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Comparing Artificial Intelligence and Traditional Methods to Identify Factors Associated With Pediatric Asthma Readmission



Objective : To identify and contrast risk factors for six-month pediatric asthma readmissions using traditional models (Cox proportional-hazards and logistic regression) and artificial neural-network modeling. Methods : This retrospective cohort study of the 2013 Nationwide Readmissions Database included children 5-18 years old with a primary diagnosis of asthma. The primary outcome was time to asthma readmission in the Cox model, and readmission within 180 days in logistic regression. A basic neural network construction with two hidden layers and multiple replications considered all dataset variables and potential variable interactions to predict 180-day readmissions. Logistic regression and neural-network models were compared on area-under-the receiver-operating curve. Results : Of 18,489 pediatric asthma hospitalizations, 1,858 were readmitted within 180 days. In Cox and logistic models, longer index length of stay, public insurance, and non-winter index admission seasons were associated with readmission risk, whereas micropolitan county was protective. In neural-network modeling, nine factors were significantly associated with readmissions. Four overlapped with the Cox model (non-winter-month admission, long length of stay, public insurance, and micropolitan hospitals), whereas five were unique (age, hospital bed number, teaching-hospital status, weekend index admission, and complex chronic conditions). The area under the curve was 0.592 for logistic regression and 0.637 for the neural network. Conclusions : Different methods can produce different readmission models. Relying on traditional modeling alone overlooks key readmission risk factors and complex factor interactions identified by neural networks.
Comparing Artificial Intelligence and Traditional
Methods to Identify Factors Associated With
Pediatric Asthma Readmission
Alexander H. Hogan, MD, MS; Michael Brimacombe, PhD; Maua Mosha, MS;
Glenn Flores, MD
From the Division of Hospital Medicine, Connecticut Children’s Medical Center (AH Hogan), Hartford, Conn; Department of Pediatrics,
University of Connecticut School of Medicine (AH Hogan), Farmington, Conn; Health Services Research Institute, Connecticut Children’s
Medical Center (M Brimacombe and M Mosha), Hartford, Conn; and Department of Pediatrics, University of Miami Miller School of
Medicine, and Holtz Children’s Hospital, Jackson Health System (G Flores), Miami, Fla
The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
Address correspondence to Alexander H. Hogan, MD, MS, Connecticut Children’s Medical Center, 282 Washington St, Hartford, CT 06106
Received for publication December 30, 2020; accepted July 20, 2021.
OBJECTIVE:To identify and contrast risk factors for six-month
pediatric asthma readmissions using traditional models (Cox
proportional-hazards and logistic regression) and artificial neu-
ral-network modeling.
METHODS:This retrospective cohort study of the 2013 Nation-
wide Readmissions Database included children 5 to 18 years
old with a primary diagnosis of asthma. The primary outcome
was time to asthma readmission in the Cox model, and read-
mission within 180 days in logistic regression. A basic neural
network construction with 2 hidden layers and multiple repli-
cations considered all dataset variables and potential variable
interactions to predict 180-day readmissions. Logistic regres-
sion and neural-network models were compared on area-
under-the receiver-operating curve.
RESULTS:Of 18,489 pediatric asthma hospitalizations, 1858
were readmitted within 180 days. In Cox and logistic models,
longer index length of stay, public insurance, and nonwinter
index admission seasons were associated with readmission
risk, whereas micropolitan county was protective. In neural-
network modeling, 9 factors were significantly associated with
readmissions. Four overlapped with the Cox model (nonwin-
ter-month admission, long length of stay, public insurance,
and micropolitan hospitals), whereas 5 were unique (age, hos-
pital bed number, teaching-hospital status, weekend index
admission, and complex chronic conditions). The area under
the curve was 0.592 for logistic regression and 0.637 for the
neural network.
CONCLUSIONS:Different methods can produce different read-
mission models. Relying on traditional modeling alone over-
looks key readmission risk factors and complex factor
interactions identified by neural networks.
TAGGEDPKEYWORDS:artificial neural network; asthma; machine learn-
ing; rehospitalization
An artificial neural network performed slightly better
than traditional statistical models, and identified risk
factors not identified by traditional modeling. Key
readmission risk factors common to both models were
non-winter-month admission, long length of stay, pub-
lic insurance, and micropolitan hospitals.
TAGGEDPASTHMA IS ONE of the most common chronic conditions
of childhood in the United States. Although only 1% to
3% of children with asthma are hospitalized each year,
hospitalizations account for over one third of asthma
spending nationally, and create significant financial bur-
dens for patients, families, and the health care system.
Early asthma readmissions (<30 days) are both infrequent
(1%2%) and unlikely to be preventable: one pediatric
study found that the all-cause preventable early-readmis-
sion rate was <2%.
Late readmissions are more common,
and thus a larger burden on families4% to 10% of chil-
dren are readmitted within 180 days
This is concerning,
as asthma is an ambulatory-care-sensitive condition for
which timely, appropriate outpatient care could prevent
Multicomponent quality-improvement
interventions have decreased late readmissions, but none
has used readmission risk assessments to identify and tar-
get those at highest risk of readmission.
Establishing the
best modeling techniques and most salient readmission
risk factors may aid in future readmission reduction
Readmission modeling has traditionally employed Cox
and logistic regression. Readmission prediction models
using traditional methods for analyzing administrative
datasets have yielded less-than-optimal results, with an
area-under-the-receiver-operator curve (AUC) of 0.55 to
These findings may be due to a lack of granular
data, or there may be limitations in analysis techniques.
Machine-learning approaches, specifically artificial neural
Copyright ©2021 by Academic Pediatric Association 55
Volume 22, Number 1
JanuaryFebruary 2022
networks (ANNs), have been proposed as potentially
superior predictive modeling strategies. The key advan-
tages of ANNs are the intrinsic evaluation of nonlinear
relationships that are difficult to achieve in traditional sta-
tistical models. The assessment of variable interplay goes
beyond the standard multiplicative assessment of variable
interaction of traditional statistical models to incorporate
variable correlations and interactions on a scale beyond
what is possible in a traditional regression model. The
optimal method for predicting pediatric asthma readmis-
sions and identifying readmission risk factors at 180 days
is unknown. The study objective was to use traditional sta-
tistical modeling (Cox proportional-hazards and logistic
regression) and ANN models to identify and contrast risk
factors and model performance for 180-day pediatric
asthma readmissions in a nationally representative sam-
This was a 1-year retrospective cohort analysis of the
2013 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Nationwide Readmission Database (NRD), an all-payer
claims database with linkages across hospitalizations.
