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The effects of exercise to promote quality of life in individuals with traumatic brain injuries: a systematic review The effects of exercise to promote quality of life in individuals with traumatic brain injuries: a systematic review


Abstract and Figures

Objective: To systematically review the effects of exercise interventions that may enhance quality of life (QOL) in individuals with traumatic brain injury (TBI). Methods: A systematic search was conducted using five databases up to April 2018. Studies were included if QOL was quantified following an exercise programme for people with a TBI. Methodological quality was assessed using a validated scoring checklist. Two independent reviewers assessed study inclusion and methodological quality. Results: Thirteen studies met the inclusion criteria (seven RCTs, six non-RCTs). The median total scores for the quality assessment tool were 26.1 (RCTs), and 21.3 (non-RCTs), out of 33. Eight out of the 13 studies reported improved QOL following an exercise programme. The duration of the interventions varied from 8-12 weeks. The most common programmes involved moderate to vigorous exercise; with a frequency and duration of 3–5 times/week for 30–60 minutes. Conclusion: Due to the diversity of the exercise training interventions, heterogeneity of patient characteristics, multitude of QOL instruments and outcome domains assessed, it was not possible to draw any definitive conclusion about the effectiveness of exercise interventions. However, this review identified positive trends to enhance various aspects of QOL measured using a range of assessment tools.
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The effects of exercise to promote quality of life
in individuals with traumatic brain injuries: a
systematic review
Grace C. O’Carroll , Stephanie L. King , Sean Carroll , John L. Perry & Natalie
To cite this article: Grace C. O’Carroll , Stephanie L. King , Sean Carroll , John L. Perry & Natalie
Vanicek (2020): The effects of exercise to promote quality of life in individuals with traumatic brain
injuries: a systematic review, Brain Injury, DOI: 10.1080/02699052.2020.1812117
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Published online: 15 Nov 2020.
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The eects of exercise to promote quality of life in individuals with traumatic brain
injuries: a systematic review
Grace C. O’Carroll
, Stephanie L. King
, Sean Carroll
, John L. Perry
, and Natalie Vanicek
Department of Sport, Health and Exercise Science, University of Hull, Hull, UK;
Psychology Department, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, Republic
of Ireland
Objective: To systematically review the eects of exercise interventions that may enhance quality of life
(QOL) in individuals with traumatic brain injury (TBI).
Methods: A systematic search was conducted using ve databases up to April 2018. Studies were
included if QOL was quantied following an exercise programme for people with a TBI. Methodological
quality was assessed using a validated scoring checklist. Two independent reviewers assessed study
inclusion and methodological quality.
Results: Thirteen studies met the inclusion criteria (seven RCTs, six non-RCTs). The median total scores for
the quality assessment tool were 26.1 (RCTs), and 21.3 (non-RCTs), out of 33. Eight out of the 13 studies
reported improved QOL following an exercise programme. The duration of the interventions varied from
8-12 weeks. The most common programmes involved moderate to vigorous exercise; with a frequency
and duration of 3–5 times/week for 30–60 minutes.
Conclusion: Due to the diversity of the exercise training interventions, heterogeneity of patient char-
acteristics, multitude of QOL instruments and outcome domains assessed, it was not possible to draw any
denitive conclusion about the eectiveness of exercise interventions. However, this review identied
positive trends to enhance various aspects of QOL measured using a range of assessment tools.
Received 22 March 2019
Revised 24 June 2020
Accepted 13 August 2020
Traumatic brain injury;
rehabilitation; exercise;
quality of life
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a global health issue with at
least 10 million annual cases, and a major cause of disability,
morbidity and mortality (1,2). Following a head injury, long-
term consequences can affect the physical, cognitive, beha-
vioral, and emotional functions of the individual causing
reduced motor control/balance, sensation deficits, and issues
with speech (1). In addition, TBI individuals are significantly
more likely to report adverse lifestyles, including sedentary
behavior (3), binge drinking (4), and more vulnerable to
experiencing fatigue, depression (5), high levels of self-
reported anxiety, or generalized anxiety disorders, epilepsy
(4) and developing early Alzheimer’s (6). These issues can
result in relationship breakdowns (7), job losses (8) and home-
lessness (9), leading to significant social stigma and socioeco-
nomic consequences, with financial burdens on the healthcare
Quality of life (QOL) is a subjective measure, taking into
consideration the individuals’ perception of their physical,
cognitive and affective states, interpersonal relationships and
social roles in their lives (10). The World Health Organization
QOL questionnaire also includes a spiritual dimension, which
examines an individual’s perception of ‘meaning of life’ and
overarching personal beliefs (10). Accordingly, QOL is a very
complex and broad-ranging concept, affected by physical
health, independence, psychological state of mind, beliefs,
and social relationships. However, in broad terms, QOL has
been defined as an individuals’ perception of their position in
life in the context of the culture and value systems in which they
live and in relation to their goals, expectations, standards and
. QOL outcome measures are important
within head injury research (11,12) as individuals with TBI
report a lower QOL compared with the general population
Regular physical activity is well known for promoting
a variety of health benefits including improvements to cardior-
espiratory fitness (15), lower mortality rates (16), reduced
depressive symptoms (17), and enhancing overall psychologi-
cal well-being (18) in healthy individuals. Regular exercise,
which is a planned, structured form of physical activity, has
also been shown to enhance cognitive functioning and facilitate
neuroplasticity (19). For these reasons, exercise training has
been suggested to play a key role in the rehabilitation of
individuals following a TBI.
Better physical functioning, and participation in fulfilling
activities, such as social interactions and returning to employ-
ment, has previously indicated QOL improvements following
a TBI (20,21). Additionally, physical activity is reportedly an
effective treatment modality for reducing anxiety and somatic
conditions in both healthy and TBI individuals (22). Due to the
positive effects of exercise and physical activity on an indivi-
duals’ QOL, it has been considered a health-promoting self-
care behavior.
Despite the extensive research in TBI rehabilitation, there is
still disagreement about the most effective exercise modality
CONTACT Stephanie L. King Sport, Health and Exercise Science, University of Hull, Hull HU6 7RX
© 2020 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
and general exercise principles in terms of frequency, intensity,
time, and type (FITT) of exercise intervention and the impact
this could have on QOL outcomes.
The overarching aim of this systematic review was to evaluate
exercise training interventions that may enhance QOL in indi-
viduals following a TBI. The main objective was to report on
the effects of structured exercise training on QOL outcomes
within adults following TBI. Secondly, we reviewed the exercise
intervention characteristics (FITT principles) within published
studies with QOL as an outcome measure and the different
QOL tools used as study outcome variables. The overall quality
of the published exercise training studies in adults following
TBI were evaluated.
This systematic review was undertaken and reported in accor-
dance with the general principles recommended in the
Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-
Analyses (PRISMA) statement (23).
Search strategy
The evidence-based PICO model (24) was used to help for-
mulate the clinical question. The determinants are outlined in
Table 1.
All forms of study designs were included apart from sys-
tematic and narrative review articles, and guideline papers, to
maximize available data. Database searches were conducted in
PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, Cochrane, and ProQuest.
The specific search terms used were “traumatic brain injury”,
“TBI”, “exercise”, “physical activity”, and “quality of life”. The
complete set of Boolean operators is outlined in Appendix 1.
We searched the databases for article published between 1900
and April 2018.
Data extraction and synthesis
Following the database searches and the deletion of duplicates,
initially the article titles were screened against the inclusion
and exclusion criteria, followed by the abstracts and then a full-
text review of potentially included articles against the specific
criteria. The final selection of articles, where QOL was an
outcome measure, were analyzed independently by two
reviewers (GO, SK). No disagreements were encountered and
therefore a third reviewer was not required to act as an adju-
dicator. The data were extracted and organized by category:
study identification, aim, participant characteristics and sam-
ple size, intervention characteristics, QOL outcome measures,
and results.
Outcomes measures
The primary outcome of this systematic review was to report
on the effectiveness of the exercise training programmes in
improving QOL in adults following a TBI. Secondly, the
characteristics of the exercise interventions were reviewed.
Our review considered the setting where the exercise interven-
tion was delivered and detailed the FITT (Frequency, Intensity,
Time, and Type) principles of the structured exercise pro-
gramme. This review was conducted to evaluate whether the
FITT principles influenced QOL outcomes within TBI patients.
The different QOL tools utilized to evaluate the effects were
exercise interventions were reviewed.
To be considered for inclusion in this systematic
review, QOL assessment tools must have presented
information related to at least one of the following
domains: 1) physical functioning, 2) psychological or
mental function, 3) social and economic function, 4)
pain, 5) vitality, and 6) general health perceptions.
This included (but not limited to) tools that measured
depression, anxiety, stress, social interactions, sleep
quality, and functional independence. QOL was quanti-
fied using validated questionnaires, including a mixture
of generic or condition-specific scales developed to
measure overall QOL and domains of QOL.
