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Neuroimaging Intermediate Phenotypes of Executive Control Dysfunction in Schizophrenia



Genetic risk for schizophrenia is associated with impairments in the initiation and performance of executive control of cognition and action. The nature of these impairments and of the neural dysfunction that underlies them has been extensively investigated using experimental psychology and neuroimaging methods. In this article, we review schizophrenia-associated functional connectivity and activation abnormalities found in subjects performing experimental tasks that engage different aspects of executive function, such as working memory, cognitive control, and response inhibition. We focus on heritable traits associated with schizophrenia risk (intermediate phenotypes or endophenotypes) that have been revealed using imaging genetics approaches. These data suggest that genetic risk for schizophrenia is associated with dysfunction in systems supporting the initiation and application of executive control in neural circuits involving the anterior cingulate and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. This article discusses current findings and limitations and their potential relevance to symptoms and disease pathogenesis.
Neuroimaging Intermediate Phenotypes of
Executive Control Dysfunction in Schizophrenia
Grant Sutcliffe, Anais Harneit, Heike Tost, and Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg
Genetic risk for schizophrenia is associated with impairments in the initiation and performance of executive control of
cognition and action. The nature of these impairments and of the neural dysfunction that underlies them has been
extensively investigated using experimental psychology and neuroimaging methods. In this article, we review
schizophrenia-associated functional connectivity and activation abnormalities found in subjects performing
experimental tasks that engage different aspects of executive function, such as working memory, cognitive control,
and response inhibition. We focus on heritable traits associated with schizophrenia risk (intermediate phenotypes or
endophenotypes) that have been revealed using imaging genetics approaches. These data suggest that genetic risk
for schizophrenia is associated with dysfunction in systems supporting the initiation and application of executive
control in neural circuits involving the anterior cingulate and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. This article discusses
current ndings and limitations and their potential relevance to symptoms and disease pathogenesis.
Keywords: Cognitive control, Endophenotypes, Executive function, fMRI, n-back, Review
Schizophrenia is a severe mental illness whose pathophysi-
ology involves systems-level dysfunction, likely as a conse-
quence of brain maturational abnormalities. Schizophrenia is
associated with reduced cognitive ability in a wide range of
domains, and marked impairment is found in a cluster of
abilities that can be grouped together under the umbrella
term executive function, such as working memory (WM),
response inhibition, and the organized production of
extended sequences of behavior. Below-normal performance
in tasks that involve these abilities has been repeatedly found
in schizophrenia patients, an effect that is detectable from
thetimeoftherst psychotic episode but is usually more
pronounced in chronic patients (1). Milder impairments also
exist before the onset of psychotic symptoms and are also
found in close relatives and subjects carrying risk alleles,
indicating a genetic basis (13). As executive function
involves the ability to appropriately engage and manage
multiple cognitive abilities, executive control dysfunction
has been proposed as a parsimonious and plausible impair-
ment contributing to the wide range of cognitive dysfunction
found in schizophrenia (46). The hypothesis of a central role
for executive dysfunction is further supported by ndings that
schizophrenia patients display gray matter reductions (7)and
metabolic abnormalities (8) in prefrontal cortical areas that
support executive control, in addition to a clustering of
abnormalities in temporal brain regions. Clinically, executive
functions are of central interest since they are important for
independent living and social function (9) and are correlated
with patient functional outcomes (1,10).
The application of modern imaging and genetics techniques
has begun to uncover a range of functional abnormalities that
accompany genetic risk for schizophrenia (11). A brief sum-
mary of ndings will be presented here, with a focus on
disease-related heritable traits (intermediate phenotypes)
based on neuroimaging tests of executive function.
The term executive function can have different meanings
depending on author and research context, so it is helpful to
provide a working denition for the purposes of this review.
Executive function is related to similar terms such as executive
control or cognitive control, and while the terms are some-
times considered to be synonymous (9), in practice cognitive
control most often refers specically to the context-dependent
shifting of attention or behavioral set and the inhibition of
prepotent responses, while executive function refers to a
broader set of abilities including forms of creativity and
problem solving (9). We use executive function and executive
control interchangeably to mean the ability to engage top-
down control of perception and action to optimize behavior in
the service of achieving goals, using a process analogous to
multidomain attention to send bias signals to perceptual and
motor systems to maintain task representations, enhance or
maintain perceptions of relevant stimuli, activate context-
appropriate stimulus-response correspondences, and inhibit
inappropriate prepotent responses (12,13). This includes those
functions commonly engaged by tests of cognitive control and
218 &2016 Society of Biological Psychiatry. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging May 2016; 1:218 229 ISSN: 2451-9022
also WM and attention control functions. These abilities
activate and require a highly overlapping group of cortical
regions, centered around the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC),
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), and posterior parietal
cortex (14,15), and engage a set of overlapping and interde-
pendent cognitive functions (9).
Executive function is heavily dependent on the PFC and,
broadly stated, involves a division of labor between the ACC
and lateral PFC, which, respectively, serve implementation and
initiation functions. During cognitive control tasks, the ACC
selectively activates in response to the appearance of con-
icting behavioral cues and is believed to be integral to the
function of detecting sources of potential conict and error
(16) and engaging additional control to avoid error.
During the application of control, the ACC selectively
couples with the anatomically adjacent DLPFC (17). The
DLPFC appears to be particularly important for the direction
of modulation to sensory and motor circuits, due to its
structural connectivity with sensory and motor regions and
consistent activation in tasks involving the internal and
external direction of attention (12). In the context of cognitive
control, the right ventrolateral PFC has a particular importance
in response inhibition, the withholding of a frequently per-
formed prepotent response due to additional contextual
information (18).
Functional connectivity analyses indicate that both ACC
and DLPFC are parts of larger functional networks with related
functions. The ACC appears to be part of a network including
the ventrolateral PFC, which is involved in the selection and
maintenance of behavioral sets, while the DLPFC-associated
frontoparietal network supports the direction of top-down
modulation (19). Cortical executive control networks are also
connected with and dependent on subcortical structures,
particularly the dorsomedial striatum and the mediodorsal
nucleus of the thalamus (20,21).
Abnormalities in these neural systems will be the focus of
the following discussion of the neurogenetic imaging pheno-
types related to schizophrenia.
Schizophrenia is highly heritable, with genetic factors being
estimated to account for up to 80% of the disease risk (22). In
most cases, genetic risk is believed to result from alterations in
an extended developmental cascade due to interacting down-
stream molecular, cellular, and system level consequences of
multiple common risk variants, each of which confers only
small increments in risk.
As a method of discovering the proximal biological effects
of genetic risk factors, the identication of intermediate
phenotypes is a popular strategy for investigating the patho-
physiology of psychiatric conditions. Intermediate phenotypes
are heritable biological traits that confer risk for a disease and
are believed to be causally closer to risk gene effects than the
disease itself (23,24). These have been well established for
common nonpsychiatric illnesses and have in several cases
been demonstrated to have relatively strong associations with
specic genes (24). One example is the use of high plasma
lipid levels as an intermediate phenotype of coronary heart
disease, which has led to the identication of the protease
PCSK9 as a novel therapeutic target in the treatment for
hypercholesterolemia (25,26).
