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Dietary intake of V-linolenic acid and risk of fatal ischemic heart disease among women

  • Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Abstract and Figures

Background: Experimental studies in laboratory animals and humans suggest that alpha-linolenic acid (18:3n-3) may reduce the risk of arrhythmia. Objective: The objective was to examine the association between dietary intake of alpha-linolenic acid and risk of fatal ischemic heart disease (IHD). Design: This was a prospective cohort study. The intake of alpha-linolenic acid was derived from a 116-item food-frequency questionnaire completed in 1984 by 76283 women without previously diagnosed cancer or cardiovascular disease. Results: During 10 y of follow-up, we documented 232 cases of fatal IHD and 597 cases of nonfatal myocardial infarction. After adjustment for age, standard coronary risk factors, and dietary intake of linoleic acid and other nutrients, a higher intake of alpha-linolenic acid was associated with a lower relative risk (RR) of fatal IHD; the RRs from the lowest to highest quintiles were 1.0, 0.99, 0.90, 0.67, and 0.55 (95% CI: 0.32, 0.94; P for trend = 0.01). For nonfatal myocardial infarction there was only a modest, nonsignificant trend toward a reduced risk when extreme quintiles were compared (RR: 0.85; 95% CI: 0.61, 1.19; P for trend = 0.50). A higher intake of oil and vinegar salad dressing, an important source of alpha-linolenic acid, was associated with reduced risk of fatal IHD when women who consumed this food greater than or equal to 5-6 times/wk were compared with those who rarely consumed this food (RR: 0.46; 95% CI: 0.27, 0.76; P for trend = 0.001). Conclusions: This study supports the hypothesis that a higher intake of alpha-linolenic acid is protective against fatal IHD. Higher consumption of foods such as oil-based salad dressing that provide polyunsaturated fats, including alpha-linolenic acid, may reduce the risk of fatal IHD.
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Background: Experimental studies in laboratory animals and
humans suggest that a-linolenic acid (18:3n23) may reduce the
risk of arrhythmia.
Objective: The objective was to examine the association between
dietary intake of a-linolenic acid and risk of fatal ischemic heart
disease (IHD).
Design: This was a prospective cohort study. The intake of
a-linolenic acid was derived from a 116-item food-frequency
questionnaire completed in 1984 by 76283 women without pre-
viously diagnosed cancer or cardiovascular disease.
Results: During 10 y of follow-up, we documented 232 cases of
fatal IHD and 597 cases of nonfatal myocardial infarction. After
adjustment for age, standard coronary risk factors, and dietary
intake of linoleic acid and other nutrients, a higher intake of a-
linolenic acid was associated with a lower relative risk (RR) of
fatal IHD; the RRs from the lowest to highest quintiles were 1.0,
0.99, 0.90, 0.67, and 0.55 (95% CI: 0.32, 0.94; P for
trend = 0.01). For nonfatal myocardial infarction there was only
a modest, nonsignificant trend toward a reduced risk when
extreme quintiles were compared (RR: 0.85; 95% CI: 0.61, 1.19;
P for trend = 0.50). A higher intake of oil and vinegar salad dress-
ing, an important source of a-linolenic acid, was associated with
reduced risk of fatal IHD when women who consumed this food
5–6 times/wk were compared with those who rarely consumed
this food (RR: 0.46; 95% CI: 0.27, 0.76; P for trend = 0.001).
Conclusions: This study supports the hypothesis that a higher
intake of a-linolenic acid is protective against fatal IHD. Higher
consumption of foods such as oil-based salad dressing that pro-
vide polyunsaturated fats, including a-linolenic acid, may reduce
the risk of fatal IHD. Am J Clin Nutr 1999;69:890–7.
KEY WORDS Ischemic heart disease, diet, a-linolenic acid,
risk, Nurses’ Health Study, trans fatty acids, women
Experimental studies have suggested an antiarrhythmic effect
of a-linolenic acid (18:3n23). In animal experiments in which
arrhythmias were induced by coronary occlusion and reperfu-
sion, significant reductions in the incidence of ventricular fibril-
lation and cardiac mortality were observed in rats fed with a-
linolenic acid–rich diets (1, 2). The antiarrhythmic effect of a-
linolenic acid may be attributable to an increased electrical
threshold for induction of ventricular fibrillation (1). In a sec-
ondary prevention trial of myocardial infarction (MI), patients
consuming the experimental diet with the higher a-linolenic
acid content experienced a significant reduction in cardiovascu-
lar death (3).
We examined the dietary intake of a-linolenic acid in relation
to the risk of fatal ischemic heart disease (IHD) among partici-
pants in the Nurses’ Health Study. Specifically, we conducted 2
parallel analyses: 1 to assess risk of fatal IHD among women
without prior diagnosed IHD at baseline and 1 limited to women
with a prior MI. Because a-linolenic acid is prone to oxidative
modification, the availability of antioxidants such as vitamin E
may be important for its biological effects. Thus, we hypothe-
sized a priori that the inverse association between a-linolenic
acid intake and fatal IHD would be stronger among vitamin E
supplement users. In addition, because trans fatty acids can
inhibit the desaturation of a-linolenic acid and may thus alter its
biological function (4), we examined whether intake of trans
fatty acids might modify the relation between a-linolenic acid
and risk of fatal IHD.
Study population
The Nurses’ Health Study cohort was established in 1976
when 121700 female, registered nurses aged 30–55 y and resid-
ing in 11 large US states completed a mailed questionnaire about
Dietary intake of a-linolenic acid and risk of fatal ischemic heart
disease among women1–3
Frank B Hu, Meir J Stampfer, JoAnn E Manson, Eric B Rimm, Alicja Wolk, Graham A Colditz, Charles H Hennekens,
and Walter C Willett
1From the Departments of Nutrition and Epidemiology, Harvard School of
Public Health; Channing Laboratory, and the Division of Preventive Medi-
cine, Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard
Medical School, Boston.
2Supported by grants HL34594, CA40356, and DK 46200 and nutrition
training grant T32DK07703 from the National Institutes of Health.
3Address reprint requests to FB Hu, Department of Nutrition, Har-
vard School of Public Health, 665 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA
02115. E-mail:
Received August 13, 1998.
Accepted for publication December 21, 1998.
See corresponding editorial on page 827.
Am J Clin Nutr 1999;69:890–7. Printed in USA. © 1999 American Society for Clinical Nutrition
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their medical history and lifestyle. Every 2 y, follow-up ques-
tionnaires were sent to the participants to update information on
potential risk factors and to identify newly diagnosed cases of
coronary and other diseases.
In 1980, a 61-item food-frequency questionnaire was included
to assess the intake of specific fats and other nutrients. In 1984,
the food-frequency questionnaire was revised to include ques-
tions about 116 individual food items, many of which had been
combined into food groupings in the original questionnaire. Sim-
ilar questionnaires were used to update dietary information in
1986 and 1990. Because the revised questionnaires contained
more food items that were critical for the assessment of a-
linolenic acid intake, we used data from the 1984 questionnaire
as baseline.
After 4 mailings, 81757 women returned the 1984 diet ques-
tionnaire. In the primary analyses, we excluded those who left 11
items blank, those with implausibly high or low scores for total
food and energy intakes [ie, <2761 kJ (660 kcal) or >14644 kJ/d
(3500 kcal/d)], and those with previously diagnosed cancer,
angina, MI, stroke, or other cardiovascular diseases at baseline to
avoid biased reporting of diet induced by the presence of these dis-
eases. The final 1984 baseline population for the analysis of fatal
IHD among women without prior IHD included 76283 women.
