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Effects of Standing and Light-Intensity Walking and Cycling on 24-h Glucose



Purpose: To compare 24-h and postprandial glucose responses to incremental intervals of standing (STAND), walking (WALK) and cycling (CYCLE) to a sit-only (SIT) condition. Methods: Nine overweight/obese (BMI= 29 ± 3 kgm) adults (30 ± 15 yr) participated in this randomized crossover full-factorial study, with each condition performed 1 wk apart. STAND, CYCLE and WALK intervals increased from 10 minh to 30 minh (2.5 h total) during an 8-h workday. WALK (1.0 mileh) and STAND were matched for upright time, and WALK and CYCLE were matched for energy expenditure (~2 METs). Continuous interstitial glucose monitoring was performed for 24 h to include the 8-h workday (LAB), after-work evening hours (EVE), and sleep (SLEEP). Three 2-h postprandial periods were also analyzed. Linear mixed models were used to test for condition differences. Results: Compared to SIT (5.7 ± 1.0 mmolL), mean 24-h glucose during STAND (5.4 ± 0.9 mmolL) and WALK (5.3 ± 0.9 mmolL) were lower, and CYCLE (5.1 ± 1.0 mmolL) was lower than all other conditions (all P<0.001). During LAB and EVE, mean glucose was lower for STAND, WALK, and CYCLE compared to SIT (P<0.001). During SLEEP, mean glucose for CYCLE was lower than all other conditions (P<0.001). Compared to SIT, cumulative 6-h postprandial mean glucose was 5-12% lower (P<0.001) during STAND, WALK and CYCLE, and 6-h postprandial glucose integrated area under the curve was 24% during WALK (P<0.05) and 44% lower during CYCLE (P<0.001). Conclusions: Replacing sitting with regular intervals of standing or light-intensity activity during an 8-h workday reduces 24-h and postprandial glucose. These effects persist during evening hours, with CYCLE having the largest and most sustained effect.
Effects of Standing and Light-Intensity Walking
and Cycling on 24-h Glucose
School of Nutrition and Health Promotion, Arizona State University, Phoenix, AZ
CRESPO, N. C., S. L. MULLANE, Z. S. ZEIGLER, M. P. BUMAN, and G. A. GAESSER. Effects of Standing and Light-Intensity
Walking and Cycling on 24-h Glucose. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 48, No. 12, pp. 2503–2511, 2016. Purpose: This study aimed
to compare 24-h and postprandial glucose responses to incremental intervals of standing (STAND), walking (WALK), and cycling
(CYCLE) to a sit-only (SIT) condition. Methods: Nine overweight/obese (body mass index = 29 T3kgIm
) adults (30 T15 yr)
participated in this randomized crossover full-factorial study, with each condition performed 1 wk apart. STAND, CYCLE, and WALK
intervals increased from 10 to 30 minIh
(2.5 h total) during an 8-h workday. WALK (1.0 mph) and STAND were matched for upright
time, and WALK and CYCLE were matched for energy expenditure (~2 METs). Continuous interstitial glucose monitoring
was performed for 24 h to include the 8-h workday (LAB), after-work evening hours (EVE), and sleep (SLEEP). Three 2-h postpran-
dial periods were also ana lyz ed. Linear mixed mod els w ere used to test fo r condition differences. Results: Compared with SIT
(5.7 T1.0 mmolIL
), mean 24-h glucose during STAND (5.4 T0.9 mmolIL
) and WALK (5.3 T0.9 mmolIL
) were lower, and
CYCLE (5.1 T1.0 mmolIL
) was lower than all other conditions (all PG0.001). During LAB and EVE, mean glucose was lower for
STAND, WALK, and CYCLE compared with SIT (PG0.001). During SLEEP, the mean glucose for CYCLE was lower than all other
conditions (PG0.001). Compared with SIT, cumulative 6-h postprandial mean glucose was 5%–12% lower (PG0.001) during STAND,
WALK, and CYCLE, and 6-h postprandial glucose integrated area under the curve was 24% lower during WALK (PG0.05) and 44%
lower during CYCLE (PG0.001). Conclusions: Replacing sitting with regular intervals of standing or light-intensity activity during an
8-h workday reduces 24-h and postprandial glucose. These effects persist during evening hours, with CYCLE having the largest and most
Working adults spend approximately one-half to
two-thirds of their working day sitting (27,37),
and this prolonged sitting is associated with in-
creased risk of weight gain and obesity (26,31), poor meta-
bolic health (12,19,20), and increased mortality (10,28,40).
Although these negative associations between sitting time
and adverse health outcomes are largely independent of physi-
cal activity (21,22,26), they are most evident in individuals
who are physically inactive (35,40). Acute (G7 d) experi-
mental trials have demonstrated that frequent breaks to sitting
may attenuate adverse glycemic (11,41,44) and insulinemic
(7,11,41,44) responses. Reducing prolonged periods of sitting
has therefore emerged as a new focus for reducing risk of
cardiometabolic diseases (18,38,39).
A recent review (3) highlighted the beneficial effects of
breaking up prolonged sitting with either standing or light-
intensity walking on metabolic outcomes, particularly post-
prandial glycemia. Few studies have directly compared the
acute effects of standing breaks and light-intensity activity
breaks on postprandial blood glucose. Bailey and Locke (2)
reported that interrupting sitting with 2 min of light-intensity
walking (2 mph) every 20 min for 5 h reduced postprandial
glucose concentrations but that 2-min bouts of standing every
20 min did not. Henson et al. (23) recently demonstrated that
breaking up prolonged sitting with 5-min bouts of standing or
self-paced, light-intensity walking (~1.9 mph) reduced post-
prandial glucose, with no differences between conditions.
This suggests that standing and walking may be equally ef-
fective for reducing postprandial blood glucose provided the
breaks from sitting are at least 5 min long.
Although interrupting sitting with short bouts of walking
at Q~2.0 mph (2,11,23,41) can improve glucose metabolism,
it is not known if slower walking speeds could have a similar
effect. This is relevant when using active workstations
because slower speeds (~1.0 mph) may be better for
maintaining productivity while simultaneously walking and
working (34,45). The workplace has been highlighted as an
opportune setting for health promotion (47), and desk-bound
employees are considered a key target group for sitting re-
duction strategies (44).
Address for correspondence: Glenn Gaesser, Ph.D., School of Nutrition and
Health Promotion, Arizona State University, 550 N 3rd Street; E-mail;
Submitted for publication December 2015.
Accepted for publication July 2016.
Copyright Ó2016 by the American College of Sports Medicine
DOI: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000001062
Copyright © 2016 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
The extent to which the improved glucose metabolism
during walking is due to postural changes alone, or to in-
creases in energy expenditure, is unclear. Cycling worksta-
tions can facilitate physical activity in office settings without
disrupting work performance or workflow and thus may
help desk-bound workers reduce risks associated with seden-
tary behavior (8,13). Recumbent cycling may offer a suitable
alternative to those who do not prefer walking or who might
have orthopedic limitations that preclude frequent and/or
prolonged periods of walking. Interrupting prolonged sitting
with 8 min of moderate-intensity cycling (52% of HR re-
serve) every hour for 8 h has been reported to reduce post-
prandial capillary C-peptide levels but had no effect on
postprandial glucose (1). We are unaware of any published
data on the effects of light-intensity cycling, equivalent in
energy expenditure to 1.0 mph walking, on glucose control.
The purpose of this study was to test the independent and
combined effects of changes in posture and energy expen-
diture on 24-h and postprandial interstitial glucose concen-
trations, assessed by continuous glucose monitoring, among
overweight/obese adults. A meta-analysis of prospective studies
indicated that elevated nonfasting blood glucose concentra-
tion is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease even in appar-
ently healthy adults without diabetes (32), and postprandial
hyperglycemia has been reported to better predict cardiovas-
cular disease than fasting blood glucose in normoglycemic
adults (9).
We hypothesized that intermittent changes in posture (i.e.,
standing), increasing energy expenditure (cycling), and the
combination of both (walking) would reduce 24-h and post-
prandial glucose concentrations when compared with uninter-
rupted sitting. It was further hypothesized that the reduction
in glucose would be greater for the increased energy expen-
diture conditions and that the combination of increased energy
expenditure and posture change (walking) would produce
the greatest reduction in 24-h and postprandial glucose.
Screening. Overweight (body mass index (BMI),
Q25 kgIm
)orclassIobese(BMI,30toG35 kgIm
listserves and flyers posted throughout the university com-
munity. Because this study examined both blood pressure
(48) and interstitial glucose responses, participants had to
meet either prehypertension (systolic 9120 mm Hg or diastolic
985 mm Hg) or impaired fasting glucose criteria (5.6–
6.9 mmolIL
). In this report, we present glucose results only.
