Guintard Claude

Guintard Claude
École Nationale Vétérinaire, Agroalimentaire et de l'Alimentation Nantes-Atlantique | Oniris · Anatomie Comparée



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L' anatomie comparée et les modèles pour l'archéozoologie sont les thèmes de recherches développés.
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Publications (172)
Background: The morphometric study of the Algerian dromedary population, specifically the Reguibi breed (Camelus dromedarius), involves analyzing various physical measurements and characteristics of these camels. Morphometric studies aim to understand the phenotypic diversity within a population, which can provide insights into their adaptation, ge...
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The carcass yield varies from one animal species to another and depends on various factors, such as the age of the animal, its health condition, diet, and activity level. The main objective of this study was to determine the yield of meat production from the main Algerian population of dromedaries (Camelus dromedaries L, 1758), namely, Sahraoui, Ta...
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Intracranial arterial anatomy is lacking for most mammalian and non-mammalian model species, especially concerning the origin of the basilar artery (BA). Enhancing the knowledge of this anatomy can improve animal models and help understanding anatomical variations in humans. We have studied encephalic arteries in three different species of birds an...
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Background: This study, conducted on a sample of 60 bones, provides an in-depth analysis of the main characteristics of dromedary skulls, their variability and the correlations between their various parts. These data have made it possible to isolate measurements that could provide a general overview in camel craniometry. This area lacks research an...
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The anatomy and organisation of the endocrine pancreas in ray-finned fishes vary widely. The two main morphoanatomical character states are diffuse versus compact pancreatic tissue. The latter are called Brockmann Bodies (BBs), or principal islets. The present study is the first comprehensive survey on the anatomy of the endocrine pancreas (diffuse...
Les référentiels ostéométriques conséquents pour les oiseaux font globalement défaut, notamment en archéozoologie. Un référentiel ostéométrique pour les principaux os des membres et de la ceinture du membre thoracique du Faisan de Colchide (Phasianuscolchicus L., 1758) a été réalisé. Ce travail repose sur un échantillon de 54 individus, 26 mâles et...
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Geometric morphometrics can effectively distinguish isolated third lower molars of present-day sheep and goat, but its applicability to archaeological specimens has yet to be established. Using a modern reference collection of 743 sheep and goats and a two-dimensional landmark-based geometric morphometric (GMM) protocol, this study aimed to morphom...
Equids have shaped past Eurasian societies in many ways. This applies in particular to domestic horses, donkeys, and their hybrids. Key to documenting modes of exploitation and cultural trajectories in past societies is the correct taxonomic classification of tooth and bone specimens found in archaeological sites. However, close osteomorphological...
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Intracranial arterial vascular anatomy is well known in humans, but it is lacking for most mammalian and non-mammalian model species, especially concerning the origin of the basilar artery (BA). We have studied the encephalic arteries in three different species of birds and eight different species of mammals using formalin-fixed brains injected wit...
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Many of the millions of animals dedicated to the deities in Ancient Egypt were canids. In contrast to the rare textual sources, the abundance of skeletal remains offers the opportunity to address the question of whether wild or domestic canids were mummified. However, species identification from osteological material remains problematic because it...
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The aim of this work is to provide some anatomical data using a non-invasive method. Nine entire diaphragms of adult dromedaries were collected randomly at the slaughterhouse, and the bones prepared at the anatomy laboratory of Ouargla (Algeria). The CT examinations were performed on a 16-section CT device made by Siemens (Sensation 16, dedicated t...
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The dromedary, also called the one-humped camel, can live and adapt well to the harsh and hot climate of the desert due to its functional anatomical particularities. Both the dromedary and the ox are known as artiodactyls. Anatomically, they have a few similarities but many differences. This paper aims to review the digestive and respiratory anatom...
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Avian osteometric repositories have been traditionally elusive research tools, particularly in zooarchaeology. Here we offer an osteometrical baseline for the main bones of the limbs and thoracic girdle of the Common Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus L. 1758). The database consists of a sample of 54 individuals, that includes 26 males and 28 females, a...
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ABSTRACT: Avian osteometric repositories have been traditionally elusive research tools, particularly in zooarchaeology. Here we offer an osteometrical baseline for the main bones of the limbs and thoracic girdle of the Common Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus L. 1758). The database consists of a sample of 54 individuals, that includes 26 males and 28...