The NRD consists of 49% of US inpatient and observation
hospitalizations, and is drawn from 22 state inpatient data-
bases. The unit of analysis for the NRD is discharge
records. De-identified patient-level discharge records,
with verified individual identifiers, track patients across
hospitals within a state. No attempts were made to identify
any individuals in the database. All parties with access to
NRD adhered to Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project’s
formal data use agreement. The study was deemed exempt
from full review by Connecticut Children’s Medical Cen-
ter institutional review board.
We examined the question that researchers, payors, and
health systems are most likely to ask: what are the key
predictors of 180-day readmissions in a given calendar
year, using different analytic methods?
The study sample included hospitalizations of children
5 to 18 years old who had an index admission for asthma,
as defined by a primary diagnosis code for asthma in the
International Classification of Disease, Ninth Revision,
Clinical Modification (ICD-9 code: 493.xx), and were
admitted between January 1, 2013, and December 31,
2013. We excluded discharges of patients who transferred
to another acute hospital, left against medical advice, or
died during the hospital stay. Discharged patients <5 years
old also were excluded to minimize the number of admis-
sions due to bronchiolitis and virus-induced wheeze.
The primary outcome was whether or not a child had an
asthma readmission within 180 days. Similar to prior stud-
ies, this outcome was defined as the first hospitalization a
primary diagnosis of asthma (ICD-9 code = 493.xx) fol-
lowing discharge from the index hospitalization.
Sociodemographic variables included sex, age (dichot-
omized as 511 and 1218 years old to correspond to
age groups for the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Insti-
tute asthma guidelines
), residential income quartile,
insurance payer (private, public, uninsured, and other),
social risk factors (present or absent, based on social
determinants of health ICD-9 codes for family member
with alcohol and/or drug problem, history of abuse, paren-
tal separation, foster care, educational circumstance,
housing instability, other economic strain, and legal cir-
and patient county residence, classified by
population density as large metropolitan (population >1
million), small metropolitan (50,0011,000,000), micro-
politan (10,00150,000), or nonurban/rural (10,000).
Race/ethnicity is not included in the NRD, and so could
not be assessed. Patient clinical characteristics included
presence of complex chronic conditions (CCCs),
length of stay (LOS), categorized as short (<2 days),
median (23 days) and long (4 days, the top quartile of
LOS), admission season (spring [March, April, May],
summer [June, July, August], fall [September, October,
November], or winter [December, January, February]),
and disposition at discharge (home, home with nursing
services, postacute care, or unknown).
Due to sampling
practices and privacy measures, patients identifiers are not
tracked between years in the NRD; therefore, prior-year
admissions were not included. Hospital characteristics
assessed included hospital ownership (government, pri-
vate not-for-profit, or private for-profit), teaching status,
and hospital size by number of beds (small, medium, or
large stratified by US region and rural or urban hospital
Markers of hospitalization severity, such as
All Patient Refined Diagnosis Related Group severity and
the Hospitalization Resource Intensity Score for Kids,
cannot be determined until after discharge, when billing
and coding are completed. As such, these scores were not
considered for adjustment in the analysis.
Discharges with and without a readmission were com-
pared using chi-square tests for all categorical variables.
The Wilcoxon signed rank test was used to compare con-
tinuous variables. Subjects with missing data were
excluded from analysis. Two methods of traditional statis-
tical model construction were used: Cox proportional haz-
ards and logistic regression. The primary analysis was
Cox proportional hazards, as it was best able to account
for patient time to readmission event in the study. As the
primary outcome of readmission within 180 days neces-
sarily censored patients admitted in the second half of the
year, the Cox proportional-hazards model best accounted
for patient days at risk. Cox regression calculated the haz-
ard ratios and 95% confidence intervals for predictors of
first asthma readmission within 180 days. Time-to-event
was defined as elapsed time from index hospitalization
discharge to asthma readmission or censoring at 180 days.
The proportional hazards assumption was tested. Back-
ward stepwise variable selection was used, with a 2-tailed
P<.05 considered to be significant. Clustering by hospi-
tal was assessed, but not observed and therefore, was not
adjusted for. The NRD provides sampling weights to cal-
culate national estimates; however, ANN typically does
not utilize sampling weights. As the goal was to compare
risk factors identified by traditional statistics and ANN,
sampling weights were not used. Logistic regression was
also used to directly compare traditional statistical meth-
ods with ANN, as both methods utilize binary outputs,
which can be compared using AUC. In addition, both
models had identical incomplete follow up for those
admitted in the second half of the year; given that the goal
was to compare risk factors between models this was
determined to be appropriate. Similar comparisons with
the Cox regression are difficult, due to the person-days at-
risk calculation. Both Cox and logistic regressions were
conducted using STATA 14.1 (College Station, Tex).
We constructed an ANN to identify predictors of first
asthma readmission within 180 days. The ANN model was
constructed using a 50/50 split training and validation data-
set. We programmed a basic ANN, with 1 hidden layer
having 2 nodes, using the neuralnet function
found in the
R statistical software environment.
This uses back-propa-
gation to t the model (the standard method of fitting such
a model), and multiple replications, considering all min-
max standardized independent variables and potential vari-
able interactions to predict readmissions. As the primary
outcome was binary (readmitted or censored), the sigmoid
function was used as the activation function in the hidden
and output layers. The back-propagation algorithm used a
learning rate of 0.05 and a momentum of 0.9. The learning
process was discontinued when the average error (mean
square error) in the training set decreased to 0.00001.
