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A COX-2 inhibitor reduces muscle soreness, but does not influence recovery and adaptation after eccentric exercise

  • The Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, Oslo, Norway

Abstract and Figures

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of a cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 inhibitor on the recovery of muscle function, inflammation, regeneration after, and adaptation to, unaccustomed eccentric exercise. Thirty-three young males and females participated in a double-blind, placebo-controlled experiment. Seventy unilateral, voluntary, maximal eccentric actions with the elbow flexors were performed twice (bouts 1 and 2) with the same arm, separated by 3 weeks. The test group participants were administered 400 mg/day of celecoxib for 9 days after bout 1. After both bouts 1 and 2, concentric and isometric force-generating capacity was immediately reduced (approximately 40-50%), followed by the later appearance of muscle soreness and increased serum creatine kinase levels. Radiolabelled autologous leukocytes (detected by scintigraphy) and monocytes/macrophages (histology) accumulated in the exercised muscles, simultaneously with increased satellite cell activity. These responses were reduced and recovery was faster after bout 2 than 1, demonstrating a repeated-bout effect. No differences between the celecoxib and placebo groups were detected, except for muscle soreness, which was attenuated by celecoxib. In summary, celecoxib, a COX-2 inhibitor, did not detectably affect recovery of muscle function or markers of inflammation and regeneration after unaccustomed eccentric exercise, nor did the drug influence the repeated-bout effect. However, it alleviated muscle soreness.
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A COX-2 inhibitor reduces muscle soreness, but does not influence
recovery and adaptation after eccentric exercise
G. Paulsen
, I. M. Egner
, M. Drange
, H. Langberg
, H. B. Benestad
, J. G. Fjeld
, J. Halle
, T. Raastad
Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, Oslo, Norway,
Institute of Sports Medicine, Bispebjerg Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark,
Department of Physiology, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway,
Department of Nuclear Medicine,
Rikshospitalet University Hospital, Oslo, Norway
Corresponding author: Gøran Paulsen, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, PO Box 4014 U.S., N- 0806 Oslo, Norway. Fax:
147 23 26 24 51, E-mail:
Accepted for publication 16 February 2009
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of a
cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 inhibitor on the recovery of mus-
cle function, inflammation, regeneration after, and adapta-
tion to, unaccustomed eccentric exercise. Thirty-three
young males and females participated in a double-blind,
placebo-controlled experiment. Seventy unilateral, volun-
tary, maximal eccentric actions with the elbow flexors were
performed twice (bouts 1 and 2) with the same arm, separated
by 3 weeks. The test group participants were administered
400 mg/day of celecoxib for 9 days after bout 1. After both
bouts 1 and 2, concentric and isometric force-generating
capacity was immediately reduced (40–50%), followed by
the later appearance of muscle soreness and increased serum
creatine kinase levels. Radiolabelled autologous leukocytes
(detected by scintigraphy) and monocytes/macrophages (his-
tology) accumulated in the exercised muscles, simultaneously
with increased satellite cell activity. These responses were
reduced and recovery was faster after bout 2 than 1,
demonstrating a repeated-bouteffect. Nodifferences between
the celecoxib and placebo groups were detected, except for
muscle soreness, which was attenuated by celecoxib. In
summary, celecoxib, a COX-2 inhibitor, did not detectably
affect recovery of muscle function or markers of inflamma-
tion and regeneration after unaccustomed eccentric exercise,
nor did the drug influence the repeated-bout effect. However,
it alleviated muscle soreness.
According to some reports, non-steroidal anti-inflam-
matory drugs (NSAIDs) may have detrimental effects
on regeneration and healing processes after injuries to
the different components of the muscle–skeletal system
(Almekinders, 1999). Therefore, warnings have been
voiced against the wide use of NSAIDs in exercise
and sports medicine (Almekinders, 1999; Paoloni &
Orchard, 2005; Warden, 2005; Mehallo et al., 2006).
The original NSAIDs (e.g. ibuprofen) inhibit both
the constitutive cyclooxygenase (COX)-1 and the
more inducible COX-2 enzyme, which both catalyze
the generation of prostanoids [prostaglandins (PGE
and PGF
), prostacyclins and thromboxanes] that
are involved in numerous physiological processes
(Miller, 2006). The more recently developed selective
COX-2 inhibitors are in theory more appropriate and
specific to dampen excessive inflammatory reactions
than the non-selective (COX-1 and COX-2) inhibi-
tors (Warden, 2005). However, it has been demon-
strated that these new drugs can also have negative
long-term effects on regeneration and healing in
animals (Warden, 2005; Buvanendran & Reuben,
2006) – especially through inhibition of satellite cell
activity in skeletal muscle (Bondesen et al., 2004; Shen
et al., 2006). But there is presently no clear evidence for
detrimental effects of COX-2 inhibitors on regeneration
and healing of injuries in humans (Reuben & Ekman,
2005, 2007; Warden, 2005; Mehallo et al., 2006;
Vuolteenaho et al., 2008). Furthermore, neither clinical
nor experimental exercise-induced muscle damage stu-
dies have to our knowledge been conducted in order to
evaluate the effect of selective COX-2 inhibitors on
recovery from skeletal muscle injuries in humans.
In humans, some reports have demonstrated that
NSAIDs, such as naproxen and ibuprofen, can reduce
eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage and hasten
the recovery process (Baldwin, 2003; Cheung et al.,
2003; Connolly et al., 2003). The improved recovery
might stem from the anti-inflammatory effect of these
drugs (Sayers et al., 2001), but this assumption has
never been properly documented. Howell et al.
(1998a, b) detected no effect of ibuprofen, but a slightly
retarded recovery of maximal isometric torque after
high-force eccentric exercise was observed in subjects
administered flurbiprofen. Other negative effects of
NSAIDs, such as blunted increase in the rate of protein
synthesis after high-force eccentric exercise (Trappe
et al., 2001, 2002), and reduced satellite cell response
to long distance running (Mackey et al., 2007), have
[This article was published online on 10
June 2009. Error were sub-
sequently identified. This notice is included in the print and online
versions to indicate that both have been corrected as at 18
January 2010]
Scand J Med Sci Sports 2010: 20: e195–e207 &2009 John Wiley & Sons A/S
doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0838.2009.00947.x
been reported as well. In contrast to these studies,
ibuprofen and acetaminophen may actually enhance
muscle growth in response to resistance training in
elderly subjects (Carroll et al., 2008), and celecoxib (a
COX-2 inhibitor) can allegedly boost the increased rate
of protein synthesis after a bout of high-force resistance
exercise (Burd et al., 2008). Thus, it seems fair to
conclude that the jury is still out concerning the effects
of NSAIDs on human skeletal muscle – especially
regarding the COX-2 inhibitors (Warden, 2005).
‘‘The repeated-bout effect’’ comprises the physio-
logical adaptation that takes place after a single bout
of unaccustomed high-force exercise (Clarkson et al.,
1987). Basically, the exercised muscles become sig-
nificantly more resistant toward damage from a
repeated bout, preformed days or weeks after the
first one. However, the mechanism behind this adap-
tation is still not clear (McHugh, 2003). A local
inflammatory reaction in the exercised muscle may
be involved in the strengthening of the tissue after
unaccustomed exercise, because when perturbed, a
reduced repeated-bout effect has been reported (La-
pointe et al., 2002a). In the study by Lapointe et al.
(2002a), rats were exposed two times to a muscle-
damaging exercise protocol. An NSAID was given to
one group after the first exercise bout to reduce the
post-exercise inflammation. These rats showed
clearly a smaller repeated-bout effect than the con-
trols, with larger force deficits and larger accumula-
tion of leukocytes in the muscle tissue after the
second bout. This study design has previously not
been tested with human subjects, and it is suited to
clarify both early and late effects of NSAIDs, includ-
ing the mechanisms behind the repeated-bout effect.
Therefore, the aim of the present study was to
investigate whether administration of a COX-2 inhibi-
tor would (1) enhance the recovery after maximal
eccentric exercise, by reducing the inflammatory reac-
tion during the first days after exercise, (2) slow down
the recovery in the final stage (1–3 weeks after exercise)
and (3) reduce the repeated-bout effect.
Materials and method
Thirty-three healthy students and employees at the Norwegian
School of Sport Sciences gave written, informed consent to
participate in the study (Table 1). The subjects were physically
active and involved in different activities, such as running and
cycling, and team sports, such as basketball and soccer. None
of the subjects were familiar with maximal eccentric exercise
with the elbow flexors. No exercise was performed for 3 days
before the experiment. Subjects had a light breakfast at home
and were offered a mixed meal shortly after exercise. Water
was available ad libitum during exercise. The subjects were
asked to continue their habitual diet and not to take any form
of medications or prescription-free supplements (such as
antioxidants) and avoid exercise, stretching and massage
therapy (etc.) during the experimental periods. The study
complied with the standards set by the Declaration of Helsinki
and was approved by the Regional Ethics Committee of
Southern Norway.
Study design
This investigation was carried out with a double-blinded
design. The subjects were randomized to a celecoxib group
and a placebo group. There were no group differences in
anthropometric values (Table 1). The celecoxib group was
administrated 400 mg [Celebra (Pfizer, Oslo, Norway); 200 mg
morning and evening] for 9 days, with the first dose approxi-
mately 45 min before the exercise (bout 1; Fig. 1). This dosage
is the highest recommended dosage in the Norwegian Phar-
maceutical Product Compendium (NPPC). Maximal blood
concentration of the drug is reached after 2–3 h and the half-
life of the drug is 8–12 h (NPPC). The placebo-group received
similar looking lactose pills. The subjects were contacted every
morning and evening to ascertain that the pills were taken.
Three weeks after bout 1, the exercise was repeated (bout 2),
but without drug administration (Fig. 1).
