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The Importance of Online Behavioral Advertising for Online Retailers

  • Istanbul Nisantasi University


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International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 3 No. 18 [Special Issue – September 2012]
The Importance of Online Behavioral Advertising for Online Retailers
Gresi Sanje, PhD
Istanbul Bilgi University
Faculty of Communication
Department of Advertising
Isil Senol, PhD
Istanbul Bilgi University
Faculty of Communication
Department of Advertising
Online behavioral advertising refers to the delivery of ads to targeted users based on the behavioral information
collected on each individual user’s web search and browsing behaviors. Although only 8% of all online
advertising is behaviorally targeted, it is expected to expand its market share due to its cost-effectiveness and
reach to a selected target audience. Since online behavioral advertising uses a targeted approach and the
advertisement of the retailer is directed to the most appropriate and interested consumer and online retailers
interact with online consumers for their transactions, online behavioral advertising becomes a very important
tool especially for online retailers. In this scope the study aims to develop an understanding about the
relationship between online shopping and online behavioral advertising and therefore investigates the
relationship between behaviour in online shopping and attitude towars online behavioral advertising. As the
result, the study suggests that individuals, who shop online for various reasons, tend to have positive attitude
towards online behavioral advertising.
Key Words:
Online Advertising, Online Behavioral Advertising, Online Shopping
1. Introduction
The increasing popularity of the internet as a business vehicle in general, and an advertising medium in particular,
is due to its current size, future growth forecasts, wide demographics, ability to facilitate the global sharing of
information and resources, potential to provide an efficient channel for advertising as well as marketing and
potential as a sales channel (Hoffman and Novak 1996). Besides being a business vehicle, internet is providing
users with tremendous access to information about products and brands from different sources from everywhere
in the world. Moreover with the combination of less time available for shopping and limited offline information-
processing capability, consumers are showing more interest in shopping online (Shergill and Chen 2005). And
inevitably companies are taking this huge opportunity to use internet as a medium to attract and maintain current
and potential customers offline as well as to make sales online (Ling et al 2010).
In this vein, in order to reach the online consumer, satisfy a need and make transaction happen, companies and
especially online retailers must understand consumers’ perceptions, interests and needs. Today, by correlating the
individual’s visits to websites, clicks of the ads, inferences about age range and sex, and approximate physical
location based on the computer's IP address, advertisers and the agencies are able to build profiles of that
individual's characteristics and likely interests (McDonald and Cranor 2010) and place the advertisement
accordingly. This approach is named as online behavioral advertising.
Online behavioral advertising refers to the delivery of ads to targeted users based on the behavioral information
collected on each individual user’s web search and browsing behaviors (Yan et al 2009).
The Special Issue on Arts, Commerce and Social Science © Centre for Promoting Ideas, USA
Although it is a very beneficial tool both for individuals and companies, it is considered to be one of the most
controversial forms of advertising due to its implementation process. The process starts by collecting data,
through cookies, from a particular computer or device regarding internet viewing behaviors across multiple
domains (Advertising Internet Bureau). Although data collection on the internet is not done for advertising
purposes it is collected in the internet cloud in general, still targeted advertising can irritate or make individuals
suspicious and feel as their confidentiality rights are violated. But on the hand targeted advertising offers
individuals to get news and learn the offers about products and services that they are interested in.
Inspite of the contradictions and discussions, the popularity of online targeted advertising is increasing among
advertisers and websites. It is especially a very useful tool for online retailers. Since online retailers actualize thier
transactions in the virtual world, to reach the most interested target audience becomes vitally important and online
behavioral advertising gives the opportunity to reach this interested audience. Although online behavioral
advertising is continuously being studied, it is still underexplored in academia (Yan et al, 2009). Therefore this
paper aims to make a contribution to academia by explaining online behavioral advertising and its relation to
online shopping. Within this scope a research is conducted among 122 college students from various faculties in
order to understand the connection level between online shopping and online behavioral advertising. As for the
findings, it has been found that individuals, who shop online for various reasons, tend to have positive attitude
towards online behavioral advertising.
2. Literature Review
This section presents a review of previous studies on online advertising and online behavioral advertising. After
online advertising and online behavioral advertising is reviewed the relation between online behavioral
advertising and online shopping is examined.
2.1. An Overview to Online Advertising
Just like every other medium such as TV or newspapers, online needs advertising on websites to fund its content
so that users can reach the majority of the content for free, rather than pay a subscription to visit (Advertising
Internet Bureau). And advertisers use and allocate a budget for online advertising since it will be a major mistake
for the advertiser to ignore such a common medium. There are several forms of online advertising and as Varnalı
(2012) mentioned it is nearly impossible to group the types of online advertisements. Yet there are some online ad
formats that became more common or popular in recent years such as email advertisement, display advertisement,
text advertisement and online video advertisement (Varnalı 2012). Email advertising is sent by advertisers to
consumers subscribed to their mailing lists. (Breuer et al. 2011). The consumer's permission distinguishes email
advertising from unsolicited commercial email messages such as spam or junk (Breuer et al. 2011). After internet
access became common, advertisers found the chance of reaching more consumers with high-quality photography
and sophisticated email messages (Miller et al. 2006).