Quality assessment
The methodological quality of the included studies was
assessed using a checklist developed by Downs & Black
(25) which is suitable for both randomized and non-
randomized studies of healthcare interventions. It consists
of several components including: 1) Reporting (ten items):
assessing whether the information provided is sufficient; 2)
External Validity (three items): addressing the extent to
which the findings could be generalized to the population;
3) Bias (seven items): addressing biases in the measure-
ment of intervention and outcomes; 4) Confounding (six
items): assessing bias in the selection of study subjects; and
5) Power (one item): assessing whether the negative find-
ings could be due to chance. Answers were scored 0–1,
except for one item in the Reporting component (scored
0–2) and the Power subscale (scored 0–5). The total max-
imum score was 33. Overall scoring can be categorized
into good (>20), moderate (11–20) and poor (<11) meth-
odological quality (25). The methodological quality was
assessed by two independent reviewers with any disagree-
ments being resolved before continuation of the analysis.
Table 1. PICO model for formulating the clinical question.
Criteria Determinants
Population Only human adults with a TBI (exclusively a TBI population, or TBI
participants within comparison groups).
Intervention Physical activity; or divided attention/dual-tasking rehabilitation;
or exercise training.
Comparison Treated with exercise intervention vs. untreated or participants
received alternative rehabilitation (e.g., relaxation); people
with TBI vs. healthy or individuals with other traumas;
comparisons made between different severities of TBI (e.g.,
mild, moderate, severe); or comparison based on pre- or post-
injury characteristics.
Outcomes QOL or health-related QOL (HRQOL) relating to at least one of the
following domains: physical functioning, mental functions,
socio-economic function, pain, vitality, overall life satisfaction
and/or general health perceptions
Search results
The initial search returned 5128 articles (Web of Science: 1309,
PubMed: 1804, Scopus: 1581, Cochrane: 238 and ProQuest:
196). The duplicate articles (2023) were identified and
excluded, leaving 3105 studies for the initial stage of the review
(Figure 1). Both reviewers screened 43 full-text articles, with 30
articles being excluded (Figure 1). The remaining 13 studies
were included in the final analysis according to the unanimous
decision of the two reviewers.
Quality assessment
The quality of the methodologies reported within the primary
studies was assessed and analyzed separately for the RCT and
the non-RCTs (Table 2). All of the RCT studies (26–32) had
total scores >20, categorized as ‘good’, ranging from 22 (30) to
29 (29). All seven articles reported clear descriptions of their
main outcomes, interventions, principle confounders, exact
probabilities, and reported external validity. Of the seven
RCT studies, Bateman et al. (26), Bellon et al. (31), and
Hassett et al. (29) scored highest on internal validity (bias),
with Elsworth et al. (28) and Hassett et al. (29) scoring highest
for internal validity (confounding). The lowest ratings were for
internal validity (confounding) sub-sections, with only one
study using an assessor-blinded randomization design (29)
and only one study presenting confounding adjustment (28).
For the four non-RCTs, the total scores ranged from 18 (33,34)
to 25 (35). All six non-RCTs (33–38) reported clear descrip-
tions of their main outcomes, patient information, interven-
tion, findings, and presented the study group approached and
included. Damiano et al. (36) and Lee et al. (35) scored highest
on external validity, with Kleffelgaard et al. (33), Lee et al. (35),
Schwandt et al. (34), and Weinstein et al. (38) scoring highest
on internal validity (confounding) of all the six non-RCTs.
However, Kleffelgarrd et al. (33) scored the lowest for internal
validity (bias). Similar to the RCT studies, the lowest ratings
were for two of the internal validity (confounding) sub-
sections; hidden randomization and confounding adjustments.
Articles identified in initial search (n =
Web of Science (n = 1,309)
PubMed (n = 1,804)
Scopus (n = 1,581)
Cochrane (n = 238)
ProQuest (n = 196)
Articles for initial review after
duplicates removed (n = 3,105)
Duplicate articles removed (n = 2,023)
Articles for full-text review
(n = 43)
Articles excluded following review of
titles and abstracts (n = 3,062)
Articles included after full-text review (n = 13)
Articles excluded following full text review (n = 30)
No access to full-text (n = 1)
Only virtual reality tasks (n = 2)
No QOL outcome measure (n = 12)
Participants mean age <18years (n = 1)
Intervention not including physical activity,
exercise or dual-tasking activities (n = 13)
Not peer-reviewed work (n = 1)
Figure 1. PRISMA flowchart of literature screening process.
Table 2. Methodological quality assessment scoring using an assessment tool for randomized and non-randomized trials (Downs & Black, 1998).
Reporting External validity
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Follow up
Validity &
Participant Groups
From Same
Groups & Time
Randomization Hidden
Withdrawal Accounted for
RCTs Bateman (2001) 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1
Bellon (2015) 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1
Blake (2008) 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1
Driver (2006) 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
Elsworth (2011) 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1
Hassett (2009) 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1
Hoffman (2010) 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
Non-RCTs Chin (2015) 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
Damiano (2016) 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
Kleffelgaard (2015) 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1
Lee (2014) 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1
Schwandt (2012) 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1
Weinstein (2017) 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1
Internal Validity-Bias Internal Validity-Confounding
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Follow up
Validity &
Participant Groups
From Same
Groups & Time
Randomization Hidden
Power Total
RCTs Bateman (2001) 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 5 28
Bellon (2015) 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 5 27
Blake (2008) 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 5 27
Driver (2006) 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 5 23
Elsworth (2011) 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 5 27
Hassett (2009) 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 5 29
Hoffman (2010) 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 5 22
Non-RCTs Chin (2015) 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 4 21
Damiano (2016) 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 5 23
Kleffelgaard (2015) 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 2 18
Lee (2014) 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 5 25
Schwandt (2012) 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 2 18
Weinstein (2017) 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 5 23
1 = Yes, item addressed appropriately, 0 = No, item not addressed or unable to determine. Q5 1 = partially addressed, 2 = item addressed appropriately
By default, all non-RCTs scored zero (attributed ‘no’) for
randomization. Additionally, all 13 studies scored zero (attrib-
uted ‘no’) for blinding the participants to the intervention they
received. This aspect of research design is inherently challen-
ging as all the interventions involved structured exercise.
Study characteristics
The number of participants recruited to the primary studies
varied from 4 to 157 adult neurological patients; with 4 to 69
undertaking structured exercise across all 13 eligible studies
(Table 3). All 13 studies included both female and male parti-
cipants, with an age range between 24 and 65 years, and three
studies included more women than men (30,35,38). Ten out of
the 13 primary studies investigated the effects of exercise inter-
vention on adults following TBI exclusively (29–38), while the
remaining three articles grouped together a variety of brain-
related injuries that included TBI (26–28). One study (26)
included participants who had suffered strokes and hemor-
rhages, whereas another included various neurological disor-
ders, including Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, motor
neurone disorders, and cerebral palsy (28). One study (27) did
not specify the nature of the brain-injury amongst participants,
but specified that the majority of participants required
a wheelchair or walking frame/aid for mobility purposes. For
those studies reporting data, the severity of the TBI ranged
from mild to severe (Glasgow Coma Score of 13–15 for mild,
9–12 for moderate and 3–8 for severe) across the 13 studies.
Nine out of the 13 reported on cases where the time since
injury was 6 months or longer (27,30–32,34–38), with two
studies including participants who had sustained the injury in
under 6 months (26,29). Two studies did not specify the time
since injury (28,33). All the studies were conducted in coun-
tries with well-developed healthcare systems, including US,
Canada, Australia, Norway, and UK.
The duration of the exercise interventions was short-term,
ranging from 8 to 12 weeks across all studies (Table 4).
Individual exercise sessions ranged from 30 to 90 minutes
duration with frequencies ranging from one to five times per
week. The most common exercise programme involved exer-
cise sessions lasting 30 minutes, performed three times weekly
(26,34,37,38). One study did not specify the duration or the
frequency of the sessions (31). Five studies demonstrated rela-
tively good completion rates of 77% (29), 78% (34), 93%
(37,38) and >80% (36) for the exercise interventions. Lee
et al. (35) reported an average attendance of 71% over the
8 week supervised IntenSati programme, with Blake et al.
