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Appropriate Use of Cervical Cancer Vaccine


Abstract and Figures

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a necessary, though not sufficient, cause of cervical cancer. Two vaccines have been developed that prevent two HPV types associated with 70% of cervical cancers. One of the vaccines (a quadrivalent vaccine) also prevents two HPV types associated with 90% of genital warts. Both HPV vaccines have shown very good efficacy and safety. This review summarizes the guidelines for use of the quadrivalent vaccine published by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, presents data on vaccine efficacy and safety, and gives an overview of the findings of cost-effectiveness studies. In addition, we summarize the research on the attitudes of parents and health care providers toward HPV vaccine and critically evaluate controversial and challenging issues surrounding HPV vaccination, including concerns about sexual disinhibition and potential obstacles to vaccine distribution and uptake.
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ANRV334-ME59-16 ARI 7 December 2007 13:29
Appropriate Use of Cervical
Cancer Vaccine
Gregory D. Zimet,1Marcia L. Shew,1
and Jessica A. Kahn2
1Department of Pediatrics, Section of Adolescent Medicine, Indiana University School
of Medicine, Indianapolis, Indiana 46202; email:;
2Division of Adolescent Medicine, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center,
Cincinnati, Ohio 45229; email:
Annu. Rev. Med. 2008. 59:223–36
The Annual Review of Medicine is online at
This article’s doi:
Copyright c
2008 by Annual Reviews.
All rights reserved
Key Words
human papillomavirus, HPV, vaccination, immunization,
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a necessary, though not sufficient,
cause of cervical cancer. Two vaccines have been developed that pre-
vent two HPV types associated with 70% of cervical cancers. One of
the vaccines (a quadrivalent vaccine) also prevents two HPV types as-
sociated with 90% of genital warts. Both HPV vaccines have shown
very good efficacy and safety. This review summarizes the guide-
lines for use of the quadrivalent vaccine published by the Advisory
Committee on Immunization Practices, presents data on vaccine
efficacy and safety, and gives an overview of the findings of cost-
effectiveness studies. In addition, we summarize the research on the
attitudes of parents and health care providers toward HPV vaccine
and critically evaluate controversial and challenging issues surround-
ing HPV vaccination, including concerns about sexual disinhibition
and potential obstacles to vaccine distribution and uptake.
Annu. Rev. Med. 2008.59:223-236. Downloaded from
by Indiana University - Indianapolis on 01/12/08. For personal use only.
ANRV334-ME59-16 ARI 7 December 2007 13:29
HPV: human
STI: sexually
transmitted infection
ACIP: Advisory
Committee on
More than 100 types of human papillomavirus
(HPV) have been identified, with >40 specif-
ically infecting the anogenital areas (1). Gen-
ital HPV infections are transmitted primar-
ily through sexual contact; prevalence rates
peak among young persons after the initia-
tion of sexual activity and decline after age
30 (2, 3). HPV infection is a highly prevalent
sexually transmitted infection (STI) (4–6). In a
large cross-sectional nationally representative
sample of women in the United States, HPV
prevalence rates among women who had en-
gaged in sexual intercourse were 39.6% for
those aged 14–19 years and 49.3% for those
aged 20–24 years (6). Cumulative prevalence
rates as high as 82% have been found in ado-
lescent populations (7). Low-risk HPV types,
such as types 6 and 11, cause genital warts,
low-grade cervical dysplastic lesions, and
respiratory papillomatosis. High-risk HPV
types, such as types 16, 18, 31, and 45, are re-
sponsible for cervical and other genital tract
cancers and for both low- and high-grade dys-
plastic (precursor) lesions (8). It is estimated
that 90% of genital warts are caused by HPV
types 6 and 11 (9), and that 70% of cervical
cancers are caused by HPV types 16 and 18 (8).
Most genital HPV infections are asymp-
tomatic and transient (10). In some women,
HPV infection may cause abnormal cervi-
cal cytology on Papanicolaou (Pap) tests,
including atypical squamous cells of unde-
termined significance, low-grade squamous
intraepithelial lesion, or high-grade squa-
mous intraepithelial lesion. Abnormal cytol-
ogy may indicate cervical dysplasia, a his-
tologic diagnosis. Mild cervical dysplasia
often regresses, but severe cervical dysplasia
usually progresses to cervical cancer. Lon-
gitudinal studies have established that per-
sistence of high-risk, or cancer-associated,
HPV types is necessary for progression to
severe cervical dysplasia and cervical can-
cer. Persistence of high-risk HPV is a nec-
essary, but not sufficient, cause of cervi-
cal cancer. Other factors that contribute to
cervical carcinogenesis are viral characteris-
tics, sexual behaviors (e.g., condom nonuse
and multiple sexual partners), chlamydial in-
fections, immunosuppression, and smoking
Cervical cancer is the second most com-
monly diagnosed cancer among women
worldwide, accounting for >250,000 deaths
per year. Approximately 80% of deaths due to
cervical cancer occur in less developed regions
of the world because Pap screening programs
do not exist in those regions (12). Because of
the well-organized Pap screening program in
the United States, cervical cancer incidence
and mortality are relatively low compared to
those of other cancers; however, cervical can-
cer still causes 3700 deaths per year in the
United States (13). In 2000, it was estimated
that the lifetime financial burden of HPV dis-
ease in the United States was $3.9 billion and
that 90% of this amount was spent on follow-
up of abnormal Pap tests and treatment of pre-
cancerous lesions (14).
Two vaccines have been developed to pre-
vent HPV infection. One vaccine, approved
by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) in June 2006, prevents HPV types 6,
11, 16, and 18, protecting against the types
most frequently associated with both cervical
cancers and genital warts (15). A second vac-
cine, not yet licensed but currently under re-
view by the FDA, prevents HPV types 16 and
18 (16). Both vaccines show sustained efficacy
of at least five years with good safety profiles
Here we review the guidelines for HPV
vaccine administration published by the Ad-
visory Committee on Immunization Practices
(ACIP), address vaccine efficacy and safety
data, discuss the findings of cost-effectiveness
studies, summarize the literature on parental
and physicians’ knowledge about HPV and
attitudes about HPV vaccination, and dis-
cuss different immunization strategies and
224 Zimet ·Shew ·Kahn
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ANRV334-ME59-16 ARI 7 December 2007 13:29
The ACIP recommends routine vaccination
with the quadrivalent HPV vaccine of all
11- to 12-year-old girls, catch-up vaccina-
tion of all 13- to 26-year-old young women
not previously vaccinated, and vaccination of
9- to 10-year-old girls at the provider’s dis-
cretion (20). The vaccine is targeted toward
11- to 12-year-old girls because vaccination
is most effective in preventing type-specific
HPV infection if given prior to sexual initia-
tion. However, the ACIP notes that vaccina-
tion may still provide protection among sexu-
ally active young women, as demonstrated in
clinical trials (17, 21). Pap testing and HPV
DNA testing are not recommended prior to
The dosing schedule that was evaluated
in clinical trials and is recommended by the
ACIP is 0, 2, and 6 months. However, recog-
nizing that this ideal schedule may not always
be followed, the ACIP offers the following ad-
ditional recommendations:
1. The first and second doses must be sep-
arated by at least 4 weeks.
2. The second and third doses must be sep-
arated by at least 12 weeks.
3. If the dosing schedule has been inter-
rupted at any point, the vaccine series
should not be restarted, but the required
dose should be administered as soon as
The HPV vaccine can be administered
during the same visit as other age-appropriate
vaccines, such as the meningococcal conjugate
vaccine (MCV4) and the tetanus, diphtheria,
and pertussis booster (Tdap).
