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Maturity and growth characteristics of a commercially exploited stingray, Dasyatis dipterura


Abstract and Figures

Maturity and growth characteristics were estimated for Dasyatis dipterura from western Mexico, where it is a common component of artisanal elasmobranch fisheries. Median disc width at maturity was estimated as 57.3 cm for females (n = 126) and 46.5 cm for males (n = 55) respectively. Age estimates were obtained from 304 fishery-derived specimens (169 female, 135 male). An annual pattern of band-pair deposition was validated through modified centrum edge and marginal increment analyses. Gompertz, polynomial and von Bertalanffy growth models were fit to disc width and weight-at-age data. Resulting models were evaluated based on biological rationale, standard error of model estimates, and Akaike's information criteria. Growth characteristics differed significantly between females and males. Maximum age estimates were 28 years for females and 19 years for males. Three-parameter von Bertalanffy growth models of disc width-at-age data generated the most appropriate fits and produced relatively low estimates of instantaneous growth rates for females (DW∞ = 92.4 cm, k = 0.05, t0 = -7.61, DW0 = 31.4 cm) and males (DW ∞ = 62.2 cm, k = 0.10, t0 = -6.80, DW0 = 31.3 cm). These values are the lowest reported for myliobatiform stingrays and indicate slow growth rates in comparison with elasmobranchs in general.
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Marine and Freshwater Research, 2007, 58, 54–66
Maturity and growth characteristics of a commercially
exploited stingray, Dasyatis dipterura
Wade D. Smith
, Gregor M. Cailliet
and Everardo Mariano Melendez
Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, Pacific Shark Research Center, 8272 Moss Landing Road,
Moss Landing, CA 95039, USA.
Universidad Autonóma de Baja California Sur, La Paz, BCS 23080, Mexico.
Corresponding author. Email:
Abstract. Maturity and growth characteristics were estimated for Dasyatis dipterura from western Mexico, where it is
a common component of artisanal elasmobranch fisheries. Median disc width at maturity was estimated as 57.3 cm for
females (n =126) and 46.5 cm for males (n =55) respectively. Age estimates were obtained from 304 fishery-derived
specimens (169 female, 135 male). An annual pattern of band-pair deposition was validated through modified centrum
edge and marginal increment analyses. Gompertz, polynomial and von Bertalanffy growth models were fit to disc width
and weight-at-age data. Resulting models were evaluated based on biological rationale, standard error of model estimates,
and Akaike’s information criteria. Growth characteristics differed significantly between females and males. Maximum
age estimates were 28 years for females and 19 years for males. Three-parameter von Bertalanffy growth models of disc
width-at-age data generated the most appropriate fits and produced relatively low estimates of instantaneous growth rates
for females (DW
=92.4 cm, k =0.05, t
=−7.61, DW
=31.4 cm) and males (DW
=62.2 cm, k =0.10, t
=31.3 cm). These values are the lowest reported for myliobatiform stingrays and indicate slow growth rates in
comparison with elasmobranchs in general.
Additional keywords: Dasyatidae, fisheries management, growth models, marginal increment analysis, Mexico, model
selection, Myliobatiformes.
The diamond stingray, Dasyatis dipterura (Jordan & Gilbert,
1880), is a broadly distributed eastern Pacific species that attains
disc widths of at least 97 cm and weights to 51 kg (Feder et al.
1974). It has been reported from British Columbia, Canada to
Chile, including theGalápagosandHawaiianIslands (Hart 1973;
Nishida and Nakaya 1990; Lamilla et al. 1995), but most com-
monly ranges from southern California to Peru. D. dipterura
is often inappropriately cited as its junior synonym, D. brevis
(Nelson et al. 2004).
Dasyatis dipterura is common in the shallow, inshore waters
of western Mexico. In the Gulf of California, it was found to be
the second most abundant benthic species taken in exploratory
trawl surveys (Flores et al. 1995). Similar surveys conducted in
the Bahía Magdalena lagoon complex also indicated that this
stingray is one of the primary elements of the soft-bottom dem-
ersal fish assemblage (Mathews and Druck-González 1975).
During the past two decades, multi-species batoid fisheries
have expanded throughout these regions (Márquez-Farías 2002;
Bizzarro et al. in press). Concern over increased shark and
ray catches prompted a moratorium on the issuance of elasmo-
branch fishing permits in 1993, but no other regulations have
been implemented.Although species-specific landings informa-
tion is scarce, D. dipterura has been identified as a primary
component of the artisanal elasmobranch landings in western
Mexico and is likely to be commonly taken as by-catch in trawl
fisheries throughout the region (Villavicencio Garayzar 1995;
Márquez-Farías 2002).
Elasmobranchs typically exhibit life-history characteristics
that include relatively slow growth, late ages of maturity,
low birth rates, long gestation periods and decreased natural
mortality rates over their relatively long life spans (Holden
1973; Stevens et al. 2000). These life-history strategies ren-
der the group especially vulnerable to fisheries exploitation.
Species-specific models of growth, in particular, are essential
for assessing the productivity and resilience of fish populations
to commercial exploitation and provide a basis for estimating
additional life-history parameters including natural mortality
and longevity (e.g. Stearns 1992; Haddon 2001). However, anal-
yses of elasmobranch growth patterns and rates are problematic,
in part because the calcified structures most commonly used
to derive age estimates (vertebral centra) may not provide con-
sistently reliable records of growth (see Cailliet and Goldman
2004). Therefore, the suitability of elasmobranch vertebrae, or
other calcified parts, as ageing structures should be routinely
assessed on a species-specific basis.
Life-history information published on D. dipterura is
restricted to estimates of male size at maturity (Mathews and
Druck-González 1975). If D. dipterura also exhibits the low
fecundity, slow growth, long life span and late age of maturity
© CSIRO 2007 10.1071/MF06083 1323-1650/07/010054
Maturity, age and growth of Dasyatis dipterura Marine and Freshwater Research 55
associated with many other elasmobranchs, depletion or collapse
of targeted populations is possible. An improved understanding
of the life history and population dynamics of D. dipterura is
essential for formulating effective management strategies for
exploited populations. Thus, the objectives of this study were to
determine the fecundity, age and size at maturity, growth char-
acteristics, and longevity of the commercially exploited stingray
D. dipterura from the Bahía Magdalena lagoon complex, B.C.S.
Mexico. We consider and evaluate multiple growth functions in
an effort to determine the most appropriate growth model for
this species.
Materials and methods
Sample collection
Artisanal fishery landings from the Bahía Magdalena lagoon
complex (24.46–24.47
N – 111.73
W) were surveyed during
1998–2001 (Fig. 1). Sampling was primarily conducted during
the summer months of June and August, which coincided with
the peak batoid fishing effort within the lagoon complex, but
additional surveys were completed during October (2001) and
Fig. 1. Location of the Bahía Magdalena lagoon complex, Baja California
Sur, México and sampling locations. Numbered symbols signify sampling
locations, the primary study site (6) is distinguished by a triangle. 1, Puerto
Adolfo Lopez Mateo; 2, Puerto San Carlos; 3, San Buteo; 4, Puerto Can-
cún; 5, El Cayuco; 6, Puerto Viejo; 7, Puerto Chale; 8, El Datíl; 9, Loma
December (1999). The majority of specimens was obtained from
the directed batoid fishery at Puerto Viejo along Bahía Almejas.
Specimens were sexed and disc width (DW) measured to the
nearest centimeter. Weight was determined to the nearest 0.1 kg
using spring scales for all specimens 25 kg.
Size at maturity and fecundity
Reproductive condition was assessed to estimate fecundity and
size/age at maturity. Specimens were assigned a binomial matu-
rity status of 0 (immature) or 1 (mature) following measurement
and macroscopic examination of reproductive tracts. Criteria for
maturity were modified after Martin and Cailliet (1988a) and
Snelson et al. (1988). Females were assessed as mature if vitel-
logenic ova >1 cm diameter were present in the left ovary (right
ovaries and uteri are typically non-functional within the family
Dasyatidae) and uteri were well developed with trophonemata
present. Gravid females were recorded as mature and the number
and DW of embryos were recorded. Males were considered to be
mature if the claspers were well calcified, easily rotated, clasper
tips could be expanded, the vas deferens was highly coiled and
the testes were enlarged and lobed.The presence of seminal fluid,
although noted, was not considered to be a primary indicator of
maturity (Pratt 1979).
Median DW-at-maturity (DW
) was estimated by fitting a
logistic model to binomial maturity data (Mollet et al. 2000).
Data were binned into 1-cm DW size classes and females and
males were analysed separately. The following form of the logis-
tic equation was fitted using least-squares non-linear regression
and SigmaPlot graphical software (version 8.0, SPSS Inc., 2002
[, verified December 2006]):
Y =
(1 +e
where Y = maturity status and x =disc width in centimeters.
was calculated from the fitted equation as a/b (Mollet
et al. 2000). Age at maturity was estimated by relating DW
females and males to the corresponding DW-at-age estimates.
