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Giuseppe Laquidara

Giuseppe Laquidara
X23 Ltd Researcher · Analysis, Research and Development, Project Coordination, Large team leader

PhD Physics of Complex Systems


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Physicist, father of 4, classic pianist. PhD Physics of Complex Systems [Complex Equations of Acoustic Waves of the Sun within Coronal Mass Ejections]. Live electronics electro-acoustics performer. Founder @Xóôlab (1999), Xóôlab|Sviluppo (2006), ThePrimate (2009), X23 (2011), EUHeritageTOUR (2013), X23.EVO (2015), EUMillennialsTOUR (2015), Sintonicity (2016). EU expert FP6, 7, H2020. Hi-Lev Expert at Eureka ntw. 25+ yrs background in leading complex projects, exponential growth hacking. 1st lev sushiman.
Additional affiliations
June 2017 - present
European Commission
  • "ME4CHANGE" Migration Empowerment for Change, EU Consortium Coordinator
  • Co-funded by the EU Commission, DG Growth, "Migration Empowerment for Change" scope is to help young migrants and refugees to enter the European labour market, bringing values to societies in their adoptive countries.
March 2017 - present
European Commission
  • Member, Pledger at Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition
  • Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition is a multi-stakeholder partnership involving Member States, companies, social partners, NGOs and educational establishments – to help meet the high demand for digital skills in Europe.
January 2017 - present
European Commission
  • Co-funded by the European Union (European Commission, DG Growth), the project scope is to develop one of the new EUWBANs (European Women Business Angels Network) living hubs.
April 2015 - April 2015
Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich
Field of study
  • Philosophy of Mathematics
November 2013
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Field of study
  • Web Intelligence and Big Data, Map-reduce parallel computing paradigm, distributed file systems, noSqlDBs, stream computing engines
October 2013
Harvard University
Field of study
  • edX - MCB80.1x Fundamentals of Neuroscience, Part 1: The Electrical Properties of the Neuron, Neurobiology and Neurosciences


Publications (64)
Research Proposal
The SO CINEMHACK! project’ scope is to transform cinemas in Hubs — hybrid ones — across Europe, in to organic local communities’ enablers and living catalysers, thus in physical AND digital venues integrating mixed and manyfold, innovative social and cultural offering both in artistic and scientific domains, to generate a wide range of positive imp...
Research Proposal
NEO-URB_HUB si propone di curare la cosiddetta “Salute Urbana”, ovvero di creare col contributo di un numero di partner residenti, uniti ad un altro circuito di laboratori “diffusi” messi a disposizione da partecipanti che sposano la medesima mission, in forma aggregata, sia per parte scientifica, di ricerca e formativa, che per parte industriale e...
“The Experimental p-Medicine TRIAGE Integrated Care Model” (Exp-PM-TRIAGE) project’s vision and scope is to innovate in the field of PM according to a multi-faceted approach: in technology, in process and in service. The innovation we will deliver as final output of the implementation period (over 3 years and duly tested in 2 large pilot actions in...
Technical Report
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Description of the Project. The EUMillennialsTOUR project aims at developing a transnational tourism product mixing together culture, education, knowledge capitalization and entrepreneurship up-skilling. It is co-funded by the COSME programme of the European Union.The idea is to offer an immersive learning/creative trip addressed to the edu/school-...
“Sintonicity” is a physics-modelled swarm-blockchain-based game tracking down in high frequency autochthonous bio-crypto living organisms on planet exchanging µ.transactions. The platform facilitates high frequency µ-bioinvestments on radically unprecedented protozoan assets. X23 designed the concept, the implementation plan and the business model....
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This interactive book is dedicated to all the teachers, trainers, students, associations, public administrations, networks, and communities who are passionate about cultural heritage as memory of our past and in particular to the close relationship between Industrial Heritage and tourism. The EUMillennialsTOUR Digital Didactic Material - OUTBOUND i...