Although the terms are essentially interchangeable in
practice, many neuroimaging genetics researchers prefer the
term intermediate phenotype over endophenotype, as endo-
phenotype was originally meant to imply an unobservable
internal feature, which may not necessarily be the case, for
example, in the case of a neuropsychological trait. The use of
intermediate also emphasizes the concept of biological inter-
mediacy in pathogenesis (23).
Previous analysis has concluded that a neuroimaging
intermediate phenotype should fulll several requirements to
be useful for the dissection of the genetic risk architecture of
mental illness (23,27,28). Accordingly, an intermediate pheno-
type should be 1) quantitative in nature; 2) heritable; 3) reliably
measurable; 4) associated with the illness in the general
population; 5) linked to genetic risk for the illness; and 6) state
independent (i.e., traceable in carriers of genetic risk variants
whether or not the illness is manifest). However, nding an
intermediate phenotype that satises all of the criteria is very
demanding in practice and rarely accomplished for measures
derived from functional neuroimaging (29).
Imaging genetics is the application of the intermediate
phenotype approach with structural or functional outcome
measures derived from in vivo neuroimaging techniques. In
addition to earlier measures of functional activation magni-
tude, the comparatively recent popularization of functional
connectivity analysis techniques has further enhanced the
usefulness of the neuroimaging approach (11,28). Functional
connectivity analysis is in theory particularly advantageous in
the investigation of multimodal higher association areas, such
as those involved in executive control, which are involved in
multiple cognitive processes and may plausibly change their
connectivity prole depending on the specics of the task at
hand (13), which functional connectivity analysis can help
uncover (19).
The neuroimaging investigation of unaffected rst-degree
relatives of patients, ideally twins or siblings, has been a
particularly important search strategy for intermediate pheno-
types. Unaffected relatives share an enriched set of genetic
risk variants but do not manifest clinical symptoms, which
attenuates the effects of confounding factors, such as med-
ication, that interfere with functional neuroimaging readouts
and complicate the interpretation of patient data. Imaging
genetics has been used to explore functional effects of risk
genes, such as ZNF804A (30) and CACNA1C (31), which have
been discovered with genome-wide association analysis (32),
as well as to test biologically driven hypotheses regarding
genes that have a known function, such as COMT, which is
involved in dopamine metabolism and therefore inuences
cortical dopamine levels (33).
Review Method
Candidate studies were identied using PubMed and the
bibliographies of relevant reviews and meta-analyses. Studies
Schizophrenia Executive Control Intermediate Phenotypes
Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging May 2016; 1:218 229 219
were selected for further analysis if they reported imaging
analysis of subjects performing experimental tests of execu-
tive function and if the subjects included either close relatives
of schizophrenia patients or populations who were tested for
genetic variants that the authors identied as potentially
conferring risk for schizophrenia.
One hundred thirty-one articles that fullled these criteria
were identied. Full search details and summaries of identied
studies are available in Supplement 1. Replicated candidate
intermediate phenotypes, which have been reported in
patients and at least two heritable risk populations, including
one or more populations of rst-degree relatives, are displayed
in Table 1 and also described in the following text.
Cognitive Control/Response Inhibition
Experimental tasks of cognitive control emphasize the
dynamic detection of conicting behavioral cues that neces-
sitate additional focus of attention and the inhibition of
incorrect responses (16). Response inhibition tasks test
related abilities but with a greater emphasis on withholding
prepotent (i.e., habitual or innate) responses (18). An example
paradigm that requires all of these abilities, the go/no-go
anker task, is illustrated in Figure 1A.
The literature search returned 19 studies of context proc-
essing and/or response inhibition, of which 9 compared
differences between relatives and control subjects and 10
were studies of specic genetic variants (Supplement 1).
Activation and connectivity abnormalities were reported in
and between diverse components of the cognitive control
In a series of studies using the same variable attentional
control paradigm, associations were found between specic
risk alleles and altered activation in the cingulate (34,35) and
anterior, superior, and dorsolateral PFC (3639). In studies
comparing relatives with control subjects, PFC and parietal
activation differences have been found during performance of
the Stroop task (40) and diffuse increases of activation have
been found during performance of a variant of the Continuous
Performance Task (41).
Of replicated results, during performance of the go/no-go
anker task, Sambataro et al. (17) found that patients and
siblings display lower performance, decreased ACC activation,
and increased connectivity of the ACC with the left DLPFC
during no-go response inhibition trials. The increased ACC
DLPFC connectivity nding was subsequently also found in
ZNF804A risk allele carriers in the general population (30). The
increased ACCDLPFC connectivity in this case does not have
an unambiguous functional interpretation but has been
hypothesized to reect a compensatory response to regional
processing inefciency (17). The increased connectivity result
was found in an analysis that corrected for performance
differences by comparing correct responses only, suggesting
that greater functional coupling may be necessary to achieve
successful inhibition.
In two similar response inhibition paradigms employed by a
group based at the University Medical Center Utrecht, reduced
activity in the striatum has been reported in patients, siblings
(42,43), and sibling carriers of risk alleles of DRD2 (44). The
test-retest reliability of this paradigm has also been measured
(45). The reduced activation and accompanying performance
impairment here was a function of anticipation, in that striatal
activation increased with likelihood of presentation of the
withhold signal in control subjects but not in patients or
siblings, which was interpreted as indicating an impairment
in proactive cognitive control, supporting the hypothesis that
schizophrenia involves a specic impairment in this function
(5). The same group has also found similar striatal hypoacti-
vation in siblings performing an antisaccade task (46), another
test of response inhibition.
Working Memory
Working memory is a core executive function, involving the
temporary conscious storage and manipulation of information.
This requires top-down attention to the neural representations
of the information to be stored and manipulated and engages
the frontoparietal network in a load-dependent manner (14). A
popular experimental paradigm that engages WM, the n-back
task, is illustrated in Figure 2A.
Eighty-eight WM papers were found in the literature search,
of which 70 tested the effect of genetic risk variants. Sixty-six
studies used some variant of the n-back task, including 43 that
used the diamond numerical-spatial variant depicted in
Figure 2A. Studies reported abnormalities in and between
various components of the executive control network. The
2016 meta-analysis of WM studies of relatives by Zhang et al.
(47), which integrated much of this literature, reported both
increases and decreases mostly in right lateral PFC, in
addition to the thalamus and left inferior parietal lobule.
Many WM imaging studies increase statistical power by
preselecting lateral PFC as a region of interest, as this area has
repeatedly been demonstrated to be sensitive to genetic and
illness-state factors. Schizophrenia patients show a complex
pattern of abnormal frontal activation during the n-back task,
which appears to reect inefcient function. The DLPFC of
patients is more highly activated than that of control subjects
at equivalent performance levels (4853), and this may be
accompanied by a compensatory additional activation of
neighboring regions such as the ventrolateral PFC (54). The
WM capacity of patients tends to be exceeded at lower levels
of load than that that of control subjects, and this failure of WM
at high loads is accompanied by reduced DLPFC activation in
comparison with control subjects when performance is not
matched between groups (49). A similar inefciency pattern
has also been found in healthy relatives of patients (5052,55
58). Associations between this phenotype and specic genes
and measures of risk are extensive (38,53,5983)(Table 1).
Both heritability (84) and reliability (85) estimates have been
made for this phenotype. Similar ndings of prefrontal inef-
ciency have been found in subjects performing the Sternberg
working memory task, including patients (86,87), relatives
(88,89), and subjects with specic genetic variants (86,9092).