According to the ACIP, lactating women
can receive the vaccine, as can young women
who are immunocompromised. Although the
quadrivalent vaccine has not been associated
with any pregnancy-related adverse events,
currently there are insufficient data on the
potential effects of the vaccine on pregnant
women to advance the recommendation.
Finally, the ACIP emphasizes the impor-
tance of continued cervical cancer screening
in vaccinated women, because (a) 30% of cer-
vical cancers are caused by types not con-
tained in the vaccine, (b) the vaccine may
not be 100% effective, and (c) the vaccine
has no therapeutic value for those already in-
fected (20). Additional details regarding the
ACIP guidelines can be found in Reference
Clinical trials have demonstrated that HPV
vaccines are effective and safe, but for both
ethical and scientific reasons, surrogate end
points were viral persistence, genital dyspla-
sia, and genital warts as opposed to cervical
cancer. The quadrivalent vaccine has demon-
strated efficacy not only in participants who
followed exact clinical protocols, but also in
trial populations with less strenuously defined
criteria. In the per-protocol population, the
vaccine demonstrated 100% efficacy in pre-
venting warts and/or vulvar or vaginal dys-
plastic lesions and 98% efficacy in prevent-
ing high-grade cervical lesions (18–22). In
the intention-to-treat population analysis (de-
fined as including those with infection or
disease associated with vaccine types before
vaccination and/or protocol violations), the
quadrivalent vaccine was 44% effective in pre-
venting high-grade cervical lesions and 73%
percent effective in reducing warts as well as
vulvar and vaginal lesions (21, 22).
Similarly, the bivalent vaccine demon-
strated 100% efficacy in preventing persistent
infection in cervical samples and cervical
intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) lesions asso-
ciated with vaccine types in the according-
to-protocol analysis. In the intention-to-treat
analysis (defined as receiving at least one
dose of the vaccine and testing negative for
high-risk HPV types or no abnormalities
on Pap testing at a screening visit that was
within 90 days of enrollment), the vaccine
was 94% efficacious in preventing persistent Cervical Cancer Vaccine 225
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by Indiana University - Indianapolis on 01/12/08. For personal use only.
ANRV334-ME59-16 ARI 7 December 2007 13:29
infection at 12 months and 96% efficacious
in preventing abnormal cytology (17, 19).
Additional studies continue to demon-
strate high efficacy, particularly among
women not previously infected with types 16
and 18 (21, 22). Both vaccines have been well
tolerated without serious vaccine-related side
effects. No therapeutic effects have been ob-
served in women who have existing HPV
infection or HPV-related disease caused by
vaccine-specific types (20). Research on the
quadrivalent vaccine in young men indicates
that it stimulates a strong immunogenic re-
sponse and has no significant short-term
safety issues (23). Vaccine efficacy in men has
not yet been demonstrated, but studies are un-
der way to evaluate the efficacy of the vaccine
in preventing warts as well as penile, perineal,
and perianal cancers.
Studies of HPV vaccine safety, immuno-
genicity, and efficacy in certain populations
are ongoing. Follow-up studies of women vac-
cinated with bivalent or quadrivalent vaccine
report sustained efficacy of both vaccines for
at least five years (17, 18). In addition, a mod-
eling study suggests that antibody levels may
remain above those stimulated by natural in-
fection for 12 years or more (24). Finally,
a study of women 60 months postvaccina-
tion found that an additional dose of the vac-
cine induced a strong anamnestic response
typical of vaccines with long-lasting efficacy
(25). The immunogenicity and clinical effi-
cacy of HPV vaccination in individuals with
chronic disease, particularly those who are
immunosuppressed, are still unclear. How-
ever, previous work has shown that other vi-
ral vaccines (e.g., hepatitis A and B) gener-
ate an effective, though attenuated, immune
response in those who are immunocompro-
mised (26, 27). In addition, individuals in-
fected with human immunodeficiency virus
(HIV) generate an immune response to nat-
ural HPV infection (28, 29). Future clinical
trials will generate more definitive data con-
cerning the immunogenicity and clinical ef-
ficacy of HPV vaccines in immunocompro-
mised individuals. The quadrivalent vaccine
also appears to be safe in pregnant women:
clinical trials have demonstrated no increase
in spontaneous loss rate or fetal malforma-
tions as compared to placebo groups, and the
vaccine has been classified as Category B in
terms of risk in pregnancy (20). Longer-term
and larger studies that examine the safety of
HPV vaccines in pregnancy are in progress.
Given the current status of clinical trial data,
the ACIP does not recommend vaccination in
women known to be pregnant.
Several cost-effectiveness studies on HPV
vaccination have been carried out, using
different methodologies and assumptions
(30–35). All of these studies suggest that
vaccinating 12-year-old girls against HPV can
be cost-effective. One of these studies found
that the most effective strategy for reduc-
tion of cancer morbidity and mortality was
vaccination of girls, followed by annual cer-
vical screening starting at age 18 (30). An-
other study determined that the ideal ap-
proach would be vaccination of girls at age 12,
followed by cytologic screening every three
years starting at age 25 (31). The potential
effects of vaccinating males, however, were
not considered in either of these papers. Taira
et al. (32) found that vaccination of both fe-
males and males would not be cost-effective,
but Elbasha et al. (33) found that it would.
The divergent findings are likely attributable
to differences in modeling assumptions; for
example, Elbasha et al. included HPV types
6, 11, 16, and 18 in their model, whereas
Taira et al. considered only the two oncogenic
All of these studies, which used very dif-
ferent approaches to analysis, found the vac-
cination of 12-year-old girls against HPV
to be a cost-effective strategy. These stud-
ies did not consider costs such as lost
productivity due to cancer-related illness
and death. Inclusion of such factors would
only improve the cost-effectiveness of HPV
226 Zimet ·Shew ·Kahn
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ANRV334-ME59-16 ARI 7 December 2007 13:29
The research published to date on knowl-
edge about HPV and attitudes about HPV
vaccination relies on data collected prior to
the licensure and availability of HPV vaccine.
These studies, therefore, were carried out be-
fore information about HPV and HPV vac-
cine was widely disseminated to the public and
professionals by pharmaceutical companies,
the media, and professional organizations. It
is likely that knowledge about HPV has in-
creased and that attitudes about vaccination
have changed somewhat since these studies
were implemented.
In 2006, Zimet et al. (36) reviewed ten pub-
lished reports on parental attitudes about
HPV/STI vaccination. These studies, which
included both qualitative and quantitative
methodologies, all found that parents ex-
pressed moderate to strong interest in vac-
cinating their preadolescent and adolescent
children against STI. All but two of the stud-
ies were carried out in the United States,
and Zimet et al. recommended that fu-
ture research include parents from other re-
gions of the world, particularly developing
The same review examined research on
knowledge about HPV and HPV-related con-
ditions (36). Across multiple studies, women
demonstrated a poor understanding of HPV,
often reporting no knowledge of the virus or
unawareness of the associations of HPV with
Pap testing and with cervical cancer. At the
same time, other research has indicated that
women are very interested in learning more
about HPV infection; many state that infor-
mation about HPV should be provided to
young women prior to the initiation of sex-
ual activity (37, 38).