Interested participants were invited to our research facil-
ities for screening on two separate occasions. Three fasting
blood glucose measurements using a ReliOn Prime Glucose
Monitor (Walmart, Bentonville, AR) and three resting blood
pressure measurements using the Oscar 2 ABP System
(SunTech Medical, Morrisville, NC) were taken 3 d apart
based on the protocol recommendations by the World Health
Organization (47). All measurements were taken within 2 wk
of the testing period at the research laboratory by trained
personnel. The same devices were used for each measurement,
and values were averaged to determine eligibility. The
intraclass correlation coefficient of our ReliOn blood glucose
data show a high degree of reliability (intraclass correlation
coefficient = 0.97, 95% confidence interval = 0.93–0.99).
In addition, participants had to be considered insufficiently
physically active (G150 minIwk
of moderate-intensity
physical activity per week). Physical activity level was as-
sessed by the International Physical Activity Questionnaire
(42). A prescreening form was completed by interested par-
ticipants to exclude those who met any of the following ex-
clusion criteria: smoking, pregnancy, known coronary heart
disease, orthopedic limitations for performing physical activ-
ity, taking medications to control high blood glucose, special
dietary requirements, and being advised by a doctor to avoid
prolonged periods of sitting. This randomized crossover
full-factorial study was approved by the Arizona State Uni-
versity Institutional Review Board, and written informed con-
sent was obtained from participants before participation. The
study was registered as a clinical trial at
Protocol. Participants were required to complete the
following four conditions in random order: 1) sitting (SIT),
2) standing (STAND), 3) cycling (CYCLE), and 4) walking
(WALK) during an 8-h simulated workday. Each condition
was performed across four consecutive weeks, 7 d apart.
Each condition was designed to elicit a unique stimulus.
The SIT condition was considered the control condition (no
change in posture and no increase in energy expenditure).
The STAND condition elicited a change in posture only
(standing time), the CYCLE condition elicited an increase
in energy expenditure only (sitting plus cycling), and the
WALK condition elicited both an increase in energy ex-
penditure and change in posture (slow walking). Participants
were asked to refrain from exercise for 24 h before each
of the four testing visits and were provided with a stan-
dardized meal the evening before testing. All conditions
were performed in the same simulated office environment
in our research laboratory. All conditions required an 8-h
(0800–1600 h) intervention phase conducted in our research
facilities (LAB), a same-day evening postintervention assess-
ment phase from 1600 h until bedtime (EVE), and a sleep
phase from bedtime to wake time (SLEEP).
During SIT, participants were asked to remain seated
for the 8-h period while performing computer-related tasks
(similar to that of a typical office environment). Participants
were free to use the restroom before 0850 h, between 1000
and 1030 h, during lunch (1200–1230 h), and between 1400
and 1500 h, but no other physical activity was permitted.
Each break was recorded and replicated under each con-
dition. During STAND, participants were asked to stand
(using a height-adjustable TrekDesk Treadmill Desk, trekdesk.
com) for a predetermined time each hour as follows: 10 min
at 0850 and 0950 h, 15 min at 1045 and 1145 h, 20 min at
1240 and 1320 h, and 30 min at 1400 and 1530 h. This
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resulted in 2.5 h of accumulated standing time during the 8-h
workday and was based on our previous work on ambulatory
blood pressure (49), which was another outcome measure in
this study (48). Participants alternated between sitting and
standing on a nonmoving treadmill (Weslo Cadence G 5.9,
Logan, UT) that was placed underneath the TrekDesk Tread-
mill Desk. During WALK, participants worked at the Trek-
Desk Treadmill Desk while also walking at 1.0 mph. The
CYCLE condition consisted of eliciting movement while
seated through periodic bouts of slow pedaling on a Monark
cycle ergometer (894e) placed underneath the TrekDesk. The
work rate (approximately 20 W) and cadence (25–30 rpm)
were adjusted to match intensity and step rate during the
WALK condition. The frequency and duration of the walk-
ing and cycling bouts were identical with that during
STAND. The simulated office environment consisted of a
quiet observational room with a one-way mirror. This allowed
for continuous observation of participants to ensure protocol
adherence. Participants were permitted to continue computer-
based work uninterrupted during all conditions with brief
exceptions during transitions.
Participants wore an iPro2 continuous glucose monitor
(CGM) (Medtronic, Minneapolis, MN) for three consecutive
days for each condition, with CGM insertion on the day
before testing and removal on the day after testing. Inter-
stitial glucose concentration was recorded at 5-min intervals.
All CGM devices were calibrated using the standard finger
prick method and glucose meter, four times within each 24-h
period under each condition.
Four meals were provided per condition. These included
breakfast, lunch, and two dinners (one on the evening be-
fore, and one on the test day). Only one option was offered
for breakfast, and a selection of microwaveable meals with
a choice of snacks were offered for lunch and dinner. Initial
meal and snack selections were recorded for each participant
and repeated each subsequent week. The energy, macronu-
trient (in grams and as a percentage of total kilocalories), and
fiber contents for each meal were as follows: for breakfast,
479 T18 kcal, 84 T5 g carbohydrate (70% T5%), 10 T1g
fat (19% T1%), 14 T1 g protein (11% T1%), and 2 T0g
fiber; for lunch, 543 T10 kcal, 77 T3 g carbohydrate (57% T
2%), 16 T1 g fat (26% T1%), 23 T2 g protein (17% T1%),
and 8 T2 g fiber; and for dinner, 743 T16 kcal, 122 T6g
carbohydrate (66% T3%), 18 T2 g fat (22% T2%), 22 T4g
protein (12% T2%), and 12 T2 g fiber. Across the 24-h
period, macronutrient content as a percentage of the total
kcal consumption was 64% T3% carbohydrate, 22% T2%
fat, and 13% T2% protein. Breakfast and lunch were con-
sumed between 0815 and 0845 h and between 1200 and
1230 h, respectively. All meals consumed during the 8-h
workday (LAB) were brought directly to the participant
(allowing them to remain seated), and participants were ad-
vised to consume the dinner meal at the same time for each
condition. Participants were informed to avoid caffeine and
alcohol during the evening before each condition and during
the evening period of the day of each condition.
A Zephyr BioHarness
(Annapolis, MD) was worn
during the LAB phase to measure HR during all conditions
(29). The Zephyr provides real-time HR monitoring, which
allowed the matching of HR between WALK and CYCLE
conditions via Bluetooth. This was removed at the end of the
day and not worn during the EVE and the SLEEP phase.
The activPAL
triaxial physical activity monitor (PAL
Technologies Ltd, Glasgow, Scotland) was worn on the
right thigh during each condition for 24 h to record time
spent sitting, standing, and stepping both while inside and
outside the laboratory. This device was used to identify any
possible postural compensatory behavior in the evening of
the test day that may have occurred as a result of the con-
dition (17).
To measure possible spontaneous changes in physical
activity between conditions, each participant wore a GENEActiv
(Kimbolton, United Kingdom) accelerometer on his/her
nondominant wrist throughout the 5-wk study period (14).
Activity counts were accumulated for the 60-s epochs. Data
with at least 600 minId
of wear time were included in
analyses. Nonwear time, defined as 60 min or more in which
the device did not pick up any activity, was excluded from
the analysis. Time spent in sedentary, light-, moderate-, and
vigorous-intensity physical activities was calculated using
published algorithms (15).
Data analyses. CGM data were used to calculate mean
interstitial glucose and total area under the curve (AUC) for
the entire 24-h period per condition and during each phase
(LAB, EVE, and SLEEP). Bedtime and wake time logs were
used to categorize data for EVE and SLEEP, which varied
per participant. To standardize the duration of EVE and SLEEP
phases across conditions for each participant, the average
bedtime and wake time was calculated for each participant
and used for each of the four conditions. For postprandial
analysis, 2-h postprandial incremental AUC (iAUC) was
calculated for each meal and for the cumulative 6-h post-
prandial period. The postprandial mean glucose and iAUC
were compared across conditions. AUC for 24-h glucose
and iAUC for postprandial glucose were calculated using the
trapezoidal method (46). For iAUC calculations, the three
preprandial glucose values obtained just before each meal
were averaged and used as a preprandial baseline. Glucose
values during the 2-h postprandial period that were below
the baseline were not included in the iAUC analysis (G5% of
all 2-h postprandial measurements). In addition, several in-
dices of glycemic variability were also assessed (24).