For the analysis of fatal IHD among women with a prior MI, we
included 1117 women who completed the 1984 questionnaire and
were diagnosed with a nonfatal MI at baseline or during follow-
up. The study was approved by the Human Research Committee
at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.
Dietary assessment
The reproducibility and validity of the food-frequency ques-
tionnaires were described in detail elsewhere (5). The correlation
between the calculated dietary intake of a fatty acid from the
food-frequency questionnaire and the proportion of the fatty acid
in adipose tissue was 0.34 (P < 0.001) for linolenic acid, 0.37
(P < 0.001) for linoleic acid, and 0.40 (P < 0.001) for trans fatty
acids (6). The correlation coefficients for linolenic acid intake
were 0.57 between the 1984 and 1986 questionnaires and 0.48
between the 1986 and 1990 questionnaires.
To calculate intakes of linolenic acid and other nutrients, a
commonly used unit or portion size for each food (eg, one egg or
one slice of bread) was specified and the participants were asked
how often on average during the previous year they had con-
sumed that amount. Nine responses were possible, ranging from
“never” to “6 times/d.” The intake of nutrients was computed
by multiplying the frequency of consumption of each unit of
food by the nutrient content of the specified portions. Composi-
tion values for linolenic acids and other nutrients were obtained
from the Harvard University Food Composition Database (com-
piled on 22 November 1993) derived from US Department of
Agriculture sources (7) and supplemented with manufacturer
information. Because the US Department of Agriculture data-
base has values only for total linolenic acid, we accounted for
g-linolenic acid in animal fats when computing intakes of
a-linolenic acid. a-Linolenic acid constitutes most of the total
linolenic acid in the diet, but only accounts for <60% of total
linolenic acid in beef fat (F Sacks, personal communication,
1998). We therefore subtracted 40% of the total linolenic acid
content in beef. [Linolenic acid is present in only small amounts
in beef and other animal fats (8), so analyses using total linolenic
acid or the adjusted value yielded near identical results.] In addi-
tion, we repeated the primary analyses using a-linolenic acid
from plant sources only.
Ascertainment of cases
The primary endpoint for this study was fatal IHD that
occurred after the return of the 1984 questionnaire but before
1 June 1994; nonfatal MI was a secondary endpoint. Deaths were
identified from the National Death Index, next of kin, or the
postal system. Using all sources combined, we estimated that
follow-up for the deaths was >98% complete (9). Fatal IHD was
defined as fatal MI if it was confirmed by hospital records or
autopsy, or if IHD was listed as the primary cause of death on the
death certificate and evidence of previous IHD was available.
The statement of the cause of death on the death certificates was
never relied on by itself as providing sufficient confirmation of
death due to IHD.
We requested permission to review medical records from
women who reported having a nonfatal MI on a follow-up ques-
tionnaire. The records were reviewed by study physicians, who
had no knowledge of the self-reported risk-factor status. Nonfa-
tal MI was confirmed if it met the criteria of the World Health
Organization of symptoms plus either diagnostic electrocardio-
graphic changes or elevated cardiac enzyme concentrations (10).
MIs that required hospital admission and for which confirmatory
information was obtained by interview or letter, but for which no
medical records were available, were designated as probable
(17% of total MI cases). We included all confirmed and probable
cases in the analyses because results were the same after proba-
ble cases were excluded.
Data analysis
For the analysis of fatal IHD among women without prior IHD
at baseline, person-years (the number of persons studied times the
number of years of follow-up) for each participant were calcu-
lated from the date of return of the 1984 questionnaire to the date
of the fatal IHD event, death, or 1 June 1994. Women with fatal
IHD or cancer noted on previous questionnaires were excluded
from subsequent follow-up; thus, the cohort at risk included only
those who remained free from cancer and were alive at the begin-
ning of each follow-up interval. For the analysis of fatal IHD
among women with a prior MI, person-years were calculated
from the date of return of the 1984 questionnaire to the date of the
fatal IHD event.
Women were grouped in quintiles of intake of a-linolenic
acid adjusted for total energy intake by using regression analy-
sis (11) based on the 1984 questionnaire. Incidence rates were
calculated by dividing the number of events by person-years of
follow-up in each quintile. The relative risk (RR) was computed
as the rate in a specific category of a-linolenic acid intake
divided by that in the lowest quintile, with adjustment for 5-y
age categories and smoking status [never, past, and current
(1–14, 15–24, and 25 cigarettes/d). A multivariate pooled
logistic model (12) was used to estimate the RRs and 95% CIs
of fatal IHD associated with various intakes of a-linolenic acid
and foods that were primary sources of a-linolenic acid in this
cohort, with simultaneous adjustment for other risk factors.
Tests of linear trend across increasing categories of a-linolenic
acid or food intakes were conducted by treating the categories
as a continuous variable and assigning the median intake for the
category as its value. Nondietary covariates, including age, cig-
arette smoking, body mass index (BMI), menopausal hormone
by guest on February 7, 2011www.ajcn.orgDownloaded from
use, alcohol use, multivitamin use, and vitamin E supplement
use, were updated biennially. Aspirin use was assessed in 1984
and 1988. Vigorous exercise was assessed in 1980. All dietary
variables were assessed in 1984, 1986, and 1990. Our primary
analyses used the baseline diet. We also conducted alternative
analyses using the updated dietary information (13). In the
updated analyses, we related incidence of fatal IHD to the
cumulative average a-linolenic acid intake from all available
questionnaires up to the start of each 2-y follow-up interval. In
the multivariate analyses of the association between a-linolenic
acid intake and risk of fatal IHD among prevalent MI patients,
we adjusted for the same covariates described above.
During 698750 person-years of follow-up, we documented
232 cases of fatal IHD and 597 nonfatal MIs. Among 1117
women with prevalent MI, 74 had fatal IHD during the follow-
up. The mean (±SD) daily intake of a-linolenic acid in 1984
was 1.10 ±0.45 g, or 0.57 ±0.16% of total energy intake.
Median daily energy-adjusted a-linolenic acid intake ranged
from 0.71 g in the lowest quintile to 1.36 g in the highest quin-
tile. Approximately 70% of a-linolenic acid was from vegetable
or plant sources (eg, salad dressings and vegetable oils) (Table 1).
On the basis of the 116 food items in the food-frequency ques-
tionnaire, the largest contributors (in absolute percentage) to the
overall intake of a-linolenic acid were mayonnaise or other
creamy salad dressing (16.7%); oil and vinegar (eg, Italian)
salad dressing (12.2%); margarine (6.8%); beef, pork, and lamb
as a main dish (6.5%); dairy products; and green-leafy vegeta-
bles such as iceberg lettuce.
Mean age and BMI, prevalence of current smoking, his-
tory of hypertension, parental MI before 60 y of age, current
postmenopausal hormone use, regular exercise, multivitamin
use, vitamin E supplement use, and aspirin use did not vary
appreciably according to intake of a-linolenic acid (Table 2).
a-Linolenic acid intake was correlated with intakes of linoleic
acid (r = 0.68), oleic acid (r = 0.56), and trans fatty acids
(r = 0.39), but not with n23 fatty acids from fish (r = 0.07).