Age estimation
Vertebral samples were removed from the region posterior to the
cranium above the abdominal cavity. To assess banding con-
sistency among vertebral centra, samples collected from the
anterior vertebral region were compared with centra from a
posterior region (above the pelvic girdle) of the same vertebral
column from a subset of specimens. An archived collection of
vertebral samples collected from the Puerto Viejo fishery during
1992 and 1998 was provided by the Laborotorío de los Elasmo-
branqíos at the Universidad Autonóma de Baja California Sur in
La Paz, Mexico for use in this study. All samples were stored in
70% isopropyl alcohol until processed for ageing.
Vertebral centra were separated, manually cleaned and air-
dried. Centrum diameter was measured with dial calipers and
the relationship between DW and vertebral centrum diameter
was examined to determine if vertebrae were an appropriate age-
ing structure for this species (Casselman 1983). To account for
non-concentric growth of vertebral centra, mean centrum diam-
eter (MCD) was calculated from whole centra of each specimen
56 Marine and Freshwater Research W. D. Smith et al.
based on measurements of centrum height and width (near-
est 0.1 mm). Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was applied
to compare potential sex-specific differences between MCD
and DW. Because no significant difference in DW (cm) and
MCD (mm) was detected between female and male stingrays,
these data were combined (n =345) (ANCOVA, F =0.833,
P =0.362) to generate the following positive linear relationship:
DW =9.0075 +6.4505 ×MCD (r
Vertebrae were embedded in polyester resin and sectioned to
0.3 mm using paired diamond blades on a low-speed jeweller’s
saw (Buehler, Evanston, IL, USA). Thin sections were affixed to
glass slides, successively polished with 800- and 1200-grit wet
sandpaper and viewed under transmitted light with a binocular
microscope. Preliminary analyses revealed that unstained, thin-
sectioned centra best distinguished banding patterns among all
vertebral size classes. Centrum faces were brushed with mineral
oil before viewing.
Optically distinct alternating bands were readily distin-
guished within the centra of all free-living specimens (Fig. 2).
Pre-birth banding was not evident within the centra of near-term
embryos. Thus, age 0 was identified as the first translucent band
encountered distal to the focus following an angle change in the
intermedialia that was determined to be the birth mark. Discrete,
alternating opaque and translucent bands were evident within the
corpus calcareum and age estimates were made by enumerating
band pairs (one translucent and one opaque band) in this region.
If a translucent band was determined to be forming on the outer
centrum edge, the age estimate was assigned as the number of
completely formed band pairs plus 0.5 (e.g. 2.5 years).
All vertebrae were prepared and examined by the senior
author. Age estimates were based on four independent counts
of each sample. If agreement was not achieved between at least
two counts after four reads, the sample was excluded from analy-
sis. The clarity and readability of each sample was assessed on a
qualitative scale of 1–5 in a manner modified from Officer et al.
Fig. 2. Sagittal thin section of a Dasyatis dipterura vertebral centrum
estimated to be 2 years in age. BM, birth mark; BP, band pair consisting
of one translucent and one opaque band.
(1996), in which samples rated as 1 produced clear, unambigu-
ous band counts and samples from which band counts could
not be reliably obtained were categorised as 5. Final age esti-
mates were based only from samples that received clarity grades
of 1–4.
Reproducibility and precision of resulting age estimates
was assessed using several techniques. The index of aver-
age percentage error (IAPE) and coefficient of variation (CV)
were calculated (Beamish and Fournier 1981; Chang 1982).
Percentage agreement, based on consensus counts and their
corresponding maximum differences, was determined as an
additional measure of precision and to assess sources of count
variation. Perfect agreement and agreement plus or minus 0.5,
1, 2, 3, and 4 or more years were summed overall and calcu-
lated for 5-cm DW size classes following Cailliet and Goldman
Consistency of the banding pattern throughout the vertebral
column was evaluated from 30 paired samples collected from
anterior and posterior regions of the column. Centra from both
regions were aged non-consecutively and independently without
knowledge of the centrum location. A paired-sample t-test was
applied to examine the hypothesis that banding patterns were
uniform within monospondylous vertebrae.
Edge and marginal increment analysis
The temporal periodicity of band deposition within vertebral
centra was assessed using two complementary semi-direct meth-
ods of validation (Morales-Nin and Panfili 2002). A common
method of edge analysis (e.g. Yudin and Cailliet 1990) was
modified to include four distinct edge classes based on opti-
cal qualities and the extent of band deposition: narrow opaque
(O1), broad opaque (O2), narrow translucent (T1), and broad
translucent (T2). A narrow band was defined as having a width
that is less than 50% of the previously fully-formed like band
and broad bands on the centrum edge were distinguished as hav-
ing a width that was equal to or greater than half of the previous
like band width.Additionally, mean monthly marginal increment
ratios (MIRs) were used as quantitative assessments (marginal
increment analysis) of band deposition following Conrath et al.
(2002): MIR =MW /PBW, where MW is the margin width or
width of the outer-most forming band and PBW is the width
of the penultimate band pair. Age-0 specimens were excluded
from analysisbecause no completely formed bands were present.
Potential differencesamong mean MIRs werecompared between
months of capture with a non-parametric Kruskal–Wallis test by
ranks (see Simpfendorfer et al. 2000). Dunn’s (1964) compari-
son of group rank sums for unequal sample sizes was applied to
detect which months accounted for any significant differences
indicated by the Kruskal–Wallis test.
Growth models
Mean growth parameters for D. dipterura were calculated
from individual DWs and weight-at-age estimates using
non-linear least-squares techniques. Size-at-age estimates
were fit to five growth models: three-parameter von Berta-
lanffy; modified two-parameter von Bertalanffy; weight-based
von Bertalanffy; Gompertz; and a polynomial function. A
Maturity, age and growth of Dasyatis dipterura Marine and Freshwater Research 57
three-parameter von Bertalanffy growth function (VBGF) was
calculated following Beverton and Holt (1957) as:
= DW
(1 e
where DW
is the mean disc width at age t, DW
is the theoret-
ical average asymptotic disc width, k is the growth coefficient
that describes the average rate at which DW
is attained, t is
the estimated age and t
is the hypothetical age at 0 DW. Pre-
dicted size at birth (DW
) wascalculated to provide an additional
biological measure by which models could be evaluated (Cailliet
et al. 2006). Growth characteristics of female and male stingrays
were examined to determine if these parameters were equiva-
lent between sexes using analysis of residual sums of squares
(ARSS) (Chen et al. 1992). Results of three-parameter VBGFs
were assessed using ARSS to establish a basis for model devel-
opment. A modification of the VBGF using two-parameters was
also calculated that anchors the model with a known or estimated
size at birth (von Bertalanffy 1960):
= DW
where DW
is the observed size at birth and the remaining
parameters are as previously defined. Because published esti-
mates of size at birth were unavailable for D. dipterura, mean
DW at birth, as calculated from regressions of MCD, was incor-
porated as DW
in two-parameter VBGFs. A weight-based form
of the VBGF was also applied after Fabens (1965) and Ricker
= W
(1 e
where w
and W
represent weight-at-age and theoretical
asymptotic weight and the other parameters are as described
above. Predicted weight at birth (W
) was calculated following
Ricker (1979).A form of the Gompertz equation was fitted using
DW as well as weight-at-age data following Ricker (1979):
= W
where w
and W
are as defined for the weight based VBGF, k
is a constant such that kg is the instantaneous growth rate when
t =0 and w
, g is the instantaneous growth rate, and t is
the estimated age. DW-at-age data were substituted for weight
variables to obtain size-at-age models based on the Gompertz
growth function (Ricker 1975). Predicted sizes at birth (DW
and W
) were also determined from this equation.
An alternative to asymptotic growth models was also fitted to
DW and weight-at-age data using the following three-parameter
polynomial function:
= a +b t + c t
where DW
and w
are as previously defined and a, b, and
c are constants. Polynomial functions have been suggested to
have mathematical advantages to the VBGF (Knight 1968; Roff
Resultant growth models were assessed based on biology, sta-
tistical fit, and convenience (Moreau 1987). Goodness-of-fit was
determined from standard error of the model estimates (s.e.e.)
(e.g. Cailliet et al. 1992).Additionally,Akaike’s information cri-
terion (AIC) (see Burnham and Anderson 2002) was applied to
rank growth models in terms of their ability to produce the most
parsimonious explanation of observed DW and weight-at-age
data. A form of AIC modified for non-linear least-squares mod-
els was calculated following Burnham and Anderson (2002).
Differences in absolute AIC values (
) between all candidate
models and the one that resulted in the minimumAIC value were
calculated as a basis for presenting and ranking growth models,
greater than 10 have essentially no support and may
be omitted from consideration (Burnham and Anderson 2002).