The exercise was performed with the same arm, randomly
chosen, on both occasions (bouts 1 and 2). The other arm
served as a non-exercised control. Before and for 9 days after
the exercise bouts, tests of muscle function (force-generation
capacity), muscle soreness (pain) and swelling, as well as resting
elbow angle were performed and blood was drawn, daily (Fig.
1). Assessments of muscle function were always performed after
blood sampling and the other measurements, except immedi-
ately after exercise when muscle function was tested first.
Radionuclide imaging was used to monitor the muscle
accumulation of leukocytes 6 and 20 h after bouts 1 and 2.
Microdialysis was performed 2, 24 and 48 h after bout 1 for
measurement of prostaglandins (PGE
). Biopsies from m.
biceps brachii were collected from both exercised and control
muscles 1, 48, 96 and 168 h after bout 1, and 1 and 48 h after
bout 2. The different time points after bout 1 were chosen in
order to evaluate early (1 and 48 h) and late (96 and 168 h)
inflammatory reactions and regenerating processes.
No subjects withdrew during the study. However, four
subjects did not provide all the scheduled biopsies due to
technical problems or the discomfort experienced. Six subjects
Table 1. Descriptive characteristics of the subjects
Age (years) Height (m) Weight (kg) Celecoxib mg/kg
Males Celecoxib 8 28 5 1.81 0.03 78 7 5.1 0.5
Placebo 14 26 4 1.82 0.06 77 6
Females Celecoxib 7 28 5 1.65 0.03 59 6 6.9 0.7
Placebo 4 23 5 1.67 0.03 62 3
,1<Celecoxib 15 28 5 1.73 0.08 69 12 6.0 1.1
Placebo 18 25 4 1.79 0.08 74 8
Values are means SD.
Paulsen et al.
(three in the placebo and three in the celecoxib group)
performed only the first of the two bouts of exercise, because
they were specially recruited for the microdialysis experiment.
The double-blind experimental design implied that the
subjects were unaware of which group – test or control –
they belonged to, and during all analyses the subjects’ group
affiliation was concealed for the recorders.
Medication side-effect registration
The subjects were asked to inform the test leader and write
down on a form any symptom they thought could be related to
the pills.
Unilateral arm exercise
For the eccentric exercise the subjects were positioned in a
chair (Technogym, REV 9000, Gambettola, Italy) and fas-
tened with belts over the hip, chest and shoulder, and the
upper arm was supported by a cushion. Thus, the shoulder
joint was kept in a slightly flexed position (30–351from the
vertical axis) and prevented from moving during the elbow
exercise. The subjects gripped a handle connected to the lever
arm of the dynamometer. Because the handle could be rotated
about the longitudinal axis, the subjects were instructed to
supinate their forearm (elbow joint) for maximal activation of
m. biceps brachii. The exercise protocol consisted of 14 5
repetitions of maximal voluntary, eccentric actions using the
elbow flexors, with 30–35 s rest in-between sets. The lever arm
of the dynamometer was automatically returned to the start-
ing point; no muscle force being necessary for the elbow
flexion phase. The range of motion (ROM) in the elbow joint
was 40–1751(18015full extension) and the velocity was 301/s.
The subjects were verbally motivated to resist maximally
through the whole ROM and they received real time visual
feedback on their performance on a computer screen.
The total work of each eccentric action was registered and
work per set and total work per exercise were calculated. All
values registered during exercise and tests were corrected for
gravity and passive tension during the full ROM.
Muscle function
In the same position as during the exercise, maximal force-
generating capacity was measured as peak torque during two
consecutive maximal, isokinetic, concentric elbow flexions at
601/s (ROM: 175–401) and as peak torque during isometric
actions at 901in the elbow joint (5 s actions; two attempts;
Technogym, REV 9000). All subjects participated in one or
two familiarization tests on separate days within 1 week before
they entered the study. Two pre-tests were performed on day 1
of the experiment (with 30–60 min rest in-between) and the
mean of these tests were used for further analysis. Subjects did
always warm up by 3 min arm cranking (30–50 W) and four
submaximal, concentric, isokinetic actions in the dynam-
ometer. The intra-individual coefficient of variation (CV) for
the force-generating capacity measurements were o5%.
Scintigraphic monitoring of leukocyte accumulation
The method has been described by Raastad et al. (2003). In
brief, 50 mL blood was drawn, and leukocytes (mainly neu-
trophilic granulocytes) were isolated and labelled with
Technetium (
Tc), before being re-infused. Accumula-
tion of
Tc-leukocytes (radiolabelled leukocytes) in the
subjects’ arms was quantified scintigraphically (with a gamma
camera) on anterior view images (Fig. 4). The radioactivity in
the upper arm elbow flexors was calculated with a custom-
made software (from GE Healthcare, Oslo, Norway). The
accumulation of radioactivity within a region of interest (ROI)
in the exercised arm was related to radioactivity in the same
ROI in the control arm, corrected for background radiation.
Fig. 1. Overview of the study. The dots, x’s and # show the time points for tests and measurements. Note the drug
administration after bout 1 only.
COX-2 inhibition after eccentric exercise
This procedure was performed on 22 subjects (celecoxib: n59,
placebo: n513).
Muscle biopsies
A 5 or 6 mm Pelomi-needle (Albertslund, Denmark) with
manual suction was used to obtain tissue samples (2–3 30–
100 mg) from the mid-section of m. biceps brachii. Subjects were
in supine position, and the procedure was performed under local
anesthesia (10 mg/mL 15mg/mL, Xylocain
adrenaline, Astra-
Zeneca, So
¨lje, Sweden). Each needle incision was placed
approximately 1–2 cm medially and laterally to the first incision
and care was taken to avoid tissue affected by earlier biopsies.
The muscle samples were rinsed in physiological saline before
visible fat and connective tissue were removed, and subsequently
frozen in isopentane on dry ice and stored at 80 1C until
Twenty-four subjects delivered biopsies from the m. biceps
brachii of both the exercised arm and the control arm. To
reduce stress on the subjects and to reduce risk of contamina-
tion from previous biopsies, each subject was scheduled for
biopsy at three out of the six biopsy time points: 1 h, and 2, 4
and 7 days after bout 1, and 1h and 2 days after bout 2 (Fig. 1).
Serial cross-sections (7 mm) were incubated with antibodies (ab)
against leukocytes: CD66b (neutrophilic granulocytes, monoclo-
nal ab, M1546, PeliCluster, Sanquin, Amsterdam, the Nether-
lands; 1:500), and CD68 (monocytes/macrophages; monoclonal
ab, M0718, DAKO, Copenhagen, Denmark; 1:300), together
with antibodies against laminin (polyclonal ab, Z0097, DAKO;
1:1000) or dystrophin (polyclonal ab, ab15277, Abcam, Cam-
bridge, UK; 1:2000). The two latter antibodies were used to
visualize the sarcolemma. In order to visualize satellite cells/
myoblasts, sections were analyzed for immunoreactivity against
CD56/NCAM (monoclonal ab, ab9018, Abcam; 1:200). Sections
with overt satellite cell/myoblast activity were double stained
with CD56 and Ki67 (a marker of proliferation; polyclonal ab,
CP249A, Biocare Medical, Concord, California, USA; 1:200).
Alexa-488 (FITC) and -594 (goat anti-rabbit or goat anti-mouse;
Invitrogen-Molecular Probes, Eugene, Oregon, USA) were used
as secondary antibodies. The sections were finally counterstained
with DAPI (for nuclear staining) and mounted under coverslips
(ProLong Gold Antifade Reagent with DAPI, P36935, Invitro-
gen-Molecular Probes).
Images of the stained cross-sections were captured using an
Axiocam camera (Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany) mounted on a
Axioskop-2 light microscope (Zeiss). Multiple images (20,
40 and 100 objectives) were taken so that the whole muscle
biopsy cross-section was captured. To quantify the number of
cells positive for a leukocyte associated antigen, a cell that
contained both DAPI and antibody staining was considered as
positive, independent of the staining intensity. Data are pre-
sented as number of positive cells per 100 myofibers.
Microdialysis and prostagandin E
Tissue fluid (dialysate) from both the exercised arm and the
control arm of 12 subjects (six administrated the COX-2
inhibitor and six placebo) were collected at three time points
after bout 1. All twelve subjects underwent the microdialysis
procedure 2–6 h after exercise and then again starting at either
24 (n55) or 48 h (n55) after exercise. A CMA-60 microdialysis
probe (20kDa molecular cut-off; length 30mm; CMA/Micro-
dialysis AB, Solna, Sweden) was used for collection of tissue
fluid for later measurements of PGE
. Before the insertion of the
CMA-60 catheter, positioned 2 cm medial to the centerline of
the m. biceps brachii muscle, the skin was locally anesthetized
with 0.3mL of Lidocain (10mg/mL; SAD, Copenhagen, Den-
mark). The CMA-60 catheters were perfused with a Ringer
acetate solution containing 5 nM
(specific activity,
3.7 GBq/mmol; NEN, Boston, Massachusetts, USA) to deter-
mine the recovery of PGE
. The subjects rested for at least
90 min before starting the experiment to ensure that any reaction
from the insertion trauma had minimized. Dialysate samples
were collected every 30 min. The samples were immediately
frozen ( 80 1C) until analysis.
concentration in the dialysate was analyzed by a
commercial competitive enzyme immunoassay (ACEt, catalog
no. 514010, Cayman Chemicals Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan,
USA). Standards and samples were analyzed in accordance with
the protocol of the kit. Samples were analyzed in duplicates.
Optical density (OD) was measured in a plate-reader (ASYS
Hitech, Eugendorf, Austria) at 405 nm.
