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More than a scaffold: Language is a neuroenhancement



What role does language play in our thoughts? A longstanding proposal that has gained traction among supporters of embodied or grounded cognition suggests that it serves as a cognitive scaffold. This idea turns on the fact that language—with its ability to capture statistical regularities, leverage culturally acquired information, and engage grounded metaphors—is an effective and readily available support for our thinking. In this essay, I argue that language should be viewed as more than this; it should be viewed as a neuroenhancement. The neurologically realized language system is an important subcomponent of a flexible, multimodal, and multilevel conceptual system. It is not merely a source for information about the world but also a computational add-on that extends our conceptual reach. This approach provides a compelling explanation of the course of development, our facility with abstract concepts, and even the scope of language-specific influences on cognition.
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Cognitive Neuropsychology
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More than a scaffold: Language is a
Guy Dove
To cite this article: Guy Dove (2019): More than a scaffold: Language is a neuroenhancement,
Cognitive Neuropsychology, DOI: 10.1080/02643294.2019.1637338
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Published online: 04 Jul 2019.
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More than a scaold: Language is a neuroenhancement
Guy Dove
Department of Philosophy, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, USA
What role does language play in our thoughts? A longstanding proposal that has gained traction
among supporters of embodied or grounded cognition suggests that it serves as a cognitive
scaold. This idea turns on the fact that languagewith its ability to capture statistical
regularities, leverage culturally acquired information, and engage grounded metaphorsis an
eective and readily available support for our thinking. In this essay, I argue that language
should be viewed as more than this; it should be viewed as a neuroenhancement. The
neurologically realized language system is an important subcomponent of a exible, multimodal,
and multilevel conceptual system. It is not merely a source for information about the world but
also a computational add-on that extends our conceptual reach. This approach provides a
compelling explanation of the course of development, our facility with abstract concepts, and
even the scope of language-specicinuences on cognition.
Received 10 March 2019
Revised 2 June 2019
Accepted 25 June 2019
Cognition; concepts;
embodied; language;
semantic memory
1. Introduction
A growing body of evidence suggests that our con-
cepts are at least partially grounded in action,
emotion, and perception systems (Barsalou, 2008;
Fischer & Zwaan, 2008; Gallese & Lako,2005; Kem-
merer, 2010; Kiefer & Pulvermüller, 2012). This evi-
dence suggests that the neural representations
employed in thinking about the world often involve
those that are responsible for experiencing it. Theories
of embodied cognition often propose that we employ
simulations of aspects of experience to handle con-
ceptual reasoning. At a minimum such theories rely
on a notion of neural reuse whereby modality-
specic representations are selectively engaged in
cognitive tasks.
This embodied perspective raises a dicult ques-
tion: What is the role that the language system itself
plays in our concepts? In this essay, I propose that rep-
resentations indigenous to the language system are
central components of our concepts. In other words,
I contend that there are good reasons to suppose
that language-specic representations play an impor-
tant role in our concepts. To some degree, this
shouldnt be surprising. For example, the idea that a
words meaning might be encoded in part by the
associations that it has with other wordsi.e., the
company that it keeps (Firth, 1957)is a familiar
one. Indeed, this idea has enjoyed a recent resurgence
with the success of so-called distributional models of
semantic processing (Blei, Ng, & Jordan, 2003; Land-
auer & Dumais, 1997; Landauer, Foltz, & Laham,
1998; Lund & Burgess, 1996). Despite this familiarity
and recent empirical success, it has not been part of
the mainstream for quite some timewith either
standard amodal theories (which are not committed
to embodiment or grounded representations) or
embodied/grounded theories.
Standard disembodied or amodal theories have
tended to posit independent semantic represen-
tations as part of a general conception of cognition
that Susan Hurley (2008) colorfully characterizes as
the classical sandwich. The classical sandwich meta-
phor treats cognition as the meat that sits between
two slices of bread (action and perception). The rep-
resentations employed by this autonomous concep-
tual system are independent of those employed by
action and perception systems. Generally, language
is treated as a medium by which information is trans-
duced to and from our conceptual system.
Although embodied/grounded theories are dened
by their erce opposition to the standard amodal
approach and the classical sandwich, most have
adopted a similar position with respect to language
that is, they have tended to treat words, phrases, and
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sentences as merely the means by which situated simu-
lations of nonlinguistic experience are engaged (Barsa-
lou, 2016; Zwaan, 2016). Despite this orthodoxy, there
are clear ways in which the separation of the language
system from the conceptual system ts poorly with the
notion of embodied or grounded cognition. Language
itself is something we experience in an embodied and
grounded way (Borghi & Binkofski, 2014; Dove, 2014,
2018). If the reuse of experiential resources is important
to conceptual processing, then why wouldnt this
include reuse of representations associated with lin-
guistic experience? Certainly, we gather a great deal
of what we know about the world through the activities
of talking, listening, writing, reading etc. It seems
reasonable to suppose that some of the represen-
tations that are automatically engaged in conceptual
tasks are experiential representations associated with
the processing of language. At least, that is the position
I am going to explore and defend in this essay.
2. The neuroenhancement view
I am not alone in questioning the orthodoxy. A
number of researchers have recently proposed that
the language system, or at least our experience of
language, plays a signicant role in our grounded con-
ceptual system. Examples of specic theories that
embrace this sort of inclusiveness include ECCo
theory (Embodied Conceptual Combination; Lynott &
Connell, 2010), LASS theory (Language and Situated
Simulation; Barsalou, Santos, Simmons, & Wilson,
2008), LASSO theory (Language and Associations in
thinking; Tillas, 2015), SI theory (Symbol Interdepen-
dency; Louwerse, 2011,2018; Louwerse & Jeuniaux,
2010), and WAT theory (Word As social Tool; Borghi
& Cimatti, 2009). These theories dier with respect to
the degree to which they think language contributes
to cognition. At one end of this spectrum are theories
that view language as merely a scaold for our con-
cepts (Vygotsky, [1934] 2012). The LASS theory, for
example, treats language as little more than a cogni-
tive shortcut for embodied or grounded conceptual
processing. At the other end are theories that give
language a central role language in our concepts.
The SI approach (Louwerse, 2011,2018) holds that lin-
guistic information plays a dominant role in concep-
tual processing. The WAT theory (Borghi & Binkofski,
2014; Borghi et al., 2018) emphasizes that words
serve as social and cognitive tools. Other theories lie
in the middle somewhere. For instance, Connell
(2018) embraces the notion of a linguistic shortcut
but goes on to emphasize the importance of this
shortcut in both online and oine conceptual proces-
sing. Indeed, this allows language to be an integral
part of the conceptual system(Connell, 2018,p.1;
see also Connell & Lynott, 2014).
The purpose of this essay is to oer a full-throated
view of the contribution that language makes to cog-
nition that encompasses many of the elements of the
theories mentioned above. The core idea is that sym-
bolic properties of language underwrite novel concep-
tual abilities. Roughly put, I propose that the language
system is something of a neuroenhancement. When
we acquire a natural language, we acquire a symbol
technology that enhances the nature our cognition
is specic ways. The language system is a useful
piece of neural/cognitive machinery that extends our
conceptual reach by enabling us to formulate
thoughts that we would struggle to formulate other-
wise. Borrowing a turn of phrase from the philosopher
Andy Clark (2003), we are linguistic cyborgs. Within
the brain sciences, neuroenhancements are typically
thought of as chemical agents that we ingest or inor-
ganic technologies with which we become enmeshed.
Clearly, language is neither of these in any straightfor-
ward sense. I am calling it a neuroenhancement,
however, because the language system itself
becomes an important component of the conceptual
system rather than merely a novel source of infor-
mation about the world. Thinking of the process of
language acquisition as one of a neural modication
is not a profound conceptual leap. Of course, all learn-
ing can be thought of broadly in these terms. The pro-
posal on the table suggests that the case with
language is special because the neurological realized
language system is entwined and integrated with
other aspects of the conceptual system. Language,
in other words, is deeply generatively entrenched
(Wimsatt, 2007). To be more specic, it becomes a
modality for perceiving and acting on the world. As
such, the language system itself is a target for
grounded neural simulation or neural reuse.
This approach fosters predictions concerning how
our concepts are neurologically realized that go
beyond the usual conception of scaolding as a
means of external support for constructive processes
(Buckner, 2018). In keeping with the tradition of pro-
viding an acronym, I am going to refer to this as the
LENS theory (Language as an Embodied Neuroen-
hancement and Scaold theory). Broadly speaking,
theories of embodied cognition can be divided into
two major camps: those that emphasize the
inuence of the body on the mind and those that
emphasize the importance of body-world couplings.
Viewing language as an external symbol technology
that becomes an integrated part of the neurologically
realized conceptual system bridges these conceptions.
The core idea is that the acquisition of language trans-
forms the cognitive lives of children by oering a new
symbolic medium for thinking that has many of the
favorable properties identied by supporters of
amodal cognition (Dove, 2011,2014,2018). This new
symbolic medium is grounded in sensorimotor
systems. We would thus expect these systems to con-
tribute in a causally relevant way to semantic
It is helpful to begin with the reasons why we
should think that language can act as a scaold. A
minimalist proposal can be found in LASS theory.
The suggestion here is that linguistic information
stored within concepts can serve as a cognitive short-
cut with certain tasks. In other words, language under-
writes a supercial form of semantic processing that
enables us to avoid the deeper processing associated
with situated simulations. On this proposal, language
is merely a scaold in the sense that it provides an
occasional and somewhat reliable substitute for
grounded cognition. It is little more than an ecient
shortcut. Most conceptions of scaolding go a bit
farther beyond this minimal notion. Some follow
Vygotsky and emphasize the degree to which
language provides an ecient medium for communi-
cating generic information in a human pedagogical
context (Csibra & Gergely, 2009; Pezzulo, Barca, &
DAusilio, 2014). Others focus on the extent to which
words can leverage socially mediated experiences
(Borghi & Binkofski, 2014; Borghi & Cimatti, 2009).
The LENS theory goes even further. Acquiring
language involves the development of sophisticated
sensorimotor skills that involve the coordination of
multiple modalities. In the course of acquiring these
skills, children acquire the ability to manipulate an
independent combinatorial symbol system. Linguists
and psycholinguists investigate the structural proper-
ties of this system at the phonological, morphological,
syntactic, semantic, and discourse levels. This descrip-
tion of the language system is meant to be broad and
is intended to leave room for intermediate levels such
as morphosyntax, systems that encompass multiple
levels such the mental lexicon, and even phenomena
that go beyond them such as social factors. Although
the LENS theory is committed to the grounded nature
of the neuromechanisms responsible for handling
language, it remains neutral with respect to many of
the specic details concerning the nature of the
language system. It is a theory of the role played by
language in our concepts, not of language itself.