In addition to reporting the maximum observed age in this study,
longevity (ω) was estimated for females and males separately
using three methods.The sizes at which 95% (5(ln 2)/k) and 99%
(7(ln 2)/k)ofDW
are attained were determined as a measure of
ω following Ricker (1979) and Fabens (1965), respectively. Tay-
lor’s (1958) method of estimating life span as the time required
to attain 95% of L
(or DW
) was calculated as:
(1 0.95)
where parameters for the Ricker, Fabens, and Taylor formulas
were obtained from the results of the three-parameter VBGF.
Size at maturity and fecundity
Reproductive observations were based on the direct assessments
of 126 female and 55 male D. dipterura. Females attained matu-
rity at greater sizes than males (Fig. 3). DW
was estimated as
57.3 cm for females and 46.5 cm for males. All females greater
than 58-cm DW were determined to be mature. A female of
Fig. 3. Relationship between maturity status and disc width for Dasyatis
dipterura females (n =126) and males (n =54). Grey drop lines indicate
respective median sizes at maturity.
58 Marine and Freshwater Research W. D. Smith et al.
58-cm DW was the largest immature specimen and the smallest
mature female measured 57-cm DW. All males greater than 50-
cm DW were classified as mature. The smallest observed mature
male examined was 47-cm DW and the largest immature male
was 50-cm DW. Seminal fluid was readily expelled from mature
males during August 1998 and 1999, but was not detected during
June, October, or December.
Gravid females were infrequently encountered among the
artisanal fishery landings at Puerto Viejo. Eight gravid females
were observed during August 1999. No gravid females were
observed during August of 1998, but four specimens with char-
acteristics equivalent to post partum conditions were noted.
Observed fecundity ranged from 1 to 3 embryos.
Age estimation
Vertebral centra from 339 specimens (191 females, 148 males)
were processed for ageing.A birth mark was measured and iden-
tified in all samples within 2.2 mm of the focus. Based on the
measurements of 157 centrum images and the linear relation-
ship between MCD and DW, mean DW at birth was estimated
to be 21.3 cm (±1.6 cm s.d.). However, considerable variation
among size at birth was indicated by these extrapolations, rang-
ing from 19 to 28-cm DW.The smallest specimens collected were
25.8-cm DW.
Band counts of paired samples collected from anterior and
posterior regions of monospondylous vertebral centra indicate
a consistent pattern of band pair deposition throughout the ver-
tebral column (Fig. 4). Perfect agreement was achieved in 57%
(n =17)of the estimates from these vertebral regions and percent
agreement ±0.5–1.0 was 73% (n =22). No significant differ-
ence was detected between mean band-pair counts from anterior
and posterior vertebral regions (t
=2.045, t =0.68).
Clarity ratings assigned to samples during each round of
age estimates indicated that the readability of banding patterns
within D. dipterura centra was variable and not explicit. The
majority of thin-sectioned centra received a clarity grade of 3
Anterior band count
Posterior band count
Fig. 4. Pair-wise plot of age estimates from centra collected from anterior
and posterior locations (n =30). Female and male specimens combined. The
diagonal line represents 1 : 1 agreement.
(84.4%, n =286), suggesting that two band counts could fre-
quently be interpreted from the samples. No centra were ranked
as unambiguous and exceptional in clarity (grade 1). A total
of 4.1% (n =14) was noted to be unambiguous with reduced
clarity (grade 2), 10.0% (n =34) possessed indefinite band-
ing patterns in one or more locations (grade 4), and 1.4%
(n =5) were discarded because of extremely poor clarity or
Age estimates of D. dipterura were complicated by diverse
patterns of band deposition observed within the vertebral cen-
tra. Agreement was not achieved among 10.4% (n =35) of the
remaining vertebrae aged in this study following four reads
because of vague or irregular banding patterns. Irregularpatterns
observed within this species included discontinuous, joined,
split, narrow, and crowded or clustered bands. Precision esti-
mates were 9.85% (IAPE) and 13.18% (CV). Overall percent
agreement (±0) was 8.9% from each of the four rounds of
age estimates (Table 1). The percent agreement that differed
based only on disparity of edge type classification (±0.05) was
27.6%, thus cumulative agreement ±0–0.05 years was 36.5%.
Agreement within a maximum of ±1 year was achieved for
73.0% of the centra examined. Agreement of band counts was
most variable among the 40.1–45.0 and 45.1–50-cm DW size
Edge and marginal increment analysis
Seasonal trends in the type and extent of band development were
detected using centrum edge analysis (Fig. 5). Edge analysis was
conducted on 205 thin-sectioned samples that were determined
to have unambiguous edge types. The proportion and class of
edge types varied among all months examined (February, March,
May, June, August, October, and December). Translucent cen-
trum edges were observed during the winter and spring months
(December–June).Narrow translucent edges (T1) wereobserved
only in December, February, and March. The proportion of cen-
tra with broad translucent edges (T2) decreased from May to
June. During August and October, all samples were determined
to have opaque edges. Broad opaque edges (O2) were the only
type detected during the month of October. Monthly centrum
edge characteristics suggest that a single band pair, comprised of
one translucent and one opaque band, is formed within vertebral
centra each year.
Variation of mean MIRs was also seasonal, closely follow-
ing the trends exhibited by centrum edge analysis (Fig. 5).
Mean MIRs were calculated from 139 D. dipterura centra col-
lected during four non-consecutive years. Lowest monthly mean
MIRs among pooled samples occurred in February, with a peak
in December. Kruskal–Wallis analysis of ranks indicated that
mean MIRs varied significantly among months (H =19.59,
df =6, P =0.003). The mean MIRs of October and Febru-
ary (q
=3.038, Q =3.377) and December and February
=3.038, Q =3.408) were identified as the sources of
significant difference among months. Maximum and minimum
MIRs suggest that band formation is initiated during or shortly
after December (translucent) and May (opaque). Marginal incre-
ment analysis confirmed the annual deposition of a single band
pair within the vertebrae of D. dipterura.
Maturity, age and growth of Dasyatis dipterura Marine and Freshwater Research 59
Table 1. Percentage agreement (PA) between the consensus band-pair count and age estimate with the greatest assigned difference for each sample
in relation to 5cm disc width (DW) size classes
The sample size of each PA calculation is indicated within parentheses. PAs are presented for no difference among rounds (± 0) and ±0.5, 1, 2, 3 and 4 or
more estimated years. Overall and cumulative percentage agreements are summarised for each category
DW (cm) n PA ±0(n)PA±0.5 (n)PA±1(n)PA±2(n)PA±3(n)PA4(n)
25.1–30.0 4 0 100.0 (4) 0 0 0 0
30.1–35.0 18 16.7 (3) 50.0 (9) 33.3 (6) 0 0 0
35.1–40.0 40 15.0 (6) 32.5 (13) 42.5 (17) 7.5 (3) 2.5 (1) 0
40.1–45.0 40 5.0 (2) 17.5 (7) 35.0 (14) 37.5 (15) 0 2.5 (1)
45.1–50.0 51 3.9 (2) 1.9 (1) 39.2 (20) 23.5 (12) 4.0 (1) 5.9 (3)
50.1–55.0 54 16.7 (9) 38.9 (21) 20.4 (11) 16.7 (9) 7.7 (2) 5.6 (3)
55.1–60.0 25 8.0 (2) 28.0 (7) 52.0 (13) 4.0 (1) 0 8.0 (2)
60.1–65.0 25 4.0 (1) 28.0 (7) 48.0 (12) 12.0 (3) 4.0 (1) 4.0 (1)
65.1–70.0 26 7.7 (2) 27.0 (7) 38.5 (10) 15.4 (4) 7.7 (2) 3.8 (1)
70.1–75.0 13 0 38.5 (5) 46.2 (6) 15.4 (2) 0 0
75.1–80.0 6 0 16.7 (1) 33.3 (2) 16.7 (1) 33.3 (2) 0
80.1–85.0 2 0 100.0 (2) 0 0 0 0
n 304 27 84 111 50 21 11
PA 8.9 27.6 36.5 16.4 6.9 3.6
Cum. PA 8.9 36.5 73.0 89.5 96.4 100.0
(12) (19)
T1 T2 O1 O2
(11) (18) (55) (9) (15)
Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.
Centrum edge type percent frequency
Mean MIR
n =
Fig. 5. Monthly variation in centrum edge type (n =205) and mean
monthlymarginalincrement ratios (MIR) ±1 standard error (n =139) deter-
mined from pooled sexes and size classes. Values within the histogram
represent the number of samples included in monthly centrum edge analy-
ses. Sample sizes incorporated into MIR analysis are listed in parentheses
below the x-axis. T1, narrow translucent edge; T2, broad translucent edge;
O1, narrow opaque edge; O2, broad opaque edge.
