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Phylogenetics and diversity analysis of Pennisetum species using Hemarthria EST‐SSR markers

  • 陕西师范大学


Expressed sequence tag‐simple sequence repeat (EST‐SSR) markers are widely applied in plant molecular genetics studies due to their abundance in the genome, codominant nature, and high repeatability. To study the genetic diversity of 35 accessions and transferability of EST‐SSR markers in cross‐species applications, 21 primer pairs previously developed in Hemarthria were amplified across Pennisetum species. A total of 148 polymorphisms were generated with an average of 7.05 bands per locus. The mean values of the genetic parameters polymorphism information content, number of bands, effective number of bands, Nei's gene diversity, and Shannon's information index were 0.8430, 2.0000, 1.7640, 0.4247 and 0.6132, respectively. Cluster analysis of 35 accessions divided them into three clusters, which were consistent with dendrograms of 14 species. The among‐population component explained most of the genetic diversity (66%); the remaining variation (34%) occurred within populations. This study will provide more available EST‐SSR markers for Pennisetum species, and facilitate studies on germplasm collection and utilization of Pennisetum species.
Phylogenetics and diversity analysis of Pennisetum species
using Hemarthria EST-SSR markers
Sifan Zhou
Chengran Wang
Guohua Yin
Yu Zhang
Xiaoyun Shen
Kayla K. Pennerman
Jianbo Zhang
Haidong Yan
Chenglin Zhang
Xinquan Zhang
Shuping Ren
Tianfeng Guo
Yan Peng
Xiao Ma
Wei Liu
Yanhong Yan
Linkai Huang
Department of Grassland Science, Faculty
of Animal Science and Technology, Sichuan
Agricultural University, Chengdu, China
Department of Plant Biology, Rutgers, The
State University of New Jersey, New
Brunswick, New Jersey
IRTA, Centre de Recerca en Agrigen
(CSIC-IRTA-UAB), Barcelona, Spain
State Engineering Technology Institute for
Karst Desertification Control, Guizhou
Normal University Guiyang, Guiyang, China
School of Life Science and Engineering,
Southwest University of Science and
Technology, Mianyang, China
Sichuan Academy of Grassland Science,
Chengdu, China
Lin-Kai Huang, Department of Grassland
Science, College of Animal Science and
Technology, Sichuan Agricultural University,
Chengdu, Sichuan 611130, China.
Funding information
National Project on Sci-Tec Foundation
Resources Survey; Sichuan Province
Breeding Research Grant; Modern
Agricultural Industry System Sichuan Forage
Innovation Team
Expressed sequence tag-simple sequence repeat (EST-SSR) markers are widely
applied in plant molecular genetics studies due to their abundance in the genome,
codominant nature, and high repeatability. To study the genetic diversity of 35
accessions and transferability of EST-SSR markers in cross-species applications, 21
primer pairs previously developed in Hemarthria were amplified across Pennisetum
species. A total of 148 polymorphisms were generated with an average of 7.05
bands per locus. The mean values of the genetic parameters polymorphism informa-
tion content, number of bands, effective number of bands, Neis gene diversity, and
Shannons information index were 0.8430, 2.0000, 1.7640, 0.4247 and 0.6132,
respectively. Cluster analysis of 35 accessions divided them into three clusters,
which were consistent with dendrograms of 14 species. The among-population com-
ponent explained most of the genetic diversity (66%); the remaining variation (34%)
occurred within populations. This study will provide more available EST-SSR markers
for Pennisetum species, and facilitate studies on germplasm collection and utilization
of Pennisetum species.
EST-SSR, genetic diversity, Hemarthria,Pennisetum, transferability
The genus Pennisetum Rich comprises approximately 140 species
(Brunken, 1977), and is one of the most important genera of Pani-
coideae (Gramineae) (Dahlgren, Clifford, & Yeo, 2012). The cereal
crop is farmed on over 27 million hectare across the globe with a
utilization period of 410 years depending on cultivation and man-
agement conditions (Jalaja, Maheshwari, Naidu, & Kavi, 2016). Pen-
nisetum species are becoming increasingly popular in many countries
owing to their pleasing aesthetics, strong stress resistance, and low
maintenance costs (Contreras, Owen, Hanna, & Schwartz, 2013). In
tropical and subtropical regions, they are a source of grain, fodder
and raw materials for papermaking, weaving and housing. They are
especially important as staple crops in dry and arid regions where
maize and wheat are not viable (Manwaring, Bligh, & Yadav, 2016).
The species of this genus are tolerant to drought and other stresses
and may be good sources for drought resistance in traditional and
molecular breeding. However, genetic resources for this genus are
Received: 11 August 2017
Revised: 29 March 2018
Accepted: 24 May 2018
DOI: 10.1111/grs.12208
Grassland Science. 2018;110. ©2018 Japanese Society of Grassland Science
low; relationships within the genus Pennisetum have been rarely
inferred using molecular approaches.
To date, DNA-based molecular markers including restricted frag-
ment length polymorphisms (RFLP) (Karl & Avise, 1992), random
amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) (Sekino, Hamaguchi, Aranishi, &
Okoshi, 2003), amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) (Yu &
Guo, 2003), simple sequence repeat (SSR) (Liu & Cordes, 2004), inter-
simple sequence repeat (ISSR) (Bornet & Branchard, 2001), and single
nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) (Germer, Holland, & Higuchi, 2000)
have been used extensively in genetic studies. Compared with them,
Expressed sequence tag-simple sequence repeat (EST-SSR) molecular
markers are widely and increasingly used because of their co-dominant
inheritance, high abundance, and enormous extent of allelic variation
(Agarwal, Shrivastava, & Padh, 2008). They have the potential to facili-
tate evolutionary analyses in a wide variety of taxa and may be the
best way forward for the analyses with limited resources (Ellis &
Burke, 2007). Moreover, they are ideal molecular markers to catalog
useful gene functions and find correlations between related species
with the increased availability of expressed sequence tags and tran-
scriptomic data on public databases. Senthilvel et al. (2008) developed
58 EST-SSR primer pairs of pear millet, 21 polymorphic EST-SSRs, and
6 genomic SSR markers were mapped using existing mapping popula-
tions. Rajaram et al. (2013) developed 99 EST-SSR primers pairs based
on transcriptomic data, and constructed linkage maps of pearl millet
based on EST-SSR, genomic SSR, and sequence-tagged site markers.