Results of studies published since the re-
view by Zimet et al. have been largely con-
sistent with previous findings (see Table 1)
(39–44). With one exception (39), these stud-
ies found the majority of parent partici-
pants willing to have their children vacci-
nated against HPV. Brabin et al. (41) focused
on British parents’ attitudes about adolescent
self-consent for vaccination and found that
nearly half of parents agreed that HPV vac-
cine should be provided to adolescents at sex-
ual health clinics without parental consent.
Across all studies, opposition to HPV vaccine
was associated with concern about vaccina-
tion leading to sexual disinhibition, viewing
one’s child as being at low risk for infec-
tion, and worries about vaccine safety. Al-
though these recent studies were carried out
in several countries (e.g., United Kingdom,
Netherlands, Finland), only one study exam-
ined attitudes of parents in a developing coun-
try, Vietnam (44). Results from the Vietnam
study are comparable to those reported in
other research, with parents strongly support-
ive of HPV vaccination for their children.
Further research on HPV vaccine acceptabil-
ity in developing countries is needed.
Health Care Providers
Providers’ attitudes and knowledge about
HPV and HPV vaccination are likely to in-
fluence their immunization practices. Zimet
et al. (36) reviewed four studies that examined
attitudes of nurse practitioners, obstetrician/
gynecologists, family practice physicians,
and pediatricians toward recommending
HPV/STI vaccines for their adolescent pa-
tients. Across health care provider types, these
studies found relatively strong endorsement
of HPV vaccination. However, all health care
provider groups expressed greater reluctance
to vaccinate younger adolescents compared to
older ones. Studies that assessed knowledge
about HPV found that both pediatricians and
family practice physicians lacked awareness of
several aspects of HPV infections (45–47).
A more recent large-scale study of pe-
diatricians found strong support for HPV
vaccination of older adolescents but sub-
stantially less support for recommending the Cervical Cancer Vaccine 227
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ANRV334-ME59-16 ARI 7 December 2007 13:29
Table 1 HPV vaccine acceptability among parents: studies from 2006 and 2007
(Reference) Region Participants Method
measures Main findings
2006 (39) United Kingdom Parents of
participated in
6 focus groups
of 4–5 parents
Focus groups Parental knowledge
about HPV and
attitudes about
HPV vaccination
for their children
Parents had little awareness of HPV.
Parents were confused about the degree
of protection against cervical cancer
offered by a 16/18 bivalent vaccine.
Parents expressed some concerns about
possible side effects of vaccination and
about a vaccine designed to prevent a
sexually transmitted infection.
Overall, parents were more comfortable
with vaccinating adolescent than
preadolescent children.
2007 (40) California,
United States
522 parents with
at least one
daughter 18
years old or
dial phone
Parental attitudes
about vaccinating
a daughter against
HPV prior to her
birthday and
sixteenth birthday,
75% of parents said they would likely
vaccinate a daughter prior to age 13.
Attitudes about HPV vaccination varied
with ethnicity, race, education,
religious service attendance, and
political leaning.
Parents in favor of vaccination
emphasized the importance of
protecting children from harm due to
HPV infection.
Parents opposed to vaccination
expressed concerns about vaccine
safety and sexual disinhibition.
2007 (41) Manchester,
305 parents of
Parental attitudes
about provision of
HPV vaccine
without parental
13.8% of parents strongly agreed and
33.8% agreed that HPV vaccine
should be provided to adolescents
without parental consent.
Parents in favor of adolescent
self-consent emphasized issues of
autonomy and competence.
Parents opposed referred to parental
rights and emphasized the importance
of parental involvement and guidance.
2007 (42) The Netherlands 356 parents of
Phone interview Parental knowledge
about HPV and
attitudes about
HPV vaccination
for their children
29.5% of parents had heard of HPV and
only 14.3% knew of its relationship to
cervical cancer.
87.9% said they would have their child
23% thought that their child should be
involved in the HPV vaccination
decision-making process.
2007 (43) Finland 727 parents of
Parental knowledge
about HPV and
attitudes about
HPV vaccination
for their children
79% of parents had heard of HPV.
86% were interested in vaccinating their
child against HPV.
Parental opposition to vaccination was
associated with lower knowledge about
HPV, perception that their adolescent
was at low risk for infection, and
concerns about vaccine safety and
sexual disinhibition.
2007 (44) Da Nang,
181 mothers of
Questionnaire Parental attitudes
about HPV
vaccination for
their children
91% of parents said they were likely or
very likely to vaccinate their daughters.
90% did not believe that HPV
vaccination would lead to earlier
initiation of intercourse.
228 Zimet ·Shew ·Kahn
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by Indiana University - Indianapolis on 01/12/08. For personal use only.
ANRV334-ME59-16 ARI 7 December 2007 13:29
vaccine for 10- to 12-year-old girls (48). In this
same study, pediatricians demonstrated great
variability in their knowledge about HPV.
Nearly all respondents knew that HPV caused
genital warts, but >30% did not know that
HPV causes virtually all cervical cancers. A
qualitative interview study with 31 pediatri-
cians working in diverse clinical settings found
strong interest in HPV vaccination and sup-
port for universal age-based recommenda-
tions (49). However, respondents noted that
cultural and religious factors may influence
parental attitudes about HPV vaccine and
some felt that these issues may be difficult
for them to address with parents. Participants
were mixed in their views about school-entry
mandates for HPV vaccine, with about one
third expressing support for mandates, one
third opposing them, and one third unsure.
The studies of providers, like the parent
studies, were carried out prior to licensure
of the quadrivalent vaccine. Since the vac-
cine was licensed, a great deal of informa-
tion has been provided to health care pro-
fessionals regarding HPV infection and the
ACIP recommendation for universal vaccina-
tion of all 11- to 12-year-old girls. Multiple
studies indicate that providers look to pro-
fessional organizations for guidance with re-
gard to new vaccines (46, 50, 51). It is likely,
therefore, that attitudes about HPV vaccina-
tion have shifted toward greater acceptance
of vaccinating younger adolescents. Now that
HPV vaccine is available, it will be important
to study the actual HPV vaccination practices
of health care providers.
Even before the quadrivalent HPV vaccine
was licensed, some media reports focused
on presumed controversies surrounding HPV
vaccination (52). However, the scientific re-
search described in the previous section sug-
gests that for most parents, this vaccine is not,
in fact, controversial. In most studies, the large
majority of parents have expressed an interest
in preventing cervical cancer in their daugh-
ters through vaccination. Research indicates
that for the relatively small group of parents
with doubts about HPV vaccination, opposi-
tion arises from concerns about sexual disin-
hibition and about implied consent for sexual
Sexual Disinhibition
The issue of sexual disinhibition as it relates
to HPV vaccination has been addressed in
several articles (36, 53–55). The question is
whether HPV vaccination will give 11- to
12-year-old girls a false sense of protection
against STIs, leading them to initiate sexual
behavior at an earlier age or not use condoms
when sexually active. Now that HPV vaccine
is licensed and available, carefully designed
studies may be able to answer this question
directly. To date, it has been addressed only
The notion of risk compensation or risk
homeostasis has supporters and detractors
(56, 57), but it is not clear to what extent it ap-
plies to HPV vaccination. A basic assumption
underlying the compensation or disinhibition
argument is that worries about HPV infection
have motivated young women to delay initia-
tion of coitus. However, research has repeat-
edly demonstrated that most young women
do not know about HPV, so concerns about
HPV could not have had an inhibitory influ-
ence on them. In addition, to the extent that
fear of STI does delay the initiation of sexual
intercourse, fear of non-vaccine-preventable
infections such as HIV, chlamydia, gonorrhea,
and genital herpes would remain inhibitory.