In light of the black-box nature of ANN, and to make the
outputs more useful for clinicians, we calculated the rela-
tive importance of the variables remaining in the ANN in
relation to their estimated weights in the model. In a regres-
sion model with standardized independent variables, the
coefficients of the fitted model can be interpreted as reflect-
ing the relative importance of the variables in question. In
ANN, standardization is applied twice: first, using the min-
max adjustment of the initial variables, and second, when
forcing fitted variables to lie in (0,1) by use of the sigmoi-
dal function. This standardization process suggests that a
similar interpretation to traditional regression coefficients
can be applied, though common outputs, such as odds
ratios, hazard ratios, or 95% confidence intervals, cannot
be derived. We calculated the weighted sum of the ANN
variable coefficients’ absolute values of the reported
weights, linking the input variables to the 2 “hidden layer”
(latent) variables. The absolute value of this weighted sum
was normalized and expressed on a percent basis. The
predictive accuracy of the ANN model was analyzed using
50/50 randomized training re-samples and cross-validation
techniques in 10 replications, and compared with the AUC
of the logistic regression model. There is currently no reli-
able ANN which can model time to event similar to Cox
regression, which is why ANN is only compared to logistic
The database yielded 18,489 pediatric asthma index
admissions and 1044 asthma readmissions, for a readmis-
sion rate of 5.7% at 180 days (Table 1). A total of 521 dis-
charges were excluded from analyses, due to missing data
(n = 341), transfer to another acute hospital (n = 81), leav-
ing against medical advice (n = 43), or death during hospi-
talization (n = 6). The median age at index admission was
8 years old (interquartile range, 612 years old); 41% of
index admissions were female patients, two thirds had
public insurance, 93% lived in a metropolitan area, and
6% had at least one CCC.
The Cox proportional-hazard model identified multiple
factors associated with time to readmission for pediatric
patients (Table 2a). Public insurance, prolonged LOS, and
nonwinter-month discharges were associated with higher
readmission risk, whereas micropolitan hospital location
was associated with lower risk. Logistic regression revealed
similar results, with public insurance, prolonged LOS, and
nonwinter-month discharges associated with higher read-
mission risk, and micropolitan hospital location associated
with lower risk (Table 2b). Overall model prediction was
with an AUC of 0.592 (Table 1a). There was no
meaningful AUC difference between the parsimonious
model and the traditional models including all variables.
In ANN, 9 factors and their complex interactions were
significantly associated with readmissions (Table 1b,
online). Four overlapped with the Cox model (LOS, prin-
cipal payer, season, and county size), whereas five were
unique (age, hospital bed number, teaching-hospital sta-
tus, weekend index admission, and CCCs). The normal-
ized importance of the variables is presented in Table 2.
Admission season was the most important factor, with a
standardized importance markedly higher than the next
most important risk factors. The ANN AUC was 0.637 in
the training set and 0.636 in the validation set, which was
greater than the AUC for logistic regression (Table 1b).
In a nationally representative dataset, an ANN pre-
dicted 180-day readmissions marginally better than tradi-
tional statistical models. Although model prediction was
poor, both traditional and ANN models performed simi-
larly to models in other studies using retrospective data-
sets for asthma readmission prediction.
The Cox and logistic models showed that nonwinter
season, long LOS, public insurance, and micropolitan hos-
pitals were associated with 180-day asthma readmissions.
ANN also retained these variables in the model, and they
were the variables with the highest standardized
importance. Admission season was an order of magnitude
more important than other risk factors in the ANN. In the
traditional models, although all nonwinter seasons were
associated with readmission, summer admission was asso-
ciated with a more that 2 and half times greater odds of
readmission versus winter admissions. This finding is con-
sistent with prior research, albeit not as strong an associa-
tion in previous studies.
Reflecting pediatric asthma
national seasonal trends, summer admissions were the
least frequent (13%), and winter admissions were most
frequent. It may be that the children prone to being admit-
ted in the summer months have worse chronic asthma
control, and therefore are more likely to be readmitted
when the fall and winter viruses begin circulating. This
association cannot be assessed without either prospective
data, more longitudinal data, or a more granular dataset
that includes asthma severity and markers of asthma con-
trol, such as the refill prescription ratio.
LOS of the
index hospitalization is also likely a marker of underlying
disease severity, and not surprisingly, was found to be
Table 1. 180-Day Readmission Rates by Patient and Hospital Characteristics
Characteristic Overall Cohort 180-Day Readmissions P
N, (%) 18,489 1044 (5.7)
Age in years, % .106
511 74.4 4.5
1218 25.6 6.1
Female gender, % 40.9 5.7 .765
Principal payer, % <.001
Private 28.5 4.8
Public 65.1 6.2
Uninsured 3.1 2.6
3.3 6.2
Social risk factor, %
0.3 0.05 .15
County population classification, % .135
Large metropolitan: 1 million 65.8 5.9
Small metropolitan: <1 million 27.3 5.4
Micropolitan 5.4 4.3
Non-urban 1.5 5.0
Weekend admission, % 27.7 5.6 .819
Index hospitalization LOS in days, % <.001
<2 33.6 4.5
2-3 51.7 6.0
4 14.7 7.1
Discharge season, % <.001
Winter (DecemberFebruary) 24.2 3.5
Spring (MarchMay) 28.4 5.4
Summer (JuneAugust) 13.2 7.8
Fall (SeptemberNovember) 34.2 6.5
Hospital bed number, %
Large 66.7 5.6
Medium 27.7 5.9
Small 5.6 4.8
Hospital teaching status, % .041
Urban nonteaching 19.6 5.2
Urban teaching 73.5 5.9
Nonurban 6.9 4.5
Hospital ownership, % .247
Private nonprofit 70.1 5.7
Government 20.1 5.8
Private, for-profit 9.8 4.8
Discharge disposition, % .352
Routine (home/home health care) 99.1 5.6
Skilled facilities 0.2 10.7
Other 0.2 5.7
Median household income*,% .172
Quartile 4: $64,000 12.3 4.8
Quartile 3: $48,000$63,999 18.6 5.7
Quartile 2: $38,000$47,999 24.7 5.4
Quartile 1: $1$37,999 44.4 6.0
Pediatric CCC, % 6.4 6.3 .293
LOS indicates length of stay; CCC, complex chronic condition.
*By patient's residential ZIP code.
†Other includes Worker's Compensation, CHAMPUS, CHAMPVA, Title V, and other government programs.
‡As identified by ICD-9 code.
§Size defined by hospital location and teaching status per NRD.
associated with increased readmission in all of our models
and several prior studies.