3. An acquired symbol technology
Recently, Cecilia Heyes (2018) has proposed that a
great deal of the distinctiveness of human behavior
and cognition is shaped by our facility with culturally
derived neuromechanisms that she refers to as cogni-
tive gadgets. Language is one of her primary examples.
Clearly, the LENS theory shares much with this
approach, but it adds specic claims about the
nature of cognition, the structure of our conceptual
system, and the specic role played by the neurologi-
cally realized language system. To put it simply, it pro-
vides a specic picture of what kind of
cognitive gadget a natural language amounts to. The
proposal on the table is that language is rst and fore-
most a symbol technology. In one sense, it is just one
of a number of externally sourced symbol technol-
ogies that we are able acquire (Clark, 2011). Our under-
standing of mathematics, for instance, often depends
on such technologies. To give a prosaic example,
learning how to perform long division on paper
requires a similar grounded manipulation of, and
interaction with, physical symbols (Landy, Allen, &
Zednik, 2014; Landy & Goldstone, 2007). In keeping
with this example, language is just another external
symbol system that we learn to manipulate in an
embodied and grounded way. In another sense,
language is clearly special. It is hard to think of a cog-
nitive domain that does not involve language to some
degree or another.
What makes it a neuroenhancement, though? To
answer this, it will help to consider an example that
Clark and Chalmers (1998) outline in the course of
their defense of extended cognition.
Clark and Chal-
mers note that expert players of Tetris often ip the
target block physically on the screen by pushing the
relevant button as it drops. Presumably, this helps
them with the task of nding out where to place the
block because it is more ecient than mentally rotat-
ing the block (the technique employed by less experi-
enced players). Clark and Calmers go on to claim that,
because the physical and mental rotations are func-
tionally equivalent from a certain computational
standpoint, they should both be treated as cognitive.
To make this claim stick, they point to an imagined
neuroenhancement example (1998, p. 7):
Sometime in the cyberpunk future, a person sits in front
of a similar computer screen. This agent, however, has
the benet of a neural implant which can perform the
rotation operation as fast as the computer in the pre-
vious example. The agent must still choose which
internal resource to use (the implant or the good old
fashioned mental rotation), as each resource makes
dierent demands on attention and other concurrent
brain activity.
Without getting into the nitty-gritty details of their
argument, Clark and Chalmers are interested in
driving home two points: The rst is that a great
deal of our intelligent behavior relies on external
support. More specically, it may involve epistemic
actions (Kirsh & Maglio, 1994) that involve a coupled
interaction with the world. The second is that certain
instances of such actions should count as forms of
extended cognition. The cyberpunk example in par-
ticular is meant to demonstrate that the skin-and-
skull barrier is irrelevant. The key part of the thought
experiment is that not much has changed computa-
tionally by the internalization of the actions of
expert Tetris players.
The philosophical implications of this casepar-
ticularly the degree to which it supports the existence
of extended minds that include parts of the world
among their constituentshave been discussed at
great length elsewhere (e.g., Menary, 2010) and are
beyond the purview of this essay. Indeed, they are
orthogonal to the issues currently at hand. Neverthe-
less, I suggest that this example provides a useful
means of exploring the theoretical claims of LENS
While it seems reasonable to say that there
could be no computational dierences between how
the cyberpunk and the Tetris expert handle this par-
ticular task (and it is worth noting that Clark and Chal-
mers are careful to align the behavioral features of the
compared cases), there is an obvious sense in which
the cyberpunk is enhanced in a way that the expert
is not. For one, the cyperpunk might well nd other
uses for their newly acquired mental rotation abilities.
It seems likely that the new mechanism will be co-
opted to serve new cognitive functions in a way that
the circumscribed behaviorally mediated expertise
will not be. In other words, having internal access to
a new perceptual/cognitive mechanism is likely to
transform their cognitive horizons.
The suggestion on oer with LENS theory is that the
widely distributed and multimodal language system
amounts to a neurologically realized modication
one that supports new forms of intelligent behavior.
This is what it means to say that the language
system itself acts as a neuroenhancement. This view
begins the observation that children develop highly
distributed sensorimotor skills in the course of lever-
aging a valuable social resource. Communicating
through languageeven at the most rudimentary
levelenables them to act on the world and gather
information about it in a powerful and eective way.
At a minimum, language provides a highly eective
channel of cultural transmission. In the course of
becoming uent, however, the child learns how to
manipulate grounded symbols in a systematic and
productive fashion that enhances cognition by
means of providing a distinctly eective medium of
thought. In this sense, an acquired natural language
becomes an embodied neuroenhancement. Borrow-
ing from Clark and Chalmers, we might explain the
central idea as follows: During the course of develop-
ment, the child goes from being more like the expert
tetris player (who manipulates their cognitive niche
for cognitive purposes) to being more like the cyber-
punk (who has access to an internal cognitive
system). The analogy is not perfect because the
LENS theory holds that language plays both the exter-
nal role associated with epistemic actions and the
internal role associated with neural enhancement.
A caveat is warranted. Viewing language as a neu-
roenhancement is inherently constructivist. The sug-
gestion is, after all, that the human conceptual
system is signicantly altered and transformed
through the dynamic and sustained interaction with
others through the medium of a natural language.
Although it is intended to be compatible with recent
theories of powerful general-purpose learning mech-
anisms and likely requires the rejection of nativist con-
ceptions of the acquisition process that posit a rich
genetically determined language faculty,
it would
be a mistake to think that it excludes the inuence
of evolutionary forces. For one, there are approaches
to evolution that emphasize the relevance of develop-
mental and environmental inuences, including evo-
devo theories (West-Eberhard, 2005) and what has
been called the extended evolutionary synthesis
(Laland et al., 2015). For another, it has been
suggested that the human brain and language
might have co-evolved in such a way that the
former may shaped an appropriate socio-cultural
niche and the latter may have shaped an appropriate
neural niche (Deacon, 1997). Third, alternative devel-
opmental explanations have been oered for the fea-
tures of language acquisition that are often taken as
evidence for a genetic endowment for language
(Christiansen & Chater, 2016; Culicover, 1999; Dove,
2012). Thus, while LENS requires constructivism, it
also leaves room for evolutionary factors.
The central idea behind the LENS theory is that,
when an individual acquires a natural language, they
acquire a symbol system that has dierent compu-
tational properties than the embodied codes that
exist independently of language (Clark, 2006,2011).
In other words, the distributed and grounded
language system becomes an acquired neural
enhancement that transforms a childs ability, not
only to leverage their external and social environment,
but also to formulate thoughts about the world and
our place in it. Conceptual content can then be cap-
tured in part by the associative or inferential relation-
ships of embodied linguistic representations with
other embodied linguistic representations (Borghi &
Cimatti, 2009; Dove, 2011). A concept will not only
be represented on a given occasion by multimodal
simulations associated with interacting with its refer-
ents, but also by multimodal simulations or action
schemas associated with talking or listening to talk
about themthat is, sensorimotor experiences of
words, phrases, sentences, and perhaps even larger
chunks of discourse.
4. Thinking without words
In cognitive science, theoretical positions concerning
the role of language in our thoughts have traditionally
been polemical: they have tended to treat language
either as having almost no direct inuence on our con-
ceptual system, serving primarily as a means gaining
access to culturally derived information, or as having
almost magical powers such as underwriting our
capacity for abstract thought. To put it somewhat
dierently, theories have tended to favor either a com-
municative or a cognitive conception of the role of
language in thought. Recently, though, researchers
have begun to recognize that language can be an
eective tool for thinking, even if it is not the only
one in the toolbox.
A straightforward consequence of treating
language as a neuroenhancement and a scaold is
the prediction that thinking can occur in the
absence of language. For various practical reasons,
most research on grounded cognition has focused
on language-based semantic memory in adults.
guistic stimuli are certainly convenient and handy
prompts for this work. Words, after all, demarcate
shared concepts. Furthermore, it is genuinely surpris-
ing to nd that aective and sensorimotor systems
contribute to semantic tasks. Nevertheless, the ideas
at the heart of grounded cognition clearly suggest
that thought without language is possible. Unfortu-
nately, given the de facto focus on linguistically
encoded concepts, there has been little eort to disen-
tangle the contribution of language to the conceptual
There are a number of reasons to favor the idea that
thinking can occur without words (Pinker, 1994). For
one, there is the question of how infants and young
children are able to acquire concepts that are
encoded in a particular natural language. Fodor
(1981) famously emphasized that the capacity to
learn word meanings seems to require the prior
ability to formulate hypotheses about what the
words might mean. Whether or not one accepts his
background assumptions concerning the nature of
learning, the general point that acquiring word mean-
ings seems to require the presence of sophisticated
conceptual abilities seems sound.
Perhaps the most famous neuropsychology case
study relating to independence of language and
thought involves a French Canadian monk known as
Brother John(Lecours & Joanette, 1980). Brother
John was an educated man who served on the edi-
torial staof the periodical put out by his order. He
was epileptic and during his seizures experienced
what Lecours and Joanette (1980, pp. 45) refer as
spellsof paroxysmal aphasia where he would
remain conscious but lose all productive and receptive
language skills, including inner speech. These spells
tended to be either relatively short (15 min) or rela-
tively long (111 h). During these spells, Brother
John was able to function remarkably well. For
example, he was able to recognize objects, use tools,
navigate familiar and novel environments, and even
manage social interactions. Famously, one of Brother
Johns long spells occurred as he was traveling by
train from Italy to a small town in Switzerland. As he
arrived in the small town he began to experience a
long spell of dysphasia. Despite having never been
to that town before, he managed to get his bags, dis-
embark from the train, nd a hotel, check in by means
of handing over his passport, and order a meal by
pointing to the menu.
Without question, there are
many reasons to be cautious with respect to
drawing rm conclusions from this remarkable case
study. Given the inherent limitations of this sort of
anecdotal report, we should treat it as suggestive at
There are other strands of evidence, though. Natu-
rally occurring linguistic isolates provide further
support for the potential independence of thought
from language. Dramatic instances of children raised
in isolation from other peoplesuch as the cases of
Genie (Curtiss, 1977) and Victor of Aveyron (Lane,
1976)capture the imagination, but far too much
remains unresolved concerning the details of their
upbringing and the nature of their decits. However,
less dramatic cases are available. Donald (1993)
points to documented instances of deaf people from
pre-literate societies. Despite their lack of exposure to
formal writing systems or fully realized sign language,
there seems to be little reason to suspect that such indi-
viduals were incapable of some forms of sophisticated
cognition. Indeed, adults without language may not be
as uncommon in the real world as they seem to be in
the research literature. Schaller (2012) relays her experi-
ence teaching sign language to Ildefonso, a profoundly
deaf 27 year-old Mexican immigrant. When they met,
Ildefonso was not only unable sign but appeared to
be completely unaware of how sign language func-
tions. Despite this, he worked as a farmhand for much
of his life. Echoing Brother Johns story, Ildefonso
recounts how, as a boy, he was sent on plane trip by
his father to pick apples with a group of men in
upstate New York. When he got there, the men were
arrested but he was not. Somehow, he was able to
nd and join another group of workers (Schaller,
2012, pp. 200201).