Another WM intermediate connectivity phenotype is
reduced PFCparietal coupling, which appears to reect
impaired function. This has been found in patients using
functional (54,93,94) and effective connectivity (95,96) meth-
ods. Recently, decreased connectivity of this circuit has also
been identied in unaffected relatives (50), providing evidence
for an association between this coupling phenotype and
Schizophrenia Executive Control Intermediate Phenotypes
220 Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging May 2016; 1:218229
Table 1. Summary of Current Major Findings of Potential Neuroimaging Intermediate Phenotypes in Terms of the Criteria Listed in This Article
Task Phenotype Heritability Reliability Patients
Positive Association
With Risk Variant
Negative Finding or Opposite
Correlation With Phenotype
Partial Support
Go/No-Go Flanker ACC-DLPFC (17)
ZNF804A (30)
Response Inhibition Dorsal striatum (45) (42)
DRD2 (44)
N-back (All Variants) DLPFC inefciency (84) (85) (48)
5-HT2AR (38)
CACNA1C (31)
COMT (153)
AKT1 (59)
CHRNA5 (73)
GPR85 (155)
BclI (60)
COMT (67)
GRIN2B (156)
CACNA1C (61)
CYP2D6 (146)
NRG3 (120)
CIT (62)
DAOA (64)
SCN2A (125)
CIT3DISC1 (62)
DRD2 (74)
CIT3NDEL1 (62)
DTNBP1 (67)
COMT (63)
COMT3BclI (60)
HTR2A (74)
PRODH (151)
RELN (119)
COMT3GRM3 (66)
RGS4 (98)
COMT3RGS4 (68)
ZNF804A (101)
COMT methylation (69)
Polygenic risk (152)
DAOA (70)
DAT (65)
DISC1 (71)
DRD2 (72)
DRD23CHRNA5 (73)
DRD23HTR2A (74)
DTNBP1 (75)
GAD1 (76)
GRM3 (77)
IL1B (78)
KCNH2 (79)
NKCC1 (80)
NRG1 (81)
NRG13ERBB4 (82)
NRG13ERBB4 3AKT1 (82)
RASD2 (83)
Schizophrenia Executive Control Intermediate Phenotypes
Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging May 2016; 1:218 229 221
Table 1. Continued
Task Phenotype Heritability Reliability Patients
Positive Association
With Risk Variant
Negative Finding or Opposite
Correlation With Phenotype
Partial Support
Sternberg WM Task DLPFC
COMT (157)
COMT (158)
COMT methylation (92)
CPLX2 (159)
DISC1 (91)
miR-137 (86)
Polygenic risk (126)
N-back (All Variants) DLPFC-HC (160) (50)
CACNA1C (31)
COMT (66)
ZNF804A (100)
COMT3GRM3 (66)
RGS4 (98)
Working Memory PFC-PC (93)
COMT (97)
ZNF804A (50)
COMT3GRM3 (66)
RGS4 (98)
N-back (All Variants) MPFC (52)
COMT (111)
(All HF)
BclI (60)
COMT (154)
COMT3RGS4 (68)
COMT methylation (69)
CYP2D6 (146)
DAOA (147)
DRD2 (148)
GRM3 (77)
IL1B (78)
PRODH (151)
RGS4 (98)
ZNF804A (101)
Sample sizes for each study: I 5below 50; II 5between 50 and 100; III 5between 100 and 200; IV 5between 200 and 300; V 5between 300 and 400; VI 5between 400 and 500; VII 5
above 500.
Hypothesis-free negative nding indicates that the phenotype was not detected after correcting for multiple comparisons across the whole brain, which may have limited statistical
ACC, anterior cingulate cortex; DLPFC, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; HC, hippocampus; HF, hypothesis-free negative nding; MPFC, medial prefrontal cortex; PC, parietal cortex; WM,
working memory.
Lists of patient studies are provided as examples and are not an exhaustive list.
Negative ndings should be interpreted with caution, as the study may have been underpowered to detect the phenotype, and the negative nding may be in respect to a genetic variant
different from a variant of the same gene that was positively associated with the phenotype elsewhere. This column includes studies in which no signicant main effect of a single gene was
found, even if signicant interaction effects were found in the same study.
For example, nonlinear or genotype 3diagnosis effects only.
Schizophrenia Executive Control Intermediate Phenotypes
222 Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging May 2016; 1:218229
genetic risk for the disorder. Reported specic genetic asso-
ciations with this phenotype are candidate risk variants of
COMT (97), RGS4 (98), and COMT 3GRM3 epistasis (66).
An intriguing WM functional abnormality is the failure to
decrease connectivity between the right DLPFC and left
hippocampus during n-back performance. This has been
found in patients (50,99), relatives (50), and carriers of risk
alleles of CACNA1C (31) and has been linked to ZNF804A in
ve separate studies (50,100103)(Figure 2C). As genome-
wide association studies have established genetic variants in
ZNF804A as schizophrenia risk alleles (32), this is a strong link
between genetic risk and neural function.
The increased DLPFChippocampus connectivity nding is
conceptually similar to the emerging hypothesis that the
functional abnormalities of schizophrenia involve context-
inappropriate hyperfunction as much as hypofunction. A key
Figure 1. (A) Schematic illustration
of the go/no-go anker cognitive con-
trol task for functional magnetic reso-
nance imaging with four task
conditions. In each trial, a central arrow
with four anking stimuli is presented
and participants are instructed to press
the button corresponding to the direc-
tion of the central arrow. In the con-
gruent condition, the ankers point in
the direction of the target arrow. In the
incongruent condition, the ankers
point in the direction opposite to that
of the target arrow. In the go condition,
anking stimuli consist of squares and
signal the demand for a response, while
in the no-go condition, anking Xs
indicate that the response should be
inhibited. (B) Whole-brain signicant
activations increase in the anterior cingulate cortex, inferior frontal gyrus, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, and posterior parietal cortex in the incongruent 1
no-go relative to the congruent 1go conditions in a sample of 100 healthy control subjects (p
family-wise error
,.05). Activation maps are displayed on two
sagittal sections of a structural magnetic resonance imaging template. Color bar represents tvalues.
x=0 x=39
Figure 2. (A) Schematic illustration
of a numerical-spatial variant of the n-
back working memory task for func-
tional magnetic resonance imaging. A
series of numbers are displayed in a
random order at set locations with
alternating 0-back and 2-back epo-
chs. In the working memory condition
(2-back), participants encode a cur-
rently seen number, simultaneously
recall the number seen two presenta-
tions earlier, and press the button
corresponding to the position of the
number two presentations before. In
the control condition (0-back), sub-
jects press the button corresponding
to the position of the currently seen
number. (B) Whole-brain signicant
increase of frontoparietal activation
in the 2-back condition relative to
the 0-back condition (p
family-wise error
,.05) in a sample of 100 healthy
control subjects. Activation maps are
displayed on a sagittal, coronal, and
transverse section of a structural
magnetic resonance imaging tem-
plate. Color bar represents tvalues.