Growth models
In total, age estimates from 304 out of 344 D. dipterura verte-
bral samples were incorporated into DW-based growth models.
The largest female in the study measured 83-cm DW and was
estimated to be 25 years of age. A maximum age of 28 was esti-
mated for a 76-cm DW female. The largest (60-cm DW) male
produced a band count of 19 years. Both female and male sam-
ples included age 0 specimens. Growth characteristics differed
significantly between the sexes (ARSS, F =11.73, P<0.0001).
Female and male DW and weight-at-age data were therefore
analysed separately for all models.
Estimates of DW
resulting from three-parameter VBGF
models were greater than those obtained from the two-parameter
form for both females and males (Table 2). The two-parameter
VBGF produced estimates of DW
that were less than the max-
imum sizes of both sexes that were collected during this study.
Size at birth (DW
) estimates using the three-parameter VBGF
are notably greater than the estimates based on direct vertebral
measurements (mean =21.3-cm DW).
Female D. dipterura grow at slower rates and mature at later
ages than males. This sexually dimorphic growth pattern was
revealed by both two and three-parameter forms of the VBGF
and was further supported by ARSS (Table 2). However, growth
rates of juvenile females and males were similar. Estimates of
median age at maturity based on the three-parameter VBGF and
corresponded to ages of 8–11 years among females and
5–8 years among males.
Growth parameters estimated using DW-based Gompertz
models fell between those predicted by two and three-parameter
VBGFs (Table 2). Predictions of DW
were similar to, but
slightly greater than the maximum sizes observed in this study.
However, DW
estimates are greater than those previously cal-
culated usingVBGFs and nearly 10 cm greater than the probable
mean DW at birth. The magnitude of differences in growth
coefficients (k/g) between the sexes was equivalent between
Gompertz and VBGF three-parameter models. Weight-based
Gompertz models predicted smaller weight-at-age estimates for
females and males than weregenerated from theVBGF (Table2).
The VBGF predicted greater W
values and W
estimates more
similar to weights obtained from the smallest free-living spec-
imens than were generated using the Gompertz model. Both
weight-based growth models predicted male W
values that
were less than the maximum observed (60-cm DW, 11.4 kg) in
this study.
Measures of model performance applied in this study, AIC
differences and SEE, provided similar levels of support to the
60 Marine and Freshwater Research W. D. Smith et al.
Table 2. Growth parameter estimates, standard error (s.e.), and overall measures of fit from disc width and weight-based models of female and
male Dasyatis dipterura age data
VBGF, von Bertalanffy growth function;AIC, Akaike’s information criterion; s.e.e., standard error of the model estimates; n, sample size. Size at birth (DW
was anchored at 21.3-cm DW for both females and males in the two-parameter VBGF models. AIC values are based on absolute differences between models
), where a value of 0 indicates the ‘best’ model
Growth model Parameter Female Male
Estimate s.e. AIC (
) s.e.e. n Estimate s.e. AIC (
) s.e.e. n
2-Parameter VBGF DW
(cm) 74.49 1.41 35.74 4.70 169 52.58 0.75 25.67 3.77 135
(DW based) k (year
) 0.12 0.01 0.30 0.02
3-Parameter VBGF DW
(cm) 92.40 5.02 0 3.65 169 62.18 3.27 0 2.99 135
(DW based) DW
(cm) 31.40 31.30
k (year
) 0.05 0.01 0.10 0.02
(year) 7.61 0.79 6.80 1.10
Gompertz DW
(cm) 84.63 2.95 1.48 3.68 169 60.28 2.54 0.50 3.00 135
(DW based) DW
(cm) 32.33 31.73
g (year
) 0.09 0.01 0.14 0.02
(year) 0.96 0.03 0.64 0.03
Polynomial y
32.23 0.74 1.15 3.67 169 32.18 0.74 1.05 3.01 135
(DW based) a 2.92 0.14 2.57 0.20
b 0.05 0.01 0.07 0.01
3-Parameter VBGF W
(kg) 35.28 4.78 0.53 1.85 128 10.80 1.21 0.31 1.03 77
(weight based) W
(kg) 0.77 0.78
k (year
) 0.07 0.01 0.15 0.03
(year) 6.67 1.14 4.15 1.02
Gompertz W
(kg) 30.05 3.01 1.41 1.87 128 10.27 0.96 0 1.03 77
(weight based) W
(kg) 1.81 1.22
g (year
) 0.10 0.01 0.19 0.03
2.81 0.11 2.13 0.16
Polynomial y
0.77 0.42 0 1.84 128 0.78 0.31 0.50 1.04 77
(weight based) a 0.97 0.09 0.89 0.09
b 0.001 0.004 0.02 0.01
Age (years)
Disc width (cm)
Female (n 169)
Male (n 128)
Fig. 6. Three-parameter von Bertalanffy growth function fits to female
and male Dasyatis dipterura disc width-at-age estimates.
candidate models (Table2).Two-parameterVBGF models which
incorporated the estimated size at birth were not determined to
be appropriate descriptors of DW-at-age data for D. dipterura.
The traditional three-parameter VBGF produced the best sta-
tistical fit to DW-at-age data for females and males (Fig. 6).
The polynomial and Gompertz functions provided the best fit
Table 3. Longevity (ω) estimates (years) for Dasyatis dipterura based
on maximum observed ages and three theoretical methods
Method Female Male
Maximum estimated 28 19
Ricker (95% DW
) 63.5 33.6
Fabens (99% DW
) 88.9 47.1
Taylor (95% DW
) 47.3 22.3
to female and male weight-at-age estimates, respectively. How-
ever, all three-parameter growth functions applied in this study
represent the observed size-at-age data well.
A wide range of ω estimates was calculated from three-parameter
VBGF values determined for females and males (Table 3).
All theoretical ω estimates produced values that are consider-
ably greater than the maximum observed ages. Taylor’s (1958)
method of estimation generated the lowest maximum age esti-
mates. Potential maximum ages approaching 90 years are pre-
dicted when ω is considered to represent 99% of DW
. All
estimates indicated that females attain greater ages than males.
Maturity, age and growth of Dasyatis dipterura Marine and Freshwater Research 61
Size at maturity and fecundity
Aspects of the reproductive biology of D. dipterura from the
Bahía Magdalena lagoon complex were previously examined
by several researchers. Mathews and Druck-González (1975)
reported the onset of male maturity to occur at 47–48-cm
DW and that the majority were mature by 51-cm DW based
on clasper length–DW relationships. These estimates of male
maturity correspond well with those observed during this inves-
tigation. Based on an examination of 31 female specimens,
Villavicencio Garayzar (1995) noted that D. dipterura 65-cm
DW contained oocytes of 1–2 cm diameter. Other indicators
of reproductive condition were not assessed. We found females
of 57-cm DW to often be mature and those at and above this size
frequently possessed oocytes greater than 1 cm diameter.
Female D. dipterura mature later and grow to larger sizes
than males. Such variation between the sexes is common among
dasyatid stingrays. Female size at maturity is reported as 10 cm
greater for D. imbricatus (Devadoss, 1978), 30 cm greater than
that of males for D. longa (Villavicencio Garayzar et al. 1994),
and 13 cm greater for D. sayi (Snelson et al. 1989).
Fecundity is typically low and notoriously difficult to esti-
mate among myliobatiform rays. Because of stress from capture
and elevation of the specimen from the water, embryos are com-
monly aborted (Struhsaker 1969; Snelson et al. 1988). Gravid
D. dipterura were not an exception to this tendency. When
present, embryos were often expelled upon removal from gill-
nets. Observed fecundity of D. dipterura closely approximates
that of the smaller bodied stingray, D. sabina, and its larger
eastern Pacific congener D. longa, which are estimated to pro-
duce 1–4 offspring annually (Snelson et al. 1988; Villavicencio
Garayzar et al. 1994). However, considering the difficulty in
accurately determining litter size, it is possible that maximum
fecundity of D. dipterura is slightly underestimated.
Age estimation
The inherent variability of band deposition within an ageing
structure and subjectivity associated with interpreting banding
patterns influence the accuracy and precision of age estima-
tion and resulting growth models. The clarity and readability
of banding patterns within the vertebral centra of D. dipterura
were complicated by irregular or discontinuous bands. Structural
discontinuities and low clarity of samples constrained repeata-
bility of estimates and contributed to an overall IAPE of 9.85%.
However, this value is artificially inflated in comparison to other
studies because counts of band pairs in this study were estimated
to the nearest 0.5 years and thus incorporated a greater potential
for error. When precision estimates based on the number of com-
pleted bands (whole values) are considered in this study, overall
IAPE decreases to 8.4%. Similar levels of precision have been
reported for age estimates derived from thin-sectioned vertebrae
among relatively long-lived elasmobranchs including; sandbar
(Carcharhinus plumbeus; Sminkey and Musick 1995) and bull
sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier; Wintner and Dudley 2000).