Two caveats are warranted with respect to Ildefon-
sos case. The rst is that, although Schaller describes
Ildefonso as obviously intelligent, she did not carry
out careful studies of his cognitive abilities. The
second is that it is not absolutely clear that Ildefonso
was completely languageless. A number of studies
have uncovered the systematic qualities of the gestural
communications of deaf children with their nonsigning
hearing parents (Goldin-Meadow & Feldman, 1977;
Goldin-Meadow & Mylander, 1998; Goldin-Meadow,
Mylander, & Butcher, 1995). It thus remains possible
that Ildefonso acquired some language or language-
like representational abilities at some point in his life.
Having made these caveats, though, it seems fair to
say that prior to acquiring ASL Ildefonsos cognitive
abilities manifestly outpaced his linguistic ones.
Careful studies of neurological patientsand corre-
sponding brain imaging research with neurotypical
participantsprovide support for the idea that
specic cognitive skills are independent of language.
The apparent independence of some aspects of math-
ematical reasoning from language provides an intri-
guing example. A study of three profoundly aphasic
patients found that they were able to solve mathemat-
ical problems that involved recursion and structure-
dependent operations (Varley, Klessinger, Roma-
nowski, & Siegal, 2005; see also Rossor, Warrington,
& Cipolotti, 1995). This study ts with brain imaging
evidence supporting the existence of a neurological
dissociation between language and mathematical
processing (Monti, Parsons, & Osherson, 2012). Never-
theless, the preservation of these skills in such patients
remains somewhat surprising because some research
indicates a correlation and possible neuroanatomical
overlap between linguistic and mathematical proces-
sing on certain tasks (Baldo & Dronkers, 2007;
although see Fedorenko & Varley, 2016 for a critical
review of this evidence).
Admittedly, in clinical contexts, the relationship
between apahasia and calculation diculties, often
referred to as acalculia, can be somewhat complex.
Comorbidity is common but not universal (Fedorenko
& Varley, 2016; Rosselli & Ardila, 1989). Some research-
ers distinguish primary forms of acalculia that involve
a fundamental decit in calculation abilities from sec-
ondary forms that result from other decits including
but not limited to decits associate with linguistic pro-
cessing (Ardila & Rosselli, 2002). However, it is often
dicult to distinguish primary from secondary forms
(Ardila & Rosselli, 2002). Signicantly, there is a recog-
nized type of acalculia that occurs with right
hemisphere damage (Grana, Hofer, & Semenza, 2006).
While this type has traditioanally been categorized as
secondary form of acalulia (one that is caused by
impaired spatial processing abilities), recent evidence
from a number of sources suggests that right hemi-
sphere damage can be associated with impairments
of core calculation abilities that are independent of
spatial processing (Benavides-Varela et al., 2017).
This leads to a distributed view of the calculation
system in which right hemisphere structures play a
primary rather than a secondary role (Semenza &
Benavides-Varela, 2017).
The example of mathematical calculation is com-
pelling because it provides a clear instance of an unde-
niably higher-level cognitive skill (one that seems
clearly linked to human intelligence) that appears to
rely at least in part on neural mechanisms that are
not directly tied to the language system. This
example is also useful precisely because there are
many reasons to think that mathematical reasoning
is enhancedboth in a synchronic and a diachronic
senseby natural language and other external
symbol systems. No one would argue that all math-
ematical reasoning is independent of language or
that the acquisition of mathematical reasoning does
not rely heavily on language. Indeed, a great deal of
research suggests that the process of language acqui-
sition and the ontogenetic development of math-
ematical skills are intertwined (Berch, Geary, &
Koepke, 2018). A well-known example involves the
proposed relationship between the learning of
verbal-numerals and the emergence of an under-
standing of natural number (Carey, 2009).
To sum up, the evidence reviewed in this section
does not provide a clear demarcation of what thinking
involves language and what thinking does not. It does,
however, support the conclusion that sophisticated
cognition can occur in the absence of language. It
also suggests that such a demarcation may be
dicult to make precisely because of the broad and
deep inuences of language on cognition. A great
strength of embodied and grounded approaches to
cognition has always been their ability to explain
infant cognition and the continuity that exists
between human and animal cognition. In other
words, these approaches have always had a ready
explanation for thinking without words. However,
they have not always provided a ready answer for
the systematic inuence of language on cognition.
The LENS theory represents an attempt to provide
such an explanation.
5. Thinking with words
As outlined above, a conclusion that we can draw from
the previous discussion is that it is often dicult to dis-
entangle language and thought. There are two
leading explanations for this. The rst holds the line
with respect to the independence of thought and
language and explains this diculty in terms of our
reliance on language for communication. The impor-
tant idea behind this kind of explanation is that the
neural mechanisms responsible for language proces-
sing are largely separate from, and independent of,
those involved in conceptualization and other cogni-
tive processes. The second explanation contends
that language and thought are dicult to disentangle
precisely because they are entangled. In other words,
this diculty is a consequence of the signicant dia-
chronic and synchronic roles that language plays in
our cognitive lives.
For the most part, contemporary researchers have
abandoned the rst explanation in favor of the
second. What remains controversial is the nature and
extent of inuence of language. While there is
general agreement that language is an important
tool for thinking, there is signicant disagreement
about what kind of tool it is and how it works.
Clearly, LENS theory is committed to full-bodied
account of the role played by language in our con-
ceptsone that extends beyond most recent
5.1. A neuroenhancement
How does language scaold and enhance cognition?
To answer this, lets return briey to our Tetris
example (Clark & Chalmers, 1998). Tetris experts
rotate the falling shape to help them decide where
to move the piece. This amounts to a manipulation
of the physical environment in order to gain epistemic
advantage. More to the point, it shows how coordi-
nated action can, when appropriately coupled with
the environment, scaold cognition. Now consider
the cyborg. The cyborg gains a similar epistemic
advantage from the deployment of newfound internal
resources. The LENS theory combines these scenarios.
On the one hand, it acknowledges that language
involves the manipulation of our physical and social
niche. As Borghi and Binkofski put it (2014, p. 19):
Words can be seen as tools because, similar to physical
tools, they allow us to act in the world, together with
and in relation to other individuals; they are social also
since they are acquired and used in a social context.
On the other hand, it also holds that the neurologically
realized language system provides the child with new
representational abilities that enhance her cognitive
reach (Dove, 2014,2018).
This dual benet is a consequence of the skills
needed to be a uent speaker of a natural language.
For the sake of explanatory convenience, lets focus
on oral communication (everything I say will apply
mutatis mutandis to visual forms of linguistic com-
munication such as signing or even writing). To be
successful, a child needs to learn to recognizeand
ultimately produce by means of precise bodily
actionsthe speech sounds of a particular language.
In addition to acquiring phonological competence,
the child needs to acquire morphological compe-
tence; that is, she must learn how morphemes
combine to form words. She also needs to acquire syn-
tactic competence and learn how to combine words
(and morphemes) to form meaningful constructions,
phrases, and sentences. Beyond this, she needs to
develop the pragmatic discourse-related skills
needed to comprehend and produce meaningful con-
versations. In sum, becoming a competent speaker of
a natural language involves a suite of grounded skills.
The question then is not whether natural language
competence itself ts with idea of embodied cogni-
tion, but rather to what degree such grounded skills
inuence our concepts and thoughts.
The LENS theory is a theory of semantic memory
and thus remains focused on the neuromechanisms
responsible for encoding meaning. In the following
three subsections, I am going to propose three ways
in which linguistic forms and symbols contribute our
concepts. To put it bluntly, I am going to identify
three ways that we think with words. First, our ability
to label objects or events transforms our capacity to
conceptualize them. Second, the associations
between labels provide a new source of information
about the world. Third, the combinatorial properties
of language enhance our cognitive powers. Below, I
survey how labels, verbal associations, and syntax
enrich our concepts.
5.2. Label magic
In general, words and idioms are semantically arbi-
trary. Putting aside onomatopoeia and rough phono-
logical associations with semantic complexity (and
even these are often a matter of degree rather than
clear examples of semantic transparency), most
words are arbitrarily connected to their conceptual
content. Dierent languages will associate dierent
words with similar concepts. The same word can
shift meaning over time. This shift can be dramatic
as in the case of the English word hussy which orig-
inates from a contraction of the Middle English word
for housewife, or it can be subtle as in the case of
the English word peruse which at one time meant
read carefully but has come to mean browse.
semantic arbitrariness ts well with purely communi-
cative conceptions of language. After all, on such con-
ceptions, words label pre-existing concepts that are
handled by fully independent neuromechanisms
(e.g., Fodor, 1975; Gleitman & Papafragou, 2005;
Pinker, 1994). The LENS theory, though, builds on a tra-
dition that emphasizes the inuence of language on
cognition (e.g., Clark, 1998; Quine, 1960; Vygotsky,
[1934] 2012). Below, I argue that the semantic arbitrari-
ness of words actually underwrites their capacity to
augment and extend our cognitive powers.
Neuropsychological case studies provide an initial
motivation for a cognitive view of language. It has
been known for some time that patients with
aphasia often experience impairments of in non-lin-
guistic cognitive tasks (Goldstein, 1948; Noppeney &
Wallesch, 2000). In particular, aphasics often experi-
ence diculty with categorization tasks that required
the identication of a specic attribute shared by
dierent items rather than a global comparison
between them (Cohen, Kelter, & Woll, 1980;
Semenza, Bisiacchi, & Romani, 1992). The patient
identied as LEW provides a compelling case study
(Davido& Roberson, 2004; Roberson, Davido,&
Braisby, 1999). LEW experiences great diculty in
naming pictures of actions or objects (Roberson
et al., 1999). Despite this anomia, LEW is able to
respond appropriately to spoken denitions (Druks &
Shallice, 2000). This suggests that LEWs semantic
knowledge is preserved to some degree. What is
important for our purposes is that LEW struggles
with taxonomic classication tasks that involve a
single dimension (such as shape or color) but not
with thematic classication tasks that involve broader
comparisons (Davido& Roberson, 2004; Roberson
et al., 1999).