(C) A genome-wide supported schizo-
phrenia risk variant in ZNF804A
impacts prefrontalhippocampal func-
tional coupling during n-back working
memory performance. Left gure:
illustration of the hippocampal voxels
in which ZNF804A genotype predicts increased functional connectivity with the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Right gure: bar plot illustrating the
dorsolateral prefrontal cortexhippocampus connectivity estimates for the three genotype groups. [Reprinted with permission from Meyer-Lindenberg (29)
and Esslinger et al. (100)].
x=42 y=38 z=27
ZNF804A genotype
x=-38 y=-20
Schizophrenia Executive Control Intermediate Phenotypes
Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging May 2016; 1:218 229 223
concept here is the failure to deactivate or decouple non-task-
related areas of the brain during task performance, particularly
areas of the default mode network, a group of mainly midline
and temporal cortical areas that are suppressed during the
performance of tasks that require external attention and
activated during self-referential mental activities (104).
Reduced WM-induced deactivation of the medial prefrontal
cortex, a key default mode network area, has been found in
patients (52,105111), rst-degree relatives (52,110,112), and
carriers of the valine/valine COMT genotype (111).
Verbal Fluency
Verbal uency tasks test cognitive exibility by challenging
subjects to generate words in response to a cue, such as a
letter, semantic category, or incomplete sentence (9). These
paradigms require selective attention and inhibition to the
areas of memory concerned and engage prefrontal areas,
particularly the left inferior frontal gyrus (9,113,114). The
literature search found 27 articles in this category, of which
12 used phonetic verbal uency tasks, 6 used semantic verbal
uency tasks, and 9 used the Hayling sentence completion
task. A majority of articles within each category reported
different analyses of a common or overlapping subject group
(Supplement 1). The results of these studies are heteroge-
neous and largely unreplicated, with a couple of exceptions.
During tests of semantic verbal uency, increased activation in
the right middle temporal cortex has been found in patients
(113) and associated with risk alleles of DAOA (114) and
DTNBP1 (115). Increased activation in the left inferior frontal
gyrus has been associated with COMT (116) and CACNA1C
(117) during semantic verbal uency performance and asso-
ciated with polygenic risk (118) during the Hayling task.
The imaging genetics approach is a promising method for
investigating a disorder that is particularly difcult to research,
and current results are encouraging. However, certain caveats
should be made. Ideal criteria for intermediate phenotypes
have generally not been fullled for the candidates described,
and heritability and reliability estimates, in particular, are often
lacking (Table 1)(28). A great number of exploratory studies
have been made that use inconsistent task variants, subject
selection criteria, and analysis methods, and often report
different and sometimes contradictory ndings (Supplement 2),
which are difcult to integrate. The reported effects of risk
gene variants are particularly varied, although between-variant
differences in effect are not necessarily a sign of unreliability,
as well-powered studies of specic risk variants have failed to
nd the expected typical schizophrenia intermediate pheno-
type, indicating that effects are likely to be heterogeneous
(50,119,120). The inconsistent directionality of differences
found within the same region or circuit is potentially partly
due to methodological issues, particularly in regard to the
performance matching of groups or the methods used for
neuroimaging data preprocessing, especially in the case of
connectivity studies. Sample sizes have often been compara-
tively low, which constrains power and the reliability of
ndings, although commonly used state of the art statistical
methods are effective at avoiding false-positives (121). Future
research could be made more powerful, reproducible, and
resource-efcient by the use of larger datasets and stand-
ardized paradigms and methods across centers. Recommen-
dations of research practices and clinically relevant paradigms
have been made by expert groups (122124), and the last few
years have seen a number of high-powered imaging genetics
studies with hundreds or even thousands of subjects
(30,38,62,73,80,119,120,125,126). Much of the problem of
small sample sizes can be attributed to the expense of
acquiring imaging data, which limits the number of subjects
that individual groups can afford to use. In recent years,
multisite consortia, such as the ENIGMA and IMAGEMEND
networks (127,128), have been formed to tackle this problem,
and although accumulating large sample sizes is still problem-
atic due to inconsistencies in study designs between sites,
large initiatives with harmonized task protocols are underway.
Table 1 summarizes the evidence for the intermediate
connectivity phenotypes described here. Overall, evidence
indicates that genetic risk for schizophrenia is associated with
dysfunction of neural mechanisms of executive control of
behavior and cognition, with functional imaging of patients,
relatives, and carriers of risk alleles showing comparable
abnormalities of activation and functional connectivity during
experimental tests of executive function. The association of
genetic risk with dysfunction in different components of
control suggests that dysfunction of executive control sys-
tems may be a convergence point for the pathogenic effect
trajectories of multiple genetic risk factors.
A few tentative observations can be made about the
patterns of dysfunction reported in Table 1. Phenotypes
involve more often increased rather than decreased activity
and connectivity, suggesting inefciency of task-related sys-
tems, compensation by or interference from secondary or non-
task-related systems, and a possible causal link between the
two. Meta-analyses of imaging studies of relatives also show a
mix of increases and decreases of activity during executive
function tasks (47,129,130).
Ideally, intermediate phenotypes should have explanatory
value in regard to disease etiology. In this respect, heritable
executive control dysfunction has a clear relevance to the
cognitive impairments associated with schizophrenia. How-
ever, as putative intermediate states in disease pathogenesis,
intermediate phenotypes should ideally also have explanatory
value in regard to disease symptoms in general and not just a
limited set of test measures. Here, the following observations
are potentially relevant.
First, one of the negative symptoms of schizophrenia is
avolition, which can be framed as the reduced initiation of
goal-directed behavior (131). Executive control is a form of
goal-directed behavior, and the neural control systems sup-
porting it potentially play a role in the initiation of action plans
as well as supporting their execution (132), with lesion damage
of the ACC and DLPFC being associated with avolition and
apathy (133). Dysfunction of executive control systems is
therefore plausibly related to avolition-associated negative
symptoms. Supporting this, negative symptoms are correlated
with cognitive symptoms to a greater extent than with positive
symptoms (134,135). A caveat here is that it is uncertain
to what extent the negative symptom correlation is with
executive function rather than general cognitive ability (135).
Schizophrenia Executive Control Intermediate Phenotypes
224 Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging May 2016; 1:218229
This, in turn, relates back to the hypothesis that generalized
cognitive impairment may result from a specic impairment in
executive control (46).
Second, as Cole et al.(136) argue, the extensive brain-wide
connectivity of executive control systems suggests that they
have the potentially clinically relevant function of regulating
multiple hierarchically lower brain systems. Studies indicate
that control systems connect to and regulate the activity of
limbic and task-irrelevant structures, such as the default mode
network (137) and the amygdala (138), when excessive activity
of these is detrimental to goal attainment. Control dysfunction
could contribute to the pathology of mental health disorders
by disinhibiting or failing to regulate excessive activity of other
neural systems, such as the amygdala in the case of anxiety
disorders (136).