Vertebrae that had been stored in alcohol for extended peri-
ods were frequently cloudy in appearance and generally more
difficult to read. Of the 92 samples used in this study that had
been collected and stored in alcohol since 1992, 24% of the sam-
ples were discarded as a result of inconsistent reads. In contrast,
only 5% of the samples collected between 1998 and 2000 were
discarded because of a lack of agreement. These latter samples
were stored in alcohol for no longer than six months before being
cleaned and stored dry in vials. Wintner and Cliff (1996) and
Wintner et al. (2002) also noted a reduction in contrast between
growth bands among vertebrae that had been stored in alcohol.
Because long-term storage of elasmobranch vertebrae in alcohol
may severely reduce sample clarity and precision of age esti-
mates, we suggest that ageing structures should be stored frozen
or dry whenever possible.
Edge and marginal increment analysis
Significant differences among pooled monthly mean MIRs indi-
cate that a single band pair is formed annually within the
vertebrae of D. dipterura.This evidence for seasonal band depo-
sition validates the assumption that one band pair is equivalent
to a year for growth models of this species. The pattern of band
deposition observed for D. dipterura agrees with the findings
of Cowley (1997), who concluded that one distinct opaque and
translucent band was formed annually in captive D. chrysonota.
Although commonly employed as a semi-direct validation
method, marginal increment analysis has often been applied
inappropriately and may be of low resolution (Campana 2001).
Validation should ideally be applied to all ages and marginal
increment analyses should be restricted to a single age or size
class at a time (Beamish and McFarlane 1983; Cailliet et al.
2006). Variability of seasonal band deposition patterns may be
obscured by pooling age classes.An observed periodicity of band
deposition that is assumed as valid may not reflect the growth
patterns among all age classes as a result of differences in rel-
ative growth rates, particularly among older classes. Although
low number of samples available from each month restricted the
assessment of age or size-specific marginal increment analyses
in this study, a subsequent assessment of general size classes
supported the trends observed from pooled data alone (Smith
2005). The application of Dunn’s (1964) test on ranks provided
a constructive quantitative assessment of the timing and varia-
tion of band formation that had not previously been applied to
marginal increment data.
The modified technique of centrum edge analysispresented in
this study (see alsoTanaka et al. 1978) provided valuable, corrob-
orative evidence of annual band-pair formation in D. dipterura.
Edge analyses among elasmobranch ageing studies have pri-
marily identified only the type of band forming on the outer
edge of the ageing structure on the basis of optical qualities
(i.e. opaque or translucent bands) (e.g. Yudin and Cailliet 1990;
Wintner et al. 2002). Consideration of the relative width of both
opaque and translucent bands in relation to time of capture may
provide details that would otherwise be undetected through MIR
analysis alone. For example, although the December MIR is the
greatest mean value calculated in the study, it is also associated
with the largest standard error (Fig. 6). Centrum edge analy-
sis from December indicates that both opaque and translucent
margins were present on the edges of vertebrae collected from
this month that the translucent bands were of the narrowest type
(T1) and had not been observed within the sampled population
62 Marine and Freshwater Research W. D. Smith et al.
for several months. Thus, it may be inferred that the standard
error associated with the mean MIR from December (or May)
does not simply result from broad variation in marginal widths
present in the population, but that a shift in the depositional
pattern of band formation may be occurring at this time.
Growth models
Frequently, only a single model is considered in studies of
age and growth although alternative functions may provide
better descriptions of these characteristics (e.g. Moreau 1987;
Cailliet et al. 2006). AIC and SEE results indicated similar lev-
els of support to the growth models considered in this study.
The three-parameter VBGFs based on DW-at-age data produced
the most biologically realistic, best statistical descriptions, and
most practical growth parameters for D. dipterura. Estimates of
from this model were greater than the maximum sizes
included this study, but fell within the range of the maximum
size reported for the species. Evidence of the VBGF’s limited
ability to reflect early growth (Gamito 1998) was observed in
this study, producing DW
estimates that were notably greater
than those observed in the field or estimated from vertebral birth
marks. Age 0 D. dipterura were rarely encountered within arti-
sanal fishery landings and the limited number of small specimens
likely contributed to the elevated estimates of DW
. However,
the VBGF that incorporated a fixed size at birth (21.3-cm DW)
produced unreasonable fits to the DW-at-age data.
Alternatives to three-parameter VBGFs have been demon-
strated to produce more suitable models of growth in several
studies of elasmobranchs. Gompertz growth functions were
found to provide the best explanations of growth for cownose
rays (Rhinoptera bonasus, Neer and Thompson 2005) and cap-
tive pelagic stingrays (Pteroplatytrygon (Dasyatis) violacea,
Mollet et al. 2002). Carlson and Baremore (2005) developed and
evaluated several growth models for spinner sharks, Carcharhi-
nus brevipinna, and concluded that a logistic form provided
the best overall fit. Polynomial function fits had not previously
been applied in studies of elasmobranch age and growth, but
were generally appropriate and similar in fit to the asymp-
totic three-parameter Gompertz and VBGF models. Despite
preferable mathematical properties associated with polynomial
functions (Knight 1968; Roff 1980), the resulting parameters
cannot be directly evaluated biologically, limiting their broader
The comparatively lower number of data points and lack of
weight information for specimens in excess of 25 kg because of
equipment limitations reduced the explanatory value of weight-
based models in this study. However, the volumetric measure
encompassed by bodyweight data may incorporate greater detail
and thus provide enhanced resolution of growth characteristics.
This potential may prove to be particularly beneficial for growth
descriptions of dorso-ventrally flattened batoids in particular
and warrants more frequent consideration. It should be noted
that DW and weight-based models cannot be directly compared
or evaluated using AIC or SEE alone since these models are
based on different parameters and scales. In addition to the con-
sideration of available biological information, an examination of
standardized residuals would provide a direct method of compar-
ing and selecting growth models that incorporate these differing
estimators of size-at-age (e.g. Glantz and Slinker 2001).
The maximum age directly estimated from a population may
not provide an adequate measure of species longevity (Beukema
1989). However, theoretical estimates of longevity derived from
k in this study generated strikingly divergent values of the age at
which 95% of DW
is attained in D. dipterura. The estimates
following Ricker (1979) and Fabens (1965) produced longevities
that are more than double the maximum age observed from verte-
bral counts. Longevities of more than 60 years seem improbable
for D. dipterura and the estimate of 47 years following Taylor
(1958) may provide the most reasonable theoretical prediction
of longevity in this study.
Comparison with other studies
Although elasmobranchs are generally considered to possess
slow growth rates, estimates of growth coefficients (k) encom-
pass a broad range of values (Musick 1999; Cailliet and Goldman
2004). Branstetter (1990) delineated growth rates among sharks
as slow if k is determined to be <0.1 year
and relatively fast
if k>0.1 year
. On this basis, D. dipterura can be consid-
ered as a slow growing elasmobranch. Growth rates of females
and males are similar initially but diverge significantly as matu-
rity is approached. Differential growth rates, maximum sizes,
and longevities are commonly observed among female and male
myliobatiform stingrays (Smith and Merriner 1987; White et al.
Growth rates estimated for female D. dipterura using the
three-parameter VBGF are the lowest reported for any myliobat-
iform stingray (Table 4). The growth parameters derived from
this study are most comparable to those of the similarly sized
stingray, D. chrysonata (Cowley 1997). Annual growth rates
among the smaller bodied urolophid stingrays are more than
double those of D. dipterura. The bat ray, Myliobatis californica,
also attains similar maximum ages and greater maximum disc
widths but grows at a faster rate (Martin and Cailliet 1988b).The
maximum ages estimated for D. dipterura represent the greatest
longevities observed within the order.
The growth coefficients estimated for D. dipterura approxi-
mate those obtained for several other elasmobranchs. Oviparous
batoids including Dipturus batis (k =0.057; DuBuit 1972),
D. pullopunctata (k =0.05; Walmsley-Hart et al. 1999), and
Leucoraja ocellata (k =0.059; Sulikowski et al. 2003) exhibit
annual rate constants that are comparable to D. dipterura.
However, growth rates of most skates studied to date are
in excess of 0.10 year
(Cailliet and Goldman 2004). Sev-
eral large, long-lived sharks including Carcharhinus plumbeus
(k =0.059; Sminkey and Musick 1995) and Carcharodon car-
charias (k =0.059; Cailliet et al. 1985) also display growth rates
that are relatively similar to the diamond stingray.
