Gorka Bueno

Gorka Bueno
Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea | UPV/EHU · Departamento de Tecnología Electrónica

Doctor of Engineering


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Publications (82)
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This dataset presents a detailed description of the data and information used in the life-cycle assessment (LCA) of the Basque Y HSR line, which is a high-performance line for mixed traffic still under construction in 2023 (190 km). The LCI data presented in this paper support the original research carried out on whether the construction of the Bas...
Technical Report
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Tras acceder a todos los documentos de que dispone la administración, estamos en condiciones de afirmar que los gestores de la incineradora de Zubieta no han cumplido con la obligación de remitir un informe, acreditado externamente, indicando el valor de la eficiencia energética para cada línea de incineración junto al cálculo realizado, siguiendo...
Technical Report
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The documentary support of the report (documents, data records, calculations) is accessible through links embedded in the text of the report. The analysis of the available records of the continuous measurements of atmospheric emissions at the Zubieta waste plant in the years 2020 and 2021, together with other available information, points to serio...
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Identifying the energy needs of citizens and taking into account different lifestyles and patterns of consumption is a first step for a global transformation towards renewable, fair and democratic energy systems. Currently, Total Primary Energy Supply (TPES) is the most widely used metric of energy consumption, which only includes the energy consum...
This research quantifies the international electric payments embodied in goods and services, for the purpose of moving towards a clear and fair electric exchange within international footprint accounts. The electric consumption of 43 countries that represent 84% of global gross domestic product has been calculated, shifting from traditionally used...
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The organisational life cycle assessment (O-LCA) and the social organisational life cycle assessment (SO-LCA) of the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU were conducted. The data presented in this paper support the calculation of the environmental and social footprint of the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU for year 2016 [1], and may be...
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This paper presents three tools developed within the framework of the project EDINSOST2-SDG, aimed at embedding and assessing the Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Engineering curricula. ESD is promoted through the introduction into engineering curricula of learning outcomes related to sustainability and, specifically, to the Sustainab...
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Purpose This article aims to estimate the social footprint of a higher education institution (HEI) and its potential contribution to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) under life cycle assessment (LCA) perspective. The social organisational life cycle assessment (SO-LCA) of the academic activity of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU),...
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This work has calculated the organisational environmental and social footprint of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) in 2016. First, input and output data flows of the UPV/EHU activity were collected. Next, the environmental and social impacts of the academic activity were modelled, using the Ecoinvent 3.3 database with the PSILCA-based...
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A life cycle assessment (LCA) of the Spanish high speed rail (HSR) network in service in 2016 (2583 km) was conducted. Life cycle inventory (LCI) data related to the construction and maintenance phases of the infrastructure was collected using Google Earth tool, and complemented with data obtained from the LCA carried out by Tuchschmid et al. [1]....
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Spain has the world's second longest network of high speed rail lines built and in service. High-Speed Rail (HSR) is usually presented as a sustainable means of transport with huge potential to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and energy consumption. The majority of studies carried out on this mode of transport have focused on analysing and es...
At a very high energy consumption level at national level the Human Development Index actually begins to decrease. The basis is a large data set with all nations energy and HDI stats. The article discusses the statistical findings in detail.
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The former consensus on a link between energy consumption and improved well-being of a country has been scrutinized by scholars for decades and is, succinctly, for the time being a contested thesis. Until the 1970s the relation of energy to well-being was defined as linearly proportional, and in a later period still as an increasing logarithmic fun...
Technical Report
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El objetivo de este escrito es presentar los resultados de un algoritmo de ajuste de un modelo epidemiológico SIR a la evolución de la pandemia del coronavirus COVID-19 con número reproductivo variable (R0t). Este ajuste se ha aplicado a la actual difusión de la epidemia en diversos Estados y comunidades autónomas: Italia, España, Francia, Gran Bre...
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Two alternative approaches for an integrated municipal solid waste management system (MSW-MS) have been confronted in the province of Gipuzkoa, in the north of Spain, during the last decade. While one of them prioritizes energy recovery from mixed residual waste in an incineration plant, the other approach gives precedence to material recovery of s...
Technical Report
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El transporte de pasajeros se mide en pasajeros-kilómetro (p·km). Considerados los últimos datos publicados por Adif (2015), se concluye que la Y Vasca serviría en 2020 un transporte anual de 479 millones de pasajeros-kilómetro, una cantidad un 15% inferior a la servida por el Metro de Bilbao cada año (562 Mp·km en 2016). Este volumen de transporte...
Conference Paper
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The 28 states of the European Union are addressing considerable effort to reduce their current national energy consumption levels. A new environmental and socially low impact energy system, based on energy consumption reductions, an increase in energy efficiency and reductions of emissions shifting to renewable energy generation are established in...