In the case of schizophrenia, this has potential relevance to
hypotheses regarding psychotic symptoms that propose that
psychosis develops as a result of dysfunction of striatal
dopaminergic systems that mediate responses to salient
environmental events. According to these, psychosis develops
as a consequence of the incorrect attribution of salience to
environmental events or internal perceptions due to dysfunc-
tion of subcortical dopaminergic systems that signal the
occurrence of salient events. These spurious event-salience
associations are hypothesized to trigger erroneous cognitive
reasoning processes, which result in delusional beliefs and
perceptions (139,140). With respect to executive control, there
is a potential link between PFC dysfunction and dysregulation
of striatal dopamine (141), and it is also potentially relevant
that executive control selectively lters and suppresses
bottom-up attention responses to salient events and stimuli
during task performance (142144). Impairment of this sup-
pression could plausibly result in a greater tendency to direct
attention to aberrantly salient phenomena, with a correspond-
ing facilitating effect on the resulting pathological cognitive
processes. In this regard, the failure to deactivate the default
mode network and decouple non-task-related DLPFC con-
nectivity during the n-back task suggests that heritable risk for
schizophrenia is associated with dysfunctional executive
regulation of neural activity and cognitive focus and a greater
tendency for action to be controlled by hierarchically lower or
bottom-up systems. Genetic risk for schizophrenia is associ-
ated with impaired ability to inhibit prepotent responses to
stimuli in antisaccade, prepulse inhibition, and response
inhibition tasks (2,145), and meta-analyses indicate that
cortical activation dysfunction in relatives displays a notable
right lateralization to areas overlapping with or closely con-
nected to the right-lateralized frontoparietal network, which
supports bottom-up reorienting of cognitive focus to unpre-
dicted behaviorally relevant events (47,123,129,130,142).
Overall, task-based imaging genetics is a useful strategy for
providing insight into the genetic risk architecture of what is
likely to be a core dysfunction in schizophrenia. The combi-
nation of molecular genetics and network-based analysis
methods is a relatively novel methodological extension of
established imaging genetics approaches that has the
potential to help delineate the neurogenetic architecture of
more complex network dynamics in the future.
AM-L acknowledges grant support by the German Federal Ministry of
Education and Research (IntegraMent: Grant No. 01ZX1314G; NGFNplus
MooDS: Grant No. 01GS08147) and the European Communitys Seventh
Framework Programme under the Grant Agreement Nos. 115300 (Project
EU-AIMS), 115008 (Project EU-NEWMEDS), 602805 (Project EU-AGGRES-
SOTYPE), and 602450 (Project EU-IMAGEMEND). HT acknowledges grant
support by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Grant
No. 01GQ1102).
We thank Carolin Mößnang for assistance with the gures.
AM-L has received consultant fees from AstraZeneca, Elsevier, F.
Hoffmann-La Roche, Gerson Lehrman Group, Lundbeck, Outcome Europe
Sárl, Outcome Sciences, Roche Pharma, Servier International, and Thieme
Verlag and has received lecture fees including travel expenses from Abbott,
AstraZeneca, Aula Médica Congresos, BASF, Boehringer Ingelheim,
Groupo Ferrer International, Janssen-Cilag, Lilly Deutschland, LVR Klinikum
Düsseldorf, Otsuka Pharmaceuticals, and Servier Deutschland. The other
authors report no biomedical nancial interests or potential conicts of
From the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Central Institute of
Mental Health, Medical Faculty Mannheim, University of Heidelberg,
Mannheim, Germany.
Address correspondence to Grant Sutcliffe, M.Sc., University of
Heidelberg, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Central Institute
of Mental Health, Medical Faculty Mannheim, J5, Mannheim 68159,
Germany; E-mail:
Received Oct 29, 2015; revised Mar 11, 2016; accepted Mar 14, 2016.
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... Otros autores adicionalmente afirman que el control ejecutivo hace referencia a las habilidades de control atencional topdown (atención que se encuentra bajo el dominio consciente del sujeto), la capacidad de optimizar el comportamiento para conseguir objetivos, usando un proceso análogo a la atención multidominio para enviar señales a sistemas perceptuales y motores para mantener representaciones de tareas, incremento o mantenimiento perceptual de estímulos relevantes, activación de respuestas adecuadas ante estímulos y la inhibición de respuestas inapropiadas (Grant et al, 2016). ...
... Los procesos asociados al control ejecutivo involucran circuitos de la corteza prefrontal dorsolateral (DLPFC), la corteza cingulada anterior (CCA) y la corteza parietal posterior (CPP) durante la presentación de tareas de control executivo, la CCA se activa de manera selectiva cuando se presentan estímulos conflictivos actuando probablemente para detectar el conflicto y los posibles errores para activar un control adicional y evitarlos, la DLPFC cumple el papel de modular circuitos sensoriales y motores con regiones motoras y sensoriales durante la realización de tareas que involucran dirección atencional, también se ha reportado que la corteza prefrontal ventrolateral derecha PFC muestra gran importancia en la respuesta de inhibición en tareas de control ejecutivo (Grant et al, 2016). ...
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Los videojuegos se han convertido en herramientas populares de entretenimiento a nivel mundial, en Colombia se calcula que un promedio de tres millones de personas consumen de manera regular videojuegos en consolas de alta tecnología (Newzoo, 2017). Diferentes investigaciones reportan que el uso regular de videojuegos permite mejorar habilidades como la atención visual y el control ejecutivo (considerado el modelo que mejor explica la relación entre el uso de videojuegos y el incremento en el desempeño de tareas de memoria de trabajo, inhibición y flexibilidad cognitiva) (Bavelier, 2012, Colzato, 2013) habilidades que a nivel teórico se relacionan con procesos psicológicos necesarios para la creatividad (Chávez et al, 2004). Por este motivo se vuelve importante investigar y profundizar en las posibles relaciones que existen entre el uso de videojuegos y un mejor desempeño en tareas de funcionamiento ejecutivo y pensamiento creativo. Metodología: En este estudio se comparó y describió el desempeño de videojugadores expertos e inexpertos por medio de la realización de tareas de creatividad, control ejecutivo y funciones ejecutivas. Se incluyeron pruebas neuropsicológicas de lápiz y papel: la versión abreviada del test de Torrance ATTA (Abbreviated Torrance test for adults), pruebas de retención de dígitos verbal, memoria visual, atención focalizada y dividida trail making test TMT A y TMT B, memoria de trabajo, tarea stroop y la tarea de torre de Londres para planeación ideacional y pruebas de tiempos de reacción: tarea stop signal, tipo flanker y Nback. La muestra poblacional estuvo compuesta por treinta y seis (n=36) adultos jóvenes (18 videojugadores y 18 inexpertos) los cuales fueron evaluados en cada una de las categorías. Conclusiones: La experiencia con videojuegos puede estar relacionada con el incremento en habilidades para disminuir el efecto de la distracción en tareas tipo Flanker y también podría incrementar la memoria de trabajo.
... " 1,4 These include direction of spoken and written language, conscious response to emotions, and various social behaviors, in addition to executive function. 14 Notably, the PFC is one of the latest brain areas to develop in humans, and the dorsolateral area of the PFC (the DLPFC) is especially delayed in development. The DLPFC is also the most directly implicated anatomical structure in executive function. ...
... 13 Some researchers suggest the PFC has a notable role in psychological disorders through its late development and role in executive function. 14 We know the PFC is involved in executive function partially because its activation is observed, in both humans and monkeys, during set-shifting tasks. 10 In monkeys and humans, loss of function in the DLPFC keeps subjects from correctly adapting to "conflict" in behavioral goals, as in the set-shifting task. ...