Muscle soreness
Muscle soreness was rated on a visual analogue scale where 0
represented ‘‘not sore at all’’ and 100 mm ‘‘extremely sore.’’ The
subjects stretched and contracted their elbow flexors (both arms)
to assess soreness in m. biceps brachii and m. brachialis. In order
to assess soreness/tenderness at the lower (distal) and upper
(proximal) part of the upper arm elbow flexors, the subjects sat
with their arms extended, but resting, on a bench (901flexed and
lateral-rotated shoulder joints). The upper arm elbow flexor
muscles were then palpated manually by the test leader. In
addition, a probe (3 cm
cross-sectional area), giving 10 N/cm
pressure, was applied perpendicularly to the upper arm elbow
flexor muscles at predetermined locations, i.e., a distal and a
proximal spot (marked by a water-proof pen). The middle part
of the upper arm elbow flexors was discarded because of the
location of the biopsy incisions.
Muscle swelling and resting arm angle
Swelling was assessed by measuring the arm circumference
with a tape measuring device, utilizing a spring mechanism to
apply constant force (Roche, Oslo, Norway). The circumfer-
ence was measured at the person’s thickest part of the lower
half of the m. biceps brachii (and the m. brachialis under-
neath), below the biopsy incisions. A waterproof pen was used
to mark the site for repeated measurements. Resting arm angle
was measured with a goniometer. The intra-individual CV of
these measurements was o1.8%.
Blood sampling and CK
Blood was drawn from an antecubital vein into a 10 mL serum
vacutainer tube. After coagulating for 30–45 min at room
temperature (20 1C), the blood was centrifuged at 2700 g
for 10 min at 4 1C. Serum was immediately pipetted into
Eppendorf tubes and stored at 80 1C until analysis. CK
was analyzed with an automated chemistry analyzer (Modular
P, Hitachi High- Technologies Corporation, Tokyo, Japan);
analytic CV being o5%.
All parameters were measured repeatedly after exercise and
for each variable the area under the curve (AUC) was
calculated for each subject. The AUC values, in addition to
peak/nadir values, for the celecoxib and placebo group were
Paulsen et al.
compared with the unpaired Student t-test or the Mann–
Whitney test. A multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA)
with repeated measures and a two-way ANOVA (time
group and time arm) with Bonferroni post hoc test were
also applied. For the different variables, changes over time
within each group were followed with a one-way ANOVA or
Friedman’s test with repeated measures and Dunnett’s and
Tukey’s or Dunn’s post hoc tests. We evaluated the differences
from baseline and between selected time points for the
exercised arm and the non-exercised (control) arm separately,
as well as the difference between arms. Because of the fact that
different subjects were biopsied at each sampling time point,
the unpaired Student t-test and the Mann–Whitney test were
used to analyze group differences in histological data. The
paired Student t-test or the Wilcoxon signed rank test was
applied to evaluate differences between the exercised arm and
the control arm. Data are presented as means with standard
error of the mean (SEM), if not otherwise stated in the text.
P0.05 was considered statistically significant. Cohen’s
effect size (difference between group means divided by the
pooled SD) was calculated with bias correction for unequal
numbers of subjects in the two groups (Hedges). Tests for
normality (Gaussian distribution) dictated the choice of para-
metric or non-parametric tests. The statistics were performed
with Microsoft
Excel 2003 (including statistiXL 1.8) InStat
3.06, Prism
5.01 and Statematet2.0 (GraphPad Software
Inc., San Diego, California, USA) and SPSS 15.0 (SPSS Inc.,
Chicago, Illinois, USA).
Exercise and muscle fatigue
The total work (sum of 14 5 repetitions) performed
by each experimental subject during bouts 1 and 2
was similar within and between groups: celecoxib:
4500 500J (bouts 1 and 2) and placebo:
4800 300J (bouts 1 and 2). Total work during
the last (14th) set was reduced by 45 4% and
47 4% of the first set values for the celecoxib and
placebo group, respectively, during bout 1 (Po0.01).
This reduction was smaller in bout 2 than bout 1 for
both groups (celecoxib: 34 3% and placebo:
35 3%; Po0.01). [Correction made to above para-
graph after initial online publication.]
Muscle function
The force-generating capacity measured as isometric
and isokinetic concentric torque was markedly re-
duced (40–50%) after both exercise bouts, but
there were no significant differences between groups
at any time point (Fig. 2). The force-generating
capacity was not recovered 9 days after bout 1, but
was in both groups not detectably different from
baseline values before bout 2, 3 weeks after bout 1.
Of note, about half of the subjects in each group were
45% (CV for the test) below their baseline values 3
weeks after bout 1. After bout 2 the acute reduction
in force-generating capacity was only slightly atte-
nuated compared with after bout 1 (calculating with
the pre-values of bout 1; Po0.05; Fig. 2). However,
the recovery of both isometric and concentric force-
generating capacity was faster after bout 2 than bout
1 (comparing AUC values; Po0.01). The force-
generating capacity of the non-exercised, control
arm did not change from baseline in either group
during the experimental periods (Fig. 2).
Muscle soreness
Muscle soreness of the upper arm, as assessed during
contractions and stretching, was less in the celecoxib
group than in the placebo group, after both bouts
(Fig. 3, AUC: bout 1: P50.04, and bout 2: P50.06;
effect size: 0.75 and 0.86 for bouts 1 and 2, respec-
tively). For both groups, less soreness was reported
after bout 2 than after bout 1 (Po0.01). The peak
soreness values after bout 1 tended to be higher in the
placebo group (6.7 0.6 mm) than in the celecoxib
group (5.1 0.7 mm; P50.08). This was less evident
after bout 2 [peak values: 2.5 0.4 mm (celecoxib) vs
Celecoxib control
Placebo control
3 weeks
Time (hours after exercise)
Changes in isometric torque (%)
AUC bout 1 > bout 2
Celecoxib control
Placebo control
3 weeks
Time (hours after exercise)
Changes in concentric torque (%)
AUC bout 1 > bout 2
Fig. 2. Changes in force-generating capacity of the elbow
flexors exposed to two bouts of maximal eccentric exercise
(same arm) and no exercise (control). (a) Changes in max-
imal voluntary isometric torque (901) and (b) changes in
maximal voluntary isokinetic concentric torque (601/s).
N-celecoxib 512; n-placebo 515. Error bars are SEM.
Difference from baseline values (before bout 1). The area
under the curve (AUC) was larger for bout 1 than 2 for both
groups (Po0.01).
COX-2 inhibition after eccentric exercise
3.6 0.6 mm (placebo), P50.14]. The placebo
group tended to report more soreness in the control
arm than the celecoxib group after bout 1 (AUC;
P50.1). This soreness/pain seemed to be due to the
biopsy procedure.
For soreness as assessed with palpation, lower
peak values were reported by the celecoxib group
than the placebo group, but only in the proximal part
of elbow flexors (3.4 0.8 vs 6.5 0.7; Po0.05).
After bout 2, peak soreness values during palpation
were reduced in both groups (Po0.01).
The radioactivity, reflecting autologous radiolabelled
leukocytes, was in both groups higher in the exer-
cised arm than in the control arm 6 and 20 h after
bout 1, and the difference between arms was larger at
20 than 6 h after exercise (Po0.05; Fig. 4). After
bout 2 the radioactivity at 6 h was similar to that
found in bout 1; however, no further increase at 20 h
was detected after bout 2 (Fig. 4). There were no
significant differences between groups.
The scintigrams confirmed that m. biceps brachii
was affected by the exercise protocol. We could not
precisely differentiate between the elbow flexors (due
to low image resolution), but, in addition to m.
biceps brachii, both m. brachialis and m. brachior-
adialis appeared to be affected. There was a trend
toward higher radioactivity in the lower and middle
part than the proximal part of the upper arm (Fig. 4).
To exemplify, three subjects demonstrated 1000%
difference between middle part of the exercised
muscles and control muscles 20 h after exercise. In
five subjects, high radioactivity (4100% higher in
the exercised muscles compared with control) was
found over a localized area that appeared to corre-
spond to the proximal muscle–tendon junction.
Microdialysis (PGE
concentration in the interstitial fluid (dia-
lysate) of the exercised muscle was not detectably
different from the control muscle at any time point
(2, 24 and 48 h after bout 1), and there were no group
differences. The mean values (combined over groups
and time points) were 880 134 and 900 135 pg/mL
for the exercised and control muscle, respectively.
However, the PGE
concentration tended to decrease
in both the exercised muscle and the control muscle
during the first days after exercise in the celecoxib
group (mean of both arms: 1000 167 vs 635 187;
P50.16), but not in the placebo group (mean of both
arms: 988 412 vs 1151 296). This suggests that
celecoxib generally lowered the PGE
levels in the
interstitial fluid over time.
cells, primarily monocytes/macrophages,
were observed in the samples from both exercised
and control muscles, but higher numbers were
counted in the exercised muscle after both bouts
(74 21 vs 22 3 CD68
cells per 100 myofiber;
data combined over groups and time; Po0.01). In
the exercised muscles the number of CD68
increased from 1 to 48 h after exercise and from early
(1 and 48 h) to later time points (4 and 7 days) after
exercise (Po0.05). No differences between groups
were observed (Table 2), however, at later time
points the five highest values registered were all
found in samples from subjects in the placebo group.
cells seemed preferentially related to necrotic
and regenerated myofibers (Fig. 5). Necrotic myofi-
bers (probably segments) were identified as dystro-
phin negative fibers (no staining); eight of 23 subjects
displayed 2% dystrophin negative myofibers on
samples from the exercised muscle: 15% 19 [stan-
dard deviation (SD)] of the analyzed fibers. This was
only observed in samples obtained 4 and 7 days after
exercise. Dystrophin negative fibers were only seen in
four of all samples from control. Staining for laminin
indicated that the basal membrane (with few excep-
tions) stayed intact – despite loss of dystrophin
staining, and signs of the regeneration process
occurred within the basal lamina sheath.
cells (neutrophils) were found in very low
numbers and no significant differences between ex-
AUC bout 1 > bout 2
AUC placebo > celecoxib (bout 1 and 2)
100 Celecoxib
Celecoxib control
Placebo control
3 weeks
Time (hours after exercise)
Muscle soreness (mm)
Fig. 3. Muscle soreness after two bouts of eccentric exercise,
evaluated by visual analogue scale; 0–100 mm. N-cele-
coxib 512; n-placebo 515. Error bars are SEM.
from baseline. The area under the curve (AUC) was larger
for bout 1 than 2 for both groups (Po0.01). The AUC was
smaller for the celecoxib group than for the placebo group
for both bouts (bout 1: P50.04; bout 2: P50.06).