Several other areas of research provide fur-
ther indirect evidence that HPV vaccination is
not likely to result in disinhibition. Studies on
school-based sex education and condom dis-
tribution programs and on provision of emer-
gency contraception have found no evidence
that these programs have led to earlier ini-
tiation of sexual intercourse or engagement
in riskier sexual behaviors (58, 59). Another
study reviewed research on sexual risk reduc-
tion interventions and employed a variety of Cervical Cancer Vaccine 229
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by Indiana University - Indianapolis on 01/12/08. For personal use only.
ANRV334-ME59-16 ARI 7 December 2007 13:29
mathematical modeling strategies in order to
assess the likelihood of sexual risk compen-
sation and the potential effects on HIV/STI
risk (60). A small degree of risk compensation
was found, but not nearly enough to negate
the salutary effects of risk-reduction behav-
iors (e.g., increased condom use).
Issues of risk compensation or disinhibi-
tion have also been studied with respect to
the introduction of highly active antiretroviral
treatment (HAART) for persons with AIDS.
Two related questions have been raised:
1. Do HAART-related reductions in vi-
ral load lead HIV-infected individuals
to engage in more unprotected sexual
2. By altering the perception of AIDS from
a fatal disease to a chronic, manageable
illness, has HAART led HIV-negative
but at-risk populations to engage in
riskier sexual behavior?
Some of the research examining these is-
sues has produced evidence of risk compen-
sation related to HAART or low viral load
(61), but most research indicates no associa-
tion of HAART with increases in risky sexual
behaviors (62, 63). In addition, even when the
possibility of disinhibition is discussed, there
is no suggestion that HAART should be with-
held owing to these concerns. Rather, inter-
ventions are proposed that would emphasize
the importance of maintaining safer sexual be-
haviors to minimize transmission of HIV, to
decrease the probability of exposure to resis-
tant viral strains, and to protect against other
STI (64). Implementing this same approach
makes sense with respect to HPV vaccination.
Recipients of the vaccine and/or their parents
should receive anticipatory guidance empha-
sizing the importance of safe sexual behav-
ior and the ongoing need for regular cervical
Implied Permission to Have Sex
Related to the disinhibition issue is the con-
cern that a parent who has an adolescent
or preadolescent daughter vaccinated against
HPV is conveying approval of sexual behav-
ior. This concern has received some media
coverage (65), but several arguments sug-
gest that worries about implied permission to
have sex are misguided (55). From a practical
viewpoint, like any preventive vaccine, HPV
vaccine will be maximally effective if adminis-
tered prior to exposure to the virus. The tar-
geting of 11- to 12-year-olds for vaccination,
therefore, makes a great deal of sense because
very few girls in this age range have engaged in
sexual behaviors (66). In addition, age-based
immunization programs have proven to be
more effective at maximizing vaccine coverage
than risk-based approaches, partly because it
is difficult to determine who is at risk. An
additional justification for targeting younger
adolescent girls for HPV vaccination is that
studies indicate a stronger immunogenic re-
sponse in younger compared to older adoles-
cents (23). Finally, it may not be necessary to
describe HPV vaccine as an STI vaccine to an
11- or 12-year-old. The modes of transmis-
sion of infections targeted by other vaccines
are not typically discussed with children and
young adolescents.
HPV vaccination is a health protective
measure designed to reduce the risk of an ad-
verse outcome, cervical cancer. It is similar
in this respect to many other widely advo-
cated measures, including use of bicycle hel-
mets, brushing and flossing of teeth, tetanus
vaccination, and use of sunscreen. Research
suggests that rather than encouraging riskier
behaviors, health-protective behaviors tend
to co-occur (67). That is, for instance, per-
sons who use seatbelts are also more likely to
have a healthier diet. Furthermore, as pointed
out by Haber et al. (55), when we have chil-
dren vaccinated against tetanus, we are not
implying that they should play with dirty,
rusty nails. Similarly, it should not be as-
sumed that in vaccinating adolescents against
HPV we are endorsing earlier involvement
in sexual activity. Rather, by vaccinating girls
and young women against HPV, we are com-
municating our desire to protect them from
230 Zimet ·Shew ·Kahn
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ANRV334-ME59-16 ARI 7 December 2007 13:29
the potentially devastating effects of cervical
Now that one HPV vaccine is available and a
second is likely to become available shortly,
we face the logistical and policy challenges
of delivering the vaccine to preadolescents
and early adolescents. One potentially signif-
icant obstacle to delivery is the cost of HPV
vaccine. Although most insurance companies
have already decided to cover the vaccine,
the extent of reimbursement is variable. The
Vaccine for Children Program is designed to
cover the cost of vaccination for uninsured and
underinsured children and certainly will help
to decrease disparities in access to HPV vac-
cine. Financial barriers are likely to pose an
even greater problem in developing countries,
where the burden of cervical cancer is much
greater than in the United States but personal
income and national wealth are limited (68).
In addition to financing issues, the logistical
challenges of any vaccine delivery and possible
cultural issues related to an STI vaccine may
hinder the introduction of HPV vaccine in the
developing world (69). A number of authors
have discussed some of the unique political,
cultural, and organizational challenges asso-
ciated with the introduction of any new im-
munization program in developing countries
The majority of vaccines are given to
younger children and are timed around a
well-established schedule of health care vis-
its. Vaccinating adolescents is a relatively new
phenomenon and one that poses unique chal-
lenges (73). For instance, a regular health care
visit at age 11 or 12 is not well-established
and many providers may have limited ex-
perience providing health care services to
young adolescents. In order to achieve opti-
mal coverage, alternative approaches to vac-
cination may need to be explored, including
school-based and pharmacy-based programs
One approach to minimizing health care
disparities and ensuring that the greatest
number of young women are vaccinated
would be for states to require HPV vacci-
nation at middle school entry. A number of
states have considered implementing man-
dates, with some states passing and others
defeating mandate legislation (74). The issue
of compulsory HPV vaccination also has re-
ceived a great deal of attention in the pro-
fessional literature, with arguments for and
against school entry requirements (55, 75–
77). The controversies surrounding manda-
tory HPV vaccination and the apparent rush
to pass legislation have created a degree of
backlash and shifted attention away from the
benefits of HPV vaccination to issues of gov-
ernmental coercion (55, 77). What has been
missing, but is beginning to emerge, is an
open, reasoned discussion of the pros and
cons of school-entry requirements for HPV
Multiple large-scale research studies have
demonstrated that the bivalent and quadriva-
lent HPV vaccines are efficacious for at least
five years and safe. Ongoing surveillance stud-
ies will evaluate long-term safety, but there is
nothing inherent in either HPV vaccine to
suggest any long-term safety issues. There is
indirect evidence that the protection afforded
by HPV vaccine may last as long as 12 years
or more. In addition, all modeling studies in-
dicate that vaccination of 11- and 12-year-old
girls is a cost-effective strategy.The ACIP rec-
ommends vaccination of all 11- to 12-year-old
girls, catch-up vaccination of 13- to 26-year-
old young women, and vaccination of 9- to
10-year-old girls at the health care provider’s
Studies carried out prior to vaccine licen-
sure indicated that most parents and health
care providers had very positive attitudes
about HPV vaccination. However, both par-
ents and providers had misconceptions about
HPV and HPV vaccine. Although many of Cervical Cancer Vaccine 231
Annu. Rev. Med. 2008.59:223-236. Downloaded from
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ANRV334-ME59-16 ARI 7 December 2007 13:29
these misunderstandings may have been ad-
dressed by educational efforts undertaken
since the quadrivalent vaccine was licensed,
it will be important for ongoing research to
examine parental decisions about HPV vacci-
nation and health care providers’ immuniza-
tion practices over time. There is no evidence
that adolescents will respond to HPV vaccina-
tion with sexual disinhibition; however, direct
study of this issue can only begin now that the
vaccine is available.