Online display advertising is defined as static or moving banners which either goes at the top, side or middle of a
webpage (Advertising Internet Bureau). This type of online advertising is placed on other websites and when
clicked the advertisement redirects the user to the advertiser’s website (Breuer et al. 2011). Without intending to
do so, in 2000 Google initiated text advertisement by accepting from its first advertisers’ text ads that were strictly
limited in length and in aggressiveness of punctuation and phrasing (Miller et al. 2006). Today text advertising is
defined as an online advertising type that embeds advertisements within the text of Web sites which except to host
them (PC Magazine Encyclopedia). But as the online users started to spend more and more time on the internet,
users began to demand more entertainment aside from the demand of information (Miller et al. 2006) and this
created a new popular online advertising known as online video advertising. Online video advertising is defined
as video clip advertisement that is shared through the Internet, typically through blogs and other media-sharing
websites (Feed Company 2008).
When it comes to purchasing and measuring, online advertising is generally purchased or measured in three
contexts: Cost per mille, Cost per click or Cost per acquisition. Cost per mille refers to per a thousand of
impressions and payment is done depending on the exposure of the message (Brajnik and Gabrielli 2010). If a
banner is being shown 100,000 times its CPM is 200. The second method is known as cost per click measures
International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 3 No. 18 [Special Issue – September 2012]
In this method, the advertiser makes the payment through the number of redirection to their websites or clicks on
their listing (Yan et al. 2009). And the third popular and most common method especially among online retailers
is cost per acquisition (TLVMedia). Cost per acquisition is based on performance and the payment is done
explicitly per transaction based on lead generation, online inquiries, registrations, referrals, orders, or purchases
(Brajnik and Gabrielli 2010).
Today information technology enables online advertisements to be targeted to a selected audience. In other words,
online advertising can be targeted to users most likely to be interested in a particular product or service
(McDonald and Cranor 2010). Users can benefit from since they will be exposed to ads that are related to their
personal interests. There are three major targeting methods in online advertising, contextual targeting, behavioral
targeting and geographical targeting. Contextual targeted ads are based on the related content that the user is
reading or browsing online ( For instance if the user is reading a news on a news website
about entertainment, the user may see contextual ads for a movie or an event. This type of targeted advertising is
the similar approach that is used for text advertising. Behavioral targeting is the practice of collecting data about
an individual's online activities for use in selecting which advertisement to display (Donald and Cranor 2010).
The third targeting method is geographical targeting. In this method, online advertising is based on the user’s
geographical location and geographical targeting also includes network buys through radio, television and
newspaper websites, as well as localized search engines and directories such as Yahoo! Local or Google Local
2.2. Online Behavioral Advertising
Keyword search activities and clicks enable advertisers to tailor their advertisement for a specific group of online
users by linking their advertisement messages to some pre-identified words and clicks (Yoo 2011) and this
targeted advertising is known as online behavioral advertising. Online behavioral advertising refers to the delivery
of ads to targeted users based on information collected on each individual user’s web search and browsing
behaviors (Yan et al. 2009). As IAB Europe describes, online behavioral advertising is the collection of data
from a particular computer or device regarding Web viewing behaviors over time and across multiple Web
domains not under Common Control for the purpose of using such data to predict consumer preferences or
interests to deliver online advertising to that particular computer or device based on the preferences or interests
inferred from such Web viewing behaviors.” In short, it is a way of targeting advertisements based on the online
behavior and exposing the ads according to the user’s interests (Advertising Internet Bureau).
The word behavioral refers to type of data that is collected and this data is mainly collected and stored through
cookies and most commonly this behavior relies on users’ behavior rather than the identity of the users (IAB
Europe). Cookies are small text files that are placed on the user’s computer by websites visited and cookies
provide information to the website about how users interact with the site (McDonald and Cranor 2010). When a
user access to a website the cookies are placed on the computer and cookies start with recording the IP address
(Komanduri et al 2010). In this way website can navigate and identify the particular interest of the user and when
a website agrees on sharing the information, it can be used for advertising purposes. Yet if a user decides to
remove the cookies, the user can remove the cookies at any time by the settings on the browser. After gathering
the necessary data from the hosts or websites, online behavioral advertising is implemented through grouping the
shared interests of the users, based upon their web browsing activities (Advertising Internet Bureau). User
segmentation and user segments ranking are the common general steps in behavioral targeted advertising. The
first step aims to segment users according to their online behaviors whereas the second step, user segments, is
applied to rank targeted user segments for an advertisement (Yan et al. 2009).
After grouping the user interest, advertisement is displayed to them every time the user visits a website which
agreed on this advertising activity. For example, after booking a flight on an airline’s website might, the user
might be exposed to a travel-related advertisement about the destination the user is planning to fly while ordering
a burger from the local burger joint or surfing in a book website. Generally it is accepted that greater relevance of
online behavioral advertising often generates higher click-through than other types of online advertising such as
email advertising or banner advertising (Yoo 2011) since it is tailored to the behavior and therefore the interest of
the user (Advertising Internet Bureau). Because it generates higher click-through and appeals directly to the
users’ interest by determining the users’ actions (Slegg 2006), transaction rates of these types of targeted
advertisements are higher than the other online advertising types (Yoo 2011).
The Special Issue on Arts, Commerce and Social Science © Centre for Promoting Ideas, USA
In general all providers have to comply with the law and the information that is used for providing the targeted
advertisements is not personal (Advertising Internet Bureau). And to provide confidence of the users institutions
such as Advertising Internet Bureau or Federal Trade Commission is publishing several self-regulatory reports on
online behavioral advertising. But this doesn’t concretely answer the scrutiny issues or gain the users trust to these
types of advertisements. The legality of some behavioral advertising business practices is still a question to be
answered (McDonald and Cranor 2010) and the guidelines for self-regulation may not be enough to convince the
users since some users get nervous about being targeted with ads today because of a website they visited
yesterday (Slegg 2006). Another problematic issue of online behavioral advertising is the lack of knowledge
among the users. Although there is a majority that understands the role of the cookies, most of the users are
unclear about the important details such as cookies may be combined with other data, what type of data is stored
in cookies, can they block online behavioral advertising and if blocking cookies is enough for privacy or not to
receive any keyword ads (McDonald and Cranor 2010). This confusion and lack of knowledge of the users about
cookies and how safe or dangerous they really are make the user less likely to accept third-party cookies (Slegg
2006) or well, online behavioral advertising. Considering this problem Advertising Internet Bureau launched an
icon in 2012 in order to give the option of blocking these online behavioral adverts and gain trust in online
behavioral advertising activities.