Comparisons and interpretations of growth coefficients
between species are restricted by sample sizes, size ranges
incorporated into the study, ageing methodology, validation of
band periodicity, and model fitting techniques (Cailliet and
Goldman 2004). With this in mind, k may still provide a practical,
albeit generalized, characterisation of fundamental life history
traits that may be linked to fecundity, longevity, and size or age
at maturity (Adams 1980; Stearns 1992). The growth charac-
teristics determined in this study indicate that D. dipterura is
Maturity, age and growth of Dasyatis dipterura Marine and Freshwater Research 63
Table 4. Comparison of ageing methods, maturity, age and select growth parameters (k, DW
) among myliobatiform stingrays
All growth data are based on fits of three-parameter von Bertalanffy growth functions. DW
, median disc width at maturity; 1st Mat., earliest observed size at maturity; SS, sagital thin-section; NA, not
applicable; NR, not reported; W, whole vertebrae; S, stained; VS, vertical half-section; O, oil-cleared; X, x-radiography
Species Location of study Sex Method n Maximum age k DW
1st Mat. Source
(years) (year
) (cm) (cm) (cm)
Dasyatis chrysonota SE South Africa Female SS 165 14 0.070 91.3 NR 50.0 Cowley (1997)
Male SS 105 9 0.175 53.2 NR 40.0
Dasyatis dipterura W Central Mexico Female SS 169 28 0.055 92.4 57.0 57.0 This study
Male SS 135 19 0.103 62.2 46.8 47.0
Myliobatis californica SW USA Female VS, O 104 23 0.100 158.7 88.1 NR Martin and Cailliet (1988b)
Male VS, X 60 6 0.229 100.4 NR NR
Rhinoptera bonasus E USA Female SS 54 10 0.119 125.0 NR 87.0 Smith and Merriner (1987)
Male SS 61 8 0.126 119.2 NR 80.0
Rhinoptera bonasus SE USA Female SS 121 18 0.075 123.8 65.3 62.3 Neer and Thompson (2005)
Male SS 106 16 0.133 110.2 64.2 63.5
Trygonoptera mucosa SW Australia Female SS 324 >17
0.241 30.8 25.3 22.0
White et al. (2002)
Male SS 400 >17
0.493 26.1 22.2 19.0
Trygonoptera personata SW Australia Female SS 352 >15
0.143 30.3 22.8 19.0
White et al. (2002)
Male SS 303 >9
0.203 26.9 22.1 19.0
Urolophus lobatus SW Australia Female SS 388 15 0.369 24.9 20.1 NR White et al. (2001)
Male SS 448 13 0.514 21.1 16.3 NR
Urolophus paucimaculatus SE Australia Female SS 113 10 0.21 57.3 NR NR Edwards (1980)
Male SS 99 8 0.45 42.8 NR NR
Maximum ages not reported; estimates were inferred from figures and do not exceed 20 years.
Estimates of first maturity were based on pooled size classes, 19.0–19.9 cm and 22.0–22.9 cm disc width.
64 Marine and Freshwater Research W. D. Smith et al.
a relatively long-lived, slow growing species. Musick (1999)
reviewed life history characteristics of long-lived marine species
and concluded that those with k coefficients equal to or less
than 0.10 year
are extremely vulnerable to overexploitation.
Because of the conservative growth and reproductive charac-
teristics demonstrated by D. dipterura, it is evident that careful
monitoring and precautionary management strategies should be
employed where this species is targeted or incidentally landed.
This study was made possible, in part, by funding provided from the Califor-
nia Sea Grant College System (R/F-29PD), Homeland Foundation, Earl H.
and Ethel M. Myers Oceanographic and Marine Biological Trust, National
Marine Fisheries Service via the National Shark Research Consortium and
Pacific Shark Research Center, PADI Foundation, PADI Project AWARE,
San Francisco State University Student Project Fund, and the Packard Foun-
dation Scholarship. Research was conducted in accordance with and under
the approval of the San Francisco State University Committee for the Pro-
tection of Human and Animal Subjects Protocol #01–038. We thank Joseph
Bizzarro, Ann Beesley, Carolina Downton Hoffmann, Felipe Galván Mag-
aña, Carlos Villavicencio Garayzar, and Moss Landing Marine Laboratories’
small boat operations for assistance and support in the field. Mindy Hall pro-
vided valuablelaboratory assistance. We are gratefulto fishermenthroughout
the Bahía Magdalena lagoon complex for their cooperation in this project,
particularly those of Puerto Viejo who offered patience and unrestricted
access to their landings. We also thank two anonymous reviewers and the
editor for their valuable comments.
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Manuscript received 17 May 2006, accepted 13 October 2006
... Stingrays have been included in a number of checklists of fishes of Pakistan (Bianchi, 1985;Hoda, 1985Hoda, , 1988Hussain, 2003;Khaliluddin, 1972, 1981;Misra, 1952;Sorley, 1932). A few studies on elasmobranchs of Pakistan also listed species of stingrays (Ahmad and Niazi, 1975;Khan and Quadri, 1986;Misra, 1969;Niazi, 1994;Qureshi, 1953). ...
... It is commonly known as honeycomb or coach whipray whereas in Sindh it is called "chitto" or "chitta", "tiger" and "garamari" or "garabari" in Balochistan. It is reported from Sindh coast by Ahmad et al (1973), Anonymous (1955), Misra (1952), Murray (1880), Niazi (2001) and Sorley (1932) whereas it is reported from Balochistan by Ahmad et al, (1973), Anonymous (1953Anonymous ( , 1955, Misra (1952) and Qureshi (1952Qureshi ( , 1957. In addition, Ahmad (1988), Ahmad and Niazi (1975), Anonymous (2001), Bianchi (1985), Froese and Pauly (2020), Hoda (1985Hoda ( , 1988, Hussain (2003), Khalil (1972, 1981), Last and Stevens (2009), Hussain and Arshad (1969), Khan and Quadri (1986), Stevens (2009), Last et al. (2016a), Misra (1969), Qureshi (1952Qureshi ( , 1953Qureshi ( , 1957Qureshi ( , 1972, and Psomadakis et al., (2015) and Siddiqi (1956) reported this species without mentioning any specific location. ...
... This species is reported from Sindh as Anonymous (1955), Misra (1952), Punwani, (1934, Qureshi (1952) and Sorley (1932). From Balochistan it is reported by Anonymous (1953Anonymous ( , 1955, Misra (1952), Qureshi (1957) and Zugmayer (1913). ...
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Stingrays belonging to Family Dasyatidae are commercially exploited in Pakistan (Northern Arabian Sea) since long and mainly landed as bycatch of trawling and bottom-set gillnet fishing, In some areas along Sindh and Balochistan coast target stingrays fisheries based on fixed gillnet used to main source of their landings. It is estimated that their commercial landings ranged between 42,000 m. tons in 1979 to 7,737 metric tons in 2019. Analysis of the landing data from Karachi Fish Harbor (the largest fish landing center in Pakistan) revealed that 27 species of stingrays belonging to 14 genera are regularly landed (January 2019-December 2019). Smooth coloured stingrays (Himantura randalli/M. arabica/M.bineeshi) contributed about 66.94 % in total annual landings of stingrays followed by cowtail and broadtail stingrays (Pastinachus sephen and P. ater) which contributed 24.42 %. Spotted/ocellated/reticulated stingrays (Himantura leoparda, H. tutul, H. uarnak and H. undulata) contributed and 5.71 % in total annual landings of stingrays. Scaly whipray (Brevitrygon walga) and aharpnose stingray (Maculabatis gerrardi) contributed about 1.95 % and 0.98 % in total annual stingray landings of stingrays respectively. Three species leopard whipray (Hiamntura undulata), round whipray (Maculabatis pastinacoides) and Indian sharpnose stingray (Telatrygon crozieri) are reported for the first time from Pakistan coast. There is an important aimed fisheries for stingrays based in some coastal villages along Balochistan coast where fixed bottom set gillnet placed in shallow waters (15-20 m.), however, these fishes are also caught as by-catch of gillnetting and shrimp trawling. The paper discusses about commercial landings and conservation aspects of stingrays in Pakistan. It urges for enactment of national and provincial legislation for protection of stingrays as well as for placing some of the species which are either critically endangered, vulnerable or near threatened to be placed CITES appendices. It also urges for evaluation of a large number stingrays which have not been assessed for their IUCN Red List listings.
... Size-at-age data was fit to the five different growth models using the LS regression technique and the ML technique. Both suggest that females grow slower than males but reach larger maximum sizes, as indicated by the k and DW ∞ values or how quickly (k) the stingrays approach the maximum mean DW (DW ∞ ) (Ogle, 2016 also lead to variation in the growth rates of closely related species (Cailliet & Goldman, 2004;Smith et al., 2007). Regardless of all these influential factors, k can still provide a practical characterization of the rudimentary factors associated with fecundity, longevity and size or age at maturity (Smith et al., 2007;Stearns, 1982). ...