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This interactive book is dedicated to all the teachers, trainers, students, associations, pubblic administrations, networks, and communities who are passionate about cultural heritage as memory of our past and in particular to the close relationship between Industrial Heritage and tourism. The EUMillennialsTOUR Digital Didactic Material - OUTBOUND...
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Basing on the Erasmus for Entrepreneurs Programme overall objectives to facilitate young entrepreneurs’ access to on-the- job transnational training, to enhance entrepreneurship culture and encourage cross-border training in Europe, Biz4EYE project will promote entrepreneurship to allow young entrepreneurs to practice business in real scenario, sup...
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(Granted) — EUMillennialsTOUR project aims at developing a transnational tourism product mixing together culture, education, knowledge capitalization and entrepreneurship up-skilling. The idea is to offer an immersive learning/creative trip addressed to the edu/school-trip tourism market field, thus comprising hands-on curriculum-linked activities...
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EUMillennialsTOUR project aims at developing a transnational tourism product mixing together culture, education, knowledge capitalization and entrepreneurship up-skilling. The idea is to offer an immersive learning/creative trip addressed to the edu/school-trip tourism market field, thus comprising hands-on curriculum-linked activities addressed to...
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Basing on the Erasmus for Entrepreneurs Programme overall objectives to facilitate young entrepreneurs’ access to on-the- job transnational training, to enhance entrepreneurship culture and encourage cross-border training in Europe, Biz4EYE project will promote entrepreneurship to allow young entrepreneurs to practice business in real scenario, sup...
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EUHeritage NaTOUR aims to create an innovative, thematic, transnational tourism product addressed to the school-trip tourism (summer camps segment). The project will focus on UNESCO natural WH sites - in particular those belonging to the UNESCO Marine Programme, highlighting the role of “water” as key to preserve our fragile bio-ecosystem as well a...
Basing on the Erasmus for Entrepreneurs Programme overall objectives to facilitate young entrepreneurs’ access to on-the- job transnational training, to enhance entrepreneurship culture and encourage cross-border training in Europe, Biz4EYE project will promote entrepreneurship to allow young entrepreneurs to practice business in real scenario, sup...
Conference Paper
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(Granted) — Cultural Heritage is widely recognised as a vehicle for cultural identity. Europe‘s cultural legacy is one of the world‘s most diverse. It is a beacon that draws millions every year to our churches and monuments, to our museums and libraries, as well as to concert halls and festivals. It is both the accumulation of past artistic achieve...
Technical Report
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The HMH (Hack-Make HUB) Fablab/Livinglab model stems from the need to provide the public a space for eperimentation, growth and training according to the criteria of DYI and in line with the Charter FabLab. Each HMH adopts a multi-didciplinary approach, combining three differents elements of expertise: (1) specific knowledge for hacking-making 3D p...
Technical Report
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This abstract is part of a project proposal submitted for : H2020-REFLECTIVE-7-2014, Coordinated by University of Salerno. Abstract author: G. Laquidara, Et al. The project aims to build a HPW (High Power Web) framework, enforced with semantic and computational processors, able to harvest, analyze, modelize, semantically annotate 3D complex object...
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This e-learning kit is dedicated to all the practitioners, experts, students, entrepreneurs, associations, pubblic administrations, networks, and communities who everyday contribute to the preservation, conservation and promotion of our outstanding World Heritage. We all have the responsibility and the honor to preserve the “beauty of multiplicity”...
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The EUHeritageTOUR Consortium is happy to introduce you the first issue of the EUHeritageTOUR Guide. The Guide — now in a “basic release” — will provide the visitors with inspirational insights into the cultural route across the most impressive World Heritage sites disseminated in Europe. The EUHeritageTOUR cultural route offers 6 outstanding, inno...