Paulsen et al.
ercised and control muscles, or between groups,
could be detected (Table 2).
Satellite cells
No differences between the groups were detected in the
number of CD56
cells, i.e., satellite cells (located
underneath basal lamina, but outside the plasma
membrane) and myoblasts (CD56
cells primarily
inside necrotic myofibres; Table 2). Myoblasts were
observed only in some subjects and preferentially
clustered together (see next paragraph). For the groups
combined, the number of satellite cells/myoblasts was
higher in exercised than in control muscles at both
early (1 and 48 h) and late time points (4 and 7 days
after exercise; Po0.05), but there was an increase from
early to late time points after bout 1 (P50.01). The
number of satellite cells/myoblasts per myofiber was
0.11 0.04 (SD) in samples from the non-exercised,
control arm and 0.19 0.18 (SD) in the exercise
samples (all combined). Expressed as the proportion
of the nuclei underneath basal lamina, 4.8% 1.5
(SD) were defined as satellite cells in control samples
and 5.7% 1.5 (SD) in the exercise samples. Hence,
these latter numbers do not include myoblasts.
Intense satellite cell activity, including increased
number and cell volume, long cytoplasmatic exten-
sions, cell division activity (Ki67 positive nuclei) and
fusion of myoblasts were seen in five subjects 1 week
after exercise (Fig. 6). CD68
cells occasionally were
Table 2. Quantitative immunohistochemical staining: number of neutrophilic granulocytes (CD66b), monocytes/macrophages (CD68) and satellite cells/
myoblasts (CD56) in muscle cross-sections from the exercised muscle
Positive cells per
100 myofiber
Bout # Time point Celecoxib Placebo
-value celecoxib
vs placebo
CD66b Bout 1 Early 0 (0–3) 0 (0–29)
Late 0 (0–2) 0 (0–3)
Bout 2 Early 0 (0–2) 0 (0–3)
CD68 Bout 1 Early 21 (6–81) 25 (10–133)
Late 35 (14–150) 45 (7–968)
Bout 2 Early 27 (2–94) 47 (15–104)
CD56 Bout 1 Early 11 (7–18) 12 (8–23)
Late 16 (10–50) 20 (7–103)
Bout 2 Early 13 (11–25) 14 (10–49)
Values are medians and full ranges.
58–14 in each group per time point. The
-values stem from group comparisons.
Infusion of
Elbow joint;
radioactive marker
Shoulder joint
M. biceps brachii/
Exercised arm Control arm
Blood sampling
6 hours 20 hours
150 Celecoxib; bout 1
Placebo; bout 1
Celecoxib; bout 2
Placebo; bout 2
(% difference from control)
Fig. 4. Scintigram illustrated. The
image shows accumulation of radi-
olabelled autologous leukocytes in
the exercised arm muscles, most
prominent in the lower/middle part
of the upper arm elbow flexors (dark
areas reflect high radioactivity). The
figure shows the relative differences
in radioactivity between the exer-
cised arm and the non-exercised,
control arm 6 and 20 h after exer-
cise. N-celecoxib 59; n-placebo 5
13. Error bars are SEM.
difference between the 6 and 20 h
values. [Figure has been revised after
initial online publication]
COX-2 inhibition after eccentric exercise
(a) (b)
1 week 3 weeks
Fig. 5. Immunohistochemical experiments illustrated. The images are from a subject in the placebo group (but similar pictures
were obtained from those in the celecoxib group). Left image (a): CD68 staining of a sample obtained 168 h (1 week) after bout
1 (CD68 5red, laminin 5green, nuclei 5blue). The arrow points to a myofiber that is heavily infiltrated by CD68
(primarily monocytes/macrophages). Note that this myofiber was negative for dystrophin (not shown) and probably in a stage
of necrosis. The presence of rounded and apparently swollen myofibers suggests that the myofibers were highly stressed in this
sample. Right image (b): CD68 staining on a sample obtained 3 weeks after bout 1 (and 1h after bout 2). Note the small
myofibers with centrally located nuclei (arrow), indicating regenerated myofibers, surrounded by CD68
macrophages. These
myofibers were also positive for CD56 (see Fig. 6). Note that the CD68
cells were most likely remnants from the damage
reaction to bout 1 (not bout 2). Thus, the present CD68
cells are probably macrophages/histiocytes that served regenerating
myofibers. There was little or no specific staining in the control samples (lower right corner). Scale bars 550 mm.
Fig. 6. Immunohistochemical experiments illustrated (CD56 5green, Ki67 5red, nuclei 5blue). Left column of images (a, c):
tissue samples from a subject in the celecoxib group. Right column of images (b, d): tissue samples from a subject in the placebo
group. The top row of images (a, b) shows high satellite cell/myoblast activity and Ki67
cells 1 week after bout 1. The inset
image on image a shows accumulation and apparent fusion of myoblasts (CD56
), as well as cells that seem to go through cell
division (pink stain 5Ki67 [red]1dapi [blue]). The inset images on image b show (i) a normal looking satellite cell, i.e. with
CD56 staining around the nucleus, which could be found in samples from both control and exercised muscles, and (ii) a satellite
cell positive for Ki67 (sample from a exercised muscle). The second row of images (c, d) shows tissue samples obtained 48 h
after bout 2, i.e., 3 weeks after bout 1. Note the CD56 positive myofibers with relatively small diameter and centrally located
nuclei (arrows), which indicate that these are regenerated myofibers. On image c there is a Ki67
nucleus apparently inside the
myofiber (arrowhead). Hence, this seems to be part of the regenerating process after bout 1 (not bout 2). Scale bars 550 mm.
Paulsen et al.
positive for Ki67 as well. Thus, in areas with large
number of cells (nuclei), differentiation of the cells
could be very difficult. No detectable differences
between the celecoxib and placebo subjects could
be found.
In biopsies obtained after bout 2, relatively high
numbers of CD56
myofibers with centrally located
nuclei and often small diameters were observed
(10% of the myofibers in six subjects; three from
each group; Fig. 6). A great majority of these CD56
myofibers were also verified to contain embryonic
myosin heavy chain (F1.652, Hybridoma Bank; data
not shown). Although this was observed after bout 2,
the regeneration processes were very likely to be
related to bout 1. This implies that complete regen-
eration after severe exercise-induced muscle damage
takes more than 3 weeks. There were no signs of failed
regeneration in biopsies after bout 2, in either group.
Muscle swelling and resting arm angle
The upper arm circumference increased equally be-
tween groups and peaked 4 days after bout 1,
4.2 0.9% vs 4.6 1.0% for the celecoxib and pla-
cebo group, respectively (Po0.01 from baseline). The
resting arm angle decreased (18015extended arm)
equally between groups by 10 21and 11 2124 h
after bout 1 for the celecoxib and placebo group,
respectively (Po0.01). Both the circumference and the
resting arm angle changed less after bout 2 than bout
1(Po0.01), and no group difference were detected.
The serum CK levels were markedly elevated after
bout 1, but not after bout 2 (AUC; Po0.01; Fig. 7).
There were no differences between groups.
Of note, for about half of the subjects the increase
in serum CK levels followed a biphasic time course.
Thus, there was an early increase during the first 8 h,
followed by a more or less steady phase from 8 to
24 h, before the values increased markedly until peak
values were reached typically at 96 h (4 days) after
exercise (Fig. 7).
There were no gender differences in relative changes of
muscle function, in muscle soreness or in the histolo-
gical data, neither within groups nor across groups.
However, the serum CK pre-values (before bout 1)
were lower in the females than in the males (P50.05),
and the females had a lower exercise-response to bout
1 (AUC; Po0.05). The three highest values for
accumulation of radiolabelled leukocytes (scintigra-
phy data) were observed in female subjects, but we
found no significant differences between the sexes.
Exclusion of the females from these analyses did not
change the group comparisons appreciably.
Adverse effect of the pill administration
Three subjects mentioned slight nausea, but one of
these subjects was in the placebo group. One subject
from the celecoxib group experienced an unexpected
swelling of the forearm of the exercised arm; the excess
fluid appeared to be in the subcutaneous tissue.
The main finding in this study was that celecoxib, a
selective COX-2 inhibitor, did not affect recovery of
muscle function after a bout of unaccustomed, mus-
cle-damaging, eccentric exercise in human subjects.
The COX-2 inhibitor did, however, reduce the de-
layed onset muscle soreness (DOMS).
A repeated-bout effect was clearly demonstrated
by the faster recovery of muscle function and mark-
edly blunted DOMS and serum CK response after
the second bout of exercise. Nine days of celecoxib
administration during the recovery period after bout
1 did not have any detectably adverse effect on the
adaptation processes and recovery after the second
bout, 3 weeks after the first. The exercise protocol
clearly initiated an inflammatory reaction with accu-
mulation of leukocytes in the exercised muscles
(markedly in some ‘‘high-responder subjects’’), and
stimulated increased satellite cell activity as well.
There were no statistically significant differences
between the celecoxib and placebo group concerning
indicators of inflammation. Nevertheless, the highest
numbers of accumulated leukocytes at late time
points (4 and 7 days after bout 1) were found in
the placebo group.
Pre 18
8192 Celecoxib
3 weeks
Time (hours after exercise)
[log 2])
AUC bout 1 > bout 2
Fig. 7. Creatine kinase in serum. N-celecoxib 512; n-
placebo 515. Error bars are SEM.