Although it is a very useful channel both to the web server and the advertiser, they face problem other than the
user refusal to accept the ads which is the inability of making a differentiation between multiple users' on the
same computer (Slegg 2006). For instance if the computer is used in the family household and shared with all
family members, it will make it harder, if not impossible, to find the right exact audience of the family. In that
case the targeted advertisement is not targeted to the interest and eventually these advertisements result in very
low click-through and conversion rates. Anyhow online behavioral advertising is getting a huge acceptance from
the hosts and websites. Google and Yahoo use online behavioral advertising since the beginning of the century
and announced their interest in applying online behavioral advertising to public at the end of 2009 (McDonald and
Cranor 2010). Currently, only 8% of all online advertising is behaviorally targeted (Slegg 2006), but since it is a
very cost-effective way of executing an online advertising campaign it is very likely that the popularity may
increase rapidly in coming years.
2.3. The Link between Online Advertising and Online Shopping
Advancement in the internet technology has facilitated the growth of internet and thereon internet became one of
the most rapidly growing forms of shopping. There are 2,267,233,742 internet users that accounts for 32.7% of
the world population (Internet World Stats, 2012). Global online shopping are forecasted to exceed 1 Trillion
dollars US by 2013, with sales growth of 19% per year (CartConnoisseur 2012) which makes online shopping as a
very valuable market. Online shopping is defined as the process consumers go through to purchase products or
services over the internet (Ling et al. 2010). Online shopping allows firms to conduct business with consumers in
the virtual environment without investing on personnel or real estate property. The company’s, by using internet
as a commerce channel, cut their marketing costs thereby they can either reduce price or increase profit (Shergill
and Chen 2005) and reach the target audience that they cannot reach due to geographic limitations. From the
consumer’s viewpoint, online shopping allows individuals to seek information and compare various alternatives
from around the world without any geographic limitation (Ling et al. 2010). Moreover the interactive nature of the
internet offers opportunities for consumers to use the online shopping offerings from every location in the world,
enable direct comparison of brands and products, and reduce prospective buyers’ information search costs (Alba
et. al. 1997).
Yet while shopping online, consumers interact in the virtual environment, consumers cannot touch, see or
demonstrate the product, moreover have the give personal information and credit card number. Therefore online
shopping is perceived to be more risky. As the result trust and risk factors play a prominent role for online
shopping and transactions (Ling et al. 2010). Although online shopping is still suspicious to some online users, on
the other hand, it is a known fact that consumers that are accustomed to shop online, are less likely to have
security concerns and more likely to shop online again compared to consumers that are less familiar with online
shopping (Shergill and Chen 2005). This fact causes the basic of repetitive buying behavior and it makes the
online shopping category a growing industry. Since online shoppers are the repetitive buyers, with a good
understanding of online shoppers, online retailers can develop effective and efficient online shopping marketing
strategies to retain existing customer and attract new customer (Ling et al. 2010).
International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 3 No. 18 [Special Issue – September 2012]
Most online shopping sites use online advertising as one of their main marketing communication channel by
which they can interact with online consumers for transactions (Kim et al. 2010). Yet the success of an
advertisement depends on how close the advertiser and the agency understand the needs, desires and interests of
the consumer. The virtual world today gives the opportunity to get a closer look at the consumer by analyzing
their online behavior. By analyzing their behavior and learning their interest, online retailers can reach to a
targeted audience. By targeted advertising, the message will send to the selected audience that will find the offer
most relevant and thereby all parties, consumers and retailers, will benefit from this targeted advertising approach.
Consumers will receive information and offers about products and services they are interested in and retailers will
spend their efforts to a relevant customer base. Since online behavioral advertising uses a targeted approach and
the advertisement of the retailer is directed to the most appropriate and interested consumer, online behavioral
advertising becomes a very important tool especially for online retailers and online shopping environment in
3. Methodology: Procedures and Participants
The aim of the study is to develop an understanding about the relationship between online shopping and online
behavioral advertising. In this scope, the relationship between behaviour in online shopping and attitude towars
online behavioral advertising is investigated. In order to develop an understanding regarding the relationship
between behaviour in online shopping and attitude towards online behavioral advertising, a questionaire is
conducted among 122 Istanbul Bilgi University students studying different majors. The homogenity of our sample
was important for the study since the research was done in order to understand if there existed a direct correlation
between two variables. In this context, the hypothesis of the research was determined as;
: Individulas that conducted online shopping will have a positive attitude towards online behavioral
During the research period, a three scaled questionaire was prepared and published through where data collection took approximately a month. In order to understand whether
the participants shop online or not, a three itemed scale was designed. Delafrooz, Paim, Kahatibi’s (2011)
“orientations of online shopping” scale is used for measuring both behaviour in and attitude towards online
shopping, and lastly Ducoffe’s (1995) ‘Attitude Toward General Web Ads’ scale is implemented, and statements
for this scale is updated for for measuring attitude towards online behavioral advertising. For all three of the
scales, a six point likert scale is applied and participants are asked to evaluate the statements as 1 for strongly
disagree and 6 for strongly agree.