(32) outlining their exercise group completed 58/80 sessions
(73%) over the 8 weeks. In one case series (33), the four
participants attended between 8 and 15 sessions out of the
maximum 16. During the supervised sessions in one study
(30), only 5.9 (from 10) sessions were attended over the
10 weeks. The RCT of Bateman and colleagues (26) outlined
that the average total minutes of exercise performed by the
exercise group were 552 minutes, which was only half of the
prescribed maximum. One study documented a considerably
lower number of exercise sessions performed per week, with
only 44% partaking in ≥1 session, 8% ≥2 sessions and 2% ≥3
sessions (28). Two studies did not present any adherence rates
All of the studies delivered supervised, structured exercise
programmes with the exception of two, whereby one encour-
aged an unsupervised, but supported self-directed exercise
intervention at the local gymnasium (28). The other study
promoted a home-based walking programme with coaching
contact via telephone/e-mail (31). Three studies (29,30,33)
included both supervised and unsupervised (home-based)
exercise sessions. Eight of the 13 studies included different
types of aerobic-based exercises (aquatic aerobics/resisted exer-
cise, treadmill walking/running, stationary biking, stair-
stepping, rowing, track running) as part of the intervention
(26–28,30,31,34,37,38); with four studies concentrating on
motor control, balance, and strength and conditioning training
(32,33,35,36). The study by Hassett et al. (29) combined both
strength-based and aerobic exercise in their exercise sessions.
The prescribed intensity of the exercise sessions across the
primary studies was moderate to vigorous intensity, ranging
from 50% to 80% of maximum heart rate (HRmax) (39). One
article used RPM to gauge exercise intensity, where partici-
pants maintained 40–80 rpm against resistance on an elliptical
trainer (36). Another paper categorized intensity as a weekly
5% increase in number of steps, initiated from their baseline
data (31). Hassett et al. (29) categorized their cardiorespiratory
intensity as moderate (heavy breathing but could talk). Four
studies did not report exercise intensities (28,33,35,38). Nine of
the 13 studies included a control or usual care group (26–
32,35,37). Bateman et al. (26), Driver et al. (27), Hassett et al.
(29), Bellon et al. (31), and Blake et al. (32) provided their
control groups with alternative activities (relaxation therapy,
vocational rehabilitation classes, home-based exercises, nutri-
tional programme, and non-exercise social and leisure activ-
ities, respectively). Elsworth et al. (28), Hoffman et al. (30),
Damiano et al. (36), and Lee et al. (35) did not specify the
‘standard care’ provided to their control groups. However, the
remaining four studies only presented findings for the inter-
vention group (33,34,37,38).
Outcome measures
Quality of life
The primary outcomes were QOL assessment or related
domain-specific tools for 11 (26,27,30–38) of the 13 studies,
with the remaining two specifying QOL as their secondary
outcomes (28,29) (Table 5). A total of 28 different QOL-
related instruments were used across all 13 studies. There was
only one study that incorporated a tool measuring overall QOL
in relation to TBI specifically: the Quality of Life in Brain
Injuries questionnaire (QOLIBRI) (33). The remaining tools
that were used measured various domains affecting QOL (e.g.,
anxiety, depression, fatigue, mood, pain, etc.). The tools most
frequently assessed were the Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index
(PSQI) (n = 3 studies) (30,36,37), the Becks Depression Index
(BDI) (n = 3) (30,35,37) followed by the Profile of Mood States
questioannire (POMS) (n = 2) (29,38) and the Hospital Anxiety
and Depression Scale (HADS) (n = 2) (26,33). Nine out of the
Table 3. Study characteristics and population data for included studies.
of origin
size (n)
EX group
sample size
(n) Gender
Mean age
Diagnosis and physical status
Mean time
since injury
RCTs Bateman (2001) UK 157 55 M & F 41.7 44.7 TBI (22% of total cohort), stroke, hemorrhage, other. Long-term inpatients with complex disability. Able to
sit on a cycle ergometer. No physical, cognitive, or behavioral impairments sufficiently severe to
prevent compliance/ participation in training.
NR 5.1 5.9
Bellon (2015) USA 69 69 M & F 43.7 TBI >6months, needing medical attention, able to walk unassisted or with aid, no participating in other PA
Mild to
Blake (2008) UK 20 10 M & F 44.5 46.2 TBI > 1year Mild to
196.8 178.8
Driver (2006) USA 18 9 M & F 37.8 35.3 Unspecified previous Brain Injury with varying levels of disability. 40.0% used wheelchairs for mobility;
30% required walking frame/aid.
NR 40.3 41.2
Elsworth (2011) UK 99 48 M & F 55 57 Unspecified subgroups of participants with neurological conditions (Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, motor
neurone disease, neuromuscular disorders, cerebral palsy, TBI, transverse myelitis). Able to engage
within an exercise facility and walk 10m with aid.
Hassett (2009) Australia 62 32 M & F 35.4 33 TBI (able to walk independently). Severe to
2.6 2.3
Hoffman (2010) USA 80 37 M & F 39.7 37.1 TBI (with at least mild depression, no physical barrier to use of standard exercise equipment). NR 6-60 6-60
Non-RCTs Chin (2015) USA 7 7 M & F 33.3 n/a TBI (able to walk independently on the treadmill without assistance or requiring support). Mild to
48 n/a
Damiano (2016) USA 24 10 M & F 31.3 32.5 TBI (ability to walk independently and safely without assistance; acceptable balance on Neurocom
NR 90 NR
Kleffelgaard (2015) Norway 4 4 M & F 36 n/a TBI (ongoing dizziness and balance problems). Mild NR n/a
Lee (2014) USA 21 9 M & F 48.2 44.5 TBI occuring >year, medically documented TBI, no contradicting medical conditions. NR 88.1 27.3
Schwandt (2012) Canada 4 4 M & F 29 n/a TBI (moderate to severe depression, no musculoskeletal impairments). Moderate to
31.2 n/a
Weinstein (2017) USA 10 10 M & F 32.9 n/a TBI (non-penetrating), sedentary, walk unassisted. Mile to
79.2 n/a
CON = Control, EX = Exercise, GCS = Glasgow Coma Scale, n/a = Not applicable, NR = Not Reported, RTC = Randomized Controlled Trial, TBI = Traumatic Brain Injury
Table 4. Intervention characteristics for included studies, detailing the exercise FITT principles (frequency, intensity, time, type), comparison groups, and the QOL outcome measures.
Study Intervention setting and exercise type
Frequency (per
session) Intensity
Control/ compari-
son group
QOL outcome
RCTs Bateman (2001) Rehabilitation Centre Inpatients. Aerobic exercise programme (stationary cycling) 12 3 30 60-80% HRmax Relaxation
exercises - TBI
BBS, RMI, Barthel
index, FIM, NEADL,
Bellon (2015) Home-based walking programme. Pedometer measuring steps 12 NR NR 5% weekly step
programme - TBI
Blake (2008) Supervised Tai Chi (Qigong - integrating posture, movement, breathing
8 1 60 NR Non-exercise social
and leisure
Driver (2006) Community-based exercise programme. Unspecified Aerobic and resistance
programme (aquatic -based)
8 3 60 50-70% HRmax Vocational rehab
classes - TBI
Elsworth (2011) Cardiovascular, strength and flexibility training (Community-based gymnasium
12 At least one
NR NR Standard treatment
SF-36, FSS,
Hassett (2009) Cardiorespiratory (primarily walking/jogging) and strength training (community-
based gymnasium exercise with personal trainer supervision)
12 3 60 Moderate to vigorous
intensity (heavy
breathing but able to
usual care -
programme - TBI
Hoffman (2010) Aerobic-based exercise (running, steps, rowing, cycling) Partly supervised,
community, gymnasium- based.
10 5 sessions
(1 x supervised
30 60% HRmax Continued daily
routine - TBI
injury symptom
checklist, SF-36,
Non-RCTs Chin (2015) Supervised Aerobic exercise (treadmill walking). Medical research Centre. 12 3 30 70-80% HRR n/a PSQI, BDI-II
Damiano (2016) Unsupervised, home-based exercise programme. Motor control (training (elliptical
8 5 30 40-80 rpm Continued daily
routine - healthy
Hospital outpatient rehabilitation. Supervised, group-based, modified vestibular
rehabilitation with some strength and conditioning activities (circuits) and
home-based aerobic exercise programme (walking, jogging, aquatics)
8 2 1 x 90 1
x 60
Group supervised. IntenSati workout (fusing high-energy aerobics, martial arts,
dance, yoga, and strength conditioning)
8 2 60 NR NR PNAS, BDI, LIFE-3
Outpatient medical rehabilitation unit. Aerobic (cycling, recumbent step, treadmill) 12 3 30 60-75% HRmax n/a HAMD, RSES
Supervised aerobic exercise on treadmill 12 3 30 70-80% HRR n/a POMS
BAI = Beck Anxiety Inventory, BBS = Berg Balance Scale, BDI-II = Beck Depression Index version 2, BICRO-39 = Brain Injury Community Rehabilitation Outcome, BPI = Brief Pain Inventory, CES_D = Centre of Epidemiological Studies-
Depression, DASS = Depression Anxiety Stress Scale, FIM = Functional Independence Measure, FSS = Fatigue Severity Scale, GHQ-12 = General Health Questionnaire, HADS = Hospital and Anxiety Scale, HAMD = Hamilton Depression
inventory, HPLP_II = Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile, HRmax = Maximum Heart Rate, HRR = Heart Rate Reserve, n/a = Not applicable, NEADLI = Nottingham Extended Activities of Daily Living scale, NR = Not Reported, PNAS = Positive
and Negative Affect Scale, POMS = Profile of Mood States, PQOL = Perceived Quality Of Life scale, PSDQ = Physical Self-Description Questionnaire, PSS = Perceived Stress Scale, PSQI = Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index, PTSD (PCL-C) = Post-
Traumatic Stress Disorder (checklist-civilian version), QOLIBRI = Quality Of Life after Brain Injury, RMI = Rivermead mobility index, RPQ = Rivermead Post-concussion symptoms Questionnaire, RSES = Rosenburg Self-Esteem Scale, SF-36 =
Short Form questionnaire 36, TBI = Traumatic Brain Injury.