Public insurance was significantly associated with read-
mission in both models. There are numerous factors which
are associated both with public insurance and pediatric
asthma readmissions but were not available in this dataset,
including residence in predominantly minority neighbor-
residence in high-risk areas,
and race/
so confounding is a distinct possibility. If
these variables were in the dataset, they likely would
improve both the predictive ability of a model using retro-
spective data, and allow deeper insight into the individual
risk factors found to associated with readmissions in the
Hospital location in a micropolitan county was associ-
ated with a lower risk of readmission, compared with hos-
pitals in large cities. This finding is consistent with prior
research indicating lower pediatric asthma readmission
rates in rural counties versus metropolitan areas,
although one study suggested an increased 30-day read-
mission risk in micropolitan versus rural hospitals.
only 5% of patients admitted to micropolitan hospitals in
this dataset, this finding will need to be explored in future
Table 2. Traditional Statistical Models for Factors Associated With 180-Day Pediatric Asthma Readmission in the 2013 Nationwide Read-
mission Database
2a: Cox Proportional-Hazards Model
Characteristic Hazard Ratio (95% CI) Adjusted Hazard Ratio (95% CI)
Principal payer
Private Referent Referent
Public 1.32 (1.141.52) 1.32 (1.141.52)
Uninsured 0.54 (0.320.90) 0.52 (0.310.88)
Other 1.32 (0.941.85) 1.33 (0.951.87)
County population classification
Large metropolitan: 1 million Referent Referent
Small metropolitan: <1 million 0.91 (0.791.04) 0.90 (0.781.52)
Micropolitan 0.72 (0.530.98) 0.69 (0.510.94)
Nonurban 0.84 (0.491.42) 0.84 (0.491.43)
Index hospitalization LOS, days
<2 Referent Referent
231.33 (1.151.53) 1.35 (1.171.56)
41.61 (1.341.93) 1.63 (1.361.96)
Discharge season
Winter (DecemberFebruary) Referent Referent
Spring (MarchMay) 1.54 (1.261.87) 1.55 (1.281.89)
Summer (JuneAugust) 2.33 (1.882.87) 2.40 (1.942.97)
Fall (SeptemberNovember) 1.99 (1.662.40) 2.04 (1.692.45)
2b: Logistic Regression Model
Characteristic Odds Ratio (95% CI) Adjusted Odds Ratio (95% CI)
Principal payer
Private Referent Referent
Public 1.31 (1.131.52) 1.31 (1.131.52)
Uninsured 0.53 (0.320.91) 0.52 (0.310.89)
Other 1.33 (0.931.89) 1.34 (0.941.92)
County population classification
Large metropolitan: 1 million Referent Referent
Small metropolitan: <1 million 0.91 (0.791.05) 0.90 (0.781.04)
Micropolitan 0.72 (0.530.99) 0.70 (0.510.95)
Nonurban 0.84 (0.491.44) 0.83 (0.481.43)
Index hospitalization LOS, days
<2 Referent Referent
231.33 (1.151.55) 1.36 (1.171.57)
41.60 (1.331.94) 1.63 (1.351.97)
Discharge season
Winter (DecemberFebruary) Referent Referent
Spring (MarchMay) 1.61 (1.321.97) 1.63 (1.341.99)
Summer (JuneAugust) 2.38 (1.912.96) 2.45 (1.973.05)
Fall (SeptemberNovember) 1.96 (1.622.36) 2.00 (1.652.41)
LOS indicates length of stay; CI, confidence interval.
Bold text indicates P<.05.
The parsimonious models above also considered all variables available in the NRD. Variables rejected included: age, gender, social risk-
factor score,
county size, weekend admission, hospital bed number, hospital teaching status, hospital ownership, discharge disposition,
median household income, and presence of a complex chronic condition.
There was consistent concordance of all three models
on 4 readmission risk factors: index admission in a non-
winter season, LOS, public insurance, and micropolitan
hospitals. These findings have important implications for
practice, research, and policy. For example, the study
results suggest that Medicaid-covered children being dis-
charged in the summer and after a prolonged LOS would
benefit from intensive case management focused on
reducing readmission risk. Health systems and policy
makers should invest in evidenced-based asthma readmis-
sion reduction solutions, such as parent mentors,
or mul-
ticomponent interventions,
and implement these
programs in the highest risk groups for efficiency.
Readmission risk factors uniquely identified by ANN
deserve further consideration. CCCs are well known to
have an increased risk of morbidity, including prior
research evaluating multiple asthma readmission time
that includes 180 days.
Similarly, older age
and hospital teaching status were associated with readmis-
sion in the ANN and prior studies.
To our knowledge,
hospital bed number and weekend admission have not
been previously identified as increased readmission risk
factors in pediatric asthma. Excepting bed number and
weekend admission, these risk factors have been regularly
and robustly found to be associated with pediatric asthma
readmissions. This suggests that traditional modeling tech-
niques may not be able to identify higher-level connections
between multiple variables or subtler variable interactions
which ANN can capture. Differences in identified risk fac-
tors between standard statistical methods and ANN may
be due to the ability of the ANN to account for the com-
plex connections among the independent variables, which
is not possible in traditional statistical models. Alternate
machine-learning-based techniques, including recursive
partitioning analyses, random forest, boosted gradient, and
support vectors, may also be superior, depending on the
dataset, for producing maximal sensitivity, specificity, pre-
dictive value, and ease of use for clinicians.
Certain study limitations should be noted. NRD lacks
longitudinal outcomes for those admitted in the second
half of the year, as NRD does not maintain case identifiers
across annual datasets, due to inherent sampling strategies
and privacy protections. This limitation is partially miti-
gated by accounting for the admission season and using
patient days at-risk with Cox proportional-hazards model-
ing. The 2013 NRD uses ICD-9 coding, which has been
replaced by ICD-10; future research is planned to use
these newer diagnosis codes. Another limitation is the
lack of certain risk factors in the dataset known to be
associated with increased asthma readmissions. Prior
health care utilization, such as prior-year (before the index
admission) hospitalizations, ED visits, intensive-care-unit
admissions, and outpatient follow-up, are not reported in
NRD, but are associated with increased pediatric asthma
readmission risk.
Prescription claims data, such as the
asthma medication ratio (number of controller medication
claims/[number of controller medication claims + number
of rescue medication claims]) would likely also augment
readmission predictions.
NRD reports the number of
hospital beds, but does not differentiate children’s hospi-
tals from community hospitals, which have different read-
mission rates.
NRD does not report race/ethnicity,
which is problematic, as African-American children have
increased rates of asthma readmissions, and Latino child-
rens’ asthma prevalence and exacerbation risks are high
and vary by subgroups.