4. Findings
4.1. Analyses
Reliability estimates were obtained for each of the construct domains. Cronbach’s α values are above 0.75 for
each construct (Table:1).
Table 1: Characteristics of the variables measured in the study
# of
Items Min.
Max. µ SD.
Online Shopping
3 1 6 3,7486
Attitude towards
Online Shopping R. S.
10 1 6 3,2893
Atittude towards
Online Behavioral
1 6 4,1168
When the mean scores of all three scales are calculated, it is found out that, all mean scores are higher than 3.00,
which have shown that the participants are familiar with shopping online, have positive attitude towards online
shopping, and also have positive attitude towards online behavioral advertising broadly.
The Special Issue on Arts, Commerce and Social Science © Centre for Promoting Ideas, USA
The mean value of the item 1, ‘I do my shopping online’ was found = 3, 53. According to this score, it is possible
to say that most of the participants have marked ‘I agree’ and ‘I mostly agree’ amongst all other answers. The
high mean scores of statments A2 (I think it is practical to shop online) and A3 (I prefer to shop online instead of
going to a real store) also supports that the participants are highly familiar with online shopping (Table 2).
Table 2:
Descriptive Statistics for the Items of ‘General Online Shopping’ Scale
N Min. Max. µ
Std. Deviation
A1 122 1,00 6,00 3,5328 1,64736
A2 122 1,00 6,00 4,2787 1,66769
A3 122 1,00 6,00 3,4344 1,71521
Valid N (listwise) 122
The first three statements of “Attitude Towards Online Shopping” are basicly about saving time via online
shopping, and the mean scores show that participants find online shopping time-saving. The mean value of the
item 4, ‘I only buy the products that I really need via Internet’ was found = 3,8443. According to this score, it is
possible to say that most of the participants are agreed that they prefer shopping online when they find a product
that they really need. Related to statement 4, statement 5 suggests a link between new products and online
shopping. The high mean value of the item 5, ‘Shopping online is fun since it helps me to reach new products’
shows that the participants are agreed on this link.
Table 3: Descriptive Statistics for the Items of
‘Attitude Towards Online Shopping’ Scale
N Min. Max. µ Std. Deviation
B1 122
B2 122
B3 122
B4 122
B5 122
B6 122
B7 122
B8 122
B9 122
B10 122
Valid N (listwise) 122
The last five statements of the scale, try to examine if participants associate online shopping with fun. The mean
scores for these five statements change between 2.4 and 2.8, which can be interpreted as most of the participants
have marked “I mostly don’t agree” and “I don’t agree” as an answer for these statements. Overall mean scores of
the scale show that the sample is highly familiar with and have a positive attitude towards online shopping, since
they find it time-saving. On the other hand, the sample does not shop online for the hedonstic reasons, they use
online shopping only for their needs, and the new products that it is not possible to find outside (Table 3).
Table 4:
Descriptive Statistics for the Items of ‘Attitude Towards Online Behavioral Advertising’ Scale
N Min. Max. µ Std. Deviation
C1 122
C2 122
C3 122
C4 122
C5 122
C6 122
C7 122
C8 122
Valid N (listwise) 122
International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 3 No. 18 [Special Issue – September 2012]
Lastly, the mean scores for ‘Attitude Towards Online Behavioral Advertising’ show that the participants have
possitive attitude towards online behavioral advertising, and they find the advertising that are relevant to their
interest areas very informative, fun, valuable, essential, time saving, and helpful for decision making. Statements
2 and 7 are reverse coded in order to change their negative meanings into positive (Table 4). The independent
variable in the current study (attitude towards online shopping) were entered into a multiple regression analysis
with the dependent variable, attitude towards online behavioral advertising (Table 5).
Table 5: Regression Analysis of attitude towards online shopping and online behavioral advertising
B SE (B) β t Sig. (p) P
Attitude towards online shopping
,199 ,069 ,276 2,882 ,005 ,000
Independent variable: Attitude t/ Online Behavioral Advertising Total
Findings revealed that attitude towards online shopping (
= .276) significantly explained the attitude
towards online behavioural advertising, thus H
is accepted.
4.2. Discussions
Anticipating that online behavioral advertising is especially important to online retailers and useful for consumers
to learn about new products or offers that are suitable for their interests, the main hypothesis in this study was;
“Individulas that conducted online shopping will have a positive attitude towards online behavioral advertising”.
One of the main results of this study was that online shopping is highly popular and preffered amongst university
students because of its time saving feature. In accordance with the mean scores of “orientations of online
shopping scale”, the results of the “attitude towards online behavioral advertising” scale showed that most of the
participants have selected “I agree” and “I mostly agree” as an answer to the statements. From this point of view,
it is possible to say that, university students in Turkey would like to meet the new and offers products, but they
don’t want to spend so much time while doing it, thus, they find online behavioral advertising very helpful for
saving time while shopping online. Our hypothesis is supported by the findings, and a possitive attitude towards
online behavioral advertising is detected amongst university students.
5. Conclusion
Online advertisements can take advantage of addressable media technology to select appropriate advertisements
that are congruent with consumers’ online behaviors, thereby making the advertisements more relevant to
consumers (Kim et al. 2010). This online behavioral advertising approach is beneficial for everyone but since
online retailers do their transactions online, online behavioral advertising becomes more important to the online
retailers. And as found out in the study individuals that shop online have a positive attitude towards online
behavioral advertising. This supports the importance of online behavioral advertising for online retailers and
online retailers should give a special importance to these types of advertisements.