Following up on this research, Lupyan and Mirman
(2013) compared the performance of 12 aphasic par-
ticipants with 12 age and education matched controls
on a categorization task. Presented with sets of 20 pic-
tures, participants were asked to select all that ta
given criterion. Lupyan and Mirman hypothesized
that the aphasic participants would experience
greater diculty when the criterion was, in their
words, low-dimensional(e.g., things that are green)
than when the criterion was high-dimensional(e.g.,
farm animals). This prediction was borne out; not
only were the participants with aphasia selectively
impaired on the low-dimensional task, but the
degree of their impairment was correlated with the
degree of their anomia (Lupyan & Mirman, 2013). In
a related experiment with neurologically intact partici-
pants, a similar selective impairment for taxonomic
categorization and not thematic categorization was
induced by means of a verbal interference task
(Lupyan, 2009).
All of this suggests that there is a causal link
between language and at least some cognitive tasks
(Lupyan, 2012). What mechanisms are responsible
for this? The LENS theory predicts that labels should
act both as a scaold for cognition and an internal
neuroenhancement. Lets begin with the scaold
idea rst. Labels create a novel set of perceptual
objects and targets for action (Clark, 2006). As such,
they may help learners become attuned to perceptual
commonalities and overcome the inherent complexity
and noisiness of perceptual inputs (Clark, 1998;
Lupyan & Clark, 2015). For example, in 9-month old
children, categorization is facilitated by the simul-
taneous presentation of words but not tones
(Balaban & Waxman, 1997). Distinct labels (but not dis-
tinct tones, sounds, or emotional expressions) have
been found to help this cohort with an object indivi-
duation task (Xu, 2002). By the time they are a year
old, infants have learned to expect nouns to be
linked to categories of objects (Waxman & Markow,
1995). As we get older, labels may be able to assist cat-
egorization and concept formation in more sophisti-
cated ways. Yuan, Perfors, Tenenbaum, and Xu
(2011) suggest that, when learning individual words,
children are also learning about words simul-
taneously. They propose that learning occurs on
multiple levels and provide evidence that preschoo-
lers can learn-to-learn through linguistic tasks. Such
learning is thought to carry of into non-linguistic cog-
nitive domains. There is also evidence that labels con-
tinue to inuence learning into adulthood. Labeled
categories are easier to learn than unlabeled cat-
egories even when the relevant experience is held
constant and the labels are redundant (Lupyan,
Rakison, & McClelland, 2007).
Clark (2006) emphasizes the degree to which
language is a physical transformation of our cognitive
niche. This transformation explains the scaolding
eects outlined above. But Clark (2003) has also pro-
posed that we are natural-born cyborgs. The LENS
theory takes this proposal seriously and enumerates
the ways in which the neurologically realized
language system plays a role our concepts.
Our current focus is on the role played by labels. All
too often, discussions of conceptual embodiment
simply ignore the contributions of linguistic represen-
tations. It seems likely that this is due to an implicit or
unstated commitment to the functional indepen-
dence of the conceptual system. No matter how you
slice it, though, this lacuna is problematic. Any suc-
cessful account of the neuromechanisms responsible
for semantic memory needs to provide an explanation
of how the conceptual system and the language
system interact. A notable exception to this general
trend is Pulvermüller (2013,2018). Pulvermüller pro-
poses that distributed linguistic representations
serve as anchors in the formation of Action Perception
Circuits (APCs). Learning a language, on this account,
leads to the formation of these distributed circuits
by means of both Hebbian and anti-Hebbian learning
mechanisms. In other words, linguistic forms serve as a
means of stabilizing and organizing grounded
This proposal raises a question: Does this anchoring
alter or transform our embodied concepts? Some
accounts of the role of language in thought would
seem to answer this question negatively. For instance,
it has been proposed that linguistic forms can serve as
symbolic placeholders for multimodal simulations
(Zwaan, 2016). On this approach, labels underwrite
our capacity to use language as a heuristic shortcut
that can be deployed when conditions do not
require complex task performance. While the shortcut
idea is appealing and enjoys some empirical support,
there are also reasons to think that it does not go far
enough. For instance, behavioral data suggest that
verbal cues (such as the spoken word dog) activate
more general representations than non-verbal cues
(such as the sound of a dog barking; Edmiston &
Lupyan, 2015; Lupyan & Bergen, 2015). In keeping
with this, the Label-Feedback Hypothesis (LPH) pro-
poses that labels actively modulate both perceptual
and conceptual processes (Lupyan, 2012).
The LENS theory represents a broad view of the role
of language in cognition and, as such, leaves room for
specic sub-theories and even further empirical inves-
tigation. In this section, I have reviewed the evidence
suggesting that verbal labels serve as both a cognitive
scaold and a neuroenhancement. With respect to
this latter claim, there seems to be room for linguistic
forms to serve as both anchors for APCs (as Pulvermül-
ler envisions) and as online modulators of categoriz-
ation processes (as Lupyan envisions).
5.3. A new source of information
The statistical patterns of words and larger chunks of
language are a rich source of information about the
world and its contents. In this section, I explore the
idea that the conceptual system actively leverages
this information. In particular, I propose that the prag-
matic skills derived in order to facilitate verbal com-
munication, especially those that involve predicting
word selection, may be employed by our concepts.
Distributional models treat concepts in terms of
knowledge of statistical patterns derived from
spoken and written language. A number of compu-
tational models that extract statistical regularities
from large corpuses, including the Latent Semantic
Analysis model (Landauer & Dumais, 1997; Landauer
et al., 1998), the Hyperspace Analog to Language
model (Lund & Burgess, 1996), and the Latent Dirichlet
Allocation model (Blei et al., 2003) have been devel-
oped. The core idea behind these models is that the
meaning of a word is in part constrained by the
company it keeps (Firth, 1957). They assume that
semantic-relatedness can be constrained by infor-
mation gleaned from aggregating the linguistic con-
texts in which a given word appears. Despite the
fact that these models typically ignore seemingly
important linguistic properties such as word-order
and phrase structure, they have been shown to
perform remarkably well on lexical access and lexical
similarity tasks (Louwerse, 2011).
Linguistic and non-linguistic experiences are inde-
pendent, yet complementary, sources of information
about the world. This has lead several researchers to
propose that we should adopt a hybrid approach
that combines grounded simulations and distribu-
tional knowledge (Andrews, Frank, & Vigliocco, 2014;
Louwerse & Jeuniaux, 2010; Riordan & Jones, 2010).
Working within a statistical learning framework, for
instance, Andrews, Vigliocco, and Vinson (2009)
suggest that language-based distributional data and
is likely to be more helpful with abstract concepts
than non-linguistic experiential data. They hypoth-
esize that the most eective semantic representations
would thus involve the statistical combination of both
and develop a model that combined these types of
data. This models performance on several cognitive
tasks correlated with previously gathered behavioral
evidence better than models that exclusively relied
on data of a single type (for further evidence of the
advantages of hybrid models see Bruni, Tran, &
Baroni, 2014; Steyvers, 2010). The success of this inte-
grated model suggests that the ability to take advan-
tage of the distributional information contained within
natural language would be a useful enhancement to
an experientially based conceptual system. While a
lot of work remains to be done to show that the neuro-
mechanisms responsible for encoding the distribu-
tional properties of language are active in
conceptual processing, the success of hybrid models
oers a strong circumstantial case in their favor. In
keeping with this, some behavioral studies identify
independent language-based and embodied factors
in conceptual processing (Barsalou et al., 2008; Lou-
werse & Jeuniaux, 2010).
The picture of concepts that emerges from this
section bears a striking resemblance to a recent pro-
posal that is motivated by a commitment to associa-
tionism. Tillas (2015) argues that language serves as
grist to the mill of cognition. In particular he
defends a position that he refers to as the labels and
associations in thinking hypothesis (or LASSO). The
LASSO hypothesis identies three important types of
associations: (1) associations between a word and a
concept that is grounded in sensorimotor systems;
(2) associations between grounded concepts; and (3)
associations between words. While then LENS theory
is a broad account of the role of language in embo-
died cognition and thus leaves room for non-associat-
ive links, it is clearly committed to the importance of
10 G. DOVE
each of these sources of information. There is a key
point of disagreement between the LENS and LASSO
theories, however. The latter maintains the strict sep-
aration the language and conceptual systems.
Language is merely grist to our cognitive mill. The
LENS theory oers a more integrative picture: it not
only treats language experience as grist for the mill
of our concepts, it also considers the neurologically
realized language system as part the mill of our
5.4. A symbolic medium
A natural language is a structured symbolic system
consisting of stored lexical items and combinatorial
rules or principles (Jackendo,2007). Some cognitive
scientists have proposed that these structural proper-
ties reect those of an underlying amodal represen-
tational system often referred to as a language of
thought (Fodor, 1975). Supporters of embodied and
grounded cognition, though, deny the existence of
such a mentelese. This raises the question of how
the structural properties of language relate to those
associated with non-linguistic cognition.
Linguistic symbols are syntactically re-combinable.
This fact underwrites a number of the core properties
of the language system. For example, the ability to
recursively combine symbols in accordance with an
implicit understanding of rules or principles explains
the inherent productivity of language (Pinker, 1994).
Re-combinability also explains the systematicity of
language (Fodor, 1975; Fodor & Pylyshyn, 1988;
Pinker, 1994). The idea behind systematicity is that
our ability to produce a sentence such as Dog bites
man is intimately connected to our ability to form
other sentences such as Man bites dog. Finally, syntactic
re-combinability seems to contribute to the stimulus-
independence of language (Chomsky, 1966)by
helping explain how we are able to produce and under-
stand linguistic utterances that are not an immediate
response to proximal environmental stimulation.
I need to be careful here, though, because I do not
want to imply that thinking without words must
involve non-combinatorial representational systems.
Indeed, I am willing to concede than animal cognition
is often productive, systematic, and perhaps even
stimulus-independent. Certainly, supporters of per-
ceptual symbols have argued that these properties
can be captured by nonlinguistic embodied
representations grounded in action, emotion, and per-
ception systems (Barsalou, 1999; Barsalou & Prinz,
1997). Given this, my argument in support of the
importance of language as novel representational
format will not depend on the mere fact that language
is a combinatorial system but will rather focus on the
specic combinatorial properties exhibited by
language and the importance of the fact that is an
acquired symbol technology.
