review. The second edition of The Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions contains essential guidance for preparing and maintaining Cochrane Reviews of the effects of health interventions. Designed to be an accessible resource, the Handbook will also be of interest to anyone undertaking systematic reviews of interventions outside Cochrane, and many of the principles and methods presented are appropriate for systematic reviews addressing research questions other than effects of interventions. This fully updated edition contains extensive new material on systematic review methods addressing a wide-range of topics including network meta-analysis, equity, complex interventions, narrative synthesis, and automation. Also new to this edition, integrated throughout the Handbook, is the set of standards Cochrane expects its reviews to meet. Written for review authors, editors, trainers and others with an interest in Cochrane Reviews, the second edition of The Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions continues to offer an invaluable resource for understanding the role of systematic reviews, critically appraising health research studies and conducting reviews.
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Background: Schistosoma mansoni is one of the most common helminth infections affecting a large population of people in sub-Saharan Africa. This helminth infection is known to cause immunomodulation which has affected the efficacy of a number of vaccines. This study examined whether a chronic schistosoma infection has an effect on the immunogenicity of HPV vaccine which is currently administered to girls and women aged 9 to 24. Little is known about the immune responses of the HPV vaccine in individuals with chronic schistosomiasis. Methods: This study was carried out at the Institute of Primate Research (IPR) and involved an Olive baboon model. The experimental animals were randomly placed into three groups (n = 3-4); Two groups were infected with S. mansoni cercaria, and allowed to reach chronic stage (week 12 onwards), at week 13 and 14 post-infection, one group was treated with 80mg/kg of praziquantel (PZQ). Sixty four weeks post schistosoma infection, all groups received 2 doses of the Cervarix HPV vaccine a month apart. Specific immune responses to the HPV and parasite specific antigens were evaluated. Results: Animals with chronic S. mansoni infection elicited significantly reduced levels of HPV specific IgG antibodies 8 weeks after vaccination compared the PZQ treated and uninfected groups. There was no significant difference in cellular proliferation nor IL-4 and IFN-γ production in all groups. Conclusion: Chronic S. mansoni infection results in reduction of protective HPV specific IgG antibodies in a Nonhuman Primate model, suggesting a compromised effect of the vaccine. Treatment of schistosomiasis infection with PZQ prior to HPV vaccination, however, reversed this effect supporting anti-helminthic treatment before vaccination.
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Background Schistosoma infection is associated with immune modulation that can influence responses to non-schistosome antigens. Vaccine responses may be impaired in S. mansoni-infected individuals. We investigated effects of S. mansoni infection on responses to childhood measles catch-up immunisation and of praziquantel treatment on this outcome in a randomised trial. Methodology The Immune Modulation and Childhood Immunisation (IMoChI) study was based in Entebbe, Uganda. Children aged 3–5 years (193 S. mansoni-infected and 61 uninfected) were enrolled. Infected children were randomised in a 1:1:1 ratio to receive praziquantel 2 weeks before, at time of, or 1 week after, measles catch-up immunisation. Plasma anti-measles IgG was measured at enrolment, 1 week and 24 weeks after measles immunisation. Primary outcomes were IgG levels and percentage of participants with levels considered protective against measles. Results Anti-measles IgG levels increased following immunisation, but at 1 week post-immunisation S. mansoni-infected, compared to uninfected, children had lower levels of anti-measles IgG (adjusted geometric mean ratio (aGMR) 0.4 [95% CI 0.2–0.7]) and the percentage with protective antibody levels was also lower (adjusted odds ratio 0.1 [0–0.9]). Among S. mansoni-infected children, anti-measles IgG one week post-immunisation was higher among those treated with praziquantel than among those who were not yet treated (treatment before immunisation, aGMR 2.3 [1.5–4.8]; treatment at immunisation aGMR 1.8 [1.1–3.5]). At 24 weeks post-immunisation, IgG levels did not differ between the trial groups, but tended to be lower among previously-infected children who were still S mansoni stool-positive than among those who became stool-negative. Conclusions and significance Our findings suggest that S. mansoni infection among pre-school children is associated with a reduced antibody response to catch-up measles immunisation, and that praziquantel treatment improves the response. S. mansoni infection may contribute to impaired vaccine responses in endemic populations; effective schistosomiasis control may be beneficial for vaccine efficacy. This should be further explored. Trial registration ISRCTN87107592.
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Parasitic infections are an important cause of global morbidity and mortality and are highly prevalent in "underdeveloped" countries. The presence of parasitic infections is associated with modulation of the immune system and changes in the response to bacterial and viral vaccines. The objective of this review was to compile, summarize and analyze information about immunomodulation by parasitic infections and its effects on the immune response to vaccines. We also identified the parasites most associated with immunomodulation of vaccine responses and those vaccines most affected. In addition, articles evaluating the effect of chemoprophylaxis for malaria on the immune response against vaccines were considered. The most affected vaccines are Bacillus Calmette-Guérin and bacterial polysaccharide vaccines. Malaria is the infection most associated with decreased response to vaccines; however, there are discordant results. Chemoprophylaxis for malaria did not change the immune response to vaccination. While parasitic infections can alter the immune response to vaccination, it is important to clarify the discrepancies and establish the mechanisms.
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Author summary Infections with intestinal nematodes may be one explanation to why BCG vaccination is less effective in areas of high worm burden. In support of this, we recently showed that chronic intestinal nematode infection resulted in reduced immune responses and higher mycobacterial burden at distal sites. How a gut-dwelling nematode modulate immune responses in skin-draining lymph nodes (LN) was not clear. We found a reduced expansion of LN draining the BCG injected footpad in worm-infected animals, but no evidence for a spread of regulatory cells or cytokines to the BCG-draining LN. Interestingly, we found that mice chronically infected with intestinal worms had significantly smaller skin-draining LN. We propose that the expansion of mesenteric lymph nodes (mLN) occur at the cost of other LN, leading to atrophy of skin-draining LN. Expansion of the lymphocyte pool by IL-7, allowed worm-infected animals to maintain larger skin-draining LN while the mLN did not further expand. De-worming treatment of mice eventually restored the cellularity of skin-draining LN. This, however, took time indicating that effect of worms persisted long after the infection cleared. By de-worming and allowing time for the LN to recover, the cellular responses to BCG injection in the footpad were restored in the draining popliteal LN. Thus, paucity of lymphocytes at peripheral sites can explain impaired peripheral immune responses in worm-infected animals.