Regarding to the findings of the study, one could suggest that online shoppers should take online behavioral
advertising into consideration in their marketing communication plans since online shoppers have a positive
attitude towards them. In this approach the online retailer can reach to a selected audience and both the retailer
and the consumer may benefit from it. Yet, although online behavioral advertising and online advertising in
general is a powerful tool, it is suggested to companies to supplement Web advertising with traditional advertising
since online shoppers also from publications and other traditional media (Teo 2002).
As for the limitations and future research probabilities, this study was done in a selected demographic and
geographic area the same study could be applied to a different demographic and geographic area. Additionally the
study investigated the attitudes towards online behavioral advertising but a study that will investigate the
transaction rates of these online behavioral advertising, will make a meaningful contribution of the impact of
these type of advertising executions. Lastly the study have not investigated attitudes of non-online shoppers
attitudes towards online behavioral advertising, which is very important to companies that uses online advertising
but doesn’t determine any online sales. Since online behavioral advertising targets a selected audience it could be
a very cost-effective channel for online advertising campaigns.
The Special Issue on Arts, Commerce and Social Science © Centre for Promoting Ideas, USA
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... First, it increases visibility. Digital marketing allows VOEs to reach a wider audience through online channels such as social media, email marketing, and search engine optimization (Rahayu et al., 2021;Sanje & Senol, 2012;Yulianti et al., 2023). The increased visibility can attract more customers and increase sales. ...
... The increased visibility can attract more customers and increase sales. Second, digital marketing can help VOEs target their marketing efforts toward specific demographics or geographic areas (Sanje & Senol, 2012), so marketing campaigns become more effective, and ROI will be higher. Third, digital marketing is more cost effective than traditional marketing methods, such as print ads or billboards (Hanekom & Scriven, 2002). ...
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This study offers novelty by estimating the effect of financial literacy on village-owned enterprises’ (VOEs) performance in Indonesia. The data were collected from a survey using a structured questionnaire involving 220 VOEs. The performance was measured from the profit and return on investment (ROI). A two-stage predictor substitution (2SPS) was applied to address the endogeneity issue in estimating the impact of financial literacy on VOE performance. The first stage uses a Tobit regression, and the second stage uses ordinary least squares (OLS). The results of the first stage indicate that VOEs managers’ financial literacy is positively and significantly influenced by education, incentive, number of employees, and training and is negatively influenced by age, marital status, and distance to the capital city. The main finding evaluated in the second stage of 2SPS indicates that financial literacy significantly improves firm performance. However, further estimation based on the sector (agricultural and non-agricultural) shows different results. The impact of financial literacy is more significant for non-agriculture VOEs. The findings imply that financial literacy should be considered in promoting VOEs performance. Therefore, policymakers and organizations should prioritize designing and implementing financial literacy programs for VOEs’ managers. This can be achieved by providing financial-related training for the managers of VOEs.
... The usage of OBA is commonly visual in the online retail sector. Consumers are now stuck with their busy lifestyles and tight schedules; therefore, time is a constraint for them to physically visit a retail store and purchase goods (Sanje and Senol, 2012). In addition, consumers are moving away from traditional purchasing/ buying methods towards online purchasing platforms, is an emerging trend in the retail market. ...
... Among the obstacles to the development of the retail industry, the main factor is that the consumer considers a market place is insecure due to 16 IJSTR©2021 some issues (Sanje and Senol, 2012). Thus, consumers tend to use a tool called ad blockers. ...
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This study helps determine factors behind customer rejections on online behavioural advertisements. Five key factors such as privacy concern, goal impediment, perceived personalization, ad skepticism, and negative experience have been identified as influencing factors. The impact of these factors on behavioural advertising avoidance have been tested using the 430 responses. The data was collected using an online survey and analyzed using structural equation modelling. The results indicate that the personalization of advertisements could reduce ad avoidance behaviour. On the other hand, privacy concern, goal impediment, ad skepticism and negative experience increase the tendency to avoid behavioural advertisements.
... Many scholars have investigated different aspects of online advertising. For instance Sanje and Senol (2012) studied the importance of online behavioral advertising for online retailers while Harker (2008) studied Regulating online advertising: the benefit of qualitative insights and found that whilst controlling advertising on traditional media is moving towards best practice, the dynamic context of the internet provides new challenges for all stakeholders in terms of consumer protection. ...
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ABSRACT The study investigated the impact of online advertising on the profitability of Ecobank Nigeria PLC. The cardinal objective of the study is to investigate the impact of online advertising on the profitability of Ecobank Nigeria plc. The study used Hypodermic Needle Model or Magic Bullet Media Theory though indicated that it does not suit the study but rather referred to other works they published and recommended-Media Richness Theory, Uses and Gratification Theory and Agenda Setting Theory of the media to be more suited for the present study. The body of literature on online advertisements and advertising budgeting were used as conceptual guides. Due to the nature of the study, ex post facto design was adopted. Online advertising expenditure (OAE) was taken as a percentage component of advertising and business promotion expenditure was adopted as the independent variable while return on assets (ROA) which is the ratio of net profit to total assets was adopted as the dependent variable of the study. Data from secondary sources (financial statements, annual reports and other documents of Ecobank Nigeria repository) were collected and analyzed. The Ordinary Least Squares regression technique which is a simple linear regression model was used to estimate the impact of OAE on ROA using Stata Econometrics Software (Version 12). The result of the Ordinary Least Squares regression analysis shows that about 75.7% of the variance in profitability (ROA) of Ecobank Nigeria is accounted for by online advertisement expenditure. Online advertisement expenditure had a positive and significant impact on the profitability of Ecobank Nigeria as measured by ROA within the period under investigation. The study concluded that online advertisement is a robust and veritable determinant of banking sector profitability in Nigeria. The study recommended that online advertisement as a veritable organizational strategy for performance effectiveness should be increased in the Nigerian financial institutions especially in 21st century computer age.