Although the quadrivalent vaccine has only
been licensed since June of 2006, there are al-
ready concerns and controversies regarding
vaccine cost and delivery issues. The rapid
pursuit of legislation in a number of states
to mandate HPV vaccine for girls at middle
school entry led to a great deal of criticism and
served to distract from the potential enormous
benefits of this vaccine. Delivery of HPV vac-
cine in developing countries, where the need
for the vaccine is particularly acute, also is
likely to be very difficult. In addition to the
cost of the vaccine, unique cultural, political,
and logistical challenges will need to be stud-
ied and addressed.
1. Evaluation of the long-term safety and efficacy of HPV vaccines, including among
pregnant women, males, and individuals who are immunosuppressed.
2. Identification of predictors of HPV vaccine acceptance and evaluation of brief behav-
ioral interventions designed to optimize HPV vaccine uptake.
3. Assessment of post-HPV-vaccination changes in attitudes and behavior that may be
attributable to receipt of vaccine.
4. Development and evaluation of biomedical, political, logistic, and financial strategies
for world-wide delivery of HPV vaccine, particularly in developing countries.
G.D.Z. has received speaking fees from Merck and Co., Inc. and has served as a consultant
to M2 Communications and SciMed, two medical education companies. M.L.S. is a clinical
investigator for research grants and serves as a consultant for Merck and Co., Inc.
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AR334-FM ARI 18 December 2007 17:20
Annual Review of
Volume 59, 2008
The FDA Critical Path Initiative and Its Influence on New Drug
Janet Woodcock and Raymond Woosley pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp1
Reversing Advanced Heart Failure by Targeting Ca2+Cycling
David M. Kaye, Masahiko Hoshijima, and Kenneth R. Chien pppppppppppppppppppppppp13
Tissue Factor and Factor VIIa as Therapeutic Targets in
Disorders of Hemostasis
Ulla Hedner and Mirella Ezban ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp29
Therapy of Marfan Syndrome
Daniel P. Judge and Harry C. Dietz pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp43
Preeclampsia and Angiogenic Imbalance
Sharon Maynard, Franklin H. Epstein, and S. Ananth Karumanchi ppppppppppppppppp61
Management of Lipids in the Prevention of Cardiovascular Events
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Genetic Susceptibility to Type 2 Diabetes and Implications for
Antidiabetic Therapy
Allan F. Moore and Jose C. Florez ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp95
Array-Based DNA Diagnostics: Let the Revolution Begin
Arthur L. Beaudet and John W. Belmont pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp113
Inherited Mitochondrial Diseases of DNA Replication
William C. Copeland pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp131
Childhood Obesity: Adrift in the “Limbic Triangle”
Michele L. Mietus-Snyder and Robert H. Lustig pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp147
Expanded Newborn Screening: Implications for Genomic Medicine
Linda L. McCabe and Edward R.B. McCabe pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp163
Is Human Hibernation Possible?
Cheng Chi Lee ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp177
Advance Directives
Linda L. Emanuel ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp187
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Genetic Determinants of Aggressive Breast Cancer
Alejandra C. Ventura and Sofia D. Merajver pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp199
A Role for JAK2 Mutations in Myeloproliferative Diseases
Kelly J. Morgan and D. Gary Gilliland pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp213
Appropriate Use of Cervical Cancer Vaccine
Gregory D. Zimet, Marcia L. Shew, and Jessica A. Kahn ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp223
A Decade of Rituximab: Improving Survival Outcomes in
Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
Arturo Molina ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp
Nanotechnology and Cancer
James R. Heath and Mark E. Davis ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp251
Cancer Epigenetics: Modifications, Screening, and Therapy
Einav Nili Gal-Yam, Yoshimasa Saito, Gerda Egger, and Peter A. Jones pppppppppppp267
T Cells and NKT Cells in the Pathogenesis of Asthma
Everett H. Meyer, Rosemarie H. DeKruyff, and Dale T. Umetsu pppppppppppppppppppp281
Complement Regulatory Genes and Hemolytic Uremic Syndromes
David Kavanagh, Anna Richards, and John Atkinson pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp293
Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Acute Kidney Injury
Benjamin D. Humphreys and Joseph V. Bonventre pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp311
Asthma Genetics: From Linear to Multifactorial Approaches
Stefano Guerra and Fernando D. Martinez ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp327
The Effect of Toll-Like Receptors and Toll-Like Receptor Genetics in
Human Disease
Stavros Garantziotis, John W. Hollingsworth, Aimee K. Zaas,
and David A. Schwartz ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp343
Advances in Antifungal Therapy
Carole A. Sable, Kim M. Strohmaier, and Jeffrey A. Chodakewitz pppppppppppppppppp361
Herpes Simplex: Insights on Pathogenesis and Possible Vaccines
David M. Koelle and Lawrence Corey pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp381
Medical Management of Influenza Infection
Anne Moscona pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp397
Bacterial and Fungal Biofilm Infections
A. Simon Lynch and Gregory T. Robertson ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp415
EGFR Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors in Lung Cancer: An Evolving Story
Lecia V. Sequist and Thomas J. Lynch pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp429
Adaptive Treatment Strategies in Chronic Disease
Philip W. Lavori and Ree Dawson pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp443
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Antiretroviral Drug–Based Microbicides to Prevent HIV-1 Sexual
Per Johan Klasse, Robin Shattock, and John P. Moore ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp455
The Challenge of Hepatitis C in the HIV-Infected Person
David L. Thomas pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp473
Hide-and-Seek: The Challenge of Viral Persistence in HIV-1 Infection
Luc Geeraert, Günter Kraus, and Roger J. Pomerantz ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp487
Advancements in the Treatment of Epilepsy
B.A. Leeman and A.J. Cole pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp503
Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volumes 55–59 pppppppppppppppppppppppp525
Cumulative Index of Chapter Titles, Volumes 55–59 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp529
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... KEYWORDS human papillomavirus, vaccine, prevalence, NHANES, Beijing, Modelbest, influencing factor Introduction Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is an important carcinogenic infection highly prevalent among many populations. It is transmitted via sexual intercourse or intimate interpersonal contact (1)(2)(3). There are over 200 different HPV types. ...
... Since the HPV vaccine was only extensively pursued after 2006 in U.S., we limited our study to female participants in NHANES between 2009 and 2016. The exclusion criteria included: (1) participants aged <18 or ≥60 years; (2) or with a history of malignancy; (3) or a history of hysterectomy. ...