The proponents of this eLearning-Kit are currently the members of the “Consortium for the European Network for Cultural Heritage Tourism”, coordinated by X23 Ltd. (Italy, Coordinator G. Laquidara PhD, M. Mazzi Boém), co-financed by the European Union, DG Industry&Enterprise — 44/G/ENT/PPA/12/6460. The initiative is achieving a considerable success,...
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A Genetic Data Cube. A system processing in real-time large amounts of data (Big Data), performing calculations in Urgent Computation, accessible via browser and smartphones’ apps, connecting users to fluid geographic maps. In particular, GDC allows users to focus into localized territories, acquiring deep statistical information on their weighted...
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In this brief argument, I argue that a dilemma about the innateness of Math in Nature, opposite to the hypothesis that Mathematics could be an human invention, is a natural non-sense depending from human innate inclination to logical doubt, due to the effective irrelevance of the Human Mathematical order and its laws within the relation between the...
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Our objective is to create a trans-national tourism route, linking together the different — but also — common features of UNESCO WH sites, enhancing distinctions and commonalities under the paradigm of “the beauty of multiplicity”. — 1st review by the Coordinator: G. Laquidara, M. Mazzi Boém, M. Colombani
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To ensure that the new EUheritage Tour cultural route could be well considered and received by the public/private stakeholders in charge of the management and the promotion of the World Heritage sites selected in the participant countries, we determined five strong intrinsic values and then well communicated to the prospects.
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This document represents a first syllabus, to be later on the intrinsic part of the forthcoming transnational strategy. The aim is to analyse each national conditions on cultural heritage and related tourism based on actual national studies, determining a strategic overview as to cover in a single line, executable and efficient, all the diversities...
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e.2Skills+ mixes together Vet Providers, Sector Specific Expertise bodies and Bodies involved in education and training systems, addressed to skills mismatches and shortages in VET system. The purposed Pilot is applied to the fields of Tourism and Catering. So this Alliance adopts the Knowledge Triangle with Triple Helix Model allowing different su...
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Within the main goal of supporting an open access strategy in the European Research Area, the specific aim of the TO.ACTION project is to spread - among all the relevant stakeholders and agents in the knowledge circulation process -a culture of open access to scientific results generated by publicly funded research. The project relies on a circular...
Crypta Manent aims to create a hybrid virtual-reality, immersive, and scenographic exhibition-space/path, representing a Catacomb of the Ancient Rome, installed inside a modern, itinerant museum. The resulting environment is dynamically connected to big open dataset [LOD], specific for the archeological Built Heritage, enriched with correlated medi...
FIGURE: Diagram of a new type of peer review dataflow for open-science-journalism — CircÓs Repository [ThePrimate Ecosystem].
Conference Paper
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The aim of the tutorial is to provide the participants a basic-advanced knowledge about the innovative methodology and the multidisciplinary applications related to ThePrimate Digital Library’s usage. The scope is to generate a cross-fertlisation process mixing together different needs and skills in managing cultural Linked Open Data; to enhance th...
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The overall objective of this project is to increase the competitiveness of European tourism by creating an innovative transnational tourism product that capitalises the shared value of European UNESCO cultural heritage sites and complements national, regional and local policies.
Basing on Graph Theory, it was thought a metaphoric environment in order to visualize relations between different arches of historic coherent periods. The analysis is focused on finding affinities in the historical paradigms (~T. Kuhn), and at the moment is applied / limited to a long-run period of five decades [four-fifths in the past, and one-fif...
Conference Paper
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Basing on our research “ThePrimate® - HPW and NNs Ecosystem based on DDC+ classification ori- ented to singularities” [DOI.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.689881, (2012)], and “An approach to Fila- mento” [DOI.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.714984, (2012)], as well as on “Æurosphere number zerØ” [J. Jovenal, DOI.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.722894, (2005, r.2013)], we...
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Proponiamo un meccanismo di aggregazione e fruizione originale di siti d'interesse culturale e dei propri beni, secondo un criterio di clusterizzazione dinamica, in grado di raccogliere in una serie di percorsi mutevoli [Tourneé], disposti su superfici fluide di ~1000Km2, singoli items culturali cd. "isolati", "irrilevanti" e "invisibili". Il proge...