However, studies on Pennisetum by EST-SSR markers are still scarce,
and more EST-SSR markers need to be developed.
Considering that grass genomes have co-evolved and share large-
scale synteny (Yu, La Rota, Kantety, & Sorrells, 2004), it should be possi-
ble to use the genome sequence based on EST-SSR markers from field
crops such as Hemarthria for genome analyses in Pennisetum as both
genera belong to the subfamily Panicoideae (Chemisquy, Giussani, Scata-
glini, Kellogg, & Morrone, 2010; Connor, 2005). The main objective of
this study was applying EST-SSR primers from Hemarthria to Pennisetum
and studying the genetic diversity and phylogenetics of Pennisetum.
Plant materials
Thirty-five Pennisetum accessions (bulked samples with three plants
per accession) were used in this study (Table 1). Among them, 13
accessions were obtained from the National Herbal Gene Bank of
China (NHGBC), and the rest were from the National Plant Germ-
plasm System (NPGS) of the United States Department of Agricul-
ture. All these individuals were grown in Agrostology Testing Sites at
Sichuan Agricultural University, Sichuan, China. The leaves were col-
lected in October 2015 and stored in allochroic silica gel for use.
DNA extraction
DNA was extracted using a TIANGEN genomic DNA extraction kit
(TIANGEN Biotech, Beijing, China) from 30 mg of young dried leaves
of each accession. The quality and concentration of the extracted
DNA were determined through NanoDrop 2000 spectrophotometer
(Thermo Scientific, Wilmington, USA). The DNA was diluted to
20 ng/llinddH
O and stored at 4°C for subsequent use.
Primer selection and PCR amplification
Atotalof49Hemarthria EST-SSR primers (Huang et al., 2016), which
were developed by our research team and synthesized by Shanghai
Sangon Biological Engineering Technology and Services (Shanghai,
China), were screened and selected to genotype the 35 Pennisetum
accessions. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed in a final
reaction volume of 15 llcontaining30ngtemplate,0.4lMeachof
forward and reverse primers, 7.5 llPCRmix(1.5mMMg
Tiangen), 1.5 U Taq polymerase and ddH
O. All PCR reactions were
performed using the following thermal profile: initial denaturation at
94°C for 5 min followed by 35 cycles of denaturation at 94°C for 30 s,
annealing at 58°C for 45 s and extension at 72°C for 1 min, with a final
extension period of 7 min at 72°C. Amplified products were separated
on 8% polyacrylamide electrophoresis gels using 1X TBE buffer. DNA
fragments were visualized and photographed with Microtek Bio-6000.
Data analysis
Given the co-dominant nature of SSR markers, strong clear allelic bands
with the same mobility based on a molecular DNA marker (50-bp lad-
der; Tiangen) (Williams, Kubelik, Livak, Rafalski, & Tingey, 1990) were
scored manually as either present (1) or absent (0) and compiled into a
bptype original matrix to estimate the number, range, and distribution
of amplified bands, and ultimately determine the variation level in thez
accessions and species. Total number of bands and number of polymor-
phic bands were visually obtained from the gel image and the percent-
age of polymorphic bands was calculated. Additionally, the information
content per EST-SSR locus was estimated by calculating the polymor-
phism information content (PIC) using the formula described by Nei
(1973): PICi¼1PP2
ij ,whereP
was the frequency of the jth allele
for the ith locus, which must be summed across all the bands. The aver-
age PIC of each primer was measured as PIC
the number of polymorphic bands per primer. Furthermore, the effi-
ciency of the SSR was assessed by employing the marker index (MI),
estimated as the average band informativeness (Ibav) for the polymor-
phic markers multiplied by the effective multiplex ratio (EMR),
MI =Ibav 9EMR (Powell et al., 1996). The Ibav was calculated with
the formula: Ibav =1/n1-(2|0.5-p
|), where nwas the total number of
amplification sites and p
represents the proportion of the ith amplifica-
tion site. The EMR was the average number of polymorphic bands
(Archak et al., 2003).
Genetic analyses including observed number of bands, effective
number of bands, Neis gene diversity (H), and Shannons information
index (I) for each population were estimated using POPGENE v.1.3.2
(Yeh, 1997) with a model for dominant markers and individuals. The
data input files for POPGENE were prepared with the DCFA1.1
(Zhang, 2001). Alternatively, an analysis of molecular variance
(AMOVA) with the program GenAlEx v6.5 was conducted to deter-
mine the variance within and among species through ɸ
(analogous to
) (Peakall & Smouse, 2012) using 9999 random repetitions.
Dendrograms were constructed with POPGENE v. 1.31 using the
unweighted pair-group method of cluster analysis and arithmetic aver-
ages (UPGMA) based on the matrix of Neis genetic diversity. The phy-
logenetic tree was subsequently visualized with the software program
FIGTREE (Hampl, Pavl
ıcek, & Flegr, 2001) with a bootstrap of 9999
replicates. Principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) was carried out with
NTSYS-pc v2.21 (Exeter Software, New York, NY, USA) to provide a
graphical representation of the genetic relationships among the
Pennisetum accessions studied. Population structure was estimated by
the software STRUCTURE version 2.2 (Pritchard, Stephens, & Donnelly,
2000), using a burn in length of 50,000, run length of 100,000, and a
model allowing for admixture and testing for K from 1 to 14.