Data were assessed for normality and variables with
skewed or kurtotic distributions were transformed to achieve
normality. Data are expressed as means TSD. Linear mixed
models (LMM) were used to test for differences between
treatment conditions for all glucose measurements. Age,
gender, BMI, and baseline glucose level were entered as
covariates in the model.
LMM were also used to compare HR differences between
conditions. Postural changes (activPALi) during work
hours and after work hours and time spent in sedentary,
Copyright © 2016 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
light-, moderate-, and vigorous-intensity physical activities
(GENEActiv) were analyzed with ANOVA.
Missing data. To avoid the underestimation of AUC
and iAUC due to missing data, we excluded data sets that
were less than 80% complete. Only incomplete data were
removed. Subject data were not excluded from all other
conditions as data were considered ‘‘missing at random.’ A
minimum of six values per condition was required for each
iAUC or AUC comparison. This varied per condition (iAUC
and AUC) and phase (24-h, LAB, EVE, and SLEEP AUC
only). The mean completeness of AUC data (measured as a
percentage of the maximum number of values possible per
condition; n= 9) per phase (24-h, LAB, EVE, and SLEEP)
was Q75% for each condition: SIT (75% T11%), STAND
(84% T11%), WALK (84% T19%), and CYCLE (80% T
6%). Within each 2-h postprandial period, a maximum of
24 readings could be collected per subject per condition,
totaling a maximum of 216 readings per meal. At the subject
level, when the 2-h postprandial data were less than 80%
complete (less than 20/24 readings) it was removed from
the condition given the effect this would have on the cal-
culation of iAUC. Data completeness (calculated as a per-
centage of the maximum number of values possible per
condition, n= 9) for each postprandial period was Q78%
for each condition: SIT (89%), STAND (78%), WALK
(89%), and CYCLE (78%). Overall, missing data across
conditions were low. Within the 24-h period, a maximum of
288 readings could be collected per subject and 2592 read-
ings per condition. Data completeness (calculated as a per-
centage of the maximum possible readings) was Q84% for
each condition: SIT (84%), STAND (90%), WALK (91%),
and CYCLE (90%).
Ten participants were enrolled in the study. One partici-
pant withdrew because of health complications unrelated to
the study. Two participants met the criteria for impaired
fasting blood glucose; the remaining seven met the pre-
hypertensive criteria. Therefore, nine overweight/obese (BMI =
29 T3kgIm
) adults (two males, seven females) with mean T
SD age of 30 T15 yr completed all four conditions.
Data from the Bioharness, activPAL, and GENEActiv
validated the study design (Table 1). HR for SIT and STAND
was significantly lower than WALK and CYCLE (PG0.01).
Minutes spent seated, standing, and walking during EVE
were not different between conditions (P90.05). As ex-
pected during the LAB phase, participants spent signifi-
cantly more time sitting during SIT (420 T54 min) and
CYCLE (342 T77 min) compared with STAND (252 T
99 min) and WALK (269 T27 min) (PG0.05). Significantly
more time spent walking was detected during WALK (146 T
18 min, PG0.01) and significantly more time spent stand-
ing was detected during STAND (174 T36 min, PG0.01).
The GENEActiv data revealed no significant differences
in physical activity or sedentary time between conditions
across the entire 5-wk study period. Moreover, the analysis
of GENEActiv data during the 24 h preceding each of the
four conditions also revealed no differences in sedentary
time or time spent in light-, moderate-, or vigorous-intensity
physical activities (data not shown). Finally, GENEActiv
data confirmed that participants were insufficiently active,
accumulating an average of only 15–19 minId
of moderate-
intensity physical activity and 0–1 minId
of vigorous-
intensity physical activity (Table 2).
All recorded bedtimes were between 2200 h and midnight
(mean = 2318 h) and wake times between 0530 h and 0745 h
(mean = 0642 h). Mean within-subject differences in bed-
time (42 T20 min) and wake time (38 T25 min) were not
significantly different, and the earliest and the latest bedtime
or wake time differed by more than 60 min (75 min, for wake
time) for only one participant. For the calculation of glucose
AUC, EVE duration averaged 438 T35 min and SLEEP
duration averaged 444 T32 min.
TABLE 1. HR derived from Bioharness data, total time spent seated, standing, or walking during workday hours (LAB), after workday hours (EVE), and during the entire day until bedtime
(LAB + EVE) derived from the activPAL
, and average daily time spent in different physical activity domains during each week for each condition derived from the GENEActiv.
Device Sit Stand Walk Cycle P
Bioharness LAB HR (bpm) 74 T674T680T683 T6G0.001*
activPAL Seated (min) 420 T54|| 252 T99 269 T27 342 T77 0.001
LAB Standing (min) 33 T27 174 T36§26 T11 40 T47 G0.001
Walking (min) 10 T511T5146T18§68 T55 G0.001
Seated (min) 220 T86 243 T65 226 T41 224 T67 0.928
EVE Standing (min) 66 T21 55 T22 71 T39 43 T17 0.232
Walking (min) 29 T15 32 T23 53 T27 37 T21 0.275
Seated (min) 666 T74|| 522 T50 492 T56 560 T117 0.011
LAB + EVE Standing (min) 94 T39 227 T38§96 T44 70 T22 G0.001
Walking (min) 41 T16 46 T26 196 T19144 T59G0.001
GENEActiv Sedentary (min) 702 T176 702 T176 698 T164 703 T183 0.645
Light (min) 181 T91 181 T91 207 T85 185 T80 0.152
Moderate (min) 15 T21 15 T21 15 T20 19 T25 0.751
Vigorous (min) 1 T31T31T30T1 0.595
Data are presented as mean TSD (n= 9).
*PG0.05 (LMM).
Differs from SIT and STAND only; PG0.05.
PG0.05 (ANOVA).
§Differs from all other conditions; PG0.05.
||Differs from STAND and WALK only; PG0.005.
Differs from SIT and STAND only; PG0.005.
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Interstitial glucose. During the 24-h period, and dur-
ing LAB and EVE phases, mean glucose was 5%–12%
lower for STAND, WALK, and CYCLE compared with SIT
(Fig. 1 and Table 2; all PG0.001). The 24-h mean glucose
for WALK was also significantly lower than STAND (PG0.05),
and the 24-h mean glucose for CYCLE was significantly
lower (4%–12%) than all other conditions (PG0.001). Mean
glucose for CYCLE was also ~4% lower than STAND during
LAB (PG0.05) and ~5% lower than both STAND and
WALK during EVE (PG0.001). During SLEEP, only for
CYCLE did glucose remain significantly lower than SIT and
was also significantly lower than STAND and WALK (all
9%, PG0.001).
Cumulative 6-h postprandial mean glucose was 5%–12%
lower for STAND, WALK, and CYCLE compared with SIT
(Fig. 2 and Table 2; PG0.001). Cumulative 6-h postprandial
mean glucose was also lower for WALK compared with
STAND, and for CYCLE compared with both STAND and
WALK (all PG0.05). The differences in cumulative 6-h
postprandial mean glucose were entirely due to differences
observed after the breakfast and dinner meals, with CYCLE
having the greatest glucose-lowering effect. For the break-
fast 2-h postprandial period, mean glucose was lower for
STAND, WALK, and CYCLE compared with SIT (all PG
0.001) and for WALK and CYCLE compared with STAND
(both PG0.001). For the dinner 2-h postprandial period,
mean glucose was lower for STAND, WALK, and CYCLE
compared with SIT (all PG0.001) and for CYCLE com-
pared with STAND (PG0.001) and WALK (PG0.05).
For the cumulative 6-h postprandial iAUC, CYCLE was
44% lower compared with SIT (PG0.001), and WALK
was 24% lower compared with SIT (PG0.05). CYCLE 6-h
postprandial iAUC was also 39% lower than STAND
(Table 2; PG0.01).
No measures of glycemic variability (24) were signifi-
cantly different across conditions (P90.05).
In support of our hypothesis, intermittent changes in
posture and/or increasing energy expenditure via standing,
walking, or cycling at a light-intensity (~2 METs) through-
out an 8-h simulated workday reduced 24-h and postprandial
glucose concentrations compared with uninterrupted sitting.
Compared with SIT, 24-h mean glucose was reduced by
approximately 5%–11% after STAND, WALK, and CYCLE,
TABLE 2. Mean interstitial glucose concentration and AUC for SIT, STAND, WALK, and CYCLE during workday hours (LAB), after workday hours (EVE), and SLEEP across the 24-h period
and during the postprandial periods (breakfast, lunch, and dinner).