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PROMETHEUS is a BPN submitted under the Obj. 2.1b, coordinated by CNR, Institute of the Archeological and Monumental Heritage. It is designed to facilitate/promote the use of Europeana by creative industries (CCIs) by participation, upskilling and delivering innovative sector specified mobile apps/web tools for experimentation. CCIs requires a prop...
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Filamento® is an original engine, currently under patent procedure on behalf of the inventors of ThePrimate®, devoted to link and reference the places of cultural heritage, through a logic- physical lattice of points traced both in the real world and virtual, self-transmitting position and poly-dimensional open data through the Internet, thus build...
RIW [portmanteau ger. "Revolution", "Ist", "Webber", also eng. "Revolutionist" "Webber"] is a quasi-MAB [quasi-Multi Authors Blog] maintaining both the centrality for a main author, and distributing the fulcrums as in the Theory of Networks, thus creating a participatory, poly-centric, adaptive and genetic-growing platform. The model of the RIW is...
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Tillage is an urban district plantation located inside the city for growing high-quality fruits and vegetables through the use of modern technology (hydroponics, aeroponic, aquaponic, using LED or infrared lamps). Tillage is not a traditional agricultural plantation placed on the outskirts of the city or in the countryside: in TillAge®, the process...
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The project named “Culture Vivarium” aims to create an “industrial cultural district”, i.e. a vibrant aggregating hub of creative and cultural industries (CCIs) using and reusing the cultural heritage of the Campania region to start and successfully develop high impact cultural and creative business models. To achieve this aims, the project builds...
Against® is an original, wearable, life-logging device that captures and logs personal owner's data and conditions, connecting to a compuptational remote framework, monitoring, sharing, safeguarding the security of the wearing/carrier Against® is an original, wearable, life-logging device that captures and logs personal owner's data and conditions,...
Conference Paper
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Crypta Manent '013 aims to create a hybrid virtual-reality, immersive, and scenographic exhibition-space/path, representing a Catacomb of the Ancient Rome, installed inside a modern, itinerant museum. The resulting environment is dynamically connected to big open dataset [LOD], specific for the archeological Built Heritage, enriched with correlated...
Conference Paper
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ThePrimate ® is an HPW [High Power Web] platform which allows dynamic classification of digital resources from european databases -including those coming from Europeana -the easy retrieval of data, reuse of items and methods based on enhanced tools, a deeper layer of attached information. The platform is strictly connected to Filamento®, an origina...
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We create a VET program with relevant growth potential, dynamically responding to labour market needs of Tourism & Catering. As Cultural & Culinary Tourism are relevant sectors expressing distinctive characters of territories, rushing local development and European competitiveness, in need of strong technological implementations, e2.Skills+ designs...
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e.PASSPORT+ represents an innovative patchworked framework to create a genetic network of institutions, ACADs, HEIs, individual professors, researchers or entrepreneurs to access / contribute to a new Massive Online Open Course in Europe. To broaden learning ecosystems horizons, to learn new curricula as well as discover new teaching methods, to cr...
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HEUREKA will stimulate the best re-use of digital cultural, scientific and artistic resources coming from Europeana through a double-core environment. The first one, called Heureka Governance Network is based on a corpus of best practices and standards for the creation and the adoption of a unique High Quality Standard for the Cultural Heritage exp...
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[ITA] Il sistema HEUREKA si sostiene nel tempo se è alimentato con principi di apprendimento genetico e controllo adattivo. Si tratta di un meccanismo che unisce proprietà di crescita organica ed equilibrata e funzioni di check-up sistematico - molto simile alle caratteristiche eco-sistemiche di comunità biologiche r/ k-strategiche; è come negli am...
