Glauco Silva

Glauco Silva
University of São Paulo | USP · Departamento de Ciências Políticas (Sao Paulo)



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Publications (26)
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How do votes disperse through a territory? Studies of spatial voting patterns have largely focused on the influence of local factors on voting. The “Friends and Neighbors” model (Key (1949)) explains the advantage of candidates running for office in the locality with which they are associated (Arzheimer and Evans (2012, 2014): Collignon and Sajuria...
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RESUMEN Introdução: Quanto a competição intrapartidária afeta as decisões de carreira de políticos brasileiros? Sabemos que carreiras resultam da interação entre vontades individuais, de um lado, e estrutura de oportunidades políticas, de outro. As instâncias partidárias são elementos centrais nesta estrutura e moldam a composição das chapas em uma...
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Introdução A ciência política tratou da identificação dos estímulos provocados pelas regras eleitorais sobre o comportamento dos candidatos. O entendimento é o de que determinadas diretrizes fomentariam certo tipo de conduta dos políticos, sejam representantes eleitos, sejam candidatos. A interpretação institucionalista convencional é a de que este...
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The paper debates the current explanations about the current Brazilian political crisis. The ideia that the crisis has no institutional origins considers specific rules and relies on a particular definition of institution. This approach generates a contextual or ad hoc explanation. We argue an institutional interpretation of the crisis depends on t...
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This article proposes a new interpretation of the regional distribution of votes in the dispute for legislative offices in Brazil. The literature has traditionally understood regionalization to be evidence that politicians deliberately create zones of influences in certain areas. We argue, however, that other dimensions of the Brazilian electoral s...
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A proposta deste capítulo é ampliar o nosso conhecimento sobre o perfil da produção legislativa das assembleias estaduais brasileiras. Até hoje, os incentivos eleitorais formatam as expectativas clássicas na literatura dedicada aos outputs parlamentares. Essa tendência provém do trabalho seminal de Mayhew (1974) e consequente tradição de estudos no...
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Resumo O objetivo do artigo é identificar o efeito da magnitude dos distritos eleitorais sobre a concentração espacial de votos. Usualmente, a magnitude dos distritos é proxy para o nível de competição intrapartidária e esta incentivaria o voto pessoal. Nos estudos sobre o Brasil, assim como em outros trabalhos, o voto pessoal justificou a concentr...
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The following article seeks to expand on a new indicator of the geographical scattering of votes presented by Avelino, Biderman and Silva in an article published in DADOS Journal in 2011, extending its use to encompass candidates in Brazilian elections held from 1994 to 2014. The results systematically demonstrate that support for successful candid...
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This paper analyzes the determinants of audit fees paid by companies listed on the BM&FBOVESPA. Data referring to listed companies for 2012 show a positive relationship between fees and the variables size, client's complexity, and Big N auditors. The risk perceived by the auditor demonstrated to affect the values of fees differently in larger and s...
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The purpose of this paper is to discuss the extension of ontological and epistemological challenges related to the application of mixed methods in political science. There are important philosophical and empirical disagreements regarding the methodologies involved. On one side, philosophical challenges relate to the acceptance of a Pragmatic approa...
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The purpose is to identify the relevance of socioeconomic factors over the dispersion of votes for Brazilian Congress.
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n article titled “When is statistical significance not significant?” was published in this journal. The study echoes countless others which have underlined the dangers of wrongly interpreting the p-value (see Gill (2004) for an overview of such studies). The authors’ main goal is to provide a basis for understanding the logic behind tests of signif...
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The 2008 economic crisis challenged accounting, either demanding recognition and measurement criteria well adjusted to this scenario or even questioning its ability to inform appropriately entities' financial situation before the crisis occurred. So, our purpose was to verify if during economic crises listed companies in the Brazilian capital marke...
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The aim of this paper is to empirically evaluate the electoral competition in the Brazilian election for Congress. The evaluation focused on the regional dimension of electoral competition, what is sustained by concepts such as informal electoral districts (AMES, 2001; 2003) or political hamlets (HUNTER AND POWER, 2007; ZUCCO, 2008). This paper con...
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In spite of the recent progress in the discussion on vote regional concentration brought by Avelino et al. (2011), there is still a lack of determination of the districts' internal areas where candidates obtained their votes. Synthetic concentration indices, as the G index, do not allow for evaluation in disaggregated levels, as municipalities, whi...
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A evasão do ensino superior brasileiro ainda é um fenômeno pouco explorado pela literatura acadêmica. A pesquisa existente se divide em dois grupos: um busca entendê-la de maneira sistêmica (LEON; MENEZES-FILHO, 2002; SILVA FILHO et al, 2007) e outro, trata apenas de universidades públicas (CUNHA et al, 2001; ANDRIOLA et al, 2006). Ademais, questõe...
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This article discusses indicators of electoral concentration published in the literature and proposes a new measurement, estimated for the elections to Members of the Brazilian National Congress from the State of São Paulo in the last five races (1994-2010). The resulting estimates show that the strategy of concentrating votes among the elected Rep...
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The historical research allows to identify, to rescue and to analyze relevant landmarks of the evolution of the society, in the world and Brazil. An important landmark is the impact of the economic, social and politic occurrences on education, therefore such changes demand most prepared professionals. In function of the displayed one, this work pre...
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This paper presents a framework for the development of Participatory Budgeting assessment models that make it possible to verify whether this new budgeting practice accomplishes the goals of its designers, and whether it is a better alternative to the budgeting tools set forth in the 1988 Brazilian Constitution. PB is often praised in speeches, yet...
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This paper presents a framework for the development of Participatory Budgeting assessment models that make it possible to verify whether this new budgeting practice accomplishes the goals of its designers, and whether it is a better alternative to the budgeting tools set forth in the 1988 Brazilian Constitution. PB is often praised in speeches, yet...
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FECAP, CEPESP/FGV-SP Resumo O objetivo do trabalho é avaliar empiricamente a existência de distritos políticos informais. Estes constituiriam áreas de dominância política, resultantes da conexão eleitoral: regras eleitorais fomentam a ação individual, que, por sua vez, incentiva vínculos pessoais com o eleitor (Lamounier [1989], Mai...
O presente trabalho objetiva avaliar os impactos provenientes das regras eleitorais do sistema político brasileiro sobre o comportamento dos deputados federais, em particular, quanto à decisão de alocação de recursos orçamentários através das emendas feitas ao Orçamento. A literatura tradicional pressupõe que estas escolhas estarão vinculadas essen...


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