Table 5. The effects of the exercise interventions on overall QOL specific to TBI (in bold) and QOL domain outcome measures for each study.
Study Outcome measure Intervention Control Between group diff. p values (95% CI)
Pre Post Change Pre Post Change
RCTs Bateman (2001) BSS 39.6 46.5 37.7 44.7 p > 0.05
RMI 8.2 10.9 8.2 10.6 p > 0.05
Barthel index 14.2 17.0 13.8 17.3 p > 0.05
FIM (total) 88.9 105.6 85.7 101.4 p > 0.05
NEADL 43.4 32.1 44.1 32.5 p > 0.05
HADS (anxiety) 5.6 5.0 6.1 5.5 p > 0.05
HADS (depression) 5.7 5.5 6.6 5.8 p > 0.05
CES-D 16.1 12.0 16.0 15.2 NR
PSS 25.6 20.8 23.1 24.3 NR
GHQ-12 1.5 0.0* 3.5 2.5 p = 0.03 (U = 22)*
PSDQ (self-esteem) 2.8 3.4* 2.6 2.9 p = 0.34 (U = 37.5)
-HR 3.4 2.9* 2.4 2.4 = NR
-PA 2.3 2.9* 2.4 2.3 NR
-Nutrition 2.4 0.6* 2.5 2.5 = NR
-SG 2.5 2.9* 2.6 2.6 = NR
-IPR 2.6 3.0* 2.6 2.6 = NR
-SM 2.8 2.8 = 2.7 2.7 = NR
PSDQ (self-esteem) 3.7 4.4* 3.8 3.8 = NR
Elsworth (2011) SF-36
-Mental 51.4 5.3 50.5 51.6 p = 0.47 (5.3,5.8)
-Physical 28.9 33.0 28.6 29.3 p = 0.05 (-7.7,0.8) *
FSS 4.4 4.1 4.4 4.2 p = 0.38 (-0.4,0.5)
-Depression 1.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 = p = 0.24 (-6,2)
-Anxiety 2.0 2.0 = 2.0 1.0 p = 0.13 (-3,0)
-Stress 3.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 p = 0.13 (-5,1)
-Vigor 58.0 56.0 60.0 61.0 p = 0.06 (-8,0)
-Tension 37.0 38.0 36.0 37.0 p = 0.62 (-2,4)
-Depression 40.0 41.0 39.0 39.0 = p = 0.33 (-2,5)
-Anger 44.0 47.0 43.0 43.0 = p = 0.26 (-2,7)
-Fatigue 46.0 47.0 44.0 43.0 p = 0.07 (-0,6)
-Confusion 40.0 45.0 41.0 41.0 = p = 0.007 (1,7) *
-Socializing 14.0 14.0 = 12.0 14.0 p = 0.12 (-1,5)
-Psychological 7.0 10.0 7 7 = p = 0.14 (-5,1)
Hoffman (2010) BDI 21.5 16.4 24.7 21.2 p = 0.25
BPI 3.8 3.1 3.5 3.5 = p = 0.03*
PSQI 10.0 9.0 10.6 10.9 p = 0.11
HISC 11.0 11.8 11.4 11.4 = p = 0.68
-Mental 31.8 38.3 28.2 32.5 p = 0.24
-Physical 41.6 42.0 41.4 39.5 p = 0.22
PQOL 54 58.0 45 49 p = 0.39
Table 5. (Continued).
Study Outcome measure Intervention Control Between group diff. p values (95% CI)
Non-RCTs Chin
PSQI 4.6 3.7 n/a n/a
BDI-II 7.7 4.6 n/a n/a
Damiano (2016) HAMD 4.9 3.4 1.1 NR p = 0.35
PSQI 5.2 3.5 NR NR p = 0.04*
BAI 7.3 5.6 NR NR p = 0.09
PTSD (PCL-C) 30.1 25.5 9.6 NR p = 0.14
Kleffelgaard (2015) Patient 1 HADS 20 14 n/a n/a
RPQ-3 9 2 n/a n/a
RPQ-13 13 12 n/a n/a
QOLIBRI 40 43 n/a n/a
Patient 2 HADS 20 10 n/a n/a
RPQ-3 5 0 n/a n/a
RPQ-13 27 4 n/a n/a
QOLIBRI 41 67 n/a n/a
Patient 3 HADS 19 11 n/a n/a
RPQ-3 10 10 = n/a n/a
RPQ-13 36 24 n/a n/a
QOLIBRI 38 68 n/a n/a
Patient 4 HADS 20 23 n/a n/a
RPQ-3 5 5 = n/a n/a
RPQ-13 40 28 n/a n/a
QOLIBRI 43 54 n/a n/a
Positive 44.3 69.5* 16.9 34.5 p > 0.05
Negative 84.9 56.9 57.3 50.7 p > 0.05
BDI 29.6 16.6* 19.1 10.4 p = 0.01*
Life-5 3.6 4.2* 3.6 5.3 p > 0.05
Schwandt (2012) HAMD 23.8 12.5 n/a n/a
RSES 13.3 21.3 n/a n/a
Weinstein (2017) POMS -6.9* n/a n/a NR
Upward arrow indicates improvement, downward arrow indicates detriment, equal sign indicates no change
* indicates significant change (p<0.05)
BAI = Beck Anxiety Inventory, BBS = Berg Balance Scale, BDI-II = Beck Depression Index version 2, BICRO = Brain Injury Community Rehabilitation Outcome, BPI = Brief Pain Inventory, CES_D = Centre of Epidemiological Studies-Depression,
DASS = Depression Anxiety Stress Scale, FIM = Functional Independence Measure, FSS = Fatigue Severity Scale, GHQ-12 = General Health Questionnaire, HADS = Hospital and Anxiety Scale, HAMD = Hamilton Depression inventory, HISC
= Head Injury Symptoms Checklist, HR = Health Responsibility, HRmax = Maximum Heart Rate, HRR = Heart Rate Reserve, IPR = Inter-personal Relationships, n/a = Not Applicable, NEADLI = Nottingham Extended Activities of Daily
Living scale, NR = Not Reported, PA = Physical Activity, PNAS = Positive and Negative Affect Scale, POMS = Profile of Mood States, PQOL = Perceived Quality Of Life scale, PSDQ = Physical Self-Description Questionnaire, PSQI = Pittsburg
Sleep Quality Index, PSS = Perceived Stress Scale, PTSD (PCL-C) = Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (checklist-civilian version), QOLIBRI = Quality Of Life after Brain Injury, RMI = Rivermead mobility index, RPQ = Rivermead Post-concussion
symptoms Questionnaire, RSES = Rosenburg Self-Esteem Scale, SF-36 = Short Form questionnaire 36, SG = Spiritual Growth, SM = Stress Management, TBI = Traumatic Brain Injury,
13 studies measured their outcomes at baseline and post-
intervention (two testing points). Four studies had additional
follow-up assessments that included QOL tools (26,29,31,38).
Five articles (28–30,32,35) outlined significant improve-
ments in the intervention group compared to the control
group using the Short Form-36 (SF-36), POMS, Brief Pain
Inventory (BPI), General Health Questionnaire-15 (GHQ-
15), and the Positive and Negative Affect Scale (PNAS) tools.
In addition, significant pre-post improvements for the inter-
vention group were demonstrated with the Health-Promoting
Lifestyle Profile (HPLP-II) (27), the Pittsburg Sleep Quality
Index (PSQI) (36), PNAS (35), Life-3 (35), POMS (38),
GHQ-12 (32), and the Physical Self-Description
Questionnaire (PSDQ) (32) tools.
This review has highlighted that exercise interventions can
illicit positive improvements on several domains of QOL,
such as sleep quality, mood, engaging in health-promoting
lifestyles, pain, self-esteem, and community re-engagement.
However, we found that only one non-randomized, uncon-
trolled series study (33) utilized a QOL tool specifically for
a TBI population (QOLIBRI). Overall, there was inconsistent
and limited evidence from RCTs and other studies to confirm
that structured, supervised outpatient exercise, combining
aerobic exercise and resisted exercise components promoted
positive changes in various indices related to QOL when per-
formed for at least 90 to 180 minutes/week, and working at
a prescribed moderate to vigorous intensity of 50–80% of age-
predicted HRmax or equivalent (26,27,30,31,34,37,38). In con-
trast, QOL domains and recovery of functional independence
were reported to occur independently of inpatient aerobic
training (28).