Full-text available
Background Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is an important carcinogenic infection highly prevalent among many populations. However, independent influencing factors and predictive models for HPV infection in both U.S. and Beijing females are rarely confirmed. In this study, our first objective was to explore the overlapping HPV infection-related factors in U.S. and Beijing females. Secondly, we aimed to develop an R package for identifying the top-performing prediction models and build the predictive models for HPV infection using this R package. Methods This cross-sectional study used data from the 2009–2016 NHANES (a national population-based study) and the 2019 data on Beijing female union workers from various industries. Prevalence, potential influencing factors, and predictive models for HPV infection in both cohorts were explored. Results There were 2,259 (NHANES cohort, age: 20–59 years) and 1,593 (Beijing female cohort, age: 20–70 years) participants included in analyses. The HPV infection rate of U.S. NHANES and Beijing females were, respectively 45.73 and 8.22%. The number of male sex partners, marital status, and history of HPV infection were the predominant factors that influenced HPV infection in both NHANES and Beijing female cohorts. However, condom application was not an independent influencing factor for HPV infection in both cohorts. R package Modelbest was established. The nomogram developed based on Modelbest package showed better performance than the nomogram which only included significant factors in multivariate regression analysis. Conclusion Collectively, despite the widespread availability of HPV vaccines, HPV infection is still prevalent. Compared with condom promotion, avoidance of multiple sexual partners seems to be more effective for preventing HPV infection. Nomograms developed based on Modelbest can provide improved personalized risk assessment for HPV infection. Our R package Modelbest has potential to be a powerful tool for future predictive model studies.
... The connection between HPV and sexual activity has been a major source of religious controversy surrounding the HPV vaccine. Various religious groups have voiced concern that the HPV vaccine will promote sexual disinhibition among teens [10,11]. Additionally, it has been argued that religious norms regulating sexual activity of unmarried women render the HPV vaccine unnecessary [10][11][12]. ...
... Various religious groups have voiced concern that the HPV vaccine will promote sexual disinhibition among teens [10,11]. Additionally, it has been argued that religious norms regulating sexual activity of unmarried women render the HPV vaccine unnecessary [10][11][12]. Whereas research examining the association between religion and HPV vaccination among samples of parents has produced mixed results [13][14][15][16][17][18][19], the few studies that considered religion in samples of young women have indicated that this factor may be significant [20][21][22][23]. Altogether, these findings underscore the importance of exploring the role of religious practice in the HPV vaccination decisions of young women. ...
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Introduction We investigate the associations between religious practice and human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine-related awareness, knowledge, and receipt among young women in Utah. Methods We surveyed 326 insured women aged 18–26 by mail. Fisher's Exact Tests and multivariable logistic regression models were used to evaluate the relations between religious practice and HPV vaccine-related outcomes. Data collection occurred January-December 2013; analyses were conducted June-September 2015. Results Multivariable analyses reveal that when controlling for age, educational attainment, and marital status, participants who practiced an organized religion were significantly less likely to have heard of HPV (aOR = 0.25, p = 0.0123), to have heard of the HPV vaccine (aOR = 0.41, p = 0.0368), to know how HPV is spread (aOR = 0.45, p = 0.0074), to have received a provider recommendation for the HPV vaccine (aOR = 0.36, p = 0.0332), and to have received at least one (aOR = 0.50, p = 0.0073) or all three (aOR = 0.47, p = 0.0026) doses of the HPV vaccine. Bivariate analyses produce parallel results. Conclusions Results indicate that religious young women in Utah are not only under-vaccinated, but are also under-informed about HPV and the HPV vaccine. These results suggest that suboptimal vaccine coverage among religious young women may present a serious health risk for the community. Strategies for educational interventions targeted to this population are discussed.
... Chemotherapy and radiotherapy is usually reserved for patients with advanced stages of malignancy. 19 Parametrial invasion is a very important factor in pre-operative evaluation of patients with cervical malignancy since it significantly influences management and treatment. MRI being non invasive, imaging modality and being free of ionizing radiations is a very important imaging tool for staging cervical cancer. ...
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Objective: To evaluate the accuracy of MRI in detecting parametrial invasion in carcinoma of cervix keeping histopathological findings as gold standard. Study design, settings and duration: A cross sectional study was conducted in Radiology Department, Holy Family Hospital, Rawalpindi from November 2017 to October 2018. Patients and Methods: One twenty eight patients with biopsy proven cervical cancer were enrolled. Magnetic resonance imaging of study patients was performed on 1.5 Tesla GE MRI machine using pelvic array coil for pelvic scan. Positive patients were then sent to gynecology department for hysterectomy after which the specimens were sent for histopathological analysis. All the specimens were reviewed by experienced histopathologist and were labelled as positive and negative for cervical parametrial invasion. Results: Mean age of study patients (n=128) was 49.9 years ±6.7 standard deviation, with a range of 41-69 years. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV) and accuracy of MRI in detecting parametrial invasion in carcinoma of cervix was found to be 84.5%, 84.2%, 86.9%, 81.3% and 84.3% respectively. Conclusion: MRI is a reliable and non-invasive diagnostic imaging modality that allows the detection of parametrial invasion in patients of cervical cancer with high sensitivity, specificity and accuracy.
... The idea that risk homeostasis could negate the potential positive effects of precautionary measures is clearly some- thing those in authority are considering when risk mitigation measures are advanced. For example, Zimet et al. [104] re- ports concerns about promiscuous behavior of teenagers being prompted by a feeling of invincibility (RHT effect) due to having received the HPV vaccination. This argument was rejected and many authorities now offer the vaccine to 11 and 12 year old girls. ...
Conference Paper
The central premise behind risk homeostasis theory is that humans adapt their behaviors, based on external factors, to align with a personal risk tolerance level. In essence, this means that the safer or more secure they feel, the more likely it is that they will behave in a risky manner. If this effect exists, it serves to restrict the ability of risk mitigation techniques to effect improvements. The concept is hotly debated in the safety area. Some authors agree that the effect exists, but also point out that it is poorly understood and unreliably predicted. Other re-searchers consider the entire concept fallacious. It is important to gain clarity about whether the effect exists, and to gauge its impact if such evidence can indeed be found. In this paper we consider risk homeostasis in the context of information security. Similar to the safety area, information security could well be impaired if a risk homeostasis effect neutralizes the potential benefits of risk mitigation measures. If the risk homeostasis effect does indeed exist and does impact risk-related behaviors, people will simply elevate risky behaviors in response to feeling less vulnerable due to following security procedures and using protective technologies. Here we discuss, in particular, the challenges we face in confirming the existence and impact of the risk homeostasis effect in information security, especially in an era of ethical research practice.
... Several of the IW states are among the most rural in the US (US Census Bureau 2015a), so individuals may have limited access to health care due to the greater geographic distance from providers (Arcury et al. 2005). Additionally, the IW features a large religious population-specifically a high density of Mormons (Pew Research Center 2014)-and religious beliefs regulating the sexual activity of unmarried women may pose challenges to HPV vaccination (Constantine and Jerman 2007; Zimet et al. 2008). Finally, the IW also has a rapidly growing minority and immigrant population that may lack well-established community and institutional support necessary for navigating the health care system (Grieco et al. 2012). ...
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Objectives We investigated the similarities and differences in the factors related to human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination of female adolescents in three sub-regions of the Intermountain West (IW). Methods We analyzed 2011–2012 National Immunization Survey-Teen data. Respondents (parents) who were living in the IW and who had daughters aged 13–17 years old with provider-verified immunization records were included in our analyses. East, Central, and West sub-regions were defined based on geographic contiguity and similarity in HPV vaccination rates and sociodemographic characteristics. Survey-weighted Chi square tests and multivariable Poisson regressions were performed. Results In all three sub-regions, older teen age and receipt of other recommended adolescent vaccinations were significantly associated with HPV vaccination. In the East sub-region, providers’ facility type and source of vaccines were significantly related to HPV vaccination. In the Central sub-region, teens with married parents were significantly less likely to be vaccinated than were those with unmarried parents. In the West sub-region, non-Hispanic teens were significantly less likely to be vaccinated than were Hispanic teens. Conclusionsfor Practice In order to improve HPV vaccine coverage in the IW, region-wide efforts to target younger teens and to promote the HPV vaccine with other recommended adolescent vaccinations should be supplemented with sub-regional attention to the health care system (East sub-region), to married parents (Central sub-region), and to non-Hispanic teens (West sub-region).