892 HU ET AL
Major contributors to the overall intake of a-linolenic acid based on the
1984 food-frequency questionnaire in the Nurses’ Health Study
Foods Value
Mayonnaise or other creamy salad dressing 16.7
Oil and vinegar salad dressing (eg, Italian) 12.2
Margarine 6.8
Beef, pork, or lamb as main dish 6.5
Milk 4.1
Cheese 3.9
Iceberg lettuce 2.0
Dark bread 1.6
Ice cream 1.6
Pie 1.4
Tomato sauce 1.4
Broccoli 1.3
Relation of potential ischemic heart disease risk factors to energy-adjusted a-linolenic acids intake in 19841
Quintiles of a-linolenic acid intake
(lowest, 0.71 g/d) (0.86 g/d) (0.98 g/d) (1.12 g/d) (highest, 1.36 g/d)
Current smokers (%) 24.4 23.7 23.5 23.5 25.6
History of hypertension (%) 22.1 21.6 20.8 22.0 21.5
History of diabetes (%) 3.0 2.8 3.0 3.0 3.4
History of hypercholesterolemia (%) 9.1 8.2 7.9 8.1 8.2
Parental MI before age 65 y (%) 14.5 14.5 14.5 14.9 14.9
Current postmenopausal hormone use (%) 19.5 18.4 19.6 19.4 19.6
Vigorous exercise 1/wk (%) 43.0 42.5 42.7 44.5 44.2
Multivitamin use (%) 39.7 37.4 37.0 35.7 35.2
Vitamin E supplement use (%) 18.5 16.3 16.4 16.9 17.4
Aspirin use 1/wk (%) 44.4 45.8 45.4 45.1 42.7
Age (y) 50.1 ±7.2250.0 ±7.2 50.2 ±7.2 50.4 ±7.2 50.8 ±7.1
Alcohol (g/d) 8.3 ±14.1 6.9 ±11.2 6.8 ±10.5 6.8 ±10.0 6.5 ±9.6
BMI (kg/m2) 24.8 ±4.7 25.0 ±4.7 25.0 ±4.7 25.1 ±4.8 25.2 ±4.8
Saturated fat (g/d) 20.0 ±4.3 21.8 ±4.1 22.5 ±4.3 22.9 ±4.5 23.4 ±5.0
Linoleic acid (g/d) 7.9 ±2.4 9.0 ±2.1 9.9 ±2.0 10.8 ±2.1 13.0 ±2.9
Oleic acid (g/d) 17.9 ±4.1 19.7 ±3.6 20.6 ±3.5 21.2 ±3.7 22.2 ±4.0
Eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids (g/d) 0.17 ±0.16 0.17 ±0.15 0.17 ±0.14 0.18 ±0.15 0.20 ±0.17
trans Fatty acids (g/d) 2.7 ±0.9 3.2 ±0.9 3.4 ±1.0 3.6 ±1.0 3.9 ±1.1
Dietary vitamin C (mg/d) 143 ±75 137 ±62 134 ±58 133 ±57 134 ±61
Dietary vitamin E (mg/d) 5.8 ±4.4 6.0 ±3.0 6.3 ±2.7 6.7 ±2.7 7.6 ±2.8
Folate (mg/d) 394 ±246 381 ±225 377 ±220 377 ±220 390 ±241
Fiber (g/d) 16.3 ±5.4 16.4 ±4.8 16.3 ±4.5 16.4 ±4.6 16.6 ±5.1
Vegetables (servings/d)33.0 ±1.7 3.3 ±1.8 3.6 ±1.9 3.9 ±2.0 4.2 ±2.3
1MI, myocardial infarction.
3A composite score of 28 vegetable foods.
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a-Linolenic acid intake was positively associated with intakes of
dietary vitamin E (r = 0.23) and vegetables (r = 0.22) and only
slightly, but significantly correlated with intake of vitamin C
(r = 20.04) and alcohol (r = 20.05).
Analyses of women with no prior IHD at baseline
After adjustment for age and smoking, energy-adjusted intake
of a-linolenic acid was inversely associated with risk of fatal
IHD; the RR for the highest compared with the lowest quintile
was 0.71 (95% CI: 0.47, 1.08; P for trend = 0.03) (Table 2). This
inverse association became stronger after adjustment for other
coronary risk factors (RRs from the lowest to highest quintiles:
1.0, 0.99, 0.90, 0.67, and 0.55; 95% CI: 0.32, 0.94; P for
trend = 0.01). Additional adjustment for vegetable intake did not
materially change the result when extreme quintiles were com-
pared (RR: 0.58; 95% CI: 0.33, 1.01; P for trend = 0.02).
a-Linolenic acid intake was only weakly associated with
reduced risk of nonfatal MI (Table 3). The multivariate RR for
extreme quintiles of intake was 0.85 (95% CI: 0.61, 1.19; P for
trend = 0.50). The association for total IHD (combining non-
fatal MI and fatal IHD) was intermediate between that for fatal
IHD and nonfatal MI when extreme quartiles were compared
(multivariate RR: 0.75; 95% CI: 0.56, 1.00; P for trend = 0.05).
In the multivariate model for fatal IHD, further adjustment for
intakes of fish n23 fatty acids, oleic acid, trans fatty acids,
cholesterol, folate, or fiber did not materially alter the associ-
ation. This inverse association was similar for aspirin nonusers
(RR for extreme quintiles of intake: 0.51; 95% CI: 0.24,1.09;
P for trend = 0.08) and users (RR for extreme quintiles of
intake: 0.60; 95% CI: 0.28,1.31; P for trend = 0.06). When
intake of a-linolenic acid was expressed as a percentage of
total energy intake rather than adjusted for total energy intake
by regression analysis, there was a similar inverse association
[RRs for fatal IHD from the lowest to the highest quintiles: 1.0
(reference group), 0.89 (95% CI: 0.59, 1.34), 0.90 (0.59, 1.38),
0.66 (0.41, 1.07), and 0.52 (0.30, 0.90); P for trend = 0.01].
The analyses limited to a-linolenic acid from plant sources
also yielded similar results [RRs for fatal IHD by quintiles of
a-linolenic acid intake: 1.0 (reference group), 1.17 (95% CI:
0.80, 1.74), 0.83 (0.52, 1.30), 0.55 (0.33, 0.94), and 0.64
(0.36, 1.13); P for trend = 0.03].
We conducted several alternative analyses of the relation of a-
linolenic acid intake to fatal IHD. The multivariate RRs for fatal
IHD when updated dietary information was used were 1.00, 0.96,
1.02, 0.71, and 0.57 (95% CI: 0.33, 0.98) from the lowest to high-
est quintiles of a-linolenic acid intake (P for trend = 0.02). When
we excluded women who had diabetes or hypercholesterolemia at
baseline, the RRs for fatal IHD by quintiles of a-linolenic acid
intake were 1.0, 0.93, 0.80, 0.58, and 0.55 (95% CI: 0.29, 1.07;
P for trend = 0.04). Exclusion of IHD cases that occurred in the
first 4 y of follow-up to avoid potential change in diet due to pre-
clinical conditions did not change the result.
We also examined the association between the ratio of
a-linolenic acid to linoleic acid and fatal IHD risk because
a-linolenic acid metabolism could be inhibited by high concen-
trations of linoleic acid (14). The median values for quintiles of
the ratio were 0.07, 0.09, 0.10, 0.11, and 0.14. The multivariate
RRs for quintiles of the ratio were 1.0, 1.02, 0.84, 0.87, and 0.84
(95% CI: 0.53, 1.33; P for trend = 0.40).