The Downs and Black (25) checklist presented ‘good’ overall
scores for the majority of the exercise intervention studies
included in this systematic review. Notably, only two of the
eligible RCTs of exercise interventions recruited exclusively
post-TBI participants but addressed very different research
questions related to their exercise interventions. Specifically,
Hassett et al. (29) recruited 62 predominantly male (85%)
participants in their mid-thirties (recently discharged from
inpatient neurological rehabilitation units following a very
severe TBI), and randomized participants to a supervised, com-
munity-based exercise intervention, or home-based ‘usual care’
exercise programme. Their aim was to compare the effects of
a supervised fitness center-based exercise program with an
unsupervised home-based exercise programme. In contrast,
within a single-center study, Hoffman et al. (30) looked to
test the hypothesis that a structured aerobic exercise pro-
gramme would decrease the severity of depressive symptoms
following a TBI. They randomized 84 adult TBI participants,
(predominantly females exhibiting at least mild depressive
symptoms), to a combined supervised community gymna-
sium/home-based aerobic exercise intervention compared to
a delayed-start control group. Furthermore, within the largest
eligible multi-center RCT of neurological patients, Bateman
et al. (26) conducted a post-hoc analysis investigating the
impact of pathology, comparing TBI versus non-TBI patients
within inpatient exercise rehabilitation. Together, these dis-
tinct RCTs represent the best quality evidence of the effective-
ness of supervised inpatient, community, or home-based, and
structured exercise training interventions on QOL outcomes
following a TBI. Regarding the smaller non-RCTs, failure to
report confounding adjustments contributed to a low-quality
score. These lower scores were entirely expected for exercise-
related interventions due to a default zero score allocated to the
randomization process and provided justification for our sepa-
rate comparison of the methodological quality for the RCT and
non-RCTs. For all 13 studies, it was impossible to blind parti-
cipants to their allocated interventions (exercise treatments),
although relaxation classes, vocational rehabilitation, delayed-
start and home-based exercise served as alternative group
Within their multi-center study, Hassett et al. (29) was
the only investigation that reported conducting their exer-
cise programme (combined aerobic and strengthening exer-
cise) according to professional body (40) guidelines for
post-brain injury patients. Across all studies, the overall
intervention periods were short, ranging from 8–12 weeks
(30–60 min/session), with four out of the five programmes
incorporating structured aerobic training, with supervised
Hassett et al. (29) reported no differences in supervised
compared to home-based exercise interventions for cardior-
espiratory fitness, or psychological functioning outcomes
post-intervention or at follow-up. Likewise, significant
group differences in community reintegration outcomes
were not maintained at longer follow-up. Hoffman et al.
(30) reported lower pain outcomes amongst mainly female
post-TBI participants, but no significant differences in
depression scores (BDI), general health status or perceived
QOL between the exercise intervention and the delayed-start
control group at 10 weeks. However, a subsequent report by
Wise and colleagues (41) showed exercise intervention parti-
cipants maintained improvements in BDI scores over time.
Approximately half (48%) of their participants demonstrated
increased physical activity at 6 months compared with base-
line and those who exercised more than 90 minutes/week had
lower scores on the BDI at the 10-week and 6-month assess-
ments and reported higher perceived QOL and mental health
outcomes (41).
Eight of the 13 studies (26–28,30,31,34,37,38) incorpo-
rated different forms of aerobic exercise training, eviden-
cing that a range of exercise modalities can promote
positive changes to an individuals’ QOL. Individuals who
have suffered a TBI generally have a lower aerobic capacity
compared with age- and gender-matched controls (42,43);
therefore, a targeted exercise programme that includes
aerobic training could enhance cardiorespiratory fitness
outcomes (44) and improve QOL domains concomitantly
However, due to the small number of studies that elicited
significant changes, and the broad range of exercise modalities
that were described, we were unable to reach a consensus on
the optimum FITT principles, as described in our second
objective, or to establish a clear and definitive exercise pre-
scription. In addition, there was a lack of robust study designs;
RCT designs are required to quantify and evaluate the effec-
tiveness of different exercise interventions clinically. The
effects of different exercise interventions following a TBI are
widely researched (41,45–48), but there remain contrasting
views on the most appropriate exercise modality and exercise
dose, highlighting the complexity of prescribing an individua-
lized exercise programme following a TBI. Nevertheless, this
systematic review has identified a range of exercise prescrip-
tions that can enhance QOL and/or its related domains.
A further objective of this systematic review was to
examine the different QOL tools used within the included
studies. All the significant improvements were identified by
tools that explored individuals’ perceptions of different
domains of QOL (HPLP-II, PSDQ, POMS, SF-36, BPI,
BDI, PNAS, Life-3, GHQ-12). Bergquist and colleagues
(49) asked brain-injured individuals to define their views
on QOL. Three major dimensions emerged: 1) achieving
a sense of productivity; 2) establishing a sense of self-
control, self-efficacy, and self-competency; 3) experiencing
a sense of community among self, and others. The percep-
tion of QOL can differ greatly between individuals follow-
ing a TBI, so measuring domains of QOL could be as
important as overall QOL tools. Quality of life is
a complex issue to discuss due to the many indicators
that influence it, including material living conditions, gov-
ernance, and basic rights (50). This current review concep-
tualized QOL definitions by looking at the persons’
physical, mental, social and economic functioning as well
as pain, vitality and general health perceptions.
With few papers looking specifically at the effects of exercise
on QOL in people with TBI, it is problematic for clinicians to
make evidence-based decisions when prescribing exercise pro-
grammes. The effectiveness of exercise on QOL needs to be
evaluated with adequately powered RCTs and by measuring
the feasibility of implementation, acceptability, and effective-
ness of exercise interventions on recognized QOL outcome
measures. Future research should consider and address the
methodological limitations of the published research to
improve research quality. Specifically, estimating random
variability when reporting methodology, and ensuring that
group allocations are randomized.
Due to the limited literature available in this area, the broad
inclusion criteria allowed for three (26–28) studies which
included not solely TBI populations. As such there were
some neurological disorder groups that included TBI but it
was not possible to separate these data. The heterogeneity of
the control groups across the included studies was another
limitation, which could affect the reported improvements
when between-group analyses were conducted. In addition,
four studies (27,28,35,36) failed to present the injury severity,
so we were unable to distinguish between the sub-categories of
brain injuries in the results. Another limitation of this review
was that not all included studies were RCTs; hence, it was not
possible to draw definitive conclusions on effectiveness. During
this review it became apparent that defining QOL was a more
challenging task than first anticipated, and the tools used to
assess QOL were very broad throughout the studies. This firstly
led to the broad inclusion of what constituted as QOL or QOL
domain and the divergence of QOL tools administered across
all 13 studies. This made it difficult to accurately compare
effects of QOL because of exercise interventions and diverse
recommendations to the optimum QOL tools. Ideally, the
included studies would have all used the same QOL tools
allowing a more accurate comparison of interventions. Future
studies could explore QOL by breaking it down into distinct
Selection bias should also be considered which can occur
when the probability of programme adoption or evaluation is
correlated to the impact (51). For the non-RCTs in this review,
the allocation of participants to the exercise treatments can
depend on an arbitrary decision made by the investigator
rather than by chance. Because of this, treatment outcomes
cannot be compared for relevant prognostic factors at baseline
without generating bias. In addition, as all the participants
were volunteers, self-selection bias may be present. This is
when the individuals that volunteer for a study differ from
those who do not volunteer in terms of relevant clinical char-
acteristics (51). So, for example, individuals who volunteer may
possess higher levels of motivation to recover, or to undertake
moderately vigorous exercise, which in turn could lead to
greater attendance rates and better QOL outcomes. However,
this may not be generalizable to the whole TBI population.
Therefore, this should be considered when analyzing data and
interpreting the outcomes of this review. Selection bias does
not occur in RCTs as participants are randomized into treat-
ment arms, emphasizing the need for more robust RCTs to
establish reliable comparisons between studies.
The findings from this review highlight that there appear to
be some modest improvements in QOL domains, including
self-esteem, pain, personal relationships and better psycho-
social reintegration, following structured exercise interven-
tions. The certainty of these findings is limited due to the
small number of relevant studies, plus the marked hetero-
geneity of study groups recruited and the diversity of exer-
cise-based interventions. Nonetheless, some commonality
findings emerged, such as the benefits of short-term, super-
vised combined aerobic and strengthening exercise inter-
ventions, performed at a moderate/vigorous intensity, least
three times weekly for up to 60 minutes. These findings are
preliminary and further studies, specifically longer term,
community-based RCTs, are required to improve study
quality and to build the evidence base for the effectiveness
of exercise on QOL.