In a theoretical exploration of animal and human
cognition, Camp (2009) proposes that stimulus-inde-
pendence and re-combinability should be taken to
be degree properties. She proposes that natural
language enhances the combinatorial properties of
nonlinguistic cognition in at least four ways. First,
natural language is likely to lead us to consider more
thoughts because it enables one to hear the thoughts
of others. Second, the semantic arbitrariness of linguis-
tic symbols makes it easier to reproduce the same (or
at least, similar) thought in dierent situations. Third,
the transparent syntactic structure of natural language
highlights the potential re-combinability of thoughts
and thus encourages us to entertain thoughts that
we might not have considered otherwise. Finally,
natural language provides a suciently rich expressive
medium to allow one to represent truth-values and
inferential relations among thoughts. Camp contends
that these enhancements mean that a creature with
language is likely to enjoy a general cognitive advan-
tage over a creature that does not.
Camps ideas can be applied to grounded cogni-
tion. The suggestion then becomes that the stimulus
independence and re-combinability of language
diers in degree from non-linguistic grounded rep-
resentational systems. Given this, the addition of
language enhances our cognition in the way that
Camp suggests. Other researchers have recently
oered similar proposals. For instance, Tillas (2017,
p. 107) proposes that language facilitates our capacity
to form endogenous thoughts, which are in his words,
thoughts that we activate in a top-down manner or in
the absence of the appropriate stimuli. Clearly, this
mirrors Camps suggestion that language may oer a
greater degree of stimulus independence. Similarly,
Lynott and Connell (2010) propose that conceptual
combination arises from the interaction between the
linguistic and simulation systems. This ts with
Camps suggestion that the re-combinability of
language may encourage novel thoughts.
Syntactic properties may also support inferential
reasoning. To drive home this point, Weiskopf (2010)
asks us to consider Chomskys famous sentence, Col-
orless green ideas sleep furiously. While it is true that
linguists have diered over the degree to which this
sentence is semantically or syntactically deviant
(Harris, 1993), there is little question that it is dicult
to perceptually simulate or act upon. Nevertheless,
from its linguistic structure alone, we are able to
infer that if this sentence is true then the relevant
ideas are colorless and green, and they sleep furiously.
In a related vein, Shallice and Cooper (2013) argue that
the syntactic properties of recursion and argument
role lling support certain computational abilities
that are beyond the reach of nonlinguistic represen-
tational systems.
Following the general presuppositions of the
research literature, I have been treating concepts as
a unied phenomenon. However, some have
suggested that we should distinguish between
dierent types of semantic competence. In particular,
Marconi (1997) proposes that we should distinguish
between referential and inferential semantic compe-
tence. Referential competence mediates our capacity
to connect words to objects and events in the world.
Inferential competence on the other hand mediates
our capacity to connect words to other words as
part of inferential reasoning. It depends crucially on
abilities that enable us to verbally express ourselves
and understand what others are saying. Calzavarini
(2017, p. 163) explains, Such intralinguisticabilities
are semantic because, in order to exercise them, a
speaker must possess an internalized network specify-
ing semantic connections between a given word (e.g.,
cat) and other words of a natural language (e.g.,
animal,meow). Reviewing the extant neuropsycholo-
gical and neuroscience data, Calzavarini (2017)nds
evidence suggesting that our referential and inferen-
tial abilities are supported by (at least partially) distinct
neuroanatomical regions. While the LENS theory is not
committed to the ultimate viability of the referential/
inferential distinction, the view oered here clearly
embraces the idea that the language system supports
inferential semantic processes.
6. Abstract concepts
In this section, I hope to show that language, as a neu-
roenhancement and a scaold, is especially helpful
with abstract concepts. My defense of this claim will
involve two steps. First, I outline how abstract con-
cepts represent an important challenge for grounded
cognition. Next, I point to evidence implicating the
language system in the processing of abstract
6.1. An empirical and theoretical challenge
Our ability to acquire and use abstract concepts
raises important empirical and theoretical questions
for any approach to concepts that appeals to
aective and sensorimotor grounding. Much of the
evidence for grounded cognition involves concepts
that refer to objects and events that are intuitively
connected to our sensorimotor experience (Kem-
merer, 2015). In addition, because they generally
refer to objects and events that we do not directly
experience, it is dicult to see how they can be cap-
tured by representations grounded in aective and
sensorimotor systems (Chatterjee, 2010;Dove,2009;
Mahon, 2015).
Adiculty facing any discussion of abstract con-
cepts is that it is not exactly clear how they should
be dened, operationally or otherwise. Researchers
have oered dierent characterizations of the
abstract/concrete distinction. Barr and Caplan (1987)
propose that we should distinguish concepts that
are categorized by extrinsic features (which are associ-
ated with relations between two or more entities)
from those that are represented by intrinsic features
(which are associated with individual entities). Crutch
and Warrington (2005) propose that we should draw
a qualitative distinction between concepts that that
are organized around semantic association and
those that are organized primarily around similarity.
Wiemer-Hastings and Xu (2005) propose that abstract
concepts are both less contextually specic and pre-
dominately associated with social aspects of situ-
ations. Shea (2018) proposes that socially oriented
metacognition might be especially important for
abstract concepts.
Researchers have employed several measures in an
eort to trace the contours of how concepts might
dier relative to their degree of abstractness. These
measures include bodyobject interaction (Siakaluk
et al., 2008), concreteness (Marschark & Paivio, 1977),
context-availability (Schwanenugel & Shoben,
1983), emotional valence (Kousta, Vigliocco, Vinson,
12 G. DOVE
Andrews, & Del Campo, 2011), imageability (Paivio,
1986), interoceptive strength (Connell, Lynott, &
Banks, 2018), semantic richness (Recchia & Jones,
2012) and strength of perceptual experience
(Connell & Lynott, 2012). The result of this research is
a mixed picture: while these measures correlate up
to a point, they are not equivalent (Kousta et al.,
2011). One might respond to this situation by propos-
ing that we have just not come up with either the
correct understanding of abstract concepts or the
most accurate measure, but I contend that it is more
likely that abstract concepts represent a hetero-
geneous class (see also Barsalou, Dutriaux, & Schee-
pers, 2018). If this is the case, then abstract concepts
may pose more than one challenge to grounded cog-
nition (Dove, 2016). Nevertheless, it will be sucient
for my purposes
to roughly characterize abstract con-
cepts as those that, when compared to concrete or
highly imageable concepts, tend to refer to entities
or events that are harder to perceive with our senses
or manipulate directly with our actions; to involve
more complex relations, introspective features, or
social interactions; and to exhibit greater variability
across contexts.
The LENS theory adds an account of how language
augments and transforms a conceptual system
grounded in action, emotion, and perception
systems: the ability to manipulate linguistic symbols
simultaneously extends our capacity to access infor-
mation in our cognitive niche and provides an
eective means of processing that information.
Another way to put this point is that language
serves as both a social and a cognitive tool. In this,
the LENS theory ts well with recent versions of WAT
theory that emphasize the cognitive signicance of
words in addition to their eectiveness as a social
tool (e.g., Borghi et al., 2018). In a recent article,
Borghi and her colleagues explain (2018, p. 9),
words are tools to perform actions modifying the state of
our social environment and are tools that change the
state of our inner processes, helping us formulate predic-
tions and facilitating perception, categorization, and
thought. As such they are tools for shaping the internal
state of our minds/brains.
The LENS theory adds to this perspective by providing
an explanation of how the neural reuse of the
language system enables us to encode and process
aspects of our conceptual knowledge.
6.2. Abstract concepts in the brain
According to the LENS theory, language is a general
cognitive enhancement. As such, it is likely to be
involved in concepts of all sorts of stripes. The particu-
lar hypothesis under consideration in this section is
that we are likely to lean more heavily on language
in the processing of abstract concepts than in the pro-
cessing of concrete concepts. In this section, I am
going to consider evidence suggesting that abstract
concepts are represented dierently in the brain
than other concepts. Some of this evidence specically
implicates the language system.
The idea that we process abstract concepts dier-
ently than other concepts is supported by a robust
and diverse body of evidence that goes back
decades. An important early indication of a possible
functional asymmetry was the discovery of concrete-
ness eects in which concrete words exhibit a
number of processing advantages over abstract
words (Paivio, 1986; Wattenmaker & Shoben, 1987).
In keeping with our discussion of the multiple
measures employed to characterize the abstract/
non-abstract distinction (or spectrum), similar eects
have been found with other measures. Consider for
instance the measure of bodyobject interaction
(BOI), a measure that is meant to capture the per-
ceived ease with which a human body can physically
interact with category exemplars. Experiments reveal
that words with higher BOI ratings are processed
more eciently than words with lower BOI ratings
(Siakaluk et al., 2008; Yap, Pexman, Wellsby, Har-
greaves, & Hu,2012).
Neuropsychological case studies provide further
reason to think that abstract concepts are represented
dierently in the brain. Left hemisphere damage has
been correlated with the degree of impairment for
the processing of abstract words in studies of patients
who present with aphasia (Goodglass, Hyde, & Blum-
stein, 1969), deep dyslexia (Franklin, Howard, & Patter-
son, 1995; Shallice & Warrington, 1975), and deep
dysphasia (Katz & Goodglass, 1990; Martin & Saran,
1990). A subset of patients with semantic dementia,
a neurodegenerative disease that primarily aects
the anterior and inferior portions of both temporal
lobes, exhibit reverse concreteness eects (Bonner
et al., 2009; Reilly & Peelle, 2008; Yi, Moore, & Gross-
man, 2007). Reverse concreteness eects have also
been found in patients with herpes simplex
encephalitis, which disrupts the anterior temporal
lobes (Sirigu, Duhamel, & Poncet, 1991; Warrington &
Shallice, 1984). A recent study of seven patients who
had undergone a selective unilateral anterior temporal
resection (four in the right hemisphere and three in
the left hemisphere) compared their performance on
semantic processing tasks to healthy controls and a
group of patients with a more general semantic
impairment associated with a selective amygdalo-hip-
pocampectomy (Loiselle, Rouleau, Nguyen, Dubeau, &
Joubert, 2012). While both groups of patients exhib-
ited impaired semantic processing, only the patients
with selective anterior lobe resection were particularly
impaired with concrete words in comparison to
abstract words.
The fact that reverse concreteness eects occur in a
minority of SD patients has generated a fair amount of
controversy. Homan and Lambon Ralph (2011) for
example argue that it is not a typical feature of SD.