... Intermediate phenotypes describe quantifiable measures of mild alterations, which were associated with specific genetic changes and which could be found as well in patients as in their unaffected relatives [64,65]. Intermediate phenotypes were best described for mental disorders like schizophrenia and comprise electrophysiological measures like the P50 suppression test in an auditory double-klick paradigm and pre-pulse inhibition (PPI) [64], but also neuroimaging based connectivity analyses [66]. However, the concept of intermediate phenotypes is not restricted to schizophrenia, it also applies to other complex mental disorders like depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or autism [65]. ...
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Excitation/inhibition (E/I) balance plays important roles in mental disorders. Bioactive phospholipids like lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) are synthesized by the enzyme autotaxin (ATX) at cortical synapses and modulate glutamatergic transmission, and eventually alter E/I balance of cortical networks. Here, we analyzed functional consequences of altered E/I balance in 25 human subjects induced by genetic disruption of the synaptic lipid signaling modifier PRG-1, which were compared to 25 age and sex matched control subjects. Furthermore, we tested therapeutic options targeting ATX in a related mouse line. Using EEG combined with TMS in an instructed fear paradigm, neuropsychological analysis and an fMRI based episodic memory task, we found intermediate phenotypes of mental disorders in human carriers of a loss-of-function single nucleotide polymorphism of PRG-1 (PRG-1R345T/WT). Prg-1R346T/WT animals phenocopied human carriers showing increased anxiety, a depressive phenotype and lower stress resilience. Network analysis revealed that coherence and phase-amplitude coupling were altered by PRG-1 deficiency in memory related circuits in humans and mice alike. Brain oscillation phenotypes were restored by inhibtion of ATX in Prg-1 deficient mice indicating an interventional potential for mental disorders.
... Отсутствие ожидаемых эффектов может объясняться тем, что обнаруженные нами аномалии ДЛПФК возникают еще до манифестации заболевания, что, в частности, соответствует критериям эндофенотипа (генетически детерминированного субэлемента фенотипа заболевания). В пользу этого предположения говорят данные о патологических изменениях этой области у больных непсихотическими заболеваниями, состояние которых отвечает критериям клинически высокого риска манифестации психоза [53,54], а также у «непораженных» родственников пациентов с шизофренией [55][56][57] и, наконец, у лиц, не обращавшихся за помощью психиатра, но имеющих субклинические симптомы психотического спектра [58]. Следуя данной логике рассуждений, можно также предположить, что в этом случае в манифестации заболевания ключевую роль могут играть изменения других областей головного мозга. ...
Background : the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) is one of the latest brain structures to mature during the ontogeny, and its structural and functional abnormalities play an important role in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia. As schizophrenia spectrum disorders usually start before the complete brain maturation and their earlier onset is coupled with worse prognosis, we suggested that earlier illness onset is related to more pronounced aberrations of the DLPFC. The aim of study was to analyze the associations of the onset age of schizophrenia spectrum disorders with structural and functional characteristics of the DLPFC that differentiated patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders from healthy controls. Patients and methods : male patients with a diagnosis of schizophrenia spectrum disorders (n = 82) and healthy controls (n = 86) underwent structural MRI and functional resting-state fMRI. Cortical thickness and whole-brain functional connectivity of the DLPFC as well as local coherence and amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations of haemodynamic signal in the DLPFC were analyzed. Results : patients demonstrated a decreased gray matter thickness in the DLPFC bilaterally along with aberrant (predominantly decreased) functional connectivity of the DLPFC with other brain structures in each hemisphere. These measures were not associated with the age of illness onset. Conclusions : structural and functional abnormalities revealed in this study coincide with conventional view on the DLPFC as one of the key regions in schizophrenia spectrum disorders pathogenesis, however, these aberrations were not related to the age of psychosis onset. Possible interpretations of our results and limitations of the study are discussed in the article.
... The finding of impoverished working memory and reduced response inhibition, two highly interconnected cognitive processes (Bissett et al., 2022), is in direct agreement with previous findings in the schizotypy literature Karagiannopoulou et al., 2016;Karamaouna et al., 2021;Matheson & Langdon, 2008;Park & McTigue, 1997). It is also supported by evidence from (a) neuroimaging studies indicating commonalities in the neural substrate between the three constructs (Emch et al., 2019;Kühn et al., 2012;Pfarr & Nenadić, 2020;Sutcliffe et al., 2016;Wiebels et al., 2016) and (b) studies linking the negative symptom cluster of schizophrenia symptoms with both cognitive processes (e.g., Bora & Murray, 2014;Gotra et al., 2020;Khalil et al., 2020;Shin et al., 2013) as well as schizotypal personality disorder symptoms with impairments in working memory (Mitropoulou et al., 2002(Mitropoulou et al., , 2005Rosell et al., 2014). The finding that negative schizotypes performed worse in the affective Stroop task compared to controls is interesting, given that there were no group differences in this group on the classical version of the task or in affective working memory, affective response inhibition or affective DM. ...
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Objective To examine cold (based on logical reasoning) versus hot (having emotional components) executive function processes in groups with high individual schizotypal traits. Method Two-hundred and forty-seven participants were administered the Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire and were allocated into schizotypal (cognitive-perceptual, paranoid, negative, disorganized) or control groups according to pre-specified criteria. Participants were also administered a battery of tasks examining working memory, complex selective attention, response inhibition, decision-making and fluid intelligence and their affective counterparts. The outcome measures of each task were reduced to one composite variable thus formulating five cold and five hot cognitive domains. Between-group differences in the cognitive domains were examined with repeated measures analyses of covariance. Results For working memory, the control and the cognitive-perceptual groups outperformed negative schizotypes, while for affective working memory controls outperformed the disorganized group. Controls also scored higher compared with the disorganized group in complex selective attention, while both the control and the cognitive-perceptual groups outperformed negative schizotypes in complex affective selective attention. Negative schizotypes also had striking difficulties in response inhibition, as they scored lower compared with all other groups. Despite the lack of differences in fluid intelligence, controls scored higher compared with all schizotypal groups (except from cognitive-perceptual schizotypes) in emotional intelligence; the latter group reported higher emotional intelligence compared with negative schizotypes. Conclusion Results indicate that there is no categorical association between the different schizotypal dimensions with solely cold or hot executive function processes and support impoverished emotional intelligence as a core feature of schizotypy.
... They influence the limbic system and cognitive functions, among others. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) alters the response of neurons involved in working memory tasks [5,6] in a way that is similar to schizophrenia [7]. Experiencing psychosis is associated with having an altered perception of reality and a heightened sense of threat [8]. ...
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The rising popularity of medical marijuana and its potential therapeutic uses has resulted in passionate discussions that have mainly focused on its possible benefits and applications. Although the concept itself seems promising, the multitude of presented information has noticeable ramifications-terminological chaos being one. This work aimed to synthesize and critically analyze scientific evidence on the therapeutic uses of cannabinoids in the field of psychiatry. Emphasis was placed on the anxiolytic effects of cannabis constituents and their effects on post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia spectrum, and other psychotic disorders. The review was carried out from an addictological perspective. A database search of interchangeably combined keywords resulted in the identification of subject-related records. The data were then analyzed in terms of relevance, contents, methodologies, and cited papers. The results were clear in supporting one common conclusion: while most findings provide support for beneficial applications of medical marijuana in psychiatry, no certain conclusions can be drawn until larger-scaled, more methodo-logically rigorous, and (preferably) controlled randomized trials verify these discoveries.