Difference from baseline
values. The area under the curve (AUC) was larger for bout
1 than 2 for both groups (Po0.01).
COX-2 inhibition after eccentric exercise
This study is to our knowledge, the first to in-
vestigate the effect of a COX-2 inhibitor on recovery
after exercise-induced muscle damage in humans.
Furthermore, the necrosis and regeneration pro-
cesses observed in this study are rarely reported for
humans; especially in combination with measure-
ments of muscle function.
NSAIDs, changes in muscle function and inflammation
Administration of non-selective NSAIDs in the re-
covery phase after high-force, muscle-damaging ex-
ercise in human studies has resulted in equivocal
findings (Baldwin, 2003; Cheung et al., 2003; Con-
nolly et al., 2003). Some researchers have observed
enhanced recovery of muscle function during the first
days after exercise [e.g. (Dudley et al., 1997)], while
others observed no such effect in comparison with
placebo-medication [e.g. (Howell et al., 1998a)]. The
most obvious mechanism behind any effect of
NSAIDs on muscle restitution, on which our work-
ing hypothesis was founded, is reduced inflammation
(Lapointe et al., 2002a, b; Shen et al., 2005).
Accumulation of radiolabelled leukocytes in the
exercised muscles 6 and 20 h after exercise indicates
an early inflammatory reaction, but no effect of
celecoxib was detected. The blood-borne leukocytes
(primarily neutrophils) detected by scintigraphy were
probably either infiltrating the interstitial space of
the muscle tissue or merely adhering to the luminal
side of the local micro-vessels. Neutrophils were,
however, histologically not found to have accumu-
lated in the muscle tissue 2 days after exercise.
Conversely, the numbers of monocytes and/or
macrophages increased in the muscle tissue, and the
highest values were found 4 and 7 days after exercise,
in both the celecoxib and placebo group. Again, there
were no significant differences between groups, but
there was a tendency toward higher leukocyte numbers
in ‘‘high-responder’’ subjects from the placebo group.
This could mean that celecoxib had some dampening
effect when the inflammatory reaction exceeded a
certain intensity. The effect size between groups was
0.6, but our statistical power to detect such a difference
was very low (26%).
Experimental evidence indicates that high-force,
eccentric exercise protocols can cause significant
muscle damage and inflammation in humans (Jones
et al., 1986; Newham et al., 1987; Jones et al., 1989;
Hellsten et al., 1997; Child et al., 1999). However,
scant evidence of a ‘‘classical’’ local inflammatory
reaction after exercise-induced muscle damage exists
[in contrast to findings in rats and mice; (Schneider &
Tiidus 2007)]. We found that the most severe muscle
weakness occurred well before the cell damage and
inflammation had been fully manifested. In line
with this, other workers have also found that peak
accumulation of leukocytes (primarily macrophages)
among the myofibers seemed to occur several days
after exercise (Jones et al., 1986; Hellsten et al., 1997;
Child et al., 1999). Bourgeois et al., (1999) reported
enhanced recovery of muscle function after the use of
an NSAID (naproxen), but no inflammatory cells
were seen histologically in muscle samples ob-
tained 24 h after resistance exercise. Peterson et al.,
(2003) found accumulation of monocytes/macro-
phages (CD68), but not neutrophils (CD15), 24 h
after eccentric exercise, and no effect of acetamino-
phen and ibuprofen was reported. The NSAIDs
(acetaminophen and ibuprofen) blunted the exer-
cise-induced increase of PGF
, but there were no
increase of the PGE
levels (Trappe et al., 2001). We
could not detect any increase of PGE
in the ex-
ercised muscles. Therefore, the lack of an NSAID
effect – as in the present study – could be due to the
absence of a sufficiently strong and early inflamma-
tory reaction, as reflected by the histological findings,
and the lack of a significant prostaglandin response.
The celecoxib group reported less muscle soreness
and pain than the control group after both bouts of
exercise. The DOMS reducing effect of celecoxib
after bout 1 may be due to the drug’s known
analgesic effect (Ekman et al., 2002; Reuben & Ek-
man, 2005), in the muscle tissue, in the central
nervous system or both (Veiga et al., 2004).
We obtained circumstantial evidence for a drug
effect on the PGE
generation in the muscle, but no
evidence for an exercise effect on PGE
. The role of
local PGE
in DOMS has been questioned by others,
who like us analyzed microdialysis fluid (Tegeder et
al., 2002), and by investigators who found no
NSAID effect on DOMS [e.g. (Kuipers et al.,
1985)]. Our findings are also supported by previous
reports (Paulsen et al., 2009), indicating that accu-
mulation of leukocytes (as assessed by use of radi-
olabelled leukocytes and immunohistochemistry) is
both spatially and temporally out of phase with
development of muscle soreness. To exemplify, sub-
jects with the largest accumulation of radiolabelled
leukocytes did not report more intense soreness than
others. Furthermore, large accumulations of leuko-
cytes among the myofibers were seen 1 week after
exercise, but at that time the soreness was almost
gone. Thus, our data (PGE
and accumulation of
leukocytes) indicate that inflammation, in the classi-
cal sense, is not a main mechanism behind DOMS.
NSAIDs and satellite cells
A remarkable finding was myofiber necrosis (degra-
dation) and regeneration observed in as much as
Paulsen et al.
1/3 of our subjects. The regeneration process was
heralded by cell proliferation leading to increased
numbers of satellite cells/myoblasts (CD56-positive
cells), as well as their migration, fusion and develop-
ment of new myotubes to replace degraded segments
of damaged myofibers. This has rarely been reported
in otherwise healthy human muscles after exercise.
Indeed, degenerative and regenerative processes have
been captured by histological examination after
strenuous exercise (Hikida et al., 1983; Jones et al.,
1986; Round et al., 1987; Child et al., 1999), but
satellite cell activity in highly damage muscle
tissue assessed by immunohistochemistry has been
poorly documented. Crameri et al. (2004) applied
similar methodology as us, but found necrosis and
myoblast fusion in only one out of eight subjects
Possible retardation of regeneration processes in
skeletal muscle tissue by NSAIDs, and especially
COX-2 inhibitors (Bondesen et al., 2004; Warden,
2005; Shen et al., 2006), has not been thoroughly
investigated in humans. However, administration of
indomethacin reduced satellite cell response after long
distance running in endurance-trained subjects
(Mackey et al., 2007). The discrepancy between our
study, where the satellite cell response in the affected
muscles was not detectably reduced by celecoxib, and
that of Mackey et al. (2007) is not easily explained.
However, the contradictory findings could be due to
the large differences in the exercise protocols and
subject populations, as well as the fact that different
drugs were administered – a non-selective COX-
inhibitor vs our selective COX-2 inhibitor. Hence,
any effect on satellite cell proliferation could be due to
inhibition of both COX-1 and COX-2, which, inter
alia, might markedly lower the tissue PGE
levels (in
contrast to our findings).
Our data suggest that the COX-2 inhibitor cele-
coxib (at high dosage: 6 mg/kg for 9 days) leaves
regeneration and adaptation processes unaffected
after exercise-induced muscle damage. However, the
large inter-individual differences and the few subjects
with considerable necrosis in the obtained biopsies,
made any celecoxib effects of a more subtle nature
elusive. Thus, further investigations are warranted,
and it should be kept in mind that celecoxib may also
have diverse COX-2 independent effects on a cell [e.g.
(Glebov et al., 2006)].
NSAIDs, inflammation and the repeated-bout effect
The repeated-bout effect is well documented, and as
expected, faster recovery of muscle function, as well
as blunted muscle soreness and serum CK increases,
were observed after the repeated exercise bout. The
mechanisms behind the repeated-bout effect are,
however, still ambiguous (McHugh, 2003), but the
inflammatory reaction might be causative. In an
experiment with rats, Lapointe et al. (2002a) demon-
strated that the repeated-bout effect was reduced
when the accumulation of leukocytes had been
blunted by the NSAID diclofenac in the recovery
phase after the initial bout (Lapointe et al., 2002a).
The study design of the present investigation re-
sembled Lapointe et al.’s (2002a). However, we could
not detect any clear anti-inflammatory effect of our
COX-2 inhibitor (celecoxib). Moreover, the re-
peated-bout effect was seen both in subjects with
large and low accumulation of leukocytes. Conse-
quently, we question the importance of inflammation
to the adaptation process after eccentric exercise in
humans. In that sense, our findings are in agreement
with other human studies where signs of myofibrillar
remodelling have been observed, without leukocytes
detectably present during the first days after eccentric
exercise (Feasson et al., 2002; Yu et al., 2002).
This is the first study to investigate the effect of a
COX-2 inhibitor on inflammation, recovery, regen-
eration and adaptation after exercised-induced mus-
cle damage in humans. We found no effect of the
COX-2 inhibitor on recovery of muscle function after
damaging elbow flexor eccentric exercise. However,
the drug reduced DOMS. High doses of celecoxib
during 9 days after a bout of eccentric exercise had
no detectable influence on the repeated-bout effect
observed 3 weeks after the first bout. An extensive
inflammatory response to unaccustomed eccentric
exercise occurred in some subjects, several days after
the exercise. The accumulation of leukocytes was
apparently unaffected by celecoxib administration
and seemed to be related to segments of necrotic
and later regenerating myofibers in the exercised
muscle. Thereby, our study provided insight into
the basal regeneration processes in healthy human
skeletal muscles.
Celecoxib intake (400 mg/day) over 9 days neither
enhanced nor inhibited recovery, regeneration and
adaptation processes after exercise-induced damage
in skeletal muscles. The drug alleviated muscle sore-
ness, but today it is unclear whether the drug works
primarily on peripheral factors or in the central
nervous system.