In their study of 7 patients, they used multiple tests
from earlier studies and found that comprehension
for both concrete and abstract words was impaired
but that concrete words tended to exhibit an advan-
tage (for further support of this generalization see
Homan, Jones, & Lambon Ralph, 2013). They did
nd that on some tests this advantage was reversed
but argue that this is likely due to confounding vari-
ables such as dierences in word frequency and lack
of sucient variability in imageability. They also note
that several of individuals in the literature showing
strong reverse concreteness eects (with SD and
other disorders) have had greater left hemisphere
damage and high levels of education (Homan &
Lambon Ralph, 2011, p. 2109). More recently,
Homan et al. (2013) have suggested that the occur-
rence of reverse concreteness eects in some patients
might arise from the variability of the damage under-
lying the disorder. Much of this controversy revolves
around the correct interpretation and explanation of
SD, which is clearly beyond the purview of this
essay. It is sucient for my purposes to note that,
when reverse concreteness eects do appear, linguis-
tic experience and language areas seem to be
Although the results of brain imaging studies are
somewhat variable (Binder, 2007), a number of
studies nd evidence of a neurological asymmetry
between the brain areas activated by abstract and
concrete concepts. To give an example, participants
in one study were visually presented with three
nouns in the form of a triangle and asked to decide
which of the two bottom nouns was most semantically
similar to the top noun (Sabsevitz, Medler, Seidenberg,
& Binder, 2005). Abstract nouns elicited greater acti-
vation in the left superior temporal and left inferior
frontal cortex, while concrete nouns elicited greater
activation in a bilateral network of association areas.
To give another, participants read simple sentences
that contained pairs of abstract, concrete, or mixed
(abstract-concrete and concrete-abstract) words as
part of an fMRI study (Sakreida et al., 2013). The fully
abstract pairs engaged the left middle temporal
gyrus while the fully concrete pairs engaged a
fronto-parietal network. Several studies nd that
abstract words elicit greater activation than concrete
words in superior regions of the left anterior temporal
lobe (Binder, Westbury, McKiernan, Possing, & Medler,
2005; Giesbrecht, Gamblin, & Swaab, 2004; Noppeney
& Price, 2004; Sabsevitz et al., 2005) and inferior
regions of the left prefrontal cortex (Binder et al.,
2005; Giesbrecht et al., 2004; Goldberg, Perfetti, &
Schneider, 2006; Noppeney & Price, 2004; Sabsevitz
et al., 2005). Meta-analyses nd that these areas are
the most likely to show increased activation with
abstract concepts (Binder, Desai, Graves, & Conant,
2009;Wang, Conder, Blitzer, & Shinkareva, 2010).
The neuroimaging ndings are bolstered by an
experiment carried out with healthy participants. Accu-
racy on a lexical decision task decreased with abstract
concepts when repetitive trans-cranial magnetic stimu-
lation (rTMS) was applied over the left inferior frontal
gyrus and the left superior temporal gyrus, but accu-
racy decreased with concrete concepts when rTMS
was applied over the right superior temporal gyrus
(Papagno, Fogliata, Catricala, & Miniussi, 2009).
The generalization that emerges from the neuros-
cientic evidence is that, when we compare the
activity associated with abstract words to that associ-
ated with concrete words in various semantic tasks,
the major brain areas that most reliably exhibit
greater activation are the left superior ATL and the
left IFG. The left superior ATL has been linked to
high-level speech perception and sentence compre-
hension (Kemmerer, 2015). It has been found to
respond more to sentences than randomly ordered
lists of words (Humphries, Binder, Medler, & Lie-
benthal, 2006; Vandenberghe, Nobre, & Price, 2002),
and some researchers have proposed that it is
14 G. DOVE
involved in sentence-level compositional semantic
processing (Hickok & Poeppel, 2007). The left IFG
(which includes Brocas area) has been linked to
several types of language processing, including audi-
tory-verbal short-term memory (Kemmerer, 2015).
For example, it has been associated with the inhibition
of contextually present irrelevant verbal information
(Badre & Wagner, 2005; Thompson-Schill et al., 2002).
Several researchers have proposed that it plays an
important role in the retrieval and selection of seman-
tic knowledge (Badre & Wagner, 2007;Jeries &
Lambon Ralph, 2006; Thompson-Schill, 2003).
Homan, Binney, and Lambon Ralph (2015) carried
out an fMRI experiment that was inspired by these
broad functional associations and the observation
that abstract concepts tend to have both less
modality-specic content and more variable, context-
dependent meanings. They compared semantic judg-
ments involving abstract and concrete words either
with, or without, contextual support. The response
proles of the left ATL and the left IFG were dierent:
the left superior temporal gyrus responded most
strongly to abstract words when they had contextual
support and left IFG activation was greatest with
abstract words when the provided contextual cues
were irrelevant to the semantic judgment.
I need to be clear about what I am claiming and
what I am not claiming. First, I am claiming that
abstract concepts are represented in the brain dier-
ently than concrete concepts are. This dierence is
likely due to a number of factors. In keeping with
this possible multiplicity, distinct concreteness
eects have been found in both the left and right
hemispheres (Huang, Lee, & Federmeier, 2010).
Abstract words in a semantic categorization task
have also been found to be associated with a particu-
larly widespread pattern of cortical activation that
includes temporal, parietal and frontal regions
(Pexman, Hargreaves, Edwards, Henry, & Goodyear,
2007). Second, I am claiming that part of this dier-
ence is due to the activity of the language system.
What I am not claiming is that the entire neuroanato-
mical abstract/concrete distinction is explained solely
by the contribution of the language system.
7. Language and theory of mind
In this section, I examine something of a test case:
research on the emergence of theory of mind in
children. Signicantly, this research has been
pursued without any commitment to the research
program of embodied cognition. In other words, it
represents an independent investigation of the acqui-
sition of a developmentally signicant body of
abstract knowledge. Given this contexta research
eort that is not focused on abstract concepts as
any kind of exception or dicult theoretical chal-
lengethe discovery of a robust body of evidence
pointing to the importance of language provides
additional support for the LENS approach.
Our ability to infer, imagine, and reason about the
mental states of others is widely recognized as a
core feature of human social cognition (Leslie, 2001).
Consequently, researchers have expended a great
deal eort trying to uncover the development
course of the skills involved in understanding others.
A great deal of research attention has been placed
on the development of the ability to attribute false
beliefs to others under various conditions (Wimmer
& Perner, 1983; although see Bloom & German, 2000
for a critical assessment of this practice). What has
emerged is a robust body of evidence suggesting
that language can play an important causal role in
the development of theory of mind (de Villiers & de
Villiers, 2014).
There are three leading types of theoretical expla-
nations for the apparent inuence of language on
the development of theory of mind (de Villiers & de
Villiers, 2014)each of which ts well with one of
the proposals outlined above in our discussion of
the LENS theory. The rst holds that learning to
apply mental state terms provide the child with an
invaluable leg up with respect to the acquisition of
theory of mind skills. In other words, the labels them-
selves play an important role here. This explanation is
supported by the observation that frequent use of
mental terms by young children with parents, siblings,
and friends is correlated with later degree of success
on false belief tasks (Brown, Donelan-McCall, &
Dunn, 1996; Dunn, Brown, Slomkowski, Tesla, &
Youngblade, 1991;Ruman, Slade, & Crowe, 2002).
The second type of theoretical explanation holds
that conversations provide essential input for learning
about the mental states of others (Harris, 2005; Peter-
son & Siegal, 1995). Learning to talk explicitly about
mental states is important, but so is learning the prag-
matic dynamics of everyday discourse. de Villiers and
de Villiers (2014, p. 314) point to the following possible
exchange as an example of how even mundane con-
versations might provide a window into the beliefs
of others:
I am going to have chocolate spread on my toast.
Thats Marmite!
While there is no explicit discussion of beliefs, the
ability to understand this conversation requires sensi-
tivity to the possibility of ignorance and false belief.
This view is supported in part by a series of studies
involving deaf participants (Courtin & Melot, 1998;
Peterson, 2009). Severe delays in the acquisition of
theory of mind skills have been observed in neurocog-
nitively unimpaired deaf children of hearing parents
who are not uent signers (Courtin & Melot, 1998;
Peterson, 2009; Peterson & Siegal, 1995; Schick, de Vil-
liers, de Villiers, & Homeister, 2007). Because these
children generally acquire sign language outside of
the home, they tend to be relatively late signers. In
contrast, children who grow up in a household with
auent signer tend to be early signers. A series of
studies compared these groups with respect to their
performance on theory of mind measures and found
that the children of non-signing hearing parents lag
behind children with at least one signing deaf
parent (Peterson & Siegal, 1999; Woolfe, Want, &
Siegal, 2002). This nding ts well with evidence that
the interactions between deaf mothers and deaf chil-
dren are similar in content, extent, and frequency with
those between hearing mothers and children while
the interactions between hearing mothers and deaf
children fall short on each of these dimensions
(Meadow, Greenberg, Erting, & Carmichael, 1981). An
account that connects theory of mind understanding
to access to relevant conversations provides a compel-
ling explanation for the lag in the acquisition theory of
mind skills in late-signers when compared to early-
signers. This idea is bolstered by research involving
hearing children that demonstrates the eectiveness
of conversation-based interventions on false belief
tasks (Appleton & Reddy, 1996).
The third leading type of explanation links the
emergence of theory of mind abilities to the childs
mastery of certain linguistic constructions (Astington
& Jenkins, 1999; de Villiers, 2007). Here, the idea is
that aspects of linguistic competence play a causal
role in the acquisition of theory of mind understand-
ing. In particular, researchers have focused on the
hypothesis that the ability to formulate complement
clauses might contribute to the emergence of theory
of mind. Building on their previous example, de Villiers
and de Villiers (2014, p. 314) oer the following pair of
Joanna thought that it was chocolate spread.
But it was really Marmite.
The idea is that an increased competence with certain
constructions may facilitate the childs ability to think
about the mental states of others. In other words,
complement clauses may provide a useful means of
representing the contents of other peoples minds.
A diverse body of evidence supports this proposal.
For one, the ability to handle complement syntax is a
robust predictor of performance on false-belief tasks
(de Villiers & de Villiers, 2012; de Villiers & Pyers,
2002; Low, 2010). Strikingly, this relationship holds
for several populations of children who experience
language delaysincluding deaf children of hearing
parents (de Villiers & de Villiers, 2012; Pyers &
Senghas, 2009; Schick et al., 2007), children with
specic language impairment (de Villiers, Burns, &
Pearson, 2003; Farrant, Mayberry, & Fletcher, 2012;
Miller, 2004), and high-functioning individuals with
an autism spectrum disorder (Tager-Flusberg &
Joseph, 2005). Hale and Tager-Flusberg (2003) com-
pared the eectiveness of three interventions on pre-
schoolers: the rst involved training children on false
belief tasks, the second involved training children on
sentential complements, and the third involved train-
ing children on relative clauses (which are similar in
syntactic complexity to sentential complements). Chil-
dren trained on false belief tasks showed improve-
ment on theory of mind tasks but did not show a
corresponding improvement on language tasks. Chil-
dren trained on sentential complements, on the
other hand, showed improvement on both types.