Polymorphism of EST-SSR markers
From a total of 49 Hemarthria-derived EST-SSRs, 21 primer pairs
were selected based on clean amplification from the primer
TABLE 1 35 accessions of Pennisetum species used in the analysis
Code Species Accession Collection location Source Species classification
1Pennisetum purpureum Guiminyin China, Guangxi NHGBC S1
2Pennisetum americanum Ningza No. 3 China, Jiangsu NHGBC S2
3Pennisetum purpureum TLG 2 China, Taiwan NHGBC S1
4Pennisetum hybridum Hybrid Giant Napier China, Taiwan NHGBC S3
5Pennisetum purpureum Guimu No.1 China, Guangxi NHGBC S1
6Pennisetum purpureum 061023003 Costa Rica NHGBC S1
7Pennisetum purpureum CX061023015 China, Hainan NHGBC S1
8Pennisetum purpureum 070117004 China, Guangdong NHGBC S1
9Pennisetum hybridum 061031001 Costa Rica NHGBC S3
10 Pennisetum mezianum PI214061 India NPGS S4
11 Pennisetum setaceum PI269235 India, Delhi NPGS S5
12 Pennisetum setigerum PI271527 India NPGS S6
13 Pennisetum orientale PI271596 India NPGS S7
14 Pennisetum setaceum PI300087 United States NPGS S5
15 Pennisetum unisetum PI304750 South Africa, KwaZulu-Nata NPGS S8
16 Pennisetum squamulatum PI319196 Kenya NPGS S9
17 Pennisetum bambusiforme PI390766 Peru NPGS S10
18 Pennisetum setaceum PI410311 South Africa, Cape Town NPGS S5
19 Pennisetum setaceum PI410312 South Africa, Cape Town NPGS S5
20 Pennisetum setaceum PI410315 South Africa, Limpopo NPGS S5
21 Pennisetum villosum PI410318 South Africa, Cape Town NPGS S11
22 Pennisetum setaceum PI414074 United States, Minnesota NPGS S5
23 Pennisetum villosum PI414689 United States, Maryland NPGS S11
24 Pennisetum flaccidum PI434640 Pakistan NPGS S12
25 Pennisetum sp.PI478473 Bolivia, Chuquisaca NPGS S13
26 Pennisetum flaccidum PI601630 United States, North Carolina NPGS S12
27 Pennisetum alopecuroides PI656417 China NPGS S14
28 Pennisetum hybridum Bangde No. 1 China, Guangxi NPGS S3
29 Pennisetum setigerum PI271145 India NPGS S6
30 Pennisetum setaceum PI364993 South Africa, Limpopo NPGS S5
31 Pennisetum orientale PI600996 United States NPGS S7
32 Pennisetum purpureum Mott China, Guangxi NHGBC S1
33 Pennisetum purpureum Zise China, Guangxi NHGBC S1
34 Pennisetum hybridum Pennisetum sinese China NHGBC S3
35 Pennisetum hybridum Nutrifeed Australia NHGBC S3
prescreening (Table 2), demonstrating that microsatellite primers
developed from Hemarthria species are frequently (42.86%) transfer-
able to the Pennisetum genus. These EST-SSRs were subsequently
tested for their ability to detect polymorphism in 35 accessions.
Polymorphic bands, polymorphic rate and PIC values per primer pair
are presented in Table 3.
TABLE 2 Expressed sequence tag-simple sequence repeat primers used in this study
Primers Primer ID Forward/Reverse primer (50?30) Repeat motif T
(°C) Expected size (bp)
: annealing temperature of primer pair.
A total of 148 bands, all of them polymorphic, were yielded by the
21 EST-SSR markers in the 35 Pennisetum accessions. The number of
polymorphic bands per locus ranged from four (HSSR11) to nine
(HSSR12 and HSSR52) with an average of 7.0 bands per locus. The PIC
of the EST-SSRs varied from 0.7045 (HSSR3) to 0.921 (HSSR2) with an
average of 0.8217 for this genus. All 21 primers showed a high polymor-
phism level (PIC >0.5). The EST-SSR efficiency was measured by calcu-
lating the Ibav, EMR and MI. The average Ibav, EMR and MI values
were 0.6695, 7.05, and 4.72, respectively, indicating a distinctive and
highly efficient nature of the EST-SSRs with using in Pennisetum genus.
Neis gene diversity and I were 0.4247 and 0.6132, respectively.
Although the application of these markers to Hemarthria enabled
the identification of 241 different bands (Huang et al., 2016), the PA
and PIC values determined in the case of Pennisetum (100.0000%
and 0.8430%, respectively) were higher than those observed in this
genus (95.6006% and 0.7230%).
Genetic diversity of 35 Pennisetum accessions
The genetic diversity of 35 accessions was studied by estimating
the following parameters: observed number of bands, effective
number of bands, H and I. The average values were 2.0000,
1.7640, 0.4241 and 0.6124, respectively.
The UPGMA dendrogram based on EST-SSRs to study the
genetic relationships of the 35 accessions revealed the formation
of three major clusters (Figure 1). Sixteen accessions, including
seven species (Pennisetum setaceum,Pennisetum orientale,Pennise-
tum unisetum,Pennisetum villosum, etc.), number codes (Table 1):
11, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 30, 31 and 35
were clearly divergent from the rest and closely clustered into
group I. Fourteen accessions: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 16, 28, 32,
33 and 34 formed the second group. Accessions of the same spe-
cies clustered together, which indicated that genetic background
had greater influence than collection place. Majority of them were
Pennisetum purpureum,Pennisetum americanum and their hybrids,
which indicated the close relationship of these species. Finally,
group III comprised five accessions: 10, 12, 17, 27 and 29. More-
over, bootstrapping was calculated and indicated in the dendrogram
to determine the accuracy and stability of the hierarchical cluster-
ing results. The information on genetic diversity and relationship
among breeding materials is essential for plant breeders to effi-
ciently improve species.
TABLE 3 Polymorphic comparison of
35 Pennisetum accessions and 44
Hemarthria germplasm resources (Huang
et al., 2016) by Hemarthria Expressed
sequence tag-simple sequence repeat
Pennisetum Hemarthria
HSSR2 8 8 100 0.9462 16 16 100 0.8769
HSSR3 8 8 100 0.7155 13 11 84.62 0.6652
HSSR4 8 8 100 0.9351 11 11 100 0.5924
HSSR6 8 8 100 0.8913 12 12 100 0.6999
HSSR7 6 6 100 0.8753 13 13 100 0.6668
HSSR11 4 4 100 0.8332 16 15 93.75 0.6775
HSSR12 9 9 100 0.7831 11 11 100 0.7139
HSSR14 7 7 100 0.8666 8 7 87.5 0.7767
HSSR17 7 7 100 0.8331 ————
HSSR25 5 5 100 0.8405 18 18 100 0.7535
HSSR27 6 6 100 0.8367 ————
HSSR28 7 7 100 0.8175 7 6 85.71 0.9496
HSSR34 7 7 100 0.8468 19 19 100 0.8871
HSSR46 7 7 100 0.8586 14 14 100 0.857
HSSR50 8 8 100 0.8464 15 15 100 0.6765
HSSR51 5 5 100 0.7973 10 10 100 0.5904
HSSR52 9 9 100 0.8231 13 10 76.92 0.6311
HSSR53 7 7 100 0.8639 ————
HSSR54 7 7 100 0.7874 14 14 100 0.7
HSSR56 8 8 100 0.8394 13 12 92.31 0.528
HSSR58 7 7 100 0.8655 18 18 100 0.7708
Total 148 148 ——241 232 ——
Average 7.0476 7.0476 100 0.8430 13.3889 12.8889 95.6006 0.7230
Note. NTA: number of total bands; NPA: number of polymorphic bands; PA: polymorphic bands (%);
PIC: polymorphic information content (%); : not available or not applicable.