Stratified analyses
When the relation between a-linolenic acid and fatal IHD
was examined by use of vitamin E supplements (Figure 1), we
observed inverse associations among both users and nonusers
(P for interaction = 0.44), but a slightly stronger association
was seen among supplement users. When examined within cat-
egories of trans fatty acid intake, inverse associations between
a-linolenic acid and fatal IHD were observed among women
with higher and lower intakes of trans fatty acids (P for interac-
tion = 0.54), but the relation was somewhat stronger among
Relative risks (RR) and 95% CIs of fatal ischemic heart disease and nonfatal myocardial infarction (MI) by quintiles of median energy-adjusted intakes of
a-linolenic acid
Quintiles of a-linolenic acid intake
(lowest, 0.71 g/d) (0.86 g/d) (0.98 g/d) (1.12 g/d) (highest, 1.36 g/d) trend
Fatal CHD
No. of cases 49 52 51 41 39
Person-years 138468 139658 140606 139 711 140306
Crude mortality rate (per 100000 person-years) 35 37 36 29 28
RR adjusted for age and smoking 1.0 1.07 (0.73, 1.58) 1.02 (0.69, 1.51) 0.78 (0.52, 1.19) 0.71 (0.47, 1.08) 0.03
Multivariate RR11.0 0.99 (0.66, 1.48) 0.90 (0.59, 1.39) 0.67 (0.42, 1.09) 0.55 (0.32, 0.94) 0.01
Nonfatal MI
No. of cases 121 114 120 131 111
Person-years 138468 139658 140606 139 711 140306
Crude incidence rate (per 100000 person-years) 87 82 85 94 79
RR adjusted for age and smoking 1.0 0.95 (0.73, 1.22) 0.98 (0.76, 1.26) 1.05 (0.82, 1.35) 0.84 (0.64, 1.08) 0.29
Multivariate RR11.0 0.92 (0.71, 1.21) 0.94 (0.71, 1.25) 1.02 (0.76, 1.19) 0.85 (0.61, 1.19) 0.50
195% CIs in parentheses. Models include the following variables: age (5-y category), time period (7 periods), BMI (5 categories), cigarette smoking
[never, past, and current smoking (1–14, 15–24, and 25 cigarettes/d)], history of hypertension, history of diabetes, history of hypercholesterolemia,
menopausal status (premenopausal, postmenopausal without hormone replacement, postmenopausal with past hormone replacement, and postmenopausal
with current hormone replacement), parental history of MI before 65 y of age, multiple vitamin use, vitamin E supplement use, alcohol consumption (4 cat-
egories), aspirin use (nonuser, 1–6/wk, 7/wk, and dose unknown), vigorous exercise 1 time/wk, and dietary intakes (in quintiles) of saturated fat, linoleic
acid, vitamins C and E, and total energy.
by guest on February 7, 2011www.ajcn.orgDownloaded from
those with lower intakes of trans fatty acids (Figure 2). The
association between a-linolenic acid and fatal IHD risk did not
vary appreciably with intakes of linoleic acid or n23 fatty acids
from fish. In addition, the results were similar by smoking status
(current smokers versus nonsmokers) and alcohol drinking status
(current drinkers versus nondrinkers).
Analyses of women with a prior MI
We examined whether a higher a-linolenic acid intake could
reduce the risk of fatal IHD among women with a prior MI. After
adjustment for age, the RRs for fatal IHD across quintiles of
a-linolenic acid intake were 1.0 (reference group), 0.57 (95%
CI: 0.28,1.15), 0.77 (0.41,1.45), 0.48 (0.23, 0.99), and 0.51
(0.25, 1.06); the P for trend was 0.06. After adjustment for
nondietary and dietary confounding variables, the RRs were 1.0
(reference group), 0.61 (95% CI: 0.28, 1.30), 0.90 (0.41, 1.97),
0.61 (0.24, 1.52), and 0.35 (0.12, 1.01); the P for trend was 0.07.
Food analyses
To identify the foods that contributed most to differences in
a-linolenic acid intake among study participants, we used step-
wise regression with energy-adjusted a-linolenic acid as the
dependent variable and all foods as predictor variables. The
major determinants of a-linolenic acid were oil and vinegar
salad dressing and mayonnaise or other creamy salad dressings
(total r2= 0.50). We then examined the relation of these salad
dressings to risk of fatal IHD (Table 4). For both foods, we had
to combine adjacent categories of responses in the original ques-
tions to provide a sufficient number of women in each group.
Greater intake of oil and vinegar salad dressing was associated
with a reduced risk of fatal IHD (multivariate RR for the com-
parison of women who consumed the dressing 5–6 times/wk
and those who consumed it <1 time/mo: 0.46 (95% CI: 0.27,
0.76; P for trend = 0.001). A higher intake of mayonnaise or
other creamy salad dressing was associated with a nonsignificant
lower risk of fatal IHD [multivariate RR for the comparison of
women who consumed the dressing 5–6 times/wk and those
who consumed it <1 time/mo: 0.84 (95% CI: 0.50, 1.44; P for
trend = 0.44)]. Additional adjustment for vegetable intake did
not materially alter the results.
In this prospective study we found a significant inverse asso-
ciation between dietary intake of a-linolenic acid and risk of
fatal IHD. The risk was further lowered among women who also
took vitamin E supplements or who had a lower intake of trans
fatty acids. In addition, among women with prevalent MI, we
observed a trend toward lower risk of fatal IHD for those with a
higher intake of a-linolenic acid.
Inaccurate assessment of a-linolenic acid using a food-fre-
quency questionnaire is a potential concern. However, the calcu-
lated intakes of linolenic acid, linoleic acid, and trans fatty acids
were reasonably correlated with amounts of these fatty acids in
adipose tissue (6), suggesting the validity of our instrument in
measuring diet. In addition, we assessed the dietary intake of a-
linolenic acid and other nutrients 3 times during the study period,
so that analyses using updated dietary information accommodate
changes in dietary habits within individuals and in food composi-
tion. Confidence in the validity of our findings increased because
similar results were obtained when both baseline data and updated
dietary information were used. Women with a higher intake of a-
linolenic acid did not appreciably differ from those with a lower
intake for most of the known IHD risk factors, including age,
BMI, smoking, parental history of MI, postmenopausal hormone
use, and history of hypertension, diabetes, and hypercholes-
terolemia. This finding suggests that residual confounding by
these variables was unlikely to explain our findings. Women with
a higher intake of a-linolenic acid were more likely to have a
higher consumption of other dietary fats, especially linoleic acid.
However, adjustment for other fats actually somewhat strength-
ened the association. Because salad dressings are major sources of
894 HU ET AL
FIGURE 1. Multivariate relative risk (RR) of fatal ischemic heart disease by quintiles of a-linolenic acid intake and vitamin E supplement use in
women from the Nurses’ Health Study cohort. The model included the same variables as in Table 3. The reference group included women who were
in the lowest quintile of a-linolenic acid intake and nonusers of vitamin E supplements.
by guest on February 7, 2011www.ajcn.orgDownloaded from
a-linolenic acid, a-linolenic acid may be a proxy for vegetable
intake, but adjustment for vegetable intake did not alter the results.