Of clinical relevance, short term use of celecoxib to
reduce exercise-induced muscle damage cannot be
advocated. However, celecoxib might be a good
choice when the intention is to reduce pain and
promote rehabilitation and recovery after injuries
COX-2 inhibition after eccentric exercise
such as ankle sprains (Ekman et al., 2002; Nadarajah
et al., 2006), without detectable adverse effects on
the musculature. The degree of damage from the
exercise protocol applied in this study is not as
extensive as after strain injuries (including myofiber
rupture and intramuscular bleeding). Consequently,
our conclusions should not without caution be ex-
trapolated to other kinds of muscle injuries. It should
also be noted that celecoxib, and other first genera-
tion COX-2 inhibitors, have been associated with
increased risk of cardiovascular events, such as heart
attacks (Dajani & Islam, 2008). However, equivocal
findings have been made, and the short term use (few
weeks) of 400 mg/day for healthy people, not
suffering from cardiovascular disease, seems to be
reasonably safe (Kearney et al., 2006; Solomon et al.,
Key words: muscle damage, non-steroidal anti-inflam-
matory drugs, leukocytes, satellite cells.
The authors would like to thank Prof. Lars Morkrid and the
Department of Medical Biochemistry at Rikshospitalet
University Hospital (Oslo, Norway) for performing the serum
CK analyses. This study was partly financed by Pfizer Inc.
(Norway). However, the authors have no economical interests
in Pfizer, nor are there any contract-bond restrictions or
clauses that potentially could have influenced the study.
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COX-2 inhibition after eccentric exercise
... Two studies used microdialysis as a method of PGE 2 measurement [58,71]. In the first case, that studied the DOMS model, the microdialysis catheter was inserted in the muscle 24 h after the damaging exercise, and followed two pain stimulations of the exercised leg and the control leg. ...
... In the second study, the microdialysis catheter was inserted in the bicep muscle of the exercised arm and the control arm at 2-6 h after exercise and either 24 or 48 h. The PGE 2 concentration did not differ in the exercised arm compared to the control arm [71]. ...
... The majority of the studies focused on the prostaglandins PGE 2 and PGF 2α , mostly as markers of acute inflammation and their involvement in the perception of pain but also for their role in muscle regeneration and hypertrophy after damaging exercise. COX-2 enzyme is highly involved in muscle pain and the administration of COX-2 inhibitors before the lengthening contractions can reduce the muscle pain in animal models [80,81] and reduced DOMS in humans though it had no effect on recovery of muscle function after eccentric exercise of elbow flexors [71]. However, there is a case where piroxicam administration had no effect on DOMS after the EIMD protocol [65]. ...
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Lipid mediators are a class of signaling molecules that play important roles in various physiological processes, including inflammation, blood pressure regulation, and energy metabolism. Exercise has been shown to affect the production and metabolism of several types of lipid mediators, including prostaglandins, leukotrienes, sphingolipids, platelet-activating factors and endocannabinoids. Eicosanoids, which include prostaglandins and leukotrienes, are involved in the regulation of inflammation and immune function. Endocannabinoids, such as anandamide and 2-arachidonoylglycerol, are involved in the regulation of pain, mood, and appetite. Pro-resolving lipid mediators are involved in the resolution of inflammation. Sphingolipids have a role in the function of skeletal muscle during and after exercise. There are many studies that have examined the effects of exercise on the production and release of these and other lipid mediators. Some of these studies have focused on the effects of exercise on inflammation and immune function, while others have examined the effects on muscle function and metabolism. However, much less is known about their involvement in the phenomenon of exercise-induced muscle damage that follows after intense or unaccustomed exercise.
... Many studies have examined histological and ultrastructural changes in myofibers after voluntary continuous exercise (e.g., downhill running and eccentric cycling) or repetitive lengthening contractions of an isolated muscle (e.g., bicep brachii and quadriceps). In some of these studies, myofiber necrosis was indicated by extensive, localized disruption to sarcomeres within multiple myofibrils [7,[11][12][13] and the presence of cells within a few myofibers [218][219][220]. Extensive injury resulting from voluntary lengthening contractions has also been reported to be accompanied by the central position of myonuclei in a localized region of some myofibers during recovery [11,13,220]. ...
... In some of these studies, myofiber necrosis was indicated by extensive, localized disruption to sarcomeres within multiple myofibrils [7,[11][12][13] and the presence of cells within a few myofibers [218][219][220]. Extensive injury resulting from voluntary lengthening contractions has also been reported to be accompanied by the central position of myonuclei in a localized region of some myofibers during recovery [11,13,220]. However, as detailed in a narrative review [219], the majority of human studies report that exercise-induced muscle injury is not associated with overt signs of myofiber injury/necrosis in transverse sections. ...
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Injury to skeletal muscle through trauma, physical activity, or disease initiates a process called muscle regeneration. When injured myofibers undergo necrosis, muscle regeneration gives rise to myofibers that have myonuclei in a central position, which contrasts the normal, peripheral position of myonuclei. Myofibers with central myonuclei are called regenerating myofibers and are the hallmark feature of muscle regeneration. An important and underappreciated aspect of muscle regeneration is the maturation of regenerating myofibers into a normal sized myofiber with peripheral myonuclei. Strikingly, very little is known about processes that govern regenerating myofiber maturation after muscle injury. As knowledge of myofiber formation and maturation during embryonic, fetal, and postnatal development has served as a foundation for understanding muscle regeneration, this narrative review discusses similarities and differences in myofiber maturation during muscle development and regeneration. Specifically, we compare and contrast myonuclear positioning, myonuclear accretion, myofiber hypertrophy, and myofiber morphology during muscle development and regeneration. We also discuss regenerating myofibers in the context of different types of myofiber necrosis (complete and segmental) after muscle trauma and injurious contractions. The overall goal of the review is to provide a framework for identifying cellular and molecular processes of myofiber maturation that are unique to muscle regeneration.
... Many studies have examined histological and ultrastructural changes in myofibers after voluntary continuous exercise (e.g., downhill running and eccentric cycling) or repetitive lengthening contractions of an isolated muscle (e.g., bicep brachii and quadriceps). In some of these studies, myofiber necrosis was indicated by extensive, localized disruption to sarcomeres within multiple myofibrils [7,[11][12][13] and the presence of cells within a few myofibers [218][219][220]. Extensive injury resulting from voluntary lengthening contractions has also been reported to be accompanied by the central position of myonuclei in a localized region of some myofibers during recovery [11,13,220]. ...
... In some of these studies, myofiber necrosis was indicated by extensive, localized disruption to sarcomeres within multiple myofibrils [7,[11][12][13] and the presence of cells within a few myofibers [218][219][220]. Extensive injury resulting from voluntary lengthening contractions has also been reported to be accompanied by the central position of myonuclei in a localized region of some myofibers during recovery [11,13,220]. However, as detailed in a narrative review [219], the majority of human studies report that exercise-induced muscle injury is not associated with overt signs of myofiber injury/necrosis in transverse sections. ...
... Second, after running for a long distance (17 km) on a flat road on the third day, the PGE-MUM level significantly increased, but its increased value was not large compared with the PGE-MUM·Cr level after running up and down. This difference might have been caused by differences in the severity of running, the muscles (type I or type II fibers) (Liu et al. 2016) used in each exercise or is an adaptation to similar exercise (Paulsen et al. 2010). Furthermore, the physical exercise of repeated up and down running in dashes in exercise study 2 might be relatively harder than the soccer game-like exercise in exercise study 1. ...
... Exercise is graded mild, moderate, and severe (extreme or eccentric) according to the recovery of a force-generating capacity in study participants after exercise (Paulsen et al. 2012). Even mild as well as extreme exercise induces muscle damage and inflammation as shown by increased cytokines, including intramuscular mRNA of interleukin (IL)−6, IL-8, IL-1β, and tumor necrosis factor-α immediately post-exercise, and serum IL-6, IL-10, IL-1 receptor antagonist, granulocyte colony stimulating factor, and monocyte chemotactic protein-1 a little later (Paulsen et al. 2012) (Paulsen et al. 2010). With respect to COX2 mediating PGE-2, mild (resistant) exercise induced the up-regulation of mRNA for COX2 in human muscle biopsied 3 h following exercise (Buford et al. 2009a) (Buford et al. 2009b). ...
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Introduction: Prostaglandin E-major urinary metabolite (PGE-MUM) may be a good biomarker of inflammation and useful in monitoring diseases, without the necessity of invasive sampling. To see whether inflammation in muscles occurs during physical exercise, the influence of physical exercise on urinary PGE-MUM levels was analyzed in high school boys belonging to a soccer club. Materials and methods: Void urine samples were obtained before and after physical exercises 1 (mild exercise) and 2 (repeated mild exercise). To avoid the influence of a change in urinary volume, PGE-MUM values (ng/mL) were corrected by the concentration of urinary creatinine (mg/dL) and expressed as PGE-MUM·Cr (µg/g creatinine). Urinary total protein·Cr (µg/g creatinine) and L-type fatty acid-binding protein·Cr (µg/g creatinine) (L-FABP·Cr) were compared with PGE-MUM·Cr. Results: The PGE-MUM·Cr level increased significantly immediately after playing soccer (regular ‘mild’ exercise) in exercise study 1 or running (repeated mild exercise) in exercise study 2, but declined the next morning. PGE-MUM (ng/mL) levels in both exercises strongly correlated (Spearman correlation coefficient, ρ = 0.728; 0.480, respectively) with urinary creatinine (mg/dL) thought to be derived from muscle exercise. Conclusion: The early increase in the PGE-MUM·Cr level just after physical exercise may reflect muscle damage and inflammation caused by the exercise.
... Among the 4 experimental pain studies that analyzed data in a sex-aware fashion, there were some findings that appeared to be contradictory. In an eccentric exercise model, no sex differences were noted in changes in muscle function, muscle soreness, or histological data [39], even though serum creatine kinase pre-values and change after the first bout of exercise were lower in females [39]. ...