... Selain digunakan untuk menyajikan berita, situs web juga digunakan untuk menyajikan informasi yang lain, misalnya, surat elektronik (email), juga periklanan dan jejaring sosial (Saputra, 2019). Periklanan merupakan suatu kegiatan penyajian informasi yang bertujuan untuk menjual barang atau penyediaan pelayanan (Sanje & Senol, 2012). Produsen menyajikan informasi sehubungan dengan barang ataupun jasanya dalam berbagai media agar produksi atau jasa yang dijual dapat dikenal oleh konsumen yang menjadi sasarannya dalam radius yang lebih luas (Saravanakumar & Lakshmi, 2012). ...
p>Beriklan adalah salah satu upaya untuk membujuk khalayak ramai agar tertarik pada barang atau jasa yang ditawarkan. Salah satunya dilakukan melalui media website agar produk atau jasa yang dijual dikenal konsumen secara lebih luas. Untuk itu, pengiklan berupaya memengaruhi konsumen dengan memanfaatkan berbagai jenis tindak tutur. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengeksplorasi jenis tindak tutur yang digunakan dalam banner iklan dalam situs web berbahasa Indonesia dengan mengacu teori tindak tutur Searle. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan analisis isi. Iklan yang menjadi sumber data sebanyak 328 buah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan iklan direpresentasikan dalam 5 jenis tindak tutur, yaitu representatif, direktif, komisif, deklaratif, dan ekspresif. Lebih dari 50% yang digunakan berupa tindak tutur representatif dan hampir 30% berupa tindak tutur direktif. Tiga tindak tutur lain tidak ada 10%. Tindak tutur representatif dioptimalkan untuk mendeskripsikan keunggulan produk, sedangkan tindak tutur direktif untuk menyampaikan persuasi atau ajakan menggunakan produk yang diiklankan. Selain itu, ditemukan bahwa penggunaan tuturan langsung lebih dominan dibandingkan dengan penggunaan tuturan tidak langsung. Penelitian ini tidak menggali lebih mendalam alasan tidak dioptimalkannya tindak tutur komisif, deklaratif, dan ekspresif dalam iklan berebahasa Indonesia di situs web sehingga direkomendasikan diadakannya riset dengan fokus pada topik tersebut.</p
... Studies have also aimed towards seeking the association between attitude toward OBA and online shopping (Sanje, & Senol 2012) and explored a positive attitude towards OBA among online shoppers. The study recommended the companies to use traditional advertising in addition to Web advertising due to the fact that online shoppers are also from publications and other conventional media (Teo, 2002). ...
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The Internet is subjugated by free web services that use advertising and other marketing tools for revenue generation. Targeted online advertising is among most extensively used tactic by these websites in which selective advertisements are displayed based on user’s browsing behavior, socio-demographics, and interests. This trend has raised concerns due to the serious threats to the privacy. The main objectives of this study were to investigate the association between awareness regarding Online Behavioral Advertising (OBA) and Privacy Concerns among Users, the effect of awareness on buying behavior and to seek knowledge gap regarding awareness of OBA between socioeconomic segments. Data was collected via online survey (N=300). Findings confirmed a strong relationship between level of awareness regarding OBA, privacy concerns and effects of this association on attitudes and buying behavior of users (N=300, p < 0.05). Similarly, difference in awareness levels of users belonging to middle and upper-middle class was also found that confirmed the prevailing knowledge gap in the society (N=300,p< 0.05). The study highlights the need to design of recommends the academia to priotize digital media literacy of the users and policy makers in designing strategy related to privacy protection
... The novel consumption environment of s-commerce might lead to a shift in buyer perceived value in relevance to the new different purchase settings, as well as the elements influencing perceived consumer value (Alshibly, 2015). Online behavioral advertising is increasing; but it is deliberated to be one of the most debatable methods of advertising due to its execution manner, by which it can annoy customers and violate their privacy rights (Boerman et al., 2017), and on the other hand the targeted advertising inform shoppers about new offers relevant to their preferred products (Sanje & Senol, 2012). Investing in influencer marketing is suspicious, and companies are questioning if it is a waste of money or if it will generate purchase intention (Muller et al., 2018). ...
The improvements of web technologies and social media paved the way for changing the consumer online behavior and implied a rapid growth in sales and profits for businesses. Marketing scholars and decision makers have many concerns to improve their understanding of purchase intention through social media platforms. This study presents a model aiming to analyze factors affecting customer purchase intentions via social commerce. These factors are country of origin, social commerce constructs, online behavioral advertising, trust, perceived risk, influencer marketing, and perceived value. Using judgmental sampling technique, a total of 400 questionnaires were distributed to collect data in Lebanon. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics in addition to employing Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) techniques to assess reliability and validity of measurements and scrutinize hypotheses testing results. The findings reveal that social commerce constructs, online behavioral advertising, and perceived value are vital causes of intention to purchase clothes in social media networking sites. Trust is also strong antecedent in determining the willingness to buy and can be enhanced by social commerce constructs. Country of origin is an antecedent of trust beliefs and holds a significant indirect effect on purchase intention. Furthermore, influencer marketing enhances perception of value and has a significant indirect impact on purchase intention. Perceived risk is not a determinant factor of intention to purchase and is not mediating the relationship between trust and purchase intention. This study presents many theoretical implications and practical recommendations to various stakeholders mainly practitioners and marketing decision makers. Lastly, the research indicates some of the study limitations and directions for future research. Keywords: Social commerce, purchase intention, trust, social commerce constructs, perceived risk, perceived value, country of origin, influencer marketing.