Introduction The Department of Defense encourages service members ≤26 years of age to receive the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. Although this vaccine is not recommended in pregnancy, inadvertent vaccination may occur. The objective of this study was to assess whether active duty US military women who received the quadrivalent HPV vaccine (4vHPV) during pregnancy were at increased risk for adverse maternal or infant outcomes. Methods The study population included active duty US military women aged 17–28 years with at least one pregnancy between 2007 and 2014, and the infants resulting from those pregnancies. Pregnancies, live births, and outcomes were identified using medical codes in administrative medical records. Exposure to 4vHPV during pregnancy was ascertained from personnel immunization records. Multivariable regression models were used to calculate risk estimates and 95% confidence intervals for the maternal outcomes of spontaneous abortion, preeclampsia/eclampsia and preterm labor, and the infant outcomes of preterm birth, birth defects, growth problems in infancy or in utero, and infant sex. Results Overall, 90,600 pregnancies and 75,670 singleton infants were identified. Approximately 2% of pregnancies and infants were exposed to 4vHPV during pregnancy. After adjustments, no positive associations were detected between inadvertent exposure to 4vHPV during pregnancy and any adverse pregnancy or infant outcomes. Discussion Our findings add to an established body of literature demonstrating the safety of 4vHPV when inadvertently administered during pregnancy. Although 4vHPV is no longer administered in the US, its use continues overseas; therefore, safety studies remain important. Furthermore, such studies can provide reassurance to women inadvertently exposed to nonavalent HPV vaccine (9vHPV) in pregnancy, which protects against four of the same antigens as 4vHPV, since safety of 9vHPV has not yet been established in pregnant women.
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Background : Cervical cancer in India and many other developing countries is a public health concern affecting women of all age groups. The prognosis of cervical cancer is based on the stage, size, and histological grade of the primary tumour and the status of the lymph nodes. Assessment of the stage of disease is important in determining whether the patient may benefit from surgery or will receive radiation therapy. Currently MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) due to its excellent soft-tissue contrast resolution, which exceeds that of CT (Computed Tomography) scanning and ultrasonography, is slowly gaining momentum in pre-treatment evaluation of cancer cervix. Materials and methods: The study was conducted as an analytical study comparing Clinical and MRI staging methods for carcinoma cervix using the same basic staging criteria advised by FIGO (The International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics). Total of 48 cases were studied. Results: MRI evaluation of cancer cervix cases with vaginal invasion, parametrial invasion, bowel and bladder invasion etc. were done and compared with histopathological findings. Conclusion: it is recommended that MRI could be included in routine staging of all cases of cancer cervix.
Background In this study, we used data from the National Immunization Survey‐Teen (NIS‐Teen) to examine HPV vaccination uptake by rural and urban residence defined by ZIP code. Methods We used 2012‐2013 NIS‐Teen data to examine associations of HPV vaccination among teens aged 13‐17 years with ZIP code measures of rural/urban (Rural‐Urban Commuting Area (RUCA) codes, population density). Multivariable logistic regression was used to estimate the odds of HPV vaccination initiation (≥ 1 dose) and completion (≥ 3 doses). Results HPV vaccination was lower among girls from isolated small rural towns (≥1 dose 51.0%; ≥3 doses 30.0%) and small rural towns (≥1 dose 50.2%; ≥3 doses 26.8%) than among urban girls (≥1 dose 56.0%; ≥3 doses 35.9%). Girls from small rural towns had lower odds of completion (0.74, 95% CI: 0.60‐0.91) than girls from urban areas. HPV vaccination was lower among boys from isolated small rural towns (≥1 dose 17.3%; ≥3 doses 5.31%) and small rural towns (≥1 dose 18.7%; ≥3 doses 5.50%) than those in urban areas (≥1 dose 28.7%; ≥3 doses 10.7%). Boys in isolated small rural towns had statistically significantly lower odds of initiation (0.68, 95% CI: 0.52‐0.88) and completion (0.63, 95% CI: 0.41‐0.97) than urban boys. Girls and boys from high‐poverty rural areas had lower odds of initiation and completion than did their counterparts from high‐poverty urban areas. Conclusion Rural girls had lower odds of completing the HPV vaccine than their urban counterparts. Rural boys had lower odds than urban boys for HPV vaccination initiation and completion.
Background: Innate immune system plays an important role in pathogen detection and the recognition of vaccines, mainly through pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) that identify pathogen components (danger signals). One of the typically recognised bacterial components are lipids in conjugation with peptides, proteins and saccharides. Lipidic compounds are readily recognised by the immune system, and thus are ideal candidates for peptide-based vaccine delivery. Thus, bacterial or synthetic lipids mixed with, or conjugated to, antigens have shown adjuvanting properties. These systems have many advantages over traditional adjuvants, including low toxicity and good efficacy for stimulating mucosal and systemic immune responses. Methods: The most recent literature on the role of lipids in stimulation of immune responses was selected for this review. The vast majority of reviewed papers were published in the last decade. Older but significant findings are also cited. Results: This review focuses on development of lipopeptide vaccine systems including application of palmitic acid, bacterial lipopeptides, glycolipids and the lipid core peptide and their routes of administration. The use of liposomes as a delivery system that incorporates lipopeptides is discussed. The review also includes a brief description of immune system in relation to vaccinology and discussion on vaccine delivery routes. Conclusion: Lipids and their conjugates are an ideal frontrunner in the development of safe and efficient vaccines for different immunisation routes.
The major impediment to increased human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination coverage in young males and females is lack of health care provider recommendation. Despite its efficacy in preventing cervical cancer, HPV vaccination in females (49.5%) and males (37.5%) ages 13 through 17 falls well below the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Healthy People 2020 target of 80% coverage. Parents’ willingness to vaccinate their child has been shown to be much higher when physicians share personal vaccination decisions for their own children as well as what other parents have done at that particular clinic. Furthermore, the vaccine must be presented presumptively as a “bundle” along with the rest of the standard adolescent vaccine panel. Multiple exemplars presented including in several European countries, low-income countries and Rwanda, demonstrate that school-based health care systems dramatically increase vaccination coverage. Finally, acceptability for vaccination of males must improve by increasing provider recommendation and by presenting the HPV vaccine as a penile, anal and oropharyngeal cancer prevention therapy in males and not merely a vaccine to prevent cervical cancers in females. Paediatricians, obstetrician/gynaecologists and primary care physicians should consider these data as a call-to-action. • Key messages • • Despite recent efforts in the US, only 49.5% of females and only 37.5% of males ages 13 through 17 have received all recommended HPV vaccine doses. These numbers fall well below the 80% target set forth by the Healthy People 2020 initiative. • • According to the CDC, if health care providers increase HPV vaccination rates in eligible recipients to 80%, it is estimated that an additional 53,000 cases of cervical cancer could be prevented during the lifetime of those younger than 12 years. Furthermore, for every year that the vaccination rate does not increase, an additional 4400 women will develop cervical cancer. • • First and foremost, healthcare providers (HCPs) must make a strong recommendation to vaccinate patients and these recommendations must become routine, including for males. • • It is clear that HPV vaccination rates improve significantly when vaccine administration occurs at designated, well-organized sites such as school-based vaccination programmes. Furthermore, HPV vaccination should be a high school requirement and offered in the standard adolescent vaccine panel as a bundle with Tdap and MenACWY vaccines in order to promote maximum adherence. • • Finally, research on immunogenicity and antibody titre longevity needs to be done in newborns. The HPV vaccine may be recommended in the newborn panel of vaccines to avoid any issues of sexualization and misplaced fears of sexual disinhibition, akin to the success of the Hepatitis B vaccine in the 1980s. • • The HPV vaccine is a vaccine against cancer and should be aggressively marketed as such. As healthcare providers, we need to make every effort to overcome barriers, real or perceived, to protecting our population from potential morbidity and mortality associated with this virus.