Phase Measure Sit Stand Walk Cycle
24 h Glucose (mmolIL
) 5.7 T1.0 5.4 T0.9* 5.3 T0.9*§5.1 T1.0
AUC (mmolIL
per 1440 min) 7954 T1186 7849 T1186 7585 T1281 7492 T1186
LAB Glucose (mmolIL
) 5.6 T1.0 5.3 T0.9* 5.2 T0.9* 5.1 T0.9*§
AUC (mmolIL
per 480 min) 2671 T524 2578 T571 2482 T485 2476 T571
EVE Glucose (mmolIL
) 5.9 T0.9 5.5 T1.0* 5.5 T0.9* 5.2 T0.9
AUC (mmolIL
per 438 min)# 2590 T619 2475 T619 2422 T535 2294 T574
SLEEP Glucose (mmolIL
) 5.5 T1.1 5.5 T0.8 5.5 T1.0 5.0 T0.9
AUC (mmolIL
per 444 min)# 2478 T737 2453 T577 2484 T737 2343 T621
6-h postprandial Glucose (mmolIL
) 6.0 T1.1 5.7 T1.1* 5.5 T1.0*§5.3 T0.9*§||
iAUC (mmolIL
per 360 min) 234 T67 216 T75 177 T37132 T38*
Breakfast Glucose (mmolIL
) 6.2 T0.9 6.0 T0.9* 5.4 T0.9*5.4 T0.9*
iAUC (mmolIL
per 120 min) 85 T46 76 T36 66 T35 44 T20
Lunch Glucose (mmolIL
) 5.4 T0.7 5.4 T0.7 5.2 T0.7 5.2 T0.7
iAUC (mmolIL
per 120 min) 68 T23 63 T22 46 T29 42 T16
Dinner Glucose (mmolIL
) 6.2 T0.8 5.7 T0.8* 5.6 T0.8* 5.3 T0.8*||
iAUC (mmolIL
per 120 min) 81 T39 80 T31 65 T19 46 T16
Data are expressed as mean TSD (n= 9); all LMM (Bonferroni test).
*Differs from SIT PG0.001.
Differs from SIT PG0.05.
Differs from STAND PG0.001.
Differs from STAND PG0.01.
§Differs from STAND PG0.05.
||Differs from WALK PG0.05.
Differs from SIT, STAND, and WALK PG0.001.
#Based on bedtimes and wake times, mean duration of EVE = 438 min and mean duration of SLEEP = 444 min.
FIGURE 1—Mean 24-h interstitial glucose profiles for SIT, STAND,
WALK, and CYCLE. The intervals for standing and light-intensity
physical activity during the LAB phase are illustrated by shaded areas.
Mean bedtime was 2318 h and mean wake time was 0642 h, n= 9. See
text and Table 2 for details and statistical comparisons.
Copyright © 2016 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
and the cumulative 6-h postprandial glucose iAUC was re-
duced by 24%–44% after WALK and CYCLE. Although the
clinical significance of these reductions in a healthy popula-
tion is uncertain, elevated nonfasting blood glucose is a risk
factor for cardiovascular disease even in apparently healthy
adults without diabetes (32), and postprandial hyperglycemia
has been reported to better predict cardiovascular disease than
fasting blood glucose in normoglycemic adults (9).
It was further hypothesized that the treatment effect would
be larger for the increased energy expenditure conditions.
This was supported by the finding that 24-h glucose during
WALK and CYCLE was lower compared with STAND, and
this was validated by the Bioharness data in which greater
HR was observed during WALK and CYCLE compared
with SIT and STAND. During SLEEP, only the CYCLE
condition exhibited a significantly lower glucose compared
with SIT. To our knowledge, this is the first study to show
that light-intensity activity in the form of multiple bouts
of slow cycling during the day exhibits beneficial effects on
glucose during sleep time.
We anticipated that a combination of posture change and
increasing energy expenditure via walking would produce
the most significant reduction in 24-h and postprandial glu-
cose. However, the CYCLE condition demonstrated the
most pronounced treatment effect. The greater effect for the
CYCLE condition was not expected. We carefully controlled
cycling power output and cadence to match energy expen-
diture and step rate associated with walking at 1.0 mph (6),
and Bioharness data confirmed that there was no signifi-
can t difference in HR between WALK and CYCLE. Therefore,
the larger treatment effect produced under the CYCLE
condition cannot be attributed to higher energy expenditure
than WALK. One possible explanation may be the highly
localized muscle activation of the quadriceps, which may
promote a higher uptake of glucose than the global muscle
activation experienced during walking. Although this could
possibly explain the results during the 8 h spent in the lab-
oratory, it is unlikely to explain the EVE and SLEEP phase
results because contraction-stimulated glucose uptake is
no longer observed within a couple h after exercise (33).
Thus, mechanisms related to increased insulin sensitivity
may play a greater role during the postwork evening hours
and during sleep. Quadriceps GLUT4 activity is signif-
icantly correlated with whole-body insulin sensitivity (25),
and cycling could be expected to activate quadriceps muscle
more than walking. Further research is required to determine
why the treatment effect is higher for cycling compared
with walking when energy expenditure is not significantly
different between treatment conditions. These results may
have high relevance to a work-based environment given that
pedaling in a seated position may provide the most benefit
for glucose control and may be better suited for working
while seated (8).
Several recent studies have demonstrated that interrupting
sitting with walking or standing reduces postprandial blood
glucose (2,3,11,23,41). Walking at Q2.0 mph (2,11,23) or
60% of maximum oxygen uptake (41) may not be as suitable
for working at a walking workstation compared with walk-
ing at 1.0 mph (34,45). Our study supports that walking at
1.0 mph (~2 METs) is sufficient to reduce mean and post-
prandial glucose not only during work hours but during the
evening hours after work. Our results also provide insight
into the effect of standing on glucose control. Prolonged
periods of standing, ranging from three continuous hours in
one afternoon (7) to nearly 10 h (combined with light-
intensity activity) accumulated for 24 h (43), have been
shown to reduce postprandial blood glucose excursions (7)
and prevent deterioration of insulin action (43) compared
with prolonged periods of uninterrupted sitting. Standing
breaks of 30 min every hour for 8 h have also been shown to
reduce the postprandial blood glucose response (44). Al-
though 2-min standing breaks every 20 min for 8 h did not
reduce postprandial blood glucose (2), it was recently
reported that 5-min standing breaks every 30 min for 7.5 h
did (23). In our study, the reduced glucose concentration
during STAND was already evident in the morning hours,
when the duration of each standing break was only 10–15 min
each h (Fig. 1). Thus, lesser amounts of standing than previ-
ously reported (7,43,44) may be useful for reducing 24-h
glucose concentrations and postprandial glucose responses
that are observed during uninterrupted sitting.
FIGURE 2—Postprandialmean interstitial glucose profiles forbreakfast,
lunch, and dinner during each condition (SIT, STAND, WALK, and
CYCLE), n= 9. Error bars represent 95% confidence intervals and are
displayed only at 20-min intervals to improve clarity. See text and Table 2
for details and statistical comparisons.
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Copyright © 2016 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
The mechanisms for the reduced mean glucose during
STAND are largely unknown. The gastrocnemius muscle is
constantly active during standing (25), and sustained con-
tractile activity in this muscle may facilitate muscle glucose
uptake via recruitment of GLUT4 transporters (16,36).
Our study has several strengths. This is the first study
to compare the effects of standing and both light-intensity
walking and cycling with uninterrupted sitting on 24-h and
postprandial glucose. The activPAL and GENEActiv data
confirmed planned differences in posture allocation among
the four conditions. Furthermore, activPAL and GENEActiv
data indicated that any differences between conditions dur-
ing the measurement periods outside the LAB phase were
not due to compensatory behavior during the evening hours.
The total number of lower-limb movements during the WALK
and CYCLE active periods was controlled by matching cycling
cadence to the step rate of walking at 1.0 mph. The use of
continuous glucose monitoring allowed us to examine in-
terstitial glucose during the 24-h period. Consequently, our
study also provides new information to show that the effects
of standing and very light-intensity physical activity on glu-
cose responses extend for several hours beyond the period
during which the activities are performed.