... By definition, endophenotypes are quantitative characteristics which are associated with the disorder (criterion 1), state-independent and already present in a preclinical state (criterion 2), heritable (criterion 3), and display co-segregation with the disorder within families of probands, with non-affected family-members showing altered levels of the endophenotype in comparison to the general population (criterion 4) (Glahn et al., 2007;Lenzenweger, 2013). The endophenotype approach has yielded promising results in other psychiatric disorders, for example in depression (Goldstein and Klein, 2014), schizophrenia and psychosis (Blakey et al., 2018;Glahn et al., 2014;Sutcliffe et al., 2016) and obsessivecompulsive disorder (Taylor, 2012) but research on neurobiological endophenotypes of SAD is still scarce. ...
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Social anxiety disorder (SAD) runs in families, but the neurobiological pathways underlying the genetic susceptibility towards SAD are largely unknown. Here, we employed an endophenotype approach, and tested the hypothesis that amygdala hyperreactivity to faces conditioned with a social-evaluative meaning is a candidate SAD-endophenotype. We used data from the multiplex, multigenerational Leiden Family Lab study on Social Anxiety Disorder (eight families, n = 105) and investigated amygdala activation during a social-evaluative conditioning paradigm with high ecological validity in the context of SAD. Three neutral faces were repeatedly presented in combination with socially negative, positive or neutral sentences. We focused on two endophenotype criteria: co-segregation of the candidate endophenotype with the disorder within families, and heritability. Analyses of the fMRI data were restricted to the amygdala as a region of interest, and association analyses revealed that bilateral amygdala hyperreactivity in response to the conditioned faces co-segregated with social anxiety (SA; continuous measure) within the families; we found, however, no relationship between SA and brain activation in response to more specific fMRI contrasts. Furthermore, brain activation in a small subset of voxels within these amygdala clusters was at least moderately heritable. Taken together, these findings show that amygdala engagement in response to conditioned faces with a social-evaluative meaning qualifies as a neurobiological candidate endophenotype of social anxiety. Thereby, these data shed light on the genetic vulnerability to develop SAD.
... Atypical antipsychotics show promise for improving cognitive deficits such as working memory in those with psychotic disorders, olanzapine and risperidone being particularly efficacious for cognition (Houthoofd, Morrens, & Sabbe, 2008;Meltzer & McGurk, 1999). The cognitive deficits in patients with psychotic disorders are considered to reflect the genetic vulnerability for psychotic disorders (Sutcliffe, Harneit, Tost, & Meyer-Lindenberg, 2016). ...
Working memory training is widely used transdiagnostically to improve cognition. However, more recently, studies using working memory training packages have targeted emotion‐regulation outcomes to determine whether far transfer effects can be achieved. A narrative review is conducted of studies that have used standardized computerized working memory training packages across healthy volunteers, affect, anxiety, post‐traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and eating disordered populations with emotion‐regulation outcomes. Working memory training has been used in children, adolescents, and adults to improve emotion regulation. Many studies have reported gains in mood as well as emotion‐regulation strategies following working memory training, regardless of clinical indication and whether near transfer gains were achieved in cognitive domains. Significant emotion‐regulation outcomes include: state and trait anxiety, rumination, brooding, positive appraisal, decreasing maladaptive emotion‐regulation strategies, and decreasing intrusive thoughts. It is speculated that these far transfer outcomes from working memory training are possible due to the cognitive and neural overlap between cognitive and affective working memory, and emotion regulation. Working memory training could improve cognitive efficiency, which, in turn, increases the availability of cognitive resources during times when emotion regulation is taxed. Future studies need to consider the role of participant expectancy in predicting outcome measure performance, and including subjective and objective outcomes is paramount to study design. Furthermore, sample sizes require additional attention, given that the current review highlights that individual differences in non‐clinical and clinical populations influence the outcomes from working memory training. Working memory training offers a possibility for improving emotion regulation transdiagnostically.
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Cognitive impairment is highly prevalent in patients with major psychiatric disorders (MPDs), including schizophrenia (SCZ), bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, in whom it can be highly disruptive to community functioning and worsen prognosis. Previously, genetic factors and cognitive impairments in MPD patients have been examined mostly in isolated circuits rather than in the whole brain. In the present study, genetic, neuroimaging, and psychometric approaches were combined to investigate the relationship among genetic factors, alterations throughout the brain, and cognitive impairments in a large cohort of patients diagnosed with SCZ, with a reference healthy control (HC) group. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in SCZ-risk genes were found to be strongly related to cognitive impairments as well as to gray matter volume (GMV) and functional connectivity (FC) alterations in the SCZ group. Annotating 136 high-ranking SNPs revealed 65 affected genes (including PPP1R16B, GBBR2, PDE4B, CANCNA1C, SLC12AB, SATB2, MAG12, and SATB2). Only one, a PDE4B SNP (rs1006737), correlated with GMV (r = 0:19 p = 0.015) and FC (r = 0.21, p = 0.0074) in SCZ patients. GMV and FC alterations correlated with one another broadly across brain regions. Moreover, the present data demonstrate three-way SNP-FC-GMV associations in patients with SCZ, thus providing clues regarding potential genetic bases of cognition impairments in SCZ. SNP-FC-GMV relationships correlated with visual learning and reasoning dimensions of cognition. These data provide evidence that SCZ-related cognitive impairments may reflect genetically underlain whole-brain structural and functional alterations.
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Psychotic illness is associated with cognitive control deficits and abnormal recruitment of neural circuits subserving cognitive control. It is unclear to what extent this dysfunction underlies the development and/or maintenance of positive and negative symptoms typically observed in schizophrenia. In this study we compared fMRI activation on a standard Stroop task and its relationship with positive and negative symptoms in early psychosis (EP, N = 88) and chronic schizophrenia (CHR-SZ, N = 38) patients. CHR-SZ patients showed reduced frontal, striatal, and parietal activation across incongruent and congruent trials compared to EP patients. Higher positive symptom severity was associated with reduced activation across both trial types in supplementary motor area (SMA), middle temporal gyrus and cerebellum in EP, but not CHR-SZ patients. Higher negative symptom severity was associated with reduced cerebellar activation in EP, but not in CHR-SZ patients. A negative correlation between negative symptoms and activation in SMA and precentral gyrus was observed in EP patients and in CHR-SZ patients. The results suggest that the neural substrate of positive symptoms changes with illness chronicity, and that cognitive control related neural circuits may be most relevant in the initial development phase of positive symptoms. These findings also highlight a changing role for the cerebellum in the development and later maintenance of both positive and negative symptoms.
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Objective: It has been suggested that in healthy persons higher-order cognitive processing engaged by incremental working memory load hierarchically employs more dorsal than ventral prefrontal resources in healthy individuals. Given that working memory performance is impaired in schizophrenia, especially at higher executive loads, the authors investigated how this prefrontal functional organization might be altered in disease, independent of performance deficits. Method: Using N-back working memory functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data, the authors studied 15 patients with schizophrenia and 26 healthy comparison subjects. Subgroups based on median performance accuracy at 2-back were analyzed; high performers included eight schizophrenia patients and 14 comparison subjects, and low performers included seven patients and 12 comparison subjects. Results: High-performing but not low-performing comparison subjects responded to incremental working memory executive load with disproportionately greater dorsal but not ventral prefrontal cortex activation, which also predicted performance accuracy. In the high- and low-performing patient groups, incremental working memory load caused a disproportionate increase in ventral but not dorsal prefrontal cortex activation relative to the respective comparison group, which also correlated with accuracy. Functional connectivity between the ventral prefrontal cortex and posterior parietal cortex was relatively greater in patients, whereas comparison subjects had greater functional connectivity between the dorsal prefrontal cortex and posterior parietal cortex. Conclusions: The hierarchical organization of the prefrontal cortex may be compromised in schizophrenia, resulting in loss of functional specialization and integration at the dorsal prefrontal cortex and in compensatory activation from the ventral prefrontal cortex, which may ultimately affect working memory and executive cognition.
