Gunnar Mau

Gunnar Mau
DHGS Deutsche Hochschule für Gesundheit und Sport · Department of Psychology



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September 2019 - January 2020
Privatuniversität Schloss Seeburg
  • Professor (Full)
February 2017 - August 2019
Zeppelin University
  • Professor
October 2013 - March 2014
Universität Regensburg
  • Visiting Professor


Publications (73)
Purpose: This research analyses how children behave during a purchasing process in a simulated shop and how they put their goals into effect at the point of sale (POS). The focus of this research are children in Germany between the age of eight and 12. The results reveal answers to the following questions: which criteria do the children consider i...
This study analyzes the impact of implementation intentions as well as restrictions on the delay of gratification in children. We assume that both strategies impact the decision process of children in different ways: While implementation intentions activate the mental representation of specified cues that help pursuing a goal, restrictions support...
Purpose This study aims to examine the ability of the social influence heuristics framework to capture skillful and creative social media influencer (SMI) marketing in long-form video content on YouTube for influencer-owned brands and products. Design/methodology/approach The theoretical lens was a framework of seven evidence-based social influenc...
This book describes how an optimal store design can contribute to the well-being of the customer and to differentiation from online retail. From an academic and practical perspective, with contributions from renowned academics and companies, it shows how a coherent store design can be created in harmony with the retail brand. The central challenge...
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The present study aims to investigate elementary school children’s self-control as an important aspect of their purchasing literacy in a simulated supermarket. To this end, 136 children were asked to shop on a limited budget and work through a given shopping list. We processed the data of this task in two ways: First, we combined process and produc...
AR, KI, Digitale Sprachassistenten… die zunehmende Digitalisierung des Alltags und der Wandel unserer Lebensbedingungen stellt Verbraucher*innen vor neue Herausforderungen: Während die Möglichkeiten zur Information und Einflussnahme durch uns steigen, geben wir gleichzeitig immer mehr Entscheidungsgewalt an (smarte) Dritte ab. Werden wir als Verbra...
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Die Verbraucherforschung hat in den letzten Jahren vermehrt Aufmerksamkeit von Politik, Verbraucherschutz und Medien erfahren. Diese zunehmende Relevanz hat auch die wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit Themen des Verbraucherschut-zes beflügelt. Ergebnisse zu entsprechenden Fragestellungen kommen mittlerweile aus einer Vielzahl an Disziplinen:...
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Ziel unserer Studien war es, zu untersuchen, wie negative Reaktionen auf (fast) leere Kisten in der Obst- und Gemüseabteilung abgemildert werden können. Um das weitere Kaufverhalten positiv zu beeinflussen, nutzen wir eine gezielte Kommunikation am Regal mittels Nudges. Für die Untersuchung wurden zwei Online-Experimente mit dem Between-Subject-Fak...
If you look at multisensory technology on a higher level, you quickly encounter the total store approach. The sensory stimuli are configured in such a way that on the one hand the value proposition is optimally expressed and on the other hand the customer feels comfortable in the space. This requires customer-centric thinking or empathy in order to...
A quintessence of the present contributions is: The key to the success of multisensory management is to know and address people, respectively their perceptions and motives. This outlines an important – if not the most important – challenge for retail management: If you want to remain relevant for customers in times of dynamic markets, you have to a...
The multisensory experience is often described as a central opportunity for stationary retail. Better than in other channels, customers can be reached, stimulated and excited via all senses. In order to use this potential, an understanding of the mechanisms behind the experience is necessary: What do sensory impressions trigger in us? How do we com...
Digitization has given rise to completely new shopping opportunities that can quickly become a (perceived) threat to brick-and-mortar retail. The discourse too often revolves around an “either or.” Phygital describes the best of both worlds – physical and digital. With phygital business models, entirely new worlds of experience can be developed tha...
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The steady growing of online financial services due to the vanishing of on-site banking offers is changing the socio-economic framework individuals make financial decisions in. Financial literacy as an essential part of basic education is therefore also subject to changes. In order to investigate the individual competence of the respondents with re...
In-store displays are a frequently used tool in shopper marketing. Empirical studies show the effects of promotional displays on sales; however, they seldom attend to the determinants of the effects of displays from the shoppers’ perspective. Thus, there are hardly any findings about the role of the display’s location in the shop. In this paper, we...
Der Mensch nimmt seine Umgebung mit allen Sinnen wahr. Sehen, riechen, fühlen, schmecken und hören. Und alles gleichzeitig. So kann ein Fremdgeruch im Brotbereich die noch so schöne Auslage unappetitlich erscheinen lassen oder die fehlende Empathie des Verkäufers einen schalen Eindruck hinterlassen. Deshalb ist es sinnvoll, als Händler den Raum gan...
Betrachtet man Multisensorik auf einer übergeordneten Ebene, begegnet man schnell dem Total-Store-Ansatz. Die Sinnesreize werden so konfiguriert, dass einerseits das Leistungsversprechen optimal zum Ausdruck kommt und andererseits der Kunde sich im Raum wohl fühlt. Dazu ist ein kundenzentriertes Denken bzw. Empathie notwendig, um die einzelnen Gest...