Declaration of interest
There are no conflicts of interest to declare. The authors did not receive
any funding in the preparation of this review.
Natalie Vanicek
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Med. 2010;20(1):21–27. doi:10.1097/JSM.0b013e3181c6c22c.
48. Prangley A, Aggerholm M, Cinelli M. Improvements in balance
control in individuals with PCS detected following vestibular train-
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2010;115(2):c94–c99. doi:10.1159/000312871.
Appendix 1. Search terms used for all ve databases
highlighting the Boolean operators ‘OR’, ‘AND’ and
Database Search Terms
PubMed (“traumatic brain injury” OR “brain trauma” OR tbi OR “brain
injury” OR “concussion” OR “head injury” OR “traumatic
encephalopathy”)) AND (“physical therapy” OR “exercise
training” OR “physical activit*” OR “dual-task*” OR “divided
attention” OR “rehabilitation”)) AND (“quality of life” OR
“psychometric” OR “depression” OR “health-related quality of
life” OR “QoL” OR “life quality”)) NOT “stroke”))
Web of
TOPIC: (“traumatic brain injury” OR “brain trauma” OR “tbi” OR
“brain injury” OR “concussion” OR “head injury” OR “traumatic
encephalopathy”) ANDTOPIC: (“physical therapy” OR “exercise
training” OR “physical activit*” OR “dual-task*” OR “divided
attention” OR “rehabilitation”) ANDTOPIC: (“quality of life” OR
“psychometric” OR “depression” OR “health-related quality of
life” OR “QoL” OR “life quality”) NOT TOPIC: (“stroke”)
Scopus (TITLE-ABS-KEY(“traumatic brain injury” OR “brain trauma” OR tbi
OR “brain injury” Or “concussion” Or “head injury” OR
“traumatic encephalopathy”)) AND (TITLE-ABS-KEY(“physical
therapy” OR “exercise training” OR “physical activit*” OR “dual
task*” OR “divided attention” OR “rehabilitation”)) AND (TITLE-
ABS-KEY(“quality of life” OR “psychometric” OR “depression”
OR “health related quality of life” OR “QoL” OR “life quality”))
Cochrane “traumatic brain injury” OR “brain trauma” OR tbi OR “brain
injury” OR “concussion” OR “head injury” OR “traumatic
encephalopathy” and “physical therapy” OR “exercise training”
OR “physical activit*” OR “dual task*” OR “divided attention”
OR “rehabilitation” and “quality of life” OR “psychometric” OR
“depression” OR “health related quality of life” Or “QoL” OR
“life quality” not “stroke”
ProQuest all(“traumatic brain injury” OR “brain trauma” OR “tbi” OR “brain
injury” OR “concussion” OR “head injury” OR “traumatic
encephalopathy”) AND all(“physical therapy” OR “exercise
training” OR “physical activit*” OR “dual task*” OR “divided
attention” OR “rehabilitation”) AND all(“quality of life” OR
“psychometric” OR “depression” OR “health related quality of
life” OR “QoL” OR “life quality”) NOT all(“stroke”)
... To our knowledge, this is the first RCT to examine HRQL in patients with TBI with dizziness and balance problems in need of VR by applying a conditionspecific self-report questionnaire (30). This study showed that the VR intervention produced significant improvements in HRQL from baseline to the end of follow-up, which was 4.4 months later, on average. ...
... Furthermore, the current study shows that the patients with more symptoms of psychological distress on the HADS at baseline showed significantly higher improvement in HRQL, independent of group allocation. Few RCTs have tested interventions on HRQL in patients with TBI (30). In the current study, all participants received the routine outpatient rehabil-itation offered at the specialized rehabilitation clinic to patients with a protracted course of recovery after mild to moderate TBI (19). ...
... The complexity of central and peripheral factors may make recovery from dizziness after TBI/trauma to the head more complex, which may explain why the dizziness on the VSS subscales was not a significant predictor of HRQL. Another perspective might be that the VR intervention, in addition to focusing on motor control and balance, also included general strength and conditioning exercises, which have been found to improve HRQL in patients with TBI (30). In addition, the reduced psychological distress and improved self-efficacy that are associated with HRQL might have influenced how dizziness is managed in daily life. ...
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Objective: Secondary analysis, testing the effect on change in health-related quality of life of group-based vestibular rehabilitation in patients with mild-moderate traumatic brain injury, dizziness and -balance problems. Design: A single-blind randomized controlled trial. Subjects: A total of 65 patients aged 16-60 years with a Rivermead Post-concussion Symptoms Questionnaire dizziness score ≥ 2, and Dizziness Handicap Inventory score > 15 points. Data collection was performed at baseline 3.5 (standard deviation (SD) 2.1) months post-injury, end of intervention, and 4.4 (SD 1.0) months after baseline. Methods: Quality of Life after Brain Injury was the main outcome. Independent variables were demographic and injury variables, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, changes on the Rivermead Post-concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ3 physical and RPQ13 psychological/cognitive), and Vertigo Symptom Scale-Short Form. Results: Mean age of participants was 39.4 years (SD 13.0); 70.3% women. Predictors of change in the Quality of Life after Brain Injury were receiving the vestibular rehabilitation (p = 0.049), baseline psychological distress (p = 0.020), and change in RPQ3 physical (p = 0.047) and RPQ13 psychological/cognitive (p = 0.047). Adjusted R2 was 0.399, F=6.13, p < 0.001. Conclusion: There was an effect in favour of the intervention group in improvement in health-related quality of life. Changes on the Rivermead Post-concussion Symptoms Questionnaire were also associated with change on the Quality of Life after Brain Injury.
... Rehabilitation specialists are recommended to prescribe PA programs, especially in the chronic phase after ABI (Grabljevec et al., 2018). Increased physical activity has been associated with distinct anatomical and physiological changes and may improve physical and mental health; aerobic activity has demonstrable benefits on overall brain health (Hillman et al., 2008;Crosson et al., 2017;O'Carroll et al., 2020;Mercier et al., 2021;Sheng et al., 2021). PA is believed to facilitate neuronal plasticity and affect the brain's recovery following ABI, and engagement in PA has been shown to impact an individual's healthrelated quality of life (Hillman et al., 2008;Crosson et al., 2017;O'Carroll et al., 2020;Mercier et al., 2021;Sheng et al., 2021). ...
... Increased physical activity has been associated with distinct anatomical and physiological changes and may improve physical and mental health; aerobic activity has demonstrable benefits on overall brain health (Hillman et al., 2008;Crosson et al., 2017;O'Carroll et al., 2020;Mercier et al., 2021;Sheng et al., 2021). PA is believed to facilitate neuronal plasticity and affect the brain's recovery following ABI, and engagement in PA has been shown to impact an individual's healthrelated quality of life (Hillman et al., 2008;Crosson et al., 2017;O'Carroll et al., 2020;Mercier et al., 2021;Sheng et al., 2021). Additionally, engagement in physical activity may improve sleep quality; sleep disturbances are highly prevalent in individuals with ABI and have a well-established impact on the efficacy of rehabilitation efforts (Bruijel et al., 2021;Dey et al., 2021). ...
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Introduction Objective and continuous monitoring of physical activity over the long-term in the community is perhaps the most important step in the paradigm shift toward evidence-based practice and personalized therapy for successful community integration. With the advancement in technology, physical activity monitors have become the go-to tools for objective and continuous monitoring of everyday physical activity in the community. While these devices are widely used in many patient populations, their use in individuals with acquired brain injury is slowly gaining traction. The first step before using activity monitors in this population is to understand the patient perspective on usability and ease of use of physical activity monitors at different wear locations. However, there are no studies that have looked at the feasibility and patient perspectives on long-term utilization of activity monitors in individuals with acquired brain injury. Methods This pilot study aims to fill this gap and understand patient-reported aspects of the feasibility of using physical activity monitors for long-term use in community-dwelling individuals with acquired brain injury. Results This pilot study found that patients with acquired brain injury faced challenges specific to their functional limitations and that the activity monitors worn on the waist or wrist may be better suited in this population. Discussion The unique wear location-specific challenges faced by individuals with ABI need to be taken into account when selecting wearable activity monitors for long term use in this population.
... Previous systematic review papers on the effects of aerobic exercise following traumatic brain injury have been limited by focusing on the severity of injury [i.e., concussion (Howell et al., 2019;Langevin et al., 2020)] or specific outcome measures [i.e., quality of life (O'Carroll et al., 2020) and cognition (McDonnell et al., 2011)]. To better understand how aerobic exercise may be used as a treatment following TBI, this systematic scoping review aims to encapsulate the literature examining aerobic exercise-based interventions following TBI, separated by injury severity and age. ...