Finally, children trained on relative clauses showed
no appreciable improvement in theory of mind under-
standing. This evidence supports the notion that the
acquisition of sentential complements contributes to
the emergence of theory of mind in preschoolers.
As was the case with the inuences of language on
categorization discussed in section ve above, the
inuence of language on false belief tasks does not
appear to be limited to early development. For
instance, verbal shadowing has been shown to
16 G. DOVE
disrupt performance on a nonverbal false-belief task in
neurotypical adults (Newton & de Villiers, 2007).
In sum, researchers have oered three distinct
explanations for the apparent inuence that language
has on the development of theory of mind. Each of
these enjoys signicant empirical support. We
should keep three things in mind. First, none of
these explanations excludes the others. It is entirely
possible that they all hold and that language plays
each of these roles to a greater or a lesser degree.
Second, none of them requires that language is
necessary for theory of mind. While language may
help, it need not be the only developmental
pathway. In keeping with this, one of the most suc-
cessful interventions yet to be investigated involves
training children to understand cartoon-like thought
bubbles (Wellman, Hollander, & Schult, 1996;
Wellman & Peterson, 2013).
Each of these three proposals ts well with the LENS
theory. For instance, LENS theory predicts that the
ability to ax a label to categorize objects or events
transforms our capacity to conceptualize and think
about them. While this is true with concepts in
general, this cognitive leverage seems especially
important with respect to abstract concepts. While it
may be dicult to provide a clear denition of
abstractness, there is a clear sense in which the
mental states of others are not part of our direct
experience. The fact that mental state labels appear
to facilitate the emergence of theory of mind can
thus be seen as a specic instance of a general
phenomenon. The LENS theory also predicts that the
informational features of conversations should make
an important contribution to concept acquisition.
Finally, the LENS theory emphasizes the degree to
which the representational properties of language
can inuence our concepts. This would underwrite
the sort of syntactic bootstrapping that appears to
be associated with the acquisition of theory of mind.
8. Conclusion
Language plays an important role in our concepts. It
not only provides an eective means of gleaning
and expressing information about the world; it also
serves as a modality for thinking. Some have argued
that the fact language plays such a central role in
our concepts demonstrates the limits of embodiment
(Pecher, 2018; Pecher & Zeelenberg, 2018). In this
essay, I have outlined an account of languages role
that ts within the broad outlines of embodied cogni-
tion. I have argued that language should be viewed as
both an embodied neuroenhancement and a cogni-
tive scaold. A consequence of this proposal is that
the contribution of language to our concepts is likely
to be multifaceted. Consider the apparent inuences
of language on theory of mind: these appear to
include top-down inuences associated with linguistic
labels, new sources of information provided by the
statistical features of conversations, and opportunities
for syntactic bootstrapping underwritten by linguistic
constructions. More broadly, the LENS theory empha-
sizes the important contributions of labels, distribu-
tional patterns, and the compositional properties of
language to cognition. Recognizing that language
does more than provide external support for the con-
ceptual system opens up a number of new areas of
research and provides a coherent account of thinking
with words that encompasses several elements of
other extant theories.
1. The LENS theory does not require adopting a particular
stance with respect to whether the sort of examples
that Clark and Chalmers have in mind should count as
instances of extended cognition or merely as instances
of embedded cognition (Rupert, 2010).
2. It also provides a useful means of highlighting the areas
of agreement and perhaps disagreement between
Clarks ideas about the impact of language on cognition
(Clark, 1998,2006,2011), which tend to be connected to
his ideas about extended cognition, and those on oer in
this essay.
3. I do not have the space to get into a protracted discus-
sion with respect to the status of specic claims concern-
ing our innate endowment for language (a good place to
start is Cowie, 1999). It is worth noting, though, that nati-
vist claims have become progressively weaker and more
general over time.
4. Although semantic memory is often associated with
word meaning (and investigated through experiments
employing linguistic stimuli), it is generally dened in
opposition to episodic memory (Tulving, 1972). Episodic
memory involves the recall of the specic things that we
have done, seen, heard, etc. It is thought to encode the
temporal, spatial, and autobiographical aspects of what
happened. Semantic memory, by contrast, does not
directly encode the contextual details associated with
the formation of the memory. Conceptual knowledge
for the most part would thus t within the purview of
semantic memory.
5. Unfortunately, he ordered sh something that he did
not like.
6. Discussion of the history of these terms can be found
in their respective Oxford English dictionary entries.
The details for these entries are given in the reference
list (Hussy,n.d.;Peruse,n.d.).
7. After all, the focus of this essay is the role that language
plays in our concepts and not the precise nature of
abstract concepts. A rough and ready characterization
of abstract concepts that enables us to access the
extant data should be sucient for our needs.
8. Interestingly, these sort of concreteness eects are not
found with all of the proposed measures. Controlling
for age of acquisition, context availability, familiarity,
imageability, and other variables, Kousta et al. (2011)
found that abstract words have a reaction time advan-
tage (rather than a disadvantage) over concrete words.
They suggest that this reverse concreteness eect may
be due to the fact that, as a group, abstract concepts
rely more on emotion.
Disclosure statement
No potential conict of interest was reported by the author.
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Psychonomic Bulletin & Review,23, 10281034. doi:10.3758/
24 G. DOVE
... Fairly consistent evidence indeed demonstrates that inner language is used to support task switching (e.g., Baddeley et al., 2001;Emerson & Miyake, 2003;Saeki & Saito, 2004; for a review, see Cragg & Nation, 2010), with more tentative evidence that it supports inhibitory control in nonverbal reasoning (e.g., Dunbar & Sussman, 1995;Wallace et al., 2017). However, the role of language is theorized to extend broadly across cognition (Borghi et al., 2019;Connell, 2019;Dove, 2020;Louwerse, 2011;Wingfield & Connell, 2022), and accordingly, a role for inner language has been demonstrated in domains such as categorization (He et al., 2019;Lupyan, 2009;Roberson & Davidoff, 2000;Winawer et al., 2007), learning novel categories (e.g., Minda et al., 2008;Zeithamova & Maddox, 2007), abstract word processing (Fini et al., 2022), metacognition (for a review, see Morin, 2018), and mental arithmetic (e.g., Frank et al., 2012;Imbo & LeFevre, 2010;Logie et al., 1994;Robert & LeFevre, 2013;Seitz & Schumann-Hengsteler, 2002;Trbovich & LeFevre, 2003). ...
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Events are temporally bounded experiences involving people, objects, and actions that can be segmented into sequences of smaller, meaningful events (e.g., steps involved in constructing a piece of furniture), but the role of inner language in remembering such events has been unclear. We investigated whether inner language enhances memory for events in a naturalistic, nonverbal task where participants constructed simple models from memory. Across three experiments, we used linguistic suppression in a dual-task paradigm to test whether inner language improved overall memory performance and completion time, additionally exploring the number of events that could be recalled. We found that access to inner language at encoding consistently affected memory performance: when inner language was disrupted at encoding, participants were poorer at recalling the models and remembered fewer events. This effect was present whether or not the number of events to be recalled exceed event memory capacity (estimated as approximately seven to eight events). Critically, linguistic suppression impaired memory performance to a greater extent than a control secondary task that did not affect access to language; that is, impairment was not solely due to dual-task interference. The results support the proposal that inner language enhances event memory via a mechanism of linguistic bootstrapping, which makes event representation more efficient by allowing more information to be encoded in an event model even when language is not being used in the task. These findings therefore extend theories of event memory and add to a growing body of evidence that inner language is a highly valuable cognitive tool.
... In this way, the results are consistent with multiple representation theories in semantic development that suggest words, particularly abstract words, activate both sensorimotor and linguistic information, such as the linguistic short-cut hypothesis (Banks et al., 2021) and the learning through language proposal (Reggin et al., 2021). These results are also consistent with multiple representation theories of semantic representation such as Words as social Tools (WAT, Borghi & Binkofski, 2014;Borghi et al., 2019) and Language is an Embodied Neuroenhancement and Scaffold (LENS, Dove, 2020). See Borghi et al. (2017) and Meteyard et al. (2012) for reviews of multiple representation theories of semantic representation. ...
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Extensive research has shown that children’s early words are learned through sensorimotor experience. Thus, early-acquired words tend to have more concrete meanings. Abstract word meanings tend to be learned later but less is known about their acquisition. We collected meaning-specific concreteness ratings and examined their relationship with age-of-acquisition data from large-scale vocabulary testing with children in grade 2 to college age. Earlier-acquired meanings were rated as more concrete while later-acquired meanings as more abstract, particularly for words typically considered to be concrete. The results suggest that sensorimotor experiences are important to early-acquired word meanings, and other experiences (e.g., linguistic) are important to later-acquired meanings, consistent with a multi-representational view of lexical semantics.
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Grounded cognition states that mental representations of concepts consist of experiential aspects. For example, the concept “cup” consists of the sensorimotor experiences from interactions with cups. Typical modalities in which concepts are grounded are: The sensorimotor system (including interoception), emotion, action, language, and social aspects. Here, we argue that this list should be expanded to include physical invariants (unchanging features of physical motion; e.g., gravity, momentum, friction). Research on physical reasoning consistently demonstrates that physical invariants are represented as fundamentally as other grounding substrates, and therefore should qualify. We assess several theories of concept representation (simulation, conceptual metaphor, conceptual spaces, predictive processing) and their positions on physical invariants. We find that the classic grounded cognition theories, simulation and conceptual metaphor theory, have not considered physical invariants, while conceptual spaces and predictive processing have. We conclude that physical invariants should be included into grounded cognition theories, and that the core mechanisms of simulation and conceptual metaphor theory are well suited to do this. Furthermore, conceptual spaces and predictive processing are very promising and should also be integrated with grounded cognition in the future.
This chapter presents the argument that moving from disembodied rationality to embodied reason to study economic life requires connecting perception, cognition, and action; coupling organism and environment; and overcoming the opposition between rationality and emotion. This links the theoretical and empirical literature on embodiment to economists such as Smith and Keynes. The role of metaphor, conceptual blending, language, artifacts, and habitus in the making of the self and economic life is highlighted. In doing so, the “Hayek paradox” is resolved by showing that abstraction is not opposed to embodiment but enabled by it, and, in contrast to behavioral and experimental economics, embodiment is not portrayed as a source of disturbances to (market-based) rationality posited by a disembodied normative standard. The chapter proposes the dialectic of inward and outward embodiment as a fundamental principle of embodied reason, and traces it back to Hegelian philosophy to ground the theory of economic agency and institutional action.