Genetic relationship of 14 Pennisetum species
The analysis of the genetic diversity structure exhibited a typically
continuous organization of accessions, illustrating the relatively close
relationships of the Pennisetum species. To measure the diversity
among species, data of accessions belonging to the same species
were pooled. Supporting information Table S1 shows the pairwise
estimates of ɸ
values between Pennisetum species. The mean ɸ
value of 0.4499 indicated that a relatively high level of the gene
diversity was due to differentiation between species.
To better understand the genetic relationships among the 14
species, we clustered them into different defined groups based on
their genetic distances (Figure 2). On the basis of Neis genetic
diversity, 14 species could be grouped into three clusters. The small-
est of the three comprised three Pennisetum species: P. unisetum,
Pennisetum. sp. and P. villosum. The largest clade consisted of six:
P. bambusiforme,P. setigerum,P. squamulatum,P. americanum,P. hy-
bridum and P. purpureum. The remaining five species (P. setaceum,
P. alopecuroides,P. flaccidum,P. orientale, and P. mezianum) were
gathered into another cluster. This dendrogram was consisted with
the dendrogram of 35 accessions and the UPGMA result of 14 spe-
cies, confirming the reliability of our studies.
The within- and among-population (defined by species) compo-
nents of the total genetic variation were partitioned and evaluated
through AMOVA (Supporting information Table S2). The results
showed that the among-population component explained most of
the genetic diversity (66%), the remaining variation (34%) occurring
within populations. The mean F
value of 0.15 indicated a moder-
ated level of differentiation among accessions and a low level within
The PCoA was performed to check the displacement of the
accessions and to further confirm the clustering pattern obtained
FIGURE 1 UPGMA dendrogram based on Neis genetic diversity between the 35 accessions. 1: Guiminyin; 2: Ningza No.3; 3: TLG 2; 4:
Hybrid Giant Napier; 5: Guimu No.1; 6: 061023003; 7: Pennisetum purpureum; 8: 070117004; 9: 061031001; 10: PI214061; 11: PI269235; 12:
PI271527; 13: PI271596; 14: PI300087; 15: PI304750; 16: PI319196; 17: PI390766; 18: PI410311; 19: PI410312; 20: PI410315; 21:
PI410318; 22: PI414074; 23: PI414689; 24: PI434640; 25: PI478473; 26: PI601630; 27: PI656417; 28: Bangde No.1; 29: PI271145; 30:
PI364993; 31: PI600996; 32: Mott; 33: Zise; 34: P.sinese; 35: Nutrifeed
from the dendrogram (Figure 3). The first two axes explained
57.62% of the cumulative molecular variance among accessions, with
PCo 1 accounting for 45.68% and PCo 2 for 11.94%. The estimated
population structure of the accessions was displayed by STRUC-
TURE plot (Figure 4). Admixture was observed among the acces-
sions; however, some of them (accessions 1, 3, 6 and 7 from S1;
accessions 4 and 9 from S3) were less than 25% admixture from
others, suggesting that little gene flow occurred between these and
other accessions.
Microsatellites are conserved among many plant species (Elazreg,
Ghariani, Chtourou-Ghorbel, Chakroun, & Trifi-Farah, 2011). In sev-
eral studies, PCR-based microsatellite markers developed for one
species could amplify DNA from a close relative, expanding the
applicability of the markers (Bertin, Zhu, & Gale, 2005; Luro et al.,
2008; Sudheer et al., 2011). In this study, 21 markers amplified mul-
tiple-band patterns similar to dominant markers rather than typical
EST-SSR banding patterns, which was consistent with previous stud-
ies on millet (Rajput, Plyler-Harveson, & Santra, 2014), ryegrass (Guo
et al., 2016), and zoysia grass (Cai et al., 2005). The percentage of
polymorphic loci for EST-SSR markers was 100% which was very
high as compared to the previous reports of 35% and 89% polymor-
phism for markers designed for Pennisetum accessions (Babu, Sun-
daramoorthi, Vijayakumar, & Ram, 2009; George, Prashanth, &
Parida, 2005). This may have been due to the rich geographical
diversity of accessions included, as well as the use of prescreened
highly informative primers. Loci polymorphism can be divided into
high, medium and low with PIC >0.5, 0.5 >PIC >0.25 and
FIGURE 2 UPGMA dendrogram based on Neis genetic between the 14 species. S1: P. purpureum; S2: P. americanum; S3: P. hybridum; S4:
P. mezianum; S5: P. setaceum; S6: P. setigerum; S7: P. orientale; S8: P. unisetum; S9: P. squamulatum; S10: P. bambusiforme; S11: P. villosum;
S12: P. flaccidum; S13: Pennisetum sp.; S14: P. alopecuroides
FIGURE 3 Principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) for the first and
second coordinates estimated for expressed sequence tag-simple
sequence repeat markers of 35 Pennisetum accessions
PIC <0.25 (Vaiman et al., 1994). For the 35 accessions, all of the 21
EST-SSR makers had PIC >0.5, indicating that they could provide
reliable information to the analysis of the relationship of the 35
accessions. Due to the high polymorphism and efficiency of EST-SSR
makers, they have been widely used for genetic mapping (Ferr~
et al., 2015), evaluating genetic diversity (Wang et al., 2016), phylo-
genetic analysis (Wang et al., 2006), and many other research fields.
The clustering of the 35 accessions differed from with those by
Xie and Lu (2005) and Yao, Hong, and Zeng (2013), which can be
attributed to several causes. First, Xie and Lu (2005) and Yao et al.
(2013) generated the dendrograms based on RAPD and sequence
related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) markers, while we used EST-
SSR for analysis. The marker systems employed may affect the level
of polymorphism detected, which reinforces again the importance of
appropriately selecting the loci and covering the complete genome in
order to obtain a reliable estimation of the genetic diversity (Ye, Yu,
Kong, Wu, & Wang, 2005). In addition, the amount of samples and
molecular markers can also influence the results (Davierwala et al.,
2000). Xie and Yao used 19 RAPD markers for eight Pennisetum cul-
tivars and 38 SRAP markers for 19 Pennisetum cultivars, respectively,
while we applied 21 EST-SSR markers for 35 Pennisetum accessions.