The primary weaknesses of our study are the small sample
size and the fact that only two of the nine participants had
impaired fasting blood glucose. However, apparently healthy
adults without diabetes may benefit from lower postprandial
(9) and 24-h glucose concentrations (32). Our significant
findings on 24-h and postprandial glucose on a small sample
of adults with relatively normal glycemia highlight the po-
tential effectiveness of our intervention. The small sample
size reduced our ability to detect statistically significant re-
ductions in 24-h glucose AUC that would be expected on the
basis of the results for the mean glucose data. Similarly,
because of the reduction of multiple data points to one value
per AUC and iAUC calculation, incomplete data sets were
excluded to avoid the underestimation of AUC and iAUC
results. This was required to protect the integrity of the re-
sults and further reduced the sample size. A larger sample
size may reduce the effects of missing data and may enable
the detection of significant AUC and iAUC differences be-
tween conditions. By contrast, LMM analyses of glucose
data included a greater number of measurements (i.e., every
5 min) per participant for each condition.
We did not control for menstrual cycle phase, and five
of our seven female participants were between the ages of
18 and 44 yr. Insulin sensitivity has been shown to change
during the menstrual cycle (14), but it has also been reported
that menstrual cycle phase had no effect on glucose toler-
ance or insulin secretion (5). Because several other studies
similar to ours have not reported whether they controlled
for menstrual cycle phase (1,2,7,11,41), this is a potentially
important methodological consideration that needs to be
incorporated into the design of future studies (44).
Although the timing and the duration of the breakfast and
lunch meals were strictly controlled, the consumption of the
dinner meal occurred outside the laboratory. Thus, we were
unable to verify subject compliance with instructions for the
consumption of the dinner meal. The inspection of CGM
data indicated that for a given participant, the dinner meal
was consumed at approximately the same time of evening
under all conditions.
We acknowledge that there is limited CGM accuracy in
comparison with capillary blood glucose measurement (4).
However, given the rigor of the experimental design, com-
pleting multiple blood draws would have been too burden-
some. The standardization of meals was also generalized for
all participants and was not adjusted to accommodate dif-
ferences in resting metabolic rates. However, any potential
glycemic effects would have been present under all condi-
tions, and such practices are regularly conducted with OGTT
methods in which all subjects are provided with the same
glucose solution concentration. This also would not con-
found any differences between the WALK and the CYCLE
conditions for which energy expenditure was matched. The
standardization of meals was enforced the evening before
each test day, but dietary intake during the entire 24- to 48-h
period before each test day was not controlled. Future studies
may benefit from the inclusion of subjective measures of ap-
petite and may control dietary intake 24–48 h before each
test day to investigate potential confounding effects.
Our experimental design of accumulating 2.5 h of non-
sitting time, with progressively longer durations throughout
the workday, may prove to be more than needed to lower 24-h
glucose. We used this design on the basis of our previous
work on ambulatory blood pressure (49), which was another
outcome measure in this study (48). Figure 1 shows that
during the LAB phase, the greatest reductions in glucose
during STAND, WALK, and CYCLE occurred during the
first half of the LAB phase, when the durations of nonsitting
time were the shortest. It has been documented that accu-
mulating 2-min bouts of light-intensity (2.0 mph) and
moderate-intensity (3.6–4.0 mph) walking every 20 min for
5 h has been shown to alter the expression of nume-
rous skeletal muscle genes, including those associated with
glucose metabolism (30). It would be useful to determine
whether posture change or very light-intensity activity
(~2 METs) alters skeletal muscle gene expression.
Investigating the effects of posture change or very light-
intensity activity for an extended period would also provide
useful data regarding the true effects of sitting as an occupa-
tional hazard. Whether there is a dose–response relationship
and an optimal duration of posture change and/or light-
intensity activity that is both effective and suitable for the
workplace environment is yet to be determined.
The authors thank the School of Nutrition and Health Promotion
for funding support of this study.
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
The results of the present study do not constitute endorsement by
the American College of Sports Medicine.
Copyright © 2016 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
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... 9 Furthermore, results from experimental studies also suggest that reducing prolonged sitting time (sitting continuously for more than 30 mins) 8 using various modalities (i.e., with light activity breaks, moderate-vigorous activity breaks, or resistance exercise) can significantly attenuate postprandial glucose compared with continuous sitting. [12][13][14][15][16] Interestingly, results from these studies also shows that the benefits of breaking up sedentary time on postprandial glucose through light physical activity (LPA) breaks and moderatevigorous physical activity (MVPA) breaks were not statistically different from one another, suggesting that intensity of breaks may not be important. 17,18 Although these two studies indicated that standing breaks did not affect postprandial glucose, 17,18 other studies have shown that breaking up sitting time through standing reduced glucose iAUC by 5%-30% over the duration of the studies, but only in prediabetic individuals, a more at-risk group. ...
... 17,18 Although these two studies indicated that standing breaks did not affect postprandial glucose, 17,18 other studies have shown that breaking up sitting time through standing reduced glucose iAUC by 5%-30% over the duration of the studies, but only in prediabetic individuals, a more at-risk group. 13,19,20 All of these suggest that prolonged sedentary time and potentially the pattern at which it was accrued may play an essential role in an individual's risk of developing type 2 diabetes, especially in those classified as prediabetic. Considering that prediabetic individuals have an even higher risk for type 2 diabetes, developing simple yet effective strategies to improve glycemic outcomes in this population could significantly improve health in this population. ...
... Several studies have shown evidence of how these types of interventions can potentially impact glycemic profile up to a day after the visits. 13,19 Gaining information on glycemic profiles outside of the laboratory could lead to insights into the temporality of the observed benefits that resulted from the intervention. However, this approach was outside the scope of this study and should be explored in future studies. ...
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Intervention strategies to break up sitting have mostly focused on the modality (i.e., comparing different intensities and/or type of activities) and less on how frequency and duration of breaks affect health outcomes. This study compared the efficacy of different strategies to break up sitting time [i.e., high frequency, low duration standing breaks (HFLD) and low frequency, high duration standing breaks (LFHD)] in reducing postprandial glucose. Eleven sedentary and prediabetic adults (mean±SD age = 46.8±10.6 years; 73% female) participated in a cross-over trial. There were six blocks that represented all potential combinations (ordering) of the study conditions and participants were randomly assigned to a block. Each participant underwent three 7.5-hour laboratory visits (1 week apart) where they engaged in either continuous sitting, HFLD, or LFHD condition while performing their usual office-related tasks. Standardized breakfast and lunch meals were provided. Postprandial mean glucose, area under the curve (AUC), and incremental area under the curve (iAUC) were evaluated using mixed models. Compared to LFHD condition, the HFLD standing breaks condition significantly lowered mean glucose by -9.94 (-14.13, -5.74) mg/dL·h after lunch, and by -6.23 (-9.93, -2.52) mg/dL·h, for the total lab visit time. Overall, the results favor frequently interrupting sitting with standing breaks to improve glycemic control in individuals with prediabetes. Further studies are needed with larger sample sizes to confirm the results.
... The majority of studies investigating the effects of regularly interrupting sedentary behavior on postprandial metabolism have commenced in the morning, with many aiming to imitate a working day (22,(26)(27)(28). However, after the advent of streaming services and the normalization of "binge watching," long and uninterrupted periods of sedentary time are potentially more common during the evening. ...
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Introduction: Interrupting sedentary time during the day reduces postprandial glycemia (a risk factor for cardio-metabolic disease). However, it is not known if benefits exist for postprandial glucose, insulin and triglyceride responses in the evening, and if these benefits differ by BMI category. Methods: In a randomized crossover study, 30 participants (aged 25.4 ± 5.4 years; BMI 18.5-24.9: n = 10, BMI 25-29.9: n = 10, BMI ≥30: n = 10), completed two intervention arms, beginning at ~1700 h: prolonged sitting for 4 h; and sitting with regular activity breaks of 3 min of resistance exercises every 30 min. Plasma glucose, insulin, and triglyceride concentrations were measured in response to two meals fed at baseline and 120 min. Four-hour incremental area under the curve (iAUC) was compared between interventions. Moderation by BMI status was explored. Results: Overall, when compared to prolonged sitting, regular activity breaks lowered plasma glucose and insulin iAUC by 31.5% (95% CI -49.3% to -13.8%) and 26.6% (-39.6% to -9.9%), respectively. No significant differences were found for plasma triglyceride AUC. Interactions between BMI status and intervention was not statistically significant. Conclusions: Interventions that interrupt sedentary time in the evening may improve cardiometabolic health by some magnitude in all participants regardless of bodyweight.