This paper reviews an embodied or experientialist view of conceptual understanding. It focuses on George Lakoff and Mark Johnson’s theory of embodied cognition and its framing of human conceptualization and reasoning in terms of embodied imagination. These ideas are summarized as ten basic claims: (a) objectivist assumptions are problematic; (b) many human categories have non-classical structure; (c) conceptual systems consist of cognitive models; (d) thinking utilizes frames, metonymies, and prototypes; (e) metaphor is prevalent and primarily conceptual; (f) image schemas structure our experiences; (g) the mind is embodied; (h) abstract thought is largely metaphorical; (i) truth is relative to embodied understanding; and (j) philosophy should be empirically responsible. Lakoff and Johnson’s theory of embodied cognition offers a view of conceptual understanding that is cognitively realistic (or empirically responsible), biologically plausible, and self-critical, while providing adequate theories of meaning and truth grounded in embodied experience.
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Word co‐occurrence patterns in language corpora contain a surprising amount of conceptual knowledge. Large language models (LLMs), trained to predict words in context, leverage these patterns to achieve impressive performance on diverse semantic tasks requiring world knowledge. An important but understudied question about LLMs’ semantic abilities is whether they acquire generalized knowledge of common events. Here, we test whether five pretrained LLMs (from 2018's BERT to 2023's MPT) assign a higher likelihood to plausible descriptions of agent−patient interactions than to minimally different implausible versions of the same event. Using three curated sets of minimal sentence pairs (total n = 1215), we found that pretrained LLMs possess substantial event knowledge, outperforming other distributional language models. In particular, they almost always assign a higher likelihood to possible versus impossible events ( The teacher bought the laptop vs. The laptop bought the teacher ). However, LLMs show less consistent preferences for likely versus unlikely events ( The nanny tutored the boy vs. The boy tutored the nanny ). In follow‐up analyses, we show that (i) LLM scores are driven by both plausibility and surface‐level sentence features, (ii) LLM scores generalize well across syntactic variants (active vs. passive constructions) but less well across semantic variants (synonymous sentences), (iii) some LLM errors mirror human judgment ambiguity, and (iv) sentence plausibility serves as an organizing dimension in internal LLM representations. Overall, our results show that important aspects of event knowledge naturally emerge from distributional linguistic patterns, but also highlight a gap between representations of possible/impossible and likely/unlikely events.
The Freedom of Words is for anyone interested in understanding the role of body and language in cognition and how humans developed the sophisticated ability to use abstract concepts like 'freedom' and 'thinking'. This volume adopts a transdisciplinary perspective, including philosophy, semiotics, psychology, and neuroscience, to show how language, as a tool, shapes our minds and influences our interaction with the physical and social environment. It develops a theory showing how abstract concepts in their different varieties enhance cognition and profoundly influence our social and affective life. It addresses how children learn such abstract concepts, details how they vary across languages and cultures, and outlines the link between abstractness and the capability to detect inner bodily signals. Overall, the book shows how words – abstract words in particular, because of their indeterminate and open character – grant us freedom.
This chapter shows that language works as a physical tool by impacting how we perceive our body (interoception) and how we perceive and interact with the external world (perception and action). First, I contend that language might help us detect bodily inner signals and states . Then, I show that language recruits object affordances, the opportunities to act objects offer us, but that it does so in its own distinctive way. Language exploits previously originated structures and mechanisms, those of the motor system, but uses them flexibly. Consistent with this, I show that language shapes perception and object manipulation, extends the space we perceive as near, and modulates our perception of objects in space. Finally, using an example of the concept of color, I suggest that not only the faculty of language but also the different languages we use, through spoken words or signs, shape our world differently.
Chapter 5 is the first chapter of the second part of the book and focuses on abstract concepts – more generally, on abstractness. I first define abstract concepts and illustrate their main characteristics, comparing them with concrete ones. I contend that there is no major opposition between concrete and abstract concepts and that many concepts have both abstract and concrete components. In addition, different varieties of abstract concepts exist. Thus, the different kinds of concrete and abstract concepts can be conceived of as points in a multidimensional space, defined by various features and dimensions. I then focus on the different subkinds of abstract concepts, including emotions and mental states, numerical and spatiotemporal concepts, self and social concepts, and spiritual and philosophical concepts. Finally, I outline the central tenets of the Words As social Tools (WAT) theory on abstractness. According to the WAT view, abstract concepts evoke perception and action but especially activate inner bodily experiences, including interoceptive, emotional, and metacognitive ones. Crucially, the WAT view ascribes a unique role to language and social interaction for abstract concept acquisition and use. Finally, it underscores the flexible and context-dependent character of abstract concepts.
Chapter 6 illustrates why abstract concepts can be physical tools that modify our perception and interaction with the environment. It focuses on the relationship between abstract concepts and perception, both of the external world and the body. In section 6.1, I describe studies showing the importance of interoception, the ability to detect inner bodily signals for abstract concepts, particularly emotional ones, and contend that they might enhance this capability. The second section illustrates research showing how abstract concepts rely on sensorimotor experience through a metaphorical mapping mechanism. Although metaphorical mapping is powerful, other mechanisms beyond it, and primarily linguistic and social experience, might contribute to explaining abstractness. Finally, I describe how languages and cultures differently influence abstract concepts. A variety of examples, spanning from the concrete concept of container to the abstract concept of time, suggest that abstract concepts are more flexible and variable across languages than concrete concepts.
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Fifty-nine 3-year-olds were tested 3 times over a period of 7 months in order to assess the contribution of theory of mind to language development and of language to theory-of-mind development (including the independent contributions of syntax and semantics). Language competence was assessed with a standardized measure of reception and production of syntax and semantics (the Test of Early Language Development). Theory of mind was assessed with false-belief tasks and appearance–reality tasks. Earlier language abilities predicted later theory-of-mind test performance (controlling for earlier theory of mind), but earlier theory of mind did not predict later language test performance (controlling for earlier language). These findings are consistent with the argument that language is fundamental to theory-of-mind development.
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The problem of how concepts can refer to or be about the non-mental world is particularly puzzling for abstract concepts. There is growing evidence that many characteristics beyond the perceptual are involved in grounding different kinds of abstract concept. A resource that has been suggested, but little explored, is introspection. This paper develops that suggestion by focusing specifically on metacognition—on the thoughts and feelings that thinkers have about a concept. One example of metacognition about concepts is the judgement that we should defer to others in how a given concept is used. Another example is our internal assessment of which concepts are dependable and useful, and which less so. Metacognition of this kind may be especially important for grounding abstract concepts. This article is part of the theme issue ‘Varieties of abstract concepts: development, use and representation in the brain’.
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Conceptual representations are perceptually grounded, but when investigating which perceptual modalities are involved, researchers have typically restricted their consideration to vision, touch, hearing, taste and smell. However, there is another major modality of perceptual information that is distinct from these traditional five senses; that is, interoception, or sensations inside the body. In this paper, we use megastudy data (modality-specific ratings of perceptual strength for over 32 000 words) to explore how interoceptive information contributes to the perceptual grounding of abstract and concrete concepts. We report how interoceptive strength captures a distinct form of perceptual experience across the abstract–concrete spectrum, but is markedly more important to abstract concepts (e.g. hungry , serenity ) than to concrete concepts (e.g. capacity , rainy ). In particular, interoception dominates emotion concepts, especially negative emotions relating to fear and sadness , moreso than other concepts of equivalent abstractness and valence. Finally, we examine whether interoceptive strength represents valuable information in conceptual content by investigating its role in concreteness effects in word recognition, and find that it enhances semantic facilitation over and above the traditional five sensory modalities. Overall, these findings suggest that interoception has comparable status to other modalities in contributing to the perceptual grounding of abstract and concrete concepts. This article is part of the theme issue ‘Varieties of abstract concepts: development, use and representation in the brain'.
Word power Of course, words aren't magic. Neither are sextants, compasses, maps, slide rules and all the other paraphernalia which have accreted around the basic biological brains of Homo sapiens. In the case of these other tools and props, however, it is transparently clear that they function so as either to carry out or to facilitate computational operations important to various human projects. The slide rule transforms complex mathematical problems (ones that would baffle or tax the unaided subject) into simple tasks of perceptual recognition. The map provides geographical information in a format well suited to aid complex planning and strategic military operations. The compass gathers and displays a kind of information that (most) unaided human subjects do not seem to command. These various tools and props thus act to generate information, or to store it, or to transform it, or some combination of the three. In so doing, they impact on our individual and collective problem-solving capacities in much the same dramatic ways as various software packages impact the performance of a simple PC. Public language, I shall argue, is just such a tool – it is a species of external artefact whose current adaptive value is partially constituted by its role in re-shaping the kinds of computational space that our biological brains must negotiate in order to solve certain types of problems, or to carry out certain complex projects. This computational role of language has been somewhat neglected (not un-noticed, but not rigorously pursued either) in recent cognitive science, due perhaps to a (quite proper) fascination with and concentration upon, that other obvious dimension: the role of language as an instrument of interpersonal communication.
Cognitive Gadgets is a book about the cultural evolution of distinctively human cognitive mechanisms. Responding to commentators with different and broader interests, I argue that intelligent design has been more important in the formation of grist (technologies, practices and ideas) than of mills (cognitive mechanisms), and that embracing genetic accommodation would leave research on the origins of human cognition empirically unconstrained. I also underline the need to assess empirical methods; query the value of theories that merely accommodate existing data; and ask whether acquiring literacy is more laborious than learning to imitate, to talk and to read minds.
The paper introduces a new perspective on abstract concepts (e.g. “freedom”) and their associate words representation, the Words As social Tools (WAT) view. Traditional theories conceptualize language as a way to index referents, a shortcut to access meaning, or a way to access meaning through words associations. WAT goes beyond these theories by identifying additional functions of words and language: words are tools helping us to perform actions and change the state of our social environment, and language is a means to improve our thought abilities, to control our behavior and plays a predictive role, helping us to form categories. Most importantly, WAT proposes that language and sociality – along with interoceptive and metacognitive processes – are key for the grounding of abstract concepts (ACs) that are more complex, variable, and more detached from perceptual and motor experience than concrete concepts (CCs). We highlight four tenets of WAT and discuss each of them in light of recent evidence: a. acquisition: compared to concrete concepts, the acquisition of abstract concepts relies more on social and linguistic inputs; b. brain representation: abstract concepts recruit more linguistic and social brain areas; c. mouth activation: due to the relevance of language for representing them, abstract concepts activate more the oral motor system; d. linguistic variability: abstract concepts are more affected by differences between spoken languages. We discuss evidence supporting these four tenets of WAT, and its advantages and limitations compared to other views on abstract concepts. Finally, we outline a conceptual proposal that specifies how internal models supporting the representation and processing of ACs can be grounded on interoceptive, metacognitive, social, and linguistic experience.