Similarly, measures of racism,
economic stability, housing issues, English proficiency,
immigration status, and other social determinants of health
are not present in the NRD, and are rarely included in
administrative datasets, which may partially explain the
poor predictive performance of models based on retro-
spective databases.
Routine incorporation of these
factors into administrative and clinical datasets will allow
for more nuanced investigations of readmission risk fac-
tors and likely lead to more robust predictive models.
Late pediatric asthma readmissions are caused by a web
of factors: underlying disease severity, the transition from
hospital to home, neighborhood factors, and many
The variables in the NRD, and administrative
datasets generally, are pale reflections of the underlying
readmission causes. Although ANN did outperform tradi-
tional models, the accuracy of the prediction models was
hamstrung by the lack of richer, more granular data. The
overlapping risk factors between all three models are
likely the most robust readmission predictors, at least for
now, and should be considered in any future readmission
reduction efforts.
Different methods can produce different readmission
models. Relying on traditional modeling alone may over-
look key readmission risk factors and complex factor
interactions identified by neural networks. Four risk fac-
torsnonwinter-month admission, long LOS, public
insurance, and micropolitan hospitalswere shared by all
3 models, and could prove particularly powerful for pre-
dicting readmissions. Five risk factors were uniquely
identified by ANN: age, hospital bed number, teaching-
hospital status, weekend index admission, and CCCs.
Greater insight is needed on how to harmonize dissonant
findings of different models so that children at greatest
readmission risk can be identified.
Financial statement: Dr Hogan was supported by the Connecticut
Institute for Clinical and Translational Science at the University of Con-
necticut, and an Academic Pediatric Association’s Young Investigator
Award. The study sponsors had no role in study design, the collection,
analysis, interpretation of data, the writing of the report, or the decision
to submit the paper for publication. The content is solely the responsibil-
ity of the authors, and does not necessarily represent the official views of
either awarding institution.
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... In addition, we integrated technical terminology related to ML, incorporating terms such as artificial intelligence, supervised methods, and deep learning (DL). All the keywords that we used in the search strategy can be found in Multimedia Appendix 1 [4,11,[21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35]. Overall, 2 databases, PubMed and Scopus, were chosen as the sources of papers. ...
... There was considerable heterogeneity in the definition of the prediction outcome used in the models, including asthma exacerbation [4,25,27,29,31,32,34], asthma-related hospitalization [11,24,26,30,33,35], asthma readmission [28], asthma prevalence [24], asthma-related mortality [22], and asthma relapse [21]. ...
... Of the 17 studies, 6 (35%) studies defined the model task as a 1-year prediction [4,23,26,31,33,35]. Other variations in the time horizon for the outcome were 180 days [28], 90 days [34], 28 days [29], and 15 days [32]. A study compared the prediction model performances across 3 time horizons: 30, 90, and 180 days [25]. ...
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Background An early warning tool to predict attacks could enhance asthma management and reduce the likelihood of serious consequences. Electronic health records (EHRs) providing access to historical data about patients with asthma coupled with machine learning (ML) provide an opportunity to develop such a tool. Several studies have developed ML-based tools to predict asthma attacks. Objective This study aims to critically evaluate ML-based models derived using EHRs for the prediction of asthma attacks. Methods We systematically searched PubMed and Scopus (the search period was between January 1, 2012, and January 31, 2023) for papers meeting the following inclusion criteria: (1) used EHR data as the main data source, (2) used asthma attack as the outcome, and (3) compared ML-based prediction models’ performance. We excluded non-English papers and nonresearch papers, such as commentary and systematic review papers. In addition, we also excluded papers that did not provide any details about the respective ML approach and its result, including protocol papers. The selected studies were then summarized across multiple dimensions including data preprocessing methods, ML algorithms, model validation, model explainability, and model implementation. Results Overall, 17 papers were included at the end of the selection process. There was considerable heterogeneity in how asthma attacks were defined. Of the 17 studies, 8 (47%) studies used routinely collected data both from primary care and secondary care practices together. Extreme imbalanced data was a notable issue in most studies (13/17, 76%), but only 38% (5/13) of them explicitly dealt with it in their data preprocessing pipeline. The gradient boosting–based method was the best ML method in 59% (10/17) of the studies. Of the 17 studies, 14 (82%) studies used a model explanation method to identify the most important predictors. None of the studies followed the standard reporting guidelines, and none were prospectively validated. Conclusions Our review indicates that this research field is still underdeveloped, given the limited body of evidence, heterogeneity of methods, lack of external validation, and suboptimally reported models. We highlighted several technical challenges (class imbalance, external validation, model explanation, and adherence to reporting guidelines to aid reproducibility) that need to be addressed to make progress toward clinical adoption.
... Most studies originated from a single centre (52%) rather than multi-centre or a national database (44%). There were more studies with data from North America (68%) [181][182][183][184][185][186][187][188][189][190][191][192][193][194][195][196][197] than Europe (24%) [198][199][200][201][202][203], Australia (4%) [204], or the Middle East (4%) [205]. Data collected during studies (i.e., cross-sectional, longitudinal cohort) were the most common sources of data (56%) [187-189, 192, 193, 197-205], followed by registry data from either routine EHR (24%) [181,182,190,191,195,196], regional or national databases (12%) [184][185][186], or clinical records (4%) [183]. ...
... There were more studies with data from North America (68%) [181][182][183][184][185][186][187][188][189][190][191][192][193][194][195][196][197] than Europe (24%) [198][199][200][201][202][203], Australia (4%) [204], or the Middle East (4%) [205]. Data collected during studies (i.e., cross-sectional, longitudinal cohort) were the most common sources of data (56%) [187-189, 192, 193, 197-205], followed by registry data from either routine EHR (24%) [181,182,190,191,195,196], regional or national databases (12%) [184][185][186], or clinical records (4%) [183]. One study did not report the source of data for model development (4%) [194]. ...
... It was not often clear whether large-scale studies included data of repeated measures, or if they were independent records. In handling missing values, 32% of studies used complete case analysis [184,186,188,190,191,196,197,199], 28% imputed missing values [183,185,187,192,193,198,205], and one used a combination of both [181], however 36% of studies did not define any explicit methods [182,189,194,195,[200][201][202][203][204]. In defining outcomes, proxy measures were often used, for example exacerbation was often recorded as requirement of a medication, which can be biased towards clinician or centre treatment preferences. ...
Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a heterogeneous multi-faceted genetic condition that primarily affects the lungs and digestive system. For children and young people living with CF, timely management is necessary to prevent the establishment of severe disease. Modern data capture through electronic health records (EHR) have created an opportunity to use machine learning algorithms to classify subgroups of disease to understand health status and prognosis. The overall aim of this thesis was to develop a composite health index in children with CF. An iterative approach to unsupervised cluster analysis was developed to identify homogeneous clusters of children with CF in a pre-existing encounter-based CF database from Toronto Canada. An external validation of the model was carried out in a historical CF dataset from Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) in London UK. The clusters were also re-created and validated using EHR data from GOSH when it first became accessible in 2021. The interpretability and sensitivity of the GOSH EHR model was explored. Lastly, a scoping review was carried out to investigate common barriers to implementation of prognostic machine learning algorithms in paediatric respiratory care. A cluster model was identified that detailed four clusters associated with time to future hospitalisation, pulmonary exacerbation, and lung function. The clusters were also associated with different disease related variables such as comorbidities, anthropometrics, microbiology infections, and treatment history. An app was developed to display individualised cluster assignment, which will be a useful way to interpret the cluster model clinically. The review of prognostic machine learning algorithms identified a lack of reproducibility and validations as the major limitation to model reporting that impair clinical translation. EHR systems facilitate point-of-care access of individualised data and integrated machine learning models. However, there is a gap in translation to clinical implementation of machine learning models. With appropriate regulatory frameworks the health index developed for children with CF could be implemented in CF care.
... Different hospital logistics modes for example, the coordinated planning, execution, and management of the flow of products and services, behaviors, and activities were suggested and progressively implemented through government regulations and technological advancements. For instance, artificial neural network model, intensive care medicine [2], biomedical informatics [8], hospital readmission [9], critical care [19,36], etc. Remarkable practical performance and significant academic outcomes were obtained over a broad spectrum of hospital supply chain management subjects. However, it is still in its infancy and is far from meeting the problems presented by a lack of cooperation across different research communities. ...
... For pediatric medicine, using a machine learningassisted prediction model, artificial neural network modelling, and conventional methods (logistic regression, etc), risk variables for six-month readmissions of children with asthma are identified [9], and the therapy outcome of orthokeratology in children [5]. Additionally, for healthcare developing and validating a machine learning model to forecast hospital mortality in patients with sepsis who need to be readmitted to the intensive care unit [28], and determining those who have a greater risk of readmission [84]. ...
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Over the last few decades, globalization has driven up the demand for hospital Supply Chain Management (SCM) with the goal of bio-medical development and improving performance. This review aims to offer both a qualitative and quantitative comprehension of the hospital SCM research field's overall developmental trend. By using the methodology science mapping approach are visualize the organization of academic knowledge, 87 significant papers, that were published between 2002 and 2023 in total due to their importance in recent years, were located, expanded upon, and summarized. Bibliographic analysis for understanding the global research state and academic development was performed on visualized statistics can help identify trends in data about co-occurring keywords, international cooperation, journal allocation/co-citation, and view clusters of study subjects based on this five categorization, 22 sub-branches in total of hospital SCM identification and topical discussion of knowledge were conducted, namely (i) technologies; (ii) planning; (iii) supply chain field in hospitals ; (iv) logistics and (v) environmental. Lastly, suggestions for future study directions and current knowledge gaps were made due to constraints of international cooperation and insufficient platforms to quickly advance innovation technology research. The results contribute to a methodical intellectual representation of the current state of hospital SCM research. Furthermore, it offers heuristic ideas to practitioners and researchers to control the quality of developed healthcare and logistics services.
... Most studies originated from a single centre (52%) rather than multicentre or a national database (44%). There were more studies with data from North America (68%) [21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37] than Europe (24%), [38][39][40][41][42][43] Australia (4%), 44 or the Middle East (4%). 45 Data collected during studies (ie, crosssectional, longitudinal cohort) were the most common sources of data (56%), 23 25 27 31 35 37-45 followed by registry data from either routine EHR (24%), 26 28 30 32 34 36 regional or national databases (12%), 21 22 33 or clinical records (4%). ...
... There was no evidence of any model being updated over time. Year of publication did not always correlate with years of study data.There were 18 studies (72%)21 22 24 26-30 32-37 40-43 that carried out an internal validation. This was most often accomplished by splitting the dataset into a test and training set. ...
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Machine learning (ML) holds great potential for predicting clinical outcomes in heterogeneous chronic respiratory diseases (CRD) affecting children, where timely individualised treatments offer opportunities for health optimisation. This paper identifies rate-limiting steps in ML prediction model development that impair clinical translation and discusses regulatory, clinical and ethical considerations for ML implementation. A scoping review of ML prediction models in paediatric CRDs was undertaken using the PRISMA extension scoping review guidelines. From 1209 results, 25 articles published between 2013 and 2021 were evaluated for features of a good clinical prediction model using the Transparent Reporting of a multivariable prediction model for Individual Prognosis Or Diagnosis (TRIPOD) guidelines. Most of the studies were in asthma (80%), with few in cystic fibrosis (12%), bronchiolitis (4%) and childhood wheeze (4%). There were inconsistencies in model reporting and studies were limited by a lack of validation, and absence of equations or code for replication. Clinician involvement during ML model development is essential and diversity, equity and inclusion should be assessed at each step of the ML pipeline to ensure algorithms do not promote or amplify health disparities among marginalised groups. As ML prediction studies become more frequent, it is important that models are rigorously developed using published guidelines and take account of regulatory frameworks which depend on model complexity, patient safety, accountability and liability.
... Scoring indices and conventional statistical models can only analyze simple and linear relationships between variables. Nevertheless, the unknown and multidimensional nature of COVID-19 requires innovative technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze the nonlinear and complex relationships between variables [26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35]. Machine learning (ML), which is a major branch of AI, reveals new and practical patterns from huge raw datasets [36,37]. ...