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Monitoring sexual activity and contraceptive use among U.S. adolescents is important for understanding differences in their risk of pregnancy. In 2013, the U.S. birth rate for teenagers aged 15-19 dropped 57% from its peak in 1991 (1), paralleling a decline in the teen pregnancy rate (1-2). But these rates are still higher than those in other developed countries (3-4). Using data from the 1988 to 2011-2013 National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG), this report provides trends and recent national estimates of sexual activity, contraceptive use, and childbearing among teenagers aged 15-19. All material appearing in this report is in the public domain and may be reproduced or copied without permission; citation as to source, however, is appreciated.
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BACKGROUND: Human papillomavirus types 16 (HPV-16) and 18 (HPV-18) cause approximately 70% of cervical cancers worldwide. A phase 3 trial was conducted to evaluate a quadrivalent vaccine against HPV types 6, 11, 16, and 18 (HPV-6/11/16/18) for the prevention of high-grade cervical lesions associated with HPV-16 and HPV-18. METHODS: In this randomized, double-blind trial, we assigned 12,167 women between the ages of 15 and 26 years to receive three doses of either HPV-6/11/16/18 vaccine or placebo, administered at day 1, month 2, and month 6. The primary analysis was performed for a per-protocol susceptible population that included 5305 women in the vaccine group and 5260 in the placebo group who had no virologic evidence of infection with HPV-16 or HPV-18 through 1 month after the third dose (month 7). The primary composite end point was cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 or 3, adenocarcinoma in situ, or cervical cancer related to HPV-16 or HPV-18. RESULTS: Subjects were followed for an average of 3 years after receiving the first dose of vaccine or placebo. Vaccine efficacy for the prevention of the primary composite end point was 98% (95.89% confidence interval [CI], 86 to 100) in the per-protocol susceptible population and 44% (95% CI, 26 to 58) in an intention-to-treat population of all women who had undergone randomization (those with or without previous infection). The estimated vaccine efficacy against all high-grade cervical lesions, regardless of causal HPV type, in this intention-to-treat population was 17% (95% CI, 1 to 31). CONCLUSIONS: In young women who had not been previously infected with HPV-16 or HPV-18, those in the vaccine group had a significantly lower occurrence of high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia related to HPV-16 or HPV-18 than did those in the placebo group.
The causal role of human papillomavirus infections in cervical cancer has been documented beyond reasonable doubt. The association is present in virtually all cervical cancer cases worldwide. It is the right time for medical societies and public health regulators to consider this evidence and to define its preventive and clinical implications. A comprehensive review of key studies and results is presented.
Incidence data on human papillomavirus (HPV) infection are limited, and risk factors for transmission are largely unknown. The authors followed 603 female university students in Washington State at 4-month intervals between 1990 and 2000. At each visit, a sexual and health questionnaire was completed and cervical and vulvovaginal samples were collected to detect HPV DNA. At 24 months, the cumulative incidence of first-time infection was 32.3% (95% confidence interval: 28.0, 37.1). Incidences calculated from time of new-partner acquisition were comparable for enrolled virgins and nonvirgins. Smoking, oral contraceptive use, and report of a new male sex partner—in particular, one known for less than 8 months before sex occurred or one reporting other partners—were predictive of incident infection. Always using male condoms with a new partner was not protective. Infection in virgins was rare, but any type of nonpenetrative sexual contact was associated with an increased risk. Detection of oral HPV was rare and was not associated with oral-penile contact. The data show that the incidence of HPV associated with acquisition of a new sex partner is high and that nonpenetrative sexual contact is a plausible route of transmission in virgins. cohort studies; incidence; papillomavirus, human; sexual abstinence; sexual partners; sexually transmitted diseases
This study was conducted to answer the question, “Are sexual risk behaviors subject to compensation?” For example, do people who increase their use of condoms compensate for this reduction in human immunodeficiency virus and sexually transmitted disease (HIV/STD) risk by engaging in more overall acts of intercourse or by having sex with more partners than before? Utilizing the HIV prevention literature, studies in which participants demonstrated sexual risk compensation were identified. A simple HIV/STD transmission model was applied to these data to determine whether compensation produced a net increase in HIV/STD risk, despite positive changes in one or more aspects of sexual behavior. Although a number of studies were found in which there were simultaneous increases in condom use and the overall number of acts of intercourse, in none of these instances was there an overall increase in HIV/STD risk. Moreover, none of these studies reported concomitant increases in the number of sex partners. Extensive modeling exercises also were conducted to determine the theoretical conditions under which compensation would produce a net increase in risk. The results of the modeling exercise indicated that relatively small increases in overall sexual activity could be sufficient to offset risk-reduction gains due to increased condom use in populations in which baseline condom use is very low. In sum, although sexual risk compensation occurs, no empirical evidence was found that this compensation is sufficient to offset reductions in risk due to greater condom use, despite the theoretical plausibility of this scenario.
BACKGROUND As human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA testing is incorporated into cervical carcinoma screening programs, educational messages must be developed to inform women's screening choices and manage psychosocial responses to HPV DNA test results. However, little is known about women's questions and concerns about HPV or their attitudes toward HPV testing.METHODS Eight focus groups with 48 ethnically diverse, low-income women were conducted at community centers, family planning and primary care clinics, and substance abuse rehabilitation facilities in Massachusetts.RESULTSThe participants' comments and questions about HPV revealed five major themes. First, most women overestimated the likelihood that women with HPV would develop cancer. Second, women struggled to balance the anxiety of knowing that HPV infection causes cervical carcinoma with the information that HPV infection often regresses without treatment. Third, many women were confused that Papanicolaou smear results could be normal when HPV infection is present. Fourth, women preferred to receive a personalized risk profile to assess their own likelihood of contracting HPV infection and cervical carcinoma. Fifth, younger women focused on the sexual transmission of HPV infection, rather than on its potential to cause cancer.CONCLUSIONS Effective HPV education must include information about transmission, prevention, treatment, and cervical carcinoma risk; tailor messages to describe HPV susceptibility according to age and risk profile; present clarification regarding HPV strains and their consequences; offer explanations of different types of tests and their results; and provide a balance between accurate discussion of cancer risk and reassurance that following recommended screening practices will reduce risk to negligible levels. Cancer 2004;100:315–20. © 2003 American Cancer Society.
The factors that most affect immunization coverage involve the global policy environment and contact with international agencies. Except in very poor countries, democracies have lower coverage rates than autocracies. The quality of a country’s institutions and its level of development are also strongly related to immunization rate coverage and vaccine adoption. There is no evidence that disease outbreaks or polio eradication campaigns affect immunization rates. In the current structure of immunization programs, coverage rates respond more to supply-side than demand effects.