Eine Quintessenz der vorliegenden Beiträge lautet: Der Schlüssel zum Erfolg des multisensorischen Managements ist es, den Menschen bzw. seine Wahrnehmungen und Motive zu kennen und zu adressieren. Damit ist eine wichtige – wenn nicht die wichtigste – Herausforderung für das Handelsmanagement umrissen: Wer in Zeiten dynamischer Märkte für die Kunden...
Mit der Digitalisierung sind ganz neue Einkaufsmöglichkeiten entstanden, die schnell zur (gefühlten) Bedrohung des stationären Handels werden können. Der Diskurs kreist dabei zu oft um ein „entweder oder“. Phygital beschreibt das Beste aus zwei Welten – der physischen und digitalen. Mit phygitalen Geschäftsmodellen lassen sich ganz neue Erlebniswel...
Das multisensorische Erlebnis wird vielfach als eine zentrale Chance für den stationären Handel beschrieben. Besser als in anderen Kanälen können hier die Kunden über alle Sinne erreicht, stimuliert und begeistert werden. Um dieses Potenzial zu nutzen, ist ein Verständnis der Mechanismen hinter dem Erlebnis notwendig: Was lösen sensorische Eindrück...
In-store slack is the portion of the mental budget that is reserved for unplanned purchases. In this paper, the study of Stilley et al. (2010) on the existence and exploitation of in-store slack is replicated and extended through the investigation of in-store slack in varying store formats and with regard to different product categories, confirming...
The purpose of the present paper is to investigate if there is any effect between the depletion of self-regulatory resources during the product selection when shopping for groceries and subsequent food consumption. More precisely, we propose that consumers who have to self-regulate in purchasing decisions because of their desire to keep their baske...
Purpose – This paper aims to construct an information-rich account of how social-media-celebrities (SMCs) promote their own human and commercial brand(s) and product(s). Design/methodology/approach – The study adopted a case- and video-oriented qualitative approach. Data saturation was reached with an idiosyncratic sample of six SMCs (i.e., Logan...
Products presented in reality have a higher chance to be purchased than products that are symbolically presented as a photograph (Müller 2013). Loewenstein (1996) explains the superiority of the products presented in reality by the fact that the presentation’s sensory richness increases vividness. Thus, shoppers experience the gratification arising...
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In this article, we develop a conceptual framework for online retailing that contributes to broadening the understanding of online shopping across electronic channels (e-channels) and e-channel touchpoints. For this purpose, we define an e-channel as a category of Internet-enabled devices (e.g., mobile devices) that consumers can use to interact wi...
Conference Paper
In the past years a huge market for mobile applications has evolved and it is to be expected that this market will considerably grow in the future. Within this market mobile gaming apps are the most important category. Mobile games have accounted for 30.9% of the mobile content market in the U.S. in 2015. Given this enormous potential of mobile gam...
We used a multidimensional sequence alignment method to cluster customers (N = 304) of a German multichannel retailer for consumer electronics according to the multidimensional sequences of their realised customer contacts (dimension 1), the functions of the realised contacts (dimension 2) and the importance of the customer contact (dimension 3). I...
Based on two online studies (n = 5,522 Study 1; n = 287 Study 2), we demonstrate that advergames have a significant effect on brand cognitions, brand attitude, loyalty and actual buying behaviour. Additionally, we demonstrate that the consumer’s perception of flow when playing advergames reinforces these effects. The results of our studies not only...
Das verbraucherpolitische Leitbild befindet sich im Wandel. Der notwendige Abschied vom umfassend informierten und nutzenfixierten mündigen Verbraucher wurde durch die interdisziplinäre Verbraucherforschung eingeleitet. Niemand hat mehr einen Otto Normalverbraucher vor Augen, sondern es entwickelt sich ein vielfältiges Bild von Situationen, Rollen...
For many, vacation is the best time of the year. Therefore, not only do accordingly high expectations exist, but also the interest that the vacation is a success. The tour operators also have to heed this interest and ensure that their guests have a good vacation. This occurs in the assumption that satisfaction with the vacation and the willingness...
Online communities are often focused on consumption-related consumer interests and offer marketers the opportunity to actively engage and cooperate with consumers, foster customer relationships, and easily spread information about new products and services. In spite of this enormous potential, it is surprising that to date, little is known about ho...
This essay deals with the different forms of engagement and evaluation of members of social on-line networks such as Facebook or Google+. From the perspective of marketing the authors provide an overview of the passive and active participation of different member types in social online networks. Drawing on literature and findings of empirical studi...
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This essay deals with the different forms of engagement and evaluation of members of social online networks such as Facebook or Google+. From the perspective of marketing the authors provide an overview of the passive and active participation of different member types in social online networks. Drawing on literature and findings of empirical studie...