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Given the information overload often imparted to human cognitive-processing systems, suppression of irrelevant and distracting information is essential for successful behavior. Using a hybrid block/event-related fMRI design,we characterized proactive and reactive brain mechanisms for filtering distracting stimuli. Participants performed a flanker task, discriminating the direction of a target arrow in the presence versus absence of congruent or incongruent flanking distracting arrows during either Pure blocks (distracters always absent) or Mixed blocks (distracters on 80% of trials). Each Mixed block had either 20% or 60% incongruent trials. Activations in the dorsal frontoparietal attention network during Mixed versus Pure blocks evidenced proactive (blockwise) recruitment of a distraction-filtering mechanism. Sustained activations in right middle frontal gyrus during 60% Incongruent blocks correlated positively with behavioral indices of distraction-filtering (slowing when distracters might occur) and negatively with distraction-related behavioral costs (incongruent vs congruent trials), suggesting a role in coordinating proactive filtering of potential distracters. Event-related analyses showed that incongruent trials elicited greater reactive activations in 20% (vs 60%) Incongruent blocks for counteracting distraction and conflict, including in the insula and anterior cingulate. Context-related effects in occipitoparietal cortex consisted of greater target-evoked activations for distracter-absent trials (central-target-only) in Mixed versus Pure blocks, suggesting enhanced attentional engagement. Functional-localizer analyses in V1/V2/V3 revealed less distracter-processing activity in 60% (vs 20%) Incongruent blocks, presumably reflecting tonic suppression by proactive filtering mechanisms. These results delineate brain mechanisms underlying proactive and reactive filtering of distraction and conflict, and how they are orchestrated depending on distraction probability thereby aiding task performance.
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A recent Genome-Wide Association Study showed that the rs2514218 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in close proximity to dopamine receptor D2 is strongly associated with schizophrenia. Further, an in silico experiment showed that rs2514218 has a cis expression quantitative trait locus effect in the basal ganglia. To date, however, the functional consequence of this SNP is unknown. Here, we used functional Magnetic resonance imaging to investigate the impact of this risk allele on striatal activation during proactive and reactive response inhibition in 45 unaffected siblings of schizophrenia patients. We included siblings to circumvent the illness specific confounds affecting striatal functioning independent from gene effects. Behavioral analyses revealed no differences between the carriers (n = 21) and noncarriers (n = 24). Risk allele carriers showed a diminished striatal response to increasing proactive inhibitory control demands, whereas overall level of striatal activation in carriers was elevated compared to noncarriers. Finally, risk allele carriers showed a blunted striatal response during successful reactive inhibition compared to the noncarriers. These data are consistent with earlier reports showing similar deficits in schizophrenia patients, and point to a failure to flexibly engage the striatum in response to contextual cues. This is the first study to demonstrate an association between impaired striatal functioning and the rs2514218 polymorphism. We take our findings to indicate that striatal functioning is impaired in carriers of the DRD2 risk allele, likely due to dopamine dysregulation at the DRD2 location.
Working memory deficits, a core cognitive feature of schizophrenia may arise from dysfunction in the frontal and parietal cortices. Numerous studies have also found abnormal neural activation during working memory tasks in patients’ unaffected relatives. The aim of this study was to systematically identify and anatomically localize the evidence for those activation differences across all eligible studies. Fifteen functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) manuscripts, containing 16 samples of 289 unaffected relatives of patients with schizophrenia, and 358 healthy controls were identified that met our inclusion criteria: (1) used a working memory task; and (2) reported standard space coordinates. Activation likelihood estimation (ALE) identified convergence across studies. Compared to healthy controls, patients’ unaffected relatives showed decreases in neural activation in the right middle frontal gyrus (BA9), as well as right inferior frontal gyrus (BA44). Increased activation was seen in relatives in the right frontopolar (BA10), left inferior parietal lobe (BA40), and thalamus bilaterally. These results suggest that the familial risk of schizophrenia is expressed in changes in neural activation in the unaffected relatives in the cortical-subcortical working memory network that includes, but is not restricted to the middle prefrontal cortex.
Important information concerning alirocumab and evolocumab Recently, Shimada and Cannon reviewed in this journal the development of the proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9) inhibitors, a new therapeutic option for the treatment of familial hypercholesterolaemia1; indeed, two new medicines, Repatha (active substance: evolocumab2) and Praluent (active substance: alirocumab3), have now received a marketing authorization in the European Union (17 July 2015 and 23 September 2015, respectively) as first in class PCSK9 inhibitors. The two products are authorized for the use in adults with the heterozygous familial or the non-familial form of primary hypercholesterolaemia or with mixed dyslipidaemia, either as add-on when treatment with statins (which may also include other lipid-lowering agents) is insufficient or (as monotherapy or combined with other agents) when treatment with statins is not tolerated or is contraindicated; evolocumab, in addition, is also authorized for the use in homozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia (for details, see Refs 2, 3). Alirocumab and evolocumab are human monoclonal antibodies, which bind selectively to PCSK9, a protein that regulates the recycling of LDL receptors on the surface of liver cells, thus reducing serum LDL-cholesterol …
Background: The GluN2B subunit of N-methyl-d-aspartate receptors is crucially involved in the physiology of the prefrontal cortex during working memory (WM). Consistently, genetic variants in the GluN2B coding gene (GRIN2B) have been associated with cognitive phenotypes. However, it is unclear how GRIN2B genetic variation affects gene expression and prefrontal cognitive processing. Using a composite score, we tested the combined effect of GRIN2B variants on prefrontal activity during WM performance in healthy subjects. Method: We computed a composite score to combine the effects of single nucleotide polymorphisms on post-mortem prefrontal GRIN2B mRNA expression. We then computed the composite score in independent samples of healthy participants in a peripheral blood expression study (n = 46), in a WM behavioural study (n = 116) and in a WM functional magnetic resonance imaging study (n = 122). Results: Five polymorphisms were associated with GRIN2B expression: rs2160517, rs219931, rs11055792, rs17833967 and rs12814951 (all corrected p < 0.05). The score computed to account for their combined effect reliably indexed gene expression. GRIN2B composite score correlated negatively with intelligence quotient, WM behavioural efficiency and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex activity. Moreover, there was a non-linear association between GRIN2B genetic score and prefrontal activity, i.e. both high and low putative genetic score levels were associated with high blood oxygen level-dependent signals in the prefrontal cortex. Conclusions: Multiple genetic variants in GRIN2B are jointly associated with gene expression, prefrontal function and behaviour during WM. These results support the role of GRIN2B genetic variants in WM prefrontal activity in human adults.