... Une récente étude réalisée chez des sujets en surpoids ou obèse a observé qu'une utilisation de bureau assisdebout pendant 24 semaines permettait de diminuer différents marqueurs cardiométaboliques tels que le cholestérol total, les triglycérides et l'insulinémie (Bodker et al., 2021). Chez une population similaire, différentes études ont montré les bénéfices des bureaux debout sur la glycémie à jeun et postprandiale ainsi que la concentration de glucose interstitiel sur 24 heures (Buckley et al., 2014;Crespo et al., 2016;Healy et al., 2017). De même que pour les paramètres mentionnés précédemment, très peu d'études ont évalué l'évolution de marqueurs cardiométaboliques en lien avec l'utilisation de bureau-actif dynamique (Podrekar et al., 2020). ...
Les transformations sociétales menées par les diverses révolutions techniques et technologiques ont entraîné une réduction inéluctable du temps consacré aux activités physiques au profit des comportements sédentaires. Symbole de ces nouvelles caractéristiques comportementales, le domaine professionnel, de surcroît le secteur tertiaire, a émergé comme le milieu représentant ces nouveaux comportements du mouvement au sein de la population et des stratégies ont émergé pour lutter contre cette évolution délétère. L’objectif de ce travail de thèse était de questionner l’intérêt de l’utilisation de pédalier de bureau afin d’améliorer la santé globale d’individus travaillant dans le secteur tertiaire. Dans ce contexte, ce travail doctoral a permis le développement d’un protocole expérimental implémentant un pédalier de bureau auprès de salariés ayant un travail assis. Sa mise en place a permis d’observer les effets de l’utilisation de cette stratégie active pour améliorer différents paramètres cardiométaboliques et les comportements du mouvement humain auprès de cette population. De plus, une exploration de deux profils énergétiques lors de l’utilisation d’un pédalier de bureau a permis de caractériser des paramètres métaboliques spécifiques liés à ces profils. Nos résultats ont clairement mis en avant les bénéfices sur la santé globale de travailleurs liés à la pratique de pédalier de bureau durant le temps professionnel. Nos travaux ouvrent ainsi de nouvelles perspectives dans la compréhension liée à l’implémentation et à l’utilisation de pédalier de bureau dans le milieu professionnel.
... Contrary to the findings that breaking up sitting with standing has limited effects on postprandial glucose and insulin in healthy individuals, there is more consistent evidence that standing breaks are beneficial in individuals who are overweight, obese or have impaired cardiometabolic health. For instance, compared to prolonged sitting, postprandial glucose was significantly lower in response to standing (−39%) walking (−24%) and cycling breaks (−44%) that progressed from 10 to 30 min in duration over 8 h in participants with overweight and obesity [58]. In a simulated work day, office workers with overweight or obesity who interchanged between sitting and standing every 30 min also exhibited a significant reduction in postprandial glucose compared to a day of seated work [59]. ...
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Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is highly prevalent and can lead to disability and premature mortality. Sedentary behaviour, defined as a low energy expenditure while sitting or lying down, has been identified as an independent risk factor for CVD. This article discusses (1) the association of total sedentary time and patterns of accumulating sedentary time with CVD risk markers, CVD incidence and mortality; (2) acute experimental evidence regarding the acute effects of reducing and breaking up sedentary time on CVD risk markers; and (3) the effectiveness of longer-term sedentary behaviour interventions on CVD risk. Findings suggest that under rigorously controlled laboratory and free-living conditions, breaking up sedentary time improves cardiovascular risk markers in individuals who are healthy, overweight or obese, or have impaired cardiovascular health. Breaking up sedentary time with walking may have the most widespread benefits, whereas standing breaks may be less effective, especially in healthy individuals. There is also growing evidence that sedentary behaviour interventions may benefit cardiovascular risk in the longer term (i.e., weeks to months). Reducing and breaking up sedentary time may, therefore, be considered a target for preventing and managing CVD. Further research is needed to determine the effectiveness of sedentary behaviour interventions over the long-term to appropriately inform guidelines for the management of CVD.
... With over half of the UK working population economically active and predominately working in sedentary or light physical activity occupations, workplaces are an ideal setting for interventions designed to reduce daily sitting. Acute experimental studies have shown strategies designed to promote frequent bouts of light-intensity movement can improve markers of cardiometabolic and musculoskeletal health [10][11][12][13][14][15][16], while meta-analytic studies have found the relationship between sedentary time and adverse outcomes are most pronounced at the highest levels of inactivity [17][18][19]. Both public-and private-sector organisations need to identify and manage the wider risks of sedentary behaviour to people's health. ...
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Sedentary behaviours continue to increase and are associated with heightened risks of morbidity and mortality. We assessed the cost-effectiveness of SMART Work & Life (SWAL), an intervention designed to reduce sitting time inside and outside of work, both with (SWAL-desk) and without (SWAL-only) a height-adjustable workstation compared to usual practice (control) for UK office workers. Health outcomes were assessed in quality-adjusted life-years (QALY) and costs in pound sterling (2019–2020). Discounted costs and QALYs were estimated using regression methods with multiply imputed data from the SMART Work & Life trial. Absenteeism, productivity and wellbeing measures were also evaluated. The average cost of SWAL-desk was £228.31 and SWAL-only £80.59 per office worker. Within the trial, SWAL-only was more effective and costly compared to control (incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER): £12,091 per QALY) while SWAL-desk was dominated (least effective and most costly). However, over a lifetime horizon, both SWAL-only and SWAL-desk were more effective and more costly than control. Comparing SWAL-only to control generated an ICER of £4985 per QALY. SWAL-desk was more effective and costly than SWAL-only, generating an ICER of £13,378 per QALY. Findings were sensitive to various worker, intervention, and extrapolation-related factors. Based on a lifetime horizon, SWAL interventions appear cost-effective for office-workers conditional on worker characteristics, intervention cost and longer-term maintenance in sitting time reductions.
... Worksite wellness programs typically assess participants' health risks and deliver tailored educational and lifestyle management interventions designed to lower risks and improve health outcomes [1]. More recently, sedentary time (i.e., waking behaviors in a seated or reclining posture at < 1.5 metabolic equivalents [METs]) [3] has been recognized as a unique health risk factor for cardiometabolic diseases and early mortality [4][5][6][7][8]. American adults currently spend > 7.5 h/day being sedentary, and desk-based workers are at particular risk as they spend 70-90% of their workday sitting at a desk [9]. ...
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Background Stand and Move at Work was a 12-month, multicomponent, peer-led (intervention delivery personnel) worksite intervention to reduce sedentary time. Although successful, the magnitude of reduced sedentary time varied by intervention worksite. The purpose of this study was to use a qualitative comparative analysis approach to examine potential explanatory factors that could distinguish higher from lower performing worksites based on reduced sedentary time. Methods We assessed 12-month changes in employee sedentary time objectively using accelerometers at 12 worksites. We ranked worksites based on the magnitude of change in sedentary time and categorized sites as higher vs. lower performing. Guided by the integrated-Promoting Action on Research Implementation in Health Services framework, we created an indicator of intervention fidelity related to adherence to the protocol and competence of intervention delivery personnel (i.e., implementer). We then gathered information from employee interviews and surveys as well as delivery personnel surveys . These data were aggregated, entered into a truth table (i.e., a table containing implementation construct presence or absence), and used to examine differences between higher and lower performing worksites. Results There were substantive differences in the magnitude of change in sedentary time between higher (-75.2 min/8 h workday, CI 95 : -93.7, -56.7) and lower (-30.3 min/8 h workday, CI 95 : -38.3, -22.7) performing worksites. Conditions that were present in all higher performing sites included implementation of indoor/outdoor walking route accessibility, completion of delivery personnel surveys, and worksite culture supporting breaks (i.e., adherence to protocol). A similar pattern was found for implementer willingness to continue role and employees using face-to-face interaction/stair strategies (i.e., delivery personnel competence). However, each of these factors were also present in some of the lower performing sites suggesting we were unable to identify sufficient conditions to predict program success. Conclusions Higher intervention adherence and implementer competence is necessary for greater program success. These findings illustrate the need for future research to identify what factors may influence intervention fidelity, and in turn, effectiveness. Trial registration Identifier: NCT02566317 . Registered 2 October 2015, first participant enrolled 11 January 2016.
... Worksite wellness programs typically assess participants' health risks and deliver tailored educational and lifestyle management interventions designed to lower risks and improve health outcomes [1]. More recently, sedentary time (i.e., waking behaviors in a seated or reclining posture at < 1.5 metabolic equivalents [METs]) [3] has been recognized as a unique health risk factor for cardiometabolic diseases and early mortality [4][5][6][7][8]. American adults currently spend > 7.5 h/day being sedentary, and desk-based workers are at particular risk as they spend 70-90% of their workday sitting at a desk [9]. ...