Abstract Vitamin D deficiency is prevalent in many countries, including Germany. Some countries have introduced vitamin D food fortification to address the problem, but such fortification is generally prohibited in Germany. While recent changes in legislation have opened the window to a population-wide introduction of vitamin D food fortification,...
This article describes four studies that served the development (studies 1 and 2) and the validation (studies 3 and 4) of an instrument for measuring emotions in research with German-speaking consumers. The result is the Inventar kaufbegleitender Emotionen (IKE), which comprises 13 emotion categories and reflects a broad range of emotions that can...
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Using online social networks (OSNs) is becoming more and more common in all population groups. Not surprisingly, many marketers intend to be present in these networks in the future (e.g., Busby et al., 2010). But, as several studies among practitioners reveal, more general knowledge is needed to plan marketing engagements in OSNs. In the academic m...
Many computer games are based upon the principle of competition, making the outcome of the game, namely, the prospect of victory and the threat of defeat, a key element. A lab experiment was conducted to study the effects of a game’s outcome on the player’s mood, brand attitude and game attitude as well as the experience of flow (N = 95; between-su...
Children are a key target group for retailers and manufacturers (Effertz, 2008; Schor, 2004). Consequently, children are exposed to many marketing messages (Cross, 2002; Kunkel et al., 2004), which is evident in an increasing amount of advertising directly aimed at and targeted towards them (Kunkel, et al., 2004) and a large number of products spec...
Conference Paper
An established way to analyze shoppers' behavior at the point of sale consists of identifying their paths through the store as well as their approach behavior towards different shelves. Such proceeding allows e.g. for optimizing product placements or in-store advertising and guidance. Since there is a technological challenge in doing this inside th...
As a specific form of below the line communication, online adgames have emerged as one recent method of branded entertainment. In contrast to in-game advertising, adgames are developed or adapted by the company itself and further serve as a means to publish the advertising message. The potential of advertising with computer games becomes apparent f...
Although the computer game industry celebrated its 50th birthday in 2008 with its first game “Tennis for Two”, it shows no signs of aging. While the film industry is facing a considerable decline, the computer game sector is booming with a turnover of 2.29 bn. euros in Germany in 2007 and an increase of 29% compared to the previous year (BIU 2008)....
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An online experiment was conducted to study the effects of brand placements in computer games on brand attitude as well as game attitude (N = 521; between subject design: familiar vs. unfamiliar brands vs. no brand). Results show that particularly unfamiliar brands can achieve a better attitude, while the attitude towards the familiar brand worsens...
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An online experiment was conducted to study the effects of brand placements in computer games on brand attitude as well as game attitude (N = 521; between subject design: familiar vs. unfamiliar brands vs. no brand). Results show that particularly unfamiliar brands can achieve a better attitude, while the attitude towards the familiar brand worsens...
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On the basis of an extended review of literature dedicated to experimental studies of sponsorship effects on brand perceptions, this paper introduces a detailed framework of sponsorship persuasion process. Considering the central transfer between event and brand perceptions, the model also includes moderating effects (such as congruency) and focuse...
Dem Phänomen der klassischen Mund-zu-Mund-Propaganda (Word of Mouth, WOM) wird seit Jahren große Aufmerksamkeit im Rahmen der Marketingwissenschaft gewidmet (Engel et al. 1969; Czepiel 1974; Haywood 1989; Mangold et al. 1999). Vor allem weil Informationen sich auf diesem Wege exponentiell weiter verbreiten, und die Verbreitung im Verhältnis zu der...
The usability of interfaces is mainly tested via standardized-questionnaires or via less standardized process- oriented verbal protocols. Standardized questionnaires have got the advantage of generating reasonable indices with quite low effort. In contrast, process oriented verbal protocols offer the opportunity of gaining more thorough insights in...
Der vorliegende Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit der Rolle des viralen Marketing im Web 2.0. Dafür wird das virale Marketing definiert und Erscheinungsformen des viralen Marketing vorgestellt. Anschließend wird auf die Motive und Wirkungen des Weiterleitens von Informationen auf elektronischem Wege eingegangen. Darauf folgt die Vorstellung einer Studie...
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In the past few years a large number of studies have been published examining the various practical and theoretical aspects of event-marketing and event-sponsorship. The academic research aims to explain the effectiveness of these marketing communication tools. Primarily the elements of recall and recognition have become central factors within this...
Conference Paper
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Today, lists are the prevalent representation format for search resu lts on the Internet (e.g. Amazon or eBay). While lists are well suited for specific queries, they are of little help for nonspecific queries. Theoretically, visual search interfaces outperform list interfaces for task types such as nonspecific queries, because they make use of add...
Haben Sie Lust, heute Abend Video zu sehen? Angenommen Sie würden gerne, aber ihr Videorekorder ist kaputt. Weil das schon länger so ist, haben Sie sich schon Gedanken darüber gemacht, einen DVD-Player zu kaufen. Sie nehmen Ihren Wunsch nach einem Videoabend als Anlass, um Ihr Vorhaben, einen neuen DVD-Player zu kaufen, heute nach der Arbeit in die...


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