In support of an inverse association between a-linolenic acid
intake and risk of fatal IHD, we found that specific foods that are
primary dietary sources of a-linolenic acid were associated with
reduced risk. In particular, we found a significantly lower risk of
fatal IHD among women who consumed oil and vinegar salad
dressing more frequently (5–6 times/wk) compared with those
who rarely consumed it. We also observed a nonsignificant inverse
association between intake of mayonnaise salad dressing and fatal
IHD. Both oil and vinegar and mayonnaise salad dressings are
commonly made from unhydrogenated soybean oil, which contains
<7% a-linolenic acid. However, the observed inverse associations
cannot be attributed to a-linolenic acid alone because these salad
dressings also contain linoleic acid and other potential beneficial
nutrients. Nevertheless, these data raise concern about widespread
use of fat-free salad dressings, which has eliminated an important
source a-linolenic acid and linoleic acid in the US diet.
a-Linolenic acid may contribute to a reduced risk of fatal IHD
through its antiarrhythmic effect. In cell culture studies, a-
linolenic acid was shown to slow the beating rate of isolated
neonatal rat cardiac myocytes (15). Also, significant reductions in
cardiac arrhythmia were observed in rats fed red meat supple-
mented with fish oil or canola oil (8% a-linolenic acid) when com-
pared with rats fed only red meat or red meat supplemented with
sheep fat (2). In another experiment, mortality due to ventricular
fibrillation was significantly lower in rats fed a diet containing
canola oil (0%) than in rats fed olive oil (30%) (1). In both exper-
Relative risks (RR) and 95% CIs of fatal ischemic heart disease by intake of specific foods that are main sources of a-linolenic acid
Categories of intake
<1 time/mo 1–4 times/mo 2–4 times/wk 5–6 times/wk P for trend
Oil and vinegar salad dressing (15 mL)
No. of cases 84 92 38 18
Person-years 182719 265105 147431 103494
Crude mortality rate (per 100000 person-years) 46 35 26 17
RR adjusted for age and smoking 1.0 0.83 (0.62, 1.11) 0.60 (0.41, 0.87) 0.37 (0.22, 0.62) <0.001
Multivariate RR11.0 0.92 (0.68, 1.24) 0.68 (0.46, 1.01) 0.46 (0.27, 0.76) 0.001
Mayonnaise or other creamy salad dressing (15 mL)
No. of cases 28 108 66 30
Person-years 72935 320963 210238 94614
Crude mortality rate (per 100000 person-years) 38 34 31 32
RR adjusted for age and smoking 1.0 0.96 (0.63, 1.46) 0.88 (0.56, 1.36) 0.84 (0.50, 1.42) 0.37
Multivariate RR11.0 0.97 (0.64, 1.48) 0.91 (0.58, 1.43) 0.84 (0.50, 1.44) 0.44
195% CIs in parentheses. Models include the following variables: age (5-y category), time period (7 periods), BMI (5 categories), cigarette smoking
[never, past, and current smoking (1–14, 15–24, and 25 cigarettes/d)], history of hypertension, history of diabetes, history of hypercholesterolemia,
menopausal status (premenopausal, postmenopausal without hormone replacement, postmenopausal with past hormone replacement, and postmenopausal
with current hormone replacement), parental history of myocardial infarction before 65 y of age, multiple vitamin use, vitamin E supplement use, alcohol
consumption (4 categories), aspirin use (nonuser, 1–6/wk, 7/wk, and dose unknown), vigorous exercise 1 time/wk, and dietary intakes (in quintiles) of
saturated fat, linoleic acid, vitamins C and E, and total energy.
FIGURE 2. Multivariate relative risk (RR) of fatal ischemic heart disease by quintiles of a-linolenic acid and tertiles (T) of trans fatty acid intakes
in women from the Nurses’ Health Study cohort. The model included the same variables as in Table 3. The reference group included women who were
in the lowest quintile of a-linolenic acid intake and the lowest tertile of trans fatty acid intake.
by guest on February 7, 2011www.ajcn.orgDownloaded from
iments, arrhythmias were induced by coronary occlusion and
reperfusion. In a secondary prevention trial, cardiovascular deaths
were significantly lower among patients randomly assigned to a
Mediterranean diet enriched with a-linolenic acid than in those in
the control group, although other dietary changes occurred simul-
taneously in the experiment (3). In both animals and humans, a-
linolenic acid can be metabolized to long-chain polyunsaturated
n23 fatty acids, including eicosapentaenoic (20:5n23) and
docosahexaenoic (22:6n23) acids even though the efficiency of
this conversion is still a matter of debate (16). Previous studies
have suggested that higher intakes of long-chain n23 fatty acids
from fish may reduce the risk of fatal arrhythmias and sudden
death in humans (17, 18). Our observations that a-linolenic acid
were primarily associated with reduced risk of fatal IHD and that
higher a-linolenic acid intake reduced the risk of death among
prevalent MI patients are consistent with the antiarrhythmic effect
of a-linolenic acid. Our results are also consistent with those of
prospective studies in men in which the apparent protective effects
of a-linolenic acid were primarily seen for fatal IHD (19–21).
Besides its antiarrhythmic effect, a-linolenic acid may reduce
coronary risk through its antithrombotic effect (22). a-Linolenic
acid and its metabolite, eicosapentaenoic acid, can decrease gen-
eration of thromboxane A2, a proaggregatory vasoconstrictor,
through their inhibitory action on the conversion from linoleic
acid to arachidonic acid and the enzyme cyclooxygenase (15,
23–25). However, the similarity of the inverse association
between a-linolenic acid intake and risk of fatal IHD among
aspirin users and nonusers suggests that the effect of a-linolenic
acid is probably due to its antiarrhythmic rather than its
antithrombotic properties; otherwise, the effect of a-linolenic
acid would be masked by aspirin use.
It is thought that dietary a-linolenic acid may be essential
at 0.5% of energy intake (26). On the basis of food disap-
pearance data, Hunter (27) estimated the average dietary
intake of a-linolenic acid in the United States in 1985 to be <1.2
g/d, or 0.5% of the energy intake, which is similar to the mean
daily intakes estimated in the present study (1.1 g/d) and in the
Health Professional Follow-up Study (1.1 g/d) (20). These esti-
mates suggest that perhaps half the US population may not be
meeting the requirement for a-linolenic acid (16). In addition, the
optimal balance between dietary a-linolenic acid and linoleic
acid is not clear (1, 14). In this study, we found that the ratio was
less strongly related to risk of fatal IHD than was a-linolenic acid
alone because both fatty acids were inversely related to the risk.
We observed a somewhat stronger effect of a-linolenic acid
among vitamin E supplement users, suggesting that the avail-
ability of antioxidants such as vitamin E may be important for
the biologic effect of a-linolenic acid. In addition, because of its
susceptibility to oxidation, a-linolenic acid–rich oils are fre-
quently hydrogenated during processing, converting unsaturated
fatty acids to trans fatty acids. Substantial evidence suggests that
trans fatty acids have adverse effects on coronary disease (13,
20, 21, 28). In metabolic studies, trans fatty acids raise LDL and
lower HDL in humans (29). Moreover, trans isomers may inter-
fere with biological functions of essential fatty acids by compet-
ing with linoleic and a-linolenic acid for D6/5-desaturase (30). In
this study, we found that the reduction in fatal IHD risk associ-
ated with a-linolenic acid was somewhat attenuated among
women with a higher intake of trans fatty acids.
In conclusion, this study provides support for the hypothesis
that a higher intake of a-linolenic acid will reduce the risk of
fatal IHD. Our findings suggest that a reduction in consumption
of foods such as oil-based salad dressings that contain polyun-
saturated fats, including a-linolenic acid, may increase the risk
of fatal IHD.
We are indebted to the participants in the Nurses’ Health Study for their
continuing outstanding level of cooperation; to Al Wing, Mark Shneyder, Ste-
fanie Parker, Gary Chase, Karen Corsano, Lisa Dunn, Barbara Egan, Lori
Ward, and Jill Arnold for their unfailing help; and to Frank E Speizer, Princi-
pal Investigator of the Nurses’ Health Study, for his support.
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... We asked on the questionnaire whether the participants used fish oil supplements and took this information into account when estimating total nҀ3 fatty acid intake. ␣-Linolenic acid intakes were corrected for gamma linolenic acid to reduce misclassification as described elsewhere (16). We adjusted nutrients for total energy by regression analysis (17). ...