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Within the context of an energy transition towards achieving a renewable low-impact energy consumption system, this study analyses how bottom-up initiatives can contribute to state driven top-down efforts to achieve the sustainability related goals of (1) reducing total primary energy consumption; (2) reducing residential electricity and heat consu...
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Who is responsible for the impacts produced by the current energy system, good producers or good consumers? The aim of this paper has been to discuss how to be aware of impacts and their respective citizens’ responsibilities, due to the outsourcing of production chains of Global North countries to Global South ones. Recognition of the total energy...
Technical Report
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El Plan de prevención y gestión de residuos de la CAPV 2020 (PPGR2020), aprobado en marzo de 2015, es el instrumento de planificación en materia de residuos en el ámbito autonómico. El desarrollo de la planificación marco de gestión de residuos sólidos urbanos en cada territorio histórico corresponde a los órganos forales, a través de los correspon...
Conference Paper
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Energy consumption is an important factor which affects the welfare of a country's citizens. Energy is consumed not only locally but also abroad due to imported goods and services. For this reason, it is vital to calculate the energy footprint of a country to determine its energy sovereignty in an international context. These calculations determine...
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During recent centuries, in the Global North, every energy crisis has been overcome, sooner or later, with a transition that has led to an increase in the average per capita energy consumption. Currently, due to the environmental and social impacts of the dominant high-consumption and fossil-fuels based energy model, we are seeing some initiatives...
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Este artículo resume un trabajo de análisis e investigación realizado en torno a un problema tan importante y relacionado con la sostenibilidad como el modelo de recogida y tratamiento de los residuos sólidos urbanos. En él se muestran los resultados de la aplicación de un análisis comparado a dos planificaciones sectoriales que sobre los residuos...
Technical Report
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El logro de una sociedad sostenible exige cerrar los ciclos de materiales y abandonar el sistema lineal de producción y consumo de nuestra economía. El paquete de Economía Circular de la Unión Europea propone objetivos claros de reducción de generación de residuos y de aumento del reciclado. Se constata que Usurbil cumple ya con los objetivos marca...
Technical Report
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Gizarte eredu iraunkor bat lortzeak materialen fluxuak ixtea eta gure ekonomiaren ekoizpen- eta kontsumo-eredu lineala alboan uztea exijitzen du. Europako Batasunaren Ekonomia Zirkularraren Neurri Sortak hondakinen sorreraren murrizketarako eta hondakinen birziklatzearen igoerarako helburu zehatzak proposatzen ditu. Agerikoa da Usurbilek, jada, 202...
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This paper analyses the contribution of the high speed rail project in the Basque Country, Spain, to energy consumption reduction and to climate change mitigation by means of a simplified Life Cycle Assessment. The calculation of CO2 emissions and energy consumption reductions over the service lifetime of the infrastructure (60 years) shows that, e...
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Comparecencia ante la Comisión de Medio Ambiente y Obras Hidráulicas de las Juntas Generales de Gipuzkoa
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Cuando se cumplen 10 años del inicio de las obras y más de 20 años desde su diseño, el proyecto de tren de alta velocidad para el País Vasco, comúnmente conocido como Y vasca, parece moverse a baja velocidad, lastrado por la escasez presupuestaria y las crecientes dudas acerca de su utilidad social. Este trabajo muestra, desde una perspectiva trans...
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Ponencia en Eje 3. Soberanía Energética. El reto de la Energía en Nuestra Sociedad (Diagnóstico)
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Through history, special attention has been paid to the study of the relationship between the energy use of a country and its level of development. While the interest of this research area is unquestionable, the energy indicators commonly used (e.g. total primary energy) are problematic. In the current context of globalization, the energy used by a...
Technical Report
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En contra de las informaciones a menudo difundidas en los medios de comunicación, este informe demuestra que el precio medio de la electricidad que en España pagan los consumidores industriales es inferior al precio medio en la mayoría de los países de la UE28, incluida Alemania, y especialmente en el caso de los grandes consumidores. El precio med...
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Desde hace más de doce años, la provincia de Guipúzcoa está viviendo un debate en torno a la gestión de los Residuos Sólidos Urbanos de este territorio. Desde que en 2002 se aprobara un primer documento de planificación sectorial sobre gestión de RSU, los desacuerdos y enfrentamientos a nivel político y ciudadano han impedido la puesta en marcha de...
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Two alternative approaches for an integrated municipal solid waste management system (MSW-MS) have been confronted in the province of Gipuzkoa, in the north of Spain, during the last decade. While one of them prioritizes energy recovery from mixed residual waste in an incineration plant, the other approach gives precedence to material recovery of s...
Technical Report
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Este informe presenta un esquema general de los elementos que condicionan el contenido de la factura de la electricidad en España, explica los diferentes componentes de dicha factura y realiza una comparación de los precios medios de la electricidad en diferentes países de la Unión Europea, basada en los datos estadísticos proporcionados por Eurost...