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Introduction Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) accounts for millions of hospitalizations and deaths worldwide. Aerobic exercise is an easily implementable, non-pharmacological intervention to treat TBI, however, there are no clear guidelines for how to best implement aerobic exercise treatment for TBI survivors across age and injury severity. Methods We conducted a PRISMA-ScR to examine research on exercise interventions following TBI in children, youth and adults, spanning mild to severe TBI. Three electronic databases (PubMed, PsycInfo, and Web of Science) were searched systematically by two authors, using keywords delineated from “Traumatic Brain Injury,” “Aerobic Exercise,” and “Intervention.” Results Of the 415 papers originally identified from the search terms, 54 papers met the inclusion criteria and were included in this review. The papers were first grouped by participants’ injury severity, and subdivided based on age at intervention, and time since injury where appropriate. Discussion Aerobic exercise is a promising intervention for adolescent and adult TBI survivors, regardless of injury severity. However, research examining the benefits of post-injury aerobic exercise for children and older adults is lacking.
... The choice of AET as a complement to the KF-mSMT® for managing NLMI in TBI is based on the wealth of evidence of AET-related improvements on NLM [22,23], hippocampal neuroimaging outcomes [22,24] and activities of daily living [25][26][27] in older adults. Despite evidence of beneficial effects of exercise for individuals with TBI documented in general [28][29][30], there is a dearth of exercise research on cognition as a primary outcome in TBI, and the published studies in this area are associated with major methodological limitations [31][32][33][34]. Further, no studies have directly targeted persons with TBI-related cognitive impairment, for whom cognitive treatment is indicated. ...
... Whereas bed rest has historically been prescribed as a standard treatment practice for TBI patients, a recent shift in clinical recommendations involves a gradual return to physical activity following only a few days of rest . Physical exercise is increasingly recognized as a potentially safe and efficacious rehabilitative strategy for male and female TBI patients (Leddy et al., 2018;Morris et al., 2016;O'Carroll et al., 2020); however, there remain outstanding questions regarding how exercise can impact the injured brain. We recently reported that cognitive function in brain injured male mice improves with moderate-intensity exercise . ...
Physical exercise represents a potentially inexpensive, accessible, and optimizable rehabilitation approach to traumatic brain injury (TBI) recovery. However, little is known about the impact of post-injury exercise on the neurometabolic, transcriptional, and cognitive outcomes following a TBI. In the current study, we examined TBI outcomes in adolescent male and female mice following a controlled cortical impact (CCI) injury. Mice underwent a 10-day regimen of sedentary, low-, moderate-, or high-intensity treadmill exercise and were assessed for cognitive function, histopathology, mitochondrial function, and oxidative stress. Among male mice, low-moderate exercise improved cognitive recovery, and reduced cortical lesion volume and oxidative stress, whereas high-intensity exercise impaired both cognitive recovery and mitochondrial function. On the other hand, among female mice, exercise had an intermediate effect on cognitive recovery but significantly improved brain mitochondrial function. Moreover, single nuclei RNA sequencing of perilesional brain tissue revealed neuronal plasticity-related differential gene expression that was largely limited to the low-intensity exercise injured males. Taken together, these data build on previous reports of the neuroprotective capacity of exercise in a TBI model, and reveal that this rehabilitation strategy impacts neurometabolic, functional, and transcriptional outcome measures in an intensity- and sex-dependent manner.
... QOL measures have been commonly used for assessing patients with TBI (22).A previous systematic review explored the effectiveness of exercise in promoting QOL in individuals with TBI (23). The applied QOL assessment tools in previous reviews included domains related to physical functioning, mental function, socioeconomic function, pain, vitality, overall life satisfaction, and general health perceptions. ...
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Background: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major cause of disability and mortality worldwide. People with TBI exhibit poor quality of life (QOL). Exercise is considered a possible intervention for improving cognitive function and mood, helping improve QOL in patients with TBI. According to our review of the relevant literature, meta-analyses have yet to explore the effect of exercise on QOL in patients with TBI. Objectives: To determine by meta-analysis of relevant studies whether physical exercise could promote QOL in patients with TBI. Methods: A systematic review and meta-analysis of intervention studies involving physical exercise for improving QOL outcomes in TBI populations were conducted according to the PRISMA guideline. Our inclusion criteria were as follows: being randomized or nonrandomized controlled trials with quantitative designs that included patients diagnosed with TBI. Results: Thus, six studies met the inclusion criteria. The interventions in four of the six studies had statistically significant effects on QOL improvement. Our meta-analysis revealed a moderate effect size of physical exercise on QOL promotion in patients with TBI. Conclusion: For TBI, exercise seems to improve QOL. More research with long-term follow-up should be conducted to assess the effect of exercise on patients with TBI.
... Research about using physical activity (PA) to improve long-term problems (e.g., cognitive impairment, depression, and quality of life) after moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) has received growing attention (1)(2)(3) and suggests that various forms of community-based PA may lead to significant health improvements (4). In addition, based on the long-term or lifelong injury related sequelae that can extend for 10-20 years after moderate-to-severe TBI, PA is particularly relevant as a self-management tool in the chronic period of recovery (5), as it has been shown that adults with moderate-to-severe TBI can, with minimal guidance, perform vigorous community-based PA (6). ...
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Background Research about using physical activity (PA) to improve health, quality of life, and participation after moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) is receiving growing attention. However, best-practices for maintaining PA participation after TBI have yet to be defined. In this context, a team of researchers and stakeholders with a moderate-to-severe TBI (including program participants and peer mentors) participated in a co-creation process to optimize a 9-month, 3-phased, community-based, adapted PA program named TBI-Health. Purpose The study aimed to provide a detailed account of the participation in and co-creation of a new TBI-Health Program to enhance sport and exercise participation for adults with moderate-to-severe TBI. Specifically, we carried out an in-depth exploration of the perceived experiences and outcomes of users over one cycle of the program to assist the co-creation process. Methods An interpretive case study approach was used to explore the experiences and outcomes of the participatory co-creation within and across phases of the TBI-Health program. A purposeful sample of fourteen adults with moderate-to-severe TBI (program participants n = 10; peer mentors n = 4) were involved in audio-recorded focus groups after each program phase. Reflexive thematic analyses within and across the phases identified three higher-order themes. Results Program Participation included barriers, facilitators, sources of motivation and suggested modifications to optimize the program; Biopsychosocial Changes highlighted perceived physical, psychological, and social outcomes, by self and others, that resulted from program participation; PA Autonomy emphasized transitions in knowledge, sex- and gender-related beliefs, and abilities related to exercise and sport participation. Conclusions Study findings suggest the TBI-Health program can increase autonomy for and reduce barriers to PA for adults with moderate-to-severe TBI, which results in increased PA participation and important physical, psychological, and social benefits. More research is needed about the TBI-Health program with larger samples.
Mood disturbance is a common, long‐term, negative consequence of traumatic brain injury (TBI) that is insufficiently addressed by most traditional treatment modalities. A large body of evidence supports the efficacy of exercise training (ET) to broadly improve mood, as measured most often by the Profile of Mood States (POMS). However, this behavioral approach is not used nearly enough in the TBI population, and when it is, mood is rarely measured. This scoping review will evaluate the use of POMS as a mood measure in TBI research and to establish a rationale for using ET as a behavioral approach to broadly improve mood in persons with TBI. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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Persons with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) commonly present with long-term cognitive deficits in executive function, processing speed, attention, and learning and memory. While specific cognitive rehabilitation techniques have shown significant success for deficits in individual domains, aerobic exercise training represents a promising approach for an efficient and general treatment modality that might improve many cognitive domains concurrently. Existing studies in TBI report equivocal results, however, and are hampered by methodological concerns, including small sample sizes, uncontrolled single-group designs, and the use of suboptimal exercise modalities for eliciting cognitive improvements in this population. One particularly promising modality involves the application of environmental enrichment via virtual reality (VR) during aerobic exercise in persons with TBI, but this has yet to be investigated. One approach for systematically developing an optimal aerobic exercise intervention for persons with TBI involves the examination of single bouts of aerobic exercise (i.e., acute aerobic exercise) on cognition. Acute exercise research is a necessary first step for informing the development of high-quality exercise training interventions that are more likely to induce meaningful beneficial effects. To date, such an acute exercise paradigm has yet to be conducted in persons with TBI. To that end, we propose an acute exercise study that will investigate the acute effects of aerobic exercise with incremental degrees of environmental enrichment (VR) relative to a control comparison condition on executive function (divided attention and working memory) and processing speed in 24 people with TBI.
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Purpose of Review To review the growing body of indirect and direct evidence that suggests that exercise can be helpful for children, adolescents, and adults with persistent symptoms following a mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). Recent Findings The direct evidence shows that graded exercise assessments are safe, and that aerobic exercise interventions are associated with improvement of multiple symptoms and other benefits, including earlier return-to-sport. The indirect evidence supports this approach via studies that reveal the potential mechanisms, and show benefits for related presentations and individual symptoms, including headaches, neck pain, vestibular problems, sleep, stress, anxiety, and depression. We document the forms of exercise used for the post-acute management of mTBI, highlight the knowledge gaps, and provide future research directions. Summary We recommend trialing a new approach that utilizes a graduated program of individually prescribed combined aerobic resistance exercises (CARE) if mTBI symptoms persist. This program has the potential to improve patient outcomes and add to the management options for providers.