... To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to evaluate the association between intakes of nҀ6 and nҀ3 fatty acids and risk of community-acquired pneumonia in healthy adult men. Fish and nut intakes (high in polyunsaturated fats) have been shown to be inversely associated with the risk of diabetes (37), stroke (21), and CHD (16,38), leading to recommendations for higher intakes (39). Our data on the inverse relations between nҀ6 and nҀ3 fatty acid intake and pneumonia risk provide further support for recommendations to replace animal and partially hydrogenated fats with those foods and nonhydrogenated vegetable oils in general. ...
Background: Essential fatty acids modulate inflammation and glucose metabolism and may alter infection risk. Objective: We examined the association between intakes of n−6 and n−3 fatty acids and fish and the risk of community-acquired pneumonia. Design: We prospectively evaluated 38 378 male US health professionals aged 44–79 y at the outset. We updated medical and lifestyle information biennially through questionnaires and diet every 4 y with the use of a validated food-frequency questionnaire. We excluded men who reported pneumonia, myocardial infarction, stroke, other heart disease, arterial surgery, cancer, or asthma before 1990 or those with incomplete dietary data. Community-acquired pneumonia was determined by blinded medical record review of chest radiographs. Results: During 10 y of follow-up, there were 441 new cases of nonfatal community-acquired pneumonia. Pneumonia risk was lower in men in the highest energy-adjusted quintiles of intake than in men in the lowest quintiles of intake of linoleic acid [multivariate relative risk (RR): 0.70; 95% CI: 0.51, 0.96; P for trend = 0.01] and α-linolenic acid (multivariate RR: 0.68; 95% CI: 0.50, 0.93; P for trend = 0.01). Pneumonia risk decreased 4% for every 1-g/d increase in linoleic acid intake (multivariate RR: 0.96; 95% CI: 0.93, 0.99). Pneumonia risk was reduced by 31% for every 1-g/d increase in α-linolenic acid intake (multivariate RR: 0.69; 95% CI: 0.51, 0.93). Intakes of eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid were not significantly related to pneumonia risk. Conclusion: Higher intakes of α-linolenic and linoleic acids and possibly of fish may reduce the risk of pneumonia.
... They are also considered as protective agents against various adverse inflammatory and cardiovascular diseases such as obesity (Calder 2006;Wang et al. 2006). Moreover, many studies have confirmed that C18:3 has a positive effect on the prevention of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and so on (Ghasemi et al. 2019;Hu et al. 1999;Li et al. 2020;Tomio Narisawa et al. 1994;Williams et al. 2007). However, due to the instability of C18:3, it is easy to be oxidized and deteriorated, which affects the shelf life and nutritional quality of edible oil (Hu et al. 2006;Nan et al. 2020;Combs and Bilyeu 2019). ...
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With the increasing public attention to the health benefit of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and demand for linolenic acid (C18:3), it is of great significance to increase the C18:3 content in our meal. As an oil crop with high content of C18:3, Camelina sativa has three homologous copies of FAD2 and three homologous copies FAD3. In this study, we seed-specifically overexpressed two Camelina sativa fatty acid desaturase genes, CsFAD2 and CsFAD3, in rapeseed cultivar Zhongshuang 9. The results show that C18:3 content in CsFAD2 and CsFAD3 overexpressed seeds is increased from 8.62% in wild-type (WT) to 10.62–12.95% and 14.54–26.16%, respectively. We crossed CsFAD2 and CsFAD3 overexpression lines, and stable homozygous digenic crossed lines were obtained. The C18:3 content was increased from 8.62% in WT to 28.46–53.57% in crossed overexpression lines. In addition, we found that the overexpression of CsFAD2 and CsFAD3 had no effect on rapeseed growth, development, and other agronomic traits. In conclusion, we successfully generated rapeseed germplasms with high C18:3 content by simultaneously overexpressing CsFAD2 and CsFAD3, which provides a feasible way for breeding high C18:3 rapeseed cultivars.
... The major causes of death in the world today are cardiovascular disease (CVD), cancer and diabetes and all three of these pathologies have strong behavioural components that include poor dietary habits [1][2][3]. For example, poor nutrition has been suggested to be responsible for~40 to 90% of all CVD [4,5]. Treating the cause rather than the symptoms of a disease is a logical approach to treat disease. ...
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The inclusion of flaxseed in the diet may have a great number of potential benefits for the well-being of both healthy individuals and those challenged by disease conditions as well. With an increase in the number and quality of studies focused on the physiological and pathophysiological effects of dietary flaxseed, our knowledge concerning the rationale for the inclusion of flaxseed in our diet has become more convincing and stronger. The purpose of this review is threefold. First, the review will comprehensively document the evidence supporting the value of dietary flaxseed to improve bodily health in both normal and disease conditions. Second, this review will identify the mechanisms of action responsible for these effects. Finally, this article will review practical aspects relevant to the inclusion of flaxseed in the diet. Briefly, supplementing the diet with flaxseed has beneficial effects on the treatment and/or prevention of different kinds of cardiovascular disease (hypertension, ischemic heart disease, myocardial infarcts, atherosclerosis), non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, breast cancer, bone strength, menopause, diabetes, and wound healing. Although some controversy exists on the component within flaxseed that provides these beneficial actions, it is likely that the rich content of the omega-3 fatty acid, alpha linolenic acid, is primarily responsible for the majority of these biological effects. It is concluded that the constantly expanding evidence in support of the inclusion of flaxseed in our daily diet to provide significant health benefits strongly encourages the initiation of additional work on dietary flaxseed in order to both confirm past findings as well as to further advance our knowledge regarding the important biological actions of dietary flaxseed.
... Polyunsaturated fatty acids refer to the class of fatty acids with multiple desaturations in the aliphatic tail. Existing studies have shown that the fatty acid and plasma levels are associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular disease (Hu et al., 1999), depression (Tanskanen et al., 2001) and diabetes (Hodge et al., 2007). The polyunsaturated fatty acids study consists of 6 phenotypes including linoleic acid, arachidonic acid, eicosadienoic acid, alpha-linolenic acid, eicosapentanoic acid, and docosahexanoic acid. ...
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Motivation: Traditional genome wide association study (GWAS) focuses on testing one-to-one relationship between genetic variants and complex human diseases or traits. While its success in the past decade, this one-to-one paradigm lacks efficiency because it does not utilize the information of intrinsic genetic structure and pleiotropic effects. Due to privacy reasons, only summary statistics of current GWAS data are publicly available. Existing summary statistics-based association tests do not consider covariates for regression model, while adjusting for covariates including population stratification factors is a routine issue. Results: In this work, we first derive the correlation coefficients between summary Wald statistics obtained from linear regression model with covariates. Then, a new test is proposed by integrating three-level information including the intrinsic genetic structure, pleiotropy, and the potential information combinations. Extensive simulations demonstrate that the proposed test outperforms three other existing methods under most of the considered scenarios. Real data analysis of polyunsaturated fatty acids further shows that the proposed test can identify more genes than the compared existing methods. Availability and implementation: Code is available at Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.
... are generally categorized into three classes according to their chemical structures (i.e., number of double bonds): saturated FAs (SFAs), monounsaturated FAs (MUFAs), and polyunsaturated FAS (PUFAs). In general, SFAs are regarded as pro-inflammatory factors 29-31 , whereas MUFAs and PUFAs appear to function as anti-inflammatory mediators [32][33][34][35] . As such, it is widely assumed that dietary intake of different classes of fats will alter the circulating FA profiles and differentially affect the activation status of circulating immune cells. ...