... (Catherine, 2009) Defined that advertising acts as "a form of presentation of ideas, products, and paid services by advertisers, is aimed at selected audiences with the aim of creating awareness, giving information, reminding, influencing, and persuading them to buy products or services" Advertisements that are considered to meet the criteria can be tested for effectiveness, and this testing is done through several methods and approaches (Edith et al., 2013). In an intensive study (Gresi, 2012) said there are several measurements of the effectiveness of online advertising which includes exploration of the essence of online communication strategies, measurement of individual web contribution for branding purposes, measuring the effectiveness of online campaigns on sales, checking the effectiveness of the media, assessing the effectiveness of new media advertisements on internet surfing behaviour, testing the impact of audience targeting in online advertising, measuring the effectiveness of advertisement formats in relation to brand image and measuring the suitability of consumer behaviour created by exposure to product advertising in the eyes of consumers. ...
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The trend of online advertising is increasingly in demand by business personnel, along with the growing development of internet technology this form of advertising provides wide opportunities for all users to interact with each other. The advancement of internet technology allows advertisers to design advertisements with unique features that can help attract consumers' visual attention, forcing consumers to see advertisements with the aim of influencing their psychological conditions such as attitudes and emotions. Advertisers monitor the behaviour of people and use their information to manage the information they obtain to target their advertisements accurately to potential customers with the method of advertisement impressions provided by daring channels. This phenomenon is called daring behaviour advertising (OBA). This study found a process that connects consumer awareness and knowledge about daring behaviour advertising with their attitude towards daring behaviour advertising, especially on YouTube ads, which shows that there is a feeling of annoyance from the consumer's side when exposed to these advertisements. The feeling of being disturbed does not change the image of the product to the consumer but has an impact on consumers' reluctance to recommend the product to others.
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Scarcity appeals have been widely utilized in marketing, yet academic research has predominantly concentrated on the scarcity of products depicted within advertisements rather than the scarcity of the advertisements themselves. The emergence of scarce advertisements, such as one-time view ads on popular social media platforms like Snapchat and Instagram, has underscored the significance of investigating ad scarcity. This thesis pioneers the exploration of the impact of ad scarcity on viewers' attention and recall, addressing a notable gap in existing literature. Through three experimental studies, this research supports the hypothesis that ad scarcity positively influences individuals' attention to and recall of an advertisement's content. Furthermore, it identifies boundary conditions affecting this positive effect, specifically focusing on personal traits like Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) and Social Media Intensity levels, as well as the influence of a visible countdown timer. Importantly, the thesis reveals that the positive impact of ad scarcity extends beyond the immediate scarce ad, influencing the reception of subsequent ads that are not scarce. This investigation significantly enriches our understanding of scarcity within the context of marketing and contributes valuable insights to the broader discourse on social media marketing. It not only highlights the effects of ad scarcity but also delves into the psychological and contextual factors that modulate these effects. The findings offer both theoretical and practical implications, suggesting new avenues for marketers to engage audiences and enhance ad memorability.
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This doctoral thesis study, which aims to design, implement and evaluate a digital-based education model that will help parents, who are described as digital immigrants, to acquire digital advertising literacy skills that they will benefit from both in their own lives and in their mediation experiences with the intention of guiding their children, was carried out within the framework of the action research design. In line with the purpose of the study, qualitative and quantitative research techniques were used to determine the digital advertising literacy competencies of the parents and their children, who attended secondary schools in Antalya in the 2020-2021 academic year, before and after the implementation of the education model, and to evaluate the effectiveness of the model. The data obtained from the participants through qualitative techniques were analyzed with the help of MAXQDA 2020, and the data obtained through quantitative techniques were analyzed with the help of IBM SPSS 26.0 package programs. The findings obtained from the analysis of the quantitative and qualitative data of the research showed that the digital-based digital advertising literacy education model recommended for adult parents is effective in gaining digital advertising literacy skills. In line with the results of this doctoral thesis, suggestions for researchers, educators and legislators were presented.
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This study examines the effects of ad message strategies, especially message framing and keyword insertion, along with online users' levels of product involvement in the context of keyword search ads. A total of 166 undergraduate students participated in the experiment, featuring a 2 (positively vs negatively framed message) x 2 (keyword insertion vs no keyword insertion) between-subjects design with a covariate (i.e. levels of product involvement). The results revealed that all three variables were working together to influence online users' click-through behaviour. Collectively, the result verifies the premise that both the message characteristics and the characteristics of online users should be taken into account to explain click-through of keyword search ads. Implications and limitations are also discussed.
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The authors examine the implications of electronic shopping for consumers, retailers, and manufacturers. They assume that near-term technological developments will offer consumers unparalleled opportunities to locate and compare product offerings. They examine these advantages as a function of typical consumer goals and the types of products and services being sought and offer conclusions regarding consumer incentives and disincentives to purchase through interactive home shopping vis-a-vis traditional retail formats. The authors discuss implications for industry structure as they pertain to competition among retailers, competition among manufacturers, and retailer-manufacturer relationships.