... Among the 4 experimental pain studies that analyzed data in a sex-aware fashion, there were some findings that appeared to be contradictory. In an eccentric exercise model, no sex differences were noted in changes in muscle function, muscle soreness, or histological data [39], even though serum creatine kinase pre-values and change after the first bout of exercise were lower in females [39]. ...
There is increasing evidence of sex differences in underlying mechanisms causing pain in preclinical models, and in clinical populations. There are also important disconnects between clinical pain populations and the way preclinical pain studies are conducted. For instance, osteoarthritis pain more frequently affects women but most preclinical studies have been conducted using males in animal models. The most widely used painkillers, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), act on the prostaglandin pathway by inhibiting cyclooxygenase (COX) enzymes. The purpose of this study was to analyze the preclinical and clinical literature on the role of prostaglandins and COX in inflammation and pain. We aimed to specifically identify studies that used both sexes and investigate whether any sex-differences in the action of prostaglandins and COX inhibition had been reported, either in clinical or preclinical studies. We conducted a PubMed search and identified 369 preclinical studies and 100 clinical studies that matched our inclusion/exclusion criteria. Our analysis shows that only 17% of preclinical studies on prostaglandins used both sexes and, out of those, only 19% analyzed or reported data in a sex-aware fashion. In contrast, 79% of the clinical studies analyzed used both sexes. However, only 6% of those reported data in a sex-aware fashion. Interestingly, 14 out of 15 preclinical studies and 4 out of 5 clinical studies that analyzed data in a sex-aware fashion have identified sex-differences. This builds on the increasing evidence of sex-differences in prostaglandin signaling and the importance of sex-awareness in data analysis. The preclinical literature identifies a sex difference in prostaglandin D2 synthase (PTGDS) expression where it is higher in female than in male rodents in the nervous system. We experimentally validated that PTGDS expression is higher in female human dorsal root ganglia (DRG) neurons recovered from organ donors. Our semi-systematic literature review reveals a need for continued inclusivity of both male and female animals in prostaglandins studies and sex-aware analysis in data analysis in preclinical and clinical studies. Our finding of sex-differences in neuronal PTGDS expression in humans exemplifies the need for a more comprehensive understanding of how the prostaglandin system functions in the DRG in rodents and humans.
... Furthermore, ibuprofen (1,200 mg/day), but not acetaminophen (4,000 mg/day), inhibits protein synthesis in response to eccentric resistance exercise in humans [16]. In addition, NSAIDs such as celecoxib, have been reported to interfere with skeletal muscle growth and regeneration in vitro and in vivo [17][18][19]. However, the effects of other NSAIDs, such as indomethacin, flurbiprofen and naproxen sodium have seldom been studied in skeletal muscle, or in a dose-response manner in human primary muscle cells. ...
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Background Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen, flurbiprofen, naproxen sodium, and indomethacin are commonly employed for their pain-relieving and inflammation-reducing qualities. NSAIDs work by blocking COX-1 and/or COX-2, enzymes which play roles in inflammation, fever, and pain. The main difference among NSAIDs lies in their affinity to these enzymes, which in turn, influences prostaglandin secretion, and skeletal muscle growth and regeneration. The current study investigated the effects of NSAIDs on human skeletal muscle cells, focusing on myoblast proliferation, differentiation, and muscle protein synthesis signaling. Methods Using human primary muscle cells, we examined the dose-response impact of flurbiprofen (25–200 µM), indomethacin (25–200 µM), ibuprofen (25–200 µM), and naproxen sodium (25–200 µM), on myoblast viability, myotube area, fusion, and prostaglandin production. Results We found that supraphysiological concentrations of indomethacin inhibited myoblast proliferation (−74 ± 2% with 200 µM; −53 ± 3% with 100 µM; both p < 0.05) compared to control cells and impaired protein synthesis signaling pathways in myotubes, but only attenuated myotube fusion at the highest concentrations (−18 ± 2% with 200 µM, p < 0.05) compared to control myotubes. On the other hand, ibuprofen had no such effects. Naproxen sodium only increased cell proliferation at low concentrations (+36 ± 2% with 25 µM, p < 0.05), and flurbiprofen exhibited divergent impacts depending on the concentration whereby low concentrations improved cell proliferation (+17 ± 1% with 25 µM, p < 0.05) but high concentrations inhibited cell proliferation (−32 ± 1% with 200 µM, p < 0.05). Conclusion Our findings suggest that indomethacin, at high concentrations, may detrimentally affect myoblast proliferation and differentiation via an AKT-dependent mechanism, and thus provide new understanding of NSAIDs’ effects on skeletal muscle cell development.
... A complete satellite cell response to resistance training has been observed 72-96 hours after the athletic competition where the number of satellite cells peaks (38). Although more studies analysed satellite cell responses in young volunteers after eccentric resistance training sessions, they have not thoroughly investigated other indicators such as age, gender and exercise attributes (frequency, intensity and duration). ...
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The objective of this systematic review and meta-analysis is to examine the effects of resistance exercise training on muscle stem cells in older adults. A database search was performed (PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar) to identify controlled clinical trials in English language. The mean difference (MD) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) and overall effect size were calculated for all comparisons. The PEDro scale was used to assess the methodological quality. Nineteen studies were included in the review. The meta-analysis found a significant effect of resistance training (RT) on muscle stem cells in the elderly (difference in means=-0.008, Z=-3.415, P=0.001). Also, muscle stem cells changes were similar in men and women (difference in means=-0.004, Z=-1.558, P=0.119) and significant changes occur in type II muscle fibers (difference in means=-0.017, Z=-7.048, P=0.000). Resistance-type exercise training significantly increased muscle stem cells content in intervention group that this result is similar in men and womenthis increase occurred more in type II muscle fibers.
... Among the 4 experimental pain studies that analyzed data separated by sex, there were some findings that appeared to be contradictory. In an eccentric exercise model, no sex differences were noted in changes in muscle function, muscle soreness, or histological data 47 , even though serum creatine kinase pre-values and change after the first bout of exercise were lower in females 47 . On the other hand, a sunburn model showed that ibuprofen had a significantly greater effect on lowering skin temperature in men compared with women 37 . ...
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There is increasing evidence of sex differences in underlying mechanisms causing pain in preclinical models, and in clinical populations. There are also important disconnects between clinical pain populations and the way preclinical pain studies are conducted. For instance, osteoarthritis pain more frequently affects women, but most preclinical studies have been conducted using males in animal models. The most widely used painkillers, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), act on the prostaglandin pathway by inhibiting cyclooxygenase (COX) enzymes. The purpose of this study was to analyze the preclinical and clinical literature on the role of prostaglandins and COX in inflammation and pain. We aimed to specifically identify studies that used both sexes and investigate whether any sex-differences in the action of prostaglandins and COX inhibition had been reported, either in clinical or preclinical studies. We conducted a PubMed search and identified 369 preclinical studies and 100 clinical studies that matched our inclusion/exclusion criteria. Our analysis shows that only 17% of preclinical studies on prostaglandins used both sexes and, out of those, only 19% analyzed or reported data separated by sex. In contrast, 79% of the clinical studies analyzed used both sexes. However, only 6% of those reported data separated by sex. Interestingly, 14 out of 15 preclinical studies and 5 out of 6 clinical studies that analyzed data separated by sex have identified sex-differences. This builds on the increasing evidence of sex-differences in prostaglandin signaling and the importance of sex as a biological variable in data analysis. The preclinical literature identifies a sex difference in prostaglandin D2 synthase (PTGDS) expression where it is higher in female than in male rodents in the nervous system. We experimentally validated that PTGDS expression is higher in female human dorsal root ganglia (DRG) neurons recovered from organ donors. Our semi-systematic literature review reveals a need for continued inclusivity of both male and female animals in prostaglandins studies and data analysis separated by sex in preclinical and clinical studies. Our finding of sex-differences in neuronal PTGDS expression in humans exemplifies the need for a more comprehensive understanding of how the prostaglandin system functions in the DRG in rodents and humans.
... The primary cause of pain is from the release of inflammatory cytokines, and prostaglandins that will sensitize nociceptive pathways [8][9][10]. It has been extensively documented in human and animal studies that muscle injury occurs following intense bouts of eccentric muscular contraction and is followed by an inflammatory response and accumulation of neutrophils and type 1 proinflammatory macrophages [4,[11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18]. Macrophages have been reported to differentiate into ...
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Eccentric exercise continues to receive attention as a productive means of exercise. Coupled with this has been the heightened study of the damage that occurs in early stages of exposure to eccentric exercise. This is commonly referred to as delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). To date, a sound and consistent treatment for DOMS has not been established. Although multiple practices exist for the treatment of DOMS, few have scientific support. Suggested treatments for DOMS are numerous and include pharmaceuticals, herbal remedies, stretching, massage, nutritional supplements, and many more. DOMS is particularly prevalent in resistance training; hence, this article may be of particular interest to the coach, trainer, or physical therapist to aid in selection of efficient treatments. First, we briefly review eccentric exercise and its characteristics and then proceed to a scientific and systematic overview and evaluation of treatments for DOMS. We have classified treatments into 3 sections, namely, pharmacological, conventional rehabilitation approaches, and a third section that collectively evaluates multiple additional practiced treatments. Literature that addresses most directly the question regarding the effectiveness of a particular treatment has been selected. The reader will note that selected treatments such as anti-inflammatory drugs and antioxidants appear to have a potential in the treatment of DOMS. Other conventional approaches, such as massage, ultrasound, and stretching appear less promising.