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Background: Stand and Move at Work was a 12-month, multicomponent, peer-led (intervention delivery personnel) worksite intervention to reduce sedentary time. Although successful, the magnitude of reduced sitting time varied by intervention worksite. The purpose of this study was to use a qualitative comparative analysis approach to examine potential explanatory factors that could distinguish higher from lower performing worksites based on reduced sitting time. Methods: We assessed 12-month changes in employee sitting time objectively using accelerometers at 12 worksites. We ranked worksites based on the magnitude of change in sitting time and categorized sites as higher vs. lower performing. Guided by the integrated-Promoting Action on Research Implementation in Health Services framework, we created an indicator of intervention fidelity related to adherence to the protocol and competence of intervention delivery personnel (i.e., implementer). We then gathered information from employee interviews and surveys as well as delivery personnel surveys. These data were aggregated, entered into a truth table (i.e., a table containing implementation construct presence or absence), and used to examine differences between higher and lower performing worksites. Results: There were substantive differences in the magnitude of change in sitting time between higher (-75.2min/8h workday, CI95: -93.7, -56.7) and lower (-30.3min/8h workday, CI95: -38.3, -22.7) performing worksites. Conditions that were present in all higher performing sites included implementation of indoor/outdoor walking route accessibility, completion of delivery personnel surveys, and worksite culture supporting breaks (i.e., adherence to protocol). A similar pattern was found for implementer willingness to continue role and employees using face-to-face interaction/stair strategies (i.e., delivery personnel competence). However, each of these factors were also present in some of the lower performing sites suggesting we were unable to identify sufficient conditions to predict program success. Conclusions: Higher intervention adherence and implementer competence is necessary for greater program success. These findings illustrate the need for future research to identify what factors may influence intervention fidelity, and in turn, effectiveness. Trial registration: Identifier: NCT02566317. Registered 2 October 2015, first participant enrolled 11 January 2016.
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Regular physical activity reduces the progression of several cancers and offers physical and mental health benefits for cancer survivors. However, many cancer survivors are not sufficiently active to achieve these health benefits. Possible biological mechanisms through which physical activity could affect cancer progression include reduced systemic inflammation and positive changes in metabolic markers. Chronic and acute hyperglycemia could have downstream effects on cell proliferation and tumorigenesis. One novel strategy to motivate cancer survivors to be more active is to provide personalized biological-based feedback that demonstrates the immediate positive impact of physical activity. Continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) have been used to demonstrate the acute beneficial effects of physical activity on insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolisms in controlled lab settings. Using personal data from CGMs to illustrate the immediate impact of physical activity on glucose patterns could be particularly relevant for cancer survivors because they are at a higher risk for developing type 2 diabetes (T2D). As a pilot project, this study aims to (1) test the preliminary effect of a remotely delivered physical activity intervention that incorporates personalized biological-based feedback on daily physical activity levels, and (2) explore the association between daily glucose patterns and cancer-related insulin pathway and inflammatory biomarkers in cancer survivors who are at high risk for T2D. We will recruit 50 insufficiently active, post-treatment cancer survivors who are at elevated risk for T2D. Participants will be randomly assigned into (1) a group that receives personalized biological feedback related to physical activity behaviors; and (2) a control group that receives standard educational material. The feasibility and preliminary efficacy of this wearable sensor-based, biofeedback-enhanced 12-week physical activity intervention will be evaluated. Data from this study will support the further refinement and enhancement of a more comprehensive remotely delivered physical activity intervention that targets cancer survivors. Trial registration: Identifier: NCT05490641.
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The replacement of traditional classroom desks for active-permissive desks has been tested to reduce sitting time during classes. However, their impact on other domains is still unclear. We aimed to verify the potential effects of a classroom standing desk intervention on cognitive function and academic achievement in 6th-grade students. This was a controlled trial conducted with two classes [intervention (n = 22) and control (n = 27)] from a public school in Lisbon, Portugal. The intervention was carried out for 16 weeks and consisted of multi-level actions (students, parents, and teachers) centered on the implementation of standing desks in the intervention classroom. The control group had traditional classes with no use of standing desks or any other interference/action from the research team. Pre- and post-assessments of executive functions (attention, inhibitory function, memory, and fluid intelligence) and academic achievement were obtained. No differences between groups were found at baseline. Both groups improved (time effect) academic achievement ( p < 0.001), memory span ( p < 0.001), and inhibitory function ( p = 0.008). Group versus time interactions were observed regarding operational memory (intervention: + 18.0% and control: + 41.6%; p = 0.039) and non-verbal fluid intelligence (intervention: − 14.0% and control: + 3.9%; p = 0.017). We concluded that a 16-week classroom standing desk intervention did not improve cognitive performance or academic achievement more than the traditional sitting classes. Trial registration : Identifier (NCT03137836) (date of first registration: 03/05/2017).
Purpose: Young people spend a substantial proportion of their time at school sedentary; therefore, this setting represents an important target for interventions aimed at displacing sedentary time with physical activity. This study aimed to examine the postprandial metabolic effects of breaking sedentary time by accumulating walking and repeated bouts of nonambulatory standing during simulated school days in inactive adolescent girls. Methods: Seventeen girls (mean ± SD = 12.8 ± 0.4 yr) completed two 3-d experimental conditions. On days 1 and 2 of the standing + walking (STD-WLK) experimental trial, participants interrupted sedentary time by completing 4 × 10 min bouts of self-paced walking and accumulated 18 × 5 min standing bouts during each simulated school day. On day 3 of STD-WLK, participants attended school as normal with no additional physical activity or standing prescribed. On all 3 d of the control condition (CON), participants attended school as normal with no physical activity intervention. On days 2 and 3 of both STD-WLK and CON, a baseline capillary blood sample was provided to determine fasting [TAG] and [glucose]. Participants then consumed a standardized breakfast (0 h) and lunch (4.7 h), and blood samples were provided postprandially at 2.7, 5.3, and 7.3 h for [TAG] and [glucose]. Results: Energy expenditure was 28% (95% confidence interval = 8% to 52%) higher during school hours on day 1 and day 2 during STD-WLK compared with CON (2171 vs 1693 kJ; effect size = 0.89, P = 0.008). However, no reduction of fasting or postprandial [TAG] or [glucose] was observed on day 2 or day 3 ( P ≥ 0.245). Conclusions: Two consecutive days of breaking prolonged sitting with self-paced walking and intermittent standing had no meaningful effect on postprandial metabolism in adolescent girls.
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To compare ambulatory blood pressure (ABP) response to accumulated standing (STAND), cycling (CYCLE), and walking (WALK) to a sitting-only (SIT) day in adults. Nine overweight or obese (Body Mass Index= 28.7±2.7 kg/m) adults (30±15 yr) participated in this randomized cross-over full-factorial study. Four conditions (WALK, STAND, CYCLE, SIT) were randomly performed one week apart. WALK, STAND, and CYCLE conditions consisted of progressively increasing activity time to accumulate 2.5 h during an 8-h simulated workday. WALK (1.0 mph) and STAND (0.0 mph) were completed on a treadmill placed underneath a standing-height desk. During CYCLE participants pedaled on a Monark cycle ergometer at a cadence and energy expenditure equivalent to WALK. Participants remained seated during the SIT condition. Participants wore an ABP cuff from 8 am until 10 pm on all conditions. Linear Mixed Models were used to test condition differences in systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood pressure. Chi-Square was used to detect frequency difference of BP load. There was a whole-day (during and after work hours) SBP and DBP treatment effect (P<0.01). SBP during STAND (132 ± 17 mmHg), WALK (133 ± 17 mmHg) and CYCLE (130 ± 16 mmHg) were lower compared to SIT (137 ± 17 mmHg) (all P<0.01). CYCLE was lower than STAND (P=0.04) and WALK (P<0.01). For DBP, only CYCLE (69 ± 12 mmHg) was lower than SIT (71 ± 13 mmHg; P<0.01). Compared to SIT, WALK, STAND and CYCLE reduced SBP load by 4%, 4%, and 13%, respectively (all P<0.01). Compared to sitting, accumulating 2.5 h of light-intensity physical activity or standing during an 8-h workday may reduce ABP during and after work hours.