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The growing use of Internet in New Zealand provides a developing prospect for E-marketers. If E-marketers know the factors affecting online New Zealand buyers' behaviour, and the relationships between these factors and the type of online buyers, then they can further develop their marketing strategies to convert potential customers into active ones, while retaining existent online customers. This paper is part of larger study, and focuses on factors which online New Zealand buyers keep in mind while shopping online. It also investigates how different types of online buyers perceive websites differently. This research found that website design, website reliability/fulfilment, website customer service and website security/privacy are the four dominant factors which influence consumer perceptions of online purchasing. The four types of online New Zealand buyers; i.e., trial, occasional, frequent and regular online buyers; perceived the four website factors differently. These buyers have different evaluations of website design and website reliability/fulfilment but similar evaluations of website security/privacy issues, which implies that security/privacy issues are important to most online buyers. The significant discrepancy in how online purchasers perceived website design and website reliability accounts for the difference in online purchase frequencies.
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This article reviews empirical research conducted in the last decade on the subject of how online display advertising affects the usability and quality of user experience of websites. In particular, from an in-depth analysis of research questions, methods, and findings of the reviewed studies, the following is discussed: (a) which conceptual and theoretical background knowledge, based on psychological explanations of user cognition, affection and behavior, can best support the design and investigation of online advertising, and (b) which specific adverts features and properties are key to understand and favor certain types of effects on users. By capitalizing on this benchmark knowledge on benefits of adverts and their hidden costs, web researchers and practitioners are encouraged to approach online advertising from a deeper and more comprehensive perspective, which is centered on qualities of web interaction that go beyond traditional usability factors. It is speculated that many of the theories and models developed for advertising effectiveness, and variables used to measure it, could and should be applied also when assessing the quality of the user experience when using websites in general, regardless of whether they contain adverts.
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The advancement of the World Wide Web has resulted in the creation of a new form of retail transactions- electronic retailing (e-tailing) or web-shopping. Thus, customers’ involvements in online purchasing have become an important trend. As such, it is vital to identify the determinants of the customer online purchase intention. The aim of this research is to evaluate the impacts of shopping orientations, online trust and prior online purchase experience to the customer online purchase intention. A total of 242 undergraduate information technology students from a private university in Malaysia participated in this research. The findings revealed that impulse purchase intention, quality orientation, brand orientation, online trust and prior online purchase experience were positively related to the customer online purchase intention.
This paper introduces a new construct—advertising value—a representation of the perceived value of advertising to consumers. A conceptual model is proposed and tested via a mall intercept survey. A portion of the model focusing on how informativeness and entertainment influence advertising value is then examined in an experimental study. The results from both tests strongly support the validity of the proposed relationships. Potential implications and applications of the construct as well as hypothesized relationships with other variables are also discussed.
Although online advertising has become a full member of the marketing mix and is still growing in importance, studies of long-term, or lagged, advertising effects have generally either neglected online advertising channels or have treated online advertising as one homogeneous block. We analyze the short- and long-term effectiveness of different types of online advertising channels by incorporating separate time lags for each advertising channel. We look at the sales effect of email, banner, and price comparison advertising (PCA) using a sample of 2.8 million purchases and more than 1.1 million individual costumers aggregated to 365 days. Our analysis shows that email advertising has the longest effect, followed by banner advertising and PCA. We find that the length of the effect does not always go hand in hand with its intensity since, for example, banner advertising lasts longer than PCA but performs worse in terms of actual sales. This research yields important insights for theory and practice since it shows how to model long-term advertising effects and provides meaningful insights for improving the allocation of advertising budgets. KeywordsOnline advertising effectiveness–Marketing mix–Long-term effect–Time lag–Media selection
Conference Paper
Behavioral Targeting (BT) is a technique used by online advertisers to increase the effectiveness of their campaigns, and is playing an increasingly important role in the online advertising market. However, it is underexplored in academia how much BT can truly help online advertising in search engines. In this paper we provide an empirical study on the click-through log of advertisements collected from a commercial search engine. From the experiment results over a period of seven days, we draw three important conclusions: (1) Users who clicked the same ad will truly have similar behaviors on the Web; (2) Click-Through Rate (CTR) of an ad can be averagely improved as high as 670% by properly segmenting users for behavioral targeted advertising in a sponsored search; (3) Using short term user behaviors to represent users is more effective than using long term user behaviors for BT. We conducted statistical t-test which verified that all conclusions drawn in the paper are statistically significant. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first empirical study for BT on the click-through log of real world ads.
The principal objective of this study was to investigate the mediating and moderating effects of product involvement and trust toward websites in relation to the effects of the attributes of web advertisements on customers’ purchase intentions. We collected data consisting of a total of 264 responses from individuals with previous experience with purchasing products from online shopping mall sites, and utilized the PLS (partial least squares) method to analyze the collected data.Our findings demonstrated that consumers with greater product involvement tended to shop in shopping malls, where they could obtain more information on products, and that consumers with low product involvement tended to be more willing to consider entertainment. Additionally, consumers with higher levels of trust toward websites tended to be influenced by perceived entertainment and thus stay longer at shopping sites; conversely, consumers with low levels of trust toward websites tended to be more willing to consider perceived informativeness as minimizing environmental uncertainty.On the basis of our results, online shopping malls must stress the intrinsic attributes of products to attract highly-involved consumers and must present a benevolent corporate image for consumers concerned with better service. Our results also demonstrated that, for less-involved consumers who wish to search for products to present, it may be appropriate to mix entertainment components with product information, and also to implement creative web interface designs for more effective browsing.
Since the explosion of the Web as a business medium, one of its primary uses has been for marketing. Soon, the Web will become a critical distribution channel for the majority of successful enterprises. The mass media, consumer marketers and advertising agencies seem to be in the midst of Internet discovery and exploitation. Before a company can envision what might sell online in the coming years, it must ® rst understand the attitudes and behaviour of its potential customers. Hence, this study examines attitudes toward various aspects of online shopping and provides a better understanding of the potential of electronic commerce for both researchers and practitioners.