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The metatarsal bone is one of the strongest bone in Ungulates and can provide various information about live animal. A sample of 86 metatarsal bones of 43 adult dromedaries (Camelus dromedarius Linnaeus, 1758) was studied. Two breeds were compared, with a total of 22 males and 21 females, organised in four groups: 13 Sahraoui females, 14 Sahraoui m...
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The introduction of European red foxes in Australia in the late mid-nineteenth century has resulted in the spread of this invasive species across the continent. The morphological and functional divergence of this relatively recently introduced population has not been explored to date, yet it may provide unique insights into adaptability of this wid...
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Dogs are among the most variable species today, but little is known about the morphological variability in the early phases of their history. The Neolithic transition to farming may have resulted in an early morphological diversification as a result of changes in the anthropic environment or intentional selection on specific morphologies. Here, we...
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The potential of artificial selection to dramatically impact phenotypic diversity is well known. Large-scale morphological changes in domestic species, emerging over short timescales, offer an accelerated perspective on evolutionary processes. The domestic horse ( Equus caballus ) provides a striking example of rapid evolution, with major changes i...
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RÉSUMÉ : Le blaireau européen (Meles meles, L. 1758) est le plus grand représentant de la famille des mustélidés, il fait partie des espèces emblématiques de la faune sauvage en France. Il existe aujourd'hui peu de données concernant sa denture ainsi que sa craniométrie. Cette étude a pour objectif la constitution d'une base de données des mensurat...
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Etude biométrique du Scinque officinal ou « poisson de sable » Scincus scincus (Linnaeus, 1758) : analyse du dimorphisme sexuel de la sous-espèce S. s. scincus (Linnaeus, 1758) de la région d'El Oued Souf (Algérie) Résumé : Le Scinque offi cinal ou Poisson de sable Scincus scincus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Scincidae : Squamata) est un lézard qui a une apti...
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Cette étude a été menée sur des dromadaires vivants algériens Naili encore appelés Chameaux de la steppe. L’objectif était de caractériser les mensurations et la barymétrie de cette population qui n’a pas encore été étudiée et de les comparer à deux autres populations algériennes, la Sahraoui et la Targui. L’échantillon comprenait 60 dromadaires, 3...
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In the course of evolution, pecorans (i.e. higher ruminants) developed a remarkable diversity of osseous cranial appendages, collectively referred to as 'headgear', which likely share the same origin and genetic basis. However, the nature and function of the genetic determinants underlying their number and position remain elusive. Jacob and other r...
The jaw system in canids is essential for defence and prey acquisition. However, how it varies in wild species in comparison with domestic species remains poorly understood, yet is of interest in terms of understanding the impact of artificial selection. Here, we explored the variability and interrelationships between the upper and lower jaws, musc...
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Many studies have attested to the consequences of the recent and intense artificial selection on the morphological variability of the cranium and mandible in domestic animals. However, the functional relations of the cranium with other constituents of the masticatory apparatus (the mandibles and the adductor muscles) have rarely been explored. Prev...
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In the course of evolution, pecorans (i.e. higher ruminants) developed a remarkable diversity of osseous cranial appendages, collectively referred to as ‘headgear’, which likely share the same origin and genetic basis. However, the nature and function of the genetic determinants underlying their number and position remain elusive. Jacob and other r...
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L’Aurochs-reconstitué est une race bovine rustique à très faible effectif qui n’a fait l’objet d’aucune étude sur le plan de sa consanguinité à ce jour. Ce travail repose sur la collecte d’informations de 2170 bovins (contemporains et leurs ancêtres), et démontre que la race est aujourd’hui fondée sur un grand nombre d’ancêtres : environ 10% de la...
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Bone grafting with synthetic substitutes is now the preferred technique in maxillofacial surgery. The biocompatibility of biomaterials such as beta-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) necessitates animal experimentation. Here, six rabbits received β-TCP granules in a hole drilled in the femoral condyle and were compared with ungrafted holes with a similar...