Finally, the nomenclature commonly employed for the Pennisetum
genus is confusing and different species may share the same name.
The mean ɸ
value of 14 Pennisetum species was similar to
those obtained from studies about analyzing walnut (Christopoulos,
Rouskas, Tsantili, & Bebeli, 2010) and bamboo (Barkley, Newman,
Wang, Hotchkiss, & Pederson, 2005), which were about 0.50 among
cultivars. The lowest ɸ
value (0.0828) was found between P. hy-
bridum and P. purpureum, while the highest (0.8189) was between
P. mezianum and P. americanum. Moreover, P. hybridum showed the
closest identity with P. purpureum and P. americanum (ɸ
values of
0.0828 and 0.2807 respectively), in accordance with this species
being the cross between them (Muldoon & Pearson, 1979). Accord-
ing to AMOVA analysis, most of the total diversity was accounted
by among-populations variation component (66%) and only 34%
gene differentiation existed within species. The analysis of the
genetic diversity structure exhibited an organization of accessions
which was typically continuous, and PCoA analysis based on Dices
similarity did not distinguish 14 Pennisetum species. These results
were the same as the cluster analysis obtained through UPGMA,
confirming the close relationship of these species.
Microsatellites are conserved in many plant species and can be
used in related species (Elazreg et al., 2011). As explained by Wang
et al. (2005), the transferability of EST-SSR markers depends on both
the genetic relatedness among the species examined (including dif-
ferences in DNA sequence, genome size and evolution rate) and the
PCR conditions used (such as the amount of template DNA or ion
concentration). The present study demonstrated that microsatellite
primers developed from Hemarthria are highly transferable for the
Pennisetum species, likely due to the relatedness of the genera
(Huang et al., 2014; Martel et al., 2004). The marker loci are proba-
bly homologous regions with similar alleles. Several studies have
been performed to assess genetic diversity in Pennisetum species
using molecular markers such as RAPDs, isozymes, ISSRs, AFLPs, and
SSRs (Azevedo et al., 2012; Babu et al., 2009; Bhandari, Sukanya, &
Ramesh, 2006; Harris, Anderson, & Malik, 2010; L
opez et al., 2014;
Lowe, Thorpe, Teale, & Hanson, 2003), and this study provided an
expanded set of transferable EST-SSR markers from other genus in a
genetic diversity study on Pennisetum collections.
To conclude, in this study, 21 pairs of markers were polymorphic
and could generated more than one band in 35 Pennisetum
accessions. It provided evidence for the potential transferability of
Hemarthria EST-SSRs to related Pennisetum species, showing that
species-related cross-amplification is a useful approach for the appli-
cation of microsatellite markers in this genus. Also, these primers are
now available and can be widely used to investigate the genetic
diversity and structure of the Pennisetum population, as well as for
future studies, such as germplasm conservation, gene mapping, and
marker-assisted selection.
This work was supported by National Project on Sci-Tec Foundation
Resources Survey (2017FY100602), Sichuan Province Breeding
Research Grant and Modern Agricultural Industry System Sichuan
Forage Innovation Team.
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Additional supporting information may be found online in the
Supporting Information section at the end of the article.
How to cite this article: Zhou S, Wang C, Yin G, et al.
Phylogenetics and diversity analysis of Pennisetum species
using Hemarthria EST-SSR markers. Grassl Sci. 2018;00:110.
... The higher mean PIC value (0.49) obtained in the study indicated the possibility of a better estimation of genetic diversity using the EST-SSR markers, and 51 loci identified in the study can further be used for studying the phylogenetic relationships and gene flow. In a recent study, all of the EST-SSR markers were reported to be polymorphic with an average PIC value of 0.82, and the average number of alleles per locus to be 7.0 when 21 primer pairs derived from Hemarthria were used across 35 accessions belonging to 14 species of Pennisetum (Zhou et al. 2019). Souza et al. (2018) reported the PIC value of 0.54 and 4.44 alleles per locus in Urochloa species using EST-SSRs, which corroborate our findings. ...
... The findings partly corroborated our earlier reports on AFLP marker-based genetic diversity analysis of 36 accessions from eight Cenchrus species (Yadav et al. 2019). Our findings on the clustering of Pennisetum species were similar to the findings of Zhou et al. (2019). However, the grouping of P. squamulatum and P. villosum was different by Zhou et al. (2019) compared with our studies, although six species of Pennisetum were common between our study and by Zhou et al. (2019). ...
... Our findings on the clustering of Pennisetum species were similar to the findings of Zhou et al. (2019). However, the grouping of P. squamulatum and P. villosum was different by Zhou et al. (2019) compared with our studies, although six species of Pennisetum were common between our study and by Zhou et al. (2019). ...
Most of the grasses of the genus Cenchrus (20–25 species) and Pennisetum (80–140 species) are distributed throughout the tropical and subtropical regions of the world and reproduce both by sexual and apomictic modes. However, the relationships among the Cenchrus–Pennisetum species are not very clear yet. Molecular markers like expressed sequence tag-simple sequence repeats (EST-SSRs) have been reported to be a better choice for resolving the phylogenetic relationships and to estimate the genetic diversity. The present study describes the identification of EST-SSR markers based on the transcriptome data of Cenchrus ciliaris inflorescence and illustrates the genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships among these species. Of the 378 primer pairs used across 33 accessions of 21 Cenchrus, Pennisetum, and related grass (Bothriochloa, Dichanthium and Panicum) species, 116 EST-SSR markers were found to be polymorphic with an average polymorphism information content (PIC) of 0.49. Fifty-one EST-SSR loci and 520 alleles showed that where the PIC value is >0.5 there the GAG repeat motif was highly polymorphic. Two EST-SSR markers, CcSSR_80 and CcSSR_102, are polymorphic among the Cenchrus species, while they are absent in Pennisetum and the allied species. Five SSR markers (CcSSR_75, CcSSR_85, CcSSR_87, CcSSR_88 and CcSSR_114) showed 100% cross-transferability among the 21 Cenchrus–Pennisetum species. Species-specific alleles could also be detected for seven species of Cenchrus, Pennisetum and Panicum across 10 SSR markers. Assay of polymorphism across these agamic complexes showed that the three SSR markers (CcSSR_26, CcSSR_97 and CcSSR_109) were associated with Cenchrus–Pennisetum complex, and one (CcSSR_47) with Bothriochloa–Dichanthium complex. Markers with high discriminating power, namely CcSSR_4, CcSSR_38, CcSSR_48, CcSSR_66, CcSSR_67 and CcSSR_70, can be used to estimate the allelic sequence divergence across the sexual and apomictic lineages. Genetic diversity analysis using neighbour-joining (NJ) and principal co-ordinate analysis (PCoA) based approaches showed six and five clusters for the 33 accessions, respectively, having congruence in the pattern of clustering. These accessions were grouped according to their mode of reproduction. Cenchrus and Pennisetum species were grouped separately within the same clade, implying monophyletic group within a ‘bristle clade’. Thus, this study showed high discrimination power of microsatellite (EST-SSR) markers to resolve the phylogenetic relationships.