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Monocytes are a major population of circulating immune cells that play a crucial role in producing pro-inflammatory cytokines in the body. The actions of monocytes are known to be influenced by the combinations and concentrations of certain fatty acids (FAs) in blood and dietary fats. However, systemic comparisons of the effects of FAs on cytokine secretion by monocytes have not be performed. In this study, we compared how six saturated FAs (SFAs), two monounsaturated FAs (MUFAs), and seven polyunsaturated FAs (PUFAs) modulate human THP-1 monocyte secretion of TNF, IL-1β, and IL-6 in the absence or presence of lipopolysaccharide. SFAs generally stimulated resting THP-1 cells to secrete pro-inflammatory cytokines, with stearic acid being the most potent species. In contrast, MUFAs and PUFAs inhibited lipopolysaccharide-induced secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Interestingly, the inhibitory potentials of MUFAs and PUFAs followed U-shaped (TNF and IL-1β) or inverted U-shaped (IL-6) dose–response curves. Among the MUFAs and PUFAs that were analyzed, docosahexaenoic acid (C22:6 n-3) exhibited the largest number of double bonds and was found to be the most potent anti-inflammatory compound. Together, our findings reveal that the chemical compositions and concentrations of dietary FAs are key factors in the intricate regulation of monocyte-mediated inflammation.
... Hence, flaxseed's usage as a food ingredient has increased due to the positive results from health studies involving ALA, an omega-3 fatty acid (Morris & Vaisey-Genser, 2003). Evidence suggests that ALA consumption can reduce the risk for coronary artery disease, fatal ischemic heart disease among women, and high blood pressure (Berry & Hirsch, 1986;Hu et al., 1999;Djoussé et al., 2001). Apart from high ALA content, soluble fibre and proteins (22g g -1 of seed) are also found in flaxseed (Rubilar et al., 2010). ...
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A Northern Great Plains regional survey of microbiological loads in flaxseed was completed for years 2008 and 2009. Effects of cleaning flaxseed on microbial loads including aerobic plate counts (APCs), mold counts (MCs) yeast counts (YCs), coliform counts (CCs), Escherichia coli counts, and Enterobacteriaceae counts (ECs) were determined. Chemical analyses including oil and linolenic acid -ALA indicated that all flaxseed had near normal oil content. This was the first reported survey for flaxseed. The pre-cleaned flaxseed had an average of 5.7 ± 0.1, 4.1 ± 0.2, 4.5 ± 0.2, 3.6 ± 0.1, and 3.0 ± 0.1 log colony forming units (CFU) g-1 of APC, CC, EC, YC and MC respectively. All counts were higher than those for cleaned seed. No E. coli was detected. The North Dakota-West (ND-W) region flaxseed had higher MC when compared to Canada, ND-North East (ND-NE) and ND-South East (ND-SE) region flaxseed. For APC, the counts were higher in flaxseed from Canada when compared to North Dakota. Cleaning the flaxseed should be considered an important step in reducing the microbial counts and also for maintaining high quality flaxseed.
... The FA content of meat, especially the n-3 and n-6 families, has many benefits for human health (Simopoulos 2016). n-3 fatty acids, in particular, reportedly play a crucial physiological role in fetal and infant development, shaping the retina and central nervous system (Bourre 2003;Bowen and Clandinin 2005), and are also vital to prevent cardiovascular diseases (Simon et al. 1995;Hu et al. 1999;Mantzioris et al. 2022). ...
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This research was performed to detect tissue fatty acid (FA) composition and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) content in Anatolian buffaloes at different muscle types (MTs) and slaughter weights (SWs). The research was carried out on a private commercial livestock farm in Tokat. The research’s animal material comprised 20 Anatolian buffalo calves with approximately 100 kg body weights, weaned at about 150 days of age. Before the experiment started, the calves were randomly divided into two slaughter groups (SW) as low weight (LW=225 kg) and high weight (HW=325 kg). Ten calves from each of the two experimental groups, which were intensively fed, were slaughtered in two different weights. After the slaughtering, FA composition and CLA content of the Semimembranosus (SM), Semitendinosus (ST), and Triceps brachii (TB) muscle tissues of the animals were examined. The study determined that palmitoleic acid (C16:1) and stearic acid (C18:0) were affected by MTs and oleic acid (C18:1) and α-linolenic acid (C18:3 n-3) were affected by SW (P < 0.05). The highest CLA was in the ST muscle type (0.298) and the LW group (0.289) of the SW groups (P > 0.05). With the increase of SW (in LW and HW groups), n-6/n3 (SM: 7.783 and 6.533; ST: 8.115 and 7.859; TB: 8.416 and 8.215) (P > 0.05) and PUFA ratio decreased (P < 0.05). The SW increase raised the SFA ratio in the SM muscle (P < 0.05) while lowering it in the TB muscle (P > 0.05). Again, with the increase in SW, AI and TI values increased in SM and ST muscles, while the same index values decreased in TB muscle (P > 0.05). In conclusion, when considering the PUFA/SFA ratio and the beneficial effects of CLAs on human health, ST in the MT and LW groups in SW, and thus ST and LW in MT and SW were prominent in Anatolian buffaloes.
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Background and aims Inflammation and dyslipidemia are traditional risk factors and well-known causes of morbidity and mortality in chronic kidney disease (CKD). Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), an essential fatty acid mainly found in vegetable sources, has been associated with anti-inflammatory effects and improving lipid profile. This systematic review and meta-analysis investigate the effects of supplementation with vegetable sources of ALA on inflammatory marker and lipid profile in individuals with CKD. Methods: This review included studies with adult or elderly patients with CKD, including those receiving dialysis, using oral supplementation or food or combined interventions containing vegetable sources of ALA. All studies were randomized trials and The Cochrane Collaboration’s tool was use for assessing risk of bias. Results: 19 studies provided data for meta-analyses. ALA had significant effect on reducing C-reactive protein (CRP) after supplementation (SMD: -0.84; 95% CI, -1.63 to -0.06, P=0.034), on the other hand, had no significant effect on total cholesterol (SMD: -0.10; 95% CI, -0.40 to 0.20, P=0.034), high density lipoprotein (SMD: -0.10; 95% CI, -0.40 to 0.20, P=0.342), low density lipoprotein (SMD: -0.13; 95% CI, -0.43 to 0.16, P=0.385) and triglycerides (SMD: -0.31; 95% CI, -0.67 to 0.05, P=0,096). Conclusion: Vegetables sources of ALA showed beneficial effects on reducing inflammatory marker CRP in CKD patients but had no effect on lipid profile. Future well-designed studies are needed to investigate the effectiveness of vegetables sources of ALA, particularly in CKD.