Previous studies based on two-dimensional methods have suggested that the great morphological variability of cranial shape in domestic dogs has impacted bite performance. Here we use a three-dimensional biomechanical model based on dissection data to estimate the bite force of 47 dogs of various breeds at several bite points and gape angles. In viv...
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Despite the considerable scientific interest in the variability and patterns of integration in the dog skull, how these patterns impact or are driven by function remains largely unexplored. Since the mandible is directly involved in mastication, it can be expected to be directly related to the development of the adductor and abductor muscles. Here,...
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Our research was realized on a numerically homogeneous sample of 60 dromedaries of Targui population that is originally from the Hoggar (Tamanrasset, extreme Southern Algeria). The animals are adults (30 males and 30 females) they are from 5-10 years old and over 10 years old destined for slaughter. The canon bones (metapodials) were taken from the...
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Objective To describe a contrast medium distribution pattern after peribulbar injection in cadavers Study design A cadaveric study Animals A group of eight male dogs and four canine cadaver heads. Methods Phase 1: ultrasound-guided peribulbar injections (1.0 mL of dye) were performed in four orbits using a subzygomatic approach. After dissection...
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Background: Hybridization has been widely practiced in plant and animal breeding as a means to enhance the quality and fitness of the organisms. In domestic equids, this hybrid vigor takes the form of improved physical and physiological characteristics, notably for strength or endurance. Because the offspring of horse and donkey is generally steri...
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La prédiction du sexe à partir d'ossements issus de sites archéologiques nécessite des outils de comparaison et des collections de réfé-rences qui soient les plus proches possible du type morphologique étudié. La race autochtone de chèvre algérienne (Arabia) est de ce point de vue une population ancienne et de taille petite à moyenne qui répond par...
Conference Paper
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Morphotypes et force animale développée. Comparaison de deux populations de dromadaires algériens : la Sahraoui et la Targui (Camelus dromedarius, L.). In, Animal source d’énergie, Enquêtes dans l’Europe pré-industrielle, F. Guizard et C. Beck [Dir.], Presses Universitaires de Valenciennes, 2018, 133-147
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The present article reviews the absence of gas bladder in the Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus L. 1758, Actinopterygii: Teleostei:Scombridae). Four to five extant species are recognized to belong to the genus Scomber L. 1758. Among them, only the Atlantic mackerel does not possess a gas bladder. The comparison of the swimming performances of the...
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The comparative study of the aurochs (Bos primigenius) and Heck cattle (cattle breed n° 30) is very informative because it allows to know, in terms of selection, how far the work of the breeders is from the objective: obtaining an animal which looks as much as possible like the disappeared ancestor. Our research focuses on the study of 3 adult male...
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The local breed of the Algerian goat (Arabia) was the subject of very few studies. The aim of this work was to carry out a first osteomorphometric approach of cannon bones (Metacarpus and Metatarsus), 124 left metapodials of goats (62 metacarpals and 62 metatarsals) were sampled. For each animal, the carcass weight, the age and the sex were noted....
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Abstract. The purpose of this work is to present the anatomical diversity of the optic chiasma within vertebrates in a phylogenetic framework on the basis of both dissections and bibliographical data.
Archaeozoology provides bones, which quite regularly present traces of fractures. These fractures are more or less at an advanced level of healing and bear witness to traumas or pathologies. These cases of palaeopathology are not always the subject of publications, which further restricts our knowledge about them. This short note allows the scienti...
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Muscle and bone masses are highly correlated and muscles impose large loads on bone. Muscle wasting that accompanies bone loss has been poorly investigated. 21 female mice were spread into seven groups. At day 0, 18 mice received Botulinum toxin (BTX) injection in the quadriceps muscle to induce paralysis of the right hind limb; the left contralate...
Conference Paper
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Hypertype in the canine species has been subject to a lot of thoughts and many publications but the novelty of this work is that it associates two complementary points of view, namely the breeder’s and judge’s andvon the other hand the anatomist’s and vet’s. If at shows, the worship of beauty, driven to exaggeration, has taken the step on fitness,...
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The relationships between the different component parts of organisms, such as the sharing of common development or function, produce a coordinated variation between the different traits. This morphological integration contributes to drive or constrain morphological variation and thus impacts phenotypic diversification. Artificial selection is known...