"Cities" comes in the wake of a project on a national basis [ThePrimate.it] already launched and consolidated, and open to all young people and university students, whether they are of Italian nationality or citizens of the world. ThePrimate is the first Italian university social-based ecosystems born to provide all students the services convention...
We introduce an original system for measuring the economic value of the assets involved in a system organized human. The type at its basis is "genetic", and a so-called "karyotype" is the core capital of each individual belonging the ecosystem. Gradually variable cluster of subjects and aggregate resources determine the dynamical floating of their...
A new system based on Dewey Decimal Classification for the classification of the elements of Culture and universal knowledge. The clustering is made fluid with the use of genetic algorithms. The similarity between items is intercepted by a process of fine-grain analysis and it is determined an incremental genetic learning in processing the catalogu...
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Le Linee Guida 2010-2011 per il reperimento di Clients e Users per la piattaforma ThePrimate®, secondo quanto disposto dal partenariato in corso, hanno validità a partire 7 ottobre 2010, e fino a nuove modifiche intercorse tra gli staff ThePrimate® [ex Xóôlab] e Più srl. Questo documento ha dunque funzioni direzione, ed include quali presupposti tut...
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I Criteri Attuativi per la realizzazione delle attività di promozione, diffusione e affermazione della piattaforma ThePrimate®, secondo quanto disposto dal partenariato in corso, hanno validità a partire dal 23 settembre 2010, e fino a nuove modifiche intercorse a cura dello staff ThePrimate® [ex Xoolab] e dello staff della Più srl. Questo document...
In this study a model of replication of the identity of an individual within a detailed human community, virtualized or real, is developed. From the model we find that the maximum limit of heteronyms is typically 23, to be added to the original genetic individuality, for a total of 24 different new subjects for each of the participants.
An experimental approach between three simultaneous genetic mechanisms: #1. a long human-machine relation; #2. the genetic growth of a network of human individuals organizing themselves inside a social ecosystem; #3. the narrative sequence in a fiction. Since all three "expansions" are placed in a simultaneous system, three ubiquitous realities / d...
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[DRAFT #Ø]. The present theoretical discussion for the establishment of a so called "New Community in a New Town” [Aurosphere] was architectural prototyped on the political writings published between 24~25 May and 13 June 2005. Among the others, bio-ethical principles are used. They transfer the typical elements of biological ecosystems, the exapta...
Étude pour une performance artistique, électroacoustique et teatrarle, assisté par des fonctions de spatialisation du son, événements volatiles en "live electronics" en temps réel [pas enregistré sur les dispositifs de stockage de masse]. Le calcul des signaux acoustiques, le son et la musique sont mises en œuvre par convolution circulaire et convo...
Applications of physical principia and three mathematical predictive models of nonlinear acoustics on three different acoustic spaces.
In this study, the reconstruction of the acoustic propagation of plasma and "filamentous" electromagnetic fields from the solar corona, during a CME (Solar Coronal Mass Ejection) is approached, through mathematical and physical models.


Questions (11)
Apart from some (in my opinion, overrated) changes, especially in the gestural dimension, we have the same metaphor of representation since over 25 years.
One could say that we had a unique ancient dichotomy, between the metaphor of written text (lines of code) and objects in a limited space (dashboards).
The recent horizon is a fusion of the two: augmented realities are barely a bunch of other text, overlayed to other objects, around an item of text, or a primitive object, better described.
The devices continue to offer the same thing: whether smartphones or yota-smartphones, glasses or other sensors, the represented metaphor is always a dashboard similar to the avionic equipments. We're still following the same idea that engineers and creatives had at the middle of the last century.
Incidentally, I was excited with the idea of Second Life and the so-called meta-worlds. Sure, it was a replication of the real world: but what was fascinating was the density of possibilities, without the limits of physics. The metaphors could grow up without limit. Why didn't we like that unlimited space?
Why did we go back to the convenient dashboard of objects, desktops, libraries and widgets, all suspended (and we too) within a trivial box?


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