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Objective To examine the associations between dietary intake and tissue biomarkers of alpha linolenic acid (ALA) and risk of mortality from all causes, cardiovascular disease (CVD), and cancer. Design Systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies. Data sources PubMed, Scopus, ISI Web of Science, and Google Scholar to 30 April 2021. Study selection Prospective cohort studies that reported the risk estimates for death from all causes, CVD, and cancer. Data synthesis Summary relative risks and 95% confidence intervals were calculated for the highest versus lowest categories of ALA intake using random effects and fixed effects models. Linear and non-linear dose-response analyses were conducted to assess the dose-response associations between ALA intake and mortality. Results 41 articles from prospective cohort studies were included in this systematic review and meta-analysis, totalling 1 197 564 participants. During follow-up ranging from two to 32 years, 198 113 deaths from all causes, 62 773 from CVD, and 65 954 from cancer were recorded. High intake of ALA compared with low intake was significantly associated with a lower risk of deaths from all causes (pooled relative risk 0.90, 95% confidence interval 0.83 to 0.97, I ² =77.8%, 15 studies), CVD (0.92, 0.86 to 0.99, I ² =48.2%, n=16), and coronary heart disease (CHD) (0.89, 0.81 to 0.97, I ² =5.6%, n=9), and a slightly higher risk of cancer mortality (1.06, 1.02 to 1.11, I ² =3.8%, n=10). In the dose-response analysis, a 1 g/day increase in ALA intake (equivalent to one tablespoon of canola oil or 0.5 ounces of walnut) was associated with a 5% lower risk of all cause (0.95, 0.91 to 0.99, I ² =76.2%, n=12) and CVD mortality (0.95, 0.91 to 0.98, I ² =30.7%, n=14). The pooled relative risks for the highest compared with lowest tissue levels of ALA indicated a significant inverse association with all cause mortality (0.95, 0.90 to 0.99, I ² =8.2%, n=26). Also, based on the dose-response analysis, each 1 standard deviation increment in blood concentrations of ALA was associated with a lower risk of CHD mortality (0.92, 0.86 to 0.98, I ² =37.1%, n=14). Conclusions The findings show that dietary ALA intake is associated with a reduced risk of mortality from all causes, CVD, and CHD, and a slightly higher risk of cancer mortality, whereas higher blood levels of ALA are associated with a reduced risk of all cause and CHD mortality only. Systematic review registration PROSPERO CRD42021229487.
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Context.— Dietary fish intake has been associated with a reduced risk of fatal cardiac end points, but not with nonfatal end points. Dietary fish intake may have a selective benefit on fatal arrhythmias and therefore sudden cardiac death.Objective.— To investigate prospectively the association between fish consumption and the risk of sudden cardiac death.Design.— Prospective cohort study.Setting.— The US Physicians' Health Study.Patients.— A total of 20551 US male physicians 40 to 84 years of age and free of myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular disease, and cancer at baseline who completed an abbreviated, semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire on fish consumption and were then followed up to 11 years.Main Outcome Measure.— Incidence of sudden cardiac death (death within 1 hour of symptom onset) as ascertained by hospital records and reports of next of kin.Results.— There were 133 sudden deaths over the course of the study. After controlling for age, randomized aspirin and beta carotene assignment, and coronary risk factors, dietary fish intake was associated with a reduced risk of sudden death, with an apparent threshold effect at a consumption level of 1 fish meal per week (P for trend=.03). For men who consumed fish at least once per week, the multivariate relative risk of sudden death was 0.48 (95% confidence interval, 0.24-0.96; P =.04) compared with men who consumed fish less than monthly. Estimated dietary n-3 fatty acid intake from seafood also was associated with a reduced risk of sudden death but without a significant trend across increasing categories of intake. Neither dietary fish consumption nor n-3 fatty acid intake was associated with a reduced risk of total myocardial infarction, nonsudden cardiac death, or total cardiovascular mortality. However, fish consumption was associated with a significantly reduced risk of total mortality.Conclusion.— These prospective data suggest that consumption of fish at least once per week may reduce the risk of sudden cardiac death in men. Figures in this Article SOME1- 6 but not all7- 10 prospective cohort studies of the association between fish consumption and cardiovascular mortality have reported inverse associations. In general, fish consumption has been associated with lower cardiac mortality in populations characterized by low fish intake in which a substantial proportion rarely or never consumed fish1- 6 and not in those with higher levels of fish intake.7- 10 Studies in which nonfatal coronary heart disease was examined have shown no relationship.9- 10 Randomized trial data are limited, but 1 secondary prevention trial showed an association between fish intake and reduction in cardiovascular mortality but not reinfarction.11 Based on these results, it has been hypothesized that low levels of dietary fish intake may be unrelated to the incidence of myocardial infarction, but could reduce coronary disease mortality by decreasing fatal arrhythmias and therefore sudden cardiac death.12 Experimental data in dogs13 and primates14 suggest that the n-3 fatty acids in fish have antiarrhythmic properties. Further, a retrospective case-control study found that, when compared with no intake, n-3 fatty acid consumption equivalent to 1 fatty fish meal per week was associated with a 50% reduction in the risk of primary cardiac arrest,15 suggesting that antiarrhythmic effects occur at the low levels of fish intake that have been associated with reduced coronary heart disease mortality. Contrary to these findings, no association was found between low levels of fish consumption and sudden death from myocardial infarction in a recent prospective study,5 but a strong inverse association was observed with nonsudden death from myocardial infarction as determined by death certificates. We addressed this controversy further by prospectively examining the association between fish consumption and sudden cardiac death ascertained from medical records and firsthand reports among male physicians enrolled in the Physicians' Health Study.
This chapter provides an overview of nutritional epidemiology for those unfamiliar with the field. The field of nutritional epidemiology developed from an interest in the concept that aspects of diet may influence the occurrence of human disease. Although it is relatively new as a formal area of research, investigators have used basic epidemiologic methods for more than 200 years to identify numerous essential nutrients. The most serious challenge to research in nutritional epidemiology has been the development of practical methods to measure diet. Because epidemiologic studies usually involve at least several hundred and sometimes hundreds of thousands of subjects, dietary assessment methods must be not only reasonably accurate but also relatively inexpensive. Epidemiologic approaches to diet and disease and the interpretation of epidemiologic data are discussed.
A standard analysis of the Framingham Heart Study data is a generalized person-years approach in which risk factors or covariates are measured every two years with a follow-up between these measurement times to observe the occurrence of events such as cardiovascular disease. Observations over multiple intervals are pooled into a single sample and a logistic regression is employed to relate the risk factors to the occurrence of the event. We show that this pooled logistic regression is close to the time dependent covariate Cox regression analysis. Numerical examples covering a variety of sample sizes and proportions of events display the closeness of this relationship in situations typical of the Framingham Study. A proof of the relationship and the necessary conditions are given in the Appendix.
In the first of two experiments, the incidence and duration of cardiac arrhythmia was significantly less in rats fed fish oil containing eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) than in rats fed sheep fat. The phospholipid of red meat contains EPA to some extent and its concentration can be raised by feeding fish oil to beef cattle, but the amount present in diets containing red meat or red meat from animals fed fish oil was apparently insufficient to reduce arrhythmia in rats. The rate of mortality was significantly less also in fish oil fed rats. In a second experiment, arrhythmia was significantly reduced again with fish oil but in this case in the presence of red meat. A similar result was obtained with canola oil fed with meat. Both the canola oil and fish oil diets significantly reduced the rate of mortality. The amount of red meat present in the diet had no significant effect.
This evaluation of the Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial database investigated the effects of dietary PUFA on disease outcomes that may relate to polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) biochemistry. The Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial was a randomized clinical trial in coronary heart disease (CHD) primary prevention involving 12,866 middle-aged men determined to be at high risk of CHD. They were assigned to either a special intervention group or a usual care group and returned to clinics on an annual basis for assessment of risk factor status. Only data on the usual care men (n = 6,250) are presented, since the multi-intervention effects on the special intervention group introduce considerable analytic complexities. Mean PUFA intake estimates were calculated from four dietary recall interviews at baseline and follow-up Years 1, 2, and 3 and estimates for PUFA were established using absolute grams, percentage of total kilocalories, and ratios. Proportional hazards regression analysis controlling for age, race and baseline diastolic blood pressure, smoking, high and low density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, and alcohol was used to analyze dietary PUFA intakes on 10.5-year mortality rates. Results were more significant when PUFA were expressed as percentage of total kilocalories. No significant associations with mortality were detected for linoleic acid (18:2n-6), the predominant dietary PUFA.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)