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Le but de cet article est de présenter la diversité anatomique du chiasma optique dans un contexte phylogénétique sur la base de dissections et de données bibliographiques. Abstract. The purpose of this work is to present the anatomical diversity of the optic chiasma within vertebrates in a phylogenetic framework on the basis of both dissections an...
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L’objectif de cette étude était de comparer les caractérisations morphologiques et de déterminer l’indice de gracilité d’après des mesures zoométriques sur des chamelles adultes de deux populations algériennes, la Sahraoui et la Targui. Les mesures ont été réalisées sur des dromadaires femelles – 30 Sahraoui et 30 Targui – de plus de cinq ans dans...
Conference Paper
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Esta ponencia tiene como propósito prolongar dos estudios realizados en el Departamento de Anatomia Comparada de la Facultad de Veterinaria de Nantes por Gwénaëlle Chéné y por el Dr. Carlos Lucero, sobre los bovinos criollos de Colombia 1. No se trata de estudiar de nuevo todos los datos reunidos dentro del marco de un congreso dedicado a temáticas...
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Organisms are organized into suites of anatomical structures that typically covary when developmentally or functionally related, and this morphological integration plays a determinant role in evolutionary processes. Artificial selection on domestic species causes strong morphological changes over short time spans, frequently resulting in a wide and...
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) scans were used to analyse, respectively, the soft tissues and the bones of the heads of four common dolphins and three harbour porpoises. This imaging study was completed by an examination of anatomical sections performed on two odontocete heads (a subadult common dolphin and a subadult...
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Problématique Un ossement découpé, trouvé dans un horizon archéologique pertinent, est une source d'informations majeures sur certaines pratiques anthropiques. Si un reste osseux va classiquement renseigner le choix d'une partie anatomique et celui d'une espèce, la découpe va, quant à elle, renvoyer à la transformation d'un être vivant en différent...
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The purpose of this work is to explore the anatomical diversity of the endocrine pancreas within actinopterygian fishes.
Paleopathological information observed in cats (Felis catus, L. 1758) is rarely described in zooarcheological assemblages. This article is intended to present different bone diseases (infections, degenerative and traumatic lesions) affecting several bones (i.e. femur, hip bone, skull, etc.) of at least two cats from the medieval harbor site of Qalh...
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The purpose of this work is to present the different steps of the study of the anatomy of an Oceanic Sunfish ; from sampling, moulding, anatomical studies through RMI, CT-scan and classical dissection.
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The purpose of this work is the study of the anatomy of the common perch (Perca fluviatilis (Linnaeus, 1758) [Serraniformes, Percidae] through less invasive ones (external morphology, X-rays, MRI, scan) to most destructive ones (classical dissection and mechanical sections).
The first evidence for the domestication of donkeys (Equus asinus) dates back to at least 6000-5000 BP in Northeast Africa, and their dispersion is attributed to the ancient Romans. Latin authors described donkeys as being particularly suitable for the transport of goods and farm work. In addition, they were also bred to produce prized hybrids, par...
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Un poisson lune (également appelé mole en français) a été pêché en septembre 2011 à proximité de Granville (50, France) par le chalutier « Le Monaco du Nord ». Ce spécimen rare a été envoyé et conservé au congélateur du Laboratoire d’Anatomie Comparée à Oniris (Nantes, France), afin d’étudier son anatomie. Les travaux menés sur cette espèce sont re...
Full-text available Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was used to scan the head of a common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) in order to visualize the different adipose tissues involved in echolocation functioning and to precisely delineate their anatomical topology. MRI scans were performed on the head taken fr...
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English title: Anatomical study of an historic surgical approach, the transplastral coeliotomy, in a Horsfield's tortoise.
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The objective of this study is to determine and compare the body measurements characteristics of 2 algerian populations of camels, the Sahraoui (Sah.) and the Targui. The measurements were performed on a sample of 60 Saharaoui and 60 Targui dromedaries to the slaughterhouse of the town of Ouargla (Algerian northern Sahara East). Animals (30 males a...
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This study was realized on a sample of 120 dromedaries of Sahraoui and Targui breeds from the south of Algeria (60 individuals of each breed). The animals, 30 males and 30 females for each of the two breeds are adults over 5 years destined for slaughter. Before slaughter in Ouargla abattoir, measurements were performed (3 parameters). Carcass weigh...