b>OBJECTIVE —We examined the associations of television viewing time with fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and 2-h postchallenge plasma glucose (2-h PG) levels in Australian adults. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS —A total of 8,357 adults aged >35 years who were free from diagnosed diabetes and who attended a population-based cross-sectional study (Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle Study [AusDiab]) were evaluated. Measures of FPG and 2-h PG were obtained from an oral glucose tolerance test. Self-reported television viewing time (in the previous week) was assessed using an interviewer-administered questionnaire. Homeostasis model assessment (HOMA) of insulin sensitivity (HOMA-%S) and ß-cell function (HOMA-%B) were calculated based on fasting glucose and insulin concentrations. RESULTS —After adjustment for confounders and physical activity time, time spent watching television in women was positively associated with 2-h PG, log fasting insulin, and log HOMA-%B and inversely associated with log HOMA-%S ( P < 0.05) but not with FPG. No significant associations were observed with glycemic measures in men. The ß-coefficients across categories of average hours spent watching television per day (<1.0, 1.0–1.9, 2.0–2.9, 3.0–3.9, and ≥4.0) for 2-h PG in women were 0 (reference), 0.009, 0.047, 0.473, and 0.501, respectively ( P for trend = 0.02). CONCLUSIONS —Our findings highlight the unique deleterious relationship of sedentary behavior (indicated by television viewing time) and glycemic measures independent of physical activity time and adiposity status. These relationships differed according to sex and type of glucose measurement, with the 2-h PG measure being more strongly associated with television viewing. The findings suggest an important role for reducing sedentary behavior in the prevention of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, especially in women.<br /
Objective: To determine whether breaking up prolonged sitting with short bouts of standing or walking improves postprandial markers of cardiometabolic health in women at high risk of type 2 diabetes. Research design and methods: Twenty-two overweight/obese, dysglycemic, postmenopausal women (mean ± SD age 66.6 ± 4.7 years) each participated in two of the following treatments: prolonged, unbroken sitting (7.5 h) or prolonged sitting broken up with either standing or walking at a self-perceived light intensity (for 5 min every 30 min). Both allocation and treatment order were randomized. The incremental area under the curves (iAUCs) for glucose, insulin, nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA), and triglycerides were calculated for each treatment condition (mean ± SEM). The following day, all participants underwent the 7.5-h sitting protocol. Results: Compared with a prolonged bout of sitting (iAUC 5.3 ± 0.8 mmol/L ⋅ h), both standing (3.5 ± 0.8 mmol/L ⋅ h) and walking (3.8 ± 0.7 mmol/L ⋅ h) significantly reduced the glucose iAUC (both P < 0.05). When compared with prolonged sitting (548.2 ± 71.8 mU/L ⋅ h), insulin was also reduced for both activity conditions (standing, 437.2 ± 73.5 mU/L ⋅ h; walking, 347.9 ± 78.7 mU/L ⋅ h; both P < 0.05). Both standing (-1.0 ± 0.2 mmol/L ⋅ h) and walking (-0.8 ± 0.2 mmol/L ⋅ h) attenuated the suppression of NEFA compared with prolonged sitting (-1.5 ± 0.2 mmol/L ⋅ h) (both P < 0.05). There was no significant effect on triglyceride iAUC. The effects on glucose (standing and walking) and insulin (walking only) persisted into the following day. Conclusions: Breaking up prolonged sitting with 5-min bouts of standing or walking at a self-perceived light intensity reduced postprandial glucose, insulin, and NEFA responses in women at high risk of type 2 diabetes. This simple, behavioral approach could inform future public health interventions aimed at improving the metabolic profile of postmenopausal, dysglycemic women.
Introduction: Prolonged time spent in sedentary behaviors (i.e., activities performed while sitting or reclining) has been consistently shown as an independent risk factor for increased cardiometabolic risk and all-cause mortality, whereas breaking up sedentary time is associated with improved cardiometabolic profile. However, there is still great controversy with the respect to what would be the optimal or minimum type, intensity, and frequency of physical activity necessary to revenue such positive outcomes in different populations. Objective: In this review, we aimed to discuss the available evidence from prospective experimental studies regarding the beneficial effects of breaking up prolonged sitting time on cardiometabolic risk factors, and the influence of intensity, frequency, and volume of the physical activity replacing sitting. Methods: A structured computer-based search on the electronic databases PUBMED and SCOPUS was independently conducted by two researchers. Only prospective intervention studies (controlled and uncontrolled) evaluating the effects of explicitly replacing sitting time with physical activity (including standing) on metabolic parameters as outcomes were included. Results: Seventeen studies were included in the review. Discussion: The currently available prospective experimental studies do advocate that breaking up sitting time and replacing it with light-intensity ambulatory physical activity and standing may be a stimulus sufficient enough to induce acute favorable changes in the postprandial metabolic parameters in physically inactive and type 2 diabetic subjects, whereas a higher intensity or volume seems to be more effective in rendering such positive outcomes in young habitually physically active subjects. Conclusion: Prospective experimental studies provide considerable evidence of the positive effects of breaking up prolonged time spent sitting on metabolic outcomes. However, it seems that the type, intensity, and frequency of physical activity necessary to effectively counteract the detrimental effects of prolonged sitting may differ according to the subjects' characteristics, especially with respect to the subjects' habitual physical activity level.
Prolonged sitting has emerged as a risk factor for early mortality, but the extent of benefit realized by replacing sitting time with exercise, or activities of everyday living (i.e. non-exercise activities), is not known. We prospectively followed 154,614 older adults (59-82 years) in the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study who reported no major chronic diseases at baseline and reported detailed information about sitting time, exercise, non-exercise activities. Proportional hazards models were used to estimate adjusted hazard ratios and 95% confidence intervals (HR [95%CI]) for mortality. An isotemporal modeling approach was used to estimate associations for replacing sitting time with specific types of physical activity, with separate models fit for less active and more active participants to account for non-linear associations. During 6.8 (SD=1.0) years of follow-up 12,201 deaths occurred. Greater sitting time (≥ 12 vs. < 5 hrs/d) was associated with increased risk for all-cause and cardiovascular mortality. In less active adults (< 2 hrs/d total activity), replacing one hour of sitting per day with an equal amount of activity was associated with lower all-cause mortality for both exercise (HR=0.58 [0.54,0.63]) and non-exercise activities (HR=0.70 [0.66,0.74]), including household chores, lawn and garden work, and daily walking. Among more active participants (2+ hrs/d total activity) replacement of sitting time with purposeful exercise was associated with lower mortality (HR=0.91 [0.88-0.94]), but not with non-exercise activity (HR=1.00 [0.98-1.02]). Similar results were noted for cardiovascular mortality. Physical activity intervention strategies for older adults often focus on aerobic exercise, but our findings suggest that reducing sitting time and engaging in a variety of activities is also important, particularly for inactive adults.
Background: The acute effect of low-intensity walking on blood pressure (BP) is unclear. Purpose: To determine if the acute use of a walking workstation reduces ambulatory blood pressure (ABP) in prehypertensive men and women. Methods: Ten prehypertensive adults participated in a randomized, cross-over study that included a control workday and a walking workstation workday. ABP was measured for 7 hour during the workday and for 6 hour after work. Results: Both systolic BP (SBP) (134 ± 14 vs. 137 ± 16 mmHg; P = .027) and diastolic BP (DBP) (79 ± 10 vs. 82 ± 12 mmHg; P = .001) were lower on the walking workstation day. Postwork hours (4:00 PM-10:00 PM), SBP (129 ± 13 vs. 133 ± 14 mmHg; P = .008), and DBP (74 ± 11 vs. 78 ± 13 mmHg; P = .001) were also lower on the walking workstation day. DBP load was significantly lower during the walking workstation day, with only 14% of the readings above 90 mmHg compared with 22% of the control day readings (P = .037). Conclusion: Accumulation of very-light-intensity physical activity (~2 METs) over the course of a single work day using a walking workstation may reduce BP burden in prehypertensive individuals.
The Silences of the Archives, the Reknown of the Story. The Martin Guerre affair has been told many times since Jean de Coras and Guillaume Lesueur published their stories in 1561. It is in many ways a perfect intrigue with uncanny resemblance, persuasive deception and a surprizing end when the two Martin stood face to face, memory to memory, before captivated judges and a guilty feeling Bertrande de Rols. The historian wanted to go beyond the known story in order to discover the world of the heroes. This research led to disappointments and surprizes as documents were discovered concerning the environment of Artigat’s inhabitants and bearing directly on the main characters thanks to notarial contracts. Along the way, study of the works of Coras and Lesueur took a new direction. Coming back to the affair a quarter century later did not result in finding new documents (some are perhaps still buried in Spanish archives), but by going back over her tracks, the historian could only be struck by the silences of the archives that refuse to reveal their secrets and, at the same time, by the possible openings they suggest, by the intuition that almost invisible threads link here and there characters and events.