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Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic overwhelmed healthcare systems with severe shortages in hospital resources such as ICU beds, specialized doctors, and respiratory ventilators. In this situation, reducing COVID-19 readmissions could potentially maintain hospital capacity. By employing machine learning (ML), we can predict the likelihood of COVID-19 readmission risk, which can assist in the optimal allocation of restricted resources to seriously ill patients. Methods In this retrospective single-center study, the data of 1225 COVID-19 patients discharged between January 9, 2020, and October 20, 2021 were analyzed. First, the most important predictors were selected using the horse herd optimization algorithms. Then, three classical ML algorithms, including decision tree, support vector machine, and k-nearest neighbors, and a hybrid algorithm, namely water wave optimization (WWO) as a precise metaheuristic evolutionary algorithm combined with a neural network were used to construct predictive models for COVID-19 readmission. Finally, the performance of prediction models was measured, and the best-performing one was identified. Results The ML algorithms were trained using 17 validated features. Among the four selected ML algorithms, the WWO had the best average performance in tenfold cross-validation (accuracy: 0.9705, precision: 0.9729, recall: 0.9869, specificity: 0.9259, F-measure: 0.9795). Conclusions Our findings show that the WWO algorithm predicts the risk of readmission of COVID-19 patients more accurately than other ML algorithms. The models developed herein can inform frontline clinicians and healthcare policymakers to manage and optimally allocate limited hospital resources to seriously ill COVID-19 patients.
Background Machine Learning refers to a methodology in the domain of data analytic that automates the systematic building of the model. It permits the discovery of unseen insights from an enormous datasets by means of suitable methods which involve repetitive learning gathered from data devoid of being programmed explicitly. The aim of this work is to explore machine learning strategies that are able to compensate with the weaknesses of existent asthma development predictive models in children. The objective of this review is to identify, compare, and summarize the existing machine and deep learning classification models for asthma prediction in children.MethodologyA substantial number of asthma development prediction models in children, such as conventional methods of risk factors, logical regression, and the hybrid of both statistical methods and risk factors existed. This study was performed following the guideline of Preferred Reporting Items for systematic Review and Meta Analysis (PRISMA). We carried a search for relevant studies from 2011-2021 using various online databases such as Google Scholar, Science Direct and PubMed on 23 July, 2021 to extract relevant papers on asthma prediction Models in children using machine learning and deep learning approaches.ResultThe weaknesses associated with these existent asthma development predictive models in children include: they cannot be used as an appropriate tool for the implementation of decision support in electronic medical records, reduced clinical impact as well as low predictive accuracy. It was observed that ANN and SVM were among the best-performing algorithms in some machine learning comparative asthma prediction in children.Conclusion This work concludes that there is a gradual increase of machine and deep learning algorithms for asthma prediction in children and that these approaches have shown greater predictive performance in pediatric asthma than the conventional existing models.
Objective: Asthma is a leading cause of emergency department (ED) visits and hospitalizations in children, though many could be prevented. Our study objective was to identify factors from the published literature that are associated with future hospitalization for asthma beyond 30 days following an initial asthma ED visit. Data sources: We searched CINAHL, CENTRAL, MEDLINE, and Embase for all studies examining factors associated with asthma-related hospitalization in children from January 1, 1992 to February 7, 2022.Selecting Studies: All citations were reviewed independently by two reviewers and studies meeting inclusion criteria were assessed for risk of bias. Data on all reported variables were extracted from full text and categorized according to identified themes. Where possible, data were pooled for meta-analysis using random effects models. Results: Of 2262 studies, 68 met inclusion criteria. We identified 28 risk factors and categorized these into six themes. Factors independently associated with future hospitalization in meta-analysis include: exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (OR = 1.94 95%CI 0.67-5.61), pets exposure (OR = 1.67 95%CI 1.17-2.37), and previous asthma hospitalizations (OR = 3.47 95% CI 2.95-4.07). Additional related factors included previous acute care visits, comorbid health conditions (including atopy), allergen exposure, severe-persistent asthma phenotype, inhaled steroid use prior to ED visit, poor asthma control, higher severity symptoms at ED presentation, warmer season at admission, longer length of stay or ICU admission, and African-American race/ethnicity. Conclusions: We identified multiple factors that are consistently associated with future asthma hospitalization in children and could be used to identify those who would benefit from targeted preventative interventions.
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Background and objectives: Hospitalization-related nonmedical costs, including lost earnings and expenses such as transportation, meals, and child care, can lead to challenges in prioritizing postdischarge decisions. In this study, we quantify such costs and evaluate their relationship with sociodemographic factors, including family-reported financial and social hardships. Methods: This was a cross-sectional analysis of data collected during the Hospital-to-Home Outcomes Study, a randomized trial designed to determine the effects of a nurse home visit after standard pediatric discharge. Parents completed an in-person survey during the child's hospitalization. The survey included sociodemographic characteristics of the parent and child, measures of financial and social hardship, household income and also evaluated the family's total nonmedical cost burden, which was defined as all lost earnings plus expenses. A daily cost burden (DCB) standardized it for a 24-hour period. The daily cost burden as a percentage of daily household income (DCBi) was also calculated. Results: Median total cost burden for the 1372 households was $113, the median DCB was $51, and the median DCBi was 45%. DCB and DCBi varied across many sociodemographic characteristics. In particular, single-parent households (those with less work flexibility and more financial hardships experienced significantly higher DCB and DCBi. Those who reported ≥3 financial hardships lost or spent 6-times more of their daily income on nonmedical costs than those without hardships. Those with ≥1 social hardships lost or spent double their daily income compared with those without social hardships. Conclusions: Nonmedical costs place burdens on families of children who are hospitalized, disproportionately affecting those with competing socioeconomic challenges.
Objective To systematically review the literature on pediatric asthma readmission risk factors. Study design We searched PubMed/MEDLINE, CINAHL, Scopus, PsycINFO, and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials for published articles (through November 2019) on pediatric asthma readmission risk factors. Two authors independently screened titles and abstracts and consensus was reached on disagreements. Full-text articles were reviewed and inclusion criteria applied. For articles meeting inclusion criteria, authors abstracted data on study design, patient characteristics, and outcomes, and four authors assessed bias risk. Results Of 5,749 abstracts, 74 met inclusion criteria. Study designs, patient populations, and outcome measures were highly heterogeneous. Risk factors consistently associated with early readmissions (≤30 days) included prolonged length of stay (odds ratio range, 1.1-1.6) and chronic comorbidities (1.7-3.2). Risk factors associated with late readmissions (>30 days) included female sex (1.1-1.6), chronic comorbidities (1.5-2), summer discharge (1.5-1.8), and prolonged length of stay (1.04-1.7). Across both readmission intervals, prior asthma admission was the most consistent readmission predictor (1.3-5.4). Conclusions Pediatric asthma readmission risk factors depend on the readmission interval chosen. Prior hospitalization, length of stay, sex, and chronic comorbidities were consistently associated with both early and late readmissions.