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Five women and three men (aged 24-43 yr) performed maximal eccentric contractions of the elbow flexors (for 20 min) on three occasions, spaced 2 wk apart. Muscle pain, strength and contractile properties, and plasma creatine kinase (CK) were studied before and after each exercise bout. Muscle tenderness was greatest after the first bout and thereafter progressively decreased. Very high plasma CK levels (1,500-11,000 IU/l) occurred after the first bout, but the second and third bouts did not significantly affect the plasma CK. After each bout the strength was reduced by approximately 50% and after 2 wk had only recovered to 80% of preexercise values. Each exercise bout produced a marked shift of the force-frequency curve to the right which took approximately 2 wk to recover. The recovery rate of both strength and force-frequency characteristics was faster after the second and third bouts. Since the adaptation occurred after the performance of maximal contractions it cannot have been a result of changes in motor unit recruitment. The observed training effect of repeated exercise was not a consequence of the muscle becoming either stronger or more resistant to fatigue.
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Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is a familiar experience for the elite or novice athlete. Symptoms can range from muscle tenderness to severe debilitating pain. The mechanisms, treatment strategies, and impact on athletic performance remain uncertain, despite the high incidence of DOMS. DOMS is most prevalent at the beginning of the sporting season when athletes are returning to training following a period of reduced activity. DOMS is also common when athletes are first introduced to certain types of activities regardless of the time of year. Eccentric activities induce micro-injury at a greater frequency and severity than other types of muscle actions. The intensity and duration of exercise are also important factors in DOMS onset. Up to six hypothesised theories have been proposed for the mechanism of DOMS, namely: lactic acid, muscle spasm, connective tissue damage, muscle damage, inflammation and the enzyme efflux theories. However, an integration of two or more theories is likely to explain muscle soreness. DOMS can affect athletic performance by causing a reduction in joint range of motion, shock attenuation and peak torque. Alterations in muscle sequencing and recruitment patterns may also occur, causing unaccustomed stress to be placed on muscle ligaments and tendons. These compensatory mechanisms may increase the risk of further injury if a premature return to sport is attempted. A number of treatment strategies have been introduced to help alleviate the severity of DOMS and to restore the maximal function of the muscles as rapidly as possible. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have demonstrated dosage-dependent effects that may also be influenced by the time of administration. Similarly, massage has shown varying results that may be attributed to the time of massage application and the type of massage technique used. Cryotherapy, stretching, homeopathy, ultrasound and electrical current modalities have demonstrated no effect on the alleviation of muscle soreness or other DOMS symptoms. Exercise is the most effective means of alleviating pain during DOMS, however the analgesic effect is also temporary. Athletes who must train on a daily basis should be encouraged to reduce the intensity and duration of exercise for 1–2 days following intense DOMS-inducing exercise. Alternatively, exercises targeting less affected body parts should be encouraged in order to allow the most affected muscle groups to recover. Eccentric exercises or novel activities should be introduced progressively over a period of 1 or 2 weeks at the beginning of, or during, the sporting season in order to reduce the level of physical impairment and/or training disruption. There are still many unanswered questions relating to DOMS, and many potential areas for future research.
We have previously shown that non‐specific blockade of the cyclooxygenase (COX) enzymes in human skeletal muscle eliminates the normal increase in muscle protein synthesis following resistance exercise. We tested the hypothesis that this COX‐mediated increase in postexercise muscle protein synthesis is specifically regulated by the COX‐2 isoform. Sixteen males (23 ± 1 y, 177 ± 2 cm, 81.5 ± 3.4 kg) were randomly assigned to one of two groups that received three doses of either a specific COX‐2 inhibitor (celecoxib; 200 mg per dose, 600 mg total) or a placebo during the 24 h following a single bout of resistance exercise. Skeletal muscle fractional synthesis rate (FSR) was measured at rest and 24 hours postexercise. Mixed muscle FSR was increased following exercise to a greater extent (206%, p<0.05) in the COX‐2 group (0.052 ± 0.014 %/h) as compared with the placebo group (0.017 ± 0.007 %/h). These results suggest that specific inhibition of the COX‐2 isoform in human skeletal muscle causes a compensatory response in muscle protein synthesis. These data also highlight the involvement of the COX pathways in the regulation of muscle protein synthesis following resistance exercise. NIH R01 AG020532 (TT)
This study examined the influence of chronic consumption of ibuprofen or acetaminophen during 12 weeks of knee‐extensor resistance training (3d/wk, 70% 1RM) in the elderly. Thirty‐six individuals were randomly assigned to one of three groups and consumed the drugs in double‐blind placebo‐controlled fashion: Placebo (67±2 y; 8M, 4F), Ibuprofen (64±1 y; 9M, 4F; 1.2g/d), or Acetaminophen (64±1 y; 7M, 4F; 4g/d). Resistance training alone (Placebo) increased (p<0.05) quadriceps muscle volume (M only: 8±2%; M+F: 9±1%) and muscle strength (M only: 20±3%; M+F: 23±2%). Compared to Placebo, muscle volume increases were greater in the Ibuprofen (M only: 11±2%, p<0.05; M+F: 11±2%, p=0.06) and Acetaminophen (M only: 13±1%, p<0.05; M+F: 13±1%, p=0.06) groups. Muscle strength increases were also greater than Placebo in the Ibuprofen (M only: 29±4%, p<0.05; M+F: 30±3%, p=0.06) and Acetaminophen (M only: 26±3%, p<0.05; M+F: 28±3%, p=0.06) groups. These results suggest that chronic consumption of ibuprofen or acetaminophen during resistance training induces intramuscular changes that enhance the metabolic response to resistance exercise, which promotes additional muscle hypertrophy and strength gains during resistance training in the elderly. NIH R01 AG020532 (TT), APS Postdoctoral Initiative Award (CC)
The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)to treat most muscle, ligament and tendon injuries should be reassessed. They have, at best, a mild effect on relieving symptoms and are potentially deleterious to tissue healing. Soft-tissue injury associated with definite inflammatory conditions such as bursitis or synovitis or involving nerve impingement does warrant short-term treatment with NSAIDs. Paracetamol has similar efficacy to NSAIDs in soft-tissue injury, is cheaper, and has a lower side-effect profile. It is the analgesic of choice for most soft-tissue injury. Cyclo-oxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitors should not be used to treat soft-tissue injuries unless impingement is a major feature and non-selective NSAIDs are contraindicated (eg, coexisting gastric disorder), and the patient is not at cardiovascular risk. Corticosteroid injections for tendon injuries may achieve a mild to moderate reduction in pain for up to 6 weeks. However, they do not promote tendon healing, so should generally be used only when healing is not a critical goal. Promising new therapeutic treatments for soft-tissue injuries include topical glyceryl trinitrate, aprotinin injections, and prolotherapy.
The major goal of clinicians when treating acute musculoskeletal injuries is to return athletes to their pre-injury level of function, ideally in the shortest time possible and without compromising tissue-level healing. In this regard, a commonly used intervention is the taking of NSAIDs. These are used to limit the amount and duration of inflammation, and to control pain. While NSAIDs have become synonymous with the management of acute musculoskeletal injuries, their efficacy has yet to be proven. This is of particular concern in view of recent research investigating the latest class of NSAIDs — selective cyclo-oxygenase-2 inhibitors (COXIBs). COXIBs were developed to reduce the adverse gastrointestinal (GI) effects of traditional NSAIDs. While they have beneficial anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, and appear to facilitate earlier return to function following acute injury, the effect of COXIBs on tissue-level healing is currently unknown. In experimental animal models of acute injury, COXIBs have been shown to be detrimental to tissue-level repair. Specifically, they have been shown to impair mechanical strength return following acute injury to bone, ligament and tendon. Clinically, this may have implications for ongoing morbidity and future injury susceptibility. However, the current animal studies have limited translation to the clinical setting, particularly because of significant limitations relating to drug use and dosage in these studies. There is currently no randomised, controlled trial evidence of the tissue-level effects of COXIBs on acute musculoskeletal injuries. In addition to questions relating to the effect of COXIBs on tissue-level healing, further questions regarding the use of these agents have been raised given a recent link being shown between one COXIB (rofecoxib) and an increased risk for adverse cardiovascular events. Whether this finding is related to the individual properties of rofecoxib or is a class phenomenon is the subject of ongoing investigation. However, in light of the potential risks associated with using COXIBs, an acceptable and possibly safer alternative in the management of acute musculoskeletal injuries may be to use traditional NSAIDs. Traditional NSAIDs do carry the potential for greater adverse GI effects and their clinical effects on tissue-level healing remain relatively unknown. However, they do not appear to be associated with adverse cardiovascular effects, and they are effective pain relievers and cheaper alternatives.
Objectives: The objective was to assess the effects of two doses of the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, ibuprofen, 1600 mg and 3200 mg per day administered for six days, compared to placebo on muscle soreness, strength, swelling, and stiffness following experimentally-induced muscle injury in volunteer subjects. Methods: A one-time exercise consisting of repeated lowering of heavy loads with the elbow flexors was used to induce injury, which was manifested by soreness, swelling, stiffness, a reduction in relaxed arm angle, and a 50% loss in muscle strength from which recovery was only 50% complete in two weeks. After carrying out the exercise, subjects were randomly assigned to one of four groups, each with 20 subjects: 1. no treatment, 2. ibuprofen, 400 mg q.i.d., 3. ibuprofen, 800 mg q.i.d., or 4. placebo, q.i.d. The study was double-blind with respect to groups two, three, and four. Drug or placebo administration was begun on the day preceding the exercise. Measurements were made for two post-exercise weeks and compared to pre-exercise values. Results: In the repeated-measures analysis of variance, neither group differences nor group-by-time interactions were observed with respect to any of the variables measured. Power analysis demonstrated that differences ranging from 3% to 20% could have been detected by the methods used. Separate analysis of data from males and females also demonstrated no differences between them. The time course of stiffness, measured between elbow angles of 90°and 140°, differed from that of the relaxed arm angle, suggesting that these two parameters involve different underlying processes. Conclusions: Ibuprofen provides no detectable therapeutic benefit over a two week period following injury induced in the elbow flexors by eccentric contraction, as judged by subjective reports of muscle soreness and by objective measurements of maximum voluntary contractile strength, of muscle swelling, of muscle stiffness, or of relaxed arm angle.