... Among the various molecular makers, Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR)/Microsatellite makers are advantageous due to several attributes such as high abundance advantage, random distribution in the genome, cross transferability ability, co-dominance and high polymorphism information content (14). Furthermore, genic Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) markers being derived from the conserved regions have been used for establishing phylogenetic relationships (15)(16)(17). They have been developed at great scale and lower costs with the aid of next generation sequencing. ...
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Ipomoea, with enormous economic importance, is a large genus with species that are highly evolutionarily diverged. There is dearth of information regarding the phylogenetic relationships of the Nigerian species of the genus Ipomoea. It is therefore imperative to use contemporary taxonomic evidences to understand the diversity of its distribution in a region and provide enhanced delimitation of the taxa. In this study, 6 genic simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers whose cross transferability have been established among the plant species were selected to appraise their level of polymorphism and used to study the phylogenetic relationships among 11 indigenous Nigerian Ipomoea species. The 6 SSR loci showed varying levels of polymorphism among the genotypes of all 11 species assessed and demonstrated 100% polymorphism when examined across the 11 species. A total of 55 alleles were produced. The PIC of the primers ranged between 0.2223 and 0.874 with an average value of 0.71885. Phylogenetic analysis clustered species into 3 major and 6 sub clusters wherein the species were clearly separated. This study has shown the effectiveness of developed genic SSR markers for establishing phylogenetic relationship in Ipomoea species.
... Zhou et al. [22] conducted genetic diversity analysis on 35 sources of Pennisetum from China and the United States. They verified the cross-species reactivityof Hemarthria EST-SSR markers. ...
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Pennisetum species have importance in foraging, agriculture, energy-production, the environment, and landscaping. To promote the preservation and utilization of ornamental Pennisetum resources, we developed simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers from the Pennisetum setaceum cv. ‘Rubrum’ transcriptome and verified their conservation in 38 sources. Our transcriptome sequencing efforts generated 58.91 Gb of clean data containing 55,627 unigenes. We functionally annotated 30,930 unigenes, with functions enriched in translation and ribosomal structure and biogenesis. Database comparisons indicated that the closest relative of P. setaceum cv. ‘Rubrum’ is Setaria italica. Over five thousand SSR markers were detected in the transcriptomic data. We selected 38 pairs of highly polymorphic SSR markers from 50 randomly selected SSR markers. Based on genetic diversity analysis of 38 ornamental Pennisetum sources, we obtained 312 polymorphic bands, with an average of 8.21 alleles per primer. Principal coordinate analyses and generation of a, which proved that Pennisetum has moderate genetic diversity. In addition, fingerprint maps were constructed to improve Pennisetum identification. The transcriptome data generated by our study enhances the transcriptional information available for P. setaceum. This study lays the foundation for the collection and utilization of ornamental Pennisetum resources and provides a basis for future breeding projects using this species.
... In comparison to genomic SSRs, expressed sequence tag (EST)-SSRs represent functional markers that may linked with functional genes inducing phenotypic effects (Ranade et al., 2014;Zhou et al., 2018a). They hence provide opportunities to examine functional diversity in relation to adaptive variation. ...
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Amentotaxus argotaenia (Taxaceae) is a vulnerable coniferous species with preference for shade and moist environment. Accurate estimation of genetic variation is crucial for its conservation, especially in the context of global warming. In this study, we acquired a transcriptome from A. argotaenia leaves using Illumina sequencing and de novo assembled 62,896 unigenes, of which 5510 EST-SSRs were detected. Twenty-two polymorphic EST-SSRs were successfully developed and further used to investigate genetic variation, linkage disequilibrium, and bottleneck signatures of A. argotaenia. The results showed that A. argotaenia had moderate genetic variation and high genetic differentiation, which may provide raw material to protect against climatic changes and accelerate local adaptation, respectively. No bottlenecks were found to occur in A. argotaenia. Our study not only showed that these EST markers are very effective in population genetic analysis but also lay a solid foundation for further investigating adaptive evolution and conservation strategies of A. argotaenia.
... P. glaucum is one of the premium and important food crops which occupy the sixth rank in the world with the substantial cultivated area (60%) in Africa and (35%) in Asia. It covers about half of the total global production of millets and is utilized as a staple food, source of protein for human beings and fodder for livestock (Basavaraj et al., 2010;Wang et al., 2018;Zhou et al., 2019b). Seedling stage of plants is susceptible to different types of stresses, which leads to significant loss of crop production in the agriculture system while NPs enhance the germination potential (Parveen and Rao, 2015). ...
Full-text available
Khan et al.: In vitro effect of metallic silver nanoparticles (AgNPs): a novel approach toward the feasible production of biomass and natural antioxidants in pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.)-12877-APPLIED ECOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH 17(6):12877-12892. Abstract. Nanotechnology has become a revolutionary science over the past few decades with the potential for positive environmental, health and constructive effects. Nanoparticles (NPs) can be applied almost in every field of science, including the agricultural sector, and attaining great importance in current years. In the present study, Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) were applied in vitro to examine their effects on economically important crop, pearl millet (P. glaucum L.) grown on MS basal medium supplemented with variable concentrations (T1 = control, T2 = 20 ppm, T3 = 40 ppm, T4 = 60 ppm and T5 = 80 ppm). Effects of AgNPs were assessed by analysing the seed germination, seedlings growth and biochemical profile of pearl millet, which were significantly affected (p ≤ 0.05) and observed to be superior under T3 of AgNPs. The highest seed germination, seedling vigour index, root length, shoot length and biomass accumulation were achieved under T3 as compared to other treatments. Antioxidant enzymatic activity, Proline content, Catalase (CAT), Superoxide dismutase (SOD), Peroxidase (POD) including total flavonoids and total phenolic contents were also determined. AgNPs under (T5), inhibited the seed germination and seedlings growth and negatively influenced the biochemical profile by decreasing biomass accumulation. High doses of AgNPs proved to be a stressor and produced more ROS and toxicity, whereas it was indicated that AgNPs at suitable ratio minimized the production of ROS and stabilized the existing mechanisms of plantlets by increasing their growth and biomass production.