Background and objectives: Social risk factors are linked to children's health, but little is known about how frequently these factors are documented using the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) or whether documentation is associated with health care use outcomes. Using a large administrative database of pediatric hospitalizations, we examined the prevalence of ICD social risk code documentation and hypothesized that social code documentation would be associated with longer length of stay (LOS) and readmission. Methods: We analyzed hospitalizations of children ages ≤18 using the 2012 Nationwide Readmissions Database. The following ICD social codes were used as predictors: family member with alcohol and/or drug problem, history of abuse, parental separation, foster care, educational circumstance, housing instability, other economic strain, and legal circumstance. Outcomes included long LOS (top quintile) and readmission within 30 days after discharge. Covariates included individual, hospital, and season variables. Results: Of 926 073 index hospitalizations, 7432 (0.8%) had International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, social codes. Social code documentation was significantly associated with long LOS. Adjusting for covariates, family alcohol and/or drug problem (odds ratio [OR] 1.65; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.16-2.35), foster care (OR 2.37, 95% CI 1.53-3.65), other economic strain (OR 2.12, 95% CI 1.38-3.26), and legal circumstances (OR 1.66; 95% CI 1.02-2.71) remained significant predictors of long LOS. Social code documentation was not associated with readmission after adjusting for covariates. Conclusions: Social ICD codes are associated with prolonged LOS and readmission in pediatric hospitalizations, but they are infrequently documented. Future work exploring these associations could help to determine if addressing social risk factors in inpatient settings might improve child health outcomes.
Objectives: The asthma medication ratio (AMR) (number of controller medications / [number of controller medications + number of rescue medications]) can be calculated using claims data. This measure has not previously been studied longitudinally. Our objective is to conduct a longitudinal examination of the AMR in a large national cohort of children with asthma. Study design: Retrospective analysis of pharmacy and medical claims data. Methods: Using 2013-2014 TruvenHealth MarketScan data, we identified children with asthma. Beginning with the month of first controller claim, we calculated an AMR for each rolling 3-month period and each rolling 6-month period and examined the proportion who had AMRs classified as low-risk (≥0.5), high-risk (<0.5), and missing for each period. Using logistic regression, we tested how a rolling AMR predicted a child's hospitalization or emergency department (ED) visit for asthma. Results: We identified 197,316 patients aged 2 to 17 years with a claim for a controller. AMRs were relatively stable over time, with the majority of patients remaining in the same AMR category through a 12-month period. Using both the rolling 3-month and 6-month AMRs, a higher proportion of patients with high-risk AMRs (9.6% and 9.5%, respectively) had an ED visit or hospitalization compared with patients with low-risk (5.0% and 5.7%) and missing (3.5% and 3.2%) AMRs (P <.0001). Using logistic regression, the 3-month AMR is more strongly associated with subsequent ED visit or hospitalization than the 6-month AMR. Conclusions: AMR-based risk assignment is relatively stable over time. Three-month AMR calculation periods appear to provide the most accurate assessment of risk. Children with missing AMRs likely have inactive asthma and are at the lowest risk for emergent asthma visits.
Context: Despite the availability of evidence-based guidelines for the management of pediatric asthma, health care utilization remains high. Objective: Systematically review the inpatient literature on asthma quality improvement (QI) and synthesize impact on subsequent health care utilization. Data sources: Medline and Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (January 1, 1991-November 16, 2016) and bibliographies of retrieved articles. Study selection: Interventional studies in English of inpatient-initiated asthma QI work. Data extraction: Studies were categorized by intervention type and outcome. Random-effects models were used to generate pooled risk ratios for health care utilization outcomes after inpatient QI interventions. Results: Thirty articles met inclusion criteria and 12 provided data on health care reutilization outcomes. Risk ratios for emergency department revisits were: 0.97 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.06-14.47) <30 days, 1.70 (95% CI: 0.67-4.29) for 30 days to 6 months, and 1.22 (95% CI: 0.52-2.85) for 6 months to 1 year. Risk ratios for readmissions were: 2.02 (95% CI: 0.73-5.61) for <30 days, 1.68 (95% CI: 0.88-3.19) for 30 days to 6 months, and 1.27 (95% CI 0.85-1.90) for 6 months to 1 year. Subanalysis of multimodal interventions suggested lower readmission rates (risk ratio: 1.49 [95% CI: 1.17-1.89] over a period of 30 days to 1 year after the index admission). Subanalysis of education and discharge planning interventions did not show effect. Limitations: Linkages between intervention and outcome are complicated by the multimodal approach to QI in most studies. Conclusions: We did not identify any inpatient strategies impacting health care reutilization within 30 days of index hospitalization. Multimodal interventions demonstrated impact over the longer interval.
Objective Previous single-center studies have reported that up to 40% of children hospitalized for asthma will be readmitted. The study objectives are to investigate the prevalence and timing of 30-day readmissions in children hospitalized with asthma, and to identify factors associated with 30-day readmissions. Methods Data (n = 12,842) for children aged 6–18 years hospitalized for asthma were obtained from the 2013 Nationwide Readmission Database (NRD). The primary study outcome was time to readmission within 30 days after discharge attributable to any cause. Several predictors associated with risk of admission were included: patient (age, sex, median household income, insurance type, county location, pediatric chronic complex condition), admission (type, day, emergency services utilization, length of stay (LOS), discharge disposition) and hospital (ownership, bed size, teaching status). Cox's Proportional Hazards model was used to identify predictors. Results Of 12,842 asthma-related index hospitalizations, 2.5% were readmitted within 30 days post discharge. Time to event models identified significantly higher risk of readmission among asthmatic children aged 12–18 years, those who resided in in micropolitan counties, those with >4 days LOS during index hospitalization, those who were hospitalized in urban hospital, who had unfavorable discharge (HR 2.53, 95% CI 1.33–4.79), and those who were diagnosed with PCCC, respectively than children in respective referent categories. Conclusion A multi-dimensional approach including effective asthma discharge action plans and follow-up processes, home-based asthma education, and neighborhood/community-level efforts to address disparities should be integrated into routine clinical care of asthma children.