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Le Chien est l'espèce domestiquée la plus anciennement. La crâniométrie, composée de mesures sur le crâne et la mandibule standardisées par plusieurs auteurs, est un outil permettant de comparer le Chien aux autres Canidés ou les races de chiens entre elles. Le but de cette étude est de fournir un référentiel de valeurs pour des races peu étudiées...
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L'anatomie du Lion a fait l'objet de différentes études, mais très peu d'articles font le point sur la tête de l'animal, en intégrant à la fois la dissection traditionnelle et l'imagerie. C’est ce que propose ce court article, à partir d'une approche à la fois moderne (Scanner 3D) et classique (ostéologie et dissection) en l'illustrant par une séri...
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An MRI of the left White Rhino kidney and frontal cut after recooling to see anatomic structures were performed
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Dysfunction of venous valves can lead to hemodynamic disorders causing venous stasis, which would favour the occurrence of equine laminitis. However, very few studies have investigated venous valves in the horse digit. The purpose of this study was to compare valvular density between thoracic and pelvic limbs and to study the relationship between v...
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Le but de ce travail est de proposer une description, la plus complète possible, de l'anatomie du coeur du crocodile (Caïman à lunettes), à partir d'une approche moderne présentant à la fois la dissection, mais aussi l'imagerie (IRM et scanner). L'illustration de cet article à partir de photographies couleur fait également partie des originalités d...
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Measurements of some Aurochs (Bos primigenius Bojanus, 1827) from western France.- The absence of a comprehensive inventory of the remains of Bos primigenius in France and the lack of osteometric comparison data is a handicap in advancing our knowledge of this species. In a very unpretentious way limited to the West of France, this work completes t...
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The absence of a comprehensive inventory of the remains of Bos primigenius in France and the lack of osteometric comparison data is a handicap in advancing our knowledge of this species. In a very unpretentious way limited to the West of France, this work completes the corpus and provides original metric data resulting from four institutions (Nante...
The anatomy of the gas bladder of Diodontidae (porcupinefishes) and Tetraodontidae (pufferfishes) was studied on the basis of dissections and magnetic resonance imaging. Among the examined taxa of Tetraodontiformes, only puffers and porcupinefishes possess a thick walled and dorsally U-shaped or crescent-moon-shaped gas bladder. In the tetraodontid...
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A 7-year- old sexually intact female Leonberg dog was evaluated for chronic lameness of the right forelimb. The bitch showed mild hyperthermia (39.3°C), a decrease in its activity, a capricious appetite, a high weight loss (4kg in 15 days) and a right foreleg lameness. A careful clinical examination revealed a deformation of the right proximal hume...
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Osteomorphometric study of skulls of autochtonous, non captive avifauna of Western France : intra- and interspecific variability. The osteology of Western France birds is far from being well known. This study is based on a sample of more than 100 species and 800 individuals collected at the “Centre Vétérinaire de la Faune Sauvage et des Écosystèmes...
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Abstract. Recent phylogenetic studies based on comparisons of DNA sequences have shown that Lophiiformes (anglerfishes) and Tetraodontiformes (puffers, triggerfishes and sunfishes) were closely related, whereas no morpho-anatomical work has assessed this point. Dissections of 80 fresh specimens belonging to 49 species of 29 acanthomorph families, c...
This study was realized on a sample of 60 dromedaries of Sahraoui breed from the south of Algeria. The animals, 30 males and 30 females, are adults over 6 years destined for slaughter. Before slaughter in Ouargla abattoir, measurements during their life-time were performed (3 parameters). Carcass weight was recovered at the slaughter house. The can...
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ABSTRACT. The purpose of this work is to examine the gross visceral anatomy of ocean sunfish and angler using non-invasive imaging techniques: computed tomography imaging (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Similarities and differences in the internal organisation of these two species are verified. Both species lack a swimbladder and present...
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Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examinations for anatomical studies on collection specimens are becoming more and more frequent. As the presence of metallic objects within the specimens can disturb the acquisition of images and damage both specimens and materials, a simple protocol using radiographs is here proposed to detect these objects in coll...


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