Tree peonies native to China are a precious crop with ornamental, medicinal and edible oil properties, of which flare tree peony (Paeonia rockii) is one of the most significant germplasms in Paeonia. The development and application of expressed sequence tag-simple sequence repeat (EST-SSR) markers are very valuable for genetic and breeding applications, but EST-SSR resources for the genus Paeonia are still limited. In this study, we first reported the development of SSRs within transcription factors (TFs) in P. rockii based on next-generation sequencing (NGS) and single-molecule long-read sequencing (SMLRS). A total of 166 EST-SSRs containing six nucleotide repeat types were identified from 959 candidate TFs associated with yield, with an average of one SSR per 5.83 unigenes. In total, 102 (61.45%) pairs of primers produced amplification products in the two RNA-seq cultivars. Among them, 58 (56.86%) pairs of primers from 18 gene families (AP2, bHLH, HSF, etc.) were identified to be polymorphic both in the parents of a linkage mapping population and in eight randomly selected accessions of P. rockii. Further, the 58 EST-SSRs indicated a high level of informativeness with PIC values ranging from 0.32 to 0.91 (mean 0.70) after assessment in 37 tree peony accessions. Transferability studies indicated that the amplification ratio of the 58 pairs of primers ranged from 89.66 to 100% across seven species of Paeonia. In addition, a genetic relationship study was performed in 62 accessions. Cluster analysis using the neighbour-joining (NJ) tree demonstrated that major clusters corresponded to the known pedigree trees. Taken together, these newly developed EST-SSRs have a potential use in the conservation of tree peony germplasm and marker-assisted selection (MAS) breeding.
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Elephant grass (2n = 4x = 28; Cenchrus purpureus Schumach.), also known as Napier grass, is an important forage grass and potential energy crop in tropical and subtropi-cal regions of Asia, Africa and America. However, no study has yet reported a genome assembly for elephant grass at the chromosome scale. Here, we report a high-quality chromosome-scale genome of elephant grass with a total size of 1.97 Gb and a 1.5% heterozygosity rate, obtained using short-read sequencing, single-molecule long-read sequencing and Hi-C chromosome conformation capture. Evolutionary analysis showed that subgenome A' of elephant grass and pearl millet may have originated from a com-mon ancestor more than 3.22 million years ago (MYA). Further, allotetraploid formation occurred at approximately 6.61 MYA. Syntenic analyses within elephant grass and with other grass species indicated that elephant grass has experienced chromosomal rear-rangements. We found that some key enzyme-encoding gene families related to the biosynthesis of anthocyanidins and flavonoids were expanded and highly expressed in leaves, which probably drives the production of these major anthocyanidin compounds and explains why this elephant grass cultivar has a high anthocyanidin content. In ad-dition, we found a high copy number and transcript levels of genes involved in C4 pho-tosynthesis and hormone signal transduction pathways that may contribute to the fast growth of elephant grass. The availability of elephant grass genome data advances our knowledge of the genetic evolution of elephant grass and will contribute to further bio-logical research and breeding as well as for other polyploid plants in the genus Cenchrus.
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Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) is an important coniferous species that accounts for 20–30% of the total commercial timber production in China. Though traditional breeding of Chinese fir has achieved remarkable success, molecular-assisted breeding has made little progress due to limited availability of genomic information. In this study, a survey of Chinese fir genome was performed using the Illumina HiSeq Xten sequencing platform. K-mer analysis indicated that Chinese fir has a large genome of approximately 11.6 Gb with 74.89% repetitive elements and is highly heterozygous. Meanwhile, its genome size was estimated to be 13.2 Gb using flow cytometry. A total of 778.02 Gb clean reads were assembled into 10,982,272 scaffolds with an N50 of 1.57 kb. In total, 362,193 SSR loci were detected with a frequency of 13.18 kb. Dinucleotide repeats were the most abundant (up to 73.6% of the total SSRs), followed by trinucleotide and tetranucleotide repeats. Forty-six polymorphic pairs were developed, and 298 alleles were successfully amplified from 199 Chinese fir clones. The average PIC value was 0.53, indicating that the identified genomic SSR (gSSR) markers have a high degree of polymorphism. In addition, these breeding resources were divided into three groups, and a limited gene flow existed among these inferred groups.
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Deficiencies of essential micronutrients such as iron and zinc are the cause of extensive health problems in developing countries. They adversely affect performance, productivity and are a major hindrance to economic development. Since many people who suffer from micronutrient deficiencies are dependent on staple crops to meet their dietary requirements, the development of crop cultivars with increased levels of micronutrients in their edible parts is becoming increasingly recognized as a sustainable solution. This is largely facilitated by genetics and genomic platforms. The cereal crop pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum), is an excellent candidate for genetic improvement due to its ability to thrive in dry, semi-arid regions, where farming conditions are often unfavorable. Not only does pearl millet grow in areas where other crops such as maize and wheat do not survive, it contains naturally high levels of micronutrients, proteins and a myriad of other health benefitting characteristics. This review discusses the current status of iron and zinc deficiencies and reasons why interventions such as fortification, supplementation, and soil management are neither practicable nor affordable in poverty stricken areas. We argue that the most cost effective, sustainable intervention strategy is to biofortify pearl millet with enhanced levels of bioavailable iron and zinc. We discuss how naturally occurring genetic variations present in germplasm collections can be incorporated into elite, micronutrient rich varieties and what platforms are available to drive this research. We also consider the logistics of transgenic methods that could facilitate the improvement of the pearl millet gene pool.
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Castor is an important oilseed crop and although its oil is inedible, it has multiple industrial and pharmaceutical applications. The entire US castor germplasm collection was previously screened for oil content and fatty acid composition, but its genetic diversity and population structure has not been determined. Based on the screening results of oil content, fatty acid composition, and country origins, 574 accessions were selected and genotyped with 22 polymorphic EST-SSR markers. The results from cluster analysis, population structure, and principal component analysis were consistent, and partitioned accessions into four subpopulations. Although there were certain levels of admixtures among groups, these clusters and subpopulations aligned with geographic origins. Both divergent and redundant accessions were identified in this study. The US castor germplasm collection encompasses a moderately high level of genetic diversity (pairwise dissimilarity coefficient = 0.53). The results obtained here will be useful for choosing accessions as parents to make crosses in breeding programs and prioritizing accessions for regeneration to improve germplasm management. A subset of 230 accessions was selected and will be planted in the field for establishing a core collection of the US castor germplasm. Further evaluation of the US castor germplasm collection is also discussed.