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Fossil energy depletion and fight against climate change force humanity to decarbonize the economy. By year 2050 CO2 emissions will have to reduce globally at least 85%, and probably over 95% in developed countries. The modeling of the transportation of people and commodities in the Basque Autonomous Community (Spain) in year 2008 has allowed us to...
Technical Report
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La Directiva 2009/28/CE de fomento de las energías renovables establece como objetivo que en 2020 el 10% de la energía consumida en el transporte tenga un origen renovable. Entre otros criterios para garantizar la sostenibilidad del consumo de biocarburantes, la directiva establece que su consumo debe suponer una reducción de las emisiones de gases...
Technical Report
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Este informe tiene por objeto realizar una valoración de los procesos de valorización energética de los Residuos Sólidos Urbanos (RSU) tanto en la planta incineradora Zabalgarbi (Bizkaia), como en la planta que el Consorcio de Residuos de Gipuzkoa pretende poner en marcha en Zubieta. La inminente transposición a la legislación española de la direct...
Os blecautes se sucedem. No verão de 2003 aconteceram blecautes na Dinamarca, Itália e Reino Unido; em novembro de 2006 um blecaute originado na Alemanha deixou sem luz meia Europa. Passaram à história os blecautes de Nova York, no verão de 2003, e da Catalunha, no verão de 2007. Está cada vez mais evidente a complexidade da gestão do sistema elétr...
Conference Paper
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ABSTRACT: This paper presents the global results of the BiThink project. This is a project financed by DG-TREN. The BiThink objective is to develop and demonstrate an industrial technology able to exert direct influence on the cost of photovoltaic systems. BiThink focuses on three key aspects: the use of bifacial cells and albedo modules as a simpl...
Screen printed (SP) boron emitters are presented as a useful option for the manufacturing of p-type emitters of solar cells. Details are provided on the diffusion process, including deposition, drying and firing steps, the latter performed in an infrared belt furnace. Besides their main dependences on the firing conditions, the sheet resistances an...
This paper presents a method for estimating recombination parameters in the volume and surface of solar cell precursors throughout the manufacturing process, taking into account several effects that are generally neglected. The technique is based on the comprehensive reconstruction of the effective lifetime assuming a set of fundamental parameters...
Conference Paper
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The article focuses on the gettering effect of bulk impurities during industrial Phosphorus emitter formation on Cz wafers. Two types of emitters were tested: the first formed by POCl 3 diffusion in a quartz furnace under supersaturation conditions. The other approach was firing a commercial Phosphorus doping paste deposited by screen-printing. Her...
Conference Paper
The use of thinner substrates is an increasingly important way to reduce the price of crystalline solar cells. In this way, present industrial processes have to be suited, paying special attention to the relevance of the rear surface passivation for the new thicknesses. And in parallel, a clear revival of screen printing (SP) is being observed, bec...
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Most commercial production of silicon solar cells uses phosphorus diffusion step for emitter formation, and Al alloying step for back surface field (BSF) formation. Phosphorus sources used by a majority of manufacturers are from a liquid source that is diffused in silicon using a tube diffusion furnace. This paper shows that new Phosphorus and Boro...
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One of the key factors in the production of commercial crystalline silicon solar cells is to achieve a high-quality emitter by using simple in-line processing steps. Selective emitters (SE) can be fabricated by screenprinting high-and low-doped phosphorus pastes followed by diffusion in an infrared heated belt furnace, but also in one single screen...
Conference Paper
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This paper deals with the design and manufacture of a photovoltaic concentrator for PV integration on buildings (like a PV VENETIAN store), based on a very promising approach consisting of a new glass concentrator and a recently developed bifacial silicon solar cell technology at industrial scale. One of the main goals is to reduce PV cost by means...
Conference Paper
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EVWUDFW The use of low-thickness crystalline silicon solar cells is one of the most obvious ways to reduce the cost of PV solar energy. Besides being cheaper, low-thickness silicon substrates allow the manufacturing of a large variety of solar cells structures, like back-contact cells or bifacial cells, using low quality and low cost materials. In...
Conference Paper
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This work identifies and solves the problems of screen-printed (SP) metalization of solar cells in a non-usual but very trendy condition: large area cells on thin substrates (100µm). As a result of the wafer thickness, yield problems appear during the mechanical stage of the deposition, and distances and handling conditions have to be suited. Next,...
En esta tesis se recoge el estudio de la influencia sobre - de los diferentes pasos del proceso de fabriación de células serigráficas con sustratos CZ-p y CZ-n de diversas resistividades, con un método de estimación de - desarrollado al efecto. El estudio centra su atención en la influencia sobre - de los procesos térmicos a alta temperatura, parti...


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