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This small clinical trial utilized a novel rehabilitation strategy, rapid-resisted elliptical training, in an effort to increase motor, and thereby cognitive, processing speed in ambulatory individuals with traumatic brain injury (TBI). As an initial step, multimodal functional abilities were quantified and compared in 12 ambulatory adults with and 12 without TBI. After the baseline assessment, the group with TBI participated in an intensive 8-week daily exercise program using an elliptical trainer and was reassessed after completion and at an 8-week follow-up. The focus of training was on achieving a fast movement speed, and once the target was reached, resistance to motion was increased in small increments to increase intensity of muscle activation. Primary outcomes were: High-Level Mobility Assessment Tool (HiMAT), instrumented balance tests, dual-task (DT) performance and neurobehavioral questionnaires. The group with TBI had poorer movement excursion during balance tests and poorer dual-task (DT) performance. After training, balance reaction times improved and were correlated with gains in the HiMAT and DT. Sleep quality also improved and was correlated with improved depression and learning. This study illustrates how brain injury can affect multiple linked aspects of functioning and provides preliminary evidence that intensive rapid-resisted training has specific positive effects on dynamic balance and more generalized effects on sleep quality in TBI.
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Unlabelled: Abstract Objective: To determine whether a 12-week home-based walking programme can decrease perceived stress and depressive symptoms in persons with a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Setting: Community- and home-based. Participants: Sixty-nine participants with a TBI. Design: Comparative effectiveness cross-over design with random assignment to treatment sequence and blinded post-hoc assessment of outcome where participants completed a 12-week walking intervention and a nutrition education module. The walking intervention utilized pedometers to track the amount of steps each participant walked daily. With the assistance of an assigned coach, weekly goals were given with the intent of increasing the amount of walking that the participant was initially completing. The nutrition control group was created to offset the impact of the coaching calls. Main measures: Measurement of perceived stress and depressive symptoms was completed through the use of the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) and Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression (CES-D). These measures were collected at three time points: baseline and following each 12-week intervention. Results: RESULTS indicated that both perceived stress and depression symptoms significantly improved following the walking intervention. Conclusions: While limitations existed with the study, it is evident that walking can be used as an efficient and cost-effective tool to manage perceived stress and depressive symptoms in persons who have sustained a TBI.
Authoratative compilation of guidelines for exercise testing and prescription.
Physical inactivity is one of the leading modifiable risk factors for global mortality, with an estimated 20% to 30% increased risk of death compared with those who are physically active. The “behavior” of physical activity (PA) is multifactorial, including social, environmental, psychological, and genetic factors. Abundant scientific evidence has demonstrated that physically active people of all age groups and ethnicities have higher levels of cardiorespiratory fitness, health, and wellness, and a lower risk for developing several chronic medical illnesses, including cardiovascular disease, compared with those who are physically inactive. Although more intense and longer durations of PA correlate directly with improved outcomes, even small amounts of PA provide protective health benefits. In this state-of-the-art review, the authors focus on “healthy PA” with the emphasis on the pathophysiological effects of physical inactivity and PA on the cardiovascular system, mechanistic/triggering factors, the role of preventive actions through personal, education/environment, and societal/authoritative factors, as well as factors to provide guidance for caregivers of health promotion regarding PA. Sustainable and comprehensive programs to increase PA among all individuals need to be developed and implemented at local, regional, national, and international levels to effect positive changes and improve global health, especially the reduction of cardiovascular disease.
Concussed individuals have been found to experience balance deficits in the anterior-posterior (AP) direction as indicated by greater Center of Pressure (COP) displacement and velocity. One possible reason for this change in balance control could be due to damage to the lateral vestibulospinal tract which sends signals to control posterior muscles, specifically ankle extensors leading to compensatory torques about the ankle. The purpose of the study was to quantify balance assessments in individuals experiencing persistent post-concussion symptoms (PCS) to determine balance control changes following a vestibular training intervention. Participants (N = 6, >26 days symptomatic), were tested during their first appointment with a registered physiotherapist (PT) and during each follow up appointment. Participants were prescribed balance, visual, and neck strengthening exercises by the PT that were to be completed daily between bi-weekly appointments. Balance assessments were quantified using a Nintendo Wii board to record ground reaction forces. Participants completed 4 balance assessments: 1) Romberg stance eyes open (REO); 2) Romberg stance eyes closed (REC); 3) single leg stance eyes open (SEO); and 4) single leg stance eyes closed (SEC). The balance assessments were conducted on both a firm and compliant surfaces. Significant improvements in balance control were noted in ML/AP displacement and velocity of COP for both SEC and Foam REC conditions, with additional improvements in AP velocity of COP for Foam REC and in ML displacement of COP during Foam SEC. Overall, findings indicate that objectively quantifying balance changes for individuals experiencing persistent PCS allows for a more sensitive measure of balance and detects changes unrecognizable to the naked eye.
Background: Exercise training is associated with elevations in mood in patients with various chronic illnesses and disabilities. However, little is known regarding the effect of exercise training on short and long-term mood changes in those with traumatic brain injury (TBI). Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the time course of mood alterations in response to a vigorous, 12-week aerobic exercise training regimen in ambulatory individuals with chronic TBI (>6 months postinjury). Methods: Short and long-term mood changes were measured using the Profile of Mood States-Short Form, before and after specific aerobic exercise bouts performed during the 12-week training regimen. Results: Ten subjects with nonpenetrating TBI (6.6 ± 6.8 years after injury) completed the training regimen. A significant improvement in overall mood was observed following 12 weeks of aerobic exercise training (P = .04), with moderate to large effect sizes observed for short-term mood improvements following individual bouts of exercise. Conclusions: Specific improvements in long-term mood state and short-term mood responses following individual exercise sessions were observed in these individuals with TBI. The largest improvement in overall mood was observed at 12 weeks of exercise training, with improvements emerging as early as 4 weeks into the training regimen.
Background and purpose: There has been an increasing focus on vestibular rehabilitation (VR) after traumatic brain injury (TBI) in recent years. However, detailed descriptions of the content of and patient responses to VR after TBI are limited. The purpose of this case series is to describe a modified, group-based VR intervention and to evaluate patient outcomes. Case description: Two females and two males (age 24-45) with mild TBI, dizziness and balance problems participated in an 8-week intervention consisting of group sessions with guidance, individually modified VR exercises, a home exercise program and an exercise diary. Self-reported and performance-based outcome measures were applied to assess the impact of dizziness and balance problems on functions related to activity and participation. Outcomes: The intervention caused no adverse effects. Three of the four patients reported reduced self-perceived disability because of dizziness, diminished frequency and severity of dizziness, improved health-related quality of life, reduced psychological distress, and improved performance-based balance. The change scores exceeded the minimal detectable change, indicating a clinically significant change and/or improved in direction of normal age related norms. The fourth patient did not change or improve in most outcome measures. Discussion: A modified, group-based VR intervention was safe and appeared to be viable and beneficial when addressing dizziness and balance problems after TBI. However, concurrent physical and psychological symptoms, other neurological deficits and musculoskeletal problems might influence the course of central nervous system compensation and recovery. The present study may be useful for tailoring VR interventions to patients with TBI. Future randomized controlled trials are warranted to evaluate the short- and long-term effects of VR after TBI.
To examine cognitive function in individuals with traumatic brain injury (TBI), prior to and following participation in an aerobic exercise training program. Pre-post intervention study. Medical research center. Volunteer sample of individuals (n = 7; Age: 33.3 ± 7.9 years; mean ± SD) with chronic non-penetrating TBI (Injury Severity: 3 Mild, 4 Moderate; Time since most current injury: 4.0 ± 5.5 years) that were ambulatory. 12-weeks of supervised vigorous aerobic exercise training performed 3 times a week for 30 minutes on a treadmill. Cognitive function was assessed using Trail Making Test (TMT-A and B) and the Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status (RBANS). Sleep quality and depression were measured with the Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and Beck's Depression Inventory (BDI-II). Indices of cardiorespiratory fitness were used to examine the relationship between improvements in cognitive function and cardiorespiratory fitness. After training, improvements in cognitive function were observed with greater scores on the TMT-A (+10.3 ± 6.8; P=.007), TMT-B (+9.6 ± 7.0; P=.011), and total scale RBANS (+13.3 ± 9.3; P =.009). No changes were observed in measures of PSQI and BDI-II. The magnitude of cognitive improvements was also strongly related to the gains in cardiorespiratory fitness. These findings suggest that vigorous aerobic exercise training may improve specific aspects of cognitive function in individuals with TBI, and cardiorespiratory fitness gains may be a determinant of these improvements. Copyright © 2014 American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.