... Both suggest that females grow slower than males but reach larger maximum sizes, as indicated by the k and DW ∞ values or how quickly (k) the stingrays approach the maximum mean DW (DW ∞ ) (Ogle, 2016 also lead to variation in the growth rates of closely related species (Cailliet & Goldman, 2004;Smith et al., 2007). Regardless of all these influential factors, k can still provide a practical characterization of the rudimentary factors associated with fecundity, longevity and size or age at maturity (Smith et al., 2007;Stearns, 1982). ...
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Urobatis jamaicensis is a coastal batoid species affected by habitat loss and small‐scale exploitation from fisheries and the aquarium trade, yet the life‐history information available is limited. This is the first study to assess the vertebral centra from 195 stingrays to estimate age and growth patterns, and compare them with the biannual reproductive pattern previously reported for this species. Age‐at‐size data were compared using five different growth models and found a two‐parameter von Bertalanffy growth function (VBGF), the Gompertz model and a modified VBGF fit best for males, females and sexes combined, respectively. Maturity was achieved before 1 year. However, growth did not cease with the onset of maturity, but instead slowed down. Results from marginal increment analysis and edge analysis indicated a nonannual somatic growth pattern with influences from the biannual reproduction cycle where peaks in resource allocation may be focused on ovulation rather than growth during March when larger brood sizes are present, while resources may be allocated more towards growth during August and September when brood sizes are generally smaller. These results may be used as a proxy for species with similar reproductive patterns or for those that lack annual or seasonal growth patterns.
... Esto podría deberse a que la flota que pesca en el GSM durante esos meses opero principalmente en un área donde la especie no es capturada o simplemente a la ausencia de ejemplares en los muestreos al azar de los desembarques de la flota comercial durante el periodo abril 2011-octubre 2012 (Fig. 4.5 y Fig. 4.9). reporta que varios estudios de edad y crecimiento en batoideos han validado las estimaciones, utilizando la combinación de técnicas como MIA, TB, marcado-recaptura y utilizando marcado con oxitetraciclina (Gallagher y Nolan1999, Matta y Gunderson 2007, Smith et al. 2007. A su vez, diversos estudios en rayas han demostrado el depósito anual del par de bandas usando análisis en cautiverio y MIA, lo que apoya la idea de asumir el depósito anual del par de bandas , Sulikowski et al.2005, Matta y Gunderson 2007, Bellodi et al. 2017. ...
... La comparación de modelos entre sexos mostró diferencias significativas, lo que fue reportado en varias especies de batoideos (Lincadeo et al. 2006, Frisk y Miller 2006,Sulikowskiet al. 2007, Smith et al. 2007,Gburskiet al. 2007) y especificamente para Atlantaroja castelnaui en la región bonaerense . Para A. cyclophora en este estudio se observo que para cada uno de los modelos evaluados las hembras tuvieron un coeficiente de crecimiento K menor y alcanzaron un L∞ mayor que los machos. ...
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En el presente trabajo se estudiaron las características de historia de vida en cuanto a edad, crecimiento, longevidad y talla-edad de madurez del Tiburón gatuzo, Mustelus schmitti, en el Golfo San Matías, Argentina. La edad y crecimiento fueron calculadas a partir de la lectura de bandas en secciones vertebrales evaluando cinco modelos de crecimiento. El rango de tallas registrado en los muestreos de los desembarques comerciales fue de 37 y 89 cm de longitud total (LT) para machos y entre 39 y 106 cm para hembras. Las edades observadas fueron entre 1 a 15 años para machos y 1 a 21 años para hembras. El modelo de von Bertalanffy de 2 fases para ambos sexos juntos fue seleccionado como el más adecuado según el ajuste estadístico y el criterio biológico, estimándose los siguientes parámetros: edad a la talla cero t0= -3,56 años (talla de nacimiento L0= 35,7cm); talla asintótica L∞= 103,12cm; y coeficiente de crecimiento K= 0,12 años-1. La longevidad estimada fue de 21 años. Los machos y hembras maduran a una edad y talla media similar de 5,6 años y LT50% de 66,9 cm. No se encontraron diferencias entre sexos en las curvas de crecimiento. Este estudio contribuye al conocimiento de las características de historia de vida de la especie en el sur del Atlántico sudoccidental (ASO) reportando que M. schmitti tiene un crecimiento moderado, es una de las especies más longevas dentro del género y tiene una edad media de madurez temprana que representa aproximadamente un cuarto de la longevidad estimada.
... The birthmark was identified by the slight angle change in the corpus calcareum near the centrum, and the first translucent band after the focus. Thus, Age 0 was determined as the first translucent band following the angle change (Smith et al. 2007) (Fig. 2). To determine age, we considered one wide band (opaque) and one narrow band (translucent) as 1 year, and each translucent band deposited on the corpus calcareum was counted. ...
Context Rioraja agassizii is a vulnerable species endemic to the Southwest Atlantic. It is caught by trawl fisheries throughout its range. Aims To determine the age, estimate growth parameters, and age and size at maturity. Methods Ages were determined using vertebrae readings. To fit growth models, a Bayesian framework was employed with the von Bertalanffy, Gompertz and Logistic candidate models. To estimate age and size at maturity, a logistical ogive was fitted to binomial maturity data. Key results Maximum ages determined for males and females were 12 and 11 years respectively. The von Bertalanffy model was selected as the best one and there were no differences between sexes (mean parameters: L∞ = 684.8 mm, k = 0.33 years−1 and L0 = 105.5 mm). Age and size at maturity were estimated at 3.31 and 4.55 years, and 485.02 and 544.55 mm TL for males and females respectively. Conclusions Rioraja agassizii has a moderate growth rate and age at maturity was similar to those of skate species with a similar body size. Implications Because skate species have different maximum ages, growth rates and maturity parameters, we strongly recommend urgent species-specific management measures for the pool of skate species exploited in Argentina.
... After sampling, the individuals were sexed, and their sexual maturity stages were determined following Smith, Cailliet & Melendez (2007); see Burgos-Vázquez et al. (2017. The stomachs were removed from the specimens, fixed, and preserved in 10% formaldehyde. ...
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The competitive exclusion principle establishes that the coexistence of closely related species requires a certain degree of resource partitioning. However, populations have individuals with different morphological or behavioral traits (e.g., maturity stages, sexes, temporal or spatial segregation). This interaction often results in a multi-level differentiation in food preferences and habits. We explored such resource partitioning between and within three batoid species: Hypanus dipterurus, Narcine entemedor, and Rhinoptera steindachneri in the southern Gulf of California, Mexico, using a combination of stomach content (excluding R. steindachneri) and stable isotope analyses. We found a clear differentiation between H. dipterurus and N. entemedor, where the latter exhibited more benthic habitats, supported by a greater association to infaunal prey and higher δ 13 C values. Though the degree and patterns of intra-specific segregation varied among species, there was a notable differentiation in both sex and stage of maturity, corresponding to changes in specialization (i.e., isotopic niche breadth) or trophic spectrum (varying prey importance and isotopic values per group). This work is a promising step towards understanding the dietary niche dynamics of these species in a potentially important feeding area within the southern Gulf of California, as well as the biological and ecological mechanisms that facilitate their coexistence.
... As with the subannual bands, suitable identification of the birth band (or birthmark) is crucial in age and growth studies (Cailliet 1990), because the counting of the following growth band-pairs begins from this band. Generally, the birth band is assumed as the first translucent band after the focus, which is followed by a change in the angle of the vertebra (Cailliet and Goldman 2004;Smith et al. 2007); this represents the change in growth during the transition from embryo to neonate (Goldman 2005). In R. steindachneri, the angle change was not very evident but a first translucent band was visible in the vertebrae of all individuals, even in the embryos (from the smallest, 8.5 cm Dw to the largest, 38.1 cm Dw). ...
Context Rhinoptera steindachneri is the third-most abundant batoid species in the artisanal gillnet fishery of the Gulf of California, but there are limited age and growth data available for management. Aims The aim was to estimate age and growth of this species from vertebral centra of 276 individuals. Methods Two adjusted data sets were constructed on the basis of the birth and capture months and defining adequately the birth band. Individual growth was described through a multi-model approach and inference by using von Bertalanffy, Gompertz, and Logistic models (two and three parameters), and a two-phase growth model (four and five parameters). Key results The model with the best fit to the size-at-age data was the two-phase model for both sexes (females: Dw∞ = 91.21 cm; k = 0.25 year−1, Dw0 = 46.2 cm; males: Dw∞ = 79.1 cm; k = 0.42 year−1, Dw0 = 45.5 cm). Maximum ages ranged from 9.92 to 10.75 years (female) and from 6.92 to 7.67 years (males). Maturity age was estimated in 3.92 years (females) and 3.72 years (males). Conclusions Rhinoptera steindachneri is a batoid species with intermediate growth and a shorter lifespan than for confamilial species and even than species with similar reproductive traits. Implications The need to carry out age validation studies for this species is highlighted.