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Hemarthria R. Br. is an important genus of perennial forage grasses that is widely used in subtropical and tropical regions. Hemarthria grasses have made remarkable contributions to the development of animal husbandry and agro-ecosystem maintenance; however, there is currently a lack of comprehensive genomic data available for these species. In this study, we used Illumina high-throughput deep sequencing to characterize of two agriculturally important Hemarthria materials, H. compressa “Yaan” and H. altissima “1110.” Sequencing runs that used each of four normalized RNA samples from the leaves or roots of the two materials yielded more than 24 million high-quality reads. After de novo assembly, 137,142 and 77,150 unigenes were obtained for “Yaan” and “1110,” respectively. In addition, a total of 86,731 “Yaan” and 48,645 “1110” unigenes were successfully annotated. After consolidating the unigenes for both materials, 42,646 high-quality SNPs were identified in 10,880 unigenes and 10,888 SSRs were identified in 8330 unigenes. To validate the identified markers, high quality PCR primers were designed for both SNPs and SSRs. We randomly tested 16 of the SNP primers and 54 of the SSR primers and found that the majority of these primers successfully amplified the desired PCR product. In addition, high cross-species transferability (61.11–87.04%) of SSR markers was achieved for four other Poaceae species. The amount of RNA sequencing data that was generated for these two Hemarthria species greatly increases the amount of genomic information available for Hemarthria and the SSR and SNP markers identified in this study will facilitate further advancements in genetic and molecular studies of the Hemarthria genus.
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Simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers are widely applied in studies of plant molecular genetics due to their abundance in the genome, codominant nature, and high repeatability. However, microsatellites are not always available for the species to be studied and their isolation could be time- and cost-consuming. To investigate transferability in cross-species applications, 102 primer pairs previously developed in ryegrass and tall fescue were amplified across three allogamous ryegrass species including Lolium rigidum, Lolium perenne and Lolium multiflorum. Their highly transferability (100%) were evidenced. While, most of these markers were multiple loci, only 17 loci were selected for a robust, single-locus pattern, which may be due to the recentness of the genome duplication or duplicated genomic regions, as well as speciation. A total of 87 alleles were generated with an average of 5.1 per locus. The mean polymorphism information content (PIC) and observed heterozygosity (Ho) values at genus was 0.5532 and 0.5423, respectively. Besides, analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed that all three levels contributed significantly to the overall genetic variation, with the species level contributing the least (P<0.001). Also, the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic averaging dendrogram (UPGMA), Bayesian model-based STRUCTURE analysis and the principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) showed that accessions within species always tended to the same cluster firstly and then to related species. The results showed that these markers developed in related species are transferable efficiently across species, and likely to be useful in analyzing genetic diversity.
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Biofuel crops such as napiergrass possess traits characteristic of invasive plant species, raising concern that biofuels might escape cultivation and invade surrounding agricultural and natural areas. Napiergrass biofuel types are being developed to have reduced invasion risk, but these might be cultivated in areas where naturalized populations of this species are already present. The successful management of napiergrass biofuel plantations will therefore require techniques to monitor for escaped biofuels as distinguished from existing naturalized populations. Here we used 20 microsatellite DNA markers developed for pearl millet to genotype 16 entries of napiergrass, including naturalized populations and accessions selected for biofuel traits. Use of the markers showed a clear genetic separation between the biofuel types and naturalized entries and revealed naturalized populations undergoing genetic isolation by distance. These findings demonstrated the utility of microsatellite marker transfer in the development of an important tool for managing the invasion risk of a potential biofuel crop.
Pennisetum sect. Pennisetum includes two reproductively isolated species. Pennisetum purpureum Schumach. is a tetraploid (2n = 28) perennial species which occurs throughout the wet tropics of the world. Pennisetum americanum (L.) Leeke is a diploid (2n = 14) annual species, native to the semi-arid tropics of Africa and India, and contains three morphologically diverse subspecies. Subspecies americanum includes the wide array of cultivated pearl millets. Subspecies monodii from the Sahel of West Africa is identified as the wild progenitor of pearl millet. Subspecies stenostachyum is morphologically intermediate between subsp. americanum and monodii and includes the mimetic weeds often associated with the cultivation of pearl millet.
We describe a model-based clustering method for using multilocus genotype data to infer population structure and assign individuals to populations. We assume a model in which there are K populations (where K may be unknown), each of which is characterized by a set of allele frequencies at each locus. Individuals in the sample are assigned (probabilistically) to populations, or jointly to two or more populations if their genotypes indicate that they are admixed. Our model does not assume a particular mutation process, and it can be applied to most of the commonly used genetic markers, provided that they are not closely linked. Applications of our method include demonstrating the presence of population structure, assigning individuals to populations, studying hybrid zones, and identifying migrants and admixed individuals. We show that the method can produce highly accurate assignments using modest numbers of loci—e.g., seven microsatellite loci in an example using genotype data from an endangered bird species. The software used for this article is available from
Dry weight of plant fractions, leaf area, leaf number and tiller number were recorded throughout primary growth and two subsequent re-growths of hybrid Pennisetum (Pennisetum americanum × P. purpureum) at five temperature regimes from 15/10 °C to 33/28 °C (day/night) in summer and winter. Seedling mortality occurred at 15/10 °C, whereas at all higher temperatures seedlings survived and plants re-grew after cutting at a height of 10 cm. Shoot weights increased with temperature up to 33/28 °C when compared at a common chronological age but showed no differences at a common developmental age. The temperature response was associated with increased top/root ratio and rate of leaf appearance; mean individual leaf area and NAR did not increase beyond 27/22 °C. Shoot weight increments in primary growth were the same in winter and summer when expressed per unit of radiation, although leaf area per unit weight was sensitive to changes in radiation associated with differences in daylength. The rate of shoot weight accumulation in regrowth was greater than in primary growth because of rapid tillering following defoliation and an enhanced rate of leaf appearance per tiller.