The reproductive diversity of extant cartilaginous fishes (class Chondrichthyes) is extraordinarily broad, reflecting more than 400 million years of evolutionary history. Among their many notable reproductive specialisations are viviparity (live‐bearing reproduction) and matrotrophy (maternal provision of nutrients during gestation). However, attempts to understand the evolution of these traits have yielded highly discrepant conclusions. Here, we compile and analyse the current knowledge on the evolution of reproductive diversity in Chondrichthyes with particular foci on the frequency, phylogenetic distribution, and directionality of evolutionary changes in their modes of reproduction. To characterise the evolutionary transformations, we amassed the largest empirical data set of reproductive parameters to date covering nearly 800 extant species and analysed it via a comprehensive molecular‐based phylogeny. Our phylogenetic reconstructions indicated that the ancestral pattern for Chondrichthyes is ‘short single oviparity’ (as found in extant holocephalans) in which females lay successive clutches (broods) of one or two eggs. Viviparity has originated at least 12 times, with 10 origins among sharks, one in batoids, and (based on published evidence) another potential origin in a fossil holocephalan. Substantial matrotrophy has evolved at least six times, including one origin of placentotrophy, three separate origins of oophagy (egg ingestion), and two origins of histotrophy (uptake of uterine secretions). In two clades, placentation was replaced by histotrophy. Unlike past reconstructions, our analysis reveals no evidence that viviparity has ever reverted to oviparity in this group. Both viviparity and matrotrophy have arisen by a variety of evolutionary sequences. In addition, the ancestral pattern of oviparity has given rise to three distinct egg‐laying patterns that increased clutch (brood) size and/or involved deposition of eggs at advanced stages of development. Geologically, the ancestral oviparous pattern arose in the Paleozoic. Most origins of viviparity and matrotrophy date to the Mesozoic, while a few that are represented at low taxonomic levels are of Cenozoic origin. Coupled with other recent work, this review points the way towards an emerging consensus on reproductive evolution in chondrichthyans while offering a basis for future functional and evolutionary analyses. This review also contributes to conservation efforts by highlighting taxa whose reproductive specialisations reflect distinctive evolutionary trajectories and that deserve special protection and further investigation.
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The short‐tail yellownose skate, Zearaja brevicaudata, occurs off southern Brazil and along the Argentine continental shelf, including waters surrounding the Islas Malvinas and the upper slope, and is very frequently caught by trawl fisheries throughout its range. The age, growth, and maturity of Z. brevicaudata were investigated using 204 individuals collected by commercial fishing vessels from northern Argentina, between March 2016 and September 2019. Age was determined on a sample comprising vertebrae from 151 individuals, 60 males, ranging in size from 391 to 956 mm total length (TL), and 91 females, ranging in size from 324 to 1060 mm TL. Maximum ages determined for males and females were 22 and 29 years, respectively. A Bayesian framework was employed with a set of three candidate models to estimate growth parameters (von Bertalanffy, Gompertz, and Logistic). The von Bertalanffy model had the best fit, and the sexes showed undistinguishable growth parameters. For sexes combined, derived growth mean parameters (± s.d.) were L∞ = 1081 mm ± 64.34 mm, k = 0.09 ± 0.01 years⁻¹, and L0 = 248 mm ± 23.52 mm. The age at maturity was estimated at 13.15 and 14.66 years for males and females, respectively.
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Endemic to the south‐west Atlantic Ocean, the shortnose guitarfish (Zapteryx brevirostris) is a small species, classified as endangered by the IUCN. Although reproduction in captivity has been successful for some species, a range of factors can limit the success of captive breeding programmes for elasmobranchs. In Brazil, the Ubatuba Aquarium was the first public aquarium to reproduce small‐sized elasmobranchs. Since 2018, at least five parturition events have been recorded for Z. brevirostris at the institution. From a total of 13 live neonates that rearing was attempted, the mean ± standard error of weight, total length (TL) and disc width at birth were 17.47 ± 1.6 g, 13.25 ± 0.7 cm and 6.53 ± 0.2 cm, respectively. The mean weight as well as mean TL were higher for females at all births, with 26.15 g and 15.07 cm for females in comparison with 17.09 g and 13.94 cm for males. Considering the increasing risk of extinction that the species is facing, age and growth studies are fundamental for the success of conservation, improving the knowledge of Z. brevirostris life cycle so that a more efficient and sustainable management can be carried out. This study provides important data, as well as directions for captive breeding of the species.
The Add-my-Pet (AmP) collection of data on energetics and Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) parameters currently contains 200 out of over 1100 extant species of chondrichthyans. This milestone in the compilation of data for this group led us to investigate: (1) do the characteristics that we reported in 2014 for 20 chondrichthyan species, relative to other fish, still hold (2) are novel patterns in properties revealed given the additional data and (3) do the four chondrichthyan subgroups (galean, squaleans, rays and chimaeras) differ in properties? We argue that a better understanding of these properties is key to sustainable management of the rapidly dwindling populations worldwide. Most of the inter-specific scatter in ultimate reproduction rate as function of ultimate body weight stems from differences in the mass of neonates as fraction of that of the mother, which is very high in chondrichthyans. The ultimate neonate mass production is found to be proportional to the ultimate respiration rate, with proportionality factor of 10 g/mol. The lifespan is found to be inversely proportional to weight-specific respiration, with a proportionality factor of 0.1 mol/g. The ultimate weight equals the life-time cumulated neonate mass production. These relationships also apply, with more scatter, to all 3000 animal species in the AmP collection. Sharks and rays were found to be more demand-species, contrary to ray-finned fish and chimaeras, which are supply species. Chimaeras also have that smallest weight at birth and precociality coefficient, compared to sharks and rays. Galeans grow much slower than squaleans and rays, but the chimaeras grow even slower. The lifespan equals 25 times the incubation time for chondrichthyans, but they are rather unique in this respect. Last but not least, we discuss the odd implications of recently published data on the energetics of the Greenland shark.
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In the male blue shark Prionace glauca, paired testes produce spermatozoa year-round.
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Reproductive data from 95 mature female shortfin mako sharks, Isurus oxyrinchus Rafinesque, 1810, including 35 pregnant females, together with data on 450 postnatal fish were collected from around the world. Size at birth was approximately 70 cm total length (TL) and litter size varied from 4 to 25. increasing with maternal size. Embryo length-at-capture data predicted a gestation period of 15-18 months and late winter to midspring parturition in both hemispheres. A temporal analysis of uterus width index and gonadosomatic index of pregnant and postpartum females indicated that the reproductive cycle is three years. The median TL-at-maturity of females from the western North Atlantic (2.98 m) was greater than that of females from the Southern Hemisphere (2.73 m) and they were 16-19% heavier in the TL range of 2.5-3.5 m. Recently ovulated females and a litter with 2.6-3.3 cm TL embryos having external gills, a large yolk sac, and still inside their egg cases, are described. We describe a litter of embryos (52.0 cm TL) with huge yolk-filled stomachs. Litters of 59.9- and 68.8-cm-TL embryos showed a decline in the mass of the yolk-filled stomach from 29.1% to 10.9% of total mass and an increase in hepatosomatic indices from 3.7% to 7.0% as gestation advances. When the mass of the yolk-filled stomach was excluded, the mass-length relationship of shortfin mako embryos could be fitted with a power regression similar to that for postnatal fish. The condition factor of lamnid embryos (including yolk-stomach mass) reaches a maximum between 20 and 35 kg/m(3) when the embryos are midterm and have the largest yolk stomachs. The condition factor of alopiid embryos remains constant, indicating that no large yolk-filled stomach develops.
Age and growth of the blacktip shark, Carcharhinus limbatus, from the east coast of South Africa were investigated by counting growth rings in vertebral centra. The vertebrae of 41 females (41-181 cm precaudal length [PCL]) and 51 males (42-182 cm PCL) were examined. Three methods successfully enhanced the visibility of growth rings: crystal violet staining of the centrum face, microscopic examination of the whole vertebra, with transmitted light and dark field, and "bow tie" sectioning of the vertebra. The results of the three methods were compared by using the average percentage error index and statistical means. Age and growth estimates were obtained from microscopic examination of the whole vertebra, the method which provided the most accurate ring counts and gave the second highest reproducibility. The data for males and females were combined and the von Bertalanffy parameters obtained were L∞= 193.6 cm PCL, K = 0.21 yr-1 and to = -1.2 yr. Age at maturity was 7 years (156 cm PCL) for females and 6 years (150 cm PCL) for males. The oldest aged female was 11 years (179 cm PCL), the oldest aged male was 10 years (179 cm PCL) old. Mean calculated growth rates were 24 cm/yr for the first three years, 11-13 cm/yr through adolescence, and 5-6 cm/ yr after maturity. Back-calculated lengths were lower than observed lengths and Lee's phenomenon was apparent. In 83% of the vertebrae the band immediately after the change in angle was translucent. Opaque band deposition is assumed to occur in summer.